FAQs on (Aquarium, Epsom...) Salts/Use in
Related Articles: Salts (Marine, Table/NaCl,
Epsom): Use in Freshwater Aquariums & Ponds by Neale
Salt and the
Freshwater Aquarium by Byron Hosking
Choose Your Weapon: Freshwater Fish Disease
Treatment Options by Neale
Monks, FW Disease Troubleshooting, Freshwater Diseases, Nutritional Disease, Ich/White Spot Disease,
Related FAQs: FW Salt Use 2,
FAQs on: Salt Use for
Treating Ich, Salt for Treating
PopEye, Salt for Treating
Bloat, by type of salt: Table/NaCl, Epsom/MgSO4, Seawater, Rift Valley Salt Mix, &
Medications, Aquarium
Maintenance, Ich/White Spot
Disease, African Cichlid
Disease 1, Cichlid
The Salt of the Earth, the Salt from the
Sea... http://www.aquariumboard.com/forums/articles/4770.htm |
Aquatic Gardens
Ponds, Streams, Waterfalls
& Fountains:
Volume 1. Design & Construction
Volume 2. Maintenance, Stocking, Examples
V. 1
Print and
eBook on Amazon
V. 2
Print and
eBook on Amazon
by Robert (Bob) Fenner |
Tropical/Salt Mix Tank??? sys.
Hello, have been reading your site for 2 days. Very interesting.
<Glad to hear it!>
Have learned that mollies prefer a minute amount of marine salt
in their water.
<"Minute" isn't really the word. They can live and breed quite happily
in seawater. But yes, adding a little salt to the aquarium can make them
hardier, especially if conditions aren't otherwise perfect.>
Also guppies can sustain some.
<Yes, quite true.>
Neons cannot have the salt.
Not sure about Bettas and angelfish.
<Neither appreciates salt.>
Ideally I would like to have angelfish, balloon molly (females), some
guppy females, and if possible, female Bettas in the same tank.
<Doable. Don't bother with the salt. Medium hard to hard water, slightly
alkaline pH. Farmed Angels will cope with this just fine, as will farmed
Bettas. Wild Angels and wild Bettas would not though. Provided the water
quality was excellent, and you kept nitrate in particular as low as
possible, Mollies can and do do well in plain freshwater. Neons, which
you mentioned earlier on, would be a bad addition. They are pretty much
"temporary" additions to hard water communities, often lasting little
more than a few weeks before they start dying off one-by-one. Plus,
they're Angelfish food!>
Currently I have a total of 5 different tanks with a variety of fish
(do not yet have the angelfish - planning to next week - waiting to get
their tank set up)
<Understood and wise. Angels do poorly in "new" tanks... would wait at
least six weeks before adding Angels to any aquarium, and ideally more
than that.>
Every fish I have (including male balloon mollies and male butterfly
molly) are currently in fresh water only. Added the butterfly approx.
2wks ago. The balloon males have been in their set up for 1-2months. The
guppies I have had the longest. I also have 2 male Bettas (in 2
different tanks) with dividers from the other fish in the tank. They
have been doing well. All currently have heaters in the tanks. Again the
male mollies seem to be doing well.
How important is the salt to the molly fish?
<Difficult to state precisely. Wild Mollies mostly live in freshwater,
though some in brackish and even seawater. Under aquarium conditions
Mollies (especially modern farmed Mollies) seem to much less hardy and
adaptable as their wild ancestors. Same as Guppies, as it happens, which
are also much less hardy than they once were. Adding salt reduces the
toxicity of nitrite and nitrate, which may be one reason adding salt
Salt also reduces the stress caused by soft or acidic water conditions,
and marine aquarium salt raises the pH and hardness a bit too, helping
Mollies even further. Put another way, if you struggle with Mollies in
your freshwater tanks, keeping them in slightly brackish ones may be a
lot easier. But if you have no problems with Mollies, and your specimens
live several years without health issues, then adding salt probably
isn't necessary.>
Can you provide me with any help or suggestions on direction to head?
<Hope the above helps. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Tropical/Salt Mix Tank???
Very helpful. Thank you.
Question re: neon. Have had the neon the longest with the guppies.
<Cool. But one Neon is par for the course... buy six, most die, one
lives for years. A common story, unfortunately. No simple explanation.>
All fish in this tank are female. Have 3 Bettas. Several ghost shrimp
Today added 1 balloon molly. The neon would be considered large. Will it
still have a problem with the angel fish?
<So long as the Neon is too big to swallow, it should be fine with your
Angelfish. But large (5, 6 inch length) Angels can, do swallow
"bite-size" Neons of the sort sold in pet stores. Cheers, Neale.> Salt and Anabantoids 3/5/14
Hey, I was always under the impression that using salt on Anabantoids
was a bad idea and that it can hurt the labyrinth organ in some way.
<I know that many Anabantoids are routinely "salted" in the trade... Not
all though (e.g. Licorice, Chocolates...)>
Is this false? And are there any research articles or studies you are
aware of that I can read on the subject?
<Not w/o making a haul to an institution that allows (free) access to
searchable databases (e.g. BIOSIS, Zool. Abstracts)...>
Sorry to bug you, I know you have lots of ppl to help, you just seemed
like a good place to ask.
<You can search on WWM on how to do these searches in turn. Bob Fenner>
Help with Koi with Dropsy... and use of antibiotics in ponds
f' 10/22/13
As you can see... from my original message, in such a state... typed
wrong e-mail address. Thank you.
Hi, finny expert:
Not trying to be funny, actually I'm almost in a panic state. We've
never had a problem with our Koi in 15 years! I have a Butterfly Koi
that's approx. 14 years old that we've had in our pond almost since its
inception. Last Wednesday/Thursday/Friday I thought she was full
of eggs, thought it odd, but with Koi I read on one of the fish websites
that it's possible even here in Ohio.
<Mmm; not likely this time of year... too cold>
No aquatic vets..._am in touch
with one in a close by city, but he hasn't gotten back to me. Not
my regular vet... is that why there is no sense of urgency. He was
formerly vet for one of the better known zoos in Ohio and has retired to
private practice. He's my only chance for "doctor advice"... other
than you kind folks! _
Microbe-Lift pond expert has been very helpful. An answer
from a "not free" online service suggested Maracyn II which I am
currently using.
<... Erythromycin... for what? Dropsy? From what presumed cause/s? I'd
simply use Epsom Salt>
Dropsy was diagnosed by them and Microbe-Lift expert. The latter
said that since Sunny's scales were in the pinecone stages, only on her
bloated belly and not on her back, that it was bacterial Dropsy
and treatment should proceed.
<... Might be bacteria involvement... But... the Mardel product... not a
good, first choice... Was any sort of culture work done?>
She is in only 21 gallons
<... a poor idea. Exceedingly. I would return this fish to larger
quarters, as it will assuredly perish here>
of water in a tub in our basement right now, since Sunday afternoon.
I'm using the Maracyn II as directed. I've an air pump in there,
testing... ammonia reading is 4.0,
<... deadly toxic. See above. MOVE this fish NOW>
after having done a 50% water change. I added "Ammonia
out" for aquariums and have not yet tested again.
<... won't, WILL NOT remove the ongoing excreted and secreted
We're equipped for a pond, not aquarium setting. We want to build
her a larger area, with cement blocks and pond liner, but then need
larger amounts of Maracyn 2... which is very expensive, even on Amazon,
which I just checked. Usage is 2 packets per every 10
gallons of water. If we put her in a 60 - 100 gallon holding pond
that would mean 12 - 20 packets per day for five days then repeat
treatment for another five days. I paid $25 at PetSmart for
a 24 packet box... it's $11.50 for same at Amazon. But that would be a
minimum of $12/day. If there is nothing else, we will do it.
But if something better, we'll keep her in the 20 gal for five days and
they transfer her.
<.... this fish won't live that long in this setting>
<I do know... See/Read on WWM re Pondfish health, dropsical conditions.
You can/could administer an antibiotic to foods, inject...
putting it in the water is of very small use/efficacy>
It states on Maracyn 2
<STOP. Don't treat w/ this further>
package to finish treatment and not use any other antibiotics while using
it. Is there something I can purchase over the counter or obtain a
veterinary script for?
Incidentally, if my dear Sunny is alive after being treated for 10 days
with Maracyn 2... what then... another series of antibiotics?
<... not if it were my fish. I would NOT put antibiotics, antimicrobials
directly in the water... OF ALMOST NO USE>
My dear friend is also my vet but she knows absolutely nothing about
fish. She would write me any script I needed and there is a local
Pharm that fills pet scripts... but we would need to know what... and if
there is an alternative that I could substitute for the Maracyn 2 after
we transfer her (we haven't built... the larger pool yet) --
without killing her.
My vet advised that I call OSU, their Vet Med or Zoology Dept but they
offered nothing. Since Sunday afternoon I've made 26 phone
inquiries... all dead ended. I want to move my girl to larger
quarters but can't afford to keep buying the packets of Maracyn 2
I would need to maintain a volume of say 60 - 100 gallons, which would
be anywhere from 12 packets to 20 packets per day. Sunny is two
feet long and can't really move where she is. I've put bacteria in
but I know that has to seed. I will try anything to try to save
her. Can you please help?
This morning her scales don't seem to be protruding as much... or am I
seeing that I hope to see? She is eating thawed frozen peas and
her water temp is 70 degrees, whereas our pond is now 50 degrees
_Do I start feeding her? _ I'm going to petstore as soon as they
open to get a piece of tubing to get out the waste. At least she
is pooping. Is that a good sign? Our pond is pristine and
all tests are perfect. I'm just scared to death that this same
bacteria will infect my other finny guys. I've been praying a lot.
Please help... I'd really appreciate it. Thank you
ps Am in this for the long haul... and am prepared to winter her
in the basement so as not to stress her any more by putting her back in
her home.
<Read on WWM... re MgSO4... return this fish to the main pond,
treat the water there w/ this salt... IF your friend/vet wants to inject
the fish, have her contact me directly (here). I do NOT want to
encourage private individuals in such matters... Or have her read Ed
Noga's work/tome re the same... Bob Fenner>
Salt for fungus? 11/19/12
Does aquarium salt effectively treat fungus?
<Not reliably, no. Brackish water fish get fungus if they're
kept in freshwater, and adding salt helps them recover, so to some
degree, that gives the impression salt treats fungus. But in and of
itself, no, salt isn't a reliable antifungal. Methylene blue is much
more effective and normally harmless, even to fish eggs and fry.>
Is a dosing of 1 tbsp per gallon enough?
The pet store fish geek said he uses it all the time and that it's not
as harsh. When I used an antifungal on the periwinkles (that I'll never
purchase again)
<Periwinkles? Like the little marine snails? Or the plants?>
it made me feel dizzy to be around them.
I've never had to use it on a fish. Maybe it's not as awful as the plant
kind? Really, if salt will probably work, it's preferable.
<The only thing salt has in its favour is that it is cheap, which is why
many people desperately want it to be a cure-all. But it isn't. Salt
basically treats just two things, Whitespot and Velvet; for virtually
everything else, you need to choose another treatment. As Bob would say,
Hmm… do read:
Hope this clears things up for you, Neale.>
Salt for fungus? 11/19/12
Does aquarium salt effectively treat fungus?
<Not reliably, no. Brackish water fish get fungus if they're
kept in freshwater, and adding salt helps them recover, so to some
degree, that gives the impression salt treats fungus. But in and of
itself, no, salt isn't a reliable antifungal. Methylene blue is much
more effective and normally harmless, even to fish eggs and fry.>
Is a dosing of 1 tbsp per gallon enough?
The pet store fish geek said he uses it all the time and that it's not
as harsh. When I used an antifungal on the periwinkles (that I'll never
purchase again)
<Periwinkles? Like the little marine snails? Or the plants?>
it made me feel dizzy to be around them.
I've never had to use it on a fish. Maybe it's not as awful as the plant
kind? Really, if salt will probably work, it's preferable.
<The only thing salt has in its favour is that it is cheap, which is why
many people desperately want it to be a cure-all. But it isn't. Salt
basically treats just two things, Whitespot and Velvet; for virtually
everything else, you need to choose another treatment. As Bob would say,
Hmm… do read:
Hope this clears things up for you, Neale.>
Re: Salt for fungus? & Betta dis., trtmt. – 11/19/12
Periwinkles are flowers.
<Ah yes, as in Vinca minor. Have that in my garden.>
They developed a tendency to a fungus and prior had been hardy annuals.
<I see.>
I was young and attempted to save my garden, but I think the fungal
treatment was very strong stuff... I just recall feeling dizzy around
it. Don't know why, but wouldn't use it again on annuals!!!!!
That's why I felt a little nervous about the treatment of the tank!
I come in contact with the water when I clean it. I think the
Methylene is different than what's used in the garden though. I
need to check... But I might want to wear gloves with it anyway.
<Methylene blue is safe, at least if used as directed by the
I like organic natural stuff, so when the guy said salt worked for him
and I'd read it several places as well I was hoping....but knew I ought
to ask you in case the "naturalists" were wrong.
<I'm as much of a naturalistic as the next guy… my garden is mostly
organic save occasional use of slug pellets… but there are situations
where you do need the real McCoy. Put another way, there are "natural"
anti-fungals like Melafix but these are not necessarily safer to use
(either for the fish or the filter bacteria) and their unreliability
means that they aren't always good choices. By all means use Melafix as
a preventative, after fish are damaged, but once you see symptoms, I'd
go for the real stuff, Methylene Blue or whatever.>
I didn't want to jeopardize the fish. I'd also heard the medicine
could be hard on the fish and I wanted to be cautious.
<Methylene blue is very gentle on fish.>
I looked at my Betta closer... He actually has a little spot of white
coloration on his back that when he was acting sick, I mistook for
fungus. So it isn't fungus after all. Which makes sense, as
I clean regularly. I think there have been times in the past that white
spot worried me, but it's not that noticeable...so I forgot it's a fleck
of natural colouring. He's older...I had him a number of years now, I
think 3 or 4. He doesn't look like he'll make it....
And I can't see an obvious symptom other than lying at the bottom
looking listless like he's on the way out.
<Perhaps… 4 years is a fair age for Betta splendens.>
I worried it was water hardness, something I could have helped by adding
a little neutral water. My other tank tested so high recently!
However the Betta's water tested much lower than the large tank...
(weird)....so it's probably his old age. I guess because he's in a
smaller volume tank, and there's java fern and moss, it helped lower the
hardness for him.
Betta tank is ph 7.2, alkalinity 180, hardness 125.
That was tested at PetSmart with little strips. A fish store seasoned
fishkeeping employee tested my big tank like a chemist with little
bottles that she shook and they changed colours. 29 gallon was ph 8.4,
alkalinity 180, hardness 300.
<Rock hard water! Not ideal for Southeast Asian fish like Bettas, but I
dare say livable.>
Is there something I can treat him with, an antibiotic, in case it's
related to the gills?
<Randomly medicating rarely helps.>
If he dies anyway can I treat the java plants with an antibiotic so that
they'd be safe if I bought another fish?
<Unnecessary; the bacteria that cause most fish deaths are opportunistic
ones… they live in all tanks, all the time. They only cause problems
when something else is amiss… the fish is stressed, the water quality is
poor, the fish is old.>
I'd change out the gravel for new gravel if that's necessary, and
totally wash the tank and rinse it thoroughly and completely. I
really hate to throw out the plants and I always like to keep a Betta.
I think someone once told me to use tetracycline to sterilize plants
from disease...though if I treat him I guess I could keep dosing
whatever antibiotic I give him. But he's not looming like he has
much longer to go.
Thanks again. I'm sad to be losing this little fish!
<Indeed. Neale.>
Re: Salt for fungus? Betta dis., trtmt. –
Thanks Neil. That's good to know about the plants.
Yeah, my home is kept much warmer than most. I was afraid to use
small tank heaters before, but I invested $13 for one that works to 5
gallon when I noticed he was ill. I guess as he was
older maybe needed his water even warmer. I'm too embarrassed
to say how warm my home is sometimes kept, but it tends to favor Bettas'
preferred climate! But now with a heater the future fish (if he
doesn't pull through) will at least have a heater kick on on the coldest
days of Texas, which are rare days..... It's been in the 80s most
of Oct. Today is cooler…70s.
<Real good. Cheers, Neale.>
Better!!....re: Salt for fungus? – 11/20/12
The little Betta guy seemed 1/8 less close to his death bed this
afternoon, which I hadn't expected. Due to his mild response to salt and
heat, I changed 25% water(someone said change 100% but he is obviously
liking the heater so I didn't want to chill him). I added a little
stress coat and the new water also contains salt. Then I decided his
gills are probably stressed and gave some tetracycline. .... It
just felt right....he was just at the bottom looking stressed with
labored breathing and no other observable symptoms.
Good news: A little later he actually ate, then he ate again just
now. Now he's swimming around.
This room is probably getting draftier as the home ages and the fish is
older. and much less flexible. I was afraid of small thermometers
due to reading awful reviews, but this one is a little mat I can stick
under the gravel as opposed to glass that can explode.
<Honestly, the glass ones don't explode unless someone does something
silly with them, like use them to stir up the gravel. Even then, they
snap rather than explode, and the red alcohol inside them isn't
especially toxic.>
I'm going to buy more plants too...I think they increase the health
benefits adding oxygen and natural filter as well as reducing the water
hardness in an amazing way.
<Which is…? Almost all the "reduce hardness quickly, easily and cheaply"
tricks don't work.>
I think he's going to make it. I hope so anyway! Well....I hope
things are normal for a while now. I wish I'd get the hang of it
like gardening. Jill
<Good luck with both fish and plants, Neale.>
Re: better!!....re: Salt for fungus? 11/21/12
The plants and stock really seem to reduce water hardness...I can't
think of what else it would be that would cause the difference between
my 2 tanks using the exact same water source.
<There is a process called Biogenic Decalcification which some aquatic
plants do. They use bicarbonate ions as the source of carbon for
photosynthesis. It's a clever trick. Two popular aquarium plants that
can do this very effectively are Vallisneria and Egeria, but for this to
happen, they need to be exposed to bright light. That's because Biogenic
Decalcification is a way of getting extra carbon for photosynthesis when
the dissolved carbon dioxide in the water isn't enough. None of the
slow-growing plants (like ferns and mosses) are known to do Biogenic
Decalcification; they probably don't need to because they grow very
slowly, and therefore the amount of carbon dioxide in the water is
sufficient to their needs. If you suspect Biogenic Decalcification is
going on, ask yourself whether your aquarium is under strong lighting,
i.e., at least three or four fluorescent lights running the length of
the hood. If it's not, then Biogenic Decalcification isn't likely the
issue, because if it is happening at all, it'll be happening so slowly
there won't be much effect on water chemistry, specifically, carbonate
hardness (as should be obvious, if you remove bicarbonate, which is a
type of carbonate hardness, then that won't change general hardness).>
My large tank, the 29 has 2 small fish at 1/2" and some sparse, snail
chopped plants and the hardness rose quite high in the recent months.
But the smaller Betta tank is much less hard. When the plants were
healthier and there were more fish in the 29 gallon, it was not testing
quite so hard either!
<A mystery.>
A pet store geek said if I ever want to keep other species like Corys or
loaches or barbs...all I need to do is remove 1/3 water and replace it
with distilled (which I know you should never use for a whole tank
filling as there aren't any minerals!)
<I would concur; I have liquid rock water here, but mix 50/50 with
rainwater, and that allows me to keep all sorts of Amazonian fish
without problems.>
She said the neutral water brings hardness down some,
<It dilutes it. If you have tap water hardness of 21 degrees dH, but mix
2 parts tap water with 1 part deionised water, then the result will be
14 degrees dH overall. As it happens, pH will likely stay around the 7.5
mark, but that's fine.>
and then having a good stocked tank and lots of plants adds acidity and
help keeps it from climbing quite so high, so other types of fish
can also thrive.
