FAQs About Turtle Systems: Basking
Related Articles: Turtles, Amphibians, Red Eared Slider Care,
The Care and Keeping
of the Red Eared Slider,
Trachemys scripta
elegans by Darrel Barton,
Related FAQs: Turtle Systems 1, Turtle Systems 2, & Further
Subdivided FAQs on Turtle Systems: Turtle Enclosures, Turtle System Filtration, Turtles & Light (UV plus), Turtle System Heating, Turtle Substrates & Decor, Turtle System Maintenance, Overwintering Environments, RES Systems, & Turtles 1, Turtles
2, Red Ear Sliders, Turtle Identification, Turtle Behavior, Turtle Compatibility, Turtle Selection, Turtle Feeding, Turtle Disease, Turtle Reproduction, & by Species:
Cooters/Mud Turtles, Softshells, Snapping Turtles, Mata Matas, Tortoises, & Amphibians, Other Reptiles,

Albino red eared sliders in the sun
<Hiya Darrel here>
first of all, my compliments, you people do awesome work, i red a lot on
the turtles part of the website and it is very informative!
<thanks. When you hit the lottery, please donate some>
I was however searching for an answer to a question i have which i did
not find on this site nor anywhere else.
Here it is; albino red eared sliders like to bask in the sun , but most
animals that have albinism are experiencing all sorts of troubles with
Is an albino turtle able to sunbathe like every other turtle?
<In the wild they'd be picked off by predators not long after they've
Are their eyes and skin not in danger of sun damage?
<yes they are>
In advance i want to thank you for the answer already!
<Albinos of all species are usually kept in much more controlled
enclosures. In your case invest in a good UV-B lamp and a basking lamp
and keep the albinos out of the sun>
English is not my native languages, i hope there aren't too much
mistakes in my writing .
<you are doing well!>
I am waiting for your answer,
Have a very nice day.
Patrick Hempe
Asking question about res 9/14/15
How do I ask a question?
<You just did! Hiya - Darrel here.>
My red eared slider stopped basking about two weeks ago and I
can't get any information anywhere on this topic except in the cases of new
turtles. I have had her for a year. Can I get some direction please?
<Yes. First don't worry. Remember to look at it from her perspective:
She hauls out and basks in order to warm up when she feel's it's safe.
Water turtles feel vulnerable when basking and safe in water and if they are
nervous they'll stay in the water so let's start from the inside and work our
way outside. What is the water temperature? If the temp is over 80 degrees it's
very possible she just doesn't want to bask. Was the lamp moved or the basking
area changed? Any changes in the room? Dogs, kids,
Air Conditioners or fans that would make frightening distractions or weird
<Has she been injured lately? A fall, a scrape, anything like that? Is she
otherwise active? Moves around, swims to the glass when she sees you? Is she
eating well?>
<If all these seem to be in line (active, alert, eating, no threats) just let
her be herself for a month or so and then as the season starts to change we'll
see what she does>
Established Red-Eared Slider Refuses New Basking Area
Hi there.
<Hiya – Darrel here>
Your site has been very helpful to me over the years and I did email you for
help a few years ago about this same turtle, "Lucy," after she ingested lots of
plastic aquarium plants. Thank you, we fixed the problem with a lot of Metamucil
and the passage of time (and other stuff).
<It’s a miracle medicine. I had an Iguana just swallow a piece of a ZipLock bag
and used the same treatment>
Fast forward to now. Lucy (who is roughly 8-9" long and who I've owned for about
5 years) has a 90-gallon tank and has been a perfect (though feisty) turtle
until lately.
<She’s a big girl>
She has a double-dome lighting fixture with a 75 watt Repti-Tuff heat bulb and a
13 watt UVB bulb which sits about 11" above the floor of her basking area. Three
weeks ago I replaced the old, crappy turtle ramp (the kind that affixes to the
tank with suction cups) with a gorgeous redwood and Plexiglas "house." The
basking area is 18" x 18" and has a large hole at the top for the lamp (her
previous set-up was using a 90 watt heat bulb that was about 13-14" from the
bottom of her basking area before). The reason I made the change was to give her
more swimming room. I was able to add roughly 12-15 gallons of water to her
tank, which is kept pretty darn clean if I do say so myself. Anyway, she will
not bask. She will not go up to her basking area. It is roughly 85-95 degrees
inside, depending upon where I point the laser temperature reader thingy (not
quite as warm as her previous basking area, which was at 100+ in places). She
will however, go up there if I lure her with salmon. So she CAN go up there--she
just chooses not to. I read here that turtles can be persnickety about change
but it's going on three weeks and I'm concerned that she is not getting the UVB
lighting she needs.
<They can be, often are - and it’s no big deal>
The tank is NOT heated and nothing else has been changed. She hangs out on the
ramp most of the time. But she won't go up into the basking area! I probably
didn't help matters by trying to lock her in there last weekend when I went out
of town (she escaped the basking house, going back into her tank).
<Yeah – a good intentioned bad idea>
How worried should I be?
<Not very at all>
At what point does the lack of UVB become really harmful?
<6 months, perhaps a year or two if she’s otherwise healthy>
I assume she is getting some small amount of UVB rays when she sits on the ramp,
even though she's a good 18+ inches away from being below the bulb (it protrudes
slightly from the fixture and I assume the rays distribute). What can I do?
Should I change the set-up to use the 90 watt heat bulb 13-14" above the area
like before, to make it warmer? (I should note that I wanted to switch to the 75
watters because the danged 90 watters tended to burn out after about six weeks.)
Please help me help Lucy.
<First thing – no more changes. It is what it is – let her deal with that.>
<Here’s my first guess – sometimes a LITTLE change is not ENOUGH of a change>
<Here’s a trick fish & reptile keepers use when adding a new animal to a
collection – especially a male, but can apply to any: Rearrange EVERYTHING at
the same time you introduce the new guy. That way the “old guys” no longer have
“their” territory to defend and they are so busy exploring their new setup they
have no time to mess with the new guy.>
<For Lucy … change might help. Put her outside during the day (in a climb-proof
container that has both water and shade). This time of year, here in Torrance,
is PERFECT outdoor weather for her. At night, bring her inside and into the
bathtub (at least here where I live we have raccoons and outside overnight isn’t
a good idea) and repeat this for a week. THEN put her back in her “home” and
it’s likely that she’ll be so happy to get back to “her” home she won’t even
notice the changes>
Torrance, CA
Re: Established Red-Eared Slider Refuses New Basking Area
Hi Darrel,
Apparently Lucy is working through her issues and is now basking on the
semi-regular. I read somewhere that one turt was basking only when "alone" and
would slide into the tank when her owner came in. Well, that is apparently Lucy.
And based upon how well I "know" her, it makes sense.
<For whatever reason, Lucy feels exposed and nervous while basking. That will
change over time - certainly nothing for us to worry about>
Either way, I've been seeing her up there from time to time, without even having
to prod her with food. Thanks so much for all your help. I made a small donation
to WWW the other day.
Your site is invaluable. My phone isn't smart and it shows when I take pics.
This one is crappy but you get the idea of Lucy's new "house."
<The pictures are fine!! Although I think it' interesting that not ALL that long
ago our phones all had cords ... and if you were travelling and wanted to make a
phone call you have to find a phone booth ... and now we can take pictures
without having to drop them off at Fotomat.>
<keep us posted on Lucy>
Take care,
she basks! |
Red infrared basking light for turtles
<Hiya - Darrel here>
I was here before when my African side neck turtle was acting strange, and she
is doing great thanks to your advice!
