FAQs About Yellow Bellied Slider Turtles
Related Articles: Turtles, Shell
Rot in Turtles, Amphibians, Red Eared Slider Care,
FAQs on: Yellow Bellied Sliders/YBS/Cooters 1,
YBS 3, YBS 4,
FAQs on: YBS ID,
YBS Behavior, YBS Compatibility, YBS
Selection, YBS Systems, YBS Feeding, YBS
Disease, YBS
Related FAQs:
Yellow Bellied Sliders/YBS/Cooters
1, YBS 2, YBS
3, YBS 4, & Painted Turtles, ( Other Aquatic Emydids (Bog, Pond,
Painted...),Turtles 1, Turtles
2, Red Ear Sliders, Turtle Identification, Turtle Behavior, Turtle Compatibility, Turtle Selection, Turtle Systems, Turtle Feeding, Turtle Disease, Shell Rot, Turtle Reproduction, & by Species:
Musk/Mud Turtles, Softshells, Snapping Turtles, Mata Matas, Tortoises, & Amphibians, Other Reptiles,
YBS question, fdg. mostly
Hello Crew!
<Salve, Ronda!>
I have written to you before and always been so pleased with your great
advice, counsel, and quips (!), so here I am again! I have a yellow
bellied slider 8" long, 6" wide approx, who lives in my
outdoor pond in Charleston SC. She overwinters in it also.
<Fair enough. Since they're likely native to this area, your
local climate should suit your turtle well.>
About 3 weeks ago she "woke up" and has been out daily,
basking, swimming and because our temps now (last 10 days or so) are in
the 80's day and 50-60's overnight mostly, she is now active
all the time.
What I am not sure about is how much to feed her. She literally begs
for food all the time.
<As is their wont.>
I have been feeding her ReptoMin sticks, "Mins" as we call
them for her, to the tune of 1/2-3/4 tablespoon 2x day--and I know that
is too much, but have been afraid that she may need to build up or
consume more calories....is that possible or true?
<These are high-protein, low-fibre food -- in other words much like
us eating steak rather than salad. Net result, yes, your turtle may
well be getting the calories it needs, but doesn't feel full, just
as we don't feel full if we don't eat fibre-rich plants and
whole grains.>
I don't remember her being like this last spring, but the winter
was particularly cold this past year. Also, she is not eating her
carrots, kale, lettuce, etc--just the mins. Do I have a tricky turtle
on my hands who is trying to retrain her owner to feed her only what
she wants??
<Well, yes, animals can/do learn to train humans. We often
congratulate ourselves for "training" our cats and dogs to do
certain things, without realising those animals have also
"trained" us to reciprocate. So yes, your turtle likely knows
if it holds out, you'll hand over the protein-rich yummies it likes
so much.>
Or does she need extra calories right now?
<Yes, immediately after winter turtles need to put right the fat
they used up over winter; that's standard for most any animal that
overwinters outdoors.>
I gave her some calcium supplement the other day, but I am not sure she
did anything with it other than sink it.
<Try some unshelled shrimp and even better, whole fish (frozen
lancefish are sold in aquarium shops, but whitebait sold for humans
will do, too).
The shells and bones are a good calcium source. Use these as treats
If you have a few bunches of Elodea or whatever in the pool, your
turtle will get all the calories he/she needs.>
She does not have "fat bulges" at her legs and arms and
otherwise looks quite healthy. What do you recommend I do?
<Do switch to Koi Pellets -- they're more fibre-rich, but just
as palatable, so should make an excellent staple.
Many thanks in advance for your advice!
<Do read Darrel's article, here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/fwsubwebindex/RESCareBarton.htm
Cheers, Neale>
Injured yellow bellied
slider 4/8/11
Hi Crew,
<Hiya - Darrel here>
I currently have 2 yellow bellied sliders, a male and a female, in a 55
gallon tank. The male's shell is about 5 inches in length, and the
female's is 6-7 inches.
<Those are well sized-adults!!>
About five days ago, I noticed an open sore about the size of a dime on
the top of the male's front right foot. I think the female may have
bitten him.
<I wonder what he did to deserve it. Did he come home one day
'¦ with the scent of Red Eared Slider on him?>
<Did he forget their anniversary?>
<Maybe it wasn't any of those '¦ maybe she's just
like my ex-wife: PSYCHO>
I consulted your this website for advice and immediately took him out
of the water and placed him in a warm dry place.
<Many years ago '¦. Back when I was married and living in
middle-class suburbia '¦ we had block party/pot luck and my
next door neighbor Bruce got in HUGE trouble with his wife.
<You cannot POSSIBLY imagine what he did!!!!>
<He was in a neighbor's house>
<He went into the Guest Bathroom>
<No kidding!>
<He had NO IDEA that the Guest Towels were just for looks
'¦ and that the "real" towels were behind the door
under the sink>
<Or that the soap in the potpourri dish was '¦ likewise
'¦ just for show!>
<He spent FOUR NIGHTS on the couch over that>
<Trust me when I say Bruce wished that Margaret had just bit his
I have been placing him in warm water daily for about 20 minutes so he
can eat, but he is not eating. I feed ReptoMin pellets, and he is
usually very enthusiastic about his food. He will even take it from my
hand when he is in the tank. However, he hasn't eaten at all since
I took him out of the tank. His foot looks a little better, but
he's not ready to go back into the tank yet, should I be concerned
that he isn't eating?
<Linda '¦ that's a very good question, glad you asked.
The answer is "don't worry about it right now">
<A healthy adult Slider can go 3 months without eating and after all
he's been through, being off his feed isn't entirely
unexpected. First he got bitten for reasons he can't possibly
fathom '¦ then he gets taken from his home. You ARE doing it
for his own good and I'm the one that wrote that advice, but to HIM
it's just more, sudden change. Give him a week or two to adjust to
his new routine. Let him rest & heal and adjust. If he eats, fine.
If he's too stressed out, that's OK too'¦ he's
still healing>
<Just let Bruce heal>
I would appreciate your input!
<No charge!>
<yer welcome>
Yellow belly female 15 months old... hlth.,
sys... 3/23/11
Dear Crew,
<Hiya - Darrel here>
I have two female yellow belly which I have had for around 15months.
Both are kept in a large tank with uv lamp heater etc and have regular
water changes. There on a mixed diet of fish, meal worms and peas.
<Right here we have some problems - but I'll talk about them
One of my terrapins had a growth spout around a month ago and almost
doubled in size then two weeks ago started to refuse to eat.
I have taken both of them to the vets and he can see any problem with
either of them. But l have treated them with antibiotics which has made
no difference.
<You should never treat with antibiotics unless a specific bacteria
has been confirmed.> My vet also told me to put the temp up by
degrees and put the tank in the window as sunlight is a different type
of uv, to my uv lamp which I have also done.
<OK - let's stop right here and discuss a few things.>
<First, a turtle tank doesn't need a heater. If the tank is
indoors, the water should be no higher than room temperature!! What
we're trying to do is offer the turtle nice, cool water to swim in
and a nice hot basking area to warm up in. If the water is warm enough
the turtle will not choose to bask very often and without the basking,
they don't dry off and they don't get exposed to the UV. So --
no heater please. Water temp should be 68-73(f) and the basking area
should be 88-93(f)>
<Second - Fish is, believe it or not, not part of a turtle's
typical diet and meal worms are the junk food of the feeding world -
very little nutrition. So right here, you have nutritional problems.
Start with Repto-min food sticks or a quality brand of Koi pellets
(which is exactly the same thing for less money) and then supplement
with an occasional earthworm. Like perhaps one worm one or two worms
per month per turtle.>
<Third - UV light does not pass thru ordinary glass. In fact, even
WINDOW SCREEN can filter out certain beneficial wave lengths. The UV
from the sun must reach the shell directly. UV-B from a bulb
doesn't travel very far, so the bulb must be of the right type AND
usually no more than 6 inches above the basking area. Sometimes
it's quite a fight to get the basking (for heat) lamp shining on
the same spot as the UV-B lamp. So first, forget the window or through
glass. All that will do is heat up the entire tank, including the
water, which is a bad idea. Then make sure the UV is the proper kind.
UV-B for reptiles, not a plant-Gro or aquarium bulb>
<Please read this article that covers the basics of turtle care and
make sure that you understand it and that you measure everything in
your setup against the instructions and correct anything that needs
improvement http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/RESCareBarton.htm
I asked the vet for a calcium injection but he said they don't do
this as its not very effective but l have noticed the terrapin that is
refusing to eat is starting to get a soft shell.
<A calcium injection can be some help if the turtle is able to
metabolize the calcium.>
It doesn't matter what l try and tempt her with she still wont
<NOW let's talk about treatment>
<For openers, since both turtles are subject to the same care,
let's treat them both. What we're going to do is beneficial for
them anyway>
<Try to get them some actual sunshine. Take them outside for 15
minutes twice a day if you can. Place them outside on the grass and let
them wander - if you can watch them non-stop (don't leave them
alone even for a second). If not, place them in a container - like an
ordinary cardboard box - make sure there's plenty of direct
sunlight but also some shade too.
