FAQs on
Betta Diseases: Infectious (Bacterial, Fungal...); Bloating,
Dropsy, Pop-Eye, Fin Rot... 1
Series FAQs: Infectious 2,
Infectious 3,
Infectious 4,
Related Articles: Betta Diseases, Betta Systems, Anabantoids/Gouramis &
Betta splendens/Siamese Fighting
Fish, Improved (Better?) Products for
Related FAQs: Betta Disease 1, Betta Disease 2, Betta Disease 3, Betta Disease 4, Betta Disease 5, Betta Disease 6, Betta Disease 7, Betta Disease 8, Betta Disease 9, Betta Disease 10, Betta Disease 11, Betta Disease 12, Betta Disease 13, Betta Disease 14, Betta Disease 15, Betta Disease 16,
Betta Disease 17,
Betta Disease 18,
Betta Disease 19,
Betta Disease 20, Betta Disease 21
Betta Health 22, Betta Health 23, Betta Health 24,
Betta Health 28,
Betta Health 29,
Betta Health 30,
Betta Health 31,
Betta Disease Causes/Etiologies: Determining/Diagnosing, Environmental (By far the largest cat.),
Nutritional, Viral/Cancer, Infectious (Bacterial, Fungal) , Parasitic: Ich/White Spot, Velvet; Senescence/Old Age, Cures/Curatives/Treatments,
FAQs on Betta Medicines:
Betta Medicines period,
Anti-Protozoals (Metronidazole, eSHa...),
Malachite Green,
All Other Betta Med.s,
Such infectious agents are
almost always indirect causes of disease; something faulty with
the environment, too aggressive tankmates, nutritional
shortcoming being primary. Check and fix the environment
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Betta Success
Doing what it takes to keep Bettas healthy long-term
by Robert (Bob) Fenner
Better Fin Rot Swim Bladder Eating & Not Constipated. Betta
Hi Bob,
Hope you are doing really well! I’ve missed talking with you … but
luckily, haven’t had any issues with my Betta who is now 4 years old up
until now.
<This IS an olde specimen>
He has developed bad fin rot and swim bladder although he eats
everything and is not constipated. Fin rot caused by a month of 100%
water changes every 4-5 days instead of my normal 100% water changes
every 3-4 days. 2.5 gallon tank, sponge filtration, tap water/prime,
heater (78 degrees) and aerator. I apologize I’ve read your website for
2 days now and can never find any specific cases that apply to my
scenario although common. I simply do not understand your web search
<It's not ours but Google's... but GIGO; the arrangement of files is
mine... key word/search terms should bring up all/anything that is
relevant though>
The longer water changes caused the fin rot which advanced very quickly
and to swim bladder because his tail is really short now.
<? Don't know re the water change influence here. Shouldn't be a factor>
Treatment over last month: 100% water changes 2X’s/week, 1/2 teaspoon
aquarium salt (per gallon), Kanaplex (2 rounds per directions), seachem
Paraguard dips during water changes, and Paraguard in tank during
non-Kanaplex times, eats like a horse (frozen bloodworms
<Cut these out entirely. DO search on WWM re. Trouble>
alternated with spectrum A+ with garlic and never constipated. Current
Treatment this week: 100% daily water changes no medication to give him
a 7-day break. Stopped food for 3 days even though he’s not constipated
which resulted in very slight improvement on swim bladder. What do you
recommend I do now?
<As stated, drop the sewer fly larvae>
I felt that he was overmedicated/oversalted. Nothing is working so I
opted for clean water only. Can I start feeding him the garlic food
again? We are doomed. Thanks so much, Kristy
<... Bob Fenner>
Re: Better Fin Rot Swim Bladder Eating & Not Constipated
Thanks Bob, after 7 days of clean water should I try another round of
Kanaplex with furan 2?
<I would not treat this fish further; no>
I do not understand where to find "WWM trouble” in your search box and
not Google's search box.
<"Our" search box IS Google's... they provide the plug-in. They are the
So, what should to help him now?
<Return to once weekly water changes, and eliminated the bloodworms from
the diet. BobF>
Fwd: Better Fin Rot Swim Bladder Eating & Not Constipated
Hi Bob, Again, when I put TROUBLE in your search box I get this page but
I don’t see anything about how to help him today:
Other than clean water for 7 days (in-progress), should I do another
round of Kanaplex with furan2? And you are saying NO blood worms … can I
feed him just the garlic food now? He has fasted for 3 days.
<Not the garlic food alone. Some staple (pellets are best) and
frozen/defrosted brine shrimp is what I'd use>
Thanks a million.
<As many welcomes>
Re: Better Fin Rot Swim Bladder Eating & Not Constipated
Thanks Bob, He’s dying today. Appreciate your help.
<Ahh; thank you. BobF>
Betta fin rot and his general tank
setup 1/15/12
Hi Neale
Sorry, more questions! Thanks for all your help so far.
We have a male Betta called Pedro (don't ask me, that was Mrs.
K's doing) in a filtered 19 litre, kept at 27C. Is this temp too
<It's fine. If anything, you could even take it up to 28
There's too much conflicting information out there for us to
Today we noticed his fins were getting a bit ragged, with white bits at
the edge of the rags, and suspect fin rot. We added 1tbsp of API
aquarium salt to the gallon, as recommended on WWM, and did a 25% water
<Hang on a second where is salt recommended for treating fin damage?
I would not recommend salt for that! Let's be clear -- salt has
little/no beneficial effect. If you think about, marine fish can get
Finrot, and they're in seawater. What salt can do is help reduce
osmotic stress, or at least, that's what old school fishkeepers
often suggest. I think that's hokum, but it probably doesn't do
any harm in the short term.
Long term, you don't want to use salt -- these are, after all, soft
water fish by nature. Instead, if the fins are merely ragged but not
infected, good water quality, good diet, regular water changes, and
perhaps the use of a preventative like Stress Coat or Melafix will be
all you need. If the fins are infected, i.e., you can see dead white
tissue and/or exposed fin rays, then review water quality and medicate
with a reliable anti-Finrot medication, such as (in the UK) eSHa
He is almost exclusively fed on a diet of various wet frozen foods, a
piece about the size of his eye per day.
<I see.>
We suspect that the fin rot is due an ammonium spike, which also caused
a bacterial bloom. This occurred as the Canadian pond weed that we put
in went into meltdown. Cold water plant, as I eventually found out.
<Yes. Can live in tropical tanks, but needs extremely high lighting
to keep up with its elevated metabolic rate.>
Thank you to a certain large chain of pet shops for selling me a cold
water plant for a Betta! Anyway, I did frequent water changes and got
all the decaying plant matter out. The bloom has since died down and
the water is crystal clear again. Water testing 3 days ago showed pH 7,
ammonia 0ppm, nitrite 0ppm, nitrate 0ppm. Typical water quality on a
weekly water change shows the same figures.
How long should we keep the salt treatment up for?
<Wouldn't be doing this at all.>
Given the test results are indicating to me that the tank is back to
normal should we revert back to the old water change schedule (15%,
once per week) or keep up the regular ones (every couple of days)? Are
more frequent water changes aiming to remove e.g. fungus spores or is
it to keep water quality pristine for the sick fish?
<Water changes don't remove bacteria or fungus in any meaningful
way. Both, after all, are living in the filter where they do good work.
You see, the problems we call Finrot and Fungus are where bacterial and
fungi move from consuming decaying organic matter in the filter (which
is good) to doing the same thing on the bodies of damaged or stressed
fish (which is bad).>
We do have some plants in the tank and there seems to be a lot of
conflicting advice regarding salt tolerance. Can you shed any light on
<Salt will be tolerated by hard water plants, but soft water plants
dislike it. But really, you shouldn't be using salt at all.>
The plants are java moss (introduced this week, bought), Limophila
sessiliflora (introduced this week, prunings from another tank),
Eleocharis parvula (established) and Vallisneria sp. (introduced this
week, bought). We're not too green fingered on the aquarium front
so it's largely been trial and error up till now but we'd
rather not kill off any more after little Pedro having to suffer the
consequences. Lesson learned. Dead plants = sick fish.
<Ah, now, do read my new article on WWM, here:
There are quite a few reliable plants, but much depends on picking
those species and understanding their non-negotiable needs.>
On the subject of plants we're trying to get this tank as heavily
planted as possible because we've had massive problems with
Cyanobacteria. At the time the light schedule was 12.5 hours per day.
This has recently been cut back to 10 hours. Again there seems to be
quite a bit of conflicting opinion on algae control, with some saying
that light is the limiting factor and others nutrients. Given the small
nutrient input and plenty of plants I was surprised we had a problem
but it had choked the plants out. We pulled them all out except the
Eleocharis, which was doing fine, and that was when the fateful pond
weed went in. Is there anything else we can do if cutting the lighting
back doesn't work or is that about it short of building a scrubber?
It would be nice to do but would take up too much space.
<Do also read:
Plus the linked FAQs and articles.>
Thanks for your time and any comments will be appreciated, both on the
treatment for the fin rot and on the general setup.
Gordon and Denise
<Glad to help. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Betta fin rot and his general tank setup
Hi Neale
Thanks again.
<No problem.>
The advice about the salt was on the Betta diseases FAQs
http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/BetDisInfeF.htm titled "Betta
Fin Rot 8/26/07".
<That's a reply from a crew member of the past. What he says is
something that's quite often mentioned in older books and articles
about Bettas.
There is a nugget of science behind the idea, because sodium chloride
does reduce the toxicity of nitrite and nitrate, so may, possibly,
improve the health of Bettas maintained in small, unfiltered aquaria.
But what we don't know is how far salt stresses their salt/water
balance processes (osmoregulation) and because of that, in the long
term, salt may solve one problem but cause another -- such as dropsy.
You will find few if any modern fishkeeping writers suggesting the use
of salt as anything other than a short-term medication, and none of the
trusted health books written by vets promotes the use of salt in the
old school way either. In any event, salt doesn't cure any sort of
Finrot or Fungus, so it's of precisely zero value when you're
dealing with those sorts of sicknesses. I suspect the confusion came
about originally because fishkeepers found that when they used salt,
fish like Guppies and Mollies didn't develop Finrot or Fungus. We
now know that's because those fish need hard water, and salt and be
used to compensate for that in soft water. So fish that were
disease-prone in soft water became hardier in salted water, and their
own immune systems may well have fixed any minor infections. But early
on in the hobby, and we're talking about the 1920s and 30s here,
that connection wasn't obvious, so instead it was thought the salt
"cured" the fish.>
Didn't know that marines got Finrot.
<Yes. Finrot is merely an Aeromonas or Pseudomonas infection that
occurs when these usually harmless bacteria are able to feed on fish
without an effective immune system. This is the link between stress and
disease. Healthy fish fight off these bacteria ALL time, literally 24
hours a day, 365 days of the year. But poor diet, the wrong
temperature, poor water quality, social behaviour problems like
aggression -- all these cause stress and thereby lower the
effectiveness of the immune system. No different to humans.>
I'm sticking to FW until I'm very, very experienced before even
thinking about marine, but yeah that makes perfect sense. I'd tend
agree with you on the osmotic stress. If a species has evolved in
response to an environment with a low level of ions in the water it
stands to reason that it will be comfortable there.
<That's what vets believe, too. By all means use salt or Epsom
salt as medications in the short-term. They're harmless used this
way, and salt is, for example, much safer than commercial Whitespot
medication. In a new aquarium, salt might even be useful for softening
the edge of nitrite while the tank is cycling. But long term, i.e.,
more than for a couple months, it's a bad idea.>
That's interesting on the bacteria/fungus working with you when
things are good and against when things are bad. It's strange to
think that the organisms we rely on day to day are now eating the
fish's tail.
<Oh gosh yes. Think about it, the bacteria are mindless. For them,
there's no difference between fish faeces sucked into the filter
and dead skin cells on a living fish. It's all organic matter. So
far as the bacteria are concerned, it's stuff that Mother Nature
wants broken down into the smaller chemicals the filter bacteria can
further process into ammonia, then nitrite and finally nitrate.
Normally, the fish's immune system fends off these bacteria before
they get into healthy tissue. But if the fish is seriously wounded or
somehow stressed, the immune system can't stop these otherwise good
bacteria getting into the healthy tissue. Those bacteria multiply,
spread, and as they do so, caused havoc, in particular clogging up
blood vessels ands thereby causing nearby tissues to die from oxygen
starvation. The bacteria then feed on those dead cells, multiply some
more, and the infection spreads. If the infection isn't stopped,
the bacteria eventually reach the organs or cause blood poisoning.
That's when the fish dies.>
We'll keep up with the stress coat, (we added some today, forgot to
mention that), change the salt out of the water, and observe for any
worsening of the tail damage, if so medicate accordingly.
<There's a great value medication called eSHa 2000 widely sold
in the UK; it's safe and very effective. Costs about 4-5 a bottle,
but you use so little, this small bottle will last years. I'd
suggest buying some today.
There are other brands, like the Interpet one, but in terms of value,
effectiveness and safety to my fish, it's the eSHa one I like
Thanks for the links. We'll have a good look through them.
Gordon and Denise
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Betta fin rot and his general tank setup
Hi Neale
Thanks for all the advice. I've been phoning around LFS with no
success with regards to the ESHA 2000, the only ones we could get today
would be treatments by Love Fish
<Not used this.>
or Interpet,
<Can work well; don't forget to remove carbon.>
however wanted to check with you before we bought either of these in
case we wasted more money or even worse did more harm than good. We
could order ESHA 2000 online but obviously we wouldn't get it
today, so was just wondering what would be the course of action
you'd suggest?
<Either; waiting a day or two won't do harm if the fins
aren't too badly eroded. But if they're red and really ragged,
act quickly.>
We've done a 50% water change on Pedro and will keep up regular
chances and add Stress Coat regularly.
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Betta fin rot and his general tank setup 1/16/12
Hi Neale
No further questions, you'll be relieved to hear. Cheers for the
advice and a bottle of eSHa 2000 is winging it's way to us.
<Ah, good.>
We'd rather use that as it's recommended by someone whose
opinion we trust, the fish isn't yet ravaged and the medication
will break down in the water rather than have to be carboned out after
We only have a small internal filter with a sponge block as a medium,
so carbon would have been problematic.
<Perhaps. In reality, few, if any modern medicines need to be
removed with carbon -- at least, if you're only keeping community
fish rather than invertebrates.>
I have to say it's amazing how complicated and interesting Betta
splendens has become considering I bought Pedro on the advice from my
LFS that he could be kept in a 8 litre unheated, unfiltered aquarium
and be fed a flake every three days. That he would survive in a pint
glass and actually liked confined spaces and dirty water.
LFS even tried to sell me one of those little plastic tanks that look
like they hold about a half a litre. It was also recommended to
actually split that small tank and put another male in the other side.
I can imagine how stressed those fish would have been, aside from the
really obvious, constantly being able to see an aggressor and
constantly displaying to fend him off. Reason from LFS: "They
display more like that".
<Well true enough, but as you say, hardly a nice way for them to
We both have, however, learned a lot and discovered a fascinating fish
with loads of personality. Its interesting to read other people's
accounts of keeping this species as well. They seem so quirky and
individualistic. Even if my general interest in the hobby declined I
think would still keep a Betta.
For the record I was also told at the same LFS that our 60 litre tank
would take 6 phantom tetras, 3-4 clown loaches, a Hong Kong Pleco, 6
black widow tetras, and 4-5 honey gouramis. I did NOT follow that
Needless to say I don't buy from there anymore, which is a shame
because I'd rather support an independent retailer.
<Quite so. It's a shame really because they're harming their
business. People who buy fish that then die, aren't likely to stay
in the hobby for long. It's in the retailer's interest to have
knowledgeable staff who can educate their customers up to at least some
sort of basic standard.>
The 8 litre tank has been put into service as a daphnia culture tank,
since I can't actually see any other use for it. It was inherited
and I have no idea what unfortunate creature was kept in there.
<Indeed. You could try a freshwater reef tank here, if you can
supply good lighting and filtration. A few plants (Java moss is great
for small tanks) and then add a few small snails, some small shrimps
(bumblebee shrimps are great, but cherry shrimps could work) and then
let the thing become an ecosystem. Add some pond water if you can, or a
bag of live daphnia. Over time, you'll find this brings in all
sorts of tiny animals that end up living and breeding there.>
So, thanks for everything. It's comforting to know in these early
stages that we've got folks that we can to turn to for reassurance
and advice who are trustworthy.
<Thanks for the kind words.>
Gordon and Denise
<Cheers, Neale.>
Fluff on Crowntail Betta
I have one Crowntail Betta. He is now in a 20 gallon long tank for the
moment. Yesterday he had cloudy eyes and the tips of his fins were
<Both eyes? All fins? Something is wrong w/ water quality
The tank is cycled, but the ammonia was up to .25ppm,
<If there is measurable NH3, a system is not cycled>
so I did a HUGE water change added a tablespoon of marine salt and
turned up the temp to 82F.