<Sort of. During photosynthesis plants remove CO2 faster that they
"breathe" it out because of respiration, so the pH actually goes up. But
by night they are only respiring, so they add to the CO2 in the water,
albeit not that much compared to animals. As noted above, Biogenic
Decalcification only happens under specific conditions and with certain
plant species.>
The Betta tank affirms what she's saying as it contrasts with the 29
gallon in both stock ratio and plant ratio. They keep tons of
barbs and loaches and catfish alive, so I guess there are natural ways
to get there. The plants most likely contribute to my Bettas
longevity, as well as having a filter and more space to swim in. I've
always loved biology far more than chemistry....I probably need to spend
a little more time trying to learn the basics. It's great that pet
stores all test water for free and explain it. But I'd understand
it better if I reviewed basic high school chemistry!
Have a nice week.
<You too, Neale.>
Re: better!!....re: Salt for fungus?
That's cool, thanks!
<Welcome, Neale.>
Chain loach and Cherry Barb? (salt tolerance question) 11/14/12
Hi Neale,
I'm wanting to start up chain loaches and cherry barbs.
<Two very nice and versatile species.>
I read your article on loaches,
I read other articles too at various sites and I asked this question at
several fish stores. There was a difference in opinions.
I heard the loaches (chain loach) don't tolerate salt, though one
article and one fish store said theirs tolerated minimal salt. But
since they are saying something different from everyone else, I figure I
should get your opinion and trust that first.
<Depends what sort of salinity you're talking about. Like all freshwater
fish, they will tolerate very low salinities, around 2 gram/litre,
across short terms, e.g., a week or two, for the purposes of treating
Using salinity in this way is much safer than using copper- or
formalin-based medications. On the other hand, routine addition of salt
isn't necessary when keeping these or any freshwater fish, and elevated
salinity levels as you'd need for brackish water fish will stress most
loaches. One or two species naturally inhabit brackish water habitats,
for example the Horseface Loach, and can do well around the 3-4 g/l
salinity level, but I'm not aware of any loach that prefers brackish
water or does well in even middling-salinity brackish water. Oh, and the
idea that loaches are "scaleless fishes" and therefore more sensitive to
salt is a myth perpetrated by folks without biology degrees! Moray eels
are fish without scales but live in the sea, as are of course sharks. On
the other than, there are plenty of fish with scales (such as Rift
Valley cichlids) that come to obvious harm when salt is routinely added
to their tanks (Malawi Bloat being the commonest problem). Salinity
tolerance is all to do with the osmoregulation, in particular organs
that conserve or remove salt and water. For sure some groups of fish are
less tolerant of salt than others, but it's not as easy as simply saying
that if the fish has scales, it's more tolerant of salt.>
I have a 29 gallon....I'm switching the fish that are there to another
one as they neither eat snails nor share water type with those that do!
Currently the 29 tank has 1 tbsp aquarium salt per 5 gallons.
<An unnecessary addition.>
Could the Cherry barbs tolerate that amount initially? I suspect
they will but I just want to be sure.
<As with the loaches, so too with the cyprinids. A handful of barbs
tolerate low-end brackish conditions indefinitely, such as the Ticto
Barb and Olive Barb, but most are strictly freshwater fish and shouldn't
be exposed to salt across the long term. Again, short term usage of 2
g/l salinity levels are fine.>
I will change a third of the water, adding more water with no salt
before I add them.
<Very wise.>
How many water changes should I do before the water will be fresh enough
to add chain loaches?
<One tablespoon is 3 teaspoons, or about 3 x 6 = 18 gram salt (but check
with your own kitchen scales). 5 US gallons is about 19 litres, so
you're adding 18 grams of salt to about 19 litres of water, so barely 1
gram per litre. That's a trivial salinity level, and won't do even these
fish any harm across the short term. On the other hand, it won't be
doing much good either; it's too little to treat Whitespot, and there's
always the risk that across months, years such usage of salt can
interfere with the osmoregulation of freshwater fish. I'm not a big fan
of routine use of salt in freshwater tanks.>
Do Cherry Barbs cycle ok, as I don't have very many fish in there now,
plus they're tiny? (I'll be adding 6 so it will probably cycle.)
I'm hoping to find small ones.
<Cherry Barbs are quite hardy, so all else being equal, they can get
through the cycling process, though I'd strongly recommend maturing the
tank beforehand, or at least adding some live biological media from
another tank.>
I plan to add driftwood too, and more plants once I add the chain
The reason for the switch is I learned the hard way about snails. So
future plants in other tanks that I wish to keep clean will either be
certified snail free (yeah, PetSmart sells those!) or rinsed in a
<Do the latter; dip the plants, then put in the tank. Be careful with
the dips though: used at high concentration as a dip, potassium
permanganate at least can kill plants if used for too long.>
Also, is it really necessary to change water weekly for chain
<Depends entirely on stocking density and how often the fish are fed. If
the tank is understocked and you feed sparingly, then you can probably
go 2-3 weeks between 20% water changes. But most community tanks are
fully stocked, if not overstocked, so water changes are crucial to
keeping the fish healthy.>
I'll be adding more plants, a longer strip of a bubbler, and there will
be 6 each cherry barb and 6 chain loaches in 29 gallons.
<That's an understocked tank.>
I usually change water every 3 weeks. Should I change to weekly or
every 2 weeks?
<If you want. Keep an eye on the fish, and do pH and nitrate tests every
couple weeks just to be sure, at least for the first 2-3 months. If pH
drops a lot, or nitrate is way above the ambient level in your tap
water, then you may be doing too few water changes.>
One more thing... Sometimes the house temp gets to 79 or 80, is that
going to make the water too hot?
<Unlikely. Evaporation tends to keep fish tanks a bit cooler than the
In any event, providing the tank only gets warm in the day, but cools
down at night, then these are tropical fish after all and will adapt to
such things.>
I probably need to lower the heater for the loaches. I can barely
read the thermometer but it's in the green safe zone for tropical fish.
<Set the heater around the 24 C/75 F mark, and see what happens. If the
fish are heat-stressed, the loaches will gulp air and the barbs will be
close to the surface all the time.>
Thanks Neale! I'm very new to this hobby, and your articles are
always helpful.
<Thanks for the kind words. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Chain loach and Cherry Barb? (salt tolerance question)
Thank you. Great info!
I look forward to getting these fish. The male barbs have a nice
<As ever though, be sure to get as many females as males, if not more --
with more females to display to, the males develop better colours
without fighting all the time. Unlike plain vanilla barbs, Cherry Barbs
are somewhat territorial.>
and I've always liked the little chain loaches. They're active and
interesting. I hope they all get along without bullying.
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Chain loach and Cherry Barb? (salt tolerance question)
Just curious, Neale, About Mollies I'd heard this answer is "no," and
that they're NOT a sociable fish, that they merely "tolerate" other fish
due to not being true schoolers.....(I've misplaced that article). But
then I saw an article today that you'd written on them that begs to
differ on their sociability:
The pet store clerks also speak highly of molly sociability. And their
tanks are heavily stocked. But here I'm thinking of going to loach
and barb due to that my mollies were so unfriendly. Would increasing the
number of mollies make them less inclined to bully?!??!!
<Yes indeed. Like cichlids, if the Molly males are numerous, none can
become overly dominant, and none will be bullied too much. That's the
theory anyway, and on the whole, it works, as you've likely seen in your
retailer's tank. It's when you have one male Molly and he chases all the
other livebearers around that people realise how aggressive male Mollies
can be. Furthermore, if you keep just a pair, then unless the tank is
large and well-planted, chances are the male will harass the female
1st I understocked them. I had 5 females and 1 male in a 29
gallon, then I added a female, then I added a male.
<Two males will create a dominance structure, with the strongest male
likely chasing the other all the time. But if you had, say, 5 males,
then this isn't likely to happen. On the other hand, if you wanted
females as well, then you'd have to have 10 females to those 5 males,
and that's a lot of fish for the average community tank (though as the
heart of a Molly aquarium around the 55 gallon mark, they'd be lovely).>
I had thought I was doing good to have a low stock. The bullying was
primarily done by females, and it would leave the weaker ones cowering
in a cave or behind the many plants looking ill.
<It's unusual for females to be aggressive, but I guess it does happen.>
I became known as the lady who'd bring mollies back in a day or so and
I'd trade them. Once I even tried having 3 males to 3 females as an
experiment....and it was no better. (A pet store clerk suggested
((( Off topic- Also, if one's water is quite hard like an 8, it's
still advisable to do low end brackish, correct?)))
<Hmm… "8" what? 8 degrees dH is not especially hard. What's the
carbonate hardness? If that's high as well, say, 5-8 degrees KH, and the
pH stays around the 7.5 to 8 mark, then you might be fine without salt.
Nonetheless, I'd always choose Molly companions that I knew could
tolerate salt, just in case you needed to use it because the Mollies
were always getting sick. Horseface Loaches, Brown Hoplo Catfish, Ticto
Barbs, Blue Acara and most Rainbowfish are examples of fish that don't
need salt but will tolerate 2-3 grammes per litre without complaint, and
this can be just enough to keep Mollies hearty and healthy.>
I was going to switch species and see if using driftwood and heavily
planting would bring it to steady 7.5 for changing over to the loaches
and rosy barbs...and if that didn't work then I was thinking to try peat
filtration and have diamond tetras and rummy nose if that worked, what
the heck anyway if it's that much trouble--have the sparkly beauties!!!
<Both Diamonds and Rummynose Tetras are lovely fish, but as you realise,
not good companions for Mollies. While you don't need to go out of your
way to create very soft water for them, you certainly do want to be
aiming for between 2-12 degrees dH, pH 6-7.5 for them.>
But I love the mollies, and the only reason I'm switching from them was
I didn't enjoy the evil junior high schoolyard scenes they put on daily!
(Which altered their health). (True, my water had been salted
according to popular Mollie lore, and I understand now I must use marine
salt if I do them again.)
<Hmm… do also research Liberty Mollies (Poecilia salvatoris). They are
extremely pretty fish, silvery with red, white and blue markings, but a
mean disposition, so not good community fish. But in large groups they
work well together, and if you feel like trying something special with
Mollies, they're great fish. Oh, and do also look at Ameca splendens, a
Goodeid with lovely colours and a very feisty personality, but in a
group of 3 males and 5-6 females, I had not the least trouble in a
180-litre aquarium. My point is, livebearers are more aggressive than
people realise, so big groups help.>
Thanks again... if you tell me a stock number will probably
erase my ills I'll even do water changes bi-weekly for them and low
level brackish. If they're just plain ornery, I need to let
Go!!!!! But I sort of feel like giving them one more
try if I can find some advise.
<Mollies are definitely worth keeping, but as you realise, the bigger
the group, the easier.>
P.S. This guy suggests isolations, which I was doing (using a 10 gallon)
and it helped. But it was a pain in the blank to have to
constantly be switching out bratty females. (I wonder if a 2.5
gallon like he used would be more effective in that it's really no fun!)
I'm mainly just wondering if the aggression was a stock issue, or maybe
I needed to move the current ones out into the 10 gallon and rearrange
things before adding new and put everyone in at once?
<Isolation works as a one-off, but it's hardly practical in the long
or do I just need to switch to a more amiable species of fish?!
I'm sad as I love Dalmatian and black mollies. It's popularly
reported that black ones are the most frequently aggressive.
<I've not really noticed this to be honest. Big male Sailfins seem far
more boisterous and aggressive. I guess "popularly reported" may mean
than more people keep Black Mollies, and many of those people keep them
in communities with smaller fish like Guppies and Platies, and I'm quite
sure Black Mollies can, do bully them. On the other hand, keep Black
Mollies in a brackish water community with Scats and Monos and they're
right at the bottom of the pecking order.>
I just don't like fish dying from bullying.
<Indeed not.>
A little harmless posturing wouldn't bother me.
<Which in a sense is what the fish want to do -- it's normal social
interaction of the kind we tend to prevent with most other pets. So long
as the fish can avoid being bullied and hurt, then threats and displays
are all part of their normal lives.>
And I don't recall if I fed them once or twice a day, I wonder if that
was an issue.....if they needed more food and were grouchy.
<With Mollies, 12-hour a day algal grazing is the ideal. Failing that, a
little but often. Oh, and one tidbit of relevance here: male livebearers
in the wild are often far less aggressive because they don't have the
time, they need to spend much more time feeding on algae. Why? Because
algae provides little energy, so without feeding for many hours a day,
they would starve. In captivity we give them all the energy they need in
30 seconds' worth of flake -- so they have all the rest of the day to
fight. Maybe create a tank with strong lighting and lots of flat rocks,
so algae grows rapidly and profusely. Minimise your feeding, let the
Mollies feed themselves on the algae (which is what they evolved to do,
and why they have very distinctive mouths). Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Chain loach and Cherry Barb? (salt tolerance question)
Thanks Neil.
My tank is fine for algae! That's why the mollies are fun to
watch....They're picking around on the bottom or among the plants and
even the walls of the tank. They seem to have more personality
than some of the other types of fish. I'm thinking my 29 gallon is too
small.... unless it's ok to stock only females?
Or does that cause fights?
If I need both sexes than definitely having 10 female and 5 male fish x
3" (sorry, Americans and their inches!) is overstock. If it's
alright to do only females, I could increase the number of mollies
without going over....I could do 10 females. I'd only house mollies with
other brackish.... I'd go to low brackish. The stuff about
driftwood and peat is only if I give up on keeping mollies and switch to
loaches! It seems though, that it would be easier to work with what I
have which is hard water!
<Likely so.>
Regarding snails again:
I read this blog this morning and it sounds like if I have too many
snails it's possible the tank isn't biologically balanced and possible I
need to feed the plants too. The person said snails are no big
deal at all in his/her planted tank!!!
<Snails aren't a problem in my planted tank. I'm sure there's 100s of
them, but I hardly see them, and they don't the plants any harm. In any
event, healthy plants generally aren't damaged my Physa and
Melanoides-type snails, though Apple Snails and their relatives may eat
I didn't feed my plants or use special substrate because I read so many
things suggesting 1) you don't need to feed low light plants in a low
light tank,
<Hmm… not sure this is necessarily true, though I hardly ever fertilise
my planted tanks, and they are stocked with mostly undemanding plants
(Anubias, Crypts, floating Indian Fern, Aponogeton hybrids, etc.).>
and 2) fertilizer is Harmful to many fish and assassin snails too
<Used as directed, fertilisers shouldn't cause any harm.>
and 3) fertilizer increases algae increases snails.
<Possibly, but snails are just as likely to eat fish food and fish waste
as they are algae, so there's probably not much in this either way.>
Do you agree with this, or should I use better substrate and or feed the
<I do like to use rich substrates, but again, lots of people don't, and
have first-rate results. A lot depends on the plants you're growing. For
the slow-growing epiphytes like Anubias and Java fern, these ignore the
substrate any way, so a little fertiliser added to the water will help
them. On the other hand, Amazon Swords and Crypts do seem to enjoy a
good substrate, or at least a suitable alternative, like fertiliser
pellets pushed into the gravel around them every once a month or so. I'm
a big advocate for choosing plants that suit your style of fishkeeping
rather than trying to change the way you keep fish so your plants are
happy, but each to their own.>
I have fine natural gravel and it seems to have materials in it and the
fish stores all said it was good enough.
<Plain vanilla gravel is inert, and contains virtually no nutrients of
any kind. Over time bacteria cause some degree of fertilisation inside
deep gravel beds (a couple inches or more) so that certain nutrients,
including nitrate and phosphate, are produced from the fish wastes and
other sources of decay. No real surprise there. But iron and magnesium
are two nutrients that are often lacking, and if your plants have yellow
patches on otherwise normal leaves, it's a clue that these sorts of
minerals are missing. On the other hand, if your plants look okay but
grow slowly or outright fail to thrive, limited nutrients aren't nearly
as likely a cause as the wrong environment (typically not enough
Plants with roots are all potted in the gravel, and the other types are
attached to rocks. But the plants have been nibbled down by snail
babies and look very scrawny now. :-(
Plants: java ferns, Anubias, Crypts, and sparse hornwort...it mostly
died out or perhaps was eaten as the others. I've seen snails on
<If snails are damaging plants, it's almost always the case the plant
was failing anyway. As noted above, the small pest snails don't normally
harm healthy plants.>
I attached a picture so you can see the plant scrawniness. They
were much larger at purchase.
<My guess is that the problems here are mostly to do with lighting. How
many strip lights do you have across the top of the tank? One? Two? If
only one or two, forget about anything light green and fast growing,
such as Hygrophila or Rotala or even Amazon Swords. Instead, focus on
Anubias, Java fern, Java moss, and potted hardy Cryptocoryne species,
especially Cryptocoryne wendtii. These plants are undemanding. Don't ram
Anubias or Java fern into shells or anywhere like that; instead, simply
use black cotton to gentle tie them onto (ideally) bogwood or chemically
inert stones (like slate or lava rock). Buy some floating Indian Fern
for the top of the tank and leave it there. Hornwort might work if this
tank were coldwater, but this coldwater plant "speeds up" in tropical
tanks, and needs very strong lighting if its food production
(photosynthesis) is to keep up with its metabolism (growth). Do also try
and buy reflectors for the tubes, so all the light goes towards the
plants; if that isn't an option, then aluminium foil stuck to the inside
of the hood works okay. Indian Fern provides not just shade but also
helps suppress algae. Oh, and all the plants I've mentioned as suitable
are salt-tolerant, so they're good choices for Mollies.>
((WOW, I just cleaned the tank last week and I scraped partially the
other night, and yet the picture is showing algae again on the glass.
It isn't visible in low lighting but it's obvious in my photo!))
Thanks Again.
I really hope to come up with a final decision this weekend of which
direction to go now with this tank. I super appreciate your input.
I know you know what you're talking about and helps me sort through the
often conflicting opinions in some of the other forums and sources.
<Glad to help. There are some great planted aquarium forums out there,
so do peruse and solicit second opinions from those who know more about
plants than me! Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Chain loach and Cherry Barb? (salt tolerance question) -
Thanks Neil,
I'll try feeding the plants and use better substrate in the pots.
I bought rough/porous pots to discourage snails. I'll buy a
rougher stone like lava to attach the javas to. I have all the low light
plants... Maybe the store will have Indian fern.
<Do be sure to buy the real thing, Ceratopteris thalictroides. Numerous
other ferns are pushed onto casual aquarists by unscrupulous retailers.>
I'm going to see if the fish store can help with reflectors too or do a
makeshift one like you suggested. The pet store lady suggested little
black Kuhlis that get to 4 inches, they are super cute too,
however....my water is 300 hardness, alk 180, ph 8.4!!! The scary
thing is they're keeping theirs in the same water.
<Can do okay in hard water… but not recommended, no.>
Another guy at the pet store said skunk loaches are amazing for snails,
and tolerate hard water, but I just read they're awfully aggressive.
<Skunk Loaches, yes, semi-aggressive. Okay with barbs of similar size,
but not with smaller fish.>
I hope I can get the plants happier before the snails win!! It
sounds lime that's the solution. by, have a nice weekend.
<Real good. Cheers, Neale.>
salt, no rdg. 7/6/12
can salt be add to a fish tank with live plants
<Many plants can "tolerate" a modicum of salt/s... Have you read here:
and here:
and the linked files above? Bob Fenner>
ADF's, no salt please 4/16/11
Hey Folks,
I recently lost about six ADF's in two separate tanks over the
course of a couple days.
The female Betta fish that were with them are doing fine. I had gotten
in the habit of adding a heaping tablespoon of salt per gallon of water
with the Betta's water changes .
