FAQs on Freshwater Infectious (bacterial,
fungal) Diseases: True Fungal...
Related Articles: Freshwater Fish Diseases, Freshwater Diseases, FW Disease Troubleshooting,
Choose Your
Weapon: Freshwater Fish Disease Treatment Options
by Neale Monks, Understanding
Bacterial Disease in Aquarium Fish; With a gallery of bacterial
infections, a discussion of Fish TB, and a listing of major
antimicrobial medications with examples available to
fishkeepers By Myron Roth, Ph.D.,
Related FAQs: Infectious (bacterial, fungal, viral)
Disease 1, Infectious FW
Diseases 2, Infectious FW Disease
3, Infectious FW Disease 4,
Infectious FW Disease 5, &
Infectious Disease: Identification/Diagnosis, Causes/Etiology/Prevention, Cures/Medications, Case Histories:
Bacterial, & By
Type/Organisms: Fin & Mouth Rot,
Columnaris, Mycobacteria/Tuberculosis, Whirling Disease, Bettas w/
Rather rare... Most often bacterial in origin.
True fungi are almost always "brought on" by poor
overall health/death... i.e. decomposition |
Fungus Among us, GF dis.
Hello everyone. I would just like to say your site is the absolute BEST!
I have shamelessly stalked your content for anything related to goldfish
and can honestly say that my finned babies would not have survived more
than a few months at best had I not done so. Thank you so very much for
sharing your knowledge with us. Having goldfish as pets is a lot harder
than most people realize. That said...
My apologies in advance for the mini-novel but I'm not sure where to
Let me start by providing what I hope will be some useful background
information. I currently have two fish tanks- a 20-gallon heated,
filtered, moderately planted tank that houses a seemingly bored betta
named Milo and a 40-gallon tank that houses three regular goldfish, the
oldest of whom, Morgan, has been in my care for a little over nine years
now. The goldfish tank was heavily planted once or twice, but it's tough
keeping live plants around goldfish because, well, they eat absolutely
Now they have what I like to call a water bush that quietly floats from
one side of the tank to the other (likely to avoid being eaten). The
40-gallon tank has two hang on the back filters- one for tanks that are
up to 50 gallons and a second for tanks that are up to 90 gallons.
<Good to have such over-filtration and redundancy>
I do this for two reasons: 1) goldfish are very messy little creatures
and 2) if one filter fails, I will have a backup to ensure that the tank
remains cycled until the new filter has a chance to get established.
is also a pond pump with an ultraviolet light lurking in one of the back
corners of the tank. I check the filters once a week when I clean the
tank, however I only replace the filters approximately every other month
or so unless otherwise indicated. The tank is fully cycled and has been
for many years now. The ammonia and nitrite levels consistently stay at
zero and the nitrate levels toggle between 10 ppm (at the beginning of
the week) and 20 ppm (which is where I usually am at the end of the week
when I clean the tank). I have never had a pH reading other than 7.4 on
this tank.
<So far, great>
The fish are fed a diet that consists mostly of homemade gel food
consisting of shrimp, raw garlic and fresh spinach that is supplemented
with a variety of fruits (usually oranges) and things like sweet peas,
boiled sweet potatoes, roasted seaweed, etc. Loads of Anacharis are
added to the tank once a quarter or so which the fish usually decimate
over the course of a week. Once or twice a year the goldfish will get
Life Spectrum pellets.
<Am a huge fan>
I am thoroughly convinced that this diet has not only kept my fish
relatively healthy over the years, but that it plays a crucial role in
allowing me to keep my tank parameters in check (along with the weekly
cleanings, that is). And now onto my problem...
Nearly four weeks ago, I noticed that my oldest fish, Morgan, had
reddened gills (it was only visible to me when he was swimming away from
me, though). The gill panels appeared to be perfectly fine, and
everything else on this fish appeared to be completely normal including
his appetite and behavior. It was the flesh underneath the gill panels
that had me concerned. The color reminded me of either a ruby red
grapefruit or a blood orange. A quick water check revealed that the
parameters were fine:
ammonia:0 ppm, nitrites: 0 ppm, nitrates: 20 ppm with a pH of 7.4. The
temperature was a little high (~81 degrees- I live in the high desert so
there is not much I can do about that aside from setting my thermostat
for 78 degrees for the entire summer). Erring on the side of caution, I
did a partial water change taking great care to thoroughly vacuum every
inch of the gravel and reprogrammed the lights on the tank to only come
on for 6 hours of the day so that they won't overheat the tank.
<Good moves. I'd leave the lights off during all daylight hours>
I also made a note to keep an eye on the tank in preparation for
whatever was about to come next (because I just knew it would be
I didn't have to wait long. Less than a week later, I noticed that
Morgan was sitting near the bottom of the tank breathing a little faster
than usual. I also noticed that his left gill was inflamed. A quick
around the tank revealed that the other fish were looking and behaving
normally. Morgan didn't appear to be in any other distress aside from
being a little quiet (and to this day continues to eat like a pig), but
knew this swollen gill wasn't normal. I immediately got out my API kit
and checked the parameters which were exactly the same as they'd been
the week before. It was another hot day though so I did a partial water
change of 50% and started dosing with Tetracycline in case this was the
beginning of
something bacterial. Once the treatment was completed, Morgan was a
little perkier but he was still breathing faster than I would have
liked. Not knowing the exact nature of his ailment, I opted to wait a
day or so to see if more symptoms would present themselves so I'd have a
better idea on how to treat this issue.