<Good moves>
There was another Betta on the other side of a divider and he
immediately died after the last water change. He was always active with
no symptoms. I haven't fed the still living Betta in 24 hours and
have the tank lights off. The ammonia and nitrite levels are now 0, and
his eyes look fine today. But the tips of the tail now have little bits
of fluff on them.
<Residual. Will cure of its own in time (a few weeks)>
So more water changes, and keeping the temp up. I did check the ph and
it read 8.5 which is really high.
<Have seen your correction in a subsequent email. Not to
Could the high ph be doing this ?? If so is there a way to bring it
It is the tap water that tests for high ph. Thank you!!
<Cheers, Bob Fenner>
Correction concerning previous email 11/22/11
I sent an email a few hours ago
about a Crowntail Betta with cottony fluff on the edges of his tail. I
have to correct a mistake about tap water readings. The ph is only
about 6.8, not 8.5. Thank You !!
<Ahh, good. Again this is fine. Just time going by...
I think my new Half-moon Betta has Fin
Rot! 10/28/11
Hi! I just went to town a few weeks ago and bought 2 Bettas. I bought
my normal finned male at Petland, where the fish where very well taken
care of and appeared to be healthy.
My Half-moon Male came from PetSmart, where he was in a tiny cup full
of blue water stacked on a shelf with many others in the same
<Not uncommon, sadly. While Bettas can be maintained in cups given
adequate air temperature and (at least!) daily water changes, this
approach is really only viable for Betta breeders with heated fish
rooms. It's a shame PetSmart keep them this way because it implies
to casual aquarists that Bettas are "one cup" pets suitable
for dorm rooms and the like. They're not; at least, not kept in a
I felt so sorry for him, he was very thin and just looked like a
floating Betta head staring at me through the plastic. He's very
tiny (Smaller than my Rosy Red Feeder), but has actually grown
considerably since I first got him.
<Glad he's recovering. Unfortunately the downside to
"rescuing" Bettas like this is all you tell PetSmart is that
they need to go order some more!
That's how the capitalist system works. If something sells -- even
if purchased out of pity -- that item will be restocked.>
I had to feed him powdered brine shrimp for the first week because he
couldn't eat the regular pellets. Tsunami (Half-moon) started out
being in a separate tank than Leviathan (Normal Finned), but I bought
one of the cool little half-gallon tanks with the divider so I could
view them together and have one less tank to clean.
<Half-gallon tanks are about 10 times too small for Bettas.
Seriously. They need a 5-gallon tank with a heater and filter.>
They had glass pebbles so they couldn't injure themselves,
"Betta Plus: Water Conditioner" (we use tap water), and no
plastic plants or anything. Tsunami's tail started rotting off soon
<Unfortunately what happens when they're kept in these Betta
bowl type things. How are you keeping the water warm? If you don't
have a heater, then that's one reason this Betta is sick. Sadly
people think room temperature is adequate -- it's not. Some others
thing an angle-poise lamp will give enough heat -- it won't. If you
don't have an aquarium heater in there, this fish WILL die.
It's called a "tropical fish" because it comes from the
tropics. We're talking the sweltering hot, humid depths of
Southeast Asia. Even a warm room in Europe or the US will be too
Water temperature needs to be kept steady somewhere between 25-30
C/77-86 F.>
I moved him to his own separate tank again (which has the conditioner),
immediately suspecting Fin Rot, and put some medicine in with him. He
lost the top outer edge of his tail in one day, and the edges that are
gnarled are black.
<Not good.>
I might have been able to catch it sooner if his fins hadn't have
stayed clamped so long after I got him. When he finally unfolded his
tail, I just thought maybe it was supposed to look like that, because
it started with two, evenly spaced gaps. Apparently not. I read the
other articles on this site, and none of them said anything about the
meds I have. It's called "Jungle: Fungus Clear - Tank
Buddies". They are 10 gallon fizz tabs, so I had Mom grind up one
and divide it into the correct dosage for him. I don't think it has
progressed any further since I added the meds and he seems to act okay,
but will it cure him?
The active ingredients are Nitrofurazone, Furazolidone, and Potassium
Dichromate. And, if I manage to cure him, will his tail ever be the
same? I seriously only got to see him fan once before this happened.
Also, will Leviathan catch it as well, since they shared the same
water? Thanks!
<You do need to do the following:
[a] Ensure this Betta is kept in a 5 gallon aquarium, or a slightly
larger one if you use a divider to keep both Bettas.
[b] Install a heater set to about 28 C/82 F.
[c] Install a gentle filter, ideally an air-powered sponge filter.
[d] Ensure there's a tight-fitting lid on top to keep the air your
Betta breathes warm and humid (cold and/or dry air are lethal).
[e] Ensure ammonia and nitrite levels are at zero; this won't
happen until the biological filter is mature, what'll take about
4-6 weeks, so before that happens, do daily 10-20% water changes.
[f] Ensure you're doing weekly water changes (once the filter has
matured, as noted above) of about 20%.
[g] Medicate with anti-Finrot medication such as Maracyn 2; don't
waste time with salt, Melafix, general purpose medications, etc.
And that's it! All of these things are important. None of them is
It's a real shame but so many stores tell people Bettas can live in
jars; as you're discovering, they can't. Again, the joys of
capitalism -- if you don't do your research first, you're going
to lose money. Cheers,
My Betta has white fuzzy stuff all over
him 10/16/11
<Hello Dawnelle>
I've had my double tailed Betta Nyan for a week now and he was doing
fine till yesterday night, I noticed he was lying on his side, he was
very pale and he has fuzzy white stuff growing on his pelvic fins and
his tail. <Likely some sort of bacterial infection.> Right away I
took him out of his gallon tank <heated, I hope> and put him and
a separate fish bowl I have <Why? If the tank is heated, likely to
be a better home for him.>. I did a little research on what he might
have and I think the fuzzy stuff is Fungus. <More likely bacterial
as I mentioned above. Depending on the condition of the fish a broad
spectrum antibiotic may well help.>Im not so sure why he lays
sideways. <Stress from the disease and perhaps some environmental
stress is likely at play here.> He doesn't move unless he struggles
to come up for air and he wont eat. I think its swim bladder disease.
<More likely the effects of the above.> Im trying my best to keep
Nyan alive the best I can. I have given him a salt bath but I used sea
salt instead, is that good for him? <adding am pinch salt (aquarium
salt only) to the aquarium is a good move. About a teaspoon per 3 or so
gallons. You can read more here -
> Since then his color has started to come back a little. But he
still lays on his side. Is there any medicine I can give him? <As
mentioned above. I have also had good luck caring for some Betta issues
with Betta Fix. Please do keep in mind that the obvious symptoms aside,
a large number of Betta diseases originate due to environmental
reasons. Please use the search tool to read about ideal conditions for
a Betta. Good luck! - Sugam>
Severe Betta Fin Rot,
Meds Not Working 8/2/11
Dear WWM Crew,
You are my last hope. I bought what appeared to be a healthy male Betta
5 months ago. He is a split tail variety. Water Parameters are as
follows (per gallon): treated tap water, using 2 drops Dechlor,
<Not useful for Chloramine/s>
2 ml Betta spa, 1/2 tsp aquarium salt, 1/4 tsp baking soda (pH buffer -
a trick a Betta breeder told me to try). His pH is about 7.5 and he
lives in a 5 gallon Fluval chi with a filter baffle and a heater kept
at 80 degrees F. Full water changes once a week.
Two Months ago, he developed a pinhole in his dorsal fin that was red
around the edges. At the time, per the advice of the LFS, I was doing
one to two gallon changes of water per week. I attempted a large water
change, introduced aquarium salt, and tried Melafix.
<Decidedly not a fan>
That did not work, so I tried a more aggressive salt bath. Still
nothing. I then nuked the entire tank and went to the store and was
given Furan 2.
The baths they suggested didn't stop it. I tried a double dose,
which halted it, but as soon as I stopped, it came back. The LFS then
gave me tetracycline. That did not work. For the last two days,
I've been doing strong baths of PolyGuard. Still no healing. In
fact, the disease has progressed.
<What are you feeding this animal? What water quality tests/results
do you have to share? Esp. Nitrate>
I understand that I have been using several different medicines, which
may not be the best idea. However, at this point, he is going to
The fin rot, during all of this treatment, has progressed severely.
This morning, I noticed that it was starting to attack the scales under
his dorsal fin (that is almost all gone) and has attacked one of his
smaller fins. His tail edges are still red and a good portion of his
anal fin is missing. I have taken him off the meds for several days at
a time in order to let him recover, but during those times, he ends up
getting worse. He is still eating and I have been soaking his food in
garlic guard and giving him brine shrimp to boost his immune
<A good idea>
I truly don't know what to do at this point, and I am very fond of
Any thoughts?
<Mmm, please respond to my questions above. Bob Fenner>
Thank you,
Re: Severe Betta Fin Rot, Meds Not Working
Dear Bob,
Thank you for your prompt reply! To answer your questions:
The Dechlor, per the label, also handles chloramines.
I am feeding him 4-5 pellets of Hikari Betta bio gold soaked in garlic
<I would not use this exclusively. Read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/betfdgfaqs.htm>
Some days I substitute brine shrimp instead. His appetite is good,
though no bubble nests as of late.
Parameters: The pH is higher than I thought at 8.4
<MUCH too high... why are you using sodium
bicarbonate here? NOT necessary.
What is the pH, hardness of the source/tap water?>
(I only have the high pH test kit from our salt tank but it's
turning out purple for sure.) Should I discontinue the baking soda
Ammonia, Nitrites, and Nitrates are all reading 0.
Thank you!
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
Re: Severe Betta Fin Rot, Meds Not Working
Ok, I will try to slowly lower it to closer to 7. The reason for this
is because I kept Bettas about 2 years ago and all 3 of them suffered
from sudden, overnight fin damage.
The breeder I got them from told me the Chicago tap water drops its kH
in the summer, thereby causing pH crashes overnight and eating up their
<Doubtful. B>
He was fine during the spring, so when I saw some deterioration around
June, I started buffering since this cleared up the issues with my
Bettas a few years ago. I'll avoid the buffer.
Re: Severe Betta Fin Rot, Meds Not Working 9/1/11
Hi Bob,
I hope you are well.
I did everything you suggested with my Betta. I brought his pH down to
about 7.1. His temp is 78. There's nothing in his water but Betta
spa, 1 tablespoon of salt to the 5 gallons, and a stress coat with
DeChlor/ chloramine neutralizer. I changed out his sand for glass beads
instead and I've shut off the filter, which perked him up somewhat
and caused him to blow bubble nests again. I've been doing full
changes once a week with aged water.
I gave him a PolyGuard dip for about 5 to 10 minutes a day every three
days and he seemed to be healing. I stopped the PolyGuard for about 5
days and looking at him today, he has a new rip in his tail and the
redness is back on his anal fin. There's practically nothing left
to his fins. They are looking absolutely terrible and ragged. I found
some photos of him from the first few days I got him and I noticed that
his fins had the same redness on them.
<Yes; as alluded to, this "red color trait" is quite hard
to "breed out" in Betta splendens>
At the time, we thought it was a bit of red streaking his fins since he
is a marble gene Betta.
Now I wonder if he came from the store with this issue.
I gave him another PolyGuard dip today. I will be changing his tank
water tomorrow. I'm leaving for vacation for 12 days and he'll
be in my mother's care, but I don' t think she'll be able
to give him the dips.
Any other thoughts? I feel like I'm about to lose my fish, which
makes me very sad because he's a lovely friend.
Any suggestions are welcome. I don' t know what else to do...
<Just patience; time going by>
<Welcome. BobF>
Does Betta Have Fin
Rot? 7/23/11
Dear Crew,
I am wondering whether my Betta has fin rot. I have been wondering this because
when I bought Darwin , the cup that he came in stated he was a veil tail. I
didn't think of any thing except that he was a very active swimmer until I
looked at him closer during the acclimation process. I noticed Darwin looked
more like a delta tail. Now that I think about it, he looks like he has fin rot.
He has a whit edge around his tail fin.
<Mmm, not necessarily anything other than colour here>
This is not Darwin, but he look s almost *exactly *like this:[image: my
Cambodian flaring 1.JPG (49002
The only difference between this picture and Darwin is his fins spread a tiny
bit less.
Thank you,
Dante G.
<I wouldn't assume your fish is sick on the basis stated. Bob Fenner>
Male Betta showing severe dropsical
conditions.... 4/28/11
Sparky, my male Betta, has been showing severe dropsical signs for
about three days now. Short of the horror I face to let him either fade
away, or euthanize him, are there any chances to return him to the
former fun and happy Betta he was?
<Yes... have you tried Epsom Salt, antibiotics?>
He is Swollen, Pine-coning, completely inactive, top floating, lost his
appetite, however not his will to live. He swims away from the tank
edge if he feels threatened (although he is now swimming on his
I understand that there are many variables that cause the
"dropsy" symptoms. Based on this information does my little
guy sound too far gone?
Thank you for your time and expertise
<There is still hope. Read here:
Bob Fenner>
Potential Betta Fungus? 12/10/10
<Hi Emily.>
Sorry to bother you if this kind of question has already been
<Many, many times.>
I've read many things on the forum, but I haven't found
anything quite the same. So, here's the deal. I've had my Betta
Reggie for about 2 months. He is the first Betta I've ever had.
<Please do read widely, and act on what you learn. Start here:
He's currently by himself in a 2.5 gallon tank. Yes, I know it
should be 5 gallons, but I didn't learn that until recently.
I will work on getting him a bigger tank.
<Will make life dramatically better for your Betta.>
Anywho, for the three weeks he has done nothing but sit on the
<Usually a reaction to poor environmental conditions: poor water
quality or lack of warmth. Remember, Bettas need both filtration and
heating. These aren't optional. Water changes don't remove the
need for filters, and angle-poise lamps don't replace the need for
heaters. Almost all failures with Bettas come down to the lack of
filtration and heating.>
In the past week and a half, he's hardly eaten, if at all. (I
haven't seen him eat, but that doesn't mean he hasn't.) At
first I thought he was just recovering from Ick, but now he's worse
than he was when he had Ick. When he had Ick, I medicated him with some
Mardel CopperSafe, and now I'm sure he doesn't have Ick
<Should indeed work. But do remember, you can't have carbon in a
filter while medicating. Indeed, I'd not recommend you use carbon
at all. Instead, ensure your filter provides just good biological
Yesterday I noticed a small white dot near his face, and I didn't
think much of it. However, today I noticed it was bigger and looked
fuzzy, just like a white fuzzy ball was on him.
<Yes, fungus.>
I heard that Betta fish sometimes get fungus while they're immune
system is still down from having a parasite like Ick. Is that true?
<Not quite. When the Ick parasites mature, they burst through the
skin, making little holes. These holes easily become infected with
fungus, especially if the fish is already weakened through poor
environmental conditions. Think of fungus as equivalent to gangrene or
tetanus in humans -- something that happens if wounds become
Does he have a fungus?
How should I treat him?
<Anti-fungus medications should work well. Don't use tea-tree
oil medications (like Melafix) as these are unreliable. See here:
Oh, and his tank has a small filter.
<How small? And was it matured before the fish was added? It takes
4-6 weeks to mature a filter before an aquarium will be ready to accept
a fish.
If you add a fish to a tank on the same day as a brand new filter,
you'll have non-zero levels of ammonia and nitrite, and these are
I usually do a 100% water change once a week.
<50% will be ample, and once you have a 5 gallon tank, 25% will be
Changing too much exposes your Betta to changes in temperature and
water chemistry. If you have poor water quality -- i.e., non-zero
ammonia and nitrite levels -- then simply do more than one 25% water
change per week.
More, small water changes will be better than one big water
Reggie is only the second fish I've ever had, and I care about him
I'm just so inexperienced that I wonder if I should even be his
fishy mommy!
<Hope this helps. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Potential Betta Fungus? 12/10/10
Hello again,
Thank you so much for the advice. I do have one more concern. I did not
know that you shouldn't have a copper [sic] filter running with
What did that do? Is there anything I should do to correct it?
Thanks once again,
<Do you mean you left the carbon in the filter whilst medicating for
If that's the case, you might be alright. Carbon needs to be
replaced every two weeks. If you don't replace it every two weeks
it becomes saturated with organic chemicals in the water, and
doesn't absorb anything else. End result, all it does is sit there
in the filter wasting space. So the medication might have worked. For
most aquarists keeping freshwater fish, carbon is not necessary and
should not be used. In any case, I'd recommend using the salt/heat
method for treating Ick as outlined here:
Medicate as for fungus *at the same time*. Salt will not harm the Betta
if used as stated there, and in fact will actually help the fungus
infection clear up more quickly. Cheers,
I Really Hope That You Can Help Me: Betta
Health\Disease 7/22/2009
<Hi Brea>
I have recently purchased a Male Chinese Fighting Fish,
all was well until a few months ago I realized that he may have a
I had a look through your website but none of the diseases you describe
seem to match the symptoms that my fish is producing.