Direct sun can cook them if they can't cool down. Natural sunlight
is the best source of Vitamin-D which is necessary for them to
metabolize the calcium>
<For the next two weeks, keep them warm and dry. When a turtle is
sick or debilitated, the wet, warm natural environment that is good for
them becomes their enemy. Here is an article that explains basic care
and describes the warm, dry isolation:
<While in this new, warm & dry environment, you should take the
UV bulb from your tank setup and arrange it so that it shines on them
in this new setup.>
<As part of this new arrangement, you soak them for just a few
minutes each day (it's all in the article) and as part of that you
offer them a tiny bit of food. After a few days even the most stubborn
turtle will at least
take a nibble or two>
<Zoe - read BOTH the articles completely and you'll find the
resources you need to treat them, stimulate their appetites, correct
their diets and their environment>
yellow bellied slider, sys.,
Hello Crew
<Hiya! Darrel here>
I have a question about a 2" female yellow bellied
slider. I recently set up a turtle tank on the advice of pet
store personnel who seemed to have extensive knowledge on turtles.
First I will tell you of my set up, I have a 55 gal. tank with a Exo
turtle island Lg, Exo turtle cliff filter and rock Lg, Hair Grass,
Gravel cleaner, MOSS BALL, 26W UVB lamp, river bed sand, a dissolving
calcium thing, and a Day Glo Basking lamp 100 W.
<Sounds basically good. I have no idea what a moss ball is, but it
sounds fun. The dissolving calcium thing is the only thing that's a
waste of time & money. Turtles don't eat them and they
don't absorb calcium through the skin. To concentrate enough
calcium in the water to get any via drinking, it would be a thick soup.
So when that one dissolves, don't bother replacing it>
In the tank are two 4" Red eared sliders and two 2" yellow
bellied sliders, the one female has been very lethargic and has not
eaten in a week (how long I've had the tank) she has gone swimming
twice but mostly just sits under the UVB light with her eyes closed
(she is still alive as I check to make sure every day.). when we bought
her she was swimming and seemed full of life at the pet store.
<That tank is none too big for that many turtles. When the Yellow
Bellies grow few inches you'll be a bit crowded.>
She has no visible external injuries and the pet store said she needs a
few days to adjust but beyond that have no answers, and I am extremely
worried that she wont make it another week. Any advice would be greatly
<It may simply be stress. At the moment there aren't enough
symptoms to go on. So here's what I suggest you do. Even though the
process itself is stressful, take her OUT of the tank and keep her
separated. Someplace warm and dry. (Don't go loading yourself up
with expensive stuff - this can be as simply as a plastic storage
container from the building supply store and a cheap heating pad from a
drug store - if you can find one without that evil 'auto-off'
feature.) Give her a week alone, being placed in water for just 15
minutes daily - a shallow bowl with water just up to her shoulders. Let
her drink, poop and maybe eat (offer her just one of two Repto-min
sticks or Koi pellets) and then back in her box. Read here for more
yellow bellied sliders, sexing
<Hiya - Darrel here>
I've Googled every combination of words that I can think of
<My personal favorite is to type the following into Google: FRENCH
And then, instead of clicking "search" click "I'm
feeling lucky">
to find the answer that I'm looking for and then stumbled onto
y'all, so I'm hoping you can help me out.
<We're glad to be able to "catch" your letter>
<Get it??? You stumbled in? And we "caught" you?
First, my 2 yellow bellied sliders are healthy and appear to be happy.
I've had them since the end of May 2010 and they are really
flourishing. So my question is not so much an emergency/life or death
question, just a curiosity one.
<Did you know that the term "Y'all" is actually
I have been on a relentless search trying to figure out what gender my
turtles are. One (Shelly) is quite a bit larger than the other, Harry.
However, she tends to be something of a food hog too.
<Yep, you say "Y'all" when you are talking to one
Their nails are not radically different in length, nor are their tails.
I have noticed Harry doing the little nail flutter thing in
Shelly's face, but sometimes Shelly does it back to him when
he's doing it, but not always.
<As in - when you're talking to one person, you say
"Y'all be careful">
It doesn't seem like Harry is laying claim to his territory as when
she swims away from him, he follows her to continue fluttering.
It's usually only then that she does it back to him.
<When you're addressing more than one person '¦
it's "ALL Y'ALL"!!!>
<[Editor's not: Man, you're weirder than usual
I'm DYING, yes dying, to know if I might have a boy and a girl, as
I have several family members who have become infatuated with my
turtles, wanting one of their own. Got any ideas?
<You're not saying how big they are, Lisa. If you got them as
hatchlings in 2010 you likely have about 4 years before any significant
sexual characteristics develop. And that 4 year number is based on
"average" growth because turtles mature according to size,
not age and we need to see them get to be about 5 inches long before
the males start maturing and the females keep growing.>
<What you may have at the moment is merely one dominant animal that
gets a bit more food and thrives just a bit more and grows just a bit
Turtles, sys., holiday feeding 12/24/10
<Hiya - Darrel here>
I just got two baby yellow bellied sliders. I've
had some before, and I have all the necessary equipment e.g. Filter,
heater, dock, lights and gravel.
<No heater please. Water temp should be regular room temp and the
basking area 88-93 degrees. We want them to have choices in warm or
The man at the store told me that I shouldn't feed them for 2 or 3
days so they can get use to their new surroundings first, is this
<Not a HUGE deal - they eat when they're hungry and not when
they aren't -- BUT a healthy baby turtle can go 5-8 days without
food (adults as long as 3 months) ****IF they are healthy and normally
well fed****>
Also I am going away and I have someone to look after them but should I
tell them that they shouldn't feed them? I will be gone for about
two days will they be ok unfed?
<For two days, I'd rather you not feed them than have someone
feed them too much and foul your water>
<Yer welcome>
Yellow-bellied sliders ears suddenly turn red
<Hiya - Darrel here>
I have a juvenile yellow-bellied slider (approximately 8 months old --
male). Last night I had to remove one of the other male yellow-bellied
sliders because he was becoming aggressive and biting the others.
<that happens sometimes. Hopefully it's temporary. An important
thing in keeping any group of animals is realizing that there WILL be
fights for dominance and position. The two best ways to avoid any
serious injuries are
1- Keep the sizes relatively even (not hatchlings with adults, etc.)
2- may sure that the enclosure is large enough that they can get away
from each other, meaning out of visual range, when they need to.
Sometimes putting up a visual barrier that semi-divides the tank or
enclosure into two sections is all it takes>
Tonight I notice that his ears have suddenly gone red. The other
juvenile (small age -- female) can from the same group of hatchlings
and still looks like a yellow-bellied slider.
<That is unusual, to say the least>
Can you please give me any suggestions as why this would happen and if
it is possible that he is a red-eared slider. If so, will she also
develop the red markings?
<All of the sliders, cooters, painteds, etc. interbreed easily and
produce many variations in offspring. That is likely the case here --
that what you have is a Red Eared Yellow Belly. Usually the combination
of the various genes expresses in the egg and they simply come out in
various shades and patterns. What caused this transition after birth is
unknown. It's not UNHEARD of .. but very rare. Whether or not it
will happen to any of the others is unknown. And, in the overall scheme
of things, unimportant.>
<If, on the other hand, one of those guys develops opposable thumbs
and begins to cruise the Internet late at night ordering all sorts of
turtle toys on your credit card '¦ THEN you have a
Thank you
<yer welcome!>
yellow bellied water turtle (poppy eyes)
<Hiya - Darrel here>
Can you help?
<I don't know - I'm not very good>
My two turtles shared a 4ft tank until the big one bit the little ones
foot off.
<I hate when that happens. Sliders, Cooters and red/yellow bellies
can get along so well for long times and them suddenly something like
that happens. It can be because of an isolated incident and it
doesn't repeat, or it can be because one just turns mean for no
apparent reason - and there's no way to tell>
I separated them at once and what's left of his foot is now a
<The good news is that they live happy & healthy lives even with
all kinds of disabilities like that.>
We also thought the big one had injured the little ones eye but a
couple of weeks on and the other eye is the same so there has to be
another explanation as he is alone in the tank. Both eyes look poppy
out like a frogs. He is not eating and also spends most of his time on
the rock out of the water.
<He's sick all right. Most likely a vitamin deficiency, although
it could be something more severe like an infection from the
<The first thing I'm going to recommend is a visit to a
qualified veterinarian. Here is a link to a list of veterinarians that
are known to be qualified. http://www.anapsid.org/vets/#vetlist
<There is no substitute for experienced and trained eyes, so
that's always my first suggestion. If that's not in the budget
or otherwise not possible, here is a link to an article about treating
common problems:
<The biggest challenge will be to get him to eat, because the
vitamins and nutrition he lacks are most easily given in food. The
dryness and warmth of the treatment may spark his appetite>
The big turtle in other tank is fine.
<That's usually how it goes -- the big guy got more food, more
light and more -everything- all along the way. THAT SAID '¦
make sure that his conditions are in-line as well, because often the
bigger/older ones just "hold out" longer before getting
BOTH ARE YELLOW BELLIED. The aquatic shop I bought them from sells them
but don't seem to have much knowledge on them.
<Not unusual - they just sell 'em>
Please can you help?
<You bet. Check your care and conditions against this basic guide
and see if there's anything to improve: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/RESCareBarton.htm>
cheers Donna ( 9/9/10)
yellow slider terrapin, beh., sys.
hi, sorry to bother you - I had a read through the other questions and
couldn't find anything quite right.
<Fire away!>
basically we have a yellow slider terrapin, a black knobbed sawback and
a dwarf musk terrapin in a very large tank.
<An interesting collection.>
(not quite sure of the gallon amount but its over three feet long, two
foot deep (water level) and nearly three feet wide)
<Sounds fine.>
we have a large fake rock thing attached to the one of the long sides
which is about eight inches directly under the lamp for basking. as
well as a floating bit of driftwood so that they can climb out if they
don't want to be under the light.
there are lots of rocks, caves and bits and pieces under the water
since the little one likes to explore.