Approximately one week later, I walked by the tank and noticed that
Morgan had a long ribbon of something that looked like cotton coming
from this inflamed gill. I knew it was a fungus of some type but I
didn't know whether it was a true fungus or one that was caused by a
bacterial infection. Once again I immediately checked the water
parameters (okay, after I stopped cussing like a sailor), and once again
the water parameters were exactly as they had been the previous weeks. I
conducted two water
changes to get the nitrates down to 10 ppm, then I dosed the tank with
API's E.M. Erythromycin. I had planned to also run API's Fungus Cure
simultaneously in case this turned out to be a true fungus but the only
medication my local fish stores carried was that herbal stuff Pimafix
and Kordon's Rid Fungus which did not interest me (I thought they would
make things worse).
Within the first 24 hours of dosing the tank with E.M. Erythromycin, the
trail of fungus disappeared. I thought I was on the right track with the
Erythromycin but at the end of the treatment the gill was still
I saw no clear evidence of parasites (i.e. flashing, thickening slime
coat, raggedy fins and/or damage to the body) and didn't want to further
stress him for treating him for a phantom ailment. Do keep in mind that
I am no expert on fish-keeping so I could very easily be wrong about
this not being a parasite. It's just that my previous experience with
parasites (ich) is that they breed like roaches. For every one you see,
a million more are hiding in the tank- most of whom tend to make their
presences known over
the course of hours and not weeks.
A few days ago I grabbed a flashlight to see if I could better determine
why Morgan's gill was still swollen despite all the antibiotic therapy.
In the left gill just under the upper part of the panel is what appears
to be a speck of something a little larger than the head of a pin that
looks like a clump of white, fuzzy cotton or a spider's web. It looks
like the mold you would see on old cheese or bread except it is white in
color. Could this be a true fungus?
<Possibly... I suspect it is secondary... >
(And if so, how did it get in this tank?
<Mmm; funguses are all about... from the air likely>
I only ask because if there's one thing I've learned about fish care
it's that prevention is the best medicine). I have ordered API's Fungus
Cure online which should be arriving sometime today just in case. I have
no other idea what this could possibly be.
That's all I have to report for now. Aside from the fact that Morgan's
breathing is still a little fast, he continues to eat normally. He even
scavenges for food like his tank mates. Any assistance you can provide
will be greatly appreciated.
<My best guess is that this fish's trouble originated w/ a physical
trauma... bumping in to something hard... the fungus/bacteria a result
of opportunity. I'd stop the medicines you list and try simple salt
See Neale's piece here re:
Bob Fenner>
Fungus Among us /Neale 9/25/19
Hello everyone. I would just like to say your site is the absolute BEST!
I have shamelessly stalked your content for anything related to goldfish
and can honestly say that my finned babies would not have survived more
than a few months at best had I not done so. Thank you so very much for
sharing your knowledge with us. Having goldfish as pets is a lot harder
than most people realize. That said...
<Thanks for these kind words.>
My apologies in advance for the mini-novel but I'm not sure where to
Let me start by providing what I hope will be some useful background
information. I currently have two fish tanks- a 20-gallon heated,
filtered, moderately planted tank that houses a seemingly bored betta
named Milo and a 40-gallon tank that houses three regular goldfish, the
oldest of whom, Morgan, has been in my care for a little over nine years
The goldfish tank was heavily planted once or twice, but it's tough
keeping live plants around goldfish because, well, they eat absolutely
<Correct. Can be worth the effort, but these fish (and Carp generally)
are natural bulldozers in the wild, uprooting plants and creating so
much silt by their snuffling about the water gets too murky for light to
So yep, mixing Goldfish with plants is a challenge, whether in the wild
or in captivity. Floating plants (like water lilies) work best.>
Now they have what I like to call a water bush that quietly floats from
one side of the tank to the other (likely to avoid being eaten). The
40-gallon tank has two hang on the back filters- one for tanks that are
up to 50 gallons and a second for tanks that are up to 90 gallons. I do
this for two reasons: 1) goldfish are very messy little creatures and 2)
if one filter fails, I will have a backup to ensure that the tank
remains cycled until the new filter has a chance to get established.
<Sounds wise.>
There is also a pond pump with an ultraviolet light lurking in one of
the back corners of the tank. I check the filters once a week when I
clean the tank, however I only replace the filters approximately every
other month or so unless otherwise indicated.
<All sounds fine so far.>
The tank is fully cycled and has been for many years now. The ammonia
and nitrite levels consistently stay at zero and the nitrate levels
toggle between 10 ppm (at the beginning of the week) and 20 ppm (which
is where I usually am at the end of the week when I clean the tank). I
have never had
a pH reading other than 7.4 on this tank.
<Cool. Goldfish do prefer basic water chemistry, so around 7 to 8 is
The fish are fed a diet that consists mostly of homemade gel food
consisting of shrimp, raw garlic and fresh spinach that is supplemented
with a variety of fruits (usually oranges) and things like sweet peas,
boiled sweet potatoes, roasted seaweed, etc.
<All sounds good. Probably better than what I eat!>
Loads of Anacharis are added to the tank once a quarter or so which the
fish usually decimate over the course of a week. Once or twice a year
the goldfish will get Life Spectrum pellets. I am thoroughly convinced
that this diet has not only kept my fish relatively healthy over the
years, but that it plays a crucial role in allowing me to keep my tank
parameters in check (along with the weekly cleanings, that is). And now
onto my problem...
