FAQs About Red Ear Slider (RES) Turtle
Disease/Health 7
Related Articles: Treating Common Illnesses of
the Red Ear Slider (& other Emydid Turtles) by Darrel
Barton, Turtle eye diseases; Recognising and treating
eye diseases in pet turtles by Neale
Monks, So your turtle has the Flu? Recognising and
treating respiratory infections in pet turtles by Neale
Monks, The
Care and Keeping of the Red Eared Slider, Trachemys scripta elegans by
Darrel Barton, Red Ear Sliders, Turtles, Amphibians, Red
Eared Slider Care, Shell Rot in
Related FAQs: RES
Disease, RES Disease/Health 2,
RES Disease 3, RES Health 4, RES
Health 5, RES Health 6, RES Health 8, RES
Health 9, RES Health 10, &
Shell Rot, Turtle Disease 1, Turtle Disease 3, Shell Rot, Turtle Respiratory Disease, Turtle Eye Disease,
FAQs on RES Health by Type:
Diagnosis, Environmental, Traumas, Social, Nutritional, Growths/Tumors, Infectious, Parasitic, References,
& Sliders 1,
Sliders 2, Red Eared Slider Identification, RES Behavior, RES
Compatibility, RES Selection,
RES Systems, RES Feeding, RES

Rescued Red Eared Sliders 10/6/10
Hello you wonderful people at WWM!
<Hiya gentle reader!! - Darrel here>
I started reading your site since my close friend bought a pair
of Red Eared Sliders. I too fell in love with them (never knew
Sliders had so much personality) and got my own as well about 2
months ago - a pair of 1.5' babies.
<After all these years, still one on my favorites>
Subsequent to that, I adopted a 5 inch slider who was abandoned
at a pet store. Lost one of my small babies to a lung infection
(vets in my country don't deal with herps unfortunately) but
the other one is thriving - she's now about 3' and
growing. They share a tank with ample UV A and UVB lights,
basking area (the big one gets separated out at mealtimes to give
the smaller one a chance at food)
<Sounds like great care>
About 2 weeks ago, I was at a pet store and I saw a little 1'
Slider baby who had white spots all over its shell. After giving
the sales attendant a thorough scolding, I decided to adopt the
1' baby since I was quite convinced it would die if I had
left it there (about a month before, the same pet store had a
rotting dead Red Ear in the tank and didn't bother fishing it
<I sympathize and agree with you about such sad
I also bought several tubes of anti fungal drops, anti bacterial
drops and appetite accelerators - the baby was still quite bright
eyed and active despite the shell condition.
<That's great to hear!! I can't say I have faith in
anti-fungal, bacterial or appetite drops from such stores -
usually those products are ineffective>
After reading several advice already given, I dry docked the
little one for a few days, administered the anti fungal and anti
bacterial drops in turn. The back shell near the tail was very
very soft (would bend if I applied slight pressure).
<Soft shell is a lack of calcium, vitamin D and sunshine (UV)
in most cases treatable by correcting those deficiencies>
After a week, most of the smaller white spots cleared up, but
there was a large persistent one on the left side of the shell
just above the leg. I didn't touch the white spots very much,
in case it was painful for the little one. All this while, the
little one had a decent
appetite and was pooping regularly (oh the joy of watching them
poop! My friend thinks I'm weird, but when they poop, it
reassures me that they're okay!)
<You're correct. APE in the acronym
(Active/Pooping/Eating) that indicates a positive situation: Lack
of any one of the three is the second sign of problems (the first
sign is any change from an established routine that can't be
Yesterday, I examined the little one's shell and noticed that
bits of it were peeling away, like fish scales, particularly
where the white spots were concentrated. I lifted the peeling
bits as far as it went and trimmed off the peeled parts. But when
I got the big white part, the whole thing came off! The white
bits were quite dry and compact and came of in chunks and the
area around the white bits looked normal and healthy. So the
little one now has a gaping space where the white spot used to
<The normal shedding of scutes is done in thin
almost-transparent layers that could look like fish scales
'¦ but if the shedding is of the underlying material
(not transparent or translucent) then it's a medical
Just wanted to check whether the danger is over? And based on
your experience, will the little one always have a gaping space
on its shell or will it grow back over the years (if it
<From the pictures I looks like that piece of the shell was
weakened from lack of vitamins and sunshine to the point where it
eroded through. As the turtle grows that shell erosion will look
smaller and smaller until it would never be noticed by anyone who
didn't know to look for it>
Have put in some pictures (one when I first got it, and 2 after
yesterday's shocking post-white-stuff-came-off experience).
Apologies for the blurriness - don't know if you can see
anything but that's the best I can do with my dodgy phone
camera (don't have any other cameras)
Thanks a lot you guys!
p/s - I've refrained from naming the little one until I know
he's got a fighting chance of surviving!
<If he's active, pooping and eating, he has a fighting
chance! You're doing everything right so far. Don't stop
treating him topically (whatever drops you're using seem to
be working) make sure he gets calcium-rich foods and plenty of
UV-B or better yet, natural sunshine. I'd treat for at least
a month after the last white spots are gone and/or the shell
becomes firm under the touch before I'd place him into an
aquatic environment again>
Re: Rescued RES --
Hello again guys!
Thanks so much for the information from the last time. The little
one is still nameless but I'm hoping to finally be able to
name him by Christmas (he's still too small for me to be
Sorry to keep bugging you but just a few more questions -
<No Problem>
1. I've been rather naughty and not dry-docked the little one
for as long as was suggested - put him back into the tank after
about 2 weeks (out of pity) after a dry-dock incident went wrong.
(long story involving cats and the little tort going missing for
two days, only to be found outside the house).
Unfortunately, I've noticed that while all the white
stuff was initially gone, some have reappeared in the
cracks of the peeling shell. When I saw that, I immediately put
him back into dry dock mode (with a new, dedicated UV B light on
him in a small tank), only an hour of water for eating and
<And cat-proof, I hope>
What concerns me is this - whenever there is water in the tank,
the little one is fine, but as soon as I empty out the water, it
makes this screeching sound, from time to time, more frequently
just as I've emptied out the water and the lamp is on, and
then on occasion when he's finished a 'tour' of the
small tank and is probably frustrated. Having lost one RES to a
lung infection, I am quite concerned that this may be a repeat
incident. My room is air conditioned (I live in a year-round hot
and humid country!) to about 20 degrees Celsius so I am a little
concerned that a water free environment at night (with lamp off)
may be too cold for the little one? I've Googled
sliders/turtles and sounds but the only advice I got was about
the lung infection and/or mating. No specialist herp vets
around here for me to take the little one to (he had an
altercation with the larger turtle (who was punished by being
made to stand in the corner!) and took the little one to the vet,
but they don't seem to particularly know what they're
doing - more cats/dog vets)
<I'm a little confused about what you're doing
<I'm not sure about the sentence structure,
<The vet got into an altercation with a turtle and made the
turtle stand in the corner?????>
<You drain the water from their tank at night??????>
<When you are keeping turtles in normal conditions, you want
the water temp to be from 21 to 23 degrees. If it dips slightly
below that for a few hours at night, that's fine. The basking
area should be between 31 and 33 degrees for 12-14 hours per day.
The turtles will typically abandon the basking area in the
evenings and spend the nights sleeping in the water '¦
only to see basking temperature the next morning>
<When a turtle is being isolated, we no longer want to give it
those choices. I use a regular-old heating pad under the
container so that the floor is 30 degrees all the time and then a
UV/B lamp in the center. The problem is that sometimes all the
heating pads have a 3 hour "auto off" feature which
makes them useless. If you have to heat with lamps, arrange the
basking lamp to be on 24 hours a day, pointing at the center of
the enclosure, so that directly underneath is 32-33 and as far
away as they could get is no cooler than 26. If the heat lamp is
a plain ordinary incandescent lamp, leave it on 24 hours.
Don't worry about them sleeping - they'll manage>
<The point being that when we are treating them for any
condition, we no longer want to offer them any choices.>
2. Speaking of the bigger (also adopted) turtle, named Debab
(which is slang for Chubs in my country) - she is a greedy
not-so-little thing. She's always been homed separately from
the two smaller ones, and now isn't allowed to visit the
smaller ones after she tried to bite the little one's head
<Yeah - that's a deal breaker for me, too>
I'm trying to figure out if she's obese/fat. I do try not
to feed her more than she can eat in 5 minutes and I supplement
her diet (and begging!) with lots of baby romaine lettuce which
she devours quite happily. Is there a test to figure out if
she's overweight/obese. I read somewhere that if they
can't fit in both legs and hands at the same time, then
they're obese, but I've noticed with all my turtles that
the moment I push their legs into their shell, their heads
(followed usually by their hands) will come out.
<It's not about pushing - you can't test that way.
When you put Debab in a position where she is unsure or
frightened and she retracts herself NATURALLY '¦ can
she pull everything in? -- that is how you test that>
<More importantly, I feed my adults all they can eat in 5
minutes -- 4 times per week - no more. That and a 22 degree water
and 34 degree basking temp is enough for their metabolisms to
keep them in the healthy range>
Thanks again for any help you can get. You guys are pretty much
my herp
vets! :)
<We do what we can>
Sick Baby RES Turtle - Any options left based on care to
date, which has included trip to vet? 9/30/10
Dear WetWebMedia Crew:
<Hi Tara, Sue here with you tonight.>
I have a baby Red-Eared Slider (RES) Turtle named Rocky. I'm not
sure how old he is (I've had him around 3 weeks), but his carapace
is about 1' long.
<Still just a baby; can't judge age reliably based on size
because there are so many variables that can affect how fast a turtle
grows, like diet and environmental factors, but a guesstimate would be
around 6 months to a year old.>
Within a few days of getting Rocky, I noticed his eyes looked swollen.