Its hard to describe but when I look close at my fish his top and
bottom fins are stuck together and they almost seem as if they should
be longer than what they are.
<So his fins are clamped down.
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebindex/bettadiseases.htm >
It almost looks like something has hacked at his fins, or torn at them;
but he is in a tank on his own. his colour is not as bright either.
<Hmm.... sounds like Finrot. Here is where details are helpful. How
large of a tank is this fish in, is it heated or unheated, have you
tested the water?>
<Bettas do best in an aquarium of at least 18 - 20 litres with a
temperature between 24 - 27 degrees centigrade.
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebindex/bettasysart.htm >
I told a friend of mine, who also has Chinese Fighters and he gave me
some medicine called "Wardley Promenthysul" which he said
would eliminate all bacteria, fungal and parasitic diseases but my
fish's fins are getting worse.
<It isn't working. Much like applying topical disinfectant to
your skin does nothing for a sinus infection.>
I change my water regularly and am using this medicine every time I
change his water but he is still not getting any better...
<You need to treat the fish with antibiotics. I quick browse on the
internet shows that this is available in Australia: "Aquarium
Science Aqua-Cure Tablets" from here:
please email me back
from Brea
Fixing an error... Env. dis.... cycling with fishes, FW.
Betta 9/1/2009
My dilemma is as follows-
It started when I made a bad error of judgment- cycling with fish. I
assumed that I could do semi-frequent water changes to get the cycle
Unfortunately, Nixon (my veiltail Betta), developed fin rot.
<Cycling with fish is risky, and does rather assume the tank is [a]
large proportional to the fish being kept; [b] receiving 20-25% water
changes every day or two; and [c] stocked with hardy fish known to
tolerate short-term exposure to ammonia. In very small tanks, the
problem is that there's insufficient water to keep the ammonia
diluted enough to avoid acute poisoning of your fish. I don't
recommend people keep Bettas in tanks less than 5 gallons in size
precisely because of this, and putting a heater and a filter in a tank
smaller than this doesn't work well at the best of time.>
I had built a baffle on the power filter, keeping the water very
However, I suspected the intake might have hurt him.
<Does happen; the best filters for Bettas are either air-powered
sponge filters or undergravel filters. Electric filters are best
I decided to start fresh - I got a box filter (couldn't find a
sponge filter) with a gang valve to minimize air flow.
<Should work fine. Even with medium levels of air flow, the
"suck" on these box filters isn't great, and they work
nicely even in tanks with fish fry, let alone Bettas.>
It is held down by a slab of slate (again, not ideal, but it was all I
could get at this point)
<You do what you have to do. I find a handful of gravel at the
bottom of a buoyant box filter works well at weighting it down. Fill
the rest of the filter with floss. The gravel supports some biological
filtration, so it isn't a waste of space.>
and got some Maracyn 2. I have a second heater for temping his new
water in a separate container, complete with second thermometer.
<Not strictly necessary; adding luke warm water from the tap,
provided it is dechlorinated, should be fine for any fish tank. Just
remember, don't use water from a domestic water softener or
untreated water from an RO unit; plain vanilla tap water, even if hard,
is fine for Bettas. Leaving water to stand overnight is often a good
idea; some water supplies exhibit weird chemistry changes immediately
after being drawn. Find out for yourself: do a pH and hardness test on
some freshly drawn tap water, and then leave the water sitting for 24
hours and then test it again. If the pH and hardness are the same,
you're fine. If not, then leave all your water for 24 hours before
use. This isn't an alternative to removing chlorine or copper using
water conditioners, by the way.>
Water is from same source always, PH always identical via Wardley 3-in1
<The pH is largely irrelevant, and unless you have a specific reason
to "fix" the pH at 7, I wouldn't bother. Hardness is much
more important when keeping fish generally, but Bettas will adapt just
fine to anything in the range 5-20 degrees dH, pH 6-8. In general,
water with a pH around 7.5 is the best because this is where biological
filtration operates most efficiently. Moderately hard water also tends
to regulate its own pH fairly well, and there's really no need to
soften water unless you're keeping (or breeding) finicky
I began Maracyn treatments. He was healing okay until his latest
ammonia spike (I was foolish not to expect it so soon). To be safe, I
put tetra ammonia detoxifier in his tank, then prepped up a fresh batch
of water.
<Ammonia removers remove ammonia from tap water, and have little/no
impact on ammonia constantly produced by the fish and organic decay in
the filter.
Ammonia is best dealt with via water changes and filtration.>
I also found some tetra Safe Start that wasn't online, it was in a
pet shop so I could obtain it.
<Couple tablespoons of gravel from a mature aquarium would work a
million times better anyway... even a clump of floating Indian Fern
added to the tank would have a dramatically positive impact.>
Today I did one last full 100% water change, thoroughly cleaned
everything with leftover changing water (the new stuff), added the
SafeStart, and put Nixon back into his new home.
<Why all the cleaning? Look, cycling requires the presence of
Limit water changes to 50% at most in emergencies -- where ammonia goes
above 0.5 mg/l for example. Otherwise, restrict water changes to 25%
every two days for the first 3-4 weeks after setting up a tank. After
that point, 20-25% water changes weekly should be ample. Assuming you
have at least a 5 gallon tank, a single Betta shouldn't be
producing too much mess, and through the cycling process, you'd not
be feeding more than one small meal daily, perhaps every other day if
you find ammonia keeps creeping above 0.5 mg/l. As for rocks, gravel,
etc., leave this as they are. If you must clean the gravel, simply stir
and siphon out any detritus. Do nothing more to filter media than
rinsing it in buckets of aquarium water or, if necessary, in some
freshly drawn, dechlorinated water that's been left to reach water
temperature. That's it!>
Through all this time, he has continued swimming normally and eating
well (although today is his fasting day). So should I begin a new
medication regimen?
<Unless there is actual Finrot, I wouldn't add anything. Fish
will regenerate their fins very quickly under good conditions, just as
we grow back skin without the need for medications if we cut or graze
Will it affect my seed bacteria?
<Used as described, medications shouldn't harm the filter
Should I do a 50% water change every 2-3 days?
Any tips?
<See above.>
Thanks, Steve
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: fixing an error 9/1/2009
Dude, thank you so much for the quick reply!
<Happy to help>
I'll try tracking down some Indian fern ASAP!
<It's good stuff. Do read what Bob has to say:
I have it in all my tanks.>
I've been reading all sorts of information recently, much of it
conflicting advice. Some people advice full weekly water changes,
others say never more than 20%.
<Not all tanks work the same way, so there aren't any hard and
fast rules.
Moreover, in the past people did very small water changes (typically
25% a month) whereas today aquarists do water changes at least weekly,
and in many cases more than 25%, perhaps because their fish are
particularly messy. But a 25% water change every week works well, and
keeps conditions good enough that if you skip a week because you're
on vacation or otherwise busy, it's not big deal.>
I wholly intend to go to the store tomorrow and get a liquid ammonia
test kit (after adding the ammonia Detox, the strips said the ammonia
went from stress to danger).
<Test strips are fine for this sort of thing, so I wouldn't
worry about buying a liquid test unless you really want one. If you can
detect ammonia, that's bad, and a water change is probably in
order. A trace of ammonia is normal through the cycling process, but
after that, it's should be 0 pretty much all the time (and so will
nitrite be 0 too).>
I'll follow through with the water changes, try to find someone
that will spot me a little gravel from a cycled tank.
I've read elsewhere that on a box filter you should change out half
the floss.
<You can do this. Indeed, you can change 50% of the media in any
mature filter without harm. Some manufacturers will in fact recommend
you do this every few months since media that is too clogged isn't
especially useful. With sponges, you can rinse them out, but floss can
only be cleaned so many times before it all falls apart.>
But you seem to be thorough and knowledgeable, so I'm going to
treat it like a sponge.
<Quite so; I find rinsing floss every couple weeks keeps it
sufficiently clean I don't need to replace it as often as you might
think. A clump of floss in a Betta tank should last a good 6 months if
you keep cleaning it
gently. Just remember, it's "alive" with bacteria, so
don't expose it to anything you wouldn't expose your
I guess I only have 2 more questions- A) What are signs to look for if
I need to redo the Maracyn 2 regimen
<Finrot on Bettas usually looks like patches of white (dead) skin,
typically on the fins. On most fish, Finrot often reveals itself by
erosion of the fins, as the membrane dies back leaving the
filament-like bones, so
there's a ragged or cobweb appearance. But on Bettas this can be
tricky to see because they have long and often naturally ragged fins
anyway, so you need to be open minded. What you're looking for is
signs that the fins are falling apart, dying, hence the name, Finrot.
Patches of red or white around the face and mouth sometimes appear,
too. Fungus is distinctive: cottony threads, usually on the face or
body, sometimes the fins. Both diseases are quite easy to treat if
caught early on, and some medications, such as Seachem Paraguard and
API Triple Sulfa work well on both. Bettafix (or Melafix) sort of,
kinda, helps and can be used to prevent both of them if you think your
Betta might develop these problems for some reason, but it
isn't a reliable cure once symptoms set in.>
and B) Does Wet Web Media take donations? Once I get a debit card
and/or PayPal account, I'd be happy to toss you folks some
<If you'd like to buy us a beer or two, then by all means do so.
I believe there's a Donate button on the front page, here:
Many thanks on behalf of both of us-
Steve and Nixon
<You're most welcome. Cheers,
Re: Betta with Velvet - almost out of ideas, very
worried 9/5/09
Hi Neale,
<Milo,><<Howsit? RMF>>
Wow, that was extremely hard. Here are the best two pictures I
could get, sorry they aren't better.
<They'll do.>
I may have mentioned this is the closest he's come to normal,
so there's not as much brown as there used to be. It's
still there, though.
<I agree; does look an sick Betta. However, do believe this is
"Slime Disease". This is more a syndrome than a single
disease, but in my limited experience of dealing with this, a
combination of saltwater dips and anti-Finrot medication can work
well. Treated a couple of Red-eye Puffers with this a few years
ago, and they're still strong. Of course, even freshwater
puffers have a high tolerance for salt, so I'd limit
saltwater dips in your cases to 2-5 minutes (on my puffers, they
were up to 20 minutes). The saltwater helps shift external
parasites and pathogens, and perhaps does something to the mucous
too, because it clears up within hours. The antibiotic will deal
with the root cause, if bacterial.>
I think the second photo is better for seeing it - on his head
and just ahead of his caudal fin. He's supposed to be bright
blue with red on his fins, but you can see at least how dark his
body is. It's covered with something.
<Yes, mucous.>
The fin decay is much worse than it was a day or two ago. I found
a local store with ParaGuard, I'm going to try to get it
tonight. One question - the Rid-Ich label says it shouldn't
be mixed with other medications, but it doesn't say why.
<Simply good practise. While medications are tested to be safe
on their own, who knows how they'll interact with the
thousand other medications out there.><<Am in strong
If I switch to Paraguard, would two 50% water changes beforehand
be enough or do I need to do something more drastic?
<Yes, should be ample. Most medications lose their potency,
structure within 24 hours anyway, partly because of interaction
with other chemicals, and partly because filter bacteria break
them down.>
For now I'm adding salt as instructed, and waiting to hear
your opinion re: the photos & whether to use ParaGuard.
<Would certainly use. It's a good all-around medication
and better in this regard than, say, Melafix.>
Again, thank you.
<Cheers, Neale.> <<And BobF>>
Betta and Ick 5-29-2009
Hi there. I've got 4 Bettas now and literally about a month
ago just got the newest one through a swim bladder infection.
<Sounds like you have a house full! Great! Glad you saved
Well now my eldest fish, Hoonter, is about 3 years old I believe
and has a bad case of Ick.
<Tiny white spots all over the body?>
I myself have been having some major health issues and am fearful
I began treating him/caught it too late. The white spot on the
top of his back is HUGE and all the other people on here saying
their fish have Ick say the spots are small so I'm a bit
<Then it is not Ick, most likely bacteria or fungus.>
I really love my fish, he was my first pet, and I'd really
love to get him better. The people at PetSmart told me to use an
anti-fungal and that did absolutely nothing so I researched some
more and became so frustrated that I went back to PetSmart again.
Another worker told me it may just be his time which made me very
sad, but also told me he needed real medicine and to use Tetra
Lifeguard. Today is the 5th day of using it and Hoonter is doing
so well!!
He's eating just fine, and swimming around just fine, but the
white spot is still very prevalent and he has a little bit of
like gauze on one of his gills.
<Not great..>
What should I do? Please help!!! And if you could e-mail me back
at this address that would be great. I found it hard to find
specific information on your site and fear if you wrote me back
on there I might not find it. Also, I'm about to move
and am wondering what is the best way to move them and is my
Hoonter going to be able to take the move in his current health
<The best way to move Bettas is to place them in a container
that has a lid containing water from their tank. I put a small
hole in the lid and seal them in. I have moved five times with my
Bettas and all of them made it.>
Thank you so much for your time! It is greatly appreciated.
I've also attached two pictures. The spot may not look white
in the picture but it is in real life.
<That is one huge white spot! I would recommend continuing the
Tetra Lifeguard for a few more days (3 or 4). If no improvement
has occurred (spot getting smaller and the gauze disappearing)
then I would switch to Maroxy by Mardel, whom also makes Maracyn.
It treats both fungal and bacterial infections which should help
poor Hoonter make a recovery. You are welcome! Merritt A.>
Re: Bettafix
not helping fin and tail rot 5/12/08 Thank you for your
advice. It's been a few days and he seems to be getting
better with just using the Bettafix and an Anti-bacteria food by
Jungle the pet store fish specialist recommended. <Bettafix is
almost completely useless, but food with antibiotics may help,
provided the fish is eating a sufficient quantity.> They
advised me to stay away from the Maracyn because it is meant for
larger tanks and would be way to strong for him in his little
fish bowl. <Think about this for a moment, and judge for
yourself. A concentration of 1 mg/l is one milligram per litre
whether it's a swimming pool or a thimbleful of water.
Logically, provided you dose the correct amount of medication
relative to the volume of water, there's no risk of any kind
whatsoever. If you overdose -- that may well be a bad thing. But
that's a risk in any tank, whether a bowl or a jumbo
aquarium.> Now I'm concerned about a lump under his chin
or on his throat that I just noticed could be related to his
eating problem. <Simply looks like a very underweight, sick
Betta to me.> I brought him to PetSmart and the fish
specialist said it looks like it could be an ulcer, or some type
of internal infection and that's when they recommended the
special food. <Hmm...> I've been crushing one
anti-bacteria food pellet and sprinkling it in his water about
twice a day. Sometimes he eats a tiny piece, but he doesn't
seem too happy with it. <I bet.> The food bottle says
"Do not use other foods during this period and use
exclusively for 5-10 days. After 5 days, should I let him take a
break and feed him a treat like bloodworms? (I've never fed
him anything but pellets before.) <By all means let him eat
something else once you've finished the treatment.> Also,
what could this lump be? <No idea.> Do you think he has a
more serious infection along with the Finrot? <There's
*nothing* more serious than Finrot. Let's be clear about
this: Finrot is a secondary infection caused (almost always) by
poor water quality. It means that Aeromonas and Pseudomonas
bacteria in the water, where they normally do no harm, have
overwhelmed the fish's immune system. They start by damaging
the fins and skin, which is Finrot, but those same bacteria work
their way inwards, ultimately leading to a blood infection
(septicaemia) that kills fish. You MUST treat Finrot
aggressively. I'd use Maracyn in this instance REGARDLESS of
any (imaginary) risk because the fish WILL die otherwise.> And
can special food heal him alone? <Unlikely if he's eating
so small an amount.> Are the pet store people right in saying
that Maracyn is too strong (because if his fins keep healing like
they are and his color keeps coming back like it is then will
Bettafix be all I need? <Bettafix is Tea Tree oil. If you had
a septic wound, would you ask your doctor for antibiotics or some
kind of herbal remedy that hadn't been tested by doctors and
hadn't been validated scientifically?> Also, one more
little thing I've noticed. Whenever I'm with him or
talking to him or feeding him, he goes up to the surface, takes
big gulps of air and blows bubbles. <Normal behaviour; these
are air-breathing fish, and every minute or so will have to gulp
air.> I read online that blowing bubbles means Bettas are
happy and would like to mate, but if he's sick, it
doesn't make any sense. <You're thinking of bubble
nest building, which is quite different.> Can you help me
solve this mystery illness?-Erika <Well, I hope this helped!
