FAQs About Red Ear Slider Turtle
Disease/Health: Nutritional
Articles: Treating Common Illnesses of
the Red Ear Slider (& other Emydid Turtles) by Darrel
The Care and Keeping of the Red Eared Slider, Trachemys
scripta elegans by Darrel Barton,
Turtle eye diseases;
Recognising and treating eye diseases in pet turtles
by Neale Monks,
So your turtle has the
Flu? Recognising and treating respiratory infections in pet
turtles by Neale Monks,
The Care
and Keeping of the Red Eared Slider, Trachemys scripta
elegans by Darrel Barton, Red Ear Sliders, Turtles, Amphibians, Red Eared Slider Care, Shell Rot in Turtles,
Related FAQs: RES Disease/Health 1, RES Disease/Health 2, RES Disease 3, RES
Health 4, RES Health 5, RES Health 6, RES
Health 8, RES Health 9, RES Health 10, & Shell Rot, Turtle Disease 1, Turtle Disease 3, Shell Rot, Turtle Respiratory Disease, Turtle Eye Disease,
FAQs on RES Health by Type: Diagnosis, Environmental, Traumas, Social, Growths/Tumors, Infectious, Parasitic, References,
Sliders 1,
Sliders 2,
Red Eared Slider Identification,
RES Behavior,
RES Compatibility,
RES Selection,
RES Systems,
RES Feeding,
RES Reproduction,

Constipated turtle 12/1/18
Hey folks! I was hoping I could get your opinion on something.
<Sure thing!>
My red eared slider has/had a bit of shell rot, which I treated with iodine and
an anti-fungal creme.
I took her to a vet, even though there are no herp vets here, I just took her in
because they have a lab, and I wanted her poop tested. Which they did, and they
told me she apparently has too much fiber and starch in her poop. They told me
nothing else useful, didn't give any kind of diagnoses, just told me that's bad
and that I should only feed her animal matter, no plants.
<This is, well, wrong. Red-Ear Sliders are omnivores in the wild, with adults
predominantly feeding on aquatic plants. They should indeed be producing lots of
faeces, which would indeed look quite fibrous. Of course starchy foods, such as
cereals, probably shouldn't be given too often, as these aren't a natural part
of their diet. Better to focus on cheap aquarium plants (such as Elodea) as sold
for Goldfish system, alongside pellets and small bits of seafood. ReptoMin isn't
bad at all, especially for hatchlings, though it is a bit protein rich, so as
the turtle gets older, it should be given less often. Koi pellets are a good,
cheap staple.
They're plant-based and readily taken by hungry turtles.>
I tried doing that, and now she's constipated.
Probably this just layered over the fact that I was dry-docking her because of
the fungus and only put her in water for about an hour every day.
She hasn't pooped in over a week, and now she WON'T eat any plant matter.
I'm not sure what to do now.
<Turtles often can't defecate unless placed in room temperature to slightly warm
(i.e., not cold!) water, so that might be one factor. A protein-rich, fibre-poor
diet will cause problems too.>
Even if taking her to the vet again was in any way useful, which it probably
wouldn't be, it is now very cold, so taking her anywhere is very risky,
especially since I don't have a car.
Anything I can do?
<Placing the turtle in slightly warm (18-22 C) water should raise its metabolic
rate a bit, and with everything ticking over nicely, its gut muscles can push
the faeces out better. In cold conditions this doesn't happen because the
muscles become inactive. I would check the tank has no gravel in it -- very
occasionally turtles swallow gravel, and once inside them, it can cause serious
blockages. An x-ray is the only way to check for this, but "prevention is better
than cure", so don't combine turtles with gravel. Beyond these, simply
increasing the fibre content of the food, and scaling back anything likely to
cause constipation, such as dried shrimps, should be avoided.>
I've been keeping her in water mostly warmer than her usual temperature in hopes
that it'll relax her insides and she'll rehydrate, and I tried putting a bit of
olive oil on her food, though I'm not sure if she actually ingested any.
<Worth a shot, though!>
So far, no poop. Would human laxatives make a difference?
<Possibly, if you stuffed something like bran fibre into some small piece of
seafood the turtle would swallow whole.>
Though I'd be scared of trying to force-feed anything because of the risk of it
going in her lungs instead.
<Quite so. Force feeding animals is extremely risky, and shouldn't be attempted
unless you've been shown what to do by an expert. With cold blooded animals,
which have much lower food requirements than mammals, starvation will take many
weeks, even months, to become a life-threatening danger.>
Any help would be appreciated.
<Hope this helps, Neale.>
<Hello Gail,>
My six year old grandson's turtles are in my care as his parents won't allow the
turtle at their house and I desperately need your advice and help. I don't know
what I am doing although I am trying.
Attached are pictures of the turtle in question.
<I see them.>
Two turtles were purchased as hatchlings in January, 2018. One grew normally and
is a 4 to 5 inches and the other is only two inches and has developed a
growth on the side of its face.
<I see this. My gut feeling is goiter -- or goiter in American English -- which
is usually caused by poor diet; specifically, a lack of iodine. Is this common
in turtles? No. But it does happen, especially if the turtles are fed
exclusively on a monotonous diet. Iodine is most abundant in sea algae, such as
the Nori sheets sold in Asian food markets for making sushi rolls, and for many
pet animals, this is by far the cheapest green food to give them if you want a
safe amount of iodine in their diet. Meaty seafood will contain some iodine too,
particularly filter-feeding mollusks such as clams, mussels and cockles. Good
quality dried turtle foods (such as ReptoMin) and good quality herbivorous fish
foods (such as Koi pellets) should contain enough iodine for pet turtles, so if
you've been using these, a goiter isn't very likely. Can I stress though that
once the goiter is apparent, simply fixing the diet is unlikely to help by
itself. At the very least, an iodine supplement should be provided as per the
manufacturer's instructions; ideally, and most effectively, a vet will prescribe
appropriate medications and/or provide injections of the right amount of iodine
I read that because they are the same species that one is dominant and the
reason for the one with the growth not growing at the same speed as the other.
<While this is (sometimes) true when you have two sexually mature adult males,
juveniles shouldn't really be causing any real problems.>
I followed the instructions and separated them immediately, new tank (one 50 gal
and one 20 gal) heat lamp on 24/7 and UVB lamp on 10 to 12 hrs a day plus
basking pad, etc. in each tank.
<This is, of course, the other obvious possibility, a metabolic bone disorder.
Provided turtles are getting a good diet (specifically, something with calcium
in it) as well as a UV-B source, then such problems are
normally rare. Calcium should be present in good quality staple foods (ReptoMin,
Koi Pellets, etc.) but may also be supplemented with a calcium-rich powder
that's dusted on fresh foods. You can even offer small bits of cuttlebone for
them to chew on. UV-B tubes are excellent, but they do have a life span, most
'wearing out' in 6-12 months. So that's worth bearing in mind when trying to
figure out what's happened here.>
Any advice and help you can provide me would be greatly appreciated.
<Realistically, it's hard to be sure if goiter, metabolic bone disorder, even
bad genes are to blame here. If the turtle is otherwise happy and healthy, and
there are no other signs of infection (such as smell shell,
puffy eyes, wheezy breathing, etc.) I'd perhaps focus on the iodine, calcium,
and UV-B angles first, and if there's a shortcoming in that direction, see if
the turtle improves once you fix the problem. But if the
turtle has other health problems or symptoms, I'd definitely go visit a vet as
soon as practical.>
<Good luck, Neale.>
Neale, Thank you very much for your prompt reply.
<Most welcome.>
I found it most helpful and will definitely follow your advice.
I do have ReptoMin but the little turtle prefers Aquatic Turtle food with added
vitamins and minerals - the hatchling formula.
<Sounds a fine staple, but I would also add some fresh greens periodically --
starving the pellets for days if not weeks if such are ignored. Goldfish weed,
sold cheaply by the bunch, is a good choice. Some cuttlebone, or even unshelled
shrimp, now and again provides useful calcium.>
It is also a fussy eater contrary to the other turtle that was obtained at the
same time. Also, the other turtle is a normal size for its age, is a good eater,
etc. Thank you again for the great service you provide.
<Good luck! Neale.>
Red eared sliders with bumpy shells; plus nutr. f'
Dear WWM crew,
<Hiya - Darrel here>
I have two red eared sliders both two and a half years old. They are in a 50
gallon tank about three quarters full, they have access to basking area, water
heater, canister filter, uva and uvb lamps. Sometimes I take them out for direct
<so far, so good>
I am feeding them every day with 3 - 4 pellets (either ReptoMin or zoo med
growth formula) and red leaf lettuce or romaine lettuce in the size of
half their shells. Occasionally also carrots, fruits like blueberry, strawberry,
banana, papaya and grapes, and dried shrimps.
<almost none of which would be anything they'd ever run into in the wild.
And only the ReptoMin & Zoo Med pellets have any nutritional value>
However, they are not growing very fast, they are still a bit under 3 inches
SCL. They also have retained scutes and quite bumpy shells (one is worse than
the other), slightly curling upwards.
