FAQs on
Anabantoids/Gouramis & Relatives
Social Disease
FAQs on Gourami Disease:
Gourami Disease 1,
Gourami Disease 2,
Gourami Disease 3,
Gourami Disease 4,
FAQs on Gourami Disease by Category:
Nutritional (e.g. HLLE),
Infectious (Virus, Bacterial, Fungal),
Parasitic (Ich, Velvet...),
Related Articles:
Anabantoids/Gouramis & Relatives,
Genera Ctenopoma & Microctenopoma,
Betta splendens/Siamese Fighting Fish,
Related FAQs:
Gouramis 1,
Gouramis 2,
Gourami Identification,
Gourami Behavior,
Gourami Compatibility,
Gourami Selection,
Gourami Systems,
Gourami Feeding,
Gourami Reproduction,
Betta splendens/Siamese Fighting
banded gouramis?...and an
angelfish not eating 1/21/12
i have a 35 gallon freshwater tropical aquarium that I have had running
since i was 10 ( I'm 12 now ) . the aquarium contains 2 black
tetras, 1 pearl gourami, 1 blue gourami, 2 harlequin Rasboras, one
honey gourami, and one large angelfish. I had wanted to add some
colorful Colisa gouramis to my tank and after reading about the
seemingly cursed dwarf gourami, ( I had to learn that the hard way
before i went and searched "dwarf gourami disease" online) i
decided on banded gouramis. Since they grow quite large, will they
bully the honey gourami? i think the banded gouramis would do this
because they are Colisa, like the honey. (if they were Trichogaster, i
would ask about the pearl and blue gourami).
<By their very nature, male Gouramis of all kinds are territorial
and can bully smaller Gouramis, whether of their own species or others.
In a big aquarium they may spread themselves out, but in your tank,
adding a second Gourami species could be risky. Females are not usually
aggressive, so they can be safer bets. But I'd recommend sticking
with Honey Gouramis, keeping either a single male or some odd number of
males 3 or above.>
also, i had purchased the angelfish about 8 days ago, and since i
introduced him into the tank, he has not been eating. I noticed white
stringy feces
<Ah, sounds like Hexamita infection.>
and he always hides behind an Amazon sword plant in the back. I have
tried to get him to eat by feeding him freeze dried Tubifex worms, live
brine shrimp, bloodworms, daphnia, and flakes, but he didn't eat
anything. he hasn't been eating for 8 days now, so I'm getting
worried. I thought maybe the angelfish is acting like this because he
might be annoyed by all the commotion that goes on around him ( the
Rasboras are extremely hyperactive). how could i get him to eat? any
help would be greatly appreciated. thanks Andy
<Do read here:
Hexamita is quite common among farmed cichlids, and can only be cured
with Metronidazole. Cheers, Neale.>
Fish inquiry... Tetra, small Characin sel., comp.
7/15/08 Dear Crew, I'm pretty new to the fish keeping
hobby but I have been researching online. Here is my dilemma. I
have a tank with Serpae tetras who keep to themselves (thank
god), zebra danios, a rubber lip Pleco, and platys. <A
"courageous" combination to say the least. Serpae
tetras aren't my recommendation for the community tank, as
you seem to realise.> I need a somewhat larger fish to be the
so-called "attraction" fish but I don't know which
kinds will live peacefully with my other fish. <With Serpae
tetras, not much! The obvious choices -- Angelfish, Gouramis,
etc. -- will simply be pecked to death.> I have a 26 gallon
tank, its pretty tall and its a bowfront. I've been deciding
between some kind(s) of gouramis, freshwater angels, or silver
dollars. <No, no and no respectively. The Gouramis and Angels
will be nibbled to pieces, and the Silver Dollars get far too
large for a tank this size.> Which species is best suited for
my tank and well get along with the tankmates; and if you have
any other suggestions about other species please let me know.
<To be honest, I'd not bother. I'd either up the
numbers of the species you already have, or perhaps add an
interesting catfish of some sort that can keep out of trouble.
Serpae tetras for example look their best in big swarms of dozens
of specimens, when their feeding frenzy behaviour becomes quite
something to watch. Of course any catfish that avoids trouble,
like a Synodontis, isn't going to be showpiece fish
you're after.> Also, ever since I transferred a red wag
platy over to the bigger tank, it has constantly been hiding even
though none of the other fish harass it. <Almost certainly it
has been nipped by the Serpae tetras and is keeping a low
profile. Serpae tetras don't just bite the fins from other
fish but also the scales, and such damage can be difficult to
see.> Is there any way I can solve this problem? <Not
really, no.> Thank you, Pierre <Hope this helps, Neale.>
Re: fish inquiry 7/15/08 Thank you for that info.