<Why? Please read here:
and the linked files above... There is a persistent "wives'
tale" re salt use... in this case, toxic>
The frogs were added about a month ago. Today I read on the internet
that I might be using too much salt.
At any rate do you think that the salt might have killed my
<Oh yes>
I read on your site that they absorb through their skin. Most of them
looked normal but a few were bloated. The strange thing is that they
did fine for a month and then suddenly over the course of several days
they all died. Last week I bought some HBH frog and tadpole bits. They
are larger and sink. Before that I was feeding something smaller that
floated on the surface and the Betta girls were getting huge. Water,
food, or something else.
Thanks so much for your time,
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
Re: ADF's 4/16/11
Hi Bob,
<Big D!>
Thanks so much for your timely response. Very kind of you. I appreciate
the information. Have a great weekend. GOD bless.
<And you, BobF>
Re: Mollies 1/28/11
Thank you for your response!
<Glad to help.>
I'm sorry for asking so many questions; I'm new at this, and
I'm getting so much conflicting information its difficult to sort
<Odd. The needs of Mollies, re: their preference for brackish water,
is actually very well known and stated in every book I can think of.
While some web sites might suggest otherwise, it's as well to
remember the Internet is a hugely unreliable source of information.
Always review carefully who says what and why. A retailer will tell you
many things, but remember he/she is trying to sell you something
too'¦ some retailers are wonderfully honest people, but
others, a bit less so.>
So, I plan to separate my ADF's and my mollies; I purchased another
small tank today for the ADF's.
<Do read up on the needs of these. Very small tanks, less than 5
gallons, aren't worth using.>
My question now is: What is the best way to go about transferring the
frogs into the new tank?
<Divide the existing water out 50/50 between the new tank and the
old tank. Move the frogs and Mollies into each tank. Top up both with
dechlorinated water. In the case of the Mollies, I strongly recommend
adding at least 2 grammes of marine aquarium salt mix per litre of
water. Although splitting water does nothing to move bacteria between
the two tanks, it will minimise shock through temperature and water
chemistry changes.>
My original tank is still cycling, so the pH levels are a little low
and the ammonia levels are unstable.
<Salt will help detoxify the nitrite, and this will help the Mollies
Should I use some water from the original tank to transfer them into,
or should I start over completely and begin cycling this new tank, then
put the frogs in once its done cycling?
<You will need to divide the mature filter media between the two
tanks. Around 50/50. Done that way, both tanks will be instantly
mature. Top up both filters with new media, and that's that!
Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Mollies, Aq. salts (FW) f'
Hi! Thanks for being so helpful...a little update and a couple more
questions :)'¦.. I put the frogs in a 5 gal tank of their own.
Now I'm trying to get the water right in the molly tank. I bought
sea salt for it, but PetSmart told me to NOT use sea salt, to use
aquarium salt instead.
<What do you mean by "sea salt"? Marine aquarium salt is
precisely what you want. Sea salt used for cooking is not. As for
generic "aquarium salt" as you'd use in a FRESHWATER
aquarium to treat Whitespot is adequate but less useful. Your pet shop
clerk is correct you don't want to use cooking sea salt, but
absolutely wrong about using marine aquarium salt.>
So I put aquarium salt in my tank...it came in big chunks so I just put
the correct amount of tablespoons in the tank, thinking the crystals
would dissolve over time.
<No! Do not add salt this way! NEVER, EVER add salt directly to the
So, now how do I get the aquarium salt out to put sea salt in?
<You don't need to.>
Am I going to have to take out the gravel substrate and clean it or
should I just wait a little while for the salt to dissolve completely
then add sea salt to my water changes?
<Let's start again. Attend carefully! What you want is marine
aquarium salt, for example Reef Crystals or Instant Ocean. PetSmart may
even have their own generic brand. Ask the clerk for the salt used in
marine reef tanks. That's the stuff! A small box shouldn't cost
more than $5-10. Now, go home, and weigh out on kitchen scales
precisely 5 grammes. That's how much you add to each litre of water
IN A BUCKET. It should be a bit under one level teaspoon (which should
hold about 6 grammes of marine salt mix). If your bucket holds 15
litres of water, then you add 15 x 5 = 75 grammes. Stir into the water
until it's all dissolved. Add that to your aquarium with each water
change. So if you take out 15 litres per water change, you add 15
litres of the water and salt mix. If you need to work in non-metric
units, the concentration we're doing here is 0.65 ounces per US
gallon. It's really very simple. Every time you take some water
out, you replace that missing water with a new bucket of water to which
JUST THE RIGHT amount of salt has been added FOR THAT BUCKET not the
whole tank. Do that, and the water should stay very slightly brackish,
about SG 1.002 if you have a hydrometer (well worth getting, a cheap
glass one costs $5). If you need to, print this e-mail off, show it to
the store clerk, and have them choose the salt mix and the hydrometer
for you. Marine aquarium salt mix is BETTER than "aquarium"
salt because it contains minerals that raise hardness and steady the
pH, both essential to long-term success with Mollies. Hope this
clarifies things. Cheers, Neale.>
Epsom salts 1/21/11
Hi - what is the proper use of Epsom salts in a freshwater aquarium, if
any. I need a way to raise my pH. TY Mark
<Hello Mark. Epsom salt, magnesium sulphate, doesn't raise pH.
It raises general hardness. To raise pH you need to raise carbonate
hardness, which is done either by using sodium bicarbonate (also known
as baking soda) or by adding a small quantity of crushed coral to your
filter (this latter approach a bit fiddly and not recommended for
beginners). For most community tanks that include both hard and soft
water fish, a general hardness of 10 degrees dH together with a pH
around 7.5 should be fine. In practical terms, one-quarter to one-half
the normal Rift Valley Salt Mix dosage should do the trick nicely.
Cheers, Neale.>
Magnesium sulfate duration 12/23/10
Hello Crew,
I am really sorry to bother you again but may I know for how long do I
have to keep my Gourami in Epsom salt solution.
Thanks in advance.
<If treating constipation, a couple weeks should do the trick. If
pop-eye, until the swelling goes down. In either case, Epsom salt will
only help if the causes of constipation or pop-eye were fixed. Cheers,
Prob1... A dingo ate my... Actually a Red Devil ate a
polyethylene plant
Hello there!
Attached is a picture that shows my friend's fish's
problem pretty clearly.
:-) Can you give us any suggestions? This is a mature, male red
devil of approximately 13" in length that has eaten part of
a plastic plant decoration. Will this just pass? I assume she
should remove all such
decorations so this won't happen again?
Thank you!
P.S. You can stop laughing now! ;-)
<Wow, I'd laugh, but it looks REAL painful. Anyway, yes,
it should pass out the anus in time. The use of Epsom salt at 1
tablespoon per 5 gallons will help a good deal by loosening the
muscles and acting like a laxative. So that's a cheap and
easy way to help. Other than that, don't pull, because
you'd likely tear something delicate inside the fish. If it
doesn't pass out within a day, then there's a very real
risk of faeces compacting within the rectum, and that will soon
be fatal. So if things are still looking bad tomorrow morning,
call a vet. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Prob1 10/15/10
Thanks Neale! You guys are always great! I did try searching the
site first, but didn't find anything specific to this
Take care!
<Glad to help. Would be very interested to know how things go.
Good luck, Neale.>
Re: FW: Prob1 10/15/10
I'll be happy to let you know. She's a really nice lady
who started out as a customer of mine, and has become a friend,
but she sure gets into some weird situations with her fish!
<Doesn't get much weirder. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: FW: Prob1
10/16/10 The comments below are for Neale. Thanks
again! You're a hero!
"That is very nice!!! I have awesome news!!! I put the Epsom
salt in and within 10 min the blockage was gone!!!! Whew!!!!!!
Please thank him for me as well! What a relief!!"
<Oh, what a great result! I'm very pleased. Often it's
all doom-and-gloom by the time people write to us, so happy
endings are always welcome. In the meantime, do recommend
floating Indian Fern as greenery for cichlid tanks.
Because it floats, it can't be uprooted; and because it's
edible and rich in fibre and vitamins, it's a great
supplement to their diet. Cheers,
Re: FW: Prob1
I know how you feel, good news is rare, especially these days! I
work Customer Service for a large aquatics manufacturer, and most
of my customers have fish in dire straits when they need my help.
Luckily, she called immediately, LOL.
Take care!
<I plan on doing so! Thanks for your message. Cheers,
Brackish water and
Guppies? 9/1/10
Yesterday, my favorite very unique Platy showed the very
beginning signs of sickness that leads to rapid death.
<I see. One problem with farmed livebearers is a certain
tendency towards Mycobacteria infections, typically associated
with red sores on the bodies, wasting, and then death. Not much
you can do about that. But otherwise livebearers tend to be quite
tough, if given the right conditions. In the case of Platies,
cool, moderately hard, basic water is what you want; 22-24 C, 10+
degrees dH, pH 7-8.>
I have had many fish that have died and know the signs. But
loosing this platy would of sent me over the edge so I took a
bold step and added 2 gallons of Spring water that I put 1
tablespoon of aquarium salt in each.
<Okay. Now, do understand that while salt can help, it's
not a miracle.
Among other misconceptions, recall that salt doesn't do
anything to raise hardness. So if you have soft water, salt
isn't what you want, at least, not on its own. Marine
aquarium salt mix is somewhat different because it includes other
minerals that do raise hardness and pH, and 5-6 grammes/litre
would be easily tolerated by Platies and indeed all other
livebearers too.>
Unfortunately this was my first time using salt so I was unaware
to make sure it was completely dissolved and melted.
<It's not a big deal, so don't panic about this. A few
grains of undissolved salt won't kill your fish.>
I than added an air stone to help circulate more oxygen into the
<Good. In summer especially Platies can easily be overheated
25 C/77 F is really at the top end of their comfort zone, and
they're far healthier kept cooler than that.>
This is a 10 gal tank that has been cycled along time ago.
<A bit on the small side for Platies, to be honest. Stress
between fighting males, or males harassing pregnant females, can
lead to "unexplained" deaths.>
All I have in the tank are 2 platy's and 1 guppy. Let me back
up and say that I lost an additional platy that was in this tank,
only a few days ago.
I did not have any nitrate/ammonia test strips at home so I had
to make a quick guess.
<You should have these two test kits: pH and nitrite (nitrite
with an "i", not nitrate with an "a"). If you
give me these two pieces of information, I can be A LOT more
Well the moment I added the salt & air stone the platy I love
came out of hiding and looking sick, and started to soar all over
the tank, and is doing just fine. I was so excited as this is the
first time I have been able to reverse a death. However the guppy
after only one night in the brackish tank, has taken fatally ill.
The last time I saw him this morning he was shaking under a rock,
and now I have come home 6 hours later and he is nowhere to be
<The amount of salt you added, 1 tablespoon/3 teaspoons per US
gallon is not that much. I actually prefer weights because not
everyone's spoons are the same sizes! One level teaspoon of
salt should be about 6 grammes, which is very easy to remember. A
tablespoon will be three times that, i.e., 18 grammes. Normal
seawater contains about 35 grammes of marine salt mix per litre,
or about 6 teaspoons. One US gallon is 3.8 litres, so that's
133 grammes per US gallon. The reason I'm telling you all
this is to point out that your roughly 18 grammes of salt per
gallon, or 4.7 grammes per litre, is about one-seventh (14%) the
salinity of normal seawater. That's well within the
tolerances of Guppies and Platies. So there's no reason at
all to imagine the salt killed either fish.>
I have not removed everything yet to find him. As the tank was
just cleaned and set back up and the air stone is just
<Okay. But you really do need to test the pH (to see if the
water chemistry is right for livebearers) and the nitrite (to
make sure water quality is good). You want a pH around 7.5, and a
nitrite level of zero.>
Questions: Is the salt compatible with guppies (brackish
<Yes. In fact Guppies are arguably happier and healthier in
slightly brackish water. Certainly they do better in such
conditions than they will do in soft water.>
And how long can I leave the guppy "lost" or dead
before I have to find him?
<If he's alive, you should see him within the next day or
two. Check he hasn't jumped out, swum into the filter, got
stuck behind objects inside the tank, etc.>
Will disease travel throughout the tank if not removed
<Depends on the disease. Many are opportunistic, and they
exists in most aquaria all the time. They only cause problems
when we, the aquarists, stress our fish and weaken their immune
If I find him, alive but sick, is there anything I can do for the
poor guy.
<Depends on what's wrong with him. You haven't really
supplied me with any useful information on water chemistry or
water quality. Without lists of symptoms, or a photo (no bigger
than about 500 KB!) I can't say anything at all about
If I take him out of the brackish water the tank I put him in
will not have cycled water in it?
<And that would be bad.>
I appreciate your help.
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Update: Brackish water and Guppies?
In response to some of your questions below; first let me state
none of my fish are female livebearers.
All 3 fish are MALE 2 small Platies and 1 guppy, so I thought a
10 gal was more than adequate.
<Not the case, unfortunately. Males will squabble in tanks
this small.>
I was able to test the water today and it appears the Nitrate is
in caution (20ppm) the nitrite is perfect! (0) The hardness is
ideal (300ppm). The alkalinity is high (300ppm) and the PH is
between 8-8.5 Please tell me what I should do to correct any of
<Nothing. That's all fine for livebearers.>
The guppy (which I found) is real lethargic sitting behind the
filter canister, the platy that seemed to come back from the dead
yesterday has been hiding under a rock ledge, and my other platy
who has not showed any sign of distress is now inside the tunnel
<Could be stress from fighting. But my gut feeling is
Mycobacteriosis, sometimes called Wasting Disease. This is very
common among livebearers.
For some reason juveniles don't often show the symptoms, but
as the fish mature they start to waste away, getting thinner and
often exhibiting poor colouration and sores on their flanks.
It's essentially incurable and very contagious, so it's
important to euthanise infected fish and isolate the affected
tank from any others in your house, e.g., by not sharing nets or
Water quality seems fine, and water chemistry shouldn't be a
problem either.>
Help! What do I need to do? Can I save them??
<Sorry I can't offer any better advice. A photo of the
ailing fish would really help. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Update and photos 9/3/10
I appreciate all your advice, but still you keep making reference
to livebearers, which I thought were only females?
<Nope. "Livebearers" is the word given to species
that produce fully-formed young rather than eggs. Both male and
female Guppies and Platies are livebearers. Just the same way
both men and women are placental mammals, even though it's
only women who get pregnant.>
and my fish are male. They never fight. Because their is nothing
to fight over.
<If you say so.>
No females ever in the house/tank. I have attached some pics
however I am afraid they are not clear enough very hard to
<Indeed. With respect, blurry photos don't help me at all.
I can't really tell anything about the fish from that photo.
Do use the "macro" setting on your camera, and
you'll find close-up shots easier to take.>
The yellow one is the guppy that is very sick, sits by back of
filter, but will come out and swim all around and eat. The orange
platy appears to be fine. The white spotted Platies (very rare
gorgeous fish) is the one I love the most.
His color is very brilliant white not faded at all. but his gills
are red and look a little swollen but seem to have always been
like that. These 3 fish have been in this tank for at least 6
months if not longer. Other fish have passed on but it never
affected them.
<Do understand that Guppies and Platies should live 3-4 years.
If they only live for a year, then something may be amiss with
the aquarium or the way you are keeping them. Review the needs of
livebearing fish:
Also review the basics of fishkeeping:
Be under no illusion about this: 99% of premature deaths in
aquaria are caused by the fishkeeper doing something wrong. In
the right conditions, fish are much less likely to get sick than
most other pet animals.>
This gut feeling you have about Mycobacteriosis does it affect
and will they still be so eager to eat, as mine are?
<Generally no. So that's a good sign. If Mycobacteriosis
isn't the issue, review Finrot, which affects the fins and
skin and looks like red or white patches. Finrot is almost always
caused by either physical damage or poor environmental
conditions. It's easy enough to cure if caught early, but you
do need to provide the right living conditions for them to
They come running out of hiding and scarf the food down. Very
strange. I also thought maybe the airstone bubbles/noise could be
spooking them or is stressful, hence making them hide.
<Possibly; Guppies dislike strong water currents, but at the
same time, one small airstone shouldn't be a big
Won't more salt be helpful to stop the infection from
spreading so quickly?
<No, salt doesn't have any effect on Finrot or bacterial
infections. Marine fish can get Finrot, and they're kept in
seawater! Anyone who tells you salt helps cure bacterial diseases
is an idiot.>
Or other bacteria kill stuff?
<If by "bacteria kill stuff" you mean an antibiotic
medication like Maracyn, or an antimicrobial product like eSHa
2000, then yes, that can help.>
<Cheers, Neale.>
Pix too poor to be of use |
Re: macro pics 9/4/10
I am going to try one more time. I have attached 3 pix of
Butter Cup the yellow guppy. I know it still may be hard to
see the coat of his body.
<Still impossible to see anything. If the image
isn't sharp, it's useless. Try, try, and try again,
I'm afraid! Don't point the camera directly at the
glass because then it acts like a mirror; angle the camera
so you're pointing slightly below or above the fish.
The flash won't bounce off the glass so badly.>
His fins look good to me no rot, however his gills are
severely deformed and I think you can notice that a bit in
the photo's, can you see it?
<Not really. But anyway, if the deformity to the gill
covers have always been there, then the chances are
they're not the cause of sickness. If the gills have
suddenly become deformed, then that's another issue,
and most likely an issue connected to water
Other than a slight bent posture which he always had that I
thought was odd, the gills are the only thing looking
really wrong. In the first pix as luck has it, there is a
pretty good shot of Paprika the spotted platy with the
orange tail. She looks okay to me, except as you can see
the pix her gills are very red. Is this normal?
<Not normal. You shouldn't normally see the red gill
filaments at all. In some cases inbreeding means that the
gill covers are deformed and the gill filaments are more
obvious. While such fish might be marginally more delicate,
there's no particular reason deformed gill covers
should cause sickness. But as stated before, if the gills
have suddenly become deformed or more obviously red, then
that's a problem.>
One more issue I do have a lot of direct sunlight from a
sky light just above the tank, sometimes during peak time I
will shade the tank with a towel. However I do have a lot
of algae. I try and clean it off often. However I am
wondering if algae can cause sickness?
<No, but overheating if temperature goes up dramatically
can stress fish.>
What is the best way to control Algae?
<Read here:
Usually the addition of fast-growing plants under bright
lighting is required. The addition of algae-eating Nerite
snails may help, but every time you add an animal to an
aquarium you make water conditions worse. Shops will sell
you algae-eating fish, but mostly these are more trouble
than they're worth, especially the cheap "Chinese
Algae Eaters" and common Plecs.>
Lastly, if your advice is still euthanasia. Which is the
most humane way? I heard to drop the fish in ice cold
water, I also heard let it freeze slowly to death in the
<Not quite.>
the Internet says to smash its head with a hammer. I am
afraid I could not do that one. If we are sure. I don't
want to see the little guy suffer, so please let me know
your preferred method.
<Do read here:
Once again Thank you very much, I appreciate all the advice
you are giving me.
<Always glad to help. Cheers, Neale.>
To salt or not to salt...
Hey crew!
<Hello Matt,>
I'm starting a brand new 29 gallon tank this week. Been adding
bacteria and was told to put in a black molly.
<Why? A very bad first fish for a freshwater aquarium. Quite a good
choice for brackish and marine tanks though.>
From what I read on your site (I've read A LOT) that was a good
thing for them to suggest.
<See above.>
I'm in the waiting period for the cycle right now and while waiting
I'm reading up on the next fish that I'll be purchasing.
Reading a lot about freshwater, adding salt or full barack.
<Brackish, not Barack, who if I recall correctly is the President of
the United States of America.>
My question is simply what is the best direction to go from here.
I'd like a tank with some specific things going on and I'm not
sure which tank type would best serve my desires.
