FAQs on Cichlid
Disease 2
Related Articles: Cichlid Fishes, Freshwater Fish Diseases, Freshwater Diseases,
Ich/White Spot Disease, Freshwater
FAQs on Cichlid Disease:
Cichlid Disease 1,
Cichlid Disease 3, Cichlid Disease 4,
FAQs on Cichlid Disease by Category:
Related FAQs: African Cichlid Disease,
Oscar Disease/Health,
Aquarium Maintenance, Freshwater Medications,
Freshwater Infectious
Disease, Freshwater
Fish Parasites, Ich/White
Spot Disease, Cichlids
in General, Cichlid
Systems, Cichlid
Identification, Cichlid
Behavior, Cichlid
Compatibility, Cichlid
Selection, Cichlid
Feeding, Cichlid
Reproduction, Dwarf South American
Cichlids, African
Cichlids, Angelfishes,
Discus, Chromides, Neotropical Cichlids,
Oscars, Flowerhorns,

Big Fish's Pop-eye Hi! I have an
older Jack Dempsey cichlid, namely Big Fish, who has pop eye.
I've read through the FAQs but didn't find quite what
I was looking for. Big Fish is in a 55 gallon tank along with
a female Jack Dempsey and a Plecostomus. How can I treat his
condition without harming the others? He has had this eye for
almost a year and it seems to be growing again. I've also
attached a photo. Is he in pain, and is there anything I can
do? Thank you, Maddie < Do a 30% water change and service
the filter. Vacuum the gravel too while you are doing the
water change. Then treat the tank with Metronidazole. This
medication is very effective against anaerobic bacteria that
are growing behind the back of your fish's eye. Big fish
are very messy so it is important to keep the water clean and
the nitrates down below 25 ppm.-Chuck> |
Re: Oscar/cichlid disease Here are
the photos you requested. Thanks for taking a look at her.
I hope you know what the problem is and that it's not
too late for me to treat her. She is so beautiful. Melinda
Buck <Sorry to say that this looks like a tumorous
growth... is not easily treated, or excised... but not to
give up hope, there are instances/records of
"spontaneous remission"... What the animal shows
is "not catching", and it may cure of its own...
I do hope so. Bob Fenner> <Also... this is not an
Oscar but another species of new world cichlid. RMF>

Can you help with urgent Blood parrot fish
info? Hey, I need some info/help if possible, I'm at a
complete loss as to what I can do? I have 3 beautiful true blood
parrots, a male and two females, they have lived together, very
happily for four years in a 80(uk)gal tank. As I've
said, never a problem, they're very large, fit fish, maybe a
little spoilt, if I'm completely honest!! The problem
is with my smallest female, who is probably the cheekiest and
very sociable, I noticed a few weeks ago some small dark patches
under her chin, right side, below her gills, DEFINITELY not
stress marks, they looked almost like a blood blister under the
skin and last week, the membrane at the edge of her gills, that
flaps against the body had curled back on itself, not a huge
amount, not all of it, a little in the centre, but not
right. But she was behaving as she normally would in every
way, I've kept an eye on them and there has been no change,
until, last week, she's been, very inactive and not
interested in anything including food, she's hardly moved
from the same spot for a week. She was always the first to
the front of the tank to see me. I sat for 2 hours with her last
night, trying to get her out with some food and she did come out,
I swear she knew I was upset! She took a small piece and
spat it straight out, she almost coughed, shook her head and
again, had what looked like another good cough, she tried again,
same reaction. She took herself back to her corner with a few
more coughs and splutters. I felt sick, my immediate
thought was a tumor of some sort, I had a 12inch Oscar for 10
years who died from one in his gut, it stopped him from eating, 8
weeks before I lost him, it was awful. I know these are a
'man made' fish and are prone to various problems, I
count myself lucky not to have had a problem, up until now. I may
be way off the mark, but it does seem to be a problem with her
throat or gill raker? I can't and won't give up on
her, PLEASE any advice/help you or your contacts could give would
be hugely appreciated. Kate, UK London. < We have a few
options depending on what you think the problem may be. If you
think the throat and pharyngeal jaws have been damaged from
moving coarse gravel or eating hard pellets then I would
recommend soaking the food to soften it up prior to feeding.
