FAQs on
Colisa fasciata, the Giant Gourami
Related Articles: Anabantoids/Gouramis &
Related FAQs: Gouramis 1, Gouramis 2, Gourami Identification, Gourami Behavior, Gourami Compatibility, Gourami Selection, Gourami Systems, Gourami Feeding, Gourami Disease, Gourami Reproduction, Betta splendens/Siamese
Fighting Fish,

giant gourami diet
Hi Neale,
I hope all is well,
Firstly - thanks again for your advice the other week on the giant
It took a while but I am pleased to say he is now fully healed. I am
also pleased to say he is thriving.
I have been feeding him mainly different pellets and some fruit. A
combination of:
1. Vitalis Pleco pellets
2. Hikari Algae wafers
3. Grapes (on occasion)
4. Banana (on occasion)
5. Mussels (on occasion)
I have read conflicting reports as to whether they are herbivores or
omnivores. I was hoping you could advise on what an ideal diet would be?
I know it should be varied and not feeding the same thing every time,
but not sure what an 'ideal' diet regime would look like?
I was thinking of making defrosted frozen veg a 'staple' of their diet,
but then I am not sure what veg they can and cant eat, and also whether
that would be suitably nutritious if it formed the majority of their
Also any other pellets I should add into the mix? Given his size there
isn't that many veg based pellets on the market that are big enough.
The other point is how much to feed? He eats a lot very quickly, I know
there is a '5 minute rule' in terms of feeding how much they could eat
in 5 min.s, but If I let him he would probably eat an entire bunch of
bananas in 5 min.s which can't be good for him!!
Thank you!
<Hello again! These fish are absolutely omnivores. So your menu should
fit the bill never nicely. In terms of bulk, green foods are probably
the ideal, but some protein-rich foods, like the mussels, will help keep
him growing nicely. Koi pellets would probably make an inexpensive
staple, so certainly try those. Now, when it comes to feeding, plant
foods (which contain little protein) can be left in the tank
indefinitely. Often, fish wait for them to soften up anyway, so it can
be some days before they eat tougher plants and fruits. I agree, five
bananas is probably overkill, but letting him eat half a banana a day
wouldn't cause any water quality problems because there's so little
nitrogen in such foods. Experiment, and see what works for you! Cheers,
Re: giant gourami diet 12/9/19
Thanks as always!
<De nada, Neale.>
Sick giant gourami 11/14/19
Hi Neale
I recently rehomed a giant gourami into my monster tank.
The poor thing has a weird cut/chunk missing type thing on one side of him and
some white fungus looking spots on the other side. Pictures attached.
I have never seen anything like these white spots, I don’t think it’s ich. I am
halfway through a course of Waterlife Myaxin but doesn’t seem to help, it’s
actually getting worse I think.
He’s happily eating etc.
Any suggestions?
<Hello Nathaniel. This is some sort of bacterial infection, though the white
specks are slightly mysterious. Do these look like bubbles of dead tissue? If
so, then yes, bacterial in origin more than likely. A decent antibacterial (such
as eSHa 2000) should do the trick, though if a vet can prescribe antibiotics for
you, so much the better. If the white things are more crusty, off-white in
colour, and look like drops of molten wax, then I'd lean towards a viral
infection as well. Some viral infections are rarely fatal in fish, such as
Lymphocystis, but are impossible to treat directly. They can heal after some
months (even years) of good conditions. A few viral infections, such as Carp
Pox, are potentially more immediately lethal and need veterinarian intervention.
Still, let's assume it's bacterial. The shape of the wound suggests physical
damage, and I wonder -- is there a Common Plec in the tank? These can (and do)
'latch' onto slab-sided fish given the chance, rasping away at the mucous.
Otocinclus are notorious for this, too, largely because they starve in most
tanks. Some Loricariidae are very safe, Panaque for example, being pretty much
herbivorous, but the more general purpose Plecs are distinctly hit-and-miss in
tanks with Oscars, or really anything big enough to support their weight.
Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Sick giant gourami 11/14/19
Thanks for your reply,
Nothing in the tank to latch on, having looked closely these white things look a
bit like blobs of cotton wool - does that sound bacterial?
<More like fungus. Very common on infected wounds. Distinctly tufty, furry
appearance. Do look at pictures online or in fish health books.>
Can I get antibiotics from any vet?
