FAQs on Betta
Diseases/Health 28
Related Articles:
Anabantoids/Gouramis &
Relatives, Betta
splendens/Siamese Fighting Fish,
Betta Systems,
Betta Diseases,
(Better?) Products for Bettas!,
Related FAQs:
Betta Disease 1,
Betta Disease 2,
Betta Disease 3,
Betta Disease 4,
Betta Disease 5,
Betta Disease 6,
Betta Disease 7,
Betta Disease 8,
Betta Disease 9 ,
Betta Disease 10 ,
Betta Disease 11 ,
Betta Disease 12 ,
Betta Disease 13 ,
Betta Disease 14 ,
Betta Disease 15 ,
Betta Disease 16 ,
Betta Disease 17 ,
Betta Disease 18,
Betta Disease 19,
Betta Disease 20,
Betta Disease 21,
Betta Health 22,
Betta Health 23,
Betta Health 24,
Betta Health 25,
Betta Health 26,
Betta Health 27,
Betta Health 29,
Betta Health 30,
Betta Health 31,
Betta Disease
Causes/Etiologies: Determining/Diagnosing,
Environmental (By far the largest cat.),
Infectious (Bacterial, Fungal) ,
Ich/White Spot,
Senescence/Old Age,
FAQs on Betta Medicines:
Medicines period, Antibiotics/Antibacterials,
Anti-Protozoals (Metronidazole,
eSHa...), Copper,
Malachite Green,
Other Betta Med.s,

Betta Success
Doing what it takes to keep Bettas healthy long-term
by Robert (Bob) Fenner
Re: Betta with cloudy eye but no swelling 6/24/13
Hi Bob,
Just wanted to drop you a note that the Betta is better....it has taken
a while but it seems his eye is pretty much back to normal :-)
<Ah good>
Thanks again for your quick reply and advice earlier.
<Pleased. B>
Strange Redness on Female Betta
Hi! This is Erin.
<Hello Erin,>
Well, I got my first female Betta, Eerie, on the 19th and when I got her
I noticed she had this strange red.....mask, I suppose you could call
it. I didn't think it was anything serious and it was actually part of
the reason I picked her because I had been looking at this rare
strain of "Red Head" Bettas online and the red color seemed to be the
same color on her fins as it is on her head. Now that I've been
thinking about it I'm a little concerned that it might actually be an
injury to the head or some kind of infection and would just like your
opinion or input.
<Really difficult to tell from your photos whether it's colouration or
inflammation. The photos aren't sharp enough. If you can, try to send
one, very sharp image; if needs be, net the fish, hold net against the
glass, push the fish towards the glass with your hand, and that should
stop her swimming out of focus.>
She's in a cycled 5 gal tank with a baffled filter and a heater and
plenty of hiding places, including her favorite little box plant thing
from PetSmart (Which you will see a lot of in the pictures I have
included. Oh, and sorry for the poor quality I took them with my I-phone
and she refused to sit still long enough to get a decent photo). I've
also been doing 10% water changes everyday with a pinch of aquarium salt
(pre-dissolved) just in case.
<Salt isn't especially helpful though it doesn't do any harm if used at
very low doses.>
Thank you for all of your time and answers (And the amazing website!).
<Basically, you're trying to see if the colour comes from expanding
patches of bloody skin or else mere colouration. Google for photos of
Finrot, because that's what you're looking out for. Often the fins will
be ragged as well, but on Bettas this can be very difficult to tell
because they often have ragged fins anyway, deliberately or otherwise.
Since you have just the one fish, the "just in case she's sick" approach
would be to use a safe anti-bacterial medication (in the UK, I recommend
eSHa 2000, but in the US, the Maracyn 1 and 2 combination has proven to
be very effective).
Try to avoid medications based on plant extracts such as Melafix; while
maybe adequate for preventative care after injuries, they're less
reliable once an infection is established. Do remember to remove carbon
from the filter (if used) during medication. All else being equal, an
anti-Finrot medication will deal with most external bacterial
infections, particularly mild ones (i.e., if the fish is still swimming
and feeding normally).
Cheers, Neale.>
Betta Inquiry; hlth.
I recently received a male Crowntail Betta (it was purchased from a
chain pet store on 6th of June, 2013) from a family member because
they could not get the fish to eat.
<... unusual... Is this fish in a heated (tropical), filtered setting?>
After dabbling with a variety of foods, I finally figured out that
he would eat freeze-dried bloodworms.
<A poor choice... Please search, read on WWM re this and
suitable environments for Betta splendens>
He has been his happy Betta self, although today (while his behavior has
remained the same) I noticed that he appeared to be hiccupping
of sorts and I was wondering if that was cause for concern.
<Is. Bob Fenner>
Angela Simmons
Re: Betta Inquiry 6/23/13
Hello Bob,
The fish is in a tropical environment suitable for Bettas that is
properly heated and filtered.
<Ah good>
He refuses live food, although today I did manage to tempt him with
frozen brine shrimp and frozen bloodworms.
<... I'd skip the sewer fly larvae... Again, just search WWM re
rationale... And here re Betta nutrition:
I have had (and still have) numerous Bettas yet this one appears to be a
picky eater. While the ‘hiccupping’ has stopped, I am still wondering
what caused it.
<Could be... parasite/s, something stuck in the buccal cavity, an
aspect of water quality; many other possibilities. B>
Angela Simmons
experienced keeper - Betta changing colours and swollen
mouth - no visible illness (RMF???) 6/29/13
Dear WWM crew,
Firstly, love your site and your expertise, thank you on behalf of
aquarists everywhere.
<Thanks for the kind words.>
On to the issue: I've been in the hobby a long time, lived on forums,
run a small maintenance business, kept everything for planted, Walstad,
brackish, to marine, volunteered at a zoo, am a biology nerd etc etc and
am generally able to diagnose most common illnesses, but I've been
thrown a curve by my own pet Betta. I've scoured literature/forums and
am still scratching my head, so maybe the guru's of wwm can help!
When i bought him for my established, planted 5g, he was a blue
Crowntail with a red streak or two one the fins. After colouring up,
there was more red, but colouring up with unexpected colours/patterns is
not unusual ime. After some time, he split a fin mildly, and though it
healed very well, the colour was different - a pale pink to ruddy red
similar to that in pale red Bettas. This spread to his whole body in a
'wave', with his usual blue (black on the face) returning after. Now, he
keeps changing colour in patches all over, eyes, fins, body, everywhere.
He has no sign off parasites, no slime, no swelling, no fungus, eats
very well, and is active as ever, and the colours are actually quite
vibrant. It has been happing for about 8 months now. Once,
his left fin went clear with a boarder of blue, like some of the fancier
Betta colour patterns I've seen.
<I agree; his colour patterns are very unusual.>
The only other item of interest is his mouth. He always had a bit
of a 'fat-lip', but now the lower lip is protruding out quite far. It is
stable (i.e., not getting worse), and he can eat normally. But it looks
unusual. please see pic attached.
I've had him about 18months.
Tank parameters:
-temp: 25 C / 77F
-ammonia & nitrite: 0ppm
-nitrate: under 5ppm
-pH: 7.4
-GH: 4
- KH: 3 (i buffer it up with potassium bicarb as my normal KH is very
low and the tank is heavily planted, and then reduce the pH down a bit
with SeaChem Acid Buffer
- i monitor parameters before and after water changes to ensure no
-heavily planted
-water change: 30% weekly with Prime.
-Diet: NLS pellet staple, mix it up every few days with Hikari Bio-Gold,
Spirulina flakes, 1/2 a skinned pea weekly, treats of thawed Mysis
shrimp, brine shrimp, white worm and a fast day every week or so.
Yes, the tank is filtered and heated. Small internal filter behind the
plants and a stick heater set to 25 C/ 77F.
The only idea that has come up is that he may be reverting to the more
dominant 'red' base pigmentation in the scales following his injury,
with the blue kicking back in later. Doesn't explain why it keeps
happening. Or, he's been poorly bred and all this is the result of
that. Still, unsure if the mouth issue is a co-morbidity of
something related to the skin condition, or a separate matter.
Thank you for your wisdom on this issue.
Kind regards
<Do think the fins look a bit ragged, more so than usual, so would be
looking out for Finrot. Would definitely review filtration… possibly
water current too strong; always favour air-powered filters, e.g.,
sponges, over internal canisters, hang-on-the-backs, etc so far as
Bettas are concerned. Colour changing is very odd, not aware of this
being "normal" for Bettas but does happen in some fish for a variety of
reasons… may be genetic, may be dietary, may be environmental, may be
evidence of nerve damage. Can't really say what's going on here. The
mouth is, again, odd, but not obviously something like Mouth Fungus
(Columnaris) or Lymphocystis. I would tend to not medicate or treat
beyond observation and ensuring good diet and water quality. Sorry not
to be able to offer any concrete diagnosis. Cheers, Neale.>
<<The darkness, mélange/mix of coloring... something "neural" damage,
genetic going on here... But what etiology, root cause/s? The alluded to
damage? The "fat lip" is nothing to be concerned re... and nothing to
change, treat for here. RMF>>
Re: experienced keeper - Betta changing colours and swollen
mouth - no visible illness (RMF???) 6/29/13
<<The darkness, mélange/mix of coloring... something "neural" damage,
genetic going on here... But what etiology, root cause/s? The alluded to
damage? The "fat lip" is nothing to be concerned re... and nothing to
change, treat for here. RMF>>
<<<Thank you Bob for this second opinion. Cheers, Neale.>>>
Re: experienced keeper - Betta changing colours and swollen mouth - no
visible illness (RMF???) 6/29/13
Hello WWM crew.
I think i solved the problem with the colour - see this example:
It is exactly as described by the effect of 'jumping genes', seen in
some marble Bettas, as well shown in the link article (extreme
case). My boy looks like the first few stages. As my degrees are
in genetics and I've worked in this industry, i understand how this would
produce this effect well and how it can constantly change. Certainly
odd looking though!
<I'll say!>
Funnily enough, just found this info tonight. Check the link, great
new info. This is exactly how he looks, though seems mines not
finished the colour change, or he keeps reverting back. Will be
chatting to a Betta genetics whizz for more info on how it is practically
<Definitely an interesting article.>
On the filter - thank you for the idea, but yes i understand flow issues and
Bettas, it is on very low setting with the outflow blowing into a wall to
lessen it further, and to act like a cheat's 'lily pipe' as it directs water
current around the back of tank gently for the plants. He sits on it
often and swims though the flow with ease, so i doubt it's stress.
His fins have always been ragged looking - never the same length. It looks
worse when he's not displaying too. It's half the reason i chose him.
I wanted a 'flawed' Betta for this wild tank layout and also felt a little
sorry for him not being as beautiful as his companions. No sign of
fin-rot though he has had a split a fin once or twice. I just maintain
excellent water quality and diet and he's quite robust, heals quickly.
Does make me think he may be poorly bred though that his fins never 'even
<May well be.>
The lip is still a concern, he cant properly close his mouth and it seems as
if it's been pushed inside out a little (apologies i cannot seem to get a
better pic). There is a lump in the centre that looks even and normal, but
should be on the inside. But again, as it's stable and he can eat well, then
i suppose no reason to rush out and treat.
<Quite so. Do review Lymphocystis and Columnaris so you have two possible
things to look out for, but medication at this point may not be particularly
useful. Might be worth writing to/on one of the Betta-specific forums to see
if anyone can share similar experiences with you.>
Thank you again all
<Most welcome, Neale.>
Betta w/ worm? 6/6/13
Hello, I'm Donetta and I'm having an issue with my Betta Ruby. He
has a short white stringy looking thing hanging from his Pelvic fin.
