FAQs on Cichlid Disease Diagnosis
Related Articles:
Cichlid Fishes,
Freshwater Fish Diseases,
Freshwater Diseases,
Ich/White Spot Disease,
FAQs on Cichlid Disease:
Cichlid Disease 1,
Cichlid Disease 2,
Cichlid Disease 3,
Cichlid Disease 4,
FAQs on Cichlid Disease by Category:
Social, Pathogenic,
Related FAQs:
African Cichlid Disease,
Oscar Disease/Health,
Aquarium Maintenance,
Freshwater Medications,
Freshwater Infectious
Disease, Freshwater
Fish Parasites, Ich/White
Spot Disease, Cichlids
in General, Cichlid
Systems, Cichlid
Identification, Cichlid
Behavior, Cichlid
Compatibility, Cichlid
Selection, Cichlid
Feeding, Cichlid
Dwarf South American
Cichlids, African
Cichlids, Angelfishes,
Neotropical Cichlids,
Cichlid - growth coming out of nares
My 4 year old cichlid seems to have something coming out of its nares. This has
been going on for nearly a month. About a week ago, it was only on one side of
the face and I noticed it disappeared after I cleaned the tank. But
it came back and on both sides of the face and instead of being grayish in color
like the first time, this time it is pink. This fish is always reclusive, but he
seems more so now and I don't ever see him eat. The only other fish in the tank
is a plecostomus and it seems fine.
I can't seem to find anyone else with this problem. Please, any advice would be
great. I have attached a photo.
Thank you,
<It's a prolapse of some kind. Not uncommon among cichlids and catfish, and
typically associated with prolonged exposure to less-than-perfect water
conditions, such as infrequent water changes coupled with high nitrate levels.
Metronidazole plus Nitrofuranace (ideally, used alongside Epsom Salt, 1-3
teaspoons per 5 gallons/20 litres) should help reduce the swelling and eliminate
the bacterial infection responsible for the swelling, but you'll also need to
fix the environment and/or diet: review water chemistry, increase regularity of
water changes, and add more green
foods to the diet of your fish (few cichlids are purely carnivorous, and lack of
fresh greens is a major cause of ill health). Cheers, Neale.>
Over Night Cichlid Death 3/5/13
I'm not quite sure what type of fish I had, my girlfriend bought it for me
about a year and a half ago, but I fed my 7 cichlids two herbivore
blocks last night. The fish in question, see attached photo, usually
eats most of one block, and he did. I also added some Stress Coat last
night before I went to bed. At about 5 this morning I woke up to what
sounded like a pool party in my tank, but I didn't think anything of it.
When I turned on the tank lights an hour later he was floating at the
bottom. He didn't seem to have any visible damage marks on him which
leads me to believe that he either had too much to eat and choked or a
chemical imbalance. I'm asking this to try to prevent my other fish from
dying. Thank you!
P.S. Sorry for the ..somewhat informal.. picture, I found out that
it was the only picture I had of him! He looked more gray than the
About chemical makeup currently:
pH: 7.7
Ammonia (NH3 / NH4+): 0.22 ppm
Hardness (GH): 300 ppm
Total chlorine: 0.2 ppm
Total alkalinity (KH): 320ppm
Temperature: 22 degrees Celsius
< You cichlid probably choked on something in the middle of the night.
When he panicked he probably thrashed about and knocked himself out and
If the fish is still around try and peek down his throat and look for an
obstruction to confirm.-Chuck>
Mystery Texas Cichlid Death
I just had my Texas cichlid die. He was very healthy one day and I
found him dead this morning. No noticeable illness in my tank. I have a
few cat fish and convicts and they look a little depressed but no
visible disease. What causes premature death in healthy looking fishes?
Can you help me understand this? Thank you for your time. Kelly
< Look for trauma around the head. He may have jumped and hit his
head. A second cause may be he choked on something like a plastic plant
weird acting fish
Clamped Orange Cichlid 2/16/10
My orange cichlid is not swimming all over. The fish seems to stay in
one spot and move his head back and forth and shake. Its dorsal fin is
mostly held close to its body. I can't see signs of Ick. The
eyes are bright. No white dots any where. What do you think?