<Yes they do.>
obviously we have a heater, two filters (one hang-on - very powerful,
one smaller one on the other side) and clean the tank out every week or
okay the yellow slider has started acting out of character, he's
sitting on the basking rock pretty much all the time, he's not
lethargic in himself but he doesn't instantly dive into the water
like he used to.
<I see. Well, not really a problem in itself.>
I've checked him over and he's eyes, tail, arms, legs and shell
are fine.
<Good. Also check he isn't "wheezy" at all, and that
he feels a good weight. Have a smell too, to check that there's
nothing "foul" about the shell or skin. If you can, examine
his faeces to check they're normal.>
he's eating okay and there are no problems with the other terrapins
- they all seem quite friendly with each other.
also he seems to be sleeping out of the water more than he used to - he
used to sleep hanging in the water with his claw on the wood.
<To a degree, turtle behaviour changes with age, so again, I
wouldn't worry too much unless the turtle stops feeding or
otherwise exhibits aberrant behaviour.>
another thing is that he lets us stroke his head without retracting it
- not all the time but quite a lot, he doesn't bite or seem in any
kind of pain and he's swimming fine but I don't know why
he's doing this - I was wondering if its a maturity thing?
<Could well be.>
like now he's big enough to defend himself from predators maybe so
he's enjoying the rock more?
<Certainly possible. Juvenile turtles are food for all sorts of
animals, but as they mature they become less and less vulnerable, so
react nervously only to things likely to harm them.>
or if its just that he's more tame than he used to be?
sorry, you probably think I'm worrying unnecessarily but he's
quite grumpy by nature and this is slightly odd.
<Indeed. There's a difference between lethargy through disease
and simple changes in personality. If he's sick, he'd likely be
eating less and when he swims, he'd be weaker at it. The eyes and
nose are usually give-aways when turtles are sick. But if he overall
seems completely normal and happily eats his dinner, then I'd not
worry overmuch.>
if I thought there was anything seriously wrong with him then I'd
take him to the vet but I'm thinking that it'll be extremely
stressful for him if I'm worrying about nothing y'know?
<I don't think there's a problem here.>
anyway thank you for reading this.
<No problem. Cheers, Neale.>
spastic behavior -- 8/3/10
Dear Crew
<Hiya - Darrel here>
I have a yellow-bellied slider, about 4 years old. She
lives in a small (700 gal.) pond with a Koi and a few Shubunkin. She
has always been gregarious in her behavior (we call her Tabitha the
Tudinous Turtle), and especially so at feeding time, coming right up to
the edge of the pond and staring us down until the pellets fall, and
then gobbling them up immediately.
<Sounds nice>
Lately she is swimming in a weird manner, retracting her head with each
stroke, and seeming as though she is confused as to the proper
direction to go, even to get her food. She is eating, but not nearly as
much as before.
She still basks on her favorite rock each day, but is spending more
time in and under water than before as well. I am worried that she is
developing some kind of central nervous system disorder, or that some
insidious kind of plant or virus is infecting her. Can you help me?
<I can try. A nervous system disorder isn't out of the question,
but it's not the place I'd look - for one thing their nervous
systems are pretty simple and for another, there's no way to test
for it or any way to treat it if we found something.>
<What I would do is take him out of the pond for a while and keep
him warm and dry inside the house. This would give you a chance to
observe him at close range. Dry skin and shell usually points up
mechanical damage,
fungus, wounds, etc. more easily than wet skin --AND-- if he really is
hurting, then this 'rest' will make it easier for him to
<This link talks about treatment of common illnesses and a focal
point is what I call isolation (keeping him warm & dry with access
to water for only a few minutes a day). What you should do is follow
that regimen for 2
weeks --even though you're not actually treating for any of the
diseases listed-- and see if Tabitha simply heals from whatever ache or
pain she may have. During this process you can examine more closely to
see if she DOES
have a problem>
< http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/RESCareBarton.htm
Richard L
Los Angeles, CA
Re: spastic behavior 8/5/10
Thanks for the advice.
<Happy to give it>
She has never been out of the pond (since we got her, at about 4"
in length...she is now a big girl), so I don't really have the
setup to accommodate her. I imagine I will have to get some kind of
aquarium, with a heat lamp for her to bask, right? Sorry, but this is
all alien to me.
I'll do my best, though.
Thanks again.
<Rich - don't sweat it. A Tupperware tub (excuse me, a
Tupperware Brand Plastic Storage Container) or a cardboard box will do
JUST as well and not cost as much. All we're trying to do is give
he a rest while she
{possibly} heals from whatever is bugging here (was that a
<Don't go all overboard and spend tons of money for what may be
not much more than a 2 week vacation from being wet 24/7>
Re: spastic behavior 8/5/10
Got it. Thought that the front bathroom tub (enclosed glass shower
doors), with about 2" of water and a nice brick platform for
dryness, with a little halogen desk lamp for basking, might do the
trick. What are your thoughts
on that, if any?
<She should be warm and dry and NOT have access to water at all
except for the 15 minutes a day that you place her in the water to
drink, poop and eat. The operative theory here is that almost all of
the opportunistic
things that "could be" (remember, we have no direct evidence)
affecting her from the outside are all encouraged by moisture, so we
want to keep her dry.>
Thanks for all the practical advice and the encouragement.
<yer welcome>
Turtle "buddies", unimaginable, but not
impossible? YBS comp. 7/29/10
<Hiya - Darrel here>
So here's the deal, I absolutely love your site. I think in the
past 3 days I've spent all my free time just reading what
you've had to say. ^.^
<You show a great deal of taste, style and intelligence for
But, I have a problem.
About 1 month ago I obtained a baby turtle! I have to say that little
guy is the love of my life. When received he was just the size of a
quarter and has grown beautifully. I'm pretty sure he's a
yellow bellied slider, but there is some debate concerning him being a
river Cooter'¦
<Very little exterior differences, the River Cooters tend to have
more yellow on the face and a slightly flatter shell after they mature,
but right now '¦ hard to tell from this distance>
Anyway, my question is about African Cichlids becoming his tank mate. I
know you guys never recommend it, but you see I have this friend.
<And your friend is an African Cichlid????>
She's the one who got my started on turtles in the first place.
She has this 55 gallon aquarium with a male yellow bellied slider and
probably 10 cichlids, an algae eater, a common Pleco, and a electric
blue crawdad. (We know the tanks a bit crowded and we're working on
getting a 75-100 gallon so everyone can be more comfortable, oh, and
the crawdad will probably stay in the 55 because he gets a bullied a
bit.) She's had this setup for over a year now and the turtle is of
almost 2 years of age. When first introduced the turtle would chase the
cichlids for a while, but would give up. He eventually learned he
wasn't fast enough to actually catch them. Now he doesn't even
seem to notice there presence, like they're just tank decorations
or something.
<Fish is not a part of their normal diet unless they happen across a
dead or dying fish> He is always hungry of course, he eats a
combination of turtle pellets, shrimp, and krill every day, once in the
morning and once at night.
<Stop the shrimp AND the krill - neither are even remotely part of
his natural diet, both are higher in protein and fat than he should
The tank is filled about 80% full and the turtle has two basking areas
available with UVB lighting. She has 2 and a ½ times the
normal filtration and she does water changes every 2 weeks. (I know
this because I unfortunately am there for the majority of those
changes.) Her water levels are in the range you guys recommend for
African cichlids and honestly the only fighting that every goes on in
the tank are between the cichlids themselves.
<That's not as surprising as you think. Turtles and fish occupy
the periphery of each other's eco-systems. Generally they'll
stay out of each other's way and co-exist.>
Also I think Iggy (the YBS) might think he's a Pleco. They're
always hanging out together and the Pleco often sucks on Iggy's
shell. Also if Iggy ever see's the crawdad walk by he swims over to
it and does, well, he does the male matting dance/ritual. ^.^
<Iggy may not be all that bright, as turtles go '¦.
Crawdads ARE part of their diet>
It's really quite entertaining, but it's probably not
<I agree on both counts>
So basically, what makes her turtle so different from all the others?
Why did it work for her? Why couldn't it work for me? I mean, is
there any really health reason for turtles and fish not to live
together? Other than the possibility of the turtle eating the fish?
<Not from the turtle's perspective. If anything at all, the
water quality problems caused by the turtle will be a problem for the
Cichlids. There is no biological filter you're likely to set up at
home that can accommodate the poo-machine that is a Emydid (water
turtle) so the frequent water changes may be a bit stressful to the
<Beyond that '¦ the problem is simply that SOME turtles
WILL each fish SOMETIMES and ALL turtles will take a snap occasionally
and the outcome to completely beyond your control.>
<I have a goldfish that is about 9 inches long and the absolute
RULER of a Koi pond that contain some 20 inch monster Koi. He started
out 11 years ago as a feeder goldfish that was put into my turtle pond
by a well meaning neighbor. Initially the turtles chased him around
but, just like your friend witnessed, finally gave up. About 2 years
later, the fish got so dominant that it was difficult to feed the
turtles because he literally chased them away at feeding time. After a
while I thought maybe he'd learn some manners if I put him in the
Koi pond. I thought that a fish the size of a row boat might be
intimidated by Koi the size of the Titanic '¦ but it turns out
that he's the boss there, too. I'm not worried at all about
Bruce and his needs '¦ I'm more afraid that the Koi may
hire a lawyer and sue me for allowing their harassment.>
And are there any specific African Cichlids or just fish that you guys
think would go best with a turtle? I would like to get my turtle (Pie)
some new tank mates as soon as possible.
