FAQs on Anabantoids/Gouramis & Relatives Disease 1
FAQs on Gourami Disease:
Gourami Disease 1, Gourami Disease 2, Gourami Disease 3, Gourami Disease 4,
FAQs on Gourami Disease by Category:
Nutritional (e.g. HLLE),
Infectious (Virus, Bacterial, Fungal),
Parasitic (Ich, Velvet...),
Related Articles: Anabantoids/Gouramis & Relatives,
Genera Ctenopoma & Microctenopoma, Betta
splendens/Siamese Fighting Fish,
Related FAQs:
Gouramis 1, Gouramis 2, Gourami Identification, Gourami Behavior, Gourami Compatibility, Gourami Selection, Gourami Systems, Gourami Feeding, Gourami Reproduction, Betta splendens/Siamese Fighting

Kissing Gourami 10/27/08 First off I would like to
say thank you for having a wonderful and informative site!
<Very kind.> I have a 30 gallon aquarium that is home to 1
blue paradise gourami, 1 golden gourami, 1 Opaline gourami, and 1
pink kissing gourami. I have had this set up for 7 months with
the gourami's being happy and friendly. I have a TopFin
carbon filter and change 20% of the water regularly. <A good
baseline for water changes is 25% per week, and the more the
better, assuming water chemistry doesn't vary too much. Now,
as for filtration, I'm not a big fan of carbon in freshwater
tanks. Unless you specifically understand what it's for and
what you're using it to remove from the water, you almost
certainly don't need it. Carbon also needs to be replaced
every 3-4 weeks: if you aren't doing that, it isn't doing
its job. Bottom line, for most aquarists keeping freshwater fish,
what matters is mechanical and especially biological media. The
filter should be rated at not less than 4 times the volume of the
tank in turnover per hour, and ideally 50% more than that.
Personally, I don't like those silly little "hang on the
back" filters popular in the US especially; they're
overpriced for what they are, and most seem to rely on filter
medium "modules" strictly limiting the options
available to the aquarist to expensive, space-inefficient
modules. Great for the manufacturer and retailer, rubbish for the
hobbyist.> Two weeks ago I tried to add 2 tiger barbs to the
mix, but both died within three days of adding them to the
aquarium, when I removed the bodies I noticed they both had a
white cotton like growth on their mouths. <Could be either
fungus or something called Mouth Fungus, a bacterial infection
also called Columnaris.> I looked up the symptom online, and
finding it to be mouth fungus I promptly treated the tank with
Tank Buddies Fungus Clear, which was recommended to my by the
LFS. After a week everything looked fine. <Do remember carbon
removes medications from the water. Another GOOD reason not to
use carbon in your freshwater tank. Did you remove the
carbon?> I checked in on my fish this morning and the kissing
gourami's mouth was bright red and puckered out. He tried to
eat with the other fish, but seemed that he could not take in the
food. This afternoon I checked back in with him and now his mouth
is very swollen and has a bloody look to it. He is sitting
listlessly on the bottom of the tank. Please let me know how to
help my fish friend! <Do review water quality first of all, as
that's the thing that causes Mouth Fungus, Finrot, and Fungus
infections. Next up, treat the tank with an anti-fungal,
anti-bacterial medication (but nothing tea-tree oil based like
Melafix or Pimafix). Remove carbon whenever using
medications.> Many Thanks, Liz <Cheers,
Kissing Gourami,
Disease - 10/23/2005 I cannot find any
information on my specific conditions of my Pink Kissers. I have 2 that
are 4 to 5 " long, that I have had for 2 years very healthy until a few
days ago, I did add a smaller pink kisser about 1 week ago.
<Did you
quarantine the new fish prior to adding to your tank?> Virtually
overnight 1 started having signs of erosion around his mouth, his mouth
looks like it is almost completing gone, now the others are having the
same problem. How do I treat this and what is it? <Uh, actually, the
first question is what is it, THEN how do you treat it.... So, as for
what it is, I'd prefer to have more information about your system prior
to giving you some ideas, but I think it likely that it's a bacterial
complaint of some sort, probably brought in by the new fish. As for how
to treat it.... Your first mission is to find out your water quality.
Test for ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. Ammonia and nitrite must be
ZERO, nitrate less than 20ppm - if this is not so, rectify with water
changes. This alone may be all you need to do. If, however, you find
that your water quality IS good, then you'll want to consider treating
with a broad-spectrum antibiotic that treats both gram-positive and
gram-negative bacterial infections.> I don't want to lose these
beautiful fish! Help! <Test and fix your water, first and foremost.>
Debra <Wishing you well, -Sabrina>
Big Lack Of Info - Warning... Graphic pic!
10/18/2005 I just noticed one of my Gouramis on the
bottom of my tank and its mouth looks like one large
sore. Can this be treated or is it better to
remove the fish and put it down? All other fish
look fine.... <There is nowhere near enough information to
go off here for me to give you any sort of a recommendation
at all. I know nothing about your system,
inhabitants, maintenance practices, water
quality.... without these vital chunks of
information, there's really nothing I can tell
you. Please start by reading on WetWebMedia in the
freshwater section.> Regards, -Chris
<Wishing you well, -Sabrina> |

Dwarf Gourami Discoloration -
10/14/2005 Hi, I have a 2 month old 150L tank (see below for
details) to which I added 4 dwarf Gouramis 5 days ago. I have
since discovered that, contrary to the advice of the shop
assistant at my LFS, they are likely to be aggressive especially
because I have a feeling that they might all be males.
<Entirely possible.> Three of them are 100% <As opposed
to, say, 50%? And if they were 50%, would you prefer the front
half, or the balk half? I imagine you mean they appear to be in
perfect health.> and doing really well but one of them started
making a bubble nest a couple of days ago and got quite
territorial about his patch of water lettuce, chasing the others
away and trying to nip them. <This is normal behaviour.>
This wasn't a huge problem per se because he failed to catch
any of them and none of them are showing any signs of injury or
even stress. The thing is that the aggressor has got patches of
discolouration on him that seem to have got worse over the last
24 hours. The patches are white in colour and vary from one to
three mm in area. They are mostly around his head and shoulders
and one on the end of his dorsal fin which is transparent.
He is swimming, behaving and eating fine (menu this week was
Monday: Tetra Pro flakes, Wednesday: frozen defrosted bloodworm,
tomorrow: blanched shelled peas. All supplemented with plenty of
my plants!). The patches aren't raised or cotton woolly and
don't match the descriptions that I can find on your site or
any others so far. If anything they look like scarring (no scales
are hanging off and I haven't seen any fall off) but I
can't find any pictures of what Gouramis look like when they
have scales missing. A Google search on "Gourami scales
missing" gives a couple of hits for forums where people
describe red patches where scales have been lost but the patches
on my fish certainly aren't red. Yesterday I tried to
catch him to give him a time-out for a week or two in my old 10G
tank (empty but for two very reclusive Kuhli loaches) but he
totally eluded my efforts and I didn't want to stress him,
however I did mangle his beautiful nest in the process. Since
then he hasn't tried to rebuild it and his aggressive
behaviour has ceased but, as I said, I'm still concerned
because the discoloured patches seem to have gotten worse. I
suppose it is possible that I am being obsessive because a couple
of them were a bit patchy looking when I got them home and under
my lights. The others have all flourished though. <Hmm....
Without actually seeing the fish, I'm not sure I can advise
you well on this.... Were it me/my fish, I would probably be
waffling between removing the animal to a separate system for
observation, or leaving in the main system and just watching him
closely.... I am uncomfortable advising you to do either of
these; leaving the fish in the main system is a risk if he has
anything communicable, but removing him is an unnecessary stress
if he just happens to be a slightly discoloured fish by
nature.... I would be really torn, here. If in doubt, I suppose
my "default" is to remove the animal to a quarantine
system to be on the safe side.> Any ideas? I don't want to
medicate until I have a better idea of what's up <VERY
good.> with him and also medication would mean that the 10G
would be converted to a QT tank and I'd have to catch the
Kuhlis (not easy, they're like greased lightening) <True
enough!> and transfer them. In the absence of any other clues
it seems to me that the patches are where the other fish have
retaliated to his aggression but I only have a year's
experience so am certainly no expert and would really appreciate
your thoughts. <You could be entirely correct, here.> TANK
SPECS: 150L Tropiquarium Fluval 4 Plus filter Nutrafin CO2 Layer
of JBL Aquabasics complete substrate covered by layer of Aquagrit
1 x LifeGlow and 1 x PowerGlow bulbs on from 9am-12am. Plants:
Red Water Rose, Hygro polysperma, Pygmy Chain Sword, Bacopa
monnieri, Ech Tenellus, Vallisneria Corkscrew, Red Ludwigia,
Rotala macrandra, Ambulia aquatica, Hair Grass, Cabomba Aquatica,
Vallisneria Torta, Elodea Densa, Floating Water Lettuce, Red-stem
Milfoil. 2 x cardinal tetras, 3 x rummy-nosed tetras, 3 x black
Neons, 2 x dwarf bristle nosed Plec, 4 x dwarf Gouramis. Nitrite:
0 Nitrate: 25mg/l pH: 7.6 <Ammonia? If not zero, bring it to
zero with water changes. I imagine you knew that already,
though.> 20-30% water change every 10-14 days, last done
yesterday. <honestly, all sounds good to me..... aside from
the discoloration. Weigh the pros and cons, and consider whether
or not to remove the fish for observation at this point.... There
are many possibilities of what this might be, ranging from the
fish's own personal coloration to minor damage to bacterial
disease; I would treat this as a "watch and see"
situation, either in the main tank or in quarantine. Wishing you
well, -Sabrina>
My 3- spot Male Gourami Has a
Torn Tail! 10/9/05 Hi, I have a 29 gal tropical tank, well
established with a variety of fish living comfortable for the
past 3 years. This is a very natural tank, and my fish are
extremely healthy, breeding and living peacefully. The tank is
not overcrowded, has proper ph, and my fish are properly
fed. However, this evening, I was doing my regular once or
twice per month vacuuming, when I left both ends of the hose in
the tank to let the fish de-stress for awhile before I continued.
The vacuum was not suctioning, but my male 3 spot Gourami, 4
inches long, decided to investigate the vacuum and got himself up
into the wide plastic tubing, about 2 inches in diameter. I
lifted the tubing up and he swam out, however, later in the
evening, I noticed he had a vertical tear in his tail, next to
his body, about half the width of the tail. What should I do, if
anything? I have had him for years, and his name is Jackass
because for a long time he was really very aggressive. Now he is
a great friend. I don't want him to suffer, and I don't
want to lose him, please help! Thanks, Bunnie <Sounds/reads
like this is some sort of mechanical injury... it should heal of
its own accord with just good general upkeep, feeding. I would
not "add medicine" to the water. Bob
Re: My 3 spot male Gourami has
a torn tail! 10/10/05 Thanks for the reply, Bob. The section
of tail has fallen off over the weekend. He is still swimming
happily, and eating well, and the wound seems to have begun
healing. I appreciate your response. Have a nice day, Bunnie
<Thank you. Gouramis are good healers, regenerators under
healthy conditions. Yours should re-grow the fin in time. Bob
Dwarf Gourami growths
10/4/05 Hi - I had a question about my male blue powder dwarf
Gourami. He has two lumps on each side of the top of his head. He
looks like he's about to sprout little horns or something:)
<Not good...> He also has a dark spot towards the top of
his tail fin. He acts fine, and I'd like to get him a mate -
but I want to make sure nothings wrong with him first. Thank you,
hope you can help. <Please read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/GouramiDisFAQs.htm
Bob Fenner>
Gourami With Bacterial
Infection 9/28/05 Hey gang. My dwarf Gourami has an
injury that doesn't seem to be healing, I'm not sure what
to try next. I've had this fish for approx. two weeks. On
purchase, he had some red colouration around his bottom lip,
which I thought was part of his normal colouring. However,
it's slowly getting worse. The skin around his bottom lip has
a "bloodshot" appearance to it, and it appears as
though the flesh around the lip area is disintegrating. I've
been able to look very closely, and there doesn't appear to
be any fungal-type growth. It's just as though the skin is
sloughing off. The fish is eating and behaving normally. A little
info about his environment: cycled 10 gallon tank, shared with
one other male dwarf Gourami and four Cory cats. He's been
chased around by the other Gourami a little, but I've seen
virtually no actual aggression between the two. We've been
treating with Melafix, but not surprisingly, it's had little
effect. Any suggestions you may have for further treatment would
be greatly appreciated. Thanks! JM < This is a bacterial
infection that needs to be treated with some heavy duty
antibiotics. First do a 30% water change, vacuum the gravel and
clean the filter. A separate hospital tank would be best. The
water should be around 80 F. Treat with Nitrofuranace. These
infections can be very difficult to cure so early detection and
treatment is essential.-Chuck>
Blue Dwarf Gourami
9/28/05 Hello I have a healthy 37 gal tank well established -
current inhabitants same for 9-10 mos. Of late - into the fourth
week - one blue dwarf Gourami has been laying on his(?) side in
the front corner of the tank appearing dead. He has
piled rocks into the corner - whether by design or incidental to
laying there moving fins I don't know - but a good sized pile
has accumulated. He interacts with other fish, swims
around apparently healthy throughout the day - perhaps 25-30% of
the time and eats well. No chemical changes, but
about 4-6 weeks ago I lost a b.d.g. for unknown reasons and with
no precedent behavior - was it his mate? < Probably not.>
Is this grief? < No> He has had no physical
changes with the exception that he MIGHT be missing one whisker -
I can't honestly tell but I believe both are
intact. Thanks very much. < These little guys come
from slow moving water with lots of plants in which to hide. Fast
moving tankmates quickly intimidate these little guys into
hiding. Add some floating plants and see if that makes a
difference. Stress may lead to disease.-Chuck>
Sick Golden
Gourami 9/9/05 Hello, I have operated aquariums for
over 10 years. The current one is 4 years old. 60 gallons. Fish:
4 red dwarf Gourami, 5 tetras, two large Danios, one large angel
and two golden Gouramis. It is the female Gourami I am worried
about. I know I have a male/female as I can tell this from the
dorsal fins. I observe my fish every day. The problem I have is
with the female Gourami who now just lays on in the corner or
somewhere on the bottom. The male will still come to it and it
will swim elsewhere. It is getting weaker every day as it
hasn't eaten for some time now (close to a month). Yesterday,
it was laying on its side. I watched over the months as the male
would chase the female. I thought they were mating. I have had
these Gouramis for 7 years (they came from my other tank). They
are quite large - probably around 4 - 5 in. I did a partial water
change this week to see if things improved. My water levels, ph,
etc. are normal. I have observed the chasing for some time and
the fact that this female hides and stays away from the male. I
guess another step would be to put it in another tank which I
unfortunately do not have :-( Can you please help me rescue my
wonderful golden Gourami :-) Thank you. <... seven
years is a good long while for this species to live... and a
month w/o eating... I might try an immersion/bath in some tank
water, with Epsom Salt added... a level teaspoon in a gallon
volume... for about an hour... Hopefully this general cathartic
will "stir" your female Trichogaster to more
activity... Cheers, Bob Fenner>
Re: Sick Golden Gourami
9/11/05 Hello Bob, Thank you for your reply. Interesting
suggestion. I will give it a try. How long should I leave the
fish in this "Epsom water"? Also, is "tank"
water regular water ? Thanks again. Cheers, Orysia <Is in the
original post (below)... yes to using tank water, about an hour.