Nearly four weeks ago, I noticed that my oldest fish, Morgan, had
reddened gills (it was only visible to me when he was swimming away from
me, though). The gill panels appeared to be perfectly fine, and
everything else on this fish appeared to be completely normal including
his appetite and behavior. It was the flesh underneath the gill panels
that had me concerned. The color reminded me of either a ruby red
grapefruit or a blood orange.
<The gill filaments themselves should look bright, almost cardinal red.
Diseases gills tend to look paler, even grey or white.>
A quick water check revealed that the parameters were fine: ammonia:0
ppm, nitrites: 0 ppm, nitrates: 20 ppm with a pH of 7.4. The temperature
was a little high (~81 degrees- I live in the high desert so there is
not much I can do about that aside from setting my thermostat for 78
degrees for the entire summer). Erring on the side of caution, I did a
partial water change taking great care to thoroughly vacuum every inch
of the gravel and reprogrammed the lights on the tank to only come on
for 6 hours of the day so that they won't overheat the tank. I also made
a note to keep an eye on the tank in preparation for whatever was about
to come next (because I just knew it would be something!).
<Oh dear...>
I didn't have to wait long. Less than a week later, I noticed that
Morgan was sitting near the bottom of the tank breathing a little faster
than usual. I also noticed that his left gill was inflamed. A quick
around the tank revealed that the other fish were looking and behaving
normally. Morgan didn't appear to be in any other distress aside from
being a little quiet (and to this day continues to eat like a pig), but
knew this swollen gill wasn't normal. I immediately got out my API kit
and checked the parameters which were exactly the same as they'd been
the week before. It was another hot day though so I did a partial water
change of 50% and started dosing with Tetracycline in case this was the
beginning of
something bacterial. Once the treatment was completed, Morgan was a
little perkier but he was still breathing faster than I would have
liked. Not knowing the exact nature of his ailment, I opted to wait a
day or so to see if more symptoms would present themselves so I'd have a
better idea on how to treat this issue.
<Indeed; the right approach.>
Approximately one week later, I walked by the tank and noticed that
Morgan had a long ribbon of something that looked like cotton coming
from this inflamed gill.
I knew it was a fungus of some type but I didn't know whether it was a
true fungus or one that was caused by a bacterial infection. Once again
I immediately checked the water parameters (okay, after I stopped
cussing like a sailor), and once again the water parameters were exactly
as they had been the previous weeks. I conducted two water changes to
get the nitrates down to 10 ppm, then I dosed the tank with API's E.M.
Erythromycin. I had planned to also run API's Fungus Cure simultaneously
in case this turned out to be a true fungus but the only medication my
local fish stores carried was that herbal stuff Pimafix and Kordon's Rid
Fungus which did not interest me (I thought they would make things
Within the first 24 hours of dosing the tank with E.M. Erythromycin, the
trail of fungus disappeared.
<Odd. Fungal infections don't often respond to antibiotics.>
I thought I was on the right track with the Erythromycin but at the end
of the treatment the gill was still inflamed. I saw no clear evidence of
parasites (i.e. flashing, thickening slime coat, raggedy fins and/or
damage to the body) and didn't want to further stress him for treating
him for a phantom ailment. Do keep in mind that I am no expert on
fish-keeping so I could very easily be wrong about this not being a
parasite. It's just that my previous experience with parasites (ich) is
that they breed like roaches. For every one you see, a million more are
hiding in the tank- most of whom tend to make their presences known over
the course of hours and not weeks.
<Whitespot/Ick is usually quite easy to treat. Salt/heat works well with
salt-tolerant fish like Goldfish. Otherwise reliable Whitespot
medications like eSHa EXIT are reliable and easy to use.>
A few days ago I grabbed a flashlight to see if I could better determine
why Morgan's gill was still swollen despite all the antibiotic therapy.
In the left gill just under the upper part of the panel is what appears
to be a speck of something a little larger than the head of a pin that
looks like a clump of white, fuzzy cotton or a spider's web. It looks
like the mold you would see on old cheese or bread except it is white in
color. Could this be a true fungus? (And if so, how did it get in this
tank? I only ask because if there's one thing I've learned about fish
care it's that prevention is the best medicine). I have ordered API's
Fungus Cure online which should be arriving sometime today just in case.
I have no other idea
what this could possibly be.
That's all I have to report for now. Aside from the fact that Morgan's
breathing is still a little fast, he continues to eat normally. He even
scavenges for food like his tank mates. Any assistance you can provide
will be greatly appreciated.
<I'm thinking that Branchiomycosis is the culprit here. It's a fungus,
and probably latent in most fish tanks. Ordinarily it doesn't infect
healthy fish. But at unusually high temperatures, possibly also in
situations where nitrite or ammonia are too high, or the tank
overstocked, the Branchiomyces spores infect the gills of the fish,
causing death of the surrounding tissue. Unfortunately there are no
tried-and-trusted treatments.
Phenoxyethanol is probably the best bet, but any decent proprietary
anti-fungal medication is worth a shot (though things like Melafix
Commercially, medications like Malachite Green are used to disinfect new
stock, but honestly, treating fish once they actually get sick is very
hit-and-miss. Isolation of infected fish is normally recommended to
prevent infection of other fish, but that may or not be practical here,
in which can prophylactic treatment as per Fungus may minimise the risk.
