FAQs About Turtle Systems: Substrate,
Related Articles: Turtles, Amphibians, Red Eared Slider Care,
The Care and Keeping
of the Red Eared Slider, Trachemys scripta
elegans by Darrel Barton,
Related FAQs: Turtle Systems 1, Turtle Systems 2, & Further
Subdivided FAQs on Turtle Systems: Turtle Enclosures, Turtle System Filtration, Turtles & Light (UV plus), Turtle System Heating, Aquatic Turtle Basking Areas, Turtle System Maintenance, Overwintering Environments, RES Systems, & Turtles 1, Turtles
2, Red Ear Sliders, Turtle Identification, Turtle Behavior, Turtle Compatibility, Turtle Selection, Turtle Feeding, Turtle Disease, Turtle Reproduction, & by Species:
Cooters/Mud Turtles, Softshells, Snapping Turtles, Mata Matas, Tortoises, & Amphibians, Other Reptiles,

Can RES eat sea shells?
Dear Crew,
<Hiya, Darrel here>
I have a question.
<Unlike Radio Shack, we have answers!>
Ever since i got some small sea shells from the beach my turtles have been
biting them and chewing on them. I've come to see the shells chewed on and
bitten. I want to know if it is at least ok for them to eat it or should I
take them out of the tank. Some of the shells in the picture are chewed up.
<Yes, it's OK. The shells are mainly calcium, which is good for them, and
for the most part anything they can bite small enough to swallow can be
digested. Some turtles will go after them as a delight, others not at all,
so it could be that one is in need of calcium ... or maybe the shells just
taste good,>
<As a General Rule: I don't put sharp things like sea shells in the tank any
more than I would put chips of glass --- the sharp edges of the remaining
shell can become a source of cuts or scrapes as the turtles go about their
daily business>
Sand substrate for turtles, toxic gas
bubbles? 3/23/12
Hi there,
So I've heard that using sand as substrate can have toxic gas
bubbles build up which are harmful to fish so you have to occasionally
stir it up and let the bubbles out... but would it be harmful
for turtles? I've tried searching everywhere, but
couldn't find any answers.
<You only need enough sand or gravel to cover the bottom pane of
glass. You won't be planting plants, so a deep substrate isn't
needed. So an inch depth is fine, and that poses no risk at all.
Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Sand substrate for turtles, toxic gas bubbles?
Dear Crew
<Hiya Jenny - Darrel this time>
Hmm, you didn't exactly answer my question. I didn't ask
whether it'll be okay to use sand substrate, I asked whether the
toxic gas bubbles would affect the turtle's health. Please answer
<The quick answer is no. The toxic gasses, mostly Sulfur &
the like, are far more an issue for fish that they are for
turtles. The other issue is how quickly the gas is diluted
and disbursed in the water after it's released from the substrate.
High filter rates and surface water turbulence greatly lessen the
impact. The technical term that I use is that the gasses are far more
"icky" than they are poisonous.>
<On a practical matter, Neale was spot on. The depth and
compositions of the substrates that would be beneficial for a burrowing
turtle such as a Mud or Musk turtle are the exact opposite of what is
called for in order to keep a clean, healthy and odor-free aquatic
Re: heyy... Please, no heyyyys! What is the subject?
RES toys/decor 1/3/12
hey sue.
<Hi Jasmine. Sorry Im just replying now; was away for a
few days over the holiday.>
my sis a new tank for squirt and some other stuff.
<That's great! How thoughtful of your sis to do that for
you. Tell her we said Thanks too!>
is this tank alright for him?
