FAQs on Epsom/Magnesium Sulfate Salt, Use in
Related Articles: Salts (Marine, Table/NaCl,
Epsom): Use in Freshwater Aquariums & Ponds by Neale
Monks, Choose Your Weapon: Freshwater Fish Disease
Treatment Options by Neale
Monks, FW Disease Troubleshooting, Freshwater Diseases, Nutritional Disease, Ich/White Spot Disease,
Related FAQs: Using Salts in Freshwater 1,
FW Salt Use 2,
FAQs on: Salt Use for
Treating Ich, Salt for Treating
PopEye, Salt for Treating
Bloat, by type of salt: Table/NaCl, Seawater, Rift Valley Salt Mix, &
Medications, Aquarium
Maintenance, Ich/White Spot
Disease, African Cichlid
Disease 1, Cichlid
Can Epsom salt be used for Ich?
Dear WWM.
Hope you are doing fine. Thanks for maintaining an incredible website,
it is so helpful.
<Thanks for the kind words.>
A quick question: Along with heat, can we use Epsom salt instead of NaCl
to treat freshwater ich?
I am not getting a definitive answer from the interweb. In case we can,
what will be a ballpark gm/US gallons mixing advice?
<No idea.>
I was wondering if the osmotic pressure difference between the Ich
protozoan's tissue (in the free swimming stage) and the water is what
them. In that case any salt that is not detrimental otherwise should
<In theory that sounds fine, but Epsom salt has other properties, such
as its laxative effect, that sodium chloride does not; therefore the two
not interchangeable.>
Or is there something special about NaCl and ich biochemically?
<Might well be, but the research is lacking. If you visit Google Scholar
you'll find much research involving Ichthyophthirius and sodium
but so far as I can tell, none at all re: Ichthyophthirius and magnesium
<Cheers, Neale.>
Epsom Salt Bath for Constipation
How frequently can I give a constipated fish an Epsom salt bath?
<You don't re-dose. You add the required amount to the tank to start with, and
with each water change, the amount needed for however many buckets of water.
When the fish are better, you simply do water changes without Epsom
salt. The Epsom salt itself won't harm the fish, and can be used for many weeks,
even months, except perhaps if you're treating species particularly sensitive to
high general hardness. Make sense? Neale.>
Re: Epsom Salt Bath for Constipation 3/12/18
Makes sense - thank you!
<Glad to hear it. Cheers, Neale.>
Epsom salts, peacock gudgeons and blockages 10/1/17
Hi Crew! Everything has been ticking along quite nicely in my aquariums, my
murderous penguin tetras have settled down into a much better behaved school and
the yoyo loaches I added to keep the tetras in line are
completely delightful. I have also added some peacock gudgeons to this tank,
although they are a smaller fish, they have no issues feeding at the surface
along side the rambunctious loaches and they are ignored by the
tetras as they stay in the bottom half of the tank most of the time.
<Ah yes>
I previously have had a couple of gudgeons die to what appeared like being
egg-bound, swelling of the anus and a grapelike cluster of eggs protruding.
I had more females than males to start with and the males could not keep up with
the females. But now I have an issue with a male with a protrusion from the
<Does appear to be a prolapse>
I've attached a picture of the poor fellow in question. He is one of the fry
from my first batch of gudgeons, grown into a nice looking young fish.
However he seems to have a prolapse, it is a clear fluid filled globe where his
anus should be. I noticed it a couple of weeks ago and left him alone since it
wasn't very big and it didn't seem to be bothering him. However
it is now at least twice the size that it was before and I don't think it is
doing him any good. I'm worried that if he gets into a scuffle with one of his
fellow gudgeon tankmates he might rupture it or something.
I feed these fish grindal worms, fruit fly larvae, crushed flake and crushed
pellets, and sometimes peas. The gudgeons don't like dried brine shrimp or dried
Tubifex. I wonder if this fish has eaten a non-food item
(a piece of substrate maybe) and gotten a blockage?
I wonder if these fish have a narrow passage and are prone to blockages (or
maybe the 2 females I lost were simply egg-bound and this is unrelated). They
are pretty fussy eaters though so I'm not sure that they'd swallow non-food
items. Is it possible that this could be caused by an internal infection?
<This is also a possibility>
I wormed this tank after I'd had the yoyos for a while so I don't suspect worms.
In any case I remembered Epsom salts as the treatment to reduce swelling and
came across 1 tbs per 5 gallons - this is a 40 gallon tank.
I didn't have a tablespoon measure at hand so I decided to start adding a
smaller amount and monitor how the fish handle it, and increase it over time. I
decided to treat the whole tank rather than the impossibility of singling
out and catching this one fish. Anyway I started with 4 dessertspoons dissolved
in water, slowly added it to the tank, waited a while and everyone was fine, so
added 4 more dessertspoons. As far as my reckoning goes 1 tablespoon = 2 dessert
spoons = 4 teaspoons (Also I was using Australian measurements which go tbs =
20ml, tsp = 5ml). However I've been reading a bit more trying to find how slowly
I should be adding this and came across the dosage to be 1 TEASPOON per 5
gallons. So I've now added about 16 teaspoons to this 40 gallon tank. None of
the fish seem particularly worried by the extra GH so I thought I'd write in and
check which dosage is right! Have I added too much?
<I wouldn't add any more than this here>
Is it worth trying to isolate this one fish - and does anyone know if this fish
is prone to blockages?
<Have sent your message to Neale Monks here who knows much more than I on the
subject. I would drop the dried foods for now, and offer live or
frozen/defrosted Brine Shrimp or Daphnia if you can find these; or other
small crustacean fare... for laxative effect>
Thanks again for all that you do!
Bronwen Nottle
<Thank you for sharing. Bob Fenner>
Epsom salts, peacock gudgeons and blockages /Neale 10/1/17
Hi Crew! Everything has been ticking along quite nicely in my aquariums, my
murderous penguin tetras have settled down into a much better behaved school and
the yoyo loaches I added to keep the tetras in line are
completely delightful.
<Sounds good.>
I have also added some peacock gudgeons to this tank, although they are a
smaller fish, they have no issues feeding at the surface along side the
rambunctious loaches and they are ignored by the tetras as they stay in the
bottom half of the tank most of the time.
<Good. These are nice fish, but touchy about water chemistry.>
I previously have had a couple of gudgeons die to what appeared like being
egg-bound, swelling of the anus and a grapelike cluster of eggs protruding.
I had more females than males to start with and the males could not keep up with
the females. But now I have an issue with a male with a protrusion from the
<I can see this. Not uncommon to see the genital papilla somewhat extended.
Whether it's a dietary issue, an infection such as Hexamita, related to water
chemistry, or something else entirely is hard to say.>
I've attached a picture of the poor fellow in question. He is one of the fry
from my first batch of gudgeons, grown into a nice looking young fish.
However he seems to have a prolapse, it is a clear fluid filled globe where his
anus should be. I noticed it a couple of weeks ago and left him alone since it
wasn't very big and it didn't seem to be bothering him. However it
is now at least twice the size that it was before and I don't think it is doing
him any good. I'm worried that if he gets into a scuffle with one of his fellow
gudgeon tankmates he might rupture it or something.
<A risk, but more often than not these things fix themselves with a high-fibre,
low-protein diet and the use of Epsom salt to act as a laxative.>
I feed these fish grindal worms, fruit fly larvae, crushed flake and crushed
pellets, and sometimes peas. The gudgeons don't like dried brine shrimp or dried
Tubifex. I wonder if this fish has eaten a non-food item (a piece of substrate
maybe) and gotten a blockage?
<Possibly, but seems unlikely. For a start, a blockage would quickly cause the
death of the fish. Also, fish don't have throats as simple as ours, and while
they do shovel in sand and stuff, by the time it gets to the gill chamber and
pharyngeal teeth, the fish has plenty of time to sift out such inedible
particles and pass them out.>
I wonder if these fish have a narrow passage and are prone to blockages (or
maybe the 2 females I lost were simply egg-bound and this is unrelated).
They are pretty fussy eaters though so I'm not sure that they'd swallow non-food
items. Is it possible that this could be caused by an internal infection? I
wormed this tank after I'd had the yoyos for a while so I don't suspect worms.