<Well, the damage is done, to a certain extent. A lot of what has happened can't
be completely undone. That said, we can fix their diet and the shell problem
will start to sort itself out>
So I am in a dilemma, I want to feed them more food to make them grow, but I am
afraid that this will make their shells worse. I am also worried that if I am
not feeding enough, their growth will be stunted.
<Feed them all the ReptoMin pellets they'll eat in 5 minutes ... 6 days a week
in summer. 3 days in winter. No dried shrimp, berries or pork chops.
Once a month, for a treat, put in an earthworm (found as "nightcrawlers" at your
local bait shop) or a small piece of beef or chicken liver. If you choose liver,
place them in a small bowl or pan of shallow water, give them a few minutes to
settle down and then place the liver. It gives off oils that will foul the tank
really fast. No one who feeds liver makes the mistake of feeding them in their
normal tank ... more that once.>
I have friends also with sliders and they are feeding heaps of protein but their
sliders are bigger than dinner plates with beautiful smooth shells.
<Shell envy. Fix the diet and the problem will solve itself>
I would appreciate it if you could give me some advice as to how to help my
Thank you and best regards,
<Back atcha!>
Re: Red eared sliders with bumpy shells 7/10/16
Thanks Darrel for your reply. About the beef/chicken liver, should it be raw or
<Raw. But remember, liver releases oils into the water that foul that water in
very short order, so ALWAYS feed liver in a separate container>
Dark greenish floating sack. Nutrition/RES
Dear Crew
<Hiya Darrel here>
I noticed a bean sized floating object in my turtles tank.
It was dark greenish. When I retrieved it, I pushed it too hard against
the bathing rock and it popped. The fluid inside was maroon colored and
mucous like. It didn't mix into the water so I was able to get it out.
I'm just wondering what it was and if I should be worried. She is a 8
month old red eared slider. She eats dried mealworms, shrimp, and
protein pelts. She is very active and seems well.
<She won't BE well for long, eating mealworms and shrimp. Neither of
those have much nutrition and neither would be part of her natural diet,
Read here for complete instructions on keeping her.
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/RESCareBarton.htm >
<As far as the object is concerned, that is certainly unusual. My guess
is that it was something organic inside the package of food that
absorbed water and swelled when it was released. As long as she is
active, alert, eating, basking and bathing don’t worry about it. Correct
her diet and care and move forward>
Please help ease my mind!
Res swollen eye 1/6/15
Dear Crew
<Hiya – Darrel here>
My res named turty has got swollen eye from last few days. He does not open his
one eye. its gone white in colour. It seems as if he has gone blind by his one
eye.hn sometimes scratches his eyes and mostly turns his face towards his good
eye. his other eye seems fine. please tell some remedies as I cannot take him to
a vet as there is no reptile vet
in goa.help me. he still eats fine. please help.
<Turty is suffering from Vitamin A deficiency. This is easy to cure IF he is
still eating. Read here to see how to treat:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/treating%20RES%20Dis%20DarrelB.htm >
<The thing is this was very easy to prevent. Turty has not been getting a proper
diet and/or is not living in healthy conditions. Do keep in mind this problem
took months to become noticeable and will take a long time to heal. Also know
that if a turtle is suffering from one vitamin deficiency he’s likely suffering
from many. Read this article and measure ALL your care, environment and diet …
correct everything that is not right:
Eared Slider Green Diarrhea 2/14/15
I have two 3 month old red eared sliders at 1.5 inch. About 1 week ago,
one of the sliders started to have green diarrhea. The feces is bright
green in color and has tendency attach to objects or aquarium walls.
After closer inspection with magnifier, the feces looks fibrous; it
consists of a web of small green fibers.
<Could be undigested cellulose from the green foods you're hopefully
offering them. Not a problem if that's the case. But if you haven't been
offering fresh greens, then something else was eaten. Possibly organic
(for example houseplant leaves that someone/something put in the tank).
But could also be inorganic (filter wool, for example, or pieces of fake
plants). Review, and act accordingly.>
At one point the slider behaved sluggish for couple days. But since then
it has been acting normally and eating normally.
I feed them Zoo Med baby turtle pellets once a day. UVA/B and basking
light is offered close to 12 hour per day and they basking normally.
Water is at 81F constantly.
<Bit warm by modern standards. When I was keeping turtles in the 80s, it
was normal in the UK to heat the water. But nowadays the recommended
approach is to leave the water at room temperature, while offering heat
a heat lamp only. This is closer to the normal situation in the wild,
and does indeed seem to work well, without the risk of the turtle
smashing the glass heater (which happens, sooner or later, with larger
Water is filtered 24/7 and partial changed daily. I have been feeding
them recommended leafy greens but since I first observed the green
diarrhea about 7 days ago, I have stopped providing other food choices
besides the pellet.
<Ah, there's the answer. Simply cellulose. Turtles can't digest
cellulose any more than we can, so it comes out much the same way it
went in. We call it "fibre", and recognise its importance to a healthy
digestive tract.
Likewise it's not a problem at all for turtles, and probably a sign
everything is working as it should.>
I have been searched your site and other forum for days and couldn't
find anything similar. Please help any input is appreciated. thanks,
<Most welcome. Neale.>
Hi I need help with my res turtle
Dear Crew,
<Hiya, Darrel here>
I have three baby RES turtles I bought online over a year ago.
They eat once a day but recently one of them got swollen eyes and bobs it's head
back and forth constantly? Is he ok?
<NO! He's got a Vitamin A deficiency>
What do I do?
Also at night it makes a squeaking sound
<and possibly a respiratory condition>
The other turtle, without my noticing, got fat and now the crease In the bottom
of its shell looks like it's splitting open. Is this normal?
<No. That sounds like obesity and just like a Vitamin deficiency is a sign of
poor nutrition>
<Read here about how to treat them:
both their conditions sound advanced, so this may be a long road to recovery>
<After that, read here about proper conditions and proper diet:
Yellow Bellied Slider Fungus or Shedding?
.after this third time he has been strange. Firstly, he started not
opening his left eye. I looked it up on the internet and found that it
may be caused by lack of vitamin A, which makes sense, because I hadn't
been feeding him properly (I've been using Gammarus, made by Tetra). I
found that I could use drops as a supplement, and also as medicine for
the eye. Therefore, I applied Vita-Plus, the only drops I found in the
pet stores here in Romania(on the bottle it says it contains vitamin A,
D3 and E). He started opening his eye, but it still seems a bit swollen
to me.
<What you DO have in Romania is liver. Beef liver or Chicken liver. Some
meat cutters consider it waste, since not so many people eat it.>
<Put her in a shallow bowl or pan with water just to the top of her
shoulders. Give her a few minutes to calm down, and then put a small
piece of liver in front of her. Giver her a few minutes to notice it and
then she'll probably eat it all up. You can feed her more as soon as
she's done and continue until she doesn't want any more. Do this once a
day for a week and her vitamin A deficiency will be cleared up and her
eyes will start to recover>
<Also - after the first time you see what the liver does to the water,
you'll see why you never put liver into her actual environment>
Secondly, he had been shedding skin (I am certain it was shedding then),
and I thought it was normal. Then he stopped, he looked well, clean, but
then he started again. And now it looks slimy and his belly looks
constantly dirty from some green stuff. I try to clean him daily with a
q-tip, and the stuff that comes out is dark green.
<Sounds like the environment needs a good scrubbing>
Third of all, he hasn't been basking for a while, at least not that I've
seen it. I must admit that I don't have a UV light, which I will get as
soon as possible, because I now realize how important it is.
<yes, it very much is. Fortunately the new CFL Repti-sun bulbs from Zoo
Med are not very expensive and require no special fixtures>
Fourth of all, a few days ago I brought home another YBS, the same size
(and same age, I think). When I put them together, I realized that there
is something wrong with my old one (his name is Barrack), because,
compared to the new one, who was curious and energic and who looks very
clean, I might add, he seemed lazy and sleepy and unhealthy and dirty. I
am very concerned. I tried to do as much research as I could, and I
asked some vets but they did not know what to tell me(turtles are not so
common here). And the more I read on the Internet, the more concerned I
am, because with every article comes a new possible diagnosis. I want to
add that I tried to feed him ReptoMin made by Tetra, but he didn't seem
to like it. Also, I used to feed him 2-3 times a day, until I realised
that it is not okay. Now I feed him once a day. If you have suggestions
please tell me, I want to give him the best care possible.
Please contact me ASAP.
Thank you!
<Cristina - here is all the basic care information you need for Barrack
and Bingo:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/RESCareBarton.htm note that
a basic diet for them can be found in plain, old, inexpensive Koi
Pellets. Sometimes they fixate on one food or another and won't try
something new. In your case, because Barrack may be fighting infection
and is being fed liver… feed them both liver for a week and then when
you return to a normal diet you can start the Koi Pellets or the
ReptoMin. They may not accept the new food at first, but that's OK. When
you have fed them beef or chicken liver for a week, you know they're
well fed and can go a week being picky. Then, after a while, when they
get hungry, they'll eat the koi pellets or ReptoMin.>
Re: Please help-Sick RES 8/4/13
Hi Darrel!!