I thought it was something insignificant and it's been there for a
while. However it appears to be getting longer. I was
reading around on your site and others and it appears it may be
an anchor worm.
<Might be; can't make it out in your pic>
He's behaving normally with good appetite. However he's currently
being treated for Finrot with Kanaplex. Previously, I
treated him in a QT tank with salt and his fins healed 90% and I put him
back in the 10 gal and he got sick again. I should have left him
longer, but he was getting very depressed in the small 1.5 gal.
Tomorrow is his last dose of Kanaplex. It appears the rot has
stopped, but the fins are not looking better. I emailed previously
and Neale helped me out.
Ruby is currently in his 10 gallon planted tank. Not sure what I
should do about this.
<Treat for it. Read here:
and the linked files above. Bob Fenner>
Thank you
Re: Betta w/ worm?
Thanks for replying! I read the article regarding the worms on your
It was a lot of different information. On my fish now I believe I see
two potential worms.
<I do too>
When I do my water change on Sunday I'm going to net him and inspect closely
to make sure it is in fact worms. Should these worms wiggle?
What I see on him is still looking. I want to prepare my self to
treat him if I need to.
From what I gather people usually take the worms out with tweezers.
<The adult forms, embedded in their fish hosts, yes... IF the hosts are
large enough; can sustain the damage, trauma. I don't think this is the case
here. Put another way, I would NOT tweezer this fish>
Is this a must?
<It is NOT a must>
If I do this do I still need to put medicine in the tank?
<Yes; you need foremost to kill the intermediate forms (non-adults) NOT on
the Betta>
We have API general cure and Parasite Clear here. Is it best to
take him out of his planted tank?
<Not likely; No. I would treat the system, the fish in place>>
I read that Parasite clear won't hurt your biological cycle. If I
remove him to QT tank do I still need to treat the main tank?
Also it says follow with bacterial meds. Is this just to prevent
If so can I just dab with Neosporin or one dose of Betta fix?
Or if he's in QT put in salt water for a certain number of days?
<Better to utilize water soluble antibiotics... Maracyn I and II are good
choices here>
Like I mentioned he just finished Kanaplex tx for fin rot, I'd rather be
least intrusive as possible. Also can parasites cause fin rot?
<Yes; can easily be related>
I've been trying to figure out that for a while. I know they say
dirty water, but I believe I fixed that problem, but fins still not better.
Thanks so much!
<Welcome. BobF>
Re: Betta w/ worm? 6/9/13
Thanks again for taking the time to help me out! I'm nervous about
the process. We do have Maracyn 1&2 here. I'm nervous
because I read it can harm your beneficial bacteria,
<Mmm, usually not nitrifiers if this is your concern>
but sounds like I got to get the other worms out the system. Do you
mean to treat Maracyn 1&2 at the same time or one after the other?
<Use them after treating for the crustaceans, worms>
These meds won't kill my plants?
<... read on the Net re the active ingredients in what you intend to
employ. The Mardel products will not>
If my cycle crashes what should I do?
<See WWM re...>
Should I be checking ammonia levels daily too?
<If so concerned>
Usually what we do is add Prime daily when we're concerned about Ammonia,
<Not a good idea...>
but I know that Prime will detox my tank of heavy metals i.e.. the micro
nutrients in my tank. Have any suggestion on this? I read about
some type of ammonia absorber chips as well, not exactly sure how they work
So at the end of this treatment the worms on his body should fall off?
<Likely they will cycle off. B>
Thank you
Re: Betta w/ worm? 6/9/13
Hello again I want to be sure I'm understanding correctly. From
the prior response I thought it was suggested to treat the worms with
Maracyn 1&2.
Is this correct?
<.... no>
Maracyn 1 is for the parasites and Maracyn 2 is to prevent a
bacterial infection?
Re: Betta w/ worm? 6/9/13
<Search WWM re the original email/link below<<At top here>>
It was suggested here to not uses tweezers on the fish and to use
medications instead. I mentioned that we have API general cure and
Jungle Fungus Cure however Maracyn 1&2 was recommended. If that is not
a good choice, do you know of an alternate? Or have another suggestion
Thank you
Re: Betta w/ worm? Lernaea, other possibilities
Hi again, ok I looked at the link and saw the meds under choose your
weapon. I'm hesitant to treat with the meds because I just don't feel
100% it's anchor worms
<Ahh! Good that you are cautious. I want to make known to you that I
have seen Lernaea on Betta splendens... it's very hard to make out until the
adults are "sporting" egg cases and are quite large. Ouch! And the host
quite debilitated. This situation is one where treating on suspicion is
warranted in my opinion>
even though he has this stiff thing hanging off him along with another
white thing underneath his body. Is it possible to have anchor worms
without significant behavior changes?
<Initially, yes... As the numbers and size of parasites increases, the
hosts become more lethargic, hanging out at the bottom>
He does have the fin rot, but he is swimming around normally. He's
not scratching himself or lethargic. He's eating normally etc.
<Please do a bit more, larger searching, reading... I would treat for
both crustacean and worm parasites if this were a commercial setting. Bob
Re: Betta w/ worm? Lernaea and real worm med.s
Hi Bob, I so appreciate your help on this! It turns out I looked
into Planaria treatment for my tank a while back and I purchased
Fenbendazole under the brand name Panacur. I still have the meds.
Maybe you know of this one, this is a general de-wormer and I know that it
also treats Camallanus worms.
<Ah yes; am very familiar>
Now that you mention it, my fish has that white thing under his body behind
his ventral fins. Maybe it's a worm sticking out his vent.
Is this the type of worm treatment you were thinking of?
<Indeed it is; yes>
Also, now that I will treat with the anti-parasite meds and dewormer how
do you dose?
<There are a few approaches... but these compounds can be used at the
same time>
Do you complete one treatment and wait a while to do the next or just
right after each other? Maybe a water change in between? Which
meds should I treat first? I wouldn't think at the same time right?
After the crustacean treatment would I still need to do a bacterial
<Possibly; but doubtful. Most bacterial (and fungal) issues w/ aquatic
life we keep are due to issues w/ the environment, and curable by fixing
For this treatment can you just do something mild like MelaFix?
<No; not worthy>
I know Betta People usually don't like that med, but I can do 20% dosing.
I just busted my cycle with the Kanaplex when I was treating the
fin rot or maybe add 1 tsp salt or just skip the bacterial?
<I'd skip. B>
Re: Betta w/ worm? Now... suspected Ich overtreatment
Hi Bob, unfortunately I have another development. I got the meds
for the anchor worms(API general cure) and the de-wormer and was preparing
to dose today when I could be home and observe my fish.
Unfortunately yesterday I observed white looking patches under and
around his mouth. I thought it could be Ick, but it's not just tiny
dots, but patches as well. Then I read that Ick are cyst so I thought
it could be Ick.
<Not likely>
To me it looks like herpie patches. Anyway, I had Quick
cure( formalin/ malachite green)
<Not a good idea. Too toxic>
on hand, so I added that on the way out the door. When I got home the
water looked normal and the blue was all gone. I added another dose
this morning and when I got home the water was the normal color again.
I don't have carbon in the filter only regular filter sponges. I read
your article on Ick and it suggested to remove all filters including plants.
Maybe the plants are absorbing the medication.
<Yes; and it's poisoning them>
My tank is moderately planted and I can't take them out. Any other
<Stop medicating>
This situation is getting more complicated. Maybe I need to
transfer him to a hospital tank and treat the Ick, anchor crustaceans and
worms there.
If I did that I would have to treat the anchor crustaceans, worms
in the main tank too right? Treat Ick in the main tank?
<Just treat for the worms, Lernaea in place>
This all seems a bit much. Thanks for the help!
<Don't panic. BobF>
Re: Betta w/ worm?
So I treated the tank with API general Cure and Panacur/ Fenbendazole.
Soon after I saw a white worm inching down the glass. Next morning
he had a giant poop, probably worms.
He still has white spots on the bottom of his chin. Last night I
raised the temp from 82 to 86, probably shouldn't have raised so much at
a time.
<Yes; and don't fret otherwise>
I didn't add more meds, but was scared about potential ICK. Now
this morning he has while lips. He's a little bit less active too, so I
turned up the bubbles.
The tank is an absolute mess. I have to wait until tomorrow night
to do a water change as I have to wait 48 hrs after the API general
cure. Any suggestions?
<Patience. B>
Thank you!
Re: Betta w/ worm?... Hypochondria...
Hi Bob, not sure what I should do now. As you know I treated with
Panacur<e> last Saturday. I soaked his food with Panacure
and added the meds to the tank. I treated one round of API General
cure per directions and completed the water change on Wednesday.
Well the white worm that was protruding from him is back.
<... I don't think this is a worm... but instead is body mucus,
accumulating at this area... need to pull a bit off and look at under a
'scope to be sure>
In addition he is hanging at the bottom of the tank and going up for a
quick breath and down again. There were several methods on
the Internet in dosing Panacure, so I decided to put more in his food
today and planned to do another dose tomorrow and again on the 6th and
7th day.
<... not a good idea. You're poisoning, have been poisoning this fish;
the system>
Maybe the one dose wasn't good enough. This time I plan not to
treat the water. The Panacure in the tank made a complete mess and
was heavily at the bottom of the tank for a while. I've already
done two water changes and had to replace some gravel to get it out.
I have to do another water change in the morning too.
I also mentioned about white spots on the bottom of his face
<Again; this is almost assuredly due to the medication>
and I increased the temp to 86 degrees. He is missing scales
above his lips now. I'm thinking that may be a result of him
forging around with all the Panacure in the bottom of the tank.
His eyes are also a little cloudy now.
<And this>
After the meds he had a big poop. Not sure if it came from General
cure or Panacure. Should I do another round of General
<I would add nothing further... period. B>
I'm starting to worry that he won't make it. Thanks again.
Betta with cloudy eye but no swelling
Hi WWM Crew! First I wanted to thank you for all the great info
you have given, searching your database has helped answer many of my
questions over the years. Ok on to the question I do have
about my Betta and the suggestions I have received from my LFS, that I'm
not entirely sure I should follow, especially after reading your page
here about PopEye and cloudy eyes. I bought my Betta in December
2012 from a very reputable LFS.
He lives in a 6G aquarium with an Eheim 2213 filter and a 5W UV.
He shares the aquarium with a Gold spot goby (Stiphodon sp.) who spends
most of the day in his burrow or cleaning plants, a rabbit snail and a
Nerite snail. At the moment (since March) he has had three
juvenile Cory Sterbai for additional company. These cories are
staying temporarily until their owner gets his place back together.
On the rare occasion the Betta has flared at them (usually at night when
the moonlight is on) but they don't seem to mind his presence. He
ignores the snails and the goby. The water temperature fluctuates
between 81.3 and 81.7 degrees over the course of a day. With the
CO2 injection
<Really? In such a small volume... on a regulator/monitor I take it>
the pH ranges from a max of 6.8 right before the CO2 turns on in the
morning to a minimum of 6.4 during the day. The drop checker takes an
hour or so to turn green and has never turned yellow. I've gone
back to look at the temperature and pH logs for the last week and there
have been no anomalies outside that range. Water parameters are:
ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 5, KH 50, GH 260, Fe 0, chelated
Fe 0,
<Need iron if you're raising plants... I'd supplement. Commercial or
phosphate 0,
<Need HPO4 as well>
TDS 280-343, copper 0, dissolved oxygen 8-12. I haven't checked
for Calcium or Magnesium specifically lately. Water changes are
automated and occur daily (1G/day) in small increments every 2 hrs from
10am to 6pm.