<An Hexamita infection is certainly a possibility, or some other type of
intestinal parasite. Metronidazole is probably the drug of choice here.>
In any case I remembered Epsom salts as the treatment to reduce swelling and
came across 1 tbs per 5 gallons - this is a 40 gallon tank. I didn't have a
tablespoon measure at hand so I decided to start adding a smaller amount and
monitor how the fish handle it, and increase it over time. I decided to treat
the whole tank rather than the impossibility of singling out and catching this
one fish.
<A fine approach. Epsom salt has very low toxicity, and makes a useful
short-term medication because of this.>
Anyway I started with 4 dessertspoons dissolved in water, slowly added it to the
tank, waited a while and everyone was fine, so added 4 more dessertspoons. As
far as my reckoning goes 1 tablespoon = 2 dessert spoons
= 4 teaspoons (Also I was using Australian measurements which go tbs = 20ml, tsp
= 5ml).
<In any event, 1 Imperial teaspoon is about 6 gram Epsom salt, and you're aiming
for a dosage of 1-3 teaspoons per 5 gallons/20 litres.>
However I've been reading a bit more trying to find how slowly I should be
adding this and came across the dosage to be 1 TEASPOON per 5 gallons. So I've
now added about 16 teaspoons to this 40 gallon tank.
<So about 180 litres? That's 9 x 1-3 teaspoons, i.e., 9-27 teaspoons.>
None of the fish seem particularly worried by the extra GH so I thought I'd
write in and check which dosage is right! Have I added too much?
<See above.>
Is it worth trying to isolate this one fish - and does anyone know if this fish
is prone to blockages?
<Sleeper Gobies are somewhat prone to mild prolapses, yes. Yours is a bit more
severe than usual though.>
Thanks again for all that you do!
<Most welcome. Neale.>

New Pandas also Re: Epsom salts, peacock gudgeons and blockages
Thanks Neale and Bob for your replies. And Hi Crew! Thought you would like an
update on how my poor gudgeon is doing, and I have some extra troubles which I
will get to later in this email.
<Oh dear.>
I kept watching the display tank after it was treated with Epsom salts and could
see the prolapsed portion of the affected gudgeon had shrunk by half overnight
and looked much better.
However after a full day many of the other peacock gudgeons were showing some
stress colouration and hiding, so I performed the scheduled water change. By the
following morning the gudgeons were back to normal, but
prolapse was back to its original size. I took the plunge and managed to catch
the affected gudgeon by tricking him with food. If they get the idea they are in
trouble they can dart and jump surprisingly quickly but I was
very lucky to catch him off guard. Anyway after 3 or 4 days in his own tank, and
after treatment with what I hope is Metronidazole (bought off the internet due
to not being readily available in Australia, the packaging is slightly
unconvincing), the prolapse had reduced down again but did not yet resolve.
<The Metronidazole is a good thought here, as prolapses of this type are
sometimes a reaction to parasites inside the gut.>
The gudgeon was becoming very stressed so I put him back into the display tank.
It's been over a week and he is back to his normal self behaviourally. The
prolapse has still not resolved but it is not as big as it was, or at least, it
looks fleshier and a lot less likely to burst than it used to so I will keep my
eye on him and continue to be mindful of what I feed that tank. No one died so I
am counting that as a win for now!
<Indeed. Such things do take weeks to resolve. So like Dropsy, if the fish is
getting incrementally better, and still eating, that's good!>
I'm writing now about an old familiar problem - trying to keep some new panda
Corydoras alive. My existing school of 6 panda Corys is quite happy and doing
well (thanks for your help in getting them to that point!) and I
had the idea that the tank they are in has room for a bigger school.
Originally I wanted to try some pygmy Corydoras in a separate species tank but I
saw pandas had become available again for quite a cheap price. I ordered 15
expecting to lose a few but hoping to keep enough alive to
eventually expand the existing crew and I'm using the unused pygmy Cory tank for
the quarantine tank. The store sent me 16 pandas (and also 2 sterbai Corys by
mistake instead of trilineatus), but unfortunately put all
the pandas in the same bag. 4 died in transit, but the rest seemed mostly quite
lively and feisty after getting into some fresh water. I lost 1 more from
quarantine in the first few hours, one overnight, and then one more on
the following day. This last one had his barbels curled under him and his gill
covers looked like they were stuck open. I suspect it was just residual damage
from being in poor water conditions during shipping.
<Agreed, but the "cheap price" might also suggest less than perfect breeding
conditions. Sometimes fish are maintained poorly, but "juiced" on antibiotics,
which keeps them alive on the fish farm. Once shipped, the
drugs where off, and you're stuck with sickly fish. Careful quarantining, good
food, and judicious medical treatment as needed can help though, so all is not
The remaining 8 pandas are still lively and have good appetites, and the 2
sterbai seem much the same although definitely more nervous due to their small
school size. The zoomy pandas seem to terrify them even though the
sterbai are three times the size.
<Corydoras sterbai do need warmish water to stay healthy, 25-28 C, so they're
not quite as adaptable to lower-end tropical conditions as other members of the
genus. On the other hand, they're good choices for Angelfish, Discus and Gourami
set-ups where high temperatures are needed.>
I am using the refund from the dead fish/wrong fish to buy a few more sterbai so
eventually they will be in a comfortable school size - they definitely behave
differently than the pandas and trilineatus that I already have so I am looking
forward to setting them up in their own tank.
The current quarantine tank is 65lt with a fine sandy bottom and I have been
doing daily 20lt water changes and vacuuming out uneaten food trying to give
these guys as clean an environment as possible to recover. They
have been getting live grindal worms and some small pellet food and none of the
survivors seem skinny like a few were when they first arrived. I am mixing up
their water to be the same as the water my existing panda Corys
live in as that's where I want to move them to after quarantine is over, so
medium softness and temp is 24C.
Anyway now to the problems. After the quarantine population stabilized I noticed
2 of the pandas had thickened white patches on their fins, faces, and one had a
coated barbel on one side which was twice as thick as it
should be. Very difficult to see what's going on with white on white but I
thought it looked like fungus so began treatment with a Multicure product
(malachite green, Methylene blue, Acriflavine, supposed to be good vs.
fungus and some external parasites).
<Sounds about right; Methylene Blue is a good first choice for fungus
infections. Low toxicity, even with baby fish and eggs.>
After 2 days of this treatment there was no improvement and the patches were
thicker so I began to worry that it was actually the dreaded Columnaris instead.
I couldn't actually see any fibrous or fuzzy growths, the white patches seem
more flattened and blobby than anything. All I had at hand was some tri-sulfa
(which does say it can treat Columnaris on the label) and I remember reading
somewhere that Columnaris will not tolerate salt.
<Possibly true, but can't imagine the salt level needed would be tolerated by
Corydoras for long. I'd be using a plain vanilla antibacterial treatment here
instead. Salt is almost never useful against fungus or bacterial infections at
"safe" freshwater levels.>
I also checked to make sure I could mix tri-sulfa and the other product and as
far as I could tell all would be well. I have had tri-sulfa and salt in the tank
for 2 days now (this is the third day) and re-dosed as required, accounting for
the water changes I did (additional to the existing course of Multicure). I
added equivalent of 5 tsp of salt on the first day, and another 5 on the second
day, dripped it in slowly via airline. The fish are all tolerating this well. I
know Corydoras can handle more salt than this after having success treating Ich
this way, but I don't know if that level of salt is required to treat Columnaris
(or even if that's what I'm fighting here).
<I do suspect you are right: the 2 gram/litre level used for Whitespot is easily
tolerated by freshwater fish, but for bacterial and fungal infections you'd
surely need a lot more -- bear in mind marine fish can get both!>
I am holding off on adding more salt for now pending further advice.
<See above.>
I'm a bit worried that my water conditioner has reacted with the Multicure as it
seems like a lot of it has come out of solution and settled on the sand (or
perhaps just the top layer of sand is now dyed green).
<One risk with organic dyes like Malachite Green and Methylene Blue is precisely
this. Tends to fade away in time, but not always. The blue is generally
overlooked, looking watery I suppose, but the green is more annoying, it is
The first dosage I put in stained the water quite dark for a couple of days but
the second dose looks to be almost gone overnight, even though I followed the
instructions and didn't use it immediately after the water change. Anyway there
is still no improvement and the white patches are spreading to the other Corys.
