Related FAQs:
Turtles, Turtles 2, Sliders, Turtle
Identification, Turtle
Behavior, Turtle
Compatibility, Turtle
Selection, Turtle Systems,
Turtle Systems 2, Turtle Feeding, Turtle Disease, Turtle Disease 2, Turtle Disease 3, Turtle Reproduction, & by Species:
Musk/Mud Turtles, Other
Sliders/Emydids (Pond, Painted...), Softshells, Snapping Turtles, Mata Matas, Tortoises, & FAQs on Red Ear Sliders:
Sliders, Sliders 2, Red Eared
Slider Identification, RES
Behavior, RES Compatibility,
RES Selection, RES Systems, RES
Feeding, RES Disease, RES Disease/Health 2, RES Reproduction, & Other Reptiles, Amphibians,
Articles: Red Eared Slider
Care by Darrel Barton,
So your turtle has the Flu?
Recognising and treating respiratory infections in pet
turtles by Neale Monks,
Freshwater Livestock,
Turtle Stocking &
Part 1
To: Part 2 , Part

by Sue Garrett |
Red Eared Sliders
Painted Turtles
Yellow Bellied Sliders
Red Bellied Turtles
Map Turtles
Side/Snake Neck Turtles
Long Neck Turtles
Pond Turtles
Golden Thread Turtles
Soft-shell Turtles
Species Not Specified
Box Turtles
Wood Turtles
Multiple Turtles
Other Animal Species
Turtles of all species are not social by nature and prefer to be
alone. It is generally recommended that you only have 1
turtle per enclosure unless you have a much larger enclosure or
pond with separate areas for them to eat, haul out and
Snapping turtles, in particular, should never be mixed with ANY
other animal or turtle species, including its own.
As far as owning a single turtle, male turtles are usually easier
to keep than females because they tend to be smaller, and there
is not the additional worry of nesting, egg-laying, and
If you are going to house multiple turtles together, it is
recommended that:
they all be the same size to avoid the potential for bullying or
there be at least a 2:1 ratio of females to males to reduce
stress on the females
only sexually mature females be mixed with males. If not
yet mature, a female turtle can become aggressive with any male
trying to mate with her.
you have a very large enclosure with separate basking areas so
they can have their own separate areas to hang out
you feed them separately to avoid competition, potential
aggression or domination
you be prepared to house them separately if it turns out they are
not compatible
If adding a new turtle in an aquarium with an existing
Make sure the new turtle is disease free. Quarantine the
new turtle for about a month before placing it with an existing
Consider changing the aquarium environment (i.e. mixing up
plants, décor) to make it seem like a new environment for the
existing turtle(s). This reduces the likelihood of them
exhibiting territorial and aggressive behaviors toward the new
As a general rule, do not house different turtle species
together. Semi-aquatics, mostly aquatics, semi-terrestrial,
and terrestrial turtles have very different care needs and
personalities (see below for designations). Even certain
turtles within these same groupings may have different needs such
as water quality or temperature (see individual FAQs
below). Always carefully research each type of species
first before considering mixing them together.
Do not mix turtles with fish or other animals/non-turtle
species. Turtles will try (and often succeed) in either
eating or injuring them. Sometimes even in the reverse;
i.e. crayfish should never be mixed with ANYTHING else including
with each other.
Note: Some of the above points
are stated in context and elaborated on in the FAQs below.
Any key information relevant to this topic is highlighted in blue
within each FAQ to make them easier to find.
Trachemys scripta
See Key Points at top of this Topic Page for general
information on turtle stocking &

Adding a female in with two males
Comp., Repro. 5/23/10
(Original heading: Need Red Eared
Slider help, please! Comp., Repro. -
Dear Crew
<Hiya - Darrel here>
We have 2 male Red Eared Sliders that are around 4 or 5 inches and have
been together in the same 75 gallon tank most of their lives.
<So far, so good. Just about the right size environment for
About 6 weeks ago we were given a female slider that is around 8 inches
and have kept her in a kiddy pool for quarantine purposes.
<A big girl>
This afternoon we decided that it was time to finally put her in the
tank with the two males.
<Queue the menacing music ..>
Everything was fine for the first half hour or so,
<Just like in the movies things are quiet .. TOOOO quiet!>
then things went downhill fast and got really scary. As males will be
males (LOL) they were trying to "court" her to the point of
her needing a restraining order, LOL! She finally started biting at
them and even started chasing them around to bite them.
It was when she got hold of one of their front feet and took it and her
head inside her shell that we grabbed her up and finally got her to
release his foot.
<Yeah - turtles play rough>
She is back in the kiddy pool, but to be quite honest, the kiddie pool
has got to go soon as we have a small house and it is taking up way too
much room. Not to mention the cat and two Labs that are just way too
interested in her.
<Between two Labs and a cat - my money is on the turtle.>
Is there ANY hope of them co-existing in the same tank at all???
<there is some, yes>
If so, how do we go about getting them there?
<What you've experienced is to some degree normal behavior for
Red Eared Sliders. At the size differential you've described she
has a clear advantage and when she gets snappy, the others are usually
wise enough to get out of her way. Usually this little bit of combat is
to establish limits and the bites aren't hard enough to break the
skin (sometimes the males will lose a fingernail or two). While sliders
do fine on their own, they also do just fine in colonies and other
large groups with little or no serious combat. There are two concerns
here. First, when we house groups of any kind of animals we should
always give them ways to get AWAY from each other. In aquariums we put
big rock formations in the middle to more or lass make a right &
left half. When we dig turtle or alligator ponds, we make them
"U" or even "Z" shaped, etc. That way, two animals
that aren't getting along can go to places that are out of visual
range of the other and both can feel like they've
"escaped." This is a bit hard to do in a 75 gallon turtle
tank, but see what you can do. The unknown here is the female. She may
settle down after everyone settles down, or she could be just mean. My
guess is the former and here's what I'd do>
<One at a time, while you have the time to baby-sit, take the males
out of the tank and put them in the pool with her. Let her learn to
tolerate them in her own territory - and just one of them. The pool is
likely not deep enough for her to drown the little one and there is
enough room for them to get away from each other. A couple hours of
that each day gets them accustomed to each other AND the disruption of
their routines tends to "reset" a lot of their territorial
and combative instincts. After they've all become bored with
fighting each other, you can try moving them to the tank again>
Thanks in advance.
<yer welcome>
RES Mixing Adult with Baby
Comp. 5/11/10
(Original heading: RES Turtles.
Comp. 5/11/10)
Dear Crew
<Hiya Alix - Darrel here>
So I was wondering how my turtle would react if I got another one.
<The short answer, in your case, Alix - is no.>
<read on>
My friends gave me a red ear slider about a month ago. They rescued it
from the side of the road and she's gotten very big. She's
about 11 inches.
<That's big for a Red Eared Slider. Very big.>
She's never bitten us but she does love feeder fish. What would she
do if I put a baby in there? Oh. I have a 60 gallon tank.
<Sliders are not particularly social creatures, Alex - they seem to
do just fine in groups or colonies, but they don't have any NEED
for such social connections. They can be a little snappy toward each
other at times and this is where size comes in. In the wild, hatchlings
hide themselves in the weeds and floating grasses and don't even
approach the basking logs and stones that the larger animals share
until they reach approximately the same size. What I'm saying is
not that your big one is a cannibal but she MIGHT see it as dinner or
in the normal course of interacting with a hatchling, one snap to show
it who's boss would spell the end of the little one.>
<If you have an 11 inch Slider, I wouldn't consider placing
another one with her that was less than 4 inches long. Also, 60 gallons
is a bit small for an animal that size - it sounds like she can barely
turn around. Finally Feeder fish are NOT good for her and you should
stop feeding them to her. Beyond being basically bad nutrition they
tend to carry parasites that could have the effect of shortening her
magnificent life. Here is a link on basic care:
Compatibility with faster
fish 5/8/10
(Original heading: General RES
questions 5/8/10)
Hi crew!
<Hiya - Darrel here tonight>
I've been reading through the various postings on your site
and they are fantastically entertaining and informative, you have
helped me on various things including today's departure of
pecker after his fall :-(
<I read about that, Dale. On behalf of Bob Fenner, Neale Monks
and the entire crew, we're sorry for your loss. The loss of
any of our little friends leaves the world a slightly darker
shade of gray.>
I have some questions, it seems you're busy so a speedy reply
isn't necessary.
<Never that BUSY Dale, I'm just a poor typist. I typo
I live in Japan (originally Essex, England)
<Japan was originally Essex???? In England??>
. where it seems Red Eared Sliders are widely kept for a short
period and then thrown out, no one seems to really know how to
care for them,
<OUCH!! All the sadder that they're among the easiest of
all pets to provide and care for>
. but anyways, in the attached picture you can see my
setup(60x34x30cm) which admittedly is horribly small for three
turtles but I was very uninformed at the time of purchase.
<No, you weren't, not it's not and it looks pretty
Is this too small for these 2(midori and LB)? At a guess (as they
are still a little too small to tell) they are either both
females or one of each (they seem to get on fantastically
<While Sliders, Cooters & the like can be a bit snappy
from time to time, they are also excellent tank mates and can get
along wonderfully in large groups. You have plenty of room here
& I'll get into a bit more detail below>
They also have a large balcony(recently turtle-proofed) with a
water source and places to hide/plenty of shade/sun. also the
basking area in the pictured tank is just under half the size of
the tank itself(kind of decking with a ramp)
<It looks pretty nice, but here are my comments: (A) the water
is far deeper than it needs to be. Nothing WRONG with deep water,
but it's not necessary for their well-being. Whenever you
have a choice with turtles go for a larger surface area (length
& width) and don't worry about more than 5 or 6 inches of
depth. (B) Make sure that the lighting provides for their need
for heat AND for UV. (C) The tank decorations are nice looking,
but take a look with a critical eye any place a turtle could work
his way into, under or behind and then get stuck? (D) If it was
me, I'd rework the ramp area to allow for more dry-land area
(unless there's more than I can see here) because they
don't have a lot of room to really haul out of the water and
bask in the warmth of the basking lamp.>
If not already too small, how long before you thing ill need a
new tank?
<They could easily be double in size before I'd think
about a new tank You could even think of adding one or two more
at this point. By the time you need to think of a bigger tank,
the next step up is probably more like an indoor pond than a tank
(we'll talk about that another time)>
I finally found success with the live plants after many being
ripped to pieces within a day but would really love to have some
kind of fish in there(without the trial and error massacre) to
liven it up a bit. do you know of any small durable and fast tank
mates for them?
<The problem with fish & turtles is this: When you put it
feeders and WANT them to be eaten, the turtles don't catch
them and the feeders grow and become pets you have to worry about
(I have 2 goldfish that were once 'feeders' that are now
7 inches long and the dominant animals in a 2500 gallon Koi pond
containing 24 inch Koi) -- or the opposite, when you put in two
fish you really DO care about and the turtles .. for whom fish is
NOT a major dietary component .. suddenly get lucky. In other
words, Dale there is no solution to this problem>
<A decent sized Plecostomus (common name 'Pleco' or
'Plecostomus') would hold it's own against turtles of
this size, but it's an algae eating, bottom dwelling
more-or-less boring fish.>
I was thinking small goldfish but have read that if eaten they
are quite bad for the turtles.
<The problem is that feeder goldfish are kept in horribly
unsanitary conditions and tend to be loaded with parasites. Fancy
goldfish are usually much 'cleaner' but their elaborate
tails & fins do make attractive targets for the turtles. So
Ah and I am feeding them every other day a mix of pellets and
they are nibbling the plants a little every now and then is this
<Sounds good. I feed mine almost exclusively Koi
Thanks again for all your help
<You're welcome>

RES compatibility with goldfish
(Original heading: Out door
pond 8/24/09)
Dear Crew,
<Hiya Melissa, Darrel here>
I have purchased some red eared Slider turtles from a
good pet store they approx 5-6 inches long.
<Yanno, Melissa, without punctuation after the word
"store" -- you are technically telling me that you shopped at
a good pet store that was 5 to 6 inches long.>
<I guess today I'm just Mr. Language Person ... >
I did my homework on these fun creatures to add to my outdoor pond. The
issue I am having is that they have plenty of food and places to bask
in the sun, the pond is approx. 20 feet long, 15 feet wide and 3 1/2
feet deep to 4 foot deep at the other end, however my pond does not get
full sun light at all times
<How many hours of direct sunlight reach the basking area or shores
on an average spring or fall day? The amount of sunlight and UV they
can absorb even from a slightly indirect source may be plenty. How many
hours a day to they bask in direct sun?>
as well as I have found some turtles escaping the pond area. Once they
get out they can't get back in. Any ideas on why they keep trying
to get out?
<Yes, Melissa. Turtles wander. No one knows why, exactly, but they
do it.
If they are not confined they'll often wander out and never come
I've found escaped turtles that were gone 3 months and buried
themselves in a corner of the garden under a plant. A pond area in
which you plan to properly keep turtles will require a hard barrier
around the perimeter. I use 1/2 inch mesh hardware cloth buried 3
inches down with a 4 inch lip bent inward 90 degrees at the top. Then I
plant tightly all around the outside, so that the little fence blends
into the background. Waterfall areas can be lined with brick, stone or
cinder block to create a barrier, but however you do it, it must be
Should I be worried about nights getting colder since they are located
in a pond outside and we are located in Iowa?
<Yes. While it's true that the literature says that all the
sliders (Trachemy scripta) can over-winter in a pond, even a frozen
one, the truth is that not all do survive it and even if they do, it is
hard on their physiology. You should have a plan for over wintering
them in your garage, porch or house in some sort of big plastic where
you can control the temperature. Best is to set them up like any indoor
environment like in our care guides, complete with basking lamp, UV
lamp, etc so that it's summer to them. Also, in the spring,
don't be too quick to put them outside. Wait until you're done
with the sudden cold snaps of early spring and well into the growing
Also some Goldfish have seem to be safe with the turtles however my
grandson just bought a Bubble Eyed Goldfish, brought it out Saturday
and it has been eaten already. Any idea on why some Goldfish ok and
other's not?
<Turtles are opportunistic feeders, Melissa. (Just like my brother
in law, they'll eat anything that's easy, cheap and doesn't
require leaving a tip!). While fish are not the main part of a
Slider's diet in the wild, the bubble eye was available and easy to
catch. At the same time, the opposite is true --- all of us long term
Turtilians (and yes I probably just made that word up) have stories
where we intentionally filled our pond with goldfish for the turtles to
eat and instead they thrived, grew, got names of their own and became
pets we have to worry about! I have two "feeder goldfish"
that are now 11 years old, almost 7 inches long and now live in my
girlfriend's Koi pond where they hold their own with a couple of 28
inch monster Koi.>
<So as a general rule, turtles and fish make a bad tank or pond
Also how many turtles would be too many for this size of pond?