<In the UK, yes, absolutely. But finding a 'fish vet' locally is often hard.
It's worth a call to your local vet if you already have one for a cat or dog,
and discussing the symptoms. I've done it once before, and got some erythromycin
this way. It's a hassle to be fair, and if the fish is hearty and feeding, I'd
probably try a course of eSHa 2000 first and see if it helps.>
Thank you
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Sick giant gourami 11/14/19
Thanks Neale,
I have been treating with Myaxin from Waterlife (anti bacterial), still have 2
more nights to treat. Should I discontinue now or finish the course first?
<If the fish isn't actively getting worse, you may as well finish the course and
see what happens.>
(Doesn’t seem to be doing much).
<My experiences with Myxazin have never been that great, to be honest. I find
eSHa 2000 a much better bet, perhaps because it targets bacteria and fungi
Would 3 days and 30% water change each day be a good enough separation?
<Likely so. Most fish medications are oxidised or otherwise metabolised by the
bacteria within a day, or so I understand.>
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Sick giant gourami
Hi Neale,
I hope all is well,
<All good, thanks!>
I used the ESHA 2000 last night (first dose) and I can see already an
improvement this morning (thanks for the tip!).
<No problem.>
I wanted your advice,
It basically works out per the instructions that I would do a 20ml dose on day 1
and then 10ml day 2 and 10 ml day 3. So 20:10:10
It says on the instructions that if needed one can double the dose.
<Indeed. Have never done so. But would not expect them to lie about this!>
I used 20 mil last night (so a single dose), however I am debating, given the
issue has been ongoing for a while, to use 20 mil tonight too? It says you can
also extend beyond days 2 and 3 too, so I am thinking instead of 20:10:10, to
maybe do 20:20:10:10?
<I would prefer to try the regular dose for the first 'course' of the
medications. If the fish doesn't get better, repeat for another dose, rather
than increase the dosages. The risk is that too much could stress
the filter bacteria, resulting in an ammonia or nitrite spike, which would undo
all your progress.>
There is a catfish in there too which I know are sometimes more sensitive as
they are scaleless but it says on the packet it should be fine and he doesn't
seem bothered so far.
<Indeed; I have never had problems using eSHa 2000 with catfish.>
Please let me know your thoughts.
<Repeating courses, rather than increasing dosages, is my gut reaction if the
fish is showing signs of recovery and still otherwise in good condition
(swimming, eating, etc.). But if you felt a higher dose was warranted, I would
not feel afraid to try, but would remove some filter media to a safe place just
in case something goes wrong. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Sick giant gourami
Thanks Neale
<Most welcome, Nate.>
Re: Sick giant gourami
Hi Neale,
Unfortunately whilst after day 1 things looked to be improving with eSHa, day 2
and 3 seem to have had little impact and in fact seems to have spread to mouth
fungus. Shall I try eSHa again next week with a stronger dose given that day 1
things seemed to get a bit better (the dose is twice as high on day 1)?
<Yep, sounds like a good plan to me. Do a water change before running the
medications though.>
Or is there anything else you can recommend?
<Apart from visiting a fish vet, nope, nothing better. Cheers, Neale.>
Sick Gourami 8/4/12
Hello, I have noticed that for the past week my Male Dwarf Gourami
<Not sure this is Colisa lalia at all; body shape looks "wrong" somehow;
are you sure it isn't Colisa fasciata?>
has been looking dull in color and seems smaller in size.
He has been for the past 3 days or so, just staying in the corner at the
top of the tank by the heater (The temp in the tank is 77).
<Kick the heater up a couple degrees if you can (though your mix of fish
won't be happy about this, long term). Gouramis are very much "hothouse
flowers" that enjoy the warmth. Take the heat up to, say, 28 C/82 F, and
see what happens. If the fish perks up, then there's your problem.>
Also, he seems to still get excited by food, but when he swims up to it
he doesn't really eat it, and then goes back over to the corner.
<A common problem. Can be it's bored with what you're offering. Try more
variety, especially live brine shrimps and daphnia that act as a pretty
good laxative too, clearing out the gut and making bloated fish feel
more frisky.>
A little about my Tank; I have a 36 gallon bow front tank with 9 Glow
Fish Danios, 3 Rainbowfish, 6 Neon Tetras, and 2 Male Gouramis (Which I
realize now it may not be the best idea to have 2 males.)
<For sure.>
Oh yeah and a Pleco.