Cheers, Bob Fenner>
Parasite or bacteria? Gourami
illness 9/8/05 I have read your FAQs and have done some
of my own research and am still not sure what I have
going on with my dwarf Gourami. "He" (still not sure
of sex) lives in a 10 gallon tank with two white
clouds and a male and female black skirt tetra. I feed
them flakes and blood worms for treats. No live plants and I
change the carbon filter every 1-2 weeks. This is my first tank
and I have quite a bit to learn. He has developed what looks like
a small abscess (whitish in color at edges), approx
4mm in diameter on his side underneath the fin. I have
noticed that if the carbon filter is slightly dirty the abscess
has a small red spot protruding from it (looks like a
blood vessel possibly). This goes away when the filter
is changed, but the abscess, although it appears as if
it healing, is not going away. <Good description,
observations> I am nervous to just try anything without
really knowing what is going on. <Ahh! You are to
be congratulated here> I can't decipher whether is a
fungal or bacterial infection or something else that I
haven't happened upon. <Mmm, true fungal infections of
aquarium fishes are indeed rare...> Any information
that could be more specific would be a great help. If
I need to provide you with any additional information,
please let me know. I really appreciate your time
on this. Thank you. Please respond to XXXX if possible
as I am using a friend's account. Sincerely,
Allison Savage <Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/GouramiDisFAQs.htm
as you will find, Colisa lalia are prone to this sort of
"anomalous" complaint... can be "cured" by
successive treatment for both gram-negative bacteria and
protozoan infections. I wish you and your Gourami well. Bob
Re: Parasite or bacteria?
Gourami illness 9/12/05 Mr. Fenner, I am afraid I
didn't make it in time. I lost my Gourami this morning. I
appreciate once again your info and if I encounter this problem
with future Gouramis I will know how and what to do in a timely
manner. Sincerely, Allison Savage <Sorry to read of your loss.
Cheers, Bob Fenner>
Big, smooth yellowish patches on pearl Gourami
9/8/05 Help! I just put my obviously ill Pearl
Gourami, Celeste, back into my big tank with everybody
else. I'm resorting to desperate measures
(which could in themselves prove to cause more illnesses/
fatalities) to save her. When Mister (my male Gold Gourami)
was the sole survivor of a nasty bacterial outbreak &/or
New Tank Syndrome in my 10 gal. (one year ago) it
was amazing. <Too small a volume...> He did have fin
rot so the LFS recommended Tri Sulfa capsules which I
administered in a 2.5 gal. hospital tank. He began to rock
back and forth and freak-out a few minutes later so I quickly
filled a bucket with H2O( & Nov Aqua) for keeping him
until I cleaned the others out. His condition worsened as he
didn't eat for four weeks. The fin rot was consuming him
so, during that month I tried a 30 second salt tonic (which
flipped him out as if it burned), <Did> waited a week
and began giving him Maracyn for 10 days without success. It
was heartbreaking to watch him dwindle away. His eyes looked
crazy or full of terror as the rocking became stronger and
more spastic, like a medical seizure. Out of desperation I
bought Finnoohlala, my female Gold Gourami, and put her in
with Mister as soon as I got her home. My prayers
were answered as it took like maybe 30 min. for him to
recover... I kid you not. His feelers still haven't
completely repaired but almost. Thanks to your website I now
know that he probably had Gourami Disease. You're site is
the ONLY source I've found with any reference to this
disease. Thank you. Anyhow, in an attempt to have
similar success with Celeste's condition I returned her
to the big tank. These weird patches on her are round, smooth
and large. they seem to be erasing or removing the color from
skin and fins. On her body they look beige-yellowish where
she should be silver with a black stripe. On her fin the
affected spot becomes transparent. I first thought I noticed
one about two months ago on her forehead. It was very faint
and no-one else saw it. My friends and family convinced me to
leave the fish alone and stop obsessing. Over the next month
or so sometimes I thought I could see it other times not at
all. Two weeks ago I went to Utah for 5 days and returned to
a disaster. My mom over fed them while I was gone
and there was a plethora of little white worms on only the
glass. Although confident that I had gotten rid of the worms
with an algae scrubber, gravel vacuum and 30%
water change I went and bought four Aeneus Catfish just in
case. While they were in quarantine I thought I
saw more faint patches on Celeste and the one on
her head looked yellowish. I went on-line to research what it
could be, without success. By morning (last Thursday) she was
fine again. Friday I was unable to inspect her until after
midnight when I definitely saw a couple of patches including
the one on her forehead. I transferred her to another tank
(un cycled) on Saturday. I was gone all day Sunday and had my
Mom babysitting the fish with instructions not to feed. When
I next saw Celeste she was covered with patches and the bowel
movement was lighter colored than the tan it had been the
previous week (which was different than the typical orangish
brown she normally has). I have Rheumatoid Arthritis which
has locked my knees in the bent position making walking
difficult and extremely painful. This sounds like
a lame excuse but my parameters test kit is down stairs where
I cannot get it till mid tomorrow. So, my question is
this..." Can you tell from the photo(s) what could be
wrong with Celeste"? <Mmm, no... but is
likely more environmental than pathogenic... do you test for
water quality? Oh, I see some of this below> By the way
it's a 29 gallon tank, Marineland type C Power Filter
with Bio Wheel, I keep it between 78-80 degrees F and perform
weekly 15% water changes with Nov Aqua treated water. Tank
inhabitants: -2 Golden Gouramis, 1 Pearl Gourami
& 4 Aeneus Catfish I'll get those parameters
ASAP. Thank you, Sara <Sara, do
test, have your water tested for nitrate concentration...
consider adding some live plant (even simple floating types)
to improve water quality. What do you feed these fishes? Do
you have non-freshwater decor items? Something "too
much" or "too little" in their world is at
cause here. Bob Fenner> |

Injured dwarf Gourami & adaptation
questions 9/5/05 Hello. I stumbled across
this website this evening and know I will be a regular reader
from now on. I read lots of other letters on your site
after doing a search on Gouramis but didn't see anything
pertaining to my Gourami's particular injury. Here's some
background. I bought a 55 gallon rectangular aquarium
and considered carefully what I wanted to put in it. I
decided to go with a tank of tinies and have so far successfully
kept together nine neon tetras, eight long fin red minor tetras,
and seven Lampeye tetras. The minors chase each other
but there is no nipping - all fins are intact (considering when I
compare pictures in a book the dorsal fins are normally slightly
jagged compared to some other types of tetras), and no chunks are
missing from any bodies. I cycled the tank with
two goldfish and then moved them into a twenty gallon tank by
themselves. <Want to make a note here for others
edification... not a good idea to use goldfish in this fashion.
They are almost invariably vectors of pathogenic disease...
easily transfer to such new systems> In the 55 gallon tank I
have two twin Whisper 60 power filters, each one pumping 330
gph. My ammonia and nitrites have always been zero, my
nitrates around 40, and my pH at 6.8. <Please read re nitrates
on WWM... best to keep under 20 ppm> With the large tank (for
three schools of tetras), stable water conditions and filter
overkill, I wanted to add a fourth species to the tank and added
four male dwarf Gouramis three days ago. Compared to
the various larger Gouramis, they seemed peaceful enough to put
with the tetras. Also the tank is big enough that it
seems they should have enough room not to be aggressive with each
other even though they are all males. I've been
worried about one of the Gouramis. He hangs out at the
top back corner of the tank underneath the filter in a diagonal
position with his mouth about a 1/2 inch below the surface
touching the glass. His mouth and fins move but he stays in the
same spot. So far I've been feeding the same TetraMin
tropical flakes I've been using, but crushed because of the
tetras' small mouths. The other three Gouramis eat
them readily, but the flakes float right beside the one in the
corner and he doesn't react at all. Both of his
pelvic fins look fine, so I don't think he is having trouble
sensing the flakes. I tested the water conditions and
found two major problems. I forgot that I had vacuumed
the gravel two days before I bought the Gouramis and my nitrates
were at 180. <Yeeikes!> I think that if I hadn't
vacuumed so recently my biofilter would have been able to handle
the additional fish. My ammonia was at .25
<Should be undetectable...> and my nitrites were at
zero. I checked the pH and was shocked to find it had
dropped down to 6.0. Is that because of the high
nitrates? <These are tied together...> I haven't
noticed any large pH variations in my tap water so far and
haven't added a buffer. <Your source water is obviously of
low alkaline reserve> To start fixing things I added
five-and-a-half scoops of proper pH 7.0 per the directions,
waited an hour and then tested again. The pH had
improved to 6.4. <You want to change pH slowly...
best with small water changes... the addition of a bit of sodium
bicarbonate dissolved in the new water...> Then I did a 12
gallon water change to dilute the nitrates. I waited
an hour (BTW, how long after a water change should I test again),
<A few hours> checked and the pH was still 6.4 and the
nitrates had dropped to 80. I know that the pH still
isn't high enough and the nitrates are too high, but I'm
afraid that I'll stress my fish too much if I fix things all
in one night. <You are right here> I'm planning on
changing another 12 gallons each night and adding the prescribed
amount of pH 7.0 until things get better. Is this the
right thing to do? <... please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwph,alk.htm
and the linked files at top> Which is the lesser evil, a huge
change in pH and nitrates at one time, or enduring a couple more
days of diminishing bad conditions? <Depends... in this case
the latter> I'll also be careful not to overfeed.
