FAQs on African Cichlid Environmental Disease
FAQs on African Cichlid Disease:
African Cichlid
Disease 1, African Cichlid Disease 2,
African Cichlid Disease 3,
African Cichlid Disease 4,
African Cichlid Disease 5,
African Cichlid Disease 6,
African Cichlid Disease 7,
African Cichlid Disease 8,
FAQs on African Cichlid Disease by Category:
Social, Infectious (Virus,
Bacterial, Fungal), Parasitic (Ich, Velvet...),
Related Articles: African Cichlids,
Malawian Cichlids: The Mbuna and their Allies By Neale Monks,
The Blue
Followers: the Placidochromis of Lake Malawi by Daniella
Rizzo, Cichlid Fishes,
Related FAQs: Cichlid Disease,
Cichlid Disease 2,
Cichlid Disease 3,
African Cichlids in General,
African Cichlid Identification,
African Cichlid Selection,
African Cichlid Behavior,
African Cichlid Compatibility,
African Cichlid Systems,
African Cichlid Feeding,
African Cichlid Reproduction,
Cichlids of the World,
Cichlid Systems,
Cichlid Identification,
Cichlid Behavior,
Cichlid Compatibility,
Cichlid Selection,
Cichlid Feeding,
Cichlid Disease,
Cichlid Reproduction,
READ re the environment that your fish/es hail from.
MOST need hard, alkaline water (not all though)... Malawi and Tanganyika
with a mix of salts in addition.
NO ammonia or nitrite is tolerable. These cause renal failure and
troubles w/ other internal organs. Along w/ hypoxia, a loss of oxygen,
such internal "burning" is responsible for many/much "later",
"invisible" anomalous fish losses.
African Cichlid Fin issues
I have a question for Bob Fenner, after reading through many if the help
topics on the website.
<He's on his travels right now, but will cc him in case he has any input.>
I have a mixed group of African Cichlids, 150gal tank, two Fluval FX6
canister filters. I have about half a dozen fish with a charred, burnt
black looked section on their dorsal fin. I don't think it's fin rot
<Black patches that appear out of nowhere are usually ascribed to ammonia
burns or similar. Remember, at high pH levels, ammonia is much more toxic
than in acidic pH. Something to do with the ratio of ammonium ions to
ammonia molecules being different in acid vs. basic conditions. Anyway, the
point being that even 'trace' ammonia/ammonium levels that you'd ignore in,
say, a soft water community aquarium would be much more lethal in a Mbuna
community because of the high pH levels. While we tend to "overcrowd" Mbuna
especially to reduce their territoriality, that does mean filtration has to
be absolutely top-notch, and there's no point having lots of bacteria if
you don't also provide them with plenty of oxygen. I'd also make the point
that Rift Valley cichlids are a mixed bunch, and mixing Mbuna with, say,
Tanganyikans or Aulonocara invariably causes problems eventually, and it
should go without saying you'd not mix any of these Rift Valley cichlids
with soft water species like Kribs or Jewel cichlids from West Africa.>
All the rest of the fins are in perfect condition. Looking for some help, I
can also send photos once in contact with someone. Thank you so much
<Hope this helps. Neale.>
Re: African Cichlid Fin issues
By mixed, I meant the species, however, all are lake Malawi Haplochromis. I
treat my tap water with Seachem Prime, Malawi pH Buffer and Cichlid Lake
Salt. Attaching a photo of one of the fish. Hope this helps.
<Would still suspect environment, with the possibility of aggression
between the fish causing some of the physical damage. Do check the pH and
water quality; without these information, we can't really help much.
Cheers, Neale.>
African Cichlids wasting away
<Hello Mike,>
I am taking care of a tank (180 gallons) that recently has had problems with
assorted African Cichlids. The fins on the fish are looking ragged, the fish are
lethargic, most hovering over the same spot, have had quite a few losses, now
all other fish are not really affected, have Synodontis cats, several Bichirs,
some clown loaches, and two Parrots.
<This is not exactly a textbook community, is it? Even if it isn't overstocked
-- though "some" Clown Loaches could easily fill 180 gallons on their own --
it's a mix of fish with different needs. Hard to imagine the conditions are
ideal for them all, simply because they cannot possibly be.
Clowns need soft to medium hard water with a slightly acidic to neutral pH.
Such conditions would be toxic to Rift Valley cichlids. Furthermore, "African
cichlids" covers a lot of different types. West African cichlids like Kribs are
happiest in soft water, while Malawian and Tanganyikan species want hard water.
Given you have a number of predators (in the form Bichirs) then chances are
you're offering meaty foods (please, no live feeder fish!) and that in turn
means high levels of nitrate are very likely. Nitrate is very toxic to cichlids,
much more so than for most other fish; 20 mg/l can stress then, and 40 mg/l will
noticeably increase mortality via things like Hexamita and HLLE/HITH
No new fish were added. I have tried to treat with Seachem Kanaplex as it
appeared to be a bacterial infection which did not help or stop the progression.
Due to increased feedings I have had to adjust my water change schedule to every
two weeks and I am removing thirty to fifty percent of the water, will email the
water parameters upon demand, but have increased the water temperature to 80
just to see if it would help, I am at a loss with this (I am maintaining this
tank but not responsible for the feeding and additions). Please help. Thanks,
<Cichlids are very much the miner's canary when it comes to high nitrate, low
oxygen, and overstocking. They're exactly the fish you'd expect to see becoming
stressed and sick. I can't pin down the exact problem here, certainly not
without things like water quality test results (nitrite and nitrate in
particular) not to mention water chemistry (general hardness and pH, for a
start). But I'd bet dollars to doughnuts that the problem is environmental, not
a specific pathogen that's sneaked into the tank. A thorough review of stocking,
feeding, aeration, filtration and water changes will need to be carried out. I'd
be looking to clear out the tank a bit, ensuring it's optimised for one
particular set of conditions --
whether softish rainforest type environment or a hard, alkaline Rift Valley
setting. I'd then be aiming for the usual zero nitrite and ammonia, and for a
cichlid tank especially, nitrate levels below 40 mg/l, and ideally below 20
mg/l. While the classic Metronidazole plus an antibiotic combo is a useful one
with cichlids showing vague, but severe, sickness, I'd still only be doing this
alongside a complete environmental review. Hope this helps, Neale.>
Re: African Cichlids wasting away
Crew, Thanks for the prompt reply,
<Most welcome.>
will run the water tests, the problem has been that this tank is in the local
YMCA and the feeding has been erratic, no live foods only flake and pellets for
African Cichlids.
<Flake and pellets safest, so likely not a problem here, though some fresh
greens (such as cooked peas and spinach) do help many types of cichlid,
including Mbuna.>
Yes they are almost all Lake Malawi Cichlids. The aeration is good, oxygen in
the water should not be problem, filtration is performed by two Aquatop 500 with
UV canister filters. I can only perform so many water changes
since they are paying and will only authorize so many.
I am removing 30 to 50 percent of water each time.
<Sounds good.>
The parameters have not been ideal as far as feeding but the pH is set up for
African Rift Lake Cichlids especially for Malawi Cichlids.
<Understood. But bear in mind that not all fish will handle such conditions
well. Conversely, Rift Valley cichlids won't thrive if the hardness and pH
aren't right.>
Will run water tests this weekend while I have access to the tank and let you
pH was at 7.6 with Ammonia and Nitrite at 0,
<pH is far too low for either Malawian or Tanganyikan cichlids -- and just to be
clear, mixing them is a really bad idea with one or two exceptions.
You really want to make sure the general hardness is high, and the carbonate
hardness is high. The old Rift Valley Salt Mix is a cheap and effective way to
provide this:
Per 5 gallons/20 litres, add --
1 teaspoon baking soda (sodium bicarbonate)
1 tablespoon Epsom salt (magnesium sulfate)
1 teaspoon marine salt mix (sodium chloride + trace elements)
Stir into the bucket until all dissolved, and then add to the tank. The baking
soda should stabilise the pH around 8, while the Epsom salt helps avoid
bloating. The marine salt mix, while optional, is helpful in adding tiny amounts
of a few other chemicals that keep cichlids in good shape. You can of course use
commercial Rift Valley salt mixes, often called 'cichlid salts' or similar. But
the recipe above is good 'n' cheap!>
however the Nitrates have been high in the past but will retest this weekend for
updated parameters.
<Anything above 40 mg/l can easily explain unexpected cichlid deaths.>
Originally the crew that put this tank up had this scheduled for maintenance
once a month and we reduced it to every three weeks, when that was not enough
now we do it every two weeks. Thanks
<If time/money is an issue, the easiest option is to reduce stocking level.
This will slow down the build-up of chemicals between water changes, making it
much more easy to maintain good conditions. Tanks often experience problems
after a few years, so if the tank is old, with a lot of muck in the substrate,
pipe work and/or filter, and thorough break-down and deep clean can work
wonders. Do, of course, think about how you're going to keep the fish and the
filter bacteria happy while doing this! Cheers, Neale.>
Pseudotropheus zebra - pH related illness
I have a 55 gallon tank that I set up on 5/26/17 for young
Pseudotropheus zebras that I am raising from fry. I have many tanks and
have had tanks for nearly 50 years since I was a kid.
Everything was going great until I did a partial water change.
I did a partial water change (20 gallons) on Tuesday (6/6/17) and on
Wednesday they were stressed out. I am a geologist and work with
biologists and engineers. Through a series of tests with meters etc... I
figured out that I got a batch of acidic water which was used for the
partial water change.
The water that was used had set for 4 days before using, so I did not
use any Dechlor. I avoid using Dechlor unless I have to..
<Hypo, Sodium Thiosulfate; olde timey prep. for the simpler time of
chlorine-only use as municipal sanitizer. Chloramines are used almost
universally in the USA nowayears... Dechlor won't remove/change these.
Best to do as you suggest and let water sit or aerate days (or week)
ahead of use>
I dumped the water from the buckets on Thursday 6/8/17 and filled them
with fresh water. The pH and all other parameters tested well and that
water has been used now for 2 partial water changes... ( 10 gallons
each)... one on
Wednesday 6/7/17 and one on Friday 6/9/17.
I kept the light on from Wednesday night until this morning at 6:00 AM
and turned it back on at 1:30 PM today.
My questions involve my approach from here on out. Some of the fish are
eating... about half of them... but not with the normal intensity. The
others have no interest in eating. Some are scraping themselves
occasionally and a couple have what looks like damage to their slime
layer. It is not white fuzz and does not look like ich... but more like
<Mmm... am wondering what this is>
I am old school and have a Marineland emperor 400 outside filter and two
550 powerheads with and undergravel filter. The setup is only 15 days
old, so the carbon and the media in the filter is pretty new.
I am very concerned about the health of the fish. I have cared for these
fish since I harvested from their moms and setup the 55 gallon just for
The quality of the aged water I have is back up to par with what it
should be and I am preparing to do water changes in my other 7 tanks.