Last week I stopped using tap water (with Nutrafin AquaPlus) because we
had a boil water advisory for a few days. At that point I started using
RO water reconstituted with Seachem Equilibrium and Discus Trace (LFS
was out of Freshwater Trace but they said Discus Trace is nearly
identical in its composition). Three days ago I also
started automated dosing of plant fertilizers (Seachem line).
<Ah, good>
The boil water advisory has been lifted but I've continued with the RO
water because my fish (and shrimp) in the other tank (tetras, dwarf
Gourami, Pleco (Ancistrus sp.), Synodontis hybrid and clown killifish)
have responded positively, they have more intense colouring and everyone
is more active. My Betta gets two Hikari Gold pellets
and 3-4 thawed bloodworms per day.
<See WWM re these last. I'd discontinue; sub something else>
However, since the cories moved in the Betta also enjoys sharing their
sinking pellets. I often see the four of them huddled together around
the same pellet. This morning I noticed his left eye is
starting to get cloudy, it hasn't developed into what others have
described here as PopEye, it doesn't appear to be swollen yet, he can
see well enough to come get his worms and pellets at the surface and is
active, other than when he is relaxing on his leaf, and since it
is just one eye (for the moment) is it more likely an injury?
<Yes; unilateral... a trauma. Will heal on its own>
I went to the LFS to get Ampicillin just in case - they didn't have
any. They made two alternate suggestions: Furan-2 by API or Indian
Almond Leaves that they told me to boil until I get a dark "tea" and
that I should add that "tea" on a daily basis (50 ml per day).
The tea doesn't sound different from using Melafix and I don't know if
it would do more harm than help?
<The Almond leaves are much better than the API non-Fixes... but still,
I wouldn't use either. Unnecessary>
Should I try the Furan 2 (I've seen mixed opinions online about whether
it is safe for snails), or wait and see what happens?
<The latter>
Since his eye is not swollen yet, would the Epsom salt help (in a
separate tank)?
<... I wouldn't add anything>
Do you think the shift to the reconstituted RO water or the plant
fertilizers may be a cause or a contributing factor?
<Not likely>
The salesperson suggested that I should not use reconstituted RO water
for a Betta and that it will make him sick in the long term, but this
doesn't make sense since people keep much more sensitive fish with
reconstituted RO water without problems. There is some driftwood in the
tank so perhaps he could have hurt his eye.
<Yes... Bettas are rather "autistic"... Do bump into things>
None of the cories nor the goby are affected. I bought a new
ammonia test kit that can separate free ammonia (NH3) from ionized
ammonia (NH4+), thinking perhaps my other kit was missing something
since it tests for both at the same time and you have to use a
conversion chart to find out the free ammonia - but zero ammonia should
still be zero regardless of whether the two are tested for separately?
Thank you for any suggestions you have to help him get better!!
<Just time going by, your good care. Bob Fenner>
Re: Betta with cloudy eye but no swelling 6/7/13
Hi Bob
Thank you very much for your quick reply! I will let you
know how he does.
<Real good. Thanks, BobF>
Please Help Bob (the Betta) 4/19/13
I recently changed my roommate's beta tank and well when i did i used
this "tap water conditioner" by aqua plus .. well what i didn't realize
was that it had expired Oct-2011 i didn't notice bob (beta)
>//// Betta>
acting strangely until a couple hours after putting him in the expired
water i guess you could say ... ive looked and searched for solution's
to help bob get better most of his symptoms are common except one i will
attach a picture if i can but the common symptoms include laying @ the
bottom of the tank on his side, loss of color, swimming more like
spinning gasping for air then returning to the bottom of the tank .. ok
this is the one that bother's me he has what does not look like droopy
or what not but his chest has a red bulge appearing out from under his
scales around what would be our collarbone area it looks almost like he
would be pregnant but in a weird area i know this is not possible
because he is the only fish in the tank and have had him for approx
2years and it appears to be getting bigger i will circle the area im
concerned about on the picture and i will send it in doubles marked and
-i have tried only one of the things to see if it would help that i read
up on and it was to change his water enough times to filter out some of
bad water that did this to him and so far it has made him more lively
but he still isnt doing well (still has all symptoms i provided) he just
spins a little more and his breathing is a little better not by much tho
please help bob i love this fish ��
thank you and i hope to hear from you soon
<? IF you believe this fish has been poisoned somehow, I'd move it or
change out most of the water for (treated) new... as gone over and over
on our site; along w/ the limiting of file sizes... Your email was
automatically shunted to trash due to being oversized. Bob Fenner>
Please Help Bob
this is another message regarding my roommate's beta .... i really hope
to get a response soon because his action's are changing and he is
starting to spaz out ... I really love this fish and it is killing me to
see him like this and i dont want to resort to killing him to put him
out of this tornment please im sorry you must be busy just could you try
to respond as soon as possible i dont want to have to ... i just
hope to hear back before i feel its necessary to end this for my little
Please Help Bob- 4/19/13
i could not bear seeing him in the condition he was in i have gone ahead
and hopefully rid him of his pain please do not reply to my emails as of
now i do not want to know if he was going to be just fine or if there
was a way to treat him he is gone and i want to leave it as i did what
was best for him
thank you anyways
<... I do hope you've learned something of use from this experience...
Help?... Not using WWM 4/13/13
Hey I’ve been searching far and wide for answers to these two questions.
I got my Betta fish and my two ADF’s from Petco (horrible store with
rude people and treats there aquatics very poorly)
<?... as a consumer, vote w/ your feet: Go elsewhere to shop, cast your
votes w/ your money>
within the first day my Betta fish started tilting up vertically with
his head facing the surface of the water
<Not an entirely unnatural posture>
and I quarantined him and gave him ick and salt treatment
<? Not recommended... simple temp. elevation will cure Ich in most FW
fishes... see WWM re... And Hymenochirus don't tolerate such exposure
and he got better within the day. Now a couple of days later his belly
looks round and I’m wondering if he’s sick again.
<... not necessarily>
Also one of my African Dwarf Frogs has a pink spot on his nose and
floats on the surface of the water handa and legs spread, is it bloat or
is it just normal?
<?... you've sent too large an image file... and not searched, read on
WWM ahead of writing us. See WWM re ADF disease/health>
Please let me know,
<... help yourself.>
thanks. As well, is this the problem? Cause I lifted my tetra whisper
filter a bit out of the water and it doesn’t bubble but still provides
the flow for filtration, is that okay? Thanks
<Yes... Bob Fenner>
Betta Splendens fin problem, and general life stuff - III -
Hi Sabrina
<Gordon! My gosh, what a delay in reply.... I thought I'd
cleared out my box. Cat got sick, been away.... back(ish)
Thanks for your help.
<Hope all turned out well.>
I just read a profile on Protopterus annectens annectens. Bad, bad
Sabrina, suggesting more oddball fish that I like the look of!
<You mean GOOD Sabrina!>
Have you kept one of these? They look enormous!
<They are. Though P. amphibius stays small(er) at only 18" or
more.... but is notoriously delicate.>
Really cool though, it can walk and breathe air! I really like these
sort of "evolutionary link" creatures.
<Me too.>
Mudskippers will definitely be on the agenda at some point. I think I'd
need a bigger house to keep Protopterus,
<Me too!>
but never say never. It would be pretty cool to take your fish for a wee
stroll around the back garden in the summer. (I'm kidding, just in
I think I'll leave the Betta be in that case, since the fish is behaving
normally and it's not really bad.
"<Uhh, I think we both share both of those traits, actually!
*grin*>" -
Yeah, I suppose I'm guilty as charged!
<The liking and learning fishy stuff? Yup.>
Hmm. Now that you mention copper and shrimp it occurs to me that the
little internal filter that I'm using was in the Betta's tank when we
first treated him for fin-rot. I seem to be getting a steady attrition
on my little Cherrys, no mass wipe-outs, just less and less every day.
They were fine for weeks, though, but I've just had a quick read about
and found that algae can bioconcentrate copper, so that might explain
why it is only happening now. I think I'll take that internal out.
<I would, as well. This might be the culprit. Make sure
you're dosing Iodine, also; for me, that was always the difference
between losing them regularly though slowly, and having them happy and
I've got an air driven sponge filter that I had running in another tank.
I had swapped them over originally but replaced the internal when I
thought that maybe the sponge wasn't seeded enough to keep up just yet.
On a side note, we got our Ctenopoma acutirostre today. They are so wee
and cute! I'm very much looking forward to giving them their first feed
<I hope they are doing well. And I hope you are enjoying them!>
<Best wishes always, -Sabrina>
Re: Betta healing, guppy hanging near surface 12/28/12
Hi Rick,
I promised you an update so here it is with a few additional questions.
My Betta with Finrot seems to be recovering. This was not without
additional challenges as I'm sure you can imagine. I continued using the
healthy tank water for water changes and will continue to do so going
forward. Upon completion of the second Maracyn treatment I put a big
piece of used filter floss in from my healthy tank and this immediate
cycled and now all parameters are perfect. I put in a few Amazon Frogbit
plants and a new patch of flame moss in addition to the java fern. His
tail appears to be slowly healing and growing back. I am going to leave
him in the 2 1/2 gallon for now until I feel he is ready for a move, I
would just rather let him heal before a big change.
<Sounds good>
In my healthy tank I have 2 questions. I am currently having a cherry
shrimp breeding frenzy. Apparently my ADF has not successfully picked
off the baby shrimp, can I put 2 of the shrimp in my 2 1/2 gallon with
the Betta?
<I'm not that up to speed on shrimps but I don't see why not. They are
relatively small shrimp. The Betta might pick on them or worse. I just
don't know. Personally, I'd get another small tank and try to
raise the shrimp and trade with other local aquarists. Cherry shrimps
are pretty popular and not especially cheap at stores, at least not in
my area.>
Also I have a fancy guppy in the healthy tank that for days has been
floating at the surface, barely moving. If I open the lid he will dart
around but just floats in the plants at the surface. Parameters are 0
ammonia, 0 nitrites, nitrates under 5, pH 7.6, temp 77. Last time I
checked about a month ago (using test strips) my hardness was moderate
to hard. I have since run out of strips. All other fish (6 zebra danios,
1ADF, 4 ghost shrimp and about 1 million and counting cherry shrimp)
seem perfectly fine.
There are no visible signs of damage, chasing, etc. Any suggestions for
the guppy?
<Regarding the guppy, do you see any other symptoms? Is he gasping
for air? Lilac-colored gills, or perhaps any discoloration or markings?
Body shape is healthy or thin and gaunt? Could just be old age,
could be something else. Neale wrote some general guppy guidelines
here but not necessarily all that helpful for your issue.
Thanks Rick for reading this and for all your help and wise guidance.
<Welcome and good luck.>
Betta healing, guppy hanging near surface 12/28/12
Hi Rick,
Thanks for your response. No gasping, no markings, no discoloration,
hard to tell color because he is kind of purple/blue anyway. Well I have
just left him be because no one else seems to be affected. Will see what
happens as he doesn't appear to be suffering. Thanks again,
<Good luck with him.>
Urgent Help For A Betta - 11/06/2012
Hello. My Betta is very sick, though I can't figure out what's making
him sick. I've had him for 2.5 years, I got him at the pet store so I'm
assuming he's around 3 to 3.5 years old.