FWIW, Branchiomycosis is quite common in farmed Carp and Goldfish, and
you can find many photos (and doubtless horror stories) online. Cheers,
Re: Fungus Among us (RMF, Branchiomycosis?)<<Maybe>>
Thank you Neale and Bob for responding to me so quickly. I went ahead
and dosed the tank with API's Fungus Cure last night before I received
your response because I was just so anxious to do something to help
Morgan, as he's been afflicted with this ailment for about a month now (
I have indeed seen all the pictures of fish who are afflicted with
Branchiomycosis and I am keeping my fingers crossed that my little one
does not have that).
<Let's hope!>
He's still breathing a little faster than I like but the inflammation
has gone down quite a bit and today he was more active than I've seen
him in weeks.
I guess all I can really do now is wait and see what happens next. If
this treatment doesn't work then I will definitely try the aquarium
<Salt for Whitespot; has no impact on fungal infections.>
Thanks, again for your responses. You guys totally ROCK!
<Glad to help. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Fungus Among us (RMF, Branchiomycosis?)
Hello, everyone. Morgan's energy level has returned to normal. His fins
are no longer clamped and the only time he stays put is when he's
There is no further evidence of fungus in the afflicted gill that I can
see, however I am concerned because the gill in question no longer moves
when he breathes. Do you think the tissue will rejuvenate/recover with
time or has it been permanently damaged? This is likely going to be one
those wait and see moments. It's just that even in the best of
circumstances, a fish with one active gill concerns me. Is there
anything more I should do for him?
Thanks, again.
<Gill tissue can regrow, but it takes a while. Good water quality will
help, but in the meantime, extra oxygen in the water would help the
Cheers, Neale.>
Fungus on some fish /RMF 11/3/14
Hi I wrote to you a few months ago about my large Silver Dollar who
suddenly developed pop eye & fungus patches. Despite my best efforts he
<Am jumping in here; though Neale likely was corresponding with you.
He'll see this when the sun comes up in Europe>
Within the past few weeks I noticed fungus appearing on at least
4 other fish and I am beside myself as I have beautiful large, expensive
fish in this community tank. Went to a local guy who gave me a
white powder to put in (unfortunately I didn't get the name but was told
to keep it refrigerated).
<? What is this I wonder>
It is now 10 days later & I don't see much of a change & the tank is
overdue for a water change. I keep the temp at 78 & check the Ph
regularly & maintain it at approx 6.8.
<.... Ammonia, nitrite, nitrate? RedOx?>
Anything you could suggest would be greatly appreciated.
<When, where in doubt, serial water changes... Send pix and data. Bob
Fungus on some fish /Neale 11/4/14
Hi I wrote to you a few months ago about my large Silver Dollar who
suddenly developed pop eye & fungus patches. Despite my best efforts he
<Oh dear.>
Within the past few weeks I noticed fungus appearing on at least 4 other
fish and I am beside myself as I have beautiful large, expensive fish in
this community tank.
<As Bob F stated, without information about the aquarium hard to make
useful suggestions. As always with freshwater aquaria, check nitrite
first of all (as a test of water quality). Most fungal and Finrot
infections are
opportunistic. Physical damage (e.g., from rough handling or fighting)
plus non-zero ammonia and nitrite levels is (overwhelmingly) the
commonest scenario.>
Went to a local guy who gave me a white powder to put in (unfortunately
I didn't get the name but was told to keep it refrigerated).
<Presumably an antifungal. Methylene Blue is the oldest remedy for
fungal infections, but there are many (some better/safer). But
invariably remove carbon from the filter, if used, otherwise medications
generally won't work.>
It is now 10 days later & I don't see much of a change & the tank is
overdue for a water change. I keep the temp at 78 & check the Ph
regularly & maintain it at approx 6.8.
<Do of course review the pH, hardness and temperature are appropriate to
the species being kept. Rainbowfish and livebearers, for example, will
get fungus infections in acidic conditions.>
Anything you could suggest would be greatly appreciated.
<Hope this helps. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Fungus on some fish
Neale and Bob ...thanks so much for your responses & Bob it was you I
corresponded w/ about the SD back in early July this year.
What are "serial water changes?"
<A quick succession of water changes; not so much temperature and water
chemistry are dramatically changed, but enough to rapidly dilute any
problems. Typically, 20% once or twice a day works well,
certainly leave a few hours between water changes. If you can keep water
chemistry and temperature steady, then changing 50% at once is
worthwhile. Basically, the idea is to change as much of the water as
possible, as frequently as possible, so that any stress factors (such as
ammonia, nitrite or nitrate) are diluted away.>
The med I was given sounds like lovosmel phosphate (sp?) & the 1st round
we did not remove the carbon but have done so now.
<Good. Almost always, if you leave (viable, fresh) carbon in the filter,
then medications have reduced/no effect.>
Don't have a nitrite test kit (never needed it) but will get one now.
<Together with pH, nitrite is the key beginner's chemical test kit, and
arguably the one every (freshwater) fishkeeper should have even if they
don't own any others. Less confusing than ammonia (because false
positives thanks to chloramine are common) and more immediately relevant
to health than nitrate (which can largely be ignored if you stock
moderately, feed moderately, and do regular water changes).>
A friend suggested we strip the tank, tossing the plastic plants &
bleach the decos, what do you think of that??