<That's a huge pond for turtles, Melissa. If the water condition
is good, you could hold more turtles in the summer time than you'd
ever want to have to collect and house during the winter!>
<Assuming that you solve the fish problem, the sunlight problem and
fencing problem, I'd put 4 Red Eared Sliders (Trachemy scripta
elegans) and maybe 4 Pseudemys (Cooters, Red Belly turtles, etc) -- but
again .. no more than I can house and care for over the winter. And
this is AFTER I'd fix the other problems>
<Yer welcome!>
IOWA Outdoor Pond
Does my male slider need a female
companion? 7/27/09
(Original heading: Red Ear Slider
Behavior/Reproduction 7/27/09)
My name is Char.
<Hello Charlene,>
I have 2 red ear sliders that I got last December when they were about
the size of a quarter and was told they were about 2 months old. So, I
believe them now to be 8 months in age and one is 4'' long and
3.5'' wide and the other is 3.5'' long and
3.25'' wide. I noticed last night that the smaller of the 2 was
"fanning" himself and now today the other has also done
My question being: in males does size or age play a role in their
sexual maturity?
<Appears to be both, with males needing to be a certain size and a
certain age. But, as with most animals, males are probably more
"flexible" in this regard than females. In any case, males
will be at least 2 years old before they are sexually mature, at which
point they should be a good 10 cm or so in shell length.>
I know that females need to be at least 6'', but I can't
seem to be able to find anything pertaining to males. I've started
to wonder if the smaller of the 2 is looking for a female companion as
he also tried to mount
himself onto the larger male.
<As with male animals generally, sexual behaviour tends to appear
from quite an early age, even if the male animal in question
wouldn't be big enough to attract (or fight for) a sexually mature
female. Sex-play
behaviours will certainly be exhibited, as will aggression, long before
the male animal will be able to secure access to a mate, or, where
relevant, protect the nesting site or offspring. What your Red-ear
Slider is doing
falls comfortably into the range of normal behaviours exhibited by the
species. Nothing to worry about. Keeping two males won't cause any
problems if the habitat is big enough, though as you'd expect,
sexually mature males are aggression and will fight if overcrowded.
Most people find keeping singletons best. They certainly don't need
<Cheers, Neale.>
Mixing new with existing RES
(Original heading: My res came home
2yrs later 7/1/09)
<Hiya -- Darrel here>
I really like your website.
<Why thank you! We're pretty proud of it too, but it's
always nice to hear adoration from our fans>
I have 2 Red Eared Slider turtles. On mother's day, my husband
picked up a Slider heading back to our house.
<Was your HUSBAND heading back to the house when he picked up this
turtle or was the TURTLE heading back to the house when your husband,
presumably out picking up other things ... happened to see him?>
I really believe it is Squirt, my turtle that ran away 2 years ago to
the day. I believe this because I could always pet Squirts head
whenever I would take her in and out of the house to her pool.
<It happens to me, too. Turtles are amazing climbers and eerily fast
why no one's watching. I've "lost" a turtle or two
and given up after searching everywhere ..... only to have them show up
again months or years
later ... often in EXACTLY the spot they were last seen.>
I scrubbed off the algae, and took a stool sample to a qualified vet,
followed by a visit. I brought to his attention, her underbelly, it had
a sort of rubbed off area, a little redness but not so much soft. He
gave us
silvadine ointment, and injections to take care of it on the inside and
outside. One question I have is, is this contagious to my two other
turtles? We have been doing both cream and injections for 2 weeks.
is not anymore redness on her belly. I would like to know if this is
still contagious to my other turtles.
<NO, you should be fine. For the most part, infections that affect
reptiles are commonly occurring in their environment and don't
affect a turtle until that particular turtle is debilitated by
something else.
After the redness is gone the infection is pretty much in
We want to integrate both in our pond. We have a beautiful 700 gal. But
we are also afraid that our female "TIM TIM" will be
territorial and not allow another turtle. We also have another 2yr old
waiting to attend the pond. Tim Tim and our Squirt that came back are
both 4yrs old.
<Sliders are usually affable enough in groups. They can be snappy
and a little territorial from time to time, but if the pond is big
enough that they can get away from each other when things get tense,
then yes, by all
means put Squirt in with Tim Tim. It will, of course, take some time to
adjust and just like any other mom, you should resist the urge to
interfere when they first start to get to know each other. One
suggestion is that
you make sure there are two different basking areas, so they can haul
out separately if they so choose. Another is to rearrange what you can
(rocks, branches, etc.) to make it a little unsettling for Tim Tim. If
Tim Tim is even a tiny bit unsure of her surroundings, she's less
apt to get nippy with a newcomer. This way, they both reestablish
themselves at the same time.>
Wild and tame Red Eared Sliders
Dear Crew
<Hiya Kaleb -- Darrel here today>
I am about to receive a captive born and raised hatchling Red
Eared Slider turtle
<Congratulation, K -- of all my animals, I STILL regard my
tiny green sliders as special. I hope you do, too!>
I was wondering if a Red Eared Slider hatchling acquired from the
wild, like a local pond, would have any hope of compatibility
<In Sliders and their relatives, compatibility is mostly due
to size. If two Emydid turtles (Sliders, Cooters, painted, etc.)
are pretty much of the same size, any behavior problems usually
get worked out and everyone gets along fine.>
Would I have to worry about diseases being transferred from the
wild RES to the captive RES?
<Another stroke of luck Kaleb. Unlike so many of our more
fishy friends, our turtle cousins are generally much less
susceptible to induced pathogens (bugs & such). If the water
is CLEAN and the care is GOOD then whatever diseases a wild
caught animal may be harboring are unlikely to transfer to the
captive raised .. and usually those excellent conditions will
help the wild turtle fight off the disease as well!>
The plan is to raise them in the same tank that is big enough for
<Excellent Idea. Read the link below and compare your care to
the suggestions there. Write back and let us know how it works
<<Oops... forgot the link: RMF sent along:>>
More re: Wild and tame Red Eared
Sliders 4/17/09
Thanks a lot for the info before,
I am preparing my tank now for the hatchling slider and was
wondering what plants (real or fake) will be best suited and the
safest option for my turtle.
Thanks, Kaleb
<Hello Kaleb. Most Sliders eat plants, and in the wild, some
75% of their diet (when adults, at least) will be soft aquatic
plants. So anything you add will likely be viewed as dinner!
Elodea for example is a superb food for Sliders, and expert
hobbyists add this stuff to the tank, leaving their Sliders to
eat this stuff several days of the week rather than pellets or
meaty food. If you want "permanent" plants, your best
bets are going to be plastic plants, though floating plants can
grow fast enough under bright lights that they provide both shade
and food without problems. Cheers,
RES and softshell turtles not
compatible 4/5/09
(Original heading: Turtle question,
RES, Softshell incomp. 4/5/09)
Hi, I have a red eared slider and a Softshell
turtle together in an aquarium.
<Mmm, not compatible>
They've peacefully coexisted since I got them both as babies last
July, but for a couple of weeks now the slider has been taking bites
out of the softshell's shell!
A man at the petstore suggested I buy a bigger tank so I upgraded from
a 10 gal to a 29 gal,
<Still too small>
but the slider is still doing it! What should I do?
<These two need to be kept in separate systems>
Thanks so much for your help,
Brandi Davis
<Welcome Brandi. Bob Fenner>
Mixing sliders with Pleco and
catfish 3/25/2009
(Original heading: Re: Turtles in a
75 gallon tank 3/25/2009)
Thanks for the reply Darrel!!
Dear Crew,
<Hiya Billy - Darrel here (again)>
Can I ask a couple more questions?
<You bet!>
I got both of my turtles when they were very small, only 1 1/2-2 inches
big. The first was found just over 3 years ago and the other about 6
months later. Looking at them in the new 75 gallon tank, they seem to
have plenty of room... could Red Eared Sliders really outgrow a 75
gallon tank in just over 3 years?
<That depends on the layout of the tank, Billy. Remember, turtles
primarily live in two dimensions -- they need length and width of an
enclosure, not so much depth so a 75 gallon "Tall Show" tank
is not as useable as a 75 gallon standard, etc. Basking spaces, under
heat ... yet enough room to get away from under the heat, etc. are all
Also, the catfish and Pleco were residents of the 49 gallon tank before
the turtles. The Pleco has continued to grow and is now huge and the
catfish has also thrived in the environment with no signs of stress for
the 3 years. I know you said they hide their symptoms, but do you think
that the two would have shared the same fate as the Oscar by now if
they were having similar problems? I only had the Oscar for about 8
months before he fell victim to the poor environment I caused.
<Catfish and Plecos (to a lesser degree) are more tolerant of water
quality issues than open-water dwellers, so it's not as much an
issue for them. My comment was simply that, in general, there are
enough reasons to NOT keep fish with turtles to outweigh any desires to
house them together.>
Finally, for the new 75 gallon I bought a Eheim 2215 Canister filter
suggested for fish aquariums up to 93 gallons. Do you think this is
sufficient for my 75 gallon tank (which is only filled about 3/4 full
to give basking room)? I was thinking of adding the underwater filter
back into the mix to help keep the water clean, but also help with
water circulation??? I do plan on following your water
cleaning/changing suggestions immediately.
<that filter is adequate IF you do the water changes as we discussed
before, but not NEARLY enough for trying to maintain an aquarium in
balance. As far as undergravel filters are concerned, I'm not a fan
of them and never really have been. Try as they might to make a
biological filter out of a gravel bed, the bottom line result (that may
be a pun) is an ultra-fine layer of detritus that lays on the bottom of
the tank.>
<Change the water and clean the filter regularly, don't feed
more than they will eat in 5 minutes three times a week ... and
Thanks again for your help!
<you're welcome!>
Mixing baby turtle with
guppies 3/16/09
(Original heading: Newbie
Guppy and Turtle Raiser... reading
Hi, guys.
This is my first time ever raising fish of any kind, and I am
absolutely totally ignorant of what to do. I have a 1.5 gallon
tank for my 5 male guppies and 1 female (yes, I know if I want to
breed I should have gotten more females), and I'm kind of
worried that the tank is way too small (after reading all I
possibly could on that subject).
<It is way too small... such little volumes of water are just
inherently too unstable to be healthy>
My mom wants to save as much money as possible, but I just want
the advice so that I can save up to buy stuff for my fish.
<I agree with your plan>
I also have a really tiny turtle (I think it's a red eared
slider, not completely sure)
<Appears to be...>
that I don't know it's gender of.
<... not easily sex-able at this size... but see WWM
So here are my questions (I have a lot, is that ok?)
1.Do I need to have a heater?
<Likely so... and posted... Start reading here:
and then the linked files above>
2.What does Ph stand for, and why do I have to measure it?
<... read here:,alk.htm
and the linked files...>
3.Is it likely that my female will kill the males that aren't
'good' enough for her?
<Keep reading>
4.Can I play with my guppies(i.e. put my fingers in the water and
stroke them after scrubbing my hands)?
<Not a good idea... too likely to scratch them, wipe off
necessary body slime, perhaps introduce pollution...>
5.How often should I clean the cage?
6.Can I put in my really small turtle(about 2" to 2
1/2" from tip of head to tip of tail) with them in their
cage, or will my turtle attack the guppies(or vice versa)?
<and more reading...>
7.According to the pictures, is my turtle a female or male?
If you can answer these questions, that would be awesome.
Thanks in advance!
From Janny
P.S. Sorry for the bad quality of the pictures.
<Please, learn to/use the search tool, indices on WWM ahead of
writing us... What you ask, and much more, need to know is
already posted/archived for you/all's use. Bob

Will turtles and catfish coexist? Give
fish a chance? 2/18/09
Hello, my name is Russell.
<Hiya Russell, Darrel here>
I once again have a question for the WWM crew.
<Let's see if our answers improve with time>
I have a 100 gallon turtle pond with three red-eared sliders that are
all around six inches in length, as well as a southern painted turtle
that is probably 4 inches in length.
<And plenty of filtration, we hope>
Could I put my 5-inch albino channel catfish in the pond as well?
<That answer is in three parts, Russell. >
<and NO! >
Is there a possibility the catfish could "sting" one of the
turtles severely injuring it?
<That's possible, but not as likely as the turtles will
continually nip at the catfish until it becomes so stressed that it
fails to thrive. >
I am wanting to add something extra to the pond and figured the turtles
live with catfish in real ponds, so why couldn't they in mine?
<Here's what most people don't realize, Russell. Fish and
turtles aren't compatible in nature, either. They don't even
occupy the same environment -- they occupy DIFFERENT environments that
happen to overlap. Turtles are
opportunistic feeders that don't generally eat fish ONLY because
fish are streamlined and speedy in the aquatic world and turtles just
aren't (unless of course, you're trying to net one ... then
they develop temporary light-speed and even some invisibility
properties). >
<In the wild, all sorts of diverse animals can live in what APPEARS
to be harmony -- because they have virtually limitless space to escape
each other. This is never the case in a pond or aquarium and that then
requires us caregivers to become referees and hall monitors. >
<Lastly, regarding what works in the wild, also remember that not
every animal in the wild survives. Sliders commonly survive in frozen
lakes and streams over winters .... But not EVERY one does, so leaving
yours out in a frozen winter might be "natural" but that
doesn't make it responsible care taking.>
<Russell, I even gave up putting feeder goldfish in my turtle ponds
because the turtles fail to catch & eat them, the goldfish thrive
to become large pets in their own right .... and then that one day ..
when one turtle just gets lucky, it's heartbreak. >
<I wish I had more promising news, but that's the view from this
<Bob? Neale? Anyone else? Your go? ><<No way Darrel J!
Thanks for the help,
Russell Cook
<No charge, Russell! >
Mating and Compatibility with Snapping
Turtles? 1/25/09
Snapping turtle mating & comp.
Dear Crew,
<Hiya Sucari, Darrel here tonight>
I have a 2 year old 7 inch snapping turtle and, age unknown 5 inch Red
Eared Slider in a 50 gallon tank.
<Actually, what you have there is a tragedy just waiting to
They lived in the same tank for about a year now with no problems they
get along great.
<Get along great? Tell jokes? Like the same movies? Enjoy lively
political debate without crossing the line?>
For about a month now I have noticed that they are trying to mate. I
was wondering if I should have any concerns?