Thank u for yr mail above...but here I come again with another
<That's why we're open 24 hours and freeway close!>
It's been more than 3 weeks that he is refusing to eat...
<If he's otherwise healthy, he can go months without food. I'm not
concerned about the nutrition, but the behavior is puzzling and
His regular diet used to be chicken or fresh water fish and he would
relish it but suddenly he has stopped eating ( i feed him with a spoon
once a day)...i tried and changed his diet giving him prawns, shrimps,
dry shrimps...but he just refuses to even look at it but just wants to
get out of the water and demands to be picked up...its been raining the
past few weeks and the sun hasn't been out so he hasn't been able to
bask...so I leave him out for a while just so he is out of the water ..
And also I keep him in warm water which he loves...but he still refuses
to eat.
<If you can do this safely, set him down in one room in the house and
just let him wander. There are any number of reasons why
he's restless and we can't determine all of them, but perhaps if we let
him do what he wants to do, he'll settle down. Just look around
the room and make sure it's safe - no small things to eat, no vents to
fall into, etc.
He is extremely active though. Last few days I've been dropping a tablet
of calcium which he is either nibbling or it dissolves in water and he
has it.... Calcium mixed in the water doesn't help him - they don't
absorb calcium -but the fact that he nibbles on it is an interesting
sign. That tells me he's interested in other foods. Try a
piece of melon or maybe a small piece of chicken liver.>
pls advise what to do...am really worried...
<No worries yet. Stop trying to feeding him - let him wander
in an enclosed room. If he finds a spot and snuggles in, leave him
there for a day or so if you can (keep the door closed, etc.) and let
him try to find what he's looking for. Then, after few days - then
try to feed him again>
thanks n regards,
res strange behavior, feeders... 6/19/2013
I recently feed my six year old female res feeder fish. After I put them
in the tank I left for an hour. When I came back my res was swimming in
circles, not moving its head up or down. It was dragging it along the
ground. I placed on the basking dock and it just sits there lethargic
with its head laid out and eyes closed when I touch its legs it
flinches, but when I touch its head it does not move. Any
thoughts? Thanks
<Thoughts? Yes, along the lines of "why on Earth were you feeding your
turtle feeder fish"?! Let's be clear, feeder fish are parasite time
bombs, and furthermore, since your turtle species is more or less a
herbivore as an adult, you should be paying more attention to green
foods if you want to offer it something different to dried turtle
food-sticks. In any case, assuming it's not behaving normally now, you
need to rush this turtle to your nearest vet for a check-up. The sorts
of diseases that come from feeder fish aren't ones that get better by
themselves. There's also the risk of a bone stuck in its throat, which
again, isn't something you could fix. Regards, Neale.>
I'm screwed! Lol
RES... eye troubles vis a deficiency 11/29/11
Hi Darrel (I'm assuming you're the guy that deals with turtle
<Hiya - one of them, anyway>
I've trawled the net and can't find anything that deals with my
<Well let's how we do>
sooo I came to Iran to teach English and I go to a fellow teachers
house and he has what I would call a terrapin.
<So would Neale Monks. Sue & I call them TURTLES>
It has red marks on its necks so from my research I think it's a
red-eared terrapin.
<A Red Eared Slider (Trachemys scripta elegans)>
He had been keeping it in a tub of water for weeks and weeks. No
basking area no sun light no this nor that just a tub of water, like an
ice-cream tub.
<I believe you>
It can't open its eyes and it's absolutely tiny.
<I'm surprised it's still alive>
Any way obviously I took the poor thing off him (his name is now
timothy) (the turtle not the guy) but now I don't know what to
<Well, I do!>
I have a huge bowl (HUGE) that I've put timothy in with water, and
I've put some cups as kind of land areas, which he can easily swim
onto. But you need to understand that Iran has no fancy tanks or tank
filters or anything. So how would you suggest I deal with this? Do you
have any DIY tips? AGH!
<First, get him out of the water!! He only needs water
to drink, eat & poop - and he's probably not doing much of any
of that right now>
<He can't open his eyes due to a dietary deficiency (vitamins A
& D) and is probably VERY sick. What he needs right now is to
be warm and dry>
-- and with the sunlight thing, its winter now and there is very
little sunlight, what do I do?
<Whatever sunlight you can give him - DIRECT sunlight, not filtered
through glass - will help>
On the bright side the guy I got timothy from had lots of shrimp, so I
can give him that. and Timothy seemed to enjoy his new huge swimming
pool. Oh and also should I ban him from water for a while? He was
literally living in a tub of water with no land area or
'basking' whatever, surely that's not good for him?
Please help me :( I really want Timothy to have a nice life) lol
<So do I - so here's some reading for you:>
<First - emergency treatment: Get him warm and dry and feed him beef
or chicken liver of Koi pellets soaked in cod liver oil - get some
vitamin A onboard ASAP. Read all about treating him here:
<While he's recovering, read here on how simple it can be to
care for a slider if you know what to do: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/RESCareBarton.htm
<The biggest challenge will be finding a consistent source of UV-B
light. For heat, you can use a plain old ordinary incandescent
bulb (that's what I normally use) but the UV-B will have to come
from either the sun - or a bulb specifically for that
purpose. If you don't have access to consumer-grade
reptile bulbs or sources, investigate lighting for people with seasonal
affective disorder. Many of those people spend hours under
special lights, such as a Vita-Lite by Duro-Test Corp.
I've raised many a turtle, lizard and alligator under those
Thank you
<Yer welcome. Hope we're in time>
<By the way . You're NOT screwed!>
<Timothy is screwed!! Hope you get a chance to help!>
red eared slider swallowed paper
Dear WWC:
<Hiya - actually WWC is off today - we're his cousin,
WWM. I'm Darrel>
I have a red-eared slider that I rescued from the road a few years
ago. It is about the size of an average woman's hand.
<Closed fist like she's punching me? Or open palm like
she's slapping me?>
Yesterday while cleaning his tank I dropped a very small piece of paper
towel in the tank, which he swallowed. I am worried that it will
cause him difficulty in breathing or digesting/processing
through. Can you please tell me what, if anything, I should
<No worries. It will be just fine>
Veterinary care is unavailable in my rural area. Thank you for
any advice you can provide.
<The advice is not to worry. Paper towels are highly
degradable and break down very easily - even in water, so in a
turtle's digestive system they break down to basic fibers in no
I am most grateful for your kind consideration and assistance.
<Yer welcome!>
RES question 8/9/11
Dear Crew,
<Hiya - Darrel here>
I have a seven year old Red Eared Slider. He started vomiting
one day, several times.
I noticed that he was also starting to not swallow completely. I took
him to the vet and had an x-ray done. There were some little spots in
his stomach. The vet said to give him mineral oil and Metamucil. I did
that for about a week.
<That's long enough>
I am suppose to take him back to the vet for more x-rays, but don't
really have the money.
<I hear you. So let's hang on for a while>
I haven't seen him defecate and the filters aren't getting
dirty. I am afraid that I am just packing him full, with nothing coming
<That's possible. If he's impacted that may be the
Any other suggestions?
<Well, Cher, that's a tough one. First, stop feeding him. If
he's seven years old and been healthy and eating all along, he can
go MONTHS without food. So lets' just stop that.>
<Second, give him a warm water bath every day say 90 degrees or so
about an inch deep (no more that to cover the upper part of his tail)
in a pan. Let him soak for 10 minutes while the water cools.>
<Third, exercise. Place him on the floor and let him walk. Take him
in the sun, grass, garden, etc. [ALWAYS SUPERVISED!!] and let him walk
around. Everything that warms him up and makes him move his muscles
works in your favor.>
<As far as the x-rays are concerned, this is a tough one. Over the
years I've spent more money on a few on my exotic animals than I
have on my car but not everyone has that luxury and not all of us have
it all the time, either. The problem that crops up in my mind is this:
let's say you DID find the money to take him to he vet for X-rays.
We find one of three things:
1) He's no longer impacted, via natural causes and returns
eventually to normal
2) He is impacted and requires surgery
3) He has some other form of obstruction that requires surgery.