< This is a case of the shimmies. It is usually seen on mollies.
Check the water quality. The ammonia and nitrites should be zero. The
nitrates should be under 20 ppm. The term "Orange Cichlid",
is not a great descriptive term. If you have a yellow Labidochromis
from Lake Malawi, then the fish requires hard alkaline water. If you
have an orange Chromide then you have a cichlid that comes from
brackish water and requires some salt. Check out these fish names on
the internet and see if you can match up a photo with your fish. Once
you identify the fish and match the water conditions the disease can
then be treated. My guess is that you have an orange Chromide in a salt
free tank. The other fish in the tank may not like the salty
conditions. Most fish can handle some salt, exceptions are some soft
water catfish.. I would recommend adding a tablespoon of sea salt per
10 gallons of water and see how the fish responds. The water temp
should also be around 78 F.-Chuck>
Water changes, cichlid sys., hlth.
I made the mistake of changing all the water in our 37 gallon tank now
the cichlid hasn't eaten much of anything it's been 5 days.
will he come around he seems to keep his mouth open now more than
before .mark
<These two things are likely unrelated. While changing too much
water can cause problems if the new water has a very different
chemistry or temperature, in general this big water changes aren't
a problem. Provided the biological filter remains operative, and the
variation in temperature and chemistry was slight, you can change as
much water as you want. Now, cichlids fight using their jaws, and
dislocated jaws are common when aquarists make the mistake of keeping
fish together that shouldn't be kept together. Firemouth cichlids
for example are famous for suffering
dislocated jaws when kept with more aggressive Central American
This is because Firemouth cichlids have special jaws evolved to sift
sand (which is why you keep Firemouths in tanks with a sandy
substrate). To avoid fighting, Firemouth cichlids bluff and puff out
their red throats, but Convicts don't play along with this game,
and can do some serious damage when fighting with Firemouths. Anyway,
your stocking is much more likely to be the problem here; if there are
other cichlids in the tank, then this one with the broken jaws may well
have been on the losing end of a fight. You can try to re-set the jaws
by very, VERY carefully pulling the jaws forwards and then hoping that
when you release them, the jaws click into place. You may need to do
this a couple of times. A vet could do this for you if you prefer. But
otherwise, the fish will not be able to eat, and will eventually
starve. That being the case , if attempts to re-set the jaws don't
work, then the cichlid will need to be painlessly destroyed. It will
not get better by itself.
In future, think carefully about what you keep in a community of
cichlids, and don't keep species likely to fight, or very different
in fighting ability.
Cheers, Neale.>
re: cichlid
Thank you for your quick response, we have only one fish in the tank
,he was flapping around a lot when I tried to catch him to get him in
the pail do you think he good have dislocated his jaw at that time?
<Possibly, but doesn't sound very likely. Most dislocated jaws
are caused by fighting; to become dislocated, the jaw needs to be
firmly pulled, and it's hard to imagine what other circumstances
might cause this. Cheers, Neale.>
Cichlid problem, hlth. 8/17/08
Hello again, My T-bar cichlid has got hole in the head, all my fish are
scratching, twitching and have all there fins down. <Likely caused
by Hexamita, and almost always trigger by environmental or dietary
deficiencies, i.e., overcrowding, high nitrates, lack of fresh greens.
Treatment is only possible via Metronidazole, couple with correction of
water quality/diet. http://www.wetwebmedia.com/metranidazole.htm >
They are all eating normally except my T-bar with hole in the head and
they have been doing this for 3 days now and they have no signs of any
spots so it cant be white spot. <Hexamita is most common when
cichlids are overcrowded. Quite possibly latent in all cichlids, when
their immune system becomes weakened the Protozoans spread from the
digestive tract into the body and out to the lateral line. It's the
ones in the lateral line that cause the distinctive pits and
lesions.> What could be wrong with them all? Thanks <Review
environment, diet, and act accordingly. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: cichlid problem 08/18/2008 Hello,
When you said "review environment" what did you mean? My tank
has lots of bogwood and a few plants with fine gravel. Thanks.