<Unfortunately, this can actually be considered "old" (or old-ish) for
Bettas, these days.... It is really quite surprising how their lifespan
has shortened in the years I've known this fish. It's getting pretty
rare to see a store-bought Betta exceed a few years in age. A fellow I
knew who studied fish pathology once obtained several Bettas from
various stores local to him and was able to determine that most or all
of them, even those not showing symptoms, had Mycobacteriosis, or
something similar.... my memory fails me a bit here.>
He lives in a 5 gallon tank that is heated but not filtered. His tank
stays at 78 degrees. I also have a bubbler in his tank controlled with a
gang valve so there is no current from it. I do frequent water changes
of 100% weekly and two 25% changes in between, and use Prime water
conditioner. I have tested his water, and there is no problem there.
<To be sure, I hope you mean ZERO Ammonia, ZERO Nitrite, and Nitrate of
20ppm or lower, and a stable pH somewhere between 6 and 8.>
The symptoms started close to 3 weeks ago. I noticed he was breathing
heavier than usual. I had done a partial 25% water change that day and
had accidentally filled the tank up closer to the lid than usual. There
was still room for air to enter the tank, so I don't know if lack of
oxygen was the problem, but that is when the symptoms started.
<As long as he had space to stick his nose out and suck in air, I'm sure
this was fine, considering that there was an "air input", if you will,
from the bubbler, helping get fresh air in there.>
About 2 weeks later he began having swim bladder disorder issues,
and always sank to the bottom of the tank where he would sit on his
tail, or lay on his side.
<Quite possibly symptoms of Mycobacteriosis, and I am not surprised. A
friend's Betta is going through this same sort of problem, has been
"sinky" for a month or two now.>
I first thought it may be constipation, so I fasted him for 2 days and
fed him a bit of a thawed pea.
<Certainly a good thought, and wouldn't cause harm to try.>
But he is having bowel movements with normal looking feces, so I'm
assuming that was not the problem.
I thought maybe he may have a bacteria or parasite infection, but there
are no outward signs of one. I've looked him over many times using a
flashlight and even a magnifying glass, and I could see no
discoloration, parasites, or sores.
<Very observant of you.>
He looks completely normal from the outside other than the gasping. It
is the gasping that I'm most worried about because it's not a symptom of
swim bladder disorder. He seems alert, and his appetite is very good,
but every time he tries to swim to the surface, his bottom half seems to
drag him down. He will keep trying until he gets the food, but is
completely exhausted from the effort. I feed him pellets and freeze
dried bloodworms, although I've stopped with the bloodworms for the time
<I don't think these would be problematic, given that his problem is
probably something he's had much of his life, and is only now starting
to show symptoms.>
Right now he gets 2 or 3 Hikari Bio-Gold pellets a day. I soak them in
garlic guard to hopefully boost his immune system. I also use Indian
Almond Leaves. His past history with illness has been 2 mild cases of
fin rot that have cleared up.
<Sounds like you're taking very good care of him.>
People have warned me not to medicate unless I know for certain what's
wrong with him.
<YES. Good. People, in this case, are being smart and advising you very
well. I do agree - do NOT medicate this fish.>
It's hard for me to watch him struggle like this, and I feel helpless
not being able to give him something that may cure him. I have both
Maracyn 1 and 2, Jungle Fungus Clear and Lifeguard, and external
parasite medications on hand.
<If it IS Mycobacteriosis (which can't be diagnosed with certainty
without histopathological examination), there is some suggestion in some
texts that very high, prolonged doses of Kanamycin sulfate MAY have some
success, the risks of damage to the fish's liver from treatment is so
great that it probably should not be chanced, at all. Especially
considering the fact that the fish may live a long while yet, and just
be "sinky".... Treatment is really not recommended. At all.>
Right now I'm doing daily 25% water changes and keeping the water level
lower. I want to start doing daily 100% water changes for maybe a week
and adding aquarium salt.
<I don't think I would do 100% water changes daily here.>
Is there anything else I can do other than keeping his water clean and
<Lower the water level even further. Be CERTAIN that the substrate is
clean and SMOOTH - he's going to probably spend the remainder of his
life sinking and really needs to have smooth, non-jagged, clean
substrate, especially if he is a long-finned Betta. Consider also that,
as granulomas from the Mycobacteriosis form or change, he may stop
sinking and start floating. Add some floating plants in case this
happens, so he has places to hang out to remain completely submerged.
You might consider a larger tank so that you can have that lower water
level without compromising volume, if it's possible for you to do so.>
I care for this fish dearly, and I'm so worried about him.
<Boy, do I understand that. I recall very fondly a Betta splendens
female I had who, after a few years, started sinking, and would
alternate between sinking and floating over months of time.... She was a
cantankerous fish - more aggressive than any male Betta I've ever had -
and I cared for her greatly. She lived several years, even despite the
messed-up buoyancy, and never seemed to have a real problem with it. Her
attitude was never diminished, that's for sure.>
I'll do whatever I can to save him. I just need to know what the problem
is, especially with the gasping.
<Ah. This gasping is possibly a combination of things - one, he has to
work REALLY HARD now to get to the surface to breathe. Drop that water
level further, make it easier on him. And two, he's probably really
"frustrated" (as much as a fish can be) with this turn of events, and
hasn't yet learned how best to optimize his swimming to compensate for
his handicap. He'll get there. Or, worse, there may be granulomas from
the disease affecting his ability to breathe or to process air, and this
is something you can do nothing about.>
I would really appreciate your advice on what to do for him.
<Just as above.... You are doing well. Also bear in mind that all I've
stated is based on one big, fat guess that you're dealing with this
specific disease. Perhaps I'm way off base. But I've seen this in so
many Betta splendens, including the current, ongoing case of my friend's
Betta, that I feel pretty confident about it.>
Thank you.
<And thank you for having such compassion for your Betta pal. Best
wishes to you both, -Sabrina>
Urgent Help For A Betta - II - 11/08/2012
<Hello again.>
Thank you so much for the information and taking the time to help me and
my Betta.
<You are very welcome.>
I have been doing research for literally days and the only thing I could
find that matched his symptoms with the gasping was gill flukes which I
very much doubt is the problem.
<Agreed. This is very unlikely.>
Mycobacteriosis does sound possible, and that he has had it all his life
and only showing now. I looked up the symptoms for it, and read that it
might not cause any symptoms, or obvious ones like scale loss, loss of
color and appetite, and lesions on the skin, none of which my fish has.
<He may, over time. Or may not.>
He still eats like a pig, and there are no physical signs of illness
other than the gasping and sinking, so I'm guessing he has a form of
this disease that isn't so obvious. The reason I stopped giving
him bloodworms was because he has such a hard time snatching them from
the surface of the water.
Even when he was healthy it took a while for him to be able to grab
It's much easier for him to get the pellets, but even that can take
really long now because of his bottom half sinking all the time.
<Very good.>
He keeps having to lunge up and often misses them, and the effort really
exhausts him.
<Oh, you might consider a sinking pellet instead, which he can pick up
off the ground. It might take him a bit to learn, but it would
make life a little easier for him, for sure. I like and recommend
Spectrum pellets. I think they produce a Betta pellet now,
actually. My friend's Betta, who also sinks, eats them quite
Unfortunately I would not be able to get him a larger tank right now due
to not having enough room, but I don't mind doing partial changes
everyday to keep the water pristine. I know 100% changes everyday would
stress him out too much, so I'll stick partials with once a week full
changes. I do have to fill the tank up to a certain level, though,
because of the heater. It's this long one that has a line near the top
that shows it needs to be submerged at least up to that line.
<Perhaps you can find a fully submersible heater instead, which might
allow you to drop the water line further? However, having a heater
in too small a volume of water can be very chancy, too.>
I'll quit with the aquarium salt since I doubt it will help him in this
<A little salt likely won't hurt, but I don't think it's very helpful or
necessary, either.>
He's actually still pretty alert. Even if he can't move that much now,
his eyes will move around, still curious about his environment. If I
want to get him to swim a bit, I just wave my hand over the top of his
tank. His predatory instincts thinks it's food, and he'll almost always
swim upwards to investigate.
<All sounds very good.>
He was always a super aggressive Betta. That's actually how I noticed
him at the pet store, he was trying to swim out of the cup at me full
Whenever someone looked into the tank at him, he would take it as a
challenge and charge forward flaring like crazy! I would worry at times
because he sometimes would crash into the wall of the tank pretty hard.
Now, because of his heavy breathing, he's no longer able to flare, and
because of him sinking, he can no longer swim around like he used to.
It's really sad and hard to watch him like this.
<I do understand.>
I can see how the gasping could be related to him being frustrated or
stressed. When I moved him from a 2.5 gallon bowl to a 5 gallon tank, it
took him a bit to get used to it and he was hyperventilating for a few
days. But this time it's not stopping. His breathing has been like this
for almost a month now. I've noticed that sometimes it's a lot harder,
and other times it's not as obvious, but his gills are always moving
<He really does need to have easy access to the surface.... If you
can't lower the water level, consider having a lot of floating plants
or.... something.... that he can try to rest in/on near the surface, if
he chooses.>
What I don't understand is why the breathing started 2 weeks before the
sinking. Maybe he was starting to not feel good and was stressed out
about it?
<Maybe. Or maybe the sinking had already begun, and he was
compensating for it as best he could until it got bad. Or maybe
something else entirely.>
If it is something that is affecting his breathing, that would be
<It could be, I'm sad to say. But let's hope for the best, okay?>
I feel so helpless not being able to cure his problem.
<I do very much understand this, having been through it.>
I wish I could have my aggressive, active, flaring little Betta back,
but it seems like that will never happen.
<It may, once he becomes accustomed to his situation. My friend's
Betta still has quite a personality. My own female that I
mentioned from years ago, she was certainly active. And even when
she was completely sinky or completely floaty, she'd still do everything
in her power to try to attack me if I reached in the tank. With
all luck, your boy will find his comfort, and get back to his sassy
self. And if he doesn't.... Well, if he doesn't, he's had a
great time in your attentive care.>
It's so depressing seeing him gasping at the bottom of his tank. I wish
there was something I could give him that would make him feel better.
<Easy access to the surface, special treat foods occasionally, sinking
pellets.... Anything to make his life easier will make him feel
At least I now have some clarity on what this mysterious illness he has
could be. Thanks so much for your help.
<I do wish I had a magic fix for him, and I'm sorry I don't. But
your compassionate husbandry is the next best thing to a cure.
Best wishes to you and your beautiful Betta pal, -Sabrina>
Urgent Help For A Betta - III - 11/15/2012
Hi. Thanks so much for your reply.
<Glad to help.... or at least, to try to help.>
Some things have changed since I last e-mailed you. For one thing, his
fins have become paler, but his body seems to still be a normal color. I
think the pale fins are from stress, but I'm not sure.
<A reasonable guess.>
Another thing is his eyes, they seem to take longer to adjust to the
I have the light dim in his room to reduce stress, I just have a small
lamp in there that sits further away from his tank. But I turn on the
room's light for a while before feeding him so his eyes can become
adjusted. They look like a pale color, and it takes longer to darken
than it did before, but they eventually do so. It doesn't seem to affect
his sight, though.
<This may just be stress, as well.>
Another thing he's been doing is hiding. He often seems spooked and
doesn't like being out in the open. I have fabric plants and a little
house in there for him to go in, but he chooses to stay underneath the
heater. I know it's not because he's cold, but he just seems to feel
safer there. When he's done coming up for food, he'll right away dash
under the heater again and not want to move, but he still will look at
me and notices his surroundings.
