FAQs on Using Salts for
Betta Diseases/Health
Related Articles: Anabantoids/Gouramis & Relatives,
Betta splendens/Siamese Fighting
Fish, Betta Systems,
Betta Diseases, Improved
(Better?) Products for Bettas!,
Related FAQs: Betta Disease 1, Betta Disease 2, Betta Disease 3, Betta Disease 4, Betta Disease 5, Betta Disease 6, Betta Disease 7, Betta Disease 8, Betta Disease 9 , Betta Disease 10 , Betta Disease 11 , Betta Disease 12 , Betta Disease 13 , Betta Disease 14 , Betta Disease 15 , Betta Disease 16 , Betta Disease 17 , Betta Disease 18, Betta Disease 19, Betta Disease 20, Betta Disease 21, Betta Health 22, Betta Health 23, Betta Health 24, Betta Health 25, Betta Health 26, Betta
Disease Causes/Etiologies: Determining/Diagnosing, Environmental (By far the largest cat.),
Nutritional, Viral/Cancer, Infectious (Bacterial, Fungal) , Parasitic: Ich/White Spot, Velvet; Senescence/Old Age, Cures/Curatives/Treatments,
FAQs on Betta Medicines:
Salt for Treating
Bloat, Betta Medicines period,
Anti-Protozoals (Metronidazole,
eSHa...), Copper, Formalin, Malachite Green, Anthelminthics, Organophosphates, All Other Betta Med.s (Mela-non-fix,
DO read here:
Salts (Marine, Table/NaCl, Epsom): Use in
Freshwater Aquariums & Ponds by Neale Monks,
FAQs on: Using Salts
in Freshwater 1, FW Salt Use
FAQs on: Salt Use for
Treating Ich, Salt for Treating
PopEye, Salt for Treating
Bloat, by type of salt: Table/NaCl/"Aquarium", Epsom/MgSO4, Seawater, Rift Valley Salt

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Betta Success
Doing what it takes to keep Bettas healthy long-term
by Robert (Bob) Fenner
Salt Dip/Bath for Fungus on Betta?
Hello my WWM friends!
I have a freshwater fish question, because being a reef aquarist who
hasn't had a FW tank for 15-20 years has left me stupid. This fish
has an obvious fungus on its fins, but I don't know its history to
know exactly how to treat it (previous injury, precursor bacterial
infection). I hate fish medications, so I've been thinking of trying
to use salt water dip and/or bath, but I don't feel confident in
doing it. I was hoping one of you folks could give me some very
specific directions, measurements of salt in teaspoons instead of
ounces, etcetera. If people would just have good water and stock
conscientiously, their fish wouldn't get things like fungus.
The reason I don't know the history of the fish, is that I got it
from a newly homeless guy at Starbucks several days ago. He just
gave it to the first person who would take it. I was certain it was
dead. It was just floating and I saw no gill movement at all. The
thermometer growing on the end of my hand, combined with knowing the
weather forecast, estimated that the water couldn't have been warmer
than 45F. The guy insisted that the fish wasn't dead, so I touched
the fish. The fish twitched slightly, then
finally looked like it was breathing (but still floating and looking
almost dead), so I agreed to take it. I couldn't leave Starbucks
because I was with a client, so I got a tall cup with a little hot
water in the bottom, then sat the container in the top of the cup
for the steam to act as a heater. The fish started looking like it
was alive as it got warmer, mostly still floating but occasionally
in a normal position. I took it home, set up a little pico tank from
my tank junk room, using mostly RODI (I needed FW bacteria, so I
used some brown water from a 50g that has been housing just a
leeching out 3 ft piece of FW driftwood, and a philodendron vine
that has attached its roots to the wood... maybe I should put the
plant in the Betta tank to eat nitrate).