If Outcomes 2 & 3 are beyond the reach of the normal person and
Outcome #1 happens regardless of the X-rays what is the possible UP
side of more X-rays?>
Thank you, CMD
<Turtles are remarkable and durable animals. Give him warm water
baths, no food until be defecates for you and lets see if it's a
phase he's going through (or a phase that goes through
RES urgent help!! 4/15/11
<Am jumping in here... to urge you to read:
and here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/RESCareBarton.htm
immediately. Bob Fenner>
hi, we got two RES about a week back... supposed to be male and female
but I really cant tell!.... they're a little over an inch long...
from the first day one of them would just sit in the basking area
hardly moving, I
haven't seen him eat even once! the other one was initially fine...
would swim around and eat the minute I'd give it food. but for the
last two three days she also now mainly sits in the basking area with
her eyes shut tight... even when she's in the water she swims for
maybe 5 min.s a day... otherwise just floats with her eyes closed, when
does open her eyes only one is open and the other one she seems to keep
scratching as if its bothering her... and she hasn't eaten
either... the other one for the last two days has just been sitting out
of the water in the basking area, with his eyes closed... if I even put
him in the water he quickly gets out... I do have a water filter for
them and they don't have a UVA OR UVB light they have a normal 100v
bulb.... is that okay?? I really don't want them to die... p.s
where I live there isn't any proper reptile care place.. .as in
medicines and stuff!...so what can I do to make them better? do I need
to separate them?
the one who was doing okay at first always sleeps on the other one in
the basking area... ?
would really appreciate any help!
Re: RES urgent help!! 4/15/11
hey thanks for the really quick responses, I read both the link and
will try keeping them in a dry warm enclosure and taking them out in
the sun tom...(
its night here right now!) will also try the cod liver oil... thanks I
hope it helps them
<I as well Najia. And another here will respond to you w/in a day.
Cheers, BobF>
Re: RES urgent help!! 4/16/11
I took them to the vet and she said that they have a vitamin A
deficiency, so she gave them a shot for that... and then one she said
had a respiratory infection so she gave him a shot for that... after
which the
leg was bleeding and they cleaned it up with a tissue ... the turtle
went completely into its shell as if in shock and he hasn't come
out... looks kind of swollen... if I touch his tail he moves it
otherwise not at all...
what do I do???? and is this vet a quack!!!!??
<Hi Najia, Sue here with you. Sorry to hear youre having so much
trouble with your new turtles. From where we are, and the limited
information we have to go on, its really impossible for me to comment
on your vets advice. Here is what Id suggest:>
<RE: the turtle your vet says has a respiratory infection:
1) Read over this link:
2) Has this turtle been showing any of these symptoms?
3) Call your vet, explain the symptoms your turtle has displayed since
she gave him the shots, and ask her the following:
What specific antibiotic did she administered to him for the
respiratory infection?
What dosage did she give him of that medication?
How many grams does he weigh?
4) Get a 2nd vet opinion if you have any concerns about her advice
(preferably a vet who specializes in turtles/reptiles - even a vet who
cares for birds can be knowledgeable about questions concerning
turtles). Provide the 2nd vet with the above information regarding
current symptoms, the specific medication and dosage he was given, and
how much he weighed.
5) If you have trouble locating another vet who specializes in
turtles/reptiles, try the following links (or if no luck with these,
write back and let us know what area youre in and well see if we can
come up with something we often have when people said they couldnt find
6) You can also try locating/contacting a local aquarium, zoo or nature
center for their help, or for a vet recommendation. Also check to see
if there is a turtle or tortoise club or society in your area to see if
you can speak to an experienced hobbyist who might be willing to look
at your turtles.
7) If you write us back with the additional information above (such as
more exact symptoms listed in the article above, the medication
information, etc. we can offer you our thoughts. But really given how
sick your turtles appear to be, there really is no substitution for an
expert on site who can physically examine your turtles.>
<Re: the Vitamin A deficiency: I suggest you read the following
<From the symptoms youve described, I agree with your vet that they
both likely have Vitamin A deficiencies. Its also likely they have
Vitamin D deficiencies as well from lack of UVB light. A Vitamin A
injection offers the quickest relief, but even with this you may not
notice a turn around right away. Id still continue trying to get some
cod liver oil into them if you can, especially if you see no
improvement with their eyes after a couple of days. Assuming theyre
eating anything you can also try shredding up some sweet potato and
some of the plants referenced in the link above (though given how young
they are, they may not go for plants/vegetables yet). Again, it may
take several days before you see any improvement with their
<RE: Other Vitamin D deficiencies and related health/care items.
While youre looking into fixing the immediate health problems, I agree
with both the links Bob shared with you, in particular the following
recommendations in those links:
1) Keep them both warm and dry (follow guidelines in article for this),
except for 20 minutes or so each day in shallow water to drink, poop
and eat (if they can).
2) You MUST get a UVB light right away for their long term care, unless
you plan to have them outdoors most of the time all year long. I
personally use the ReptiSun 10.0 fluorescent tube bulb for my turtles;
the UVB quality is better than most. Here is a link to one source that
sells them if you are able to order it online:
3) Even if you take them outside now, given how debilitated they seem
to be, Id still suggest you supplement the sun with the artificial UVB
light, while continuing to give them as much sunlight as you can. There
is no substitution for the sun, but UVB supplementation is still
essential if they are indoors most of the time.
4) Assuming you can get them to eat, Id also get a good quality calcium
with Vitamin D powder, sprinkle a bit on a good quality pellet (like
Koi pellets or ReptoMin) and let it soak into the pellets for 20
minutes or so before feeding them.
5) When you do put them back in the water again once they are feeling
better, they need to be offered a clear choice between warm/dry and
cool/wet. The water temp should be kept cool, around 68-72 degrees F. A
regular light bulb is OK for their heat source, but what wattage you
use depends on how effectively the bulb warms the basking area. You
want to aim for around 88-92 degrees F, so you may need to play around
with wattages, depending on the distance their basking area is from the
bulb/heat source. Put a suction thermometer right above the basking
area to make sure the temperature is within correct range.>
<Ill forward this along to another crew member as well to see if has
any other suggestions to offer you.>
<Try the above things and write us back to let us know how its
going. I wish you and them the best.>
Re: RES urgent help!! 4/17/11
<Hi Najia>
first I just want to thank you for your quick and detailed responses
its really helpful and I really appreciate it... its Saturday night
here so I wont be able to speak to the vet till Monday unfortunately,
but before any of that... I think one is dead... im attaching two
images of the same turtle... he's been in this positions from the
vets... which was over 8 hours ago.... I don't want to busy him
alive... but he's been in that position since.. his body feels
stiff... and he's is completely unresponsive... no matter what you
do there isn't even a slight twitch..... if you put him in the
water he just floats in the exact same position btw... im in Karachi,
Pakistan.... if you have any information on centers here that would be
PS I realize it'll be hard for you guys to see a pic and tell me if
he's alive or not... but anything that you can give... as I said I
don't want to bury him alive
<Im so very sorry to hear about your turtle. Youre right, I cannot
tell from your photos, but from your description of his body being
stiff, it appears your turtle died. If he is dead, his eyes would also
appear sunken into his eye sockets, and of course you'll also start
to notice a decaying smell. However, Ive passed your email along to
another one of our crew members so he can further advise you about that
and any other recommendations about your other turtle besides the ones
Ive already sent you.>
<I also sent you (below) some additional links for vets that I found
for your specific area. You may want to call the Karachi Zoo and ask to
speak to one of their exotics experts to see if they can either assist
you, or recommend any of the vets on the links I sent you as far as
someone who has special expertise with turtles.
<If your remaining turtle is the one who just had the problem with
his eyes closing, you should start to see some improvement in a couple
of days if the problem was in fact due to a Vitamin A deficiency. But
I'd also assume he has a Vitamin D deficiency as well if hes been
without UVB. Definitely purchase a UVB bulb especially if he will be
kept indoors most of the time.>
<Again, I'm so sorry about your turtle. Best wishes, and please
let us know how things go with your other turtle. Sue>
thanks again
Re: RES urgent help!! 4/18/11
Dear Najia,
Below is some additional input from another one of our crew members
about your turtles. Hope this is of help to you also. Let us know how
things go with your remaining turtle. Best wishes. Sue
Subject: Re: RES urgent help!!
> hi,
> first I just want to thank you for your quick and detailed
responses its
> really helpful and I really appreciate it...
> its Saturday night here so I wont be able to speak to the vet till
> unfortunately, but before any of that... I think one is dead... im
> two images of the same turtle... he's been in this positions
from the vets...
> which was over 8 hours ago.... I don't want to bury him
alive... but he's
> been in that position since.. his body feels stiff... and he's
is completely
> unresponsive... no matter what you do there isn't even a
slight twitch.....
> if you put him in the water he just floats in the exact same
> btw... im in Karachi, Pakistan.... if you have any information on
> here that would be great....