<Probably for some reason this spot seems to him to be the safest, or
most comfortable.>
His breathing has slowed a bit, but it's still heavy. His gill cover
still expands far out when he breathes.
<This is still concerning, and I do hope he has clear and easy access to
the surface.>
I have actually tried to sink his pellets. I would leave them in a cup
full of tank water for a while, and they would sink when I put them in
his tank.
But he's rarely fast enough to catch them, and once they hit the bottom,
he loses interest completely. He won't even try to eat them off the
<He might learn, in time; or he might be too stubborn.>
The good news is that he seems to have gotten better at snatching them
off the surface of the water. He doesn't miss as often, therefore it
doesn't tire him out so much.
<Very good.>
Here's a picture of him that I took last week if you want to take a
<He does look a bit stressed, huh? Do be sure to continue to
monitor water quality, just to be safe.>
He had a mild case of fin rot a few months ago, and it ate away the end
of his tail. :( But it's gone now, and the fin is slowly growing back.
<Very good. I know I mentioned it once already, but it's really
important now, since he's going to be spending much/most of his time in
direct contact with the substrate, to keep the substrate as clean as
possible, and make sure that it's a smooth, non-abrasive substrate.
This is imperative, in order to reduce the chances of fin damage and
Just so you know, the black specks and his pink face are his natural
Considering this disease may progress into something worse, I do have to
bring up the subject of euthanasia, as much as I hate to do so.
I do not want my little guy to suffer, but I really don't know how to
humanely euthanize a fish. I've looked at some methods online, but none
of them seemed to be proven that the fish dies a quick and painless
I've never had to euthanize a pet myself before, but the vets around
here know nothing about fish, and I wouldn't feel comfortable if they
didn't know what they were doing. Could you tell me the best way that is
proven to be quick and painless?
<The best way is to use MS-222 (Tricaine), dissolved in tank water, at
about 300mg/L or more, even up to 600mg/L (larger fish may require more
- a Betta is quite small). You would NEED to buffer the water with
sodium bicarbonate (baking soda, not to be confused with baking powder)
to bring it back to the pH of the tank water, as MS-222 will drop the
pH. You might find it sold as "Finquel". If so, just follow
the instructions provided with it. This anesthetic will be
basically painless, though he may respond to it some. It's like
putting Chloroseptic in your mouth, it feels really funny, right?
Same thing happens here, only to their gills. When I anesthetize
or euthanize fish at work, sometimes they make "chompy" motions, but
that's usually the extent of their response. Basically, the
anesthetic will make him unconscious, and eventually he will die.
It won't take very long at all for him to go unconscious, maybe a few
minutes, and then another 10 to 30 minutes for him to die. I would
suggest to leave him in the anesthetic for an hour or so after that, to
be completely sure.
Another method is to use clove oil, the same as what you might use on a
tooth ache. It doesn't dissolve in water very much, but that's
Several drops of clove oil vigorously stirred/mixed into a container of
tank water will work similarly to the way MS-222 does. Again, just
leave him in it for quite a while after he stops breathing, to be sure.
You can also Google "euthanize fish clove oil" to find detailed
instructions. I would not recommend the clove oil plus vodka
"methods". The last way I'll suggest, and I am loath to suggest it
as I know it may upset you, but it is effective and quick: decapitation
with subsequent destruction of the brain / pithing. This would be
far more stressful for you than the fish, but if you cannot obtain
MS-222 or clove oil, is certainly a quick option. I, personally,
hate this method, but have had to use it in the past. It IS quick,
as long as you are quick about it, but it's not for the squeamish.
And it's certainly disturbing to consider doing to a beloved pet.>
I still won't be able to do it personally, but I could direct someone
else who is willing to do it for me. I would prefer he die peacefully in
his sleep, but we all know that is pretty rare, and I need to be
prepared to end his suffering when, (hopefully if), it comes to that.
<Anesthetic like MS-222 or clove oil is the best bet. If you have
someone else do it, just PLEASE make sure they understand exactly what
they are doing.>
Thank you so much for your help. I've been desperately seeking answers
by asking people online, and you definitely have been the most helpful
and you were able to tell me what he has which I never would have
figured out otherwise.
<It's still not 100% certain that it's Mycobacteriosis, but it does seem
a distinct possibility/probability.>
There doesn't seem to be much information on most fish sites about
Mycobacteriosis, and it seems not many Betta caregivers know about it.
So thank you, I really appreciate it.
<I am glad to have been of service, even if it's a grim service. I
do wish you and your Betta all the best. Don't write him off as
lost just yet; as long as he eats, he's enjoying life enough to keep
going. Just because he's lost buoyancy control doesn't mean you
should love him any less. He's still the same tough little guy,
and it's very clear how much you care about him. Thank you for
that. Warmest regards to you both, -Sabrina>
Urgent Help For A Betta - IV - 11/17/12
Thank you once again for your informative reply.
<Glad to do what I can.>
Unfortunately things have taken a turn for the worst for my little guy.
His breathing is just too terrible. He's just laying at the bottom of
his tank, hardly moving, and gasping. At times he'll shoot to the
surface, and because of his lack of control, he'll end up crashing into
the tank wall sometimes. His body looks normal, but his fins have lost
almost all their color and are practically transparent. He's still
eating, and his eyes still move around looking at his surroundings, but
his quality of life is all but diminished.
<I'm very sorry to hear this; I know it must be very difficult to see
him like that.>
Just a note, the bottom of his tank is bare, and everything in it is
smooth and won't hurt his fins. But regardless, his fins are looking
pretty ragged. It looks like they've become thinner. I still don't see
any other symptoms that could indicate a common problem like parasites
or an obvious bacteria infection, so I'm guessing mycobacteriosis is the
most probable explanation.
<I do feel like it's possible.>
I really hate to do this, but I think it's time. If it was just buoyancy
that was the problem, I know he could still live a good life, but not
with that gasping that he's doing. He is constantly under stress,
although I don't think he's in pain because he's still eating. Once in a
while he'll have an aggressive moment for a few seconds where he's
almost back to himself, but then he'll just sink and hide again. The
vast majority of the time he's laying at the bottom, gasping and
obviously very stressed. I have waited too long before with other pets
to make this horrible decision. It's just so hard to know when it's
actually time, especially when they're still eating. But I don't think
my poor little fish is at all comfortable, and it's such a struggle for
<I know you won't make this choice lightly, and if you think it's right,
then it is.>
I gave my vet a call a few days ago, and apparently they are familiar
with euthanizing fish. Even though they are not fish doctors, they have
done it before, and told me the fish don't feel anything. They use a
small amount of euthasol with a very tiny needle. Do you think this is
an acceptable and humane way?
<I am not familiar with this for small fishes, but I am also not a vet.
The commonly accepted method in the pet fish and scientific industries
are immersion in anesthetic solutions.... though I am sure your
vet is safe to rely upon. Just make sure they understand that this
is a very small fish, and that they're confident in performing it.>
I would actually feel a lot better if it's an actual vet that's doing
They aren't likely to mess it up like I might. I just want his passing
to be painless, humane, and quick as possible.
<I understand, and I do very much believe you can trust them with this.>
Thank you so much for helping me through this. It's been very hard to
see my little Betta boy so sick, and now having to make this decision.
I'm glad I was able to get some expert advice to help us out and make
this difficult time a little easier to handle. :)
<I am very glad to have been able to help in some small way. My
thoughts are with you; I wish there were something more I could do.
Best wishes always, -Sabrina>
Urgent Help For A Betta - V - 11/21/12
Hi. Thanks so much. Just to let you know, my little fishy is still among
the living. I haven't been able to make that decision just yet.
<I am very confident that you are making the best choices day-to-day.>
Maybe I'm being selfish because I don't want to lose him, but I just
can't make such a drastic decision for an animal that is still eating,
and is still alert to movement.
<I completely understand.>
Even though he needs to lay at the bottom of his tank, and even though
his heavy breathing is probably causing his discomfort, the fact that
he's still eating says to me that he still has a will to live. Do you
think I'm doing the right thing by waiting?
<I.... believe, very strongly, that you are in the best position to know
the best course of action. I doubt that you are being selfish, as
seeing an animal that is truly suffering is far worse than allowing it a
peaceful death. If you don't think he's ready to go, then frankly,
I think you're probably right. I believe I mentioned previously,
but if I didn't, here's how I tend to look at it.... I work with a
naturally short-lived east African killifish in a genetics lab. We
love our little guys, and I try to give them happy lives, even though
they only live for a handful of months.
I *hate* killing things. I like seeing fish thrive and be happy.
As our fish age, we sometimes see dramatic changes due to the aging
Sometimes, some of those changes cause the fish to suffer. My
personal rule of thumb in the fish room is that if a fish eats, it wants
to live.
If it stops eating, it's time to put it down. No matter what other
condition(s) the fish may have, if they're eating, they stay alive.
I am sure I've had exceptions to this general rule in extreme
situations, but it's a pretty safe rule for the most part. That
said.... Only YOU are qualified to know if your Betta needs to be
put down. You see him every day. You observe him. You
feed him. You know his personality, behaviors.... If the
time comes, you'll know. Trust yourself.>
It would be a different story if what he had was something like dropsy,
or if the Mycobacteriosis were causing blisters on his body. Then it
would be obvious that he was suffering and I would know I would need to
end his pain. But I don't believe he is experiencing pain right now
because he still has an appetite.
<Exactly what I would be thinking in your shoes.>
If he suddenly takes another turn for the worse, or if he stops eating,
then that would be a sign that it's time. I hope I'm doing what's best
for him.
<I think you are. I think you can feel safe in trusting yourself
with this.>
Thank you once again. I very much appreciate your help and advice, and
I'm sure my little Betta is just as grateful. :)
<I'm just glad he has such a very conscientious person looking after
Hats off to you. My best wishes to you and your finny pal,
Urgent Help For A Betta - VI - 11/22/12
Hi. I have to say, your e-mail reply had perfect timing because it
helped me from making what would probably be a mistake. I'm not
superstitious, but from time to time I can't help but admit that
sometimes fate sends us signs to guide us to make the right decisions.
<To each their own! *smile* If that's what makes things work
for you, then that's how you should see them.>
I have been questioning myself for a week now whether I was doing the
right thing for my fish by waiting, and decided maybe I wasn't. Even
though he's eating, his breathing looks so terrible, and his fins have
lost most of their color. He looks in pretty rough shape. So I called my
vet yesterday, wanting to talk to her first before I made an
appointment, just to get some reassurance that he indeed would not feel
any pain. But she was too busy to come to the phone, and I guess the
secretary never gave her the message or maybe she just forgot because
she never called me back. So I was planning to call this morning again,
and to make the dreaded appointment for later in the day, but a few
things that have happened this morning have stopped me from doing so.
One thing was your e-mail, then after that it was the way my Betta was
acting. I know this sounds silly, but I outright asked him if he was
ready to go, if he was suffering too much to stay with me. I left the
room for a little while, and when I checked on him again, he was sitting
on top of his heater like he used to do when he was healthy. Not only
that, but he suddenly had an energy burst and did his little wiggle
dance for me the way he used to.
<This does not sound like "suffering" to me. You'd know better
than I, as you see him every day, but it sounds like he's still excited
to see you (or maybe at least try to convince you to feed him!).>
He still sinks of course, but he seems to have accepted his condition
and is willing to live with it. Maybe I'm just being overly optimistic
and calling these things signs of fate, but I've always been connected
to all my pets, and I feel that he's telling me he doesn't want to leave
me just yet.