<I sure would have concerns, Sucari. For one thing, these mixed
relationships rarely work out. What would the neighbors think? What
about the in-laws? And the kids? Red Eared Snappers? Snapping
And the kids! Think of the kids!!!! How sad to have a clutch of babies
that swim into the pond to try to lay in wait to ambush a piece of
river grass or hyacinth?>
<OK, seriously, Sucari. All kidding aside, most turtles are very
tolerant of dissimilar species. They don't compete for food, no
mates to speak of and no territorial issues that really matter. Neither
see each other as a threat. And I too have seen Sliders and Snappers
and Soft Shelled turtles all kept together in relative harmony ...
until that day when one of them is just GONE. Sliders are non specific
scavenging herbivores and Snappers are ambush predators with very short
tempers and an instinctive, vicious 'ambush' strike that pretty
much destroys what it touches.>
<This is not to say that all snappers are mean or evil, Sucari. My
snapper, Biff, is mild tempered and easy to handle and he puts up with
a LOT before he starts to show any signs of stress. But still, I never
EVER forget that he is a wild animal with a tiny brain.>
<My point ... if there is any chance it has escaped anyone so far
... is that everything will be just fine right up until JUST the moment
that the snapper attacks and kills the slider. Will it ever happen?
Maybe not.
But how will you feel if it does?>
<Please separate them as soon as possible>
<Regards, Darrel>
Mixing baby with larger RES
(Original heading: Red ear slider habitat -
Dear crew,
<Hiya Suyi>
I recently bought a little infant red ear slider, which I think is
illegal as it was really small.
<The original FDA regulation attempting to stem the transmission of
salmonella poisoning among children made it against the law to sell or
offer for sale any turtle with a straight carapace (shell) length of
less than 4 inches (approx 10 cm) except for educational purposes, but
that regulation doesn't extend to your ownership of them. Some
states and even some localities have other and more restrictive laws
regarding ownership. It's always wise to check the regulations in
your state, county & city>
The measurement of the shell from head to tail is only 3.7cm. However
my other two 7 mth olds measures around 6cm and 6.5 cm. They are now
housed in a 2 ft tank. I was thinking if I could put the little
one in, but I am afraid the other two will attack it. Do you think it
is a wise idea to put them together or have them housed separately?
<Suyi, housing any animal of different size and/or maturity is a
question that faces aquarists and keepers of all types and it's a
question for which there are as many answers as there are pets and
<Generally speaking, the Pseudemys (Sliders & Cooters) and
Chrysemys (Painted Turtles) are a friendly and affable bunch and get
along well at all ages and sizes. In the wild, the babies instinctively
head for the weeds and embankments and stay there until they are 5 cm
or more (2 In) but that is due to predation from frogs, snakes and
birds, not other turtles. In my larger pond, I very often have
hatchlings from egg clutches I failed to notice and collect... so the
babies hatch out and join the pond with their fully grown parents,
feeding and sunning and basking right along side comparative giants --
and everyone seems to get along fine. And in your case the hatchling
would be housed in a more controlled environment and they are much
closer in size. It's LIKELY that your only real concern will be
making sure that the little one gets his share of food and basking
<The reason I said "likely" is because there is always a
chance for things to go wrong. Turtles DO have personalities and one
snappy little yearling could ruin your hatchling's whole day -- if
you understand what I'm saying. Beyond giving you general
information, I'd keep the hatchling separately until she is around
2 inches (5 cm) and then introduce her into the tank with the others,
who will only be around 3 inches (8 cm) by then. I'll enclose a
link here describing some basic and inexpensive housing options>
<Best of luck, Darrel>
< >
Should I keep RES together or separate;
finding companion for little turtle?
(Original heading: Quick Question
About Turtles and One Comment. 5/18/08)
First off right now I have a 75 gallon tank set up
with a Jebo canister filter for up to a 250 gallon aquarium as well as
Jebo UV Sterilizer to keep the water nice and clean.
<Sounds great.>
I have 4 sliders, 2 musk, and 1 mud all are under 4 inches. When they
get a bit bigger I will be moving them into a larger tank. Right now
they all get along great although in the past few days I have noticed
the 3 larger RES have begun to flutter their claws sometimes in a
triangular formation all three at the same time - since they are not
sexually mature yet - I wonder if they are just playing or trying to
see who will be the dominant turtle of the aquarium - from reading a
lot of your questions and answers on here I fear that may change -
before going out and purchasing the huge stock tank that I was going to
get them for all of them to grow into I was wondering if I should at
some point think about separating them.
<Males do this "fluttering" thing with their front
flippers. You can sex Red Ear Sliders by looking at their front
flippers: males have dramatically longer claws. Males also have a
longer/thicker tail.>
I don't want to yet since the sliders especially seem to be such
buddies as well as the 2 musk turtles - the only one who seems to be a
loner is the mud turtle he or she seems to hang out in a corner by a
side of the tank where he can see his own reflection which makes me
feel bad and almost makes me want to get him a companion.
<Juvenile reptiles may well coexist, and may indeed stick together
on the basis of "safety in numbers". After all, juvenile
turtles/terrapins are often easy prey for water birds and other
predators. It's doubtful whether they form "friendships"
as we know them, but there may well be an instinct that keeps them
together. That said, captive turtles of all ages do fine on their
I can tell for sure that one of my sliders is going to be a boy his
tail in the past few months has gotten extremely long - the other two
are still up for debate.
I don't want to bring any more slider hatchlings into the world so
would it be the smart thing to do when they get to be mature to
separate the males and females for good or only during mating
<No risk of unwanted babies. Reptile eggs are difficult to rear
without an incubator, so if you don't want the babies, then simply
collect and destroy the eggs. The females can become egg bound under
certain circumstances, so it isn't all easy going, but that's a
discussion for another day.>
I also had a comment about a question sent to you in 2005 about a
turtle that wouldn't grow (see: Two Turtles One Problem
I have a red ear slider that I got in July 07 at the same time as
another turtle here is a picture of my 4 sliders basking - they are all
around the same age - Squirt to the left will not grow is just over an
<Sometimes happens in animals just as with people -- for whatever
reason (diet, genetics) the animal fails to grow normally. In fact
there's often a lot of variation in adult size among animals,
particularly "lower" vertebrates that don't have a fixed
adult size (as mammals and birds do) but grow continually through their
life. Maximal growth is during the early stages of life, and if for
some reason the animal doesn't eat enough during that phase, it may
never "catch up" with its peer group even if it otherwise
lives a long and happy life. Bullying is actually quite common when
juvenile animals are kept together, with males (being more aggressive)
often monopolizing food to the detriment of the females. This happens
with fish a great deal, but can be observed with many other animals
too. Anyway, assuming it is healthy, I wouldn't worry too
I have had him to the vets and tested for parasites and everything else
under the sun which cost a fortune. And nothing is wrong with him.
He is not being bullied in the tank - I feed in a separate feeding tank
and he is fed first so he gets all the choice food and usually if they
pyramid on the other basking site he will climb on top of the other
guys and be the top of the pyramid.
<All sounds fine.>
In fact as I am writing you right now he just climbed up on the basking
ramp and squeezed in next to the larger one. So I don't think he is
not growing from bullying. I know at some point I will have to remove
him from the tank for his own safety because I will be afraid they will
crush him as they get bigger but right now he seems to be doing okay
and they are not aggressive towards him at all.
<See how things go. In a large enough enclosure there may never be
problems, but too keep an eye out for trouble. Making sure everyone has
easy access to a basking spot will help, for example.>
My vet said that although she has never come across cases like this she
assumes that it may happen in the wild and that some turtles like
people just don't grow and that in the wild he would have just been
eaten by now by a predator.
I just wish I could find him another little mini turtle to keep him
<Not required; reptiles generally are not gregarious and do fine
kept on their own. Indeed, by forcing them to live together in small
containers *because we think they need company* we're more likely
stressing them.>
<Thanks for writing, and all very interesting. Cheers,
Here is one of squirt alone you can see he is a nice looking little
turtle - nice and healthy - trust me he goes to the vets.
<No photographs came through at this end!>
RES compatibility with fish, frogs, etc. in
(Original heading: RES in pond
Getting Rid Of Two Turtles)
Hi, I have two red eared sliders that I have owned
for about 10 years now, that are quite healthy and large. However, at
the end of this month I have to move and can no longer have them in my
new home. My aunt has a home made pond in her yard which is quite large
and has some fish and frogs and so forth, but does not have any other
turtles, it's mainly for her garden. I was wondering if it would be
a bad idea to let them stay in there, as it will probably get to cold
for them in the colder months (we live in southern Ontario Canada)?
They also have never hibernated. The pond is roughly 800galons and
about 2 ft deep, it have some water plants in it and leaves and things
tend to fall on its surface, and quite a bit of mud on the bottom of
the pond. My aunt offered to feed them over the warmer months as well,
and I don't think it will come into contact with any of the natural
wildlife as there really aren't any other turtle in this pond. Let
me know what you think. My other option is to follow up with the
reptile rescue and have them put the turtles up for adoption. Thank you
for your time.
< During the warmer months they would create lots of trouble nipping
at the others in the pond. During the cold winters they would probably
not survive. I would recommend the reptile
Turtles, RES and Soft Shell incomp. 4/5/08
Would it be ok to stick a red eared slider and a soft shelled turtle in
the same tank?
<In a word, No. These turtles have different needs and different
temperaments. Soft-shell Turtles get big (the Florida Soft Shell Turtle
for example has a shell length of 60 cm/24", and the Spiny Soft
Shell is only a bit smaller) and are very bad tempered. They bite at
everything, including their keepers and any animals unfortunate enough
to be placed in the same tank. They are not a suitable species for the
home, and if you haven't bought this animal yet, think very VERY
carefully before you do so, because you will likely regret it. Red-ear
Sliders are generally fairly easy going and don't get nearly so
big, so provided you have a heater, UV-B lamp, filter, lots of green
foods, and space for the 55 gallon aquarium adults require, are quite
easy to keep. If you don't have these things and don't want to
buy them, please don't bother with turtles at all. Cheers,
Re: Turtles... mixing species 4/15/08
you for the info, we now have them in different tanks and the soft
shelled turtle is very interesting and likes to bury himself into the
sandy bottom.
<I love it when people don't write to say "thanks"
until they want more information... gives me a nice warm glow knowing
that good manners are still a part of the modern world.>
But recently the red-eared slider stays on the turtle dock and does not
swim and has not eaten in a few days is she sick or what should we do?
<First tell me about the vivarium and care. How are you supplying
UV-B light? What foods are you using for the 50% plant material portion
of its diet the Red Ear Slider needs? How are you filtering the water?
How much water are you changing per week? What temperature do you keep
the water at? The reason I'm asking these questions is that
virtually all problems with Red Ear Sliders come down to people not
providing UV-B, not feeding them a plant-based diet, not filtering the
water, and not changing the water regularly. If you aren't doing
ALL of these things properly, then your first "thing to do"
is fix them. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Turtles, WWM, manners/normative beh.
Are you always an ass when people ask you for
information? Because your the one with the website so if you don't
like people writing to you with questions then maybe you shouldn't
have one. Oh yeah and by the way thanks for the info!
<Hello Amanda. Good manners cost nothing. Simply because you're
getting a service doesn't mean your manners should be neglected.
When you get a drink at a bar, or pay at the checkout at a grocery
store, I'm sure someone as well mannered as yourself would always
use those magic words "thank you" at the end of each
transaction. When you're getting something for free, such as the
expert advice from volunteers like me trying to help you care for your
animals, then being polite is even more important. I enjoy helping out
here at WWM because most of the people who write are fun to communicate
with. Humour, good manners, and a shared interest in animal welfare are
the things that keep me coming back. Cheers, Neale.>
Getting a companion turtle for RES
(Original heading: Red ear slider questions.
Matching Up a Red Eared Slider)
Hello, After reading your pages, I have found it
very informative. We still have a few of the questions though. We have
a female who we have had for about three years and her shell is about
ten inches long now and was about 4 inches when we got her. She lives
in an 80 gallon tank, kept about 76 degrees, with a heat lamp and a
place to haul out of the water, and with a few minnows who have stayed
clear of her and one large plecostomus in the tank. We were thinking
about getting her a companion, but have heard conflicting opinions. Is
the tank too small for two turtles?
< Two turtles can physically get around in an 80 gallon tank. The
tank will foul twice as fast so you will have to clean it twice as
often. If the turtles get very hungry they may fight over food. A male
turtle will try and mate with her during the warmer months. If she is
not ready them she may bite him.>
Will she be fine by herself because she has been for so long now?
< I personally recommend keeping a single turtle by itself. Two
turtles may get along with an occasional nip of the tail or a foot.
These nips heal but do not grow back leaving a slightly imperfect
animal for you to care for.>
She has a very timid personality and likes to hide in the little
underwater cave whenever someone is moving around the room (unless she
wants food, then she is right at the edge of the tank). Also her diet
is in question, she only ever eats the turtle pellets (the ZooMed, and
the floating turtle sticks).
We have tried lettuce and various aquatic live plants and she seems not
to be interested. Only the few fish who are not smart enough to evade
her live and the few small snails that were place in the tank were ever
eaten other then the food pellets. Is this an diet ok for her, it has
worked so far, but would could be done better?
<The ZooMed diet is very complete. Look at her shell. It should be
round and smooth. Turtles with too much protein in their diet tend to
have very bumpy shells. I would still offer some Anacharis since it
will absorb some waste from the water until it is eaten. I would
recommend that you change the fluorescent light bulbs every 12 to 18
months. They weaken over time.>
We are also wondering if there is anything else we should do to keep
her healthy and happy. Also what kind of fish would you recommend for
the tank for her to chase and eat in her leisure time.
< Fast moving fish like the shiners or local bait fish should be OK.
Stay away from stiff spined species like sunfish.-Chuck>
Thank you for any information
Turtle with Baby Fish
I have a Mickey Mouse Platy and 16 baby Platies.
I purchased a two way breeder to protect the babies but I also have a
small red eared slider turtle in the same aquarium. My question is,
Will the turtle eat the baby fish? Please let me know ASAP!