Now the fish is swimming around, is eating, and looks excited when
it sees me approaching the tank. The guy must have had it for a
while before becoming homeless, because it's much bigger than the
Bettas in the pet stores, and the canister of food he gave me is
nearly empty. I don't want to keep the fish, but no one is going to
take it while it is sick. I just hope I don't accidentally kill it.
Thank you in advance for the salt dip/bath treatment advice, other
treatment advise, any other random advice, or advice about how to
have a conversation without making it about reef stuff.
Forrest M.
<Okay; in terms of a saline lavage, bath, you could use a level
teaspoon of salt (table or marine aquarium) in a gallon of water,
leave the Betta there for ten minutes. IF you have a refractometer
that goes down to a low reading, this fish can easily tolerate at
spg. of 1.003. For much more re their husbandry, please start
reading here:
and as much of the above-linked files (in blue) that you deem
useful. Bob Fenner>
Re: Salt Dip/Bath for Fungus on Betta?
Thank you, Bob. The info about the refractometer is extremely
Sincerely, Forrest
<Cheers mate. I do hope your Betta rallies. BobF>
Bettas and Epson salts 9/23/18
Is it ok to put a little Epson
<Epsom, Magnesium Sulfate>
Salts in a 10 gallon tank (1-3 tsps/gallon) for a new Betta in case
there is a problem, like the fish left the store with possible parasites
due to the conditions they were in or is Epson Salts something that is
kinda hard on them and should only be used if there is an obvious
problem? thank you
<Tis fine. Please see Neale's pc. re MgSO4 use here:
Bob Fenner>
Betta sickness? 4/23/10
Hey there!
I have a male Siamese Fighter. He lives on a 30 liter, heated tank,
together with an Albino Chinese Algae Eater
<Yikes, big mistake there! Gyrinocheilus aymonieri is a bad fish. It
is neither from China nor a good algae eater. It grows very fast, and
gets to 35 cm/14 inches in length. Within a year it will be half that
size, at which point it will be psychotically aggressive. Under no
circumstances can this fish be kept with a Betta, unless the two of the
were both dead and preserved in formalin. I'm not messing about
here. Get this fish out of there!>
and an Apple snail
<A dubious choice too, but we'll let that pass for now except to
say that when it dies prematurely, which it will, a rotting snail
carcass will greatly mess up water quality in a tank this
and he is fed tropical fish flakes and every other day frozen
He has been very happy and lively for the past 9 months. But, 4 days
ago, I noticed that his belly is bloated.
<Does happen with Bettas. Likely a mix of dietary issues, genetics,
and lack of exercise (just like humans, without exercise, the guts
can't as easily move food along and out.>
I did some research on the internet and came across 2 possible
The one is Dropsy, but his scales isn't raised and he is still
acting normal, so I don't think it is Dropsy?
<Nor do I. Given good environmental conditions, Dropsy is actually
very rare.>
The other possible answer is that he is constipated. One of the
websites said that if a Betta is constipated, I shouldn't feed him,
as this can occur from overfeeding, and that it should be better in 2
days. So I have
tried that, but after 4 days, he is still bloated.
<Indeed. Starving is part of the answer in the sense of not giving
high-protein, low-fibre foods. But you also need to replace those foods
with low-protein, high-fibre ones. Also, adding Epsom salt to the
helps relax the muscles, so that the laxative foods work better. Do
In short, 1-3 teaspoons of Epsom salt (magnesium sulphate) per 5 US
gallons plus the use of cooked peas and live daphnia/brine shrimp
should do the trick. Don't use any flake, frozen or dried
Can you please give me advice, since I don't want to lose my
<There's a good chance he'll recover just fine.>
Thank you very much,
<Good luck! Neale.>
Very Sick Betta 6/23/09
I have a year and a half old Betta. He has been a very happy
little man until 3 months ago. He started getting a white patch
on his back.
<I see this...>
I treated him for Ick
<... not Ich>
per the pet store. (he was a gift so I only knew to go to the pet
That did not work so I started adding Aquarium Salt.
