FAQs on
Anabantoids/Gouramis & Relatives
Environmental Disease
FAQs on Gourami Disease:
Gourami Disease 1,
Gourami Disease 2,
Gourami Disease 3,
Gourami Disease 4,
FAQs on Gourami Disease by Category:
Nutritional (e.g. HLLE),
Infectious (Virus, Bacterial, Fungal),
Parasitic (Ich, Velvet...),
Related Articles:
Anabantoids/Gouramis & Relatives,
Genera Ctenopoma & Microctenopoma,
Betta splendens/Siamese Fighting Fish,
Related FAQs:
Gouramis 1,
Gouramis 2,
Gourami Identification,
Gourami Behavior,
Gourami Compatibility,
Gourami Selection,
Gourami Systems,
Gourami Feeding,
Gourami Reproduction,
Betta splendens/Siamese Fighting
Reddish tint on gourami fins = ammonia issue?
Hi team, hope you had a great weekend. I added a nice set of 5 feisty cherry
barbs to my year-old aquarium last week--love them so far--and they acclimated
themselves very quickly.
<Would plan to get a few more unless the tank is tiny... Cherry Barbs look best
in largish groups, 8 or more, ideally half that group being females.
But yes, a great species.>
However, today I noticed my two gourami (one gold and one Opaline) are starting
to redden on their caudal fins, radiating from the body. I also noticed the
spots where their pectoral fins meet their bodies becoming red.
They are eating well but their fins are folding more than normal, and they are a
bit more lethargic than normal, although not laying on the bottom. Also, the
gold gourami's colors aren't as bold. No open stores tonight for a testing kit
but I read that this could be potential ammonia poisoning, possibly due to a
spike from adding so many fish at once and/or overfeeding?
<Could easily be, or fin-nipping, or fighting. So you need to review. Take an
ammonia test, though honestly, I prefer to use nitrite test kits because they
both reveal filter problems but nitrite is less likely to report a false
positive (neutralised chloramine for example can register as ammonia, so check
some tap water with water conditioner added, and compare to your aquarium water
ammonia test results).>
The gourami are occasionally gasping for air (more than just a typical anabantid
gulp) which furthers my thought that it's ammonia.
<Might be, but they do of course breathe air, as you state, and do so more often
the warmer the water.>
I skipped their meal tonight, did a 30% water change, and will get a testing kit
tomorrow. Is there anything else I can/should do? Is there any hope for my fish?
Also, if I should keep doing changes now, where can/should I get healthy water
in a pinch? The packaged "aquarium water" from the local big box?
Thanks in advance!
<For now, stick with daily water changes around 25% or so, until such time the
fish behave more normally. Medicating as per Finrot isn't a bad idea, but you
might find the fish heal under their own steam if conditions improve. Cheers,
Re: Reddish tint on gourami fins = ammonia issue?
Following up! Both conditioned water (used Prime) and tank water tested 0 for
all ammonia--no nitrite kits at LFS--so I guess that's not the problem?
<Looks like that's true, yes.>
Could last night's 25% have changed everything? 1 gourami looks a little better
but the other seems worse, jumpy and a bit of shimmy, if those terms are
<Water changes *do* indeed fix a lot of problems. A good rule of thumb is to see
what happens if you do a big water change, 25-50%, keeping temperature and water
chemistry the same. If the fish perk up, the problem is probably environmental,
and medicine might not be needed if you can fix things quickly enough. Perhaps
do a series of water changes, once every day or two, for a week, ten days. After
that, good chance everything will be fine.>
Cherries and Corys seem fine. Haven't fed in a day and doing another 25% as I
write, as you suggested.
<Cool; good luck! Neale.>
Re: Reddish tint on gourami fins = ammonia issue?
Thanks Neale! I'll report back in a week. You're awesome.
<Not sure the Mrs. agrees, but I try! Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Reddish tint on gourami fins = ammonia issue?
Reporting back again... You guys and ladies are amazing... I have done alternate
day 25% water changes this week like you suggested and have started feeding
slowly (once and then twice a day, smaller amounts, one pellet after lights out
for Corys instead of 2 at dinner) and everything is looking much better. Redness
in fins is almost gone, Opaline is unfolding fins more, is more active, and is
chasing the gold 3-spot relentlessly again (I know, only one per tank, I'm a
believer now), their normal
dynamic. Gold 3-spot is still a little frantic but has better coloration.
More water changes, test for ammonia, less food, and patience... And never ever
buy a vertical tank. I've learned my lessons from great teachers.
<Glad to be able to help you enjoy this hobby! Thanks for the kind words.