<Simple. Take a look at all the requirements for the fish you have.
Look in an aquarium book (or search this web site) to find out more
about each species. Note things like water chemistry (pH, hardness),
diet, space requirements, compatibility with other fish, etc. Write all
these things down. Then compare them to the environment in your
aquarium. Any differences between what your fish need and what you are
providing will be likely sources of potential problems. Also check
nitrite and nitrate; nitrite should be zero at all times, and with
cichlids nitrate should be as low as practical, ideally less than 20
mg/l. Cheers, Neale.>
slowly dieing/dying 8/8/06 For the past 8, 9 months my
cichlids are dieing. Every month one fish dies, I have to get my water
tested and then I'll get back to you. But until then what else
could be wrong? < Start with water quality tests. Keep nitrates to
under 25 ppm with water changes. Ammonia and nitrites should be
zero.> I have one cichlid that I have had from my first set of
cichlids and I really want to keep him. Will a Lake Malawi cichlid be
good with a fire mouth cichlid? < No. Lake Malawi cichlids come with
a very good set of teeth to scrape algae off of rocks. These same teeth
do a a lot of damage on other fish.> Also (this has to do with my
Pleco) he and the other Plecos I have had seem to be lazy. This one
just stays, oh no, he just moved! But now he's back, but usually
he's where he is now, upside down on a rock that I bought for my
cichlids. Why do they do this? < They are nocturnal and are usually
only active at night.> When I was looking at pics of convicts I saw
clay pots in some of the pics, if I were to get a pot how big should it
be (my tank is 10 gallons) and should I maybe break a piece off of the
pot? < The flower pot should be twice as big as the fish regardless
of tank size. So a two inch convict gets a four inch flower pot. Turn
the flower pot on its side or notch out a hole in the side.> The
ones in the pic were on their side but some that I saw on eBay for
cichlids had holes in them and they were supposed to be upside down. My
last question. It's very, very random, what is the plural for
discus? < A school, shoal, pair or couple of discus.
There is no discuses.-Chuck>
Black Speckling on Cichlids 10/18/05 I have
several tanks with different species of cichlids in them. There are
several fish, a few in each tank, that are getting black patches
around the mouth and on the fins. For the most part the fish are
fine and not being bothered. I have had a few fish though that
started breathing heavy and hanging out at the bottom of the tank.
Out of those a couple have died. Maybe this is two different
problems I don't know. Anyway a little more info. Tanks
range in size from 10G to 150G. They all share the same large air
compressor running sponge filters in each tank. I make weekly
25-30% water changes by putting tap water in a large plastic
Rubbermaid, add Prime and Stress Coat, and let aerate with a pond
waterfall pump for 24 hours. I also add 1 tablespoon of kosher salt
and 1 tablespoon of Epsom salt per 10G. After 24 hours and temp is
right I then change water. So they all get new water from the same
source. I check water parameters every other day and all tanks are
as follows. PH - 8.0-8.2 Nitrite - 0 Ammonia - 0 Nitrate - 20-30
Temp 76-78 Here are some attached pics. Any info is greatly
appreciated. I have been in this hobby for many years and never
seen anything like this. I hate feeling helpless. Thanks <
Sometimes these dark areas are simply scars that have taken there
toll over time and have darkened with age. Other times it is food
with too much Spirulina in it. try changing the diet and see if it
changes over time. The heavy breathing I believe is a different
issue and may be a protozoa attack on the gills and could be
treated with Rid -Ich by Kordon.-Chuck> |

Question about my twitching jack Dempsey cichlid 7/30/05 Hi,
I spent hours yesterday researching the faq's on your site and
found a couple things that seemed similar/helpful but am still not
quite sure on what the problem is. <When do you think you might be
ready to help us respond to queries?> My Cichlid is
doing this weird twitching/shaking thing but he isn't scratching
himself... just twitching and sometimes he will float sideways a teensy
bit and then jerk back to normal and keep swimming around. <Summat
very wrong with your water quality or the neural make-up of this
fish> I found a couple articles, one suggesting this is a nitrate
problem in the tank and I found on marineworld.com changing 25% of the
water every 2-3 days can help alleviate that. <Always a good idea...