<It seems to be a nice size tank for him (based on his
size). I didn't see a UVB and heat lamp over his
basking rock, but if I recall, I believe you have them.>
and there's a filter in it to! :)
<That will be (of some!) help. Just keep in mind that
when it comes to turtles, even with a filter you'll still need to
clean but hopefully not as often -- 50% water changes at least
once a week (or more often if you see it needs it), replacing the
filter media when you see it getting gunked up, and breaking down
and cleaning the whole enclosure at least once a month. It
will also help to continue to net up whatever debris the filter
doesn't catch.>
and she got my dog a new toy :P
<That's nice she remembered him, too! >
<Some nice improvements, Jasmine! Just a couple of
things re: your new set-up:>
<1) Id recommend you raise the water level a few inches
for a couple of reasons. One to give him more swim room;
hell appreciate that. The other (and more important!) one is that
the level your water is at right now presents a drowning risk for
him. Turtles sometimes fall on their backs when they're
exploring and climbing about. If the water is deep enough
they can easily turn themselves back over. However, the way
you have it now, its possible Squirt may not be able to, and
could get stuck (with his head under the water) and drown.
<One way to raise the water level without submerging the
basking rock is to place some bricks or other taller flat stones
underneath it.>
<2) Re: your decor: I like the natural
stone look, but a word of caution anything with openings, tunnels
or caves also presents a risk that Squirt could get stuck inside
of it and drown. Whatever he easily fits through today may
allow him in (but not out of) tomorrow! Im glad to see you
have them above water. In particular with the taller tower,
just make sure its wedged in good and cant topple over

Red-Eared Slider question about eating
decorative plastic plants 7/3/2011
Dear Crew,
<Hiya - Darrel here>
I have a Red Eared Slider named Lucy. Got her around Halloween of last
year, after my previous slider died. (Previous one was a female named
Shelldon, who had no eyes and no tail, along with an asymmetrical
I'd gotten her as a teeny, illegally-small turtle from a friend
who'd bought her for her niece. Shelldon died suddenly at about 7.5
years of age.
I found her at the bottom of her tank. She looked strangely peaceful. I
took her to my turtle vet to see if they could see any obvious reason,
but they could not. They assured me that it was likely a miracle
she'd even lived that long. I donated her body to a local
veterinary school. A week or two later, the vet's office called to
see if I wanted Lucy, who'd been surrendered to them with a bad
respiratory infection, which was cleared up long ago).
<That was very nice of them>
Tank set-up is pretty good, if a bit smaller than I'd like, at 55
gallons-ish. Lucy is 8-9" shell-length.
<She's good-sized!>
I have a UVB light and a heat lamp and don't use a heater anymore
(thanks to reading your site). Her filter is sufficient and I do
periodic water-quality testing, although I am never sure how reliable
the results are. She has a basking platform and eats like a pig,
typical Red Eared Slider.
<So far, so good>
The problem is, I had some floating decorative plastic plants in the
tank and in March I noticed that she had been eating them! They were
sort of flimsy, in that they had a rather filigree-type look, lots of
tiny sub-pieces, if you will. As soon as I discovered her bad habit, I
removed all plants from the tank (there is also no gravel, never has
Previously I'd seen her eating this felt-like stuff I'd put on
her basking platform, which I'd gotten to help Shelldon get up onto
it, since the adhesive-y/felt-y stuff that had come on the platform was
long gone. So I got rid of that too, and now use what is basically
"boat tape," waterproof stuff with a bit of traction.
<Amazing what they'll eat, isn't it?>
For a time, I found little pieces of the plants in her poop, but
figured that was "normal," all things considered. Then I
found no pieces after a time, but she eats her poop (gross, but also
pretty normal, I assume) so I wasn't always able to truly monitor.
Fast-forward to about a week ago and I saw a bit more of the plastic
bits in her poop. That means that almost THREE MONTHS after I removed
all that material, she is STILL digesting it.
<Yes, non-digestible parts will impact in various places in the gut
and not move for long periods of time>
Should I be alarmed?
<Not alarmed, just a tiny bit concerned>
Should I take her for an x-ray or something?
<An x-ray might show pieces of foreign material in the gut, but
it's not going to show the conditions with any clarity. For that
you'd need a colonoscopy which you're unlikely to be able to
get at a local vet's office. Certainly not here in
Not sure what to do, as she is acting normally and has been all these
<Here's what I think you should do: Add some Metamucil to
Lucy's diet.