<Happy to hear that>
I now have a question about lighting. I recently upgraded my tank to a 75
gallon, and so I needed a new basking bulb because the one on my 40 gallon
wasn't keeping the basking area at the desired temperature. By recommendation
from the staff at my local pet store, I bought an Exo Terra Infrared basking
spot bulb which also produces red light. I've been using
for a week, and my turtle seems fine with it. However, I lot of people have told
me that red infrared will injure their eyes, and they can become blind. Is this
<nope. He sun produces plenty of that wavelength and the world is not filled
with blind turtles or frogs or anything else.>
<That said, the purpose for infrared is to produce heat using a light that
doesn't disturb the animals at night. In other words we use red bulbs when we're
trying to heat the animals while they sleep. A bulb that goes on in the morning
and out in the evening doesn't need to be red.>
Should I go buy a new bulb immediately? I definitely do not want to hurt my
little buddy.
Also, she does have a uvb light as well. I keep both on on a 12 hour cycle.
I attached a picture of the bulb I purchased. Thank you for your help! I
love your website, you give great advice!
<Thank you - we try. The Pay Off to Bob and the rest of us crew members is
people like you who TAKE the advice and make better lives for our wet friends.
Keep up the good work>
RES; beh. basking 1/25/15
We have a 1 year old RES and just recently upgraded his tank. He
now refuses to bask or even come out of the water. He is still
eating and swimming well.
<Good. Turtles are prey animals, despite their shells, and tend to go
into the water when alarmed. If you changed his tank in the last couple
days, he may feel threatened. Staying in the water is one way for him to
avoid going out into what seems like a strange new world. Time may be
all that's required.>
Other than lighting and size of the tank, nothing has changed. I have an
in water heater as well as a heating light above the basking rock.
<There's no need to heat the water. Turtles warm up under the heat lamp
(and soak up UV-B under the UV-B lamp) and then dip into the water to
cool down. That's how they thermoregulate. Unless the room is unusually
cold, it'll be fine for them at room temperature. In fact if the water
was a bit cooler, he'd have to come out onto his rock to bask.>
Any ideas?
<Does he have UV-B lighting? Lack of UV-B is a common cause of problems;
indeed, alongside lack of calcium, it is probably the most common cause
of problems. Since you haven't mentioned UV-B, that's would be my first
question for you, and the first thing we'd want to "tick off" our list
of possible problems. Lack of UV-B leads to all sorts of problems,
skeletal and neurological ones, either of which can explain strange
movements and behaviours.>
Thank you,
<Most welcome, Neale.>
Red Ear Sliders; overwintering
Hi there,
<Hiya - Darrel here>
I have two red eared sliders that I got as babies 8 years ago.
They lived in an inside aquarium up until last year as they got too big.
They now live outside on my balcony in a prefab pond. I have a filter,
basking area and a heater. I live in Southern California where it's
generally warm.
<Yes. Generally they don't need a heater at all.>
However, we've had some really cold nights and I'm frightened that the
turtles are suffering...daytime highs are mid sixties. Nighttime lows
are low forties/high thirties. I know sliders are supposed to hibernate
at temps below 50, but I'm afraid it's not cold enough....or that
it's cold enough at night, but not during the day. I've heard that this
"middle ground" can be very stressful for the turtles.
<That is right, it can be>
Should I bring the turtles in for the season?
<You certainly can.>
Perhaps just in at night?
<Some people do that as well>
I would appreciate any guidance you can give me. I've spent hours
reading about hibernation, but haven't found any real information on
what to do in this "middle-ish" climate.
<OK - here's the deal. It depends on your pond. The deeper the pond the
more heat it will retain during the night, especially if you have a
heater. My adult Sliders, also here in Southern California, live all
year long in an un-heated outdoor pond that is two and a half feet deep.
During the month or so that it gets chilly here, they tend to settle to
the bottom when there's no sunshine to soak up and they get along just
<Other people take their sliders in for the winter by placing them in a
closed cardboard box in a corner in the garage.>
<In your case, if the water is heated to at least 60 degrees during the
day, all I'd add is a 125 watt heat lamp over the basking area. If they
are otherwise healthy they'll be fine. I wouldn't feed them again until
it warms up … but they act so needy and beg so well that I'll even break
that rule once in a while myself>
Thank you so much for your help.
Re: Red Ear Sliders 1/5/15
Thank you SO much for getting back to me! This is just the info I
needed!!! I appreciate your help! Happy New Year!! :-)
And Her Dock 12/15/14
Hi Crew!
<Hiya - Darrel here>
Recently (literally yesterday), I got my 3-inch yellow-bellied
turtle a basking dock. She adapted to it right away. The entire
day she sat on it, that's it. She never moved off the dock as soon as
she learned how to get on.
Is this normal?
<It's not AB-normal>
I heard of turtles not wanting to get on their dock, but my turtle
doesn't want to get off. This morning, I nudged her a little to get her
to swim in the water and she did for two minutes.
As of now, she has found her way back up the dock. I'm worried, is she
supposed to act that inactively? Or am I just a typical worrying pet
<Tut, tut, tut don't worry so much. LOL HA HA HAH -- see how I made a
joke? "tut tut tut" is an old way of minimizing someone's concern, sorta
like "pfft" is today … but since your turtle is named Tut ….. LOL
sometimes I crack myself up!>
<Ahem. If Tut is on a basking dock, she either wants to be out of the
water or she wants to be warmer than the water. Your water should be
room temperature (69-73 degrees or so) and your basking dock should be
under a heat lamp (88-93 degrees or so) and so Tut gets to choose to
warm up or to cool down. If you aren't offering her that heat gradient
then he may just stay wherever she is>
<another possibility is she doesn't like the water. If it's too hot?
Sometimes a heater will 'leak' electricity and they feel a little tingle
when they are in the water. She shouldn’t have a heater if she's
<The most important thing is this: Is Tut bright and alert? Her eyes
follow you when you come into the room? She eats well? If this is the
case, don't worry too much. Also, read this: >
Thank you,
Kat and her turtle, Tut
Re: Turtle And Her Dock 12/26/14
I like the joke!
<Thanks! I'll be here all week… be sure to tip your server>
I got her to eat a little after noticing she started tearing up the dock and
(trying) biting the fish. When I put her back into the big tank, she swam
quickly and is now swimming around.
The water temp is about 76.4 degrees Fahrenheit because she lives with goldfish.
Her basking is about 73-ish. I don't have a lamp because the tank has an
built-in light on the top.
I don't think that the heater is leaking I put my fingers in there and I didn't
feel anything.
<The built-in light at the top isn't a heat lamp - it's just a viewing lamp. It
doesn't have to be an expensive built-in heat lamp… an ordinary incandescent
bulb on a clamp-lamp from a home improvement store would do just fine … but the
temperature needs to be higher that 73.>
<In fact, goldfish are not really "tropical fish" and do best in temperature
from 60-70 or so --
what I'm saying is that for turtles and for goldfish, your water temp is too hot
-- and your backing temp is too low. I also suspect that your built-in hood lamp
doesn't provide UV-B while Tut is basking>
<Read the link I sent you last time and remember - what little care Tut needs …
she NEEDS.>
Red Ear Slider
I own two red ear slider(Swimmi and Hippi) and they're around 20/25 years old
and I've been taking care of them for 9 years now. While I was cleaning the
aquarium yesterday I found some really, and I do mean like extremely, small,
around 1mm perhaps, black insects crawling on the surface of their basking area
and also on the bottom of the tank (I don't have any gravels).
They're so small and I can't identify them through photos and I can't even take
photos of them cause they're so small. I checked my turtles thoroughly and
there's no insects on them nor do their skin look affected. How do I get rid of
them and are they dangerous?
<The ones above the waterline -- or crawling about on top of the water -- are
likely collembolans (springtails) or some other sort of primitive
hexapod. No risk to your turtles at all, but do thrive where there is (a)
humidity and (b) lots of organic matter to eat, so could be an indication
your vivarium needs more frequent cleaning. Removal is trivial (brush or rinse
affected stones/ornaments outdoors) but these creatures will quickly return if
conditions favour them. Impact on your vivarium is nil though, so possibly not
worth worrying about. Small organisms under the waterline also unlikely to be an
issue. If insect-like, they're probably tiny crustaceans or some sort of larval
stage to an insect. Again, physical removal is an option, though not worthwhile
if conditions favour their prompt return, i.e., an abundance of organic detritus
for them to eat. Cheers, Neale.>
Quick Basking question 2/16/13
I have two female 4 year old sliders in excellent health. On nice days I let
them go outside in a raised bed that is impossible to escape from. In the
sun it can reach 80-85 degrees F and in the shade it says 68-70 F. They
always have access to shade if needed.
