FAQs About Red Ear Slider (RES) Turtle
Disease/Health 8
Related Articles: Treating Common Illnesses of
the Red Ear Slider (& other Emydid Turtles) by Darrel
Barton, Turtle eye diseases; Recognising and treating
eye diseases in pet turtles by Neale
Monks, So your
turtle has the Flu? Recognising and treating respiratory
infections in pet turtles by Neale Monks, The Care and Keeping of the
Red Eared Slider, Trachemys scripta
elegans by Darrel Barton,
Red Ear Sliders, Turtles, Amphibians, Red Eared Slider Care, Shell Rot in Turtles,
Related FAQs: RES
Disease, RES Disease/Health 2,
RES Disease 3, RES Health 4, RES
Health 5, RES Health 6, RES Health 7, RES
Health 9, RES Health 10, &
Shell Rot, Turtle Disease 1, Turtle Disease 3, Shell Rot, Turtle Respiratory Disease, Turtle Eye Disease,
FAQs on RES Health by Type:
Diagnosis, Environmental, Traumas, Social, Nutritional, Growths/Tumors, Infectious, Parasitic, References,
& Sliders 1,
Sliders 2, Red Eared Slider Identification, RES Behavior, RES
Compatibility, RES Selection,
RES Systems, RES Feeding, RES

Liquid feces, RES
<Hi! Sue here with you.>
I have a female red eared slider.
<My favorite turtles!>
I don't know how old is she because I just rescued her from a
flood about a year ago. She's 8" long.
<That was very nice of you! No way to really accurately tell
the age of a turtle, but at 8', she is an adult.>
My concern is I noticed her liquid feces. I think this is the 3rd
or 4th time it happened but not successively. The time intervals
I think a month or two. The last time she had it was last month.
Her diet consists of commercial pellets and egg shells.
<I would not feed her egg shells; see more about this
She doesn't have a tank because we cannot afford to buy one
since it is so expensive.
<There are cheaper options besides tanks that will work just
as well. A long, deep plastic storage bin is perfectly fine (the
longer the better as RES like to have lots of room to swim
around). I'd recommend you read the linked article below. It
contains many good ideas for setting up a low cost turtle
habitat. You didn't mention what else you're doing to
care for her, but this article also lists the minimum care
requirements you need to have for her to keep her healthy;
compare what you're doing to what's recommended here to
make sure you're on the right track:>
I provide her a shallow basin with water where she eats and she
just roams around our terrace. Every other day we put her in
basin deep enough to submerge her totally and let her stay there
until she wants to get out.
<Assuming she's healthy, she's a semi-aquatic turtle,
not a land turtle. She really should be living in an environment
that's as close to her natural habitat as possible -- in
particular, one that allows her access to warm, dry land and cool
water (low 70's F) both at the same time 24/7 -- and lets her
choose which one she wants to be in at any given time.>
Those times that she had her liquid feces happened after I
submerged her into the water.
<While turtles can poop on land, they seem to prefer going in
the water, and they also only eat in the water. This is most
likely the reason why you notice it happening during this time.
Right now, her feces are solid and looks normal. She is always
active and has good appetite despite having those liquid
<Active with a good appetite are both good signs!>
Is there something wrong with her? Why does she have those kind
of feces?
<The cause of diarrhea in turtles is usually due to one of two
things -- either something not right in the diet, or some type of
infection going on. Given that you've said it's only
happened 3 or 4 times over the course of many months, I'd say
it's more likely something to do with the diet you're
feeding her. But if you see it happen again, the best thing would
be to bring a stool sample to a vet just to be sure it's not
an infection. The vet can then test it for bacteria, parasites,
etc. and treat her with the proper antibiotic if it turns out she
does have an infection.>
<In the meantime, I'd focus on changing her diet to see if
that makes a difference: >
<First, I would not recommend eggshells. Is there some reason
you're feeding these to her? If it's to give her a
calcium source, eggshells are not a good source of calcium.
Moreover, they're also a common source of salmonella
infection. A better, safer source of calcium is calcium
carbonate. The website below has some good recommendations for
calcium sources, as well as a good idea for how to mix it in with
their food. I've personally had very good luck with Rep-Cal
Phosphorus-Free Calcium with Vit. D3 powder. I just add an
occasional pinch of it to their food as this article below
describes how to do:
Also, natural sunlight (and a UVB light along with a heat bulb
when he's inside) are absolutely essential for your turtle to
have every day in order to metabolize calcium and other vitamins
from their diet. The ReptiSun 10.0 UVB fluorescent tube light is
a highly recommended one, and I've seen them sold online for
only around $18. Then just buy a cheap fixture for it at a home
improvement store.>
<Next, as far as the food itself, for the staple you mentioned
you feed her a 'commercial pellet'. You didn't
mention the brand you're using, but I'd try to stick with
a good quality pellet such as ReptoMin. Koi pellets are fine also
(similar in content to ReptoMin) and are much cheaper. Another
crew member has been feeding his turtles these Koi pellets for
many years with good results. Give her the pellets every other
day or so as much as she can eat in 5-10 minutes. It's
important not to overfeed.>
<Besides a good quality pellet, I also give mine unlimited
amounts of fresh greens and plants for some added fiber. Also, as
your turtle is an adult, plants make up the majority of what
adult RES turtles eat when they're in the wild. So it's
nice if you can try to replicate that to some degree. Greens are
also healthy for them and a lower cost food item. The website
below gives a nice breakdown of which plants and greens are most
recommended, and which ones should be avoided:
The ones I use mostly are listed under 'Beneficial and
Recommended'. I also occasionally give them some shredded up
raw carrots or sweet potato as just another source of some
Vitamin A. In the summer when I have them outside I've also
given them some of the plants listed under 'Aquatic
<The only other thing I feed my turtles is an occasional
earthworm every week or two as a treat.>
Thank you so much. God bless you.
<You're welcome; we're happy to try and help. Try
changing her diet around first for the next couple of weeks and
see if that helps. If not, and she continues to have diarrhea
despite a change in her diet, then I'd highly suggest you
take a sample of her stool to the vet and let them test it to see
if there's something more serious going on. Infections left
untreated can kill them.>
Re: liquid feces, RES 1/31/11
Hi Sue. Thank you for the help.
<You're welcome! It's really nice that you took pity
on her and rescued her. So many people just want the
By the way, the pellets I'm giving her are a Singaporean
product. Its name is "turtle food sticks" it has 34% of
crude protein; 2% of fiber; 5% of crude fats; and 5% of moisture.
Is it okay?
<I'm not familiar with that brand. We typically recommend
ReptoMin because the contents of that product have been analyzed
to make sure they matched up to the manufacturer's claims. If
you're not sure, your best bet would either be to consult a
specialty vet in your area, or someone knowledgeable about
turtles who works in a reputable pet shop that you know also
sells high quality products in general. You may also want to
consider Koi pellets. These also provide a fine balance of
nutrients and are much cheaper. They can typically be found in
the pond section of a pet store or a home improvement store (if
you choose the latter, pick up a low cost UVB fixture while
you're there! It will be much cheaper there than in a pet
I'll try to find a plastic bin big enough for her.
<A couple of things to keep in mind when you do transfer her
over to an enclosure:
1) You'll want to find an enclosure deep enough to allow you
to be able to fill it up 1/2 to 2/3 of the way and that's
still deep enough for her to swim around.
2) Once you transfer her over, water quality then becomes an
additional concern. Turtles, especially adult turtles, are very
messy. If there is any $ investment to make for your turtle, a
good quality mechanical filter would be the investment I'd
suggest rather than a tank. It will help you reduce the number of
water changes you have to do (though it won't eliminate
them). You'll still need to do 50% water changes 1-2x/week or
whenever you see it needs it. Until you get a filter, you'll
probably need to do daily water changes. (If you want some tips
on water changes, write us back). Keeping her water nice and
clean is your #1 time investment with a turtle, probably
equivalent to 'walking the dog'! But it's a necessary
one. Clean water is a must for these guys to prevent them (and
you!) from becoming sick.
3) You may want to continue to feed her in a separate container
(and then wait a half hour or so for her to poop) to help keep
the water in her 'main tank' clean for as long as
possible during the day.
4) Consider putting an aquarium screen over the top (with holes
at least 1/4 ' so UVB rays don't get filtered out), and
that's as fitted as possible to your container so she
can't accidentally climb out and escape or hurt herself. A
top also makes a nice resting spot for your heat lamp and your
UVB light (both of which should rest above her basking area).
5) The heat lamp can simply be an incandescent light bulb. Just
adjust the wattage and distance from bulb to basking area until
you achieve a temperature of around 88-90 degrees F above the
basking area (which is the amount of heat she needs in order to
properly digest her food).
6) Attached is a link to the kind of basking platform I use.
I've found this kind of a design seems to be the easiest for
my turtles to access. Not sure if you can get it where you are;
if not you can do something similar that has a gradual ascent up
to the basking spot.
7) Remember not to put the enclosure outside under direct light.
It can heat up too fast (and too much) inside. If you want to
bring her out occasionally just do as you've been doing and
let her stroll around for your terrace for a while, as long as
she's safe from injury or wildlife.>
Thank you again Sue for the help. May God bless you always.
<You're very welcome, you as well. Let us know how
everything goes, and feel free to write back at any time with any
more questions or concerns that come up.>
Re: liquid feces, RES
ok sue I will.. I bought yesterday some Koi pellets and red
lettuce. I fed her the lettuce yesterday and she likes it.