<I would stick with your water S.O.P., but add testing it ahead of
actual use... and depending on its composition, add some salts and
alkalinity blend (commercial or DIY) ala the "Malawi Mix" detailed by
Neale here:
What are your recommendations to improve the health of my African
<Per the above; addn. of the bicarb., MgSO4, NaCl>
I am planning another partial water change today (10 gallons only) and
thinking about replacing the carbon in the emperor 400,,, even though it
is only 15 days old. I think that I am going to leave the light on since
they seem to do better at this point...
<Mmm; am not such a fan of GAC use in freshwater systems... better to
leave "a unit" or more in and transfer out a new one every month or so.
Many years back our service companies used a huge number of ChemiPure
packets in
this way... in the years of Eheim canister filters and in sumps>
I have various types of medicine, but II fear that removing the good
bacteria would be more harmful than the medicine would be helpful....
<Agreed. I would NOT treat the current situation with medicines;
particularly antimicrobials. More likely to interrupt nitrification,
make matters worse than better>
Thanks for any help that you can give me.
<Glad to share and hope this helps. Bob Fenner>
Newbie again. Cichlid issues, crappy water
Thank you for the advice on my koi. She's healing well and doing great.
Now I have a question on my cichlids.
60 gallon, 14 cichlids, parameters have been running: 76 degrees, 0 nitrites,
0.25-1.0 ammonia,
<?! Needs to be zero, zip, nada>
0 nitrates, (yes that is nitrates NO3), high PH is less than 7.4, and PH
is running 6.0.
<This varying pH makes no sense to me>
All are pissed off at each other, which I've heard means they are happy.
One has two white dots, which look like bubbles in a photo so I've attached a
video as well. Any idea what this could be?
<.... environment. Read, fix this.... boost alkalinity/reserve. Bob Fenner>
Cichlid with Popeye and Red Stuff (17 megs...)
<Your email has been deleted due to too-large file size.>
Cichlid with Popeye and Red Stuff... six Megs, no use of WWM
Hi! I have been reading for a few days now on how to fix PopEye,
<Mmm; this is a physical trauma... either the fish was attacked or swam hard
into something>
which is what I think one my cichlids has. His left eye is popped out and has
something red popping out as well. I have attached a picture to see what you
think. To give a little background, I have a 150gal Cichlid tank I got a
year ago from a previous owner. It has 2 Eheim Pro 2 Canister Filters,
2 heaters, and a power head to move water. I have the API master test kit, and
ammonia is always 0 nitrite is always 0 and nitrate is normally 10ppm
<Good values. I do hope/trust the water is hard and alkaline for this Mbuna>
or lower, but lately in 3 out of the 6 tanks I have the nitrates have
been 40ppm.
<Too high by twice>
I don't know how to get it lowered
<? READ on WWM re>
as water changes and keeping it clean have no effect. Is it the nitrates
that is causing the problem with his eye?
<Could be related>
Is it contagious?
<No... unilateral exophthalmia... SEE READ ON WWM RE>
All the fish are full grown and very active I would hate to lose any. I feed
them Wardley Advanced Nutrition Perfect
Protein and sometimes they get frozen bloodworms
<And this>
and brine shrimp with Spirulina. Sorry for the long email, just really worried
about my tank. Any help you can give would be great! Also today with the water
change I added 1cup of Epsom salt as I saw it was recommended Alot
<No such word>
is that okay? Or will it even help?
<Could possibly help. Again; ALL THIS IS GONE OVER AND OVER ON THE SITE>
Thanks again.
<Look for sharp objects in the tank and/or other mean fish/es... and
remove. Bob Fenner>
2 dead kenyi cichlids in 3 days 4/2/15
Hi there, I bought four juvenile kenyi cichlids one of the
males was already turning yellow so I bought it as I wouldn't have to wait long
for them to pair up. Now the main problem is that I have got two
cichlids dead with same symptoms. Before the first one died it started
sinking and couldn't stay upright and rolled to its sides and died within three
hours of showing these symptoms.
<Something very wrong here... environmentally or socially>
The second one too showed these symptoms
<Which are?>
and died in the same time period, in the second death I noticed that their
bellies became a little orange/reddish/brownish. I can't
specify the exact colour but the main thing is that it looked like swim bladder
<.... there really is no such thing. Like "cold symptoms">
so immediately transferred it to a jar and started the fasting treatment where
it died now I want to know how could have I saved them so that I could tackle
any situation like this in the future.
<... I'd be checking the water quality here. As two of the four are living, am
given to suggest that the other two are culprits.
Bob Fenner>
Re: 2 dead kenyi cichlids in 3 days 4/3/15
I do a 10percent water change everyday
<Do you have measures for Nitrogen compounds?>
and I haven't seen any fighting now as you said that the other two might me
culprits they are not as the third one died today showing the same symptoms
(lethargy, sinking to bottom, inability to be upright, loss of appetite, staying
in the corner).
So, I did a 100 percent water change and added rid-all general aid
<Not a good idea>
the last one is a male kenyi cichlid and has now started to show the same
symptoms and yes I also have a breeding pair of swordtails they eat
energetically but cichlid stay at the bottom and usually hides behind the filter
what should I do I don't want my last cichlid to die. Could the reason of deaths
be starvation as the last cichlid haven't fed for about 36 hours now
<Let's have you read.... starting here:
and the linked files above.... to give you insight into what might be going on
here. BobF>
2 dead kenyi cichlids in 3 days /Neale
Hi there, I bought four juvenile kenyi cichlids one of the males was already
turning yellow so I bought it as I wouldn't have to wait long for them to pair
up. Now the main problem is that I have got two cichlids dead with same
symptoms. Before the first one died it started sinking and couldn't stay upright
and rolled to its sides and died within three hours of showing these symptoms.
The second one too showed these symptoms and died in the same time period, in
the second death I noticed that their bellies became a little
orange/reddish/brownish. I can't specify the exact colour but the main thing is
that it looked like swim bladder disease so immediately transferred it to a jar
and started the fasting treatment where it died now I want to know how could
have I saved them so that I could tackle any situation like this in the future.
<Almost certainly an environmental issue. When a bunch of fish die within a
short space of time, and the symptoms are generic, you can usually blame the
environment. Obviously water quality is important. As with all cichlids,
tolerance for nitrite and ammonia is minimal, but Mbuna generally have a
relatively low tolerance for nitrate too, so frequent water changes are as
important as filtration and aquarium size. Since these are Rift Valley cichlids,
water chemistry is the second factor of crucial important.
Hard, alkaline conditions are essential. Some folks think adding salt will do
the trick, but that's not true. You need a full range of mineral salts.
There's a cheap Rift Valley salt mix that's been around for decades that makes a
fine alternative to store-bought equivalents.
Do bear in mind that moving a fish from a main aquarium to a "hospital" aquarium
is ONLY useful if the hospital aquarium has BETTER conditions than the main
aquarium. Sticking a fish in a jar because you recognise it needs to be isolated
will in fact do more harm than good. Isolate a fish, for sure, but do so in an
aquarium with a mature filter, heat, and sufficient
space (for small fish, a 10-20 gallon tank works well for hospital tank use).
Finally, can I state clearly that THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS SWIM BLADDER DISEASE.
Gosh, that felt good to get out! What I mean is that fish roll over, swell up,
and find it hard to swim for all sorts of disease-related reasons. For sure,
sometimes there may well be a bacterial infection in the swim bladder alongside
infections of other internal organs. But there isn't a common aquarium fish
disease specific to the swim bladder, and when fish roll over or swim oddly,
it's time to review the environment and ALL aspects of fish health, not Google
"swim bladder disease". Make sense?
Cheers, Neale.>
RE: 2 dead kenyi cichlids in 3 days 4/4/15
Thanks it helped a bit as when I changed the water, raised the temp.and siphoned
the gravel it showed a little movement and haven't died till now anyway it
pooped today a little after a lot of time but still isn't completely healthy
could it be constipation? Thanks
<Like all Mbuna, Maylandia lombardoi is predominantly a herbivore. So assuming
you're providing a diet based on greens (Spirulina flake, cooked spinach,
slivers of cucumber, etc) with only occasional zooplankton treats (brine shrimp
are ideal because they contain algae!) then constipation shouldn't be a problem.
On the other hand, feed them standard flake, bloodworms and other meat-based
foods, and yes, Malawi Bloat is a real risk. Cheers, Neale.>
Fin deterioration on African cichlids 10/11/13
First let me thank you in advance for the help.
I have a 180 gallon African cichlid tank with a wet dry filter.
pH 8.0, NO3 25,
<... I'd be checking this... And is this measure (supposedly) Nitrogen
as nitrate or? I suspect the actual concentration is MUCH higher... I'd
check with another test kit; a good one>
NO2 0, NH4 0. The fins on the fish have been deteriorating over the
last 3 months. Recently, the scales on the head are eroding like HLLE.
<I see this>
The fish are fed 2x a day New Life Spectrum cichlid blend.
<A fave; fab; what I fed my African Cichlids for years; both from Pablo
I'm beginning to think there is stray voltage in the tank.
For equipment there is an Iwaki 70 external pump, 40w ultraviolet uv,
Hydor power head, and a chiller. I tested the tank with a
multimeter in the past but didn't get a reading with the multimeter.
In retrospect however the chiller may have been off during the test.
Would the chiller be a viable cause?
<Highly unlikely>
How would I go about using a multimeter to test this (I want to be sure I
used it properly the first time around)?
Thanks again,
<What you have is almost assuredly "classical" metabolite poisoning. I
would either ditch the wet dry entirely or modify it, clean the
mechanical media... Daily... yes; every 24 hours... Do search, read re
trickle/wet-dry technology on WWM. Not appropriate for your setting.
Sorry for my didactic-ness this AM. Am running short... as usual. Please
do write back if you have further questions, need for clarification. Bob
Skin issue with coral twain reef cichlid. Please help!
I hope you can help me. I have had this wild caught coral twain reef
<I assume you mean Protomelas sp. 'Steveni Taiwan' , also known as the
Taiwan Reef Cichlid.>
now for a year and he has always seemed healthy and still does besides
this skin issue.
<Yes, I see. Looks like there's some erosion of the skin plus excess
As you can see from the picture, he's got a moldy fuzz appearance on his
eye as well as forehead, bottom fins, and side. It started with just the
discoloration on his side and now has progressed to what you see. The
tank parameters are 0 ammonia, 0 nitrates and nitrates. Ph is 8.0. I do
20 to 30% water changes every 2 to 3 days. I use 1 tablespoon of salt
per gallon,
<Why? You do understand that careless use of salt causes problems for
Malawian cichlids; do read up on Malawi Bloat.>
water conditioner, Malawi buffer,
<Assuming this is Malawi (or Rift Valley) salt mix, then you shouldn't
need to add the tablespoon of salt. If the buffer is simply pH 8 buffer,
then you are creating a problem. The pH of Lake Malawi is around 8,
that's true, but your job is to raise carbonate and general hardness
through the use of an appropriate mineral salt mix; do read here:
The Rift Valley Salt Mix is cheap and easy to make at home.>
stress zyme
<To the tap water?>
and ammonia neutralizer when needed.