<Like I said, there aren't any fish impervious to a turtle's
beak and bite. Too small and they can become victims, too large and
they can persecute the turtle.>
<The reason we never recommend the mixing is because there is simply
no way to predict or control the outcome. They may be fine, depending
on the temperament of your particular turtle or they may not.>
<In my opinion (also known, technically as the "right" or
"Correct" opinion) the best companion for a Yellow Bellied
Slider named Pie is a Mississippi Map Turtle named Larry.>
<That said, the advice that will be easier for you to take is this:
Make sure your tank has plenty of room -- space -- for the animals to
get away from each other when needed. The more swimming room the fish
have to evade the turtle, the sooner the turtle gives up and accepts
them as neighbors.>
Thanks so much for your time,
<No charge!>
Re: Turtle "buddies", unimaginable, but not impossible? Was
Cooter comp., now nutr. 8/1/10
Thanks so much for answering my last question, :D
Although it did stir up another.. I understand the whole not feeding
them krill and shrimp situation, so what would you recommend?
<I feed mine from hatchlings to breeders purely on Kay-Tee bran Koi
food pellet available at pet stores -- with an occasional (0nce a month
or so) treat of an earthworm or two. Diet, it turns out, is the easiest
Turtle only eating Chicken! 7/24/10
Hi there,
I have female yellow bellied slider (? Missippi mud Cooter) that's
~ 5 yrs old. I keep her inside during the winter months and move her
outside during the summer. She's in a 40 gallon tank with all the
required accessories and seems to be doing very well overall. Enjoys
basking and has a good appetite.
The problem - I was trying to vary her diet a bit about a year ago and
cooked some chicken to give to her. Now, that's all she will eat.
That's it!
<Made a rod for your own back there'¦>
She refuses all pellets.
<Let her starve then.>
I've even tried not feeding her to see if eventually she would go
back to pellets. I've tried sticking pellets inside the chicken.
I've tried soaking the pellets in chicken broth and also tried
feeding her pellets with a dropper. Nothing works. I know her diet is
unbalanced and that they move more toward a vegetarian diet as they get
older, so am very concerned'¦
<As you should be.>
She doesn't seem sick, and her shell is growing as normal, but she
is strictly on a protein diet which cannot be good!
<Indeed not.>
She will eat sulfa blocks too, so further evidence she needs something
The past week, she has been violently thrashing about the tank like she
is trying to tell me something. She normally thrashes when she is
hungry and she moves her mouth a bit. She is doing this, but is now
refusing chicken. This has happened in the past she'll stop eating
for a few days and then will start again, only wanting chicken.
<She has you very well trained.>
So, a few questions:
1) Right now, do you think its possible she could be constipated and
that's why she is not eating, but appears hungry? I tried to give
her a bit of mineral oil last night to help with this, as suggested by
the vet. She is otherwise acting ok, and is right now basking in the
sun. She doesn't seem to be basking longer than usual either.
<I doubt constipation is the thing, though it might be. I'd be
more worried about vitamin deficiency. Plus, mammal meat contains fats
that congeal in the bodies of cold-blooded animals. In warm-blooded
animals they melt into oils. In reptiles not adapted to eating much
mammal meat -- i.e., turtles as opposed to snakes -- there's some
possibility of those fats causing health problems.>
2) How can I wean her off chicken without starving her? Is there
<Yes. Let her sit in her tank with a clump of Canadian Pondweed.
Feed her nothing else. She'll eat. If you must give her something
meaty, go for earthworms as these have plenty of plant matter in their
Thank you - Fantastic website!
<Glad to help. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Turtle only eating Chicken!
Thanks! Enjoy your sense of humor.
Although I must admit, after reading more on your website, I am also
wondering about the possibility that her thrashing behavior &
trying to get out of the tank is independent of food and related to the
fact that she is gravid!
<It can be. One thing about high-protein diets is they
"condition" animals quickly, i.e., bring them into breeding
condition sooner than otherwise.>
I saw something a few weeks ago in the tank that looked like an egg -
but honestly I didn't realize they would lay eggs in the absence of
a male until I just read it!
<Oh yes.>
I take back my comment about the basking - she does seem to be doing it
a little bit more, and sometimes at night, which is odd.
<Depends on the air temperature.>
I am going to prep a nesting area today and we'll see.
<Good idea.>
Will take your advice about the Canadian pondweed. Is this available
normally at pet stores in the aquarium section?
<Yes, or the pond section. It's the el-cheapo goldfish weed.
Actually, it's more often Lagarosiphon major, what is commonly
called Elodea densa, rather than Egeria canadensis. But they all taste
the same.>
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Turtle only eating Chicken!
Good point about air temp. I'm in Virginia. Its almost 100 here,
and her tank is getting up there, but not quite in the unsafe zone.
Should I be bringing her inside during these hot months, or is she ok
to bask as she is?
Thanks for your time!
<Carolyn, the water shouldn't be much above 25C/77F; the idea is
that the turtle warms up under the sun lamp and cools down in the
water. That's how these animals thermoregulate. If the water is
much hotter than this, make
sure there's enough shade, and if there isn't, use something
like a pergola to make a shady portion the turtle can use for cover. If
you're in the same part of the world that these turtles come from,
the real risk isn't very great, but you should always bear in mind
the mortality rate tolerable for a population of wild turtles is much
higher than we accept for pets. So just because the species survives in
your area it doesn't mean all turtles have a 100% chance of
surviving the vagaries of your local climate every year. Some of them
surely die each year from heat or cold. In other words, try and buffer
against the extremes of your local climate so that there's minimal
stress on the turtle. Cheers, Neale.>
My Yellow Bellied Slider Turtles
Hi <Hiya - Darrel here>
We have had our turtles (Terri and Torres) since March last year, we
got them for our daughter for her birthday. As I have never known
anything about them we went to a Pet shop to enquire about them before
we would take one on. The man in the shop told us it is pretty straight
forward and with a tank, a few stones and a heat lamp we were good to
go. So she ended up picking two!!
<So far, so good. You need a bit more, but I'll cover that
We took them home and set up the tank like the man in the shop said,
stones along the bottom and a basking area under the heat lamp. He sold
us frozen fish and said to feed them that once a day.
<No. and No.>
To start with they seemed shy and didn't eat but we thought they
just needed to settle in but after nearly two weeks of them still
eating very little I got worried so had a nosy online to look for tips
on how to help them settle......to my horror I realized we needed to be
doing a lot more for them (the pet shop had a tiny tank with about 30
small turtles in with no uvb or filter!!!!!) so after an evening of
research we headed off the next day to get what we needed. By that
evening they had a filter set up in the water and uvb lighting beside
their heat bulb, we also added a few fake plants for them to hide
around as I had read they like this. We stopped feeding them just the
fish and started giving them dried food and fruit too. They did start
to eat more and seemed to be happy and were getting more and more used
to us and their new home. So at this point we were all happy that
everything was as it should be!!
<I'm liking this better now. Good work on reading and
Until about 6 months ago I noticed on FB a friend posted pics of her
turtle Yoda which is around the same age as our two (she got hers a few
months after us) and it was sooooo much bigger. By this stage ours had
barely grown from when we got them (ours were about 1 and 1/2 inch long
and hers was about 2 and 1/2 inch long) and until I saw that pic I did
not realize they should have been growing more. I spoke to her and she
said she has no lighting or filter and just feeds it dried food twice a
day!?!?!?!?! At this point I thought I should visit a vet for advice
but the vets in my area just have no clue and could not advise me so I
did some more online research. I ended up even more confused with so
much conflicting advise out there. We came to the conclusion that they
needed to be eating more/better!! For about a month we tried a few
different things recommended by people/websites and nothing we offered
them seemed to tempt them to eat any more so we tried a few things to
change their tank to see if that helped their 'mood' to see if
that would encourage them to eat more. We tried cuttlefish in the tank
for them to nibble(they never went near it), live plants (they never
ate them and they just got in the way of them swimming about), I
can't think of anything else off the top of my head that we tried
but basically we tried anything we read might help!!! In the end we
read about ReptoMin and we changed them to getting only that, I give
them it every evening and they get the odd piece of fruit or fish about
once a fortnight for a treat. They started to grow and each week we
could see them getting that wee bit bigger so again we were happy that
we had finally everything sorted for them.
<Good work>
BUT recently I again saw a pic of Yoda and it is bigger than your hand
and Terri and Torres are only about 2 and 1/2 inch long now!!!! So this
has me worried again!!!
<Stop worrying!! That right there will help everyone
I would like to ask you what I can do or what I am doing wrong. Why
have my turtles not grown this much and why is hers thriving when she
has no lighting etc for it?
<You're not really doing anything "wrong" at this
point. Terri and Tores are possibly a bit behind the curve, but they
can live over 50 years '¦ they is plenty of time for them to
grow. You signs are
(1) are they active
(2) Do they alternate between swimming and basking
(3) Are they eating
(4) Are their eyes, nose and skin clear
If you answered yes to all these, Sit back, relax and enjoy
Here is a rundown on how we keep/care for them:
-They live in a plastic 'tank' (it is actually an indoor rabbit
bed/hutch with a solid bottom/sides and a cage like top with a door to
let you reach in, it is hard to explain but it works well), it is about
3 feet long and 1 and 1/2 feet wide and the water is about 7 inch deep.