<Possibly, and won't do any harm, provided you don't strip the filter.
Leave the filter running, remove rocks and ornaments so you can give
them a good clean under a hot tap (bleaching isn't really necessary
though), then stir the gravel so you can siphon out more of the dirt
than otherwise. Deep cleaning a tank rarely/never fixes diseases, but
can help reveal problems such as dead/rotting cadavers that are causing
excessive water pollution.>
Attached are 2 pics of the most affected fish (lavender gourami). I have
a few baby clown loaches & see them after the fungus.
Many thanks,
<Would actually wonder about Costia being the problem here. Sometimes
called "Slime Disease" because affected fish develop larger than usual
amounts of grey slime on their bodies. Various commercial medications
are available, usually containing formalin. Use very carefully as
directed because some fish (e.g., Loaches) respond poorly to these
formalin. Look out for signs of stress such as gasping at the surface.
Alternatives are
available. In the UK, I've found a medication called eSHa EXIT works
quite well on Costia, especially alongside seawater dips. Conversely,
avoid "cure-alls" such as Melafix that generally don't cure anything.
Cheers, Neale.>
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Re: Fungus on some fish 11/6/14
Neale, thank you so much for your detailed response. When I began
fishkeeping 30 yrs ago I did have all the test kits but never had an issue
w/anything other than pH.
Because I am disabled and need help doing stuff, typically 50% of the water
gets changed every 4 weeks but because of the meds we're about 2 weeks
<Ah, well, best get on it this weekend!>
I will keep you posted. Thank you again.
<Glad to help. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Fungus on some fish 11/7/14
Ok got the test kits, no nitrites but nitrates were a bit high, pH perfect.
Did a 50% water change (nitrates better), deep cleaned tank, threw out all old
plants, washed & put in new decos & will do smaller water changes every other
day for the next week & basically hope for the best.
<Sometimes all you can do/need to do.>
Thank you again.
<Most welcome. Neale.>
Hi Neale - Heterandria formosa, hlth..
Hi Neale,
How are you?
<Well, thank you.>
One of my Heterandria formosa has... whitening at the end of her tail
and it looks like the top part of her caudal fin is gone. The
white spot is a large area of lack of color starting on the base of the
body (I believe it is called the caudal peduncle or keel) and extends
into the caudal fin.
It does not look like icky.
<It's not... it looks like fungus.>
Pictures are attached. I have noticed a second smaller fish that
looks like it is developing the same white spot. I'm wondering if
the tank should be treated with medicine, and if so with which?
<A reliable anti-fungus medication; at this point I'd skip Melafix and
find something a bit stronger and more reliable. I'd also be tempted to
add salt to the water if the rest of the tank won't mind. 2-3 gram/litre
would be a good start, and above 5 g/l (about a tablespoon per US gal.)
the salt alone will usually clear up the fungus. Do bear in mind
Heterandria formosa has very good tolerance of salt, so there's little
risk involved using salt.>
Water Parameters (this right before their weekly water change):
pH 8.0
Ammonia 0 ppm
Nitrite 0 ppm
Nitrate 20 ppm
Kh 7 dkH (125.3 ppm/KH)
GH 17 dKH (conversion chart doesn't go that high, but 17 drops to go
from orange to green)
Temperature is in the mid 70Fs, there is no heater in the tank.
This is the same tank and colony we chatted about a few years back (and
I still have the Gambusia affinis in another tank). No new plants,
fish or shrimp have been added to the tank since 2010. (I tried
Cherry shrimp but none survived, probably from the Prazi Pro in the tank
a few months before for deworming).
I'm also wondering if I should deworm the colony again, I have noticed a
few females that get really thin.
Thanks for your insights and advice!
<Hope this helps, Neale.>
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Re: Hi Neale - Heterandria formosa
Hi Neale,
Thanks for your reply, I'll get some anti-fungus medication today.
<Real good.>
There is java moss in the aquarium, will it be okay with a tablespoon of
salt per gallon?
<Yes, but if in doubt, take a clump of moss out, stick in a jam jar or
similar, fill with water, and place somewhere bright but not in direct
sunlight, and it should grow fine for a couple weeks, enough to
"re-seed" the tank if needed. You will probably need to change the water
every few days, especially if it goes green. If it goes brown, likely
the Java Moss is getting too hot, hence avoid direct light. This trick
for preserving aquarium plants can be handy if you have plants that you
aren't sure will
survive some course of medication.>
If so, is marine salt (like Instant Ocean) okay to use?
<It's okay, though it will raise hardness and pH (which is fine for both
Java Moss and Dwarf Mosquitofish). Normally aquarists treating
freshwater fish will rely on plain aquarium salt (essentially
non-iodised cooking "sea salt", often called Kosher Salt in the US). But
in this case, the marine aquarium salt will be fine because your species
don't mind the slight pH
and hardness rise.>
<Quick tip: measure out the salt as required, put into a jug or
container, add warm water to dissolve (tap water will be fine) to make a
brine. Now add, in stages across, say, half an hour, the salt to the
aquarium. This gives the fish, plants and filter bacteria a little time
to adjust. Adding salt crystals directly to the aquarium is a bad idea,
but I'm sure you know that! Good luck, Neale.>
Re: Hi Neale - Heterandria formosa 8/13/13
Hi Neale,
Thanks for your help. I bought Ampicillin and started treating
Will the fish that in the photographs be okay to leave in the tank, or
will leaving her in increase the chance of fungus returning?