Yesterday one of the sterbai had a patch on his forehead although that is gone
today, but a lighter patch of skin is visible in that place. I now realise
tri-sulfa is bacteriostatic rather than bacteriocidal and probably won't get rid
of Columnaris by itself, but I thought if I kept the Corys eating well they
might be able to fight it off. The package for this medication says I can double
the dosage for severe cases and I am considering doing this as I only used the
single dose to start with.
<Follow the instructions, and remember to remove carbon from the filter, if
Since I've had no success so far and it is spreading, today I had the idea that
maybe this is slime coat disease (Costia?) and not a fungus or bacteria. The
most notable thing is that it seems the extremities of the fish (fins, barbels)
are affected much moreso than their bodies. Where it is on their faces, it's
mostly around their nostrils, and it is on the fins that are closest to the
<This is not uncommon. It's usually explained in terms of a scratchy substrate,
or a dirty substrate, or both. The belly and barbels are scratched, bacteria
infect the wounds, and something similar to Finrot sets in. Indeed, it probably
is the same Aeromonas and Pseudomonas bacteria at work. That said, there are
mystery plagues or red-blotch diseases associated with Corydoras that don't have
any definite aetiology. A broad spectrum antibiotic is helpful, but with the
Corydoras moved to a substrate-free aquarium for the process, so that the skin
has time to heal over properly as well.>
The one with a patch on his body seems like it spread there from his fin.
The Cory with one affected barbel now has both barbels coated. It seems like it
covers the entire surface of some of their fins. I have not seen any redness
anywhere on the Corys but maybe that symptom would not show up
on fins (or can't be seen under the thick coating).
I would have thought Costia would be affected by the ingredients in Multicure,
if that's what this disease is, however if the Multicure is being cancelled by
the water conditioner it would explain why the disease is spreading. If the
disease is Columnaris it also explains why it is spreading quickly, although I
would have hoped triple sulfa would have slowed it down. I do have some eSHa
Exit available which I didn't use yet, as I am not keen on mixing up my
medications. I had assumed it had similar ingredients to Multicure however I
found a webpage stating it contains Acridine, Malachite Green, Meth.Violet,
Meth. Blue so not quite the same.
So it might work differently I guess?
At this point I am wondering what your opinion is of this disease and how I
should be treating it. I am fairly sure by now that this is not fungus as the
water has been kept quite clean, I haven't seen any obvious hairy fuzz,
and it has not responded to that treatment. I hope it's not Columnaris, but if
it is, it's taking its time on killing off all my fish and they aren't really
acting unwell. I've had advice that Kanaplex will work on Columnaris but at this
point I don't have access to any (although I could ask my vet when I take my
cats in tomorrow) however, obviously antibiotics are pointless if this is
Costia. But if it's Costia, why didn't the first treatment get rid of it (maybe
because it's not as good as eSHa Exit)? I'm hoping you have some ideas or tips
as to what to do next.
<Costia is frustrating because it can't be easily diagnosed without a
microscope. While some fish are prone to it, others aren't, and to some degree
it's "the thing you suspect next" if fungal and Finrot bacterial infections have
been dismissed. It's all very annoying.>
I'll attach some pictures but its quite hard to see since everything is kind of
green, I have a terrible camera, and the Corys are tiny and won't sit still.
They are still very white, reflective and you can see some of their internal
structures and iridescent bits showing through which looks like white patches on
their bodies but isn't.
<Indeed, I can see what you're talking about clearly. I'd be assuming the
substrate and bacteria are somehow the issue, and treating as described above.
I'd also double check the tank is Corydoras-safe, e.g., you used smooth silver
sand rather than sharp sand.>
When the extra sterbai Cory arrive they are going to have their own separate
quarantine well away from this tank since it is a bit of a disaster area. I'm
lucky to have a very understanding spouse who has let me set up many tanks
around the house!
Thanks as always for your help, your experience and advice is invaluable.
<Hope this helps. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: New Pandas also Re: Epsom salts, peacock gudgeons and blockages
Thanks Neale for your quick reply.
Regarding the sand, it is an extremely fine river sand which I had left over
from my other Corydoras tank which has been running for over a year now, no
issues with the sand. It's very smooth and inert and I've put a thin layer for
comfort more than anything. Fresh from the bag and rinsed before using here.
Only one of the Corys has anything on his barbels but I can see the sense of
sucking out the sand for now so that it doesn't provide a hiding place for the
bacteria. I can do that during the next water change and it also gives me a
chance to see if the green will rinse off.
No carbon in the filter at the moment but I have some fresh stuff at hand in
case I needed to remove medication from the water.
<Understood, though rarely necessary; most organic medications will decompose
rapidly in mature tanks.>
I do have a microscope but I understand Costia are small and hard to identify
and my scope only goes to 100x - useful for larger parasites but not so much the
tiny stuff. It might be worth a try, if I see anything at all zooming around it
is indicative that something is going on at that scale as well as anything at a
bacterial level. I'll report back if I find anything.
<Cool. Images of Costia aka Ichthyobodo can be found online.>
I'm going to the vet for my cats yearly check up tomorrow so I will ask if he
can prescribe me anything to help. I don't think he is a fishy vet but he does
have a huge tank with a turtle in it at his surgery so he might know something
about aquarium medications. I found some tetracycline at the back of my supplies
cabinet but I'm wary of using it on new fish weakened by shipping. Other
medications I've heard could be useful are Kanamycin,
neomycin, Nitrofurazone but I guess I have to wait and see what the vet says.
<Indeed; the old Metronidazole and Nitrofurazone combo is a good one, if you can
use it.>
Thanks again, at least I feel like I have a battle plan now.
<Good luck! Neale.>
Re: New Pandas also Re: Epsom salts, peacock gudgeons and blockages
Hi Crew! I'm still battling the white blobby patches on my new panda Corydoras
so here is an update of what's going on.
The visit to the vet on Wednesday wasn't much use, he was reluctant to supply
any medications without a diagnosis, and was unable to provide a diagnosis
himself even if he had a fresh sample - he's more of a
cat/dog/horse vet, despite keeping a turtle.
<Often the case. Medicating fish with help from a vet is the ideal, but rarely
practical. It can also get expensive given the low cost of fish, though it has
to be said there are fish vets out there, usually specialising in Koi, the best
of which reach prices comparable with pedigree dogs and horses! My point being
if you have a local or national
Koi club, they might be able to point you in the direction of a fish-friendly
He did suggest some places that might be able to give me a diagnosis and
prescription, but they are all quite far away and mostly oriented towards trout
farming so it didn't really help. I don't think I'm getting a prescription any
time soon, and not soon enough to help my fish anyway.
Once again I'm thwarted by living in the middle of nowhere!
I did manage to get a better scraping from one of my Corydoras and some of a
white patch came off so I had a look at it under my own microscope. I didn't see
any movement at all in any of the sample, and I also didn't see
any fibrous structures so I am much more confident now that it is bacterial and
not Costia or fungus.
The white stuff was fairly sticky so I am guessing it is either fish slime or a
bacterial film. Zoomed in, it looked a lot like the chunks you get when you stir
up gelatin jelly. Not much else to see at x100, my entry level microscope is not
so useful this time.
<Certainly fungus should be obvious as x40, let alone x100; Protozoans a bit
variable in this regard, but at x100 I'd expect to see something moving about or
waving their cilia! As you say though, bacteria are elusive at x100.>
I stopped using Multicure (M. blue, M. green & Acriflavine) in the tank as it
was not really working and was making it too hard to see what was going on, and
continued with the course of triple sulfa. I found on day 3, the
day before the second dose was due, the patches seemed thicker and were
spreading. But the morning after the water change and second dose of triple
sulfa, it looked like the start of recovery. Some of the Corys looked
completely clear while the other affected ones seemed slightly better.
However by the following day it was obvious that triple sulfa really was not
working - maybe it was just the water change that made them look temporarily
The white patches are spreading again and some patches were visible on fish that
were previously completely clear. The sterbai Corys also are starting to have
light markings on their faces which look like they could be ulcers.
I completed the course of triple sulfa but I think at best it merely slowed the
spread of the disease.