"when in doubt, change water"> So I've started that
but the second article was asking about a shimmy (which I don't
know what exactly that is <A descriptive term... like the dance...
not a label for an actual causative mechanism> so I cant tell if
that's my lil guy's prob or not) and the response to it said it
is perhaps a parasite. So this is where I am lost because this is a new
tank (still in it's initial 30 day cycle) <Ahh... likely to do
then with the actual cycling process... very, very common... and often
deadly.> so I know using medication in it can cause more harm than
good, <Yes> and I don't know how to tell exactly if it is a
parasite and if so which one. His color is still great, there is no
bloating or funny growths or bulging eyes... he looks great and
he's still eating just fine, he's just
twitching. Thank you so much for your help!!!!!!! Sara
<Sara, please read on WWM re establishing biological filtration:
and the linked files above. Likely your fish is suffering from ammonia
and/or nitrite poisoning. Bob Fenner>
Can you help with urgent Blood parrot fish
info? Hey, I need some info/help if possible, I'm at a
complete loss as to what I can do? I have 3 beautiful true blood
parrots, a male and two females, they have lived together, very
happily for four years in a 80(uk)gal tank. As I've
said, never a problem, they're very large, fit fish, maybe a
little spoilt, if I'm completely honest!! The problem
is with my smallest female, who is probably the cheekiest and
very sociable, I noticed a few weeks ago some small dark patches
under her chin, right side, below her gills, DEFINITELY not
stress marks, they looked almost like a blood blister under the
skin and last week, the membrane at the edge of her gills, that
flaps against the body had curled back on itself, not a huge
amount, not all of it, a little in the centre, but not
right. But she was behaving as she normally would in every
way, I've kept an eye on them and there has been no change,
until, last week, she's been, very inactive and not
interested in anything including food, she's hardly moved
from the same spot for a week. She was always the first to
the front of the tank to see me. I sat for 2 hours with her last
night, trying to get her out with some food and she did come out,
I swear she knew I was upset! She took a small piece and
spat it straight out, she almost coughed, shook her head and
again, had what looked like another good cough, she tried again,
same reaction. She took herself back to her corner with a few
more coughs and splutters. I felt sick, my immediate
thought was a tumor of some sort, I had a 12inch Oscar for 10
years who died from one in his gut, it stopped him from eating, 8
weeks before I lost him, it was awful. I know these are a
'man made' fish and are prone to various problems, I
count myself lucky not to have had a problem, up until now. I may
be way off the mark, but it does seem to be a problem with her
throat or gill raker? I can't and won't give up on
her, PLEASE any advice/help you or your contacts could give would
be hugely appreciated. Kate, UK London. < We have a few
options depending on what you think the problem may be. If you
think the throat and pharyngeal jaws have been damaged from
moving coarse gravel or eating hard pellets then I would
recommend soaking the food to soften it up prior to feeding.
Treat with Nitrofuranace in case there are any secondary
bacterial or fungal infections. If you think the problem is
internal such as bloat or dropsy then you need to treat with
Metronidazole as soon as possible.-Chuck>
Re: Can you help with urgent blood parrot fish
info? Thanks Chuck, Not the food and she's on sand,
always has been, going to luck into the other areas, cover all
options before I throw the towel in. If all else fails do you
know of a quick humane way to put her down? As I said in my last
mail, when I lost my Oscar it was one of the worst things
I've had to watch, can't do that again. Thanks again,
I'll let you know how she gets on. Kate. < In the US
we have a cold remedy referred to as Alka-seltzer. You put a
couple tablets into a glass and it dissolves into the water
releasing CO2. The CO2 will put her to sleep. Then she can be
frozen or you can just add additional tablets and she will go to
sleep and asphyxiate from lack of oxygen.-Chuck>
Congo and a disease I have a 29 gal good
water quality, 4 fish in a tank one being a cichlid
(Conga) it recently grew a large "cyst" or
bump in it's belly. It's growing rapidly on
one side. This is day 3 and intense research has
produced no known cause or treatment. At first I
thought it'd eaten rocks but the Conga has not eaten in a few
days now and the tumor continues to grow. Can you
help? Also we noticed he has holes in his head but did not eat
any live fish lately(1yr) (as I was told this was the
cause of such an occurrence) Please respond
A.S.A.P. we are desperate for information and local
pet shops and vets are no help thus far. V. Michels, Florida <
Your white convict is commonly referred to in the aquarium trade
as a White Congo. The hole in the head disease and swollen belly
indicate that the water quality may not be as good as you think.