We do not have a water heater as when we tried one they stopped
swimming and I think because we keep our house warm the water stays at
a nice temp for them anyway.
<Turtles don't need nor should they ever have a water heater
unless you live north of the Arctic Circle. They get cool water and a
warm basing area and then they get to choose what they need at the
They have a terracotta plant plate turned upside down for their basking
area, which is held up by a plant pot turned upside down again maybe
not the norm but it is nice and steady and it works well and because
the plate is a few inch wider than the pot holding it up there is an
area below they can 'hide' in when they want to.
<Visual privacy is a plus '¦ just make ABSOLUTELY sure
there's no place they could get into and get stuck!>
There is a uv bulb and a heat bulb that we have on a timer to be on 12
hours a day. They have a few smooth pebbles built up as steps to the
basking area and we also gave them a few pebbles in a corner of the
tank which are just below the water level as they seem to like to be
half in and half out of the water sometimes.
<Very nice touch>
There is also a fake rock with fake plants on that they like to
climb/cling to. There are no places they can get stuck the basking area
is in the middle of the tank and has plenty of room all round for them
to get on and off etc. All pebbles are smooth and sturdy so won't
move or hurt them.
<So far, so good>
- there is a filter and we top up the water level about once a week
(tap water) and change the water and clean the tank out about once
every 3 weeks, we used to do this less but it needs it more now as it
gets dirty quicker now they are eating a bit more.
<Also good>
-they get fed in the tank as although it causes more mess than a
separate feeding area they seem to prefer this and although they eat
most of the pellets straight away the odd one left over they will
nibble on later...I assume they are getting enough as if they
weren't full they would not be leaving some ( there are always one
or two pellets left when I go to feed them the next evening)
<Constantly taking them out of their tank to be fed separately is
something I've always thought of as stressful, so I don't do it
either. I feed mine all the Koi pellets they can eat in 5 minutes
around 3 times a week or every 3rd day.>
- we lift them out about once a week to 'pet' them, they like
to get their chins rubbed and always put their head up waiting for us
to do it
<Yes they do>
-they swim about often and bask with their feet curled up, their eyes
are clean and there shells are hard, we sometimes clean their shell
with a cotton bud if they get a little green
-they do like to hide away sometimes under the basking plate but we
just leave them in peace assuming they just want peace and quiet. They
come to the side of the tank when they hear us and put their head out
of the water as if to say hi :) They seem to like activity and noise
around them as once we moved them to a quiet room thinking they might
prefer quiet and they stopped swimming etc, when we moved them back to
the hallway where there is always noise etc they went back to
<I agree they seem to like interaction with their
I think this is everything, one of them is definitely more shy and
hides away more and if their routine changes any (like we go on holiday
and someone else is caring for them or we are out a lot for a few days)
it seems to be affected more i.e. it will not be so active for a few
days and will hide away more!! They both seem to get 'down'
with any change but once things go back to normal within a few days
they are back to normal too. This sounds silly but they seem to miss us
and then not feel like swimming etc!!! Like I say one is more shy and
takes longer to get over change than the other but I think this is just
it's personality. I think they are both happy and healthy but why
aren't they growing more?? Could it be something to do with bad
care when they were in the pet shop? I read without uv they can go
blind and their shell soften so I have always worried that with them
being in the pet shop without uv it could have done some damage, but
their shell is hard and they can def see. I do not know how many weeks
old they were when we got them as we never thought to ask at the time
so I am not exactly sure of their age but we have had them 1 year and 4
<Doesn't really matter, does it?>
Sorry for the epic e mail and thanks in advance for any advice you can
<No problem - happy to read a HAPPY story, Emma - we don't get
as many of those as you think>
<I think you're being a great Turtle Mom. I understand
you're a bit confused by it all -- that's a cycle we all go
through. When my son and I were starting out in the Marine Tropical
Fish hobby, we sought out so much advice that our heads were spinning
like Linda Blair in The Exorcist '¦ and this is the really
weird part '¦ our success with the hobby started about the
time we STOPPED taking advice from everyone and their brother!! There
are often a dozen ways to accomplish any task, but that doesn't
mean that attempting all 12 ways will accomplish the task. So we
decided on "our" regimen for Quarantine and "our"
regimen for feeding and "our" regimen for water changes, etc.
and almost as if by magic, the problems started to subside. This
isn't to say that we just made stuff up '¦ but we decided
that Sara knows best how to start out on a budget, Steven Pro knows
more about Ick and quarantine than we ever need to know '¦ Bob
Fenner knows more about systems and filtration (and just about
everything else, too) than we could ever learn '¦ so we follow
their advice and life gets real simple!>
<For turtles, I wrote the following care sheet
It covers just the basics from a starting out point of view, covers
everything you need to know and in every case it offers what is known
in the industry as the "right" or "correct" way to
do things.>
<Read it, measure your standards of care against what is written,
adjust anything that is sub-standard (but my guess is you won't
find anything sub-standard in your care!!) and then '¦.
Yellow Bellied Slider Carapace Issue
<Hiya - Darrel here>
I've recently become a first time new owner of a Yellow
Bellied Slider
<Does that mean you're a first time owner?>
<Or does it mean that the turtle is brand new and never been
owned before?>
'¦ and I've noticed over the past few weeks that it
has developed what appears to be an increasing sized crack
between the marginal and costal scutes which almost goes around
the entire shell. I haven't seen the turtle shed yet but from
owning other reptiles and seeing photos on the web it doesn't
appear to be shedding. The cracks are not bleeding currently but
I certainly hope it doesn't come to this.
< I doubt that as well. I think what you have is some
accelerated/excessive natural growth>
A little short history about this turtle, it's previous
<Now we have it. You're the first time owner of a used
'¦ said that she found him on a road and that she had
kept him for 3 years in a 10 gallon tank with a tiny pond and UVB
lamp. The turtle seems small for being 3 years old and
approximately 1.5 inches in diameter but I'm not sure if this
is relevant. The turtle seemed to eat regularly and appeared
healthy upon me adopting it but this daily inspection is becoming
and increasing concern.
<I'm not concerned yet>
Along with the crack in the shell, I've noticed that its been
spending an increasing amount of time hiding under some moss that
I've place in its tank and not so much time in the water and
basking light. Its tank is 50 gallons filtered and the there is
adequate water to swim in and adequate dry land with a basking
area and a couple of hiding spots. All temps in and out of water
seem to be in good ranges but I'm just not sure what the heck
is going on! Maybe it's because I haven't named it
<She has a name. It's just that YOU don't know it
It seems to eat only Repto Min pellets, (I think that's what
they're called), but it only eats every few days from what I
can tell.
<That's GREAT food and you shouldn't offer anything
else. When she gets bigger, you can switch to Koi Pellets which
are (A) Identical for ReptoMin (B) a perfectly balanced diet and
(C) less costly.>
From every where I've searched, this sight seems to be the
most informative.
<That's a sad commentary on the Internet '¦ when
*I* become the voice of experience and wisdom'¦.
Can you help me?
<Sure. First, proper diet and proper environment are 90% of
the way to raise them happy & healthy. You have diet covered,
so let's talk environment. I don't know what YOU mean by
"temperatures seem to have good ranges" so read this
link and compare every part of your care against the article:
<Next thing. The Red & Yellow bellies are not fans of fast
moving water, they like it slow and quiet, so make sure
you're not 'over-pumping' the water. >
<another thing is to judge just how MUCH time she spends
hiding. DOES SHE bask, swim and eat? If so '¦ let's
sit back and give her some space '¦ for all we know
she's just shy.>
<At 1.5 inches, she's small for being 3 years old and that
leads to the presumption that her previous care was less than
stellar. Changing her conditions as you have and providing better
care which you seem to be doing, is likely to cause a {relative}
growth spurt and this would explain what sounds like an annular
Thank you so very much for your help.
<Hope it helps!>
<Bottom line: relax, sounds like you and she are doing
Re: Yellow Bellied Slider Carapace Issue
Hello again!
<Hiya - Darrel here again>
Thank you so very much for your response. It is great to get a
little feed back on the situation. So, I wanted to answer some of
your questions and provide a couple pictures of what I'm
seeing. Hopefully you can see that
there is what appears to be a separation scutes and this is what
I'm talking about. Also, I've reviewed your link a few
times over the past couple of days since I've been doing
extensive research and this is what my current tank set up
<She looks fine to me!>
Temps fluctuate with day and night cycle obviously but are
generally; water = 74, ambient air = 78, and basking temp =
My filter is a Penguin power sponge filter - 170 gph model 660R.
The water flow does not seem to be fast flowing since I have the
flow nozzle positioned toward some rocks but there is still some
water movement. The filter is rather quiet to my ear but I'm
not sure how the turtle reacts to it. Good news is that she is
eating and basking and still entering the water. Maybe I am just
an overly concerned parent:-)
<Yes - welcome to the club.>
I hope the pictures say what I couldn't since I'm relying
on YOUR voice of wisdom and experience on slider turtles:-)
<The pictures look great, Gabby seems like she's doing
well. The ONLY thing I'd suggest is that you go over the tank
setup and makes sure, sure, SURE that there's no place she
could get trapped under water. - Beyond
that, let's give her some space and let her settle in and see
how she does over the next months>
Thank you,
PS: Her name is Gabby:-)
Adult Female Yellow Bellied slider question
Trachemys scripta scripta
Hello Crew!