<Good... and add some other food type/s... frozen/defrosted,
to your mix> So back to the listless Gourami. He is still in
the corner and not moving around after I changed the water. After
reading the other Gourami letters I realized that hanging out and
not eating can be due to adaptation, but the other Gouramis
aren't doing that. Yes, they go near the top and
sometimes get their oxygen directly from the
air. Sometimes all three do this and sometimes one
prefers the bottom corner behind a decoration. The two
that stay high swim together like they're best friends. That
behavior surprises me since they're both supposed to be
males, I've seen you warn in other responses that
the male dwarf Gouramis can be aggressive, but my tank is big
enough that the pair stays near the center and the others are two
feet away on either end. <I don't think you will have
aggression problems... for the reasons you state> They are the
most peaceful fish in my aquarium. Is this because
they're still adapting and haven't gotten around to
worrying about each other, or do you think they have enough room
that they'll stay peaceful? <Mostly the latter... and the
absence of females> The tetras all stay in the middle level,
so the Gouramis are not competing with them for space (yet). Now
for my injured Gourami, and it's not the listless
one. We had a disaster today. I've been
keeping an eye on the Gouramis since they're new and this
afternoon could find only three. After searching all
over, including the floor, I finally found him stuck in one of my
decorations. It was an artificial rock formation with
holes through it that fish could swim through. One of
the holes was smaller than the others, but I never thought much
about it since the tetras could swim through just
fine. The Gourami is about 1.5 inches long, and he was
stuck just past his right pectoral fin. His left fin was still
behind the opening. I didn't know what to do
because both pulling him or pushing him out would have injured
one fin or the other. My husband I consulted and decided to risk
pulling the whole decoration (with fish) out onto the floor and
breaking it with a hammer. We got him out with two mild blows and
then back into the water within 30 seconds. His dorsal
fin is a little messed up, he has abrasions on his right side,
and the right pectoral fin while there, doesn't
move. We have dubbed this fish
"Lefty". The other fins look fine and he
swims around and eats. He's one of the pair at the
top and is acting normal. What do I need to do for
him? Is he likely to die? <Hopefully will recover
of its own accord> I've seen people refer to Melafix, but
I'm not familiar with it. Should I use that? <I
would not> The injuries they described were not
the same as this. I don't know what I should have
done instead of using the hammer, but it's over and I
can't take it back. Since I've never posted before, I
don't know how long it takes to get a response and whether or
not my letter is too long. Until I hear back I plan on doing the
gradual water change, continuing the pH every night, and not
doing anything about the injured Gourami. I have no
way to tell if he's got internal injuries, and if he does die
that lessens the chance that the three remaining Gouramis will
fight. If he survives and things stay peaceful then I hope to
have a happy, stable aquarium with a "lefty" in it. I
really appreciate your help in this and thank you in advance for
your response. Lynn <Welcome. Bob Fenner>
Possibly diseased Gourami? 8/7/05 Hi, I
found your posts very helpful in the past, and figured
I would pick your brain for a situation that has developed in my
tank. <Not much there, but go ahead> I recently purchased 2
blue dwarf Gouramis last week and placed them in a 29-gallon,
well-established aquarium. One of the Gouramis has since passed
away, from what looked like fin rot. <Yikes...> The other
fish appeared healthy until today, when I noticed that 2 red
spots appeared on either side of his belly right, directly across
from one another, just above the fin line. The spots look like
sores; no signs of fin rot, at least as of yet. I have never seen
anything like the sores, and haven't been able to find any
references to this type of illness. I'm going to move him to
a hospital tank as none of the other fish are exhibiting any
symptoms. What do you think this might be, and what would be the
best way to treat it? Thank you, Amy <Unfortunately, Colisa
genus Gouramis are notorious for "falling apart" this
time of year... along with a few other seasonal far East
imports... Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/GouramiDisFAQs.htm
Bob Fenner> Sick dwarf Gourami 8/2/05 Hi Crew, My dwarf
Gourami stopped eating about 10 days ago. Actually, she still
shows quite a good appetite, but can not swallow: she takes food
in the mouth and spews it back the same second. I have tried
flakes, pellets, brine shrimp - her favourite - to no avail. Then
I have noticed white (or colorless) stringy feces instead of
usual dark brown ones. <Good observation> My guess was that
it was internal parasites and I put her in a quarantine tank and
started treatment with Metronidazole. <Ah, this would have
been my choice as well> After 5 days of treatment as per
package instructions there are no changes: she is still refuses
to eat and produces white long feces. Otherwise, her behaviour is
fairly normal. Water parameters are fine: no ammonia or nitrites,
other fish appear healthy. I would greatly appreciate your help.
Thanks, Konstantin. <Next to try is an anti-worm... vermifuge.
I would look for Praziquantel... You can use the search tool on
WWM to read more specifically re. Know that most if not all
Gouramis raised in the Far East for the ornamental trade have
these difficulties. Bob Fenner>
Re: Sick dwarf Gourami update 8/6/05
Thank you, Bob. I have been now treating QT tank with
Praziquantel for three days. Nothing has changed much, and I am
afraid the time is running out. She still can not swallow and I
do not know for how long she can go without any food. At the same
time she looks and behaves hungry: with a sight of food she jumps
to it, grab in her mouth, and then let go looking bewildered. And
also, I have not noticed for a last couple of days white stringy
feces she had before. Actually, no feces, period. Do you have any
suggestions? Thanks, Konstantin. <Yes... have you added Epsom
salt to the water? About a level teaspoon per ten gallons. Bob
Re: Sick dwarf Gourami update
8/7/05 No, I have not, but I will. Thanks. Konstantin.
<Ahh, magnesium sulfate can be a very effective cathartic... I
do hope it works for you. BobF>
Sick Blue Gourami? Magnetic
magic? 7/17/05 Hi, I have a blue Gourami and a flame Gourami
in a ten gallon tank with an eco-Aqualizer and a Rena Air 50
bubbler. <I've got a magical pyramid on my head and an
Eheim> The blue Gourami has been behaving strangely for the
last few weeks. It stays at the top of the tank with
its head at the surface constantly and seems to be swimming
awkwardly (as if it can't swim straight but with its head
angled up always). I've changed the water and
noticed some fin and tail rot so I've been treating it with
Mardel Maracyn-two for the last three days but haven't
noticed much change. The flame Gourami seems to be
perfectly fine. Thanks for your help, Albert <... for? Please
read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/gouramifaqs.htm
and the linked files above. Bob Fenner>
Sick Gourami What can I do to help out
the poor Gourami? His eye seems to now have "popped" -
it's no longer blood read and clear - there is a tear in the
bubble and stringy black items are coming out. Is this a normal
healing process? Should I move him to his own tank to heal and
treat with Epson salt? I am still using Maracyn - Two and the ph
was fine, but as you said, the ammonia was up... the water temp
is 80. Thanks so much for your help! Victoria Barba < Move the
Gourami to his own tank. If you see exterior signs of bacteria
then I would recommend treating with Nitrofurazone. Internal
bacterial infections with not visible signs of bacteria except
the popped eye need to be treated with Metronidazole.-Chuck>
Gourami Loss
Hi there, I have
a 100G planted tank setup with Angel Fish, Guppies, Mollies,
Plecos, Platies, and Tetra's. I keep a regular
check on my chemicals, and have always found that Ammonia,
Nitrate, and Nitrite to be at or very close to 0.0 My
pH stays at a neutral 7.0. I have had these numbers
verified by three other sources. About every three to
four months I lose most, if not all the Gourami's for no
apparent reason. I then began checking my other
chemical with additional test kits and found that this
corresponded with a very high (off the scale) amount of
Phosphate. I usually do about a 30%-40% water change
every three weeks with a dosage of Seachem "Neutral
Regulator". I found that if I do it more often or
a larger amount, I lose the Angel Fish. I currently
run two Tetra Tec PF500's (I got a good deal on price) with
"Chemi-Pure", "Phos-X", "Bio-Max"
and the other slots taken up by the standard filter
media. I believe that the latest losses were due to me
forgetting to change the "Phos-X" in time. My questions
are: Are Gourami's particularly sensitive to Phosphate
? Also with the loss of the Gourami's, I have no
other loss... <Not particularly sensitive... and given your
otherwise healthy livestock (thank you for the complete list), am
given to comment that the root problem here is likely the initial
health of the Gouramis themselves. Put another way, the other
types of healthy fishes you have cover the spectrum of useful
water quality that Gouramis enjoy/tolerate... and they are way
too often bunk nowadays... Dying easily, imported, often
"goosed" (treated with hormones to "color
up") from the orient. Many do "just die"
mysteriously... especially in seasonal changes in temperature>
Is there a better way to Phosphate in check ? <Yes... to get,
use a Reverse Osmosis device or other chemical (contactor)
device. Some input here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/h2opurifiers.htm
See the links at top> Any suggestions on equipment or
maintenance changes ? Many Thanks... <Please see WWM re (the
freshwater SubWeb)... Storing make-up water for a week or more in
advance of your use might do all here to remedy the situation...
Bob Fenner>
Help! Sick Blue Dwarf Gourami Hi there--
<Hello> Recently I've had nothing but trouble with my 3
gallon Eclipse tank-- <Very hard to keep such small volumes
stable> A bumblebee goby just died on me (had some kind of
mouth fungus), <This is a brackish water species...> and
now my Neon Blue dwarf Gourami has come down with something
nasty-- the past 2 days I noticed his stomach started to bulge
out, with his right side bigger than the left, and he suddenly
became inactive, floating head up in the top corner of the tank.
When he did start swimming around, he would swim like he had a
twitch, and then occasionally slap his bulging left side of his
stomach against the side of the tank, making a small *thud*
sound. <Not good> I read up on your homepage and in the
Gourami FAQ it sounded like a bacterial infection, so I searched
local LFS's and bought the only medicated food I could find,
called Anti-Bacteria, by Jungle. I gave that to him for two days,
did a 33% water change, and he seemed to get better, even pooping
more constantly (although it was a bit stringy). <Good choices
of action...> I wake up this morning to see that his stomach
is still bloated, more evenly, and now he is having trouble
swimming. He seems to be weighed down by his stomach, struggling
to swim over things and bumping into decor as if he was an
over-weighted zeppelin. I just caught him resting on the aquarium
floor, almost sideways(!!), breathing heavily. Other that the
stomach, he appears to have no other external symptoms.
<It's likely you read re this genus' trouble
seasonally... particularly this species (Colisa lalia)
"falls apart" in the warming months...> Please help
quick! I don't wanna lose another fish... Terry <Please
take another read through the Gourami FAQs files... And search
for the Bumblebee Goby on WWM... you could try using Epsom Salt
here, but I do not give your fish good odds. Bob Fenner> PS
tank profile, Ammonia 0ppm, PH 7.2, Alkalinity 80ppm, Nitrite
0ppm, Nitrate 30ppm (after water change) Tank inhabitants-- Gold
Dojo Loach, 2 glass shrimp, 1 Amano shrimp, 1 Oto (and the
One Eyed Gourami Thanks very much for
your info. It seems that my fish has lost his eye. It is an empty
socket now. There is a very weird scar across that side of his
head though. I can only imagine what trauma happened to that eye.
Can't believe it happened so fast. I really appreciate the
advice you have given so far. My Gourami is in a tank by himself,
eating now and bumping into the plant that is in there. Should I
remove all obstacles and/or should I place him back in the tank
with the Parrotfish - his home for the last three years? He seems
to be looking over at the Parrotfish like he's lonely. Will
the Parrotfish attack him? The water is now at a healthy 74
degrees in both tanks. Again, I appreciate your continued
correspondence. Victoria Barba Colema < Fish that have been
injured tend to draw attention to themselves but acting strange.
This strange behaviour implies a weakness that will attract fish
looking for a quick meal. I would keep your Gourami separate if
you wish to keep him.-Chuck>
Sick Gourami, worm? Protozoan? Flagyl Hi
there, <Hello> I have a Gourami that has developed a red
pimple like sore on his head, which has a white string coming out
of it. It seems apparent that it may be a worm, but I thought it
was fungus and am using fungus cure. Just finished the second
dose and no improvement shown. The other 5 Gouramis are fine, and
the sick one is eating fine and behaving normally. Should I give
this Fungus Cure more time, or should I switch to another
method? <This is very unlikely a fungus... perhaps a
Octomita infection... you could treat with Metronidazole...
Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/metranidazole.htm.
Bob Fenner>
Gouramis with multi symptoms?
Colisa lalia import stock problem Hi people, <Susan> I
know you've heard this a million times before but here it
goes anyway (HELP I'm a total newbie and I'm killing my
fish!). Story goes like this.... After finally setting up
and stabilizing a community of fish in a 100? gal tank for a
couple of months (current tenants: 2 small angels, 2 neon blue
Gouramis, 2 tiger barbs, 5 black widow tetras, 1 sword and 1
Pleco) we decided to replace a couple of the original lost
Gouramis and add another Pleco to help control the algae. I had a
second 'hospital tank' set up ready and waiting to QT
these guys as recommended. Two days after QTing them, the water
became pretty cloudy (whitish) and I admit that I panicked and
put the Gouramis into the general population. By morning the
smallest of the two new ones had developed a red underbelly,
approx. half the length of the belly and it extended upwards
about 1/4th of the total depth of the body in a very elongated
oval shape, and the discoloration extended into the lower fins.
Not only just streaked but the color seemed to fully saturate the
appendages. I assume (after doing some quick research) that this
was some sort of hematoma or septicemia of some description. The
other symptom exhibited was the rocking back and forth described
as 'Gourami disease'. I transferred him late afternoon
into my newly cleaned out hospital tank filled 2/3rds full of
water from the big tank and 1/3 of dechlorinated water that I
doctored with all that was available to me at the time
"Tetra General Tonic". Well, I wasn't successful as
by late that night he was found floating nose up but the top of
his head was blackened. The 2nd new Gourami so far is fine, but
day 3 one of the 'old' Gouramis is showing the same red
underbelly and has been transferred into the hospital tank
(I'll know more when I get home from work - am hoping NOT to
see that rocking motion or him nose up!!). I've been
desperately searching for medications I can buy online as much of
what is discussed on these forums aren't available in the
middle east (where I am living currently). I've only found
one water test for ammonia and one for ph which I've not had
a chance yet to do so I know that the big tank surviving and
thriving as it has been up to this point has been probably more
due to dumb luck than anything but... what happened to the
Gourami has made me very aware of getting hold of the appropriate
treatments for these emergencies. I don't have any of the
numbers to give as I'm writing you from work. But my main
question is first 'by the description does anyone know what
really killed the Gourami' and second 'what would be the
best meds or treatments in your opinion'. I've been
sifting through as much info on your site as possible but I think
the fish's time is limited and I'm feeling like I need
someone with experience to tell me what's what! Thanks for
any insights or suggestions you can offer! Sue <Thank you...
for your concern, and writing so well. I want to impress on you
that this "type" of Gourami, very hybridized Colisa
lalia... sold variously as this and that dwarf Gouramis are VERY
likely to die in the sort of fashion you describe. They are
raised under "exacting" circumstances (in filth really)
in the Far East and seasonally "break down" badly as
you describe... people in the trade actually use the term
"time bomb"... What am I trying to impart, state
emphatically here? That by and large their loss has very little
to do with anything (other than buying them) that you did or CAN
do. So, first off... DON'T buy any more of this species. Now,
it may seem counterintuitive, but other Gourami species are
fine.... very hardy, disease-resistant by comparison. Don't
know how much you'd like to hear/read re the
"arrival/acclimation/curing" of Colisa lalia by
importers/wholesale distributors, but I'd like to state it
here for others use. There have been successful protocols of
administering Furan compounds... at ten-twenty five milligrams
per gallon, with half or so water changes (off line centralized
systems) every three days for a good ten days... but who knows
what happens to this dwarf stock afterwards? Look to other
species for stocking your system. Bob Fenner>
By the Moonlight of my Gourami Thanks Bob, My remaining
moonlight Gourami has developed a swollen protuberance above one
of his eyes, a crescent 7mm long, 2m wide and sticking out 2mm
from the body. He is swimming and eating normally. I've
placed him in an isolated 20 Gal tank and begun treatment with
Maracyn (sp?)<Maracyn, erythromycin> yesterday. Do you
think I should be using Maracyn II? (Tetracycline)<Actually
another antibiotic, but yes, I would use this instead... mixing
some in with the fishes foods. This won't hurt the other
fishes if they ingest it... nor will this complaint likely infect
your other livestock. Bob Fenner> Your fish buddy, Jeff P.S.