<We're all sorry for your loss, Najia. The problem with turtles
(actually with all reptiles, fish & amphibians) is that they do not
quickly show signs of illness -- by the time we notice that a turtle
sick, he's already VERY sick -- and he's already been sick for
a LONG time. What I'm saying is that there is little you OR the vet
could have done for him at this late stage>
> PS I realize it'll be hard for you guys to see a pic and tell
me if he's
> alive or not... but anything that you can give... as I said I
don't want to
> bury him alive
<By the time you receive this letter, if the turtle hasn't moved
at all, you can be certain that he has passed. Again please accept our
> thanks again
<Now, Najia, it's time to turn our attention to the remaining
Keep him warm and dry for the next two weeks. See that he gets plenty
of UV-B (preferably sunshine - and sunshine can't be filtered
through glass or window screen). Put him in water once a day for about
minutes - a shallow bowl, just up to - but not over- his nose, so that
he can drink, poop and perhaps eat. 15 minutes once a day, then back
into a warm dry place. If you have proper lighting in your normal
turtle tank, move the basking lamp and the UV lamp and run then 24
hours in his new warm dry place. Read here:
Re: RES urgent help!! 4/19/11
hi Sue and your team!
sadly the other turtle passed away this morning too, I'm guessing
he didn't just have a vitamin A deficiency and there was more to
his illness that the vet or I didn't pick up on. I had just put him
in the sun, and when I cam back after 10 min.s he looked like he had
gone... by the night I was sure...
the poor little guys.... really wish I had been able to help
but your whole team has been so great and sooo helpful I really
couldn't thank you enough! sitting half way across the world you
guys have managed to help me out as much as possible and I really
really appreciate the effort!
you guys are really doing an amazing job and I am honestly amazed and
happy to know that people like you guys exist and do what you do!!!
thanks again with for everything
<Hi Najia, Thank you so much for your kinds words! Ill pass your
comments along to Darrel also. Im sure he will be as sad as I am to
hear that your other turtle also passed.>
<Darrel's right that your turtles were sick before you got them;
they would not have become this sick in only a weeks time. Signs of a
Vitamin A deficiency are often just one telltale sign of more
significant, underlying malnutrition problems. If left uncorrected over
time and/or when other poor care conditions are also present, turtles
eventually become debilitated and succumb to infections and other
diseases. The kinds of conditions most of these poor turtles have to
live in before they are sold are absolutely deplorable.>
<So please dont blame yourself! You did all the right things by
seeking out immediate care for them and writing us for additional
advice. Again, were all very sorry for your loss, Najia, and thank you
again for your nice note. Sue>
Thank YOU Sue. BobF
Re: RES urgent help!! 4/19/11
Actually, you too, Bob. I forgot you were the one who initially led the
chain of responses! One of the things I enjoy the most about helping
out with WWM is the reach that it has to people around the globe.
<Mmm, well... when I saw the title, scanned the call for help,
thought the best for us/WWM to do w/o you, Neale or Darrel about was to
refer him to the latter's excellent written pieces on gen. care and
disease. I AM so glad that we have/provide help to others in such
desperate need. Cheers, B>
Re: RES urgent help!! 4/19/11
Yes, it's nice we have articles already written on the most common
topics/problems. And with the most recent query, once the problems
become more involved, really the only option left at that point is
see a vet, which unfortunately even in this case still wasn't
It's too bad there aren't more stringent controls placed on the
people who sell turtles, fish, etc. I just hope in my next lifetime I
don't come back as a "pet shop" pet!
<Ah yes, I mean NO! B>
Sue, would you be interested in writing two articles (for pay,
publication in our online 'zine, CA, and posted, linked on WWM) on
RES Systems, RES Foods/Feeding/Nutrition? B
red ear slider help 11/14/10
To whom this concerns:
<Hiya- Darrel here>
I am the owner of 4 red eared slider, all of whom are over 20 years old
and have been in my care, save one, the whole time. I feed my turtles
both "meat" and greens and have never had any trouble, not
even a slightly soft shell. About a month ago I noticed my oldest
turtle looked like he was losing weight. He is in a
large tank with direct sunlight, a thermometer on the tank and all the
other turtles are just fine. I've been watching him carefully since
I noticed his weight loss. He seemed to eat with the other turtles but
was slower about getting the food. I realized that the other turtles
had taken to sitting on him when the water was lower and so I've
kept an eye on that too and have chased them off of him. This last week
he hasn't eaten at all and I picked him up to find he has what
looks like bruising in many spots on his body. He is listless and his
limbs hang when you pick him up.
<Well, as you are already aware, this is not a good sign>
I made numerous phone calls before resorting to this email out of sheer
desperation. I am not close to a vet that treats red ear sliders and
the after hours clinic that will take him this weekend I simply do not
have the money for.
<I understand that, too>
I have isolated him and have a lamp over his enclosure. I'm trying
to figure out how to put a bowl of water in with him or whether I
should just eye drop water into him every hour. I am also going to get
cod liver oil within the hour to start administering that to him. I
will get him to a vet on Monday (it's Saturday afternoon right
now). Do you have any idea of what is going on and is there anything I
can do for him between now and Monday?
<My guess is a long term debilitation from a dietary deficiency. I
understand the idea of "meat" and greens, but I'd need to
know many more specifics on the subject of diet>
<For now, keep him warm and DRY. Warm means around 80 degrees. If
you have an old fashioned heating pad (the kind that does not turn off
after a few hours) I'd wrap the pad in a towel, set it on medium
and put that in the bottom of his enclosure rather than a lamp above.
The lamps better than nothing, but direct heat is better and
doesn't dehydrate them as much.>
<If you can get him to open his mouth, the cod liver oil isn't
bad - just remember to hold him level (or almost level) when giving it
- don't hold him vertically because the fluid is more likely to
fill his lungs than stomach>
<Don't worry about water. If you feel the need to hydrate him,
place him in a shallow bowl of water that is less that 1/8 inch deep
for no more than 5 minutes>
<When you see the vet, the vet will look for signs of bacterial or
fungal infection because those are things that can be treated
separately. Failing that we will assume that it's dietary and the
reason for this is as follows: If it's not fungal or bacterial or
dietary, then it's internal and we can face it - we're not
going to operate, we're not going to treat for renal failure or
anything that will cost thousands of dollars so we treat for what we
can afford to treat for: Fungal, bacterial or supplemental.>
<I'd like to see the doctor give your turtle multi-vitamin and
calcium injections and ask him about the ability to send you home with
2 days worth of injections rather than oral meds. GIVING the shots is
tricky and the vet will have to show you, but the problem with oral
meds at this stage is that his digestion is likely to be shut down and
it's an inefficient way to deliver the meds. Three or four days of
being warm and dry with the proper supplements and your turtle will
start to show signs of improvement *IF* the ailment is something that
can be treated.>
Thanking you in advance,
<You're welcome - and we'll hold hopeful thoughts for
Isabella Daley
Turtle Eyes - Vitamin A DIY?? 11/14/10
Hi from Hanoi, Vietnam!
<Hiya from WetWebMedia - Darrel here>
I have two red eared sliders, have had them for nearly two years. Their
names are Percy and Shelley. They live in a tank in my lounge room
which does not have a UVA/UVB light (You cannot buy them in Vietnam for
love or money), but now I have moved house I put them outside on my
balcony every day so they can bask in the sunlight to get
<That/s very good, Katie. Just two separate things: First, If the
sunlight is filtered through the glass or even small mesh screen, the
healthful properties are substantially filtered out, so as long as the
sunlight can reach them directly, this is fine. Now, quite the
opposite, directly sunlight in a confined tank or area can be brutal on
them. Make sure they have shade to crawl into to remain cool>
However, Shelley has developed swollen eye problem in both eyes, which
seems to be quite common among these little ones! He looks exactly like
several of the photos on this site. My questions relate to treating
this problem in a third world country, which, as you can imagine,
presents problems.
<Yes, I can>
Firstly, most Vietnamese don't keep turtles as pets - they eat
<I know. ICK!!!!>
Consequently there is no decent vet here who can treat a turtle. The
only one who I have seen knows very little about them, and upon seeing
the problem just said it was Vitamin D and sent me home to get some
drops from the chemist.
<He was close. Vitamin A deficiency is usually what causes eye
problems. Lack of Vitamin D causes bone problems. Unless it's a
bacterial infection, we can correct this with vitamins and
Which presents my second problem. How can I treat my little one when
the vets don't stock the necessary supplies to treat them? Is there
a generic people-medicine I can use to help treat his eyes? If so, what
dosage should I give him? He has stopped eating, and though still has
some energy, I am very concerned that he is slowly suffering. I have
followed advice and put him out of the tank, but I fear it's gone
to far and that's not enough.
<If he was eating, you could give him small pieces of beef liver,
which is high in Vitamin A, but if he's not eating that presents a
As you can imagine, it is incredibly frustrating here to find some
assistance. Please please, do you have any ideas? I am returning home
to Australia over Christmas, but I am terrified that this will be too
late and he will die before I can make it back in time.
<I hope we can help. You can get vitamin A drops at a pharmacy here
in the USA and should be able to do so there. Take Shelly out of the
water and let her dry. Put one drop per eye and let that dry in place
(5 minutes or so) and then back in the water>
Finally, what about diet? I have turtle pellets, but they come from
China, and I am not convinced they are good for the turtles, though
they have been eating them for the past two years and never had any
issues until now.