<Hiya - Darrel here>
I am new to turtle keeping and live in South Carolina (coast). Late
last fall I came upon a female yellow bellied slider along the road in
the middle of a road construction site.
<Ah - the Trachemys scripta scripta! The Construction Site Turtle.
Scientists have been puzzled for years as to what draws the Yellow
Belly turtles to construction sites. Author and turtle expert Pete
Pritchard believes that the odor of the Portland cement may be a
powerful attractant to the females. Others disagree because they are
found JUST as often in road construction sites, where there is no
cement at all - only asphalt. I have my own theory '¦ much
simpler than that: They see the Yellow Construction helmets and think
<Ok. I made all that up. Pete IS a world renown turtle expert and
they DO use asphalt (invented by John Macadam for whom those roads were
originally named -- but everything else I just made up.>
Unsure what to do, I brought her home to what I thought would be a
temporary arrangement. I have a 2,000 gallon pond in my fenced
backyard, into which she escaped. After apparently surviving the
winter, she emerged about 6 weeks ago and I have been feeding her
Repto-min daily.
<Excellent food choice, Ronda. It's 100% balanced nutrition for
her. Now here's a hint: a decent quality KOI pellet will have
exactly the same nutrition but save you bunches of money. I raise my
Trachemys from hatchlings to adult sized breeders on nothing more than
Koi pellets and an occasional (monthly) earthworm just as a
We named her Ace. She basks on the rocks, eats tadpoles, and seemed to
otherwise be happy (I guess?).
<It would seem so>
Last week she went "missing" and we found her finally along
the side of the house in a flower bed where she stayed for the night
but then she went back in her pond the next day. We did capture her at
that time and cleaned her shell (some algae and mud), measured
her--8" W x 9" L--and made some photos, which is how we
determined, fairly surely, that Ace is a girl (short toenails and small
Anyway, yesterday we noticed that she is missing again! She basked all
afternoon and then sometime between about 3pm and 5pm she disappeared.
We searched the yard--under bushes, in landscape, along the house--no
turtle. Unfortunately, we discovered that the side gate was ajar and we
are TERRIFIED that she has gotten out of the yard and become lost. Is
this possible?
<Yes it is, Ronda. They go for walks. No reason (that we know of)
... they just GO>
<Another thing they'll do is burrow into the base of a bush or
hedge and cover themselves more or less completely. Again, no one knows
why they'll do this, but most keepers have 'lost' one or
two .. even for a whole year '¦ only to turn up while doing
spring gardening.>
We live in a neighborhood with little traffic, thankfully, but are
afraid for her safety nonetheless. The docks and homes along the water
in the neighborhood are in brackish water. Would she go into this? How
far might she wander?
<Unfortunately '¦ miles and miles. Look to where you found
her - how far did she wander and what did she encounter in order to get
We have informed our close neighbors to be on the look for her--this
would cover about 3 acres both on our side of the street and across the
street. Will she venture farther than this? Might we never see her
again? We do have an opossum and raccoon on our street. What are your
thoughts and what should we do? We are ready to post MISSING
TURTLE posters with her photo on them!! Please help/advise
Many thanks in advance,
<I've posted signs like that many times. For all you know
someone three blocks away has noticed that a turtle just showed up in
THEIR pond suddenly. So yes, post signs.>
<Also ... look around the house in DARK places. My turtle ponds are
all fenced in (because of this inexplicable wandering urge they have)
but even so, when one does get out (it seems like when no one's
watching they that gallop like a horse or maybe simply levitate - but
they disappear FAST!) - I find more of them in my garage under the work
bench than any other single place.>
<Check around the house, the base of all bushes and trees, any leaf
piles or lose soil, under ledges -- anything she could crawl under
'¦ and by all means put up the posters!>
<best of luck to you>
Biting normal or not? 5/11/10
Hi Crew,
My name is Amanda! Jan of 2009 my grandparents brought our daughter 2
yellow bellied sliders from Florida. They were hatchlings at the time
and have grown quickly we have a male Mr. Turtle and a female Tuck.
Today we took our turtles outside (which they are usually kept in our
living room in a tank) while outside a neighbors daughter 10yrs
old..picked up Tuck (our female) and was bit on the lip.
<The turtle bit the child's lip? What on Earth was this child
doing? Surely at 10 years old she should know better than to try and
kiss a turtle... Kids these days!>
They have bit my fingers when taking food out of my hand, but never
made me bleed.
<This is what they do if they're not habituated to being
I don't know if this is normal or an accident.
<Normal for non-habituated reptiles.>
I don't know if Tuck was scared or just wanted to be on the ground
exploring.. please help I'm sort of freaked that someone got
<I'm not sure why you're freaked out or surprised here.
Reptiles are not family pets in any meaningful sense. Unlike dogs, they
aren't social, so couldn't give a rip about you. All they want
is warmth, a basking spot under a UV light, a mixed plant and animal
based diet, and a bit of water for swimming. That's it. The rest of
the time they want to be left alone. Some people habituate their
reptiles to handling by holding on to them periodically, for short
periods at first, and then for longer periods or more frequently as the
reptile matures. With luck, the reptile will get used to handling. Some
species are better at this than others -- Bearded Dragons for example
are easily habituated, and that's one reason they're popular.
But other reptiles never really enjoy being handled, and turtles, as
you'd imagine given their shells, prefer to be left alone. So yes,
Tuck was scared, and his biting was simply a result of that. When it
comes to hand-feeding any animal, it's best not to, and when
hand-feeding my predatory fish I always use steel forceps, not my
fingers. I've said it before and I'll say it again, turtles
aren't pets for children. They bite, they and their enclosures can
carry salmonella, and they provide nothing in terms of affection. None
of these things are really issues for healthy adults, but children
often allow themselves to get bitten or do things that cause animals to
bite them, and children are especially at risk from salmonella
infections because they don't wash their hands as often as they
Thanks in advance--
<Hope this clarifies things a bit. Cheers, Neale.>
questions re-my yellow bellied slider. Fdg., sys.
I came about upon your page and found the information quite helpful but
I still have a few questions:
<Fire away.>
First, about my yellow bellied: - Jude (not sure if male or female) is
still a baby,
<Males have longer claws and longer tails, relative to body
Furthermore, the vent, or "cloaca", will be about one-third
the distance along the tail from the base in the case of females,
whereas on males the vent will be about two-thirds of the way from the
base of the tail.>
got her about 2 weeks ago so my guess is that she is about 6 or 8 weeks
old. - She is 1-3/4" shell length - For what I can tell; healthy
and happy, for now she is in a small tank (about 6 gallons) with
basking area, a plant friend she hangs around often, a mother of all
filters and UV light.
<Good. Do read though to make sure you've covered all the
Questions: - First of all re-feeding, we have been
giving her the Repto-min floating baby food (smaller than the adult
version) we started the first week with about 5 pellets, but she seems
hungrier each day, today I gave her 9 in the morning and she gobbled
them in less than 5 minutes.
<Do augment this with much plant material, or else something for
herbivorous fish; Koi pellets appear to work well. The fibre will make
the turtle feel more "full". Pellets alone tend to be
nutritional in terms of
vitamins and minerals, but lacking fibre, and do seem related to
constipation and other problems. Feeding these turtles isn't really
difficult, and needn't be expensive either, since much greenery in
your salad bowl is good for them. Cheap aquarium plants such as Elodea
are also good.
Fed this way, leave pellets for use a couple times a week.>
In the late afternoon we give her a second feeding but much smaller,
perhaps 3 pellets. Is this too much food?
<See above, and linked article/s.>
she seems hungry, the first week she would shy away from our fingers
but now she stares at them and even yesterday bit our fingers a couple
of times. - Second, I read in your page to not give yellow bellied
sliders chicken,
<Correct. Never, ever give a pet reptile meat from
"warm blooded" animals unless you know such
food forms part of its natural diet. Pythons for example can,
do eat mice, and have evolved the enzymes to deal with the fats in warm
blooded animals. Your terrapin naturally eats mostly plant
material and small invertebrates, and cannot digest fats from warm
blooded animals. End result is the fats that are oils when warm inside
a chicken or whatever become congealed in the colder bodies of your pet
terrapin. Obviously, that's bad.>
I have a couple of days given her instead of pellets in the afternoon,
2 or 3 tiny pieces of kielbasa sausage about the same size of the
pellets, is this not good for her either?
<Very, very bad. I'm sure he/she will eat all sorts of stuff,
but mammal/bird meat is bad to begin with, and the spices, additives
and who-knows-what they add to processed foods will make things even
Want to give your turtle a treat? Add a clump of Elodea/Canadian Pond
Don't feed him for a few days, and let him graze away healthily at
Alternatively, small morsels of seafood or white fish fillet would be
good, since these don't contain the sorts of fats that would set
solid inside a reptile. Humans eat all sorts of garbage, which is why
we in Europe and the US tend to be fat and suffering from diabetes and
all kinds of other problems caused by bad diet. Pet animals can't
make sensible choices, they eat what's in front of them, so you
have to be much more disciplined about feeding them than you might be
with yourself.>
I did it more as a treat than as actual food, in the morning I give her
nothing but the pellets and she has not refused to receive those. - At
the pet shop they sold us a calcium stone that is meant to dissolve
slowly into the water, but reading your site I found that it is not
good to add those, does that apply to yellow bellied sliders as
<Correct; calcium isn't taken up through the water, and needs to
be part of the turtle's diet. Something called metabolic bone
disease (MBD) is very common when these reptiles don't get enough
calcium in their diet. If you give them a balanced diet, including a
good quality calcium-enriched turtle pellets such as ReptoMin, this
shouldn't be a problem. By all means break off a bite size piece of
calcium-rich cuttlebone and let it float about the tank: the turtles
will crunch on this if they feel the need.>
or was that specific to that other turtle? should I remove the calcium
<It is pointless, doing no harm or good, so do what you
- Is my tank the appropriate size? it is about
16" long x 8" deep x 10" high, my guess is about 6
gallons or so, she is small and has swimming room but when should I get
a new tank? or do I have to do that immediately?