Treat with Nitrofuranace in case there are any secondary
bacterial or fungal infections. If you think the problem is
internal such as bloat or dropsy then you need to treat with
Metronidazole as soon as possible.-Chuck>
Re: Can you help with urgent blood parrot fish
info? Thanks Chuck, Not the food and she's on sand,
always has been, going to luck into the other areas, cover all
options before I throw the towel in. If all else fails do you
know of a quick humane way to put her down? As I said in my last
mail, when I lost my Oscar it was one of the worst things
I've had to watch, can't do that again. Thanks again,
I'll let you know how she gets on. Kate. < In the US
we have a cold remedy referred to as Alka-seltzer. You put a
couple tablets into a glass and it dissolves into the water
releasing CO2. The CO2 will put her to sleep. Then she can be
frozen or you can just add additional tablets and she will go to
sleep and asphyxiate from lack of oxygen.-Chuck>
Eartheater cichlid My Eartheater cichlid
has developed a cloudy patch over only one eye. I can't tell
if the eye is injured or if it is some type of disease. I've
used Aquari-Sol the last couple of days to see if that would
help, but it just has gotten worse. I was going to try some
aquarium salt, but I didn't want to add the salt if it was
not going to help. Thanks for your help. < Eartheaters
sometimes damage their eyes while digging through the sand. Do a
30% water change and service the filter. Treat the tank with
erythromycin and It should be better in a day or
Blind "Heros Amphilophus" Help!
<That's what we're here for :)> I've been
searching for info to help my fish, but haven't found the
exact problem my fish is having. <I'll try to lead you in
the right direction> I have a Heros Amphilophus (just one
really big and aggressive female, I think) in a 50 gallon tank.
<By "Heros Amphilophus," I would assume that you are
referring to a parrot Cichlid, which is a hybridization between
the Severum (Heros severus) and the Midas Cichlid (Amphilophus
citrinellum). I think this is the case, as the genus Heros does
not contain any fish with the species name Amphilophus. As a side
note, Amphilophus is a genus name referring to a different group
of Cichlids. The correct way of writing the scientific name of
your fish would be Heros severus x Amphilophus citrinellum. But
let's not dwell on details.> Yesterday, she didn't eat
anything and I noticed that she wasn't moving much and kept
bumping into the tank walls. One of her eyes is cloudy, but both
seem move like she's looking around. I see one small red spot
near her tail, on the opposite side of the cloudy eye. She seems
a bit swollen, but not much. <The symptoms you are describing
are all indicative of a bacterial infection. However, I am unable
to pinpoint exactly what ails your fish from the description
provided. Please visit the following link to help you identify
what disease your fish has: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/disFAQsMar.htm
> Today, I changed the water by 40% and added Rid-ich, just to
be on the safe side. <Adding medicine "just to be on the
safe side" is never a good idea. You should always identify
the disease before you go dumping all sorts of concoctions into
the water. However, a water change is always a good thing when
your fish look worse for the wear, and can only help.> She
perked up and has been aimlessly swimming around the tank for the
past 3 hours since I treated the water. She's leaving her
mouth half open, like she's gulping down the water. I tried
waving a piece of dried krill in front of her and she didn't
go for it. I removed the artificial plants from the tank so
she won't poke herself. The water temp is just below 80. Any
advice? <Yes, I would advise you to determine what exactly
ails your fish and to use the wonderful internet to locate
potential cures (you may not have to look any further than
WetWebMedia for a treatment).> Thanks! <Glad I could be of
assistance. Good luck! Mike G>
Re: Heros that can't see Thanks Mike G
<You're welcome> You're probably correct about the
exact species of my fish. I got the name from a picture in a
cichlid book (very professional, eh?) <Scientific names are a
topic of much controversy> I thoroughly read through
WetWebMedia's disease postings...no luck. My fish does not
seem to have any of the symptoms posted. There are no signs of
white fuzz or spots or holes or redness or swelling. Just one
cloudy eye, one normal looking eye, heavy "breathing",
aimless swimming and bumping into everything, and no eating. This
has been going on for three days. <I would bet money on