<That's great she took to the red leaf lettuce so quickly!
Possibly because as an adult that used to live in the wild, she
may have seen it as similar in appearance to the plants she used
to eat! Mine also seem to enjoy the red leaf lettuce in
particular, so I vary it with other things so they don't get
too hooked on it and start refusing everything else. Turtles can
be notorious for getting 'set in their ways' and fixated
on one thing! Don't worry if she doesn't take to the Koi
pellets right away; she'll eventually come around.>
By the way Sue, I noticed her behavior regarding her fond of
sleeping in dark corners. After her daily walk around the
terrace, she retires on dark corners or sometimes under tables or
chairs which are dark and she sleeps so long. Like today, since
it's cloudy, she just sleeps. Is she hibernating? She does it
every time the weather here is cold.
<When you say 'cold', what is the outdoor temperature
when you see her exhibiting this behavior? When you mentioned
earlier that you were keeping her outside all the time, I assumed
you were living in a year round warmer climate. In general, you
want to avoid exposing her to extreme temperatures, as well as
extreme differences in temperatures too quickly; for example,
taking her from a 70 degree (F) inside temperature to a 40 degree
(F) outside temperature. I also wouldn't put her outside on
days where it's below 60 degrees (F)/(16 degrees C).>
<The other thing is that turtles are cold-blooded; their
bodies can't thermo-regulate the way ours can. This means
their bodies completely rely on the temperature of the
environment around them to perform various functions such as
digestion. After they've eaten, it's best to provide them
with a warm basking spot (88-90 degrees F) so they can properly
digest their food, otherwise it will rot in their
Thank you Sue. God bless. I attached a picture of her.
<You're welcome, and thank you for sending me a pic of
her! Of all the turtle species, I happen to think that the red
eared sliders have the nicest faces! She's a very nice
looking turtle, and also looks like she's been very well
cared for!>

Re: liquid feces, RES...
hi sue.. she's now eating her Koi pellets.. I'm happy she
also likes it.
<That's good news; sounds like she's very adaptable!
Adult turtles in particular can become very fixated on certain
foods and generally set in their ways -- just like
I'm from the Philippines. So it's always warm here. Our
coldest is 23 degrees C and the warmest temperature is 32 degrees
C. is the temperature okay for her?
<Not only is that OK, I'm envious! I wish 23C was what was
considered cold where I live! I live in the US -- New England
where so far we've had over 6 feet of snow just in the last 3
weeks, topped off by an ice storm yesterday!>
Thank you Sue for the help. I hope you won't get tired of
answering my questions.
<Not at all, that's why we're here. Write us anytime
with any concerns you might have; also check out our 'FAQ
library' (link below). We have some informative articles
about general care as well as different health related issues.
Just scroll down to the bottom of the page under Turtles to see
links for all the articles and FAQs. You can learn a lot just
from reading the other questions people send in:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwlvstkind2.htm >
As much as possible, I wanted her to be healthy because here in
our country, I think only few vets specializes on turtles. I
found one, but his clinic is so far from our place, it's a 4
hour trip.
<Unfortunately, it's true that the specialty vets can be
few and far between depending on where you live. It's a good
idea, though, to have someone already picked out ahead of time
who you're comfortable with so that you don't have to go
scrambling around for one if or when your turtle becomes ill.
Here are some (world-wide) vet search links I sent another
querier the other day. You may want to check them out to see if
there are any specialty vets closer to where you live:
Anyway, thank you again Sue. God bless you!
<You also; that was a nice thing you did, and I'm sure
your turtle is thanking you too!>
Female Red Ear Slider Turtle, lack of data
Hi! So there is something wrong with my turtles shell she is an
Adult Red Ear Slider, I got her a couple months ago from a friend
and this white stuff just showed up within the last couple week
or two... I have done a ton of research using your site and it
seems as though it could be mild shell rot, fungus, or even
possible hard water build up...
But I don't know. If you could please shed some light on this
issue that would be great! I have attached some photos to help
explain. Thank you so much!!
<Please (re)read here:
and the linked files above. Bob Fenner>

Re: Female Red Ear Slider Turtle with
white spots
was: Female Red Ear Slider Turtle, lack of data
<Darrel here in for Bob>
Thank you, yes I have read this article and I am doing the
treatment tonight for the "shell rot" just in case.
<A wise choice>
Will this work for hard water build up as well or will that just
go away with mild soap and a tooth brush? I am so afraid because
I can't afford a rep vet, so I am doing anything I can to
take care of her my self, she seems really stressed over me doing
the treatment but she is drying out now and then I will be
putting the ointment on, letting it dry a bit "10
min.s" and then placing her back in her tank.
<It's stressful for her, yes. But then - she doesn't
have to go to work or school, doesn't have money worries,
etc. so I'm more worried about your stress than hers.>
<The treatment for hard water and/or mineral deposits is a
scrub with a little bit of vinegar, which isn't bad for shell
fungus either, so why don't you alternate the
Also will this treatment effect the water? Will I need to change
it completely after the week is done?
<I wouldn't worry about it, the slight traces in the water
don't really affect much - and the regular partial-water
changes you make will take care of it>
Sorry I also have one more question. If the "condition"
clears up before the week do I want to continue or stop once its
<Once it appears clear, go 3 or 4 more days just to get the
stuff that you can't see>
<Also, see that Izzy gets as much natural sunshine as your
time and situation allows.>
Thank you so very much for your help in this, as I really care
for animals, We are just strapped for cash right now...like have
none, spent the last 12 dollars on the Iodine solution for
her...so I really hope it works!!
Ugh...so stressful...sorry for so many questions, I really
appreciate you time!! Thank you so so much!!
Savanah For Izzy the RES Turtle
<Savanah - remember -- it took a long time for whatever it is
to build up slowly, so it will take a bit of time for it to clear
up as well. Take your time, do your best and don't
Rock steady-Red eared slider issues
I have 3 red eared sliders. One of them is currently suffering from
swollen eyes. We've seen a vet and were given Vitamin A
<Mmm, please read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/turteyedisart.htm
and the linked files above>
We have given her two of the three injections. Her eyes are looking
somewhat better but she is still not eating. We have tried giving
offering her favorite foods such as crickets, pellets, greens, etc.
with no such luck. Any advice on getting her to eat?
<And here: http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/resfdgfaqs.htm
She is also exhibiting signs of what we think may be a respiratory
<And... http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/turtrespart.htm
She stretches out her neck and it looks like she may have a lump in her
throat. When we put her in the water,
<I would not do this>
she floats on the surface and eventually swims back to her basking
area. Do you think this is another health issue that needs addressed or
should it also clear up after the vitamin a injections are
<I'd be asking your Vet>
Thank you in advanced
for any help in resolving these issues.
<Our regular cheloniological responders seem to be on the skip. Am
hopeful Darrel, Sue and/or Neale will reappear, re-respond to your
issues. Bob Fenner>
Rock steady-Red eared slider issues 1/12/11
I have 3 red eared sliders. One of them is currently suffering from
swollen eyes. We've seen a vet and were given Vitamin A
<Mmm, please read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/turteyedisart.htm
and the linked files above>
<<Lora - if he's suffering from swollen eyes, then he's
suffering from a dietary or environmental condition '¦ both of
which are in your power to control.>>
We have given her two of the three injections. Her eyes are looking
somewhat better but she is still not eating. We have tried giving
offering her favorite foods such as crickets, pellets, greens, etc.
with no such luck. Any advice on getting her to eat?
<And here: http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/resfdgfaqs.htm>
<<Lora .. Turtles take MONTHS to get sick. It's just that
it's only that last few days that they get SO sick that we see the
symptoms. On the other side, it takes MONTHS for them to get healthy,
too. It's a slow process. It doesn't surprise me that she's
not eating.>
She is also exhibiting signs of what we think may be a respiratory
<And... http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/turtrespart.htm
She stretches out her neck and it looks like she may have a lump in her
<<IN her throat? Like a blockage? A lump ON her throat, like a
cyst? Or simply a pouch-like bloating of the bottom of her throat? The
last one is nothing to be concerned about>>
When we put her in the water,
<I would not do this>
<<Yes .. no water for her except 5 minutes a day to drink, poop
and (maybe) eat>>
she floats on the surface and eventually swims back to her basking
area. Do you think this is another health issue that needs addressed or
should it also clear up after the vitamin a injections are
<I'd be asking your Vet>
Thank you in advance for any help in resolving these issues.
<Our regular cheloniological
<<RMF '¦ I'm pretty sure you made that word up.
LOL>><No way!>
responders seem to be on the skip. Am hopeful Darrel, Sue and/or Neale
will reappear, re-respond to your issues. Bob Fenner>
<<Lora -- read here: this is the treatment you should be giving.
CONGRATS on taking her to the vet, by the way. We (and she) thank
Sick Slider - Suffering Snow Storm Stalled
Situation 1/12/11
Thanks for all the advice so far.
<You're welcome>
I found information about the lump like thing on her neck. It looks
just like the pictures of edema, which is what the vet said the swollen
eyes were.
<Swollen eyes are normally an indication of Vitamin A deficiency,
but edema, a general swelling of the tissues, can be from many
unfortunately more serious causes>
We seem to now have a new issue. While doing research the other day I
came across information on septicemia. It said if they are suffering
from this illness that around the legs will turn pink. I came home
today from work and picked Rocksteady up and noticed that she is
displaying signs of this now.