<Will need a bigger tank within a year, most likely; do read above
linked articles.>
- Lastly, she was quite bitey yesterday, snapped 2 or 3 times at our
fingers even stared and chased them as if they were preys, I thought
maybe because I had added the kielbasa sausage to the diet? :( will
their behavior change upon a diet change? what "meat" food
other than the processed stuff is safe to feed her?
<All terrapins can become "snappy", but there is some
variation between them. Regular, gentle handling can minimise this, but
this needs to be done carefully so the turtle feels secure. If it's
flailing its arms and legs about, it's not feeling secure! Handle
for short periods initially. Reward the turtle afterwards with food.
Understand that stressed turtles common defecate when handled, and all
turtles -- indeed, all reptiles -- can carry Salmonella so appropriate
washing/hygiene is essential.>
Thank you very much in advance LaVRA
<Happy to help. Cheers, Neale.>
help -- 02/14/10
Dear Crew,
<Hiya - Darrel here>
Got a yellow bellied turtle from someone who was going
to ditch it. I like it but its fluttering its front
claws in front of its face in a quick fashion.
<usually that's what males do in courtship, Casey. Males have
the long nails and they flutter them in front of the female as if you
say "See? Look! I have long nails!">
<In the human world, I've found that it's never a good idea
for the male to have prettier hair, longer nails or just be prettier
than the female ... but apparently things are different in the turtle
<So if he's doing it to another turtle, that's
Should I be concerned ?
Thanks --CASEY
Yellow Bellied Slider Spots -- 01/30/10
<Hiya - Darrel here>
I have 2 yellow bellied slider turtles. My father bought them for my
family in Florida in August of 2009 and brought them to my children (6,
4, & 2) in MA for a souvenir.
<Dad's heart is in the right place, but he should know that
animals don't make good gifts. Let's just be thankful Dad
didn't go to Africa!!!!!>
The turtles WERE very small...about 1/2 dollar size. Needless to say I
am the care taker of the turtles (and actually have become very fond of
them). Not knowing a thing about turtles, I am doing my best with help
from the Internet and pet stores (although I now realize the staff of
some of the chain pet stores are not as experienced with some pets as I
had thought...one staff person told me to feed my sliders on the dock
in a dish so the water would not get as dirty.) They have been doing
well. They are now about 3 inches, one being slightly bigger than the
other...but always has been. They have been fed mainly ReptoMin food
sticks and a few other types of store bought pellet food. I have not
yet introduced any vegetables.
<Not a problem. I raise them from hatchlings to breeders on
Repto-min, Koi pellets and an occasional earthworm. If you think about
it, they don't get Collards, Romaine, Carrots or squash in their
natural environment anyway.>
For most of their lives, about the first for months that I had them,
they had been in a 10 gallon tank, about a third full with a dock and a
basking light. The light I had used was one that I had used in a chick
brooder...with a 120 watt bulb. They seemed to thrive although after
reading more and more, I recently changed their light to a reptile UV A
light especially made for basking...75 Watts. (I keep nothing on the
bottom of the tank, which helps in keeping them clean and use a Power
Filter for a 40 gallon tank.)
<Sounds really good so far. UV-A is close to the "black
light" effect we're used to from the seedy bars and nightclubs
we hang out in ('¦ er '¦ ah '¦ so I hear
anyway!) and that light is beneficial to reptiles, but UV-B is CRITICAL
to their welfare. You get that from direct, unfiltered sunlight or a
dedicated UV-B bulb.>
I have noticed that the turtles are not basking as much as they used to
(although they are basking). They spend more time under the dock in the
water...a reaction I would expect if I increased the wattage of the
bulb. It is mid winter and I wonder if they just want more time with
the light off? It had been on 12-14 hours a day...I am trying to make
sure I shut it off earlier now (12 hours max.). They do not have a
heater for the night. I was advised that I would not need one if I had
not used one all along. We keep our home at around 70-72 degrees in the
<Water temp is great. A 75 watt basking light should be warm enough
assuming it's close enough. Besides, when the lamp is too cold,
they bask LONGER, not less>
Is this normal winter behavior?
<As far as winter versus summer cycles, that would have a lot to do
with the bigger picture. If they're housed in a room that gets a
lot of natural lighting (say - the living room) and therefore they are
exposed to the shorter-day light cycles from outside, then they will
tend to cycle as well. So far '¦ as long as they ARE basking,
eating and active and their shells are nice & hard '¦
I'm hearing only good things. (go buy a UV-B bulb)>
Their markings have changed as well. On their (yellow) plastron one
only had two dark (blackish-green) marks near the neck while the other
had several all along the out line of the plastron (yellow side). My
son had noticed that the turtle with several markings has "lost
some spots" which I read is normal...but the other turtle has
"gained" two, smaller, lighter brown spots above the two it
already had. The markings are very symmetrical. They are not raised and
don't look to be troubling...but is this normal?
That same turtle also has 4 new tiny silver marks (iridescent like) on
the top part of it's shell, spread out evenly at the edge of
it's shell head side (very symmetrical as well). They are recent by
a week or so...if that. Is this normal?
<Sounds like he's ready to shed those scutes. So far --
The markings do not resemble anything that I have read about on the
Internet that have to do with fungus, bacteria, or shell rot.
<so far -- all good>
Should I go back to the light that I thought was "too bright and
hot". They seemed happier in some way.
<There's nothing wrong with trying it. One of the things that
I've learned is that we go with whatever works! Try it, so how
things change>
I know I need a UVB light, but have to wait for tax returns (they are
<Not really. My old "standby" was a $12 Vita-Lite bulb in
an $8 florescent fixture from my local building supply store. Vita-Lite
now make full spectrum CFL bulbs that screw in a standard socket for
around that same price. They're not AS well suited to raising
turtles as the more expensive bulbs like Zoo-Med but when I was a
starving student and it was what I could afford '¦ it got the
job done.>
What is the best and easiest light to get...a combo of UV A/UV B/
basking? Any recommendations?
<Right now, I'd place the 75w basking/UV-A lamp (or the chick
brooder bulb) side by side with a $13-$18 Duro-Test brand Vita-Lite
Compact Florescent.>
I get a different answer from every pet store employee that I ask.
<I understand that. MY answers are also known in the industry as the
"right"¢" or "Correct"¢"
I don't think this situation calls for a vet, but I don't know
for sure. I hope to keep them happy and healthy without a Vet visit.
Money is an issue, but I would do what it takes to keep them
<You sound like you're doing very well!>
I am concerned about the markings and would like to stop a bad
situation if one has begun. Thank You In advance,
<Meg - here's a link to an incredibly well-written article on
the care and keeping of Red Eared Sliders, which are identical in need
as far as care is concerned. It sounds like you're already doing
everything right!>
< http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/RESCareBarton.htm>
Hello Again Team... Cooter, resp. inf. --
<Hiya -- Darrel here>
I have 2 yellow bellied Cooter turtles we believe that the one may have
RI but every thing we have read says its not hard to identify.
<You're correct, Scott. Whether RI means Rhode Island or
Respiratory Infection, it's usually easy to find. If you have a
map. Or a vet license.>
The turtle seems out of sorts and as been sleeping at the bottom of the
tank constantly only to come up for air or to eat occasionally. This
turtle very much enjoyed basking until last week and has not gone up on
the dock at all this week.
<Not a good sign, to be sure>
His eyes mouth and nose seem to be fine there maybe a little bit of
puffiness in the eyes but not enough to be able to tell for sure there
is no mucus or sneezing or any of the other signs of R I Other than
lack of mobility and that it is always sleeping.
<The first symptom of just about any reptile disease is general
debilitation and lack of normal behavior>
Also we have a heater in the tank ( 75 gallon tank) and large basking
light so temperatures should be ideal. So I was wondering what your
input is - do you believe that the turtle has RI Or is something else
going on with our turtle.
<Yes, I believe he either has a respiratory infection or something
else going on. My guess at the moment, based solely on swollen eyes is
that he may have a vitamin deficiency .. with a respiratory or other
opportunistic infection on it's way. My suggestion is that you
remove the water heater. Room temperature water is just fine for
turtles (unless you live north of the Arctic Circle) and once in a
while, water that's a bit TOO warm can cause a disruption in the
basking/swimming cycle.>
<Now down to treatment. I'm enclosing a link that covers
isolating a turtle in a warm & dry state. The reason is that once a
turtle begins to become ill, the wet & cool environment actually
works against him. If he's not basking, the water is just taxing
his ability to thrive, upsetting his digestion, which further
debilitates him. Follow the instructions for swollen eyes (because the
general care will also help fight a respiratory infection) and during
this time, make SURE your housing and husbandry are up to spec (second
link enclosed called 'care'>
<treatment: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/treating%20RES%20Dis%
Thanks so much for your input we look forward to some answers
<More answers? Sure!>
<Not until pay day>
<About 350 degrees for 15 minutes>
<I would>
<Answer unclear -- ask again later>
<If I COULD walk that way, I wouldn't need the Talcum
Turtle identification 8/18/09
I'm Lotoya
<I'm not! -- I'm Darrel>
I'm just trying to identify the type of turtle that I have.