<Also a poor idea>
Then Water treatments ( that almost killed him) Now the lump /
mass is so large he cant even keep himself upright. He swims
sideways. 2 days ago he stopped eating and is just laying on the
bottom of the tank. It is so sad.
He used to swim so crazy around the take when I tapped on it with
my finger nails. Now he just jerks on the bottom. As to say to me
I just feel to bad today. I'm attaching a photo. I hope you
can help. But at this point I fear its to late for my little
friend. But maybe I will prevent this next go around.
<This appears to be some sort of granulomatous tumour... Viral
in origin, prompted by... genetics, environment, nutrition...
Not treatable per se... Perhaps time will show improvement with
the last two co-factors above maximized. Bob Fenner>
Betta Popeye Not Responding to Epsom Salt 9/20/07 A
week ago I noticed my male Betta, Chip had Popeye in his left eye. We
have had him for 18 months. He lives in a 3 gallon Marineland Explorer
tank with a filter and BioWheel. (We had gone away for a week and he
got overfed - the nitrates were high, over 50.) I checked WWM and put
in Epsom salt as required and I have been doing a 50% water change
everyday, replacing the Epsom salt. He has been resting a lot, but
comes to see me when I am near. He seems tired and the whole thing
looks painful and it has not improved. When I have tried to feed him
brine shrimp or bloodworms, he can't see them and they sink to the
bottom. I have been giving him flake food instead and tuning off the
filter so he can grab it more easily. The only things in the tank are a
small decorative treasure chest, the filter tube and a silk plant for
him to rest on. Any other suggestions? I am concerned about adding
antibiotic to such a small tank, but I am also reluctant to let this
drag on without him getting better. Asa in DC <Greetings. Pop-eye
tends to be caused by two distinct things: mechanical damage (e.g.,
rough handling) or poor water quality. There are other things that can
cause it, but not all that often. So, you need to zero out those two
most likely issues. Is there anything in the aquarium that it could
scratch itself on? Some people stick things like fake corals and
plastic plants in tanks, and these can be fine, but in very small tanks
it is so easy for a Betta to throw itself against one of these objects
when alarmed. That's why I tend to prefer small tanks be decorated
only with silk or real plants, and only very smooth rocks, such as
water-worn pebbles. Second thing, check the water. A Betta needs water
with moderate hardness, a pH around neutral, zero ammonia, and zero
nitrite (with an "I"). The nitrate (with an "a")
isn't such a big deal and I wouldn't worry about it.
Temperature is a factor, but it isn't something I'd expect to
cause pop-eye; pop-eye is really a reaction of the sensitive tissues of
the eye to irritating water. Think of it as a bit like conjunctivitis
on a human. Adding an appropriate antibacterial or antibiotic to the
water may help to soothe the infection, and is certainly worth using. I
hope this helps, Neale>
Betta with dropsy :( 8/20/06 Dear WWM
Crew, <Erin> I have a 1 year old Betta named Kuzco. Up
until a couple of days ago, he was a perfectly happy, healthy and
energetic little fish. Yesterday I'm afraid he
began to bloat rather suddenly (it happened over the space of a
couple of hours), <Yikes... was there a change in this fish's
environment?> and now it seems he has come down with the
dreaded Dropsy. <From what cause?> I know his prognosis is very
grim, but I want to do the best I can for him. He is in a 5.5
gallon tank by himself with an Aquaclear filter and a heater set
at 80-81 degrees. I use Prime water conditioner
and generally change 15-20% of his water every week. <All
good...> I feed him 4 Hikari Betta Bio-Gold pellets per day
alternated with freeze-dried Bloodworms twice a
week. I'm afraid this was brought on by lack
of variety in his diet or by the stress of moving to a new place
with different water. <Maybe> I tried to make the transition
as easy on him as possible by adding new, conditioned water a
little at a time over the space of 2 hours, but perhaps it
wasn't enough. <Mmmm> At first I thought the problem might be