<Ah now, this is worrying me. Are you adding ammonia neutralizer to tap
water? That's fine. But if you have non-zero ammonia levels in the
aquarium and think adding ammonia neutralizer will help, then you have a
Ammonia in aquaria should ALWAYS be managed through filtration,
typically, biological filtration.>
It wasn't always like this as up until 3 weeks ago, I always had .25
<Then your tank is overstocked, overfed, and/or under-filtered. It's
also why your Protomelas is sick.>
The tank has been setup for 1 year. I have searched everywhere and have
no clue. Anyone I have spoken to has never seen anything like it.
Please respond.
<Protomelas inhabit extremely clean water. They are sensitive to poor
water quality. They are also rather shy and peaceful, so you MUST NOT
keep them with aggressive fish like Mbuna or they will be stressed. I'd
bet all the money in my pockets that the problem here is environmental:
the tank is too small and/or under-filtered (hence the non-zero ammonia)
and that you've stressed this fish through the wrong water chemistry
(see above) and poor water quality and perhaps the wrong tankmates.
Review, and act accordingly.
As for medication, a combination of Metronidazole and Nitrofurazone
works wonders with cichlids, ideally, used in your quarantine tank
(which I presume you have if you've bought an expensive wild-caught
cichlid like this). Hope this helps, Neale.>
Re: Skin issue with coral Taiwan reef cichlid. Please help!
Thanks for the reply. After reading over my question again I realized I put
that I use a tablespoon of salt per gallon. This is incorrect. I use a
tablespoon per 5 gallon. It's regular aquarium salt. Not cichlid salt.
Should I not use it?
<Absolutely not; at least, not by itself. Aquarium salt (also called tonic
salt) is sodium chloride. This is the major salt that makes seawater salty
(there are actually dozens of other salts in seawater, though in smaller
amounts). Rift Valley cichlids are specifically adapted to the minerals of
the lakes; in the case of Lake Malawi, it's calcium salts that are the
majority, not sodium salts like sodium chloride. The real issue is the way
they effect osmoregulation, which is the process whereby the fish get the
right balance of minerals and water inside their cells. The wrong sort of
minerals outside the body, or the wrong amount of minerals, and the fish
either dehydrates or gets continually "flooded" with water (kind of like a
fish drowning, if you can imagine such a thing). If you go back and read the
Practical Approach to Water Chemistry article, you'll see that there's a
"salt mix" that includes baking soda (which is sodium bicarbonate), Epsom
salt (which is magnesium sulphate), and marine aquarium salt mix (which
includes both sodium salts and calcium salts). The amounts you need of each
is very small, teaspoon or tablespoon quantities per 5 gallons. So the mix
costs pennies a month. But the benefits for your Rift Valley cichlids will
be substantial and long-term. Don't change all the water chemistry at once,
but over the next few weeks, as you change out 20-25% of the water, replace
with new water that has this Rift Valley salt mix added. Cheap, easy and
effective -- not often I get to recommend something that's so simple!>
Also, it's a 75 gallon tank filtered by an Eheim pro 350 filter. There's
currently 16 fish in the tank. 2 yellow labs,
<Labidochromis spp. should be okay with Protomelas, but watch them.>
1 short body Flowerhorn, 1 blood parrot,
<Neither of these belong in here; remove them ASAP. Their behaviour is
somewhat milder than the Mbuna, especially the Blood Parrots which can be
easy targets for fin-biters like Pseudotropheus zebra>
3 red zebras,
<Pseudotropheus zebra; potentially extremely aggressive and incompatible
with Protomelas spp.>
1 red empress,
<Protomelas taeniolatus; another peaceful species.>
<Nimbochromis venustus; another peaceful species.>
1 red jewel,
<Hemichromis bimaculatus; doesn't belong here. A West African rainforest
species that does better in soft to medium-harm, around neutral water. Not
especially aggressive outside of breeding.>
1 blue Melanochromis, 1 albino Melanochromis and 1 regular female
<Melanochromis males can be psychotic, especially Melanochromis auratus;
Melanochromis johanni is somewhat less aggressive and could cohabit with
Protomelas in a large aquarium.>
1 socolofi,
<Pseudotropheus socolofi; not as psychotically aggressive as Pseudotropheus
zebra or Melanochromis auratus, so potentially viable with Protomelas given
lots and lots of space.>
1 female balloon Flowerhorn,
<See above; simply doesn't belong here.>
1 peacock.
<Aulonocara spp. should not be kept with most Mbuna, especially
Pseudotropheus zebra and Melanochromis auratus. Usually wind up battered or
simply so stressed their lifespan is appreciably shortened.>
The ammonia neutralizer is only put in once a week after a water change
added directly to the tank.
<Why? Do review water quality management, i.e., filtration and stocking, and
thereby ensure ammonia sticks at zero. Do understand "false positives" for
ammonia are possible with certain types of tap water (containing chloramine)
even after treatment. Does tap water register an ammonia level of zero
before and then after adding water conditioner? If there is *no* ammonia
detected in *both* those tests, but you *do* detect ammonia in the aquarium,
then filtration and/or stocking are wrong.>
All fish were added at the same time when they were babies so they have all
grown up together and there is literally almost no aggressiveness besides
for the 2 yellow labs chasing each other.
<Very surprised, to be honest, but every tank is different. That said, your
Protomelas is clearly stressed and that's why it's making extra mucous (the
white stuff) and collecting in "scars" or "pits" on the head (cf.
Hole-in-the-Head and Head-and-Lateral-Line diseases). In any event, your
aquarium sounds overstocked to me, and will be once some of these fish reach
full size -- an adult Flowerhorn needs a 75-gallon tank just for itself.
Hmm… what else… do get and read something on cichlid-keeping by the likes of
Paul Loiselle or Ad Koenig. "The Pocket Professional Guide to Cichlids" by
David Boruchowitz is another good book. If you're on a budget, "Fishkeepers
Guide to African Cichlids" by Paul Loiselle can be bought on Amazon.com for
a measly $0.03 plus shipping; while a bit dated in style and content, it
covers all the basics and Loiselle really knows his stuff. Once you've
decided you want to get serious about cichlids, then find "The Cichlid
Aquarium" by Paul Loiselle; not an easy read and not for beginners, but if
you know fishkeeping moderately well, this is the absolute bible on
cichlid-keeping and cichlid-biology. Out of print for years, but on Amazon
for under $20.>
<Welcome, Neale.>
Re: Skin issue with coral Taiwan reef cichlid. Please help!
My tap water has 0 ammonia,
<Before and after adding your water conditioner of choice?>
as well as the 75 gallon tank. I know the test is correctly measuring
ammonia as I have 5 other tanks and a couple are at .25 at the moment.
<Which implies the livestock are producing ammonia faster than the filter
can process it (i.e., convert it to nitrite and then nitrate). Review
stocking density, filter capacity and feeding regimen, then act accordingly.
One of these factors, perhaps more than one, is wrong.>
I have been using the Aquino ammonia neutralizer in the other tanks to make
the ammonia and nitrates less harmful until it comes down so I guess I just
got in the habit.
<Easily done.>
You are correct, I should not be using it if I don't need to.
<It's harmless in itself. But if you have persistent ammonia in your
aquaria, the problem is with water quality management. So rather than adding
chemicals, establish what the problem is (why there's more ammonia in the
tank than the filter can handle) and adjust the tanks accordingly.>
Now forgive me for questioning you as I know you have many more years of
experience then I do.
But if the setup currently works and everyone is getting along meaning the
5" male and 4" female Flowerhorns and 1 parrot then why remove them.
<Because the Flowerhorns won't be 5 inches for long and the Parrot won't be
small for long either. Flowerhorn Cichlids are hybrids as you probably know,
so their precise adult size can be difficult to predict, but it will be
around the 10-12 inch mark (males tending to be a little bigger than
females). Remember that the overall size of an animal (i.e., its mass)
increases as the cube of any changes in length. So while a 10-inch
Flowerhorn may be only twice as long as a 5-inch specimen, it's mass will be
EIGHT times than of the 5-inch specimen, and therefore it needs EIGHT times
the oxygen and produces EIGHT times the ammonia. Make sense? In any case, a
Flowerhorn singleton needs no less than 75 gallons, and a pair (inasmuch as
pairs exist with these very aggressive fish) will need twice that amount of
water, if not more -- and even then there are no guarantees the male won't
decide to murder the female one day.>
They keep to themselves and don't bother anyone or the Taiwan reef.
<These fish are all still young, by the sounds of it. Hmm… you know the game
of Russian Roulette? Let's say you play it once, and survive. Does that make
it a safe game? Same thing here. Because your young cichlids have so far
gotten along doesn't mean they will do indefinitely, and the odds are NOT in
your favour. You have a poor combination of species that reveals little
understanding of what particular cichlids need, i.e., not enough reading.
Mixing Aulonocara with Mbuna is a classic beginner's mistake. You may have
come across Mary Bailey in your reading on African cichlids. We've got a
trio of her articles here at WWM that you'll find useful:
Mbuna occupy a very specific niche that makes them both fun to watch and
difficult to mix with other cichlids. You may decide to try out your own
combinations and wait to see what happens. That's fine, but do be aware of
the problems, and when you see signs of stress or damage, be prepared to
make adjustments. Do understand that mixing Aulonocara with Mbuna, for
example, may not result in the immediate death of the Aulonocara, but rather
the Aulonocara tend to live shorter, less happy lives than if they were
properly kept.>
The issue you see on the Taiwan has always been there since I bought him a
year ago, besides for the eye part. You say it's excess mucous but there is
no white color to this. It's the same color as the purple scales. It's bumpy
and mold like looking.
<Yes. Do see previous e-mail with suggestions on medications. But the
immediate problem here is stress of some sort. More the Protomelas species
you have to a suitable "peaceful" Mbuna community and it should recover with
little if any need for medication.>
It looks like fungus but the same color as his body. Thanks again!
<Welcome. Cheers, Neale.>
African Chiclid Red Spots on African Cichlid 10/24/11
I was wondering if you have any idea what the red spots are on my
cichlid if they are dangerous to it and if so how to cure it.