Do a 30% water change, service the filter and treat with
Metronidazole. Follow the directions on the package. When the
swelling goes down, after the internal bacteria have been killed,
and he begins to eat again try feeding some washed chopped
earthworms or brine shrimp.-Chuck>
Re: Congo and a disease Our
"convict" is doing better, we already considered and
did a water change, but his belly "burst" for better
lack of a term and he is still alive. Today I saw a thin string
hanging from the hole (about 1 -2 inches long) and some eroded
flesh I believe (about 2 millimeters in diameter and 3
millimeters long) from his side. He ate today and
appears healthy/active otherwise. His belly started to swell on
the other side yesterday but is better today. Swelling almost all
gone, The area where the large bump was is discolored blackish
now. The type of treatment is helpful though, we had
him on a different treatment. The bursting seem to be the turn
around, however, because nothing I did made it better. We do care
for our fish, I wonder why you referred to him as a
"convict" < Look at "Cichlasoma"
nigrofasciatum in a book and you will see a grey striped fish
that is the same as yours except he isn't white. This common
name for the striped fish is convict and the white version is
called the white Congo. It is a good thing that no internal
organs seemed to be affected. The white stringy stuff is
connective tissue as the fish begins to heal itself. Keep the
water clean so it doesn't fungus and there is a good chance
for a full recovery.-Chuck>
Dempsey lump between eyes our fish before
lump hi there...our Texas cichlid developed this fluid filled
lump between his eyes and appears to be under its
skin. any ideas as to what it is? we have had him
for 5 years. about a month ago he had orange stuff (looked
like the food we give him) come out of one of his nostrils.
we didn't treat it in any way and he seemed to get over
it. now this cyst or
something...the pet store said to look online at parasites,
but I can't find descriptions or pictures. just
microscope pictures of parasites... any help would be
appreciated. I will try to send a picture. <
Your old male jack Dempsey has a case of bloat. It is caused
by anaerobic bacteria that starts in the gut and has moved to
between the eyes. The only treatment is Metronidazole. Treat
the fish in a hospital tank if possible. Change 50% every
other day after treatment. When you fish begins to eat then
he is getting cured. You have an old fish an this may be hard
to cure.-Chuck> |
Angels can't swim! Hey there my angel fish have
stopped swimming. Their tails have folded up and there long fins
have gone thin and superficial. They just lie on the bottom, not
eating. What is wrong and how can I fix it? < You have a
bacterial infection. Do a 30% water change and clean the filter.
I would treat with a medication called Furanace. If that is not
available then try Maracyn. These medications also affect the
good bacteria that break down fish waste. Watch for ammonia
spikes. -Chuck>
Tiger Oscar Hey, my Oscar has this white little indent
right above his gill, theirs only one. I think I spotted it about
half a week ago as just a white spot, but now I think I notice a
little indent. I think it may be Hole In The Head Disease. I did
my gravel vacuuming and also a 30% water change with water
conditioner in the 30% new water and I also put in a new filter
in the filtration system ( Do you think that will fix the
indent?). < The improved water conditions can only help. It
may slow the disease down.> I don't have an
Ammonia and Nitrate kit but I think I will go out and buy one
tomorrow ( Can you give me a rough price ). < Each kit should
be under $10.> Do you think you can send me some pictures of
some fish with the Hole in the head disease just appearing if
that is possible. Also can you, if you think it is HITH disease
give me some information on treating it to get it to go away?
< I just had this discussion a couple of nights ago with a few
friends of mine at the local cichlid club. Unfortunately there
has been no real science done on hole-in the head. Many people
have done some lab work and found many things but no real
"smoking gun" has been found yet. Keep the water clean
and try to vary the diet to include some live food like
earthworms and brine shrimp. If the holes look like they are
getting bigger then you could try some Metronidazole at 250 mg
per 10 gallons and follow the directions on the package.