the pathogen being bacteria.> I've been changing out
30-40% of water and cleaning the gravel every day. What do you
recommend? <Personally, I would keep doing what you are doing
now, as well as dosing a broad-spectrum antibiotic. I would
recommend MelaFix from Aquarium Pharmaceuticals. It is a
non-specific antibiotic that I have used with a great degree of
success. If you were able to pinpoint the disease, we would be
able to get a more powerful, specific antibiotic. However,
diseases are often hard to identify with 100% accuracy (or any
accuracy at all). Good luck, and do keep me updated. Mike G>
Black convicts with fry, one has parasite
I am pretty sure my male black convict has a parasite that is
about to burst out of his skin!!! It looks like a white zit right
on the side of his cheek. I want to remove him out of the tank
and treat him. But him and his wife have a large group of fry
right now, I also have two other females in the tank as well. If
I remove the male (the protector), do you think the female will
handle things okay? I am also going to raise the temp. in the
tank and add some aquarium salt to the tank as well. It
doesn't seem like my other convicts have been affected by
this parasite. I don't know what kind it is, but every once
in a while you can see a dangling piece of very thin thread
hanging on the white spot. I assume it is an anchor worm maybe?
Other than the male having this problem, he is very lively, never
rubs against the rocks and healthy. Any other suggestions is
greatly appreciated. Thank you. Shannon < Convicts,
(Archocentrus nigrofasciatum) are pretty tough fish. It mat be a
would from heavy courtship during the spawning process. I would
keep the tank clean by doing water changes and changing the
filter. After the fry are free swimming the should be removed to
their own tank. The adults could then be treated. It is a worm
the use Fluke-Tabs. For a bacterial infection like a boil or
pimple then I would use either Nitrofuranace or
Sick cichlid, insufficient data Hi I have
a fish that a couple weeks ago started to not eat very much
and then has a white film on most of his body. He seems fine
other then the fact that he is not eating. The film seems to
be getting worse can you tell me what to put in the tank to
make it go away? Thanks Jodi <May be that only your water
chemistry is off... need to know more about your system... how
and when it was set-up... the species of cichlid involved...
Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/cichliddisfaqs.htm
and the linked files above (in blue). Bob Fenner>
Not quite pop-eye in a Cyrtocara
moorii? Hi WWM Crew, We have a 500 litre (132 gal US)
tank with many African (mostly Malawi) cichlids. We do
regular fortnightly 40% water changes, though lately this has
slipped a little to every three weeks. I will confess to no
longer monitoring water chemistry as we never observed any
significant shifts in the levels when we were monitoring,
despite the fact we like to keep our fish VERY well fed.
<I too have African cichlid tanks... change water weekly,
only fifteen percent or so... and never measure for water
quality... our source water is very hard and alkaline...>
We believe our water quality is not a problem, as many of our
fish are breeding and we do not suffer any disease outbreaks.
Our oldest (~5 years) and largest (both about 18cm or 7
inches) fish are a pair of male Cyrtocara moorii that have
fought with each other as long as we have had them. They have
only ever done minor damage to each other, despite some
fairly aggressive mouth-hold-wrestling. <Typical, to be
expected> We have never seen either of them go for the
eyes, as they are fighting for domination, not to
kill/hunt. One of them has developed are rather awful
looking condition on his eyes - a swollen red lump has
appeared on the top of its socket, pushing the eye out so
that he's pretty much looking straight down. Both eyes
are affected, but one is much worse than the other. I've
attached a picture of the worst side (sorry about the quality
- taken in a hurry). We have read through many websites and
pop-eye is the closest match we can find to what we are
seeing, but I am not convinced that is the condition. If it
is pop-eye, I apologize for the re-post but maybe the picture
we help others diagnose their fish ... Thanks, Damien <Is
a condition, exophthalmia... but what to the cause, effecting
a cure? Likely directly the result of a physical trauma... a
bump... from running into something in the tank, or tussling
with its cohort... perhaps linked to a degree with the
effects of delayed water change... But how to cure this?