Is there any harm in letting them be outside for a couple of hours at a
<No harm at all likely. Please read here as well:
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
floating dock (turtles) 10/3/12
<Hi Charlene, Sue here with you.>
i have 4 yellow slider turtles.....my problem is the floating
rock is constantly growing algae and i can’t get it cleaned...
it is real heavy now....is there a safe way to clean it...or should i
buy another one...
<Yes, there is a way to clean it safely -- but -- I think your primary
focus should be to address what’s causing such excessive algae growth in
the 1st place, and try to prevent it from occurring. Generally speaking,
excessive algae growth is caused by an imbalance/overload of organic
material (excess food, waste, etc. ) in comparison to the amount of
water there is in your aquarium. >
<You say you have 4 yellow slider turtles – how big are they and how big
is their enclosure? Depending on those answers, it could be that
you need a bigger system.>
<What temperature are you keeping your water at? Water that is too
warm will encourage algae growth. Water temperature for turtles should
be kept on the cool side, around 68-70 degrees F.>
<How are you positioning your heat and UVB lamp? My guess is that
if you have a free floating basking rock, that a good amount of light
might be hitting the water instead of on the basking rock. Both types of
lights will encourage algae growth. You might want to consider a
stationary basking area/platform with the lights placed directly above
<What are you doing to keep the water clean? Do you have a powerful
filter? For turtles - especially 4 of them - you need a filter that's
rated many times more than the amount of water that's in the system.
Also, how often are you changing the water?>
or is there a way to make them ??
<Either way is fine. Hard to say in your case because you don’t
mention the size of your turtles. If they’re all adult size it’s going
to be hard to find a pre-made one that's capable of fitting all of them
on it at the same time, so you may have to consider making a custom size
PetSmart adv i could bleach them safely .....just wasn’t sure ...
<Yes, you can take the floating rock out of the water, wash it with a
diluted bleach solution, and then rinse it off several times THOROUGHLY
before putting it back in the water. Again though, try to address/fix
the CAUSE for the algae, not just the symptom. Here's a link to our
basic care guide – read it all through, especially the areas in question
I mentioned above, and make whatever changes are necessary to get the
water more in balance. You want to avoid chronic excessive algae
growth as that leads to decay in the water and eventually can cause
various shell diseases.
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/RESCareBarton.htm >
<You’re welcome, Charlene; hope this helps!>
Red Eared Slider won't stay in the Water
We have a Red Eared Slider that is about the size of your palm (3-3
1/2"). Unfortunately we went on vacation and left someone to care
for him (we think it's a male). Before we left he was always
active and lived mostly in the water, yet would bask appropriately under
his UV or Heat Lamp. His eating habits were better when he was
younger...he would take food from out hands...but prior to our leaving
his eating wasn't what it used to be.
<Often decreased appetite is the first sign that they’re not feeling
Unfortunately when we returned his water was TERRIBLE...cloudy, algae,
old food, etc....I usually change it every two weeks..with proper
additives and filter change.
<What do you mean by additives? As long as your water is safe for you to
drink, no sort of additive is needed.>
He is in a 20 Gallon Tank with about 11 Gallons of water has a 50 Gal/hr
filter and was fine before we left. When we returned home he was
on his basking rock and not in the water...I figured it was because it
was so dirty...I immediately cleaned his tank, replaced the water with
clean treated water.
<Re: treating water – as above.>
He won't get in the water...I put him in the tank and he stays on his
basking rock with head legs and tail out like normal. When I try
and place him in the water he floats, then swims back to his basking
Is he sick?...
<Could be – turtles will often spend more time basking when they’re not
feeling well. It’s also possible he’s feeling stressed from all the
changes that happened over a short period of time. Turtles are creatures
of habit and often don’t like ANY change in their care or environment -
whether it’s for the better or for the worse!>
<However, you also mentioned his appetite wasn’t the same even before
you went away. So it could also be that he’s starting to show some ill
effects from a problem either in his care and/or habitat that’s existed
for a long time. Because of their slow metabolism, it can often take
turtles months, sometimes even longer, before they actually start
showing signs of illness. So my first recommendation is to carefully
read over our basic care article in this link,
to compare the care you’ve been providing to what’s recommended in the
article, and to make whatever changes necessary. In particular, compare
your lighting (must specifically be UVB), check your water quality (do
some water testing just before you clean the tank), and also make sure
that the land and water temperatures are both in the recommended ranges.
Also compare the diet you’re feeding him (not only the ‘what’ but also
‘how much’ and ‘how often’) to the recommendations in the article.>
Should I take him to a Vet?......When I put him in a smaller container,
with water, to feed him, he is active eats some....but moves around like
It's been 3 days since I cleaned his tank and replaced the water, but he
won't stay in the water.
<We’ll try! The fact that he’s still active and eating at least a little
are both good signs. What I’d suggest is to err on the side of caution
and respond as though he’s not feeling well. Remove him from the water
completely for a week or two and place him in a warm dry environment
except for a few minutes each day. This link below tells you exactly how
to do this – read under ‘Isolation’:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwlvstkind2.htm >
<The ‘isolation’ treatment won’t hurt him at all if he’s not sick; in
fact it will even help by giving his body a rest and his immune system a
little boost. And he may not mind the warm and dry since that’s what he
seems to be seeking out right now anyway. Having said that though, don’t
be alarmed if HE’S not crazy about his new temporary quarters! >
<Good luck! Give this a try, read over both links, and write back if you
need any clarifications or any new concerns come up. ~ Sue>
Re: Red Eared Slider won't stay in the Water
Sorry – I just noticed the 2nd link I gave you with the instructions for
‘Isolation’ is wrong; here’s the correct link!
Re: Red Eared Slider won't stay in the Water
Thank you for your response......the additives are to control Algae, his
Waste and a Clarifier that has been recommended by Vets and other people
with more knowledge than I have all are to try and keep his water
<Understood, but … you also have a turtle that’s sick right now (and was
showing signs of illness before you went away) despite the advice you’ve
been given. I understand it’s tempting to use these products, but
unfortunately when it comes to turtles and water quality, there are no
good substitutions, quick fixes, or short cuts for clean, clear water –
water additives and filters included. Once every two week water
changes is likely not cutting it for you given that you’ve got him in
only 11 gallons of water (the smaller the tank, the quicker the water
becomes dirty and the more it needs to be changed). I’d suggest
upping the water changes to at least once a week (if not more).>
<Also water in smaller tanks tends to be more vulnerable to the heat
given off by the lamps – which makes the water even more hospitable to
algae growth, especially when food and organic matter is left in the
water. Any waste or uneaten food should be promptly removed
(netted up or siphoned); don’t allow it to sit and decompose in the
water. Or better yet - feed him in a separate container (plastic
bin is fine) filled with a couple of inches of water, and then simply
dump it when he’s done. I’d also try to position your lamps away
from the water and directly on the basking area as best you can.>
<All these additional things should be done regardless of additives and
filters to maintain good water quality. And if you’re doing them
properly the water WILL be clean and clear -- then you can use the money
you would have spent on additives to buy something else - maybe save up
for a larger enclosure and more powerful filter which he’ll eventually
need anyway.>
I have spent hours trying to make sure he is well taken care of, before
we went on vacation he was acting normal eating and active. There
has only once been an issue, and of course he went to the Vet and acted
<Unfortunately smaller tanks are often more, rather than less, work when
it comes to turtles.>
I've tried extra heat, but as of today he hasn't eaten in over 5 days.