<Septicemia, again generally, is an infection that has spread to the
blood and therefore, essentially to every part of the body. This is as
serious as it gets>
I grabbed my phone and called the vet. She said that she wants to see
her again and that she probably needs a dose of antibiotics.
<She'll need a course of injectible antibiotics, Lora. Every day
or every other day over a minimum of 14 days>
She said that it sounds like she may have pneumonia also.
<It's likely, given the septicemia.>
I moved her out of her large tank so that she won't be irritated by
the other two turtles and put her in a bucket with her own heat
<She needs to be warm and dry for the duration of her treatment and
recovery. Warm and Dry, with 5 minutes of soaking time each day -
enough time for her to drink, poop and eventually eat '¦ then
back to warm and dry>
We are in the middle of a snow storm and our vet is about 40 minutes
away. We will be taking her in as soon as the roads are clear. Another
issue we've been having is what temp the water needs to be in the
actual tank. The thermometer is reading 72 but the water seems awful
cold to me.
<No '¦ 68-73 is perfect water temp>
I've read several different articles that say not to use water
heaters and that they shouldn't be needed if the ambient room temp
is right.
<Correct on both counts. One of the ways to tell how good an article
is - is whether or not it agrees with me. Water turtles do NOT get
water heaters>
Should I install a water heater or is that temp okay for them? Their
basking spot reaches approximately 82.
<That is the problem, Lora. Use a bigger lamp or get the lamp
closer. Basking temp should be at least 88 degrees '¦ aiming
for 88-93 degrees>
I have also changed my turtles diet to consisting mainly of the
pellets. I always thought this wasn't a balanced diet for them. We
are still giving snacks of crickets and worms every couple of days. I
am wondering what is the safest way to do a thorough cleaning of my
tank? The other turtles seem fine but I want to make sure that I kill
any germs that Rocksteady may have spread.
Thanks again
<Again I refer you to the turtle treatment article below. It tells
you how to "dry-dock" a turtle to make her more comfortable
and assist in her recovery.>
<Regarding the other turtles, remember that the bacteria now
ravaging Rocksteady are common in the environment and hosted by most,
if not all turtles. What happened with Rocksteady is that she became
weaker (for whatever reason) and the naturally occurring bacteria got
an opportunity to grow recklessly and THAT is what got her sick. Still,
if you want to sterilize their habitat, remove the other living things
(all of them) and add one cup of chlorine beach per 5 gallons of actual
water capacity. Leave all pumps and filters running (bad bugs live in
the filters and pumps and tubes, too!) for 24 hours. Drain, refill too
10% more water (higher water level) than normal, run the drain water
for 2 hours and drain again. Now the bugs are dead and the chlorine
gone. Now you can break it down & scrub with soap and water if you
wish '¦ then fill, cycle for 2 hours, drain, fill again, cycle
for 2 hours, drain and finally fill again. That said, if you have
nothing suspicious in the tank and are merely looking to clean it -
just remove the living things, wipe everything down with a clean rag
and then do a complete water change. That's what I'd do>
<Turtle treatment:
Re: Subsequent Status Summary on Sick Slider - Suffering Snow Storm
Stalled Situation. Rock... steady! 1/19/11
<Hiya - Darrel here again>
We took Rocksteady back to the vet today. We were prescribed 6 daily
antibiotic injections and another dose of Vitamin A. Rocksteady must be
feeling a little better because she finally had the energy to try to
bite us while she was getting her shots.
<Biting behavior '¦ kids and reptiles' idea of
The vet said she can see an improvement and that Rocksteady does have a
respiratory infection and septicemia. Rocksteady is still not eating
but she has been more active over the past day and a half. Hopefully
her conditions keeps improving. I will keep you
updated and thanks again for all of your help.
<Keep in mind that it took MONTHS of slow decline for Rocksteady to
get this way and for the same reason, it will take a long time for her
to fully recover>
------- Update 48 hours later -----
Thank you for all of the advice you have given me regarding my red
eared slider "Rocksteady".
<No problem - that's what I'm here for. That and the free
She is responding well to the antibiotics we are giving her. She is
finally eating again, not as much as usual but she is eating. Her color
is improving also. We will be keeping her separated from our other
turtles until she is fully recovered.
<For Rocksteady .. it's all about being warm and dry, getting
good food, good UV-B and just time to recover>
Thanks again for all your help.
<Yer welcome!
Red Eared Slider Question
Dear Crew,
<Hiya - Darrel here>
I have had my turtle for about 4 and a half years. I bought him
when he was the size of a quarter, he is now between 5 and 6
inches long. After having him for a year in a shared tank with
another turtle the same size (my roommate's turtle) I moved
him into a larger tank by himself and then I adopted him a
girlfriend. His girlfriend, who started of the same size as him,
is now double his size and I suspect that she took a bite out of
him. I noticed he had a large cut at the base of his nail and
immediately separated him. He is now in a smaller tank with
shallow water, a heat lamp and basking spot. He seems to be in
better spirits, is eating and basking, but I'm not sure that
the wound is healing quick enough. Is there anything you would
suggest to speed up his recovery?
<Please read this:
and check out your treatment options>
His girlfriend seems a little lonely (maybe she shouldn't
have bitten him!)
I would like to reunite them as soon as possible so they
don't become aggressive towards each other. I have tried
applying Silvadene ointment that the vet gave me last time his
girlfriend injured her self, I have also tried some regular
antibacterial ointment, neither seems to be doing the trick. I am
being too impatient?
<Probably. Healing takes time. It's a much longer healing
process in reptiles than in humans. Make sure the wound gets time
to be completely DRY each day as he basks. If not, take him out
of the water for a week or so - as the illness article
I have also attached a picture of him, you can see the big red
spot. (I hope it was the right file type and you don't have
trouble opening it)
<It opened perfectly and shows a nail lost at the root.
<The healing will go along find, Natalie, as long as it
doesn't develop a secondary infection. As long as he's
eating, basking and otherwise healthy - and you're keeping
his tank nice & clean, this shouldn't be a
<The problem will be when you try to re-introduce them to each
There are three possibilities here
1- It was just "one of those things" that won't
happen again
2 - The tank is too small for them and he doesn't have enough
room to get away from her when she's in a mood.
3- She's just plain mean and it WILL happen again.>
<You'll have to consider those options, make changes as
needed. #1 is the easy one, #2 is a big harder (but it's my
guess the RIGHT one) and #3 requires rehoming one of them and
trying to find a suitable replacement>
Thanks in advance for your words of wisdom,

RES turtle, a lot of translucent "stuff" around
it's head `12/27/10
Hi there,
<Hiya - Darrel here>
I bought a RES turtle about two months ago, and it has been eating,
basking and swimming around regularly.
<So far, so good>
However, Today I noticed a lot of translucent "stuff" around
it's head and near where it retracts it's head near it's
shell. Also, it seems to be appearing a little on his legs.
After searching around on the internet, I noticed a lot of
contradicting information on what it could be. Whether shedding, if
that's actually possible with a turtle .. or a fungus.
After picking him up, it seemed to come off quite easily and the turtle
didn't really do retract into it's shell while I was touching
it, so I'm assuming it didn't hurt it ..
Do you guys happen to have any ideas on what this could possibly be and
if I should be worried about him?
<Skin NORMALLY sheds in such small pieces that you can't see it,
but sometimes it does, so we can't be sure. What you CAN do is
treat for fungus anyway '¦ because it can't hurt. Read
here about treating for fungus:
Any help would be great! Thanks. :)
Red Eared Slider Question (They're not moving )
<Hiya - Darrel here>
I've searched all over for the answer to this question, on Google
and on the website. I have two Red Eared Sliders, both about 1.5 inches
wide. They get heated water and light (although not a UVB light). I
feed them leafy greens like spinach and mix in a few pellets of
Repto-min. I change the water when it gets dirty or if the food starts
to not look fresh. I don't have a normal filtration system. The
tank is pretty huge compared to their size (14in diameter). They have a
basking/rock area and enough water to submerge to swim in. They've
been doing fine, swimming around, eating happily, coming out of the
water. I am going out of town for the holidays and my roommate will be
looking after them. I thought it would be a good time to clean the tank
so my roommate wouldn't have to do that much work. I did it the way
I normally did. Put them in another bowl with warm water, same temp as
the tank. And usually they both swim like crazy. I go and clean the
tank and rocks etc. But by the time I put them back in... both of them
are not moving! Their legs are sticking out.. the head is not really
all the way in but the eyes are closed. No response when I poke them.
They have no weirdness about them, so no funny growth, nothing growing
on them, nothing falling off them. I figured I'd leave them the way
they are back in the tank and see what happened the next day. Put in
fresh food. The next morning (5 hours later), before I left for my bus
out of town, they were still like that. I'm afraid they might be
dead? But what else could it be?
<I'd agree that they are no longer with us>
What else could have caused it? Why would both of them suddenly die if
I didn't do anything differently?