Perhaps the use of antibiotic, added to food or directly to
the water... I would look into Mardel Lab's twin punch of
Maracyn I and II first here... they are relatively safe and
effective... AND I would add some sea salt... if you have a
hydrometer... an increase of 2-3 ppt... or approximately a
level teaspoon per gallon... over several days... with some
Epsom (about a fifth) being the salt. This may take some time
"to bring down the swelling", but the sooner you
start the better. I want to be clear that such predicaments,
if ignored, can become permanent, even lead to eye loss and
death. Bob Fenner> |

My Texas has red spots..... Does Yours? Hello, I have a
75 gallon tank I received free. It is 4 feet long 18" deep
and 22" high. When I got the tank it was in such bad shape I
had to completely clean everything and start it over,
unfortunately there was a rather large Texas, a rather large
Dempsey, medium Firemouth, and a medium convict, along with a few
goldfish, kissing gouramis, and 2 large Plecostomus. I didn't
want to waste these beautiful fish and being new ay the aquarium
game I wasn't sure what to do. They seemed fine at
first, then the Texas had gotten small red bumps all over the
fins behind it's gills and became very sluggish and eating
very little. He seemed to be the only one affected. I asked the
best fish store in town and they said probably fin rot, because
of high ammonia possibly when starting over the tank. they also
said do not vacuum or change the filter bags in either of my
Whisper- 3 filters due to these are going to generate the
necessary bacteria for the tank. Recently the Firemouth has died
of no apparent reason out of nowhere. This all occurred in
about a 3 week period. Again I talked to the fish store and they
recommended a heater which the tank didn't come with to bring
up the temp from about 68deg. F. to 80deg F to build bacteria
faster and a healthier temp(erature) for the fish, the also
recommended a packet of Bio-Spira live bacteria culture to help
the process along faster. while at the store I purchased a good
water testing kit as I live in a small Wisconsin town that pumps
up well water and treats it for the town. the levels are becoming
more stable everyday and my Texas in just over night after adding
the bacteria culture has become very active again chasing the
Dempsey all the time, (they don't attack just chase, this is
very exciting to watch.) although the Texas is very active the
spots are still there, they look as if he had rubbed his fins raw
and the spots swelled some, the spots are close to his body and
not near the ends of his fins. Would you have any idea what this
would be and how to get rid of it? Although he is a
beautiful fish I want to trade him in along with the Dempsey and
the convict and start over with a larger amount of smaller
cichlids. I would like to get this fish healthy so that maybe
someone else can enjoy his beauty, he has bright vivid blue
shades through his small spots from head to tail and I want to
keep him that way, any info you could give would be very
appreciated. Thank You for your time and Knowledge, John <
Your Texas Cichlid has developed a bacterial infection from the
stress of being moved around. The fish store has given you some
very good advice and I recommend that you continue to patronize
them. If the red spots stopped growing and are beginning to heal
then I would just keep the water clean and let him heal on his
own. If the spots continue to grow then you might consider
treating him in a quarantine tank with
Parrot Fish Fungus Hi, My question is about Parrot Fish
Fungus. I have an orange parrot fish, with a rosy pink
body tone, and orange spots on his tail. He is about 3
inches long, and didn't have the fungus when I added him to
the tank approximately 3 weeks ago. I have a 55 gal
tank that is filtered well at 400 gallons per hour, plastic
plants, and do regular water tests, changes, and filter
cleanings. All conditions are ideal, any suggestions for removing
the fungus? Thanks <Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwdis3setsfactors.htm
and the Related FAQs, particularly on infectious disease (linked,
in blue, at top). Bob Fenner>
Sick cichlids and water cloudy Hi, I have had a 110
gallon tank for about 15 months and recently have run into some
problems that I can't fix. This is my first tank, and I keep
getting different answers to my questions. I have 2 penguin
filters that are supposed to filter up to 70 gallons
apiece. I have about 6 African cichlids, about 5
inches apiece( sorry do not know what kind) , 1 goldfish( 8
inches), 4 catfish (4 inches) , 2 parrot fish ( 5 inches). 1
African catfish (6 inches), I worm( 8 inches), 2 algae eaters (8
inches),1 giant giranmi(4 inches). and about
15 filler fish that I have had since I first got the
tank that have never died ( 1-3 inches) .Is this too many fish?