He has his head out, but he is very slow to move. He was in the
water, but it was probably by accident, because he wasn't swimming, just
<It’s not just extra heat he needs; he needs the Isolation (warm and dry
OUT of the aquarium) method that I recommended to you in my 1st reply
(refer to the link I sent you in that reply). It was likely he was
in the water not by accident but to try and cool off from the added
basking heat you gave him. This is what you want to happen when he’s
healthy but NOT when he’s sick. A humid environment where water is
present 24/7 (regardless of whether he’s actually in the water or not)
can be harmful when a turtle is sick as this is the very environment
that bacteria and fungi thrive in – and they’re more than happy to seize
the opportunity to take advantage of a debilitated turtle.>
<Once he’s all better, then yes, make whatever necessary changes in your
care according to the recommendations in our Basic Care guide that
I linked you to in my 1st reply, including his water and basking
temperatures if they’re different than what’s recommended in our guide.
HEALTHY turtles need cool water (68-70 degrees) and warm (88-90 degree),
dry land with a heat bulb and a UVB bulb (strip UVB lighting preferable
as distribution of UVB rays is better).>
When I add heat if he's hot he will move toward his UV Light
<Again -- check to make sure the bulb is specifically a UVB bulb. He
needs UVB now while he's in Isolation and also later when he's feeling
better and back in his aquarium.>
.....but eyes are closed, legs out, tail out....will move them slowly if
I pick him up, or put him in a smaller container.
<It definitely sounds like he’s gotten worse since you last wrote.
He not only needs the Isolation but additional treatment. Eyes
closed are almost always due to a Vitamin A deficiency. If he's
really moving this little, I'd suggest bringing him to the vet ASAP for
vitamin injections (and have her assess if he also needs injectable
antibiotics), but in the meantime read here for how to treat Vitamin A
deficiency at home:
The only caveat to this link is that we now recommend Isolation and not
putting turtles back in the aquarium again until they’re well. >
<Also, the link I sent you in my 1st reply for Isolation has a section
on Vitamin A deficiencies and recommends some additional treatments. >
Could he be fighting going into Hibernation......he has never been
colder than 74-75 degrees, and has lived in the same habitat for over a
<No – he’s sick.>
If he's ill...what could it be...there are no bubbles...according to the
Vet that would be a respiratory issue.....he's just not active, eating
or acting normal.
I think it's getting worse.
<I agree; he needs proper treatment NOW before he gets any worse:
• As I recommended in my original note, remove him from the
aquarium and follow the Isolation instructions in the prior link I sent
you for how to keep him that way. The enclosure can be as simple
as a 12” deep or so plastic storage bin or even a cardboard box.
He WILL need access to water every day to drink and poop, but ONLY for a
few minutes.
• Again, make sure his light is UVB. He needs this now while he’s
sick and also when he’s healthy. UVB is what helps turtles properly
digest/convert food into the vitamins they need, and is also important
for their immune system/functioning.
• Read and follow the recommendations for treating Vitamin A
deficiency that I sent you in this reply, and also in the Isolation link
I sent you in my original reply.
• Consider taking him to a vet for a Vitamin A injection, and
possibly also a Vitamin D as well (preferably one who specializes in
turtles or at least herps, even birds). While treating orally (by mouth,
not eyes – he needs to ingest it) is OK, the most optimum and quickest
treatment is by injection (after the injections, though, you should
still continue to treat him orally until he’s all better).
• Once he’s better and eating again, make whatever changes are
necessary in his diet (including not only what, but also how much and
how often you’re feeding him), and also to his environment (all the
things I already mentioned and that are in our basic care guide).
<If you read and follow these recommendations promptly, you should start
to see him improving in a couple of days. However, if instead you
see him becoming worse during this time, you’ll need to take him back to
the vet again, because at that point it’s likely he developed a systemic
infection and will require injectable antibiotics. >
<Good luck; let us know how things go. If you do write again, though,
please give us more specifics about how you were taking care of him
before he got sick. This is because nearly every turtle illness boils
down to a problem in their diet or environment. ~ Sue>
Re: Red Eared Slider won't stay in the Water
Thank you for everything ...unfortunately Mr. T went last night!!!!!
<I’m very sorry for your loss, as I know the rest of our crew is too.
Turtles are very stoic when they’re sick which helps protect them in the
wild from predators, but that strategy unfortunately doesn’t serve them
well as pets. By the time they show symptoms they’ve often been ill for
a long time. Should you ever decide to get another one, hopefully
you’ll find the information I sent you useful. Our crew has had years’
of experience keeping turtles, so if you ever come across any advice
that conflicts with something you’ve seen on our website, do write us
before acting on it, and we’ll be happy to clarify for you. Best wishes
to you, Sue >
Won't bask 7/1/12
<Hi Lisa, Sue here with you.>
Our family was given a wild RES recently & we pretty
much bought him the Mercedes model tank (tank, lights, filter, landing,
<Sounds great! Just make sure one of the lights is specifically UVB; UVA
alone is not enough.>
Problem is he won't stop swimming. Is this normal? Shouldn't
he get up on the landing to bask under the light? We are concerned
he is getting too tired. Any help would be most appreciated!
<It’s very common for them to become anxious when they’re placed in a
new environment. He should start to calm down in a few days. You
also want to make sure that there is enough of a temperature gradient
between the water and his basking spot so that he’s encouraged to get
out of the water to warm up and completely dry off. Many sites
unfortunately recommend too warm of a water temperature. Water temp
should only be around 68-70 degrees F; basking temperature in the 88-90
degree F range.>
<You’re welcome, Lisa. Sounds like you’ve already done your
research, but since you’re a new turtle mom, I’m also going to give you
a link to our basic care guide so you can make sure you have all the
bases covered as far as his care needs. Read it over and feel free
to write us back if you have any more questions!
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/RESCareBarton.htm >
Red Eared Slider Not Basking
Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: NONE
<She obviously doesn't know me very well, or she's have
PLENTY of caveats>
<Hiya - Darrel here>
Hoping you guys can help me,
<I often hope that, too>
I have a Female 4 yr old Red Eared Slider.
<Is her name Slookie, by any chance?>
Have had her since she was like 2in. Here's what happened - She
used to be in a nice bright room in a 55 gal tank. We decided to
upgrade so I bought a used 125gal tank. The tank is so big we had to
set it up in my basement, which has very little natural light, unless
we are down there to open the door and such. We are down there quite a
bit just to check on her and keep her company. About 2 months after we
had her in the new tank I noticed she wasn't herself, and I started
to see pitting on her shell. Like small indents. She also stopped
basking. We checked everything and discovered she didn't have a UVB
light over the tank area.
<They really only need that over he basking area. While
natural sunlight does penetrate water, the effective UV radiation is
absorbed in the first few inches.>
But does / did have one in the basking area.
<Is the bulb still good? They have only so many hours effective life
- and they burn bright long AFTER the UV-B is gone - check the
manufacturer's specs.>
Never dawned on me to change out the bulbs over the tank. I thought the
bulbs that came with the tank were UVB.
<No. Plant-Gro bulbs are not at all the right wave
So this was a few weeks back. She still isn't basking, My husband
has been dry docking her during the day for a few hours with the UVB in
hopes to get her back on track.
<She can stay there at night, as well. I'd dry-dock
her 24/7 and try to get her a few minutes of natural sunlight whenever
She is eating. On top of all this, my husband has also made her a new
basking "house" that sits above the tank, which is awesome
and big but she will not check it out. We scoot her up the ramp, and
place her in there, and she turns right around and leaves. Seems
like a lot has happened to her over the last few months and I am sure
she is stressed out over it.
<I agree - you're spot-on with your observations>
But tank set up details - water temp is at 75-78, basking area is at
90-95, I bought new bulbs for her basking area as well.
<I'd cool the water just a bit. 68-72 degrees.
Any warmer and she'll tend to not feel the NEED to bask>
Basking -Her heat lamp is 150 watts, and her UVB is 10./ 23 watts. We
have a power filter, and 2 big other filters. I have a 10.0 UVB light
by ZooMed over her tank. Also a "natural light" bulb over the
tank. Everything is on timers. On at 7am off at 10pm.