<Ah, I see. If you want Mollies, the best approach is to understand
their needs, and then at the very least choose companions that will
tolerate slightly brackish conditions, should you need to add some
salt. Neon tetras would be bad, but Australian Rainbowfish would be
good. Corydoras catfish bad, but Brown Hoplo catfish good. Clown
loaches bad, Horseface loaches good.
If you aren't wedded to the idea of keeping Mollies, then of course
you can choose plain vanilla freshwater fish, though I'd recommend
you choose species that appreciate your local water chemistry. If you
have hard water, then hard water fish livebearers are good choices; if
you have soft water, then tetras are more sensible.
I'd like a school of colorful active fish swimming around, I'd
also like a few bottom dwellers (I'd like invertebrates, but
keeping the tank clean and healthy is my main focus), and a
"show-fish" of some type.
<Indeed. Read above.>
A cool looking one that gets up to 4 or 5", but obviously not too
big for my tank. I'm not going to jump into real plants yet.
I'm not interested in breeding or anything yet so I'd either
like the bottom dwellers or large fish to take care of any fry, or not
mix males and females.
<If you keep Mollies, Glassfish (good in freshwater or brackish
water) or Knight Gobies (brackish water only) will eat any fry
I've read compatibility charts after compatibility charts but
it's difficult to put together names of fish with how they look all
while remembering which are freshwater and which are barack. I'm
learning that I can't ask the people at our pet store and trust
their answers!
<It's really not that hard. Start by establishing your water
Soft water, hard water, or if you add marine salt mix, brackish water.
Then decide the water temperature. Neons and Platies for example need
cooler water than Angelfish or Guppies. By the time you've reviewed
these factors, you can then go through your aquarium book and choose
the species you want to keep. Let's say you have hard freshwater
but don't want to add marine salt mix. So you won't want to buy
Mollies. You further decide to keep the tank relatively cool, 24 C/75
F. Good choices for such a tank include Platies, Swordtails, Zebra
Danios, Peppered and Bronze Corydoras, X-ray
Tetras, Blind Cave Tetras, Bristlenose Catfish, Australian Rainbowfish
and Florida Flagfish.>
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: To salt or not to salt... 9/4/10
Thank you very much for the information!
<Happy to help.>
Read the articles and did the research on my water. Chose to go pure
The black molly served it's purpose in cycling my tank, 0 ammonia,
0 nitrites, 10 nitrates but since I decided to go freshwater I returned
him to the store. Also picked up some test kits and found out that my
water was soft and had decent pH (7.4).
I decided to go with a final 29g tank setup of 2 angelfish, 5
swordtails (1m, 4f), and 6 Cory cats.
<Not a perfect set of animals. Corydoras and Swordtails prefer quite
cool water and quite strong water currents; Angelfish prefer warm water
and gentle water currents. You can keep them together, but you will
need to be careful.>
Should I consider trying to keep my pH lower with each water change or
just leave it stable?
<Leave it where it is. If you think pH is important, you haven't
understood what you've read! pH is remarkably unimportant, and
provided it's around 7, it's fine, whether slightly above or
slightly below. Hardness is far more important.>
I'm currently going with 78 degrees, good?
<Not for Corydoras or Swordtails, both of which do best between
72-75 F/22-24 C. The exception among Corydoras is Corydoras sterbai,
which will do well in the water Angelfish enjoy. If you can find them,
Brochis splendens is superficially similar to Corydoras aeneus but
unlike Corydoras aeneus it is happy in deep, warm water like that
Angelfish enjoy. Because your water is soft, I'd skip Swordtails
altogether, and instead keep something like Harlequin Rasboras or the
very hardy X-ray Tetras, schooling fish that are happy in warm, soft
water and don't nip fins. Avoid Neons and Danios -- these also like
cool water. Barbs can be okay, but some species, like Tiger Barbs, are
nippy, and will harass Angels. Do also remember adult Angels are
predatory, and small fish like Neons and male Guppies are food as far
as they're concerned.>
I picked up my angelfish first, will add the others slowly. The
angelfish that I picked up are quite small. Slightly over 1".
<Very, very delicate at this size. Would not recommend buying them
this small.>
The filter I'm using filters 200 gallons per hour. Are the currents
created by my filter (and 2 airstones maybe?) causing my fish to move
quickly from cover to cover instead of swimming around?
<Perhaps. Angelfish you buy in shops are hybrids to be sure, but all
Angelfish species evolved in sluggish, slow-moving waters moving around
sunken wood. They aren't able to swim strongly at all. They're
with water turnover rates of 4-6 times the volume of the tank per hour,
i.e., for a 30 gallon aquarium, a filter rated at 120 to 180 gallons
per hour. If the water current is strong, use vertical objects like
bogwood, rocks, slates and tall plants to create still areas around the
tank where the fish can hover. Or else, if your filter has an
adjustment dial, turn down the flow rate until the Angels feel more
Possibly staying hidden because of there being no dither fish?
<Perhaps. Certainly, Angels are happiest kept in tanks with dither
Just needing to stay in the tank for a few more days to get used to
Just want to make sure my filter isn't causing these new little
guys/girls to be stressed out unnecessarily.
I *think* I've got a good grasp on what's going on because of
the info on your site. Just wanting to make sure before problems arise
rather than after!
<Very good.>
<Cheers, Neale.>
Fish Tolerance to Aquarium Salt
I discovered today that I have an Ich outbreak in my 20 gallon tank
which I attribute to the mollies that I just added. As I am going away
for the weekend on Friday, I would like to use the heat/salt method to
treat the tank. I am worried, however, that some of my fish will not
tolerate the salt. The tank is stocked with: 4 Mollies, 2 Platies, 3
Danios, and 1 Bristlenose Pleco. Is it ok to add salt to a tank with
these fish or should I only raise the temperature and skip the salt? If
the salt will work, how much would you recommend using? Also, ammonia,
nitrite, and nitrate are all good. Thank you in advance for all of
your help.
<At the low dose required -- 2 to 3 teaspoons of salt per gallon --
salt will not cause any stress to your fish. Indeed, the key thing
about salt is that it is LESS stressful to freshwater fish that the
more widely used alternatives such as formalin. That's why you use
salt when medicating sensitive fish like stingrays and Mormyrids. In
fact I just finished using the salt/heat method to treat an aquarium of
my own that contained soft water fish including Corydoras, a whiptail
catfish, a cherry-fin loach and Celebes halfbeaks. One quick tip
though: add the salt it batches. Count up how many teaspoons of salt
you need, add to a jug of warm water, and then add that to the aquarium
in 3-4 batches across an hour or two. Cheers, Neale.>
Livebearers and Salt 5/2/10
I have a 40 gallon freshwater tank and in it is gouramis, swordtails,
neon tetras and a Pleco.
<Most Plecs will quickly outgrow 40 gallons, assuming we're
talking about Hypostomus/Pterygoplichthys type things.>
I have tested the water and had it tested by two different pet stores
and both stores said the water quality is fine and it was fine when I
<"Fine" doesn't mean much; give me the numbers. Why?
Because what's "fine" for Neons can be lethal for
Swordtails. Neons come from soft, acidic streams and are happiest
maintained between pH 6.5 and 7.5, hardness 5-10 degrees dH. Swordtails
come from limestone streams, and they need much more alkaline water: pH
7.5-8, hardness 10+ degrees dH. You can't actually create
conditions ideal for both species, so whatever you do, one will always
be stressed to some degree.>
and there is <are> no signs of any parasites or anything on any
of the fish they look fine but for some reason some of the swordtails
have been sluggish, lethargic and sit at the bottom of the tank and I
have lost a couple of them
<Swordtails need a bunch of things to be happy. Firstly, the water
shouldn't be too warm: 22-25 C/72-75 F. Secondly, the water should
be hard and alkaline, as explained above. Finally, the water needs a
strong water current. Just look at their streamlined shape! Gouramis
are fish for swampy habitats, so they have deep bodies. Swordtails have
streamlined shapes, and need strong water currents. Gouramis would hate
the sort of tanks Swordtails prefer, and vice versa. As we state
repeatedly here at WWM, it's critical to choose fish that share the
same requirements: water chemistry, temperature, and water
however the gouramis, tetras and Pleco all seem perfectly fine and
there has been no new fish added to the tank so I am at a loss as to
what's wrong with them.
<See above.>
I went to a well known pet store and "knowledgeable" after
telling her everything I just told you and testing my water witch
<which> again came out fine told me that anytime they are
sluggish or clamped fins and no signs of disease witch there isn't
to add salt to the water and she even demonstrated for me she grabbed a
handful of salt and threw it into the tank and said that's what you
do so I bought a box
<Hmm... not really what you're meant to do. In some instances
salt is therapeutic, but you have to measure the amount of salt you
use, at least approximately.>
I however have not used it yet because after some reading around on the
internet I have seen a lot of back and forth some saying no way !! Do
not use salt !!!
<The addition of 2-3 grammes of salt per litre can be therapeutic
when livebearers aren't behaving properly, especially in soft water
conditions. But that amount of salt will stress soft water fish like
Neons in the long term.>
And I checked with a smaller locally owned very good pet store that has
been around for 40 yrs and I trust there knowledge and have had very
good luck with any fish I have bought there...asked them about adding
salt after explaining the situation and they also said no you don't
need to add salt just put in a good water treatment/conditioner as that
has worked very well for them over the years.
<It is certainly true that you do not need to use salt for
Swordtails, Platies or Guppies if the aquarium has clean, hard, basic
water. Mollies is more of a tricky one, since they really do seem to
need at least slightly
brackish conditions to be "easy" to keep.>
So I am rather confused do I add salt or no as there is soooo much back
and forth about it or add a some water conditioner and just let things
be for a bit ?
<See above. Without knowing real details about your tank, I
can't say anything sensible. In the meantime do read:
Any help or advice would be great. Thank you in advance.
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Livebearers and Salt 5/3/10
It sounds like the best way to go is ether with gouramis or Swordtails
and that they are not the best to mix together
Heh as far as keeping them both happy and comfortable ..can gouramis
and tetras survive and be comfortable in the same tank ?
<Yes, so long as the Tetras you choose [a] need the same temperature
water; and [b] they aren't a nippy species like Serpae, Black
Widow, Colombian and a few other tetras species.>
And thanks a lot for the info you gave me it was very helpful.
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Livebearers and Salt
Do you know of any good sites that give you some guidelines as to what
are suitable tank mates for gouramis (gold gouramis) ?
<Do read here, and linked articles:
Female Three-spot Gouramis are basically peaceful and can be mixed with
most community fish that require similar water chemistry,
Males are aggressive towards one another and other gouramis, and
sometimes also similar-looking fish, for example Angelfish.>
Just so I know in future what fish to avoid mixing with them chances
are for awhile at least I am not going to introduce any new fish for
awhile but its still good to have something to refer to.
<Good choices would be Diamond Tetras, X-ray Tetras, Lemon Tetras,
Penguin Tetras, Harlequin Rasboras, Scissortail Rasboras, Corydoras
sterbai, Ancistrus spp. catfish, Horseface Loaches, Kuhli Loaches,
Cherry Barbs, 5-banded Barbs, among others.>
Thanks again for your help :)
<Cheers, Neale.>
salt in freshwater aquariums -- 02/02/10
I'm curious if maintaining a salt level in a freshwater aquarium
provides any benefit.
<Usually, none.>
I've read so many different opinions that I thought I ask would
about my specific setups.
<Has been discussed to death, I agree. But aquarium health books
written by vets and biologists all agree that adding salt to freshwater
tanks -- except as a specific treatment to a certain disease -- is
usually pointless.>
The first is a 29 gallon with several different goldfish and one albino
chocolate Pleco. The second is a 90 gallon community with tiger barbs,
panda barbs, green tiger barbs, counterfeit silver dollars, lyre tail
mollies, Golden killifish, Siamese algae eaters, Albino dwarf catfish,
bristle nose Pleco , African dwarf frogs and several live plants.
I've read that many people put as much a one tablespoon per 5
gallons but that seems like a lot.
<Do understand the salinity of normal seawater is about 35 grammes
per litre of water. That's about 6 teaspoons or 2 tablespoons of
marine salt mix per litre. 5 gallons is about 19 litres, meaning normal
seawater contains about 19 x 6 tablespoons = 114 tablespoons of marine
salt mix. So your one tablespoon is less than one-hundredth the
salinity of normal seawater. A can of soda will contain more salt than
that. It's a useless, meaningless amount of salt that won't do
anything much.>
I know the live plants don't tolerate much
<Actually, that's not true. Some aquarium plants will tolerate
brackish water rather better than many fish!>
but I'd like to know if there is a level that will provide some
<None. Back in the prehistory of the hobby, adding salt was common.
Sodium chloride does detoxify nitrate, and given people did water
changes very rarely, this might have been helpful. It's the same
reason carbon was used in the past. Like salt, carbon is obsolete now
because we have better filters and above all do more water changes. At
best, adding salt does nothing, but there are some specific situations
where adding salt may cause harm over the long term. See, for example,
Malawi Bloat, a syndrome particular to cichlids where constant exposure
to salt is believed to be a triggering factor.>
There is so much conflicting info on the net about using salt in
freshwater aquariums a good article by you guys would be great, if I
missed something that's already posted please forgive me.
<A good idea for an article!><<I'll say!
Thank you,
<Cheers, Neale.>
Ick Problem/ Dilemma 12/23/09
I got home from work today to discover one of my platys has Ick.
I'm going to visit my parents for Christmas and I leave tomorrow
afternoon. I don't have another tank to put the platy in. Should I
treat the tank for Ich ASAP and perform a water change right before I
leave? (20 hours from now). My room mate was going to feed the fish
while I was gone, but I don't think he's going to want/ be able
to perform a water change. I will be gone for 10 days.
Thanks again WetWebMedia for the invaluable help.
<Just treat using the salt/heat method.
This will cause no problems for your Platies, and the Ick parasite life
cycle will be broken. If you're keeping Platies on their own or
with other livebearers, then you can raise the specific gravity up to
1.003 (5-6 grammes/litre). Otherwise, aim for about half that dose.
Raise the temperature to 25 degrees C, maybe slightly higher (Platies
as you know should be kept cooler most of the time, 22-24 C being the
ideal, much above that being stressful over the long term). Cheers,
Re: Ick Problem/ Dilemma
So performing a 50% water change with a good gravel vacuum before I go,
treat with aquarium salt, and raise the temperature should be
And hope for the best over the next 10 days?
<Well, they will need some food. Feeding blocks are useless, but a
couple of blanched lettuce leaves and a wedge of courgette should keep
them going, Platies being herbivores. Weight these down with that lead
strip used to hold aquarium plants in place.>
I have 3 gouramis and a Pleco in the tank, will this change
<Not really.>
Thanks again,
<Cheers, Neale.>
re: Ick Problem/ Dilemma
With a 25 gallon aquarium with fish other than live bearers (gouramis),
am I right in assuming I should add 25-30g of salt?
Thanks again,
<In US gallons, you're aiming for 2 to 3 teaspoons of salt per
gallon. One level teaspoon is about 6 grammes, or 0.22 oz. Cheers,
Epsom Salt Dosage - safe level for African cichlid fry
Rusty Cichlid Injured/Diseased 12/22/09
Hello Crew, I have a Iodotropheus sprengerae (Rusty) cichlid that
appears to have damaged it's eye - I noticed it a week ago - it was
scarily swollen but he was acting normal and the swelling seemed to go
down so I thought I
dodged a bullet. Over the weekend, he was appearing to not feel well -
not eating, just hanging amongst the rocks and the eye, although not
nearly as swollen looks cloudy. Today while feeding the rest, he got
chased out of the rocks and ended up at the top corner of the aquarium
- amazingly enough I was able to pop a hatch and get him netted.
It's a 240g with 70 cichlids and full rockwork - netting him was
incredibly lucky.
So I carted him over to my 10 gallon that has one inhabitant, a
Astatotilapia latifasciata (Obliquiden Zebra) fry that is about
3/8" long.
His name is Lucky as I found him the day after Thanksgiving floating at
the top of the tank (Oh Noes - dead baby) but when I netted him, he
started doing back flips! I have lots of Pseudotropheus sp. demasoni
(Pombo Rocks) fry that are surviving in the main tank but the Zebra fry
just don't seem to be smart enough to make it. Anyway, I was
thinking on using Epsom Salt on the Rusty but am concerned that a
concentration enough to aid him might cause harm to the fry. (Could not
find in the FAQ on Epsom salt and fry).
In observing the Rusty, he is seems to be gasping. He has a couple of
areas on his side that appear to injuries to his scales (very very
small but noticeable) His dorsal fin looks like it's been nipped in
a couple of spots and he's currently got his head stuck in the
stream of bubbles from the airstone! His fins are not clamped but
he's not swimming very much and the tail fin seems to be curving
up. He's not well. He is about 3" long.
What would you recommend for dosing level and for how long? Should I
consider treating with Ethyromicin also? And if I did use an
antibiotic, the same question comes up as to enough medicine to treat
him could possibly be harmful to the fry. My well water from the tap is
pH 8.2, KG/GH 12 so frequent water changes are not a hassle.
Main Tank: 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, 20 nitrate (time for the weekly wc).
QT: 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, 10 nitrate
Thank You in advance. I LOVE this website and all the good that you
Dawn Gulick
< Thank you for your kind words. Forget the salt as a treatment. At
this stage you need some serious antibiotics. I would recommend
Nitrofuranace or another Furazone type antibiotic. The eye problem s
probably a symptom of an internal infection as well. When you treat the
tank, the antibiotics will probably not affect the fry directly. It
will or may affect the biological filtration so there may be deadly
ammonia spikes. Any nitrogenous wastes have an affect on the growth
rate of young fish. Try and keep the water quality as good as possible
after the treatment until the biological filtration get back up and
going. It may be almost like starting from scratch.-Chuck>
How to turn brackish water to fresh water?
Hello crew ok I was told at Wal-Mart that all fish needed a little salt
in there water
<Good gravy! They told you that! Very, very wrong of them...>
well now I have found out that my pictus catfish cant have salt in its
<Depends how much salt you've been adding. A teaspoon of salt
per gallon will make no real difference either way. This DOES NOT make
brackish water, but NEITHER does it stress freshwater fish. Adding tiny
amounts of salt like this is what people did decades ago. It worked
because people didn't really understand about water quality and
water chemistry, and in small amounts sodium chloride (i.e., table
salt) reduces the toxicity of nitrite and nitrate. So adding salt was
the lesser of two evils. The fish people kept in the 1950s and 1960s
were pretty tough species, so they weren't too fussed about the
salt, and without the salt, the dangerous levels of nitrite and nitrate
would have killed them anyway. But nowadays we keep a wider range of
fish, and many fish that were hardy in the 1950s are delicate now
because of the inbreeding required to create "fancy" Guppies
or whatever.>
so now I would like to know how to turn brackish water into
<Just stop adding the salt.>
I have had him in brackish water for almost a year now and he has done
fine but I imagine he is not very happy.
<Indeed not. Actually, most catfish in the family Pimelodidae are
very adaptable, and some species at least do occur in brackish water
(for some of the time, anyway). So tiny amounts of salt aren't
likely to cause serious harm. But you are correct in believing that the
correct water chemistry is plain vanilla freshwater conditions. Aim for
5-20 degrees dH, a pH around 7 to 7.5, and water temperature no higher
than 25 C (77 F).
Naturally, you want 0 ammonia and 0 nitrite. Pimelodus pictus is a
schooling catfish, and best kept in groups of three or more
Cheers, Neale.>
Re: how to turn brackish water to fresh water?