<I use regular Koi carp pellets for all my sliders, Katie. A good
quality Koi pellet is a fully balanced diet for them - I raise them on
Koi pellets and an occasional (once a month) earth worm from hatchlings
to breeders.>
Unfortunately I can get no other "turtle food" for them, so I
need to make something myself. Suggestions on what is good to make and
store would be appreciated!
<Two concerns here - one is that a vitamin A deficiency is always
part of an overall dietary problem, so as soon as we can get Shelly to
eat, we want to add some beef liver and some earth worms (the kind
found in the garden or used for fishing - NOT meal worms from the pet
store). Meanwhile, find a source of Koi pellets and read the label,
look for at least 90% vegetable and/or plant matter>
Please, any assistance you can give me would be appreciated. I am
totally at my wits end!!!
<I've been at my wit's end for about 20 years now it's
fine once you learn your way around>
Thanks so much!
PS - I will add that Percy, the other turtle, seems to be completely
Mmmm, not so much. Reptiles and fish are stoic animals, Katie. They do
very good jobs of concealing any outward signs of disease or
debilitation until the conditions fairly are advanced. Unless it is a
bacterial infection, Percy will have the same deficiencies as Shelly --
he's just able to cope better. For now.>
<Find some vitamin A drops. Sometimes, with sliders, when you pick
them up and try sticking an eye dropper near their face, you can
'annoy' them into opening their mouth, gaping at you. If
that's the case, you can hold her level (the way she'd normally
lay - NOT up & down) and squirt a shot of the vitamin A into her
<Good luck>
swollen skin? 11/03/10
<Hiya - Darrel here>
I'm Cristy. I have a female red eared slider which I rescued
from a flood about a year ago.
<Thank you!>
I'm worried about her condition regarding the skin in her
legs. I noticed this skin when she got fat because of the fishes
we gave her. It looks like it was swollen. But when I put her in
a diet, which consists of turtle pellets and vegetables, this
skin became loose. It shrunk but it never did go back in its
normal size.
What do you think this is? I have attached a picture of her..
<From the pictures, it does look very much like loose skin.
There are a number of diseases that could cause this -- HOWVER if
you know for a fact that she was obese and as you corrected her
diet, you saw the fat recede, then we can rule out just about
everything except what it looks like: Baggy skin. Make sure you
keep up the diet and make sure she gets a good source of UV-B,
even natural sunlight if she can get it - because those things
will help her skin regain some of it's tone.>
Thank you so much for the help. God bless you
<Yer welcome!>

Help with our Red Eared Slider
<Hiya - Darrel here>
I'm really hoping you can help me out!!
<Lets see what we can do>
We have an adult, female Red Eared Slider (she is about 10 inches
long). She lives in our outdoor pond which is 20 foot by 30 foot and 5
feet deep. We have Koi, goldfish and Shubunkin that live in the pond
with her. We just got back 2 days ago from 3 weeks of vacation and
found that the waterfalls had apparently stopped working early on our
trip and our friend just left the pond and threw food in. The water was
pretty stagnant and gross when we got back. The RES was out of the
water when we first saw her and she jumped in right away and swam at
the surface and then the second we walked back in the house she got
out. About an hour later we went out again but she just sat there and
didn't move. We went to pick her up and she was very lethargic and
her eyes were puffy and swollen.
<Indicating a vitamin deficiency>
We immediately isolated her and she's now in the house in a full
size bathtub. We have a heater in the room and the temperature is 87
where we have her. We've got a little water (about an inch deep) at
one end and then no water at the other end. She's poking her head
out and we were just putting ReptoMin in with her but she wasn't
eating it (in the pond we give her Koi pellets and the ReptoMin). So,
we went out today and got her an earthworm and fed her the earthworm
and the ReptoMin with a dropper. We were able to get her to eat that by
basically force feeding her.
<Force Feeding he is probably stressful for her, so make sure
you're using the feeding as a method to deliver the vitamins (read
below and that will make more sense) -- don't feed her "just
to feed her">
She's always been an outside turtle (we got her about 2 years ago
from someone who also always had her in their outdoor pond). Because
she eats with the Koi I don't really know how much she's
getting all the time. I want to make sure that we're feeding her
adequately while we work to try to get her better. Can you confirm how
much we should feed her exactly?
<I feed mine Koi pellets as well. Never any more than they can eat
in 5 minutes.>
She doesn't seem to have a runny nose and the only other issue she
had was a small amount of scute shedding but we haven't noticed
that problem since we brought her inside. Her shell does appear nice
and hard and normal. We obviously won't put her back in the pond
until she's completely healthy and we have the water back to 100%.
Is there any treatment that would be good for her eyes that we can
<Yes, I'll include a link>
I also would like to confirm that, in your opinion, we're caring
for her as we should while she recovers.
<You're doing MUCH better than most people. Keeping her warm and
dry is the #1 thing you did right. When a turtle is sick and/or
debilitated, having to swim & haul out to bask, etc all their
normal activities become overwhelming for them. When she's warm
& dry, she may no be healing yet but she's at least
If you have any other advice I would greatly appreciate it. We are
trying to see if we can get her better on our own but will take her to
the vet if necessary.
<What I'd like to for her to have a set of vitamin and calcium
injections. Failing that, earthworms and pieces of beef liver (small
pieces) are good. Vitamin 'A' drops like they sell in the pet
stores are a waste of time and money .. but like my grandmother said
about Chicken Soup 'what can it hurt?'>
Thank you for any assistance you can provide. If I can provide you
additional information to help you respond, please let me know.
<Debbie - this is a link about general care. You'll already done
the single most critical part (isolation) but read about swollen &
puffy eyes. As she dries out, relaxes and gains strength, her appetite
may come back, making it easier to slip her the vitamins>
Re: Help with our Red Eared Slider 6/30/10
Hello again,
<Hiya right back>
I wanted to thank you for your feedback and give you an update.
<You are most welcome>
Our RES is doing great. She's been eating, has lots of energy and
is back to 100% - her eyes are clear and everything. I think the
earthworms and cod liver oil really did the trick. I found that getting
the cod liver oil into a straw and then dripping it into her mouth
worked great. She's been doing so well that we released her back
into our pond last night and have been keeping a close eye on her.
She's swimming around, was eating the Koi pellets we put out there
and seems very happy once again.
Again, thank you for your advice and quick response.
<We're amazing, aren't we?>
<Glad we could help!>
Red Eared Sliders, hlth., nutr. 5/11/10
<Hiya - Darrel here>
I love your site but was unable to find my answer so here I sit writing
to you ... I have 2 Red Eared Sliders - both we got as quarter sized
turtles. Randolf is about 15 1/2 yrs old and doing great. Squirt will
be 3 this summer. They are in separate aquariums .. my concern is
Squirt. The last few days, he seems to flip himself over ... he has
plenty of clean swimming area and also a rock to get up on and sun.
Today I noticed him holding his head out and back .. as if someone
pulled it out and bent it backwards ..
It doesn't matter if I put him in the water or on his rock, he will
not retract his head. His eating has dwindled to nothing also.
What's wrong????? :(
<That's a strange symptom, Sherry. It sounds vaguely like a
vitamin & calcium deficiency has led to MDB (Metabolic Bone
Disease) and possibly a degeneration or a slippage of a disc in his
neck. This is one of those times where a visit to a qualified vet and
an X-ray are absolutely in order. My guess is that he can't move
his head or mouth as necessary to eat or drink.>
Sherry & Alex
Red ear turtle nose rot 8/9/09
Dear Crew
<Hiya -- Darrel here>
I have had three red ears for many years.
<That must make it hard to wear glasses, but I'll bet you hear
everything people say about you .....>
<Oh wait. Maybe you meant you have three different Red Eared
THAT makes more sense!>
They have always been healthy and on a diet of mostly fish and
<Well, right here we can start by saying BAD DIET!! Turtles rarely
catch fish in the wild and the only time turtles eat shrimp is when
they go on vacation to expensive, all-inclusive resorts.>
I noticed last week that they were not eating and this week I see that
the noses are rotted away. On two of them it seems to be only the
noses. The third, has its upper eyelids and inside its mouth also
affected. There is no pus or abscess on the nose. The eyelids are red
and sore. The mouth also looks red and sore. They are eating in small
amounts. The shells are hard and do not show signs of damage. There are
no visible signs of skin issues on the neck or legs. Breathing is
slightly labored on the turtle with the nose/eye/mouth problems but not
for the other two. There is no sign of mucus or nasal discharge from
any of them.
<this is not good ....>
I cannot find any info about this condition or how to treat it.
<Rhea, this is indeed unusual. I've only run into this once or
twice myself and almost always in a deceased animal that hadn't
been noticed for some time. For this reason I'm going to make some
guesses AND pass this letter along to a colleague that's smarter
and better looking than I am>
<The bad diet is an obvious place to start, Rhea and a bad diet
leads to vitamin deficiencies which can lead to all sorts of problems
including eye and skin infections. The first thing to do is get them
out of their normal environment and get them somewhere warm and dry.