<Yes, the turtle will eat the baby fish. Turtles and fish should not
be kept in the same quarters for lots of reasons, the least of which
are these: Firstly, turtles need a land area under a UV-B lamp for
basking, which is not really compatible with a fish tank. Secondly,
turtles produce a LOT of waste, and this will overwhelm most filter
systems, meaning that there'll be ammonia in the water, and this
will lead to Finrot or worse. So, your next step is separating the
fishes from the reptile. Cheers, Neale.>
Mixing Frogs with Turtles
I have a red eared slider turtle and I also have
bull frog tadpoles an they are now turning into frogs, can I put the
frogs in the same aquarium the turtle is in? Thank You Brenda
< Not recommended. Turtles eat frogs as part of there natural
Invite a frog home for the holidays!
Sys... 12/24/07
<Hiya right back!>
I really hope you can help me out.
<We'll try>
A very generous friend of mine just gave me three red eared sliders,
the aquarium, food, filters, all the trimmings.
<A nice friend!>
I've read a lot of information about these turtles on the internet,
and I feel pretty comfortable caring for them.
<I'll also give you a link below just for more reference>
However, my ecology teacher begged me yesterday to take home her albino
African clawed frog over winter break. She keeps her frog with two
turtles at school, so I figured it would be okay to put Albie, as I
began to call the frog, in with the turtles for the ten day break. I
worry, however, that the bright heat lamps that the turtles need may
hurt Albie's eyes, and that the rather noisy cascade type filter
might be bothering his sensitive ears. Please supply me with peace of
mind, and let me know if this living arrangement is okay for the frog
and the turtles.
<It's nice to hear that you care enough to worry. Here are my
initial concerns for Ablie 1) She needs a tight fitting top to keep her
from deciding to go exploring 2) Unlike a turtle, a frog should have a
hiding place where it can get out of sight and feel secure (it's
called 'visual privacy') and if you can accomplish this it
takes the worry out of the bright light issue with the turtles. 3)
Lastly, and this is the big issue - just because Albie is kept with two
other turtles doesn't mean that YOUR three turtles would look at
Albie and think "Hey Scabber!!!! Look! Cuisses de
<But there is good news. First, Albie and her brethren (African
Clawed Frogs) are pretty hardy as frogs go and unless stepped on, run
over or eaten Albie will make it through these 10 days just fine and
return to class with a story to tell!>
I just can't take seeing Albie kept in the tiny carrying case my
teacher supplied me with to bring him home for the entire duration of
the break.
<My suggestion is that you split the difference -- Let Albie spend
time in the aquarium when you are there to be a referee but put her
somewhere else when you're not. I've rigged many a temporary
home for all kinds of reptiles and amphibians from a cardboard box with
a water bowl sitting on top of an ordinary heating pad set on 'low
Thank you for any help you can give me.
and have a great holiday. :)
<Thank you Amanda - may your wishes come true>
Mixing RES with ghost fish
(Original heading: Can I mix together
with ? 12/15/2007)
Hello ,
I'm 19 , male , Yangon (Myanmar).
<I'm male, VERY old .... Southern California, USA>
I would like to some question to you Sir. I have 4 ghost fishes and 4
red ear slider turtles. I would like to mix together with the same
tank. Could I do ?
<I do not think that is wise. Fish and turtles live in water worlds
but have very different needs. What is best for Ghost and Knife fishes
is not the best for Sliders. If you compromise to accommodate both,
neither will be happy or healthy. The link below points to an article
that has man suggestions on inexpensive ways to house turtles.>
Thank for reading my mail.
<I enjoyed it very much>
God bless you
<Thanks - I need all the help I can get>
Red ear slider and catfish
10/16/07 I recently set up a turtle tank for 2 Red
Eared Sliders. They were babies and one died about a week and half
after arrival.
<Sorry for your loss>
I also have in the tank a small catfish I purchased from Wal-Mart
since the guy at the pet store told me that it would not hurt.
However, since the fish has been in the tank the remaining turtle
just does not seem as interested in hanging out in the water like
he used to. I am thinking that maybe it's coincidental that
when I check on it he's always basking. Although usually in a
different position so I worry less when I see
this. Last time I changed the tank and took the fish out, Speedy
(RES) instantly became more active. I don't know if it was
the excitement of the new water or the absence of the fish. I
have only had him for just a little more than a couple of weeks
so I don't have much behavior history to go on. While at work
I ask my husband to check on him and he tells me Speedy is
swimming. I know he eats. I have witnessed it. What is your
opinion on this situation? I feel so paranoid since the loss of
the other turtle. I love this little guy.
I never realized just how much personality turtles had until I
was able to sit and really watch one!
<Yes, I agree with you. Many turtles MORE than make up for
their lack of conversation with tons of personality and for as
many different kinds of wet, scaled and shelled creatures are
around me, I always am drawn back to the little green Red
Eared's of my youth.>
<Ahem. Now down to cases. My standard advice is to resist the
urge to mix fish and turtles. As much as it may SEEM that they
occupy the same environment, they really don't and their
needs are quite different. In your case, I have no doubt that
Speedy would rather bask than share the water with a catfish.
Catfish are often the Disgruntled Postal Workers of the
freshwater fish community -- a short temper, a scavenger's
"eat whatever and whenever I can" mentality AND ....
and this is the most concerning .... they're not very
fearful. Most small fish would see a large (to them) green scaly
thing with feet and claws & stuff and simply decide to move
to the left, at least until they're large enough to see
things differently. But the smallest catfish can look at a full
grown turtle and try to see if it's for dinner. So I think
you're on the right track. Find a new home for the catfish so
you & Speedy can spend quality time together.>
<regards, Darrel>
Re: red ear slider and catfish
I want to thank-you for your response.
<You're welcome! We all truly enjoy helping>
Since sending you my letter, I did some MORE online reading and
realized (and how obvious) how beneficial it is to feed your RES
outside of it's tank in another container.
<You'll read many different opinions on this. On one hand
it's a nice way to keep the tank clean, on the other if
feeding becomes a hygiene issue in the main tank it means that
you're over feeding her and how soon the tank needs cleaning
is a good indicator of how well she's being kept.>
I decided to do this every evening when I get home from work now.
Speedy goes in a special bowl for a private swim and dinner. She
loves it! (I think she is a she the bottom of her shell is caved
in) Also, now, since I started this Speedy has become more active
in her regular tank.
<All sounds well!>
Another question I now have is that she seems to REALLY like a
picture of other RES on a box from her floating dock. Is this a
good thing for her? I have heard in the past that sometimes this
isn't good for birds because then they get depressed
realizing it's not real. Could this be true for turtles as
well? If not then do you suppose it would be ok to put up more
<Turtles don't get depressed that way, so I don't
think that will be an issue. As far as more pictures are
concerned keep in mind that Speedy would be most 'at
home' in a tank that was like her natural home>
As far as the catfish goes I have not relocated it yet, however,
since Speedy has been getting some "free time" in her
special bowl she now swims right along w/ that catfish and she is
sooooo.... very attentive to anything that moves. Even the cat
watching her! (of course I have a secure lid on things)
<As long as Speedy and Doinkus (I just made up a name for the
catfish) are happy and you're happy, then all is good>
Thank-you again for your input! I think I might be at a turtle
owning point now that a discussion board might be good for
<There are many good ones to choose from -- a surprisingly
common hobby>
My sons birthday gift has turned into a new love for myself! Who
ever would have thought!
<A lot of us think that! >
<best wishes to you and ... keep in touch>
Baby Map Turtle and Juvenile RES in Same
Tank? 8/23/07 Hello?
We have juvenile RES (about 1 ½ yrs) in a tank. We have purchased a
Mississippi Map turtle that is a baby and would like to put them in the
same tank. Do you think this would be a problem? The RES is about 5
inches from the top to bottom of shell and the Map turtle is about 2
<It is generally recommended that you don't mix species for a
number of reasons. One big difference between them is that the
Mississippi Map turtle (Graptemys sp.) is much more aquatic than the
Slider (Trachemys scripta elegans) and consequently much more sensitive
to poor water quality. Things that don't really bother Sliders,
such as small mounts of ammonia in the water, can prove fatal to Map
turtles by promoting bacterial infections. So you need to make sure the
water in its vivarium is very well filtered and changed regularly
(I'd suggest 100% weekly). Your other big problem is that the two
species have entirely different diets. Sliders are omnivores when young
and almost entirely herbivores when adult, so juveniles need 50% green
foods when young to 90% green foods when mature. Map turtles, on the
other hand, are specialist predators that feed on snails, crayfish etc.
Finally, there are differences in temperament. Map turtles are pretty
snappy, while Sliders are more laid back. If you have a really big
vivarium you might choose to give it a go anyway and see what happens,
but otherwise best keep them separated. Good luck,
Question... Can two fire belly toads and a red eared slider
turtle live together in the same aquarium? 8/10/07
I think the tank is 20gals and is a terrarium. we have a filter, heater
and a filter/water circulator. I have had some bad experience with
previous turtles and don't want the same to happen. A few years ago
two of my turtles that I had for approximately 2 years were eaten by a
craw fish that was supposed to be a treat for my painted turtles. the
crawfish was living under a rock eating the turtles fish and other food
sources for a couple months, ate one turtle then a few days later the
other. It was a big surprise when I drained the tank and found a
crawfish about three times the size it was when we bought it.
Especially since I thought it was already eaten because I didn't
see it for two months. Anyway if I put the two toads in the same tank
as the turtle which is about 2 and a half inches will they stay away
from each other and be able to live healthy? I know the kinds of
environments they both need and am just wondering about having a
variety of species living together. Is there any species that can
coexist with a red eared slider?
<Greetings. No, you must not mix frogs/toads with your sliders or
for that matter crayfish. Sliders are largely herbivores and 75%+ of
their diet should be plant food, particularly when they are adult. But
that doesn't mean they aren't opportunists, and in the confines
of an aquarium they will catch and eat anything. Even if they don't
manage to kill the toads, their nipping are likely to damage them and
let fungus or some other infection set in. Furthermore, your terrapins
are very messy animals and pollute the water heavily; the toads, by
contrast, are largely aquatic and require good, clean water. Bottom
line, you can't mix them. Now, you're mentioning feeder fish,
and I'm just going to remind you that [a] sliders don't need to
eat live fish; [b] live goldfish and minnows especially are a source of
thiaminase, a substance known to harm reptiles in the long term; and
[c] your terrapins should be mostly eating greens anyway. I mention all
of this because of your story with the crayfish; if I'm feeling
charitable I'd suggest you hadn't done your homework on how to
keep terrapins in captivity. Crayfish don't mix with anything,
period. Not even each other. Terrapins and turtles cannot be mixed with
anything but other terrapins and turtles of comparable size. Please
understand a red-ear slider get to the size of a dinner plate, so
before adding "tankmates", consider whether you have space
enough already for the ones you have. Realistically, you're after
something around 55 gallons for one or two specimens. So, be sure and
read the articles here at WWM about keeping red-ear sliders; there are
several of them, all good, and brim full of useful information. Cheers,
Red Eared Slider and a Fiddler Crab 8/2/07
Can a small fiddler crab survive in the same tank as a small red eared
slider. We purchased the fiddler crab today and wanted to know if they
would both survive in the same tank before we try to combine them.
Thanks in advance for any knowledge you may lend us.
<Hello Sonia. No, fiddlers and red ear sliders cannot coexist.
Fiddler crabs require brackish water conditions to live for any length
of time. In freshwater vivaria, they die after a few weeks or months.
They need something like 25-50% seawater to do well (SG 1.005-1.010),
and that water needs to be made up with marine salt mix, not
"tonic salt". Too many people try to keep them in freshwater
set-ups, and they're disappointed when they die. If you want
companions for fiddler crabs, the best choices are salt-tolerant or
brackish water fishes that are too small to cause them harm. Guppies
and mollies are ideal, but small gobies work well, too. Fiddler crabs
are sometimes mixed with mudskippers, though this tends to have
inconsistent results, the mudskippers sometimes bullying the poor
crabs. Red ear sliders are sometimes found in (low salinity) brackish
water in the wild, but like many opportunistically brackish water
reptiles they will regularly make use of freshwater for drinking and so
cannot be safely confined to a brackish water vivarium unless there
way, perhaps, a brackish water pool at one end and a freshwater pool at
the other. Bottom line, no, you can't mix them. Please do enjoy
your fiddler crab in its own vivarium. Kept in groups they are lively
and fun animals. Not difficult to keep, though many people mess up by
not giving them the conditions or food they require. Cheers, Neale.>
Slider and Cichlid together 07/26/07
<That's what we do here!>
I have a Red Ear Slider named Dave. He's been alone in a 25 gallon
tank for 2 1/2 yrs. I have never put anything else in there with him,
until now and except the little feeder fish he eats.
<Turtles do well in groups, but they seem perfectly happy to be
alone as well.>
I recently purchased a Red Devil, without knowing it's history.
<We here at WWM are assuming that you mean a Red Devil Cichlid Fish
(Cichlasoma labiatus) as opposed to something else, right?>
She's very aggressive, do you think she'll survive? Or will
Dave eat her? Or I fear she'll eat him!!!!! What do you
<Well first, I think you should conserve on the use of multiple
exclamation points and question marks. You never know when there will
be a shortage of punctuation and you'll wish you hadn't wasted
<Seriously, it's best not to try to keep fish and turtles
together because their needs are quite different. While fish can be
part of a turtle's diet, they are so BAD at catching fish that
it's almost comical. I tossed some feeder goldfish into my outside
turtle pond 8 years ago and they've grown to be almost the size of
small Koi and on the rare occasions that the turtles try to catch them,
they scoot away without even seeming concerned.>
<In your case, if it came down to it, I'd bet on Dave. Turtles
are tough little guys when it comes down to it. My main concern is to
see that Dave is so well fed that he just can't be bothered going
after Victoria (You didn't tell us your Red Devil's name - so I
just made that up). The same goes for her. If she's otherwise well
fed and well cared for, she'll probably just think of Dave as an
annoyance and nothing more.>
<With that said, Diana, wild things are wild things and when you
keep them together you'll always run the risk of something
unexpected happening.>
Thank You
<I hope that helped. Here's a link for you to read -- the first
paragraph applies.>
Are RES and Box Turtles compatible?
(Original heading: Mixing turtles
Hello, Crew
<Hello Pat -- Darrel here today>
I have owned Box turtles for at least 6 years now. I have added 3 Red
Eared Sliders to the large outdoor pen. So far so good, they all get
along fine. Should I be expecting some change?
<Not really. I have a large pen that's half pond & half land
and I keep my water turtles, box turtles and Russian Tortoise together
without problems. Two things to keep in mind (1) Their dietary issues
are very different and (2) even though the SPECIES are compatible, that
doesn't always mean that individuals are -- many years ago I have a
big, belligerent male box turtle that tried to attack and kill all the
other MALE turtles (Box and water turtles alike) so keep in mind that
these are, after all, wild animals and strange things happen>
I also have a 20-gallon tank which holds 1 Red Eared Slider and 1 Box.