If he doesn't make it we can always have another party....
<Life to you my friend.>
Urgent!!!! Can you help me my male dwarf Gourami is
sitting on the bottom of the tank and his breathing is heavy do
you know what is wrong with it and how to cure it. Could you
please reply quickly as I am quite worried about it. Thank you
<Not a good sign... hopefully your fish is "just
resting"... this species (Colisa lalia) can be hard to
keep... Often imported with disease problems. You might want to
look into feeding all your fishes in this tank/system an
antibiotic-laced food for infectious disease (bacteria...). These
are made by Tetra, HBH and others or you can "make your
own"... as detailed here on our site:
http://WetWebMedia.com/holedispnd.htm Bob Fenner>
Dwarf Gourami concerns I just bought a pair of dwarf
Gouramis and the female seems to stay in the corner a lot what is
the possible cause of this? Also are they easy to breed? thanks
<Not a good sign that the female is in the corner... but maybe
doing so from shipping stress. Please read:
http://WetWebMedia.com/anabantoids.htm And get back to me if you
have specific questions. Bob Fenner>
Furunculosis (likely Columnaris, as in Chondrococcus
bacteria) I have one remaining dwarf Gourami that has
Furunculosis. I've had 3 die from it. Thanks to your website,
I've finally determined what the problem was and have been
treating him with fabulous results. My question is, how long can
I treat him with the medicine? As of this date, he's had 4
doses, can I continue until he's completely healed?
<yes...and you should until the fish is clearly cured and then
some. As with people, you will treat the condition with
antibiotics for slightly longer than the malady is evidenced.
Extra water changes just before each application of medicine will
also be quite helpful> Please respond soon, Thankfully,
Heather <with kind regards, Anthony> heather
Neon Dwarf Gourami Help My male Neon Dwarf Gourami
seems sick. I have had him for maybe five weeks now he did fine
and was really hardy ( I cycled my tank with him, my two female
Gouramis, and a red tailed shark) but now he is just hanging out
in the corner by my heater (the temp is fine its at 79 degrees)
and doesn't get excited like he used to at feeding time (used
to take Tubifex worms from my hand... also feed flake). Now he
looks really skinny but his colors aren't fading or anything
so I'm assuming he's not totally given up eating. What
could be the matter with my fish? any ideas? Could it be my other
fish I have 2 2.5' female Gourami's, 2' red tail
shark, a 4.5' Black Ghost Knife, 2 1.5' clown loaches
(which I'm treating for Ich... but none of the other fish
have the white spots that would suggest Ich), and a 6' zig
zag eel. <Ah ha! Either the medication (they're toxic to a
degree to fishes) and/or a latent infestation of Ich (the white
spots are visible only in advanced cases... a reaction, mucus to
irritation by the Ich organism) is likely the root cause/s here.
Please consult with the fine folks on our Chatforum as to how you
might proceed: http://wetwebfotos.com/talk/ For me, I'd go
with elevating the temperature of your system and leave off with
any "medication" to treat your system. Bob Fenner>
Thanks for your help, Kevin
Sick Dwarf Gourami Hello, I have a 5 gallon fresh water
tank in addition to my 72 gallon brackish. This week one of two
dwarf Gouramis in the freshwater tank has become sick with
Popeye. I have been treating the tank with Epson salts (as I read
in the WWM Faq's for Popeye) and antibiotics. <Good
treatment protocol. One note, it is better to use an antibiotic
food versus medicating the entire tank.> The Popeye has
effected one side terribly. The swelling has yet to go down.
I've also been doing daily saltwater baths to try to draw out
some of the fluid behind the eye. <This would not be my course
of action. Popeye is not a terrible disease. Rather minor
affliction that I would not treat so aggressively.> I've
seen no improvement, it's only gotten worse. This morning I
got up and he is leaning against the side of the tank, breathing
with some difficulty. When I fed them however, he did make an
effort to swim up to have a bite. I'm at a loss, I do not
want him to be in any discomfort, but I have had other fish pull
through with other conditions before, so I am not hugely sure
about euthanasia. I am not sure what to do. Should I keep
treating him or should I euthanize the poor soul. <I would not
give up the fight just yet. Epson salt, medicated food, and a
good water change/cleaning to ensure peak water quality would be
what I would do.> Any help would be great. Thank you so much
for your help. Take good care, Amy <You too. -Steven
GOURAMI FRY WITH WHITE SPOT Hi, I really hope u can
help, I have 60 dwarf Gourami fry 10 days old. They have been
infected with white spot disease from my other tank which is
being treated successfully but what about my poor fry, some are
dying. Is normal treatment to harsh and will aquarium
salt help? thank you for any response Sophia <Morning
Sophia. I checked with Bob on this one, regular Ich
meds would be too harsh for these little guys. Try
slowly raising the temperature up to around 85. The
elevated temperature alone should do the trick. Best
of luck, Gage>
Sick Gourami I have a 10 gallon tank, with 3 Red Dwarf
Gouramis and 2 Neon Rosy Barbs (also 1 Pleco). This is my first
tank and I've had the same healthy fish in it for about 11
months. One of my Gouramis recently became sick. His mouth
started to swell and now he can hardly close it. He seems to be
staying close to the top and is breathing heavily, but is still
trying to eat. My local pet store suggested drops that fight
"internal infections and diseases" so I have started
with the treatment. <does not sound like an internal
problem.> I've never had a sick fish, so I'm not quite
sure what to do. I've been doing research for a few days and
haven't found much helpful information. Could you please let
me know if there's anything else that I could try. Any info
would be greatly appreciated. <This sounds like it could be a
fungal infection. If you are not already doing so I
would be add salt to the water add about a tablespoon of aquarium
salt per gallon. Make sure your temperature is in the
upper seventies without any major swings. Also
medicate with a medication that has both Nitrofurazone and
Furazolidone in it. 3-5 days consecutively with small water
changes daily just before the new dose. Best of luck,
and please check out the article below.
Dwarf Gourami Hi, My girlfriend has a pair of Dwarf
Gouramis. She is concerned that one may be ill. They symptoms
include a darkening of the color to a darker shade of turquoise
as well as much lower activity and labored breathing. The fish
lies on its side on the bottom a lot and the movement of the
gills is faster and deeper. There does not appear to be any
fungus or worms or slime or anything like that on the fish. She
did not mention weight loss or eating habits (I have not yet
observed the fish). Any insight that you may be able to provide
would be much appreciated. IT sounds odd to me that the color
would deepen. Usually I would expect a sick fish to lose color.
Maybe it is pregnant and about to release a bunch of eggs or
something :) She has not had the fish long, maybe 6 months, but
who knows how long the store had it. It was full grown when
purchased. Thanks again, Josh Moninger <Hi Josh, if
there are no other outward signs of disease I would start by
looking at the water quality. Pick up some test kits (ammonia,
nitrate, nitrite, ph, etc) or have your LFS test the water for
you. Also, what size tank are we dealing with, what
type of filtration, and who are the other tank
mates. Check out the link below for info on freshwater
disease ID http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwfshparasites.htm
Best of luck, Gage>
Disease of my Dwarf Gourami Hi, I was wondering if you
would be able to help me diagnose what my dwarf Gourami died of
half an hour ago. I have a 10 gallon tank with: 5 -
Neon Tetra 5 - Fancy Guppies 1 - Male Dwarf Gourami Two days ago
I noticed a small whitey patch, irregular in shape on the side of
my Gourami's head. The patch wasn't smooth, more like
cotton wool in water; waving in the current. I decided
to put him in a breeding cage that you can put in the aquarium,
just so that he wouldn't come in contact with my other fish.
Yesterday (a day later) he looked worse. The white
patch had increased in size slightly and there was a tiny bit of
it on the top of one fin. I quarantined him in another
tank that day. <<It sounds like fungus. Im sorry to hear
that he died. For future reference, one of the Mardel products
(Maracyn, Maroxy, Maracide, etc) treats this but I cant remember
which one exactly. Fungus Guard by Jungle will also treat this.
I've had the best luck with the one by Jungle.>> This
morning the white patch was larger and looked like a scab: I
could see a little red patch in the middle of it. The
white stuff was about 0.5 cm in diameter. The fin that
previously had the white patch on it was completely
opaque and shredded. His other fin was
perfectly functional and clear. Over part of his body was a
mucousy white, not quite as white as the initial patch. He no
longer made that crest on his back stand up and it was coated
thinly will mucus. His colour was duller and he mostly
stayed sunken on the bottom of the tank, apart from making quick
dashes to the surface now and then. In the end he lay
horizontally on the bottom. The white patch protruded
from his scale approx 1/3 of a centimeter and was a cloudy white.
<<Definitely sounds like fungus.>> Well, that's
everything. I know that I sound very concerned,
it's just that I would like to know what I did wrong and
hopefully save my other fish, so it won't happen again.
<<Watch your other fish very closely and if they show any
symptoms, immediately quarantine them and treat with a medication
for fungus. Sometimes they will get it, other times they wont so
its hard to say.>> Thanks Jess <<Your welcome.
Yikes! ICK!!! Help! I stocked my tank with 5
Gouramis, 1 male Betta, 2 Kuhli loaches and 3 clown
loaches. <<Just a note from experience here,
watch your Betta with the Gouramis. The Betta may at some point
eat the "whiskers" of your Gouramis or the Gouramis may
decide that the Bettas fins look like a tasty treat. :o)>>
At some point, ick was introduced. I've been
treating with a commercial product for the last 3 days, using
their directions (the ick was minimal at beginning of treatment
- 4 or 5 white spots total on clown loaches
mainly). What are my chances of getting rid of this
nasty organism? I'd appreciate any info or advise you have to
offer. <<Your chances of getting rid of it are actually
quite good. Time/success will depend on what kind of commercial
medication you are using. My personal favorites are Ick Guard or
Maroxy but I've talked to many people about Ich and everyone
has their own favorite. Just follow the manufacturers
instructions exactly and you should see an improvement. I'm
not positive here but your loaches may be a small scale or
scaleless fish, if they are then the medicating rules are
different for them. Many Ich medications can be poison to
scaleless fish. Do a search for clown loach using the Google
search box at www.wetwebmedia.com to find out for sure. Take
care! Ronni>> Thank you! Bev
A Disease In The Moonlight? Hello, I don't know if
I'm posting to the right place. <If it's about
something that swims, you're in the right place! Scott F.
with you!> I would like to know what to do about my sick male
moonlight Gourami. I have a male and female in a 60
liter tank, no other fish. A couple months ago my male
started getting sick-his feelers became "floppy" and
noodly, and now are about half their original
size, then his skin became brownish, now he's very
very lethargic. Meanwhile the female is growing by leaps and
bounds, she's very healthy and beautiful and aggressive to
the poor guy. At feeding time, she pushes him away! I
sink some food in his quiet little hiding place behind the
filter, and he barely eats. The tank condition is
fine, Ph good, I change the water once a week, temp. is about
26-27 C. Sorry for all the metrics, I live in France. <No
problem> Any idea what's going on? I hope some
one can help, thank you very much, Kitk <Well,
Kitk- it sounds like the Gourami is suffering from some kind of
bacterial infection. This may have been brought about as a result
of stress (possibly from the female's constant aggression..).
Also, you may want to review your water conditions to make sure
that ammonia or nitrite are not present, and that regular
maintenance is carried out on this aquarium. You may want to
separate this fish into a smaller aquarium for observation,
careful feeding, and possible treatment. If the separation and
good food/water alone don't do the trick, I'd start with
a basic antibacterial substance, such as Methylene blue, in his
water. See if that brings about some positive results after a few
days or so. If this method does not seem to be working, you may
need to look into a broad-spectrum antibiotic. Before using any
medication, I'd look in the Freshwater section on the
WetWebMedia.com site under "diseases", and try to
verify what condition that you may be dealing with. Good
Ulcers on dwarf Gourami I have a 29 gallon tank that
has been up and running for 4 years. I have 3 black widow tetras,
3 Serpae tetras, 2 hatchet fish, 2 red tailed Rasboras, 4 lemon
tetras, 1 swordtail, 3 Corys, 1 Pleco, 3 neon tetras, 1 dwarf
Gourami. I recently had 2 dwarf Gourami's but one just died.