Do you think there are any tetras that I could replace the
Serpaes with that would get along with angels or gouramis? I
might decide to take them back to the pet store. Pierre
<Angelfish will simply view very small tetras, such as Neons,
as food, so you have to be careful. Certain other tetras, can be
just as nippy as Serpae tetras and will nibble on the Angels and
Gouramis. Black Widows (Gymnocorymbus ternetzi) and some of the
other Hyphessobrycon species fall into this category. My honest
recommendation would be to replace the Serpae tetras with more
Zebra Danios. Here's the thing: if you have one big school of
a schooling fish, it looks so much better than two small schools
of different schooling fish. You would then have one species at
the top (the Danios), one in the middle (perhaps a pair of Angels
or a pair of Lace Gouramis) and then your catfish at the bottom.
Instead of a jumble, you'll have an nice ordered arrangement.
Otherwise, consider X-Ray tetras (Pristella maxillaris), Diamond
tetras (Moenkhausia pittieri), or Lemon tetras (Hyphessobrycon
pulchripinnis) are excellent community tank tetras and the right
size for your aquarium. But as I say, better to have twelve
schooling fish of one type than six of two different types.
Cheers, Neale.>
Re: fish inquiry (Dwarf Gouramis, Angelfish, selection)
7/15/08 I'm going to exchange my Serpaes this
evening. I think I will most likely go with the large school or
danios and either dwarf gouramis or angelfish. I'll let my
little brother pick. Thanks so much for all your help! Pierre
<My advise to anyone is don't get Dwarf Gouramis (Colisa
lalia, including fancy forms like "neon gouramis",
"robin gouramis", and so on). Unless wild-caught or
locally bred, which the ones in shops most certainly are not,
these fish are extremely likely to carry an incurable viral
disease known as Dwarf Gourami Iridovirus. One estimate by vets
puts the incidence at 22% for Dwarf Gouramis exported from
Singapore. Because the virus is extremely contagious, you only
need one infected fish in a batch to ensure all the others get
sick too. The number of Dwarf Gourami e-mails we get would
astonish you, and they really are a complete waste of money.
Almost every retailer I know dislikes stocking them because so
many die in their tanks, but there is sufficient demand among
newbie aquarists who don't know better that they remain
profitable. It's a shame, because twenty years ago they were
quite good little fish. Nowadays, you're better off with the
hardier (if slightly bigger) Colisa fasciata and Colisa labiosus.
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWsubwebindex/dwfgdis.htm If you buy
Angelfish, do remember these are territorial cichlids. You cannot
sex them. But if you have two males, in a small aquarium they are
very likely to become aggressive towards one another. If you buy
a singleton, then there's an increased chance that Angelfish
will "go rogue" and attack other fish in the tank, so
that approach is not without risks. The standard way to keep
Angels is to buy six specimens, let them pair off as they mature,
and remove the four surplus fish when the time comes. Because
Angels are such popular fish, rehoming adults is not difficult
and any half-decent aquarium shop will take them off your hands.
Cheers, Neale.>
Re: fish inquiry (Dwarf Gouramis, Angelfish, selection)
7/17/2008 Can the dwarf Gourami virus spread to other
species of fish or only the ones in the Gourami family? <This
is a complex question. The short answer is yes, the virus can
spread to other species in other families. But so far as I know,
the only scientifically documented example is where Dwarf
Gouramis Iridovirus appears to have infected Maccullochella
peelii, and Australian perch-like fish belonging to the
Percichthyidae family. There are no reports that I am aware of
where the virus has caused problems in other species of Gourami
though. Hence my recommendation that Colisa fasciata and Colisa
labiosus are safe, reliable alternatives. Yes, they aren't
quite as colourful, but they are still lovely fish and much, much
more likely to live long and happy lives. If you want a small,
non-aggressive Gourami for the community tank, these are the ones
to go for. Cheers, Neale.>
Sick Gouramis... Pleco comp. -- 03/07/08 Hello, all.
I've read a great portion of your website, mainly the Q&A
section. I have searched in great lengths for problems similar to
mine, but to no avail. However, I have gathered a great deal of
knowledge about the hobby in general. <Very good; but please
don't think that replaces buying a book! Before you buy a
fish, buy a book -- there is so much to learn!> Apologies in
advance, this will most likely be fairly long. Also, I am at
great risk of sounding like some kind of *emo freak* as I never
imagined I would actually get so attached to fish. <I have no
idea what an "emo freak" is. Must be some sort of
American thing.> Here goes: My hobby started with a Christmas
gift. A 5 gal tank with built-in filter & light, hex shaped.