They are both a couple months old. I put them together this morning.
Was this a good choice
<Not really a good choice, no. At this point the Slider is primarily
aquatic and needs just a basking area, while the baby box is
terrestrial and needs room to roam. The footprint of a 20 gallon tank
would be the minimum size of a small box turtle's roaming
and what do I feed them? The Red Eared Slider eats feeder fish and the
Box eats banana right now. Should I change their diet?
<Yes. Please do. The Red Eared Slider (actually, ALL of your sliders
big and small) needs a good basic food such as Koi Pellets or Repto-Min
(by Tetra) with an occasional treat of night crawler (earth worms) --
All three available at your local pet shop. Feeder fish are not nearly
as much of their natural diet as you think and aren't really all
that good for them. The BOX Turtle, on the other hand, needs a VERY
mixed diet. Bananas aren't a good source of nutrition and they can
very easily fixate on only one food (like Strawberries or Bananas) to
the exclusion of all else and then you have a real problem.
Strawberries, Bananas, melon, collards, carrots, green peas should be
offered either in mixture or in rotation and then .. as a REAL TREAT
... some of the same night crawlers you feed the
Mixing red eared sliders with goldfish
(Original heading: I need to ask about
the Red Eared Slider turtle, sys. mostly -
hi my name is Lisa and I have a couple of
questions that I need to ask about the Red Eared Slider turtle.
<welcome Lisa, I'm Darrel - let's see if we can help>
My daughter Ashley brought home a Red Eared Slider turtle from the lake
out in East TX. However, I am trying to find the right one of the
research on these Red Eared Slider turtles.
<for pet purposes they're pretty much all the same. If he has
red patches near his ears, that's good enough for now>
The turtle we have now, I guess it's a he and he's about 2
3/4" just a small baby Red Eared Slider, I am having problems with
him, he's seem like he doesn't want to bask, but I also
don't have the extra $$$ to buy all of this stuff for him.
<they don't need very much, let's see what we can do>
I have a 10 gallon tank along with my goldfishes I have about 8 of
them, would it hurt him to be in that tank with my
fishes? Will he drown and won't be able to get back up
for air?
<better not. Water levels and temperatures and a lot of
other things are different>
I have a small container that I just recently bought a couple of days
ago, will he be ok in that container until he will get bigger to be put
<as long as he can't climb out of it and the cat or dog (if you
have them) can't get to him, it should be fine for now>
How high does the water need to be for him to swim? I have notice that
he just like to swim, he's not interested in the food I offered
him. But he will poke his head out of the water and look around.
<for now, all we need is enough water to that he can get wet (but
they do like deeper water) and a space where he can easily climb to get
completely dry. The first thing to do is see that he can get
him warm to about 85-90 degrees when out of the
water. I'd like you to put some sort of light bulb
over his "dry area" so that he can warm up -- that will
probably also help him start to eat (they eat and digest when
they're warm, not cold). Warm ... but not
HOT. If you don't have a way to let him get
warm when he's out of the water, you should at least take him
outside for a few times a day and let him walk or warm up in the
sun. Just remember they can heat up very quickly and they
can get away from you if you don't watch them>
Can you please respond back at this email address:
I really need some help on this little guy, this would be my first time
having to raise a turtle.
<they're fun and interesting pets>
1 more question, will he be mean and aggressive to us and other people
around him?
<usually if they're well fed and happy, they're easy to get
along with>
thank you for your time. Lisa
<You're welcome Lisa. Make these first few steps and
then write back and let us know how he's doing!>
Compatibility of RES and multiple species of
turtles 5/15/07
(Original heading: Comments &
Questions, Turtle/RES comp. 5/15/07)
Good Morning Gentlemen & Ladies
And ... as always ... many thanks.
<As many welcomes>
First a comment about Red Eared Sliders. I've been
raising them and breeding them for almost all my adult life and I can
tell you that all types of sliders, cooters that you're liable to
run into in the local pet store will live together famously if they
have enough sun, enough food and enough clean
water. Although I wouldn't normally put hatchlings in
with adults, eggs that I missed collecting have hatched out and the
babies spent as long as a month with the adults with no ill effects as
long as the adults are happily fed. Heat 'em, Feed
'em & Clean em. As far as food goes --
forget the packaged turtle foods in the cans and remember two
words: "Koi Pellets." From
hatchlings that have to take several runs at even a small one to adults
that can eat a dozen in one gulp ... they'll live, thrive, grow and
reproduce on that one staple. Softshells & Mud/Musk
turtles, too. Once in a while when I'm at a pet store
I'll buy a container of night crawlers (worms) and toss some around
and they seem to like the treat and it rarely affects their basic
appetite. Once in a while they get finicky, but after a week
or three they'll give in and eat again. Box turtles are
another story -- I've seen them 'fixate' on something like
strawberries and go as long as a YEAR refusing any food at all if they
can't have their favorite.
<Thank you for this input... Please do consider joining us if you
have time, interest... if for nothing else to help with such captive
Chelonian questions> Darrel
<Thank you for writing, sharing. Bob Fenner>
RES compatibility with same/other turtle
species 5/13/07
(Original heading: Regarding some turtle
question, RES fdg., comp. 5/13/07)
Dear crew, I have several questions and I hope you
can help me.
Recently I tried feeding my red ear slider with new food, dried Red
Shrimps, or at least that's what the bottle said. Anyway, after I
fed the turtle with it , it appears that it refuse to eat the usual
turtle pellets. My turtle will only eat those pellets if I haven't
fed them for some period. If I throw in some shrimps , they ignore the
pellets, is it normal ?
< Your turtles are actually quite fond of the shrimp. It is in their
best interest to feed them the pellets first. As they start to slow
down you can add a couple of shrimp. An all shrimp diet is not good for
your turtles overall health.>
Could I introduce a new turtle or different species to my turtle? Is
there anyway I could do it safely , assuming their size varies
Thanks for ur time and reply
< I would recommend one turtle per container. RES's are very
aggressive turtles and see other turtles as competition. Smaller weaker
turtles would be hiding from the established turtle and not be getting
enough food.-Chuck>
Will RES and Snapping Turtle get along
(Original heading: Mixing Turtle Species
Together 04/30/07)
I have had an adolescent red eared slider for a
couple weeks now. Its shell is just about an inch an a half to 2 inches
round. Today I got a adolescent snapping turtle that is 3 1/2 to 4
inches long. I know that snapping turtles are nippy and have short
tempers but I was curious to know if they would get along together and
if they would be healthy together? Both seem to be healthy and I am not
sure of the sex of them thanks for the help Alex =)
< I would not recommend placing these two turtles together. The
snapping turtle is actually a poor choice as a pet. The risk of injury
to the other turtle and to yourself is too
Temporarily mixing RES hatchlings with baby Yellow Bellied
Slider 3/31/07
(Original heading: Mixing Turtles
Right now, we have 2 hatchling red eared sliders, and a baby yellow
bellied slider. Is it ok for them to be in the same tank for a couple
of days? Will the bigger yellow belly and the small red ear get into a
fight? And when I separate them, will the yellow belly be lonely or
depressed when the red ears are gone?
Thanks, Emily
< As long as the turtles are well fed they should be OK for a couple
of days. Turtles don't get depressed so the yellow belly will be
Mixing fish with red eared sliders in 50 gallon outdoor
pond 4/4/07
(Original heading: Moving Turtles To An Outdoor
Pond 4/4/07)
I have two red ear slider (6 inches/1.5 years old) turtles I adopted
from a friend in a 40 gallon tank with some small feeder fish and some
small tetras and a 5 inch black and white gold fish (he came as a
feeder fish but obviously was mixed up and is getting big...there are
also some various freshwater plants roaming around (you can't keep
plants tied down with any turtles I have learned). The tank
is only filled up 75 percent as there is a water fall and I also
don't want the turtles to get out.
Anyway I did some research and learned these turtles can live 10-30+
years so I figured I better read up and give them the best home as
possible. I eventually want a large pond in my back yard in
a few years which will house them.
I have recently come across a 50 gallon black tub that can be put in
the ground as a pond but I have set it up on the corner of my outside
I want the turtles to have a place outside and keep them out there so
they can get some sun and want to have a nice habitat for
them. I have run water in
it for a week and there are no leaks. I have been reading about ponds
on your website (most knowledgeable website
I have every been too and am hooked on this site) and have recently put
a rectangular grid out of some large pvc pipe and have weighed them
down so they have a place to escape raccoons, cats, dogs, kids,
I also have a Rio 2100 for water movement.
Anyway, I was wondering what kind of fish (any will do, just something
hardy) I could put out there and how many can I keep? Fifty
gallons is not a lot of water and freshwater fish get
huge. Is it the same rule of thumb as
salt? What's the hardiest freshwater fish I could put in
Also, with the temperature changes outdoors, I am sure that water will
fluctuate with temperatures ranging from 50's to
100's. I can bring the turtles in (although I would
think they can easily handle that) but is there a fish you could
recommend or a certain type I can experiment with? What
would be the max number of fish?
Also, any type of hardy plants you could recommend just for nutrient
export that is also very hardy? I was originally just going
to keep the turtles in there (but I will bring them in from time to
time as I am setting up a 90 gallon now just for them and also in the
Is it terrible to do run a hose to do a water change or to dilute the
water with? I could treat the water but would rather treat
it after I diluted it. Thanks for the help!
< A 50 gallon tub is not really that big. If you are not interested
in what the fish look like then I would go with a few Gambusia or
simple mosquito fish. Being outdoors you don't want this tub to be
a breeding ground for mosquitoes. They are small and fast but very
attractive. Another interesting fish to try would be the common
paradise fish. They can actually be quite hardy in the temp. range you
described. They are colorful and can actually breed outdoors when
conditions are right. As far as plants go I would look at any of the
pond plants that grow out of the water. They provide shade and are very
effective at removing toxins from the water. If you are going with the
hose technique from replacing water, you will need a water conditioner
to treat the chloramines for the fish.-Chuck>
Red Eared Slider Babies. Turtles Need Bigger
Tank 2/23/07
I have a question about
turtle tank size. Last November, I bought my kids 2
baby sliders. Sadly, they both passed
away. Of course I took over the care of them and bought
books on how to take care them. ( I should have done this
before I bought them, but I believed the idiots that they could live in
a death bowl). After reading so much about it on the
internet , it makes me mad that they even sell them like
that. Anyway I really fell in love with them so after
they passed I thought well I can get 4 and maybe raise one to
adulthood. Well it has been a month and all for all
doing really really well. They are fat and happy, thank
God. They are so cute and funny. I feed them, mealworms,
collards, pellets, apples, carrots, crickets and last week they started
eating tiny guppies by hand. I have them in a 10
gallon tank, with basking and sunlight lamps and the water
heater. Well, they are getting big, three are about
2.5" long and very stocky. The 3rd has been sick,
it had swollen eyes but I raised the water temp and he is finally
feeding and doing well. His little eyes are back to
normal. My question is since they seem do be all
doing well and I will need a bigger tank soon , what size will they
eventually need? I was to going ahead and get the maximum
size for them so I won't have to keep buying new
stuff. After the first 2 poor things I am
very dedicated to these Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ( duh, what else
would you name 4 of them lol) Thanks in advance for
any advice that you can give.
< As your turtles get bigger and more mature , you are going to
start to run into some problems. Chances are you are going to have both
sexes. Females get bigger than the males. Some females will get up to
11 inches while male usually remain much smaller. The males will want
to breed with the females when they are older. RES's are very
aggressive turtles and will fight with one another over food and
basking sites. You may be seeing that already with the turtle with the
bad eyes. If you decide to keep all four turtles you will need a very
large aquarium close to 200 gallons. This is assuming the worse case
scenario with four very large female turtles. If you had only males
then you would only need a 100 gallon. You will also need very good
filtration and be prepared to do lots of water changes
Mixing RES with Western Painted Turtles
(Original heading: Is my red eared slider lonely ...
Nope . Is your English bunk? Yep
I had two red eared sliders, we got them when they were
little and they been together for about 4 years, recently my other
turtle wondered
<And wandered?>
off when she/he was in the yard and I haven't been able
to find it, I need to no
if it would be a good idea to get another slider because my
other turtle is not eating like he use to and he spends most
of his time in the corner of his tank. Would a
Western Painted turtle and a Red Eared slider turtle get
along in the same tank
<Mmm, about as well as a conspecific>
and if so if one is bigger or smaller then the other would
that be a problem.
<... about the same size is a good match. Please read here:
and the linked files above.>
Tankmates for red eared sliders 07/02/06
(Original heading: Tankmates For Turtles
Hello, I had a question about my 2 Red Eared Sliders. I know its not
a good idea to put fish in the tank with them but I was wondering if
there is anything else I can put in the tank with them like crabs or
little frogs or anything like that. Please help. Thank you
< Unfortunately they will eat all the little critters you have
mentioned. Anything in their tank becomes a potential
Mixing Yellow Bellied Slider with hatchling
RES 6/15/06
Mixing Turtles 6/15/06
Hello Turtle Crew, Thank you in advance. We
inherited a YBS a couple years ago. His shell size now is approximately
5 inches long. We just purchased a hatchling RES (shell size 1.5
inches). The pet store owned said they would get along fine and the
large one wouldn't pick on the small one. I just read on your site
when a turtle wiggles his front legs in front of his face towards
another turtle, it is doing the mating dance. We are nervous. We
don't leave them in the tank together unless they are supervised
(which is a huge hassle). Would our older turtle try to mate with a
hatchling? Will he hurt the baby? I don't know the sex of either
turtle. Many thanks!
<I do not like to mix turtles. The YBS is probably a male with long
front claws and try to coax the new turtle into breeding. When the urge
to breed is over they will view each other as competition and will
fight over turf and food.-Chuck>
Sliders compatible with each other?
(Original heading: Keeping Turtles
Together - 04/19/2006)
I had a slider named Titus who turned out to be
female when she was 25. After she started laying eggs she got more
wild. One day in June when I was cleaning my house she ran out the door
& went to live in the pond next door. Even though it was
mating season, I used to think she was lonely sometimes because she was
alone with no one else in the house a lot. I got her a male,
Trajan, about 12, who didn't seem
to think the pond was his thing last year, but this year made a
bee line for it on the first warm day. That was why I thought 2
turtles, either 2 females or a male & female might work better. Due
to Titus' size I have an extra large kiddy pond (maybe 600
gallons) with a ramp so they can run around the house if they want to.