<You'll know when/if that time comes. Let's try to look at it more
as an "if" than a "when", right?>
He had torn his fin a few days ago. I don't know how, I have nothing in
his tank that could have torn it.
<Happens.... Long-finned Bettas don't have the best luck these
days. Many even will wind up attacking their very own finnage,
thinking it's an opponent's.>
Mild fin rot had started to set in, but I keep his water very clean, and
I can see it has gotten better so that's another good sign.
<If he's overcoming a mild case of fin rot with good water quality alone
(as a Betta should, mind you), that's a sure sign that he's doing okay.>
I already have a couple of tall fabric plants in his tank that he
doesn't seem to use very often, but I plan to buy more today and pretty
much fill his tank with them so he can stay closer to the surface.
<Cool. Great, even! Just do make sure that he has a clear
shot to the surface from the floor of the tank, or that he can easily
wiggle his way into the plants. The friend I've mentioned who has
a Betta in a similar condition has the tank jam-packed with live plants,
and it seems his Betta has no trouble reaching the surface.>
I know the time is coming soon.
Maybe it's just delayed for a few days, or perhaps a few weeks.
<Or months.... years.... Said friend's Betta has been "sinky"
for several months. He's still vibrantly alive.>
But until my Betta gives me a clear sign that he can't go on, I will do
what I can to keep him as happy and comfortable as possible.
<Very good.>
What you wrote in your last e-mail gave me a lot of comfort and I feel
more confident that I am in fact doing what's right for him.
<I'm glad for this. You should be confident; you're to trust with
I appreciate so much that you take the time to reply to my e-mails to
help me and my little fishy. Thank you.
<My very sincere pleasure.>
<Wishing you and your Betta a happy Thanksgiving, -Sabrina>
Urgent Help For A Betta - VII - 11/25/12
Hi. Well, my little fishy is still alive and kicking. It's not his
sinking that is the real problem, it's his labored breathing that made
me question if he is suffering or not.
<Stick with that basic standard - if he's eating, he probably wants to
keep going.>
It hasn't gotten any better since it started almost 2 months ago. Since
the sinking started a couple of weeks after the breathing, I wonder if
they are caused by 2 separate things.
<Possible, but not possible to know with certainty.>
Whatever is causing the breathing problem may have weakened his immune
system and caused another illness to set in which is affecting his
<Or vice verse.... Whatever's effecting his buoyancy may have
taken longer to "set in", but weakened his immune system enough for the
other.... Or all caused by the same issue(s). Really,
impossible to say. Not a great many things that damage the health
of a small fish can be easily identified without killing the fish.
I've noticed that his gills expand more on one side than the other, and
I'm wondering if he may have gill hyperplasia. Apparently it's caused by
toxins or injury.
<Among other things, like parasites in the gills.>
Since I keep his water pristine and always make sure nothing dangerous
gets into his tank, I'm wondering if he may have injured himself by
ramming into the tank wall which he tended to do once in a while when he
was being particularly aggressive.
<I would think it'd be difficult for him to actually damage his gills in
this way. Even when a Betta's flaring, the gills are pretty well
Gill hyperplasia would explain why the labored breathing doesn't get any
<Mycobacteriosis can affect the gills directly, as well, as I've just
Try Googling Mycobacteriosis and gills, you'll likely find some of the
sources I've just read. I'll also refresh in some of the fish
health/disease texts I've got laying around here.>
I went out and bought him a couple of leaf hammocks that you can stick
to the sides of the tank just under the water surface. He didn't seem
interested in them at first, but I did catch him sitting on one this
morning, but he swam off it right away.
<Sounds like that might have been a good choice!>
Most of the time he prefers to stay at the bottom of his tank, sometimes
hiding beside his heater. I'm thinking that he may feel vulnerable now
because he can't flare anymore due to his breathing. He seems scared to
be close to the surface of the water, like he doesn't want to be exposed
in the open.
<Understandable. No sick critter wants to be in an exposed,
vulnerable place.>
That's probably what is causing him extreme stress, hence the pale fins
and eyes. I wish he wouldn't feel so stressed.
<Perhaps this will lessen with time.>
I really miss the active, aggressive little Betta that he used to be,
but I'm happy he's still with me. Right now I'm feeding him 4 pellets a
day, 2 in the morning, 2 in the evening. I think anymore than that may
cause further problems. I want to try feeding him bloodworms again so he
has some variety, but he'll probably have a lot of trouble snatching
<You might try other foods too, just to give him some variety and more
things to enjoy in life.>
Thanks again. I need to learn how to best take care of him in his
condition now,
<You're doing very well already.>
and your guidance has made it a lot easier for me.
<Thank you for these kind words. I am glad to have helped you (and
My best wishes to you both. Take care. -Sabrina>
Urgent Help For A Betta - VIII - 11/28/12
Hi. Unfortunately I have some very bad news. My little guy took a turn
for the worst on Sunday.
<Oh, sad!>
I was hoping he would feel better once I changed his water, but it
didn't help at all. He only ate 2 pellets on Sunday, and nothing
yesterday or this morning. He just lay at the bottom of his tank, only
coming up once in a while for air, then quickly sinking back to the
bottom completely exhausted from moving that little bit. He stopped
responding to me, and looked completely miserable laying on his side
gasping for breath. His eyes were dull, and he no longer seemed alert at
all. He didn't have the energy to snatch pellets from the surface of the
water, or even look at pellets that sank and were laying right beside
him. I knew it was time.
<I believe that was the right choice, at the right time.>
I made the appointment with the vet this morning, transferred him to his
old 2 gallon tank, and wrapped the tank in a blanket. I think he must
have gone into shock because he didn't move anymore once I got him to
the clinic, just his gills were moving. I couldn't stay in the room when
they euthanized him, but they assured me he didn't feel a thing.
<What a hard decision. I know this must have been very upsetting
for you.>
I brought him home in a little makeshift coffin and put it in the shed
we have in our backyard so I can give him a proper burial in the Spring.
<This fish was clearly precious to you. Consider planting a flower
over him when you bury him, a rosebush or something else hardy, as a
memorial; his body can now nourish new life.>
I didn't want to have to make this decision, but I promised myself I
wasn't going to let him suffer. Once he stopped eating and responding,
he was telling me he was ready. But it didn't make this any easier, and
I'm just devastated. That fish was so special to me. It hurts so bad to
lose a beloved pet.
<It does, I do know that, and I am deeply sorry for your loss.>
You have helped me so much during this terrible time, so thank you very
<I am glad to have been able to offer some support.>
It was really comforting to be in contact with someone who cares about
fish, and understands how attached people get to them even if they can't
hold and cuddle them. Fish have their own little personalities that you
just can't help falling in love with.
<So true!>
I loved my beautiful little Betta boy, and I will remember him always. I
just wish he could have stayed with me longer. Thank you for helping me
through this difficult time. You have been so kind, and I'm happy that
there are caring people like you out there making the effort and taking
the time to help fish and their caretakers.
<Michelle, your words are very touching.... Thank you so much.
It means a lot to hear this. I do wish there were some small
comfort I could offer.>
<My warmest thoughts to you. -Sabrina, who is now listening to
Yes' "Survival".... "Don't doubt the fact there's life within you
/ Yesterday's endings will tomorrow life give you / All that dies, dies
for a reason / To put its strength into the season"....>
Urgent Help for a Betta - IX - 11/30/12
Thank you so much for your words of comfort and understanding. Right now
I just keep remembering over and over how I ended up with my little guy.
I rescued him from those horrible little cups they keep Betta in at pet
<A note, more to our readers than to you - please always bear in mind
that "rescuing" a Betta from a cup in a shop just rewards the shop and
encourages them to bring in more. On the other hand, some of the
shops that do the "cup thing" also do it well, keeping them properly
warm, water changes daily, and in suitably large cups. Considering
the high turnover rate of Bettas in chain shops, that's not such a bad
plan. The thing(s) that bother me most in such scenarios is the
offerings of and recommendations for unfiltered, unheated, tiny boxes
and vases to permanently house the animals.... deplorable.>
My little Hikari was the only one who was trying to swim around in that
small space. He was trying as hard as he could to charge at me through
the cup, flaring like crazy. I knew right away that he was meant to be
with me.
I think it was his way of choosing me. He was the exact fish I had in
mind too, with the right colors, except he was even prettier than I
Even if he hadn't been the exact colors I was hoping for, I still would
have taken him home just because of his aggressive personality.
<Sounds like a great, beautiful animal.>
Thank you for the suggestion about putting a plant above his grave. I
never thought about it, and it's an excellent idea. I will need to find
a very hardy plant that can survive our harsh winters.
<Maybe a native tree?>
I'm so glad I was able to talk with you during this time. I really
believe he had the disease you suspected, and knowing what he very
likely had made it easier to understand even if it didn't make it easier
to accept.
<I'm glad i was able to help, Michelle.>
Thank you very much for taking the time to reply to all my e-mails, and
for helping our little finned friends.
<And thank you, again, for your kind, encouraging words.>
<Wishing you well, -Sabrina>
Another sick fish/question about Betta imbellis
Hi Bob! It's me again. (from Sacramento aquarium society) My fish got
better from velvet, and I haven't lost any, but today, I noticed that
one of my male Bettas is pineconing, and is bloated looking. I've had
dropsy in my tanks before, but that was a year ago. I'm not sure what
type it is, but the last fish with dropsy had something like
Ichthyophonus, and ended up popping before I could euthanize it.
(terrible death!)
<I'll say>
This one is lying on his side, breathing rapidly, and has other symptoms
of dropsy. I'm nervous about it because a female in another tank looks
bloated. (could be from over feeding, as feeding can be tricky with
Bettas ) I also just bought some Betta imbellis online, and my package
was shipped today. (uh oh!) I was going to prepare a tank for the
females, but that tank now has dropsy in it. So right now, the space I
thought I had is gone, and I have more fish then I have room for. My
questions are, A. how long should I quarantine my fish that looks
<Indefinitely... until it is NOT bloated... I would treat w/
Oxytetracycline... 25 mg./gallon, changing the water out every three
days and re-treating... for three times>
B. Are there any ways to painlessly
euthanize a fish without crushing it and without clove oil?
<Quite a few... I am a fan of freezing... as in a bag w/ some water...
in the freezer>
C. Can I keep male Betta imbellis with female splendens without them
<Don't know>
The tank is planted part way and has plenty of hiding places, and the
imbellis are 3 months old. D. If I get more males then I had
anticipated, can I keep them in jars in my closet if they're used to
warm water?
<Yes; I think so>
I have one splendens in there, and he's doing well. E. Will Methylene
blue help cure dropsy?
(I'm stopping with the abc thing as I'm going to run out of letters if I
Also, is there a good way to get Methylene blue out of carpet or off the
wall without damaging either?
<Mmm, yes; spot cleaner... I use one from Costco>
(just asking in advance as it likes to spill on its own!) After my fish
dies, is there a way to kill the dropsy without killing my snails?
<Won't affect the snails>
I have a fish floating in a jar in the infected tank, is it safe as long
as no water gets in except through evaporation?
I know I have a lot of questions (and problems) and it would be much
appreciated if you could give me an answer ASAP as my imbellis are
getting here tomorrow.
Thanks so much!
<Welcome Josh. BobF>
Re: Another sick fish/question about Betta imbellis
Thanks, but the male died. How do I tell if the male had tuberculosis?
<Mmm, through culture mostly... perhaps through microscopic examination>
I know it's contagious to humans... Will raising the salinity help?