<The fungi that attack your fish are the same fungi that do a good job
helping to keep your aquarium clean. They're purely opportunistic, and
if your fish are healthy and unstressed, they simply break down fish
faeces and uneaten food into molecules the biological filter can process
-- which is obviously important and beneficial. So, there's no point
isolating fish
with fungal infections because all aquaria have these fungi anyway. In
other words, treat the affected fish in the main aquarium. The exception
would be where the infected fish had other problems that meant it
couldn't swim or feed normally, and needed time away from the other fish
in the main aquarium. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Hi Neale - Heterandria formosa
Thanks Neale!
<Welcome, Neale.>
Growth on Gourami's mouth
Hi , I have a community tank with 2 Pearl Gourami fish and on the male
one he has a white cotton like growth on his mouth.
<Likely one of two things, a fungal infection, or else something
called Mouth Fungus that is, despite its name, a bacterial infection.
Now, both of these infections look similar, but there are clues that
tell them apart. True fungal infections are typically composed of
fluffy white threads, often likened to cotton wool. Mouth Fungus (also
known as Columnaris) tend to be more off-white to grey, somewhat
slimy-looking, and more like a lumpy growth than tufts. Some
medications treat both: for example Seachem Paraguard and eSHa 2000, in
which case there's no need to differentiate them. Avoid therapies
based on either salt or tea-tree oil (e.g., Melafix) as these tend to
be unreliable.>
He has been acting weird and not eating properly.
<Both Mouth Fungus and regular fungal infections are typically
caused by one of two things, often in combination. Physical damage,
such as fighting or careless handling allows secondary infections to
set in. Ordinarily the fish's immune system would deal with these,
but in tanks with poor water quality, the immune system is weakened,
and hence the infection gets out of hand.>
I am not sure what the growth could be or what I should do. I have a 23
gallon tank and all water levels are fine.
<Because this fish is clearly sick and suffering from either fungus
or Mouth Fungus, I honestly don't believe the "levels are
fine". If they were, your fish wouldn't be sick. To recap,
Pearl Gouramis will need water with a stable pH between 6 and 8,
hardness between 5-20 degrees dH, zero ammonia, and zero nitrite. Males
can be mutually aggressive, and in a 20 gallon tank shouldn't be
kept together.>
Thanks ,
<Cheers, Neale.>
Bristlenose with fungus?
<Hello Kate,>
I have a bristlenose Pleco who has been sharing a 40-gallon aquarium
with a handful of African cichlids for the past 3 years. They normally
get along quite well; the cichlids ignore the Pleco (but maybe
there's a first time for everything...), and he usually stays out
of sight in a cave among the rocks during the day.
<Ancistrus are at risk of being harmed when kept with the more
aggressive African cichlids, particularly Mbuna.>
I had noticed that algae had been building up on the glass over the
past few days, but I assumed the Pleco was holding out for an algae
cookie, as he tends to do - he's a bit spoiled in that respect!
This evening, when I moved the rocks around to do my weekly water
change & vacuum the gravel, I was horrified to discover that the
Pleco's snout was a mottled pale colour, and that his bristles were
almost all gone. His snout also has a coating of some fuzzy white stuff
that looks like fungus. He usually scuttles out of the way when I clean
the tank, but this time he barely moved. He looks awful!
<Assuming it's fungus, which looks like white cotton wool
threads, treat accordingly.>
I had some Maracyn (about a year old - is this ok?) on hand, so I dosed
the tank with that,
<Unlikely to cure Fungus. The same goes for Melafix (tea-tree oil).
You do need a genuine anti-fungal medication.>
and I added a bit of extra aquarium salt as well.
<Don't. Salt won't help, and some African cichlids, such as
Mbuna, may develop bloating when exposed to saline conditions.>
All of the water parameters are normal.
<As in...? I need numbers, not judgments! Fungus is caused either by
poor water quality or physical damage. So, check firstly you have 0
ammonia and 0 nitrite. Secondly, think about the companions. Some
African cichlids are harmless enough when kept with Ancistrus, notably
Kribs. But Mbuna would be a very bad choice of tankmates, since
they'd persistently nip and buffet these poor catfish, causing
physical damage.>
I realize that a separate tank would probably be best, but my old
10-gallon tank is in storage and doesn't have a proper cover (and
with a new kitten in the house, this just spells disaster). Is it ok to
continue dosing the main tank? Is the treatment even worth it?
<Yes. Fungus clears up pretty well.>
The Pleco seems to be in really bad shape and I don't want him to
suffer needlessly if it's a lost cause.
<Well, the "suffer needlessly" bit assumes you're
going to euthanise a fish in a way that doesn't cause pain. See
Thanks for any advice you can provide,
<Cheers, Neale.>
Saprolegnia on shark (RMF, second
opinion?) <<Nada to add>> 4/26/09
Hi crew! Please help me! I am trying desperately to save my
iridescent shark.
<Yes, I can see from the photos he's in a bad way. A very
difficult species to maintain, and I fear the problem here is
more about his environment than anything else. Iridescent Sharks
are food fish, and they simply don't do well in home aquaria.
While they can be kept in aquaria if you have lots of space, 55
gallons isn't enough. Moreover, they are difficult fish to
mix with other species. Despite their size, they are
super-nervous, and perhaps surprisingly, should be kept in
schools of 3 or more specimens.>
He is 5 years old. Was staying in an established 5 year old tank,
55 gallon, with two kissing Gourami and a Pleco. Don't
exactly know how he got hurt, maybe fight with Pleco that is a
foot long.