Cheers, Neale.>
Betta with very persistent tail rot - your
help is greatly appreciated. 5/4/08 To whom it
may concern, Hi, I was given great advice in February 08 by
Merritt and so I'm back with another Betta question.
<Merritt seems busy, perhaps with school. I'll give this a
go> I recently got a new Betta fish which I've named Opie.
<Am whistling the theme from Mayberry R.F.D. now... imagining
losing even more of my hair, and directing blockbuster movies>
Opie had some tail damage when I bought him but I thought it was
just from being in those horrible little cups the pet stores sell
Bettas in. <Does occur> After having him for a while, it
became obvious that his tail was getting worse . . . tail rot.
First, I treated him for 5 days with Maracyn 2 resulting in no
change. I switched to Maracyn and began to see slow results.
After ten days of treatment (the maximum the directions allow) I
stopped and it seemed like his tail was growing back, then
overnight, his neighbor Erroll seemed to catch the bacteria and
had significant tail loss very very quickly. Additionally the
progress Opie's tail had made disappeared. At that point I
figured that I cross contaminated the tanks with the cleaning pad
and net I use. (Since then I've been careful to clean the net
and pad with copious amounts of salt and MelaFix between use on
the different fish that I own.) I started another round of
treatment on both fish. This time with Maracyn and Maracyn 2. I
also put a divider between the bowls because it seemed that their
displaying was causing their fragile fins to tear. <Yes... too
stressful to be in constant view> They completed 5 days of
meds. By this time Opie's tail was totally grown back but
still clear and fragile and Erroll's was slowly starting to
return so I halted treatment with both medications. Today (about
three or four days later) Opie's tail has totally digressed
again! I'm so bummed out, I hoped I had finally got him
healthy. Erroll seems to still be healing but I did keep him on
the Maracyn two additional days because I had two additional
doses open already. Is there a stronger, better gram positive
antibiotic out there for Bettas? <Mmm, yes... posted on
WWM...> Should I continue to treat for both + and - bacteria
as a precaution? <Gram negative almost always is at play...
all that needs to be treated for> The Maracyn directions say
not to treat for more than two 5 day cycles. Can I treat longer?
<Neither a good idea, nor efficacious> Unlike the Maracyn 2
directions the Maracyn directions don't indicate that water
changes are required after treatment but I've done complete
changes anyway. Could this be contributing to the relapses?
<Yes...> I don't think it's related to the water
quality. I really think Opie brought it home from the pet store.
I'm good about cleaning their bowls regularly. <... this
is part of the problem as well... Need tropical, filtered
settings... NEED. Read here:
http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/bettasysart.htm> I've
never before had any fin rot with my fish so I'm really
motivated to finally solve this problem but it seems to be a very
very persistent case. My fish and I would appreciate any advice.
Please help if you can. Thank you in advance for your time and
your thoughts. I'm very grateful for any help you can offer.
Kind Regards, Andy <There really is no "sense" of
trying "other medications" w/o providing adequate
environment... Fix their world... and they will heal. Bob

-03/28/08 Hello, I have a Betta named Merlin living in
a 16 gallon tank with fake driftwood and 2 fake plants.
<Sounds lovely!> My water is 0 across the board for
ammonia, nitrates, and nitrates; I believe it is cycled but check
ammonia frequently to be safe. <Good.> It's a 50/50 mix
of spring/distilled water. <Probably overkill; Bettas are
perfectly happy in dechlorinated tap water. The only thing they
won't like is excessively soft water (less than 3 degrees dH)
or water that has passed through a domestic water softener (too
much sodium). But if what you're doing works for you and is
cost effective, by all means stick with it.> PH is between 7.0
and 7.2. Water is heated to about 80 degrees and I alternate 1
pellet per day with either brine shrimp, mysis shrimp, or
Spirulina brine shrimp. For a while I was getting scum on the top
of the water, but not since I made the filter flow into
"waterfall style." <Indeed; splashing water helps to
get rid of certain types of protein or oil films that can cover
aquaria.> I'd noticed algae looking stuff on the wood and
plants for some time, and then it ended up on the edge of
Merlin's fins. <If it's green or black, it's
algae; if off-white, then Fungus.> The first time was in
February, but it seemed to fall off by morning. He has had some
episodes with fin rot in the past. What I now assume is Fungus
has come back a few times, seeming to be more of a problem each
time (growing larger, taking pieces of fin each time), but there
has been no shredding (the fin loss is even across).
<Regardless, you need to treat with anti-Fungal medication.
Not a fan of Melafix though. Standard issue medications should be
fine. In addition, consider where this fungus is coming from: if
you're seeing it on rocks and wood, then you likely have A
LOT of organic material in that aquarium. Unlike algae, which use
light and minerals for "food", fungus needs to
"eat" organic matter, i.e., decaying stuff. By rights,
you should be removing organic material with its water change by
siphoning it from the substrate. Wiping off ornaments if they get
dirty isn't a bad idea either.> I really don't want to
lose my good water (it has taken much time to get it cycled),
<Irrelevant, so don't worry about it. Filtration occurs in
the FILTER not the water. You can change 100% of the water if you
want, and so long as the filter is kept wet between water
changes, the bacteria will be perfectly happy. I'd recommend
at least 25% water changes per week, and I personally go with 50%
water changes.> and Merlin doesn't like meds at all, but
the fungus isn't going away this time. It's come back now
for about a week (every time a piece sheds off with fin, another
piece of fungus is back by morning). Merlin has had a bad
reaction to Melafix, so I can't use that. What would you
recommend as a fungus med? <Depends where you are. Here in
England I recommend eSHa 2000, a very effective
anti-bacterial/anti-fungal medication. But I'm told by my
American colleagues that things like Maroxy are the drug of
choice for fungal infections. Neither Bob F nor myself rate
Melafix all that highly, but some do I know.> I have Maroxy
but was wondering if that would be bad to use, since I'm not
using a chlorine remover (bottled water) and it seems to have
some sort of chlorine agent? <Don't worry about it. Also,
I'd recommend using plain tap water plus dechlorinator rather
than fussing with bottled water. I suspect you'll find this A
LOT cheaper in the long run, and because water changes will be
cheap and easy, your Betta will be happier too. Most fish
don't care about water chemistry _per se_, what they want is
stability. So I'd recommend doing some 10-20% water changes
every other day for the next couple weeks to convert the Betta to
tap water chemistry, and after than doing 25% weekly changes.>
I would like to do whatever would be the least affecting; Merlin
doesn't seem to be acting strangely, more irritated when his
fin shreds, than anything else. <Sounds like he's doing
OK, and if you act fast, he'll be fine!> I also was
wondering if this means I have to part with my water? <Yes.
Don't get attached to the water! Once it's in an
aquarium, it "goes bad" as far as the fish are
concerned. The more water you change, the happier the fish. Or
put another way: the fish are living in their lavatory, and
you're pulling the chain!> I have a quarantine tank, but
wonder if I have excess fungus in my original water that I have
to fix? I know all water has some fungus, but it (or algae) seems
to grow on all my decorations very quickly. I've read that
the fungus could be a result of excess protein from the frozen
food, but I only feed about 1 shrimp on alternate days. I
don't want to kill my good bacteria, but do I need to get rid
of everything to stop this fungus? <Cleaning the ornaments and
changing the water have no impact at all on water quality. The
filter is all you need to worry about. So when you do water
changes, make sure the filter media (the sponge or whatever)
don't dry out. Every month (or sooner, if you prefer) take
the filter media and dump in a bucket of aquarium water. Give it
a good squeeze and clean to remove silt, and then pop back into
the filter. Do this, and you'll have great water quality and
a happy filter bacteria population!> Thank you, Patricia
<Cheers, Neale.>
Fungus 3/30/08 Neale, Thank you very much for the quick
response :) I was wondering if it would it be better to put
Merlin in a quarantine tank for his treatment or to leave him in
his original tank? I'm thinking he would need to be in the
quarantine tank to avoid the medication killing the good bacteria
in the filter of the original tank? But at the same time maybe
the meds in the original tank would be good to kill the fungus in
there? Lastly, do I likely have fungus in my filter media or
should I not be worried about that? Thank you again :), Patricia
<Happy to help, Patricia! Treat your fish in its home
aquarium. Moving it to a quarantine tank wouldn't serve much
purpose either way. The fungi that cause fish infections are in
all aquaria, just as all aquaria contain the Aeromonas bacteria
that cause Finrot. When everything is healthy in the tank, these
fungi and bacteria do good work helping to convert organic
material into the stuff the filter bacteria can use up. It's
when fish become stressed or damage that they cause harm.
It's exactly like E. coli and other bacteria we have on our
bodies. In their place, they're harmless and may even serve a
useful function; in the wrong place and when our immune systems
are run down, they can cause problems. So: whenever you get
Fungus or Finrot, you AUTOMATICALLY must ask Why? Yes, you must
treat the infection, but you must also prevent another outbreak
-- because you WILL get another outbreak unless you remedy the
situation. Just as giving someone a cure for a stomach infection
until they got better and then feeding them rotten food would
make that person sick again. Cheers, Neale.>
Moving Betta Fish to a
Bigger Tank/Fin rot 10/21/07 Hello,
<Hello!> I got a Betta fish about a month ago- my college
had an event and they gave away Bettas for free. The bowl he came
in seemed "too small" so I got him a larger (half
gallon) bowl, which he's been living in since then. However,
reading on your site (I know, I should have done my research
*first* but I assumed that since people in my dorm in previous
years had Bettas in those little bowls that it was okay for them)
I got him a 2.5 gallon tank with a heater and filter (it's a
charcoal filter type, rather than a sponge...is that okay?) and
some largish cloth plants. <Carbon isn't really useful in
this aquarium. You're going to need to change 50% of the
water weekly (at least) and doing that will remove the dissolved
organic wastes through dilution. Since carbon is used to remove
those wastes, the carbon is rendered obsolete. Carbon also
removes medications: you cannot use fish medicine in an aquarium
with carbon. So, replace the carbon with *biological* filter
media instead. Sponge would be ideal, but ceramic hoops or filter
wool will work too.> My question is, from what I've seen
you're supposed to cycle the tank before putting the fish in,
but that can take up to 6 weeks. <Yes.> But it seems like
even an uncycled heated and larger tank would be better for Kappa
(my Betta) than his small cold bowl. <Correct.> Is it safe
to put him in now, and just change the water often (I'm
thinking every 3 days with a 50% change- in his old bowl I was
doing 100% changes every 3 days), or is it better to wait for the
new tank to cycle? <Your plan sounds ideal. Move the fish, do
water changes regularly, and test the nitrite levels periodically
to check things are OK. When fish are exposed to high ammonia and
nitrite levels, they are prone to fungus and Finrot, so you want
to keep them as low as possible, preferably zero.> Also, I put
the plastic plant and the gravel from his old bowl in, with new
gravel and a couple larger fabric plants- will that help the tank
cycle faster? <Marginally, if at all.> (I don't know if
there was anything beneficial on them, in order to get the waste
off the gravel I'd been swishing it in tap water when I did
his water changes, and rinsing off the plant <Arggghh! Never
wash anything under the tap you want bacteria to live on. Always
wash biologically active filter media in a bucket or bowl of
water taken from the aquarium.> I did notice some sort of
stringy whitish stuff on the plant though, is that good or bad
growth?) <Likely algae (if green) or bacteria (if grey/white).
Either way, harmless though perhaps unsightly.> I don't
have any tests for ammonia/nitrates/nitrites yet, but I am
getting some as soon as I can find them (the store I went to was
out of a lot of stuff). <Get the simple combination
dip-sticks. They're cheap (here around £10 for 25 tests)
and you can slice them down the middle to make twice as many
tests. Each dip-stick has nitrite, ammonia, nitrate, pH and
hardness (at least) making them extremely useful for quickly
judging the conditions in the tank.> I'm especially
concerned about leaving Kappa in the old bowl because he's
had a chronic case of fin rot since about a week after I got him.
At first he lost about a quarter inch of the 'webbing' on
his tail, and I got him some aquarium salt and tetracycline
gel-food medicine. <The salt detoxifies nitrite, which is
useful when a tank is immature. I'm not convinced
Tetracycline food is beneficial, given it is an antibiotic for
internal infections, and Finrot is an external infection. I think
you need to add a Finrot medication to the water.> The
medicine said to give him 5 drops per serving (2x a day) but I
could never get him to eat more than 2 drops (the brand was
"aquarium products gel-Tek tetracycline", for what
it's worth). It seemed to stop the fin rot, and it started
growing back but as soon as the medication period (3 days) ended,
within a day the tail had rotted back to about where it was the
first time. <Curing the symptoms -- Finrot -- while not fixing
the cause -- poor water quality -- locks you into a cycle where
every time you cure the fish, it gets sick again soon after.>
I tried the tetracycline again and this time he'd hardly eat
it (I think he just doesn't like it, he loves the Hikari
pellets and frozen bloodworms that are his normal food). The rot
didn't really get any better, so I stopped for a couple of
days then switched to Jungle Fungus buddies (which said they also
treat fin rot). That has helped more, but by this time his tail
is about half the length it used to be. <Oh.> Anyway, the
tail has been stable for a couple of days but after I switched
Kappa into the 2.5 tank, and he swam around for an hour or so,
the webbing that had been regrowing has fallen out again. Will
the better conditions help him (he's still on the Jungle
medication), or do I need to do something else to get this
cleared up? <I think at the moment you're "running to
stand still" because high levels of ammonia and nitrite in
the aquarium are putting immense stress on the fish.>
(I've been trying to find Maracyn (2) since that seems to be
highly recommended on your site, but I can't find it in
either of the pet stores here.) Other than that he seems healthy
and active- he was very curious about everything in the new tank
and comes over to me every time I get near. Also, pretty much
every time I changed his bowl water, he would make a bubble nest,
so he couldn't have been too unhappy...? <In other words:
when water quality improves, he's happy; when water gets bad
again, he stops being happy.> Sorry this is so long, but I
wanted to give as much detail as possible. Thanks for your time,
--Kyra <Do water tests, replace carbon with true biological
filter media, ensure ammonia and nitrite settle down to zero
levels. Don't overfeed, and do regular water changes. Keep
treating the Finrot. Once the water is good, you'll see the
Finrot won't come back. Do read the articles here at WWM
about Bettas. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Moving Betta Fish to a Bigger Tank/Fin rot 10/22/07
Dear Neale, Thanks so much for your help and the quick response.
I'll be looking for a new filter and ammonia/nitrite/nitrate
tests for Kappa's tank. You guys run an amazing site, and
I'm sure I'll be referencing it a lot in the future.
Thanks again, --Kyra <Kyra, thanks for the kind words, which
I'll be sure and pass on to the Crew. Good luck with your
Betta! Neale>
Another sick Betta 10/09/07 Dear Crew I've
read through you're site and thank goodness, now I know a little
more of what I've gotten myself into. <Ah, you should read
*before* buying your fish.> I'm hoping you'll be able to
help me. I'm a newbie to the whole Betta thing and have only had
mine for about three days now yet he's showing signs of the same
thing as the last post on http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/betdisfaq10.htm
How did they treat their Betta? <Many messages on that pages...
which one are you referring to?> A white area under his mouth and on
his side. He's had a loss of appetite and tends to lay on his side.
Please help if you can. I'm a little clueless about what to do.
<Hmm... sounds like fungus, Finrot, or mouth fungus (this latter not
a fungus nor confined to the mouth!). Most probably mouth fungus
(caused by the bacterium Flexibacter columnaris, so sometimes called
"Columnaris" in aquarium books). But without a photo,
difficult to say for sure. Anyway, treat with a combination medication
that treats all three at once. I happen to like 'eSHa 2000', a
Dutch product widely available in the UK and Europe. If it isn't
available in your area, ask your retailer for an equivalent. Stay away
from both salt and Melafix/Pimafix as treatments, as neither is
reliable.> Kind regards Patricia <Fish develop the symptoms you
describe almost always as a response to poor water quality. So check
the living conditions you have given your Betta. Ammonia and nitrite
must be Zero; pH 6-8, hardness around 5-20 degrees dH. Temperature
needs to be around 25 C and fairly steady. Bettas cannot be kept in
unheated, unfiltered "bowls" and need a proper aquarium not
less than 10 litres in size, and ideally 30 litres or so and thick with
plants. Good luck, Neale>
Betta Fin Rot 8/26/07 Tom-
<<Hi, Mark.>> You helped me out with my Betta before and
you're advice was very helpful. <<Glad to hear it.
Thanks.>> Unfortunately, my fish is getting fin rot. I have tried
Melafix and it doesn't seem to be helping. <<Not likely to,
Mark. Might help the healing process but wont provide a cure.>> I
change my 10 gallon tank (filtered) once a week. I do about a 60% to
70% water change. <<Excellent regimen, Mark, but Im going to ask
you to up the frequency in this case. Do the same water change every
three or four days.>> I add about two tspns of aquarium salt.