Ok well what Wal-Mart told me to use is aquarium salt and its
directions for use is add 1 rounded tablespoonful for every 5 U.S..
gallons, or 1/2 rounded teaspoon for every U.S.. gallon of aquarium
<You do realise these amounts are different? One level tablespoon
(and these are always done level, not rounded) is three level
teaspoons. Ergo, one tablespoon per 5 gallons would be three teaspoons
per 5 gallons. The fact these people can't even add up properly
should be a clue they don't know what they're talking
So I'm confused is this ok for guppies, mollies, Platies and
<Guppies, Platies and Swordtails don't need salt. They need
hard, basic water. In other words, high levels of general hardness and
carbonate hardness. Aquarium salt (i.e., sodium chloride) DOES NOT
raise either general or carbonate hardness. Salt changes salinity, not
hardness or pH.
If you live in a hard water area, you should be able to maintain
Guppies, Platies and Swordtails without adjusting water chemistry at
all. Use your water chemistry test kits -- and I assume you have some
-- to check, at minimum, the pH and general hardness. If you find the
pH is around 7.5, and the general hardness somewhere in the
"medium hard" to "hard" range, you're fine.
Mollies are a bit trickier. They can be maintained in plain hard water
just like Guppies, Platies and Swordtails, but they are EASIER to
maintain in water that has some marine salt mix added -- not plain
tonic/aquarium salt, but the stuff used in reef tanks. Add at around 5
g/l (about 0.8 oz/US gal.).>
Or do they need more salt? I also want to put albino Cory catfish,
Pleco and zebra Danios fish in a bigger aquarium with my mollies
Platies swordtails.
<You cannot add marine salt mix in the amounts preferred by Mollies
in a tank containing Corydoras, Plecos, or Danios. On the other hand,
if you don't add any marine salt mix, and you take a chance on your
Mollies staying healthy, you can add whatever fish you want, assuming
the water is moderately hard to hard and the pH around 7.5. Actually,
let me modify this slightly by observing that whereas Danios,
Corydoras, Swordtails and Platies are best kept somewhat cool, 22-24 C
(72-75 F), Guppies and especially Mollies do better when kept much
warmer, around 28 C (82 F).>
Is this amount of salt ok for all fish listed? Thank you so much.
<Do read up on the needs of fish PRIOR to purchase. Unless you have
a darn good reason to believe otherwise, it is generally safe to assume
that clerks in stores not dedicated to tropical fish do not know what
they're talking about. Buy/borrow a book; e-mail us; read over the
WWM site.
Anything. But just don't ever trust the word of someone trying to
sell you something. You wouldn't when buying a car or choosing a
new outfit, so why do so with livestock? Cheers, Neale.>
Re: how to turn brackish water to fresh water?
Thank you. I'm going to get a 75 gallon aquarium and I want to put
Platies, swordtails, mollies, albino Corys and maybe a Pleco I'm
not going to add any salt and hope for the best
<Not exactly the best approach. Much better to choose fish that
require the same conditions (both temperature and water chemistry) and
then optimise the aquarium to provide those conditions. Hoping for the
best is, among other things, how the UK and US governments managed to
screw up our respective economies.>
for my mollies but do u think they will be ok and also would a dragon
goby be ok in freshwater or not?
<Absolutely not. Dragon Gobies (Gobioides broussonnetii) are
BRACKISH water fish and the stores that sell them as freshwater fish
are taking advantage of the ignorance of their customers. These fish
rarely live long in
freshwater aquaria. In brackish water aquaria they are hardy and quite
easy to keep, though they do need very specific types of foods (not
flake!), a soft sandy substrate, and plenty of room (they reach 50 cm
in length).
Cheers, Neale.>
Re: how to turn brackish water to fresh water?
12/17/09 Ok well definitely not getting a dragon goby. So
will mollies do good in freshwater or will they have lots of
<... ? Read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/mollies.htm
and the linked files above. Please search, and read before writing us.
Bob Fenner>
Question RE previous advice given by Neale, H20 chem.,
FW 5/7/09
I wrote in a week (?) ago or so about water chemistry, and having a
high level of sulphur in my well water. I am taking Neale's
excellent advice and have decided to keep Mollies for starters once my
tank is done cycling. My question now is regarding the salt mix.
I'm going to maintain my SG level at 1.005 (hope I got that right),
and looked at the salt mix recipe listed on your site (Epsom, baking
soda, marine salt). I purchased some Instant Ocean marine salt mix to
use, I'm hoping this is the right stuff. Here is the meat of my
question: I read on your page about what different ingredients do to PH
and hardness, since my water has a very high PH (about 8.4), and is
very hard carbonate and bicarbonate, will the salt mix (or some of the
individual ingredients that is) raise these even higher?
<The effect will be marginal; while marine salt mix contains some
carbonate hardness, carbonate and bicarbonate are buffering in both
besides stopping acidification, they also inhibit pH rises above a
certain level too.>
Is there maybe an ingredient I should leave out? Or, since I gathered
from reading, "tonic" salt won't do anything to PH would
that be a better choice?
<Tonic salt isn't a better choice, though I dare say given your
local water conditions, it would work adequately well. In any case,
Mollies (and livebearers generally) are happiest in "liquid
rock" so what you're doing here isn't going to cause them
any hardship.>
Thanks again for you all of your help, and sorry I don't seem to
grasp all the concepts easily!
Thanks again!
<Cheers, Neale.>
Requesting small freshwater aquarium stocking advice
Hi Neale.
<Hello Nick,>
Super duper quick question for you. Is this considered Rift Valley
There were a couple Cichlid salts and I just wanted to make sure I got
the right one in reference to our below conversation.
<If "rolling your own" doesn't appeal, then any of
these commercial cichlid salts should stabilize pH by raising carbonate
hardness (~ alkalinity). Pick whichever is economical, and start by
using a much lower dose than required for Malawian cichlids; I'd
suggest 25-33% dosages to begin with.>
Thanks so much and see, sometimes when I say I'll be quick, I
really am (unfortunately that's pretty rare though!). Thanks a
<Cheers, Neale.>
Fancy Guppies (salinity, calculations thereof) --
03/02/09 Dear Crew, I am keeping fancy guppies. I have several
ten gallon tanks for breeding them in. I am using the Jungle six in one
test strips and nitrates are 0-20, nitrites are 0-20, hardness is 150+,
chlorine is 0 (well water), KH is 180, and PH is between 7.8 and 8.4.
These tanks have been set up a week now. I would like to complete the
set up using instant ocean. My question is: Is there a cooking spoon
measure that corresponds with the proper amount of salt per gallon and
if so, what is it. Thanks for the help. Bill <Hello Bill.
There's a reason we don't recommend weight or volume
measurements for adding salt: once a salt package is opened, it absorbs
water from the air, so over time a given weight or volume of salt
actually contains a bit less salt than you think, because some of that
measurement is water, not salt. Once you've added some salt to the
water, you use a hydrometer to test the salinity via a proxy
measurement, density (in this case called specific gravity, or SG for
short). For guppies, a low salinity is ample, around SG 1.003 being
perfect, and even a bit less being more than adequate. It isn't
essential to add salt, but it does help if you live in a soft water or
high nitrate area. Now, a salinity of 6 grammes per litre is roughly SG
1.003 at 25 degrees C, and very conveniently, 6 grammes of salt happens
to be about the same as one level teaspoon. So if you're prepared
to use the metric system, estimating the amount of salt couldn't be
easier! Roughly one teaspoon of marine salt mix per litre of water will
get perfect Guppy water! If you absolutely must work in US gallons and
ounces, you'll find my Brack Calc tool flips between both measuring
systems as well as salinity and specific gravity. It's a free
application and runs on Macs and Windows PCs.
http://homepage.mac.com/nmonks/Programs/brackcalc.html Hope this helps,
How to use Epsom salt 11/21/08
Good Morning, Thank you very much for your prompt reply. Sorry for
bothering you guys again. Our goldfish is in 2.65 gallon tank with a
filter, aerator, and airstones ( we got the new big tank it is cycling
right now).
She is hanging near the surface nearly vertically, has completely
clamped her fins to her body, not eating much like her usual self and
has something not sure what on her body like a clear and in some places
cloudy film, and one wispy strand on her head that has since
disappeared after putting in PimaFix. After reading through your
website came to the conclusion she has some kind of parasitic infection
and not the fungal infection. In some places it is mentioned to use 1
table spoons of Epsom salt for 5 gallons, and in some use the 2-3 table
spoons of aquarium salts. Want to know what should be used for treating
her and how much. The water is in perfect condition with Ammonia = 0
ppm, Nitrites = 0 ppm, Nitrates = 5 ppm and pH = 7.5. She has always
been kept with aquarium salt in her water about 1 table spoon in 5
gallons, as it was suggested by the Pet Smart where we got her. How do
we go about removing that completely and putting in Epsom
Your help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much.
<Greetings. When using Epsom salt, a good dose is 1 teaspoon per 5
gallons of water. You can use it alongside aquarium salt without
problems, even though aquarium salt isn't necessary when keeping
Goldfish. HOWEVER, your aquarium is ridiculously small; 2.65 gallons is
NOT NEARLY enough space for a Goldfish. I would move the Goldfish to
your new, big tank IMMEDIATELY.
Even if it isn't 100% cycled yet, conditions will be much better
for your Goldfish. (Especially if you do regular water changes, e.g.,
25% every 2 days until the tank is cycled; and then 25-50% water
changes weekly.) Why do you think this fish has a parasitic infection?
Epsom salt fixes very specific things; it is a muscle relaxant and
helps with constipation. It also helps to reduce certain types of
swelling. But it doesn't kill parasites and it doesn't fix
bacterial or fungal infections. If you think your fish has a disease
caused by parasites, bacteria or fungi, then Epsom salt IS NOT what you
need. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: How to use Epsom salt 11/23/08 Hi Neale, <Hello
again!> Thank you for your comprehensive and informative answer. I
am sorry for bothering you again. Have moved the fish to the bigger
tank as you suggested. Tried the Epsom salt, she has after several days
opened up all of her fins and swimming in the bottom of the tank and if
you turn off the filters then she even explores the new environment
(thank you very much). Have also removed the gravel and all the
ornaments from the tank. <Glad she's looking better.> Our LFS
people after listening to Goldie's condition said she has parasite
infection and suggested the medication. She had developed tail rot in
half of her tail about four weeks ago (my mistake 25% water change was
made every day in her small tank and didn't do it for three
consecutive days) when Melafix didn't help it was treated with
Maracyn, <Melafix tends to be useless. Best avoided, despite being
cheap. Maracyn much more effective: a clinically tested version of the
antibiotic Erythromycin, as opposed to so-called cures like Melafix
based on tea-tree oil that haven't been tested.> I didn't
want to put in any more medications hence my question about the Epsom
salt but when you said it doesn't heal any parasite infections, I
had put the medication in the tank yesterday morning and removed the
carbon from the filters. But now she has one long white stringy thing
attached to her tail and something white and fluffy is on edges of the
tail and I can see few red streaks in the tail that were not there
yesterday and it looks like the edges are loosing colour becoming
transparent and starting to fray. <Almost certainly Finrot, quite
likely with a bit of Fungus thrown in (the two often occur
together).> Also found one stringy wispy stuff similar to what is
attached to the tail floating in the water and removed it with the net
but couldn't figure out what it was. The area that was affected by
the tail rot seems to be most affected now with black being covered by
something white. She still seems to be covered by the film with two
flecks of white on her head. All of this has developed over the night
nothing was there yesterday other than the film. The water still checks
out perfect with pH=7.5, Nitrates=5ppm, Nitrites=0ppm and Ammonia=0ppm.
<The water is fine; keep treating for Finrot. Do not put carbon back
in the filter until you have finished all treatments. In fact, I'd
recommend against carbon altogether: in the Goldfish aquarium, use all
the space in the filter for biological and mechanical filtration.>
Can you please make a diagnoses as to what it is? Can those two flecks
be Ick? Please need help, she had just recovered from the tail rot and
was swimming again happy and healthy. When you put your finger in the
water she would just come up and scratch her head against it, every one
in our family loves it. She has become the baby of our house, and every
one is really worried. Your help is very appreciated. Thank you. Best
Regards, Midhat. <Cheers, Neale.>
Salt- Koi- Goldfish... and Anchorworm evidently
8/5/08 Dear WetWeb Crew, Could someone there tell me the correct
amount of salt to use for medicinal purposes-salt bathes. My Koi and
Gold fish have a parasite on them. It looks like a barb or needle
sticking out of the base of the dorsal fin. Also how long should I
leave them in the salt solution. I would greatly appreciate your help.
Thanks for your time. John. <The following is a table modified from
"The Interpet Manual of Fish Health", a useful little book:
--- 0.1% (1 gramme per litre): General additive for livebearers or in
tanks where fish show physical damage (i.e., lesions, fin damage). Use
in the aquarium. 0.3% (3 g/l): Reduces nitrite toxicity or to treat
physical damage. Use in the aquarium. 0.3-0.5% (3-5 g/l): To control
Hydra. Use in the aquarium for no more than 5 to 7 days, then change
water to gradually reduce salinity. 1% (10 g/l): To treat ulcer disease
on coldwater fish. Acclimate fish gradually and then reduce salinity
gradually once fish are cured. 2-3% (20-30 g/l): To remove leeches from
pond fish. Use as a bath, with fish put into bath for 15-30 minute
dips. --- In you case, it sounds like you have leeches or anchor worm.
Salt dips will certainly deal with leeches, but anchor worms will need
a specific treatment of some sort. Salt won't help because the
free-living stages are in the water column, so even if the adults are
killed, another generation of anchor worms will find their way onto
your fish. See here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/PondSubWebIndex/contrpdparasit.htm
Your local pond supplier may well have a variety of other treatments
available. Cheers, Neale.>
A few Kribensis questions 4/22/08 Good afternoon. My
son's Kribs have become parents, and the fry have been swimming
freely now for about a week. The parents and fry are in a well planted
14 gallon tank by themselves and the parents seem to be doing a great
job herding them around and leading them to food (and not eating them).
<Very good! Do check the pH though: if you have a pH above 7,
you'll get mostly males; if the pH is below 7, mostly females.
Tropical fish shops -- for obvious reasons -- only want equal numbers
of males and females, so establish the pH and then decide whether
raising the fry is worth it. Remember, surplus fry in the community
tank will eventually get attacked by the parents as they prepare to
breed again, and that's when things become chaotic (and
bloody).> The stand on which the 14 gal aquarium is on is rather
large, and he was recently given a 30 long (with lighting, filter,
heater!) that he would like to eventually set there, but I was not sure
what the reaction would be of the Krib parents if they partially
drained their tank to move it with the Kribs in it to a smaller
surface, or netted them all to a temporary container/tank then moved
the tank and put them back if the fry might be endangered by the
parents. <Parents will likely eat the eggs/fry, and then spawn a
couple of weeks later.> If they do need to wait, what is the safest
time/age of the fry to move the tank. The 30 might be their eventual
home after it has been properly cycled in a month or two, which is also
why they would like to be able to move it sooner than later to allow
time for that. <You can't move parents and fry, and then expect
the "bond" between them to be stable. Rather, you wait until
one batch of fry is mature enough to rear yourself (which you could do
right now, but is easier after 2-3 weeks) and then remove all the fry.
Then move the parents, and let them start over.> Also, I have a tank
with Kribs of my own and was wondering about salts. <Kribs do not
need salt. What they ideally want is soft to moderately hard water at
pH 7. Anything other than that is less than ideal, and causes problems
with sex ratio in the brood.> I noticed that marine salt and cichlid
salt has a lot of other trace minerals that a lot that plants actually
like quite a bit compared to aquarium salt which is just sodium
chloride, namely potassium, calcium and magnesium. <No relation
here: the minerals in marine salt aren't the ones plants use. So
one doesn't remove the need for another. The *elements* like
potassium may be the same, but the minerals (*compounds*) are
completely different. Similar to the fact we need oxygen to breathe,
but can't "breathe" carbon dioxide, despite the fact that
gas contains oxygen.> Are any of these salts safe using or
beneficial in a community Krib tank (with barbs, glassfish) that also
has an S.A.E. and Otos. <Glassfish are quite happy with salt, but
none of your other fish want/tolerate salt.> If not, and hopefully
not a dumb question, what are the non-salt tolerant fish non tolerant
of specifically that are in these different types of salts? Sodium in
any form? <It's complicated, and to do with pH, carbonate
hardness, general hardness, and salinity -- all different ways of
describing different aspects of the mineral composition of water. Every
environment is different, and fish evolved to work in one set of
conditions may not work in another. The best thing with community fish
is to aim for soft to moderate hard, zero salinity, neutral pH water.
Apart from livebearers, most community fish will be very happy with
that. Cheers, Neale.>
To salt are not to salt? that's the question.
Adding Salt to An Oscar Tank 3/14/08 At once I want to tell
you that you have a awesome website. < Thank you for your kind
words.> I recommend to all fish Hobbyists. It seems I'm very
confused about adding aquarium salt to my Oscars water. I know they
don't need to be brackish. At the same time I read on your website
that some aquarium salt is beneficial. I recently received a 50 Gallon
Bowfront tank from my brother. It came with a huge Tiger Oscar, (
He's a good 12 inches if not larger) I named him Sampson. He has a
404 Fluval pumping 340 gallons a hour. Good water quality as well. My
brother said he kept the water somewhat brackish. I really never heard
of that. The equipment reflects it though. There is salt on the light
hood and full glass hood, this is an all glass tank. My brother left
town and the fish was supposed to be cared for by someone else. It
wasn't. I went to break the tank down and it smelled like sewage.
Even at that the fish was very healthy. I couldn't believe it. Now,
to the water change. Naturally I went to fresh water because that's
how Oscars are cared for. The only thing about Sampson that looks
unhealthy is nose hole erosion. I figure water quality can do this. The
water pH is good, I keep it vacuumed and do my water changes. You all
hit the nail on the head when you say a canister is tough to clean! It
takes a lot of pressure to close it back once your done cleaning. My
questions are: Aquarium salt are not? <The Oscar is a cichlid which
is a secondary fish that evolved from salt water damsels. They can
handle some salt. A teaspoon per 10 gallons increases the slim coat on
the skin and gills and may prevent some parasites from penetrating the
skin.> Why the nostril erosion? < It could be a start of
Hole-In-The-Head disease. It is often associated with poor water
quality and poor nutrition. That that you have improved the tanks
conditions it should stop but may take awhile to heal.> And what do
I need to have in my 6 compartment Fluval to continue to maintain
Sampson's tank? (I'm new to a canister). < Go with the
manufacturers' recommendations for now and see how it works.>
Will white vinegar get the salt spray or lime build up off my exterior
of the tank ? <Usually the calcium will slowly come off if you use
the vinegar to soak the area over a few treatments with a saturated
paper towel.> I want the best for my Sampson! I just Love Him! And
you guys keep up the great work! < Thanks again,-Chuck>
Epsom salt vs. aquarium salt 10/2/07 I have
read many articles on salt addition to the tank. I would like to know
what is the best to use and why, Epson or aquarium salt Thank You Karen
<Hi Karen. There are several reasons why salt is added to aquaria,
but let me make this 100% clear at the outset: routinely adding
aquarium "tonic" salt to your fish tank is completely
unnecessary. Salt used to be added to tanks in the days before proper
filtration and regular water changes because sodium chloride reduces
the toxicity of nitrite and nitrate. Consequently the fish stayed
healthier than otherwise. In the modern age of efficient filters and
50% weekly water changes, adding salt is redundant. People who
recommend it are "stuck in the Dark Ages" in terms of
aquarium care. At best, it's a waste of money. Having made this
point, it is also fair to say that salt and Epsom salt do have certain
therapeutic uses. Regular salt can be used (coupled with high
temperature) to cure Whitespot/Ick on fishes that react negatively to
the standard copper- and formalin-based medications. Salt can also be
used to keep external wounds clean and to remove things like Fish Lice.