The water temp is 78, the ammonia is 0, the nitrite is 0, the ph
is 7. Last week one of the Gouramis had like a lump by it's
mouth just under it's eye. He was acting
normally. About 2 days later the lump turned into an
ulcer. I treated the tank with penicillin. The ulcer got worse
and small red blotches appeared near his tail more
towards hi underside. He also developed a lump on his back just
in front of hi fin. He just looked so bad last night that I put
him out of his misery. Now one of my Serpae tetras has like a
whit spot on his body and a white film towards his tail. I got
some Quinsulfex Quinine Capsules Formula M13 and starting
treating the tank last night. Could you tell me what was and is
wrong with my fish and am I treating it correctly. I do not want
to lose the whole tank. Also, do you think I have overloaded my
tank with too many fish? Thank you. Patty <It sounds like a
parasite. Please check out http://www/wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwfshparasites.htm
for info on the different ones and their recommended treatments.
You do have a few too many fish in this tank. Not counting the
Pleco you have between 35 & 40 inches and you should have a
max of 25-29 inches. Ronni>
Gourami whiskers I have 4 Gouramis in a 30 gal planted
tank with 15-20 freshwater plants and 2 big rocks with hiding
holes and a loach cave for my 2 clown loaches. Also 2 Danios, 2
tetras, a Pleco to control algae and 2 rosy barbs. all
are getting along great and life is good except that I noticed
that 2 of the Gouramis 1 dwarf blue, and one honey, have had one
of there whiskers nipped. Not completely off, but just
shortened a little bit... like maybe a quarter of an inch from a
2 inch whisker. Has been several weeks and it doesn't
show any signs of infection as far as I can tell. My question is
should this concern me as I haven't seen any signs of other
aggression or infection, and will these whiskers grow back and if
so how long will it take to return to the size of the other
whiskers. Thank you, Don Otey <Its hard to say what the
culprit is here. It could easily be one of your other fish (my
first guess would be the Danios or one of the other Gouramis).
Unless it continues to get worse I wouldn't worry about it too
much, just watch them to make sure they aren't getting picked on.
The whiskers should grow back in time but its hard to say how
long. Ronni>
Sick kissing Gourami >Hi Bob, >>A minion by
the name of Marina here. >I have a 3-4 inch kissing Gourami
that is several years old. Last week he had a circular area on
his side that was whitish in color. I changed 20% of the water
and kept an eye on it. >>Do a larger water
change. You've mentioned nothing about using
carbon, filtration, or water parameters, so I'll assume that
you know to remove carbon when medicating, and that you also know
that some meds can "knock out" a good portion of your
benthic bacterial colonies. This is another good
reason to do larger water changes (50% identical, fresh water
will help greatly). >This week it seems to have spread to the
back 1/2 of his body on one side. He also has 1-2 raised bumps on
his other side, about 2mm x4mm in size. He is eating and still
"kissing" the other Gourami. He seems sluggish though
and generally not too good. Two days ago I started a treatment of
Maracyn II. So far this does not seem to be helping.
>>We're really shooting in the dark, especially because
I'm going by your description with no photos, and my book of
fish diseases is in storage (curses!). Do both a
Google and Dogpile search, as you'll be in a better position
to determine what best matches your fish's
symptoms. I would also, after doing that large water
change, switch to Melafix, another broad spectrum
antibiotic. If you do NOT have live plants in the
tank, I would add 1 teaspoon of salt (Kosher or marine salt mix)
per gallon of tank water. This will boost the effects
of the antibiotic, as well as relieve a bit of the pressure on
the fish's system (osmotic differences between fishy flesh
and water). Also, please delve into our library
here--> http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwinfectdisfaqs.htm
>This fish has had previous bacterial infections that
responded quickly to Maracyn II. What do you
think? Jeff Hulett Hawkeye >>I would try the
other broad spectrum antibiotic along with the
salt. This is assuming that it's not a fungal
infection (the Methylene blue would help address that), though
I'm really not sure that's a possibility by your
description. Keep up the water changes, if he takes
any fresh foods do try to stimulate feeding this way (bloodworms,
daphnia, mosquito larvae, et al). At this point it may
be far too stressful for him to undergo a saltwater dip, so I
don't recommend it. Let's keep our fingers
crossed! Marina
Re: sick kissing Gourami >Thanks Marina, I will do a
larger water change and try to send you a photo. I do have live
plants in the tank. I did do a search, but didn't turn up
anything. >>Then you won't be able to use the
salt. I did more searching, and the best I can find
online is that it must be an infection, but at this point I
can't even narrow down whether it's bacterial, fungal, or
viral. If you can set up a hospital tank for this
fish, I would advise it. This way you can help him
with salt. If you believe that it would cause really
undue stress on the fish, then don't move
him. Other than that, my only other suggestions are to
try different broad spectrums. Here's a link to
fish meds, uses, dosing, etc. --> http://www.petswarehouse.com/Fishmed3.htm
and here--> http://www.petswarehouse.com/Fishmed2.htm
>>Good luck, and keep us posted. Marina
Re: sick kissing Gourami >Thank you Marina,
>>You're welcome. >I spent some time looking at the
fish with a magnifying glass and I noticed some white tuft stuff
on one of the site. It was very small. After seeing that, I
treated the tank with Rid Ich+, which is mostly Malachite Green.
I also removed a smaller kissing Gourami from the tank to reduce
stress on the sick one. I did this because, even though he was
sick, he still "kissed" the other one, and frequently
chased it around the tank. I also added a tablespoon
or so of salt. I did this last Thursday or Friday. Since then
I've kept up the treatments once per day for both the Maracyn
II and the Malachite Green. The fish improved dramatically with
this treatment. >>FANTASTIC! Boy, that is great
news. >After one day the 2x4mm spot had shrunk 50% and the
tufts were gone. His motion seems better and he seems to be
getting better every day. Since he really didn't respond to
the Maracyn II, I can only guess that this must have been fungal.
>>Me too. Again, let the happiness
ensue! You've found the trouble, and are treating
with good success. I have achieved my (the whole
crew's, actually) goal. >I plan to discontinue you Maracyn
II today and keep up the M. Green until he seems healed.
>>Sounds like a good plan. >By the looks of his
progress, this should only take a few more days. >>Could it
get any better? >After that I'll reinsert the carbon in
the filter. I've included photos of the fish in
its original sick state. You can see the discoloration on the
back half of his body. This spread from the original circular
site which was about 8 mm wide. Thank you very much
for your help with this. >>This is great, except that I
can't seem to view the
.jpg. Bob? Jason? Zo? Someone
with more puter knowledge than me? Well, the point is
that the fish is on his way back to good
health. I'm very pleased with the
news. Marina
Blue Gourami Question Hello. Recently bought a 55
gallon tank, and got a variety of fish. <Greetings> 4
silver dollars 4 glass tetras 4 high finned tetras and 2 blue
Gouramis I also have a Plecostomus <OK> Everything was
working fine, until I noticed Ich on some of the fish (silver
dollar and tetra). I treated the water following the
instructions, and still notice a white spot on one of the glass
tetras. I hope this resolves itself, but I worry about one of my
Gouramis. He lives around the plants, which is near the filter.
He has been fine there, but now he seems to be caught up in the
current. He tries to swim, but just lurches forward and back. The
other Gourami chases him sometimes, and then he can move just
fine... I'm worried if that is a problem with the Ich, or
something else. <You may need to re-medicate for the Ich
again. I really don't think the Gourami has a problem, most likely
he just likes that spot and the feel of the current there.> Ph
is set at 7 and I've been pretty regular on changing the
water, although I haven't tested the ammonia. Any advice you
have for a new fish hobbyist. Adam Sutherland <You probably
should test the ammonia and nitrites but other than that, keep up
the good work! Ronni>
Unhealthy Gourami? (06/29/03) <Hi! Ananda here
tonight...> Hi! I was just wondering if it is unhealthy that
my blue dwarf Gourami's poop is long and stringy (by long I
mean about 4 times his length sometimes)? Weird question, I know.
<Not at all a weird question -- a sign that you're paying
attention to your fish! It could indeed be a symptom of a
problem. It might be some sort of intestinal parasite, especially
if the feces are a whitish color (they should always be
darkish).> Also, if it IS unhealthy, what can I do about it?
<I tend to use Metronidazole for this purpose. You might also
try Pepso food. I've heard Disco-med also works for this.>
I feed him flakes and he seems to be healthy otherwise. <Do
give him a bit of variety in his diet -- at least use a couple of
different types of flake. An occasional treat of frozen food or
freeze-dried "treats" won't hurt, either.>
Thanks for your help! Kelly <You're quite welcome.
Fish Hi, I have a golden Gourami in my tank and I have just
noticed her having 2 black spots on her body, one by the tail,
another in the middle of her body. Those spots are on
both sides and exactly in the same place. I wonder whether
they should be there ( I haven't noticed them before) or it
is a disease. Other than that she seems fine. I will
be waiting for your answer <Lina, this is
normal. The golden Gourami, or Trichogaster
trichopterus is almost always seen with black spots at the middle
of the side and at the caudal-fin base. It sounds to
me that you have a perfectly healthy specimen.> Thank you,
Gourami Problems Hi. Two days ago I got four male neon
blue dwarf Gouramis and put them in a 10g. tank by themselves and
I have a few concerns. first of all, they are all males, will
that pose a problem? <they may fight... if it becomes a
problem you will need to separate them> second, 2-3 of them
seem to not be eating, <maybe they are stressed? did you check
the water quality... were they eating when you purchased
them?> and the one that does eat doesn't seem to eat very
much, <some is better than nothing at all> I feed them
TetraMin flakes, but they just sit there hiding or on the bottom,
should I just change the food or what? <check the water
quality> and also, one of them seems mentally challenged.
I've noticed him shaking, darting around the tank and running
into things and that sort of behavior. what is the problem and
how can I cure it?<you can't they just have to adapt to
their new living conditions> I've been having a little
trouble with my water heater so the temp has changed some, could
this be a problem?<possibly> please hurry back to me I am
very concerned.<just keep a close eye on the fish and check
the water quality... and read more on WWM about these particular
species of fish and acceptable ranges of water quality, good
luck, IanB> thank you, Drew
trouble Please Help, <Sabrina here tonight, I'll
certainly try> Today I changed 1/4th of my 35 gal tanks water
and every one was fine, tonight on the side of my Gouramis
he/she? has red raised bump on the side of the body with a small
white spot in the center, and two littler red spots by her face.
Please help! I have searched the web and asked around, what is it
and what should I do? <Well, first off, this sounds like some
sort of bacterial infection. As to what it is
specifically, it could be early stages of septicemia, perhaps a
wound that has been infected, possibly mycobacteriosis (fish TB),
perhaps something else. Start by isolating the sick
fish in a separate tank, prevent the illness from
spreading. I would treat with Kanamycin sulfate,
available as "Kanacyn" by Aquatronics, or perhaps
"Spectrogram", which is a combination of Kanamycin and
Nitrofurazone. Do be certain to monitor your water
parameters closely (pH, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate) and keep
things stable to help the fish recover during
treatment. Hope all goes well, -Sabrina>
Thanks for your time, Mary
Trichogaster trichopterus Hi, <Hello, Sabrina
here> I was unable to find any good documentation about my
Gourami. I have 2 female three spotted Gourami and
they have been living together for about 6 months.
<Trichogaster trichopterus is the Latin name - a Google search
will yield great results, and here's the WWM
article: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/anabantoids.htm
.> Living with them, I have a small school of tiger
barbs. The other day I bought a pink kissing
Gourami. Now one of my three spotted Gourami has
turned very dark and his spots have faded out so that it appears
as if it has no spots. I suspect that it may be stress
because the color change occurred within about 3
hours. A bacteria wouldn't act this fast without
harming any of the other fish right? <It's
certainly possible, but you're right on about stress,
too. Now you've just got to determine why the fish
is stressed - illness, perhaps; or maybe being bullied by that
new kisser.> Anyway, that fish now hangs out in the
plants. How should I go about diagnosing what is
wrong? <A good starting point: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwfshparasites.htm Other
than that, observe the fish very closely, and separate to a
quarantine tank if at all possible, for better observation and to
protect the fish, also to prevent any possibility of spreading
any illness to other fish.> Thanks, Keeter
<Wishing you well, -Sabrina>
Problem About a week after Christmas(2003), I purchased two
small Gold Gouramis a little under two inches, One slightly
larger than the other. They had been gobbling down their share of
Bloodworms and TetraMin flakes, the larger one had grown to about
three and a half inches while the smaller one still remained
small, but ate just as much as the other. About a week ago, the
smaller one stopped eating and just stared out the front of the
tank. Four days after he stopped eating, he/she just died, and I
have No idea why. I checked the water and ammonia and nitrate was
0 and Ph was 7.4- Is that ok? They are in a 29 gallon tank with
three platys, four mollies, two Cory cats, and five tetras and
they all get along, especially the live bearers. We
went to PetSmart to see if the lone Gourami could survive by
itself, and he said that they do MUCH better in pairs, although
not a schooling fish so he would be ok. So we bought another, not
knowing if it was a male or female. When we let it float in his
little plastic bag, we noticed that once again, the Gourami was
smaller than big fish of the tank. The new Gourami also had
darker, more brown, markings and redder eyes. When we let him out
of the bag, the old Gourami began rubbing against it and feeling
of it with its little feeler thingy ma bobbers (don't have a
clue as to what they are!!) Is that a way of breeding? I tried to
find info on which ones are males and which ones are females and
the old Gourami had a longer dorsal fin and it was kinda pointy,
and the new one has a short fin. He did that until I fed them
that night and the old Gourami chased the new one away from the
food and hasn't had anything to do with the new one since
except chasing it and I noticed a small tear on the new one's
tail. Should I take the new one back before It kills or gets
killed? Who caused the tear? Thanks for all your help. You site
is on my favorites list! Rachel >>Dear Rachel; You mention
testing your water for ammonia and nitrate, did you also test
nitrites? Nitrite and nitrate are not the same thing, and I would
recommend always testing for all three. Ammonia, nitrite, and
nitrate. You need to know the results for ALL three tests. You pH
sounds fine. How often are you doing partial water changes?