What is the problem with more than 1 turtle? Thanks, Stephanie
< Many times pet owners give human traits to animals. Turtles really
don't require the companionship of fellow turtles unless they are
ready to mate. As you have found out that the turtle's drive to
mate can be very strong, but over a few weeks the drive will subside
and the turtles will look at each other as competition. Over 90% of the
turtle questions we get are dealing with younger turtles in a small
aquarium condition. In this instance I still recommend a
single turtle per container.-Chuck>
Putting quarter size painted turtles with 3-4
red eared sliders 3/22/06
(Original heading: Poor Painted
Turtles - 03/22/06)
I have 2 red eared sliders that I've been
raising for about a year now and their doing awesome but now my sister
brought to me her 2 painted turtles she got this summer and they have
not grown at all! Their probably the size of a quarter still. She never
had a light or warm water or anything for them and now I have to take
care of them. I have no clue what to do with them and I feel bad for
them! All I have right now is one cage, so I put them in with my red
eared sliders. They're probably 3-4 inches and their a male and
female but I don't think their even one yet? Can they
< Probably not until next year.>
Is it okay for the baby painted turtles to be in the tank with
< No, red eared sliders are very aggressive turtles and will hog all
the food and intimidate the smaller turtles to the point to they will
not eat.>
What should I do to help them grow?
< Start treating them like you RES's when they were small and
give them the TLC they deserve.>
When I pick them up I can actually feel their legs moving through the
center of their shell on the bottom in the center. I think their not in
good shape? What can I do? Help me please!
< Start by giving them their own tank. Set up a basking site that
gets at least 85 to 90 F. Start to give them ZooMed Aquatic Turtle food
for hatchlings along with some small washed earthworms. Basking and
proper diet with start to harden the shell and get them back on
Dont mix turtles of different sizes
(Original heading: Little Turtle Staying
Little 2/6/06)
Hi, I have 1 RES and he is only 2". I have
read that they grow like 2 or 3 inches in a year. But anyway I've
had my RES for 2 yrs now and I was wondering if at 2" long
that's the right length for being 2 to 3 yrs old? I have 2 baby YBS
coming in 3 or 4 days so I want at least get a good start with these 2
little 1s (I had my RES in a 10 gallon tank and then just recently
upgraded to a 20 gal with filter heater etc. . I am going to put the 2
babies in with her). Does tank size matter to how big they get or is it
in how u feed them?? Please help me I
really need. Thank you!
< Typically a turtle that old should be bigger. Get some
ZooMed Aquatic Turtle Food and feed him three to four times a week as
much as he will eat at one sitting. Siphon out any uneaten food so it
will not pollute the tank. In between the big feedings you can give him
some washed earthworms, mealworms, crickets and king worms. Older
turtles require less protein and want more vegetable matter in their
diet. As they grow you can increase the tanks size to accommodate them.
I would not recommend mixing turtles of different
RES and algae eaters or other fish
(Original heading: Turtles and Fish
I have two RES and I was wondering if I can maybe
get an algae eater to help me out in between cleaning. If I
can't then what kind of fish can I put in there if you can tell me
everything I need to know PLEASE!!!!!!!!
<Hi, I would not recommend any fish for your Turtle
tank. Turtles are dirty and foul the water too quickly in
average sized aquariums; this creates poor living conditions for your
fish. The turtles will also try to eat whatever fish you
keep with them. For cleaning the tank I would recommend a
magnetic algae scrubber, the kind that float, it will do a much better
job than any fish would. Please see the link below and
related links at the top of the page for more information on Red Eared
Sliders. Best Regards, Gage
Turtle Will Eat Fish 1/1/06 Hi,
my family got a Red-Eared Slider Turtle and we also own a Chinese
Fighting Fish. My family was wondering if it would be wise to put them
in the same tank. I don't think it is a good idea but they are
persistent to find the truth. Would my turtle eat my fish?
< In a heartbeat.-Chuck>
Turtles With Crabs (Not What You Think)
11/23/05 Can hermit crabs live in the same tank as a red eared
slider turtle?
<Turtles are pretty good eaters and will try and eat anything
including hermit crabs. The hermit crabs will go back into their shells
when provoked so may lose a leg if the turtle can get hold of it. The
turtle may pull it out of its shell too. I would not recommend it, but
a well fed turtle may leave it alone for awhile until it gets really
Questions about adding
(Original heading: Red Eared Slider
Questions 11/10/05)
I just got my Red Ear Slider on the 30th of Oct. I
don't know how to tell their age or sex and I would really like to
< Females get larger than the males. Males have longer front claws
and a longer tail. They grow pretty fast until they get around 6
to 8 inches and then slow down a bit.>
I named him Tom, but I don't know if that is right. He is currently
living in a five gallon tank w/ a UV ray light and a basking light. He
has a turtle dock to get out of the water and bask, he has a bubble
maker and other decorations. I feed him Zoo Meds Hatchling aquatic
turtle food. I also put in Reptisafe in the water to get rid of the bad
stuff. The water is about 3/4 of an inch above his shell.
I have a picture of a turtle sitting up facing his tank. He loves to
sit on the rock and look at the turtle.. too cute! I am thinking about
getting another RES, how many and what sex should I get?
< I would recommend not adding another turtle.>
Is there anything else that I can feed him to make him feel better?
< He will appreciate live foods such as washed earthworms, mealworms
and kingworms.>
I think he may be constipated. What color is normal for turtle feces
and urine?
< The color is a reflection of the items he has been eating.>
I have not seen any in the tank so I'm thinking he may be
constipated. How do you know and if he is what do I do?
< A small turtle fecal material may be small and caught up in a
He is shedding and I want to know if it's ok to be shedding this
young, he is still a hatchling. Thank you, M. L.
< A young turtle should be shedding. It is a sign that he is
Mixing same size RES with Painted turtle
(Original heading: Mixing Turtles at the
Turtle Mixer 11/6/05
Hello, I have 4 red eared sliders and 3 of them
are being adopted. I wanted to know if I could put the red eared slider
that is left with my painted turtle. They are around the same size, but
I don't want either to get hurt. Please let me know. They will have
a 75 gallon tank.
< As long as they are all the same size and you spread the food out
all over the tank at feeding time they should be OK. Larger turtles get
quite temperamental. The larger the turtles the more feisty they
turtles will eat Newts; Newts may also be toxic to turtles
(Original heading: Turtles Will eat The
Newt 10/22/05)
Hello, I would like to thank you for your
extensive question database which has provided me with many
I was wondering just how long one red-eared slider baby would be
alright in a ten gallon tank. I've been researching and planning
for providing a great home for one of these guys for a long time and
realize that one day it will need a nice happy pond.
< A ten gallon tank would only work for a few months depending on
the temps you turtle is kept at.>
Would a Whisper internal (10i) filter be good for about 5 gallons of
water for the little guy?
< Turtles are messy feeders. A filter helps but only as long as you
are willing to clean it. Clean it often and do many water
I also have one fire-bellied newt and was wondering (although I am
quite doubtful) if they would be okay in the tank together until the
turtle grows larger, or if a separate tank right at the beginning would
be necessary.
< Turtle will try and eat the newt every chance it gets. The newt
may also be toxic to the turtle.>
If this is possible, my newt tank is planted heavily with live plants.
I would not mind if the turtle ate them, but have heard
that some plants are not okay for a turtle to eat. I have Mondo grass,
Anacharis, java moss, and a few other plants (I don't know the
names of the others.)
< Turtle would pick at the Anacharis and probably leave the others
alone but it would be a bull in a china shop with all the plants being
uprooted every chance he gets.>
I also have a five gallon tank at home that is not being used and think
that either the newt or the turtle could stay in it for a while. (I
think the newt would be happier there than the turtle since it would
only have about 2-3 gallons of water.) I previously had three newts,
but the other two were VERY young and, like many pet store fire
bellies, had a rough beginning and came to me with rot which I was
unable to cure.
I eventually separated them from my adult, who is still living a happy
and healthy life hanging out in her favorite plant, the Anacharis
bunch. Also, what is your opinion on the occasional snack of a ghost
shrimp for aquatic turtles?
< Great.>
(I know I am asking many questions here.) There is a very large debate
over whether to use gravel or not. Of course cleaning is easier without
it. I read where someone had used no gravel but had vinyl flooring in
the bottom to give traction. Do you think the turtles really care?
< No not really.>
Like fish do, would turtles eat their own poo if there was no gravel to
trap it?
< They have been known to eat their own fecal matter if they are
hungry and no other food is around. Many fish stores carry gravel vacs
that will do a great job of cleaning your gravel while siphoning the
tank water.>
Thank you in advance for you time and patience with my plethora of
questions. I appreciate what you do in an attempt to rid the world of
people who improperly care for their pets.
< Just plugging away one question at a
How Many Red Eared Sliders in a 75 Gallon
Tank 10/4/05 Hello, I have a used 75 gallon aquarium that
I plan on resealing in order
to use for red eared sliders. We got one RES about 2 months
ago and he
is currently in a 29 gallon tank with a variety of fish (all of
are fine by the way). Unfortunately we had not researched
thoroughly and didn't realize he needed to be
separated. He spent his
first month in a one gallon tank with some water before we moved
into the bigger tank so he hasn't grown quite as fast as he could
I have 2 questions. First, can we add more RES when we put
current RES into the 75 gallon tank? Second, how many RES
should I
plan on having total in a 75 gallon tank? I was planning on
having 3
total but don't want them being overcrowded in the future. Thank
< When they are little and under 4 inches shell length the number is
up to you depending on filtration and water changes. At around 4 inches
they start to get a little defensive of their food and will start to
bite other turtles. I would trim it down to three max
because they will continue to grow and the shells of some females may
get up close to 10 inches long.-Chuck>
sex turtle is better to pair with male RES?
(Original heading: Lonely Turtle
I have a red eared slider turtle that looks pretty
lonely. He constantly stares at his reflection in the glass
on his tank. So I am thinking about getting him a
friend. But I have a small problem. Am trying to
figure out if I should get him a guy or a girl turtle. Am
afraid that if I get him another guy that they might fight and hurt
each other. But if I get him a girl they would probably mate
and then I would have to take care of baby turtles and
eggs. I need an opinion on what I should get to better suit
him. Thanks.
< My best answer would be to not get another turtle. We get
questions all the time about turtles biting, fighting or intimidating
other turtles in the tank. Your turtle is probably less lonely and more
concerned about if the "other" turtle is squeezing in on his
Re-mixing RES after past aggression
(Original heading: Keeping Turtles
Together 9/3/05)
Hi! There have been similar questions before, but
I also have an idea of what may have happened to another readers
I have two female red eared sliders (shortish tails, short claws, flat
plastron) - one is slightly smaller than the other 3.5 inches and 4
inches, both 3 years old. They are in a 50 gallon tank with a 120
gallon "waterfall" filter, basking lamp, "cave
area", and a large basking area. They have never had health
problems, are very active, and are good eaters - variety of food items.
However recently the slightly smaller turtle (Maggie) is displaying the
male mating behavior (fluttering claws in the face of the other).
This seems to be an aggressive behavior however because she then tries
to bite the neck of the other turtle (Lisa). Maggie has succeeded twice
in biting Lisa and I had to separate them and give Maggie a
Lisa has "adapted" to this behavior by drawing in her neck
when Maggie is bothering her, but Lisa has also started biting at
Maggie's claws (may explain what happened to your other readers
male turtle claws that is housed with a female).
I've temporarily separated the turtles, but my questions
1. Why is the female presenting a male behavior? I know some animals
can switch sex - is this possible for turtles?
< Don't think they change sex but the smaller turtle may still
be a male despite many sexual characteristics that show other wise. The
difference in size may indicate that the smaller turtle is/will be a
2. Will I ever be able to house the turtles together again.....maybe
larger space? During the warmer months when the days are long, turtles
may exhibit some breeding behaviour. When things cool down and the days
get shorter then I would try placing them back together. In the spring
they may act up again and need to be
Mixing new 4 slider with two 6
(Original heading: NEW TURTLE)
Hi you guys.
I have enjoyed reading your replies to what seem to be some of the
lamest people on Earth, I am sure ( think your turtle
has a broken leg? You don't even think of taking her to the
vet??). Here is our situation: I work in the Biology Dept of a
community college. 2, 6-inch Sliders (both males) were donated along
with their 150 gal tank about a year ago. They are thriving-eating,
growing, very social. Someone found a small (4-inch) Slider in their
yard and asked if we could take it. I have
him here, separated from the others. He is eating reptile sticks,
soaking in a small tub of water and enjoying the warming light. I read
in the forums to keep him separate for at least a month, which is
I wonder, not knowing anything about this guy, if I need to worry about
any parasites or other diseases. The new guy seems healthy, bright,
clear eyes, very active, decent appetite. Should I do anything besides
the quarantine? I also noticed that someone mentioned to keep the
introduc-ee in a bare-bottomed tank. I assume this means no water? He
has a tub within the tank so he can get in if he wants. The rest of the
tank is medium sized gravel.
Thanks ahead of time for your help. Your forum is terrific.
Dandelian Tucker
Teaching Assistant II, Biology/Environmental Science
< New turtles should be quarantined for a month in a clean aquarium.
Add a sulfa block to the water for the month. The sulfa will dissolve
into the water and inhibit any bacterial or fungal growth due to
Mixing RES with other species of
(Original heading: Don't Buy Turtles From
Street Walkers)
Hello experts!
< The definition of en expert is someone who realizes how little
they know.>
Long time listeners, first time callers.
< Thanks for dialing in.>
I think my husband and I have gotten in over our
heads. About four months ago we thought it would be fun
to get a small hobby aquarium. We started with a 20
gallon tank, which we cycled for about 6 weeks and have since had
a pretty good success with our fish. About a month ago,
we were walking in the city, and a woman on the street was selling
baby turtles. We asked her if we could keep it in a
tank with our tropical fish, and she said it would be
ok. (I realize now that buying a turtle on the street
was a huge mistake, but it seemed so small and
harmless.) We brought the turtle back to our tank,
set it up with an appropriate basking island, and everything was
He even learned to take food from my husbands hand.
After a few weeks, we decided to add some silver dollar size
angels to our tank. They died within a few days
of each other, and we saw the turtle (and the other fish) eating
the remains. We figured our tank just wasn't
suitable for angels, and thing were okay again for
a while. Currently, we have the following in our tank:
2 zebra Danios, 2 black fin tetras, one iridescent shark, three
guppies, a molly and a red tailed sword, one catfish and (my
favorite) a very small elephant nose fish. We
haven't had any real illnesses - one case of ich a month
ago. We just added two Plecos, who have been
producing really long, stringy white feces. Really long
(inches). But, I digress.
