FAQs on Small Freshwater
Articles: Forget
Crawfish Pie, Let's Make a Crawfish Tank! By Gage
Harford, Freshwater to Brackish
Crabs by Bob Fenner, Terrestrial Hermit
Crabs, Invertebrates for Freshwater Aquariums by
Neale Monks,
Related FAQs: FW Crustaceans 1, FW Crustaceans 2, FW Crustaceans 3,
& & FAQs on:
FW Crustacean Identification,
FW Crustacean
Behavior, FW Crustacean
Compatibility, FW Crustacean
Selection, FW Crustacean
Systems, FW Crustacean Feeding,
FW Crustacean Disease, FW Crustacean Reproduction &
Small Freshwater Crustaceans Groups, by Genus:
Triops, the Amphipods Which Are Gammarus
(Scuds), Cyclops,
& Crustacean Selection, Crustacean Behavior, Crustacean Compatibility, Crustacean Systems, Crustacean Feeding, Crustacean Disease, Crustacean Reproduction,
Shrimp, FW Crabs,
Terrestrial Hermit Crabs, &
Marine Hermit ID,
Hermit Behavior, Hermit Compatibility, Hermit Selection, Hermit Systems, Hermit Feeding, Hermit Reproduction, Hermit Disease/Health, &
Crayfish FAQs, Crayfish
2, Crayfish ID, Crayfish Behavior, Crayfish Compatibility, Crayfish Selection, Crayfish Systems, Crayfish Feeding, Crayfish Disease, Crayfish

What happened to yabby 3/15/20
I found my yabby not active and he was dead the next day . His colour
changed to green . What is the cause of his death ?
<Mmm; need more/information. What re this animal's system, food, water
quality? Please tell me/us about the system, filtration, maintenance... Have
you had this crustacean long? Bob Fenner>
Are these Gammarus shrimp? 6/2/16
Hello wonderfully helpful people!
<Howsit Sab?>
I turned on my light in my 10 gallon freshwater tank today and was greeted
with the sight of tiny crustaceans zipping around that most definitely
should not be in there. They're brown and tiny, only about 3/16 of an inch.
I've managed to catch 4 into a container, but there's at least a couple
more. After scouring the web I came to the conclusion that they seem to be
Gammarus shrimp, but would like your expert opinion.
<I do think this is Gammarus as well>
Provided that they are Gammarus shrimp, should I put them back in the tank
or should they be removed?
<I'd keep them as useful scavengers. Neat animals>
Thank you very much!
<Welcome! Bob Fenner>
Re: Are these Gammarus shrimp? 6/2/16
Hello Bob!
Is there a chance of them taking over the tank or harming my Pygmy cories?
They're kind of freaky looking.
<Not much chance of either; however if the Corydoras or other egg-laying
fishes were spawning, these might be consumed. BobF>
Re: Are these Gammarus shrimp? 6/2/16
I was hoping the Corydoras would spawn but I read that these shrimp hide in
the substrate and can't be eradicated,
<Mmm; well... can be... by chemical means... Poisons that target
Arthropods... And to some degree via purposeful predators>
so I suppose that dream is out the window. I guess I'll return them back to
the tank then and let them eat the detritus. Thank you for your help once
<Cheers, BobF>
Re: Are these Gammarus shrimp? 6/7/16
Yikes I definitely don't want to use poisons. Is it common for tanks to acquire
a variety of tiny crustaceans?
<Yes; healthy ones do quite often. Especially if stocked with live plants>
After finding the shrimp I looked much more closely at my tank and noticed a
tiny white dot, smaller than a grain of salt, swimming towards a moss ball and
climbing up it. When I sucked up the shrimp I also sucked up little round black
thing smaller than the white thing that swims around rather erratically. If this
is normal I definitely don't mind having a nice varied ecosystem going.
<I am of the same philosophy, practice. Perhaps an inexpensive microscope is in
your future? Fascinating fun.
Bob Fenner>
Little Bugs Swimming In The
Aquarium 1/21/07 I am in desperate need of some
answers concerning these nearly microscopic "bugs" which
persist in my aquarium despite amazing odds against them. Fish store
owners have looked at me as though I have lost my mind when I try to
describe my problem, so hopefully you can help. I have a 2.5 gallon
freshwater aquarium which originally contained 1 male Betta. I noticed
one day when I turned on the tank light that there were small, nearly
microscopic, white specks on the (in)side of the glass (actually it is
acrylic). These white specks moved with purpose, much like an insect
would. They moved quickly considering their small size, but slowly from
my standpoint. It is my impression that it is the 'adults' of
these bugs which are free swimming and appear to jerk slightly from
side to side as they swim upwards or horizontally; however, it could
just be that some cling to the glass, while others lose their grip and
swim around. The fish store owner gave me the strongest aquatic
insecticide he had available, and I took it home and treated the tank
twice. I did have some small worms also crawling on the glass, which
all died, but these "bugs" weren't even phased. I moved
my Betta into a Betta bowl, and inadvertently transferred some of these
bugs, too. The next time I moved my Betta, I did so by hand to a 1
gallon bowl, and so far it appears to be free from the bugs. Still, I
emptied the 2.5 gallon aquarium and set it outside under an awning to
let it completely dry out in the frigid winter air for about a month.