constipation because of the bloating. I kept a close
eye on him and as soon as his scales began to even hint at being raised
(alas the pinecone effect), I took the carbon out of my filter and
treated his tank with Maracyn Plus. <Good>
I also gave him a 15-20 minute salt bath in Epsom Salt
to try to relieve the fluid buildup. <Also good> This seemed
to help a little with the bloating and he is slightly more
energetic, but he is still so pitiful to look at. He is
lethargic much of the time, either sitting in a plant next to the
heater or hiding in his fake log until he swims up for
air. He also appears unusually weak and unbalanced
when he swims through the current created by the filter, even at
its lowest possible setting. Please let me know if there is
anything more I can do for him to make him more
comfortable. I want him to suffer as little as
possible, and I want to give him the best chance of beating this
that I can. Thanks so much, Erin <I would add the Epsom directly to
the tank as well... a level teaspoon or so... and hope here. It may be
that Betta is "getting old" alone... Bob Fenner>
Re: Betta with dropsy :( 8/21/06 Thanks for the advice,
Bob. Kuzco seems to be feeling a little better
today. He is eating quite readily, and "attacking"
his food the way he usually does. <Ah, good> Most sites seem
to agree that dropsy fish have little or no appetite, but he must
be an exception? <Possibly... do understand that "dropsical
conditions" are a subjective evaluation of appearances... that is,
that there are a few distinctive inputs/causes that result in this form
of apparent edema... If this is due internal bacteria for the most part
for instance, usually there is a loss of appetite>
Since yesterday I've been feeding him small pieces of Hikari
Tropical Food Sticks, which a local pet store recommended because
they "eliminate bacterial and parasite problems" and
"promote healthy form and disease
resistance". It was the closest I could get to
medicated food. <I see> He is much more energetic today, more
responsive to stimuli, less sitting around on the bottom (except
to rest himself), but he seems to wear himself out
easily. He seems weak and has a hard time navigating
through the current put out by the filter without getting pushed
over on his side. Could this be a swim bladder problem
caused by the bloating or is he just weak from being ill? <Perhaps
n/either> As far as symptoms, his scales have not gotten worse and
are only very slightly raised around the bloated
area. I'm not sure if they've gotten better,
but he certainly doesn't look anywhere near as bad as the
pictures of dropsy-afflicted fish I've found on the internet. Do
you think there is hope for his survival since I seem to
have caught it in its early stages, or is his outlook entirely
grim? <There is always hope my friend. Bob Fenner> Thanks again,
Question Regarding Epsom Salt 1/16/06 Hi WWM,
<Robert> I recently added about a
1/4 tsp of Epsom salt to my Betta's (Fernando) 1 gallon tank to
relieve what appeared to be constipation. Within a day or
two, the Epsom salt worked its wonders, and now the swelling in
Fernando's belly has almost completely disappeared. My
question is: Should I change the water now [My last water change was
about 2 days before the swelling occurred (in total about 4 days ago)],
or is it ok to keep him in there with the Epsom salt for a few weeks,
until it's time to change his water according to my regular water
changing schedule? <Is okay to leave
in... though not continuously... that is, a week or so is all-right,
but not adding every time> I hope this question has not
already been addressed on the site. I looked around for a
while and although I found a great deal regarding Epsom salts, and
Epsom salt baths, I was under the impression that this small amount of
salt did not constitute a bath; so I decided I better be safe, and
ask. Thank you for your time and help with this
matter. Take care. Sincerely,
Robbie Ellis <Am sure others will benefit from your
asking re. Bob Fenner>
Will my live plant die? <Salt, Betta Treatment> 9/8/05
Hi Bob (or whoever), <Jeff> I have a 3 gallon freshwater tank
setup with one red male Betta that I just bought about two weeks ago.