Last night, we looked up to see the turtle with the elephant
nose's face in its mouth! We were shocked, and
didn't know what to do - I was practically in
tears. The elephant nose had not been sick - he was
attacked unprovoked. We put the fish net in the water and
tapped the turtle until he let go. Dazed, the elephant
nose headed back into his ship for cover. We
immediately removed the turtle to a quarantine tank. We
decided not to return the turtle to the tank that night.
< Good idea.>
We did some research, and read online that goldfish (large)
and turtles can live together peacefully. We
bought an inexpensive 20g setup (filter, gravel, heater) and put turtle
and three large shiny goldfish in. Well, about a half hour
ago we saw the turtle grab onto one of their tails! The
goldfish shook him off, but now we don't know what to
do! We don't want to keep a small turtle alone in a
twenty gallon tank.
Meanwhile, in the original tank, the elephant nose came out to eat
earlier, and his nose is shredded to bits! I feel awful, and totally
unprepared to handle this situation.
Here are my questions:
Can we keep anything with a turtle, safely?
What about crawfish,
fiddler crabs
or frogs?
Is there anything I can do to help the elephant nose heal?
< Keep the water clean and watch for any infections. Redness
indicates a bacterial infection while a whitish cottony growth around
the attacked area is a fungal infection.> Will he make
< If the wounds heal and the mouth is still functional then he will
probably live. If the mouth is too damaged and it cannot eat then
probably not.>
Do you think our Plecos are sick?
< No, Plecos are vegetarians with pretty long digestive systems.
While they are eating it is not too unusual to have long sting fecal
matter following behind them.>
I really appreciate any help you can give. Thanks Rebecca (and Sal)
< In the wild, turtles eat everything you suggested. The crustaceans
may have a hard exoskeleton now, but when they shed their new skeleton
with be soft for a few hours. In this time the turtle could easily have
them torn to shreds and eaten.-Chuck>
2/3 Dead Hatchlings; Is it safe to buy
(Original heading: Trouble with New turtles)
I was recently searching the web for some
information on the turtles that I purchased and came across your
sight, in which you had a lot of helpful advice. Well I'm new
at this so here goes, about 2 weeks ago I purchased 3 baby red ear
sliders about an inch long from a local flea-market. I got the home
and purchased a 20 long gallon tank, a basking light, and a dock
for them. I was feeding them Tetra ReptoMin Baby and Zoo Meds
Turtle Treat. After having them for a week 1 of them died, then 2
days later another died. I was wondering if it would be safe to buy
more and put them in there with the 1 remaining baby
turtle because he really looks lonely. Or should I wait in case
there is an infection in the tank from the 2 dead turtles?
< Don't add any more turtles until you have figured out why two
out of the three turtle have died. Don't worry about the last
turtle getting lonely. He probably prefers to be alone.>
And also can you please tell me if I have everything that I need for my
baby turtle (as far as the tank, the basking light and the dock)?
Please respond back a.s.a.p. Thanks and have a great day!
< Your turtles are very young. I would get a water filter and maybe
a heater to keep the turtles warm for awhile. Look into getting a good
book that may give you some insight on why the first two turtles
Compatibility with other turtle
(Original heading: TURTLE PALS)
Hi! I am putting my 7 year old Red-Eared Slider up
for adoption. Two people are interested in him. One has a 5 year old
Yellow-Bellied Turtle. The other has a 1 year old Red-Eared. Which
situation would be a better fit for my guy? Thank you
< Match him up with the yellow belled turtle. Turtles being kept
together should be close to the same
Red-Eared Turtle with Catfish I have a
75 gal. plastic pond in my backyard, is it possible for my red ear
slider turtle to live with my catfish?
< Your turtle will probably constantly be taking nips and bites out
of your catfish. It may not kill it but it may damage the catfish
enough so that it gets sick and dies.-Chuck>
Large RES turtle mixed with Koi in
Turtles and Fish
<Hi, MikeD here>
Please help...I was given (by a pet store) a RES about 12"
long<It took me a considerable amount of time to deduce what a RES
was, aka Red-Eared Slider. That borders on cruelty to ME, you know!
**grin**>. About a week later ALL of my Koi (15 large)
died. I did not realize I needed to treat the water with
antibiotic before I introduced the turtle<You don't. Who told
you that?>. Anyway, I also think the turtle has a bit of
ROT<OK, I'll bite, is this just rot, as in an infection or is it
another acronym?>. About 2" long diamond shape, whit
sot<White spot?> on the shell. Also, shell peeling
around the area <I'd use either Iodine or Mercurochrome on the
spot initially, drying it with a paper towel after it soaks in, then
return the turtle to the pond. Also, make sure the turtle has plenty of
room to get completely out of the water. If this basking spot is not in
sunlight, then you'll need to get a full spectrum light bulb to
train on this spot. Sunlight is Mother Nature's first line of
defense>. My this ROT toxic to
fish?<NO> I am wanting to re-introduce Koi as I have
treated the pond with medication for 10 days.<Introducing the turtle
should have had no ill effect on the fish, and I've never heard of
adding antibiotics for this purpose. I'd seriously have to re-think
taking advice from them if this is what they are telling
you.> Thank you!<You're very
How many RES should I get?
I'm Looking to getting a RES
<Hi, MikeD here>
Thanks for taking the time to
actually read this. I have been searching online for quite a
while researching Red-Eared Sliders. I have a 50gal. tank
already.<that could work for several years> I'm
figuring that I could possibly have 3 in there, however they can
grow up to 12 inches.. so should I just get the one?<they get
along well together and are easily sexed at an early age, and
bred in captivity so that would have to fall into the individual
choice category> Could I have two?<Sure> I'm still a
little shaky on this. Also what kind of rocks should I
use?<Any, as along as they can get completely out
of the water.> Does it matter if the water is 2ft. deep now,
or should I make it smaller and get bigger when it
grows?<I'd go shallower initially, then deepen it as they
grow.> How much dry land should they have until they reach the
water?<They need to be able to get completely out of the water
to bask and a good daylight bulb for same is almost
essential.> What should I use for a spot for them to come
out?<A landscaped dry land area, flat rock or even a piece of
driftwood all work well. If you're planning on breeding them,
the female will need a dry land area upon which to lay her eggs.
The male have extremely long front fingernails which they wave in
the female's faces while underwater and actually NEED to be
fed in the water> I have read so much info and yet none of
this has been answered for me.. So Like I said I have a 50gal.
tank, what can you tell me about how I should go about
this?<It depends largely on the size when you get them. As
adults they are often kept in kiddy wading pools with an island
set in the middle and again, with a basking area MANDATORY!
Like most reptiles, FOOD CAN'T BE DIGESTED BELOW 70 degrees
F. They occur wild down here and are often seen basking on the
banks of ponds, lakes and rivers or on logs rising out of the
water. Meaty foods work best and be careful of many
prepared turtle foods, such as dried insects (no food value),
krill (contains salt that they can't excrete) and Spirulina
sticks (good for BMs, but they need meat as they are
scavenger/predators> ANYTHING Would be greatly
appreciated.<Hope this helps a little> If I have
anymore questions I will email you.
~RES Newbie
Red Eared Sliders (continued)
<Hi, MikeD here again>
Thanks Mike! For all of your help!<You're very welcome>
I did have another question... If I only had one RES Could a
50gal work for it's entire life?<Here I'm almost
inclined to say no as these get to a fair size, sometimes dinner
plate or larger> How would I set up the kiddy pool inside away
from animals?<Animals, as in dogs or cats? Sometimes
there's no need to be away from them. that shell is pretty
tough and cats aren't likely to get wet to begin with. Most
dogs simply ignore them.> Thanks for your help!<You're
very welcome>
~RES Newbie
What fish can I put in with my
(Original heading: TURTLES WITH
Hello. I was wanting to know if there are any kind
of fish I can put with my red- eared slider? Another question was that
I was reading your info on red-eared sliders and the staff said not to
feed them feeder goldfish, which I did for the first time last night is
this bad for them?
< Large active fish that stay off the bottom work best with turtles.
They will eat anything that they can catch. Fish are part of a
turtle's natural diet but it should have other things in it too.
Too much protein forces the turtle's shell to grow at a different
rate than the rest of the turtles body. Earthworms, crickets,
mealworms, kingworms and commercial aquatic turtle food make for a well
rounded diet.-Chuck>
Mixing larger RES with smaller Map
(Original heading: MATCHING
Hi, I have a male red eared slider who's about
5-6". I recently got a young male Texas map who is about 2".
At first, I put the Texas map in with the RES in a 100g stock tank
filled with about 80g of water. The RES did not bite, but he was always
doing what looked like his mating dance right in the face of the Texas
map and also pushing him around constantly, but there was never
any biting. Never the less, I separated the two and put the Texas map
in a 20g long tank for now because I was worried about the behavior of
the RES, but I was wondering if there was a process I should go through
before adding him into the RES tank again? Is the Texas map just too
small to be added in with such a large RES? Should I start feeding the
RES outside of his tank in order to maybe lower potential aggression?
Or will it always be the case that I need to keep them separated?
Thanks for your time.
< It is always best to try to match up turtles according to size. I
would not try and keep the smaller turtle in with the larger turtle.
Eventually you will be away for a period of time and the bigger turtle
will try and eat the smaller turtle. If not eat then he will take bits
out of him and might bite off a limb. Even if the turtles are well fed
the larger one will continue to dominate the smaller turtle. If you
must put them in together then wait for the weekend when you can spend
some time watching them. Put them in together and then feed them.
Hopefully this will distract the larger turtle and he will leave the
smaller turtle alone. watch them carefully and decide if it is safe to
leave them alone.-Chuck
Mixing 2 new babies with bigger
(Original Heading: Question about baby red
-eared sliders)
Hello my name is mike, I have 2 red eared
sliders that I bought in May,
and they have gotten bigger since. One is about 4-5 inches and the
other 4
inches. And just recently I bought two more babies (red
eared sliders). I was
wondering if it is ok to put them with the bigger ones. Thank you
for taking my question.
< Turtles should all be close to the same size. They are incredible
eaters and the larger ones would eventually pick on the smaller ones as
food items when they got hungry and you weren't around. They may
not be able to kill the smaller ones but the could bite off a leg and
then you will be taking care of a imperfect turtle for the next 15+
Amphibian and Chelonian mix 8.27.05
I keep my red ear slider in an aquarium with 3 Firebelly toads, a tree
frog, and a chubby frog. I have the aquarium so one side is water and
the other side is land. I have been wondering, however, if the mix of
reptile and amphibian is safe. I do have a filter and light
source and the animals usually keep away from each other. Also, I used
to have a soft-shell turtle; I had kept him with the frogs (but at that
time I had one Firebelly). Sadly, he died in a weird way. A large,
black, tube like thing with feathery ends came out of his anus, and
hung out about an inch. We suspected that it had to do with the turtles
eating habits, for it ate up to six fish a day. Recently, I have been
wondering if it had to do with the frogs. I really don't want my
red ear slider to die, so please help. Also, we have been feeding the
slider a more reasonable amount of food. PLEASE HELP!!
<I am not sure what the large black feathery thing might have been,
but it might be worth contacting a reptile Veterinarian to find
out. I would not recommend keeping frogs with
turtles. Turtles foul the water very quickly, frogs and
toads are very sensitive to the quality of their environment and will
not tolerate less than optimal conditions for very long. I
am not sure if the frogs and toads you are keeping are toxic to animals
that ingest them but it is definitely something you will want to look
into, I am sure a turtle would sample a frog if given the
opportunity. I would definitely keep the turtle in a
separate tank. I would also get some care sheets on the different types
of frogs you are keeping to ensure that your setup is meeting their
needs as well, heating, lighting, feeding, etc.
Mixing Map and RES turtles
Mixing Turtles 7.29.05
Hi, I have recently found a Common Map Turtle and
I was wanting to keep it in the same tank as my Red Eared Slider. But
when I put it in the tank with the Slider, the Slider bit the Map
Turtle and when I separated them he kept trying to bite him again. I am
not sure of the gender of either turtle, but I would really like to
keep them together. Is the Slider being mean or was it just being
playful? And if I do have to get rid of one of them which would be the
best one to keep as a pet?
<Sounds like there are definitely going to be some problems with
aggression. I would keep them in separate tanks or release
the map turtle back to where you found it. Best Regards,
Should I buy one or two sliders?
(Original heading: Housing Red Eared
Hi, I asked you if you should put two males or a
male and a female together before. One more question, I have never had
red eared sliders before, but have cared for 2 of them for about a
month. I was wondering if I should adopt just 1 male turtle? ( I wanted
male because I don't have the space for a female.) I will either
get 1 or 2 but either way I have a 45 gallon tank with fish in it now,
but when the turtles get bigger they will have to move to that tank (by
then the fish will have died).
<I would go with 1 male in the 45, that should last him a little
while, you might find new homes for the fish instead of waiting for
them to die, most aquarium fish have a long life span.>
When I get them they will be in the12 gallon with NO fish. I have read
on other sites that beginner turtle owners should get only 1 turtle
(and that 1 turtle will not feel lonely in a tank). Is this a good
<I'd start with one, it will be easier to keep the tank clean
and under control.>
My dad said 2 would be better (they can stack on each other on their
basking rock and will have a buddy to play with, but is this better for
the turtles to be social?) I don't want to have 2 male turtles
fighting each other when they are mature. Other web sites do say that 1
turtle will not feel lonely and getting another turtle after a few
years can result in the older one picking on its new friend. I am going
to get my turtle(s) at once and put them in a tank together when they
are hatchings. Please let me know!!!!
<The social behavior can be fun to watch, but I think starting with
one is a better idea. One turtle will outgrow the 12gal tank
in no time, let alone two.>
Can I put plastic plants in the aquarium? (I am going to buy a 12
gallon for now, and it will have a UVB fluorescent light, water heater,
rocks and wood for land area, and I'm planning to leave the tank
with very few plants if any because they will try to eat them.)
<Yes, the turtles will tear up the plants, not so much when they are
young, but definitely as they get older. Plastic plants will
work ok because you can always replant them.>
Second, I was wondering if putting a male and a female together, or two
males, I have read on some web sites that males will bite each other or
fight over territory. Some web sites say that a male will sometimes
harass a female nonstop during mating season and may bite each other.