About a half teaspoon rolled and mixed in with some chopped
Feed her that in a separate bowl once a day for three days. Metamucil
won't have the same effect as it does on humans because they're
diet is already high in fiber, but in concentrated amount it will make
Lucy's bowls move a little faster and it may whisk some of any
remaining debris through here system.>
<Beyond that, I'd just keep one eyebrow arched for a few more
months. If she's active and eating I'd just let it pass
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
<well, there you go>
Thank you so much for your website,
<Thanks again>
Linda Abbott
Decorating my Turtle Tank 1/7/10
Hi Jamie here
<Hiya- Darrel here>
I would like to say your website has been one of the best in helping me
on occasion when I need help
<Thank you>
I have an Australian snake neck turtle and I never really get any
articles on them
<The Genus Chelodina has never been well represented in the pet
trade and as a result there is far more literature on their taxonomic
place and structure than on their habits, diet and
I looked at my tank and noticed it was quite bare with a few plants I
heard that sand is bad so I avoided that
<That depends entirely on the turtle. Typical freshwater Aquarium
gravel is thought to cause intestinal impaction in turtles that ingest
it while foraging for food.>
I heard rocks trap lots of dirt and I have had that experience so I
took those out.
<Yes, large rocks allow waste to accumulate, small rocks, gravel and
sane have to be stirred in order for the filter to clean the water it
all makes for a lot of labor>
I would like to ask would duck weed be OK for my indoor tank around 75
gallon .
since they are carnivorous they will not eat it
<absolutely, but keep one thing in mind: All live plants require
proper lighting and proper nutrition or they die in the water, making
an even bigger mess.>
can you think of anything that wouldn't be harmful to my turtles in
any way yet
would add some "life" so to speak.
<Several things. A few live plants aren't bad, especially when mixed
in with a few plastic plants. A few fist-sized rocks give the tank some
texture and take the eyes away from the bare bottom and, depending on
the size of the tank, a submerged log. These are all the old stand by
tricks for decorating a tank without a gravel bed>
<Yer welcome>
Re: decorating my turtle tank
hi Jamie here the guy with the snake neck turtles
<I remember. Darrel here -- the guy with the answers>
History :
I've had these turtles for a good 10 or so years and they've
"known" each other from young they are kept in a fairly large
tank. There was a time where the smaller had scratches of red ( not
drastically smaller but maybe small enough to make a significance )
and separating while feeding helped the scratches healed and that was
that , from then on separated while eating .
<Always a good thing to do with animals of different size and/or
disposition, the dominant animals always eat too much and the secondary
animals never get quite enough.>
I have noticed the smaller one has 3 claws on different
"feet" bent upwards I have the big one biting the little ones
foot. It doesn't exactly tear seeing as they don't bite just
try to swallow whole so it does look like any real harm just bent claws
*note this may have been done slowly overtime* and I have just realized
it but they only bite when there's food.
<Another reason to separate them at feeding time>
I dropped a calcium tablet they thinking it was food attacked and one
occasion each other and on other occasions just randomly bite at each
other I don't know if I should leave it be seeing as its not doing
real harm or should I add live fish to keep them occupied?
<I don't think fish would keep them occupied. More that likely
adding fish would just bring new parasites and new problems to your
or more plants to let them "find" there way around. they
really seem to like the plants they like hiding and playing in and with
it should just put in heaps of plants and make like a water forest?
ever since I added plants in they seem to be happier the big one bites
at anything filter leaves etc but does no hard as there mouths are flat
and not beakish.
any help appreciated
<Changing the decorations is a standard trick for fish & reptile
keepers, Jamie. When you rearrange "home" they suddenly lose
their familiar territories and with that they lose a lot of the
confidence that allows them to be aggressive. Many times when adding a
new fish to an established aquarium, a keeper will rearrange the rocks
and plants so that the existing fish have enough to worry about and not
concentrate on the new guy. The same thing applies here. Also,
decorations that allow each turtle to get 'away' from the other
one where they can't see each other (called "Visual
Privacy") is known to be a good and healthy thing.>
<I think you ideas are good ones>
many thanks
<Yer welcome!>
Re decorating my turtle tank 2 1/9/2010
Hi me again
<Hi You - Me again too!>
thanks for the reply I never really thought you would answer cause I
live all the way in New Zealand
<The wonderful thing about the Internet is that we're all HERE
in the same place, regardless of where we live. The down side is that
it's caused us to raise a generation of people with the attention
span of gnats and the critical thinking abilities of a speckled perch -
but that's another story>
but thank you .