I started using the ZooMed eye drops on him twice a day, which seemed
to help at first.
<Swollen eyes are often indicative of a vitamin deficiency, in
particular Vitamin A, possibly also Vitamin D.>
Within a week, however, he kept his eyes closed most of the time and
became very lethargic, spending most of the day basking on his turtle
<This is a typical sign of debilitation and illness.>
I live in north Alabama, and there is not an overabundance of
experienced reptile vets in the area, but I did find one about 30 miles
away that agreed to see Rocky. The vet admitted he'd only seen one
large adult turtle in his practice, and was surprised when I showed up
with such a small turtle. However, he examined Rocky and said he
probably had a bacterial infection in his eyes, possible in his system.
He was afraid to give Rocky an injection of antibiotics given
Rocky's size, but he did mix an antibiotic solution for me to drop
in Rocky's eyes once a day.
<Did he mention anything about a Vitamin A deficiency?>
It's been a little over a week since I took Rocky to the vet and
I've used all of the eye drops. I've also been soaking Rocky in
a turtle sulfur solution for about 20 minutes each night.
<I've had no direct experience with this, but another crew
member who's had many years' experience with turtles does not
feel this treatment is of much use/value.>
Rocky's eyes don't look as swollen as they did and he can open
them, but his overall health has deteriorated. He rarely gets off his
log, and today when I put him in the water to hydrate him, he just
floated (no diving). When I pick him up, his head, arms, and legs stay
out of his shell; he's almost limp. I haven't observed him eat
anything in 3 days (he was eating krill and canned crickets).
<Krill and canned crickets are not an appropriate diet for Rocky.
This further supports a vitamin deficiency as a probable cause.>
<And you're right, it does seem as though he's taken a turn
for the worse. These are not good signs. Rocky needs immediate medical
attention. See more below.>
Rocky's habitat is immaculate; I've been changing the water in
his 29 gallon aquarium (filled a little over half way) every single
night. There is also a reptile waterfall-style carbon filter in the
tank. His water is heated to 82 degrees,
<The water is way too warm. Contrary to what you may read on many
websites, turtles rely on their environment to regulate their internal
body temperatures in order to perform vital functions. In order to be
able to do this properly, they (even young turtles like yours) need to
be given a clear choice between cool water (around 70-72 degrees F) and
warm air (around 88-90 degrees F). They will select which one they need
at any given time.>
<Another thing that may be at play here is that bacteria
unfortunately thrive in warm, wet environments and will seize the
opportunity to take advantage of a debilitated turtle. It can become a
vicious cycle -- a malnourished turtle becomes debilitated making them
more susceptible to infection, etc.>
<You should remove Rocky from the tank as soon as possible and place
him in a warm, dry enclosure except for just a few minutes each day
hydrating in shallow water (not quite covering his shell). Please
carefully read over the link below as to how to go about keeping him
this way while he is ill. You'll find it under the section
entitled, 'Immediate Treatment -- Environment First --
Isolation'. You may also want to read the sections in this article
under "Swollen or closed eyes" and "Bacteria":
he has a basking light and a UVB light, and a turtle log for basking.
I've spent several hundred dollars making sure everything was
<The heat and UVB lights are good. However, if/when Rocky recovers
from his current ailment, his diet and water temperature will need to
be changed. Also, a few things to check re: the heat and UVB - Do you
have both lights placed directly above his basking log? Do you have the
UVB on him for about 12 hours per day? What is the basking temperature?
Is it around 88-90 degrees F? >
What more can I do for this little guy? I don't have confidence
that taking him back to see the same vet we saw last week will help
since the doctor seemed so inexperienced with this type of animal.
Every day when I get home from work, the first thing I do is run to his
aquarium to see if he's still alive. Watching him slowly wither
away and die is unbearable.
<First, remove Rocky from the tank and place him in a warm, dry
environment (as above).>
<Next, in addition to the article above, please carefully read over
the link below about turtle eye diseases and have Rocky seen again
immediately for the medical attention he needs:
<A bacterial infection may be/have been part of the problem, but
it's also likely Rocky has a serious Vitamin A and possibly Vitamin
D deficiency. Regardless of which, either way Rocky requires immediate
medical treatment beyond what you can provide him at home. Either do
some more searching for a vet with more 'hands-on' experience
with turtles (check out the links below to try and find some other herp
vets and call to inquire as to their specific experience with turtles)
or contact the vet you just took him to and share the eye disease
article with him (especially what's written under
'Diagnosis' and "Therapy" to help him further
diagnose and treat him (also the other health article above re:
treatment for bacterial infections and swollen eyes):
<If Rocky does have a Vitamin A deficiency, the vet will likely give
him an immediate injection of it and prescribe Vitamin A drops orally
as a follow-up.>
<It's also possible that your turtle does have a bacterial
infection, but that the antibiotic prescribed/given wasn't specific
to the type of bacteria he's infected with. Your vet may need to
take a sample of mucous from the eye and test it. Again, see the
section under 'Diagnosis' for more on this.>
<If it's not already too late and Rocky does receive the
appropriate medical attention he needs and gets better, you will need
to change the diet you were feeding him to the one he requires. For
more on this, read under the section entitled, 'Prevention.'
You may also want to compare all the care you've been providing him
in general to the care guidelines listed in the following article, and
make any necessary changes:
< http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/RESCareBarton.htm
Thanks in advance for your advice, and for providing such an
exceptional service to the community.
<You're welcome, Tara. Please write us back and let us know how
you're making out. I'm also going to pass this by another one
of our crew members to see if he has any additional thoughts.>
Re: Sick Baby RES Turtle - Any options left based on care to date,
which has included trip to vet? 10/4/10
<Hi Tara,>
Thank you so much for your thoughtful and expert advice. I only wish
I'd found this site sooner; Little Rocky passed away yesterday
while I was at work.
<Ohh, I'm so sorry to hear that.>
There is a lot of mis-information on the Internet, e.g., raise the
water temperature for a sick turtle.
<Yes, unfortunately there is.>
I do have another question concerning my 5" RES turtle, Delilah.
She's currently living in an 1100 gallon garden pond in my
backyard. The pond is filtered (including UV filter) and aerated with a
waterfall. There are six 6" Koi in the pond, and a number of feed
fish for Delilah (minnows),
<As a general rule, we don't recommend feeder fish because of
the risk of them carrying and transmitting diseases to the
though she much prefers turtle sticks and krill, which I give her
<All I ever feed mine (as well as Darrel, my crew mate) are high
quality Koi or ReptoMin turtle pellets (and only every other day for as
much as they can consume in 5-10 minutes to avoid overfeeding, a common
mistake people make), assorted pond plants and greens (no limit on
this) and occasional earthworms (a couple every week or two) as a
treat. I don't recommend krill; it has little to no nutritional
value. Since they eat so infrequently to begin with, it's important
to make when/what they do eat 'count' in terms of offering them
foods with good nutritional value.>
There is plenty of sun and shade, and a great basking rock which she
<That's perfect.>
So my question is, when - under what water and air temperature
conditions - should I bring her in the house (aquarium) for the winter?
We've only recently had a few cool nights. The water in the pond
was 70 degrees (air was 80 degrees) when I checked yesterday, though
the water temperature dipped to 65 degrees a few nights ago. But lows
in the mid-40's over night are predicted for next week, and that
has me concerned. I know she's much happier in the pond than the
aquarium and I would like to prolong her stay
in the pond as long as possible, but I don't want her to suffer in
cold water either.
<I ran this question by Darrel as he keeps many of his turtles in an
outdoor pond also. What he said was in general, cool weather can in
many cases be more harmful than cold weather because they may still eat
in cool weather (vs. hibernate in cold weather), but the air
temperatures may be too cold for them to digest the food so it will rot
in their stomach.>
<He said there is no 'set rule' for when to bring them
indoors, but what he uses as his criteria is when the water dips below
40 degrees F or the daytime air below 60 degrees F. He said he
doesn't mind if the night time temperature gets down to 40 degrees
as long as the daytime temperature still gets to 70 degrees and there
is plenty of sunshine as they can heat up to over 100 while basking
even in 65 degree air).>
<Alternatively, he also looks at his turtles' movement and
activity. As long as he sees both, he leaves them alone.>
Thanks again for the love and compassion you and the crew obviously
pour into your responses. My family will bury little Rocky by the Koi
pond today.
<You're very welcome. Again, I'm very sorry to hear little
Rocky didn't make it. It's amazing how quickly attached we can
get to all our pets, even turtles and fish. And best of luck with
Delilah (I love that name!)>
The Story Of The Bad Owner Who Wishes To Repent For His
Actions, RES hlth., env. 9/7/10
<Hiya - Darrel here>
I've got a Red-eared Slider Turtle that I've had since I was 5
(I'm now 17) so that's 12 years.
<Basic math: check!>
I would like to inquire about my turtles health. I have a female, not
sure of exact size but very big, I'd estimate 6-7 inches maybe, in
what I believe to be a 55 gallon tank. There is a UV light, a basking
raft, which used to be suctioned to the wall, but I guess she
didn't like that and bit off the suctions so now it just floats
there, a water heater thingy which I keep at about 80 degrees, and an
Aqueon filter.
Sorry for my rudimentary description but we got these things years ago
and I don't remember the exact product names as I was not as mature
as I am now, and didn't think to remember them. I've been
around your site and you're right, turtles are NOT for
<Not without parental support, no>
I sucked as an owner and my parents didn't do a thing. Years ago we
had no filter and I rarely clean the tank, and when we had to keep her
in the basement for 2 years, I'd forget about her for weeks, and
then go back and dump what I'd imagine now to be half the tube of
food into the tank.
<Sad tale and all too common>
Another time when I was maybe 8, I put 2 miniature Red-eared Sliders
(maybe 3 inches? I don't remember, really small) that I'd got
from Chinatown in the tank with her because I thought she'd be the
mommy and take care of them.