<It might>
I think I'm going to empty the tank a bleach it.
<This is what I would do as well>
Are there any special things I should be worried about? I'm going to
quarantine my female. Is there any way to tell if it's dropsy or over
<... see WWM re>
I had a female that was bloated for a while, and finally started
pineconing. Another non related question is about feeding my fish salmon
eggs. I am a salmon fisherman, and was wondering if that's good food. I
know salmon carry Ichthyophonus, so I
don't know...
<I wouldn't feed these or other fish eggs... for a few reasons. B>
Re: Another sick fish/question about Betta imbellis
"<... see WWM re>" I don't see it. Should I wear gloves?
<Yes; I would. B>
Re: Another sick fish/question about Betta imbellis
Thx. Will nuking the tank with hydrogen peroxide
<I'd use chlorine bleach per the protocol posted on WWM. B>
before I syphon it out (just to be safe) be good? I was thinking, and
was wondering how well it would work to dump a lot of hydrogen peroxide
in the tank, and leave it for 48 hours while the hydrogen peroxide
breaks down into water, and I wanted your opinion on it. Do you think it
will work?
Re: Another sick fish/question about Betta imbellis
I'm not going to risk my life with bleach as if I spill a drop, my mom
will kill me.
<Heeeeee! Could you drain the tank, move it outside or in the garage to
bleach, clean?>
Would alcohol work? I don't want to kill my imbellis, but if it
evaporated in the air, would it kill my fish? Are there any other
treatments that don't really stain? I think I'd rather risk it with
siphoning it out, then with bleach.
<I would go w/ the H2O2 if the bleach can't be used. B>
Re: Another sick fish/question about Betta imbellis
I could bleach it in the backyard. I think I'll dump H2O2 in, siphon it
out, then bleach it, and after that, leave it for U.V, sterilization.
<Sounds good Josh. BobF>
Re: Another sick fish/question about Betta imbellis, Betta forums
Thanks so much for all the help!
P.S. How active is your forum? I have tired of a different forum, and am
looking for a new one.
<Not very active... I'd search, seek out a specialty one on Bettas. B>
Re: Another sick fish/question about Betta imbellis
Btw, I joined under the username Betta man.
Re: Another sick fish/question about Betta imbellis
The 3 that are out there, are ultimate Bettas (which is a VERY
unfriendly forum and I have a -19+ reputation there as I said stealing
is wrong) bettafishforums.com which is currently down, (I'm a member
there, and it's a really nice forum) and there's also bettafish.com
which has some inappropriate adds. I was thinking of creating my own
Betta forum, but I decided against it and decided on an aquarist's
version of YouTube. I have a feeling that'll flunk, but it's worth a
try. :)
Re: Another sick fish/question about Betta imbellis
btw, what's your username on that forum?
<I don't participate on bb's/forums... BobF>
Re: Another sick fish/question about Betta imbellis
It sure could use you. So far, mine is the last post.
Re: Another sick fish/question about Betta imbellis
Someone finally responded.
<Yippy Skippy>
Betta Illness, need data
Good Day,
I have a male Betta and he has developed a white patch on his back and
it seems to have destroyed his top fin.
<Mmm, not good. Almost always such secondary infections are the result
of water quality issues, and/or physical traumas>
We are currently administering a product called Betta Fix.
<Of no use... see WWM re all the AP products that are "fixes"... they're
We have him in a very small container while administering the medication
because it is easy to change the water every day and it takes less
medicine to administer. The medicine does not seem to be working as the
white spot appears unchanged. We have been administering the medicine
for about 4 days.
He normally stays in a 2.5 gallon tank with a low flow filtration system
and he is in the tank by himself. I have read about fin rot and it
doesn't seem to be that. It seems like some kind of bacterial infection,
but I don't know how to fix him.
<Need to know water quality test parameters, temperature... Please read
and the linked files above; particularly the FAQs on Environmental
Thank You,
Mike Maxwell
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
My Betta is dying 6/22/12
By the time I finish writing this - or I receive an answer from you all
- I think my Betta will have passed away.
<Oh dear.>
But I am hoping you can provide some insight as to what has happened to
him. We adopted him last July. I'm not sure of his age, since he was
given to us by a friend (probably purchased at a place like
Wal-Mart/PetSmart). We kept him in the fishbowl for a few months until
we were able to fishless cycle a tank (a couple of live plants and
aquarium decorations).
<Ah, now, this could very easily be the reason things went bad here.
These are tropical fish and do need a filter.>
He has been in a 6.6 gallon Fluval chi since late fall 2011.
<Better. In fact Bettas are about the only fish I can think of that
would do well in the Fluval Chi, but there is a risk a Betta could jump
out because the Fluval Chi lacks a lid.>
The water parameters have always been good: Ammonia, nitrite, nitrate
all 0 ppm, pH ~7.6
<All good.>
In mid-May we moved (a 4.5 hour drive), and he handled the transition
very well. The tap water in our new home is almost identical to our
previous home. Up until last week he was doing very well (very active,
ate well), although his color has been fading over the past several
months, and he seemed to have difficulty chewing his bloodworms without
spitting them back out and lunging at them a second time.
<Does he eat anything other than bloodworms? A varied diet is important,
including some greens -- most Bettas will take cooked peas if
sufficiently motivated (i.e., hungry/starved).>
I have done bi-weekly testing of the water parameters, and 20-30% water
changes with dechlorinated water (same temp as tank) every 2 weeks.
<Sounds good.>
The last few weeks have been chaotic, and it was 3 weeks since a water
<Shouldn't cause any real problems.>
Within the space of a couple of days (last Wednesday or Thursday) I
noticed he was spending more time moving around the bottom of the tank.
He would still come up to the surface for food, and was eating well
until 2 days ago. The lethargy continued, and 2 days ago I noticed some
redness around the gills. Yesterday I noticed a red streak on his head.
I know this is indicative of ammonia or nitrite poisoning, but all of
the readings have always been zero. I use the API test kit, and it was
dated mid- to late 2010, so I doubt it is expired.
We also have another freshwater tank (10 g with a bio-wheel filter) with
2 Platys, same water and parameters, although the pH was a tad lower,
same temperature as Geppetto's tank (80-82 degrees), and they are
<A trifle warm; I'd be keeping a Betta around 26 C/79 F. Anything warmer
will not deliver any great advantages, and the flip side is that that
fish pollutes more (or at least faster) and its lifespan is shortened.>
I scoured the internet and read up on Betta diseases, examined his body,
fins, etc., but saw no exterior symptoms of anything until the other
day, when his gills appeared red/swollen. No velvet, no fungus, no Ich,
no enlarged eyes, no bloating, no nothing. There was a bit of gray
coloring on his head/around the mouth, but I thought this might be due
to ageing.
<Could be. In the wild, Bettas are basically annuals. However, in
aquaria life spans of 3-4 years are not uncommon. The only mystery is
how old your Betta is. The specimens on sale are typically around 6
months old by the time they're sent out from the fish farm, but who
knows how long he'd been in sale? With that said, turnover in most pet
shops is pretty quick, so it's unlikely he'd have sat around in the pet
store for more than few months.>
I moved him to a very shallow bowl with a small heater and some gravel
and the skull he likes to hide in. He tries to lunge for food at the
surface, but doesn't have the strength. He won't take the food if I
place it next to his mouth. I know he won't be with me much longer, but
can you tell me how he could develop the toxicity if all of the levels
were zero?
<Ammonia and nitrite aren't the only poisons. Think about airborne
contaminants: insecticide spray, paints, tobacco smoke for example.
Because Bettas are air-breathers, they're even more sensitive to these
than regular fish.>
Is there some disease I somehow missed? Can they age gradually and then
all of a sudden be gone? Should I euthanize him?
<Difficult to say, but I tend not to euthanise unless the fish is
clearly dying/in distress (e.g., breathing heavily). If it's merely
weak, I tend to let things be.>
I know he is suffering, but I don't know if there still is a chance to
help him. He has tried so hard. I am devastated. I managed to get him
onto a silk plant leaf which has been propped up on some rocks so that
he can obtain oxygen from the surface. Three-quarters of his body is
submerged, and the rest of his body is moist but not completely
<That's not good. Dry skin is dangerous for fish.>
I hope this helps, but I don't know if he might be too far gone. I
forgot to say that 4 days ago I had added 1 tsp aquarium salt to his
tank after doing a 50% water change. Thanks, Anastasia.
<Sorry can't offer any great insights here, Neale.>
Re: My Betta is dying 6/23/12
Dear Neale,
Thank you for responding.
Geppetto did pass away very early Thursday morning :-(.
<Too bad.>
I appreciate the insight you were able to offer. He did eat primarily
bloodworms, brine shrimp a few times. I tried other foods (not the peas,
though) but he was not crazy about them. His appetite was very good
until 2 days before he died. I don't know if he did not come to the
surface because he was unable to, or because he was not hungry. He tried
a few times to get the surface, but was unable to stay there for longer
than a few seconds.
<I see.>
While I was very careful about keeping potential toxins away from the
aquariums in our previous home, it is possible that this was not the
case after the move; we live with family who are unfamiliar with fish.
Then again, maybe it was just aging or something inexplicable? Are there
cases in which a keeper can do everything correctly and still have a
fish become very ill? Perhaps similar to humans who take excellent care
of themselves but still die from cancer or other diseases?
<Cancer generally not; cancer is (almost entirely) a problem that
happens when cells age, and since most aquarium fish only live 2-20
years depending on the species, benign tumours are rare and true cancer
rarer still. But other mysterious ailments, for sure, yes. Incorrect
diet shortens the age of many fish, particularly fish that are either
herbivores or carnivores and have been offered too much of the wrong
stuff. Live feeder fish and some live invertebrates (Tubifex especially)
can introduce all sorts of mystery diseases and shouldn't be used. Water
chemistry is an issue as well, and things like Neons may live a while in
hard water, but rarely live anything like the 4-5 years they can live in
soft water. Because Bettas are so widely kept and essentially
domesticated animals (wild Bettas look very different) there are few if
any mysteries about their care. But sometimes you just have to deal with
bad luck -- a Betta that has bad genes, is already quite old, was badly
treated or poisoned at some point… whatever! Medications for example are
poisons, and even if a Betta is medicated "correctly" and seems to get
better, who knows if a mistake was made and damage was done to the
internal organs? You get the idea.>
I plan to maintain the aquarium in the event we decide to get another
Betta. Can you recommend a good book on Bettas, one that includes advice
on how to choose a breeder?
<The International Betta Congress is probably the place to start. They
have members all over the world, as well as a forum, and they'd be able
to tell you some good breeders and stockists. The SeriouslyFish.com site
is another great website and forum run by a chap who really knows his
freshwater fish, and keeps (and collects!) lots of interesting species,
including Bettas. There are some excellent books on labyrinth fish --
I've got Jorge Vierke's book, and it's an excellent read, even if the
translation from the original German is a bit laboured at times.>
If we do get another Betta I want to purchase from a reputable source.
Thanks again,
<Best wishes, Neale.>
Re: My Betta is dying
Dear Neale,
Thank you very much for the suggestions and insight. You have provided a
lot of information which I know will be extremely helpful. I
really appreciate your taking the time to go into such detail even
though Geppetto didn't make it.
Take care,
<Glad to help and thanks for the kind words. Cheers, Neale.>
I need your help, please. Betta hlth....
mixing angels/discus, BR cat... 4/6/12
<Hi there>
My name is Allison,
I've owned fish for quite a while now and have had no issues keeping my
aquariums healthy.