<The death of two individuals at the same moment is very unusual and
it's an indication of some form of EXTREME condition - water VERY
hot or VERY cold or '¦ a toxin (like bleach or ammonia) in the
water in VERY high concentrations '¦ but there are all things
that would have had to be SO extreme that you would have HAD to have
<So that more or less rules out environment>
<Which, when we rule out that '¦ leaves us with the fact
that they may have both been very sick for a very long time and never
showed symptoms>
<This is very often the case with reptiles and fish, Jane - they
tend to be very stoic, looking "almost normal" and acting
"almost normal" on the outside - all the while getting sicker
and sicker on the inside. Many times with fish and reptiles, the period
between symptoms and death is merely hours: They'd been sick for
months and they never let us see it until they were just too sick to
act normal anymore.>
I really liked them too! and I really don't want it happening again
if I get another RES.
Thank you so much. Sorry for bothering you with so many questions.
<No bother, Jane>
<Turtles indoors do not need heated water. They need a basking area
with heat (88-93 degrees) and UV-B (They MUST have this!!!) and water
between 68-73 degrees) so that they can choose the temperature that
suits them. Water that is too warm combined with a basking area means
their metabolism is either in High gear or Extra High gear -- and
it's possible that they couldn't get enough to eat to maintain
<Read this link - cover every subject listed and make sure
everything is up to standards before you try again>
< http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/RESCareBarton.htm
Happy holidays!
Red ear slider, trauma
Dear crew,
<Hiya - Darrel here>
My 2.5 year old female red ear slider recently fell from a height of 1
meter tall, twice..
'¦ once landing on her belly and another time, she landed on
her back. The second time she landed, she actually stayed still with
her hands and leg flared out for a few minutes
<I would too if that happened to me!>
'¦ ( I was too shocked to touch her as I thought she actually
died ). After awhile she started moving.
Every time I cleaned her tank, I would put her in my kitchen sink. I
think she must have grown a lot to the point she could actually climbed
out of the sink and that is when she fell off.
<The first time '¦ was an accident - you didn't know
how well she could climb. The SECOND time was negligence. Please
don't let it happen again>
My worry is that she might have internal bleeding. What should I do
now? She is moving around now, but in a very scared manner.
<You'd be scared too if I let you drop from 15 times your
height. And you might be a little cross with me, too.>
<Internal bleeding is an interesting question, Suyi. In the first
place there really isn't a practical way to tell since it's
unlikely we're going to x-ray her and even if we did it's an
inconclusive test. Second, even if there WAS, there's little to be
done. Surgery on Turtles and Tortoises is delicate and extremely
Thank you,
<FORTUNATELY for all of us, turtles are tough little critters and
even cracks in their shells often heal and leave them no worse for
wear. I have a Red Eared Slider in my pond that lost BOTH front feet to
a raccoon and she still swims and carries on and fights for food and
space just like the rest of them>
<Suyi - be on the lookout of for signs of distress. Not eating,
closed puffy eyes, etc. If you encounter them, write back. Meanwhile
just try to give her a quiet and stress-free time until she's her
old self again. Meanwhile, when cleaning the tank, put her in the
bathtub -- or even a cardboard box that has sides high enough to
prevent her from climbing>
Red eared slider turtle might be sick --
Dear Crew,
<Hiya - Darrel here>
I have two turtles a yellow belly slider and a red eared slider. My
yellow is a male and my red is a female. For about two weeks now my Red
Eared Slider hasn't been eating or moving a lot and there seems to
be this white gooey stuff inside the tank. I started to notice she
wasn't eating when I tried feeding her and she didn't take it.
I read on the internet it might be a space issue so I moved them into
the bathtub into I can get them a bigger tank.
<Crowding itself doesn't create white gooey stuff, but
overcrowding leads to unsanitary conditions, which can lead to the
growth of all sorts of bad, gunky stuff>
They both seem to like it better but my RES is still not eating. I have
everything they need in there. They eat turtle pellets with vitamin C
and calcium and they also have the calcium turtle that goes into the
water but I ran out a week ago so I have to buy them a new one.
<The white calcium turtle is an attempt to dissolve calcium into the
water to try to get that calcium to the turtles, but since turtles
drink very little water, it doesn't help. To concentrate enough
calcium in the water to actually deliver it to the turtle it would be
called drywall.>
<In other words, you don't need to continue wasting money on
Repto-min food sticks and/or plain old ordinary Koi pellets provide an
absolutely balanced basic diet for all the water turtles. Vitamins,
minerals and all the carbs and proteins in the right balance, all in
one pellet>
Also the white gooey substance that is in there tank I'm wondering
if its just the turtles shedding or if I should be worried.
<Be worried. Not WORRIED just yet, but a bit worried. The Red Eared
Slider is probably not eating because she isn't well. I'm
enclosing a link for treating common turtle illnesses. I'd like you
read it completely -- get a basic understanding of all the possible
conditions. In your case, Shecky (my name for her, doesn't have to
be yours) is probably suffering from some form of fungus, but if it was
me, I'd treat them both for all conditions.>
<Take them out of the water and get them warm and dry. You can read
all about the technique in the section called isolation. Make sure
Shecky is warm all the time, but CAN, if she wishes, move under the
basking (heat) lamp as well as away from it. Give them both 5-10
minutes a day is a shallow bit of water (maybe the bathtub again) up to
their shoulders - to drink, poop and eat .. then back to dry isolation
again. Do this for a minimum of two weeks and see if her energy level
and appetite improve.>
<Meanwhile, break down their regular tank completely. Clean
everything that comes in contact with the water (that means filters,
rocks, tubing, etc.) with soap and water, rinse in bleach. Set it back
up as it was, fill with water, run the filter for a day, drain and
refill again.>
<Finally, a link to basic turtle care -- make sure you address every
need the two of them have>
<Treating illnesses:
<General care: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/RESCareBarton.htm
Adopted Adult Read Eared Slider ....concerns
<Hiya - Darrel here>
I checked everywhere on your site for this but couldn't find this
combination of things.
<It's all there '¦ we just haven't put the words
together in the right sentences yet!>
for starters, I rescued (6 days ago) this turtle of 8 years from a
woman who only had her in a small 24 gal tank outdoors (temps here are
40-70 now), no light, no filter, no basking area, no heater. she only
fed her pellets and went up to two weeks without changing the water.
Not only was the water black but the turtle was too. she was very pale,
no colors. needless to say my first thought was to get this turtle as
far away from this woman as possible. the woman said she was molting
and would probably get larger soon. the only other information offered
was that she laid eggs a few years ago.
<That's pretty bad care alright. Glad you stepped in>
This is my first turtle so I've been doing a lot of reading.
Offering food, watching from a distance and removing everything after
an hour.
she is 8" wide, 10" long
<That's a BIG girl>
First day- fresh water went well, she was very active. Pieces of scutes
falling off. noticed her shell is deformed with her left side being
rounder, more convex and her right side flatter and concave compared to
the left side. the area of flatness is right around where a right
shoulder blade would be if she had one. No appetite.
<That's fine - they don't have to eat every day>
Day two- hearty appetite for green leaf lettuce, red leaf lettuce,
carrots and boiled chicken. total amount offered/eaten was not more
than the size of her head.
<That's about right. HOWEVER '¦ believe it or not,
simple old Koi Pellets are a more balanced diet for her than all that
stuff you took the time and trouble to provide for her.>
Day three- no appetite, water change, added a filter and a light. no
room in this tank for a basking area of her size. More scutes
<She needs both a basking (heat) lamp and a UV-B lamp. A filter is
good, but the thing to remember with a turtle is that you'll still
need to do water changes! It's pretty unlikely that you can have a
filter big enough to keep a turtle tank clean.>
<She does NOT need a heater in the water. If the tank is indoors,
room temperature (67-73f) is fine -- and if the tank is outdoors, no
heater will keep her warm enough during the winter anyway.>
Day four- no appetite, partial water change, mostly inactive. swam
around more when light was off. started showing signs of color...yellow
stripes rather than grayish white. ear getting brighter.
<Sounds like she was simply DIRTY in addition to everything
Day five- no appetite, mostly inactive, brighter colors, started to
notice a pink color around her legs.
<The pink is NOT a good sign>
Day six- Partial water change, still no appetite, lots of yellow, area
around her legs are very pink. More scutes.
<Pink is often a sign of Septicemia (the presence of bacteria in the
blood) and if it is - that is a condition that requires veterinary
is the no eating for four or more days normal? Maybe she had too many
veggies and greens for her first time?
<Many things. First, a healthy turtle can and will go weeks without
eating. For example, if her metabolism is slow due to cold or cool
conditions (lack of basking, etc.) her stomach is still full -- this
too is not a healthy thing. Second, a sudden departure from her staple
diet can cause metabolic upsets just like in people.>
Do I need to give her something to make her poop? Since I have the
filter now, I can't tell if she is pooping.
<That's not our problem, don't worry about that>
Is the redness around her legs normal? I thought maybe it could be
because of the light since she's never had one. Maybe circulatory
because she's been more inactive than active since the light and
<The redness is not normal - HOWEVER '¦ there are so many
"things" to deal with here it may be premature to decide what
it all is.>
Do I need to be concerned with the deformity of her shell?
<NO. Not now. Besides, not a lot we could do for it if we really
were concerned>
Do I need to worry that she has only laid eggs once in her 8 years and
could she be bound up with eggs?
<VERY unlikely - and not on our top 10 things to worry about
Do I need to get a heater for her tank. I live in Florida and my indoor
temp is 78 in the summer and never lower than 71 in the winter.
<No - not at all. In fact it hurts more than it helps. We need her
to bask under heat and UV light and the reason she basks is to warm up.