She ate them both and buried their shells in the gravel. I was horrible
and I apologize and I've been trying to repent.
<Thank you>
Well, until about a month ago, for maybe a year, the tank's filter
was broken and my mom was saying we were too poor to buy a new one, and
I couldn't clean the tank because it's too big for me to pick
up alone because I'm skinny, frail and
weak, and no one else wanted to help me. So for about a year, my turtle
sat in maybe 3-5 inches of extremely bad water, and I couldn't do
anything about it. But about a month ago I was able to get a new filter
and someone finally helped me
clean the tank. I am EXTREMELY SORRY, and I know you guys probably hate
me as an owner by now but I'm going to try and keep everything well
for her as I'd like to have her as a life long companion.
<Red Eared Sliders are very resilient, Heru. When conditions
improve, they often improve>
First of all, I wanted to know, could the bad conditions she used to be
kept in have lowered her life expectancy?
<Not as long as no serious infection developed>
She never seemed to be in bad shape, surprisingly, and now she seems
fine for the most part. Another thing is on her shell, There are small
shiny patches. They don't look like anything bad. Have you ever
seen a plastic like saran wrap (sorry if I spelled that wrong)
stretched tightly over a smooth flat surface with a thin layer of water
under it? It looks like the little areas of air that shine when the
light hits them. The one's on her shell also only shine when light
hits them. Should I be concerned about this?
<It's really hard to say without seeing her. As she grows, the
scutes of her shell shed - and in the process they become very thin
layers that would shine when the light hits them. It could also be a
fungus starting>
Another thing is occasionally I'll catch her biting at her left
arm. She hasn't broken the skin, and sometimes she only rubs it
against her head instead of biting. She stops after a while though.
What does this mean?
<That sounds like something they do when they have a skin condition,
like a fungus. It's their version of scratching>
And also, I won't lie. The filter is pretty loud even though it
claimed to be extremely quiet, and sometimes, I HAVE to unplug it at
night in order to sleep.
<That's not a problem, either. Unlike fish, turtles have a high
tolerance for variable water conditions. We're not trying to make a
nitrogen cycle like we do for fish. For turtles, filtration is more
about straining the particles out of the water so we can remove them by
rising the filter material. The filter can be off overnight with no ill
effects at all as long as the water is more or less clean again during
the following day>
Sorry to bother you and sorry I was such a sucky owner, but I'm
mature now and I understand that a life is in my hands and I need to
take specific steps to make sure that life stays existent.
<Thank you for that>
Please don't hate me.
<We don't hate you, Heru - we appreciate you and we're hear
to help.>
<With that said, I have a few suggestions>
<First, read this link on basic care. Check the suggestions against
your setup and think about what you may need to change. Nothing needs
to be expensive - there are ways to accomplish everything without great
costs if we take the time to think about it>
<Now, there ARE some things to change -- but what we want -- and
this is IMPORTANT -- is to change things SLOWLY. As unusual as her care
has been, she's survived 12 years of it, so we don't want to
change anything too quickly unless it's life threatening>
<Start turning the heat DOWN on her water heater. The goal is to try
to have it off completely and removed from the tank within 2 weeks. If
she lives indoors then plain old room temperature is good enough for
her water.
What we want to do is create a situation were she gets to CHOOSE
between a warm basking area and cool water -- then she'll go to
wherever she needs to go.>
<For a basking lamp, a plain old 60 watt incandescent bulb will work
just fine. Take a wire coat hanger and bend it in some way to wrap
around the floating dock and then snake up the side of the tank to the
top and hook it over. This is to try to get the floating dock to stay
under or near the lamp. The lamp can be held in a very inexpensive
'clamp lamp' from any local hardware or building supply store
and set 10 to 12 inches above so that when the lamp has been shinning
on the floating dock for an hour, put your hand on the dock and the
light shinning on it should feel pretty darned warm>
<She also needs a source of UV light, but for the present time, you
can accomplish this for taking her outside for walks. 15 minutes of
moving around in the direct sunlight will help her immune system fight
off any fungus, her metabolism manufacture Vitamin D, etc.>
<Here is another link to possible treatments for illnesses. In your
case I don't hear any real illness, but reading about them might
help you recognize one early at some time in the future. Also, the
isolation treatment, where we keep them warm and dry for a few weeks,
can be like a "vacation" even for a healthy turtle.>
Now, it seems to me that, at present, water quality is your biggest
Sliders can endure a great range of water qualities because they haul
out under warm lamps and dry out -- most of the pathogens in the dirty
water that are trying to get a foothold on the turtle are kept at bay
by the heat and dryness. But that presumes proper UV lighting and
basking temperatures and other things we're not sure of
<But here's the thing: You don't HAVE to move and dump the
tank when it needs cleaning: an inexpensive siphon tube will suck the
water out or failing that you can bail a great deal of water out with a
plastic cup.
Just stir up the water really well as you siphon or bail so that
you're getting as much of the big particles out as you
<Here's another thing you can do on water changing day: Take the
turtle out first thing in the morning and place her in a box or
container. Move the basking light to one corner of that container (so
that she can get directly under it OR get pretty much away from it).
Now clean the tank like I suggested: siphon or bail and refill with
clean water. Now assuming a 55 gallon tank and approximately half full,
put in 4-5 tablespoons of household bleach. Make sure the filter is on
and running
(to keep the water circulating). At night, turn the basking lamp off
and let her sleep in the dry box. In the morning, the bleach will have
killed a lot of pathogens then dissipated and it's safe to put her
back in and replace the lamp.>
<everything that she needs to live a long and happy life can be
given to her with very little cost if you're willing to put in the
<Lastly, and I really think this is a good idea, is to look around
for the local turtle and tortoise club in your area. If you can find
one, I'm betting that you can find and experienced "old
hand" who would be happy to help you.>
Turtle anatomy 8/30/10
Hey Sue...
<Hey there!>
There is a serious problem this time...
<Maybe, depends. . .>
I'm attaching a photograph of my female turtle. It looks like
a hernia or something has happened to her.
<You may want to re-think the *her* part -- see below!>
But whatever it is, it's scaring the hell out of me. Everyday
I clean my tank and my turtles...and when ever I put them in
clean water, they poop..both of them. But for the last 2 days,
while I was cleaning,
I observed this black colored thing hanging from her anus (when I
keep her in the clean water.) Could you tell me what exactly is
happening with her, and suggest me some medicine to cure
<Well, I THINK I can tell you what's happening here, but
to the best of my knowledge, no medicine has been invented yet to
cure it! Heeee!! I think what you have here is not a female, but
actually a male turtle! And, yes, male turtles are quite
*well-endowed* shall we say!! To those who are unsuspecting, it
can be quite shocking when they see a male turtle's *private
parts* (or as another crew member refers to it -- their *party
animal* -- for the very first time!! It even was for me -- and I
KNEW about it!! Bob --- can you show *X-rated* turtle pix on
WWM?!! LOL!)><<I think so...>>
<Remember my *Option 2* in my August 18 reply? It looks like
you do in fact have a male turtle that's growing at a
different rate than your other turtle (who's still too small
at this point to know which sex it is for sure).>
<Read here to learn what to do (and also what NOT to do!) when
you see this *display* happening!:
< Scroll down this article until you come to the heading about
*Odd Body Parts'¦and what NOT to do*. Most important
here is NEVER try to press his organ back in!>
<Was he able to retract his organ shortly after? If not, you
will need to *assist* him the best you can, again -- WITHOUT
attempting to press it back in. If you took my advice and are
keeping your turtles outside the water right now, the best thing
is to temporarily place him in water to see if that makes it
easier for him to retract it. Alternatively, you can try
spreading some mineral oil or regular vegetable oil on the bottom
of your tank (or very smooth surface) to make it slipperier for
him and see if that works.>
<If it has remained out for the last 2 days, and none of the
things mentioned above or in the link work, you will definitely
need to take him to an expert who is experienced with turtle
anatomy and have them try to reinsert the organ. But do not
attempt this yourself or you will likely injure him!>
[I'm trying to get all the things you recommended me the last
time. It will take some time for me to arrange everything for my
<Glad to hear you're trying to get all the things you need
for your turtles! Except for trying to fix this latest situation
with your one turtle, they are perfectly fine (and should be)
being kept out of the water in a warm, dry environment until
you're able to get what you need for them.>
There is one more problem: I stay in a (country) where it's
not allowed to keep turtles. So I doubt if there are hospitals
and doctors specially for turtles (if in case a Doctor is
needed.) If you know some place (in this country), do let me
<I'll be happy to do a little research on this for you and
see what I come up with.>
I request you not to put my mail in your library because I fear I
might land into some trouble (because of the rules). I hope you
would consider my request.
<I'll pass your request along to Bob to see if he can
either block out or remove your name, location, etc. from your
earlier messages to WWM.><<... Sue... where is all
thank you very much for your help.
<You're welcome! Please let us know how this all turns
Need help looking for turtle vets
Hi Sonal,
Sorry it's taken me so long to get back to you about finding
a vet for your turtles! It's been a busy week with kids back
to school, holiday weekend, etc. Below are a few links I found
for potential vets in your area who may have specialized training
to treat turtles. You should, of course, find out more
information about each of them before deciding on which one, if
any of them, that you'd like to use.
Dr. Percis A Ghiara
4. Perojbai Building , 19,Sleater Road, Mumbai 400007
Tel : 022-3819865
3) http://in.88db.com/mumbai/Pet/Veterinary-Clinics/ad-769179/
4) http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?