<Not so much a fight, but I do wonder if [a] the Iridescent
Shark bruised himself or otherwise develop a light infection; and
then [b] the Plec took advantage of this and started rasping away
at the infected tissue. Plecs are notorious for
"latching" onto injured, moribund or otherwise
slow-moving fish that are exuding blood or mucous into the water.
While I'm not 100% sure, this is my guess here.>
My shark is 10 inches.
<Way too big for this aquarium. Even if the Plec exacerbated
the situation, the primary cause of the wound or infection was
surely some combination of water quality and/or physical damage,
e.g., jumping into the hood or bumping into ornaments. Heater
burns are another common cause of mortality and injury among
The next day noticed the patch of cottony fungus, identified as
saprolegnia. I set up a10 gallon hospital tank at 80 degrees.
<Can't possibly keep this fish in 10 gallons. I'm
surprised it even FITS into a 10 gallon tank!>
I treated water with 1 tsp water conditioner (Jungle Start Right
with Allantoin, a skin protectant), 1 tsp of Wardley Ick Away
(malachite green), 1 tsp. of Melafix and 1 tsp of Jungle Fungus
Clear Tank Buddies
(Nitrofurazone, Furazolidone, potassium dichromate).
<Random medicating is usually not a good idea. Remember, while
Fungus isn't especially difficult to treat, it's a
secondary infection that results from poor water conditions and
injury. In a case like this, you need the fish to be in optimal
water conditions, and even on his own, 55 gallons would barely
provide that, let along 10. You also need to treat with something
very specific for severe fungal infections; I'd recommend
something along the lines of Seachem KanaPlex. Melafix is useless
once fungal infections are established (I'll allow it might
have some preventative value) and Ick medication is clearly
The only other items in the tank are the heater and an air stone.
I have been feeding him Jungle Anti-Bacteria Medicated Fish Food,
but he does not seem to be eating anything.
<Don't feed him at all until he's in a tank offering
optimal water conditions: 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, low nitrate, pH
stable around 6.5-7.5, and moderate hardness.>
I clean up the food that he does not eat each morning. His eyes
are clouded over, maybe he can't find his food.
<Not a good sign; usually implies (if both eyes are cloudy)
some type of secondary bacterial infection. Again, KanaPlex
should help.>
He has been in this treatment for 5 days, with no improvement,
seems worse.
His body is almost completely covered now.. I am sending you
When will this treatment start to help?
Or am I doing something wrong?
Please help me!
<Done my best. While I've seen fish come back from worse
(they really are amazing sometimes) this does depend on optimal
environmental conditions, which I fear you're not providing.
Seriously, this is a fish that needs a tank twice the size of
what you have, if not more, and a whopping filter with massive
water turnover and plenty of supplemental aeration. Iridescent
Sharks are classic riverine fish with little tolerance for
stagnant water. Adults are routinely 60-70 cm long under aquarium
conditions, and wild specimens twice that, weighing about the
same as a family dog. Big fish.
Cheers, Neale.>
fungus disease Hi Bob! Is it true that fungus
will die off if the aquarium is left alone without fishes? And how long
is the period? Thanks. Regards, Arise. >> True funguses are most
everywhere in aquatic environments. Pathogenic (disease inducing) types
in captive systems are rare, and without impugned host flesh to
consume, disappear to low virulence within a few days. Bob
Sick swordtail and neon tetra
Dear crew, I would like to thank you very much for your help previously
(it was very useful and I have recommended you to my friends) but now I
have two more problems. To begin with, my male swordtail has a torn fin
with some fluffy stuff on the wound and is not eating well. <The
fluffy stuff is fungus... which is not good at all. The fish has a true
body fungus infection (not Columnaris, this is true fungus) -- I
suggest you look at the Mardel list of medicines to help the fish.
Treat with MarOxy, read the package carefully and do as the directions
say. Use Maracyn-Two or Maracyn or Tetracycline or TriSulfa to prevent
secondary infections. I would start medicating so the fungus does not
spread. I have found that Mardel Products work the best for
livebearers such as swordtails.> My neon tetra is not eating, not
swimming well and is looking "pale". <Neon Tetras are
schooling fish and feel more comfortable in large groups. A
single neon will get sick due to stress. I'm not saying
that you should go and buy more Neons, just keep this in mind down the
road if you want to expand your tank. Neons like mature
tanks. Typically having a tank up and running for a minimum
of 6 months before adding them to the tank. If the neon is
in the same tank as the swordtail then the medicines listed above
should help it. But keep a closer look at the neon, when
they start to turn pale it's not a good sign at
all. Check you water parameters, and make sure that they
ammonia, no3, and no2 are all zero. The sad fact with Neons
is that sometimes they just waste away for no reason. Keep
the water fresh, and make sure the temp and filtration are all
okay. hopefully he will come back around.> What's
wrong with them? I've isolated them and put them in a container
filled with nice, new, clean water and put in some fish medicine
labeled "General Aid". <Look over WetWebMedia's
disease area on the site. You will be able to learn what you
need to care for your fish. http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwdis3setsfactors.htm
There are many other pages which are linked on the top of the page, I
suggest looking them all over.> It's been 3 days and
nothing's happening. Is there anything else I should do? <I
would switch to a more aggressive medicines like the ones given
above> Thank you so much for your help.