Saltwater baths can be used to treat certain diseases including Slime
Disease and Flukes. Marine salt mix (a mixture of regular salt with
various other mineral salts) is used to make brackish water for things
like Scats and Mollies, and obviously for making up the saltwater used
in marine aquaria. Epsom salt is specifically a muscle relaxant, and
gets used primarily to help with constipation, where, coupled with
high-fibre foods, it will provide relief for constipated fishes. But
beyond these specific treatments, there's no reason to add salt to
your freshwater aquarium. Cheers, Neale.>
Aquarium Questions, FW lvstk. comp., salt
use -- 10/28/07 hello, I might start a 55 gallon tank
soon and I was wondering if my conditions were right for the fish
I want to include below. Also, if they can all get along and if
its a good amount for the tank. Please also recommend some tetras
for me that get along well with angels and if Cory cats or upside
down cats are better. <Mmm, Hyphessobrycons in a group are
some faves... And I would go with Corydoras over the Synodontis
here> The tank will have 1 tablespoon of salt per 5
gallons, can they deal with it? <I would not add the salt...
Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/saltusefaqs.htm>
Thank You! Tank Conditions: Size: 55 gallons Temp: 74-82 F
PH.5.8-6.5 Current Inhabitants in my 10 gallon: 3 platys (might
soon be 5 if babies live), 2 balloon belly mollies Salinity
Level: 1 tablespoon of aquarium salt for every 5 gallons <Okay
here, but not for Tetras, Angels...> Fish I want to add:
Tetras-8 Platy-3 or 1 if the 2 babies live Balloon mollies-3
<Please read here:
Angelfish- 5 Upside-down catfish-6 'or' Cory cats-6
Blue/gold gourami-2 Fish in total: 8 tetras 6 platys 5 balloon
mollies 5 angelfish 6 upside down cats or Cory cats 2 blue/gold
gouramis <Bob Fenner>
Re: Aquarium Questions... salt 10/29/07 thank you for
all your help! <Welcome> I was going to add salt because I
thought that it would prevent Ich. I guess its only good for
treating it. <And only with certain livestock/species and
settings. BobF>
Re: re: Aquarium Questions... reading, comprehension
10/29/07 So basically mollies wont do good and get diseases
in the 55 gallon because I wont add salt? Thanks. <Something
like this. Welcome. RMF>
Re: Aquarium Questions... still not reading re Mollies... salt...
fixing English... 10/29/07 im sorry if I am
bothering you guys a lot but im still pretty much a beginner so I
need to know different things so there might be more questions
later. Well, I still want to put my mollies in the tank. Do you
think 1 tablespoon of salt per 10 gallons is okay for the fish
and help prevent disease? I don't want my mollies getting
sick so easily since they thrive with a little salt in the water.
this is the number of the fish I plan on having in the tank: 8
tetras 6 platys 5 balloon mollies 5 angelfish 6 Cory cats 2
blue/gold Gouramis can u recommend some tetras for me that wont
get eaten by the angels and wont nip fins? Thank you again!
<Please understand this: Mollies are not good community fish.
At the very least, they require hard (18+ degrees dH) water with
high carbonate hardness (10+ degrees KH). Such water will have a
very high pH (at least 7.5, and likely 8.0 upwards). Mollies also
want water that has zero ammonia, zero nitrite, and as close to
zero nitrate as is practical. The addition of salt isn't 100%
essential, but it is something (in my experience/opinion, based
on MANY years of keeping fish and discussing with other
hobbyists) that makes keeping Mollies substantially easier. What
the marine salt mix (not tonic salt) does is raise the hardness
and pH and also reduces the toxicity of the nitrate. This latter
effect is probably the critical one. By all means keep Mollies
with salt-tolerant fish: Guppies, Swordtails, Hoplosternum
littorale, Hypostomus plecostomus, Horseface loaches, Kribensis,
Bumblebee gobies, Knight gobies, glassfish etc. Add marine salt
mix at around 3-6 grammes per litre to the tank and your Mollies
and your salt-tolerant fish will all thrive. Mollies under such
conditions are robust and more colourful than otherwise. But
don't both trying to keep Mollies in a generic community
tank. Read over the Molly FAQs here at WWM, or really any other
fish keeping forum -- you will see dozens and dozens of messages
from people with Mollies plagued with Finrot, fungus, Mouth
Fungus and "the Shimmies". Adding salt for the benefit
of your Mollies will only stress all the other fish, so
you're taking from Peter to give to Paul -- there's no
net benefit! Choosing tetras to keep with Angels generally
isn't difficult. Good choices including Bleeding Heart
tetras, Lemon tetras, Emperor tetras, X-ray tetras, Head-and-tail
light Tetras and Diamond Tetras. African tetras can be good, too;
things like Congo Tetras. Avoid the small, reddish ones (Serpae
tetras, Flame tetras, etc.) and the bite-size ones like Neons,
Cardinals and Glowlights. Black Widow tetras (also known as
Petticoat Tetras) are fin-nippers too. Avoid. Cheers,
Aquarium Salt 10/25/07 Hi Crew, <Hi Alan,
Pufferpunk here> Can I add aquarium salt (according to instructions)
to my aging water meant for water change? <There is no reason to add
salt to a freshwater tank, unless treating for Ich.> By doing so,
will it affect the beneficial bacteria that is already established in
my tank? <It would require a great deal of salt to harm your
beneficial bacteria.> Kindly advise and thanks in advance. <See:
~PP> Regards, Alan
Mollies & Salt 10/16/07 Hello! I have a 29g
established freshwater tank with a variety of Mollies - Balloon Belly,
Sailfin, etc. I currently keep 1 tablespoon of salt per 5g in the tank.
I would like to add a Bristlenose Pleco to the tank but from what
I've read they don't really like the salt. Would removing the
salt - by not replacing during water changes - adversely affect the
Mollies? -Chip <Hello Chip. This is a tricky question to answer. In
theory, you don't need salty water to keep Mollies. So long as the
carbonate hardness is high (10 degrees KH upwards); the general
hardness is very high (20 degrees dH upwards); the pH is around 8.0;
zero ammonia and nitrite; and nitrate less than 10 mg/l, you should
have the water chemistry Mollies enjoy. An Ancistrus sp. catfish would
also do well under such conditions. However, if you take you eye off
the ball and any of those environmental parameters slips, for example
the nitrates rise above 10 mg/l, then your Mollies will become
significantly more likely to become sick. What salt does is reduce the
toxicity of nitrite and nitrate, and this is one of the reasons it
helps in Molly tanks. Marine salt mix also raises the carbonate
hardness and general hardness providing much more stable water
chemistry, which Mollies also need. Finally, marine salt mix or regular
aquarium salt mix both increase salinity, and since Mollies are, at
least in part, brackish water fish, this helps their overall
healthfulness. The bottom line is this: Mollies are very hardy in
brackish/marine aquaria, but rather delicate in freshwater aquaria. So
what would I recommend? Keep the salt in the Molly aquarium. I'd
actually skip the idea of Ancistrus anyway. Ancistrus eat algae, as do
Mollies. Much better let the Mollies eat the algae, since it's an
important part of a balanced diet. If you want a catfish, opt for one
of the salt-tolerant species, such as Hoplosternum littorale. There are
also some brackish water loaches, and for your tank, the Horseface
Loach (Acantopsis choirorhynchos) would be an excellent choice.
It's a good scavenger and basically peaceful. Both these
suggestions would be very happy at SG 1.003 if acclimated carefully.
Hope this helps, Neale>
Rift lake salts, GH & KH 10/3/07 Hi WWM crew,
I used to have a community setup and used KH salts to buffer the system
and maintain a neutral pH. I now have a community tank with a number of
cichlids (calvus, dickfeldi, Kribensis) so I am using rift lake salts.
I was advised to use only the rift lake salts and not the KH salts as
well. I've just had a major shift in pH (to acid) and the cichlids
are all sick as a result. My question is: should I be maintaining the
KH buffer salts as well as the rift salts or should the rift salts have
the same effect? Thanks in advance!! Lachlan <Rift Valley cichlid
salts should maintain KH and pH all by themselves. Essentially, Rift
Valley salts are packaged salts for raising the GH, KH, and pH of
regular water so that it matches that found in either Lake Malawi or
Tanganyika. That said, if you're keeping Rift Valley cichlids, you
should also have some built-in carbonate hardness reserve in the
aquarium. I would strongly recommend the use of either crushed coral
inside a canister filter or an undergravel filter built with a coral
sand/crushed coral mix. Sticking lumps of Tufa rock in the tank
won't work, because for the calcium carbonate to have any value as
a buffer, water must be flowing past a vast surface area of the stuff.
If you have a pH crash below 7.0, then clearly you weren't adding
enough Rift Valley salt given the ambient softness of your local water
supply and/or the stocking level of your aquarium and/or the use of
acidifying materials in the tank such as bogwood. Cheers, Neale>
Betta Popeye Not Responding to Epsom Salt 9/20/07 A
week ago I noticed my male Betta, Chip had Popeye in his left eye. We
have had him for 18 months. He lives in a 3 gallon Marineland Explorer
tank with a filter and BioWheel. (We had gone away for a week and he
got overfed - the nitrates were high, over 50.) I checked WWM and put
in Epsom salt as required and I have been doing a 50% water change
everyday, replacing the Epsom salt. He has been resting a lot, but
comes to see me when I am near. He seems tired and the whole thing
looks painful and it has not improved. When I have tried to feed him
brine shrimp or bloodworms, he can't see them and they sink to the
bottom. I have been giving him flake food instead and tuning off the
filter so he can grab it more easily. The only things in the tank are a
small decorative treasure chest, the filter tube and a silk plant for
him to rest on. Any other suggestions? I am concerned about adding
antibiotic to such a small tank, but I am also reluctant to let this
drag on without him getting better. Asa in DC <Greetings. Pop-eye
tends to be caused by two distinct things: mechanical damage (e.g.,
rough handling) or poor water quality. There are other things that can
cause it, but not all that often. So, you need to zero out those two
most likely issues. Is there anything in the aquarium that it could
scratch itself on? Some people stick things like fake corals and
plastic plants in tanks, and these can be fine, but in very small tanks
it is so easy for a Betta to throw itself against one of these objects
when alarmed. That's why I tend to prefer small tanks be decorated
only with silk or real plants, and only very smooth rocks, such as
water-worn pebbles. Second thing, check the water. A Betta needs water
with moderate hardness, a pH around neutral, zero ammonia, and zero
nitrite (with an "I"). The nitrate (with an "a")
isn't such a big deal and I wouldn't worry about it.
Temperature is a factor, but it isn't something I'd expect to
cause pop-eye; pop-eye is really a reaction of the sensitive tissues of
the eye to irritating water. Think of it as a bit like conjunctivitis
on a human. Adding an appropriate antibacterial or antibiotic to the
water may help to soothe the infection, and is certainly worth using. I
hope this helps, Neale>
Grr....pet store people! ... salt use/FW... cycling
prod.s... Using WWM 9/12/07 Good evening to you
all! I hope this finds you well. Thanks again for all of your help.
I've searched your site for the last few days, reading everything
that even remotely applied to my tank/fish in hopes that I can learn
new things to watch for so I can head off any problems. I've even
read things that didn't apply sometimes because it was just plain
interesting. Since our last email, I've added 1 more ADF. The
original one spent a lot of time hiding and now comes out to play. I
guess he/she was lonely. (I also feel like I should name them.) <Go
ahead> I know I'm pushing the limits on what is "too
much", but they all seem healthy/happy with no trouble maintaining
proper levels. I have been doing a 25-30% water changes with gravel
vacuuming twice a week. I'm wondering if I'm doing too much?
<Mmm, no, not likely> Also, PetSmart suggested that I add
conditioning salt <No...> to my tank because their breeders use
it so the fish are accustomed to it. <...> Well, everything I
bought from them died. I've asked the nice people at SuperPet and
they said that it wouldn't hurt, but they don't use salts. I
also use Jungle "Start Right" when doing water changes to
treat for chlorine/Chloramine. It has Allantoin added to it to
"promote slime coat". Isn't that a bit redundant? <Can
be> Should I continue with the salt and find another treatment for
the chlorine/Chloramine? <... Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/saltusefaqs.htm>
Or stop with the salt? Can I just stop using it? Or should I slowly
taper the level off? AGH! I promise you (and my fish) that I will never
visit PetSmart again! One more thing... Though my water looks clear
from a distance, when you get right up on the tank, you can see a hazy
kind of something floating all around in the water. I have no idea what
this is and can't find any mention of it anywhere on your site. I
know this is kind of vague, but any ideas? <Likely a matter of
microbial population, lack of established biofiltration... best to not
feed... overfeed...> OK, so this is the last thing...lol. Another
pet store recommended using Cycle (which I can only assume is
comparable to what you all call Bio-Spira <Ah, no... this Hagen
product is inferior> (I can't find it anywhere here). It says to
use when setting up new aquarium to establish beneficial bacteria,
during water changes, and when introducing new fish. Is this a product
that you are familiar with and is it needed since I did cycle my tank
in the beginning? <Please learn to/use the search tool on WWM:
Again, thank you so much for all your time and effort. I am so thankful
that I stumbled upon your site (and found it interesting enough to
spend the last few days here). You all are a blessing. By the way, I
referred to the nice people at SuperPet to your site when I asked them
a question that they couldn't answer (but at least they TOLD me
they didn't know instead of guessing!). Brandi <Happy to
share... Bob Fenner>
Fish and salt 7/11/07 Hello,
<Ave!> After haunting my LFS for several weeks, doing research,
and asking questions I started adding fish to my tank. <Very good.
Welcome to the hobby!> I have a 20 gallon tall with undergravel
filter, a hanging filter with Bio-Wheel, and a bubble stick. The temp
is 79 degrees, PH 7.5, no ammo or nitrites, correct amount of aquarium
salt as per directions (I know I will get Marine Salt in the morning),
and several live plants. I do 25% water changes weekly. I think I'm
taking good care of them? <Just for reference next time: a 20 gallon
'long' tank is better value -- more surface area for oxygen
exchange at the top and surface area for an undergravel filter at the
bottom. Otherwise all sounds fine. Salt is questionable though, and
depends on the fish being kept. As you have Mollies, it makes sense,
but otherwise shouldn't be used in a freshwater tank contrary to
popular myth.> In the tank are 2 Platies, 1 Molly, Molly fry, 1
Corydoras (LFS said I only needed one), 1 Kuhli Loach, and 2 Mystery
Snails. According to my research and LFS a good combination. <A fair
rather than good combination. Mixing livebearers is safe, because they
are all salt-tolerant. So even though Platies don't *need* salt,
they will tolerate small amounts just fine. Corydoras are not
especially salt-tolerant and some species are definitely soft water
fish that don't like salt at all. They are also *schooling* fish,
and should at least be kept in trios, and ideally sixes or more. Apple
snails/Mystery snails are questionable in any aquarium. Fish peck at
them, and they also get stressed by high temperatures. Then they die
and pollute the tank. Few Apple snails last long in aquaria because
they are subtropical animals that need a "resting period"
each year. Most Apple snails seem to die within a year, whereas they
last for many years kept properly.> I was planning on adding a few
more Mollies and Platies before the babies arrived. All the fish except
for the Cory seem healthy and happy. The Cory mainly just sits on the
bottom and now I know why. After reading through you site I realize my
fish are not living as well as they could and are not a good
combination. Help, who should go and who should stay? I know for the
Mollies to thrive I need much more brackish water but which of the
other fish can survive this change? <I like your attitude here.
You've correctly established that the combo here isn't the
best, and are prepared to make changes. I wish more people thought like
this. Anyway, you're probably safe with the Mollies and Platies.
Adding around 4-6 grammes of marine salt mix per litre of water will
give you a specific gravity of about 1.002 to 1.003, which is ideal for
Mollies. The Platies will be fine here. The Corydoras and Kuhlii
loaches are more tricky. Corydoras do not naturally come from brackish
waters and many species do not even like hard, alkaline conditions. But
noted catfish expert David Sands makes the point in his "Corydoras
Catfish" book that 'small amounts of salt will not harm
catfishes'. So assuming you have a hardy species (like bronze or
peppered catfish) gradually raising the SG to 1.002 should do no harm
at all. I'm less certain about the Kuhli loach. Adding salt
doesn't kill fish and they aren't allergic to it. What salt
does is alter their osmotic balance, their ability to control the
amount of salt and water in their tissues. All fishes can, to some
degree, adjust this. What differentiates freshwater fish from brackish
water fish is that brackish water fish (like mollies) can make these
adjustments quickly and across a very wide range. So go slowly,
observe, and ensure that the other life signs, like activity and
feeding, are normal. Apple snails, by the way, are salt-intolerant, but
*may* adapt to very low levels. If you have the option, changing the
catfish are loach and snail for hard water or salt-tolerant species
might be a good idea. Bumblebee gobies, guppies, glassfish, halfbeaks,
x-ray tetras, Kribensis, etc. would all be good options.> Also I
rarely see the Kuhli Loach. He seems to live under the undergravel
filter and only comes out at night. I must admit to doing no research
on him and just taking the recommendation of the fish store. Is this
normal behavior for this fish? <Totally normal. They're a waste
of money in most instances because they are resolutely nocturnal
animals. They are also schooling fish, so when kept singly are very
VERY shy anyway.> Thanks for all of your help and the great site,
Melissa <Hope this helps, Neale>
Salt in FW tank 7/9/07 I just had a question about
salt in freshwater aquariums. I was wondering if gouramis will do ok
with salt in the aquarium. I'd like to keep my fish healthy with
some FW salt. Thanks for all the help. <This is a simple one to
answer. No. Do not add salt. The labyrinth fish group is a classic
"primary freshwater fish" group, that is, one that has
evolved in freshwater and has a low tolerance for salt. One a very few
species naturally occur in brackish waters (the two I know of are
Anabas testudineus and Osphronemus goramy). All the others require
freshwater conditions, and mostly soft/acid conditions at that. Adding
salt will be more or less stressful to the majority of gouramis. Now
here's some more advice. There is no reason, none, to add salt as a
matter of course to a freshwater aquarium. Tonic/aquarium salt
doesn't raise the hardness or pH, so it doesn't help
livebearers or African cichlids. Salt was used historically to
compensate for poor water quality, because sodium chloride reduces the
toxicity of nitrite and nitrate. But unless you have a really badly
maintained aquarium, this shouldn't be an issue. Tonic salt is
simply repackaged cooking salt sold at an inflated price to gullible
and inexperienced aquarists. Even if you need salt to treat disease, as
with Whitespot or fungus say, you could simply use non-iodised cooking
salt for the same effect. And even then, you'd be using the salt as
a short term treatment, not a permanent part of your maintenance
routine. Unless you are keeping brackish or marine fishes, you
shouldn't need to add salt to the tank, and in those situations
you'd be using marine salt mix, not tonic salt. Cheers,
Salt in Freshwater -- 06/07/07 Hey crew, thanks
again for all your hard work! <Hello, and you're welcome.> I
was in one the chain pet stores the other day and noticed they had
bowls of salt in almost every tank. Just small bowls full of
undissolved salt. I was told it was a preventative measure, they were
not treating anything specific. <Utterly inexplicable.> Since
I'm currently treating a small case of Ich using salt and increased
temps, I know the uses of salt in freshwater, how to mix, etc (plenty
of great information out there on the subject). <Much information,
but little value. Salt, that is, NaCl or plain old cooking salt, has no
real value in freshwater fishkeeping any more. I cannot express in
words strongly enough on a family web site like this how annoyed I get
by the widespread use of salt in freshwater aquaria. It's a
hangover from the past, when people didn't have access to
medications and didn't understand the value of water chemistry. But
that time has passed... frequent water changes make the value of salt
as a nitrite/nitrate de-toxifier unimportant, and as a therapy for
Whitespot and fungus it's less effective than proper medications
and likely to stress soft water fish as well as fish adapted to
Malawi/Tanganyika conditions. I shudder to think how many fish have
died from Whitespot and fungus because people used a "teaspoon per
gallon" salt instead of proper medication of some type.> But
after hours of searching, I cannot find a reference to this practice of
placing a small container into the tank. Everything I have found is
very clear that you should dissolve the salt and slowly add it to the
tank over a couple of days when treating a health issue. <Correct.