5) http://www.herpvetconnection.com/india.shtml
6) http://www.tortoisetrust.org/articles/herpvets.htm
7) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taraporewala_Aquarium
(This aquarium has turtles so should be able to refer you to a
specialty vet.) >
If any of these vets are not located near you, they may at least
be able to give you the name of someone who is. You can also try
asking your local *regular* vets for recommendations of
veterinarians that specialize in exotics, reptiles. A local zoo,
aquarium or university may also be able to help direct you to a
specialized vet.
How did everything turn out with your male turtle? Hope
everything's going well with both of them. Let us know if you
need any more help.
All the best --- Sue
Red Ear Slider is not acting like normal self -
Dear Crew
<Hiya Lexi -- Darrel here>
I'm very worried about my Red Ear Slider. We purchased 2 babies on
May 23, 2010, one was approx. 1.5 in. in shell length and the other was
approx. 1.75in-2in. in shell length.
For the past two months they both seemed to be healthy and showed no
signs of any problems until Aug. 4, 2010 when the smaller one suddenly
stopped eating. I was feeding him ReptoMin food sticks and pellets,
<That's a good, balanced diet>
-- and would also alternate between giving him crickets, mealworms, or
<earthworms are a nice treat, crickets and mealworms -- not really
so good>
I also would feed each turtle separately in a different container so I
could make sure each turtle got enough food.
<That's a good, caring idea, Lexi>
The little one had always loved to eat and would beg for food anytime I
would walk into the room, so I found it very odd when there was food in
front of him and he wouldn't bother with it. Its been 12 days now
and he still will not eat; however, a few of the days he would grab the
food but then spit it out as if he just didn't like it and then
when I would put him back in the tank he would eat the pebbles on the
<That is unusual>
I have since removed the pebbles because I didn't want them to hurt
his stomach.
<Good idea. They're not necessary and the turtles do sometimes
ingest them>
I then decided to try to feed him in his tank, but he still just
doesn't want the food. He spends a majority of the day basking and
every once in a while will get in the water but he doesn't swim too
much. He'll swim around for maybe a minute then goes over to one of
the fake plants and just hangs on them for an hour before getting back
out and basking again. I have thermometers and the temps seem at the
right degrees so I don't believe he's just cold. The water
stays around 78 degrees, the basking area between 90-100, the rest of
the tank around 80 and a UV/UVB bulb that goes on 12hours a day.
<The water is quite a bit hotter than it should be -- around 68 to
73 (normal room temperature) -- no warmer>
I don't notice anything else wrong with him besides him not wanting
to eat but after so many days of not eating I'm getting worried
that he's not going to make it.
<It is a little disconcerting and yes, it may be an indication of a
deeper problem>
Any suggestions on why he would stop eating so suddenly or how to get
him to eat again?
<Well, Lexi - you've already covered all the bases, so
what's left is to do things differently. Lower the water temp to
room temperature. You probably have a heater, so just unplug it and
remove it -- never was a need for it anyway.>
<Take the little guy out and put him some place warm and dry (about
80 degrees, not any hotter) for a day or so, then put him in the
separate feeding bowl and let him swim for a minute before adding food.
Then try a small earthworm.>
<What we're doing here is really changing his "world"
for a few days on the chance that something about his tank is bugging
him. Vibrations from a filter, current leaks from a filter
'¦ just something that perhaps you and I wouldn't notice
but that could be a BIG deal to him. A few days alone and dry might
give him the rest he needs to shake off whatever is bothering him but
even if it doesn't we'll have ruled out environment.>
Possibly Sick Red Eared Slider 8/11/10
Hey WWM,
I have tried searching your website for what could possibly be
wrong with my Red Eared Slider, but I can't quite seem to
locate anything exact.
I found a few articles with similar symptoms but nothing was 100%
the same.
<I see.>
I got my RES about two months ago, and I got them from the
infamous china town in NYC where they are notorious for selling
these illegally.
<Oh dear.>
They came in that little clear case with the plastic palm
<I had this exact contraption circa 1980. Useless.>
I took them out and moved them to a 10 gallon aquarium at home,
at it is filled with about 9 gallons.
<Do review the needs of these animals.
Water is only 50% of what they need.>
I also have a pump that does about 160g/h, and it is hooked up to
a home-brew canister filter filled with carbon and the filter
material. The water is crystal clear and I siphon the remains
that the filter doesn't get about once a week.
I also have a UVB heat bulb on their basking area which they use
frequently and seem to be enjoying.
The water is about 76 and the basking area is about 86. Their
diet consists of the ReptoMin pellets, krill, and shrimp.
<Do need veggies more than these. Shrimp especially provides
calcium but contains thiaminase, and overuse of crustaceans can
lead to serious health problems.>
The turtles seemed to be doing fine for about the first month,
then one of them stopped eating. He didn't seem sluggish or
anything, he just wasn't eating as much. This was a problem
because I was about to leave for a family trip. I tried to over
feed my other one and everything worked out fine, but when I came
home the other guy still was not eating. I had to leave again for
another vacation but my parents were home and I told them what I
did and they took over for another week. They said that the one
turtle began to eat, but not much. Then I came home again and he
started to perk up and eat. Then he stopped again. I tried
removing him from the tank to eat, I thought he might be
intimidated by the other turtle because it would always hog the
food. This worked, but not well.
Not only does he not eat now, but he seems to be basking almost
all the time, and is rarely in the water, or he will bask with
his shell/head/front claws out, and the back half in.
<Not promising.>
The other day I saw him floating in the water and thought he was
He was just floating with all of his limbs out, not moving at
all. I touched his back to see if he was dead and he swam away
like he was fine.
He also keeps his head retracted most of the time too. If I try
to move him he will stick his head out, but it will bob in and
out and up and down, but not like he's sniffing for something
or something natural, it looks like a mini bobble head turtle.
Within the past day or two I also noticed he hasn't opened
his eyes, however, there is no white fungus or any discharge,
they are not swollen either, just closed.
<This is a very bad sign.>
He also runs his face across his arms when he does stick his head
out. I am really afraid that he will die from not eating, and I
don't know what the problem is or if he has some kind of a
serious infection that I can't see.
<I concur with this analysis. Get him to a vet, post
I have attached a picture of him to show you what he looks like,
but his head is still retracted. If you have any advice, it would
be greatly appreciated! Thank you, Devon
<I've cc'ed Darrel and Sue just in case I'm
missing something obvious. But for now, call the vet. Cheers,
Re: Possibly Sick Red Eared Slider
Hey Neale,
Thanks for your help be unfortunately he died before I could get
him to the vet. Although, maybe how he acted right before he died
would reveal more about what was wrong with him. If you have any
information on this or any help it help me to prevent this from
happening to my other turtle.
<It's always very difficult to be sure without doing an
autopsy. I'd simply recommend you review Darrel's
articles on terrapin maintenance and feeding, and then review the
conditions you're providing your remaining animal. Make a
list, tick them off, and then relax. If you're sure
you're doing everything right, then that's all you
The other turtle seems to be very healthy and lively so I hope I
won't run into this problem. Just before he died, I had
removed him from the tank and put him into the smaller container
that he came in. His eyes did seem a bit swollen, but this was
for the first time.
<Review vitamins in particular.
However, I became excited when I saw him open them upon entering
the new container. This did not last long but he did open his
eyes periodically.
I placed some food in the container hoping he would eat, but he
ignored it entirely. I tried moving him towards it and vice
versa, but still nothing.
I came back about an hour later and he had moved a little and it
had looked like he nosed the food a bit, but I couldn't tell
if he ate much if any.
Before the two days where he was acting strange he was eating,
just not much, and he would often rip the food apart and eat bits
of it, but again, not much. I gave him a little tap to see if he
was alive and he started to swim around, which was more than he
was doing for two days. After that I noticed he would open his
mouth very wide and sometimes blow a big bubble. Then he started
going crazy.
<Again, vitamins and perhaps an RTI could be at issue
He was clawing at the walls like he was trying to escape, but not
like they were doing when I first got them. When I got them, they
would just paw at the sides because they hated the small
enclosure, which I know is way to small/cruel etc. but this was
very ferocious, which you can imagine is quite a bit if I'm
saying ferocious for a turtle that is about 2in.
<Oh dear.>
I didn't know what to do and I didn't want to shock him
by putting him back in the tank or risk him attacking the other
turtle and getting him sick so I waited about a minute to see if
he would calm down but he kept going at it when suddenly he just
stopped and fell like a rock. It was as if in an instant, he
turned to stone. One second he was moving and clawing faster than
I had ever seen and the next he was on the bottom of the
container. I don't know if any of this means anything
specific but if you have any information that would be great.
Thanks again,
<As I say, read Darrel's article, and act accordingly.
Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Possibly Sick Red Eared Slider, SueG's further input
8/14/10 <Hi Devon,>
<I'm very sorry to hear about the loss of your turtle.
Neale copied Darrel and me in on your message asking for any
additional input. Both he and Darrel have had years' more
experience at this than I have, but there are a couple of things
I'd like to mention in addition to what Neale said in the
event the same type of thing happens again with your other
turtle. I'd just hate to see you go through a similar
experience with him.>
<First is that a common mistake people seem to make is that
they focus their concern around the symptom of their turtle's
loss of appetite rather than on what actually caused it. Turtles
can actually go days/weeks without food. The important thing is
if you ever see a noticeable change in appetite, activity level,
and basking behavior occur like that again with your other
turtle, forget trying to get the turtle to eat, and instead get
the turtle to a (preferably herp) vet and/or try to get to the
root cause of the behavioral/appetite change as soon as possible.
Once the root cause of the problem is resolved, their appetite
will return naturally once they start to feel better. And the
earlier you treat the problem, the more likely you'll have a
successful outcome. It does seem as Neale said that your turtle
may in fact have suffered from a respiratory infection and
possibly also either an eye infection or a Vitamin A deficiency.