If the water is nice and toasty they choose not to bask and without
basking they get sick>
I appreciate any help you can give. I'm trying to keep costs low
and avoid going to a vet since I want to get her a larger tank as soon
as possible.
I've been doing a lot of reading to find answers....but I think I
found needless concerns. :-)
<OK - here's the deal: First, get her under sunlight. Basking.
Even if you have to take her for a walk in the morning or evening. Just
remember if you set her on the lawn, don't take your eyes off her
for a second!! It seems, when we're not watching, they can run like
horses and climb like lizards: One second they're sitting there
staring at you, then you run inside to grab a drink and come back out
-- and they're across the street in someone else's
<Before you buy a bigger tank, buy a UV-B lamp. I'd rather see
her in a big Tupperware tub or cardboard carton under basking and UV
light than in water. She can live very happily in a warm, dry
environment and it may even help her recover from some of the poor care
she's had.>
<You'll have a few challenges doing this. You STILL need the
lamps on one side of the enclosure so that she can get under the lamp
and also away from the lamp. One part lighted and another part shaded
would be good. Make sure she can't climb out - the walls should be
at least TWO TIMES her length.>
<Place her in her tank once each day for 15 minutes to allow her to
drink, eat and poop. Offer her basic Koi pellets (they're a
completely balanced diet for Sliders, too!) and no more that she'll
eat in 5 minutes. You'll also see if she poops. Then, back in her
warm & dry place.>
<this thorough drying-out will help her fight off any skin fungus,
it will expose her to the UV light which she needs and hopefully it
will spike her metabolism into eating, pooping, etc.>
<Now, as far as the scutes are concerned, if they're coming off
as thin, finger nail-type transparent sheets and the shell underneath
looks new and healthy, then this is a good thing. You can even scrub
her off with a toothbrush and a tiny bit of dish soap (as long as you
don't get it in her eyes, nose, mouth, etc.) and this will help in
the process of cleaning her up.>
<When you DO get the bigger tank, remember we try to set things up
to offer her a choice - wool water or warm basking - and then let her
decide what she needs>
I love your site, thank you so much for it!
<Thank you!! We're kinda proud of it too!>
<General care: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/RESCareBarton.htm
<Health concerns:
<Read them both!!!>
RES having swollen right ear 11/30/10
<Hiya - Darrel here>
My name is Suhas am from India
<Nice to meet you>
I have recently brought 2 RES , one of them which was little bigger and
more active is now having a swelling on its right ear , it looks like
some puss is collected from within , its not showing any sort of
discomfort as if now and is still very active, I would like to know if
its something serious or will it cure by maintaining the water fresh ,
or if it requires any extra care
<Yes, Suhas - it does require extra care. Once an infection has
reached the level of pus accumulation, it's doubtful that any extra
care you can provide will be enough. The infected area should be opened
with a scalpel and the pus drained, and then the area must be cleaned
and coated with a topical antibiotic. After that, a 14 day course of
oral Baytril should be administered.>
<In other words, this is very clearly a case in need of veterinary
<I'm enclosing links to two articles. One on general turtle
care, so that you can gauge what care they have against what is needed
'¦ and the second on treating common illnesses. Your Slider
will do a bit better if you isolate him - keep him warm and
<At the very least '¦ someone must take a needle and
puncture the infected area (a VERY shallow puncture) and allow the pus
to drain. Topical Iodine twice daily for 7 days, while keeping him warm
and dry except for daily feeding) might help a bit, as well.>
thanking you
<You are welcome. Best of luck to you!>
regards / Suhas
Red Eared Slider's water is red!
<Hiya - Darrel here>
I have 3 red eared sliders, one 6 years old and two 5 years old. It
looks like they are all males. Three months ago the oldest one attacked
one of the others, bit his tale and didn't let go for awhile!
<Yeah - they do that sometimes for no reason we can tell>
I've decided to separate them for some time because I've read
some articles about the mating period and turtle's behavior during
it. Just a week ago I've put them back together and they were
little too active (swimming and splashing a lot) but not aggressive to
each other. One morning the water in the tank was RED! I thought they
fought and one of them is hurt. I've checked all three of them and
they looked just fine.
None of them was bleeding or looked hurt. But I've noticed that one
of the younger ones was trying to bite the same one that was attacked
the first time and he was chasing him all around the tank. So I took
the attacked one out and put him in a separate tank. 20 min later the
water was all bloody red! I took him out and checked him but he looked
OK! Didn't see any injuries! But I've noticed something like
red "poop" on the bottom of the tank. Is it possible that my
turtle is discharging blood?
<That's likely, Denitsa. This turtle is having a bloody poop
that could be coming from an internal parasite, but it could also come
from the damage after ingesting a jagged rock -- or it could simply be
from an external wound that you're just not able to see>
This is most clearly an indication to have him seen by a qualified
If so, what causes that and what I need to do about it?
<As I said, the best thing would be a qualified veterinarian. If you
can't do that, isolate him somewhere warm and dry for a few days
(I'm enclosing a link that explains how to do this). What we want
is for him to have a chance to dry out, calm down and rest. You'll
put him in a shallow bowl of water for just 5 minutes a day and during
that time he'll poop. Perhaps it will be normal and whatever his
problem will have healed or passed. Most importantly, the stress from
being with the bullies will abate for a while and that, as much as
anything else, will help him heal.>
In other words, we change the environment and then see how the symptoms
change in hopes that we'll see something more clearly.
Thank You! Denitsa
Re: Red Eared Slider's water is red!
Hi, Darrel!
Thank You very much for Your response!
<No charge!>
The link You sent me is very helpful.
<that's our job, so I'm glad it's working for
So far, I haven't seen any more red discharge since I've wrote
to You.
He's been isolated for a week now, but I had no idea I need to let
him dry out, so I'll do that as You recommended for a week.
<maybe two weeks>
Do I need to put him back with the other two or just keep him separated
from now on? What would be best for him?
<That is hard to say, Denitsa. Sometimes they go through
"episodes" like this and when back together will be friendly
for the next 20 years '¦ other times the pattern repeats
within a few days. I'd try them back together in a couple weeks,
watch them closely, and make the determination then>
Best Regards and Thank You again!
<yer welcome!>
Dire! Very sick RES despite vet visits!
Hi guys,
<Hiya - Darrel here>
I wrote to you before (apologies for the disjointed sentence
construction of the last one - was trying to be cute and ended up
sounding quite daft!)
<I'm daft in general, so I understand>
About two weeks ago, my littlest RES turtle, a 1.5 inch called Kecik
(who has lived through shell rot from store, going missing, being
bitten) was showing symptoms of RI (about a month plus after I got
him). He was swimming slightly lopsided and seemed to be yawning a lot
more than usual. He also had poor appetite and I started freaking out
when he started making choking noises. However, I followed your FAQ and
kept him dry and warm, and it seemed to do the trick. His appetite has
improved (would say back to normal) and no more excessive yawning. He
still lists slightly when he's coasting in the water but I suspect
that its more to do with him favouring one leg (he keeps the other
tucked in most times).
<I don't know how long you'd dry-docked him, but if you
wrote back on 7 October and did it then -- he's just now ready to
be a bit normalized>
Now that Kecik is much better, my largest RES turtle, Debab is showing
the same symptoms. Debab was isolated about three weeks ago after a
biting incident and did sneeze from time to time (once or twice a day)
but I didn't think much of it.
About a 1.5 weeks ago, Debab's appetite started deteriorating, with
her refusing all food about a week ago. She started foaming at the
mouth and making croaking noises about 4 days ago and I took her to the
vet immediately (3rd 'herp' vet I'm trying for my RESes-
the first two didn't seem to do any good). The vet examined Debab
and said she had two infections - one in her mouth (causing the thick
white bubbly mucus in her mouth which I thought was foaming), and a
slight respiratory infection. Vet prescribed 2 different oral
antibiotics (didn't give me the names though) - the one for her
mouth was to be taken twice (Day 1 and Day 15), and the one for her RI
was a course of 7mls/day for 5 consecutive days. Vet said I was to keep
Debab in normal water, as long as its clean (I asked if I should keep
Debab dry, and vet said no). Btw, Debab is about 0.5kg, about 5 inches
and (according to the vet, counting the rings on her shell) is
approximately 3-4 years old (I adopted her a few months ago).
<I understand>
It's now Day 4 and Debab is getting worse. Her breathing is
permanently laboured, sounding like a combination of a chest cold and a
really bad sniffly nose (I've got asthma and I don't wheeze
that much!) and her lopsided swimming is also more pronounced. Her
appetite has improved somewhat after I introduced this supplement Vet
No. 2 had given me (yellow fluid, I think he mentioned Vitamin A?) but
she's still not eating much.
She's still a trooper, bless her, and is still relatively active.
Despite what the vet said, I've decided to dry out her tank tonight
because she seems to be slightly more comfortable outside water.
<You are correct in doing this !!!!! this will help her a
Her UV-A and UV-B lamps are now on 24/7 and the whole room is now
warmer (no more air conditioning to my usual 24C). Anything else that I
can do? My heart breaks every time I hear her breathe and the rattling
sound is horrific.
<Sadly, no. You're doing everything that can be done. The
dryness and warmth will help her fight the infection a bit better than
in the water. Make SURE she is hydrated every day with the
bathing-feeding ritual, and hope for the best>
Hope to hear from you as soon as possible!
Thanks heaps!
Yazmin (and Debab!)