< If you are having problems with the tank then it may be too
many fish. The filters should be filtering at least 500 gallons
per hour all the time. The ammonia and nitrites should be zero
and the nitrates should be less than 25 ppm. If you still have an
ammonia and nitrite problem then you need more filtration. If the
nitrates are too high then you need to change more water, or
change more frequently of get rid of some fish.> Despite all
the different species they all get along with each other , other
than the fighting amongst the cichlids with each other. About 3
months ago my water started to cloud up, I started to increase my
water change cycle amounts to every 2 weeks and 40%. It would
seem to clear up but go right back cloudy again. It seems
impossible for the water to stay dirty with that sort of water
change cycle. About the same time the water started to fog up I
did add a log and some more fake plants. I did since remove those
items since the intense cloudiness, thinking that they where the
cause.( to no avail) I also have some rocks as well, (should I
remove the rocks as well)? < Many rocks are not suitable for
an aquarium because they dissolve in water. Check the rocks with
some Muriatic acid or vinegar. If they foam when a weak acid is
applied then they will dissolve in the aquarium and cloud it up
too until the minerals in the water settle out.> Now I am
noticing that the skin on my cichlids is looking rough, I think
they are getting sick. My ph level is fine, I haven't checked
for nitrates in about 2 months , but last time I checked the
local fish store said they where fine. I have not lost a fish yet
but I think it is coming. I don't know what else to do -
please advise < Next time you do a water change vacuum the
gravel too to get rid of any crud that has accumulated in the
gravel.-Chuck> Thanks, Phil
Sick black convict Hi, I was searching through your web
site hoping to find an answer to my question of my ill fish. I
have a black convict , she is about 9 years old and has never had
a health problem before.. Her problem is, she was fine and it
seemed over night I notice a huge lump from one side of her belly
to the other. It is causing her to just stay still in the tank
head down. She is eating a bit and I cant really tell if she is
in pain at all, she is my baby and I am really worried about what
it is and how to get rid of it. I hope you can give me some
insight about what it might be. Thank you for your time.. <
Wow! Your convict has been around for a very long time. It sounds
like the old girl has come down with an internal bacterial
infection that needs to be treated. Do a 30% water change and
service the filter. Treat with Metronidazole as per the
directions on the package. Quick treatment is the key for a
complete recovery. The disease is probably brought on by old
age.-Chuck. Teri
Re: sick black convict thank you for letting me
know...I was really worried about her she seemed to get worse
while I tried to find who carried it. I went to a couple of fish
stores but no one carried it...I didn't know if I had time to
order online .. one place told me to use tetracycline for her
problem...I am wondering if that will be ok... < Tetracycline
is usually effective in clean acidic water. I think it would do
more harm to your tank than help your fish. It turns the water
red and may affect the good bacteria needed to break down the
fish waste to less toxic substances. Unfortunately I too have
found this medication difficult to find but it is truly the only
one that seems to have an affect. Many years ago we had some
success with heavy doses of Furanace. Place the fish in a
quarantine tank and treat with up to three doses of Furanace.
Do 50% water change every other day and remedicate on
the days you don't change water. Good luck.-Chuck> Thank
you again Teri
Re: sick black convict wow, this just seems to going
from bad to worse and I am afraid I will lose her before I find
something to treat her with. I have called to see who carries the
Furanace and no luck there either, I live in Las Vegas, you would
think in such a large city it would be available. I was told to
try something called CLOUT. Will that help her ? thank you so
much for all of your help... Teri < Wow. No Furanace either!