It's equipped with a 25-watt Visi-therm heater and a 15-watt
incandescent light bulb (no filter). <Does need one> Inside is a
substrate of 1/2" to 1" in depth (it varies), one plastic
plant and one potted live plant. There's also a thermometer hanging
in the tank. Just a few days ago, I noticed that my Betta
was acting rather odd, swimming erratically and scratching himself
against the plants, the in-tank thermometer, and the
marbles. Then about 3 days ago, I saw small white dots all
over his fins. <Oh oh> I researched this in your website and
concluded that he was infected with Ich, and that a simply treatment is
to add some (uniodized) salt and raise the temperature to mid-eighties.
<One approach... I would remove the live plant...> So after I did
my regular 50% water change, I added 1 tablespoon of aquarium salt (the
carton recommended 1 tablespoon per 5 gallons) and then over the course
of about 12 hours raised the temperature from 79 F to 86
F. I read some more articles and FAQ's to learn more,
and to my horror I discovered that salt treatments are deleterious to
live plants. NO! I don't want to lose my beautiful live
plant. It's been in the salt treatment for about 20
hours now, as I write this e-mail. Can I still save it by
changing the water to reduce the salt concentration? Or will it die?
<I would place this plant in a "jar", container large
enough... outside the tank during treatment> (I don't know the
plant's name, sorry, so let me just describe it to you the best I
can. It's a rooted plant about 8 inches tall; its leaves
are each about 3 inches long and 1 inch wide (at its widest part) and
have an interesting pattern: in the middle of the leaves right from the
root to the tip runs a wide, bright green stripe, which is about 1/3 of
the width of the leaf. There are sharp dividing lines between the
outer, darker green edges and inner, brighter green stripe, so that
there is NO gradual transition from bright green to dark green
edges. Do you have any idea what plant this is?) <Perhaps
a type of Echinodorus... Swordplant> Thank you for your help. T. J.
Rexton <Please do add a purposeful filter... and read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/bettasysart.htm Bob
Bloaty Betta - 04/07/2004 I have looked through your archives
and found an article regarding the treatment of a constipated
Beta. My Beta, Thor, was quite happy and healthy for the
first 1 1/2 months (he lives at work, so fasts on the
weekends). <What, and how much, do you feed him?>
This past Monday, he did not greet me as he normally does and was quite
listless. Thinking that he had a bacterial infection (based
on the lack of eating, listlessness, and small red spot - which I now
think is just his coloring), I began treatment with Maracyn
Two. After observing him more, and reading your article, I
now realize that he is most likely constipated. (Today he
has a trail of fishie-poo) <Poo's a good sign!> He is more
active than he had been, but not interested in food. <If
he's still bloaty/constipated, that may be a good
thing. Offer him foods high in roughage content for a
while.> Now, for the actual question: In the post that I
read, Epsom Salt is recommended as treatment.
<Yesindeedy.> I have aquarium salt. What is the
difference, <Epsom salt is magnesium sulfate, as opposed to sodium
chloride.> where can I get Epsom Salt if that is preferable, <At
the grocery store, near milk of magnesia and that sort o' stuff, in
the medicine aisle. Or ask a drugstore. It's
really quite common stuff, don't fret.> how soon must it go in
the water, <Soon as it can, if the fella's still
constipated.> and should I change to water (due to the Maracyn
treatment) prior to salting? <Not necessary - but if you are certain
there is no bacterial illness involved, you can cease the
medication. If you're still in doubt, I would complete
the treatment - halting it would make any bacterial nasties quite
resistant to the meds (Minocycline, in Maracyn-II).> Please help me
help Thor. :-) <I do hope your Thor comes around
soon.> Thank you, Shelley Massingill (Thor's Human)
<Wishing you and Thor well, -Sabrina>
Bloaty Betta - II - 04/09/2004 Sabrina (et. al.), Thank
you so much for your reply! <Any time! This is why we're
here.> You all are great!! <Thanks, you
too!> To answer your question, I feed Thor Betta Bites - about
6 or so pieces....he gobbles them up very fast! I added the Epsom salt
yesterday, as it seemed like a fairly urgent matter. (He must have been
quite uncomfortable!) <I know I get uncomfortable when
constipated; it stands to reason that he should, too.> This
morning he is doing much better! <Delightful!> I
offered him brine shrimp, but he wasn't interested, so I tried a
Betta bite. (I didn't actually try it...I gave it to him.) He
gobbled it up when he thought I wasn't looking! :-) <Heh!