<<I might have mentioned the last time that Bettas are one of the
very few FW species of fish that I do recommend aquarium salt for.
Increase your dosage to one tablespoon per five gallons of water. We
can cut back on this once things are under control again.>> I
also treat the water with Aqua Plus. I have a siphon device that sucks
dirt and debris from the gravel. Do you have any suggestions? Thanks.
My Betta, other than fin rot, has not displayed any other symptoms. He
is very active and eating just fine. Thanks. <<As you've probably
seen for yourself, Mark, Bettas will do exactly what wed prefer they
didn't do which is to lounge around on plants and/or the bottom of the
tank. Since their finnage seems to come with a built-in bulls-eye for
bacteria, hanging out where bacteria are most concentrated is an
invitation for problems. Clean water something your handling very well
is of the utmost importance. Sometimes, in spite of our best efforts,
its not enough, though. Give your Betta a second water change each week
(same percentage of water exchange) and increase the salt as I've
mentioned. Put the Melafix on hold in the meantime. Id be surprised if
you didn't see some real improvement in a short period of time. A final
note here is that keeping the water temperature up at around 80-82
degrees F. will assist the fish's immune system. If you've
already got a heater, this is where I'd suggest you keep it set. If
not, I'd highly recommend one.>> Mark <<Keep up the
good work, Mark, and best of luck to you. Tom>>
Re: Betta Fin Rot 10/3/07 Hi Tom.
<<Hello, Mark.>> Thanks again for your help. The good news
is, the fin rot hasn't gotten worse. The bad new is, my Betta now
has a (for lack of a better word) bubble right behind his front side
fin. It looks almost like he has a tumor. He is not using this fin.
<<Glad to hear about the fin rot, Mark. (I confess that Id have
rather you told me that the fins are regenerating nicely but Ill take
the good news, regardless.) The bubble doesn't sound particularly good
on the face of things but neither is it something, at this point, to be
overly alarmed about.>> He is eating normally and is active. I
have the tank around 80 to 82 degrees. Doing water changes at about 80%
twice a week. If you have any suggestions, it would be much
appreciated. <<Mark, I can tell you right now that what your
currently doing is about all that can be done, i.e. maintaining a good
tank temperature and staying well exceptionally well on top of the
water changes. This is one of those situations that falls into the
wait-and-see category. Frequently, lumps, bubbles or other tumor-like
projections are self-limiting in nature and can/will remiss on their
own. Your pets immune system is going to do the work here and, again,
what your already doing is going to ensure its best chances. Sick fish
stop eating or, at the very least, pick at food rather than eat
actively. (Bettas are great for pick-and-spit eating habits when
they're "off their feed".) This doesn't sound to be the
case with your Betta. Likewise, they can be expected to become
lethargic (Bettas almost invariably lay on the bottom of the tank, as
we spoke of before, and all but refuse to be prodded away from their
spot when ill). Once again, this doesn't appear to be your situation.
From a hands-on perspective, your there. Any kind of medicating would
almost certainly be fruitless and, likely counterproductive, since we
have no idea what the bubble is or, its cause. Stick with your current
regimen.>> -Mark <<Thanks for the update, Mark. Wish it was
all good news but an active Betta that's feeding well isn't at all bad.
Just have to sit this one out and hope for the best. I'll keep my
fingers crossed for you. Tom>>
Betta Fin Rot 8/26/07 Tom-
<<Hi, Mark.>> You helped me out with my Betta before and
you're advice was very helpful. <<Glad to hear it.
Thanks.>> Unfortunately, my fish is getting fin rot. I have tried
Melafix and it doesn't seem to be helping. <<Not likely to,
Mark. Might help the healing process but wont provide a cure.>> I
change my 10 gallon tank (filtered) once a week. I do about a 60% to
70% water change. <<Excellent regimen, Mark, but Im going to ask
you to up the frequency in this case. Do the same water change every
three or four days.>> I add about two tspns of aquarium salt.
<<I might have mentioned the last time that Bettas are one of the
very few FW species of fish that I do recommend aquarium salt for.
Increase your dosage to one tablespoon per five gallons of water. We
can cut back on this once things are under control again.>> I
also treat the water with Aqua Plus. I have a siphon device that sucks
dirt and debris from the gravel. Do you have any suggestions? Thanks.
My Betta, other than fin rot, has not displayed any other symptoms. He
is very active and eating just fine. Thanks. <<As you've probably
seen for yourself, Mark, Bettas will do exactly what wed prefer they
didn't do which is to lounge around on plants and/or the bottom of the
tank. Since their finnage seems to come with a built-in bulls-eye for
bacteria, hanging out where bacteria are most concentrated is an
invitation for problems. Clean water something your handling very well
is of the utmost importance. Sometimes, in spite of our best efforts,
its not enough, though. Give your Betta a second water change each week
(same percentage of water exchange) and increase the salt as I've
mentioned. Put the Melafix on hold in the meantime. Id be surprised if
you didn't see some real improvement in a short period of time. A final
note here is that keeping the water temperature up at around 80-82
degrees F. will assist the fish's immune system. If you've
already got a heater, this is where I'd suggest you keep it set. If
not, I'd highly recommend one.>> Mark <<Keep up the
good work, Mark, and best of luck to you. Tom>>
Fungus, Betta... bowl... Need real env., not phony
or real med.s 8/5/07 Dear WWM, We've been
treating our Betta in a 1-gallon hospital tank with Maracyn-Two for
about 7 days to rid him of bacteria. About the 3rd day in the little
fella looked like a goner. We lowered the water level in the 1-gallon
hospital tank to about 1/3 or less and he has responded well. We are
not using any filtration and we started doing a full water change daily
including the proper proportion of medicine. A couple days ago we
noticed a white cottony substance on him also. We understand this to be
a fungus so we have added Pimafix to his medication regimen. The white
cottony stuff seems to come off and mess up the little 1/3 gallon of
water we have in the tank We want to keep the water clean for him and
since we are only keeping him in 1/3 gallon of water right now we need
to make a full water change at least twice a day. Each time we change
the water we also add the proper proportion of Maracyn-Two and Pimafix.
By doing this twice daily are we double-dosing him? We didn't think
so because we are keeping the medication to water ratio at proper
levels but we we're not sure. Are there more effective medications
(Maroxy)? Please help. Thank you very much. Jeannie & Joe <Hello
Jeannie & Joe, I know I disagree with some of my colleagues here at
Wet Web Media, but as far as I'm concerned Melafix and Pimafix are
a waste of time. At best, they're help keep wounds clean and so
promote natural healing c/o of the fish's own immune system and
cellular repair mechanisms. But in a 1-gallon tank water quality
isn't going to be that good (one gallon is smaller than the average
bucket, let alone aquarium) so you need to break out the industrial
strength medications, not these airy-fairy New Age tea-tree oil
products. If you came down with pneumonia, would opt for the
antibiotics or Ginseng Tea? This is sort of the choice people make
here, by opting for Melafix and Pimafix instead of the traditional
medications. Anyway, go visit your local retailer and buy a combination
Finrot/fungus medication. This will treat both the external bacterial
infections plus the fungus infection. Follow the instructions on the
medication carefully -- if you do water changes before the instructions
tell you to do them, you dilute the medication and reduce its efficacy.
This is a very good reason why Bettas should be kept in real tanks with
real filters, not Mickey Mouse "bowls" that rely on water
changes daily to dilute pollutants instead of a filter. Anyway, install
the Betta in a tank with a filter, add the medication at the dose and
intervals prescribed, and hold off doing water changes until after the
course is finished. If your Betta has any chance of surviving, this is
what you need to do. Cheers, Neale>
Betta, Possible Fungal Infection - 02/08/2007 I looked around
the site, and I admit that I may have not looked hard enough or that I
may not know the correct terminology, however, I couldn't find a
solution to my problem. <Jorie here - I'll try to help!> My
Betta, Kappa, has been with me for a little under a year. He began his
life with me in a gallon sized tank, and over the summer got to move
into a larger two-and-a-half gallon tank. The gallon sized tank had an
undergravel filter, while the new tank has a larger whisper filter.
<An excellent upgrade - I'm sure Kappa is very happy in his new,
more-spacious quarters!> Onto my fish. Kappa has been doing very
well lately. I change his water at least once weekly - usually twice -
and his tail and fins were growing back after a bout with tail/fin rot
(due to me not being around for a week and a half and leaving his care
up to my roommates). <Yep - tail/fin rot is almost always caused by
poor water quality. Sounds like you are on top of that, though, and you
are keeping his "home" very clean...> His tank water is
conditioned with API Stress Coat, as well as a small amount of Doc
Wellfish's Aquarium Salt. <Sounds good.> Yesterday and today,
Kappa has been looking less than ideal. He barely moves, preferring to
stay at the bottom of the tank, and when he *does* move he swims to the
top of the tank and then returns back down. He swims sideways. He looks
as though he is having trouble breathing, taking in great big breaths
of water. <Would you describe this behavior as "yawning"?
If so, when was the last time you changed the water? Or, alternatively,
I'm wondering if something toxic could have found its way into the
tank. What you are describing can often be caused by pollutants in the
water...first thing I'd suggest is changing the water, and changing
the filter media.> I haven't seen him eat. His colour has
darkened and dulled, and it looks like he has a white coating on and
around his tail. <I've looked at your attached pictures, and I
don't see any obvious signs of fungus, but that's what you are
verbally describing here. With regard to not eating, Bettas can go up
to a week without food; clearly, though, your fish isn't feeling
well at the moment...> There has been no change in his tank aside
from the day long stay of an angelfish, who is showing no signs of
disease. We moved Sakura into her own tank after Kappa attacked her.
<Good idea. A 2.5 gal. tank is far too small for an
angelfish, even by herself...> I have just cleaned Kappa's tank
(a 50% water change and a new filter without carbon in it) and I have
added API Melafix to his water. The temperature is at 80F and has been
staying at that level. <These are all the things I would have
suggested...> Is there anything else I can do or is my poor Kappa
headed on his way out? <Even though I can't see it, these are
all signs of a fungal infection. Since the water condition
seems good, I'd suggest treating your Betta with something like
Jungle Fungus Eliminator, as per the instructions. With
regard to Kappa not eating, what do you usually feed him? If you
haven't already tried, frozen, then thawed bloodworms and mysis
shrimp are a favorite of my Bettas. If the days keep
crawling on and Kappa still doesn't eat, you may have to resort to
live black worms or bloodworms, but I'd save that for a last
resort...> Thanks a million. 'Chelle <Hope I've
helped. Sounds like you are taking very good care of Kappa,
and with your attention to details, we've hopefully isolated the
problem soon enough so that it can be fairly easily rectified. Best of
luck, Jorie> PS - the pictures I have attached are of Kappa - the
first one is him before all of this, and the following ones are what he
looks like now.
Very Sick Betta 10/30/06 <<Hello. Tom
here.>> I just want you to know I did a lot of research before
contacting you, but it has come down to this Betta's
life. <<Understood>> Saturday morning I woke up
to find my Betta with fungus on his tail fin. His fins were
fine and not torn or rotted the night before, but there was a definite
ball of grayish-white cottony fungus on his tail fin, and a piece of
the tail fin was missing. I moved him to my hospital tank,
added 1 tbsp of salt per 5 gallons of water, did my research, decided
it was a true fungus rather than a body fungus, and went out and bought
MarOxy. <<I would double the salt ratio for
treatments of this sort but all sounds appropriate at this
point.>> I've been keeping fish for a while, but I've
been lucky enough never to get hit by a major fish disease, so I'm
not very knowledgeable when it comes to fish
medications. From my research, MarOxy was the only
medication that I was sure treated fungus and not bacterial infections
masquerading as fungus. So, I added one drop of MarOxy per
gallon into my heated, filtered hospital tank (carbon is removed from
filter), and I waited. Sunday, the Betta was clearly worse,
but the fungus was still only on the tail fin. I added more
Maroxy, and tested the water to make sure the nitrite, nitrate, and
ammonia were all safely low or zero, and I waited
again. This morning, the fungus had spread to his
head. It is white on his head, not gray at all, but still
definitely cottony. <<Starting to sound like
Columnaris rather than a fungal infection. Easy to confuse this with
fungus and equally easy to mistreat.>> I added the one drop of
MarOxy, and waited again. Tonight, the filter flow seemed to
be too much for him, so I turned the filter off. The fungus
(or whatever it is, (I am no longer confident in my diagnosis) has now
spread up onto the tail end of his body, and the spot on his head looks
like it may have gotten larger. I added more MarOxy ahead of
schedule because frankly he looks too bad to just sit and
wait. But, I don't know what else to do.
<<Malachite Green is effective but Im reluctant to advise its use
in your Bettas weakened state. Insert the carbon media to clear out the
MarOxy and start a regimen of Melafix for your pet. Its going to be
something of a tightrope walk here in trying to make sure the cure isn't
worse than the disease.>> I tried to get a picture of him for
you, but they keep coming out as a red blur, which doesn't really
do you any good. Basically, his head has a big fluffy white
cottony spot on one side, the tail end of his body has turned gray, and
his tail fin has disintegrated and fallen off wherever the cottony
fungus has been, and the fungus is now kind of in a thick cottony
string draped along the fin, rather than in a ball like it was
initially. He does still have at least half of his tail fin
though. Also, all of the fish in the original aquarium
aren't showing any signs of sickness or
stress. Normally, he is lively and friendly living with 6
Lyretail mollies in a 35 gallon aquarium. So, any suggestions on how to
try to save the Betta? <<The more you describe your Bettas
condition/symptoms, the more convinced I am that this is Columnaris,
which, of course, is bacterial and goes a long way toward explaining
why the MarOxy seems completely ineffective. Make the change to Melafix
there are other treatments but this should be readily available and,
naturally, follow the recommendations of the manufacturer closely. Best
of luck to you and your Betta. Tom>>
Poor sick Betta - 09/08/06 Hello, <Hi there - Jorie
here with you tonight.> I've been on your site many times in the
past month or more. <Great - and welcome!> My Betta,
"Fishy," has been through various stages of illness, and I
just can't seem to get him better. I got Fishy about 3
months ago from Wal-Mart, and at first he was very vibrant, both in
color and disposition. He was a lot more interactive than
the other two Bettas I've had. <Love the name! A colorful and
interactive Betta is generally the sign of good health and youth.>
Fishy lives in a large bowl with gravel and a plastic
plant. I know this isn't the best scenario, but I've
been out of a job for a few months and haven't been able to afford
better. <I understand we all have changing circumstances in our
lives, but if you aren't able to properly care for a pet, you
probably should wait until a time that you can to get
one. Not to sound harsh, but sometimes people forget about
that option. As you apparently already know, Bettas
generally do not do well in bowls, appreciate filtration, and a heater
is a virtual must. Read here if you haven't already - http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/bettasysart.htm>
I've been good about changing his water - not too often, not too
much at a time. He did great until a little over a month
ago, when he developed Popeye a few days after a water
change. He also quit eating when he got the Popeye.
<Well, Popeye is generally a condition which results from poor
environmental conditions. Do you know how large,
gallon-wise, his bowl is? And how much water specifically are you
changing? Do you have a test kit to measure ammonia, nitrite
and nitrates? If so, please take readings...your water changes may not
be sufficient to rid the water of all the toxins. Also, for
Popeye, treatment with Epsom salt usually helps a great deal...usu.
dose about 1 teaspoon per 5 gal. of water usu. solves the problem in a
few days time...> Within a week, Fishy started having some
equilibrium problems - he couldn't stay upright. He did
flips to try to right himself and would eventually wear himself
out. Still not eating at this point. The only
symptoms were the Popeye, equilibrium problem, and zero
appetite. I bought some Melaleuca based drops at the
recommendation of my local pet store. Fishy's Popeye
went away and his equilibrium got better. <Melaleuca is a
naturally-derived produced from tea tree oil - some folks swear by it,
others think it nothing more than snake oil. But if
you've seen improvement, that is obviously a good
sign. Should either/both of these issues (Popeye / loss of
equilibrium) return, I still recommend the use of Epsom salt.>
During this time, in an effort to make him more comfortable
temperature-wise, I put his bowl outside one night. <Where sort of
climate do you live in? With regards to temperature, the single most
important thing is stability...you don't want large swings (couple
of degrees or more), but should aim to keep the temp. as constant as
possible. Do you have a thermometer and know what temp.
water your Betta is in? It's not a problem to sacrifice a few
degrees of "precision" for stability...> The next morning
I noticed there were wrigglers (mosquito larvae) in the water with
him. Horrified, I tried to get rid of most of them, but I
read on the internet that Bettas love mosquito larvae, so I left a few
in to see if his appetite would improve. <OK> It turns out
I'm a successful mosquito breeder. As I continued to
medicate Fishy, the majority of the mosquitoes
developed. But just when I thought Fishy was getting better,
he developed dropsy. I think maybe from eating some of the
larvae?? I just don't know. I bought some
kind of antifungal/antibacterial fizzing tablet and have been breaking
off a little piece (it's supposed to be for a 10 gallon aquarium)
and adding it every 4-5 days to his bowl with a 20% water change, and
2-3 times daily putting him in an Epsom salt bath (about 1/4 teaspoon
to 2 cups water). Again he seemed to be getting better, but
today I noticed that he's lost a few scales - and a few more while
in the salt bath. While he's a lot less bloated, he
still has pine-coney scales. <Definitely sounds like
dropsy. I am wary of some of most of the "guaranteed to
fix all Betta ailments" type products, which it sounds like you
have. Instead, look for a medication that contains the
compound furan. Discontinue the salt baths.> Fishy runs
away from me now whenever I come near - I know it's because he
doesn't want to go into the salt bath. I've tried
giving him a pellet every now and then, and I think maybe he waits
until I leave and eats a few, but I have no way of knowing for sure -
even though they're supposed to float, most of the pellets sink
after a few seconds. <Be sure the uneaten pellets are not
accumulating in his water, decaying, and building up
toxins. It is not uncommon for a Betta to go several days
without food, and there are stories of some Bettas not eating for a
week and still recovering.> I have no idea what I should be doing
that I've not already tried; can you please help with an economical
solution? <OK, so here's what I would suggest. 1.