Just after Christmas, I set up the aquarium again, scrubbing the sides
and churning the gravel to clean as best I could, and left it to filter
without fish or plants for about 3 weeks. After that time, it still
seemed clear of bugs, so I put in my new goldfish to house until I get
my new 36 gallon aquarium cycled and ready for fish. Just this morning,
I turned on the light of the 2.5 gallon aquarium and behold! Upon close
inspection, small white specks are moving around on the glass again!
How did they come back? What are they? How can I prevent them from
spreading into my new aquarium when one occupant of that aquarium will
be a fish who has been living with these bugs for what will come to be
weeks? Can I stop this bug infestation before they are inadvertently
transferred to my new aquarium (are they even bugs)? My 5 gallon
aquarium temporarily housing my other goldfish has been and is still
free from such horrible little creatures. What in the world happened
with the smaller aquarium? Could the bugs have come in on a plant from
PetCo which I bought when its roots were encased in nothing but gel?
Thanks for your time! Cami < Treat the tank with either Fluke-Tabs
or Clout. These medications will kill most invertebrates. You need to
retreat as per the directions on the package because the medication may
not be effective against the eggs. I Think you have a sort of daphnia
or water flea. They come in with plants or sand. The eggs can survive
drying out. They are unsightly but usually
Little Bugs In The Aquarium II
1/21/07 I forgot to mention that I want to be rid of these bugs,
not just for peace of mind, but because the free swimming form of them
irritated my Betta. They made him dart around as though they bothered
him. Now that he is free from them, he is acting normally again. My new
goldfish in the tank with the bugs seems to dart around too. < The
medication I recommended will take care of these bugs, even if they are
fish lice.-Chuck>
Crazily mis- over-stocked FW sys.... w/ induced
prob.s... Crazy! Oh, and HH ID
I was wondering if you could help me out with my Freshwater tank
<Am trying>
I have a 90 Gallon tank. which is home to 3 Aruwans, 3 Oscars, 2
Silver dollars, 1 clown knife fish and a Giant Pink Gaurami.
<Yeeikes! Way too crowded... and only going to get worse...
All this, these animals won't live well or long in this small
The tank has 1 External Filter , and two submerged filters, 2 air
supply pumps. Gravel Substrate and two tank ornaments.
The water temperature is at a steady 78 deg and changed 25% every
two weeks.
<I'd change this amount weekly>
About a week ago I've noticed a lot of tiny white bubble like
creatures in the tank, very similar to tiny fish eggs. Now they
seem to be moving around the tank and sometimes cling on to my
Oscars. Yesterday my clown knife fish died unexpectedly ( No
symptoms of being sick or hurt).
<Stress alone...>
These white creatures are now all over the gravel and some on the
sides of my tank as well.(Photo attached)
can any one tell me 1).What are they? 2) How can i get rid of
<Small crustaceans of some sort... Perhaps Cladocerans... not
harmful... Best to "be rid of them" by simple
vacuuming, cleaning of the gravel... BUT, you need NOW to move,
separate the life you list... READ re the needs of these species.
They can't all live in a ninety. Bob Fenner>
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you
Re: mis- over-stocked FW induced
prob.s 07/23/09
Thank you Bob Fenner for your advice I will try it.
<Ah, good>
Hopefully I will be able to write back "problem solved"
Also I have just setup another tank so will be moving the Oscars
out soon.
Thank you once again.
Vishwas Shetty
<Welcome my friend. BobF>
Unidentified freshwater
critters 12/14/08 Dear crew, Can you please
help me identify these bugs that are running amok in my
freshwater invertebrate tank (Red Cherry Shrimp and
Melanoides sp.). I don't think they're parasites,
they seem to eat whatever the shrimp eat and hang out a lot
in the sponge filter and in the sand. They do swim in the
water column and appear to have a pair of antennae when
observed with a magnifying glass and measure maybe 1-2mm. I
don't intend to try to eradicate them as they don't
appear to do any harm, but I would like to know what these
might be, just out of curiosity. Any help is greatly
appreciated. Thank you, Evan <Evan, I can't really
be certain from the photos you sent, but my assumption is
that these are nothing more than copepods. They're
completely harmless, and indeed edible, and should be taken
by some of your fish, particularly anything that sifts the
sediment (for example dwarf cichlids). Now, when
invertebrates "run amok" in aquaria, it's
often a good sign there's an excess of organic matter,
i.e., food for them to eat. So cut back on the portions at
dinner time! If need be, stop feeding altogether for a
week, and the snails and shrimps will do just fine on algae
alone. Otherwise, don't worry about them too much.