All the conditions they have are made worse by them being warm and
moist most of the time. Read the enclosed article on treatment and
follow the 'isolation treatment' protocol. Keeping them warm
and dry will slow the progression of any ailment that thrives on
moisture and it eases the turtle's burdens on basking/cooling at
the same time.>
<Either via sunlight or lamp, get them as much UV lighting as
possible. If you have a UV lamp (even if you take one from the tank
they currently inhabit) leave it on 18 hours a day. Treat for both
fungus and bacteria as described in the article>
<When you feed them, feed them a proper diet. Either regular Koi
pellets from a local fish store or Repto-min food sticks by Tetra,
which are exactly the same diet, just shaped differently and more
<While you're treating them in isolation, read the second link
about general care. Compare what is recommended against what they have
-- and find out what went wrong>
<General care: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/RESCareBarton.htm>
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
Re: Help? fw: re: red ear turtle nose rot 08/11/09
> Hi Neale -- I answered, but forwarded it to you as well -- I'd
like a second opinion
> D
Hi Darrel,
If this turtle has been feeding primarily on goldfish and shrimps, it
is VERY likely to be suffering from a Vitamin B1 deficiency. Both
goldfish and shrimps contain a lot of thiaminase, and over time, this
causes all sorts of problems for reptiles. It's a fairly well
recognised syndrome in reptile care, certainly when compared to
As you correctly state, red-ear sliders should be fed a largely plant-
based diet. Whether this is live plants or pellet foods based on plant
foods (such as Koi pellets) probably doesn't matter too much,
though as always, variety helps.
Vitamin B1 deficiency will of course reduce the effectiveness of the
immune system, so secondary infections of the eyes and respiratory
tract will be more common. It sounds as if these turtles are suffering
from these problems. A vet will be able to prescribe the appropriate
medications, and will also give vitamin injections to provide a quick
boost. These turtles must see a vet, and soon, if further suffering is
to be avoided.
Cheers, Neale
I have a very sick red eared slider with swollen
eye 7/27/2009
<Hiya> my name's Adam from Malaysia.
<Darrel from Los Angeles here>
I have a very sick red eared slider with swollen eye for about 1 week,
have been using turtle eyes drop but without the vitamin A in it (cant
get the zoo medic brand). How do I get it to eat if it won't open
it's eye?
<It's very important that you get him to eat, Adam. You need
vitamin A and vitamin D into his system, not just around his eye, of
the problem will get worse.>
How long can it survive without eating?
<Assuming he's otherwise healthy -- and that is not very sure at
this point, he could go even a month or so without eating. BUT .. and
this is the really problem ... if he's developed a vitamin
deficiency it means that his diet has been wrong for quite a long
What is the duration of treatment with the eye drops? Currently
it's quarantined all day, I only it let in distilled water for 15
min.s a day max. As for a vet, cant find one who knows the stuff
<Here are two links. One will tell you how to treat a eye problems
and the second will cover all the basic care needs that you have to
meet to prevent this from happening again>
<care: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/RESCareBarton.htm>
plenty of UV light, even if that means you take him outside in the
sunshine. Sunshine is a great way to get his body to start
manufacturing Vitamin D, just make sure you watch him and don't let
him overheat. 10 minutes 5 times a day is far better than 25 minutes
twice a day due to the danger of him heating too much.>
<One way to stimulate eating is to warm that daily bath. Give him 20
minutes swimming time in warm water (but only up to his shoulders, no
higher) and often that will help stimulate his appetite.>
<Offer earth worms or very small pieces of liver, both are high in
Vitamin A>
My RES Turtle, hlth., feeding
2/2/09 PLEASE HELP, Can my 2 year old RES Turtle get sick
and/or die from eating a feeder fish infected with Ick and/or with any
other kind of sickness? <Yes. Though Ick itself isn't something
reptiles can contract, any fish that is sick is likely one kept under
poor conditions, and other illnesses can certainly affect your reptile.
More specifically, you MUST NOT feed feeder fish (e.g., goldfish or
minnows) to pet reptiles. This is extremely bad for them. Firstly, such
feeder fish contain a lot of thiaminase, which breaks down thiamin, and
over time when used the reptile will gradually develop a Vitamin B1
deficiency. Secondly, feeder fish contain a lot of fat, and the fat
accumulates around the internal organs, causing health problems.
Red-ear Sliders are essentially herbivores, and around 75% of their
diet MUST be green foods. If it isn't, all you're doing is
making him sick.> If so how do I treat him? <Depends on the
disease. If all else fails, contact a vet.> I got some feeder fish
about 2 years ago and picked 3 of them to keep for pet's. I never
had a Ick problem until now. 2 of the 3 died from the Ick. I have 1
left and he is getting better (slowly). <Ick is easy to treat and
shouldn't kill fish. See WWM re: Ick for more.> So I did some
research to learn Ick comes from stressed out fish being moved in and
out of their environment. <Not really stress as such, but yes, if
you move fish between tanks, you can expose them to the disease.> So
what I need to know is how long does it take for Ick to go away and now
that he has had Ick once will it be easier to get it next time around?
<Once you have treated with an appropriate medication (or with
salt/heat) then Ick is gone for good. However, if you add new fish, or
potentially move anything into the tank that can carry the free-living
parasites, such as aquarium plants, then Ick can come back.> Also
should I keep feeder fish in a separate bowl? <Goldfish should not
be kept in a bowl. Doing so kills them. Forget everything you have seen
on the TV. They need big, well filtered tanks. 30 gallons is about
right for beginners. See here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/goldfish101art.htm>
Thank You, Donna <Cheers, Neale.>
Sick Sliders 11/29/08 Dear Crew, <Hiya
Chris - Darrel here> I have two Red Eared Sliders that were both in
one 20 gal. tank plenty of heat and light. After a few weeks one turtle
started to just lay on the basking rock all day eyes closed and not
eating. So I researched the problem and it led me to your web site. I
have now separated the 2 RES in two 20 gal tanks and started with the
eye drops. <It sounds like your research concluded that it was a
vitamin A deficiency so you're using eye drops?> It has been a
few days and the smaller less active RES is still just lying around not
doing much and still not eating. Also, every 30 seconds or so his
throat swells up, like it wants to throw up, but doesn't. <This
is occasionally seen in healthy turtles, Chris, but it's also seen
in turtles with respiratory problems (he's trying harder to
breathe) which is a likely and frequent companion of the Vitamin
deficiency> What may be wrong and what can be done to make him
better? <Chris - Almost all health problems with Sliders and their
cousins come down to Diet, Water Quality, Light and Heat, so my guess
is that you have one or more of these problems in need of
correction.> <DIET- The most common is diet and the most common
culprit is a cheap, prepared turtle food followed closely by home-diets
of the wrong kind of fruits, vegetables and meats. Repto-Min is an
excellent 100% diet as are any of the quality Koi pellets that you find
in better fish stores. I raised hatchling sliders all the way to full
grown breeders on nothing but Koi Pellets and the occasional (once a
month) earthworm> <Water Quality - some aquarists try to use the
same filtering concepts we use on our fish, but it's next to
impossible to have a filter-bed big enough to have a bio-cycle when
turtles are involved. Turtles need strong filters, LOTS of charcoal and
frequent, MASSIVE water changes.> <LIGHT -- also often
misunderstood. Proper amounts of UV-A and UV-B are needed to metabolize
the foods and extract and synthesize the vitamins. Most people are
unaware that glass windows, even screens in windows, filter out
substantial amounts of UV from natural sunlight and even fewer are
aware of how close the UV bulbs must be to the basking rock -- with
some bulbs, 6 tiny inches further away cuts the UV IN HALF.>
<HEAT - a single 60watt regular incandescent light bulb 10 inches
above the basking rock from 7am to 7pm is more than enough heat (never
heat the water itself) and make sure that there is ENOUGH water that it
stays fairly constant temperature during the day -- this way the
turtles have the choice or warm or cool> <My suggestion is that
you take them out of their normal habitat and keep them warm and dry
during the treatment phase. Put them in water for just a few minutes
every day to hydrate, poop and eat, but in a nice, safe, warm & dry
place with UV light during treatment. Continue the eye drops for two
weeks and meanwhile, correct the environmental problems in their normal
home.> CK <DB - here's some reading for you: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/RESCareBarton.htm
> <<Outstanding. RMF>>
My Red
Eared Sliders!!!! Shell concerns, nutrition
8/11/08Hey!! <HIYA!!!!!!!> I'm Priscilla from NY and
I have some concerns about my Red Eared Sliders. I have 2 and they
were bought at the same time. They were pretty much the same size.