<Triple-Sulfa contains sulfamethazine, sulfacetamide, sulfathiazole, only one of
which, sulfacetamide, is an antibiotic; the other two are antimicrobials. Taken
together they're a bit hit-and-miss as an aquarium medication, and not really
anyone's first choice. While useful enough as preventatives, for example once a
fish is injured and you're concerned it might get infected with Finrot, I'd not
recommend Triple-Sulfa for dealing with an established infection.>
In any case, behaviourally the fish are still all eating, acting like they are
well and so on so I decided to switch to tetracycline as I think they are well
enough to handle the side effects for now. I keep finding conflicting
information regarding whether tetracycline will treat Columnaris but I think its
worth a try since I don't have anything else at hand right now, and I don't know
for sure that I'm dealing with Columnaris anyway - if it is, it must be the
slow-acting strain. I have ordered some Kanaplex and furan 2 from the internet
and if the tetracycline doesn't work I'll switch to whichever one gets here
first - although is it true that they have a synergy effect when dosed together?
I will wait and see how dire the situation is and if its not so bad maybe I'll
wait for both before
<Using two antibiotics can have mileage. Being very specific, if you choose one
for gram-positive and one for gram-negative, they can provide a two-pronged
approach without a risk of poisoning your fish.>
I'm also considering the possibility of using the Multicure product as a bath
since the Methylene blue and Acriflavine ingredients might still help and that
way I'm not mixing my medications "in tank".
<Agreed; I'd tend to back off the organic dyes (Methylene blue, etc.) while
using antibiotics. Whereas antibiotics are focused and have low toxicity, the
dyes and antimicrobials are much more akin to poisons, intended to kill
'germs' before they kill the fish. So overuse, or combining them, can pose a
risk. Do a water change, stop using the dyes, and then begin the antibiotics --
removing carbon from the filter, if used.>
I hope the tetracycline will work but it wouldn't surprise me at all if this
bacteria is also resistant to tetracycline as we don't really have access to
much else in Australia. So at this point I'm just planning ways to keep the fish
alive until the big guns get here. The bath instructions I've read are to use
water from the current tank to fill the "bath", then use the medication at
double the strength intended for in-tank use. Bathe fish for 30 min.s, watching
and removing back to the main tank if signs of distress are noted.
<Viable, if used carefully alongside the antibiotic.>
Multicure has 0.4% malachite green, 4% Methylene blue and 2% Acriflavine which
previously the fish have tolerated fine at the recommended half strength for
scaleless fish. Do you think Corydoras would handle a double
dose of this medication (which would actually be a regular dose)? How often is
it necessary to bathe, once a day? Uh, don't take that last one out of context,
<In other words bathe them at full dose? Personally, I would try this, but
carefully watching for signs of distress.>
These little guys have lasted almost 2 weeks since arrival, and despite their
external condition they still seem vigorous and I haven't lost hope that I will
be able to get them to be well again, that is, as well as possible after nuking
them with so much medication. What do you think of my treatment plan?
<Worth a shot!>
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: New Pandas also Re: Epsom salts, peacock gudgeons and blockages
Hi Crew!
<Hello Bronwen,>
Further update on the Corydoras white blobby patch disease saga. Somehow,
despite the disease failing to respond to anything I've thrown at it so far, the
only loss I've had has been from someone jumping out of the tank.
I do think despite not being curative, the treatments and baths did stop things
from getting worse, temporarily at least. The ulcerations I noticed on the
sterbai Corydoras faces actually cleared up during the tetracycline treatment,
however nothing has shaken the white blobby patches.
<Oh dear. Presumably indicates not a bacterial infection. Next most common
causes are either fungal or protozoan; the former is relatively easy to
identify, if not by eye, then with even a low power microscope because of the
hyphae. Protozoans difficult to see directly, so mucous and cysts will be what
you can see with the naked eye. I'd be choosing medications accordingly, perhaps
going with the protozoan option first, as this would
tend to be a bit more blobby than the usually fluffy appearance you get with
fungi. That said, if you're dealing with an effectively untreatable bacterial
infection, like a Mycobacteriosis, or a viral infection, then nothing much will
help. Viral infections (look up Fish Pox and Lymphocystis for examples) do
produce blister-looking things, but otherwise don't normally cause actual
physical harm, and may clear up in time -- though usually across months if not
years in some cases. Viruses in fishes do seem to be stress related as often as
not, contact with heavy metals in the water or substrate being one example known
in the wild.>
I still have 4 mostly okay panda Corydoras with either just fins or no obvious
infection, and 4 severely affected ones. Of the rasboras that were also
quarantining in that tank, 8 are fine, one jumped out, and one has a small white
patch on his lower lip. One of the sterbai Corydoras has an extremely small
white patch at the tip of one fin. I would say the tetracycline was pretty harsh
and the fish are not as well or perky in attitude as they were at the start but
they are still eating. A quick recap for any crew who haven't seen this case so
far: New panda Corydoras started showing white patches on day 2 in quarantine.
Treated with Multicure (malachite green, Acriflavine, Methylene blue) in case of
fungus or Costia, no effect noted after a few days. Treated with triple sulfa,
full course as per label, slight improvement then worsening. Treated with
tetracycline for 5 days, once again slight improvement then worsening. Treated
with aminacrine (desperate measures while waiting for more medication to arrive)
and once again slight improvement followed by worsening symptoms. I have pretty
much exhausted every medication available to me over the counter and a trip to
the vet for help resulted in an unwilling shrug as he was not willing to
prescribe anything due to being unable to diagnose anything. Due to my location
that exhausted my local options.
<Understood; see above.>
A couple of weeks ago I ordered both Furan 2 and Kanaplex online (I am in a
country where these aren't available) hoping for at least some of the fish to
survive long enough to be treated with either of these, and aiming to use both
to achieve as broad a coverage as possible and get the reputed synergistic
effect of these medications used together. However the Furan 2 arrived first and
I am not sure how much longer I can wait before the worst
affected fish start dying. I have enough medication to do 2 full 4-day
treatments with Furan 2 and I don't know when the Kanaplex will arrive. It could
be another 2 weeks according to the worst case scenario shipping
estimate and I don't think anything will last that long. Even if it comes Monday
that might not be soon enough for some of these fish.
<I would medicate with what you have rather than waiting for something else.
Synergies between medications do exist, of course, but are vague, at best, in
standard issue aquarium fish drugs.>
I am considering doing one four day course of Furan 2 to at least see if it is
effective, and if not, save the remainder for when the Kanaplex arrives.
However it occurred to me that perhaps this would merely strengthen the bacteria
further if it is not sufficient to kill it off. Do you think this is possible?
<Nope. Not the way antibiotic resistance works.>
I think if I treat with Furan 2 and it does not cure or reduce the symptoms in
the 4 worst panda corys, I will have to euthanize them to remove them as a
bacteria source in the tank and hopefully ensure the survival of everyone
else. I do have a hope that since this medication is not readily available
around here, the bacteria should not be resistant to it but I can't help but
think ahead.
<I would only euthanise if the fish are actually distressed -- but isolating
them does make sense. As stated above, viral infections for example are
environmental issues and as such not usually catchy (some exceptions of course,
like Dwarf Gourami Iridovirus) and the dratted Mycobacteria problem is also more
environmental than anything else, the bacteria being latent in many aquaria and
fish farms, but only a problem when the fish are otherwise weakened.>
Tough times! I was not expecting this to last so long, particularly due to panda
Corydoras' reputation for being less hardy. I thought the medication would kill
them even if the disease did not and yet they are stubbornly holding on. I am
almost certain the medication I have put them through hasn't done them much good
in the long term, the tetracycline in particular seemed to shake them up a fair
Anyway what are your thoughts regarding starting to treat with Furan 2? I do not
plan to start anything until tomorrow at earliest as I would like to do a water
change and run carbon in the tank for a bit beforehand to remove any traces of
previous medication.
<Makes sense. But do remove after use; before adding new medications.>
Cheers, Bronwen @ South Australia, amateur fish nurse
<Good luck! Neale.>
Do you have any recommended brands of Epsom salt?
<Nope. So long as it's magnesium sulfate, you're fine.>
I've never used it before. Is it different from "aquarium salt" that is
sold at fish/pet shops?
<As different as chalk and cheese. Actually, more different. Both chalk
and cheese have calcium atoms in common. Aquarium/table salt is sodium
chloride, so doesn't even have any atoms in common with Epsom salt!!!>
I would probably want to get a brand sold on Amazon.com in the $5-20
price range.
<Makes sense. But it's also sold on eBay and elsewhere. Many good
drugstores should have it too. It's used to make home-made bath salts.
Cheers, Neale.>
Is this Epsom Salt okay? 3/27/16
I'm trying to get a bunch of add-on items, like this one,
on Amazon so I can get free shipping.