Heck, if this was a marine reef tank, you'd be happy to
see these chaps! Cheers, Neale.>
Black Pepper Size Critters in FW Tank -
Greetings from Georgia! <And reciprocal salutations for
Hertfordshire!> We apologize is this is covered
elsewhere on the site, as we found reference to white
copepods, but not our 'bug.' Our 125 gallon
community FW tank (1.002 salt) has been up 15 months. It
has 2-3 inches of LFS gravel. <Ah, 1.002 definitely
qualifies as "brackish" -- that's about 4-5
grammes of marine salt mix per litre of water, or about
10-15% the normal salinity of seawater. Great for
livebearers, killifish, and other species that appreciate
slightly saline conditions.> For the first time, upon
vacuuming the gravel and changing water, our white buckets
had 100's, perhaps 1000's of black (dark brown?)
specks smaller than pepper grains moving furiously in the
bottom of the siphoned water yesterday. I have never seen
them before. <Likely only copepods, ostracods, aquatic
insects or similar.> They seem to cling to larger
detritus in the bottom of the bucket. Under a hand held
magnifying glass, no visible legs, eyes, spots, antennae,
stripes, etc turned up. Still looked like black pepper. Our
fish are healthy; these are not on the fish that we can
see. These are not visible in the tank. <OK.> They
died pretty quickly in the sunlight in 2" of the water
outside at 90 degrees F daytime temperature. <How
mean!> What are they, are they harmful or good for the
tank? <Harmless; indeed, somewhat beneficial as they
will be helping to speed up the decay of detritus in the
substrate, preventing anaerobic decay. They will also
provide a certain amount of food for species that graze on
or sift the substrate. If you have an excessive number of
them, it likely implies that there's a lot of organic
matter in the sediment, which implies you are either
overfeeding your fish or under-cleaning the substrate.
Either way, controlling the food supply will go a long way
to restricting the population of these organisms.> Many
thanks, Don <Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Black Pepper Size Critters in FW
Tank - 7/2/08
Many thanks, Neale, we appreciate your advice. <Most
welcome!> I have visited your area years ago, I think it
dates back to the Bronze Age; I visited after that! <I
see!> Thanks for clarifying that we are indeed
"brackish." We will watch the overfeeding.
<Very good.> Your answer begs the question: Since we
need (want?) the gravel substrate to anchor our many
plastic plants (oxymoron?), the UGF is along for the ride
and we don't see getting rid of the UGF, it does the
job. <Quite; UGFs can work very well, provided their
limitations aren't a problem for your particular
set-up. Turned into a reverse-flow system by adding a
canister filter to the mix instead of powerheads/airstones
and you have one of the single best filtration systems
around.> What is the thinnest we can go on depth of the
gravel and still accomplish the UGF function? We understand
too deep is bad (anaerobic dead spots), and too thin does
not accomplish the mission. <I'd recommend 8
cm/3". Does of course depend on the grade of the
gravel; finer gravel will provide more surface area per
unit depth.> It would seem that vacuuming and cleaning
are simplified with a minimal thickness of gravel. We
operate two Aqua Clear 400 power heads (1 in each back
corner), and also a Fluval 405 and a Fluval 305. Again this
is a 125 gallon tank with no live plants, and approximately
50 community fish. The gravel is on a raised plastic tray.
We remove plastic plants, caves, etc to gravel so there is
never a dead spot due to a fixed decoration. <Ah, I
suspect a reverse flow system is precisely what you need.
All you do is connect the canister filter outlet to the
inlet of the UG filter plate. So water gets filtered
mechanically by the canister (removing silt and organic
debris) and then pushed from underneath the filter plate up
through the gravel into the tank. As it goes through the
gravel, the ammonia and nitrite are removed. The really big
advantage is that the gravel now becomes
'self-cleaning' because silt and debris can't
settle into it; instead the upwards flow of water
constantly cleans the gravel, pushing fine particles into
the water column.> Thanks again for your time and
efforts toward this fishy fun. Cheers, Don and Rosemary
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: the incurable itch, now unid'ed FW
crustacean 9/2/05 Okay, I just seen
something. I was feeding my fish and crawling on one
of the apple snails was a bug, it looked like a common flea that
you would find on a dog or cat. It was brown and big
for an aquarium bug. I thought it was a bug that fell in my tank
and was going to drowned but it just crawled around on the snail
and it was carrying a little sac. It carried the sac
some where near the snail's eye and then I lost track of it
because the snail retracted into its shell, now comes the
weirdest part. I think the bug crawled into my snails
butt and is just sitting there because I can see a brown thing
through the skin and I don't think it is poop because it
isn't falling out. I am not 100% sure though. I just put the
apple snails in the tank a few days ago and I KNOW they are
healthy because they were born here in a 20g tank down stairs
where they have lived without fish for several months. My step
dad also has some of the snails including the mother in his 60g
tank and I have never before seen anything like this bug in my
tank. It is way too big for me to have missed crawling
on one of my fish. Any ideas? <Is very likely one
of many freshwater crustaceans. Very likely not harmful>
It didn't look like fish lice, or fish fleas, it
was way too big, it was like at least the size of the apostrophe
on the keyboard. Oh yeah, also that is not a rock on
the bottom it is bog wood. <I see, thank you>
Again thanks for your help. I need it! I have to admit
that I am sort of freaked out about this and I am feeling pretty
down. I had high hopes about getting back into the hobby and was
planning on adding either a few Kuhlis or some dwarf frogs to the
tank but it seems like my tank will never be healthy. <Mmm,
give it time... could be chemical/s leaching from the bog wood...