However, after I started taking care of them, I found out that one
of my turtles, grew a LOT bigger in a short period of time, while
the other, grew slowly. I realize that on the website, the bigger
turtle may be a female, but I'm not sure yet. <Probably not
that reason, Pricilla. Some people claim that females grow a tiny
bit faster than males while juveniles, females mainly get bigger
because they keep growing. It's too early to tell their
sexes.> One of the concerns is that I think my turtles are
fighting to get food, and usually, the bigger one gets all the
food. <that's more likely. In any group, even a group of
only two, there is some competition for food and other resources
and one animal will become more successful. Even in situations
where there is plenty of basking areas, food and other resources,
the dominant animal will simply thrive better than the other, if
only by a little bit. Slightly brighter, slightly bigger ... just
.... better.> <Sometimes it's tricky to solve the feeding
problem. If you simply add so much food that the big one gets full
and swims off, there's usually so much food that the water
fouls. After you start feeding and the big one is eating, use a net
handle or a pencil and nudge the little guy over to a different
corner where you have just dropped a few pellets of food. Sometimes
I've even removed a smaller animal to a shallow bowl of water
for a private feeding once every week or so. If you see that he
gets a really good meal every once in a while he's usually
equipped to compete well enough on his own the rest of the
time.> The bigger turtle has a more vibrant-colored shell than
the smaller turtle. It has a dull shell. My biggest concern is that
I find that my turtles' shells look like they're shedding,
but they're not they're basically bits of the shell that
look clearish-whitish. It doesn't smell any way it
shouldn't smell. I understand that the bigger turtle's
shell looks like that because its growing, and shedding a lot of
skin, so it's only natural. But the little turtle... I
don't understand. Is it shell rot? <From here it looks like
normal shedding. The SKIN comes off as very small gray bits and
usually the pieces are too small to notice. When shreds of skin are
visibly hanging off of a turtle it's usually a sign of water
quality and fungal problems. The shell scutes (pronounced skoots)
come off as thin, transparent to translucent chips -- sometimes the
full size of each scute and sometimes smaller. This is normal
growth. Just before the scute comes off, it turns dull and starts
to wrinkle, which is exactly what your picture shows.> Or is it
not getting enough food? Does it need vitamins? <If they're
getting good basking temperatures (about 90f+), unfiltered UV A
& B lighting, clean water and high quality Koi Pellets or
Repto-Min food sticks then no, you don't need to supplement
their diet. As far as getting enough food, with just a little extra
effort on your part you can see to it that the little guy is doing
well enough to hold his own. I'll toss in a link below>
Thank you so much!!! <You are so welcome> Priscilla
<Darrel> <
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/RESCareBarton.htm >
<************** SOAP BOX ALERT
**********************************> <**** This is America
where everyone is entitled to my opinion!!! ************> <I
get asked my opinion on food supplements all the time and my answer
is always NO!. And then yes. Let me explain.> <When a diet is
deficient in vitamins the first thought and often the choice -- is
to supplement with vitamins. The problem with that is ... that the
diet is STILL deficient in vitamins! If the animal is not getting
enough natural sunlight or concentrated enough UVA & UVB to
synthesize Vitamin D, you can certainly give the D ... but after
giving all the D in the world ... the environment is STILL
DEFICIENT in UVA and UVB. You end up compensating for a problem
instead of CORRECTING the problem. So what's the difference you
ask? Easy to answer: If your diet is deficient in vitamins or
nutrients then I guarantee you that it's too high in fat (or
too low in fat) or too high in protein or too low in whatever else
... to be good for them in the first place. PLUS ... you're
spending money on a diet that's improper and then spending MORE
on supplements. > <On the other hand ... when you solve the
problems .. when you're giving a balanced diet in an
environment with high water quality of the correct parameters,
light & temperatures of the right types, degrees and variances
.... then the supplements are no longer necessary!!!!> <But
then .. every once in a while, I add a few drops of supplements
anyway> <<Extremely valuable input/reminders for humans
and their own nutrition as well. RMF>> |

Little Turtles Overfed 1/9/07 Hello Crew, My name is
Samantha and I am a complete turtle freak! I have raised box turtles
since I was a kid. I just bought two baby RES's about a week or so
ago and for the first couple days they seemed fine and dandy, Swimming
all around eating pellets, and kelp like crazy. As I have mentioned I
have had them for about a week now and am a little worried. I have a
dry basking area with a UVA Incandescent lamp for them to bask in at
about 90 degrees, two filters, a water heater set to about 75 degrees
and a thermometer for the water. The thermometer shows that it is
constantly around 75 degrees and it does not fluctuate much. The
turtles no longer eat any more and they are almost dead like. They
don't hardly move at all! I got them some bait fish and they ate 2
of them and there are still two left yet they just sit under the lamp
with their mouths closed sprawled out. They never want to get in the
water and when they do its only for about 2 minutes until they are back
under the lamp. One of the turtles doesn't open his eyes. If you
pick him up with his eyes closed he will open one and it takes about a
minute for the other one to open. About 2 days ago he couldn't open
any of them for about 5 minutes after you pick him up. They do not have
any lesions or shell deficiencies except their shells on their bellies
are soft. The top is hard but the bottom is a little flexible. I let
them outside in a bowl with damp cloth and they just lay around soaking
up rays. I keep their water clean and I just don't know what to do
anymore. I have researched and researched on the internet on different
problems. They just won't eat and they do not move. If there is any
advice you could give me that would be great! Thank you, Samantha <
The little guys have so much food in their stomach that they can't
move. These full stomachs are putting pressure on the rest of the
internal organs. They are trying to heat up enough to digest the huge
meal. Turtles die from being over fed. Hopefully it is not too late for
Re: Sick Baby Turtles (Red Ear Slider). Overfed Turtles II
1/9/07 Thank you so much I had no idea that I was over feeding them
because I had never seen them eat! Thank you soo much for your help. I
hope that I have received this info in time so that they won't die
on me. Should I just feed them once a day maybe and thanks again!
Sincerely, Samantha < If they are eating, then they are on the road
to recovery and out of the danger zone. If they are not eating and
still lethargic I would leave them alone until they start to show some
movement. In your first question you indicated that they were eating
pellets and kelp like crazy, so I assumed that you had watched them
eat. Dumping food in the tank and taking off is not a good idea. Do not
feed them until they are actively seeking food. Then feed them 3 to 4
times a week. Watch them eat until they slow down, then stop. They are
full and do not need to be feed any more until the next
With Lumps On His Jaws - 06/07/2006 I got a RES about two
years ago when it was just a baby. He was only a little bigger than a
quarter. He is now about four inches long, maybe a little smaller. We
believe its a boy but he is still young. His name is Beanie. I read a
lot about them and got the proper lighting and caging. Beanie is in a
40g Breeder until he gets bigger. The temp is at about 78 degrees. I
was told at the pet store the 40g will be great for him for about 6 to
10 years depending on how fast he grows. For the first year I fed him
once a day and then when he started looking a little chubby I cut it
down to every other day. He has plenty of fish to chase around and
basks frequently. Then about 8 months ago he started to develop lumps
on each side of his head. We assumed he was growing in his adult jaws.
This still might be the case however, the lumps grew bigger as the
months went on and they each stick out about a centimeter on each side.
I know I should take him to the vet and I will. I just was wondering if
this is something that is normal with growing turtles, he is the first
one I have gotten. I have read books and many internet sites but
nothing I can find has told me anything about the lumps. A friend of my
brothers who has had many turtles said I might be feeding to much. I
feed him about 6-10 Freeze Dried Jumbo krill however a large African
clawed frog eats a few and I have a Koi and two big gold fish that will
snatch at them. Then about 5 regular size gold fishes. He eats the fish
food that floats around. I've tried giving him lettuce and carrots
but he doesn't touch them. I give him a few ReptoMin sticks, and
Nutrafin turtle Gammarus pellets. when I go to the pet store about
every other week I will get tiny guppy's for the frog and Beanie to
Catch. I will get crickets when I have time. I don't know if that
is too much He is done eating in about 5 to 10 minutes. Thanks, Mary
< Growing turtles that are properly fed do not develop the jaw
structures that you have described. It could be a vitamin or mineral
imbalance. A vet will take x-rays and find out for
Little Turtle Staying Little 2/6/06 Hi, I have 1
RES and he is only 2". I have read that they grow like 2 or 3
inches in a year. But anyway I've had my RES for 2 yrs now and I
was wondering if at 2" long that's the right length for being
2 to 3 yrs old? I have 2 baby YBS coming in 3 or 4 days so I want at
least get a good start with these 2 little 1s (I had my RES in a 10
gallon tank and then just recently upgraded to a 20 gal with filter
heater etc. . I am going to put the 2 babies in with her). Does tank
size matter to how big they get or is it in how u feed
them?? Please help me I really need. Thank
you! < Typically a turtle that old should be bigger. Get
some ZooMed Aquatic Turtle Food and feed him three to four times a week
as much as he will eat at one sitting. Siphon out any uneaten food so
it will not pollute the tank. In between the big feedings you can give
him some washed earthworms, mealworms, crickets and king worms. Older
turtles require less protein and want more vegetable matter in their
diet. As they grow you can increase the tanks size to accommodate them.
I would not recommend mixing turtles of different sizes.-Chuck>