Discontinue with the unidentified fizzing tablets. 2. Do a large water
change to get the remaining medication out. Obviously, try to match the
temp. and pH of the new and old water as closely as possible. 3.
Medicate w/ something like Furan-2, or the likes. Note: it
will be difficult to determine the dosage in such a small
bowl. Do your best to estimate. 4. Try offering your Betta
freeze-dried bloodworms to stimulate him appetite - that's a food
very few Bettas can resist!> Thank you so much for all of your work
for us fish lovers... Dollarless in Dallas <Bottom line, without a
better environment, I'm sad to say your Betta may well be
doomed. It's hard for me to say if your water change
schedule is OK or not, without some numbers, as requested
above. You need to keep the temp. stable in his bowl - this
is very important. And, if the temp. is below 77 or so
(ideal Betta temp. is 80-82 degrees F), this will lower his immune
system and cause him to get sick. I fear this is what has
been happening - his resistance is low, and he's susceptible to
disease. I do understand not having tons of income, trust me
(I just went back to grad. school full time last year - I have a
*negative* $35,000 a year income at the moment...), but you do need to
be able to care for your fish at some minimum level. Based
on the recurring diseases, it sounds as though you aren't able to
do that. An ideal Betta setup is a 3 gal. Eclipse tank, in
my opinion...runs around $30 (which includes filtration). A
25watt heater would be another $10 or so. I'm afraid if
you don't stabilize his environment, Fishy may be
doomed. For the meantime, try treating with the Furan, but
please consider getting him a suitable home ASAP. Best regards,
Betta, Fast-Acting Fin Rot - 05/19/2006 WWM crew, Thanks for
all the previous help, it's been a long time since I've needed
to send you guys a question! <I'm glad we could be of
service.> I received a few betas in the mail
recently. One arrived with a severely blown
tail. I put him in my 5.5g quarantine tank which has only a
sponge filter, heater and thermometer in it. I added .5
teaspoon of salt, extra Stress Coat and Cycle, and
Melafix, then set the heater to 78F. I've
been feeding him freeze dried blood worms and daphnia, I wanted him to
have plenty of protein and stayed away from
flake/pellets. He never acted sick at all, ate well, curious
about the filter all the time, etc. His caudal began to show
some improvement with some clearly visible growth at the edge nearest
his body, and a few clear spots near the edges. I changed
50% of the water every 3rd day. It's now been 2 weeks
and a few days. Yesterday I tested and did the scheduled 50%
water change, the ammonia was .25 as was the nitrite, nitrate
0. This is not abnormal in the quarantine tank, since
there's nothing in it to keep the cycle going until I need to *use*
it. <You can keep a/the sponge filter in one of your
main tanks to transfer over to the quarantine system when you need to
use it - keep on top of the water changes for now and keep ammonia and
nitrite at zero.> Today he looked odd to me, his fins have begun to
curl at the edges (of which there are many since the tail was split
down the middle and frayed around what would be the normal edge) which
makes it look markedly smaller and much worse. I noticed
some brown around the curled edges and retested the water
today. <In all honesty, I have seen quite a number of
betas with damaged/regrown fins that ended up with really funky
finnage.... crazy bends and curls, and so forth.> Ammonia
was just slightly more than 0, and the nitrite was
5!! Nitrate was still 0. <Tank is
cycling....> This caused alarm and I proceeded to test my source
water for nitrites and ammonia. they were zero. I then did
an immediate 75% water change. <Good.> I think I left
out the salt when I mixed his water the yesterday, could this cause
such a severe deterioration in his condition? <No.> I
searched for information on fin rot, since this is what it's
looking like to me now, which I half expected but thought I'd
prepared well for and had inhibited bacterial or fungal
infection. <You'd need more than half a teaspoon per
5 gallons to be of therapeutic value; perhaps closer to a
tablespoon.> I have not found enough information, and so treated his
tank with a fungus medication containing: Nitrofurazone, Furazolidone,
potassium dichromate, according to the directions on the
package. This is literally the only medication I could find
that would relate to this issue, and I bought it as soon as I unpacked
him and realized he'd blown his tail as a safeguard.
<This is a good "mix", really. Relatively
gentle antibacterial medication.> I really was not planning to use
it. His water has Melafix in it also at the dose for
"wounds," and has had since he arrived. <I,
personally, prefer not to use Melafix.> Is there anything else I can
do for him? If the downward spiral I found today takes hold,
it will be a matter of days before the rot reaches his
body. I mixed .5 teaspoon of salt into a cup of water and
added that to his tank as well. I think that's all
I've done to this poor fish so far.... sad that most of it was in
the last 48 hours! Should I be adding more salt than
this? <Yeah, I would, to tell you the truth.> His
regrowth was evident just a few days ago, and is now only visible where
it began near his body. Everything was going very
well. Any advice will
help. Thanks, -Kelly <If the fins really have
deteriorated that much, I think it was a wise move adding the
antibiotics. You will NEED to keep ammonia and nitrite at
zero, even if that means a water change every day, so please do keep
this in mind with how it will relate to the medication and keeping the
right dose in the tank. Hopefully you're on the right
track here, so far; keep going as you are, and hopefully he'll come
around for you soon.> Ps. The reason the Fungus
medication is the only thing I found: I live in the middle of nowhere,
Wal-Mart is the best I can do for a "LFS" around here, and
that is a 55 mile drive.... one way. <I do understand, believe
me. You might want to consider looking at mail-order
options, as well, or perhaps keep a few things on
hand. I'm glad the fellow's in your capable hands,
and I hope he shows improvement again soon. Wishing you and
your Betta pal well, -Sabrina>
Betta, Fast-Acting Fin Rot - II - 05/21/2006 WWM crew, Sabrina,
<Good morning, Kelly!> Thanks for the vote of
confidence. He's showing marked improvement after these
2.5 days with the antibiotic/antifungal meds and increased
salt. <Excellent!!> I also raised his temp to 80, and
added a mass of Anacharis to help with the ammonia and nitrite levels
between the water changes, which seem to be stabilizing.
<A good move.> I'm a little concerned about putting the
sponge from the QT tank into my main tank after bacterial/fungal
issues....are you sure I should do this? <Mm, only if
you sterilize it first.... or you can use a new one.>
Maybe just bleach it and then let it colonize in the main tank for the
next battle? <Right, perfect.> Could you elaborate on
why you dislike Melafix? <How to state
this.... Firstly, this is purely my
opinion.... I've not seen enough convincing evidence
that it really is of benefit to use for treating
disease. Though Melaleuca/Tea Tree extract is thought to
have some mild antifungal/antiseptic value, I am really uncomfortable
using something with that much of a "maybe" behind it to
medicate a pet with known problems for which there are known
remedies.> I'd also like a recommendation of the length of time
I can keep the meds in the tank, I don't want to overdo it, but I
also don't want to stop prematurely and cause a
relapse. <I understand. This can be a
frustrating/confusing issue.> The package says nothing of extended
treatment, only that after 4 days "a second dose may be
added" after a 25% water change. This says to me that
the meds are no longer very effective after four days, or that it is
safe to increase concentration after exposure for four days. <A lot
of the medication will have broken down after four days; what's in
the tank will be pretty much of no real use. You can do the
25% water change and then add another full dose as stated on the
package, I believe.> They are not specific on the matter, of
course. I've kept the same dose concentration throughout
water changes as the package describes for the original
treatment. <Ah, I
see. Perfect. Keep on doing as you are doing,
then, and see if you can find "Fish Diseases: Diagnosis and
Treatment" by Noga or "Aquariology: The Science of Fish
Health Management" by Gratzek et. al. and see what they have to
say about dosages for the ingredients the medication you're
using.> I am a veterinary tech. and logic tells me that increasing
the concentration is a no-no....we don't do that to dog and cat
medication. <Right. The only big difference
here is that the medications break down pretty quickly in water and
become ultimately ineffective. That's why it's okay
to re-dose after a time.> By the way, is fin rot a bacterial
infection or fungal or both? I keep reading and getting more
confused about who to name as the culprit. <Well,
usually, it's an environmental issue to begin with that often
develops into a bacterial complaint. It's usually not
caused by a fungus. But, being a vet tech.... If
you've got a good friendship/relationship with a vet, maybe
they'd let you get a bit of it under a microscope next time
around? That'd give you a definitive diagnosis that you
could then look up to find an appropriate treatment. The
biggest problem with medicating fish is that many times, folks
mis-diagnose the problem.> Would I actually see cloudy white
"growth" if it is fungal? <Probably not so
much.... In my experience, fungal issues are usually a
little grainier and maybe a bit more tan in appearance.> Thanks
again, -Kelly <Glad to be of service. Wishing
you and your Betta pal well, -Sabrina>
Sick Betta 9/5/05 Hi there, <Maggie> I have a
male Betta, Stanley, who has been very happy and healthy until
recently. He had fin rot. I treated him with tricyclen for the 5 days
that it said to, and he seemed miserable so I put him back in his home,
where he seemed a lot happier. His top fin was just about gone, now it
is kind of clear in color, but looks like its growing back, longer than
when it had dissolved. However, it looks like the bacteria may have
attacked his body as well, underneath the top fin the body turned a
silverfish white color. Although the top fin looks like it's
getting better, or at least growing back, the body remains the same
color, or may be gradually getting worse. I began treating him with the
tricyclen again, but I'm new to the fish scene and I just don't
know what I should be doing? I've become very attached
to him and I really don' t want to lose him. Thanks for any help
you could give me, p.s. I just want to make it clear that the change in
body color is only on the top of the body, under the top fin, not the
whole body, which is why I think its from the fin rot bacteria, because
the top fin is the one that was gone. the top tail fin is also frayed
but never completely dissolved like the top one did. Thanks a bunch.
Maggie <Is this fish in a heated, filtered setting? Please read
here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/bettasysart.htm
and the linked files above. Bob Fenner>
Re: sick Betta 9/7/05 He is currently in a bowl that is VERY
well maintained. I am in the process of getting an aquarium hooked up
for him. Going by my previous message, do you think he could still be
infected? <Mmm, the direct cause of the Betta's health
difficulties is environmental... only secondarily bacterial> The
fins are getting longer (still clear color though) but the body (where
it used to be blue) is a silverish pinkish now. Thanks for your time
Maggie <I do hope your Betta makes a full recovery. Bob
Multiple Betta problems and questions Hi there,
I once read in a posting by Ananda that hydrogen peroxide makes a good
fungus eliminator, and I was wondering what kind of fungus that would
work for? Also how much should be used? <Better to utilize sulfa
drugs for such true fungal afflictions of freshwater fishes> On to
another subject, I have one male Betta who has fin rot on his tail and
it is working fast and nothing seems to be helping, please let me know
what I should do for him as he is one of my favorites. I also have one
female Betta who has that cottony build-up in one of the oddest places
I have ever seen it, in her mouth, and its spreading outward and has
since taken over her upper lip. I fear that she may starve to death
soon, she once had some beautiful black horizontal stripes that seam to
fade away almost completely from her bluish body any time she gets sick
or is scared. She also gets a reddish tint to her blue fins that does
the same. I was wondering what this may tell me and what you know of
that would work the best. I just took a water test in their tank (I
have them in a divided 5 gallon tank just for quarantine.) and here is
the levels (keep in mind its been a few days since a water change, I
have been quite busy lately, please understand, but I plan on changing
it soon) Ammonia about 0.25, <! Not good... there should be NO
detectable ammonia> Ph about 7.8, Nitrites are 0, I know
the Ph is really high, and I have some Ph down to ad to the water, any
other recommendations? Thanks much for your help, Spenser P.S. I am new
to your site and I have no idea if you also email your replies back as
well as post them on the site, so please email me back your reply or at
least let me know where I will be able to find it at. <Spenser, take
some time to read over the sections we have posted on Betta Systems and
Betta Disease, starting here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/betta_splendens.htm
(see the links above? In blue). The conditions/symptoms you list are
seriously off... is their system heated? Filtered? Bob Fenner>
Red Streaked Blue Betta Hi! I just had a quick question
for you. About 5 days ago I found my Betta laying on the bottom
of the tank, he looked mildly bloated and he had white stripes around
him, and his face had gone a reddish colour. (He is usually a dark
blue on his head, which slowly lightens until he is aqua but his dorsal
fin). I thought he was about to die, but when I found him the next
morning he was still alive, but no better. I cleaned his
tank, and got him the Splendid Betta Fix Remedy and began treating
him, and it has been 5 days now but he shows no sign of
improvement. I believe he has a fungus, and he is very listless
and wont eat, just laying near the bottom or in his tree except for
random bursts of energy, or when he goes to the top for air. He
was always a very active fish and loved to eat, however now he
hasn't eaten in days. Is there anything else I should
try? Is there any hope for my Betta? Danielle <Need more info
to be sure but the red streaks are usually a sign of bacterial
hemorrhagic septicemia. Cause is a dirty tank/water. Discontinue the
med and up the water changes to 50% a day for a week. If there is no
improvement treat with Oxytetracycline. Do not treat until you try the
water changes. Don>
Sick Fish Photos/Question Hello, I have
three female Bettas in a five-gallon tank. Two of them have dark
growths or lesions that have developed over time. All three came
with dark spots on their fins. Their activity and appetites are
utterly normal. I've prepared a webpage with photos for your
review, and I'm hoping you or some readers of your website
might be able to tell me what is wrong with them so that I can care
for them properly. http://icanspin.com/~swussow/gracepics/sickbettas/sickbetta.htm
Their symptoms do not seem to match any of the medication packages
I've seen, or other info on the Internet. The only thing I can
think of is that they have "black Ich" or fish
tuberculosis. Perhaps the drawings on the packages are just not
similar enough to what I'm seeing, and it's actually a more
common malady and easily remedied? ANY help would be appreciated -
I'd like to make my girls as comfortable as possible. THANKS!
< Looks bacterial to me. Treat with Furanace as per the
directions on the package. Bettas like warmth. Keep the water temp
up at least to 78-80 degrees. Watch for ammonia spikes during and
after treatment for awhile.-Chuck> Stasia in WI

Male's Betta tail fin seem to be dissolving Hi Chuck, I
checked his fins and they do not show any noticeable blackened borders.
All his fins (top, tail, bottom) do not look that healthy, they seem to
hang a lot and look soggy. I have him in a unheated, untreated, and
unfiltered container. I would like to keep him in an non-filtered
container, and use a desk lamp for heat, but if adding some treatment
to the water would help grow back his fins and have then look
healthier, what do you suggest? < Get a thermometer and measure the
water temp. Should be around 80 degrees F. Check the ammonia and
nitrites (Should be zero). If there are any measurable readings then
change the water, especially when it looks cloudy or has any smell to
it.> He shares the container with a female Betta, I have them
separated with a plastic wall and a handkerchief to block the
male's view of the female and vice versa. Could it be the
handkerchief ? < Probably not. Cotton will decompose so use a
synthetic that will not breakdown.> Should he be separated from the
other Betta ? < He will probably kill her if she is not ready to
breed.> Should I put him in a container by himself or would
"Nitrofuranace" help ? < Try clean warm water that has
been treated for chloramines and see if that helps. I don't like to
treat if it is not needed.-Chuck> Thanks again, Mario D.