Please let me know all of this information :) Your gold Gouramis
have feelers, most Gouramis do, and they use these to inspect
other fish. It is quite normal, it's their way of
communicating with each other. The tear in her fins could be
caused by aggression, either from the other Gourami, or from one
of your mollies. Just make sure you test your water, and that
your water tests indicate good water quality, otherwise your fish
can develop fin rot or fungus on the damaged fins. Good luck!
Dwarf Gourami and Camallanus Hi there,
<Hello! Sabrina, here.> Thank you all for
keeping such a wonderful and informative website. <And thank
you for the kind words!> I have had two dwarf Gourami in a 5
gallon QT tank with an established sponge filter for approx 2
months. I plan on moving them to a much larger tank
when I'm sure that they are disease/parasite free. <Sounds
like an excellent plan.> About one month ago I noticed two
tiny red threads (approx. 2mm long) poking out from the anus of
each Gourami. <Yikes, that does indeed sound like
Camallanus.> I ordered some Pepsofood and fed it for three
days and then once per week as directed with no effect.
<Although Pepso food is very useful stuff, I do not believe it
contains medicines effective against Camallanus.> The fish
still have a hearty appetite and do not display any unusual
behavior or appearance. <Always a good sign!>
Recently I was reading an article that suggested my fish were
infected with the Camallanus nematode. <Sounds
like it. Though, is it possible what you're seeing
is just feces? Some red-colored foods will give fish
red poo, but the "threadlike" appearance you describe
is classic of Camallanus.> Many different medications were
suggested on many websites like disco worm, <Perhaps this was
"Discomed"? Discomed, manufactured by
Aquatronics, contains Levamisole, and should be effective against
Camallanus.> Trichlorfon, fluke tabs, <Fluke tabs
are/contain Trichlorfon. This substance should be
avoided unless absolutely *nothing* else works; although it might
be effective, it could be very toxic to the fish.>
Fenbendazole, <Likely would be effective, but will be very
hard to find, I imagine. Try looking for the
proprietary name "Panacur". However, this
will be difficult to dose, as it is usually found sold as a goat
or horse worming medicine.> and Levacide.
<Perhaps "Levamisole"?> Levacide was touted as
being the best cure for this problem. <If you mean
"Levamisole", as above, you can find that in Discomed,
made by Aquatronics.> I did some research on the web and could
not find out where to buy this medication and whether or not it
would harm the biological filter. <Whether you use
Piperazine or Levamisole (or even Fenbendazole), it should be
administered via food, so it should not impact the nitrifying
Ammonia is 0 nitrite 0 nitrate 10ppm temp 78F and 25% WC 2 times
a week with dechlorinated water I keep heated and aerated in a
bucket. <Sounds great.> Has anyone had experience with this
kind of infestation? Which medication would be most
effective and where can I get it? <Either Levamisole or
Piperazine should work for you. Most small, non-chain
fish stores do carry Discomed (Levamisole); however, you can also
find it available for sale at many online stores. You
can also look for Aquatronics' "Pipzine", which
contains Piperazine, and should also be very effective against
Camallanus. If you have trouble locating either of
these, you might try contacting Aquatronics ( http://www.aquatronicsonline.com/
). I believe there is a store locater on their
'site, as well.> Can snails be a secondary host? <I
don't *think* so; it is usually spread through feces, I
believe. It would certainly be a good idea to prevent
moving any life from the sick tank to another.> Also,
Camallanus I read is highly infectious. <It can be
easily spread if an infected fish dies and is left in the tank to
be nibbled on, or also again, through nibbling on feces (Mmmm,
feces), so it'd be a really good idea to siphon off any poo
and gunk very regularly, even daily.> If it has reached my
other planted freshwater community tank (18 gal, 5 neon tetra, 1
SAE, 2 Otto Cats), what medication could I use with the sensitive
catfish? <Certainly *not* Trichlorfon, that's
for sure. Piperazine or Levamisole should be fine,
though.> Thank you in advance for your
help. Michelle <Sure thing. Wishing you
and your Gourami well, Sabrina>
Troubles Hello - Hoping you can help. We have just
recovered from a case of Ich in our tank - 2 survivors
only. 1 Pearl Danio and 1 Gold
Gourami. After two weeks, we added a Pleco, 2 more
Danios and through the recommendation at the pet store, 3 white
balloon platys. Everyone seems happy except that the
Gourami is attacking the platys (one of them is
pregnant). The pet store staff suggested the Gourami
would be fine on his own. It has only been 24 hours
since the platys went in the tank but they already seem stressed.
Should I rid of the Gourami? Should I get a partner
for him? Is it too soon and give them a few more days
to adjust to the new attendees? Thanks for your help. Patty
Despinic <<Dear Patty; what size is the tank? Tank size
does play an important role in the aggression levels of fish. And
gold Gouramis can be nasty. Adding another simply means you are
adding another potentially nasty fish. They each have their own
character, some are nasty, but some do fine in community tanks.
As for the balloon platies (are you sure they aren't balloon
mollies?) you need to make a judgment call...is the Gourami
aggressing them to the point where their fins are becoming
shredded? If not, try leaving them in there for a few more days,
and see if the aggression lessens. If it doesn't lessen, you
will need to decide if you still want to keep them, or return
either them or the Gourami. -Gwen>>
Gourami Troubles
II Sorry-the tank is 30 gallons. I have left
them together for a few days and they are not really any
better. The balloon (mollies) do not have any physical
damage but they are huddled together in the plant in the tank and
won't swim the tank. I have tested it by removing
the Gourami for a short while and the balloon molly's
demeanor changes quickly and dramatically. They are obviously
much happier. If I decide to get rid of the Gourami -
any suggestions other than flushing him. He was
purchased weeks ago - I'm not sure they would take him
back. Is it safe to give him to a friend who also has
a tank? Thanks for all your help. Patty Despinic <<Hey
Patty, you should phone your LFS and ask them. Tell them the
problem, and if they don't take back the Gourami, would they
know of any other stores that would? I don't see a problem,
most Serious Pet stores will take a healthy fish back. But yes,
it is probably safe to give him away to your friend, too. Good
luck! -Gwen>>
Gourami Troubles Hello - Hoping you can
help. We have just recovered from a case of Ich in our
tank - 2 survivors only. 1 Pearl Danio and 1 Gold
Gourami. After two weeks, we added a Pleco, 2 more
Danios and through the recommendation at the pet store, 3 white
balloon platys. Everyone seems happy except that the
Gourami is attacking the platys (one of them is
pregnant). The pet store staff suggested the Gourami
would be fine on his own. It has only been 24 hours
since the platys went in the tank but they already seem stressed.
Should I rid of the Gourami? Should I get a partner
for him? Is it too soon and give them a few more days
to adjust to the new attendees? Thanks for your help. Patty
Despinic <<Dear Patty; what size is the tank? Tank size
does play an important role in the aggression levels of fish. And
gold Gouramis can be nasty. Adding another simply means you are
adding another potentially nasty fish. They each have their own
character, some are nasty, but some do fine in community tanks.
As for the balloon platies (are you sure they aren't balloon
mollies?) you need to make a judgment call...is the Gourami
aggressing them to the point where their fins are becoming
shredded? If not, try leaving them in there for a few more days,
and see if the aggression lessens. If it doesn't lessen, you
will need to decide if you still want to keep them, or return
either them or the Gourami. -Gwen>>
Big Stomach Dwarf Gourami Hi, I have a dwarf Gourami
and it's stomach is expanded (looks abnormal), suspect she
has eaten too much or gastric problem. It always float at bottom
and doesn't show much activity since last 3 days, I have
reduced the diet but still not sure how will it recover?
Can you help me to give him some exercise to clean off
his stomach. Please help, my another Gourami died last month with
the same symptoms. <<Hello there. You can try to find a
medicated food at your local fish store, this might help. Also,
make sure your water quality is good, do you do regular partial
water changes? If so, how often, and do you test your water? Test
for ammonia, nitrite, and nitrates. You may also feed some fibre,
such as foods with Spirulina, or frozen daphnia. Do the scales
stick out like a pinecone? If so, the infection is too far
advanced to save the fish :( -Gwen>>
Lethargic Dwarf Gourami I browsed through some of your
FAQ and couldn't seem to find the specific problem I'm
having. One of my dwarf Gouramis (which we've had for around
6 mo.s and has always seemed quite healthy until recently) has
begun to stay on the bottom of the tank or will wedge itself in a
plant and lay there. It also doesn't seem to be eating. None
of the other fish are showing symptoms of any illness. Its colour
seems a bit dulled; however, I don't see any
film/parasites/fungus on the fish. Any advice? It looks like
it's dying and I don't know what to do. <<Hello.
You will need to test your water, and let me know the results of
the following: ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates. You can get your
water tested at most respectable tropical fish stores. Once we
have established this, I can help you further with
troubleshooting your problem, 90% of fish related illnesses are
directly related to water quality issues. If you cannot get your
water tested immediately, at least do a partial water change to
help the fish until you can test it. In the meantime you may also
add a bit of salt to the tank, aquarium salt is also found at
your local fish store, add one teaspoon per gallon, gradually.
Keep the salt in the tank for a few weeks. If you do water
changes, the salt can be re-added to the new water. i.e. if you
remove 5 gallons of water, replace it with 5 gallons of new water
with 5 teaspoons of salt. Any top-off water (due to evaporation)
should be freshwater only. Please let me know your test results
as soon as you can. Thanks -Gwen>>
Serenade Hi Bob, thanks for looking. My fish shows a rather
strange scarring across the bottom part of the body, running
along the top of the ventral fin. I've been in this hobby for
over 15 years and have never seen this. I was hoping you could
come up with some ideas. Water's good, so is the temperature;
the pH may be a bit acidic. Thanks, Mauricio. P.S. the
"infected" fish is a moonlight Gourami <<Hi
Mauricio, Gwen here instead of Bob. I am unsure of what I'm
following up on here. Do you have a pic of this scarring? Some
background info, too, like tank specs: how many gallons, what
tankmates are in with him, how often you do water changes, what
are the ammonia, nitrite and nitrate readings, and what the fish
is behaving like. Is it eating? Hiding? Acting normal? All of
this info will help. Thanks, Gwen>>
Lumpy Gourami -
05/31/2004 Hi! <Yo!> One of our Gouramis
has a small lump on the left side of his face, near his
mouth. It appears to be under the scales, as the
scales seem to be pushed up. Otherwise, he/she seems
healthy, eating, generally enjoying life. <Sounds
possibly like the beginnings of Lymphocystis.... but
also several other possibilities.> We have a 20 gallon
freshwater tank with two Gouramis, three red/orange tetras, a
catfish, an algae eater and two guppies. The tank is
about 5 months old and apart from needing periodic treatment for
high PH, <Not good to have a tank on a pH
roller-coaster.... how high is the pH of your
tap? Have you got any "saltwater"
decorations in the tank (coral skeletons,
etc.)? Limestone? Crushed coral or
aragonite substrate? Better to fix the source of the
problem than treat symptoms of it.> tests normal in every
other way. <What readings do you have for ammonia,
nitrite, and nitrate? I suspect, if this is
Lymphocystis, that there's a high nitrate reading
involved? Otherwise I might suspect another illness,
perhaps bacterial or fungal in nature....> All the other fish
look and act normal. What, if anything, should I
do? <Test those levels mentioned - if you
find that you do have a high nitrate reading, work on improving
husbandry - perhaps vacuum the gravel more often, clean filters,
larger and/or more frequent water
changes.... Lymphocystis can/should go away on its own
as this happens.> Peggy <Wishing you and your lumpy Gourami
well, -Sabrina>
Listless Gourami - 06/01/2004 I have had a pair of
dwarf Gouramis for about 3 months and they have been fine &
healthy. However, for the last 4 days the male appears to be
unwell. He is either sitting on the bottom or hanging near the
top looking totally disinterested. At feeding times he initially
attempts to take a flake but usually ends up spitting it back out
and therefore quickly loses interest! There is no
obvious signs of disease other than his colours seem a little
dull. <Dull color, listlessness - anything else, at all, out
of the norm? Even things that might not seem that big
a deal can be good evidence to try and diagnose an illness.>
However today I noticed the swordtails & platys keep nudging
him, he responds by moving away. <So he's
still responsive, at least.> I have tried treating the water
with anti-bacterial solution. <Uhm, do you know
what, precisely, you used? Did you complete the
treatment as directed on the package, or stop after the initial
dose?> I have tested the water and all levels are
okay. <Mm, 'okay' is
subjective. Can you please let us know the readings
you have for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and pH? Also,
how large is the tank, what are the other inhabitants, when was
your last addition to the tank, how long ago did you last clean,
and what is your maintenance schedule like? Have you
changed anything lately? Food, dechlorinator, decor or
plants, anything at all?> Please can you give me any advice as
to what to do next, as I think he may be dying!