<I'm sure it's fine. Cheers, Neale.>
Magnesium Sulphate. FW use
Hi Crew,
Over the last few months, I've been slowly building up my cherry barb
numbers. I've noticed that each time I bring home the next batch of
barbs (about a month in between each purchase), one usually dies within
a few days.
<Yes, have experienced this too; more often than not, the females, so my
groups of Cherry Barbs are skewed towards the males.>I know this could
be simply the stress of being caught / moved to a new home, etc, but in
this case I believe it to be dropsy.
<The two things are difficult to separate. "Stress" simply means the
fish was exposed to some change that its physiology has/had trouble
adapting to.
One manifestation of this can be Dropsy, as opposed to the usual "just
died for no apparent reason" scenario.>
So far, I've lost two cherry barbs out of around 25 - 30 that have been
purchased over the last couple of months, and now with a third one
looking the same way, I have started to administer some Epsom salts
(thanks to the information on this site). I went for a 'middle of the
road' approach in terms of dosage, as I've not had experience with this
before. I used around
fifteen or so level teaspoons for my 210 litre (UK) tank, along with
turning up the temperature to 28C. Unfortunately, I do not have a
hospital tank, so I cannot remove the affected individual. I haven't
lost any other species of fish, 'just' these two cherries. Today I
thought I would check the GH, since I wondered if and how much the
magnesium would have bumped up
the hardness, and oh boy, had it! My GH was around 7 at the last check,
but today it read 19! Will continuing to add the Epsom salts hurt the
other occupants, and if I purchase a medication for this ailment, would
the SeaChem Purigen I have in my filter act like carbon and reduce the
effectiveness of it?
<Epsom Salt, by definition, raises General Hardness (degrees dH). It's
normally used as a short-term treatment, and used as such, won't affect
fish otherwise. Longer term though, you want a sort of middling hardness
for Asian barbs like yours. 2-15 degrees dH is fine, pH 6-8. Cherry
Barbs are not fussy, though as ever with Southeast Asian fish, the ideal
would be
slightly soft and acidic; say, 2-10 degrees dH, pH 6.5-7.0.>
Actually, this makes me wonder about something. I've read on this site
that a 0.2 change in pH (with a 24 hour period) is generally fine for
most fish, where as 0.3 / 0.4 will cause issues with organs (0.5 can
result in death).
<Since the pH scale is logarithmic, a 0.2 change between 7 and 8 doesn't
mean the same thing as a 0.2 change between 8 and 9. Indeed, for most
practical purposes, anywhere between pH 6 and 8 suits the majority of
tropical fish because it isn't all that far from the ideal. But once you
get below 6 or above 8, things become more extreme; blackwater fish at
the low pH end, and things like Malawi cichlids at the high pH end. In
any case, most fish can tolerate quite big pH changes without harm. They
have to. In ponds for example, pH swings can be very dramatic, from 6.5
to over 8.5 where rapid photosynthesis occurs (raising pH) by day, then
by night where photosynthesis doesn't happen while CO2 production by
animals and
plants continues, increasing CO2 concentration dramatically (lowering
Rivers and especially lakes are often less extreme, but nonetheless,
most fish have some tolerance for change, all else being favourable.>
So, I assume that's why retail stores use R.O. water to provide a
neutral & stable as possible pH, to minimize loss / practical reasons?
<In the UK, this actually isn't very common. What often happens is that
either one or two, even three systems are running: local tap water for
the bulk livestock (goldfish, tropical community fish); then (less
often) a hard water cichlid system (Malawians and Tanganyikans,
sometimes Central Americans too); and finally (and very rarely) a soft
water system (for
sensitive community fish, Discus, rare L-numbers, etc.). But as I say,
most UK traders will adapt their fish to local tap water. Only the
better stores maintain soft water systems in hard water areas;
Maidenhead Aquatics for example usually do this, but a lot of the
smaller independent stores don't.>
I mean, a store can't realistically have each tank with totally
different conditions for each species, can it? At least, I've not seen
it in my country (UK).
<Indeed not. Unlike marine fish, which pretty much all come from one set
of environmental conditions, freshwater fish come from a very wide
range. It simply isn't practical. But most of the standard community
fish are species that are adaptable by their very nature, so provided
they're given good water quality and sufficient food, they usually adapt
to local tap water
provided extremes are avoided. This is especially true for farmed fish,
Angels for example being far more tolerant than their wild ancestors.>
Thanks in advance. :)
Sincere and kind Regards, Stephen.
<And to you. Cheers, Neale.> Re: Persistent problem with a bloated freshwater angel fish;
Epsom conc., w/ plt.s 10/6/13
<I see Neale is busy; I will resp. here and place your msg. in his
in-folder as well>
Hi there, a while back you guys helped save one of our angelfish from
dropsy by recommending dosing with Epsom salt. At the time we used 2 tsp
per 4 gallon, so at the high end of the range. Since then we've
gradually reduced the salt dose, and finally moved our fish (5 angels, 3
yoyo loaches, one pictus catfish) to a planted tank that hasn't ever
been dosed with Epsom salt. All fish in this tank look happy and all
levels look
OK (note: have not tested GH and KH). Unfortunately it looks like we
need continued dosing Epsom salt, because the same angel has started
swelling again.
<Mmm, perhaps soaking this one fish, adding antibiotics of use to its
food... even injection w/ soluble... Likely bacterial involvement here>
He/she still looks lively and eats well, but we're approaching the
original shape that got us worried in the first place. My question, how
much Epsom salt can freshwater plants handle?
<Depends on the species of plants; but most only about as much as you've
been using>
Would the original
recommended dose of 1-3 tsp/5gal kill any plants?
<On the high end it may; you could try and just be observant; change
water out if you see the plants suffering>
Thanks for maintaining
the site, and the always insightful answers! -Joe
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
Re: Persistent problem with a bloated freshwater angel fish
<<Yes, I do agree with Bob that the Epsom salt should be safe for most
plants save those that need truly soft water (which is very, very few).
All it really does is raise the general (not carbonate) hardness without
affecting the pH, and to some degree acts as a muscle relaxant which in
turn makes it easier for fish to undo some types of problem
bloating, and sometimes dropsy). I will observe that in my experience
Dropsy often comes back, so it's as well to identify what might be
stressing the fish. Some varieties/species are particularly prone, too,
and there may be little you can do to prevent reoccurrence even if you
treat the fish successfully. Cheers, Neale.>>
Re: Persistent problem with a bloated freshwater angel fish
Thanks, glad to hear that it at least won't instantly kill all plants!
I'll start on the low end and keep an eye on the plants.
<Real good. BobF>
Re: Persistent problem with a bloated freshwater angel fish
Thanks for the second opinion. I’m happy to ‘dose for life’ if that
keeps him/her healthy and doesn’t bother the other fish, so here goes.
<<Shouldn't come to that. But if Dropsy keeps reoccurring, you might
want to take a more holistic approach. Perhaps an antibiotic /
Metronidazole combination, as this seems to fix a variety of systemic
problems with Cichlidae generally. Cheers, Neale.>>
Poly filter to remove fragrance - 11/18/2012
Hello, will poly filters remove fragrance from an aquarium?
<I suppose it depends upon the fragrance.... and what caused it.>
The source was from fragrant Epsom salt that was accidentally used to
treat pop eye in a quarantine tank.
<Ah! Yikes. Thank goodness this was in a quarantine system.
Let all who read this take a lesson from your good sense.>
The powder brown seems to be doing alright, I just want to make sure I
remove all the fragrance via poly filter and water changes, and re-treat
with the proper pure Epsom salt.
<Poly filter won't hurt, that's for sure, but don't rely on it
If your main tank can spare enough water to aid in a VERY large water
change for the quarantine tank, this would be the best course of action
- along with using the Poly filter, which may aid in removing other
undesirable stuff (though I don't know if the fragrance would be removed
by it). I would do as large a water change as possible (100% if
you can) and
then filter with new activated carbon (which may well remove fragrance)
in addition to the Poly filter (which is a very good product and
certainly won't hurt). Bear in mind that the carbon won't last
long, and may be worth changing out a few times, every few to several
hours. With luck, the fragrance isn't toxic and this drastic move
is unnecessary - but I'd play it safe, were I you. Best wishes,
Swordtail, Epsom Salts and Pop-eye 6/23/12
Hi folks, first of all what a fantastic site. I've found bits of
answers to my question, but not an overall solution, so I'm hoping for
some clarification.