Cheers, Neale.>
Bloated Gourami 1/13/13
The severe bloating occurred in less than 48 hours. I
have a 55 gallon tank that has been established for about three years.
The residents are 4 Pearl Gouramis (one male, three female), 1 female
Moonlight Gourami, 1 Ctenopoma acutirostre, 1 African Knifefish, and 1
female Betta. The Betta and Ctenopoma were added about a year ago and
I've had the others for three years. There are no aggression issues,
everyone gets along. The water is 75F, 3GH, 3KH. I do 30% water changes
every week. I feed tropical crisps twice daily, and thawed bloodworms
three times a week. Two days ago all the fish were fine and normal.
Yesterday I fed them, but didn't look closely, so I don't know how she
was. Today, one of the female Pearl gouramis is extremely bloated. She
looks like she swallowed a golf ball!. Her abdomen is bulged out on both
sides so she is almost as wide as she is long. The bloating is bending
her back so her nose is pointing upwards. Despite this, she is swimming
around like normal, her colour is bright, eyes clear, fins not clamped
or ragged. Her scales are not protruding The other fish are not
harassing her. What could have caused her to bloat so extremely and
suddenly? I have clove oil in case I should euthanize her.
<Provided she is still active and feeding, there's a good chance she can
recover. Dropsy occurs when fluid accumulates within the body
cavity. Though often considered terminal, it can be cured if caught
early. Start by raising the water temperature to 28-30 degrees
C/82-86 degrees F, then add 1-3 teaspoons of Epsom salt (not tonic salt)
per 20 litres/5 gallons of water. Ideally, add an antibacterial
medication. After about a week, the swelling should subside. Since
dropsy is usually a sign the fish was stressed by its environment, this
would be a good time to review things like filtration and water changes.
Because Dropsy is almost always caused by some sort of environmental
stress, review the aquarium conditions.
Stocking, water changes, water quality, filtration, etc. Diet can be an
issue in herbivorous and omnivorous fish that aren't getting adequate
sources of fibre, such as algae, cooked peas, brine shrimp and daphnia.
Cheers, Neale.>
General questions about Gourami 4/19/08
Hello! I came across your website today while I was looking for
information about Gouramis. I'm quite new to fish ownership, so
please excuse any stupid questions I might pose. I started off with a
small tank, only 20L (which I believe is only about a really tiny 5
gallons...) <Way too small for practically any tropical fish. Almost
any problems you have will come down to the tank, so your NUMBER-1
priority is replacing this with a system at least 20 gallons in size.
Ten gallon and smaller tanks simply aren't easy for inexperienced
aquarists to maintain or stock properly.> I have a Silvertip Tetra,
2 Corys and a 'Gold' Three-Spot Gourami. <All completely
non-viable in here. While I'm happy to help explain any specific
problems, none of these fish will last long (or be happy!) in here for
any length of time. So "fixing" the problems is a waste of
your time (and likely their lives). The Silvertip tetra MUST be kept in
a group of six or more specimens and easily needs a "long" 20
gallon (in metric terms, that's something like a 75 gallon tank not
less than 60 cm in length). The Corydoras need something similar, and
should certainly be kept in groups of 4-6 specimens, minimum.
Three-spot Gouramis are BIG fish when mature, around 10-15 cm, and even
a 20 gallon tank is too small for a territorial male. When mature,
males of this species are incredibly aggressive and disruptive.>
P.H. level is 7.0 and has never gone more than 0.2 up or down.
<Still WAY more pH change than happens in an aquarium properly set
up; small tanks are intrinsically unstable, and this is one aspect of
the problem. Instability = dead fish.> There's only one plant as
previous ones were eaten... <No, not eaten. They died, and then
decayed. Tanks as small as the one you have almost never come with
strong enough lights for plants to grow. Furthermore, inexperienced
aquarists are often sold non-aquatic plants, often under such names as
"umbrella ferns" and "dragon plants" and the like.
As with fish, you need to research plants *before* purchase, otherwise
you WILL be sold junk. An informed shopper is a successful shopper.>
I have yet to pick up an ammonia kit, and should be getting one
tomorrow. Last week one Cory cat died, so I wanted to ask about that as
well. It just became quite listless, and would often 'fall
over' onto its side. It showed no signs of disease, and I did see
it eat, though perhaps not as much as it used to. <Likely
chronically bad water quality, insufficient water movement, inadequate
oxygenation. Or multiple causes. Anyway, no surprises here.> The
other fish seem fine though, which brings me to my actual question.