Clout may have some affect buy we are getting way down the list
of effective medications. Try again for furan-2,
or Nitrofuranace. I know the stores there cater to the
saltwater tanks at the casinos but you would think that at least
one store would have it. Look at the packages for active
ingredients it may be in there under a trade name.-Chuck>
Popeye fish I have a king Kong parrot fish is has one
Popeye I used Maracyn-two for 5 days change
water 50% percent then put 2 tablespoon Epson salts
in is not as big it is red on top is their anything
else I can do I don't want to lose
him < Internal bacterial infections behind the eye
are difficult to treat. Keep the water clean and treat with
Metronidazole as per the directions on the package.-Chuck>
thank john
FW disease question Hello again. I have a jewel cichlid
that appears to have fungus on his top fin. it is a puffy white
ball. I have quarantined him and treated with jungle fungus
medication for four days, but had no success. I then switched to
Maracyn and it has been three days with that and no difference.
Could it be something else? Can this just be cut off with
scissors? There now seems to be another fish in the main tank
with the same problem, which I'll be moving to QT, so I'd
like to know what to treat them with. Also, would a UV light
prevent things like this in the future? Thanks, as always, for
the help and advice, < Fungus usually attacks diseased or
damaged tissues. With the rough and tough jewelfish this
isn't that uncommon. Remove the fish from the water and take
some cotton balls and wipe as much as the fungus away as you can
and treat the tank with Nitrofuranace. Make sure you
do a 30% water change and clean the filter before you medicate
and follow the directions on the package.-Chuck> Jim g
New to cichlids I just recently got cichlids, I
don't know much about them. I've been having a few
problems with them, & one died a few days ago. The one that
died was smaller, being picked on, & eventually stopped
eating. He started to hang out on the bottom of the tank &
died about 2 days later. Just before he died one of the fish
started to almost convulse so I looked it up on the internet,
& found out it was shimmy. We've done 2 water changes
(30%) in the past week, & more of them have started to
develop the same symptoms as the 1st one. When I feed them its
almost as if they don't want to eat, & one has started to
hang out beside a rock at the bottom of the tank, not eating.
I've tried speaking to the local pet stores about different
medications, but they say they have never heard of shimmy,&
say it sounds like a very rare thing. Any suggestions on how to
save my cichlids would be great. Thank-you hope to
here from you soon < Any type of shimmy is caused by external
parasites attacking the skin of the fish as well as the gills.
Treat with Rid-ich or Formalin from Kordon. Make sure the pH is
up at least 7.5 and the water temp is around 78 degrees F. Do a
30% water change and make sure that the filter is clean before
treating. If you don't see any improvement after 4 or 5 days
then try treating with clout-Chuck>
New to cichlids Two I just recently got cichlids, I
don't know much about them. I've been having a few
problems with them, & one died a few days ago. The one that
died was smaller, being picked on, & eventually stopped
eating. He started to hang out on the bottom of the tank &
died about 2 days later. Just before he died one of the fish
started to almost convulse so I looked it up on the internet,
& found out it was shimmy. We've done 2 water changes
(30%) in the past week, & more of them have started to
developed the same symptoms as the 1st one. When I feed them its
almost as if they don't want to eat, & one has started to
hang out beside a rock at the bottom of the tank, not eating.
I've tried speaking to the local pet stores about different
medications, but they say they have never heard of shimmy,&
say it sounds like a very rare thing. Any suggestions on how to
save my cichlids would be great. Thank-you hope to
here from you soon <This all depends on what kind of cichlids
you have. Most come from Africa, South and Central America. So
what kind you have makes a difference on how you are going to
treat them. In general any type of parasite attracting the skin
of the fish can be treated with Rid-Ich by Kordon or Formalin.
Make sure the water is clean and the filters have been surfaced.
These medications may affect the good bacteria that you are
trying to establish so follow the directions carefully and watch
for ammonia spikes.-Chuck>
Parasites on Oscar-help needed I recently- as in a week
ago- purchased a huge Oscar. say, the size of a good
panfish. anyways, he had some spots on him in the pet store; they
looked like scars, since he/she was kept in a ten gallon
aquarium, I assumed it was from hitting the glass. I was SO
wrong!!! today (the 18th) a friend was looking at her and said
"are these parasites?" sure enough, she has
little parasites. they look like water fleas of some
sort. clear, many legged, tails. almost
microscopic. They stay next to their particular 'hole' in
her skin, and don't scrape off. Its scary, but I
did try to scrape one off of her with my fingers (and a big
glove... she's a little testy). I have a saltwater tank, and
did try a very short saltwater dip. I don't know
if that will hurt her long term, so it was either too short to do
anything, or I didn't have high enough salinity.