The problem: A female swordtail who has developed pop-eye
in both eyes.
<Mmm, but no other fish/es I take it>
Feeding and swimming as normal. Usually an aggressive little lady,
definitely the alpha in her group.
The tank: 240 litres. Bogwood, heavily planted around the
edges and on the wood, clear space for swimming in the centre. Ph
of 7. Temp 26.5 deg Celsius.
Nitrites, Nitrates, Ammonia at 0. 10% water changes weekly; gravel
vacuum each week (partial - not the whole tank at once). Fluval
204 canister filtration with carbon, noodles, and balls as media.
No noticeably sharp objects to cause injury, and I'm aware that water
quality is a common cause of this issue - the only thing I can think of
in that regard is that I have insufficient filtration.
Tank running for over 2 years.
Occupants: 8 neon tetras; 4 female swordtails; 1 male
swordtail; 6 rummy nose tetras; 5 female platies; 2 male platies; 2
peppered cats (Corydoras) - I know this is less than
recommended; had a couple of deaths a while back and have not yet added
any more.
Food: Cooked, shelled, crushed peas in the morning. Frozen
brine shrimp or daphnia in the evenings, alternated with frozen
bloodworms about once per week.
A couple of algae wafers after lights out for the cats (who also like
the peas).
The dilemma: How to treat the swordtail. My quarantine tank
(40 litres) is currently doing time as my fry-tank, as the platy I had
recently been given was in quarantine - and helpfully had babies.
Q1: I have read that Epsom salts can be used to treat this problem - as
long as the cause of the problem is identified and remedied - is this
broadly true?
If so, how? e.g. recommended dose, duration of treatment, water
change regime during treatment, addition of further salt at water
<Epsom can/could be used; but I wouldn't here... The small tetras don't
like extra salt/s>
Q2: Ideally I'd isolate her, but I suspect that my psychologist
husband will start looking at me as a prospective client if I set up yet
another tank.
Can I treat her in the main tank? Obviously concerned here about
the effect on the other tank residents. And would I need to remove
the carbon from the filter for the duration?
<Again... I suspect the cause of the pop eye here is mechanical
injury... from the one fish bumping into objects... Will resolve on its
own in time just as well as by treating>
Q3: Actually, I don't think I have another question. I just have
an overwhelming need for some concise, informed, definitive advice :)
Apologies for the length of this - I've tried to give as much pertinent
information as possible but it's turned into a bit of a book. My
grateful thanks in advance for any help you can offer.
Kind regards
<Mmm, yes; most cases of bilateral exophthalima are due to bacterial et
al. environmental issues... but your other fishes are non-affected...
I'd just wait here, be patient. Bob Fenner>
Epsom salt 6/10/12
Hello, purchased new container of Epsom salt, it says on the back
magnesium sulfate, (just like other container) only this one says
heptahydrate, in parenthesis, 100% the other container said
magnesium sulfate, and Epsom salt in parenthesis?? Are they the same or
something different, I use on occasion for my goldfish tanks
<"Heptahydrate" only means the mineral salt crystals contain water, as
opposed to 100% water-free "anhydrous" mineral salt. So each of these
magnesium sulphate molecules carries along 7 (hepta, in Greek) water
molecules. This is absolutely normal, and nothing at all to worry about.
Cheers, Neale.>
Epsom salts
Hi - what is the proper use of Epsom salts in a freshwater aquarium, if
any. I need a way to raise my pH. TY Mark
<Hello Mark. Epsom salt, magnesium sulphate, doesn't raise pH.
It raises general hardness. To raise pH you need to raise carbonate
hardness, which is done either by using sodium bicarbonate (also known
as baking soda) or by adding a small quantity of crushed coral to your
filter (this latter approach a bit fiddly and not recommended for
beginners). For most community tanks that include both hard and soft
water fish, a general hardness of 10 degrees dH together with a pH
around 7.5 should be fine. In practical terms, one-quarter to one-half
the normal Rift Valley Salt Mix dosage should do the trick nicely.
Cheers, Neale.>
Magnesium sulfate duration
Hello Crew,
I am really sorry to bother you again but may I know for how long do I
have to keep my Gourami in Epsom salt solution.
Thanks in advance.
<If treating constipation, a couple weeks should do the trick. If
pop-eye, until the swelling goes down. In either case, Epsom salt will
only help if the causes of constipation or pop-eye were fixed. Cheers,
Prob1... A dingo ate my... Actually a Red Devil ate a
polyethylene plant
Hello there!
Attached is a picture that shows my friend's fish's
problem pretty clearly.
:-) Can you give us any suggestions? This is a mature, male red
devil of approximately 13" in length that has eaten part of
a plastic plant decoration. Will this just pass? I assume she
should remove all such
decorations so this won't happen again?
Thank you!
P.S. You can stop laughing now! ;-)
<Wow, I'd laugh, but it looks REAL painful. Anyway, yes,
it should pass out the anus in time. The use of Epsom salt at 1
tablespoon per 5 gallons will help a good deal by loosening the
muscles and acting like a laxative. So that's a cheap and
easy way to help. Other than that, don't pull, because
you'd likely tear something delicate inside the fish. If it
doesn't pass out within a day, then there's a very real
risk of faeces compacting within the rectum, and that will soon
be fatal. So if things are still looking bad tomorrow morning,
call a vet. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Prob1 10/15/10
Thanks Neale! You guys are always great! I did try searching the
site first, but didn't find anything specific to this
Take care!
<Glad to help. Would be very interested to know how things go.
Good luck, Neale.>
Re: FW: Prob1 10/15/10
I'll be happy to let you know. She's a really nice lady
who started out as a customer of mine, and has become a friend,
but she sure gets into some weird situations with her fish!
<Doesn't get much weirder. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: FW: Prob1 10/16/10 The comments
below are for Neale. Thanks again! You're a hero!
"That is very nice!!! I have awesome news!!! I put the Epsom
salt in and within 10 min the blockage was gone!!!! Whew!!!!!!
Please thank him for me as well! What a relief!!"
<Oh, what a great result! I'm very pleased. Often it's
all doom-and-gloom by the time people write to us, so happy
endings are always welcome. In the meantime, do recommend
floating Indian Fern as greenery for cichlid tanks.
Because it floats, it can't be uprooted; and because it's
edible and rich in fibre and vitamins, it's a great
supplement to their diet. Cheers,
Re: FW: Prob1
I know how you feel, good news is rare, especially these days! I
work Customer Service for a large aquatics manufacturer, and most
of my customers have fish in dire straits when they need my help.
Luckily, she called immediately, LOL.
Take care!
<I plan on doing so! Thanks for your message. Cheers,
Epsom Salt Dosage - safe level for African cichlid fry
Rusty Cichlid Injured/Diseased 12/22/09
Hello Crew, I have a Iodotropheus sprengerae (Rusty) cichlid that
appears to have damaged it's eye - I noticed it a week ago - it was
scarily swollen but he was acting normal and the swelling seemed to go
down so I thought I
dodged a bullet. Over the weekend, he was appearing to not feel well -
not eating, just hanging amongst the rocks and the eye, although not
nearly as swollen looks cloudy. Today while feeding the rest, he got
chased out of the rocks and ended up at the top corner of the aquarium
- amazingly enough I was able to pop a hatch and get him netted.
It's a 240g with 70 cichlids and full rockwork - netting him was
incredibly lucky.
So I carted him over to my 10 gallon that has one inhabitant, a
Astatotilapia latifasciata (Obliquiden Zebra) fry that is about
3/8" long.
His name is Lucky as I found him the day after Thanksgiving floating at
the top of the tank (Oh Noes - dead baby) but when I netted him, he
started doing back flips! I have lots of Pseudotropheus sp. demasoni
(Pombo Rocks) fry that are surviving in the main tank but the Zebra fry
just don't seem to be smart enough to make it. Anyway, I was
thinking on using Epsom Salt on the Rusty but am concerned that a
concentration enough to aid him might cause harm to the fry. (Could not
find in the FAQ on Epsom salt and fry).
In observing the Rusty, he is seems to be gasping. He has a couple of
areas on his side that appear to injuries to his scales (very very
small but noticeable) His dorsal fin looks like it's been nipped in
a couple of spots and he's currently got his head stuck in the
stream of bubbles from the airstone! His fins are not clamped but
he's not swimming very much and the tail fin seems to be curving
up. He's not well. He is about 3" long.