<Who is/will soon be WAY too big for this aquarium.>
No one else is acting or looking strange. I have had the Gourami's for 3
months together. At first they would fight and get territorial, however,
after about a week and setting up the tank a little differently they
seemed to be living together fine.
<Can happen.>
I have attached a picture, besides the dullness his stomach seems a
little bloated and his back fins seems a little frayed.
<Could be "failure to thrive" -- a combination of stress (from the other
male); monotonous/wrong diet; too cold water…>
I took the picture with my iPhone so it may not be the best quality.
<Indeed! Can't really see much of anything.>
I hope you can give me some insight or advice.
Thank you,
<Most welcome, Neale.>
pearl gourami picking on banded Gouramis – 05/13/12
i am having a problem with my four banded gouramis (Colisa fasciata).
when my pearl gourami started picking on them, i thought it was just
some sort of territorial issue. but then when the gouramis started
getting split fins and skin torn off, i went out and set up a 10 gallon
quarantine tank.
<I see.>
then the day when the 10 gallon tank was finally done cycling, i saw a
huge chunk taken out of one of the male banded gouramis tail. it was
like a rectangle-shaped piece that had been removed. so i promptly
moved the banded gouramis to the 10 gallon tank. they all went straight
down to the bottom. then the next day when i checked, the male gourami
with the split tail was dead. the other male's colors were completely
gone, just light silver. I was worried if this was a sign that this
gourami might also die.
<Fish can recover from these sorts of injuries. Isolate (which you are
doing anyway, it seems) and medicate for Finrot and Fungus.>
if i move the banded gouramis back to the large tank after they heal all
their wounds, I'm worried that the pearl gourami will pick on them
is it ok to keep banded gouramis permanently in a 10 gallon aquarium?
<Not ideal, but do-able, and for sure better than keeping them with a
psychotic Lace Gourami.>
any help is greatly appreciated.
<It's very rare for Lace/Pearl Gouramis to be aggressive, but it does
happen. I do think this is something relatively new, perhaps because of
inbreeding; in past decades this species was very trustworthy and an
excellent community tank resident. With this said, males of any/all
Gourami species have the potential to turn nasty, especially if the tank
isn't big enough. I wouldn't keep more than one male of any Trichogaster
or Colisa species in less than 30 gallons. Cheers, Neale.>
Juvenile Colisa fasciata colouration and
sexing 11/6/11
Hi crew.
Hope all's well. Thanks for a fantastic service.
I've trolled WWM via links and the search tool, plus the rest
of the web, but can't find an answer to my query(s) - hope
you don't mind my writing!!
<Is why we're here>
I picked up 4 banded gouramis (Colisa fasciata) yesterday and
apparently got 2 males and 2 females. They're now in
quarantine, preparing to be put into a 55 gallon community tank.
I went for these after extensive research on WWM ruled out, among
others, the seemingly cursed Colisa lalia.
To my questions:
1) They're juveniles I think, being around 4cm
head-to-tail-base (caudal peduncle??),
<Yes... the standard length of fisheries
but their colours are really washed out (see photos, which
actually make them look better than they do in real light in the
<Mmm, they're really just young... Will colour up w/
growth, age>
Should they colour up (if I treat them well!) as they grow to
How long approximately until this point is reached (colours and
adult size)?
<Ah yes... at another 2-3 cm. in SL and perhaps 4-6
2) Also, I had a hard time sexing them when I bought them - they
were even more washed out at the store (bare tank floor, mix of
50+ banded and three-spot gouramis in the dealer's tank). As
a result, I tried to look for pointed vs. rounded dorsal and anal
fin tips as per many sources (including WWM and Jorg Vierk's
(spelling?) book on Anabantoids. Problem is, all the fin tips
looked kinda similar. I believe this point of differentiation
between the sexes also becomes more obvious with age.
<This is so>
For example, is the third photo attached
possibly/probably/definitely a female? Or based on my photos,
might I have four immature males waiting for their colours and
pointed fin-tips to develop?
<Can't tell definitively (at this size), but this appears
to me to be a female>
For reasons of behaviour and colouration of males, I really want
an even split between the sexes. The dealer said we can go back
and forth with individuals until we get it right.
<Ahh, a good dealer>
Your help would most appreciated with the above queries. Thanks
so much for an informative, rigourous, useful and valuable
<And you, Bob Fenner>