<You are VERY welcome!>
is alright if I get garden rocks?
<No problem. >
I know you have to do so many things when doing it with fish but are
turtles less touchy"
is it okay to just give it a quick rinse and put it in?
< Rinse them off and then soak them in a bucket of water for a day
or two to loosen any dirt & grime. Just make sure they have no
really sharp edges>
thank you
Substrate, Terrapin sys. 2/19/09 Hello!
I'm quite worried, as my red-eared terrapin, housed alone in a big
tank, keeps trying to climb out non-stop. It's VERY restless...
climbing and digging away at the sides of the tank. Currently it's
about 7-inches in length, and I'm worried it may have eggs. It laid
eggs in the water before, because I only have a rock as its basking
area. Just need to check, would it be safe for me to place a small
basin into the tank, with a mixture of soil and sand for it to lay its
eggs? Thank you! Best Regards, Alex <Hi Alex. It does sound like you
have a female anxious to lay her eggs. It's important to let her do
so: if not, she'll be prone to egg-binding, and that's a
painful (and expensive) problem to deal with. Yes, putting a dish of
dry sand somewhere above the waterline is recommended. It will need to
be reasonably big and deep so that she can sit on the sand comfortably,
and dig a nest a couple of inches deep. Something like a cat litter
tray is ideal, filled with silica sand or river sand to a depth of 2-3
inches, at least. The nesting site will need to be bigger than the
turtle, otherwise she won't be able to climb in and make her nest.
Obviously these eggs will be infertile and won't hatch if she's
not mated with a male in the last couple of weeks. Cheers, Neale.>
Hello Neale, Thank you so much! I will get cracking on it! Cheers, Alex
<Happy to help. Good luck, Neale.>
Turtle Toys -
05/17/2006 I was wondering if you guys have any ideas for turtle
toys. Our 2 turtles (Tank and Diesel) get bored. I was wondering if
there were any toys made for turtles or any thing that could be turned
into a toy. Thanks, Lisa < Turtles are always interested in food. I
would recommend that you vary their diet with live earthworms,
crickets, mealworms and kingworms. If they are somewhat larger you
could add vegetable matter like spinach and kale. Zoo Med has recently
come out with a floating turtle log. It is a hollow floating log that
turtles can climb out on as well as go inside to feed. I am confident
they will love it.-Chuck>
Turtles Will eat The Newt 10/22/05 Hello, I
would like to thank you for your extensive question database which has
provided me with many answers! I was wondering just how long one
red-eared slider baby would be alright in a ten gallon tank. I've
been researching and planning for providing a great home for one of
these guys for a long time and realize that one day it will need a nice
happy pond. < A ten gallon tank would only work for a few months
depending on the temps you turtle is kept at.> Would a Whisper
internal (10i) filter be good for about 5 gallons of water for the
little guy? < Turtles are messy feeders. A filter helps but only as
long as you are willing to clean it. Clean it often and do many water
changes.> I also have one fire-bellied newt and was wondering
(although I am quite doubtful) if they would be okay in the tank
together until the turtle grows larger, or if a separate tank right at
the beginning would be necessary. < Turtle will try and eat the newt
every chance it gets. The newt may also be toxic to the turtle.> If
this is possible, my newt tank is planted heavily with live plants. I
would not mind if the turtle ate them, but have heard that some plants
are not okay for a turtle to eat. I have Mondo grass, Anacharis, java
moss, and a few other plants (I don't know the names of the
others.) < Turtle would pick at the Anacharis and probably leave the
others alone but it would be a bull in a china shop with all the plants
being uprooted every chance he gets.> I also have a five gallon tank
at home that is not being used and think that either the newt or the
turtle could stay in it for a while. (I think the newt would be happier
there than the turtle since it would only have about 2-3 gallons of
water.) I previously had three newts, but the other two were VERY young
and, like many pet store fire bellies, had a rough beginning and came
to me with rot which I was unable to cure. I eventually separated
them from my adult, who is still living a happy and healthy life
hanging out in her favorite plant, the Anacharis bunch. Also, what is
your opinion on the occasional snack of a ghost shrimp for aquatic
turtles? < Great.> (I know I am asking many questions here.)