Either of these conditions would warrant a trip to the vet for
treatment involving antibiotics, Vitamin A injections,
<The 2nd thing is that any time you are again concerned that
your other turtle is ill, it is best to promptly remove him from
the moist, warm environment of his aquarium and place him in a
warm dry container (still under a heat and UVB bulb), allowing
him access to only a shallow container of water for just a few
minutes each day to drink, poop and eat if he wants. The reason
is that bacteria and fungus thrive in warm, wet environments and
will seize the opportunity to take advantage of a sick or
otherwise debilitated turtle, making a bad situation even worse.
And even if it turns out your turtle is NOT sick, there is no
harm at all in keeping him in this environment for extended
periods of time. In addition to the other links Neale referred
you to, below is a link to an article written by Darrel that
outlines exactly how to go about properly isolating your turtle
in a warm, dry environment:
<Lastly, besides reading over and comparing your care to the
care guide link Neale sent you in his 1st email (along with the
other 2 links in his 2nd email to eye diseases/vitamin
deficiencies and respiratory infections), I'd also strongly
advise you against buying any more turtles from street vendors,
even from pet stores. The conditions in which these turtles were
raised and also shipped before arriving where they did are often
horrific, and as a result they are often very malnourished and/or
very ill from the day you buy them (turtles can mask illness for
long periods of time before showing any actual symptoms; this is
their survival tactic from the wild so they don't alert their
predators that they're ill). If you ever decide you want to
get another turtle, New York in particular has several
herp/reptile associations/clubs who can direct you to either a
rescue group or to a breeder where you are much more likely to
get a healthy turtle; just do a Google search. Unfortunately
buying turtles from street vendors and pet stores only continues
to propagate their business and the suffering of these poor
I wish you the best of luck with your other turtle, and please
don't hesitate to write back if you have any other questions
or concerns after reading all these links! Sue>
Re: Possibly Sick Red Eared Slider 8/18/10
Hey Sue,
<Hey, Devon! Sorry just getting back to you now; I was away on
Thank you so much for your input! I didn't know anybody else
would be writing back to me or looking at the e-mail, what you
and Darrel/Neale are doing is wonderful, thank you!
<You're very welcome! We're all happy to help.>
I figured I would ask about the symptoms for the second time
because I would really like to prevent this from happening again,
and thanks to the links you guys have sent me, I have no doubt
that this should not be a problem (fingers crossed).
<We hope so, too.>
I did have just two small questions though that are somewhat
related. One thing that you guys mentioned is the vitamin A. Is
there any one specific vitamin supplement that you would
recommend over the others or a specific type of food that could
offer this instead of a supplement?
<If you're feeding your turtle a balanced diet that is at
least 50% vegetarian/plant based (75% when he/she is an adult),
you shouldn't be too concerned about a Vitamin A deficiency.
A balanced diet should include:
'¢ A good quality pellet like Koi pellets or ReptoMin
contains some Vitamin A. Feed this to him only every other day;
no more than he can eat in 5-10 minutes though (do not overfeed
him as this can also lead to illness).
'¢ Earthworms also have some Vitamin A, and something
your turtle will really enjoy as an occasional treat. You can
offer him one or two every week or so.
'¢ Leafy greens offer not only Vitamin A but also some
added fiber. I offer my turtles unlimited access to greens
(dandelion greens in particular are good -- can actually get it
in some grocery stores). Also red and green leaf lettuce (but no
iceberg lettuce as this has no nutritional value). I attach them
to a clip with suction cup (which you can buy in a pet shop) and
leave it in the tank all the time, replacing as needed. Your
turtle is young and may not initially go for this, but keep
offering it anyway. When he gets hungry in between feedings, he
eventually will start to nip at it.>
<If you haven't been providing a balanced diet up to this
point and/or want to correct a Vitamin A deficiency, you may want
to offer some additional sources. Liver, for one, is an excellent
source of Vitamin A. You can offer him some very small pieces of
cow's liver from the grocery store. You can also coat some
Koi pellets and earthworms with a drop or two of Cod Liver Oil.
Also, the following two links talk about Vitamin A supplements as
part of prevention:
(under the Section called Swollen or closed eyes) >
<In addition to Vitamin A, it's also extremely important
to make sure your turtle is getting enough Vitamin D. This
vitamin plays a vital role in maintaining their shell health, one
major source of disease for turtles. The best way to provide
Vitamin D other than through diet is by placing a UVB bulb over
their basking area and keeping it on for about 12 hours a day. I
also (though I probably don't need to, but err on the side of
caution), add a pinch of Rep-Cal (Phosphorous-Free) Calcium with
Vit. D powder to their pellets every other day as part of their
feeding. I let the pellets and Vit D powder soak in water for
15-20 minutes to allow the pellets to fully absorb it. If the
pellets get soft enough, I sometimes even mash it all up together
and then feed them tiny bits of it at a time off the tip of a
plastic spoon.>
I was also wondering what you do in terms of diet. I have been
researching the diet since the day I got the turtles so that I
would be well equipped with food and knowledge so I could
properly care for the turtles. Unfortunately, everywhere I look
has something different. They are all close, but nothing is quite
the same. They all have the same foods on the list (more or less)
but as far as how much and how often, they all vary.
<Yes, and ironically as it turns out, diet is the easiest part
of their care! However, like you, I had the same frustration when
I started out with my turtles. A lot of conflicting information
out there. In the beginning, I actually even cross-referenced
different websites to see which foods got mentioned most
<What I wrote above, though, is based on both Neale's and
Darrel's expertise, experience and long term success in
raising many, many turtles for many, many years, and also through
Darrel's personal contact and friend, Doug Mader, who is a
world-renowned vet. He literally WROTE the book, Reptile Medicine
and Surgery, which is a guide most all specialty vets have in
their office! So needless to say, I feel very comfortable
offering you the diet advice above!! And I can tell you in my own
experience as well, I've never had ANY health problems at all
with my turtles.>
And one final thing, I don't really know if this is a
concern, my other turtles head seems to be... I don't know
how to say this... large? It doesn't looks like it's
swollen or injured and he has been just fine,
getting more and more active everyday (not that he was inactive
before but he seems very healthy). It just looks like his head
seems to have grown a little more than his body, but this might
be because I am over feeding him?
<Overfeeding is definitely something you should be concerned
about, so again refer to my comments above about this. What is
most likely happening here, though, with your young turtle is not
much different than what happens to young children when
they're toddlers. Their heads initially grow at a faster rate
than their bodies when they are young. Once your turtle's
body eventually catches up in size; his head (should) be more in
proportion to his body. At least this has been MY experience, and
you're right, it does look odd for a while! However, I'll
also pass this one along to Darrel and Neale to see if they have
anything else to add. But I believe this is what's happening
in your case. If so, nothing to worry about, completely
Which again, brings us back to the last question. Actually, I
lied, I do have one last question, just thought of it before I
hit send. I will be going back to school in a few weeks, and I
would really like to take my turtle with me. Is there any
specific safe or proper way to transport him or would it be
better to leave him at home. My only concern for leaving him at
home is that my family may forget to take care of him or just not
do it properly. Any suggestions?
<If you're traveling by car, you can simply transport him
in the front seat with you in a corrugated cardboard box; or you
can purchase one of those plastic 'critter containers'
from your local pet shop, which is what I use. They have a handle
on top for carrying; just make sure you have the lid on tight so
it doesn't separate from the container when you're
carrying it around! Turtles can sustain serious internal injuries
from falling even though they have their hard shell. You should
also make sure the box/container is properly secured in the seat
so no chance of him getting tossed around. And, obviously like
any pet or child, never leave him in the car on a very warm day.
If you have to get out of the car for any reason along the way,
take him with you.>
<As far as keeping him at school with you, you may first want
to check your school's policy regarding keeping pets. If they
do allow it, he should at least be in a 20 *long* tank (turtles
prefer more surface area for swimming). However, as he grows, he
will need a larger size aquarium. This may or may not be
practical for you at school. The other concern would be whether
you can really commit the time to caring for him at school with
your other commitments, interests. I don't know about your
situation, but I remember when I was in college, I didn't
have time to take care of myself, let alone a pet!! But only you
are in the best position to answer that question based on all
these different considerations. If in the end you are concerned
about leaving him at home and you aren't sure you can take
proper care of him at school either, you really should consider
trying to find a rescue group to take him (again, just Google in
New York; I've seen them listed before). Whatever you do,
though, DON'T release him into the wild. He most likely would
not survive.>
And I know buying from the street vendors isn't ideal for
buying turtles hahah. It is obvious that they are mistreated and
not cared for (before and after birth), if they were properly
cared for, they wouldn't be sold at only 1inch, which as you
and I both know, is illegal. But I hate to see the animals live
like that, who knows how long they've been in those tiny
containers, with little to no water and a plastic palm tree, and
who knows how often they're being fed... or what they're
being fed for that matter. I figured if they had any hope for
survival, it would be if I rescued them and did what I could to
give them a chance to survive. I do not want to support street
vendors, but at the same time, I didn't want to just let
those poor things sit there on the dirty streets of NYC.
<I completely understand, and that's why I intentionally
don't go to Chinatown, because if I did, I'd likely
collect all of them and take them home with me! However,
unfortunately these vendors have an ENDLESS supply of red eared
slider turtles -- AND, the turtle farms down south are only more
than happy to replenish their supply, they literally have
MILLIONS down there. So unfortunately all buying them does is
cause even more baby turtles to land up suffering.>
<I've never had the opportunity to offer this advice to
anyone who lives in New York before, and in particular someone
who has access to Chinatown. You're fortunate that you happen
to live in or near one of the, if not the, most aggressive states
in the country when it comes to animal cruelty. And the
unconscionable practice of either keeping them in tiny plastic
containers and/or throwing hoards of baby turtles into a bucket
for sale on a city street certainly constitutes cruelty. As you
know, it's also illegal for them to sell them under 4' --
so either way you're covered here. So, rather than continue
to buy any more turtles, if you're willing (which I hope you
are since you seem concerned enough), here is what I'd
suggest you do instead -- Report this vendor and any others you
see who are selling them (and probably best to report them in
*real time* if you can in case they relocate. Here is one link
that tells you what number to call/how to report them (I believe
you can also call the local police):
<For whatever reason, I've never actually read where
anyone has in fact followed this advice or what the outcome was!