Thanks Ben
< You have some sort of Lake Malawi cichlid. It is possibly a
cross and the red spots could be normal coloration and not a
disease at all. If he is acting normal without clamped fins or
showing any discomfort then I would just make sure the water is
hard and alkaline, and the nitrates are under 20 ppm. Add a
little rock salt to the water and he should be

Re: African Chiclid
Red Spots on African Cichlid II 10/25/11
The spots just appeared a couple of days ago and they look like
they are raised bumps
the only thing is he's not really eating. the ph is
6.0 but it always has been and the nitrates are fine
Thanks Ben
< Raised bumps are not part of this cichlids normal
coloration. The fact that he is not eating and raised bumps means
we might have an internal infection. This fish does better in
hard alkaline water. Long periods in acidic water may have
affected the immune system in your fish. In a hospital tank raise
the pH to at least neutral and treat with a combination of
Metronidazole and Furan-2.-Chuck
red sore on head with scrape & a white
dot on left fin of African cichlid
Africa Cichlid Care 10/21/11
Hi...my name is Kim & I have a 21 month old African Cichlid that
has been staying at the top of his 10 gallon tank for the past 2 days
or so. Today I noticed he has a red sore on left side of face &
what looks like a circle, as if a scab would have fell off. Also, a
white dot on the left fin & redness under same fin. Did notice a
red line on top of body, on both sides. His mouth looks bigger to me,
noticed him gasping once & last night, as I turned out the lights,
I heard a big splash! I just did a 25 percent water change. Prior to
this, the pH was 6.2 (which has been for a long time & he has been
fine), the nitrite was 0, alkalinity was 0, hardness was 75 & the
nitrate was 20-40 ( yesterday it was 20). My test kit does not include
ammonia. He is usually in his cave, (which, I'm hoping, he may have
just rubbed his face because he is getting big), or he is usually
picking up the gravel & moving it around, his name is Hades.
Yesterday I had added a bit of distilled water, since it was getting
low & I have been sick, so I am about a week late doing the monthly
cleaning & 50 percent water change. I also just added the 5 ml
amount of Stress Zyme+ & a teaspoon of AquaSafe, which are the only
chemicals I ever use. I feed him flakes every other day, but got
confused & may have fed him a small amount 2 days in a row,
didn't feed yesterday, fed today but he didn't eat. He is my
only fish & part of my little family. Can you please help? I
can't even eat or sleep. He has had me scared in the passed &
always pulled through. I always have used distilled tap water, but if I
have to clean tank & do another water change tomorrow, is it
alright to use the water you buy in the stores? Thank You!
Kim & Hades
< There are a couple thousand species of cichlids from Africa so
African Cichlid can mean many different kinds of cichlids with
different requirements. I assume you are referring to a rift lake
cichlid. Cichlids from Lake Malawi and Lake Tanganyika require hard
alkaline water. They are pretty tough and can probably handle your
distilled water treatment but would do better with water that is more
like the waters they come from. If your tap water is in the alkaline
range then start by doing water changes with treated tap water. This
should bring the pH up into the alkaline range. Add a teaspoon of rock
salt to the tank too. This will increase the body slime and help fight
off the bacterial infections you are seeing. If no improvement is seen
in a week then treat with an antibiotic like Furan-2 or
Dying Tropheus duboisi
Greetings Crew! I write in at a loss as to what is killing to my
Tropheus Duboisi. I currently have 6 (down from 8) young adults ranging
from 3 to 3 1/2" in a 55 gal tank with lace rock and a 3 in DSB
for just about a year.
Last Thursday I noticed that one had died (without my permission). So
after a minor panic attack I tested the water and did a 15% water
change. The only variance from my normal water readings was the
nitrates (1ppm)
Cichlids Dying Rapidly-- 03/20/11
Cichlid Tank Die Off
Hello. I have a 90gallon cichlid tank. I am running 2 Fluval filters a
405 and 305. I have sand from home depot and about 70 lbs of live rock
and couple lbs of other rock. I also have a Rena air 400 for air
supply. my pH is around 7.8. Nitrates are higher around 60-80ish,
nitrite is 0 and ammonia is 0. I have 25 African cichlids currently
from yellow labs, peacocks, scats and few others. I have never had and
problem with fish dying until the last few weeks. I purchased a 4 yr
old Calvus from a friend and seemed fine. The next morning I woke up
and found 3 fish dead.
I immediately brought him back because I figured he killed them. They
had no bite marks on them or anything noticeably wrong. Over the next
couple of day I lost another 5 cichlids all were fine the day before
and found dead with nothing wrong with them. It has been 2 weeks now
since anything else has happened.
What could of caused the death of 8 fish in little over a week? Could
the calvus had brought some sort of parasites to the tank? I keep the
salinity around 1.008ish brackish. I lowered it a little thinking maybe
the salt was burning their gills please help. Thanks Adam.
< Nitrates become a problem at anything over 20 ppm. Nitrates are
less toxic but they are still very harmful to your fish at these very
high levels. As your fish died the levels of ammonia and nitrites
continued to rise and added to the problem. The new fish could not
handle the nitrate level and died pretty quickly. The salt was not
helpful, in fact probably inhibited the FW bacteria needed to convert
the ammonia and nitrites to nitrates.-Chuck>
Re: Cichlids Dying Rapidly
Cichlids Quickly Die 3/21/11
I was able to scoop the dead fish out right away and my ammonia levels
and nitrites never changed from 0. None of the fish that died were new
either the tank has been set up for little over a year now. So does
more salt make the nitrates higher? I am unclear about the last
sentence sorry. Thanks for the fast response
< The high nitrates are the major cause of the tank crashing. The
new fish could not tolerate the excessive nitrate levels and quickly
died. When they died the ammonia levels had the potential to spike.
This only adds to the stress. The rift lakes are not brackish. They are
hard and alkaline. Salt increases the slime coat over the skin and
gills. This may have made your cichlids more tolerant of the high
nitrate levels. salt does not increase the nitrate levels.
Re: Cichlids Dying Rapidly
Cichlids Dying Rapidly III 3/22/11
There were NO new fish added that died. And I am unsure how long the
nitrites had been high for because I had never tested them. They are
still high. There are still 25 cichlids and there have been no problems
for about 2 weeks. I don't believe nitrates had anything to do with
this because they are still high and always have been. Most people are.
The ammonia and nitrites never changed.
< There are two different scenarios, sick fish or sick tank. When a
fish is sick the pathogen usually only affects old or weak fish that
become vulnerable to disease due to stress. A sick tank, one that water
conditions are not favorable to keeping aquatic organisms in an optimum
level is a sick tank that stress fish. When fish are stressed then they
are vulnerable to organisms detrimental to their overall health.
Nitrates in the 60 to 80 ppm is a problem. It may not have been a
problem in the past but it is one now. Losing 8 fish in a week would be
very rare due to a single disease. It is a sign that something is wrong
with the tank. You may live in an area with high nitrates in the tap
water due to living in an agricultural area where fertilizers have
leached into the groundwater. Check the nitrates of your tapwater. If
they are less than 60-80 then start to change the water to bring the
nitrates down. You asked the question and this is the best answer based
on the information you have provided. I would like to recommend the
book "Enjoying Cichlids" by Ad Konings. this book will help
you with all aspects of cichlid keeping.-Chuck>
Re: Cichlids Dying Rapidly
Cichlids Dying Rapidly IV 3/24/11
So the calvus may have contributed to the start of the overall health
problems is that what you are saying?
< The nitrates were already very high. The additional fish elevated
ammonia, nitrites and nitrates to the aquarium water. When you added
the new fish it just added to the problem and the levels just reached a
toxic level with the addition of the new fish sooner than if you had
not added the new fish.>
He bothered no one and he was gone after the 1st day because I thought
he killed 2 fish but 6 more died after he was gone.
< Big calvus can be killers if they are breeding and defending a
female in a shell or protective cave. If the calvus was a killer you
would have seen very obvious aggression towards the other fish.>
Nitrates out of my tap are 0 tested them and it is also the law you can
get sick from nitrates if you are to constantly drink water that has
< There are limits to how high the nitrates can be in domestic
drinking water. >
I have done several changes and nitrates have not changed.
< Your tap water is zero and the aquarium water is in the 60-80 ppm
range of nitrates. A 50% water change should have cut then in half just
by a matter of dilution. Something in the tank is contributing to the
excessive nitrates. This week clean the filters and change 1/3 of the
water. Next week vacuum the gravel and change another 1/3 of the water.
Dead fish, uneaten food and decomposing plant matter can increase
nitrogenous waste.
Also feed the fish once a day and only enough food so that all of it is
eaten in 5 minutes. Over a couple of weeks you should see a decrease in
the nitrates.-Chuck>
Sick Cichlids please help
Sick Cichlid Tank 11/11/09
Thank you for taking my question.
< No problem.>
I have two remaining African Cichlids (of 3 ) I have had for 5 years or
better. They are 4 inches long and live in 25 gallon tank. Recently we
added the algae eaters to reduce the algae in the tank.
< The algae problem can be traced to high nitrate levels. Keep the
nitrates to under 20 ppm. Ammonia and nitrites should be zero.>
The fish became erratic, swimming lifeless, barley holding on. We did a
complete water change and
complete cleaning of everything.
< Bad idea. You have now lost all the bacteria that break down
nitrogenous wastes. You now have a new tank and probably need to cycle
it all over again like a new aquarium.>
The two algae eaters died as well as one Chiliad. <?>
The water has been tested over and over again. The water numbers are
<Perfect equals zero ammonia and nitrites. Nitrates should be under
20 ppm.>
With n hours the fish are standing on there noses or laying on there
side and their fins laid back. If we transfer them into another tank
with fresh water they come around for about 4 to 8 hours and then back
to previous condition. Both have started to develop brown on there fins
and one has brown around its nostrils. Then after a while there skin
turns white in color. They are orange. This has been going on for three
weeks they are trying so hard to hold on and the sadness is they try to
help each other in the tank and recognize us. We have been back and
forth to the pet store they have run out of suggestions, we have read
on your site the diseases and some symptoms are the same but can not
cure them .Please please Help.
Thank you so much,
Jim and Carie Scott in Raleigh NC
< Lets start by checking the water. African cichlids like hard
alkaline water. The pH should be at least 7.0 or higher. The water temp
should be between 73 and 77 F. Use a very good water conditioner that
removes both chlorine and chloramines. Check tithe water source as well
as the aquarium.
The brownish coloration is a bacterial infection. If it is causing
these kinds of symptoms then the infection is very advanced. I would
recommend treating with Erythromycin or a Furanace antibiotic. Add
about 1 tablespoon of sea salt or rock salt to the aquarium. to
increase the slime coat.-Chuck>
Lake Victoria Cichlids - Still sick? 9/11/09
I just want to thank you in advanced. Here is my situation: I purchased
a group of 7 Pseudotropheus flavus Chinyankwazi and a group of 7
Pundamilia nyererei Ruti Island.
<Not in the same tank, I hope. Pseudotropheus come from Malawi,
which has different water chemistry to Lake Victoria, which is where
Pundamilia nyererei come from. So while often sold in the "African
Cichlid" section, they need different conditions to do well. There
are also substantial differences in temperament. While both aggressive,
Pseudotropheus flavus is much more aggressive than Pundamilia nyererei,
not to mention twice the length.>
The day I put them in, a noticed 1 of the Flavus swimming kinda funny
along with having a bloated stomach. The next morning, I caught him and
put him in one of the floating internal breeding houses; I worked all
day and came home to find him dead. I assumed it was bloat based on how
large is stomach was.
<Could be a variety of things. Physical damage could be one, i.e.,
internal bleeding, if coupled with bruises and damaged fins. If you put
these two species together, then that's definitely a possibility.