Near its tail, my Gourami seems to have some kind of 'bubble'
in its body. Like a clear lump that looks like a bubble...I was just
wondering whether it's something to worry about, <Yes... likely
an incipient bacterial infection of some kind.> or whether I just
haven't noticed that part of its anatomy. It's quite young, I
believe, only 6cm long (not even 3 inches), if that's any help.
<Still needs treating with a reliable antibacterial/antibiotic (NOT
Melafix/Pimafix).> I do water changes every week, and I always
remove uneaten food. Thanks, Kit. <Water changes every week
don't even begin to come close to solving the problems you have
here. If you're one of the people who gets offended by me saying
"everything you're doing is wrong" I apologise for
hurting your feelings in advance. But yes, you are doing everything
wrong, and the chances of success are virtually nil. None of these fish
will be happy in this system, even if by some miracle they survive.
They MUST HAVE a 20 gallon/75 litre aquarium to be even close to happy
and healthy. Your move. Cheers, Neale.>
Gourami cannot swim... new-tank syndrome?
03/04/2008 I have a 20 gallon tank with 3 hatchet fish, 3 ghost
catfish, 3 neon tetras, and 1 Gourami. The tank is only about 2 weeks
old. <Yikes! I hope it is cycled... Do you know what this means?>
Two days ago I noticed that the Gourami was lying on the bottom of the
tank, but then he returned to acting normal. The next morning he could
not swim right, his head always seems to be above his body, like its
lighter than the rest of him. Later that day he could not eat and he
was doing spastic back flips and spiraling with no coordination. He
looks completely healthy. He seems to be going downhill. Any
suggestions that you have will be well appreciated. <... Please read
here: http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwestcycling.htm and the
linked files above. You don't offer sufficient info. for a useful
response... I suspect this environment is not ready for fish life
period. Bob Fenner>
Blue Gourami with black head
-- is he sick? -02/20/08 I have a blue Gourami that is
at least 3 or 4 years old -- he's (I call him a he but have
no idea if he is a he or she) <Males have long, pointed dorsal
fins.> in a 10 gallon tank along with 2 goldfish, 2 neon
tetras, and 1 sucker fish. Has been in the same tank with these
fish for about 2-1/2 to 3 years. No problems so far. <All this
in a 10 gallon tank? Madness. The sucker fish is either a
Pterygoplichthys catfish (average size 30-45 cm at maturity) or
Gyrinocheilus aymonieri (only slightly smaller but infamous for
its aggression). The Goldfish need a tank at least three times
this size all by themselves. Oh, and Neons are schooling fish,
and are only happy when kept in schools of six or more. While you
might not have had problems yet, that's rather akin to a guy
not killing himself at the first round of Russian Roulette and so
declaring the game "safe".> We were away on vacation
for the past 3 days and when we returned home last night, we
noticed his head has turned black or maybe a really dark blue. It
covers his entire head back to his first set of fins on either
side. He is swimming around just fine and he is eating just fine
-- not acting like there is a problem. The only thing that we did
differently when we were away was that we: 1) fed them all using
a 3-day tablet feed; <No need to feed fish for a 3-day
vacation; in fact it is safer not to.> and 2) turned the
heater on in the tank since we'd be away and the house would
be slightly colder so the tank temperature was about 2 degrees F
higher than normal. <How warm is this aquarium otherwise? How
do you keep tropical fish in an aquarium without a heater? Unless
your home is constantly at around 25C/77F day in, day out then
these fish are not at all being kept correctly. Seriously: are
you winding me up? Big fish in a tiny, unheated tank!! This
sounds like someone trying to wind me up... everything is wronger
than the wrongest thing that anyone has ever gotten wrong.>
All the other fish are fine and he seems fine, I just do not know
what this color is. Should I be concerned? <Very, very,
concerned, though not specifically for the Gourami. Without a
photo, can't say what's going on. Could be viral or even
nerve damage (which affects the chromatophores) but this fish
sometimes change colours thanks to genetic abnormalities.> If
so, what should I be doing? <Buying a bigger tank and leaving
the heater on all year around would be a start.> Thanks ahead
of time for your help, Pam <Cheers,
Neale.> Re: Blue Gourami with black head -- is he
sick? 2/21/08 Thanks for your comments -- I get the
suggestion about the size of the tank and about not feeding them
when only away for 3 days. Will do. <Very good.> I need to
explain about the heater being off/on. The tank is located near a
heated radiator (yes, I live in a home that is 80 plus years old
and is heated with radiators, not vents or baseboard heating) and
it is located near a window that has sunlight coming in most of
the daytime. So, the heater is not always on because the
temperature spikes so severely in the winter daytime when it is
sunny. I've tried different heater types so that I do not
have this problem and it's the same. Moving the tank is not
an option -- no other location for it. When we go away, however,
the heater is always on. This was the case this past weekend when
we were away. <OK. So long as the tank doesn't go above
30C at its hottest or below 20C at its coolest, you're fine.