So -- if you can/are willing to report this vendor and/or come
across one again, please do me a favor -- try this suggestion
out, and then please write back to let me know what happened.
What may happen is that it may *work* only to temporarily
relocate them, but if enough people did this enough times, who
knows what might happen? But, either way, if you do try it out,
please write back and tell me what happened, so at least I'll
know if this advice is something I can pass along to others in
the future. And if it does do some good, you may land up saving
many more hundreds of baby turtles this way than just through the
act of buying only one or two out of sympathy. Then it would be
our turn to say thank you to you!!>
Thanks a million for your help!
<You're very welcome, Devon. Write back and let us know
how everything turns out!>
Red Eared Slider with swollen eyes and weird white
patch of skin on top of his head. 8/7/10
Dear Crew, Hi my name is Alexis.
<Hiya - Darrel here>
I sent this email with another picture about a week ago, I think
my pictures were too large so I deleted one and figured I'd
send it again.. Sorry for my persistence. I'm worried about
my little man. (plus the vet I took him to was no help at
<We'll do what we can, Alexis>
I have a 3 1/2 in. Red Eared Slider named Squirt. (My little
sister loves 'Finding Nemo.') I've only had him a few
months.. One of the guys where I work found him in our parking
lot and saved him. I couldn't let some little kid have him
who wouldn't take care of him. He was just too tiny and cute!
:-) I have him in a 16 gallon plastic tub filled to roughly 12
gal. right now so he can't climb out.
<That's more water than he needs '¦ but
I'll be he appreciates it anyway>
I have a heat lamp kept on his basking log about 12 hours a day.
Temperatures in the water at the opposite corner of the basking
light is about 80 on warm days.
<That's too hot for his water. His water should be around
68-72 -- around normal room temperature. The idea is to allow him
to choose between being warm under the basking lamp (between
85-92) and cool in the water. Remember, Squirt is an EXPERT at
being a turtle '¦ he knows what he needs, we just have
to be able to offer it to him>
I also have a UBA/UVB Zilla light at an opposite corner
overlooking the whole tank.
<Problem #1: UV lamp needs to be on the basking area so that
Squirt soaks up the UVA/B rays while basking>
'¦. and a 10 gal. Whisper filter has been used until
just this week because I have been saving up for a large 100+
gal. tank and canister filter. I change his water regularly, and
use TurtleClean which breaks down the poop and things like that,
as well as ReptiSafe Water conditioner.
<I don't do any of that, Alexis. I raise my babies all the
way up to breeders on plain old ordinary tap water, complete with
chloramines and everything. Things that affect a fish because he
just about breathes water have little affect on turtles. It's
not BAD that you do these things, it's just that I think the
same time and money can be used more effectively in other
I have a Crowntail Betta as well so occasionally I add a few
drops of his water conditioner to it because the water where I
live isn't the best. I introduced a Repto-something sulfa
block a few weeks ago to make sure I was doing everything right
<THAT is, for sure, a waste of your money, Alexis. Turtles get
their nutrients via diet and not via the water. Sulfa & calcium
blocks do nothing at all of value>
His diet consists of ReptoMin Plus, and I recently bought the
ReptoMin with Mini Krill and Baby Shrimp for treats. He eats
well, and is extremely entertaining to watch. Lol
<I'm not a fan of krill and shrimp for treats. A simple
earthworm now and again (once a month perhaps) is better>
His tank sits up a foot from the ground on a box so my little dog
can't bother him, but it is a clear plastic container so they
like to taunt each other. Squirt will taunt my dog. He isn't
scared of him at all he will come swim on the end closest to my
dog and stare at him. It's hilarious to watch. He is very
friendly and isn't really afraid of anything. The pictures I
enclosed are one of the day I got him early May of this year, and
the second is just a close up of how much bigger he's
<Yes, he's much bigger>
The third is where my problem lies.
<Problem #2: there is no third picture attached. Send again,
His eyes swelled up just the other day and a weird white
blister-like patch appeared and covers the top of his head and
ears.. I've looked everywhere and haven't seen anything
like it. It doesn't look like a fungus.. it's almost like
a blister. I can see his skin underneath now and when he retracts
his head a little it moves just like his skin. Anyway, over the
last two days it has spread to the other side of his head, and
there is a small strip that continues from the patch and
stretches under his eyes. The day his eyes swelled up I called
the vet and scheduled an appointment for two days from now
because that is the first day I could get him in. I have touched
it to see if there is any fungus, swelling, or discomfort but it
doesn't seem to bother him. He is mildly lethargic, basking a
little more, but as soon as I get home from work he is back to
acting perfectly normal. I'm slightly concerned..
<Me too>
Any ideas?
<Swollen eyes is a classic sign of vitamin A deficiency, but
ReptoMin turtle sticks are a fully balance diet, so that's
White patches are indicative of fungus '¦ even if it
doesn't seem so. It's very hard to tell from here. But I
have a few suggestions -- read on>
and is there anything else I should be doing more/less of?
I want to make sure everything is going as it should.. and when
everything runs correctly I'm going to adopt another if
possible. Please help. Alexis.
<Suggestion #1: Read the following article about treating
common illnesses. Treat Squirt as if he has a fungal infection
even if we're not sure. Simply keeping him warm and dry for a
few weeks will help him fend it off regardless of what it is.
During that time, make sure that the UV lamp is moved to the dry
box and keep it shining on him 14 hours a day. The basking/heat
lamp should be on one side so that he can choose between being
slightly warm or slightly cool '¦ but the UV lamp
should be in the center so that he's getting a maximum dose
regardless of being near or away from the heat lamp. Remember, UV
waves don't travel very far - they have to be within 8 to 14
inches to be of benefit. Anyway, treat for fungus for a couple
weeks or until another symptom presents that gives us more info
Suggestion #2: Here is a basic care article covering all the
basics. You've already covered the basics -- and done even
more -- but it never hurts to review. Check your setup against
the suggestions listed and correct anything wrong. We'll be
waiting for picture #3 -- just remember '¦ too
close/out of focus doesn't reveal anything useful. Treatment:
Basic Care: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/RESCareBarton.htm>
Re: (Darrel) Red Eared Slider with swollen
eyes and weird white patch of skin on top of his head.
Thank you SO MUCH for the advice..
<Yer welcome!>
I really appreciate what everyone at Wet Web Media is doing for
people who have simple (and sometimes complicated) questions. You
guys are awesome.
<Thank you again!>
Squirt is doing better. Whatever it was on the top of his head is
gone. His eyes are still a little swollen but he is now dry
docked as of today. Your suggestions on the water conditioners
are great; my wallet greatly appreciates that knowledge. :-)
<That's why we get the medium bucks!>
I moved his heat lamp up higher and resituated his tank so the
UVA/UVB is in the middle so he can get as much as he can.
<I place mine over the basking area - it doesn't penetrate
water very well anyway>
He still eats great and hasn't seemed off at all.
I haven't been able to get another picture to send since the
white spot is gone.. but if it reappears I will try to get one to
Thank you so much for your help and I'll keep researching and
reading up on your guys' website. I really like it!
<Oh gosh '¦ we're getting a swelled head from
all the compliments!! Thanks again!!>
Why did my 2 red eared slider turtles die? It's not
because of bad luck. 8/2/10
<Hi, Sue here.>
I bought a turtle 3 years ago and 1 year a ago I bought another turtle.
at the beginning of course the older one bully the younger one;
<If you knew this, then why did you risk harming your new young
turtle (and stressing both of them out) by placing him with your older
turtle (who after 2+ years had now come to view his tank as *his home*
and any newcomers as *intruders*)? Did you do anything to try to fix
the situation, such as put your new turtle in a separate tank?>
however, later (6 months later) the older one stop moving, it got
slower, didn't eat and just sat on the rock. the heater light was
on and I bought a heater for the tank. however that didn't work at
the end the older turtle had die.
<I'm very sorry to hear about the loss of your turtle.
Unfortunately, the water heater was not a good *fix* -- it made an
already bad situation much worse. Water heaters shouldn't be used
at all for your turtles -- and especially not for sick turtles. When a
turtle becomes ill, warm and wet environments become their enemy rather
than their friend -- as this happens to also be the same environment
preferred by bacteria and other pathogens. Bacteria, fungus, etc. are
opportunistic organisms, and will seize any opportunity to take
advantage of a sick turtle. Sick and/or otherwise debilitated turtles
need to be removed from the tank and kept in a warm, DRY environment
around the clock (except for just a few minutes each day in a shallow
bowl of water to allow them to eat, drink and poop). The dry
environment gives their immune system a bit of boost to try and fight
off whatever is ailing them.>
<Water heaters aren't necessary for healthy turtles. Turtles
need an environment that gives them a clear choice to be either warm
and dry; or cool and wet. Unlike humans, their bodies/organs have to
rely on the temperatures of the environment around them in order to
function properly. A clear choice for them means warm, dry land for
them to bask on each day -- about 88-90oF; and cool water for them to
swim in (about 70-72oF). Besides a heat bulb, they also need a UVB bulb
to bask under. The UVB light mimics the rays from the sun that they
would normally be exposed to if they were living in their natural
environment outside. The UVB is necessary for them to manufacture the
essential vitamins necessary for proper shell and skin health and
growth. Without it, they become much more susceptible to a number of
diseases and infections.>
Confuse so I bought another turtle
<You were confused, so in response you bought another turtle?? The
only thing confusing here is why you bought another turtle. It would
seem you should have done things in reverse order -- resolve your
confusion by doing some research to find out why he might have died
FIRST -- THEN determine if you should go out and buy another
for the younger 6 months ago (recently after the older one had
<Turtles don't need or want other turtles as companions. They
mostly view other turtles as either a mating opportunity or as
competitors. They prefer living alone, especially in smaller
environments like aquariums where they can't get away from one
another as they could in their natural environment.>
today the 'younger' one died.