Another very
possible explanation is a negative reaction to water chemistry
Since the two fish need different water conditions, putting the
Victorian cichlids into Malawi water chemistry could be a shock, or
vice versa, exposing Malawians to the less hard, slightly above neutral
Victorians want. Careless use of salt can also cause problems: see
Malawi Bloat. Back in the day, people used to put "tonic
salt" in Malawi tanks, and it seems to have been a major cause of
mortality. Again, there are other issues to consider: nitrate
concentration, oxygenation, etc.>
There was one more flavus that was breathing hard and laying at the
bottom doing nothing - I treat with Metronidazole (using Jungles
Parasite clear) which seemed to do nothing.
<And will do nothing, unless the problem is specifically Protozoans
of the type treated by this medication, e.g., Hexamita.>
So I went and bought "General Cure" from API and the Flavus
made a come back and started to swim and eat.
<Again, no particular reason to expect a cure without knowing what
you're treating. Indeed, throwing in multiple treatments without
understanding why can do more harm than good. Much to be said for
removing sick fish to your hospital tank, observing, and then treating,
once you have a diagnosis.>
The whole tank was treated, however I noticed most of the Ruti Islands
with a white "nub" sticking out around the anus. There is no
red coloration, it is just white and almost looks like a bubble.
<Could be a prolapse; does happen. A common mistake with Mbuna and
especially Victorians is to give them mostly meat-based foods (e.g.,
flake) rather than what they really need, greens! Constipation leads to
digestive tract problems, that leads to bacterial infections, and in
the infections cause the prolapse.>
Each Ruti has this bump, and for some reason, it is not going away. I
want to say it's bloat, but the fish do not appear bloated. They
are swimming and they are always, always hungry. I have been doing 30%
and 50% water changes along with adding aquarium salts AND Epson
<What do you mean by "aquarium salts"? A Malawi tank
should only, repeat ONLY have proper Rift Valley salt mix used; see
Salt by itself, i.e., NaCl, can lead to problems, e.g., bloating. Do
review the literature on these two cichlid fish groups: there are
countless books out there.>
Nothing I do is getting rid of these little white nubs on my Rutis.
Any suggestions? I am sorry I cannot attach a picture, they just wont
stay still and catching them among a few hundred pounds of rocks is
nearly impossible. I do not want to stress them anyway.
<Do review the needs of the two fish groups being kept here,
especially in terms of diet, water chemistry. Likely some mismatch
responsible, either directly or in terms of susceptibility to ambient
bacterial infections.
Antibiotic treatment and a greens-based diet should help with the
Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Lake Victoria Cichlids - Still sick?
The Flavus and the Ruti can both be put into the same tank, see the
<These two links say nothing of the kind! If you look, there are
differences in size, aggression, and, if you read anything about Lake
Victoria versus Lake Malawi, water chemistry. Every single book or
magazine ever written about these two groups of fish recommends they
not be kept together. Sure, you can try, but it's dollars to
doughnuts that the much bigger and much more aggressive male
Pseudotropheus will bully, perhaps kill, the Pundamilia unless the
aquarium is of truly vast size (by which I mean 200 gallons upwards).
I've just finished editing an article by an experienced cichlid
keeper all about Lake Victoria cichlids. It'll be out in the
upcoming Conscientious Aquarist magazine, and I strongly suggest you
have a read when that happens.>
As you can see, water hardness, water PH, and temps are all relatively
the same.
<I'm relatively the same thing as a chimpanzee, but I don't
invite chimps to family reunions. The devil is in the detail, and
it's getting the details right that separates expert from casual
Both groups are fry, measuring around 1-1.5". There is no
aggression between the groups and there is no aggression within each
<Still sexually immature. I'm talking about once the males
become big enough to stake out territories.>
The fish were shipped to me in separate bags, so the chances that the
Flavus died because of injuries do to damage caused by other fish is
unlikely. Again, they were shipped in separate bags, so the Rutis and
the Flavus were never with each other until put into the tank. When I
did put them in, as I said, no aggression or fighting occurred within
or among both species.
I do, however, think that its possible that damage happened during
shipment; however, if this is the case, why did it only effect 1 fish
out of 14?
<The weakest fish is usually picked off first, then the next
weakest, and so on.>
I must say, that I do not think water chemistry has anything to do with
this. My PH is 8.2. My temp is 82 degrees F. 0 Ammonia, 0 Nitrite, and
Nitrate is around 5-10.
<The pH is a bit high for Victorian cichlids; the optimum is around
pH 7.5, 10 degrees dH. I note you're not mentioning either
carbonate hardness or general hardness, but merely pH. As you hopefully
realise, pH is largely unimportant when keeping fish except so far as
it is stable from week to week. Hardness and carbonate hardness are
substantially more important.>
The aquarium salt I used is the one that API sells (API Aquarium Salt).
I have never used table salt, and never will.
<API Aquarium salt is merely repackaged table salt. It's not the
same thing as Rift Valley salt mix. By all means combine with Epsom
salt and Baking Soda to produce a Rift Valley salt mix, but once the
box is done, for gosh sakes buy some marine salt mix; only the latter
has the full mix of trace elements, whereas aquarium salt has virtually
nothing useful. This issue has been discussed so many times,
there's really no need for you to reinvent the wheel.
Plain aquarium salt -- what you're using -- seems to one factor
leading to Malawi Bloat. Before aquarists understood the importance of
water chemistry, they did what you're doing, added aquarium salt to
Lake Malawi and Lake Tanganyika aquaria, and Malawi Bloat was a very
common problem.
Since switching to proper Rift Valley salt mixes (which you can buy, if
you don't want to make yourself) the incidence of Malawi Bloat has
become a lot less common. So please, just pick up a book on African
Cichlids (anything by Loiselle or Konings is good) and read the darn
thing, cover to cover.
Save yourself, and your fish, a lot of grief. You're making
beginner's mistakes here, and while I'm happy to help each and
every time, you'll be a lot more pleased with yourself if you can
pre-empt some of the possible problems.>
I have only fed them one thing, and one thing only: Omega One Super
I do not believe this food would cause any harm to either species.
<It's a good food. But do mix things up a little. Dried foods,
used constantly, can cause dietary problems. Fresh green foods are the
make-or-break additions to the diet with a lot of cichlids, reducing
the risk of vitamin deficiency and constipation.>
I have read some of your input to other people and will try to feed
smaller portions a few times a day. Maybe this will help?
<This is actually recommend practise, because at least some of these
cichlids have relatively short guts, being adapted to constant grazing.
So one or two big meals per day is largely a waste. So yes, a good
Should I try treating the tank with Nitrofurazone and see what that
<Yes, this can help treat a prolapse anus; as discussed here:
but do think carefully about what the triggering factors might be, and
act accordingly.>
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Reply to Victorian Cichlids... 9/15/09
General Hardness (GH) is 300 ppm.
<Is this calcium oxide or calcium carbonate? Technically it should
be calcium oxide, but for historical reasons many (most?) test kits
quote calcium carbonate equivalencies. That being said, 300 mg/l
carbonate would be ~18 degrees dH.>
Carbonate Hardness (KH) is 160 ppm.
<This is always calcium carbonate, and in this case, ~9 degrees
I do not know what these transfer in to as far as degrees, but I
believe they are pretty spot on.
<For what? Lake Malawi has hard, basic water, whereas Lake Victoria
is more neutral, moderately hard. It doesn't matter hugely, but my
point is that these lakes *are not the same*, and Lake Victoria is in
most regards a fairly typical large lake like many others in East
Africa. Lake Malawi (and Lake Tanganyika) are different in that the
geology of the area means their water picks up a lot more minerals as
it drains into the basin. Lake Malawi has about twice the mineral
content of Lake Victoria.>
Although I did not combine those 3 products (baking soda, marine salt,
and Epsom salt) I did put them in separately minus the baking soda;
I've been using marine salt and Epsom salt along with api's
aquarium salt. Seems as if I should just cut out the aquarium salt and
add the baking soda.
<Why? Rather than reinventing the wheel, I suggest you review the
Rift Valley cichlid salt recipe described on WWM, as well as on other
Rift Valley cichlid orientated web sites. The proportions of the
minerals isn't
absolutely critical -- for one thing, Lake Tanganyika and Lake Malawi
have very different mineral contents anyway -- but I would use all
three. The cost is negligible, so what's to lose? If you have hard
water out of the tap, you might not need to use so much, and what is
suggested for 5 gallons here at WWM might be fine for 10, even 15
2 different Flavus have created little round "nests" in the
sand already.
However, I have yet to see any aggression thus far.
Im not saying that it wont happen, but for now they seem fine and are
coloring up nicely.
I purchase the fish from Dave's Rare Aquarium Fish (in San Antonio)
and I discussed the inhabitants of the tank before making my final
decision. Dave was comfortable with the Flavus and the Ruti mix and
noted that they should do well together.
He knows his fish, so I trust his opinion.
They're in the tank now, so its my problem if they start
fighting...something tells me, however, that they'll leave each
other alone (just as they are now).
<Let's see. The nature of my work here at WWM is to provide
advice that works in as many situations as possible. I certainly do
things at home I'd not recommend other aquarists do! So if I'm
over-cautious, that's the reason why. But the flip side is this:
I'm cautious because each day we get dozens of "problem
fish" e-mails, and aggression is one of the most common problems.
If I say that two fish might not get on, it's not because I'm
trying to sell you another fish tank, it's because I know that
there's a risk of things going awry. Please do understand this.
With that said, by all means see what happens, and honestly, I do hope
it works out. Both species you're keeping are colourful and
Thanks again Neale,
<By the way, do stop by the new CA magazine, here:
There's a piece on Victorian cichlids by Daniella Rizzo in there
you might enjoy.
Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Reply to Victorian Cichlids... 9/15/09
Yea, I'll hope for the best, and I'll keep you updated
(hopefully with pictures soon).
<That would be nice.>
Where is the best place to get Nitrofurazone if you don't mind me
<No idea; here in the UK, it's a prescription-only medication.
In the US, Aquarium Pharmaceuticals market at least one version, called
Furan-2 I believe. There may well be others.>
You have been most helpful. Much appreciated.
<Good luck! Neale.>
Lake Malawi Tank Problems 7/11/09
Hi, my name is Chris and I've been keeping African cichlids for
about 2 years. I have a 135 gallon tank witch is a little over stocked
about 300 inches of fish. It has a Fluval FX5 and a Rena Filstar XP3 as
well as 2 hydro sponge filter 5s for filtration. I do a weakly/every
other week 40% water change. I feed mostly Kens fish cichlid pellets
and occasionally soak them in a vitamin complex. Well last week after
doing a 30 percent water change and complete gravel vacuum I started to
lose about 3 fish a day. When I find them, they have their mouths wide
open and extended and look a little bloated but not much and all there
fins have red streaks in them(normally clear fins) even the pectoral
fins. I tested the water and it read: ammonia .12, nitrite .3, nitrate
5 and pH is 7.6. I added a uv sterilizer and some aquarium and Epsom
salt. but I'm still losing fish. also right before they die they
swim upside down and listlessly for at least an hour. also only the
fish 3" or bigger have died. the smaller fish 2-3" have bean
any help would be appreciated..Thanks, Chris
<You may have wiped out our biological filtration when you cleaned
the tank. The ammonia and nitrites should be zero. The high readings
are weakening the fish and may be causing secondary bacterial
infections. Try smaller water changes (20%) but do them twice a week.