Dumping salt in the tank "as is" sounds insane, to me.>
What are your thoughts on the pros and cons of simply leaving a cup of
salt sitting in the corner of the tank? It just seems like a bad idea.
<There are no pros at all. Lots of cons. It's so obviously crazy
I can't think why anyone would do this. For one thing, you end up
with a bizarre salinity gradient from the freshwater parts of the tank
to the hypersaline corner where the salt mound is. While a few brackish
water fish might find this kind of funky, I dread to think what Neons
and angelfish would make of it. If fish eat mouthfuls of salt for some
reason, they're going to go into osmotic shock. To me, this is sort
of like dumping a block of uranium in the bedroom and saying its
preventative chemotherapy.> Thanks again, Billy <Cheers,
Salt for Livebearers 12/30/06 Hey there, <Hi,
Pufferpunk here> I was wondering what kind of salt I should use for
a platy and guppy tank? (1 tablespoon of table salt or kosher salt, per
5 gallons should keep them happy. Don't forget to
replace what you remove after your weekly water
change. Place into the filter, not directly into the tank,
so it doesn't land on the fish & burn
them. ~PP><<RMF suggests unwashed sea-salt... in
small quantities available as "Aquarium Salt" by various
companies... Aquarium Pharmaceuticals is what we used to
Epsom salt vs. rock salt - not the same thing!
11/16/06 I see. About the Epsom Salt treatment: can we use
rock salt instead? We can't find a Epsom Salt in our
area. By the way, if rock salt would do, is the
ratio just the same 1 teaspoon per 5 gallons of water? And
how long will my FH be on salt treatment? Sorry for all my queries,
I'm just worried about my little fellah. Kathy <Hi Kathy -
you've got Jorie this time. Rock salt is not at all the same thing
as Epsom salt - the latter is actually magnesium
chloride. Check out your local pharmacies for the Epsom salt
- I'd be shocked if they don't have it. It is used
as a digestive aid in humans, as well as a soaking remedy for sprains,
strains, bruises, etc. With regard to how long to continue
the Epsom salt treatment for, I can't give you an exact timeframe,
start off with a goal of 3-4 days, then change the
water. See if there's improvement. Can always
repeat the treatment, but do remember that the Epsom salt won't
evaporate, so you don't want to overdose. Best of luck
to you and your little fishy friend, Jorie>
Re: Epsom salt vs. rock salt - not the same thing! --
11/19/06 Hi Jorie, Thanks for explaining the
difference. I found Epsom Salt and would do the treatment
right away. However, I have observed that his stomach is
bulging and his waste is yellowish and he is not eating
anything. What medication should I apply for this? Please
help me on what more I can do to save my fish. Kathy <Kathy, I
believe Bob originally answered this query below...the Epsom salt was
his initial suggestion, combined with good husbandry and
time. To quote, "only time will
tell...". Medication cannot solve absolutely
everything, and sometimes can do more damage than
good. I'd listen to Bob - he's truly the
"expert"! Jorie>
Re: Epsom salt vs. rock salt - not the same thing!
1/20/07 Dear WWM, Sorry for the delay. Me and my fish would like to
express our sincerest thank you to all those who responded on my email
as well as on the chatroom. My Flowerhorn fish is ok now and
seems not to show any sign of his previous ailment. He's
back to his old self...the Epsom salt treatment really helped him
recover. Thank you and God bless you all! To Bob and Jorie my special
thanks to you both. Kathy <Ah, congratulations on your success here.
Bob Fenner>
Salt Is Salt <Rock and Aquarium...> 11/21/06 I
used aquarium salt, is that just as effective and/or the same thing
as rock salt? Thanks < I think if you look at the list of
ingredients on the box of aquarium salt it may say rock salt. Either
will be fine except you will pay more for the aquarium
Salt As A Medication - 10/22/06 Dear Chuck: Thank you
so much for all your help with my two goldfish with Finrot
and Septicemia. They are so much better
now. The water quality is great! I
have learned so much in the past seven months. I love your forum and
visit it frequently. However, I have
some questions about aquarium salt and freshwater
tanks. The information I'm getting from the
forum is confusing. The standard answer for everything seems
to be "do a 50% water change and put in 5tsp of
salt." 1) What diseases does aquarium salt cure? < Salt
increases the slime coat on the exterior of the fish making it more
difficult for parasites to actually get to the fish itself. Too much
salt impairs the fishes ability to absorb oxygen out of the water
because the slime covers the gills too.> 2) Should salt be the first
thing I add to my tank when my fish is sick no matter what the
symptoms are? < Adding salt may be beneficial to some fish but
stressful to others. I would attempt a diagnoses instead of just adding
salt.> 3) Does aquarium salt cure inner bacterial infections
or septicemia? < Salt may be beneficial but I would not
call it a cure.> 4) Does aquarium salt raise or lower the pH, or
make no difference at all? < Salt is sodium and chloride
so it does not effect the hydrogen concentration of the water.> 5)
Isn't salt already an additive to most tap water? < No. Some
waters have naturally soft acidic waters that can be corrosive to
pipes. Water companies add minerals to these waters like calcium to
increase the pH and make the water less acidic.> Trying to find
answers to this question on the web as been fruitless. I would
really appreciate your expert opinion. Thank so much! Sincerely,
Marcella < Go to Marineland.com and check out Dr. Tim's Library
for lots of interesting articles on water chemistry.-Chuck>
Salt Treatment For Ich - 10/22/2006 Hi there. I have a few
questions regarding the use of aquarium salt as treatment for Ich. My
first question involves my husbands Goldfish tank. My husband has a 10
gallon tank containing 3 Fancy Tail Goldfish, 2 Royal Plecos, 1 Rubber
Pleco and a yellow Apple Snail. I know the tank is overstocked, the 10
gallon was meant as only temporary quarters. The PH is 7.0, Ammonia is
0, Nitrite is 0 and Nitrate is 20. Temperature is maintained at 76F. A
much larger tank is on its way. My husband just purchased the 2 Royal
Plecos approx. two days ago. Both appeared fine when he got them and he
did not quarantine. I just did a 25% water change on the tank and
happened to notice that both Royal Plecos are now lightly dusted with
white spots. Dreaded Ich! None of the other fish are showing signs at
present so I'm more than fairly certain that the Royals were
already infected when they were introduced to the tank. I have
successfully treated Ich, using a salt/heat combo, in two of my tanks
(Severum/Channel Cat tank and a Livebearer tank) in the past and would
like to use salt as my medication of choice. Can the Goldfish, Plecos
and Snail all handle the level of salt and heat needed for treatment? I
use normal Aquarium Salt. 2 Tablespoons per 5 gallons, raise the
temperature to 80F and allow to remain for 10 days. Would this be okay
for my husbands tank? I'm most worried about the safety with the
snail. Would it be best to move him/her to a covered container (my
quarantine tank is occupied so I can't place it there), like an old
butter dish with holes poked in the lid, while the salt/heat treatment
is happening in the main tank? <IMO salt is the way to go. But the
snail gets thirty days in QT without fish, or salt. He can not be
infected but he can carry it in and on his shell. A month without a
fish host will starve out the parasite.> My second question involves
my Angelfish community tank. I have a False Julli Leopard Cory Cat, 3
Peppered Cory Cats, 2 Panda Cory Cats and approx. 20 pea to nickel
sized Angelfish in this tank. PH is 7.0, Ammonia is 0, Nitrite is 0 and
Nitrate is 25. Temperature is 78F. Yesterday, one of my husband's
Goldfish uprooted a plastic plant in their tank so I removed it and
placed it into my Angelfish tank. The plant was still wet when I placed
it into the Angel tank. I'm afraid that I may have infected my tank
via the plant. Is this possible? Nobody in the Angel tank has been
acting ill. No flashing or other signs of Ich. Would I be wise to go
ahead and use salt/heat in this tank as well? I have several rare
varieties of Angels in this tank and don't wish to lose any.
I've heard that Corys and Angels don't tolerate salt well but
others have said they do fine. Which is true? Would my 2 Tablespoons
per 5 gallon be safe and tolerable for both species? Is there a lower
concentration I could use that would be just as effective against Ich?
Should I wait and see if anyone develops Ich before adding salt to this
tank or do you feel I'd do well to head it off before it hits by
treating as I would if they were actively showing signs of infection?
Thanks for your prompt help. Heather <You are correct to be worried.
I would salt the tank now. I salted my Corys while they were in QT
without a problem. But this does go against "common
knowledge". Something I seem to do a lot. If they seem stressed do
a small, salt free, water change to lower the concentration. Another
method would be to use heat alone. But you would need to get the temp
up to about 90 and add extra airstones. Don>
Salt in FW systems, feeding FHs, worms that are larval
coleopterans 9/15/06 Hi, it's me. Again.
<<Well, hello again, Cecille.>> Thanks for the fast
response. And, yeah that will surely help. <<Glad to hear
it.>> But, I just have another question. I've been browsing
quite a lot in the net about aquarium maintenance and such and some
suggests to use salt. I have this 15 gallon tank. How much salt should
I put in it? And, what good would that give, actually? <<Good
question, Cecille. What you've read probably suggests one
tablespoon of salt per five gallons of water. In your case, I would
suggest a total solution of 2 1/2 tablespoons per volume of tank water.
If, for example, you remove three gallons of water for a water change,
dissolve 2 1/2 tablespoons of salt in the new water to achieve the
'recommended' solution rate. Obviously, you'll have to do
some calculations for subsequent water changes to maintain this ratio
properly. To be safe, err on the side of adding less salt than more
during your water changes. (Remember that salt will not evaporate with
water, which means that any evaporation that takes place effectively
increases the amount of salt per unit volume.) As to the 'good'
of adding salt, you'll find this debated among reliable sources.
Most freshwater pathogens don't tolerate salt well and salt helps
to keep these under control. It doesn't eradicate them but provides
them with less than desirable breeding conditions which keeps them at
levels that the fish's own immune system can deal with. (Costia is
an example.) Salt has also been cited as increasing a fish's
ability to uptake oxygen from the water. This is true, particularly in
the presence of nitrites in the water. Nitrites deprive the hemoglobin
in the blood of oxygen and the sodium ions in salt (NaCl) combine with
nitrite to become sodium nitrite which increases blood flow and
provides oxygen to the oxygen-depleted areas of the body. Finally, salt
increases the specific gravity of the water. In the event of physical
trauma (injury) or, the like, swelling is caused by fluid build-up in
the affected area. This fluid (low specific gravity) in injured area is
released, via osmosis, to the surrounding water (higher specific
gravity) relieving the swelling and increasing beneficial blood flow to
the injury promoting healing. Now, is all of this enough to convince
you to add salt to your tank? Possibly. Live plants are adversely
affected by salt but, since Cichlids typically don't have these in
their tanks, you might be inclined to give it a try.>> Okay, I
have just another one more: I've been feeding my FH pellets for a
few months now and a few brine shrimps whenever I could find them. But,
the shrimps are really quite rare and a bit pricey, too. <<Your
Flowerhorn definitely needs a varied diet. Good for you for adding the
Brine Shrimp to its diet but I understand about price and availability.
Just keep in mind that too monotonous of a diet can lead to problems no
matter how high quality the food might be.>> A few days ago, my
friend gave me a couple of worms. <<I tried that with my wife but
she insisted on jewelry. :)>> Super worms, he said. Are those
good food? <<They're beetle larvae, as you probably know. The
exoskeletons of the 'Super Worm' (Zophobas morio) are
reportedly more easily digested than typical mealworms and they grow
larger. Beyond this, I have no specific knowledge of the food value
involved.>> I haven't tried feeding those to my
fishes. He said it will enhance the "characters" in the
fish's body. Is that true? <<I find that a debatable issue,
Cecille. In my opinion, it sounds like "hype" though, again,
I couldn't verify this for you, one way or the other.>> And,
what do I do with them once they turn into beetles? <<If you plan
on breeding them for more "worms", hang on to them. I've
run across several sites that describe how to breed these. A simple
'Google' search will lead you in the right direction.>>
Thanks in advance again. Cecille, <<Any time, Cecille. Glad to
help. Tom>>
Salt In A FW Tank 9/11/06 You folks
are wonderful!!!!!! I'm using ro/di water and adding aquarium salt
(1 tbsp/ 5 gal of water) with each water change. My pH is so low from
the lack of buffers that it won't measure(<6.0). I'm now
adding Kent's' R/O right to add some buffers
and including 1 gal of tap water with 4 gals of RO water
during water changes on my 55 gal. I've also added some marble
chips to add some carbonate to the mix. The question is, Do I still
need to add aquarium salt with to the water with the changes? Thanks
Bill < Salt aids in building a slime coat on your fish which will
inhibit some diseases. If your fish are well established and disease
free then I don't think the salt is needed.-Chuck>
Unwanted Salt In a FW Tank 8/29/06 Hello
there. I just started a 55 gal freshwater tank. Before
starting the cycling process, I added some aquarium salt (1 tablespoon
per every 5 gal). I just added my first 5 platies to start
the cycle going. However, I discovered that the fish I wish to add
later on (zebra Danios, various tetras, and Cory cats) do not do well
in tanks with aquarium salt. I'm debating doing a 100% water change
to get rid of the salt since the tank is not yet established hoping
that the new platies would survive. Is there a better way to remove the
aquarium salt? Thanks, Aaron < When the tank is cycled you will have
already done a couple of water changes and reduced the salt content of
the water. Your fish will be fine.-Chuck>
Salting a FW Tank 8/14/06 Hi Folks,
<Hi, Pufferpunk here> I have been reading articles and FAQ's
for about 3 hrs. and am stumped. Re. 100 gal. FW aquarium and salinity
levels. I have found hundreds of FAQ's on marine and reef but not
much on FW. When I first set up this aquarium about 5 mos. ago, I added
aquarium salt @ 1 tbls. per 5 gal. After doing many, many water changes
I have lost track of salt content. I bought a salinity meter and
can't find ppt for my tank. It currently houses 10 blue gouramis
and 10 albino Cory cats. No live plants...yet. What would be a good
target salinity? Also, regarding phosphates in a 75 gal. planted. Tap
water is 1.0 ppm. Should I try to lower this before adding to tank.
Thanks again for your help.....DR <FW fish do not need any salt at
all & plants even less! See: http://www.thepufferforum.com/articles/water/salt.html
Re: Goldfish salt exposure -
06/02/2006 Hello, Tom. <<Hi, Alfredo.>> Sorry to bother
you; just a quick question about goldfish and salinity. I added a
tablespoon of Epsom to my tank about 4 days ago and I was wondering if
this is too long a period to expose the fish to the salt.
<<Alfredo, Epsom salt isn't a "salt" in the
conventional sense that we think of. We think of "salt", in
aquaria use, as either calcium chloride (CaCl) or sodium chloride
(NaCl). Actually, Epsom salt is Magnesium Sulfate (MgSO4). It's the
Chloride (in this context) that's beneficial to our fish, to a
limited extent. Epsom salts don't have this element. Personally, I
wouldn't expose a fish to any "introduced" chemical for
longer than four or five days but, not to worry.>> Thank you for
your time, Alfredo Echeverria <<Alfredo, we're on a
"first-name only" basis. :) Tom>>
Salt tolerance of Cory Cats
5/28/06 Hello Crew! <<Hi, Jasmine. Tom here.>> I
understand that the salt tolerance of catfish in general is very poor.
<<It's true that Catfish don't have a tolerance for salt
at levels that other fish can tolerate quite well.>> I have some
Otos, Bronze Corys and Panda Corys. <<I love these guys, Jasmine.
The Pandas tend to be a little less "robust" than other
Corydoras varieties but they're sure cute. :)>> For future
reference when the situation eventuates, how much aquarium salt would
you recommend for these fish for a) prevention of nitrite poisoning and
b) disease treatment. <<Regarding (a), don't let this
situation "eventuate". In a cycled tank, with proper
maintenance, it simply shouldn't occur. As to (b), this isn't,
unfortunately, an option because of the dosages necessary to be
effective. The "cure" would be as bad as the disease, in a
manner of speaking. Even with all of the benefits to be derived from
the addition of aquarium salt, in your case, I'm reluctant to
advise this. Neither of the instances you cite would lead me to
recommend its use given that there are alternatives should the occasion
arise. I hope it never does, though. ;)>> Thanks for your help!
Jasmine <<Happy to, Jasmine. Tom>>
Dropsy? Epsom salt and mystery snails? 4/9/06 Hi,
<Ki> I have been reading your website on a fairly regular basis
for about three months now (from the time we discussed purchasing an
aquarium & since then--especially before purchasing any new
species). Currently we have a 10 gallon tank with 4 platies, 4 Cory
catfish, 3 snails (gold mystery, black mystery, and blue mystery), and
2 glass shrimp. The platies have been with us about 6 weeks. The Cory
cats about 2 weeks. The golden snail-6 weeks, the black one-4 weeks,
the blue one-about 2 weeks. The ph is 7, the ammonia is 0, nitrite 0,
nitrate 20. <Take care to keep those nitrates no higher> We do
not plan to increase the community, though I am aware that the platies
might make that decision for us, in which case we will get another
tank. First, while this did not seem overcrowded to me based upon what
I have read, I am starting to have doubts. Namely, do we have too many
snails? <Not yet... and these are not "bisexual" species
listed... so, easier to monitor...> Also, until tonight we had 5
platies, but I found one of them dead this evening. She ate fine in the
morning, but then died at some point in the afternoon/early evening.
Her abdomen looked somewhat swollen, but not at all
"pinecone-like." Her scales were still flat against the body
and only the underside of the abdomen was swollen. Still, because of
the swelling, I am wondering if it is some form of dropsy. If so, are
the other fish in danger? <Not likely> I have read that many
dropsy conditions are not contagious, but I am still worried. Now I am
paranoid that the other platies look swollen, though my husband says I
am imagining it. Also, would it be safe to do a treatment with Epsom
salt to be sure? And would the Epsom salt kill the snails & shrimp?
<Too likely so> I have seen a reference to the safety of Epsom
salt with invertebrates, but the ones listed in that person's
question were all saltwater creatures, not freshwater ones. I just want
to be sure before I do anything. I apologize if these questions are all
answered in obvious places on the website that I missed. Thanks, Ki
<No worries. I would be conservative here re adding anything...
Likely the system, fish being "very new" and this being a
"first batch" of young, some have died more easily. Bob
FW Compatibility Dilemma... Scats 4/4/06
Hi. I have looked all over your site, Google, etc, and
haven't found the answer to my questions, so hopefully they
won't be too redundant. I have a 30 gallon Freshwater
tank with 10 Corydoras catfish (5 Trilineatus, 2 Paleatus, & 3
Bronze Aeneas) and 3 Dwarf Gourami (Colisa Lalia - 1 standard, 1 blue,
and 1 sunset). In addition I have 4 other
tanks. One is a 5 gallon with a spoiled rotten Betta
(Splendens). <Heee!> A 20 gallon long sectioned into 7 spaces,
containing 4 Male Bettas, 1 female Betta (also all Splendens), 1 Dwarf
Gourami (Colisa Lalia neon blue), and 1 Honey Dwarf Gourami (Colisa
chuna). A 10 gallon sectioned into 3 spaces with, you
guessed it, 3 male Bettas. Finally, a 5 gallon corner tank
with 4-6 Guppies in it. Two of the Guppies are in sick tanks
right now, so 4 is definite. The other two, if they recover,
will go back in as well. They were in the 30 gallon, but the
Dwarf Gouramis kept taking chunks off of their fins. They
also seem to really need the aquarium salt, which my Corys don't do
well with. <Agreed to all> I had been using 1 teaspoon/5 gallons,
but it wasn't enough for the Guppies. The Corys were
okay with it, but I wasn't willing to risk them on a higher dose.