I would definitely cut back on feeding, he can go with about half of
what you've been feeding him. I feed my Betta girl about every
other day, at about half of what you've been giving Thor in one
feeding - and she's STILL a fattie. I think she's sneaking
snails behind my back. Anyhow, my point is, he can do just fine on less
food, and it should help him be less prone to getting constipated. Or,
perhaps alternate feeding him the Betta bites with something higher in
roughage content, like daphnia (since he doesn't take the brine
shrimp).> Thank you so much! It looks like he's well on
his way to a full recovery! <SO glad to hear that!>
Last question. How soon should I change the water after having added
the salt? <In two or three days from the first dose, you can
do a 50% water change and dose again, should you deem it necessary. A
few days after that, and I'd do a few big water changes. The Epsom
really can't do anything to hurt him, as I understand it.>
Thanks again, Shelley <Thanks for writing in, Shelley. Wishing
you and Thor well, -Sabrina>
Epsom Salts in Betta Tank Well she does have egg's and
her tube is there but she is swollen everywhere. She and the
male have already done their thing and the eggs actually hatched but no
luck they all died. I will put my tank divider back in and
keep an eye on her. Seems all I've done for the past
week is stay glued to the fish tank. She is indeed probably
overweight but the fact that she has the pine comb look makes me think
it's more. I'm hoping that's all it
is. She's hanging in there! : ) thank you
Sabrina, you've been most helpful!! < Sounds like your fish has
come down with dropsy also called bloat. It is an internal infection
caused by anaerobic bacteria it the gut where a blockage has
occurred. Recommend Metronidazole treatment as per the directions on
the package. Your fish sounds like it is pretty far along. The key is
to catch it early as soon as the fish stops eating.-Chuck>
Swollen.. um.. uh.. Hi. I have a question -
my Betta, Pecker, is swollen if you see the pic
attached. I don't know when or how just one day I
realized that he was hug like belly huge. He doesn't
have the fins sticking out as what other diseases as a pine
cone. I really don't know what to do. He's
energetic and eating like crazy. He's as energetic as
before. I have two other Bettas around but I love all of
them. What can I do. Pecker seems to be so
okay and nice and totally not very sickly as I can see.
I believe it's constipation since there is maybe a feces that
is trailing a bit from his bottom. Aside from thawed
pea-insides, what else can I give Pecker? If I fast
Pecker, for how long do I do it? If I fast, that also
means that I don't feed him the peas? <Hi
Cheryl, from the picture I would have to guess either constipation,
or a tumor. If it is tumor there is really no way to fix
it, but they can still live a while. If the other side
is swollen as well I would say constipation, if one sided, possibly
a tumor. I would start by adding some Epsom salt to his
water. Mix up 1 gallon of water with your dechlorinator
and 1/2teaspoon of Epsom salt. Do partial water changes
every couple days with this water. Feed sparingly for a
few days, maybe an adult brine shrimp or so a day. Feed some brine
shrimp for a few days, they are not very nutritious, but good for
cleaning out the pipes. You can offer some bits of
thawed peas if he will take them. Some frozen bloodworms
will be good when you are done with the brine, the other Bettas
will appreciate them too, basically you want to avoid dry food for
a while. Let us know how it goes, Gage> Cheryl |

Betta with pop-eye I think my Betta has Popeye in one eye. It
is protruding and cloudy. <Sure sounds like pop-eye.> He lives in
a 1.5 gallon hex tank and normally eats 5 pellets a day, 3 in the a.m.
and 2 in the p.m. Last week he started staying on the bottom of the
tank and not interested in eating. A few bays later I noticed what
looks like Popeye in one eye. I treated the tank for 5 days with
Maracyn 2 but his eye doesn't appear to be any better and he is
still on the bottom of the tank and not eating. Last night I changed
the water because the medication made the water very cloudy. I added
some salt, complete Betta water treatment and 2 drops of Aquari-sol.