Don't feed for a few days until the readings start to level
<Nitrite likely> were a little higher then usual which come to find out
that my Pleco was not eating the algae tabs so they were rotting on the
bottom. After removing the Pleco and changing the water and sucking up
the leftovers I figured that I had the issue solved till another one
died on Saturday. As of Monday they weren't eating so I tested the
water again and found the nitrates were .5 ppm, 0 nitrites and
chlorine, KH 150, pH 7.5. So not sure what else to do I removed all the
rock and did a thorough cleaning and changed 50% of the water. As of
this morning only 3 will eat, 2 have no interest in food and one is way
pale sitting on the bottom looking like its about to expire (again with
out my permission). I have 8 other tanks ranging from 10 to 125 gal all
running with various Rift Valley Cichlids that are eating and not
dying. The only thing I have done to the tank is add another basket of
crushed coral to the Emperor 400 filter I have on it to raise the pH up
a bit but I did that several weeks ago. As far as fish food I use Omega
One algae flakes and kelp flakes. Kind of at a loss as to what I should
When I took the dead ones out they weren't bloated or chewed up,
with out being a vet I didn't see anything abnormal. Would having
that uneaten food in there cause that much of a disturbance that they
would stop eating altogether? Should I just keep doing 10-15% waters
changes every couple days? What would prevent them from eating or at
least trying to eat beside swim and breed its all they have to think
about. if only our life was that easy :)Thanks Paul
< There should never be left over food in a Tropheus tank. Feed only
enough food so that all of it is gone in 5 minutes. Let some algae grow
on the rocks. Tropheus have very long digestive tracts. It is easy for
a problem to develop in such a long gut. Everything else looks fine.
The rest of the Tropheus could be treated with Meronidazole and
Nitrofuranace. Once they start to eat again you are
My African cichlids... hlth.? Env.
2/19/08 hello I have a question. my cichlids are rubbing against
the rocks and shaking what do I do?. I have just added CopperSafe how
long will it take before I could do a water change?. and if this works
how long will it take before the sickness will go away?. I have a 72
gal bow with 50 cichlids and my tank is about 1 month old. please help.
<Hang on a second. This tank is one month old, contains 72 US
gallons for water, and contains 50 cichlids? Given that even with small
fish you wouldn't keep more than an inch of fish per gallon, with
African cichlids this stocking density is insanely high. So first
things first: tell me about water chemistry and water quality. Fish
'flash' (as this rubbing or scratching behaviour is called)
when they are irritated. Sometimes the irritation is caused by
parasites, but often by sudden changes in pH or poor water quality
(ammonia and nitrite especially). Assuming these are Rift Valley
cichlids, how are you stabilising the pH? What is the pH level
immediately after a water change, and what is the pH a week after a
water change -- this will tell you how stable the pH is. All aquaria
become acidic over time, and with African cichlids slowing this
acidification is essential. So you need to ensure you have lots of
carbonate hardness. What is the carbonate hardness in your tank?
That's measured in degrees KH, and shouldn't be confused with
general hardness (degrees dH) although you need to know that, too. For
African cichlids, a general hardness of around 20 degrees dH and a
carbonate hardness of at least 7 degrees KH is required. Next up, what
about filtration? What is the nitrite concentration in this tank? What
about the nitrate? How much water do you change per week? (Should be at
least 50%.) What is the capacity of the filter? Minimum should be 6
times the volume of the tank in turnover per hour, but realistically 10
times the volume is what a heavily stocked cichlid tank really needs.
I'm asking you all this stuff because your fish are likely
irritated/ill because of environmental issues rather than disease by
itself. In any case, I feel your tank is massively overstocked, and
unless you're a very expert fishkeeper rearing large numbers of
juvenile fish that will be sold before they get too big, this tank just
won't work. Cheers, Neale.>
My African Cichlid, env. dis. 2/1/07 I have a 55 gallon
tank with an AquaTech 60 filter, two under gravel filters <Mmm, not
advised with this group of fishes... too reductive, fishes dig up
substrate/media...> each driven by a submersible power head, an
aeration stick and an aeration tube on one of the power
heads. I currently have one Tiger Barb and one African
Cichlid left. I believe my cichlid is from Lake Malawi but
I'm not sure which species. It is about 5 inches long,
orange with very faint tiger stripes (you can see them early in the day
when the tank lights are off). It also has egg spots on
it's lower rear fin (male). A few months ago I learned a very good
lesson. I let the tank go and the nitrates got too high.
<Ah, yes> My cichlid became poisoned and it's
tail was anchored to the bottom of the tank so to speak. I removed it
from the 55 gal and placed it into a ten gal. I did not know
what was going on so I treated for Ich for a while,
nothing... I treated with a penicillin type antibiotic
<Not useful for Ich> thinking infection and nothing, he started
laying on his side. I then did some research on your site
and found out that the nitrates were too high and that is what
happened. In the mean time he became weaker and developed a
viral infection. I treated with recommended type of meds
from your site. <There are no fish medications for viral complaints
(as yet)> He got too weak and would not swim at
all. His body looked better just would not swim or
eat. He stayed like this for probably 2
months. He was emaciated and I thought I would end the
suffering. I was going to dispose of him when I thought
I'd try something. I caught him by hand and was just
about to pull him up and decided to get a stick of food. I
held it to his mouth and he ate it right away. I continued
this for a week and he was soon swimming around pretty
good. I then started just adding food to the tank and he
could swim and get it just fine. I decided it was time to
get him back into the 55 gal tank. I adjusted the 10 gallon
temp so it stabilized with the 55. Performed a water change
etc and transferred him over. He has been there for three
weeks now. He still seems to have his tail pointing down at
approx a 45 but seems to be generally happy. I use a
waterbed siphon on the faucet to power my vacuum the tank and perform a
25-30% water change regularly. <Good technique... do vacuum the
gravel> PH is about 7.5 to 8, Nitrites 0, Ammonia - 0, Nitrates <
15. I have aquarium salt in the tank at the recommended
levels also. I have standard epoxy coated aquarium gravel in
the bottom. <Natural is better for the species listed> His
problem is that over the last few days, his lips have become swollen as
if someone injected them with collagen and made them look
fat. Also, if the tank lights are on say from say 8:00 AM to
9:00 PM or later his color fades and he looks like he is turning
white. When we limit the light his color stays more
brilliant. Do you have a possible scenario for what is happening?
<Reads like this fish is recovering... Takes time> I sometimes
during water changes run water straight from the faucet to the tank and
squirt the chlorine remover into the tank as I am doing so (squirt here
or there). Could I have too much of this chemical in the
water? <Not likely... better to have a bit too much than too
little> Any help would be appreciated. Thanks! D.G. <I would
continue on as you've been doing. Do investigate (read on WWM...)
re African Cichlid Systems... Bob Fenner>
cichlids 1/17/07 Leaves Hi Team, <Mark> I am
desperate for some help from you concerning my cichlids. Yesterday I
lost my Peacock cichlid very suddenly in a matter of minutes. He was
about 3 years old and in good health up until about 2 weeks ago when I
noticed he was off his food and a bit lethargic. There were no other
signs of obvious illness. I immediately tested the water and the only
problem with the water was an extremely high level of phosphate of 5+.
<Yikes! This is very high> Otherwise the water's Ph is
7.2 Ammonia - 0 Nitrite -
0 Nitrate - minimal. My worry is I have a Bumble bee
catfish, ?(Nimbochromis polystigma)<Mmm, not a catfish... a cichlid:
showing exactly the same symptoms of lethargy and loss of appetite and
am afraid he will also die soon. Have put a pouch of Bio-Zorb in
tank. As we are experiencing a severe draught here in
Geelong and with water levels extremely low, the water board are
pumping water from other areas and we were wondering if the water
quality is contributing to the problems we are experiencing. <I do
believe this could be so... better to mix/blend in some water of known
better quality... Perhaps RO?> My other fish appear to be fine for
now. They include - Silver Sharks, Silver Dollar, Jewels, Jack Dempsey,
Rainbow Cichlid and Upside-down Sailfin Catfish. I would really
appreciate any help as I fear time is running out for me to save Bumble
bee. regards, Nola <... are these fishes in the same system? They
like a wide range of water chemistries... the Africans... quite a
bit/mix of salts, hard, alkaline water... The silver dollar... about
the opposite... Bob Fenner>
Re: Sick cichlids - 1/18/07 Hi Bob and Crew, Thanks so
much for the prompt reply and advice. Further to my cichlid problem, my
girlfriend and I discovered after continuing with water testing
regularly, that even though the General Hardness (GH) for all our tanks
are in the appropriate range for the fish in the tanks, the Carbonate
Hardness (KH) was at the opposite end of the scale and very low,
anywhere between 20-50ppm. This includes the water in all the 7 tanks
from tropical, marine, rift and goldfish that we own between the two of
us. Our question is how do we raise the KH without altering the GH and
upsetting the ph level? <Mmm, the easiest approach is again to begin
with water of overall low hardness (the cheapest is likely reverse
osmosis... your own unit), and add a source of Ca, Mg... carbonates,
bicarbonates... either a mix you can make up or a commercial prep....
If you're so concerned> I also heard today that bore water is
being used in our water now due to the draught conditions. I also need
to clarify my earlier email, where I mentioned about what I used to
help with my excessively high phosphate level; it was Phos-Zorb, not
Bio-Zorb (my mistake). regards, Nola <No worries... Do make a pass
over the FW chemistry sections posted on WWM, Maintenance... a bit of
background in the basics will serve you well here. Bob Fenner>
Problems adding first
fish 5/28/06 Hi, <Hello> After cycling my new aquarium (38
gal) for about 3 weeks, the ammonia and nitrite levels were both 0 and
nitrate was about 20 ppm. <OK> I then changed 50% of
the water, and yesterday I added some fish (3 yellow labs and 2
socolofi, all juveniles). Well, this morning I woke up to
find all of the labs and one of the socolofi dead. I removed
the dead fish and tested the water again. Ammonia: 0 ppm,
nitrite: 2 ppm. I immediately did a huge water change (about
75%). The other socolofi looks ok for now, but what
happened? What should I do now? Confused... <What
happened was too many fish to fast. The biological
filtration couldn't keep up with the addition of 5 new
fish. The tank had a mini cycle as evidenced by the nitrite
reading. The last fish will probably be fine but give the
new tank time to catch up. Don't add anything for a
couple of weeks, then it will be ok to add 1-2 new fish, after proper
quarantining of course.> <Chris>
Malawi Cichlid Tank Freaking
Out 9/19.5/05 Hello, I have a 46/48 gallon tank. I had 7
cichlids in the tank, for about 10 months now. I had 2
tiger, 2 orange, 1 albino, and 2 yellow with black stripe on
top fin. As of 3 days ago, I have lost 4 fish!! They seem to be gasping
for air. They look as though they are having a seizure. One
of my tigers actually jumped out and committed suicide!! I
had 3 live plants in the tank and a lot of algae built up
so, I cleaned the tank, and now only have one live plant. I
also have a sand bottom. I do clean the tank,
vacuum and scrub algae. I had a Plecostomus but, the fish
attacked and killed the two I once had in the tank
to control algae. I tested the water and all seemed o.k. I
changed the filter as well as did a partial water change. I
am losing all of my fish as I only have 3 out of 7 left and
the last 3 are freaking out, trying to jump out of the
tank and laying on the floor of tank and seizing!!!! What is
going on? I had such a healthy tank! I don't understand!