<You are wise here> The 30 is now salt-free, as are all the
others, except the Guppy tank. I consider the 5 gallon tanks
full (stocking capacity). I think 6 Guppies are max for the
capacity of the BioWheel in the corner 5. <Agreed> The Betta in
the other 5 gallon will not take any tankmates. The last
time I tried, he sulked himself into a lovely case of
Velvet. Long story short, he lives alone now. The
20 long is full as well. By water surface to air ratio I
have space left, as well as by the inch/gallon
rule. However, with the extra filtration and dividers taking
up space, I'm not comfortable with adding more fish into
it. The 10 is also considered full by both stocking
ratios. All the tanks are cycled. I maintain the
Bettas only tanks at 76/77 degrees. The 20L and 30 are kept
at 77/78 degrees. My numbers are Nitrites 0ppm and Nitrates
0ppm (except the 5 gallon with the single Betta, which is 0 -
5ppm). All the tanks are at 8.0 for Ph (stable), GH is 3
max, and KH is 9-11. Ammonia is 0 in all but the 10 and 30
gallon tanks. The 10 and 30 sometimes get a .25ppm reading,
usually coinciding with my over feeding the little beggars (I'm
working on that). <Ah yes> Water changes are 25 percent weekly in
all but the 5 gallon tanks. The 5 gallons get 50 percent
changes weekly. If I get an ammonia reading, I do an extra
change and clean up the extra food. Okay, by now I'm
sure that you're wondering where-in lies the
questions. So here goes.....I wanted to get a couple fish to
replace the Guppies in the 30 gallon, so I now have 2 Scat in
quarantine. <Mmm, no... too aggressive, gets too large... needs
brackish to full marine conditions> I made the HUGE mistake of not
researching prior to buying, followed by the 'fish guy answered all
the trick questions, so lets trust him' MAJOR
screw-up. Since bringing the Scat home, I have discovered
that they are brackish fish, and I have no idea where to put them!
<Another tank... or... back to the shop?> I think they are
Scatophagus Multifasciatus. They are silver with black
vertical strips that run into/become spots on their
sides. They also have a bit of tannish color on the sides of
their heads above and around the gills. Their dorsal fins
are similar to the Dwarf Gouramis, in that they (the fins) lay down and
stand up depending on the situation. Their dorsal fins are
also black trimmed and pointed. There were no Latin
names on the tank they came from, just
"Scat". I'm praying I have the 5 inch fish and
not the 15-18 inch fish. Is there any way to tell for sure
what they are? <Mmm, are easily discerned... see WWM:
or fishbase.org> Is it true that they have venomous dorsal fins?
<Yes> If so, is it enough to kill a Guppy, etc? <Mmm, yes>
My husband wants me to put them with the Guppies
(...already a brackish tank, problem solved.....). Can I do
that? <No... too different temperaments> They're
less than 2 inches right now. They're smaller than my
littlest C. Lalia, but bigger than the C. Chuna. How fast do
they grow? <Slow if not fed well...> We're talking about
setting up a 55 gallon tank, but not for at least a
year. Can they be kept in a smaller tank that long?
<No... will suffer, likely die from renal problems...> Are they
even safe to have with our other fish? <See WWM re... yes, with
other brackish to marine animals of similar temperament...> My
quarantine/sick tanks are only 2 to 2.25 gallons each, so I need to
figure out what to do with them when their 2 weeks are
up. Returning them is not a possibility. They
were purchased out of town (mistake #3). I like them and
would like to keep them. They are quite personable already,
and it doesn't take me long to get attached. Any
thoughts, words of wisdom, suggestions, or ideas would be greatly
appreciated. Thank you, in advance, for any help you can
send my way! <Great family of fishes... good with Monos, Datnoides,
brackish to marine puffers, much more... all covered on... WWM. Bob
Salt, Creep in a FW Tank - 3/5/2006 Hi, <<Hi
John>> I have a 29-gallon freshwater tank and I have always kept
a light concentration of salt (about a teaspoon of aquarium rock salt
when I do a 1/4 tank change). <<Why, do your fish require this?
Be careful not to add salt unless it benefits the species you
keep.>> I always get a crusty formation of salt on the aquarium
(filter cover, tank lid, etc.) Is there any way to remove and/or
prevent this formation? The formation has proven nearly impossible to
strip. <<There are commercially available products available for
this. "Salt Creep Eliminator" by Coralife is a popular
one.>> Thanks! John <<Glad to help. Lisa.>>
Adding Salt To A FW Tank - 02/20/06 Hello Folks. Its
been a while. How've ya been? I recently switched from a salt reef
to a 60 gallon fresh water aquarium, with a decent amount of real
plants. I have been reading conflicting reports on whether
to add, or not add aquarium salt (not sea salt). The plant
varieties are: Anubias, Cabomba, Java Ferns, Fox Tails, Cardamine,
Dwarf Sagittaria, and a few other plant names that elude me right
now, (one is a short grass, one is red, and 1 has pink under
the leaves). The tank is on its way to being an "aqua garden with
a few fish in it". The Bio load is relatively light, with 8 or 9
Gourami's...Yes. They nibble on everything. I know aquarium salt is
good for the fish, but I hear conflicting stories on how well/if at
all; the plants tolerate it. Also, I've read everything
from 1 teaspoon, to 1 ounce of salt per gallon. 1 ounce
seems like brackish to me. Any Experience or advice on whether to add
salt for the fish benefit? Thanks John M. < When you add salt it
usually increases the slime coat on a fish. Plants simply utilize the
sodium and chloride ions as nutrients. Salt is not needed in a FW
Epsom Salt Use ... on Plecos, Goldfish - 02/16/2006 I have an
3 year old Redcap Oranda who has been having difficulty staying right
side up. For the last week, he has begun to spend all time
floating upside down at the top of the tank, except for eating
time. He will right himself to swim around to eat, but
then will resume floating. I have changed the water and the
airstone. I tried not feeding for two days. Then,
I fed frozen, defrosted peas. He is in a 40 gallon tank with
another Gold Oranda and a Plecos. They have been together
for two years without any problems. Now this! I
want to try the Epsom salt, but I don't know if this is okay for
the Plecos in the tank. Will Epsom salt hurt
him? Thank you for any help. <Is okay with this group of
fishes (South American, though some are Central, Sucker-mouth
catfishes) up to an extent (still useful). You can search this under
Loricariid Systems on WWM... About a level teaspoon per ten gallons
should suit all here. Replace with water changes correspondingly. Bob
Table salt is bad for the fish, right? I have a friend who puts
it in his 10 gallon tank. Should he use a different
salt? - 2/15/2006 He has tropical fish, but I'm not sure
what they are. <<Please read on WWM, and use proper
English/grammar when writing.>> Steve <<Lisa.>>
Question Regarding Epsom Salt 1/16/06 Hi WWM,
<Robert> I recently added about a
1/4 tsp of Epsom salt to my Betta's (Fernando) 1 gallon tank to
relieve what appeared to be constipation. Within a day or
two, the Epsom salt worked its wonders, and now the swelling in
Fernando's belly has almost completely disappeared. My
question is: Should I change the water now [My last water change was
about 2 days before the swelling occurred (in total about 4 days ago)],
or is it ok to keep him in there with the Epsom salt for a few weeks,
until it's time to change his water according to my regular water
changing schedule? <Is okay to leave
in... though not continuously... that is, a week or so is all-right,
but not adding every time> I hope this question has not
already been addressed on the site. I looked around for a
while and although I found a great deal regarding Epsom salts, and
Epsom salt baths, I was under the impression that this small amount of
salt did not constitute a bath; so I decided I better be safe, and
ask. Thank you for your time and help with this
matter. Take care. Sincerely,
Robbie Ellis <Am sure others will benefit from your
asking re. Bob Fenner>
Will the Epsom salt treatment mean we have to remove our
Pleco? - 1/6/06 <No.> We have a severely
swollen Oscar and assume it is a blockage of sorts. We
thought the swelling was eggs, but are following your suggestions for
others who have Oscars with what appears to be the same
problem. Thanks!! Sharon <The Plec can
remain in the tank during treatment with Epsom salt. All the
best to you, -Sabrina>
Adding Salt To a FW Tank 12/24/05 Hi, I would like to
add some salt to my tank water to help my gravid female guppy, but I
don't know if my other fish can tolerate the salt. I
have 4 zebra Danios and 1 mini Pleco (about 2 inches long) besides 3
guppies. Will the Danios and Pleco be harmed by the salt?
Thank you, and great site! < The Pleco will not like the salt but it
can probably tolerate a little. The others should be
Salt... and older goldfish 12/20/2005 When you refer to
salt as in " Bacterial and fungal infections of goldfish are
almost always indirect or secondarily caused by other factors,
principally environmental or subsequent to parasitic attack. These are
best "treated" with use of regular salt at the one teaspoon
per five gallon rate and careful attention to aspects of husbandry
(e.g. water quality). "...you are still referring to non-iodized,
correct? Always? Judith <Best if this is synthetic salt mix, as in
artificial marine aquarium mixes, not just sodium chloride... with
iodide or no. Bob Fenner>
Older Goldfish, salt, blindness 12/20/2005 Thank you for the
info on the salt. I bought some aquarium salt from the fish store and
the salesman told me it was the same as the non iodized from the
grocery store. <Some are, yes> I put it in the tank. Now I wonder
if I shouldn't have. I am starting to think the fish with the tumor
is blind. He doesn't seem to see food, nor my hand. I wanted to
hand feed him. Usually he'd dart away. Is there something I could
give him in a hospital tank for his eyes? Judith <Not as far as
I'm aware. Blindness in fishes has several etiologies...
pathogenic, nutritional, water quality... Bob Fenner>
Will my live plant die? <Salt, Betta Treatment> 9/8/05
Hi Bob (or whoever), <Jeff> I have a 3 gallon freshwater tank
setup with one red male Betta that I just bought about two weeks ago.
It's equipped with a 25-watt Visi-therm heater and a 15-watt
incandescent light bulb (no filter). <Does need one> Inside is a
substrate of 1/2" to 1" in depth (it varies), one plastic
plant and one potted live plant. There's also a thermometer hanging
in the tank. Just a few days ago, I noticed that my Betta
was acting rather odd, swimming erratically and scratching himself
against the plants, the in-tank thermometer, and the
marbles. Then about 3 days ago, I saw small white dots all
over his fins. <Oh oh> I researched this in your website and
concluded that he was infected with Ich, and that a simply treatment is
to add some (uniodized) salt and raise the temperature to mid-eighties.
<One approach... I would remove the live plant...> So after I did
my regular 50% water change, I added 1 tablespoon of aquarium salt (the
carton recommended 1 tablespoon per 5 gallons) and then over the course
of about 12 hours raised the temperature from 79 F to 86
F. I read some more articles and FAQ's to learn more,
and to my horror I discovered that salt treatments are deleterious to
live plants. NO! I don't want to lose my beautiful live
plant. It's been in the salt treatment for about 20
hours now, as I write this e-mail. Can I still save it by
changing the water to reduce the salt concentration? Or will it die?
<I would place this plant in a "jar", container large
enough... outside the tank during treatment> (I don't know the
plant's name, sorry, so let me just describe it to you the best I
can. It's a rooted plant about 8 inches tall; its leaves
are each about 3 inches long and 1 inch wide (at its widest part) and
have an interesting pattern: in the middle of the leaves right from the
root to the tip runs a wide, bright green stripe, which is about 1/3 of
the width of the leaf. There are sharp dividing lines between the
outer, darker green edges and inner, brighter green stripe, so that
there is NO gradual transition from bright green to dark green
edges. Do you have any idea what plant this is?) <Perhaps
a type of Echinodorus... Swordplant> Thank you for your help. T. J.
Rexton <Please do add a purposeful filter... and read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/bettasysart.htm Bob
How Often to Salt FW Fish 8/4/05 Hi Chuck, Question about
salt dips? How many times can I salt dip a sick swollen fish and what
kind of frequency ..... daily, every other day, weekly.......... thanks
again for your reply to my looong email on Popeye and dropsy and silver
dollars. I love your web site. Thanks, Janet < Only when needed.
Salt stresses many fish, so while it does have some medicinal
properties, it does affect the fish too.-Chuck>
Residual salt in FW 7/28/05 Using advice from various sources
I added salt, 1 level tsp per 5 gal, to my 29 gal FW aquarium. My
question is after 6 months how do I check the level and do I ever add
more? <Mmm, can use a hydrometer... there are other methods...
Please see here: http://wetwebmedia.com/spg_salinity.htm> I do 10-15%
water changes twice a month but after reading some of the data in your
FAQ's I intend to try using the nitrate level as an indicator of
when it should be done. Forgot: Tank contains only livebearers. Thank
You Clark <I would not (necessarily) add more salt/s purposely to an
otherwise healthy freshwater system. I would routinely change, vacuum
out part of the water and replace it. Please read here re: http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwh2ochgs.htm Bob
Quick question on salt in mixed fish tank?? Hi Mr. Fenner
<Oz> Thank you for taking time to read this and other questions
sent before. <Welcome> I was just wondering if it was safe to add
salt to a tank with 4 white mountain minnows, two sucking loaches and a
couple of light glow tetra in? <Not the last> I have in the same
tank (2 ft long x 1 and half ft deep x 1 ft wide ) 6 guppies and a
female black molly, hence the salt question. Also I have a small fry
trap with 3 molly fry and 5 guppy fry in (not staying in the tank once
large enough to move, would the tank overload if I kept a couple??..)
<Likely not> Also if it is safe how much salt do I add? <Not
with South American Tetras, Characoids> I have another tank so I
could move the minnows and light glow to that. <I would> It's
a 1 and half ft long tank x half foot deep x half foot wide, Containing
a lion head Ranchu, Betta, small algae eating cat fish (very cute
little fella!) and two small zebra, I do feel there is enough in that
tank though. I do not want to cause any ill health by keeping to
many in too small a tank. <... the Goldfish should not be kept with
these tropicals> I also have a spare 6 litre tank with filter for
the loach if needs be. Obviously both tanks are well planted with good
filtration, large tank has undergravel. The smaller has a good internal
filter. Both have aeration blocks also. Many many thanks Mr.
Fenner Take care Oz <Time for another tank... Bob
Frogs with Salt Hello, you're website has been a great
help to me in many regards. I have one question that I haven't
found an answer for yet. I have 2 African dwarf frogs in a 29 gallon
tank along with some mollies, guppies, platies and some neon tetras. My
water levels are all good. I have read that ADF's can handle some
aquarium salt in the water but not much, but can't seem to find any
specifics on exactly how much salt per gallon they can tolerate. Would
you happen to know how much salt per gallon is acceptable for
ADF's? Thanks. <Frogs really don't like any salt at all in
their water. Frogs breath through their skin. There is a point in which
salt will actually outright kill your frog and then there is a little
amount that will weaken your frog and he will die from a disease before
the salt actually kills him. I would try to limit the salt. I know your
livebearers love it but the Neons and frog really doesn't. Start at
a teaspoon per 10 gallons and what the reaction from your fish and
frog. While the livebearers may thrive the others may come down with
other problems down the road.-Chuck>
Ragged Goldfish Would that be just ordinary salt that we have
in the kitchen for cooking or do we need sea salt? Thanks Karen
<Always use salt sold for freshwater aquariums. Don>
Fresh Water Salt 3.16.05 Would that be just ordinary salt that we
have in the kitchen for cooking or do we need sea salt? Thanks Karen
<Hi Karen, non-iodized salt is what you will want to use, if you
have kosher/cooking salt that is the stuff. I usually use
"Aquarium Salt" from the local fish store, so far the
goldfish have not noticed the difference. The salt will stimulate your
fish's natural slime coat and help heal the damaged fins. Best
Regards -Gage>
Salted Fish Hi, First of all, I wanted to let you know that
your website has been very helpful in learning how to care for, and
diagnosing problems with my fish. About a week ago I bought an Oranda,
who resides by himself in a 10 gallon aquarium. Before purchasing him,
I had the tank set up with the filter running for about 3 weeks. My
fish seemed fine for the first few days in the aquarium (I did partial
water changes almost daily to make sure that toxic levels would be low
using Nutrafin Aqua Plus and having the water sit overnight, and
I've been using Nutrafin Cycle), but then I found him sitting at
the bottom of the tank, not moving, with his fins clamped. He would
start swimming around feeding time, still having his usual appetite,
but would flash and try to scratch his sides along the bottom of the
tank when not resting. I did a water change, and tested the tank water,
and everything seemed fine. Finally, a few days later, I managed to
spot the Ich (he's a calico so it was hard to see at first against
the white of his tail). I immediately started salting the tank at 1
teaspoon of salt per gallon every 12 hours (3 doses). The last dose was
yesterday, and he has been swimming around the tank looking much
happier than he's been over the past few days, though still has a
lot of Ich, especially on his tail, and the dorsal fin is still down.
Is there anything else I should be doing? Also, this morning I noticed
a red mark/hole on the top of his head (it looks like blood), possibly
from him trying to scratch at the Ich (there was some on his head).
Should I be putting something on it? Do you know what it could be? As
of this morning, the ammonia measured just under 1.0 mg with PH being
7.7, and Nitrites about 0.15mg. I will have to do a water
change soon, and when I do, should I put 3 teaspoons of salt into the
aquarium right away (per gallon of water I remove during the water
change), or do I do it in 12 hour installments again? How long should I
keep the salt in the tank for? Thank you for your time, any help is
appreciated! Lisa <Hi Lisa, Don here. You are on the right course
using salt to kill the Ich. But I'm not a big fan of dosing at
these high levels when measuring by volume. You really should weigh it
or use a refractor. The size of the salt crystals make a big difference
in how much salt you are really adding when you measure this way. The
proper amount of salt for a 10 gallon tank is 76 grams. With fine grain
salt this is around a 1/8 of a cup. With course aquarium salt it is
over a quarter cup. Big difference. Please read the two links below.
The first is a great article on Ich. Please take note of the lifecycle
and continue treatment for at least 2 weeks after the last spot drops.
Always do water changes from the bottom using a gravel vac. Mix the
same concentration of salt into the replacement water before adding it
to the tank. You want the salt high, but steady. If during treatment
the fish suddenly looses a large number of spots do a water change. The
Ich is not dead. It has dropped off and is alive in the gravel
preparing to reproduce. The second link is on freshwater cycling. It
was great to allow the tank to run for three weeks before stocking, and
even greater that you are testing. But unless you added an ammonia
source to feed the bacteria a cycle did not start. Even if you did
establish the bacteria the salt will stress or kill them. But the
solution for all your problems, even the scrape on his head, is the
same. Water changes with salt for the Ich. Do as many water changes as
it takes to keep both ammonia and nitrite near zero. 50% daily is not
out of line, even twice a day is OK if you see the spots drop. Good
luck.> http://www.aquariumadvice.com/showquestion.php?faq=2&fldAuto=32
Aquatic Gardens
Ponds, Streams, Waterfalls
& Fountains:
Volume 1. Design & Construction
Volume 2. Maintenance, Stocking, Examples
V. 1
Print and
eBook on Amazon
V. 2
Print and
eBook on Amazon
by Robert (Bob) Fenner |