try removing this for a few weeks, the carbon...> I have had
problems right from the start despite all my
efforts. I hope I can get through this with all my
fish and my tank intact. <There is something likely very
simple at play here... to be found, fixed in time. Bob
Help me I've got fleas I have
a 6 gallon fish tank with 4 fancy tailed guppies, a Chinese algae
eater, and an ugly sucker fish of some sort. I do not know the
name of the sucker fish, but believe that after I bought him and
put him in my tank, is when the problem started. I have some sort
of fast breeding crustaceans taking over my tank. I have broken
my tank down and cleaned and cleaned and cleaned it on several
occasions, but they keep coming back. They seem to start down in
the gravel, then you can see them look like they are floating up
to the top, just to swim back down. After a week or so, they will
start up moving and down the walls of the tank, almost marching
like an army. I have asked several pet stores and they sell
me stuff to treat the fish with, even though I have tried to tell
them that the fish are fine. The fish will not eat these things
and these things do not attach themselves to the fish. I even
dipped some out of these things out of the tank and took it to
several places that sell fish. They don't have a clue what
they are! I looked at 3 under a 5X's magnifying glass. They
are light tan color, shaped like a football with black dots (I
could not see any legs), and feel like a piece of sand. I hope
you can help me with getting rid of these, because I really do
enjoy having a fish tank. < I think you have a species
of daphnia or water flea. Some small red species are edible to
fish, but others are hard and fish do not like them. I suspect
that your gravel or some live plants may be responsible. If you
used a inexpensive natural sand then I think the local river bed
may have contained some of these critters and it took them a
little while to reproduce in the numbers you now see. The red
ones feed on algae particles in the water. In fact some green
water would be required to keep them alive. I have seen something
similar to what you describe in with pond plants and duckweed all
the time but I am not sure what they eat. Since you have such a
small tank I would take the tank apart. Then I would wash the
sand thoroughly in a five gallon bucket along with the
decorations. Carefully add a cup of bleach and let everything
soak. The water fleas should be floating to the top of the bucket
dead. If not then add another 1/2 cup of bleach. If everything is
dead then I would get some rubber gloves and wipe down the
interior of the tank with the bleach mixture. Rinse everything
good at least three times. Put everything back and check the
chlorine levels in the water. Add a water conditioner to remove
any remaining chlorine residue. Your tank has now been sterilized
and you have no biological filtration so you will have to
carefully watch the ammonia levels until your tank gets cycled
again Don't add any of the water from the container with the
fish. Pour the fish into a net and place them back in the
Is this an isopod? 4/6/07 Dear
Crew Members, <Deborah> I've spent the last few
hours on WetWebMedia trying to find an answer to this
question with no clear answers so, I'm once again turning
to the crew. The filter on my 15GAL Fresh Water
tank gave out last month and, while disposing of it, I
noticed some little critters attached to the
BIO-wheel. They looked very similar to isopods.
<Yes> Since I didn't see any more, I forgot all
about it. Today, I was doing a water change and
saw multiple shells (possibly exoskeletons) from these same
little creatures inside the tank. They all appeared to be
dead but, they had gotten under the lip of the tank and into
the light casing leaving remnants behind. All of
my fish look great and none have anything attached to
them. I'm attaching a couple of pictures in
hopes that you can tell me what these are. Are they an
infestation? <Mmm... I actually doubt it/this... as you
would very likely see a more than decimation of your fish
population... chew marks et al.> If so, how do I get rid
of them? Either way, how are they normally
introduced to the tank? Any help will be greatly
appreciated, as always. Thanks, Deborah (tank rat) <These
may be isopods... but more like "Wood
Lice/Louse"... just having a drink so to speak... See
Google with the term, "Freshwater Isopods"... and
look at the images... Bob Fenner> |