What would you recommend for dosing level and for how long? Should I
consider treating with Ethyromicin also? And if I did use an
antibiotic, the same question comes up as to enough medicine to treat
him could possibly be harmful to the fry. My well water from the tap is
pH 8.2, KG/GH 12 so frequent water changes are not a hassle.
Main Tank: 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, 20 nitrate (time for the weekly wc).
QT: 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, 10 nitrate
Thank You in advance. I LOVE this website and all the good that you
Dawn Gulick
< Thank you for your kind words. Forget the salt as a treatment. At
this stage you need some serious antibiotics. I would recommend
Nitrofuranace or another Furazone type antibiotic. The eye problem s
probably a symptom of an internal infection as well. When you treat the
tank, the antibiotics will probably not affect the fry directly. It
will or may affect the biological filtration so there may be deadly
ammonia spikes. Any nitrogenous wastes have an affect on the growth
rate of young fish. Try and keep the water quality as good as possible
after the treatment until the biological filtration get back up and
going. It may be almost like starting from scratch.-Chuck>
How to use Epsom salt
Good Morning, Thank you very much for your prompt reply. Sorry for
bothering you guys again. Our goldfish is in 2.65 gallon tank with a
filter, aerator, and airstones ( we got the new big tank it is cycling
right now).
She is hanging near the surface nearly vertically, has completely
clamped her fins to her body, not eating much like her usual self and
has something not sure what on her body like a clear and in some places
cloudy film, and one wispy strand on her head that has since
disappeared after putting in PimaFix. After reading through your
website came to the conclusion she has some kind of parasitic infection
and not the fungal infection. In some places it is mentioned to use 1
table spoons of Epsom salt for 5 gallons, and in some use the 2-3 table
spoons of aquarium salts. Want to know what should be used for treating
her and how much. The water is in perfect condition with Ammonia = 0
ppm, Nitrites = 0 ppm, Nitrates = 5 ppm and pH = 7.5. She has always
been kept with aquarium salt in her water about 1 table spoon in 5
gallons, as it was suggested by the Pet Smart where we got her. How do
we go about removing that completely and putting in Epsom
Your help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much.
<Greetings. When using Epsom salt, a good dose is 1 teaspoon per 5
gallons of water. You can use it alongside aquarium salt without
problems, even though aquarium salt isn't necessary when keeping
Goldfish. HOWEVER, your aquarium is ridiculously small; 2.65 gallons is
NOT NEARLY enough space for a Goldfish. I would move the Goldfish to
your new, big tank IMMEDIATELY.
Even if it isn't 100% cycled yet, conditions will be much better
for your Goldfish. (Especially if you do regular water changes, e.g.,
25% every 2 days until the tank is cycled; and then 25-50% water
changes weekly.) Why do you think this fish has a parasitic infection?
Epsom salt fixes very specific things; it is a muscle relaxant and
helps with constipation. It also helps to reduce certain types of
swelling. But it doesn't kill parasites and it doesn't fix
bacterial or fungal infections. If you think your fish has a disease
caused by parasites, bacteria or fungi, then Epsom salt IS NOT what you
need. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: How to use Epsom salt 11/23/08 Hi Neale, <Hello
again!> Thank you for your comprehensive and informative answer. I
am sorry for bothering you again. Have moved the fish to the bigger
tank as you suggested. Tried the Epsom salt, she has after several days
opened up all of her fins and swimming in the bottom of the tank and if
you turn off the filters then she even explores the new environment
(thank you very much). Have also removed the gravel and all the
ornaments from the tank. <Glad she's looking better.> Our LFS
people after listening to Goldie's condition said she has parasite
infection and suggested the medication. She had developed tail rot in
half of her tail about four weeks ago (my mistake 25% water change was
made every day in her small tank and didn't do it for three
consecutive days) when Melafix didn't help it was treated with
Maracyn, <Melafix tends to be useless. Best avoided, despite being
cheap. Maracyn much more effective: a clinically tested version of the
antibiotic Erythromycin, as opposed to so-called cures like Melafix
based on tea-tree oil that haven't been tested.> I didn't
want to put in any more medications hence my question about the Epsom
salt but when you said it doesn't heal any parasite infections, I
had put the medication in the tank yesterday morning and removed the
carbon from the filters. But now she has one long white stringy thing
attached to her tail and something white and fluffy is on edges of the
tail and I can see few red streaks in the tail that were not there
yesterday and it looks like the edges are loosing colour becoming
transparent and starting to fray. <Almost certainly Finrot, quite
likely with a bit of Fungus thrown in (the two often occur
together).> Also found one stringy wispy stuff similar to what is
attached to the tail floating in the water and removed it with the net
but couldn't figure out what it was. The area that was affected by
the tail rot seems to be most affected now with black being covered by
something white. She still seems to be covered by the film with two
flecks of white on her head. All of this has developed over the night
nothing was there yesterday other than the film. The water still checks
out perfect with pH=7.5, Nitrates=5ppm, Nitrites=0ppm and Ammonia=0ppm.
<The water is fine; keep treating for Finrot. Do not put carbon back
in the filter until you have finished all treatments. In fact, I'd
recommend against carbon altogether: in the Goldfish aquarium, use all
the space in the filter for biological and mechanical filtration.>
Can you please make a diagnoses as to what it is? Can those two flecks
be Ick? Please need help, she had just recovered from the tail rot and
was swimming again happy and healthy. When you put your finger in the
water she would just come up and scratch her head against it, every one
in our family loves it. She has become the baby of our house, and every
one is really worried. Your help is very appreciated. Thank you. Best
Regards, Midhat. <Cheers, Neale.>
Epsom salt vs. aquarium salt 10/2/07 I have
read many articles on salt addition to the tank. I would like to know
what is the best to use and why, Epson or aquarium salt Thank You Karen
<Hi Karen. There are several reasons why salt is added to aquaria,
but let me make this 100% clear at the outset: routinely adding
aquarium "tonic" salt to your fish tank is completely
unnecessary. Salt used to be added to tanks in the days before proper
filtration and regular water changes because sodium chloride reduces
the toxicity of nitrite and nitrate. Consequently the fish stayed
healthier than otherwise. In the modern age of efficient filters and
50% weekly water changes, adding salt is redundant. People who
recommend it are "stuck in the Dark Ages" in terms of
aquarium care. At best, it's a waste of money. Having made this
point, it is also fair to say that salt and Epsom salt do have certain
therapeutic uses. Regular salt can be used (coupled with high
temperature) to cure Whitespot/Ick on fishes that react negatively to
the standard copper- and formalin-based medications. Salt can also be
used to keep external wounds clean and to remove things like Fish Lice.
Saltwater baths can be used to treat certain diseases including Slime
Disease and Flukes. Marine salt mix (a mixture of regular salt with
various other mineral salts) is used to make brackish water for things
like Scats and Mollies, and obviously for making up the saltwater used
in marine aquaria. Epsom salt is specifically a muscle relaxant, and
gets used primarily to help with constipation, where, coupled with
high-fibre foods, it will provide relief for constipated fishes. But
beyond these specific treatments, there's no reason to add salt to
your freshwater aquarium. Cheers, Neale.>
Betta Popeye Not Responding to Epsom Salt 9/20/07 A
week ago I noticed my male Betta, Chip had Popeye in his left eye. We
have had him for 18 months. He lives in a 3 gallon Marineland Explorer
tank with a filter and BioWheel. (We had gone away for a week and he
got overfed - the nitrates were high, over 50.) I checked WWM and put
in Epsom salt as required and I have been doing a 50% water change
everyday, replacing the Epsom salt. He has been resting a lot, but
comes to see me when I am near. He seems tired and the whole thing
looks painful and it has not improved. When I have tried to feed him
brine shrimp or bloodworms, he can't see them and they sink to the
bottom. I have been giving him flake food instead and tuning off the
filter so he can grab it more easily. The only things in the tank are a
small decorative treasure chest, the filter tube and a silk plant for
him to rest on. Any other suggestions? I am concerned about adding
antibiotic to such a small tank, but I am also reluctant to let this
drag on without him getting better. Asa in DC <Greetings. Pop-eye
tends to be caused by two distinct things: mechanical damage (e.g.,
rough handling) or poor water quality. There are other things that can
cause it, but not all that often. So, you need to zero out those two
most likely issues. Is there anything in the aquarium that it could
scratch itself on? Some people stick things like fake corals and
plastic plants in tanks, and these can be fine, but in very small tanks
it is so easy for a Betta to throw itself against one of these objects
when alarmed. That's why I tend to prefer small tanks be decorated
only with silk or real plants, and only very smooth rocks, such as
water-worn pebbles. Second thing, check the water. A Betta needs water
with moderate hardness, a pH around neutral, zero ammonia, and zero
nitrite (with an "I"). The nitrate (with an "a")
isn't such a big deal and I wouldn't worry about it.