<I'd go 12 hours during the summer and 8 hours in winter.
But if the room gets no natural light at all, then fell free to adjust
the starting & ending times to fit with your viewing & visiting
Her tank is crystal clear. We don't feed her in the new tank.
Another change, not feeding her in the tank. Which we used to do until
the move. So with all this...She is eating, we feed her every other
day, romaine, pellets, shrimp, meal worms, carrots, and other stuff..
but she still won't bask on her own. I am getting concerned, the
pitting doesn't seem to be getting worse. but I am lost at what to
do to get her to bask on her own again.
Thank you,
<Melissa, I think you guys are providing great care, but maybe time
to relax a bit. Drop the water temp to around 72 (try to keep it
at normal, human-comfortable room temp) and set the heat lamp
away JUST a bit - try to get 88 to 92 degrees basking surface
temp. Just tiny changes. Now look for OTHER reasons
why she may feel safer in the water than up higher. They
tend not to bask when stressed, which takes nothing but TIME to change
but they also see things and feel vibrations differently.>
<This is my first & best guess: Is it possible that
one of the filters is vibrating the basking area? Or making some
sort of noise that she is sensing as ominous? Those are big
changes from the other tank, aren't they? Maybe she just
doesn't like the material in the basking area. Could you try
a rock or a brick just jutting out of the water instead?>
<And finally this is strange, but it does happen maybe she
doesn't like the basement? Maybe she'd rather be
"home" in a 55 gallon take upstairs in the natural light than
in the basement? I know that sounds strange, but they can have
very personable, individual and persnickety personalities: I have
a Red Eared Slider that spends all day, every day in the grass with the
Box turtles. She visits the water to poop, drink and eat and
otherwise acts like a land tortoise. As soon as discovered
(through a few years of trial and error) that she wasn't afraid of
anything, it's just how she is I found it easier to do things on
her terms.>
<If I were you, I'd slow things down and relax a bit. No
more than one of the above changes each week: Make a change, see how
she reacts, plan your next move, etc. Let her walk around the
house, take her for a walk in the sun, maybe a movie.>
<OK - that last one was a joke - Sliders don't have the
attention span for a movie. But maybe you guys could watch TV
together one night?>
Re: Red Ear Slider Basking question 6/12/12
Hello Sue,
<Hi Richard!>
Long time no talk, (which I think is a good thing.)
<I’m very sorry it’s taken me SO long to get back to you! I’ve had
lots of ‘end of school year’ stuff going on, and I also wanted to pass
your photo along to another crew member to get his take on it.>
Still have two RES - both about 6" and both appear to be female.
<Sounds good! In my experience anyway, the females usually get
along better with each other .. though your mileage can vary on that one
:) >
Just noticed one of them has what appears to be fungal growth on both
her hind legs. I've enclosed pictures. She still basks, eats fine and
seems to be acting normally.
Should I get her into a vet? Any home treatments I should try?
<Richard, first I only received one picture; not any more. If what
you’re referring to in the photo is the brown spot on her foot, that
appeared to me to be more of an injury in the healing process than
fungus. Fungus has a more whitish looking appearance to it. Darrel, our
other crew member, agreed that this looked more like an injury or
possibly a burn. Injuries can sometimes happen if they scrape their skin
while trying to climb onto basking areas or when there are rough
surfaces or edges in their environment, etc. >
<As far as any treatment is concerned, if it looks like it’s still in
the active healing process it’s best to keep him out of the water and
warm and dry (with UVB) except for a few minutes each day to eat and
drink. Here’s a link that talks more about how to handle abrasions and
other injuries (look under the section called ‘Cuts, bruises and bites’
<Besides what’s listed in that section of the article, you might also
consider trying a white topical cream called ‘Silver Sulfadiazine’,
which I was told by a vet offers a little bit of pain relief as well (in
case he has any). You should be able to get that from almost any vet,
and you just apply a little bit of it to the affected area(s) with a
Q-tip. I’ll also give you a link with some other information regarding
wounds (see under ‘Bites, Bruises, Burns, Cuts and Scratches’) -
http://www.redearslider.com/physical_conditions.html >
<I’d also keep an eye on it until it’s completely all healed and gone,
just to make sure there are no signs of an infection. Usually this tends
to happen more when they remain in wet environments instead of warm and
dry which is why we recommend the isolation. However, use your judgment
as to whether or not you think this is still necessary.>
<Finally, as that section mentions, I’d look closely at their
environment to make sure there are no sharp objects, surfaces or edges
that could cause injury. In particular, I noticed some chipped wood
fragments and stone in your photo. If that’s part of her regular
environment, either one of them could potentially cause a cut or
<Hope this helps (and let us know if this wasn’t the affected area you
were referencing). Good luck and sorry again for my late reply!! ~ Sue
Re: Red Ear Slider Basking question 6/16/12
Hi Sue,
Thanks for the reply. I kept her dry docked with a 100w UVB bulb and
applied Benedyne twice a day. Her leg seemed to be healing but I ended
up taking her to the turtle vet anyway. He said she had nitrate burns -
I wasn't keeping the water clean enough. I'm now changing their water
1/3 out every 3-4 days, plus testing the water.
I'm also applying Chlorhexdine once a day to both their shells. Buster
also got a vit. B shot. So far so good.
<Well the good news is that you at least seem to have found a vet who’s
knowledgeable about turtle husbandry! I’m glad everything’s working out
well so far.>
<You’re welcome Rich. Feel free to write again if any more concerns come
up. Things are finally starting to calm down a bit for me school wise so
if you do write back I should be able to get back to you sooner.>
RES Turtle, heat lamp
<Hi Josefina, Sue here with you.>
Does the heat lamp need to be turned on all the time in order for the
turtle to be comfortable?
<No, not at all. Essentially were trying to mimic nature with warm
days and cool nights. As long as your turtle isnt exposed to cold
drafts, hell be fine. I would go with a 12 hours ON, 12 hours OFF
schedule. Hook it up to a timer if you have one, so it will come on and
off automatically.>
<You didnt mention UVB, but your turtle must have this type of light
also along with the heat lamp. Hope this helps!
Re: Hiya... turtle
ugh, he wont bask! 9/26/11
<Dear readers - this is an extract from a much longer chain of
emails in which a few salient details were not brought forward. While
you will not see it in this extract, rest assured that the
"he" in question - the one that will not bask and is eating
his own poop - is in fact a Turtle, a Red Eared
I don't know why, I tried making the water colder but it wont work.
I try to repeatedly place him on the rocks, but he goes back.
<A lot of times that is simply because they don't feel secure
when they are exposed and out of the water. Is there a chance that he
basks when you're not there and jumps back in the water and the
first sense of vibration?>
<Another possibility is room conditions. A ceiling fan's
movement can sometimes scare them. Vibrations from air conditioners or
even TV's sometimes.>
<Change things around. Remove the floating dock and put in a brick
that he can climb on (even if you have to lower the water level for a
while) or maybe a branch or stick - I've even used a piece of 2x4
lumber placed in at an angle. You may find it's just something
we'd never notice about the setup that is spooking him>
I'm afraid he's going to get too soft. In between his scutes is
this brownish stuff that I can scrape off and I dunno what it is. He
poops and stuff so I think he's digesting fine, but I don't
know what to do about him not basking.
<Well, let's approach this from a different angle. Sometimes, I
place my turtles in a plastic storage tub and then put that in the back
yard. I arrange it so that a portion of the bottom is under the sun a
portion is shaded by the sides (keep in mind that as the sun moves, so
does the shade)>
<You can also artificially bask him by placing him indoors in some
form of container (I've even used cardboard boxes with high sides)
and use the basking and UV lamps from his tank to make him a sauna, so
to speak. With the basking lamp shining to one side more than the
other, he can select between moderately warm and really warm but in
either case he'll dry out and receive UV rays. Once you know that
they lights are set so he can get out of the baking-hot area and that
the lamps don't cause a fire hazard, you can leave him there all
day you can put him there all evening while you watch TV, etc. and get
him to accept the conditions.>
<If he's a nervous turtle (some just ARE more than others) this
may be a bit stressful on him, but the hope is that if can do this
twice a week, it will be enough for now and that eventually he'll
seek out the warmth of the basking area>
Re: Hiya, RES basking and shell concerns 9/27/11
okay, thanks sue!
