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Need answer! Betta, Ich?
8/8/11 Help! Betta hlth. 10/11/09 Betta Sorority with Ich: FW disease, reading
Ich Vash! Betta is Ich-y 11/30/05 I bought this
Betta a week and a half ago. His name is Vash. He has white spots on
his body. He was acting healthy yesterday and I saw no signs of
anything wrong. Today I noticed the Ick and went to the store and
bought Ick Away. I clean his water very regularly, but I'm afraid I
feed him too much. Could that have caused it? <You should feed very,
very sparingly in this small tank.> I'm so confused. He is in a
2.5 gallon tank and seemed extremely healthy (flared fins and playful
movements). <Yup, Bettas are great.> Why did he get this disease?
I just lost another beta exactly a week ago. <He may have already
been carrying it at the store (the life cycle of Ick is around 4
weeks).> This one is my favorite and I really don't want him to
die. I'm sorry, I didn't have time to read through all the
sites on WetWebMedia. Is there anything else I can do? I'm afraid I
will lose him very soon. Please respond as soon as possible. <I
would gradually raise the temperature in the tank (you'll need a
small submersible heater) to over 85 degrees. This will speed up the
life cycle of the Ick. Add aquarium salt according to the directions on
the package to kill parasites. Replace part of the water frequently
with dechlorinated water of the same temperature, salted enough to keep
the salt concentration at the correct levels. When removing water from
the tank, try to suck it from the bottom. Continue this treatment (heat
and salt) for a couple of weeks after all symptoms have disappeared.
After this, do read up on nitrogenous wastes (ammonia, nitrite and
nitrate), and how to keep them in check.> Thank you. -Katie-
<Welcome. Best of luck to you and your Anabantoid friend.
John> Betta With Ich 12/7/05 My Betta is suffering from Ich. I have noticed that his tail is becoming increasingly ragged and I am finding pieces of it on the bottom of his tank. Could this be from fin rot, or could the holes left by the parasite be making it more susceptible to tearing? The pieces of tail are scattered within close proximity to his decorative Roman columns. Could he be tearing his tail on that when he goes to scratch himself? I need to know whether or not to treat him for fin rot. Is it bad to mix medication for fin rot and Ich? What is the best medicine (in your opinion) that works for each disease? Some websites say that Ich medication should be coupled with bacterial medication to fight secondary infection. Is this necessary? If so, is it safe to combine medicines for Ich, bacteria, and fin rot or would it unduly stress out my Betta? <Do a 30% water change, vacuum the gravel and change the filter. Heat the water up to 82 F. Treat with Rid-Ich+ by Kordon and treat with Nitrofuranace at the same time. follow the directions on the bottles.-Chuck> I Thought He Had Ich... 12/5/05 I thought that my Betta had Ick because he had white spots, but they went away after a day. He is still scratching though. He likes to but his face in the smooth rocks on the bottom of the tank. He didn't do that before. I looked more closely and found that there is a red break in the pearly scales that cover most of his head. It is right in front of his gills. His body is red so I wonder if it was always like that and I failed to notice, or if its a symptom of something. Is there a disease that has scratching, quick-fading white spots, sluggish then erratic movements, and red slashes by the gills? Is it Ick or something else? The red marks are really throwing me off. Please help. Thank you, Concerned Betta Owner. <Lindsay, your Betta likely still has Ick. The white spots are only visible on the fish for one out of the four-week lifecycle of the parasite. I would treat by slowly raising the temperature to 85 degrees, and salt the water with aquarium salt, according to the directions. During this time, perform regular water changes, being sure to salt the replacement water the requisite amount. Please also read up on "cycling" a tank and how to test for water quality. Best regards, John> Betta With Ich - 01/03/2006 My Betta has Ich. The instructions on the medication say to give the recommended dosage every day until cured. I was wondering if my tank doesn't have a filter, should I still give the dosage every day? Will the medicine build up inside the tank and poison my fish? The bottle also says to remove the carbon filter (which I don't have). Is this because it will suck up all the medication? Please help... I am very confused. I don't want to over-help the little guy. < You Betta got Ich from the water being too cold and by being exposed to the parasite. Treat as prescribed on the bottle. Try to get the water temp up to 80 F. Do 50% water changes every day before medicating. In three to four days you should see some improvement.