But I would try placing aluminum foil (for example) behind the
tank to reflect away some of the sunlight. If pasted behind the
aquarium backdrop you won't see the foil. Placing a fan above
the tank in summer, to increase evaporation, will also help cool
things down. Regardless, putting tanks on windowsills above
radiators isn't considered best practise!> Back to the
Gourami-- here are a few shots that I took just now. I have
inserted them into this email and am attaching them as well. I
hope you can get an idea of what I mean by his head being black
or dark blue with these. They are the best I could get with a not
so great camera -- sorry if they are not so great. <Odd, but I
don't think dangerous.><<Is not... just neurological
impairment. RMF>>999 Any ideas on what this is? <No
idea.> Thanks for your help. Pam <The fish is a male, by
the way. Cheers, Neale.>
Interesting comment on
Gourami... Darkening beh. 2/26/08 Hi there!
<Kerstin> I wanted to respond to an email sent in the other
day, where Pam had a Gourami that turned partially black. Your
comments were: Neale - Odd, but I don't think dangerous; Bob
- Is not... just neurological impairment. <Please do> I
wanted to write to you because I have seen this as well. Two
years ago I purchased a Blue Gourami and several Guppies for my
son's class aquarium. About one month after this purchase,
another mom also donated some fish. We never figured out the
exact type of fish, but we know that one of them was extremely
aggressive, to the point that every other fish in the tank lived
in a 2x2xtank-height column of the tank. By the time I saw this,
the front half of the Gourami had turned black, so I asked
another teacher (who had several guppy tanks) if she would take
the fish, which she happily did. When I saw Pam's query, I
asked the teacher if she still had the Gourami, and if he ever
turned all blue again. Her response was: "Yes, all the time!
I put him in my turtle tank because he tended to be aggressive
with any other fish. Any time that I add water, clean or feed,
the fish darkens. His whole body turns black -- not just his
head. Once I get away from the tank, he starts to lighten up. He
pretty much goes back to gray/white in about 30 minutes... No
response is necessary - I just thought it was interesting that
someone else wrote about this situation as well. Thanks for your
great website that lets us learn about cool things like this,
Kerstin <Thank you for sharing. Such darkening can be
temporary or not... depending on cause... Bob
Gourami laying on the bottom - 6/7/07
<Hello to you!> Your website is wonderful; <Thank you:-)> I
have been reading the Gourami Disease section in search of ideas for my
situation, but didn't quite find what I might do next, so here
goes: <OK- ready> My urgent concern is our dwarf red honey
Gourami: last night he was at the top of the tank in the corner near
the heater, barely moving and not interested in food; now, he is laying
on the bottom, breathing heavily. I cannot see any obvious symptoms (no
white spots, no injuries, scales look OK...) <First thing to check
is environmental conditions.> I have had him (?) one week. <Did
you quarantine this fish prior to adding him to your aquarium? You
should always, always, ALWAYS QT new livestock for 2-4 weeks, to
observe for signs of illness and to prevent bringing any diseases or
parasites into your main tank. With regard to whether you've got a
boy or girl, usually the coloration is the best way to tell- the males
are much more vibrantly colored, whereas the girls are paler...I
suggest doing an image search on Google to see the difference for
yourself.> Aquarium details: it is an Eclipse 12 (12 gallon), with 2
live plants (Amazon sword, pennywort), 2 rock features, and currently
has 3 zebra Danios, 4 platies, 1 small sucker fish, the one Gourami.