<Youre very welcome, but actually the thanks goes to Darrel! Ill
pass this along to him!>
I was also wandering, can I just put him in a container with no water
and put him under the uv light for a few hours?
<Absolutely! Not just UVB though. You also need either the heat lamp
as Darrel suggested or a heating pad (LOW setting) wrapped in a towel.
If you go with the heating pad, you need to find one without the 2 hour
automatic shut-off. Fortunately, the ones with NO automatic shut-off
are the cheapest ones that you can find most of the big chain drug
or does he need to have water?
<You should place him in water for a few minutes a day so he can
drink, eat if he wants, and poop. The exact instructions for how to do
all this are in the attached link under the section called, Immediate
Treatment Isolation
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/treating%20RES%20Dis%20DarrelB.htm >
is the softness/soft stuff between his scutes normal?
<No, his shell should be hard. But try drying him out a couple of
days a week as Darrel suggested, and see if his shell improves. If not,
adjust accordingly, and give him more days in the dry container. As
long as you give him access to water for several minutes a day, he can
go for weeks or more like this. Fungi and bacteria LOVE wet
environments which is the reason why the DRY treatment usually does the
trick. Hopefully as Darrel says this will also have the added benefit
of getting him to get out of the water to completely dry off and bask
under the lights when he IS in his
Red Ear Slider Basking question
<Hi Rich, Sue here.>
Thanks for providing this site. I have two Sliders, both approximately
1 year old. They live in a 40 gallon tank and appear very healthy and
happy. (We got them from our daughter)
<Glad to hear theyre doing well!>
We have provided a floating basking ledge that attaches to the side of
the tank using suction cups.
<Sounds like the kind I use. Ive tried many different ones, but this
is the one that my turtles seem to like best.>
We also have a UV warming light.
<Make sure the UV is UVB specifically. Thats what they need. Also a
heat source; a regular light bulb is fine.>
Here's my question: Our turtles very seldom use the basking ledge;
in fact I've only seen one of them on it one time. They will use
their front legs to hang on it, but very rarely get completely out of
the water. Is this a problem?
<Yes, it is a problem; turtles need to haul out of the water every
day to warm up and completely dry off. They should be basking for
several hours each day under heat and UVB. Besides drying off their
shell every day, they need an external heat source to digest their food
properly (unlike us whose bodies do it for us). Besides the heat lamp,
they also need UVB to metabolize the necessary vitamins to maintain
their bone health. But the good news is, you wrote us now before they
became ill!>
If so, what should we do?
<Well, first, if your basking ledge is the kind I think it is, then
I dont think thats the problem at all; just make sure its large enough
for both your turtles. I know they do come in different sizes.>
<My guess is that its the temperatures youre keeping the water and
the basking spot. Do you know what temperatures either are? Its likely
that theres not enough temperature gradient between the two. Contrary
to what you may read on so many websites, you DO NOT need, and should
not have, a water heater! In fact, turtles actually need COOL water
(68-70 degrees F); and WARM, dry land (88-90 degrees F). The cool water
is what entices them to get out and warm up! It may be that your water
temperature is too warm so theyre just hanging out in the water instead
of getting out of it which they need to do. If you dont already have
them, Id suggest getting 2 thermometers one to keep in the water, and a
suction thermometer to be placed right above the basking spot under the
heat lamp, so you can monitor it each day. Also, summer heat and
humidity levels can make things tricky. Even if you have air
conditioning, the water can become a bit warmer than other times of the
year at least where Im from anyway! Depending on how things are where
you live, you may need to make adjustments in the wattage of the bulb,
distance of the bulb from the basking area, etc. until you get it just
<Youre welcome! Try this out and let us know what happens. Also,
read over this basic care guide to make sure you have everything else
in place that they need:
Re: Red Ear Slider Basking question
Thank you for your reply. While I have the UV/UVB bulb, I do not have
an additional heat source. I'll set up a 100w bulb to warm up their
basking ledge.
<You may need to experiment with different wattages to get the
basking temperature "in range".>
Thanks again.
<You're welcome!>
Re: Red Ear Slider Basking question
<Hi Rich (and also Buster and Dwight!)>
<Thanks for letting us know! Most people never write back, so were
only left to ASSUME our advice worked!>
I got a reptile warming light, set it up over the basking ledge, turned
the water heater off and.... both turtles are now climbing completely
out of the water and "sunning" themselves.
<Isnt it funny how programmable they can be? Their behavior is
nearly completely driven by their body temperature!>
<Also, the other funny thing is that your question was actually the
same way I first encountered this website, before I landed up
eventually responding to queries! I had the same problem you did
because literally everything Id ever read in a book or on a website
said to keep the water warm! So ... I was pretty sure in this case
anyway, that at least this piece of advice would work!>
They're still skittish whenever anyone enters the room, but they
both seem to really enjoy the new set up.
<Theyll eventually get more comfortable with it, but to some extent
theyll always be a bit skittish, especially with any fast or sudden
moves until they see your face and know its you (they do eventually
learn to recognize faces).>
Thanks! (from Buster and Dwight also)
<Youre welcome! Glad to hear it worked out. Feel free to write us
again if any more questions or concerns pop up with your little
Re: Red Ear Slider Basking question
Hi Sue,
<Hi, Rich>
Hope all is well. Turtles are doing great - loving the cooler water and
warm basking ledge.
<Glad to hear; thats over half the battle!>
Cut down on their feeding, which leads me to one final (I hope)
<Please dont worry about asking us too many questions. Its the
people who dont ask us questions until its too late that we worry
How do I know if I am underfeeding them? They are ALWAYS hungry!!!
<Well actually ... a good appetite is another positive sign that
theyre healthy!! As far as actually giving into them though, thats a
whole other thing. The risk of over-feeding them is far worse than
under-feeding them and it takes surprisingly little to over-feed them.
Healthy turtles will always GLADLY eat all you can give them and still
continue to beg for more until they have YOU fully trained! However,
overfeeding will cause them as many health problems as not getting the
proper heat and UVB, so you dont want to give in to that temptation,
hard as that may be.>
<Having said that, though, if you cant get past your guilt and/or
your turtles are acting particularly restless on some of the off days,
here is what Id suggest:
1) Continue to keep feeding them their staple diet which is hopefully a
good quality Koi (yes, Koi!) pellet or turtle pellet (such as ReptoMin)
no more than they can eat in no more than 5-10 minutes, 3 times a
2) Give them an earthworm or two as a healthy treat once a month.
3) Then, on the off days, if you find they are so ravenous and restless
that theyre not even able to focus on basking, you can try putting in
some greens. If they truly are hungry enough, they will nibble at them;
if not then they were probably never hungry to begin with, and most
likely either bored or just testing you!
4) While the pellets do provide them the correct balance of nutrients,
the (right) greens (i.e., not iceberg lettuce) will provide some extra
fiber that will help to fill them up without the added worry of
overfeeding them. Some greens you can try include red leaf lettuce
(many especially seem to like that), curly green leaf lettuce, or
dandelion greens (available in some grocery stores). Even less
frequently you can also try some occasional shredded sweet potato or
carrots. Those are a good Vitamin A source as well, but again, a good
pellet as their staple, and an occasional earthworm or two now and then
should supply them with all the vitamins they need from just a
nutritional standpoint.
5) One thing to keep in mind, though, if you do decide to add some
greens now and then is the added time and maintenance it will take. You
should scoop/net up any leftover pieces of uneaten food fragments
sitting in the tank after theyre done nibbling, otherwise they will
foul up the water quickly.