-Chuck> Betta with Ich? 9/25/05 Hi Again, so sorry to bother you all again. I have a 3 gallon Eclipse tank with a bio filter that has been set up for approximately 8 months. I have a heater that keeps the water at a very consistent 80 degrees, I have several live plants, java ferns mostly and a Bolbitis, I have 1 male Betta who I have had for 7 months. He has never shown any signs of illness including lack of appetite. I check the water regularly for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate, they are all within the proper levels...0, 0, 5-10 respectively. I have an airstone in the back corner that is low bubbling to circulate the water in the corner. I change 25 percent of the water every week faithfully and vacuum the gravel. I add Aqua Nova each time. I change the carbon filter cartridge every 30 days and clean the pump. He eats a variety of food changing around each day a combination of two of either Hikari pellets, Hikari freeze dried shrimp, bloodworms and daphnia. He has a wonderful appetite...but, this Betta developed fin rot and I asked for and followed your advice and treated him with a compound antibiotic. After I finished with treatment, I did a 70% water change and added 1 tsp of aquarium salt. Well, his fins appear to be coming back now but 2 nights ago when I looked at one of his pectoral fins on the side it has a white spot! It looks like an Ich spot but there is only one. I began upping the water changes to 20% each night instead of one 25% each week. The spot has not gotten any bigger, but now I am worried I need to treat him for something else because it's there but I am not sure what. Is it possible for a fish to have one Ich spot? Could this be more fungus or a weird bacteria? Just cannot imagine what on earth the problem is at this point. I have KanaPlex, I have Tetracycline, I have Maracide, I have Jungle Fungus Eliminator, and I have BettaMax on hand. ..could you please advise me as to what I should do or try, truly, I am lost. I really do not want to medicate him more and with the wrong thing if I should not. Thank you, I do not know what my fish and I would do without you guys! Sue < You Bettas fins may have initially got caught in the filter intake and tore his fins. Then the fin rot may have gotten a hold. When fish are stressed they are prone to come down with almost anything. You fish indeed may have Ich. Keep up on the maintenance and watch him closely for the next few days. If more spots appear then treat with Rid-Ich by Kordon.-Chuck> Just a Few Basic Questions Hi, I just have a few questions about my Betta. First off, is a 2.5 gallon tank big enough or should I get a bigger one? I'm contemplating on a new filter, right now I have a sponge filter, is it adequate enough or should I really consider buying a power filter? And what recommendations do you have? Also, is it okay for me to put marbles on the bottom of my tank or should I include some gravel too? And one more! ;-) My fish has Ick, but he only has two spots so far, the one on his face left after I added some aquarium salt, and my friend has some "Ick away" by Wardley, is that brand okay or should I buy a different one, I want to stop the Ick before it gets worse. My Betta has been acting sort of weird, ever since I put him in his new tank he sometimes goes spastic and swims up and down and in circles really fast, is that normal? Or is there something wrong? The water is at the right temp. and I put water conditioner in it (TetraAqua "AquaSafe"), so is he just being himself or is there something I should do? And just a curious question I guess, whenever I turn the lights off in my room, but he charges at the glass with his gills flared and his fins open wide, I assume that he can see his reflection better, does he think there is another fish in the tank or is there some other purpose for it? Thank you for your time!! Chelsey W. <Great set up for a Betta. First problem to deal with is the Ick. All you need is salt. Read here for it's proper use. http://www.aquariumadvice.com/showquestion.php?faq=2&fldAuto=32 I would not use the Ick Away, salt will do the trick. Leave the bottom bare until treatment is finished. Do water changes with a siphon from the bottom. That's where the Ick reproduces. Always mix the same concentration of salt in to the new water before adding it to the tank. Turn the temp up to 84 and increase the air going to the sponge if possible. Continue treatment for at least two weeks after the last spot drops. After that you can add marbles if you like. I like gravel, but it's up to you. I think you're right about why he's charging the glass. As long as he doesn't bang his head too hard it's not a problem. When you get the Ick cleared out you will need to re establish the beneficial bacteria in the sponge. Read here. http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwestcycling.htm Never wash the sponge. Tap water will kill the bacterial colony. If it gets clogged rinse it out in water removed from the tank. Sponges are great for removing ammonia and nitrite from the water after that bacteria gets established. Until then you should be testing and doing water changes to correct any spikes. Don> A Betta With "Salty" Spots (1/4/2004) I really hope you can help me with my question. <I'll try. Steve Allen tonight.> We have had our Betta "Angel" for at least three months now and just recently I have noticed salty looking spots on her. <Uh Oh> She still seems pretty active <good>, but these spots do have me worried. She is my daughters fish, and my daughter and her are a great team, whenever my daughter comes to the tank Angel starts swimming as fast as she can back and forth, like she is showing off for my daughter. These spots have started to worry me though. They are small and grayish in color, like I said above, a salty look to them. Please help me out ASAP. Thanks, Melissa <Well Melissa, it sounds to me like you might be dealing with a case of freshwater Ich. Start reading here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwich.htm Read the article and all the FAQ & linked articles. If it does look like Ich, the articles explain how to treat. You might also wan to look for the book "Manual of Fish Health" by Dr. Chris Andrews and associates. Hope this info helps.>
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