So, can you think of anything? the other fish in the
tank is a violet goby (I know, supposed to be brackish) couple
goldfish (feeders and one big one) and guppies. THEY
WERE ON HER when I got her, I just didn't see
them. I'm looking for name and treatment of these
suckers. < You probably have fish lice. Clean the filters and
do a 30% water change. Treat with fluke tabs or parasite clear.
Follow the directions on the package regardless of which one you
choose.-Chuck> TIA!!!
Disease Symptom - A Pimple? Dear
WWM Crew, Four days ago I introduced a 3" Texas Cichlid
(I'm pretty sure it's a H. carpinte) into my 75 gallon
community tank. It immediately developed 2 small reddish pink
pimples, approx 1/8" in diameter, along the underside of
it's body in line with it's pectoral fins. They grew out
from the body around 1/8", and became slightly pointed, but
have been receding over the last day. I've been
trying to find out what these symptoms could indicate, but on the
net I've found conflicting information. Sorry I can't get
a pic to help you. I don't want to take action unless I can
properly identify the cause, and I was hoping you could tell we
what this might be. There is no quarrelling with the other
tank-mates, and it's appetite is normal. I believe that it is
no longer under stress, so I was hoping that any treatment, if
necessary, would prove successful. I weekly change out 50% of the
tank water, have zero amm/nitrites and about 15-20 ppm nitrates.
As a first measure I did an unscheduled 50% change and added 1
tbsp salt for every 5 gallons. Thanks in advance for your advice!
I can supply any more info if needed. The other cichlid
tank-mates are 2 Severums and a blood parrot, which are all
slightly larger. I will soon have a 180 gallon tank, so I should
have enough room for everyone when they get closer to their adult
size. < Keeping the water clean is a major plus. When fish are
introduced to a new tank there is a certain amount of stress and
their protective slime becomes thin and the fish become
vulnerable to disease. Hardy fish like most cichlids are able to
recoup very quickly and fend off most diseases on their own. I
think you had a bacterial infection and the fish regained its
protective slime and probably won't need any treatment. Just
in case I would add some salt at about a teaspoon per gallon. If
the pimples reappear then treat with Nitrofuranace.-Chuck>
Corey Cormier
Sick blood parrot Hi, I am a new aquarist with a 26g
freshwater tank that I've had for almost a month now. I
initially stocked it with a 3" blood parrot, two 2"
angel fish (one died a week ago), and a 3" gold gourami
after I had it running for 2 days. Everyone was fine until a week
later when I added a Bala shark and a common Pleco without
quarantining them (a big mistake, I know -- I now have a 10g tank
in which I'm nursing the parrot, gourami, and the remaining
angel fish.) The pH started to rise up to about 7.4 while the
tank was still going through it's first cycle, but everyone
seemed to be doing fine and I did 25% water changes twice weekly.