Current readings are PH 7.6, ammonia 0, nitrites 0, nitrates 40,
temperature 78. <A 12 gallon tank isn't much room to play with
stocking schemes. Although the dwarf Gourami (Colisa lalia) doesn't
reach much over 2", it does require very good water conditions to
stay healthy, and this is harder to achieve in small systems. I'm
glad both the ammonia and nitrite levels are at zero, but nitrates
should be no more than 20 ppm. You should do a water change ASAP to
lower the nitrates. Question: did you cycle this tank prior to adding
fish? How long has the tank been established? If you don't know
what I'm referring to, please read here for a helpful introduction:
http://www.tropicalfishcentre.co.uk/Cycle.htm With regard to the
"sucker fish", do you have any idea of the fish's
scientific name? Is it a common Pleco (Hypostomus plecostomus)? If so,
be aware this fish should reach over 12", possibly up to 18"
in its adulthood...a 12 gal. tank is way too small to accommodate it. I
can't say for certain this is what you have, but many times when
folks say "sucker fish", this is what they mean. The zebra
Danios (Danio rerio) also cannot tolerate poor water conditions at all,
and will succumb to bleeding or ulceration of the gills if they are
exposed to ammonia even in the slightest. These fish prefer being kept
in schools, but you obviously must have the space for this. Also, the
zebra Danios can be nippy...keep an eye out for unduly aggressive
behavior, which can be exacerbated by small living quarters.>
I'll give a bit of history, as there has been a lot going on in
this last week. A week ago, we had the 3 zebra Danios, 2 platies, 4 serpae tetras. One of the tetras died. A water test showed our nitrates
too high (80) so we did a 25% water change (we usually do this every 3
weeks, we've had the tank since January). <OK- let's pause
here. In a fully stocked 12 gallon, I would suggest doing a 50% water
change weekly. You must ensure that ammonia and nitrites do not ever
exceed zero, and again, nitrates can only safely be as high as 20 ppm
(but lower is obviously preferable). I imagine that there's been a
good deal of toxic buildup during the 3-weeks before your water change
is due. I highly recommend you step up the amount and frequency of
water changes ASAP. Also, how often do you change the carbon filters?
These should be swapped out at least every month.> We add 2T of
aquarium salt, <OK- can promote fish slime coat production, helping
keep everyone healthy> and got 2 new fish, <Why would you do this
when your water conditions weren't pristine? Not a smart
idea...> the Gourami and the sucker fish (and the pennywort). About
5 days later, one of the platies was dead (we think she had been
pregnant as she was quite tubby for about a month, then a day or so
before she died, she wasn't so tubby). <She could well have been
pregnant, and I would imagine the Gourami would have consumed the fry.
Pregnancy and giving birth will cause some level of stress in fish
(just like humans!), making the fish more likely to succumb to disease
caused by poor environmental conditions.> The 3 remaining tetras
were not getting along -- one was being a bully chasing after the
others to where fins were getting frayed (in fact, the fins of the
platies were too so maybe the tetra was after them). <Yes- not a
good mix, especially in such a small tank. Did you research the
compatibility prior to purchasing the fish? In the future, I do suggest
doing so. In fact, when stocking a tank, it's best to pick one fish
you "must" have, then plan tankmates around what the best
companions will be. Obviously, you must consider environmental as well
as temperament compatibility. I like to suggest David E.
Boruchowitz's The Simple Guide to Freshwater Aquariums for a
helpful section on stocking (not to mention cycling, disease, etc. I
must say, however, that I don't agree with that author's use of
fish for cycling purposes...)> We returned all the tetras to our
fish store; <Good.> they checked our water and found our PH at 8
(all other readings OK). <You truly should have your own quality
liquid test kit, so that you can check ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and pH
every week both prior to and after your water changes. Aquarium
Pharmaceuticals puts out a good one which I personally use:
When you bring a water sample to your fish store, chances are the water
parameters have changed by the time you get to the store, so you
aren't getting an accurate reading. Not to mention many fish shop
employees don't perform tests properly, or don't use quality
test kits, thus giving false results. Also, "the water was
OK" is so highly subjective that it is of virtually no use.>
They gave us Neutral Regulator which we used (and now are PH is at 7.6,
they recommended we wait a week until we try to lower it more).
<Don't muck about with the pH! Stability is much better than
precision, when you are dealing with relatively small changes. If your
tap water is so off-the-charts, then I suggest switching to de-ionized
or reverse osmosis/de-ionized water, which produces water of a neutral
pH that must then be adjusted; otherwise, adding all sorts of chemicals
can only cause pollution and instability, in my opinion. My best advice
here is to throw the stuff out, and start doing independent research
via books, periodicals, the 'net, instead of the fish store...>
About the time we adjusted the PH is when the Gourami began to act odd
(in fact, as we added the regulator powder, the Gourami was trying to
eat it). <Obviously not a good sign. Truly, you don't need this
product the store likely "pushed" on you. So long as the fish
have been properly acclimated, they can accept a range of pH
conditions. Better to concentrate on the toxins your tank's water
is accumulating, as this is the likely cause of the fish's
woes.> This was also the same day we added the 3 new platies.
<You *must* stop adding new fish until you've achieved stability
in a fish tank! You are only looking for problems by adding new
livestock to an instable tank.> Maybe we did too much at one time?
<Yes. Simplify what you are doing. See above for suggestions re:
weekly water changes, stocking, etc. And please stop purchasing new
fish - your tank is fully stocked!> I called our fish store today;
without seeing the fish they wondered if there might be a gill disease.