Temperature is a factor, but it isn't something I'd expect to
cause pop-eye; pop-eye is really a reaction of the sensitive tissues of
the eye to irritating water. Think of it as a bit like conjunctivitis
on a human. Adding an appropriate antibacterial or antibiotic to the
water may help to soothe the infection, and is certainly worth using. I
hope this helps, Neale>
Epsom salt vs. rock salt - not the same thing!
11/16/06 I see. About the Epsom Salt treatment: can we use
rock salt instead? We can't find a Epsom Salt in our
area. By the way, if rock salt would do, is the
ratio just the same 1 teaspoon per 5 gallons of water? And
how long will my FH be on salt treatment? Sorry for all my queries,
I'm just worried about my little fellah. Kathy <Hi Kathy -
you've got Jorie this time. Rock salt is not at all the same thing
as Epsom salt - the latter is actually magnesium
chloride. Check out your local pharmacies for the Epsom salt
- I'd be shocked if they don't have it. It is used
as a digestive aid in humans, as well as a soaking remedy for sprains,
strains, bruises, etc. With regard to how long to continue
the Epsom salt treatment for, I can't give you an exact timeframe,
start off with a goal of 3-4 days, then change the
water. See if there's improvement. Can always
repeat the treatment, but do remember that the Epsom salt won't
evaporate, so you don't want to overdose. Best of luck
to you and your little fishy friend, Jorie>
Re: Epsom salt vs. rock salt - not the same thing! --
11/19/06 Hi Jorie, Thanks for explaining the
difference. I found Epsom Salt and would do the treatment
right away. However, I have observed that his stomach is
bulging and his waste is yellowish and he is not eating
anything. What medication should I apply for this? Please
help me on what more I can do to save my fish. Kathy <Kathy, I
believe Bob originally answered this query below...the Epsom salt was
his initial suggestion, combined with good husbandry and
time. To quote, "only time will
tell...". Medication cannot solve absolutely
everything, and sometimes can do more damage than
good. I'd listen to Bob - he's truly the
"expert"! Jorie>
Re: Epsom salt vs. rock salt - not the same thing!
1/20/07 Dear WWM, Sorry for the delay. Me and my fish would like to
express our sincerest thank you to all those who responded on my email
as well as on the chatroom. My Flowerhorn fish is ok now and
seems not to show any sign of his previous ailment. He's
back to his old self...the Epsom salt treatment really helped him
recover. Thank you and God bless you all! To Bob and Jorie my special
thanks to you both. Kathy <Ah, congratulations on your success here.
Bob Fenner>
Re: Goldfish salt exposure -
06/02/2006 Hello, Tom. <<Hi, Alfredo.>> Sorry to bother
you; just a quick question about goldfish and salinity. I added a
tablespoon of Epsom to my tank about 4 days ago and I was wondering if
this is too long a period to expose the fish to the salt.
<<Alfredo, Epsom salt isn't a "salt" in the
conventional sense that we think of. We think of "salt", in
aquaria use, as either calcium chloride (CaCl) or sodium chloride
(NaCl). Actually, Epsom salt is Magnesium Sulfate (MgSO4). It's the
Chloride (in this context) that's beneficial to our fish, to a
limited extent. Epsom salts don't have this element. Personally, I
wouldn't expose a fish to any "introduced" chemical for
longer than four or five days but, not to worry.>> Thank you for
your time, Alfredo Echeverria <<Alfredo, we're on a
"first-name only" basis. :) Tom>>
Dropsy? Epsom salt and mystery snails? 4/9/06 Hi,
<Ki> I have been reading your website on a fairly regular basis
for about three months now (from the time we discussed purchasing an
aquarium & since then--especially before purchasing any new
species). Currently we have a 10 gallon tank with 4 platies, 4 Cory
catfish, 3 snails (gold mystery, black mystery, and blue mystery), and
2 glass shrimp. The platies have been with us about 6 weeks. The Cory
cats about 2 weeks. The golden snail-6 weeks, the black one-4 weeks,
the blue one-about 2 weeks. The ph is 7, the ammonia is 0, nitrite 0,
nitrate 20. <Take care to keep those nitrates no higher> We do
not plan to increase the community, though I am aware that the platies
might make that decision for us, in which case we will get another
tank. First, while this did not seem overcrowded to me based upon what
I have read, I am starting to have doubts. Namely, do we have too many
snails? <Not yet... and these are not "bisexual" species
listed... so, easier to monitor...> Also, until tonight we had 5
platies, but I found one of them dead this evening. She ate fine in the
morning, but then died at some point in the afternoon/early evening.
Her abdomen looked somewhat swollen, but not at all
"pinecone-like." Her scales were still flat against the body
and only the underside of the abdomen was swollen. Still, because of
the swelling, I am wondering if it is some form of dropsy. If so, are
the other fish in danger? <Not likely> I have read that many
dropsy conditions are not contagious, but I am still worried. Now I am
paranoid that the other platies look swollen, though my husband says I
am imagining it. Also, would it be safe to do a treatment with Epsom
salt to be sure? And would the Epsom salt kill the snails & shrimp?
<Too likely so> I have seen a reference to the safety of Epsom
salt with invertebrates, but the ones listed in that person's
question were all saltwater creatures, not freshwater ones. I just want
to be sure before I do anything. I apologize if these questions are all
answered in obvious places on the website that I missed. Thanks, Ki
<No worries. I would be conservative here re adding anything...
Likely the system, fish being "very new" and this being a
"first batch" of young, some have died more easily. Bob
Epsom Salt Use ... on Plecos, Goldfish - 02/16/2006 I have an
3 year old Redcap Oranda who has been having difficulty staying right
side up. For the last week, he has begun to spend all time
floating upside down at the top of the tank, except for eating
time. He will right himself to swim around to eat, but
then will resume floating. I have changed the water and the
airstone. I tried not feeding for two days. Then,
I fed frozen, defrosted peas. He is in a 40 gallon tank with
another Gold Oranda and a Plecos. They have been together
for two years without any problems. Now this! I
want to try the Epsom salt, but I don't know if this is okay for
the Plecos in the tank. Will Epsom salt hurt
him? Thank you for any help. <Is okay with this group of
fishes (South American, though some are Central, Sucker-mouth
catfishes) up to an extent (still useful). You can search this under
Loricariid Systems on WWM... About a level teaspoon per ten gallons
should suit all here. Replace with water changes correspondingly. Bob
Question Regarding Epsom Salt 1/16/06 Hi WWM,
<Robert> I recently added about a
1/4 tsp of Epsom salt to my Betta's (Fernando) 1 gallon tank to
relieve what appeared to be constipation. Within a day or
two, the Epsom salt worked its wonders, and now the swelling in
Fernando's belly has almost completely disappeared. My
question is: Should I change the water now [My last water change was
about 2 days before the swelling occurred (in total about 4 days ago)],
or is it ok to keep him in there with the Epsom salt for a few weeks,
until it's time to change his water according to my regular water
changing schedule? <Is okay to leave
in... though not continuously... that is, a week or so is all-right,
but not adding every time> I hope this question has not
already been addressed on the site. I looked around for a
while and although I found a great deal regarding Epsom salts, and
Epsom salt baths, I was under the impression that this small amount of
salt did not constitute a bath; so I decided I better be safe, and
ask. Thank you for your time and help with this
matter. Take care. Sincerely,
Robbie Ellis <Am sure others will benefit from your
asking re. Bob Fenner>
Will the Epsom salt treatment mean we have to remove our
Pleco? - 1/6/06 <No.> We have a severely
swollen Oscar and assume it is a blockage of sorts. We
thought the swelling was eggs, but are following your suggestions for
others who have Oscars with what appears to be the same
problem. Thanks!! Sharon <The Plec can
remain in the tank during treatment with Epsom salt. All the
best to you, -Sabrina>