Re: Dire! Very sick RES despite vet visits!
Hi Darrel,
Just an update - took Debab to the vet again and they administered two
shots of meds, one of which was an antibiotic. Going for another round
tomorrow morning.
Have kept her dry in her tank except for an hour of shell high soak for
eating and pooping. Her wheezing has reduced slightly.
<as expected - keep it up>
Thanks ever so much for your advice! Fingers crossed that she makes
<We all will, Yazmin - just don't be in a rush to get Debab back
into normal life. Infections in reptiles take a long time to clear.
Just in the way Debab was probably sick for a long time BEFORE you
noticed the
first symptom, so she'll SEEM better long before she really clears
the infection. My advice is 4 weeks after you can't see any more
symptoms at all.>
Warmest regards,
<Our wishes are with you>
red ear slider help 11/14/10
To whom this concerns:
<Hiya- Darrel here>
I am the owner of 4 red eared slider, all of whom are over 20 years old
and have been in my care, save one, the whole time. I feed my turtles
both "meat" and greens and have never had any trouble, not
even a slightly soft shell. About a month ago I noticed my oldest
turtle looked like he was losing weight. He is in a
large tank with direct sunlight, a thermometer on the tank and all the
other turtles are just fine. I've been watching him carefully since
I noticed his weight loss. He seemed to eat with the other turtles but
was slower about getting the food. I realized that the other turtles
had taken to sitting on him when the water was lower and so I've
kept an eye on that too and have chased them off of him. This last week
he hasn't eaten at all and I picked him up to find he has what
looks like bruising in many spots on his body. He is listless and his
limbs hang when you pick him up.
<Well, as you are already aware, this is not a good sign>
I made numerous phone calls before resorting to this email out of sheer
desperation. I am not close to a vet that treats red ear sliders and
the after hours clinic that will take him this weekend I simply do not
have the money for.
<I understand that, too>
I have isolated him and have a lamp over his enclosure. I'm trying
to figure out how to put a bowl of water in with him or whether I
should just eye drop water into him every hour. I am also going to get
cod liver oil within the hour to start administering that to him. I
will get him to a vet on Monday (it's Saturday afternoon right
now). Do you have any idea of what is going on and is there anything I
can do for him between now and Monday?
<My guess is a long term debilitation from a dietary deficiency. I
understand the idea of "meat" and greens, but I'd need to
know many more specifics on the subject of diet>
<For now, keep him warm and DRY. Warm means around 80 degrees. If
you have an old fashioned heating pad (the kind that does not turn off
after a few hours) I'd wrap the pad in a towel, set it on medium
and put that in the bottom of his enclosure rather than a lamp above.
The lamps better than nothing, but direct heat is better and
doesn't dehydrate them as much.>
<If you can get him to open his mouth, the cod liver oil isn't
bad - just remember to hold him level (or almost level) when giving it
- don't hold him vertically because the fluid is more likely to
fill his lungs than stomach>
<Don't worry about water. If you feel the need to hydrate him,
place him in a shallow bowl of water that is less that 1/8 inch deep
for no more than 5 minutes>
<When you see the vet, the vet will look for signs of bacterial or
fungal infection because those are things that can be treated
separately. Failing that we will assume that it's dietary and the
reason for this is as follows: If it's not fungal or bacterial or
dietary, then it's internal and we can face it - we're not
going to operate, we're not going to treat for renal failure or
anything that will cost thousands of dollars '¦ so we treat
for what we can afford to treat for: Fungal, bacterial or
<I'd like to see the doctor give your turtle multi-vitamin and
calcium injections and ask him about the ability to send you home with
2 days worth of injections rather than oral meds. GIVING the shots is
tricky and the vet will have to show you, but the problem with oral
meds at this stage is that his digestion is likely to be shut down and
it's an inefficient way to deliver the meds. Three or four days of
being warm and dry with the proper supplements and your turtle will
start to show signs of improvement *IF* the ailment is something that
can be treated.>
Thanking you in advance,
<You're welcome - and we'll hold hopeful thoughts for
Isabella Daley
Turtle Eyes - Vitamin A DIY?? 11/14/10
Hi from Hanoi, Vietnam!
<Hiya from WetWebMedia - Darrel here>
I have two red eared sliders, have had them for nearly two years. Their
names are Percy and Shelley. They live in a tank in my lounge room
which does not have a UVA/UVB light (You cannot buy them in Vietnam for
love or money), but now I have moved house I put them outside on my
balcony every day so they can bask in the sunlight to get
<That/s very good, Katie. Just two separate things: First, If the
sunlight is filtered through the glass or even small mesh screen, the
healthful properties are substantially filtered out, so as long as the
sunlight can reach them directly, this is fine. Now, quite the
opposite, directly sunlight in a confined tank or area can be brutal on
them. Make sure they have shade to crawl into to remain cool>
However, Shelley has developed swollen eye problem in both eyes, which
seems to be quite common among these little ones! He looks exactly like
several of the photos on this site. My questions relate to treating
this problem in a third world country, which, as you can imagine,
presents problems.
<Yes, I can>
Firstly, most Vietnamese don't keep turtles as pets - they eat
<I know. ICK!!!!>
Consequently there is no decent vet here who can treat a turtle. The
only one who I have seen knows very little about them, and upon seeing
the problem just said it was Vitamin D and sent me home to get some
drops from the chemist.
<He was close. Vitamin A deficiency is usually what causes eye
problems. Lack of Vitamin D causes bone problems. Unless it's a
bacterial infection, we can correct this with vitamins and
Which presents my second problem. How can I treat my little one when
the vets don't stock the necessary supplies to treat them? Is there
a generic people-medicine I can use to help treat his eyes? If so, what
dosage should I give him? He has stopped eating, and though still has
some energy, I am very concerned that he is slowly suffering. I have
followed advice and put him out of the tank, but I fear it's gone
to far and that's not enough.
<If he was eating, you could give him small pieces of beef liver,
which is high in Vitamin A, but if he's not eating that presents a
As you can imagine, it is incredibly frustrating here to find some
assistance. Please please, do you have any ideas? I am returning home
to Australia over Christmas, but I am terrified that this will be too
late and he will die before I can make it back in time.
<I hope we can help. You can get vitamin A drops at a pharmacy here
in the USA and should be able to do so there. Take Shelly out of the
water and let her dry. Put one drop per eye and let that dry in place
(5 minutes or so) and then back in the water>
Finally, what about diet? I have turtle pellets, but they come from
China, and I am not convinced they are good for the turtles, though
they have been eating them for the past two years and never had any
issues until now.
<I use regular Koi carp pellets for all my sliders, Katie. A good
quality Koi pellet is a fully balanced diet for them - I raise them on
Koi pellets and an occasional (once a month) earth worm from hatchlings
to breeders.>
Unfortunately I can get no other "turtle food" for them, so I
need to make something myself. Suggestions on what is good to make and
store would be appreciated!
<Two concerns here - one is that a vitamin A deficiency is always
part of an overall dietary problem, so as soon as we can get Shelly to
eat, we want to add some beef liver and some earth worms (the kind
found in the garden or used for fishing - NOT meal worms from the pet
store). Meanwhile, find a source of Koi pellets and read the label,
look for at least 90% vegetable and/or plant matter>
Please, any assistance you can give me would be appreciated. I am
totally at my wits end!!!
<I've been at my wit's end for about 20 years now
'¦ it's fine once you learn your way around>
Thanks so much!
PS - I will add that Percy, the other turtle, seems to be completely
Mmmm, not so much. Reptiles and fish are stoic animals, Katie. They do
very good jobs of concealing any outward signs of disease or
debilitation until the conditions fairly are advanced. Unless it is a
bacterial infection, Percy will have the same deficiencies as Shelly --
he's just able to cope better. For now.>
<Find some vitamin A drops. Sometimes, with sliders, when you pick
them up and try sticking an eye dropper near their face, you can
'annoy' them into opening their mouth, gaping at you. If
that's the case, you can hold her level (the way she'd normally
lay - NOT up & down) and squirt a shot of the vitamin A into her
<Good luck>
RES question 11/12/10
<Hiya - Darrel here>
I have a Red Eared Slider 5 yrs old and lately his front legs have
started swelling up immensely and my turtle has problem walking and he
wont let us touch him at all. All he does is sleep and his front legs
shake if he tries to use them.... he previously also got this problem
but the vet said it was because of renal failure and he should be kept
in water. we do keep him in the water, he only comes out for maybe 2-3
hours a day.
he also doesn't eat some days, and some days he is eating normally.
Please let me know what is wrong with him, nowhere on the internet can
I find out what's is wrong with him.
<Sam, this is a situation beyond a help site. Your Slider needs to
been seen by a trained professional. Swelling in the front end of the
body is consistent with a number of different diagnoses, renal problems
All are serious and the outcome, I'm sad to say, is not usually
<If at all possible, get your little guy to a qualified
thank you
Baby Red eared slider turtle shedding skin near neck...
please help 11/11/10
Hello Sir/Madam
<Hiya - Darrel here today>
I am Sandeep from India, I own a baby RES turtle, gifted by my friend
as he had to settle abroad. The turtle (Sonu-his name ) is between 3 to
4 inches (approx) in length and I am using a homemade tank which is
about one and a half foot in length, one feet at breadth and about a
foot in depth (Sorry, am not sure in terms of gallons).