They recommended a small water change, so I've just changed out 1.5
gallons (adding salt to the new water). Gourami is still laying on the
bottom...we couldn't decide whether to take him to the fish store
so they could look at him or if that might do him in...Anything you can
suggest is welcome. <Get a test kit. Test the water. Make sure
ammonia and nitrite are at zero and nitrates no more than 20 ppm. If
you don't have a test kit readily on hand, I'd suggest doing a
50% water change. I'd be willing to bet this fish is suffering from
poor environmental conditions, that's all. Once you've ensured
the water parameters are good, re-assess the fish's condition. If
he's still not better, I'd suggest isolating him into his own
hospital/QT tank; bringing him to the fish store will likely just cause
undue stress. In the meantime, while you are waiting for him to
recover, the best thing you can do is educate yourself as to basic fish
requirements. The book I recommend above is a good place to start, but
there are many others. Also, see here:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwsetupindex.htm > Jana
<Jana, start from the beginning. Re-assess what you are doing, since
it isn't normal to lose so many fish in such a short period of
time. Once you get the water parameters under control, I believe
you'll have much more success in the hobby, and in turn, more
enjoyment. Best of luck,
Re: Another case of poor environmental conditions
doing the FW livestock in... f' Gourami laying on the bottom
6/10/07 Thanks so much for your reply. <You are welcome,
Jana.> You've given us tons of useful information and links
<Hope I've helped> (my 9-yr-old daughter is the
"official" owner of the tank, but I am closely involved...).
<Sounds good. Definitely great that your daughter is interested and
wants to learn, but good that you are involved as well!> Our Gourami
has since died -- we took him to our LFS and they examined him and
researched on the web/in books and concluded it was a combo of
parasites and a bacterial infection. <Did they give you specific
reasons for their conclusion? Forgive me, but based on what you've
told me of this store so far, I have less than great faith in their
diagnosis. A truly good book to invest in is The Tropical Fishlopedia
(authors Burgess and Bailey) - it is not as easy of a "read"
as the previous book I suggested (Boruchowitz's Simple Guide to
Freshwater Aquariums), but is very useful in helping to diagnose and
treat illnesses. At this point, I would advise you to obtain as much
information from independent sources as possible. This isn't to say
the LFS (local fish store) is always wrong, but I've just found so
many times it's safer to do your own research and be a non-reliant
upon a store as possible.> They suggested we treat our entire tank
<You don't ever want to medicate your entire tank - you will
destroy your nitrogen cycle, and likely many of the fish in the
process. This is another reason I suggest you try do educate yourself
without the help of this LFS...this was truly bad advice on their
part.> and gave us BettaMax blended antibiotic capsules (to be used
for 3 total treatments, one every other day) and loaned us a oxygen
pump to add more oxygen while we do this and told us to take our carbon
filter out. <They are right that medication can rob the water of its
oxygen content, and also right that the carbon will remove the
medication. However, I do not believe they were correct to suggest you
medicate the whole tank. Having said that, what's done is done and
you may as well finish the treatment (same concept as human
antibiotics; best not to stop mid-course). Be aware that you will have
to re-cycle the tank, so you should be keeping a very close eye on
water parameters via your own test kit.> We have given the tank one
treatment; so far all remaining fish look happy. <Keep a close
eye.> Readings: Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 20 (guess that 1.5 gal
water change yesterday helped). <Time to do another water change is
the nitrates are at 20. I'd suggest a few gallons at least...> I
think your conclusion that we let the nitrates get too high (and need
to do water changes more often replacing more water) is indeed what got
us into trouble. But shall we stop the medication treatment at this
point? <I wouldn't - see above. But I would suggest continuing
to do water changes during treatment; the directions may say something
contrary, but you don't want to re-create the problem nitrate
situation again. If you are treating every other day, I'd suggest
doing water changes on the "off" days (caveat: you must test
your water frequently and do more water changes if necessary - with
livestock in the uncycled tank, it's a bit of a catch-22, but
ultimately you must remember that fish cannot take buildups of toxins.)