White Furry Growth on Black Ghost Knife
Hello Web Wet Media Crews, Happy New Year. "Houston", we
have a problem! My 16cm Black Ghost Knife is covered with furry
white "slim/growth" all over its body, including its
eyes. At first I thought it was body fungus <You are right it is
fungus. It's a true fungus that attacks the outer
layers of the fish. Fungus prefers cool temperatures, acidic
conditions, so check the temp of the tank and what the pH levels
are at.> used "OCEAN FREE" medication. I have no idea
what it contains but it turned the water really green. <Not sure
what actually does turn it green, but it's suppose to do
that.> I did a partial water change. I increased the water
temperature from around 26 or so to 32 Degree Celsius. <Make
sure you medicate the exact way the package tells you to do so,
doing water changes during treatment simply removes the medicine
already in the tank.> My BKG fish stopped fishing and rest on
the bottom of the tank for the whole 3 days. When I used an object
to lightly scrape its body, the whiter furry things is easily
peeled off. <It's best not to physically scrape the fish,
you run the risk of scraping the fish, damaging it skin, or
bothering what's left of it's protective slime
coating. If you should scrape the fish, the bacteria can
get deeper into the fishes skin causing more problems.> This
happened quite often. What seems to be the problem? Is it a fungus
growth, water conditions or other ailments? <The fish has true
body, mouth and eye fungus, a fungus infection -- treat with
MarOxy. Use Maracyn-Two or Maracyn or Tetracycline or TriSulfa to
prevent secondary infections.> You guys have provided me with
many valuable tips that keep my fish surviving till now. I hope you
can help me with this again. Many thanks.
<Hope that helps. I hope your knife gets better!
-Magnus> |

Re: White Furry Growth on Black Ghost
Knife. Passed Away Hey Magnus. Just a few minutes I sent you a
reply, my fish passed away. <I'm so sorry to hear of your
loss. It is a very sad thing when we lose pets we cared
for.> Nevertheless, I would like to thank you and the whole crew for
the help. <I'm just sad that I was unable to help you save your
fish. But remember we are hear to help you, so ask a
question anytime.> 1 more question.... can I bury my fish in my
flowerpots? Is it safe to do that? <You would need to have a large
flowerpot, and you run the risk of having loads of bugs and such coming
into you flowerpots after the body of the fish.> Will the disease be
spread to the plants? <Fungus can spread to the roots of certain
plants provided the soil is acidic and moist. I really would
worry that the decomposition will affect the pH of the soil and hurt
the plants. I would probably dispose of the body in a
different way.> What is the best moral ethnical way to dispose
one's beloved died sick fish? <With large fish I have actually
buried them in the back yard. Please don't take offense
to third, if you have no yard, you could always seal it in a multiple
bags and simply deposit it in the trash. some people became far to
attached to do that to the fish, and would hate to "throw them
away". I would try and find a place to bury it if you
want, rather than throwing it away. A park or some other
area would be better than your flowerpots. I'm sorry to
hear of your fishes passing, I do hope that you know that you had done
your best to care for it. -Magnus>
Cottony strands I'm a novice. <We've all been
there. Have to start someplace.> I don't know the
Latin names of my fish. I have 2 mostly black angelfish, 1 that's
mostly silver, 3 zebra Danios, a beta, a plecostomus, or however you
spell it and a "whatchamacallit" catfish all in a 55 gallon
tank. <"Whatchamacallits are hard to find this time of year.
(humor attempted in that last sentence). You might have a
problem with you angelfish picking at your Betta as they become
older. Angels will be very aggressive in
adulthood. Many kill their tankmates.> Now the silver
angelfish has cottony, beaded strands attached to it. Most of the
strands appear to be around the gills. <The white cottony strands
are a fish fungus, and is often times referred to
columnaris. It usually forms on areas were there is damage
from nipping or rubbing on objects in the tank. It only effects fish
that have been injured or weakened in some way. If an attack
appears to occur spontaneously, it is probably a secondary infection,
for instance gill flukes. Fungus, if untreated, will spread
across the fish.> It seems healthy but I know this must be treated
and I'm not sure what treatment I should use. These are very fine
strands that are about a half inch to 2 inches long and hard to notice
and may have been there for some time. Any help would be greatly
appreciated. In your debt, Randy Davis <You will have to make sure
that the water conditions are okay. I find that the fungus
happens predominately in tanks with less than perfect water
conditions. You can treat with Mardel's
Maracyn. This quickly cures the fungal
infection. Good luck. -Magnus>FW disease question Hello again. I have a
jewel cichlid that appears to have fungus on his top fin. it is a puffy
white ball. I have quarantined him and treated with jungle fungus
medication for four days, but had no success. I then switched to
Maracyn and it has been three days with that and no difference. Could
it be something else? Can this just be cut off with scissors? There now
seems to be another fish in the main tank with the same problem, which
I'll be moving to QT, so I'd like to know what to treat them
with. Also, would a UV light prevent things like this in the future?
Thanks, as always, for the help and advice, < Fungus usually attacks
diseased or damaged tissues. With the rough and tough jewelfish this
isn't that uncommon. Remove the fish from the water and take some
cotton balls and wipe as much as the fungus away as you can and
treat the tank with Nitrofuranace. Make sure you do a 30%
water change and clean the filter before you medicate and follow the
directions on the package.-Chuck> Jim g