HELP! < Check the ammonia, nitrites and nitrates. The ammonia and
nitrites should be zero. The nitrates should be under 20 PPM. The pH
needs to be around 7.5 to 8.0. The water temp should be around 75 to 77
F. If all of these check out then check the food. They should be feed a
food high in vegetable matter like Spirulina algae. Your filters should
be pumping at least 150 gallons per hour. Mbunas are susceptible to
protozoa infections like Ich without showing any symptoms. When they
are less stressed I would try treating with rid-Ich by
Malawi Cichlid Tank Freaking Out-Don's Two
Cents 9/19.5/05 Hello, I have a 46/48 gallon tank. I had 7
cichlids in the tank, for about 10 months now. I had 2 tiger, 2 orange,
1 albino, and 2 yellow with black stripe on top fin. As of 3
days ago, I have lost 4 fish!! They seem to be gasping for air. They
look as though they are having a seizure. One of my tigers actually
jumped out and committed suicide!! I had 3 live plants in the tank and
a lot of algae built up so, I cleaned the tank, and now only
have one live plant. I also have a sand bottom. I do clean
the tank, vacuum and scrub algae. I had a Plecostomus but, the fish
attacked and killed the two I once had in the tank
to control algae. I tested the water and all seemed o.k. I
changed the filter as well as did a partial water change. I am losing
all of my fish as I only have 3 out of 7 left and the last 3
are freaking out, trying to jump out of the tank and laying
on the floor of tank and seizing!!!! What is going on? I had such
a healthy tank! I don't understand! HELP! Thank you for
such a quick response. I just lost another fish. =( <I copied your
original question above to keep things clear to our readers. If I'm
reading your question correctly all this happened suddenly after you
cleaned the tank and filter. Sounds like a chemical contamination. It
could also be pH shock, but less likely IMO. I would start doing large
water changes, 60 to 75%, add fresh charcoal and cross my fingers. If
your filter has a basket for extra charcoal, load it up. Change every
few hours. If you see any improvement do another equally large water
change right away. Keep this up until the fish can breath normally. But
there is a problem with this approach. If your first water change
caused a pH shock, then all these water changes will kill them. But at
this point it seems they are headed there anyway. And it really does
sound like something got into the water. Don>
African Cichlids itching Hi, <<Hello!>> I
have a 55 gallon African Cichlid tank which has been running for
approximately 6 months now. I have 18 fish in it with the
average length being 3" long. <<Whew, that's a lot of
fish in a 55g. You *might* be OK for now but if these fish get any
larger (and they will quite rapidly) you're going to have to move
some of them. Crowding tends to be the norm in African Cichlid tanks
because it helps cut down on aggression but on the other hand it's
not as good for your Cichlids health and can cause water quality
problems.>> They consist of mostly fish from Lake Malawi and a
few from Lake Tanganyika. I run a Fluval 404 filter with bone charcoal,
media and cotton in it. I change 25% of the water faithfully
every 2 weeks and the filter approx. every 6-7 weeks. The pH
is stable at 8.2 and the hardness is on the very hard scale on my test
kit. I use the African Rift salt in the water (1 tbls. Per 5
gallons). The ammonia test kit shows a very slight trace of
ammonia in the water. The nitrites are very low and the
nitrates are in the safe zone. <<What are you
considering slight trace and very low? Both the ammonia and nitrites
readings should be at 0ppm. These being any higher than 0 could be
caused in part by the amount of fish in there (Cichlids can be quite
messy) and most likely overfeeding.>> Now that all being said,
I've started to notice that some of the fish glance off the gravel
and some of the decorations in the tank as if they are itching
themselves. <<This is not an entirely unheard of
thing in Cichlids. Some of them do it just for fun, others do it
because something is wrong. When I used to keep Africans I had a couple
that did this a lot (in between them re-arranging their tank!). In your
case this could possibly be the start of an outbreak of Ich but my best
guess would be that it's caused by some other discomfort such as
the ammonia and nitrites or the crowding.>> I went to my local
pet store where I purchased most of the fish and they said there could
be some sort of parasite in the water which could be causing them to
itch. They gave me some drops to add to the water to treat the tank.
They have a chemist make this medication up which has a wide variety of
uses. You could use it to treat Ich, fight fungus, fight
parasites. it could be used every time new fish are added as a
preventative purpose. Well I have treated the tank 3 times
(did partial water changes in between) and some still occasionally itch
themselves. Now is this normal behavior or do I have a real
problem? I read somewhere else that fish shimmying or
shaking are tied in with the itching, this isn't the case with my
fish though. They just glance off of objects in the
tank. Please help. <<See above for possible causes. My
suggestion would be to get the ammonia/nitrites down and move some of
the fish to a different tank if possible, if not, sell them. Try to get
the tank down to about 12 in it for now. You may have to move more
later but for now this would work. I think this will greatly help their
comfort and they'll be much happier. Keep an eye on them for any
other symptoms of disease but I doubt you'll see any. Also, read
thru http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/afrcichlids.htm
and the related FAQ's for more info on Africans. If you do the
steps above and the fish keep glancing off items but still show no
signs of disease then don't worry about it, they're just having
fun. Just enjoy watching them as this behavior can often be quite
comical, especially in Cichlids!>> Thanks, Dave
<<You're welcome! Ronni>>
Re: African Cichlids itching Thank you Ronni! <<Glad I
could help.>> I actually have one more cichlid tank with only 2
fish in it (Juveniles). They are almost 2 inches now so they
should be able to take a couple non-aggressive tank mates.
<<Sounds like a good place. One thing I should have suggested
earlier and forgot, (never answer e-mail before your first cup of
coffee!) I would highly recommend quarantining any that you move before
you put them in with other fish. This is just to be on the safe side
and make sure that the scratching you're seeing is not being caused
by the early stages of Ich or some other disease. I also keep a
tropical tank which I have no troubles with. <<Sounds like
you're having fun. Keep up the good work! Ronni>> Dave
African Cichlid Losses Hello Bob. I am Eric Rood's
Nephew, and he told me about your website and how you are the man that
can help me. <Ahh, glad to make your acquaintance> I have
had a 75 gallon tank set up for about 11 months. I have a magnum 350
filter system. I have been having trouble with deaths in the tank. one
here or there, but now I just had one die, and two are looking very
skinny and breathing quite rapidly. I only feed the fish New Life
SPECTRUM Cichlid Formula and I am wandering what am I doing wrong. Am I
getting bad fish with copper poisoning from a pet store? <Mmm,
maybe... sounds like a "general environmental" problem of
some sort. Do you have copper testing data? I would check this,
dissolved oxygen, other physical variables here> Do I need a
different food regimen. Uncle Eric said you were the one to talk to so
I would greatly appreciate any help that you could give my way. email
back any questions you have for me. Thanks for reading this email and
have a great day. PS I had 11 fish in the tank. Nathaniel Rood <Do
write back with what sorts (cichlids I take it) of fishes you have
lost. I do suspect the root problem/cause here IS environmental. Need
to know more about your source water quality, history of maintenance.
Bob Fenner>
African Cichlids Hello <Hi!> My name is Tim my question
is some of my cichlids seem to be standing straight up and gasping for
air. It started with one and now there is a couple more. I have taken
water sample into be checked and this seem to be ok ph about 7.2 -7.5 I
added some salt to take filter system as suggested. And shut one filter
down we are running a pair of penguin 170. One thing I have noticed is
there seems to be a large amount of clear slime algae. Sorry
forgot to say it is a 55 gallon tank. Any help or suggestion would be
helpful. Thank You, Tim <You said your water 'seems to be
OK' but what exactly were the readings. Ammonia and nitrites should
both be at 0ppm. Also, your pH is WAY too low for African Cichlids. It
should be up around 8.2. This needs to be brought up but it needs to be
done gradually. You should have both filters running and what kind of
salt did you add? To what salinity? Was it done gradually or all at
once? The clear slime is probably just detritus and should be vacuumed
out. Ronni>
Cichlid troubles? Hi, I have a 30 gallon
tank. There are four fish total and two of them are
cichlids. About three days ago the largest cichlid (some
type of African) started to shake or convulse every couple of
seconds. this died down and he now only does it when I put
food in the tank. But this seems to scare him away and he
has stopped eating. I don't understand why. I have done
a massive water change, and ph is good (7.1-7.2). <This
is probably at least part of the issue.... Rift lake
cichlids are adapted to very high pH levels - depending upon what area
they're from, 8.5 or higher is not unheard-of. Please
try to find out what species this is, or at least what lake it's
from, so you can decide if it will prosper in your tank, or whether
it's compatible with the other fish you have (in terms of water
requirements).> A zero on the nitrate levels, the temp is steady at
80. <What about ammonia and nitrite?> and
the water is very slightly brackish. <Urm,
*how* brackish do you mean? Do you know the
salinity/specific gravity? This, too, might be an issue.>
There are no visible signs of disease, and all the other fish including
the other cichlid (bumble bee cichlid) <Ah, Pseudotropheus crabro -
a Lake Malawi native - fishbase.org says this should be in a pH range
of 7.5-8.2; 7.2 isn't terribly far off that, so this fish might not
be affected by the pH issue.> show these signs. thanks
for your time Dan Guziec <Please do try to identify,
research this fish - this really sounds like irritation due to
environmental conditions. Hopefully can be
fixed. -Sabrina>
African cichlid illness? I have African Cichlids that shimmy
left to right with no forward movement. I have already lost
2 fish. My water temp is 80 degrees. PH is 7.8, <you did
mention that these are African cichlids - do you know which species you
have? Or at least what lake (Tanganyika, Malawi, Victoria?)