Betta worries - no problems Hi all. <Hello, Lauren,
Sabrina here> I've been on the site off and on for the past two
hours looking up information on goldfish and Bettas and I am ever so
grateful! <Wonderful to hear, thank you for the kind
words!> However, I'm staring at my roommate's new Betta and
it doesn't look very good. I admit my ignorance as to
their "normal" appearance and have yet to come across
anything so I am now writing for help. She brought the fish
home Thursday night - it had remained in a plastic bag (for
transporting) all day. It looked a bit stressed and the
gills were blood red and distended out from behind the gill
openings. This distension has subsided some but their is a
bit that remains outside, almost pressed against the scales behind the
gills and still very red but membrane thin near the top of the gill
opening. <This is absolutely normal, nothing to worry
about. Males use this membrane to spread and 'flare'
behind the gill covers to make them look bigger and tougher on
many/most males, this membrane is visible behind and below their gill
covers while at rest. For reference, go to any pet store
that has Bettas and take a look at the males' gills.> And
tonight I checked on the Betta and their is a white spot (looks like
fungus) now on part of the distended gills. <Keep a very
close eye on this - does it look like a grain of sugar? Or
is it fluffy/fuzzy? Raised? Or perhaps does it
look like it's just part of the color in the fish?> The water
condition is pretty good (maybe a little alkaline) <What are your
readings for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and pH?> but it is not an
established tank and she doesn't have a filter or
heater. <As long as the room temperature is relatively
constant and acceptable, no issues with lack of heater, and as long as
regular water changes are done (how often depends partly on the size of
the container), a filter is unnecessary.> I treated the tank with
Aquarisol as it is all I have available tonight. <Unless
you have reason to believe that the white mark is Ich, I would
recommend not using this. Uhh, just to make sure, the water
has been dechlorinated, yes?> Is there anything else I can
do? <Observe, as obviously you are, and try to discern
if the mark is part of the Betta's coloration or if it's
definitely an abnormality. You might consider adding
aquarium salt (the kind marketed for freshwater aquaria) at about
one-third of a teaspoon per gallon.> Would it even help?
<The Aquarisol? No, not unless you're dealing with
protozoan parasites, like Ich. If you are dealing with
fungus, perhaps try Aquatronics' "BettaMax".> By the
time we noticed fungus on her last Betta it was much too late... by the
next morning the fish was completely covered in fungus and died that
evening. < :( Sorry to hear
that. I hope all goes well with the new Betta
pal! -Sabrina> Thanks, Lauren
Betta worries - some problems Hi again. <Hello!> Update
on the Betta: the white 'spot' is smaller today. My
roommate has treated the water with BettaFix; the active ingredient is
Melaleuca but y'all seem generally to find this agent somewhat
undependable in terms of treating fungus, is that right?
<This stuff seems to have some minor antibacterial properties, but I
would not gamble any of my fishes' lives on this as a stand-alone
treatment.> To clarify, the spot is definitely not a part of the
skin or gill tissue. It's fuzzy and a grayish white and
while it is now smaller the scales around this area seem to be effected
and are sticking out rather like images of fish sick with dropsy.
<Definitely sounds like a fungus or Columnaris. I would
treat with an antibiotic, for sure.> Furthermore, the fins seem to
be slightly shriveled around the edges (a symptom which was quite
marked in her previous Betta that was practically consumed by fungus in
about 24 hours). <Possibly fin rot, also should be treated with an
antibiotic. I'd recommend Kanamycin (sold by Aquatronics
as "Kanacyn") or Aquatronics' "Spectrogram"
which is a Kanamycin/Nitrofurazone combo, and if the Betta's in a
tank too small to dose, take a look at "BettaMax", that might
do the trick for you, perhaps.> About water levels... I have only
strips at the moment, because my own goldfish tank has been thriving
I've yet to purchase a liquid reagent test kit. The
strips indicate no ammonia or nitrite, moderate water hardness, and an
alkalinity of ~ 8.0 (I know this is low but I think it is due to water
source as my tank is low too). <Low.... you
mean high, don't you?> It's all the same water my roommate
prepared Thursday night. Should I do a water change for good
measure at this point? <This won't lower the pH unless the pH of
your tapwater is lower than 8.0; my guess is it's that high, end of
story. It can be brought down with peat and/or bogwood,
which will soften the water and make it more acidic. The
issue with this is that it turns the water a yellowy-brown
"tea" color.> Should I buy an antibiotic from
the list I've seen recommended throughout your
responses? <Yes. I don't think the Melaleuca stuff
will fix him.> I could go and get a water test kit or add aquarium
salt which I have on hand but I don't have any Epsom salt
yet? <Add the aquarium salt - as long as it's the
kind for "freshwater" aquariums (saltwater salt mixes will
raise the pH).> The biggest problem is the owner is not worried but
I am. <That is a sad concern.> Thanks for your help but most of
all your support. Lauren <Any time!>
---------- Hi, <Hello again!> Sorry, I forgot to include that
'yes, the water was treated with Stress Coat and aged overnight
(would have done it longer myself but it's not my fish,
alas).' Lauren <We do what we
can.... can't hope for much more.> ---------- Sorry,
<Don't be!> Please amend discussion of' low pH' to
read "I know it (pH level) is
high...." Aaaarghgrumpf! I promise not to
write anymore emails until I've received one back! :) Lauren
<Ahh, see? I knew it! Well, I do hope all goes
well. Good luck - maybe you can somehow get your
friend's owner to be interested more in what you're doing to
care for this fish.... Wishing you
well, -Sabrina.>
Sick Betta Hello, <Hi.> I was gone for 4 days and upon
return to my office I noticed my Chinese Betta fish is
sick. He developed "pop eye" in one eye and has
some white discoloration around his gills. <Sure signs
of poor water quality and stress - do a water change ASAP, be sure the
new water is dechlorinated and the same temperature as your Betta's
water.> Also, the edges of his fins have become slightly frayed and
almost have a white sheen around the edges also.
<Possibly just from the water quality, but might also be bacterial
fin rot, brought on from the decline in water quality.>
HELP!! What should I do? <First and foremost,
do a water change, as above. You may need to do another
later or tomorrow, as well, and be sure there is no food rotting in his
tank. Secondly, I would add Epsom salts to the water, to
relieve the pressure causing the "Popeye". Use
about one third of a teaspoon per gallon of water. If in a
couple of days the fins are unimproved or worse, you might consider
giving him an antibiotic (BettaMax, made by Aquatronics, is available
at many fish stores, and should help with fin rot). Be
diligent with your water quality, and with all due luck, hopefully
he'll recover well. Wishing you and your Betta the
best, -Sabrina.> Sincerely, K. Wagner
Betta with fin rot? Hi Sabrina, <Hello, again!> Just a
note to say hi. I am Betta sitting again. He now has 3. <Zowie,
hobby bordering on obsession, yes? No worries - I understand
how addictive Bettas can be! Those pouty faces, the bright
colors, ease of maintenance/care....> One of his 2 is losing his
tail, it has been going on for some time. It doesn't look like it
is rotting, just like it is getting shorter, or is that rot? <Could
very well be, yes. One sure sign is a whitish edge to the
receding fin(s).> Is there something I can do to help him? <An
antibiotic like Kanamycin or Nitrofurazone may help a great deal - you
might try Aquatronics' "BettaMax", can be found at most
fish stores.> I now have six of the lil guys myself. Yes I have
become a Betta Crazy Monster! <Wow, you have indeed!>
Thanks, Magic <Wishing you (and all your bettahedz)
well, -Sabrina>
Betta with white film I did just what you suggested- I took
the Black Moor back and got a Betta. I was out of the office
yesterday, and now today one side of him is covered in white film, and
he is acting funny. <Hi Steph, I should have given you more info on
the Bettas in my last email. You will have to move fast on
the issue with the Betta, that white film isn't Ich, that's a
body fungus. And it grows FAST on Bettas. I'm
not sure why it seems to attack and spread on this fish so quickly but
it does. Bettas are shipped in horrible conditions, they are
literally stuffed into 2x2 inch bags with just enough water to cover
their bodies. This really stresses the fish out, which in
turn lowers the fishes immune system. The problem is that
your Betta's slime coat (which ever fish has) is not really great
since it was shipped so bad. What you will need to do is go
and purchase some medicine to treat this fish. I suggest you
use Mardel's Maracyn tablets for your Betta. I have
always used it on my Bettas and provided that you treat early enough it
will cure the fish right up. After the fish heals you might
want to consider adding a water treatment that will help the fish build
up his slime coat.> Is that what is considered
'Ick' on a fish? This tank is new, with just that darn goldfish
in it.... I didn't think the water quality was that
poor. Can you help me figure what to do to get rid of this?
<Goldfish carry quite a bit of parasites and illness that probably
was introduced when you had the black more in
there. It's not Ich, but a fungus. I would
treat with the Maracyn and it should cure the fish (provided that you
treat it early enough). I can't stress enough that this
will spread quickly on your Betta so it's best not to
wait. There are some great Betta forums online and I suggest
you check out some of them. One I used previously was http://fish.orbust.net/forums/index.php?showforum=5 That
is how I learned most of my info about Bettas, Also there are many
books dealing with Bettas. Be sure to check one out Good
luck, and if you need anything else let me know -Magnus>
Deformed Betta He's very camera
shy. I'm trying to get a good pic of his whole head
and the thing under his chin (looks like a white
pimple). You can just barely see the pimple, as this is
the side it's on. But you can clearly see that his
forehead is misshapen. He won't show me, but I think
the other side of his face and eye look a little
scary. Is this a thyroid problem??? Does he
have tumours? Somebody gave me this fish, my 1st
ever. Got me hooked on the whole aquarium
thing. Is this common? My heart is breaking.
<<I am sorry to hear about your poor Betta. I checked the
pic, it looks to me like he has an internal infection, resulting in
some bloat around the head area. I can't tell from the pic if
his eyes are protruding or not. Pop-eye is an absolute indication
of infection, and you will need to feed him medicated flakes, if
you can find some at your Local fish store. I hope he recovers :(
-Gwen>> |

Deformed Betta II He's very camera
shy. I'm trying to get a good pic of his whole head
and the thing under his chin (looks like a white
pimple). You can just barely see the pimple, as this is
the side it's on. But you can clearly see that his
forehead is misshapen. He won't show me, but I think
the other side of his face and eye look a little
scary. Is this a thyroid problem??? Does he
have tumours? Somebody gave me this fish, my 1st
ever. Got me hooked on the whole aquarium
thing. Is this common? My heart is breaking.
<<I am sorry to hear about your poor Betta. I checked the
pic, it looks to me like he has an internal infection, resulting in
some bloat around the head area. I can't tell from the pic if
his eyes are protruding or not. Pop-eye is an absolute indication
of infection, and you will need to feed him medicated flakes, if
you can find some at your Local fish store. I hope he recovers :(
-Gwen>> Deformed Betta 2 Here's a photo of the other
side. http://mysite.verizon.net/vze7tdgl/
I'm pleased to say that his eye is looking 95% better
today. I've quarantined him and started treatment
with Maracyn-Two. Do you still suggest medicated
flakes? Any brand names I could look out
for? I only started his treatment last night, and he was
already looking a little better before I began. It seems
to me that if he is stressed he looks worse. He's
been alone in a tank so long, it may have stressed him out to have
company. He would glare at the snail frequently. Anyway,
let me know about the medicated food. Thanks! Bethel
<<Dear Bethel; sounds good! Keep up the great work :) I do
still recommend medicated flakes, simply because any kind of bloat
indicates internal infections... However, if he continues to
improve with the medication you are using, then don't worry
about it. If, however, you notice that he isn't improving 100%,
try the medicated flake. You can make your own by dissolving a half
of a capsule of antibiotic powder into a few tablespoons of tank
water, and putting your own flakes into it to absorb the
medication, then feed this to the Betta. Let me know how it goes :)
-Gwen>> |
Betta w/Popeye Hello Bob, I really hope you can help me with
my Betta....He seems to have Popeye in just one eye... <asymmetrical
exophthalmia... usually caused by blunt force trauma: a good bump into
the glass or rockscape will do it> he is feeling fine and eating.
But, my problem is that I have searched all over for a medication for
this disease that will be able to be put into a 1 gallon bowl.
<may not even be a disease yet... bacterial if it is. At this point
likely just a build up of fluid behind the eye. Add 1/2 teaspoon of
Epsom salt and repeat in three days. Do water changes as usual
(daily?)> All of the med's I have come across are for 10 gallon
tanks... <use 1/10th of the dose. If one drop per ten gallons, then
add the drop into a cup of water to dilute the medication and then only
use one tenth of this solution> is there any thing that I can do?
Could I crush the tablets up and add just a little to the tank without
hurting my fish? I am a Newbie when it comes to Betta's but I have
to say that this is the first fish that I have ever loved!
<understood my friend... I can empathize with your sweet empathy. Do
try the Epsom salt (from pharmacy for soaking and laxative for people)
first... a gentle tonic. Meds by third day if necessary> He's
great and I would hate to lose him. Thanks so much, Cheryl <this
ailment is easily remedied. Best regards, Anthony Calfo>
Betta with Fungus Hello, <Greetings> I have had my male
Betta splendens for about a year. He has previously been healthy but
about a month ago I awoke to find the female Betta (also in his tank)
dead with cotton wool disease and the male with just a spot of the same
on one side. I immediately began treatment in a hospital tank and he
has been symptom free for about 2 weeks. <Very good. Kudos to you
for using a hospital tank!> He was looking alert and happy again and
thinking we had overcome it, I replaced him in the tank with a new
female and he was ok for a few days. Two days ago I noticed his mouth
looks like it has been eaten away. There are big chunks missing and it
sort of looks whitish but not cotton wooly. <Sounds like mouth
fungus.> He also has developed a fin rot I think as his fins have
decreased in size and condition practically overnight. <Not
uncommon, especially when a fungus is present but you probably should
check your water quality to make sure its not a cause of the fin
rot.> I love my fishy and I don't know what to do for him. The
female looks very healthy and has no sign of disease. Currently I have
separated the male and female and am treating the male with marine
salts and BettaFix (a Melaleuca Tea tree Oil remedy for fin rot etc.).
<BettaFix is a good medication but for this you will probably be
better off using a specific fungus medication. Fungus Eliminator by
Jungle is a good one and I have used it safely on my Bettas. There is
also one made by Mardel that works well.> He seems no better and
remains very listless but is still eating well. The tank is 10L heated
at 26 degrees pH 7.2. It usually has a banana lily plat growing in it,
but I don't have a filter or anything. My questions are: What is
the mouth condition? Should I remove the plant? How can I treat the
disease? <To medicate you are going to need circulation of some sort
so a small filter (without carbon!) is recommended. The plant should be
fine in there as long as you get a filter going.> Help me and fishy
please!! Thanks Heidi, Tasmania, Australia <You're welcome!
Fuzzy wuzzy wazza.... Betta? What would you suggest for this
white cottony film that is rising from my Betta? Melafix or
Fungus Eliminator? Do I need to aerate with either? Thanks.
<Well, unfortunately, this isn't a lot of information for us to
go off of.... Could be Columnaris, a fungus of some sort,
excess body slime from some irritant.... And I will heartily
admit that I'm completely unconvinced as to the effectiveness of
Melafix (extract of Melaleuca). Although Melaleuca does seem
to have some antifungal/antibacterial properties, I would certainly not
rely upon it solely except in perhaps the mildest of cases, in which
you still have time to play around/see if you get results before the
fish is in real trouble and can resort to more (known) effective
meds. I have, however, used MelaFix in conjunction with
other effective meds, such as Kanacyn, for fin rot and
septicemia. For the life of me, I can't seem to find the
active ingredients of the Fungus Eliminator anywhere online, but
I've heard of folks having great success with
it. I've never used it, myself. Other options
for you could be Kanamycin sulfate (proprietary names include
"Kanacyn" [Aquatronics' name]), Nitrofurazone
("Furacyn" - again, Aquatronics), or a combination of the two
(again, Aquatronics steps in with
"Spectrogram"). Personally, I think I'd
recommend the Spectrogram, myself. If you can't find it,
I suppose I'd suggest the Fungus Eliminator - as I said, I've
heard good things, just never used it
myself. -Sabrina>
Busted for Bettas (with fin rot) Hi everyone, I had
previously written on this topic and was assisted by Anthony and
Ananda. (thanks!!!) <Well Deb, now you get
Sabrina, too!> I do have my fish in a better set-up now. Its only
been set up for about 12 days. I got a 5 ½ gallon
tank (10 gallon was just too big for where I wanted to put
it), a Jungle Jr. dirt magnet filter, a TetraTec 12 pump, a 3-way gang
valve, and a 25-watt Visi-Therm Deluxe heater, set at 80
degrees. The heater is on one side and the dirt magnet is on the other.
The filter pipe is making a nice stream of bubbles, but no waves, so
the fish are happy! They each have 3 plants. For the divider, I bought
what Wet Pets had (for the frame) and substituted a needlepoint form.
The divider was clear; the needlepoint form is white, although the
holes are bigger. They do see each other, but they are safely
separated. I think the two Bettas have gotten used to each other now.