Prevention is much easier than treatment. Good Luck. Do a Google
search on Hole-in-the-head disease and you will find numerous
tips and theories on how this disease works and how to treat it.
Some saltwater fish get it too.-Chuck> Thank
Re: Tiger Oscar Thanks for the information so quick.
Right before I got to bed, quick question? Its possible to cure
right? Like make the hole go away and stop it from spreading with
that medication? Or is he going to die?!.... Also when you said
the improvements I did can "help" ( new water, new
filter ), does this mean that it may cure it or does it mean it
will only slow the death down? < If you don't know the
specific cause of the stress then you don't know what needs
to be changed. In some fish it may be high nitrates. But I have
seen the disease in fully planted aquariums with no ammonia,
nitrite, or nitrate measured in the water. So then you have to
start looking at other things like pH and diet. Vitamin
deficiencies may be a cause too. No two aquarists keep two tanks
totally alike. So the same two aquarists may have the disuse but
the causes may be different depending on all the variables such
as food source, initial water chemistry and other fish. There are
no stone cold locks when it comes to treating Hole-in-the-head as
of yet. I gave you some generalities to increase your fishes
chances of survival. You may have to try some of these things and
see if they are effective. But be aware no matter what you do you
may never be able to cure your fish.-Chuck> Bye
Re: Tiger Oscar Also I read up that in most cases if it
is caused by stress or poor water quality it isn't contagious
meaning that it isn't bacteria and it wont spread and that
one particular dent will clear up on its own if you clean the
tank and such. I was just curious on your statement for that if
it is true or totally made up. Thanks bye. < You need three
things for a disease to occur. A parasite, a host ,and an
environment that at the same time weakens the fishes immunity
while at the same time enhances the reproductive behavior of the
parasite. If you have poor water quality in your tank then other
cichlids are likely to show the same symptoms because the
conditions are the same throughout the entire tank. Stress can
lead to all kinds of diseases not just hole in the head. I
don't just make things up. My answers are based on years of
experience with cichlids as well as attending seminars all over
the country on cichlids too. Of coarse I am always willing to
listen to something new on treatment for the problem,
unfortunately I have been lead up the golden path many times over
the years by "new " treatments that have never really
been panned out.-Chuck>
Oscars breathing one-sided. Hi, Just wondering if you
could possibly give me some insight as to what could be going on
with my 2 Oscars? I bought an adult pair of Golden Oscars
on March.25. They had a host of problems.. all are gone now
except for this gill issue. They seem to switch back and forth,
and then use both gills normally. No particular gill is favoured.
I thought they had gill flukes (although they are not breathing
heavily).. using one gill seems to be a classic symptom of
flukes. But they still continue to use one gill occasionally.
After the first treatment I figured maybe I didn't dose the
aquarium correctly. So I waited a few days, used carbon to remove
the medication and treated for flukes a second time. Still no
improvement. I'm completely stumped. They look and act
healthy otherwise. It just bothers me to see them breathing that
way. It's been just over 3 months now with no improvement.
Could this be some sort of gill damage? < Based on their
rather tough past it could be gill damage. Typically gills that
have been "burned" by excessive ammonia do grow back.
If they have been exposed to fungus as a secondary infection then
they might not. I would recommend keeping the water well aerated
so they don't have to labor to breath.> My water
parameters are.. Ammonia=0, Nitrite=0 and Nitrate=10ppm. PH is
6.6. Water changes are done frequently.. I was hoping it would
help. Aquarium is 75g and they are the only occupants. < Try
and keep the water as clean as possible. Your numbers look good.