Still no change. He will swim a little, come to the top but then he
goes right back to the bottom. I don't know if I should try any
more medication or what else to do. At the two local pet stores, one of
the clerks said that Popeye is not treatable but at the other store the
clerk told me to try penicillin since the Maracyn 2 didn't work.
<My recommendation - first off, if you're not already, start
testing your Betta's water for ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate -
it's likely that one (or more) of these has led to his
illness. Next, keep that water pristine - use a good
dechlorinator for your tapwater, and keep testing, and do water changes
if any of the abovementioned values get out of whack. In
this case, for the pop-eye, I'd discontinue meds and instead, add
Epsom salts to his tank at a rate of one tablespoon to five
gallons. In your 1.5g tank, that would be just a tiny bit
less than one teaspoon. Hopefully, you'll be seeing
results soon.> I have had the Betta for 1 1/2 years. I hope you can
help. <I hope so, too - good luck to you and your
Betta. -Sabrina> Thank you very
much. -Chris
Follow-up to: I THINK MY BETTA IS DYING... Hello Bob, <Hi
Ron> I want to thank you again for your quick, kind, and good advice
a couple of weeks ago (please see our previous communications below).
I'd like to update you on my Betta's condition. He
is still alive, but not very energetic, until I drop some food in his
tank, and then he goes right for it. However, he spends most
of his time lying on his side and floating, unable to submerge unless
he swims really hard and jams himself under the leaf of a plant to keep
from surfacing. I have been feeding him bloodworms and Betta
bites. I have changed his water and made sure to add salt and stress
coat, and have tried to keep his water temperature in the low 80's.
Also, at the suggestion of one of the people on your web forum, I
treated his water with the anti-biotic Maracyn 2 for 5 days, and then
changed his water. He does not seem bloated, so I can't
understand why he is so buoyant. Is he just
dying slowly and I have to just accept it, or is there perhaps
something else I can do to restore his equilibrium/neutral buoyancy
and/or his energy? Again, thank you very much. <Let's
try adding some Epsom Salt to your Betta's water. Just about as
much as will cover a quarter per quart. This "cathartic" may
help "move" your fish to health. Otherwise, all you list, the
food improvements, elevated temperature, antibiotic use... is what I
would have done. Bob Fenner> Sincerely, Ron M.
Follow-up to: I THINK MY BETTA IS DYING... Thanks Bob, The salt I
have already put into the bowl is "Doc Wellfish's Aquarium
Salt for freshwater fish". Is this the same as Epsom
salt? <No. This is sodium chloride, "rock salt". A good
practical treatment, but not what you want to try now> If so, when I
last changed his water (on New Year's Day) I added just about the
amount you suggest (assuming that when you say enough to cover a
quarter per quart, that you mean the coin). He lives in
about a gallon of spring water
(non-aerated). Should I add more? A lot more?
<About four times the coverage of a coin/quarter of Epsom> I
assume this is a salinity/osmosis thing? <More... a muscle
relaxant... laxative of sorts> Do I need to reach a
critical threshold or something? <Not really... this situation is
more of a successive approximation> If Epsom Salt is different, then
I'll go out and get some today, but will its effect be different
because of the salt already in the tank? <No problems in mixing...
it's sold in most all food, drug stores> Sorry for all the
questions, but I want to make sure. Thanks. <Welcome, Bob
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Betta Success
Doing what it takes to keep Bettas healthy long-term
by Robert (Bob) Fenner