<Again, I'm very sorry to hear you just lost another turtle,
especially at such a young age like the other one. This is very sad for
a number of reasons. First and foremost, it's heartbreaking when a
pet dies, and you've had two pets die now within a very short time
of each other. Second is because with proper care, pet turtles like red
eared sliders have a life expectancy of 40+ years or more. Both of
these turtles' lives were cut short significantly (and
unnecessarily). The 3rd reason is that they both likely suffered long,
slow and painful deaths. Turtles are good at hiding illness -- this is
an innate survival tactic so other creatures don't see them in a
weakened state and take advantage of them. Unfortunately, the fall-out
from this is that by the time WE notice they're sick, it's
often too late to save them.>
<And finally, it's sad because both deaths were totally and
easily preventable with some research on your part BEFORE deciding to
keep turtles as pets. In particular, after the death of your 1st turtle
after only 2 ½ years of age, this should have been your
warning sign to do research before going out to buy yet a 3rd
it too was doing the same thing the older turtle was doing, acting
slow, not eating and just sitting on the rock. My question is that why
does the red ear slider turtle does that?
<The one most probable reason they do that: when they have become so
sick and debilitated from either a poor diet, improper care and/or
environmental conditions that they can no longer hide their illness and
suffering. Once they can no longer eat or move, this means that their
illness is in its late stages.>
is it normal for the older turtle to pass away once I buy a new one
<NO! Unless one turtle attacks or stresses out the other to the
point where it becomes injured or sick, and dies (which is why we
recommend only 1 turtle per tank). Otherwise, with proper care, pet
turtles can live to be up to 40 years or more!>
or was it just bad luck?
<And NO! I might have been able to understand this question after
your 1st turtle died, but after your 2nd one died only 6 months later,
it's harder to understand why you think the deaths were due to bad
luck rather than considering the possibility that they were due to
improper care, diet, and/or the living conditions/environment that you
were providing them. The deaths of your two turtles had nothing to do
with bad luck, and everything to do with your not understanding what
their needs were.>
< Other than the water heater, you didn't provide enough
information for me to tell you what other things you might be doing
that are wrong, so until we know what these are, here's what you
need to do NOW to prevent your 3rd turtle from suffering the same fate
as your 1st two:
1. First and foremost, DO NOT buy any more turtles!
2. REMOVE your remaining turtle from the environment you're keeping
him in right now and place him somewhere warm and dry until you find
out and fix whatever is wrong. Only put him in a shallow container of
water for a few minutes each day to eat, drink and poop (they need to
eat food under water). Even though he may not look sick to you at the
moment, if you've been keeping him in the same conditions as your
1st two, it's likely he is also ill, just not yet showing the
signs. And even if he's not ill, putting him in a warm, dry
environment temporarily will only be of benefit to him until you find
out and fix whatever it is you've been doing wrong . Click on the
following link which tells you exactly how to do this:
Read, Learn, Fix and Commit to doing what you need to do to properly
care for your 3rd turtle before it's too late for him. Compare each
step of your care, conditions and environment to what is outlined in
the care guide link below, and make corrections where needed --
including what/how much/how often you're feeding; water quality
including frequency of water changes and filtration; water vs. basking
temperatures; UVB lighting; and proper size enclosure. Turtles
don't require a lot, but what they do require, they absolutely MUST
have. In return, your turtle will reward you back tenfold with many
years of enjoyment.
4. Once you have read both guides above, we'd be happy to answer
any specific questions or concerns you might have. We all want your
remaining turtle to have the chance to live a long, healthy and happy
5. All we ask is that next time you write us, please do a punctuation
and grammar check first before sending us your questions to make it
easier for others to search for and find this information on the
website, especially those from other countries who use automatic
language translators.>
Excellent; well-done Sue. BobF
Re: Why did my 2 red eared slider turtles die? It's not because of
bad luck. 8/4/10
Thank you, Bob! Not sure I'll ever hear back from her, but
hopefully she'll take the advice!
I do hope so as well. B
RED Eared Slider sick?
Poor care leads to illness? 7/29/10
<Hiya - Darrel here>
I have had a red eared slider for approximately 30 yrs, previously
belonged to a friend of mine, so I believe he is at least 40 yrs old.
In any event, he is in a 30 gallon glass aquarium, no heat lamp, no sun
lamp and has been this way for the whole time I have had him and my
friend had him. I change his water approximately 3 x a month.
<It's hard for me to decide where to begin to tell you how wrong
and unhealthy that is. Without thermoregulation, his metabolism
can't properly digest and absorb nutrients from his food. Without
natural sunlight or an artificial substitute, he can't synthesize
the Vitamin D he needs to help absorb the calcium that his bones need.
Since calcium is necessary for muscle movement, his body is actually
slowly 'eating' his bones in order to keep his heart
<Honestly, PW -- we don't recommend all these accessories
because we're afraid that you have too much extra money, OK? He
doesn't need very much, but he NEEDS what he needs. Read here - and
FIX what's wrong: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/RESCareBarton.htm>
I just 'adopted' a new slider, I believe very young, with a
wound on his/her neck that Petco suggested I treat w/triple antibiotics
as they sometimes see that and use that to fix the problem. He is not
the issue however, and he is being kept separate from my first born (so
to speak).
<The new arrival should have the wound treated while being kept warm
and dry. Read HERE also (and follow the instructions):
MY older one, the 40 yr old (more like 46) has recently increased his
eating enormously, - non-stop it seems. Every time I go near tank, he
comes over for food, and I oblige.
<Poorly kept, improperly housed AND over-fed. Hmm '¦ I
wonder what's next?>
However, tonight, I changed his water and noticed that where his
shoulders would be his skin seems to be a sort of ash white color (and
a bit on the 'thighs" as well) and the skin itself seems
<That would be the fungal infection that comes from being cold and
damp and poorly fed>
I am scared to death for him as I love him dearly and am quite proud
that he has stayed with me for all these years (since 1986) - my friend
gave him to me after finding him in a bucket in a basement, and the
turtle had lost a good deal of his shell.
<It's not surprising that he's lost shell, what's
surprising is that he's alive at all>
My friend John took classes at the Bronx Zoo and was able to restore
the shell and the turtle (and his brother, who died 20 yrs ago of liver
problems, he was autopsied to make sure I was doing all I could) - has
continued to thrive even w/out a heat lamp/rock etc. he does bask and
has rocks to climb out of his water onto.
<Actually '¦ he's not thriving. He has a fungal
infection and puffy skin from being cold, damp, improperly fed,
improperly housed in poor conditions>
I am terrified re this skin thing , never seen it before. His shell is
hard and normal and appx once a year, he sheds some scutes, which like
any proud parent I collect and save.
<Well, let's see what we can do>
Any help you can give would be appreciated. I discovered this late, and
the exotic vet has odd hours and hard to get appt w/, though I will try
to get one at the earliest. I just don't want him to wait or suffer
or make it worse for Wind.
<The good news is that, unless things have gone too far, everything
you mention is correctable! Get Wind warm and dry. Read the treatment
article and treat the skin for fungal infections (wipe with Tolnaftate,
etc.) but keep him warm and dry -- AND GET HIM SOME NATURAL
SUNLIGHT!!!!!! Start at around 15 minutes twice a day while you buy a
UV-B bulb from a pet store and set it up in his dry box (that's in
the treatment article)>
<Put him in a shallow bowl of room temperature water every day for
15 minutes. During that bath, give him as much as he can eat in three
minutes (no more).>
<This will all come as a shock to his system, but necessary to get
him healthy.>
<Meanwhile, read the ENTIRE care article and supply him everything
he needs - because he truly does NEED that stuff>
Thank you immensely.
Re: Poor care leads to illness? RES hlth. 8/1/10
thank you for your response - he's going to a vet tomorrow - but I
do need to correct a few impressions you apparently have
1) he had lost his shell before I got him, over 36 years ago and was
corrected by my friend john, who taught me how to care for him as he
had been doing.
<That's what I gathered from your letter>
2) I've had Wind since 1980 and he has never had a skin or other
problem - he's always been fine till now. (I just got back from a
vacation so perhaps the interim person overfed or whatever)
<the problem with ALL our pets '¦ is that unlike our
kids, they can't tell us where it hurts or what they need. It makes
it hard on them to receive what we know how to give AND hard on us to
know what's right.>
3) it's not at all an issue of money with this guy, and I will
correct to place in direct sunlight 15 min a day etc. and the dry box
<I appreciate that -- and so does Wind!>
4) thank you for your help and I'm sorry you seem to have the
impression that I am either cheap, stupid or non-caring about him.
<That wasn't my impression at all. In fact, I don't do
impressions -- my training is in other fields.>
<What I thought, PW, was that you were giving him the care that had
always worked in the past -- all of us, every one, are very respectful
of 'whatever works' so no, I did not get the impression that
you were uncaring OR stupid. The impression I got was someone that
cared very much and simply didn't recognize the signals he'd
never seen before.>
<But the one thing we ALL want '¦ is for Wind to live a
happy, healthy life. As long as we're all after that same goal, you
have our full support>
RES foot problem 7/24/10
Hey WWM Crew,
<Hiya - Darrel here>
I'm asking this question for a friend of a friend.
Here's a quote of the situation:
"real bad foot fungus, to the point where the claws are starting
to fall off and it does not want to swim nor eat; it just lays on the
floating log, looking stupid. I've already declared to the family
that I ain't taken it to the vet, and the thing's too hobbled
to run away like the other one did last year. Any advice?"