<That is quite all right, Sandeep. Size and surface area are more
important to turtles anyway>
Sonu from day one is very active, he loves swimming and seldom gets
onto a basking area (its just a bridge, which keeps his body outside
water). The basking area doesn't have any uva/uvb lighting
arrangements, but everyday from morning (say 7.30am till 2pm) I keep
him in open under direct sunlight with the basking facility. I also do
change water daily and I feed him with pellets 3 times a day and two
sticks each feeding, once in a week I feed him spinach leaves or
smashed banana. Till today, he was doing fine, but today I observed lot
of shedding of skin around the neck region, I checked his shell, its
hard and healthy (touch wood).But, the shedding of skin a kind of
transparent skin was shed, like we see on a new born snake. My concern:
Is this normal?
<Yes - and no. Turtles shed their skin periodically, but they
normally do it like humans do - which is to say that it comes off in
such small pieces that it's hardly seen and rarely noticed. To shed
in such big sections is not ALWAYS bad. It is unusual and sometimes a
sign of bigger problems>
Am I over feeding him?
<Yes, a little bit. You should feed him all the food he can eat in 5
minutes, four separate times per week. It is O.K. for him to be hungry
and want more. Your diet is good and balanced. You can also use the
fish pellets they feed to Koi carp. That is what I feed all my
Is this a fungal Infection?
<Does the skin have an odor when you remove it from the water? Does
the skin underneath look clear? Does Sonu have any foul odor? If your
answers are "no" then it probably is not fungus>
Now, I am planning to get a heater, uva/uvb bulbs. What do you people
<First - do not bother with the heater. Let the water remain at room
temperature. Our intention with water temperature and basking
temperature is to give Sonu a choice and let him decide when to warm up
under the lamp and when to cool down in the water>
What would be the specification or brand that I would be looking for
with the bulbs, heater or is my current arrangement is good to carry
<For UV bulbs, look at the ZooMed line of bulbs and see if you can
find something in your size and price range>
<Sandeep, my only concern so far is that Sonu needs to bask and he
doesn't seem to do it. Part of the situation (notice that I did not
say "problem") is that when Sonu is outside from 7 to 2 in
the tank you mentioned, the sun is probably heating the water
significantly and therefore he is already warm (so - no desire to
bask). Also in 1 foot of water exposed to the noon sun in your part of
the world there is significant UVB that is penetrating.>
<My suggestion is this: When you get the UV/B bulb and place it over
his bridge. Stop taking outside for a while, allow the water to be near
room temperature and see if this encourages him to bask.>
Re: Baby Red eared slider turtle shedding skin near neck...
please help 11/19/10
Hello Darrel
Thanks for the reply, I checked for bad odor on him and hurray, there
ain't any, so I guess no fungal infection. Now, that I have planned
to get a hang-on filter and have dropped the idea of getting UV-A/B
bulbs and carry out my regular activity to take him under the sunlight
for help in stimulating vitamin D3.
<That's fine - as long as you are able to keep doing
Now, planning for indoor Basking habitat as well, So is it possible to
provide heat at basking with regular incandescent bulbs? ,if so, what
would be the wattage that I should be looking for? is it necessary to
screen the incandescent bulb(I am planning to keep it at a distance of
12inches high from basking area).
<When we talk about basking, there are two separate functions. One
is for him to dry off and warm up, the other is to absorb UV-B. As long
as he's getting UV-B from exposure to the sun, a regular
incandescent bulb is what I use. From 12 inches away - if you mean in a
space he cannot climb to reach, then no bulb cage is necessary. You may
want a reflector hood just to keep the light & heat focused
Another thing that I could observe is, the basking area(Bridge) is
uncomfortable for him to rest on, so I replaced it with a huge flat
stone and now he sits on it more often. But, that makes me to remove
lot of water, Does he need depth? (If so, then please suggest me the
best way to make a basking area at altitudes)
<A turtle needs no more water than to immerse himself, but they DO
seem to enjoy deeper water. What you might do is see you could use a
couple of ordinary bricks on the bottom and the large stone on top of
Now, Am planning to build a new aquarium for him, Can I use
<You can use acrylic, but turtles quickly scratch it with their
I've made many turtle tanks from acrylic, but I always put a pane
of glass in the front.>
If so, then which is the best adhesive for water leak proofing?
<Acrylic work takes some experience to get it right. There is a
special acrylic cement that bonds and actually melts the acrylic pieces
together and that water seals the edges as well. I then run beads of
silicone sealant along all the underwater edges.>
<Many times, for extra strength, I put a piece of square acrylic rod
along the inside joints at the base and up the sides. It adds an entire
layer of strength>
<There is quite a bit of literature here on how to make aquariums.
Take advantage of them>
Am I doing right and justice to Sonu (my RES turtle). Is there
something else, that I need to take care of?
<You're doing well to cover the bases.>
Now, coming to the previous issue, now the shedding is stopped at neck
region and it is started around the fore and hind legs area, but it is
in lot, though there is no change in his behavior or in his activities.
thing is when it sheds, it doesn't appear on the water surface, but
inside water I can see those skin hanging around his body before
shedding(white in color).I hope, he is not ill.
<He doesn't sound ill. He' active (swimming and basking),
he's eating, he's alert to the world around him, so he
doesn't sound ill>
Am getting the fish pallets by tomorrow, as you have suggested. Thanks
for educating me on feeding grounds. I would conclude this mail by
thanking you, for all your support, though I read a lot over the net,
one reply from wow team gives me the utmost satisfaction. Sorry for so
many questions.
<Thank you - on Behalf of Bob and the Crew, we appreciate your kind
Awaiting for an early reply.
Baby RES turtle, sys., env. dis. --
<Hiya - Darrel here>
I've looked all over the site trying to find the answer to my
question. So I hope I don't sound like a broken record to you. I
had 2 Red Eared Slider turtles (Snaps and Num Nums) I got them in July
of 2010. They were 1 inch in diameter and are now 2 inches. They
started with a 55 gal tank with silk vegetation and a water heater.
<OK '¦.>
Living in Washington state it starts to get cold in October needless to
say it starting to get cold (down to 50's during the day and the
mid 40's at night). I had turtles in California and never had to
get them a basking lamp
<Well yes, you DID have to '¦ it's just for some odd
reason, they didn't get sick and die>
so it never occurred to me to get my baby turtles one. So my problem is
both babies stopped eating about two weeks ago. The little one of the
two had started basking and one day I went to see them and he was
completely limp. He didn't move and so I called my vet and he said
I need the heat lamp and a UVB light so I rushed out and got both
lights and placed them in there. Sadly Nums did not make it :( but now
my other baby turtle is doing the same thing the other one did now all
she does is bask and she doesn't go to the water. She won't eat
at all I even tried flavoring her pellets with tuna water(as suggested
on a site and she didn't even look at it) I have her on ReptoMin
pellets. Her water temp is 74degrees. And how close should I have the
basking light away from the basking rock? It's a 100watt bulb and
it's the night one so I can keep it on all day and night.
<I don't understand what a 'night one' means. A basking
lamp is normally a regular old incandescent bulb. You CAN use a heat
lamp if you have one, but it's not necessary. Both the basking/heat
lamp should be on approximately 12 hours a day as should the UV/B lamp.
The basking area should be around 88-93 degrees. You can measure that
by leaving an oven thermometer on the spot, under the lamp, for 5
minutes and then check the reading. Move the lamp up or down depending
on the adjustment and test again. Then be sure to clean the
<Here is a link that coverers the basics: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/RESCareBarton.htm
How long does it normally take baby turtles to bounce back? I'd
like to know if she will eventually go back to normal or if I should do
something for her. I really don't want to have a second baby turtle
funeral :( thank you for your help.
<We'll do what we can>
<The first bit of bad news is that by the time ANY fish or reptile
shows outward signs of illness, they've already been ill for quite
a while and by then are VERY sick. The second bit is that it's more
acute in babies.>
<First, get the baby OUT of the water completely. At this stage all
that would do for her is offer the opportunity to drown. What she needs
is a vet visit, an injections of vitamins (A& D mostly) and calcium
and a drop or two of some liquid food.>
<Then she needs to be warm and dry, where the warmth is coming 24/7
from a heating pad on the bottom and 14 hours a day of UV/B from
<Please read this link, get her warm and dry IMMEDIATELY and then
see what you can do about a vet visit.>
swollen skin? 11/03/10
<Hiya - Darrel here>
I'm Cristy. I have a female red eared slider which I rescued
from a flood about a year ago.
<Thank you!>
I'm worried about her condition regarding the skin in her
legs. I noticed this skin when she got fat because of the fishes
we gave her. It looks like it was swollen. But when I put her in
a diet, which consists of turtle pellets and vegetables, this
skin became loose. It shrunk but it never did go back in its
normal size.
What do you think this is? I have attached a picture of her..
<From the pictures, it does look very much like loose skin.
There are a number of diseases that could cause this -- HOWVER if
you know for a fact that she was obese and as you corrected her
diet, you saw the fat recede, then we can rule out just about
everything except what it looks like: Baggy skin. Make sure you
keep up the diet and make sure she gets a good source of UV-B,
even natural sunlight if she can get it - because those things
will help her skin regain some of it's tone.>
Thank you so much for the help. God bless you
<Yer welcome!>

Red ear slider turtle with bitten off
I have a question.