Try and keep the nitrates under 25 ppm.-Chuck> Any help would
be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Linda
Bloody Parrot seizures? Hi, I have had a Bloody Parrot
Cichlid for 19 months and he has never had any medical problems
before. Two days ago he started having what I can only describe
as "seizures". He starts to quiver and float funny,
then cowers in the corner of the tank shaking. He then
"SHOOTS" up to the top of the tank, slamming against
the glass tank top, and then as he is floating down towards the
bottom, he rams into the side glass. Then he basically sinks to
the bottom of the tank, breathing strangely. The gills? under his
"chin" are flapping back and forth and he appears to be
out of breath. The first few times that he did this, were at
feeding time, but now that I was home all day (Saturday) I see
that he does it even without eating. I love this fish dearly, as
he recognizes and can differentiate between members of our family
and strangers, and is especially attached to me as I am the one
who feeds him and gives him his treats. He also peers through the
glass of the tank, and if I wave to him, he does that funny
little dance that they do. I would like to know if there is
anything I can do to help him. Watching him smash up against the
glass is killing me, and I feel like it will eventually kill him.
He is in a 58 gallon aquarium, along with a smaller parrot,
convict, clown loaches, black skirt tetras, Bala shark,
red-tailed black shark, and gouramis. He is the king of the tank
and butts everyone out of his way. He is fed flake food, and is
treated with Tubifex, dried blood worms (not his favorite) and a
variety of romaine lettuce, peas, asparagus and broccoli. I
can't think of anything else except to say that the water in
my tank is in excellent condition. I clean the tank, the filter
and the tubes as necessary. Can you suggest anything to help me
or tell me what is happening to my "Baby"? < Your
fish may be affected by some unknown internal parasite or
bacteria. Your parrot cichlid is a hybrid between a few fish and
may have lost some of its natural defenses against disease. My
only recommendation would be to isolate the fish in separate tank
with lots of floating plastic plants to be use as a buffer
against the top of the tank. Treat with some Metronidazole
according to the directions on the package. If you see no
improvement after a week then I would try a strong antibiotic
like Kanamycin. These are "shotgun" attempts to help
your fish. maybe we will get lucky. Add a little rock salt to the
isolation tank too. Couldn't hurt.-Chuck> Thanks,
Re: Bloody Parrot seizures? Chuck, I wanted to reply as
I have more information that may be helpful to my Blood Parrot
Cichlid. Today is Sunday, and as of 6:00 PM EST, he had no
attacks today. I had fed him some peas, as he was asking for
food, and originally he had most of his attacks when he ate. The
two times that I gave him some peas today, he ate them and was
Ok, with no attacks. He was not his "Normal" self, but
at least no attacks. Then at 6:15 PM, the normal time that I feed
my fish, I fed them TetraMin Pro Tropical Crisps, which is a
flake food. He ate aggressively at the top of the tank for about
15 seconds, then the attack occurred. He got stuck in the cave at
the bottom of the tank, so he didn't manage to smash himself
against the glass, but he definitely had an attack. What makes
him have this problem every time I give him flake food now? Can I
feed him with just the peas for a few days? Should I still
quarantine him and get him the medication you suggested? If so,
the only extra tank we have is a 10 gallon tank. Is that big
enough for him for a while? I REALLY appreciate your help, as the
fish stores around here seem to be clueless as to what is
happening to him. One actually suggested that his tank mates are
nipping his fins making him slam against the glass. When I told
him that that is not happening, he nastily told me that I
can't watch them 24 hours a day. Anyone who has an aquarium
knows that after 2 years, you know what your fish do and
don't do and what is "Normal" for them. Once again,
Thanks So Much for your help! < With this new information I
have a couple of new theories. With the soft food such as peas he
had no attacks, but with dried foods he has the attacks. If am
thinking that maybe the dried foods are getting stuck in his
throat causing him to choke. Presoak the flake foods so it is
hydrated before feeding and see if it helps. If this is still
happening I would take the fish out of the water and look closely
down its throat with a strong flashlight and look for
obstructions. I once had a cichlid with a piece from a plastic
plant stuck down its throat. I removed it with a long pair of
tweezers and he was fine after that.-Chuck> Donna
Re: Bloody Parrot seizures? Chuck, THANKS SOOOO MUCH!!!
Once you mentioned about the flakes being dry, I noticed that
when he was busy eating the peas on Monday morning, while I fed
the other fish in the tank, by the time he ate the flakes they
had floated down into the water, and he ate them with NO PROBLEM!