Recently I took a female Betta from my older sister because she was not
keeping good care of her, (no water changes, friends adding beer into
the fish bowl)
<... Yikes!>
I've kept her in a 1.5 gallon tank with a air pump- driven filter (not
sure of the name), but I have not been able to buy a small heater for
<Do need one>
It's been about 4-5 weeks and she has developed what almost looks like a
<I see this>
She eats, and acts normal for the most part.
I change her water daily, and have added Melafix (anti fungal) with no
<Of no use. Read here:
I would really hate to see her die this way,
I've attached a photo, if it isn't already shown.
I was wondering if perhaps putting her in the heated aquarium would help,
<It would>
(55 gallon, 2 angelfish, 1 Columbian catfish, 1 tiger
Pleco, 1 Farlowella)
<Mmm, not w/ the Angels, nor the Cat... better to add a heater to the
small system, and Epsom Salt. Read here re:
but I wouldn't want any bullying going on,
<Me neither>
my angels have bred but they're not very aggressive at all even while
caring for their eggs.
Please help me and let me know what I can do for her.
<The heater and Epsom>
Thank you!
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
I need your help, please. /Neale 4/6/12
(55 gallon, 2 angelfish, 1 Columbian catfish, 1 tiger
Pleco, 1 Farlowella)
<<Would add that the Colombian Catfish is a brackish/marine species, and
cannot be kept in a freshwater system. Will surely die kept in such
Cheers, Neale (in hotel lobby, with unexpected time on his hands.
Re: I need your help, please. Re Colombian Cats 4/9/12
I'm rehoming him in a few weeks. the store I purchased him from told me he
was freshwater.
My stupidity to believe them and not do my normal research.
<Good to hear they're finding a new, more appropriate home. Superb
animals, and wonderful pets, and very easy to keep. It's a shame they're
sold under false pretences so often. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: I need your help, please. And mixing Angels and Discus 4/6/12
Thank you,
I put in a heater and the salt as well after receiving this,
the "hernia" has grown larger over night,
I will email back if the heater doesn't help...
Hopefully we can get this solved!
I also had another question because I keep getting mixed answers
I've seen people keeping Angels and freshwater Discus together,
<Not generally a good mix... The Angels can/do become much more
aggressive, hog foods...>
but I've also heard that angels carry some type of disease or parasite
that can be fatal for Discus,
<An olde myth that I used to circulate as well (Octomita/Hexamita)>
and they shouldn't be kept together.
What is your opinion on this?
I love both fish and would like to keep them together, But it's $20 for a
Discus around where I live and I certainly would not like to waste that
kind of money and a poorly thought out mistake.
Thanks again.
<Better by far to keep separately. BobF>
Re: I need your help, please.... Mixing
Angels/Symphysodon... and Betta hlth.... 4/9/12
thanks for the input.
I guess I'll wait on the discus for a few years until I have no angels
(that'll be a long time! haha)
<How about another system, eh?>
It's only been 4 days since I brought my problem with the Betta to you.
I'm not expecting fast results but s he has not gotten any better.
<Takes time...>
She doesn't act strange though, still eating and what not.
But is there a chance this is a really horrendous case of bloat?
<Of what cause/s?>
This is my first Betta, I usually keep and breed angels, and I've heard
they can become constipated,
<Yes... the same olde possibilities of relief... Epsom, laxative foods,
improved environment...>
Would it look something like what she has?
<Possibly... use the search tool on WWM re these terms, this species...
Re: I need your help, please.
I cannot afford to buy another tank right now sadly.
Or else I would've quite a while ago.
Can always take more tanks. (:
I 2 other 55 gallons but one has African cichlids, and the other houses 2
small Oscars.
So I don't have anywhere to put those fish to clear room for a discus
tank, but I'd love to, I'll just gaze at other peoples' tanks.
<Ahh! Or visit aquariums, perhaps volunteer...>
and thanks for the tip.
although the search is a little hard to navigate on the website...
<How would you improve the search, navigability?>
I'm smart, I'm sure I can figure it out.
<Cheers, BobF>
Brand new Betta with too much energy, no info. or reading
Hello WWM crew, I purchased a new delta tail Betta today and put him in
a 10 gallon tank all to himself. Usually my Bettas calm down after an hour or
two after being added to their new home, but this little boy is a different
story. I placed him in the tank 7 hours ago and he is not acting right at all.
He twitches for a moment then bolts across the tank, kicking up the gravel even.
I can hear it hitting the side of the tank.
<... is this tank cycled?>
The water is fine and I acclimated him before putting him in his new home. I at
first thought it was pent up energy from having to stay in that cup for so long,
but now I'm worried about him. I'm afraid he is going to hurt himself.
<... Need data... Read here:
and the linked files above. Bob Fenner>
Betta fish swimming sideways 1/31/12
My Betta has been eating good <well>. Then he started to swim and lay sideways
on the top of the tank.
In doing searches on the web it seems that he is constipated. He still is hungry
and i gave him a few pieces of a pea. It doesn't seem to have helped. Should i
do an epson salt bath. Is it safe for him.
<Epsom... see WWM re. Is safe. Bob Fenner>
sick Betta fish :(, rdg. 1/19/12
Hi! My name is Andie and I recently brought home 2 Betta fish to my dorm room.
They are both in their own tanks and can't see each other. The first one, Munch,
is in a 1 gallon tank and has a small water heater that maintains the temp at 78
degrees. There is also a small pineapple house (as in SpongeBob).
<Do be careful w/ such decor... Bettas sometimes get stuck in them... and drown>
He was fine when I first brought him home but since has developed redness and
swelling under his gill cover. His movements are jerky and fast. I'm wondering
if this may have been due to a water change from last weekend?
I wasn't sure how to do it and I fear it was pretty traumatic for him. Is there
any way for him to recover from this?
<Yes... Please read here:
and the linked files above... There's not a great deal to know and practice re
the keeping of this fish, but they do have specific requirements. As you'll
learn, they are quite often killed off prematurely due to a lack of these simple
needs. Bob Fenner>
Sickly Betta 11/25/11
Good afternoon WWM Crew,
<Now AM here Steph. Howsit?>
First, thank you for providing and maintaining such an excellent resource on the
web. I've found information on your site for all of my previous questions, but
haven't found anything fully applicable this time around. So after extensive
reading, I'm writing you with yet another Betta question in hopes that you might
be able to help.
Here's some contextual information:
I purchased my male half-moon Betta in June 2011. He has been kept in a 7 gallon
aquarium since I brought him home. The tank is heated to 80 degrees with a
submersible heater, has a small hang-on-back filter running on the lowest
setting, and an in-canopy light set on a timer (it's on for 8 hours a day). The
tank was cycled before I put him in, and has a small-grade, smooth river gravel
substrate. There is a mix of porcelain ornaments, plastic plants, and a
fast-growing live plant in there (I don't know what it's called, but the stems
are covered in short, narrow blades from base to tip and the plant spreads
across the water surface -- I wanted something to break up the water re-entering
the tank from the filter). Ammonia and nitrite are 0, nitrate is less than
10ppm, pH is 7.0, and I test them once or twice a week. I do water
changes weekly, alternating between 30 and 50%, and use water
conditioner with each change (the water temperature of the new water is the same
as the tank temperature, verified with the tank thermometer). When I first
introduced the Betta to the tank there was a 3-year-old clown Pleco (2 inches
long) living in the tank, but after a couple of months of intermittent 'not
getting along' (they both seemed to want to hang out in the same ornament,
regardless of how many other ornaments were unoccupied, and would attempt to
intimidate the other without actually touching each other) I relocated the clown
Pleco to my 30 gallon community tank so they'd both be able to live in peace.
The Betta is fed every other day with freeze-dried blood worms,
which until recently he ate voraciously.
<Mmm, the only "thing" that appears of concern to me is the use of the FD
bloodworms. These have proven problematical in recent years>
The situation:
Approximately five weeks ago, my Betta started to act and look sickly.
He began to spend long periods of time on the bottom 'lounging,' he became less
interested in food, and his colours paled slightly. After a couple of days, I
noticed the edges of his dorsal fin and tail looked ragged and there were a few
small patches of white fuzz on the edges as well. His eyes started to pop out
and they got a bit of a milky-grey sheen to them. As I was going out of town for
the next two nights and my LFS was closed for the holiday (Canadian
Thanksgiving) I did some research and used what I had on hand - I did a 50%
water change and left the water level a little lower so he could swim to the
surface more easily, raised the temperature up to 84 degrees, turned off the
<Don't do this>
added a few teaspoons of Epsom salt, and put the appropriate dose of "Jungle
Buddies Fungus Clear" in the water. When I came back two days later he looked a
little better and was much more active. I did another 50% water change (since
the filter was off) and went to my LFS the next day. After describing his
symptoms, the manager gave me some erythromycin and directions for treating him
for 6 days. I went home and did a full water change before adding the
erythromycin and salt again, and restarted the filter (to help keep the water
aerated more than anything else). By the end of the 6 days of medication the
Betta's eyes were less bulging and there was no sign of fungus anywhere. He was
more active and eating a bit again. I did another full water change, and
restarted the filter with some carbon to get any lingering medication out of the
water before re-cycling the tank (with seeding from my other tank and Seachem's
Stability product). I've continued to use regular aquarium salt, though only at
approx. one teaspoon for the tank volume. Since the erythromycin improvement, he
has still not returned to his usual activity levels, does not eat as much or as
vigorously, and his colouration is still duller than it was. His fins aren't
getting shorter but they don't seem to be growing out at all either, and his
eyes are still not as clear as they were before he got sick. Over the last week
he has only eaten once, and spends all of his time on the bottom of the tank.
Yesterday he started to curl his body into a C shape when resting on the bottom
(I've never seen him do that before), and when he swims it looks like he is
holding his head up higher than the rest of his body (in an awkward, strained
fashion). He looks thinner, and his forehead seems more pronounced than it did
before (though perhaps it's because the length of his body looks thinner?). This
morning I tried to coax him to eat some food by defrosting from frozen
bloodworms and brine shrimp, etc (usually they are a hit) but he wouldn't come
to the surface, even after turning off the filter for a few minutes to eliminate
all water movement. There are no signs of fungus, patches, or raised scales, and
his gills are the same colour they've always been. His respiration rate looked a
little fast this morning but he was alert enough to notice my fingers near the
side of the tank where he was resting.
So here are my questions: What can I do to improve his health?
<Enlarge the diet; even give up on the bloodworm/insect larvae, and pre-treat
and store change-out water between uses. I don't think your Betta has or had a
biological disease... so no treatments are advised>
Does this sound like any particular disease or sickness to you?
<Nutritional/deficiency and possibly environmental (some aspect of new water)>
And would you recommend changing anything about how I've been caring for him?
<Just the change-out water>
If a photograph would help, I'll send one in--just let me know.
<Not necessary or useful>
Thank you for taking the time to read my lengthy letter!
Looking forward to hearing from you,
<Thank you for writing, sharing. Bob Fenner>
Re: Sickly Betta 12/3/11
An update on my Betta
Hi WWM Crew,
Special thanks to Bob Fenner for the promptly provided advice. Sadly, it may
have come too late; despite switching to Hikari Betta Gold bites and aged water
immediately, my Betta still didn't make it.
Perhaps I'll re-do (clean, cycle) the tank and try again some time in the
Thank you again.
<Thank you for this follow up. BobF>
Betta Success
Doing what it takes to keep Bettas healthy long-term
by Robert (Bob) Fenner