We do not QT our new fish; after this experience it shows that that is
definitely a good idea. <Yes - so many of us have learned the
"hard" way. I once purchased a couple dwarf rainbows that
destroyed almost an entire tank worth of livestock by not using a
QT...it truly is a must in this hobby. You don't need anything
fancy, just a tank, some sort of filtration, plus a heater and
thermometer.> I will research what we need to set up a QT tank. Do
you suggest that we just basically always keep a QT tank at the ready
to accept new (or sick) fish? <I do not keep my QT tank running at
all times. Usually I will QT new arrivals for several weeks, making
sure that all is well. I then transfer the new specimens into their
"homes" and leave the QT up for a week or so just to make
sure the transition goes well. Then, I'll break down the tank and
clean it well (using bleach, and rinsing very very well, even adding a
bit of chlorine remover for good measure!) to ensure that any parasites
are eradicated. That's not to say I haven't had to
"urgently" setup a hospital tank in emergency situations, but
I don't really see how that can be avoided...> We did cycle the
tank when we got it. This was in January -- we did the Fishless method
of cycling (based on articles by Chris Cow and Rebecca Townsend; it
took a bit over a month and worked exactly as they described and we
really liked the idea of not using fish to do the cycling).
<Wonderful - I am so happy to hear this!!> So we do have a Master
Test Kit (Aquarium Pharmaceuticals) and are pretty good at testing our
water; but didn't test often enough these last couple months
I'm afraid which led to our high nitrates. <Okay - sounds good.
Don't beat yourself up, just learn from your mistakes. Somehow I
got the impression your fish store was testing water for you (perhaps
that was just a one-time thing, when you asked them for help?) In any
case, I'm so glad that you have your own kit. So many folks
don't, and that really isn't a good idea...> We had been
changing out our carbon filter every time we did a water change; with
your recommendation that we change water more frequently we will modify
this to change the filter monthly. When doing a 50% change every week,
do we vacuum the gravel each time also? <You want to get any
leftover food and obvious waste products out, but I don't think you
need to do a thorough gravel vacuuming each week. In all honesty, my
freshwater tank is heavily planted, so I really don't
"vacuum" per se; I use a piece of flexible tubing to remove
debris resting on the surface of the substrate, and that's about
it. Maybe try doing your gravel vacuuming once a month or so, and
adjust as dictated by test kit results?> We usually take the rocks
out but leave the fish & plants in -- will this still work?
<Unless you're seeing a huge algae buildup, I don't think
you need to remove all the rocks on a weekly basis- this can be quite
stressful on the fish. I'd say just use your best judgment...of
course if the rocks need scrubbing, you'll have to remove them, but
again, I don't think that'll be necessary each week. Most
importantly, just keep the water clean - simply siphoning out the water
into a 5 gal. bucket seems to work well for me/us> And I'll
leave the pH alone now as you suggest. <I do think stability is key
here...the fish you currently have are not so very sensitive that they
can't live in the 7.8 (or even 8.0) pH you mention. You just want
to avoid big ups and downs...> Our sucker fish is not a common Pleco
-- they suggested this tiny guy who will not get very big but I
can't read their writing as to what he is (looks like Ptoemclis?
Ptounchs? -- maybe I'd better call them to find out!).
<Hmmm...am looking in my freshwater encyclopedia, but cannot find
what you are referring to. I would suggest calling (or perhaps Bob
Fenner can offer an opinion when he posts this? In any case, I'm
glad to hear this isn't a common Pleco. At least you weren't
duped into buying one of the latter by your LFS...one point in their
favor!> We had some brown algae growing on our rocks and acrylic
walls and they suggested he would help clean it up. <Aha - a clue!
I'm thinking Otocinclus affinis - does this look like your little
aquatic friend?
(be patient, www.fishbase.org takes *forever* to load, but it's a
great resource/internet site) If so, *when* your tank is re-cycled and
all your problems solved, I would recommend getting a couple more of
these, as they do best in trios or more. And, I think that'll keep
you within an acceptable stocking range, based on your previous
information...> (The brown algae appeared about a month ago; we
scraped it off at first, some grew back though not as much, and the
sucker fish is so far keeping it pretty clean). <The Otos will help
with the algae, but a few additional pointers regarding algae control:
don't overfeed, don't over light (and keep the tank away from
direct sunlight), and regular water changes. If algae becomes a big
problem, check the phosphate levels, as these will usually be
off-the-charts. The above-mentioned remedies will usually control the
situation, but there are also filter media available to help (I
personally use and recommend the PolyFilter for assistance with
phosphate control). So, we're left with our 3 zebra Danios, 4
platies, and the sucker fish. I'll read your suggested reference
about stocking; my daughter is keen to get another fish or two but it