The only oddity was the Bala shark who never seemed at ease and
was always rubbing his nose (flashing?) against the glass. He
hadn't eaten anything since the first night I got him. He
died after a week in the tank followed by the first angel fish
the next day. Soon afterwards I noticed my Pleco had many white
spots, which I learned was ick. I started with Quick Cure and a
water change but the next day I noticed my parrot was not his
usual self. He remained at the bottom under the leaves of a
plastic plant and was not eating. The next day I went out and got
the 10g and transferred just him with fresh water and more ick
drops and he seemed better and started eating. Now he's back
to not eating and even though I put his buddy, the gourami, in
with him he's not socializing and likes to stay by the bubble
stone and heater. Or I'll see him at the surface swimming
against the bubble stream. I heard that the ick medication can
affect fish so I did a partial water change and did not add any
more medication for a day and I started noticing a grey patch on
his nose. I switched to the Jungle brand fizzing ick tablets the
next day. The grey patch is now much darker and most recently
there are dark streaks in the edge of the tail fin and the
lateral (sorry, still new) one's too, and his eyes now seem
to be all black. He's still not eating and I'm not sure
if he can see. I'd really appreciate any advice you could
give me as both I and my wife have grown very attached to
him/her. Thank you. The water in the 10g tank is at 80F, ammonia
is up to 0.5 ppm, no nitrites or nitrates yet, GH is 5 degrees,
and pH is 7.3. I have a Tetra Whisper outboard filter with carbon
removed as well as an air stone and heater. < Ich medication
can affect the good bacteria you have tried so hard to get going
as well as weaken very sick fish. You have a couple of things
going on. Use rid-ich by Kordon or another formalin-malachite
green medication for getting rid of the ich. Raise the water temp
to 80 degrees. Treat with Nitrofuranace for the bacterial
infections that have also attacked your fish. This will pretty
much wipe out any good bacteria so do not feed and try and keep
the water as clean as possible. This will mean that the filter
needs to be cleaned often and the gravel needs to be vacuumed
from all the crude that has accumulated there. Keep the ammonia
levels as low as possible by feeding sparingly every other day
until you see them cured. After the medication has done its job
add carbon to remove the last of the medication and add BioSpira
by Marineland to get the good bacteria reestablished.-Chuck>
Sick Fish ( HELP) Hello, Where to
start? I have two 55gallon aquariums stacked on
one another, with a bio filter and pump system underneath , its a
freshwater setup that's been in place for the past 5 years .
I've had aquariums for about 15 years are so. My
problem is I purchased new fish and made the mistake of not
quarantining them first, Stupid I Know! I had to
go out of town on business and left someone to take care of my
fish while I was gone, when I returned 4 days later not only do I
have ick on my 8" Severums which I have raised from nickel
size, but also have a ex-large Solid Black angel that appears to
have cotton fungus. All the sick looking fish
seemed to be in the lower tank, which I realize the temp to be a
little cooler, a degree or two but still at
76-78. Note I had just did a water change prior to
addition of new fish. Water checks out
fine! I purchased Wardley's Watercare Ick
Away , added to both tanks top and bottom as
recommended , water turned blue for a short period of time then
cleared up I'm guessing maybe cause of the Bio
system? The second day a repeated the dosage
according to instructions. On the third day I noticed
a real serious problem on all fish in the lower tank . (Fin rot
). Side fins , and tails. I have now did a
25% water change and added MelaFix to try and help the
fins. I've since lost a half dozen smaller fish in the top
tank, probably from meds I NO. I'm really trying
to save my fish can you help? The Severums are still
eating well but lying a lot on the bottom of the tank, still
showing signs of ick, but not as bad as it seems to be cycling
out . Is it possible that the ingredients in Wardley Ick Away
caused damage to the fins of the
fish? Do
you think an overdose would have caused this ? What do you
recommend ? The Ex-large
Angel doesn't eat, closed fins , The
Severums both Green and Gold , still have signs of ick, plus now
have serious damage to there fins but or still eating
well. Thanks for your time, hope to
here from you SOON. < A couple of things are going on. First
of all you need to do a 30% water change on the systems by
vacuuming the gravel in each tank. This will remove the crud in
the gravel and help reduce the nitrates. Clean the filter. This
will also help reduce the nitrates. Remove any carbon and treat
the system with Kordon's rid-ich to get rid of the ich and
Nitrofuranace to get rid of the bacterial infections. Raise the
water temp to 80 degrees F to help get rid of the ich. Do not
feed the fish for a few days. I suspect that when you went away
your well meaning friend overfed your fish tipping the aquariums
sensitive balance over the edge. The ammonia levels went through
the roof and your fish got stressed and sick. Treating a dirty
tank is an up hill battle. Organics in the water absorbs much of
the medication so a clean tank is much more effective. When you
treated the tank for ich the medication may have killed or at
least affected the good bacteria in your filter system so watch
and test for ammonia and nitrite spikes while treating this time.
I would do daily water changes until the fish show signs of
getting better.-Chuck>