Thank you for your help, I want to know which would be better before
adopting them when it's too late. -Sarah>
<Hi Sarah, I combined your two emails, hope you don't
mind. I commend your efforts to research these animals
before you make a purchase. If I were to start out with
turtles again I would start with at least a 55gal tank, this will give
them some room to grow and you will be more cost effective in the long
run. First you buy a 10gal, then a 20gal, then a 29 gal,
then a 55gal, then a 125gal, believe me, that's the way it works in
this hobby. Start with one turtle, it will be more
manageable, you will not have to worry about aggression, and it will be
a lot less messy as it gets older. Best Regards,
Snapping turtle and red eared slider
(Original heading: Turtle
Is it ok for a snapper turtle and a red eared
slider to be together in the same tank?
<Not a good idea, you would need a huge tank for the snapper, and
there is a good chance that your slider could get hurt. Best
Regards, Gage>
Pairing up bigger and smaller
Re: res turtle and ick
hi I have a RES turtle and I feed him goldfish
feeders. About 2 weeks ago I noticed that the fish had ick.
I called the vet and they told me to clean everything In the tank with
a diluted bleach mix and not to give him anymore of those
fish. I do all of that and I bought new fish. I bought the
fish from a different store in case that was the problem. The fish look
fine when I put them in the tank. I noticed that the fish now have ick.
How do I get rid of ick for good?
<feeder fish live a stressful life, no way to really get rid of ich
without quarantining and treating for ich before feeding them to the
Is ick bad for my res turtle? Could my turtle be infected
with ick and is giving it to the fish? and if so how do I
treat my turtle?
<I have never heard of turtles getting ich, but I'm sure it
cannot be great for them.>
and one more question. can older bigger res turtles live
with younger smaller res turtle in the same tank? will the bigger one
try to eat to smaller?
<should be ok, just make sure the smaller one is getting enough
food. If the larger one shows any aggression I would
separate them.>
thanks for the time cause it seems like none of the vets around here
know that much.
<Honestly, I would start feeding the turtles prepared turtle food,
frozen food, veggies if they will take them, and worms (I get mine from
a bait shop). That way you will not have to worry about
dirty fish. Best Regards, Gage>
Fish Compatibility with RES
I was just
wondering if there is any kind of fish that would be okay to put in the
tank with my res turtle.
<Hmm, you will want to choose a fish that you will not get too
attached to, incase it gets munched by the turtle, also, something that
is forgiving to poor water quality, turtles are messy. I
kept some Giant Zebra Danios with a RES for years. The
second time I attempted the combination all the Danios ended up as
food. I think if I were to try it again I would try Rosy
Barbs, they are active and colorful but I am not sure how good they are
at dodging turtles though. So my official answer is no, it
is not a good environment for the fish, and there is a great chance
they will be eaten. If I were to try it, I would pick
something from the fish store that is very common, very cheap, and a
fast swimmer. Best of luck, Gage.>
Adding very large RES and soft shell to a pond
with 2 smaller adults
(Original heading: Turtle
I have been a turtle fanatic since I was a small
child and have renewed my interest in the last two years.
<Awesome, I have been thinking of having a turtle shell tattooed on
my back, ok, not seriously but the thought did cross my
I was given two young RES two years ago and they are now 5-6" from
back to front. I have built a small pond and they cohabit with some
feeder fish that are now 7-8" long. I am in the process of
increasing the pond size and would like to provide them with land area
in case they want to leave the pond and "stretch" their legs.
Can you provide some direction on designing this area for
<Anything that has a nice slope into the water will work fine, a
large rock, an upside down pot with rock on top of it, a large piece of
wood, a pile of rocks, whatever looks good to you and is functional for
Also today a large RES, 2-3 times larger than my two found its way into
my back yard.
<I had a duck run into my garage once, blew my mind.>
There are no ponds, lakes close by although several homes have pools.
No one in the area claims the turtle so I would like to adopt it. At
this time it is living in a large "tub" but I don't want
this to last too long so therefore the urgency of my questions. My
question is can all three turtles live together since there is a
considerable size difference? If so what can I do to ensure that the
new found turtle does not contaminate my others?
<If the pond that they are living in is large enough they should be
fine, aggression is a possibility and you need to be prepared to
separate them if one of them gets too rough. I would keep the new
turtle separated for at least a month, possibly in an aquarium,
preferably bare bottomed. This will allow you to observe the turtles
behavior, and watch for signs of disease. If something does come up you
can treat the turtle before he infects your other two. Quarantine is
important in reptiles as well as fish.>
I also have a Florida soft shelled turtle that was given to me that is
living in an aquarium at this time but will be relocated to her new
pond this summer. Will all my turtles live together or will they need
separate homes?
<I am not up to date on my soft shell husbandry, if they enjoy the
same environment as the sliders it might be ok, you will still need to
watch for aggression. I do not think I ever see these turtles mixed,
there could be a good reason for that.> <Darrel, can
soft-shelled be mixed with RES if in a small pond? Shes
increasing the size of it apparently, but didnt say how big it would
I want to make sure all is right because I would be devastated if I did
anything to harm, injure or cause death.
<Quarantine is the way to go. Best Regards, Gage>
Thank you for your time and assistance - Todd
Should I get a companion for my
(Original heading: Turtle
I have a red-eared slider, I've had him for a
few years. But whenever someone enters the room he gets scared and runs
into the water. and if someone touches him, he hides in his shell. he
also seems depressed. what's a good way to make him happier? Would
getting another turtle work? Or what?
<This is really just their natural behavior, I am not sure if there
is a way to train it out of them, you could start hand feeding some
yummy treats like night crawlers, after a while it will probably beg
for food every time it sees you, which can get annoying. My
old slider would splash in her tank to wake me up to feed
her. I would not add another turtle unless your system can
handle it. Gage>
Mixing baby RES with adult
(Original heading: Mixing
I have had a male red ear slider for 5 years (he's 7 now)
and he's around 7 inches long, today I was given 2 quarter
sized red ear babies, I assume its not a good idea but wanted to
ask someone else if they could all live together?
<I would not mix them just yet, there is a good chance that
the little ones will get injured by the larger one.>
If yes, how big do the babies need to be to be safe, and will my
7 incher not like having company now since he's gone all his
life alone? Please let me know. Thank you
<I would wait until they are around 4 or 5 inches, I am not
sure of the size of your tank, but it will need to be large to
house 3 adult sliders. Best Regards,
Mixing baby RES
with adult
(Original heading: Slider
Thank you for the reply. I figured that they
were to little now but knew it would be a very long time before
they were all equal in size and wanted to eventually put them in
one tank. I am trying to get a used 100 gallon but know that for
3 that still isn't probably big enough. Do you know if these
guys enjoy having the company of another turtle or because my
adult has always been alone will he be bothered by sharing his
tank in a few years? Thanks again, J.G.
<A 100gal tank is a great start, that is for
sure. I am not sure if the turtles will actually enjoy
each others company, but I would try it when they get big enough,
just watch out for aggression from the larger one, he may pick on
them, which is fine as long as no serious damage is
inflicted. Best Regards,
Adding pastel turtle with 2 RES in 150 gallon
tank 1/9/04
Female Turtle Bit Off Male's
Claws? 1/9/04
<Hi, Pufferpunk here>
We recently came back from vacation and while cleaning the 150 gallon
tank that holds our two red eared sliders (6 inch male and 10 inch
heavy female)
<What a nice sized tank for 2 turtles! So many folks
don't give them enough room to live.>
We realized that the male's long beautiful claws had been replaced
with some awful wounds. There may be one or two claws left but they
look like stumps now.
<What leads you to believe the female caused
this? I've never heard of turtles attacking each
other's claws like that. Maybe his foot got caught in
between some rocks?>
They seem to be healing fine (not much red left on them). Is there
anything I should do to shorten the healing process (like antibiotics,
extra vitamins, or separating them)?
<You could try adding Melafix (sold in the fish dept.) to the
He harasses her constantly and always seems to be fluttering her face.
I have not seen him do this since we've gotten home but he is still
continuously trying to get it on. I even saw "it" out
today. It is the middle of winter and I am wondering why he is still
trying to mate.
<Sorry to say, that is the male of most species'
The temps in the water are about 69-71 degrees. Should I change
the water temps. I have yet to turn the heater on because I thought
they still have yet to calm down for the winter but can do so if
recommended. (They have had eggs in past and once we incubated them and
about 40% hatched but are not hoping to do this again at least until
the house is warmer -spring/summer if not until next year 2006).
<My opinion is that if you are not planning on seriously hibernating
them for at a least a 6 week period, I'd keep them warmer.>
They eat well - lots of goldfish, pellet food, and snacks like worms,
crickets, etc. with extra reptile powder vitamin on some of their food.
They seem to get along fine except when he's incredibly horny. What
can we do to give him the equivalent of a cold shower when he's
getting out of hand? OR is it possible the wounds
are something else?
<Sorry, I don't know any way to "cool" him
off. There is a possibility that his nails just got too long
& shed naturally, or got caught on something. I try to
trim mine when they get overgrown.>
His eyes look clear and he seems to be fine with
exception to his swimming skills decline do to the actual wounds. Can
you recommend a good book that would cover these topics - I may need to
learn more even though we've had her for 9 years and him for 7.
<It sounds like you are taking great care of your turtles--even
breeding them! I like this site to search for info:>
On a side note, we've always wanted to get a pastel and are
wondering if another male or female would be safest to introduce?
We will be sure to wait until it is large enough to go in their tank
and disease free but what would get along best (a female we guess would
be better)?
<Actually, getting another female would probably take the
"heat" off the other one.>
How often are you supposed to feed them - we are sometimes erratic with
a feeding schedule and while we are writing in were curious if this is
bad for them.
<Binge & purge feeding is most natural. Feed well
every 3-4 days. You could save some $$$ by buying the
cheapest fish you can find at the produce market. I cut up
into bite sized strips & freeze, then thaw in warm
vitamin water, as needed.>
Thanks, Sara Yule
Producer Wiggle Puppy Productions
<What are Wiggle Puppy Productions? I really love my new JRT, Kalvin
the Krazydog! ~PP>
Community Fish with a Turtle
Hello everyone at,
I am setting up my red-ear turtle tank and am wondering if I can add
schooling fish like neon tetra's, and also a algae eater?
<Only if you want them to get eaten.>
Will the turtle be able to catch the tetras in such a large tank?
<What else does it have to do besides try?>
Petco has a smaller turtle tank with many red-ears and soft shells and
a single goldfish that I have yet to see them catch, or chase.
<I would bet you that goldfish was one of several feeder goldfish
thrown into the tank. He is the last survivor, for now.>
Thanks for your help!
<You are welcome. -Steven Pro>
Chrysemys picta
Shown on right: Eastern
Painted Turtle
See Key Points at top of
this Topic Page for general information on turtle stocking &

Painted turtle and Algae eater
compatibility 5/23/10
<Hi, Brendan. Melinda here tonight.>
I am sure you get these kind of questions all the time and I do
apologize but I have been searching for an answer and heard
contradicting stories.
I own a Painted turtle approx. 1 yr. old in a 30 gal. tank and I
am wondering about the compatibility with an algae eater.
<Generally, it is thought best not to combine fish and
turtles, for a number of reasons. The first reason that comes to
mind, for me, is the difficulty of maintaining good water quality
when you've got an animal such as a turtle in the tank. It
would require a lot of upkeep to provide what fish require, which
are Ammonia and Nitrite levels at zero, and Nitrate below 20. In
addition, turtles are usually happy in room-temperature water,
because they're able to get out and bask, and return to the
water after they're nice and warm. The difference between the
warm basking area
and cool water allow them to effective regulate their body
However, when it comes to fish, often, a heater is required to
keep water temperature elevated and/or steady. Therefore, often,
the situation is such that someone is going to be
I understand that fish are a part of a turtles natural diet but I
have also been told that turtles will usually not bother an algae
<Well, turtles will eat fish, but obviously, that's not
what's best for them, especially on a regular basis. It's
also not much good for the poor fish, who is being constantly
chased around a 30 gallon aquarium! Also, there are many fish
which are considered "algae eaters." Some would grow as
long as your 30 gallon tank, and some only reach an inch!
Therefore, the term itself is such a broad one that I'm not
sure which fish you're thinking of housing with the turtle.
In addition, most of the fish which your local pet store might
call "algae eaters" may not eat algae at all,
may only eat algae as juveniles, or may have additional
nutritional requirements which must be fulfilled in order for
them to be healthy.
There are many aspects to consider, but ultimately, I would leave
your tank as it is, and enjoy your turtle.>
I would very much appreciate a professional opinion before
spending money on an algae eating fish.
<If you are experiencing problems with algae, it is likely due
to one or more of several factors: an overabundance of light, an
overabundance of waste products, or overfeeding/ lack of
maintenance. If you'd like to clean algae on glass, your
local pet store will probably stock various scrapers and
Mag-Float type tools that will help. If it's algae on large
rocks/decor, feel free to wash them and place them back in the
tank. Without knowing more about your situation, I can't give
a lot of advice, other than to avoid adding any fish to the tank,
and to read here on algae:
and to read
on turtles, and their incompatibility with fish:>
Thank you
<You're welcome. Please do write back if you have any
questions after reading.>
Re: Painted turtle and Algae eater
<Hi Brendan!>
Thank you so much for your prompt response I had been struggling
to get a straight answer for quite some time.
<I'm glad you found it helpful.>
I'm happy to have found your website.
<I'm happy I could help!>
painted turtles... Comp. w/ own
species, diff. sizes
5/23/10 hello,
<Hiya - Darrel here>
I have 4 2" baby turtles, 1 4" turtle and 1 8" turtle.
All of them are painted turtles and well taken care of.
<Glad to hear that>
The 8" one I just got and was wondering if it would be ok to put
her in with the rest. I do put her in with them now but only when I can
be there to supervise and so far everything is fine.
<Usually that is the case>
I just don't want to come home to some dead or injured babies one
day though so I would really appreciate your input.
<That also is a distinct possibility, Stu. In general, the 4 inch
turtle is a bit bigger than I'd put in with babies. It's not
that they're cannibals or even predatory on each other it's
just that, as you already suspect, one snap of an adult in a 'bad
mood' meaningless to another its own size, is deadly to a
<The 4 inch turtle is fine to be with big one, but I wouldn't
put a fully grow adult in with two babies>
thank you!
<And Stu? Thanks you very much for thinking of this ahead of time.
All too many of these questions we get are long after it's too late
to do anything about it>
To: Part 2,
Part 3