<Unfortunately, with so little to go off, I can't give a
lot of advice. It never hurts to do a rather sizeable
water change; that ought to be the first thing on your list;
after that, I really don't have much to
suggest. Please do get back to us; I'd like to be
able to help further.> G. Smith <Wishing your Gourami a
swift recovery, -Sabrina>
Listless Gourami - II - 06/01/2004 Thanks for
your reply, unfortunately the dwarf Gourami has since
died! Gill <I'm so sorry to hear that,
Gill. Please let us know if we can be of any further
assistance. Wishing you and your fishes
well, -Sabrina>
Freshwater Tank question Chuck: In reference to this answer
on the website, "watch out that ventral fin feelers
don't get picked off by the faster moving
fish"...I've noticed that my blue Gourami seems to have
a section missing from his "plumage" Where is the
ventral fin, and are the Danios or blue tetras the likely
culprit, as they are the faster moving fish? Also, if
I increase my Danio school (I only have 3 now), do you think that
stands a chance of decreasing the chances of this happening
again? < These "feelers" that are characteristic of
many Gourami species, are too tempting for other species to leave
alone. The Gouramis often use these to poke and prod other things
and they get picked off by the smaller faster fish like the blue
tetras in your case. Adding more fish won't prevent this from
happening again.-Chuck> Cyndy Monarez/Thomas Nelson
Do you think the Gourami's fin difficulty warrants
MelaFix? < No not really unless you see it fungused or
diseased.> He's not hovering in the corner and appears to
be okay, plus there doesn't seem to be any further damage at
this time. My only other tank houses a Beta, and from what
I've read, it certainly won't help me to put the Gourami
with him, right? < The Betta will be very territorial and your
Gourami will be worse off.> I guess what I'm
asking....could this be a problem that could eventually cause
bacterial problems within the whole tank? < Not really unless
the fish becomes weak and sick from an infection.>
Also, I hate treating the whole tank with MelaFix
when he's the only one that needs it. Please weigh in if you
will.....Thanks, Cyndy < I would not treat the tank and
concentrate on keeping the water clean.-Chuck>
Gourami Hello! I've been reading through your
FAQs and articles and I have found them very
useful. They have made my job a lot easier, because I
just started fish keeping about a month and a half
ago. Anyways, here is my question. I have a
10 gallon quarantine tank with two dwarf Gouramis in them for
three weeks. The water quality is ammonia=0ppm,
nitrites=0ppm, nitrates=10ppm, pH=7.6. I did a 30%
water change last night and the nitrates dropped to about
5ppm. Back to the question... About four days after
putting the Gouramis into the tank, I noticed brown splotches on
their heads. That was the most obvious
feature. The splotches are not regular or in any
particular pattern. The splotches have been there ever
since. Last night, everything changed because I found
one Gourami lying nearly on its side on the tank's
bottom. Its gills and mouth were flapping rapidly.
Also, I noticed that their feces were awfully long and light
colored. On the other hand, this morning, the
healthier Gourami had a dark feces trail. The sicker Gourami
looked even worse. What can I do about
this? Thanks a lot. <<Hello. Dwarf Gouramis are
specifically prone to bacterial infections. You can try your LFS
to see what meds they have in stock to combat external bacterial
infections. Salt may help in early cases, as will Melafix, but if
the disease has not been caught at the beginning, you may need
something stronger. Good job on the testing, keep it up!
Flame Gourami Help! My very 1st fish (purchased in May)
was a Flame Gourami who lived happily until I got a 2nd Gourami
(a Blue one). They lived together for about 2 months but the Blue
Gourami was too aggressive and nipped at the fins of the Flame.
Fearing this would be too stressful I have recently moved the
Blue into another tank. This 10 gallon tank also contains 3
Tetras, 3 small Ghost Catfish, and now 2 new Black
Mollies. The Flame Gourami appeared to be getting stressed from
the other Gourami and began hiding and evading most of his day.
Now ever though the Blue Gourami was removed, the Flame Gourami
continues to spend most of his day hiding and rather than coming
to the surface at feeding time as he used to, now
"runs" and hides as fast as he can when I approach the
tank, sometimes running into the side of the tank in his hurry to
get away. Yesterday I found this Gourami laying on his side,
seemingly gasping for air and I assumed he was dying. However he
has moved around but now he is swimming around, but in odd ways,
as if he is disoriented. He seems unable to stay right side up
and even swims in corkscrews patterns to get around the tank.
Looking at all your information about fish disease the only thing
I can attribute this to is stress but other than staying away
from the tank as much as possible so as not to care him, I do not
know what else to do. He has no growths on his body nor are there
any oddities about his general shape/appearance. He has some fins
nips on his tail fin, which were from the other Gourami, but they
have never affected his swimming before. His other fins appear
fine. The blue stripe on his dorsal fin varies in brightness from
day to day--but always has. The Ph level to the tank was a little
acidic so I have fixed that and I increased the output to the
filter to increase airflow into the water. None of the other fish
appear to be bothered if it were a general tank condition issue.
How can I de-stress my fish before it is too late or is there
another explanation? <The stress may have weakened you fish
and caused an internal bacterial infection. Do a 30% water change
and clean the filter. I would treat with Metronidazole and leave
the light off for most of the day unless you have live
plants.-Chuck> Thanks for any help you can provide. KMR
Dropsical Gourami - 10/06/2004 My 80 gallon freshwater,
planted tank contains six discus and two moonlight Gouramis.
Everyone is happy, healthy, eating, and generally utterly
normal-- but one of the Gouramis has, for the last
week or so, developed the hugest belly I have ever seen-- like he
swallowed a monstrous marble. He (it) doesn't have "pine
cone" like scales, just this gigantic bulge. He's not
eating for the past two/three days-- not surprising, I guess,
with whatever's happening probably taking up all the room in
his system and more. <Could be simple constipation causing
these Dropsical symptoms, or could be something more daunting -
internal bacterial infection, damage to or infection of the
swim bladder.... For now, I would hope that it is
simple constipation. Quarantine the fish (carefully!
Use a container to catch, not a net) and add Epsom salts
(magnesium sulfate) to his water, at one or two tablespoons per
ten gallons. Do not feed for now, and see how it
goes. When you do begin to feed again, feed *only*
foods of high roughage content: daphnia, adult brine shrimp,
thawed pea with the shell removed....> I feel like I should
take a pin to his side and deflate him, he's so bulgy!
<Yikes, don't do *that*! ;) > Any thoughts as to what
might be going on? (feed is one small feed of beef heart, one
small feed of bloodworms and one small feed of frozen freshwater
cuisine cubes daily, plus there's all sorts of natural
greenery going on in the tank for anyone that wants it.)
<Another possibility I see here. Beef heart, though
widely used by discus keepers, is a hotly debated topic - and
I'm on the side that it should never, ever be fed to
fish. Mind you, though, there are plenty of folks much
more experienced than I that use it regularly. My
reasoning comes from the fact that (as I understand it) this
stuff will, over time, cause fatty deposits on the liver that
will ultimately cause irreparable damage, and possibly kill the
fish. I am of the mind that fish that require meats in
their diet should only be fed meats that are aquatic in nature -
shrimp, fish, scallops, squid, worms, insects/larvae; plenty of
good'uns out there. It's not every day ya see
cow hearts floating down the Amazon, to be nibbled by local
discus....> The other Gourami is fine.... <Then, hopefully,
just a simple case of Gourami constipation.> Judy Waytiuk
<Wishing you and your bloaty-bellied buddy
well, -Sabrina>
Dropsical Gourami - II - 10/06/2004 Hi Sabrina, thanks
for getting back to me... <You bet.> I tried the Epsom
salts thing (and now have two quarts of Epsom salts to use in my
bath-- the pharmacist burst out laughing when I said I just
needed a few teaspoons for a sick fish.) <Hah! Oh,
my.... I'm sure that was an
adventure! I wish you'd have seen the look on my
vet's face when I asked for a syringe so I could kill
Aiptasia.... He was sure *one* of us was off their
rocker.> Didn't work. A very wee bit of poop came out, but
that was it. The little guy gave up the ghost overnight (I think,
starved to death, since he/it'd stopped eating over a week
ago). <So sorry to hear of this.> So I necropsied him. And
strange it may be, but the huge bulge (about the size of those
BIG marbles! in a wee, small Gourami) was WATER!! No sign of
parasites or nothing'! Go figure-- may have been a birth
defect of some sort. Have you ever heard of that? <Actually,
likely this fluid was the result of an internal bacterial
infection.... Did you perhaps see off-white
lumps/granulomas on the internal organs? Anything else
amiss? Any good pics/books to go off, so you might
have an idea what something "wrong" might look like,
and have something to use for identifying the
problem? There are a few *great* books packed with
info available, and one that I like solely for the clear, concise
photography (though the info is somewhat
outdated). Let me know if you'd like some
recommendations.> BTW, your thoughts on beef heart are most
interesting. <Ala Levar Burton, "You don't have to
take *my* word for it". From Bailey and
Burgess' "Tropical Fishlopaedia", page 69, "It
is best to avoid feeding mammal/bird meats to fish as this can
lead to the accumulation of harmful fatty deposits in the liver
and other tissues. Despite such risks, the feeding of
beef heart or liver is still advocated by many aquarists, but if,
used at all, the golden rule is to feed such meats very
sparingly. On the other hand, fresh or frozen fish,
shellfish, (e.g. mussels), and shrimps/prawns are excellent foods
for fish." Gratzek's "Aquariology"
tome also cautions about the use of beef
heart. I'm sure others do, as well. For
me, I would rather treat my fish to some shrimp or scallop and
not worry about it at all. And again, many discus
breeders recommend the use of the meat highly.... Why,
I'm not sure, but they do.> I just may take that to heart,
<No pun intended?> and feed them beef heart very, very
seldom as a special treat, since they do go ape over it. <A
good plan. Do please be cautious.> Mind you, they
go ape over all their food. <Sounds like a fish to
me! Wishing you well, -Sabrina>
Blue Dwarf
Gourami with Swollen eye Hi WWM, I am fairly new to keeping
tropical fish, so apologies if this is a dumb question. This
morning when I checked on my fish I noticed that one of the Dwarf
Gouramis (affectionately named Bleu) has a very swollen left eye
(it's actually like it's been mounted on a washer and
stuck to the side of his head). He definitely WASN'T like it
yesterday. < Probably a case of pop eye has started. Anaerobic
bacteria has begun to grow behind the eye ball and the pressure
that the bacteria have generated has begun to push the eye out of
the socket. Treat with Metronidazole in a separate hospital
tank.> He doesn't appear to be in any distress, although
he is slightly isolating himself from the other fish. He came out
for food this morning and ate as normal. He's quite shy
anyway, and sometimes gets chased by one of the other Gouramis
(Altogether we have 1 Indian Gourami, 2 dwarf Gourami, 1 golden
Gourami, 2 leopard Plecos, 3 golden algae eaters, 10 assorted
tetras and three zebra Danios) but much less so than when they
were all initially introduced to the tank. We have had a few
problems with the tank since building it up. We did have two
angels (with 3 zebras, 1 Pleco, 1 Gourami and 5 neon tetras) both
of which died 10 days after joining the tank (one of which was
never found - assumed eaten). More recently we bought a Betta
that was very beautiful but incredibly shy. After his first night
in the tank I found him lying in the shadow of a rock. Worried
that he was trapped, I put my hand gently against the glass to
see if he would react, and he swam away. He spent a lot of time
hiding behind the thermometer stuck on the side of the tank. That
evening I was looking for him everywhere, and after a 40 minute
search discovered him UNDER an ornament. There was a small gap in
the volcanic rock/gravel and I just assumed that he was ok. The
next morning I woke to find him in shreds. Half his scales were
missing and his tail was non-existent. I immediately isolated him
(in a vase - after reading an FAQ here) with new water. He died
within an hour. My girlfriend decided that perhaps he was unwell
prior to joining the tank, and so we took the plunge and bought
another Betta. This one was entirely different, chasing the other
fish around and flaring at them. Two days later, he too became
reclusive, hiding behind the thermometer. This time I isolated
him as soon as I saw the warning signs. He had lost a few scales
but nothing as severe as the first one. He died within a couple
of hours of isolation. < Bettas don't to too well in many
community tank situations. Other fish that are faster
continuously pick on the long flowing fins of the male Betta.