When I fed him at 6:00 PM, I hydrated the flakes and gave him
peas first, then put the soaked flakes into the tank. Once again,
NO PROBLEM! He comes to the front of the tank whenever I go by,
so I sat on the floor with him in the tank in front of me, and
tried to look down his throat with a flashlight. I didn't see
anything that seemed to be blocking his throat, but since he
sucks at everything that goes into the tank, and helps the female
convict move the pebbles in the tank when she's going to lay
eggs, I was wondering if maybe he accidentally swallowed a
pebble, and hurt his throat. I'm going to continue feeding
him the hydrated flakes, peas, and broccoli, and hopefully he
will be OK. I am only worried because we leave on vacation for
three weeks, and I have an automatic feeder that can only
dispense the dry flakes, so I am hoping that he will be Ok by
then. Once again, THANKS SO MUCH for all your help. <
That's what we are here for. Have a good vacation.-Chuck>
Say "Aah" Hi, <Hello.> I have a
Firemouth Cichlid who for the past 2 days has had it's mouth
open. Today I noticed that its open even wider and the skin right
behind it's mouth looks very thin. It also isn't eating.
Any thoughts? <Check closely to be sure that there is no
obstruction in his mouth preventing him from closing
it. Look for any visible growths or other
abnormalities, as well. It is possible that his jaw is
dislocated or injured, though, and there probably isn't much
of anything you can do for him, aside from a trip to the vet to
get the jaw relocated. Keep a close watch on your
water parameters (ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, pH). If
he is not alone in the tank, you may want to consider
transferring him to a quarantine tank to ensure that he has the
opportunity to rest without being harassed by
tankmates. Try to coax him into eating with especially
tasty foods like frozen bloodworms, or even small live
earthworms. Perhaps stimulating him into wanting to
eat will help him get his jaw back in place. It
certainly wouldn't hurt to give your vet a call and ask him
about dislocated fish jaws. Wishing you
well, -Sabrina.> Thanks, Cheryl
Say "Aah" again Thanks for the great
response. I'm really worried now as he does have some visible
large white cotton looking growths. <Can you describe in
greater detail? This could be a fungus, columnaris,
Lymphocystis.... do please look through this and
articles/FAQs linked to it: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwfshparasites.htm
and do some Google searches, especially on 'columnaris'
and 'Lymphocystis' and see if you can find any
similarities.> He is also just kinda floating but keeping his
mouth at the top of the tank. His buddy also a Firemouth is
starting to get what looks like ick. <Are the spots small,
like grains of sugar, or tufty/fuzzy?> I have treated the tank
<For what? With what medication?> and will have
my water tested tomorrow. <Definitely crucial.> Any other
info would be great. Thanks, Cheryl <As
far as that jaw goes, I still think it might be a good idea to
give your vet a call, ask him if he knows how to relocate
dislocated fish jaws, and if it's something he can tell you
how to do. Hope all goes
well, -Sabrina.>
Sick cichlid My red devil is very sick. He just lays
around the bottom of the tank. He does come to the top of the
tank to eat but just sinks right back down to the bottom. I am so
worried about losing him. I heard that you should put Epson salt
in the water but I also have a female in the same tank. If I add
the salt will it hurt her in anyway? <Won't hurt her,
no. If you do this, it should be at a rate of 1-2
tablespoons per ten gallons of water.> She is not sick. Please
help real soon. <First and foremost, check your water
parameters - ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and pH. If you
don't have test kits, your local fish store should be willing
to test a sample of your water for you. A water change
(or several, if necessary) will help you fix anything that's
out of whack, and certainly won't hurt
anything. Can you tell us more about your fish and
your aquarium? Tank size, other fish in the
tank? Filtration? Water change schedule,
how much and how often do you change water? Also, what
else can you tell us about the sick fish? Any details
you can give us will help - color (is it normal, if not, what),
shape (is it bloated-looking, skinny, etc.), any physical damage,
gasping, anything else amiss. If the only problem is
that he keeps sinking to the bottom of the tank, it might be a
swim bladder issue, in which case you should try the Epsom salts,
but it may or may not have any
effect. -Sabrina>