<Um, yeah>
I read as many FAQ's as I could just now, but didn't find a
solution. Does anyone have any input?
<I'm afraid all we HAVE is input>
Other than the, "Shoot the owner" which has already been
<If you send this link to your friend '¦
There is a section about treating fungus. Mainly you need to get the
turtle OUT of the tank, keep him warm and dry and apply a topical
anti-fungal like you'd use on athlete's foot. Properly and
aggressively treated, it may be possible to save this turtle if
it's not already septic>
<Now here's the other input, Scott:>
<You can tell more about a person's character by the way they
treat their pets than you can from the way they treat their
<Find someone to take the turtle off his hands>
<Why are you friends with a moron like this?>
<Place a call to your local ASPCA and to the humane society and
report this jerk as the animal abuser that he is.>
<Rip his name out of your Rolodex>
<Delete his name from your buddy list>
<Erase him from your contact list.>
<Call up your local chapter of The Jehovah's Witnesses and tell
them that you desperately need to learn more, then leave HIS name and
HIS address.>
<Find some hate group and sign up from their mailing list under HIS
name, but use his next door neighbor's street address.>
Thanks guys,
Scott T.
<Scott '¦ de-friend this guy before his karma rubs off on
Baby Res not eating and basking most of the time
<Hi there, Sue here with you.>
I have a baby RES that's around 3 1/2".
<If 3 ½' is her shell length, she (or he!) is not
a baby; more of a juvenile.>
I've had her for around 6 weeks. She's in a 8 liters <just a
little over 2 gallons> tun <??>
<Way too small an enclosure for a turtle this size. The general rule
of thumb is 10 gallons for every inch of shell length. Ideally a 40
gallon for now (at least a 20), but he/she will eventually grow to be
about 8-12' so will need a much larger enclosure down the
with a heating and UV lamp.
<A heat bulb and UV bulb are very good, but is your UV bulb
specifically UVB, or just UVA? It needs to be a UVB bulb. If it's
just UVA, you need to replace it with a UVB bulb -- no matter what the
pet store might have told you! See why below.>
I change the water every 1-2 days.
<That's good also; however, (especially if you don't have a
filter) it's also a good idea to scoop up with a net any uneaten
food and poop as soon as she's done eating and before it all breaks
down in the water. Turtles, especially as they get older, become quite
messy so I'd highly recommend you consider a very good quality
filter -- one that's rated for several times more than the amount
of water in your aquarium. Turtles need better filtration than
Recently her appetite slowly reduced. Now she won't eat anything
and would mostly stay on her basking rock.
<The combination of not eating at all and basking all the time --
especially when it's a change in how she normally behaves -- is
often a sign of illness.>
The water temperature is around 76-78°f during day and
72°at night. I've ordered for a water heater.
<I wouldn't put a water heater in the tank. When it comes in,
return it. Her water temp. should only be around 70-72 degrees (F) all
the time. Turtles need cool water and warm dry air -- see more about
this below.>
I feed her dried blood worms and turtle pellets. And occasionally fed
her dried shrimp and carrots.
<I'd replace the dried blood worms with an occasional (live)
earth worm '¦ and ONLY as a treat, maybe just 1 or 2 every
couple of weeks. They should not be part of her regular diet. Her
turtle pellet should also be a good quality pellet such as a Koi or
ReptoMin brand pellet. She only needs to be fed once every other day in
the morning, and only as much as she can eat in 5-10 minutes to avoid
<For some added fiber, I also give my turtles various assorted
greens (not iceberg lettuce though). I attach a few of them together on
a clip with a suction cup attached to the side of the tank and let them
dangle in the water (easier to clean up later since they're all in
one place!). I replace with new greens every couple of days (or more
often if they gobble it all up before then). I was able to get the clip
with suction cup at a pet store; it comes in handy.>
She never used to bask before. She loved to stay in the water.
<Turtles should be both basking and swimming every day. One of the
main reasons you're having some problems now with her skin and
possibly her shell is that she's been spending too much time in the
water. Turtles can't self-regulate their body temperature like we
can; they have to rely on their environment to properly maintain their
bodily functions. Each day, they need to haul out of the water,
completely dry off, warm up, and soak up the UVB light rays (mimics the
benefits they would normally derive from the sun if they were outside)
-- both for their shell/skin health and to properly digest their
<In order to entice your turtle to get out of the water, she needs
to be given a clear choice between cool water (low 70's F as above)
and warm, dry air above her basking area (around 88-90 degrees F --
attach a suction thermometer to the inside wall immediately above this
area to monitor). The wider gap between the cool water and warm air is
what will entice her to get out of the water in order to warm herself
up. If her water is too warm, she won't want to get out.>
<However, right now, she should be treated differently until her
other conditions improve. See below.>
There's no reptile vet in my city (so vet isn't an option). How
long can a baby RES stay without food? What should I do to make her eat
<What's more of a concern than her lack of eating right now is
her skin and eyes. Turtles can actually go days, even weeks without
eating and still be ok. However, her lack of eating is a sign that
other things are going on with her, and that her environment may not be
correct. These are the things that need to be addressed. Once these
things are fixed (see below), her appetite should return. If not, write
back and I can offer you a tip or two!>
<Also, as far as a vet, I'm aware of at least one herp vet who
will provide telephone consultation to regular vets. If/when you need
to take your turtle to a vet, write back and I'll see what I can
pull together for you. It's always a good idea to plan ahead so
that you're not scrambling around if/when your turtle should become
ill enough to need to see a vet.>
I could see her shell peeling a very little bit. Is it shedding?
<It could be. A little peeling is a normal part of growth and not
that noticeable. A lot of peeling, however, is not normal.>
Her shell isn't soft or oozing. She's a little active when
she's in water.
<These are good signs.>
She has a little fungus on her legs and tails. I think her skin is
shedding too as I could see a layer of her skin peeling (I think
it's her skin ). Her fungus seems to getting better as she basks
all day now. It's reduced significantly.
<Yes, and this is the perfect lead-in to my suggestion for you!! You
should remove her from the tank completely right now and place her in a
warm, dry environment until she's all better. Fungi, like other
infections, are opportunistic and take advantage of warm, moist
environments. Keeping her warm and dry right now except for a few
minutes each day in shallow water to eat/poop will give her system an
added boost and help her get better quicker. Click on the link below
for a very good article written by another crew member that will tell
you how to set up/isolate your turtle in a temporary warm, dry
<Oh and looking at her eyes. (They're) not fully open. But they
aren't swollen or puffed/no discharge either.
<Her eye problems are likely the secondary effect of being generally
debilitated as a result of not basking up until now, and as a result,
not metabolizing her Vitamin D. I would recommend giving her ReptiVite
vitamin supplements by ZooMed. They're calcium based and should
also help a bit with the skin shedding -- though you should still
isolate her using the guidelines outlined in the link above. A vitamin
can never take the place of proper care. And as above, I'd also
switch to a good quality Koi pellet or ReptoMin.>
How can I save my RES and is all this because of her shedding?
<By isolating for now, then afterward making some changes to her
diet and environment. The problems your turtle is having aren't due
to shedding. Rather, the shedding and the other problems are all due to
environmental conditions (above mentioned) that need to be fixed. Here
is another great article (written by the same crew member!) that
outlines all the care guidelines in much greater detail. Give it a read
over, and make whatever adjustments are necessary. Providing your
turtle the right size enclosure, diet, water and basking conditions
will go a long way to ensure that she (or he!) will live a long and
healthy life. Hope this helps! http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/RESCareBarton.htm
Red-eared slider blister? 7/13/10
<Hiya - Darrel here>
I have a red-eared slider in a 10-gallon tank, just him in there.
He's acting normally, eating and cheerful as always,
<Glad to hear that he's cheerful, Anne. Nothing fun about
a sullen or moody Slider!>
'¦ but I noticed a clear sac-type thing on the bottom
of one of his rear feet. I've attached a photo of it, as I
don't know what exactly to call it. Is it a blister? It seems
to have just occurred, and I've never seen anything like this
on him before. It doesn't seem to hurt him when I touch it
(which I was doing to try to figure out what it is.) I'm not
sure if it's filled with liquid, but it doesn't look like
it is. And he's swimming around normally. But it's rather
large, right to the tip of the foot where the skin ends at the
<It's an odd thing to be sure. My guess is that it's
something growing ON him rather than from within him. To that
extent, let's take him out, dry him off and try to remove it.
First dry to brush it with a dry cloth, maybe an old toothbrush,
but if necessary, pull if off with tweezers. Clean the affected
area with hydrogen peroxide, let that dry and then dribble on
some Betadine. Let him stay dry overnight and put him back in his
tank the next day.>
Also, and this may be unrelated, he seems to have brown spots on
the underside of his shell. I've attached photos of that
<Yeah -- there are two common causes of that discoloration.
The first one, worst one, is a septic infection. For that to
occur he'd be VERY sick and would have been sick for a very
long time. It's not likely if he's still active, eating
and happy. When a turtle become septic, the first thing he'll
typically do is stop thermoregulation: basking, swimming,
followed by more basking, etc. and he'll almost always be off
his feed>
<The second, far more common source is a simple discoloration
from rubbing against rocks or bricks '¦ something akin
to a simple stain.>
I've seen things like that in photos of turtles with fungal
infections, but mine doesn't seem to have any other symptoms
of a fungal infection. Are these brown spots normal? Or should I
be worried? (Well, I am worried, but should I continue being
<Given the combination of symptoms, I'd treat him on the
assumption of a fungal infection (even if it's not
conclusive). Read the link below and treat him as if he had a
fungal infection for '¦ say '¦ two weeks
'¦ and let's see how he does>
Thank you!

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