6) Another thing you can try once in a while (again more for their
entertainment when they are acting especially restless and not basking
than for nutritional purposes), is to break off a couple of small
chunks of Zoo Meds turtle (calcium) bone (or another brand) and throw
them in. They seem to enjoy pecking at it, and even more so, chasing
the floating blocks around the tank (so they get some exercise in as
well!) >
Thanks in advance.
<Youre welcome, Rich. Try some of these suggestions and see if that
does the trick. If not, then you may have to resort to tough love! Just
remember that its much healthier for them to be a little hungry, than
it is to over-feed them!!>
Re: Red Ear Slider Basking question
Hello Sue,
It's me again.
<Hi Rich; its me again, too!>
OK, I have one final question. I am keeping our two RES in a 55 gal
indoor tank. We are currently using a side mounted Aqueon filter that
is rated for a 60 gal tank. It does not seem to do an adequate job
keeping the water clear - the water clouds up in about 3-4 days after
<Yes, Rich, I agree that it probably isnt. Filtration requirements
for turtles follow a completely different set of rules than for fish
because of all the waste they produce! Turtles need a filter rated for
AT LEAST 3 times more than the amount of water in their aquarium (and
preferably more). And this is assuming just ONE turtle. In your case
with two turtles, the filter you get should be even more powerful than
that. You can, however, continue to use the filter you have in addition
to buying a new one. No harm in having two!>
<A couple of additional things to consider, though, when it comes to
turtles and water quality:
1) No matter how good a quality filter you purchase, youll still need
to supplement with frequent, partial water changes as well as
netting/suctioning up any debris you see collecting that the filter
hasnt picked up (dont allow it to sit). How often you need to do that
will depend on the power of the filter, how well the water is
circulating back to the filter, how much waste your turtles produce,
the amount of leftover food, etc.
2) No amount of biological filtration will EVER be able to keep up with
their waste! Neither will a mechanical filter; however, the better
quality filter you get and the better the circulation, the less time
and effort youll need to spend on cleaning.>
<Another thing that can temporarily cause the water to cloud up is
if you have a new set-up and filter. It typically takes about 4-6 weeks
to for a new tank/filter to cycle. During this time, youll need to do
more frequent, partial water changes until the cycle completes. (Google
Nitrogen Cycle for more information on this.) And though turtles arent
AS susceptible to water quality issues during this time as fish, Id
still recommend regularly checking ammonia and nitrite levels while its
cycling through just to make sure the water isnt getting too
(Note - we do feed the turtles in their tank)
<Feeding them in a separate enclosure would help you cut back on
your maintenance efforts. It doesnt have to be an aquarium. A plastic
bin will work fine. Just allow them time to eat and poop (which they
often do shortly after they eat); then put them back in their regular
tank. I would suggest feeding them separately, though, so theyre not
competing with each other for food.>
<Also only feed them once every other day and only as much as they
can eat in 5 minutes or so. Feeding them less will also cut back on
your clean-up effort and its healthier for the turtles to eat less,
After searching many online forums, it seems a larger canister filter
may be a better choice.
<Canister filters are a good choice for turtles; thats what I use
for mine. Theyre more expensive, but given that maintaining good water
quality is one of the most important (as well as labor intensive) part
of owning turtles; Ive at least found that the amount theyve saved me
in time and effort was well worth the added expense!>
Do you have an opinion on a make and model?
<There are a couple of good brands out there. For aquariums in your
size range, Ive personally had very good results with the Fluval 405.
Its known for good mechanical filtration (which is the main feature to
look for in a filter for turtles). Another nice aspect to this size
filter is that you can continue to use it when the time comes for a
larger enclosure (because of its high rating). If you Google it, you
should be able to find no shortage of reviews and opinions about it!
There are other good makes and models out there, too. The best thing to
do is decide what features will best meet your needs in a filter
(effectiveness, reliability, availability of parts, cost, ease of
maintenance, etc.), find the filter(s) that meet most of those needs,
then look through all the reviews to see what different people's
experiences have been with each of them.>
<One additional pointer is that whatever filter you ultimately
decide on, you don't want to automatically follow the manufacturers
recommendations regarding type of media and frequency of cleaning;
their instructions typically assume you have fish. Youll instead want
to customize the media you put in it to the needs of turtles. Youll
also likely need to clean and rinse the media more often than what they
<Hope this helps, Rich!>
Re: Red Ear Slider Basking question 7/28/11
Thanks Sue,
<Youre welcome, Rich, hope it helped.>
I am currently doing about 1/2 water change once a week.
<Because the water in your system is clouding up so often right now,
you may want to do more frequent partial (but smaller) water changes
until it becomes more stabilized.>
I'll look into adding another canister filter also.
<Sounds, good, Rich. Youre being a great turtle dad!>
Best to you -
<You also. If any more questions arise, please dont hesitate to
write us.>
Basking concerns, RES 10/17/09
Dear Crew
<Hiya - Darrel here>
I am a fairly new owner of two red eared sliders. They are active, seem
to eat well and generally seem to be doing well. I'm concerned that
I do not see them out basking and know this is essential to their
health. They are in a 55 gallon aquarium set up where they have both
water and land, as well as several other areas they can get out of the
water to bask. I do have a calcium bone in the water that I can see
they are using. I have pellets that I feed them, as well as some dried
shrimp occasionally and some soft meaty food. I have tried to give them
some romaine lettuce, but they do not eat it.
<Nor should they. Koi pellets or Repto-min turtle sticks (either
one) are a completely balanced diet for Red Eared Sliders. That and an
occasional earth worm as a treat (maybe one or two a month) is all they
They also will only eat food if I put it in the water, they will not
come out to get anything from the dish in the dry area.
<Sliders are water feeders, which is to say that they primarily eat
what they find in the water. The will, from time to time, climb up on a
bank and snatch something and then drag it back into the water in order
to eat it. You should hand feed them>
I have a basking lamp over the dry land area and a UV light over the
water area. It's possible they could be out basking when I am not
around, as they are still pretty skittish when there's movement
around the tank.
Should I be concerned and/or is there something else I should be doing
to encourage them to come out of the water? Also, I have the basking
lamp on a timer and do not use the night heating lamp, is that night
lamp necessary?
<You should always be concerned .. just not worried. The first thing
to do is make sure you have a temperature gradient. If the water is
warm enough they won't feel the need to bask even though they need
it. The water should never be above room temperature and the basking
area around 85-90 degrees. This way they have clear choices..>
<No lights or heat at night ... let everything cool naturally and
then it will all cycle again in the morning. Here's a care guide we
have -- check your conditions against the guide and correct anything
that's not quite in order:
Turtle basking. Sys. 10/11/09
I live in Lahore, Pakistan and I have a Kachuga smithii turtle as a
pet. I keep it in a tub and it is a healthy turtle.
<A tub? With a filter? You can't just keep it in a plastic tub
of water. It will eventually get sick. Do read here:
Kachuga smithii is similar in size and dietary requirements, so
everything that holds for Red-ear Sliders holds for Kachuga smithii. It
is reported that Kachuga smithii is a very widely sold pet turtle in
Pakistan, but the vast majority end up dead because the owners do not
know how to look after them! This is not very different to how it was
with Red-ear Sliders when they were sold as cheap pets in England. The
problem is that just because something is cheap to buy, it doesn't
mean it is cheap to keep alive. All turtles -- repeat ALL TURTLES --
are demanding pets. You need a big vivarium, a filter, regular water
changes, a balanced diet, and a source of heat and UV-B light. Since
you live in Pakistan, room temperature (unless your home is air
conditioned) should be warm enough for the turtle, so a heater
isn't required.>
I want to know that here in Pakistan, there is a lot of sunlight so I
let it bask for fifteen minutes. Is that enough?
<No. Needs a couple of hours per day, at least six hours per week,
at least nine months of the year. On the other hand, if you put a water
turtle outside without providing it with a place to swim, it can easily
overheat and die. So, if you wanted to use sunlight, you would need a
safe outdoor CAGE (to keep predators out as well as the turtle in). Put
a basin of water inside the cage for the turtle to swim in, and a rock
upon which it could bask. Change the water daily, and clean the cage as
I also want to ask that the common tube lights we have in our homes and
offices are fluorescent lights. Do they produce UV-B light?