they're from? The rift lake cichlids like rather high pH
- along the lines of 8.5 or so - so that might be part of the
issue.> no nitrates and no ammonia. <What about
nitrite? Also, just to check, are you using a water
conditioner for chlorine and chloramine?> Fish have not lost
appetite, they eat twice daily (pellets) occasionally brine shrimp and
bloodworms. I have made 60% water changes
monthly. <Do smaller changes more often - 25% every
couple weeks would be good to aim for.> I tried several treatments
of Parasite Clear. It doesn't seem to be
working. <This doesn't sound like a parasite to me;
rather, it sounds like an issue with the water. I know there
are special 'salts' available for rift lake cichlid tanks, this
and a higher pH may help (hopefully eliminate) the
problem. Other than that, I'm rather at a loss, I'm
afraid; not sure what else you could do.> Any suggestions would be
greatly appreciated. I am new to the Cichlids and have only
had the tank about 3 months. Thanks in advance for your
help. <I do hope making the water a bit closer to their natural
conditions is all that treating this takes. Wishing you
well, -Sabrina>
Kribensis with swim Bladder Disorder I have a female
Kribensis that appears to have developed swim bladder
disorder. She is staying on the bottom of the tank and she
has all of the symptoms of swim bladder Disorder. <What symptoms is
she exhibiting.> I had a very busy schedule that I did not take care
of my fish like I regularly do. Unfortunately my ph level
dropped to 6. instead of 7. <A slow change is not as bad as a rapid
swing in PH.> I did a 1/2 of a water change and noticed that the
female Kribensis was gasping at the bottom of the tank. I
have not seen anything like this in my tank before and all of the other
fish are fine. I have a 56 gallon tank with a variety of
fish. What is the best way to treat this? I have
read the pea method is useful with Bettas. Would this also
maybe work with the Kribensis? How do I know that I am not
too late. (has had for 4 days) <I am not convinced that
it is a swim bladder problem, the lethargy and labored breeding sound
like a problem with the water quality. Have you tested your
water for Ammonia, Nitrite, and Nitrate? Water changes will
fix water quality issues and hopefully turn the fish
around. Let us know what symptoms she is exhibiting, maybe
we can come up with a more specific fix. Also, try searching
on wetwebmedia.com for swim bladder, I am sure you will find a ton of
information. Best Regards, Gage>
Kribensis with Swim Bladder Disorder II She is swaying back
and forth as if she does not have her balance. The other day
she was bloated and I thought she might be getting ready to lay
eggs. Then she is back to normal size. She is
also gasping. Her normal bright colors are not as pronounced
as normal and I have now placed her in a holding tank by herself but
she is still in the same tank so as not to stress her out by changing
water conditions. We normally keep our tank very
well. Now we have done a 1/2 of a tank change and added our
normal salt to the water and the PH is back to 7. I have
placed a couple of peas in with the female Kribensis and unfortunately
she is not eating them. <I would be best to remove this fish to a
separate quarantine tank for treatment and observation. I
would start adding Epsom Salt to the water, around 1 tablespoon per
10gallons to see if that improves her condition. Are her
scales protruding at all, like a pinecone? Were you able to get the
Ammonia, Nitrite, and Nitrate readings? It would be good to rule out
water quality issues.-Gage>
Blue Ram / Kribensis with swim bladder disorders? Thanks for
your quick response Gage. <Sabrina here this time - Gage
and I have been working together on this one, and he's asked me to
respond as he's busy at work right now, and we wanted to get back
with you quickly.> Unfortunately my ram died this
morning. <I'm so sorry to hear that....> About 10
days ago when the problem of the ph was taken care of we did do a
spectrogram treatment two times. We did not do a third due
to the sensitive nature of the rams. <I'd give it
another go; spectrogram is a combination of Kanamycin sulfate and
Nitrofurazone, both of which are mild on fish and shouldn't be
harmful to your rams. Even better, though, would be if you
could find some medicated antibacterial food, if this is a bacterial
infection of the swim bladder, that'd be more likely to help.>
Unfortunately the problem is still there. When I did a
nitrite, nitrate test my levels were low/undetected <Any nitrite at
all is dangerous. If it's not zero, please do try to get
it down (water changes). Nitrate is much less harmful, and
doesn't get to be a problem until it's quite high, so no
worries there.> the ammonia was between 0 and .25 level.
<Again, this must be zero, do water changes (daily, perhaps) if
it's anything above zero.> I am at a loss for
solutions.... It is something that I do not
know. Tonight when I came home from work my male Kribensis
was acting strange. He was displaying some of the same
symptoms. He was not bloated but he was gasping and
pale. He was not floating up or laying on the bottom of the
tank. When I isolated him in a little floater tank inside my
58 gallon tank he was upset he did not like being
confined. He did sit still with his tail slightly up above
head level. Do you think another treatment of
Spectrogram? <Perhaps, or possibly try Maracyn-Two from
Mardel, since the spectrogram doesn't seem to have had an
effect. My preference, though would be to find an
antibacterial food. Jungle makes a stuff called "Pepso
Food", which may help, but in and of itself, I don't think
it'll do the trick. Aquatronics used to make an
antibacterial flake, but I don't know if it's still produced or
not.> I have heard not to medicate too much. Would this
be over medicating our tank or affecting our under gravel
biofilter? <Most meds do affect the
biological filtration of a tank. It has been my experience
that spectrogram doesn't affect it much at all, but prolonged use
might, I'm not sure. I'm also not certain how the
Maracyn-Two would affect things. Just test your water every
day, maybe twice a day, if necessary, and be prepared with water for
water changes if anything goes out of whack.> Thanks Debbie <Gage
and I wish you luck, Debbie. -Sabrina>
Prolific cichlids and a problematic UGF? Good day, I'm
Andrew and I can use your help in an effort to solve problems that I
have been having for a long time in my overstocked African Cichlid
Malawi Tank. If you would be so kind as to read my information and
reply with your suggestions I would be grateful .. Thanks. <Sabrina
here tonight, shivery and cold (and refusing to acknowledge it and turn
on the heater)> PROBLEMS: Africans develop growths in
their mouths, nose, and face area. Some get clamped fins, others have
red streaks, fin rot has occurred, and fungus. All over a period of
years. <So, what are the problems *right now*? Whatever
the deal, it most certainly all sounds like the issues have been/are
stemming from environmental conditions in the tank.> No outside fish
have been added since the original fish in August 2000.15 fish started
the tank between June - August 2000. 5 males,10 females. Yellows,
Orange, Blues, Kenya, Fuelleborni were the choices. After many
deaths, births, and removals, there are 35-45 fish 1" in size or
more. Weekly fry additions from 10-20. <Holy
moly. You did say overstocked, didn't you!> TANK AND
EQUIPMENT: 135Gal. Filtration; Fluval 404 canister with
Chemi-pure, Emperor 400& Penguin 170 power filters. Hagen under
gravel filter (could this be the problem?) <Could be a contributor,
with such a fish load, I'm sure there's gobs of gunk under the
plate, lots of nitrates....> 2 Aqua clear402 power heads. Ebo
heater, 100 plus pound of gravel. Plastic plants, large rocks, 2 Tetra
Tec deep water pumps. Canopy with 2, 24" & 2, 48"
fluorescent light fixtures. MAINTENANCE: Weekly water change
of 25-30%....Amquel, Jungle start right, Proper ph 8.2 added after.
<Mix up your water change water in a container before adding to the
tank, so you can adjust the pH before putting it in to avoid shocking
the fish. Might want to consider more natural means of
raising pH and/or buffering capacity of the water, as well.>
**Note** Because of the fry, and the plastic mats that the hide under,
I do not use my Python to gravel vac. This could be one of the
problems.. <Definitely.> But to disturb the plastic mats that the
fry hide under, they will run and become a meal for a larger fish.
<Why not remove those fry to a separate rearing
tank? Poor water quality is just as much a threat as hungry
adults> WATER LEVELS: Water is in the proper range based
on readings from my test kit. <What are the exact readings,
especially for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and pH?> Here in Anaheim
California we have very bad water. White calcium deposits are on the
back of the tank and equipment. <Being that rift lake cichlids
prefer super hard, alkaline water, that's probably perfectly
okay.> MEDICATION USED: Melafix, Jungle fungus eliminator
and Pepso medicated food have been used quite a bit. <Is that what
you're *currently* using? To treat what,
specifically? All the things listed above?>
FEEDING: Overfeeding is a problem due to my desire to make
sure the big fish have enough to not go after the fry. Cichlid Attack
is a favorite, Hikari pellets and some flake food are their diet.
<Again, if you get those fry outta there, you'll be in a much
better position to see to it that environmental conditions are
improved....> Water is always clear, but I know the fish are not
healthy. <Indeed, clarity of the water does not necessarily indicate
health of the water.> Solutions I came up with and your thoughts; 1.
Ultimately I am looking to purchase a 300 gal. tank. but until my wife
and I agree on when, I have to put that on hold. <Until then, sell
your fry, earn some money to put back into the hobby - and do it right
away, get that fish load down, and you can start in on cleaning under
that UGF....> 2. I think a lot of the problem is that there is
excess waste in the gravel. What would happen if I reversed the flow of
the power heads to force the waste out of the gravel and into the tank
while doing a water change? <At this point, I think you'd be
headed for disaster. Before you even consider that, first
you'll need to thoroughly clean your gravel and get an air hose
down one of the lift tubes, try to siphon gunk out from under the
filter plates.> 3. Adding a UV Sterilizer <I don't think this
will help you at this point; it sounds like your issues are from water
issues, too much dissolved organics in the water.> 4. Removing the
power heads from the under gravel filter. <I'm really not sure
whether that would help or make things infinitely worse....> 5. With
the rocks and plants, I would only be able to Gravel vac a maximum of
about 25% of the tank. I don't think this is enough to help a great
deal. <Agreed. I really, really dislike UGFs for this
(and many other) reasons. They certainly have their uses,
but not in a heavily decorated tank; anywhere with large rockwork or
that doesn't get vacuumed, there will be huge accumulations of, uh,
grunge (that's a technical term) that'll just sit and rot,
causing any or all of the problems you've experienced.> What do
you think ... <My opinion? Get the fry out and into a
separate, bare-bottomed rearing tank, and as soon as they're
saleable, sell 'em to make room for more fry and help pay for your
hobby. Next, thoroughly clean the gravel, try to siphon
under the filter plates with an air hose down the lift tubes, then
remove the UGF altogether (or if you're feeling
bold, switch the flow instead as you mentioned
above). Have a *lot* of water change water ready, in case
you need to do Mondo water changes afterward. Now, do please
understand, this is what *I* would do in your case - some people swear
by UGFs, and I certainly like them for some applications. I
do believe, however, that it is a real hindrance to your
setup. I think the problems you're having are related to
water quality issues (likely super high nitrates going on) and will
begin to correct themselves once things are healthier in the
tank. Wishing you well, -Sabrina>
Prolific Cichlids and a Problematic UGF? - II Thank you
Sabrina for your help. I keep wishing for another answer other than the
truth which is what you gave me. I hate UGF also. <UGF do most
certainly have their uses, and can be assets in some systems - or major
drawbacks in others. It might benefit you to try the reverse flow
technique (I might, in your case), but whatever you do, removing the
fry is probably going to be the biggest, hardest step, but don't
worry. You'll get there.> I got it because when I set the
tank up, I needed biological and all I had was an Emperor 400. Any way
talk to you soon. <I wish you well in your fishy endeavors!