<5-gallon tanks are known in the trade as "buckets".
They're of no good for keeping fish, and certainly not by
beginners.> Being ambitious and completely ignorant, I filled
the tank and promptly added WAY too many fish. 2 Dwarf Gouramis,
which died within days of what I have read to be Dwarf Gourami
disease (brought on by ammonia poisoning, no doubt) and 5 (yes,
ridiculously, 5) Paradise Fish - Blue variety. <Oops.> I
did a very limited amount of research and learned that for the
fish I currently had still living, I needed at least 20gal.
<Not a chance. Paradisefish are mutually aggressive, and males
are very much "one to a tank". They will also fight
with other similar looking fish, including, I dare say, Gouramis.
Paradisefish are not community fish and are never, ever
recommended for beginners by sensible aquarists.> After
several fights with the hubby, he finally bought me a 29gal. I
filled it, moved the fish in, and started reading about the
cycling process. This is when I started to feel like a serial
killer. I read that Paradise fish are actually very forgiving in
regards to water quality, and if you are going to be cruel enough
to cycle with fish, they are ones to use. <Up to a point this
is true, but even hardy fish can be killed by high levels of
ammonia and nitrite. That's why you need to have your nitrite
and ammonia test kits, and as soon as you detect more than 0.5
mg/l of either, you do a BIG (i.e., 50%) water change. This may
well be as often as once a day for the first couple of weeks!>
So, I did frequent small water changes to keep the ammonia and
nitrites down, and eventually, the tank cycled. It has been
steadily 0 ammonia & nitrites, and low nitrates (10 or less)
for at least a month now. All my fish actually did great. I got a
black Sailfin Pleco for the algae problem. I read up on them, and
saw that they will "suck" on sick or slow fish, but
mine seem to be active and very quick. <The Sailfin Plec is
likely Pterygoplichthys pardalis or similar. These are HUGE fish
and require tanks 55 gallons upwards. Completely unsuitable for
this system. In any case, they have no positive impact on algae.
Think about it for just one second: algae grows when the water
has fertiliser added, i.e., nitrogenous wastes from the fish. Add
more fish, the water is more fertile, and the algae grows faster.
Add a huge catfish, and even though it's eating algae, it is
also eating catfish pellets and vegetables, so will be making the
water much more fertile. It's a case of one step forwards and
seventeen steps backwards. There are only TWO ways to control
algae: use lots of fast-growing plants, or use elbow grease and a
scraper. There is nothing else. Nada. Nix. Nyet. Non. Nein.>
Then... got up one morning, and one of my females looked like she
was missing scales. She was still acting normally, so I added
some Melafix, as it supposed to help with missing scales and
Finrot. <I'm not impressed with Melafix. Because it's
cheap and "New Age" people buy into it, but it
isn't any more effective than any other cheap, New Age
medication.> It only got worse from there. When I got home
that evening, it was an open (almost looked to bleeding) wound. I
searched the internet, and closest thing I could find was
AEROMONAS (hole in the side disease). <Hole-in-the-Head is not
caused by Aeromonas bacteria. These are different syndromes.
Almost certainly you're dealing with a plain vanilla
Aeromonas infection, what on a human would be considered sepsis.
The skin is damaged, and otherwise harmless Aeromonas bacteria
get into the wound and cause serious problems. Long term: death
through blood poisoning. Use something like Maracyn or eSHa 2000
to treat.> It seems, though, that this is more commonly
associated with wild or farm fish. <No, the problem here is
more than likely physical injury and/or poor water quality. I
hear what you say about the good water quality stats, but the
overwhelming experience of most newbie aquarists is variable to
poor water quality, e.g., by overfeeding, under-filtering, or
overstocking. So take a conservative approach, and assume the
worst case scenario.> I moved her to the 5gal (now hospital
tank, also cycled) and tried feeding her anti-bacterial food
(soaked and broken up first). She wouldn't touch it, and
developed dropsy that night. She was dead the next morning. <I
bet.> Next was one of the males. I tried parasite treatment on
him. Dropsy, and died within a day. <When masses of fish die
for seemingly random reasons, the problem is 99.99999% likely
water quality, water chemistry, or poisons. So: check water
quality, and do a 50% water change daily until thing settle down.