sounds like your recommendation is that our tank is full (and in the
future we will go slow on getting new additions -- I am disappointed
that our LFS didn't slow us down on that). <Again, I do think a
few more Otos (if that's indeed what you have) would work, but only
after everything is stable and well. Also, re-assure your daughter that
your platys, being livebearers, will likely reproduce again, and again,
and again...in fact, a bit of "population control" may be
needed. Once you get everything stabilized, a single dwarf Gourami may
be OK, but again, these beautiful creatures do require very good water
conditions. Just take it slow and you'll likely have much more
success this second time around!> Thank you SO much for all your
comments. Jana <Best of luck,
New Gourami in Trouble? 7/22/06 To
WWM Crew! I have devoured your site and it has helped tremendously in
my understanding and knowledge of my new aquarium and all
fish. Thank you so very much for your time and passion about
fish!!!! <Welcome!> I have kept fish for years, but mostly a
molly tank for kids or Bettas and am now a first-time "real"
aquarium owner, fresh-water, 25 gallon tank. My tank has
been cycling since June 26th and I have several questions, a few out of
curiosity, and two in particular because I just added a new Gourami to
my tank and am not sure all is well. My water stats this AM are: 25
gallon Eclipse 2 Bio-Wheel System (flow 200GPH) PH 7.2 Temp 80 degrees
Lighting Fluorescent 7am-10pm Ammonia between .25 and .50
<Should be zip...> Nitrite .25 <Ditto... these are deadly
toxic> Nitrate 5.0 <Evidently cycling, beginning to cycle> new
algae present <More evidence> Live and plastic plants (just added
live ones this week) 1 partial water change 2 weeks ago (25% water
changed) 1st Carbon filter change 2 days ago Live Bacteria added at
start-up and when shark added 2 weeks ago <... better by far to wait
on adding livestock till after no ammonia, nitrite detectable> 4
Serpae Tetras & 4 Lemon Tetras (started the tank) 1 red-tailed
shark (added 2 weeks ago) 1 new Gourami (added yesterday)
1. My Ammonia and Nitrite climbed the last two days is this
from new fish and plant adjustments? <From the fish... and an
incomplete cycle> 2. I was sold shrimp pellets for my
red-tailed shark at the LFS, which just sink to the bottom
and stay there. He does nibble on them but I am concerned he
will not be getting good nutrition? <Possibly... and these pellets
are likely polluting the system> 3. My red-tailed shark
and the tetras got along really well for 2 weeks and within the last 3
days, the shark has chased them all around the tank into the
plants. Then he decided he wanted them out of the plants,
too, but since they are now upward, he is pretty much happy with the
bottom of the tank as long as they keep clear. Is this just
his way of establishing his territory? <Generally yes... but some
individuals prove too "mean" and should be separated. Not
compatible with many community fishes, particularly in small
volumes> 4. I REALLY wanted a Discus, but did not feel
confident yet to experiment with one so went with
Gourami. At the LFS I was told it was a Sunset Male Gourami
that would end up at about 6 inches. <Mmm, not by this
common name... this is likely a Dwarf... Colisa lalia> But, after
research, it looks more like red or honey dwarf Gourami. I
can tell it is a male by the fins (See attached video and still photo
taken this morning of Gourami). <Files were too big... and don't
see that you re-sent re-sized as requested> My questions
are: what kind is it really? I have seen
conflicting info on keep in groups, only one male, keep several males,
etc. Do I keep this fish by itself, or add a companion
female or male? Which is the best? Do I have
<Take a look on the net, fishbase.org using the scientific name
provided... best to keep in mixed sexes> enough space to add another
one? <Yes a twenty five is large enough>
Also, he seems to be exhibiting strange gill behavior (see
video) where his mouth is moving rapidly and so are gills is this just
stress from new environment or something else? <Likely the former
only> Also, this morning I notice a few "bumps" on one
side, not sores, not Ich-looking per say, but I do not recall seeing
this yesterday. He is swimming and eating so far, but I am a
little nervous. <Fix the environment... see WWM re ammonia, nitrite,
cycling...> 5. My tank size, can it handle any more fish
at this point? <No, fishes should not be present currently
period> I would like to add a few Rasbora in a few weeks, or some
other top-swimmer to complete tank, but am concerned if Gourami is NOT
dwarf, I will have over-stocked my tank. <A valid concern>
6. Finally, what is best diet for this community
tank? I have flakes and shrimp pellets, but want to make
sure I have healthy and colorful fish. I have read yes on
brine shrimp and no on brine shrimp and yes to worms and no to worms,
but in your experience, what is the best diet, e.g., how often and what
variety. Do I need algae pellets for the shark or Gourami?
<A standard "stock" prepared food with bite-sized frozen
(to be defrosted) meaty treat should be fine here. See WWM...> Thank
you thank you, for your time and expertise. I want to keep a
good tank and healthy fish and appreciate your input! Corianne Durkee
<Glad to proffer it. Please send along the re-sized (a few hundred
Kbytes) image if you want a further ID... and read where directed. Bob