Soon they have him herded into a corner and he doesn't come
out to eat any more and the other fish become more bold and go
after him.> A few weeks ago we bought 3 dwarf Gouramis and an
Indian Gourami. After what appeared to be a fairly harmonious
start to their life in the tank, overnight one of the dwarf
Gouramis developed a fairly serious case of fin rot and loss of
colour/scales. Not trusting my own ability to save him, I
transported him carefully back to the shop for treatment. He died
later that day. I immediately removed the carbon from the filter
and put some anti-fungal treatment in the water. 8 days on from
this and now the other dwarf Gourami has this swollen eye. I have
changed 25% of the water every ten days for the last 5 weeks (due
to the water going brown after the introduction of a log to the
tank - which has since been removed). A couple of weeks ago I
added some Filter Aid, after replanting some foliage and clouding
the water. I have had the water tested every week by the shop,
and all of the levels are normal. The only other significant
factor is that the first Pleco we introduced (affectionately
known as Limpet) has not only grown very quickly, but is leaving
long strings of waste everywhere. They dissolve fairly quickly,
but we have now introduced another Pleco and 3 Algae eaters, as
we assumed that he has too much food to eat. We used to drop a
sinking tablet in once a day, but have stopped using them
altogether. < Find out what "Fine" means and what
they are testing for. They should be testing for ammonia and
nitrite (levels should be zero). And the nitrates should be under
25 ppm. Thing about how often you change the filter and try
vacuuming the gravel next time you n\do a water change . You
Pleco is probably one of the larger species that will take awhile
to grow. The long stringy fecal matter is normal for and algae
eating fish.> Am I a complete muppet? < NO just a beginner
trying to figure out the art and science of keeping a freshwater
aquarium. You are the exact reason that WWM exists. We try to
keep new aquarists in the hobby one email at a time. Most of the
crew has been in you same situation at one time or another. The
best thing you can do is keep a log book on what you are doing
and what fish you bought. Get a quarantine tank set up and going
so you won't be introducing any new diseases into your tank
once it is set and running right. You could get a book for quick
references. The Barron's book series are very good books for
the money and are a good place to start. Go to Marineland.com and
look under Dr. Tim's library for info on filtration and water
chemistry. These little things will help you understand why some
things work and why some don't.-Chuck> Regards, Danny
Sick dwarf Gourami I have a 30 gallon community tank
with various types of Gouramis, some Plecos, Corys and mollies,
plus a large apple snail and some small Danios. Everyone gets
along beautifully. My two dwarf Gouramis are acting peculiar. I
think they're the same gender, but I don't know which.
One hides all the time and rarely comes out from the driftwood,
even for feeding time. The other feeds well, but looks to have a
swollen belly and swims in a slanted position. His swimming is
labored and he often rests against plants. Also their color
sometimes looks drab. There are no other visible signs of illness
(i.e. no protruding scales, Ich, fin rot or damage, wounds). My
water parameters checked out normal. Any ideas? < Could be an
internal bacterial infection. Isolate the fish in a quarantine
tank and treat with Metronidazole.-Chuck> - Sara
Gourami trouble swimming Hi Wet Crew, I have a 33 gal tank (3
yrs). pH is around 7 and temp @ 74 degrees. Penguin
dual BioWheel filter, plants etc. I change about 1/3
of the water every three weeks. <Hello, Jorie here...sounds
like your tank is well-established and stable - good deal.>
Fish are 2x Blue Gourami, 1x Black Angel, 1x Chinese Algae Eater
(who doesn't seem to eat algae), <LOL! I've got a
Siamese Algae Eater who pretty much eats everything *except*
algae!> and 1 or 2 glass shrimp. All my fish seem
to be fine except for one of the Gouramis. It has
trouble swimming and quite often just sits on the bottom with
it's tail spread on the bottom of the tank. It is
eating, but struggles when swimming. There are no
abnormal spots or any visible fungus growth. It's
been doing this for about a week now. <First off, I'd
suggest putting the affected fish into a QT tank just in case it
has something capable of spreading to the
others. Also, if he's experiencing trouble
swimming, a more peaceful environment without other fish to eat
his food, potentially bully him, etc. would be good. Since there
are no visible signs of illness except for the trouble swimming,
could he have somehow injured himself...one of his pectoral fins,
for instance? This once happened to a molly of mine and it
rendered her pretty much incapable of swimming. It
could also potentially be constipation...is the fish pooping
normally? You should be able to better determine this once the
fish is in QT. Fasting and/or feeding a frozen, thawed pea works
well for treating constipation, if that's the
problem. Finally, worst case scenario, it could be
swim bladder disorder, which can be caused by bacterial or viral
disease. After you've ruled out the other ideas
above, you may want to consider treating the fish with a
broad-spectrum antibiotic (but only in the QT tank!) I
would resort to this as a "last ditch"
effort...hopefully the fish is somehow injured and just needs
some healing time in his own tank. And, by the way, if
you do notice that one or more fins are damaged, missing, once
the fish is in QT, you could add MelaFix to the water to aid in
the affected part's regeneration.> Thought the water
change I did on the weekend might help, but I was
wrong. The tank does seem to be producing a lot of
algae - water has a slight green tinge and b4 I changed the water
and cleaned, there was algae visible on the glass. Any ideas?
<With regards to the algae, I'd suggest cutting down on
feeding and stepping up the water changes. I have a 29
gal. tank and I change 5 gallons of the water every
weekend. When I have algae bloom problems, I'll
even do 5 gal. twice per week. Also, is the tank in direct
sunlight? This will cause algae outgrowths. Finally, what type of
lighting is in this tank? Have the bulbs been switched recently?
You could always add more plants (you mentioned this was a planed
tank), as they'll use up more of the nutrients the algae
needs to survive.> Thanks, Derek Horne <You're welcome.
Good luck, Jorie.>
Re: Blue Gourami trouble swimming Hi Jorie, Thanks for
the help. I bought a small tank (5.5 gal) and half
filled with fresh water and half with water from my existing tank
(balanced up the salt as well, of course). Put in a
couple of peas - they are gone now. <Sounds good, Derek...glad
to hear it.> The Gourami didn't seem to be
damaged at all, nor did he seem constipated - seemed a bit thin
actually - and didn't appear to be eating much. It
seemed to be having trouble breathing, so I put in these drops
for fungus. I was told it wouldn't hurt him even
if he didn't have fungus issues. Anyway, he seems
to be doing much better now. Swimming a lot stronger
etc. I'll keep him separate for another few days
to see what happens. <Glad to hear he's
improved. Please consider keeping him separated for at
least a couple of weeks, more conservatively (and the choice I
would opt for) a month. If all's still well, then it's
definitely time to re-unite him with his fishy friends.>
Thanks again for your help!!!! Sincerely, Derek <Glad I could
help. Best, Jorie.>
Tumor in Gourami I have a male neon blue Gourami
(Colisa lalia) sharing a 5 US gallon hex tank with 8 neon tetras
and 2 albino Corys. <Maybe a little overstocked for a 5
gallon, but not bad> The tank has been stocked for 8 days,
after fishless cycling, although I had the Gourami in quarantine
for a couple of weeks prior to that. <Wow, a fishless cycle
and QT! Your fish and I thank you.> Water parameters are fine,
pH 7.6, ammonia 0, nitrIte 0, nitrAte 20. <Yep, All good>
The other fish are all healthy. I usually feed OSI Staple
Granules (floating/sinking), with occasional flake food, frozen
brine shrimp, freeze dried bloodworm, and, 2 days ago, cooked
crushed de-shelled peas and carrot. <A good varied diet.
Outstanding! But I do wonder who is eating the vegetables. Corys
and tetras are more carnivorous. The Gourami may take them. Be
careful not to over feed.> For the last 2 - 3 days, the
Gourami, Ginger, <A boy named 'Ginger'?> has been
very quiet and not eating. His belly seemed a bit swollen and I
suspected constipation or just overeating. However, the swelling
is now larger and markedly asymmetrical, mostly on his right
side, behind and slightly below his right pectoral
fin. Otherwise, his colour is normal, no sign of
fungus, parasites, cloudy skin or eyes or raised
scales. He's just hanging around near the top of
the tank looking uncomfortable. Could it be constipation, or
intestinal blockage, internal parasites, internal infection or
even a tumour? Please, any suggestions on what the problem could
be and anything I can do about it? It's all happened in the
last couple of days. Thanks heaps! <Hi Vicki, Don
here. It could be any of the things you mention, but the fact it
is asymmetrical points towards a tumor. If so there is really
nothing you can do for him. I would put him back in the QT and
try a Metronidazole based med for internal parasites and cross my
fingers. Good luck> Vicki PS Queensland,
Tumor in Gourami Hi again Don Thank you so much for
replying so promptly. <My pleasure> It's just
getting-up time here, and unfortunately I just found my Gourami
Ginger dead. <Sorry to hear> I examined his internal organs
(not fun, but I thought I owed it to him) and found what looked
like a blood clot in his digestive tract. It was hard to tell,
but I couldn't see any other signs of inflammation, white
spots or whatever. His digestive tract was empty, so not
constipation I guess. My concern now is whether an infection of
some kind could have caused bleeding in his stomach. <Maybe,
could also have been an old blockage/damage or infection> Is
it best to just adopt a watch and wait approach with the rest of
the tank? <Yep> I should mention that fish meds in
Australia are fairly restricted for over-the-counter sales --
tri-sulfa and tetracycline seem to be the only ones easily
obtainable, and I haven't seen medicated fish food at all.
Thanks again for your help, and for the great web site. Vicki PS
<Yes, I would just watch for any other problems. Please resist
the urge to replace him. Frankly, I think he was a problem in the
5 gallon. Add another Cory if anything. Watch your nitrates and
do water changes to keep them below 20ppm. Good luck and welcome
to the hobby. BTW have you joined us in the forum yet? If not,
please do. I'm "Fish Soup" in the forum. Hope to
see you there. D
Sick Pink Kissing Gourami A friend recently gave me his
a fish tank that had a very small fish and a Kissing Gourami. The
fish sat in his office's lobby where almost nobody noticed
them. I took them home and put them in the same tank they had
lived in their entire lives, with the decorations exactly the
same. The small fish is doing great and swimming all the time,
the Gourami is sitting on the bottom of the tank with its fin and
barely ever moves. When it does move, it swims around the tank
once and goes up to the surface and shoots back down and sits on
the bottom of the tank again. I first thought I had ICH, so I
treated the water, but It didn't seem to help anything. What
should I do? What's hurting my fish Thanks, Ryan <Mmm,
well, Kissers do "sit about" quite a bit... If your
tank is large enough (twenty or more gallons) and otherwise not
overcrowded I would add another kisser... they're social...
hard to "kiss yourself"... and this should stir the
present one to be more active. Bob Fenner>
Long poop on Gourami, not white, dark tannish color
Wonder if it's normal for my Gourami to have a long trail of
poop (about 1.5 times body length) trailing. It isn't white
colored, it's a sort of darkish tan or very light brown.
<Can, yes... depending on the food its getting> It's
swimming around quite happily, color is good, but that poop,
it's hanging there forever it seems (well it's been there
over 15 minutes now). I feed my fish dried shrimp at least two
times a week, sometimes more, so it should be getting enough
fiber. Is this a sign of a parasite even though the poop looks
the right color, doesn't seem hollow or stringy, but looks
like a constant poop that is in dire need of being squeezed off.
<I would not be concerned here. Bob Fenner>
Injured Dwarf Gourami Hello. I have an injured Dwarf
Gouramis. He was being attacked behind his eyes by a Platy.
<Unusual> It looks as if its scales are gone and there are
sores on both sides. I have it in a 10 gal. tank with a male
Betta (with no problems. my Betta is mellow), 2 platies, 3 white
clouds, 2 albino Corys, an angel fish, and a rams horn snail. My
water is perfect condition. I took the aggressive platy out of
the tank and have him in a bowl for the time being. The Gourami
has been hanging out in the corner of the tank by the heater.
Will he heal eventually heal and grow his scales back? <Likely
so> I have started treating the tank with MelaFix. Will this
help? <Probably more than hurt> Plus the angel has been
hanging out on the bottom lately. Any Ideas what could help?
<Time going by. BTW, the plural of Gourami is Gouramis, platy
is platies. Bob Fenner>
A Sick Red Gourami Bob - hope
you can provide some insight. I'll make this short. Two days
ago, my Red Gourami came out from behind of his hiding plant
(which was unusual.) In looking closely at him, I noticed a dark
gray area behind each gill. This, obviously, was not normal and I
had no idea what it was. The only thing I put in the tank (10
gal.) to assist him was a recommended dose of "Melafix"
that I purchased at the pet store. The only other foreign matter
I had put in the tank was about a week ago when I added some
Epsom Salts to a small breeding tank that had a constipated Guppy
in it. (The Guppy didn't make it.) Unfortunately,
neither did my Gouramis. I had intended to totally change the
water this morning, but when I arose, the Gourami had died.
I'm just trying to figure out what possibly the gray areas
could have been and what I should have done. I'd had the
Gourami for about 6 months and he'd been very healthy.
Between the time I noticed the gray around the gills and it's
dying was very quick. - 2 days. Appreciate any insight.
Riley <Likely the damage about the gills was
environmental in origin... perhaps the treatments you added had
something to do with this... maybe not... Many imported Gouramis
(and livebearers for that matter) from the Far East suffer such
mortalities... mysteriously. The best one can do is to keep
systems optimized, stable and offer good foods. Bob