As for water chemistry, check the pH isn't fluctuating
wildly. Fish are somewhat tolerant of the "wrong" pH
and hardness relative to what they prefer, but what they
can't abide is changing water chemistry. Finally, consider
poisons. Things like paint fumes can quickly kill fish. Small
children are apt to dump things in fish tanks, so it's
important to make sure that doesn't happen.> Now my second
female has a hole on either side of her body, well behind her
gills, mid-body. Also - a large hole, as if something is eating
away at her, on her anal fin. it is near her tail. She is now in
the hospital tank, and I ordered Maracyn Two, which is on the
third day of treatment, and no change, only getting worse.
<Stop moving the fish to the 5 gallon tank. Pointless. Such a
tank is a death trap itself. Treat the whole tank with Maracyn.
Be aggressive with water changes (big, often). Study water
chemistry and quality closely. Above all: DO NOT FEED the
fish.> One of the males left in the main tank now has a hole
in his side, and the other has a hole in his anal fin, in the
same exact location as the female. I have tried to take photos,
and they just WILL NOT hold still long enough. If they won't
eat the anti-bacterial food, and the Maracyn doesn't help,
then I am at a loss. The girl in the hospital tank is developing
fungus, and I don't want to treat for the fungus while still
using the Maracyn, in case there would be a reaction. I am afraid
that they are developing secondary problems due to all the
HORRIBLE water conditions I subjected them to. If this is the
case, do they stand a chance at all? <If you do precisely what
I say, yes, some should recover, assuming any Finrot (for
that's the issue) is limited to superficial tissues. But if
the body cavity is infected, then realistically, no, the fish
aren't likely to survive.> Just a mention - the sick
female (now in hospital tank) was being harassed by the Pleco. He
would attach to her, and she would shake him off, but he probably
did the most harm while I was sleeping and could not monitor. Is
it possible this is what is happening to the other? I can't
imagine the Pleco would decide to attach to the anal fin,
though?? <Obviously this Plec needs to go back to the pet
store. This is non-negotiable. How, why it is sucking onto the
fish is largely academic (though I imagine it is hungry because
you are not providing the foods it needs).> OK, I drew a rough
image with Paint, which looks like a child created (hence the
file name "kindergarten fish") showing the same
location all fish are developing the hole in their sides and
fins. <Yikes!> I never dreamed I would feel so bad over
fish, but they are part of family now, and I really don't
want to lose them. What can I possibly do?? <Read, learn,
understand.> Thank you much, Jiffy <Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Gourami/Paradisefish problems --
03/07/08 Thank you, Neale, for your speedy response.
<You're welcome.> It seems my worst fears are realized
and I have done unrepairable damage to most of my fishy friends.
:( <Quite possibly.> Emo = emotional basket case, which is
what my hubby and most my friends think of me when I go on and on
about saving my fish. <I see.> As of tonight, the 5-day
Maracyn treatment will be completed in the 5 gal, and the girl is
not doing any better. The reason I have been moving them is
because the other fish seem to realize who is weak and pick on
them. <Oh dear.> Since the treatment did not work on her, I
will treat the remaining 2 (sadly, both males - maybe I need a
tank separator) in the large tank. <Does sound a short term
solution, at least.> The Pleco was purchased with the
understanding that it would eventually be returned, upon
aggression or growing to large for the tank, so he can easily be
returned to the pet store. Once he cleaned the tank, I started
feeding the sinking algae disks when I turned off the lights, and
witnessed him eating voraciously. I have read that they attack
sickly fish, and suspect this is the case here. <Loricariid
catfish are classic opportunists (like humans) and they will have
a go at whatever seems edible. That's their ecological niche.
While they rarely, if ever, cause problems in tanks with healthy
fish... in tanks where fish are dropping like flies, I dare say
even the best behaved Plec isn't above taking advantage of
the situation.> How long should I not feed? A couple days? the
duration of the Maracyn treatment? <The latter at minimum.
Fish can last a week without food, and after that week, feed
small amounts once per day. No more.> Finally, what book(s)
would you suggest? I will gladly purchase and read anything that
will help me to better care for my fish. <Many, many choices.
Go visit your local bookstore, and have a browse. Look for
something published reasonably recently so that it is up to date
in of filters, medications, etc. Don't be dazzled with pretty
pictures -- some aquarium books that are "coffee table"
type books look lovely to look at, but thin on information. Pick
something that clearly explains about filters, water chemistry,
disease and so on. If it has a section on community fish, listing
their water chemistry needs, preferred temperature, social
behaviour and diet then so much the better. You can use that to
decide what fish you want to get next. But right now your need
isn't for a book containing hundreds of fish or advanced
topics like plants or cichlids; you want something focusing on
the foundations of the hobby. Master them, and the rest of the
hobby is pretty straightforward.> Thank you so much for your
expertise, Jiffy <Cheers, Neale.>