There is a very large debate over whether to use gravel or not. Of
course cleaning is easier without it. I read where someone had used no
gravel but had vinyl flooring in the bottom to give traction. Do you
think the turtles really care? < No not really.> Like fish do,
would turtles eat their own poo if there was no gravel to trap it? <
They have been known to eat their own fecal matter if they are hungry
and no other food is around. Many fish stores carry gravel vacs that
will do a great job of cleaning your gravel while siphoning the tank
water.> Thank you in advance for you time and patience with my
plethora of questions. I appreciate what you do in an attempt to rid
the world of people who improperly care for their pets. < Just
plugging away one question at a time.-Chuck>
Red Eared Slider Aggression <Hi, MikeD here> I have
three red eared slider turtles and noticed that the two of them have
been showing what I think are signs of aggression. They take
both of their front feet and vibrate them in front of their face while
at the same time, aim for one another. A friend of mine was
wondering if this was a sign of courtship?<It sure is! Males have
very long claws/toenails on the front feet and they "flirt"
with females by placing their paws in front of their face and doing
just exactly what you are describing. Males MAY do this as a
sort of "hand jive" with other males as a stylized form of a
dance in lieu of real and possibly fatal attacks. You might also want
to consider giving the female access to some dry ground for egg laying,
where they dig a pit similar to those excavated by their larger, more
famous marine relatives!> Thanks! <You're welcome> Slider
Ninja Turtle Rocks! and other turtle banter. Hello, my name
is William and I love the site, it rocks hardcore. <Sweet> I have
recently purchased a red eared slider turtle for my girlfriend for
valentine's day, what better way of telling a person you love them
by purchasing a known carrier of disease, <She is a lucky lady.>
that she promptly named Ninja. Ever since the purchase of
the feisty little guy I have turned into a turtle
fanatic. Ninja displays such a charismatic personality it
makes me wish I was a turtle. After an unfortunate attempt with a
laundry basket and a duct tape, I came to the conclusion that this
dream will never come to be. <I have a hard time getting the webs
between my fingers and toes to grow, once that is done I will work on
growing a shell.> Anywho, let me get down to business. I
was curious as to what type of bottom we should use for the little
guy. She currently uses some glittery over-sized plastic
shells purchased from a fish supply store. While this makes
Ninja appear less masculine, he seems to have fun running into a big
bunch of them and watching them jump around the tank, almost like a big
pile of autumn leaves. <As he matures he may want a more masculine
substrate for fear that the rest of the ninja turtles will make fun of
him.> Would it be better to use a sandy bottom for the little
guy? Also what type of feeder fish would be best for
Ninja? I breed guppies to feed my Oscars, would these be all
right for Ninja or would goldfish be better? Thank
you. And remember, turtles rock ninja style!
<You got that right, but honestly, I prefer bare
bottoms. You can use what ever substrate you like, I keep
the bottom of my turtle tanks bare for easy cleanup. I have
also heard of sliders ingesting gravel (it usually
passes). A variety of food will be best, guppies, Jiminy
crickets, earth worm Jim, super worms, prepared turtle pellets, salad
greens, and the occasional snail. Check out the link below
for more chelonian fun http://www.tortoisetrust.org/articles/res.html
Rock on Brother- Gage>