They don't hang out at the divider and flare too much anymore.
<Sounds great so far> Now Im running into more problems, I think.
The Betta that has had almost constant fin and tail rot still has it.
He was ok when I put him in the tank, but I think the stress from
seeing the other one (who is fine) has made him susceptible to fin and
tail rot again. I have been checking the ammonia, and I
didn't even get any ammonia until day 5. I changed a gallon
of the water, and then added 2 capsules of BettaMax. I knew that I
shouldn't really add meds while the tank is so new and cycling, but I
just couldn't ignore his fin & tail rot either. But I
haven't been able to check the ammonia with the green color in the
water, so I don't know where the cycle is now, and that worries me, even
though the fish look and act fine. I've been changing a gallon of water
(with BettaMax added) every other day to try to keep the ammonia down,
or nitrites if the cycle has started. I haven't swept the gravel for
almost 2 weeks (didn't want to disturb the biological filter if its
starting but I think it needs swept a little). Im
waiting for an online order to come (remember I have trouble going to
pet stores due to allergies); I ordered a small corner filter with
carbon to remove the medicine. When it comes, Ill take 2 gallons out
(about 50%), sweep, put 2 gallons of clean water in (without BettaMax),
run the carbon corner filter, and then start testing ammonia and
nitrite. I hope the order comes today because I really need to test
those ammonia and nitrite levels. <Personally, I
usually prefer to recommend Kanamycin Sulfate (Kanacyn) for treating
fin rot, as it seems to be much more effective than other
antibacterials against this particular ailment. I have seen
goldfish with virtually no fins left make complete rebounds within a
weeks' use of this med. Good Stuff.> I also got some
Bio-Spira on Monday. I meant to get it the first time, but I forgot. So
I have some now, but how should I use it? If the nitrites have
appeared, should I even put it in, or just let the cycle continue by
itself? <Can't hurt to give it a shot. Frankly,
I've heard mixed reviews on Bio-Spira, but I haven't used it
myself. There are other products out as well that do pretty
much the same things. Honestly, I usually just use filter
media from an existing, healthy tank to cycle a new tank, so I really
haven't used these products a lot. Water changes will
also be necessary while you're cycling.> If you put it in when
the cycle has started, isn't that just asking for trouble? <Not
necessarily.> What are your suggestions about adding the Bio-Spira
now, since the tank is not new anymore? I figured out that
my size tank will take about 5 ml. <Check your water parameters, see
how it's all going, and make your decision based upon whether/how
much your tank has cycled. What about the Betta with the fin and tail
rot? If I gave him BettaMax every time he gets some fin
& tail rot, he would be in BettaMax over half the time. The other
Betta is fine. Now, if one fish gets medicine, the other gets it too.
Try the Kanacyn; it should hopefully kick this fin rot for good and
all.> Do I just have to accept that this Betta will be
like this forever? <Certainly not. Sick is not
normal. I'm betting you can get him over it.> My
parents went with me to Wet Pets. That is a very nice store. They
picked everything out from my list and I went in to pay (and I paid for
it but Im getting over it; oh well.) I did go to Poseidons.
I went once; they didn't have any small set-ups, and then they closed a
few weeks later. I was sorry to see that. Are they setting
up another store somewhere? <This I'm afraid I can't help
with.... I'm in CA, and don't know anything about
your area (Chicago, I assume?); sorry 'bout that!> Any
suggestions that you have will be greatly appreciated! Don't
send the fish police after me! LOL!! Sincerely,
Deb Varga <Eh, not for helping your fish, we won't!!>
Bizarre eating habits....? Hey I came across your FAQ site
when I was doing some research but still couldn't find an answer;
hopefully you can help me! <We'll most certainly try.> I was
really bad at feeding my Betta for the last month or so, and today when
I checked, he ATE up most of his own tail! Can you believe
it? <Well, no ;) I'm betting there's
something else at play, rather than the Betta eating his own tail - did
you actually *see* him eating it? I think it far, far more
likely that he's got a bacterial infection that's eroding his
tail instead. Most importantly, can you tell us any readings
on your water? Ammonia, pH, nitrite,
nitrate? Usually one or more of these being out of whack
will result in fish getting sick. How often do you do water
changes? Do you use a dechlorinator? How large is
his tank? You mentioned that your were slack on feeding him
for the last month or so - do you mean that you hadn't fed him in a
month, or that you only fed him every now and then, or
what? If you can give us any of these details, we'll be
so much more able to help you.> Now it just looks like a little fin
instead of the gorgeous swirls....I am so sad. <Is the
fin edged in white? Do you see any blood or other markings,
etc.? Definitely do a significant water change, using a good
dechlorinator, and be sure to match the temperature of the water you
put in to the temperature of the water he's in now.> I fell
terrible about it. <We all make mistakes. The
most important thing is that we learn from them and not make the same
mistakes again.> Question is: is this normal
<Absolutely not.> and will it grow back?
<Hopefully. If it is fin rot (I think it likely), it is
curable, though advanced cases may prove fatal, or in some cases, the
fin can be damaged to a point that it never grows back
completely. Whatever the deal, if he pulls through, it may
take a very long time for it to grow back if it does. Good
luck -Sabrina>
Betta eating tail? - probably fin rot Thank you - I can't
believe how fast I got a reply...as to your comments, please see my
detailed response below: I think you're right. I
didn't "see" him eating it. :) I
think I just freaked out when I saw it and then made the
"correlation" based on the fact that my fish has been
starving for the past couple of weeks. You asked about
readings on water? hmm. how would I know
that? Was I supposed to get some other special
equipment? <A test kit that will allow you to test the
water for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and pH will definitely be a help -
but you can also probably have your local fish store do water tests for
you if ever something else is amiss.> In addition, I already changed
the water so I wouldn't know anyway. <Good job -
please do keep his water clean, change some every week.> I think you
made another good point: the water quality for the past
month must have been intolerable for my fish. <This is
actually probably the root of the problem. Good water
quality is very, very important.> Is using a
"dechlorinator" essential? I mean, I haven't
used it all along and the fish seemed to be fine (I've had him for
about half a year). <Yes, using a dechlorinator in your tapwater is
quite essential. Chlorine and Chloramine in our tapwater
will really harm aquarium fish. It can burn their gills, and
is most definitely an irritant. You can probably find a
small container at your local fish store for very inexpensive, and
I'm sure your Betta would thank you for it (and the water changes
:D ) Yes, I fed him every now and then, like maybe twice a week at the
max. (yes I know, I promise I'll be better at it from
now on). I looked at him closely, and his tail does look like the
colors are lighter at the edges (it's a red fish). Yeah,
I guess you could say the edges are white. What does that
tell me? <This is very indicative of a bacterial infection; probably
fin rot.> Can you explain fin rot? Aside from changing
water PROPERLY (temp, dechlorinator, regularly), do I need to get him
medication? <Very likely. But, depending on how big his
tank is, it will be quite difficult to dose anything in
there. Kanamycin sulfate (one company sells this as
"Kanacyn", and it's pretty easy to find) is an excellent
treatment for fin rot. How big is the tank that he's
in?> and when you say that it'll take a "very" long
time to grow back (if it does), how "long" do you mean?
<Well, depending on the fish, his immune system, water quality, the
extent of the damage, any other health factors - it could be days,
weeks, even months - or it may not ever grow back completely, even
though he may soon be restored to good health, with all due luck.>
Lastly, again, THANK YOU (from me and my fish) for your timely
response, Sabrina. you guys ROCK!!! :) <And a
hearty thank you for the kind words! Wishing your Betta a
swift recovery, -Sabrina>
Betta with pop-eye I think my Betta has Popeye in one eye. It
is protruding and cloudy. <Sure sounds like pop-eye.> He lives in
a 1.5 gallon hex tank and normally eats 5 pellets a day, 3 in the a.m.
and 2 in the p.m. Last week he started staying on the bottom of the
tank and not interested in eating. A few bays later I noticed what
looks like Popeye in one eye. I treated the tank for 5 days with
Maracyn 2 but his eye doesn't appear to be any better and he is
still on the bottom of the tank and not eating. Last night I changed
the water because the medication made the water very cloudy. I added
some salt, complete Betta water treatment and 2 drops of Aquari-sol.
Still no change. He will swim a little, come to the top but then he
goes right back to the bottom. I don't know if I should try any
more medication or what else to do. At the two local pet stores, one of
the clerks said that Popeye is not treatable but at the other store the
clerk told me to try penicillin since the Maracyn 2 didn't work.
<My recommendation - first off, if you're not already, start
testing your Betta's water for ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate -
it's likely that one (or more) of these has led to his
illness. Next, keep that water pristine - use a good
dechlorinator for your tapwater, and keep testing, and do water changes
if any of the abovementioned values get out of whack. In
this case, for the pop-eye, I'd discontinue meds and instead, add
Epsom salts to his tank at a rate of one tablespoon to five
gallons. In your 1.5g tank, that would be just a tiny bit
less than one teaspoon. Hopefully, you'll be seeing
results soon.> I have had the Betta for 1 1/2 years. I hope you can
help. <I hope so, too - good luck to you and your
Betta. -Sabrina> Thank you very
much. -Chris
Fungus Amongus! -
08/19/2004 Hello and thanks for your time today, <Hello, and
thanks for writing in.> I have a 5G planted, cycled tank with
Eco-Complete substrate. I had an aquarium shop statue in
there and noticed a white furry fungus like thing growing on the back
of it near the substrate. I took it out and cleaned it
off. I haven't put it back in but now I can see the
white stuff growing around the suction cup of the
thermometer. There are also patches of it on the
gravel. <My first best guess here is that this is
bacterial or fungal growth, most likely from uneaten food that
hasn't been removed.> I have one male Betta in the tank and he
has fin rot. I am treating with Maracyn-2 (4th day of
treatment) for the bacteria, and Maracide for potential parasites
because he was rubbing along the bottom of the tank a lot even though I
can't see any Ich or other spots. <I would not treat
with an anti-parasitic med unless you are quite confidant that you have
parasites, then determine what type of parasite you're dealing
with. Also try to eliminate other possibilities that may
have caused irritation to the fish - do ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate
levels check out okay? Any big changes in
pH? There are a lot of things that can make a fish
scratch/rub aside from parasitic infestation.> He doesn't seem
to be getting much better though. <Keep going with the
Minocycline/Maracyn II for the full treatment, now that you've
started it. If it has absolutely no effect at the end of
treatment, I would switch to Kanamycin sulfate ("Kanacyn",
"Kanaplex", or "Spectrogram" which includes
Nitrofurazone, as well), Oxytetracycline ("Oxytetracyn",
"Oxymanna"), or tetracycline. Other options as
well, for sure, but these are my favorites.> What is this fungus
stuff? <Again, likely a fungus/bacteria/mold from
uneaten food.> Is it dangerous? <Mm, potentially, but
very, very unlikely.> Is it harming my fish? <I
seriously doubt it.> Ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates are zero,
<Ahhh, that's good to hear.> pH is 8.2 which is a bit high I
know, but that's my tap water unfortunately. <High,
indeed. Is it constantly/consistently that
high? One breeder I know had horrible fin and disease issues
with her fish when her tap was above 8.0 - I really think this fish
would benefit from a bit lower pH, if you can establish AND MAINTAIN a
lower pH - a pH rollercoaster is the last thing you want, though;
constant is better than precise.> I have seen this white fungusy
stuff before on a piece of wood that I have in another tank and when I
introduced Amano shrimp they cleaned it off which makes me think it
can't be toxic. <Agreed.> I just wondered if I
need an anti-fungal in there as well. <Certainly
not. Just manually remove it, and be sure to remove uneaten
food and siphon out feces.> I don't want to over-load the poor
guy with too many meds. <Indeed.> He is eating just
fine and is active. <Certainly good news.> I've
only had him since last Thursday, he came to me with tears in his fins,
(bought him from a breeder) which is where the fin-rot started I guess.
<Eh, this could also explain the irritation, if he came from a lower
pH. And again, I've heard of Bettas having fin issues
above a pH of 8.0 - not really sure if this is 100% accurate or
reliable, but food for thought, at least.> I really hope someone
knows what this white stuff is and how to help my poor
Betta-boy! <Have you considered putting a small piece of
driftwood in with him to help drop the pH a bit? If you do
so, you'll want to be very cautious and slow about
it. You would also have to make water for him ahead of time,
to bring it to the correct pH (perhaps also with driftwood or
peat).> I just want his fins to stop shrinking! <Me,
too.> Thanks again for any help, <You bet.> Maggie
Masters <Wishing you and your bettahead
well, -Sabrina>
Cotton, I think, and Ongoing Problems I have done an extensive
search about Columnaris and have learned a lot. However, my
specific problems have not been discussed. I will try to be
brief, and appreciate any help you may be able to offer. I have a 29
gal community tank, established about a year ago without significant
problems. The fish are: Betta, 3 barbs, 7 mollies
(2 adult, 5 babies) 4 small Danios, a Pleco and catfish. I
had the Betta in the tank the entire time. He had always
done well. One day I discovered a tiny spot of white fuzz,
kept an eye on it, and concluded he needed help because it was getting
bigger daily. I hospitalized him, did major Internet
searches and went to my fish dealer - and he suggested
BettaFix. After using BettaFix (Melaleuca) for one day I
noticed a HUGE amount of fuzz floating throughout the entire
bowl. I continued medication; but after several days I
decided I was doing something wrong (I could hardly see through the
water by now, just full of what can best be described as
LINT). I did a water change with most of his water (using
the tank water, I didn't want to shock him). I went to
the dealer again, explained the problem and he said to continue using
the BettaFix - I had not given it enough time. Highly
skeptical I continued the treatment and did a daily water change of
about 25% using FRESH tap water with a couple drops of TLC live
bacteria and Stress Coat. The fuzz in the water was reduced
- but obviously controlled, not cured. My Betta was hanging
in there, as long as I continued the treatment exactly as I
described. After 2-3 weeks he just couldn't hang on
anymore. I waited over a month, and did weekly 10% water
changes in my tank. Purchased another Betta. He
developed the white fuzz over the entire main part of his body within
48 hours, and was dead only a few hours later! My tank
maintains a steady temp around 75, the nitrates are in the
high-but-safe range, nitrites 0 - hard to tell with the color strips
but definitely under .5, my tap is very hard water - around 300,
alkalinity is blue - and I don't know what that means because the
bottle only shows 'high 300' at green - but I'm certain
it's above 300, and the ph level is around 8.4 (normal for this
area). I know that is high, but it is steady; I've been
looking into ways to lower it (I saw something about rainwater, what is
your opinion?) My other fish have been absolutely unaffected
in any way - even the babies - I have stable & happy fish! So in
conclusion two questions: 1.) Was it Columnaris
and how would have been the RIGHT way to treat it (your suggestions in
the site were spectrogram or fungus eliminator, right?); 2.) Do I need
to treat my tank for it if I'm to put another Betta in it? <
Bettas with other fish don't always work. The long flowing fins on
the Betta wiggle back and forth and become too tempting for many fish
like the barbs to leave alone. Typically I don't like to treat an
entire tank if I don't have too. Medications affect the beneficial
bacteria that reduce the toxic ammonia to less toxic nitrites and then
to nitrates. First you need to determine what kind of infection you
had. A true fungus does not attack healthy tissue. Damaged areas of the
fish that may have been bitten or scraped sometimes developed fungus if
the tank is not clean. So a body fungus as you describe sounds like a
bacterial infection and not like a true fungus at all. It could have
been Columnaris or some other bacteria. I have heard mixed results with
BettaFix and personally don't use the stuff. Some aquarists have
had favorable results but I am not aware on how the medication works
and have seen any scientific data on in. I assume that it is a
bacterial inhibiter but that is only a guess. I stick with antibiotics
that I know work. I like Furanace to use on bacterial infections or
erythromycin. Medications usually work better in softer water. Bettas
come from soft acidic still pools in southeast Asia. If the conditions
aren't right your Betta will become weak and have no immunity to
diseases. That's why the Betta will get sick while the others seem
unaffected. For info on changing water chemistry I would recommend you
to Marineland.com and go to Dr. Tim's Library and check out the
Dorm Room Betta What are other signs of fish
TB? One site told me that a curved spine (which Jack's straightened
out) is a sign of swim bladder issues? Thanks. Ann <Wasting away,
getting very thin along with the curved spine. In some cases the fish
will bloat. In extreme cases you may see a sore or blister with red
edges. It is always fatal to the fish. The only known treatment
involves a three drug cocktail with only a 10% survival rate. Swim
bladder problems are also very difficult to treat. If he is improving I
suspect he was constipated to the point he was becoming bloated. Try to
feed a pea or add some Epsom salt to treat. Don>
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eBook on Amazon
Betta Success
Doing what it takes to keep Bettas healthy long-term
by Robert (Bob) Fenner