<No, they don't. Must be a very specific UV-B (not UV-A) light.
Note than some people might try to sell you a UV-A light, sometimes
called an ultraviolet or "black" light. These are the ones
that make white fabrics glow purple. UV-A is not what reptiles need.
Buy a specific UV-B lamp designed for reptiles. Any decent pet shop
specialising in reptiles should sell these. Cheers,
Innovative New Turtle Basking Platform
02/19/09 Hi, Bob, Neale & Crew, <Paul> Hope all is
well. I have written many times before and you have always been very
helpful. Bob, I saw your revised book at the 2009 Global Pet Expo in
the new product showcase (TFH entry), looks great, can't wait to
get my hands on copy. Anyway I am writing to let your readers know
about a great new turtle product that is going to hit the market very
soon. I know you often get questions about turtles, so I thought you
might enjoy seeing this product. The product is the Reptology Turtle
Topper, a unique and innovative above tank basking platform that will
fit most standard tanks up to and including 55 gallon tanks. For
turtles that are active swimmers and baskers, this product will have so
many benefits. If anyone is interested I would encourage them to watch
the below video that I did with ReptilesTV.com, the video, which is
posted on YouTube currently explains all the great features. I am
confident you will enjoy the video and find it informative. Thank you.
The link is - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LICy7PWiCQg Paul Demas
Project Manager Penn Plax, Inc <Nice video, good idea for this ap.
Hello to the Rosens and Goldmans. Bob
Re: Innovative New Turtle Basking Platform
02/19/09 Bob, <Paul> Thanks, glad you liked it. I
personally believe it is a great turtle basking product, different from
anything on the market right now. Will say hello, didn't realize
you knew the Goldman family. <I met them... many years ago... on
Long Island... through Eugene Danner I believe, before he had son...
Mike take over Supreme... man! I am getting olde!> Would also
encourage everyone to take the time to visit www.reptilestv.com they
have some great videos on reptile care. Thanks for everything. Paul
Demas Project Manager Penn Plax, Inc <Welcome.
Turtle care question (RES): basking problem
10/23/07 I have two turtles living in a 55 gal. tank. I have a
problem with the basking space though. I've gotten the floating
dock/platforms (like R-Zilla or Zoo-Med) and I've also tried cork.
The problem is that one of the turtles bites the platform, so I end up
with bitten pieces messing the tank as well as clogging the filters,
and platforms getting smaller and smaller for turtles that keep getting
bigger and bigger =D Both turtles are in good health and well fed.
I've had them for a couple of years and they are about 5" now
(when I got the first one is was smaller than 1"), but I just
'adopted' the one that chews the platforms a few months ago.
What can be causing this behavior? Any other ideas on materials or
designs I can use to create a new basking area? Thanks in advance.
Yenelli <Greetings. To be honest, the floating cork idea sounds a
bit of a non-runner. Possibly viable for delicate things like frogs,
but inadequate for turtles. So I'd get rid of that. Floating
platforms really aren't going to work for adult turtles. Fine for
fingerlings, but an adult Red Ear Slider is the size of a dinner plate
with a weight to match, and that's simply not going to balance on
any floating object much smaller than the Queen Mary! Instead, you need
to create a rigid platform above the waterline. There are lots of ways
to create a safe and stable basking area like this. The classic
approach is to create a rock or sand bank at one end of the tank. This
might involved safely securing some rocks in a heap, and then filling
the gaps with sand or gravel to stop things from rolling down
accidentally. Using silicone sealant is always a good idea when
creating such structures. Three or four squarish boulders with a big
slate on top can also make a nice table-like structure. Sliders really
aren't that fussy. The most important thing is that whatever you
make is [a] stable and [b] easy to clean. Cheers,
Dock - 02/09/2007 I am making a turtle dock out of PVC and
Plexi-glass. What glues do your recommend? Would PVC cement (
Oatey's brand) be ok? <I would use this between the PVC pipe
itself and some Silastic ("Silicone") to adhere the Plexi to
the top> Also, what is the difference between silicone adhesive
and silicone sealant? <These are identical> I have heard many
different things, and I do not want to kill the turtles. Thanks for
your help, Katherine <Just look for, buy one that states it is 100%
Silicone... no additives (some have mildewcides for tub, window
applications). Bob Fenner>
New Birthday Turtle
Questions 5/9/06 Hi! My friends just recently bought me
a turtle for my birthday and I had a couple of questions. First: They
set up the tank for me and automatically put the turtle in the water is
this bad? < No; turtles are used to being put directly into
water.> Should they have let the water settle? < No, not needed
as with fish.> Second: The heater is lying on its side in the
water. I have read that heating rocks are not good for turtles. I
was wondering if the turtle is able to climb on it, will he burn
himself? <Pull the heating rock and replace it with a good basking
with a proper light bulb that will heat the area up at least 85 F and
provide the required UVA and UVB radiation.> Should I rig it up
differently? < Yes as described above.> Third: I have read
through your website and wanted to know if when changing the water, how
exactly should I do this? Should I let that settle for a couple of days
before putting it in? What is the best way to go about this? <
Siphon or pour the water out of the tank. Fill a 5 gallon bucket with a
good water conditioner and fill up the bucket and then pour it in the
tank.> I want to do this the safest way possible for my turtle
please help! A seriously concerned turtle parent! < Turtles are not
as touchy about their water as fish are. Just add the water conditioner
and pour it in.-Chuck>
Tiny Turtles With Violet Fishes
10/28/05 I have a 20 gallon brackish water aquarium with a violet
goby. I just got two tiny turtles - they are about 1 inch each. I would
like to know if I put something in there where they can get out of the
water - could I keep them in there? Yes they are turtles that live in
water, and I do not know what kind they are. Even if I could keep them
in there, It would be only a temporary housing until I can get a turtle
cage. < Little turtles would benefit from a turtle raft by Zoomed.
This is a little flotation device used to float up and down as the
water level in the tank changes. They need heat and special lighting
too. I would recommend a turtle book so you can read up on the
requirements needed as well as check out the WWM website for setting up
a turtle tank. Finding out what kind of turtle you have would be a big
help too.-Chuck> <<A side note: A violet goby
could easily be hurt by a turtle. Not great tankmates at
all. Furthermore, brackish water probably isn't ideal for the
turtles. -SCF>>
Turtle in too Deep 7/20/05 Hi again,
I'm so sorry to bug you again, but I forgot to ask you another
question. I was just wondering if the depth of my turtles tank is too
deep or too shallow. He's about 2 1/2 inches long an 2 1/2 inches
wide. He's probably about 1 year old. I found him in an in ground
pool. Well anyway, The depth of the water is 2 inches. There's a
slope that leads up from the water onto the land, so he has like a
shallow end and a deep end to swim. Is that fine, or should I make the
water deeper or shallower? Also, I'm not exactly sure if
my turtle is a male or female. I'm thinking it's a male
because, it's tale is quite long and kind of wide. Its front claws
are pretty long also. So please, answer my questions as soon as you
can. Thank you so much! Sincerely, Tiffany < I like to make sure
that the water covers the turtles back by at least a couple inches of
water so it doesn't dry out too much. Longer front claws and a long
tail would indicate that you turtle is a
Steps Too Tall for Turtle?
<Hi, Pufferpunk here> I am the overly anxious new owner of a red
eared slider. I am concerned about the basking
area. I set it up using different sized
bricks. The first one is about 3 and 1/2 inches off the
bottom and completely covered with water, the next is about 2 inches,
and the top is another 2 inches up. My question is- is that
first step too high up for him? I have only had him less
than a day but he doesn't go up there unless I put him up
there. Should that first step be lower? I saw him
get down okay, just not up. <It would help to know how large the
turtle is. I would give him a longer platform, instead of
the extra step.> Thanks for your help