<Fire away.>
I recently put a female red ear slider into the tank of my other female
<These are not social animals and can be aggressive.>
The newer turtle is smaller. They seemed to be getting along well
except at feeding time the larger turtle seemed to try to eat all of
the food before the newer turtle could get any.
<I see. Possibly bullying; are you sure the larger turtle is a
she got food anyway. They were fine even after I came home from work
until that evening when I went to check on them. The smaller turtle had
blood all over her head. When I finally was able to see what was going
on after all the blood was washed off, I realized the larger turtle
completely bit the smaller turtle nose off.
It is no longer bleeding but it seems as though when she puts her head
out of the water, she opens her mouth now for air and water shoots out
of her nose holes. I know she must be in pain.
Being that its the weekend, the veterinarians who care for turtles
office is not open.
<Does need veterinarian help.>
Is there anything I should or can do?
<Needs a vet; at the very least, its nose will need to be patched up
a bit and the turtle treated with antibiotics to prevent infection.
Keeping the turtle out of the water will help. Provide drinking water,
but that's it; warm, damp conditions foster infections, while warm,
dry conditions will help the wound heal.>
Will she live?
<Potentially, yes.>
She seems as though she doesn't want to eat now as well.
<Eating is the least of her worries.>
Thank You
<You're welcome. My apologies about the reply being a bit late;
for some reason the turtle people didn't check in over the weekend,
so you've had to make do with me, a fish person! Cheers,
Turtle help!
Res help! - 10/10/10
Hello, My name is Vinetta.
<Hiya - Darrel here>
I was hoping you could help me out with a few questions.
<You have questions? I have '¦ um .. er .. ah ..
Three days ago the maintenance man at my apartment complex came
to me, ( I am an animal lover and everyone comes to me when they
find or want to unload unwanted pets),
<We should form a posse and track down people like that and
have their names added to nut/kook/cult mailing lists>
-- because someone moved out 3 weeks ago and left a Red Eared
Slider in a 10 gallon tank with about 2 inches of water which was
black and nasty. I must add that this turtle is roughly about 5
inches wide,( about the size of a bread plate), maybe a little
<Likely to be a "her" at that size>
I took him and cleaned him off, which brings me to my 1st issue,
thin scales came off when I rubbed his shell with my fingers to
remove the slime that coated him. I've read that this does in
fact happen, but in a few spots his shell is a whitish color with
a few tiny spots of red. Is this something I can correct on my
<yes. The thin scales (called scutes) normally shed with age
& growth - the white spots sound fungal - the red spots
indicating either very advanced fungal or bacterial>
And if so, how?
<It's not hard, either. Here is a link:
Treat as if he had a fungal infection (he probably does)>
<The main thing we want now is warm and DRY, DRY, DRY!!
Everything he's fighting is more virulent while he's warm
& moist>
I have for the time being put him in the largest tank I have,
which is about 20 gallons and long. I plan on in the very near
future getting something larger, but for now this is what I was
able to do.. I have filled it a little more than half way full of
water, placed a large rock for basking, a cuttle bone, pebbles at
the bottom and a clamp lamp with a 65 watt spotlight to bask
with. Right now the water reads about 75 degrees with a small 2
to 5 gallon tank submersible heater. ( I read that room
temperature is fine, but my house runs a little on the cool side
so I figured a small heater might be Ok..) The basking temp is
about 82 degrees.
<Cool side is fine as long as you're not into the mid
60's. I'd rather her have water on the cool side that to
have a heater in the tank. The AIR on the other hand *IS* a
little cool. When she's ready to go back in '¦ try
to get the basking area to between 88-90 (just bring the lamp a
1/2 inch or so closer>
I also have a filter running. I'm going to buy a turtle
conditioner thingy that you put in the tank later today.
<No need. Those things are of little to no value>
I am going to use the 10 gallon tank to feed him in. I've
bought some commercial turtle pellets, and some romaine lettuce.
I do not have a UV light yet, but I do have him sitting close to
a window. Is this enough to help him start to recover?
<UV light does not travel well through glass -- or even
windows screen, believe it or not. Is there a chance that you
could take him outside for a walk for even 10 minutes of sunlight
per day until you get the UV? Even that little bit will
Also I've noticed when he swims he sometimes kind of tilts to
the side a bit. Not all the time but a I've noticed it a few
times. Is this normal?
<Sometimes, yes. Gas bubbles inside their gut can make them
float unevenly. It COULD also be the sign of a serious infection
'¦ but lets' not go looking for trouble here - just
assume it's no big deal>
I've had all kinds of reptiles as pets, but this is the first
turtle. So I'm pretty clueless. I am trying to do the best I
can with what I can afford at the moment, seeing as how I
hadn't PLANNED on taking in a turtle...loll.
<Welcome to a very large club. Orphanages, Irish Families and
Pet keepers see to live by the motto "there's always
room for one more!">
Also he does not seem very friendly, as is understandable, but if
given time and the right treatment do you think he will
eventually come around?
<They often do. As she equates you with her food supply, she
may come around>
I am enclosing a picture of him doing the tilting thing, also in
the picture you can see the white spot. (The water is still
slightly cloudy as I have just cleaned the tank and installed the
filter). Also included is another picture of the whole set up to
show you what I have done, and to help assist you in any advice
on how to improve it. Any help or advice you can give me would be
much appreciated.
Thank You for your time!
<The pictures show a couple things. First, any time she wants,
she can climb right out of than tank and take a bad tumble.
She'll likely survive that, but then will go for a walk
'¦ and if you're new to turtles you should know that
they can climb in ways beyond imagination, can move at barely
sub-light speed when you take your eyes off of them for just a
second and they choose to get into places that you didn't
even know existed.>
<Second thing is that the white spot could be fungal -- but it
can also be a dead scute. It's hard to tell from the
pictures. When a scute gets so infected that it dies, it comes
off in place and leaves pink living tissue below. That tissue
scars over to become hard and whitish. If that is the case, it
will leave her always just a little more susceptible to infection
in that area -- but she can still live a happy life.>
<Here is basic care instructions:
<The most important thing for you to do right now is to treat
her for a fungal infection: warm, dry, Dry, DRY and get her as
much UV-B lamp as soon as you can.>
Slider chews rocks 10/6/10
<Hiya - Darrel here>
its been a while since I mailed with the tragic loss of one of my
turtles after it jumped from my balcony(thanks so much for the support
then Darrel) and I have another issue id like some advice on.
<I remember '¦ and you're welcome. >
My remaining Slider (Midori) seems healthy and happy if a little
overweight in his/her (still cant figure it out) 120cm tank have a full
spectrum basking light with a heat lamp, feeding a combination of two
kinds of commercial pellets (normal ReptoMin and ReptoMin super) and
frozen bloodworms(leftovers from my dwarf puffers in another tank)
<Obesity is caused by too much food for the metabolism. Assuming
Midori is active and otherwise healthy, cut back her food (skip the
blood worms entirely) and as she grows she'll absorb that
<As a general note that applies to turtles, fish, dogs, cats and all
our pets '¦ overfeeding and the resulting obesity are one of
the major causes of health problems in all of our pets. We simply feed
them too much. We always worry if they are thriving and think that
we're helping them along with a bit more food. In the wild they
would spend almost ALL of their active time foraging for just barely
enough food to get through the day. In captive conditions Over feeding
and Poor feeding (wrong diet) are FAR more likely to cause health
problems than under feeding.>
'¦ water parameters are great because I have three tanks
connected so a total of around 400 liters of water( so much easier to
<Yes it is - good idea>
.. BUT I noticed yesterday that his/her "gums" are a tint of
red/orange I did catch him/her biting rocks on a few occasions but not
so much recently so could be that. took him/her out of the tank and
looked in the mouth, the upper inner mouth is yellow but the rest seems
a healthy pink and when out of the water no blood appears so his her
mouth isn't bleeding as such but the colour really suggests it is.
Googled but didn't get much TBH.
<TBH is "To Be Honest" for those of us that are computer
lingologically challenged>
Wonder if its something to worry about or something I should wait and
<Dale - their behaviors are their own, so it's really hard to
say. I have noticed that sort of behavior on rare occasions and I'd
suspect an fungal infection. Then I thought it was a sign they were
looking for calcium, so I'd add a calcium supplement (take an
earthworm and power it with crushed oyster shell calcium) or maybe
calcium injections '¦ the thing is, for all I know, I could
have changed the water, moved a bulb or had something different for my
OWN lunch and they would have still stopped. Next time you offer her a
meaty sort of treat, powder it with something calcium and see how she
<Watch her closely as long as you don't see a deterioration of
the tissue or anything looking like fungus, it's not a major
P.s If you're interested I now have:
120cm tank
black mollies
neon tetras
tiger Pleco
ghost shrimp
"safe" area for the fish to retreat to using ventilation
bricks everyone is getting along great although occasionally a guppy or
tetra will disappear when Midori gets hungry!
<Make sure, sure and SURE that Midori can't get trapped in those
bricks. Any part of her!>
<That said, as you've probably read here before, I'm not a
fan of mixing fish and turtles. Fish is really not any significant part
of their natural diet and it seems a shame to the fish>
60cm heavily planted tank
dwarf puffers
ghost shrimp
60 cm tank (used for half-hearted breeding)
dwarf Gourami
all the tanks are connected using water bridges and are attached to 2
canister filters and a sump the Gourami tank and main tank are open so
the fish can freely move back and forth (and often do!)
PH 7-7.5
amm 0
nitrite 0