Based on the receipt I received from the pet shop, it states that
its a red ear slider.
However, based on photos that I have found on the internet, it
looks more like a yellow bellied slider, So I am just trying to
confirm this with you guys.
<Based on the lack of a bright red patch on the side of the
head, generally around where we'd expect ears to be (hence
the name Red "Eared" Slider as opposed to Red
"Necked" Slider), this is indeed a one of any number of
subspecies of Trachemys Scripta scripta, or Yellow Bellied
<Of course, if he sits around the house all day chewing
tobacco, has a broke down pickup truck in his front lawn and a
refrigerator on his front porch .... HE JUST MIGHT BE a REDNECK
Yellow Bellied Slider!!!!!!>
PS I have attached two photographs.
<Larry is handsome>
Thanks in advance for your help.
<Here's some more help: a Complete Guide to caring for
Healing Turtle -- 7/18/09
Dear WWM
<Hiya, Kelly -- Darrel here>
I have been treating my turtle (female yellow belly slider) with the
peroxide/Povidone treatment that you suggested due to a possible fungal
infection. The reddish brown spots look like they are healing. The
front and back legs still foam up a lot when I put on the peroxide.
I have had my turtle out of the water for five days. She gets her daily
bath for approximately five minutes to eat, which she is still
However she has not pooped in those five days. Is that concern? Is
there something I can do for constipation in case it is that? Keep in
mind she will not eat any type of lettuce or greens. She wouldn't
even eat them when she wasn't sick. She will only eat ReptoMin.
<Which is fine Kelly, it's the only diet she needs. Identical to
Koi pellets, just more expensive.>
<As far as the constipation, raise the temperature of her soaking
water by a few degrees and leaver he in it longer than the 5 minutes.
Say .. 15. This should help get things moving again>
Next, her front legs are very limp and she can not brace herself on
them or use them to swim. When I put her in water to test it she just
floated there and looked like she wanted to move them put couldn't
use them very well. She is smaller than my other female but her front
legs look larger like they might be swollen. Is this due to the
possible fungal infection or is there something else going on? When she
is out of the water she is unable to move at all as she can not propel
herself. Her front legs are curled in like she is resting on her
knuckles. Please advise.
<This one's hard to call without a physical exam. Unless they
are atrophied from lack of use due to long term infection, the first
thing that springs to mind is MBD (Metabolic bone disease) but the
ReptoMin is a balanced diet. So at the moment .. all I have for you is
a 'Hmmmm ....' and an arched eyebrow. Let's keep treating
for another two weeks and then talk again.>
Finally, I have a Repti Glo 5.0 UVB light and a 75 W exo-terra swamp
Glo basking light. Do I need both of these? I am having difficulty
getting both to shine on the basking spot at the same time. If I need
both how much time per day do they need each light and does the UVB
light need to shine directly on the basking spot?
<The basking lamp is primarily for heat, Kelly. The UVB is providing
the "sunlight" necessary for Vitamin D and Calcium absorption
(Hmmmm again?).
It is far more critical that the UVB reach her because that MUST be
direct, unfiltered by any glass or even screen, to be effective. While
I applaud you spending the extra money for "proper(tm)"
equipment, the Exo-terra is essentially JUST a light bulb. You can take
a 100 W GE soft white and suspend it further out of the way to let the
UVB have priority and yet let the heat hit the basking spot.>
Re: Healing Turtle 7/22/09
I have still been treating my turtle for possible fungal infection.
However today I have been spending more time than usual observing her
and I have noticed mucus/bubbles coming from her nose.
<Bad news>
Also, one of her eyes has discharge coming from it so I have been
treating her eyes with turtle eye drops (Zoo Med Repti Turtle Eye
<More bad news>
I put her in the tank the today because she has been struggling to move
her legs around like she wants to walk but can't, so I thought I
would see what would happen. She was in there for less than 5 minutes
and she just floated there, still listing to one side, and kept opening
her mouth (like she was yelling under water). She would try to push of
something with her back legs, but did not have control moving around
with her front legs. They still appear weak and she still has not
walked yet, but can push herself in circles by using her back legs. I
have noticed that she does try to push herself up on her front legs,
she just doesn't seem to have the strength to walk. Maybe this will
improve. What do you think? Do you think she might have a respiratory
infection after all?
<At this point I'd say that yes, She has a respiratory infection
-- it was either the underlying cause of her problems or was
opportunistic due to her weakness. The Last Thing we want to do is put
her in water deep enough to let her nose go under.>
<Her biggest problem by now is simply her weakness. Keep her warm
and dry and let's find a vet for her>
Please advise. If you think she needs to see a herp vet, can you tell
me how to go about finding a good one?
<That's harder than it ought to be. The best of the best is in
Marathon, Florida but you might find one closer to you through this
http://www.herpvetconnection.com On the bright side, treating these
basic symptoms aren't that challenging even to a Vet that
hasn't had a lot of herpetological exposure. If the Vet is
experienced, he or she will know what to do. If not, suggest Fortaz
(ceftazidime) dosed at 20 mg per kg subQ/IM for 7 days (the vet will
understand that) or possibly Baytril (Enrofloxacin) 7.5-10 mg per kg
diluted with normal saline Subq/IM. At the same time, ask about a one
time vitamin & calcium injection.>
Thanks again for your help.
<Best of luck, Kelly>
P.S. Her shell does look better and there did appear to be some fungus,
but that appears to be all gone. There are still some red spots on her
shell underneath by her legs, but they appear to be healing
Question About Yellow Bellied Slider Turtles.
Fdg. + 7/14/2009
Hello.! I'm Nadine.
<Hiya right back! Darrel here>
I have 2 Yellow Bellied Slider Turtles which I bought at xmas 2007 when
they were babies. I have several questions and I hope you can help
because no one else seems to know.
<I hope I can answer them too!>
First things first - Feeding - At the moment I'm feeding them once
in the morning and once in the evening, I know as they get older your
only supposed to feed them once every 2 days but how do you know when
you start doing that?
<You can start doing that right now. After a year they will do just
fine feeding once a day during the summer and once every three days
during the winter>
Also I am feeding them chicken and prawns at the moment because they
are refusing to eat they're pellets or anything else. I heard your
supposed to feed them fruit and veg as well?
<Not 'as well'. Try "Instead of." None of the
Emydid turtles (Sliders, cooters, map turtles and even - irony here -
the Chicken turtles) eat chicken OR prawns. Neither are part of their
natural diet and neither are
good for them. So STOP! Right now.>
But they wont... how can I get them to eat different things?
I've tried cooking veg with the chicken but its not worked.
<here's what do: First. Stop feeding them for a week. Seven
days. NO food. Then, each day, put them in a shallow bowl of luke warm
water with just two or three Repto-min food sticks or 6 or 7 standard
Koi Pellets. If they ignore the food or don't eat after 15 minutes,
take them out and put them back in their regular tank. Each day, new
fresh water in the shallow bowl with a very few pieces of food.
Eventually .. somewhere between 3 days and two months .. they'll
<Are you listening?>
<Pay attention to this:>
<DO NOT GIVE IN. Don't feel sorry for them, don't feel like
they're starving, don't feel like 'just a tiny bit' of
chicken won't hurt ..... DO NOT GIVE IN OR GIVE UP!!!!!!!!!>
<The one who hold out the longest is the one in charge of this
relationship -- and that's supposed to be YOU, OK?>
Also I always believed they were male and female due the fact
'she' is larger and longer claws, they also shake each others
claws in each others faces (which I've heard is the mating ritual)
and many times I've seen them mating with his penis out. Tonight
though I looked over and he was chasing and biting what looked like
'her' penis?!! I know it was definitely her because they both
do look different. I am so confused?!
<Well if one of the females has a penis .. you're not the ONLY
one confused .. think how confused SHE is!!!>
<The males have long claws and the females do not. Males also have
much thicker tails at the base where it connects to the shell, while
the females' tails are much more slender. Sliders reach sexual
maturity with
size, not age but males become mature, generally, around 4 years and
females at 6 years (assuming normal growth)>
Last thing is how do you know they are happy?
<Turtles have much simpler lives than people do, Nadine. They show
their happiness by being healthy and active. By thriving. If
they're active and eating, basking and swimming, growing and
maturing, if their environment is clean and big enough, if their shells
are hard and their eyes are clear ... then it's a sure bet that
they're happy!>
Sorry for the long winded email just wanted to make sure im doing
everything right.
<Long winded??? Not even close!! It was a nice letter and I hope I
Thanks x
Turtle AND husband in some hot water?
Dear Crew,
<Hiya Kelly -- Darrel here>
I have a yellow belly slider that is not doing well. It is a female in
a 65 gallon tank with another female yellow belly slider. Its shell is
about the size of a small woman's palm. I was gone for two weeks
while my husband watched them.
<uh oh - make him pay for that!>
The water got pretty dirty so I emptied all the water out, cleaned the
entire cage, including the filters and added new water.
<That's a good idea. Also, you should sterilize the entire setup
as well.
Here's a link I've written in the past:
The temp is currently set at 82 degrees.
<WAAAAAAAAAY too hot!>
<WAY too hot>
<The water temp should be between 65 and 73 -- usually it will take
on the temp of the room it's in, but we NEVER heat a turtles water!
The whole idea is they choose between the heat of their basking area
and the cool of their water. Do whatever you need to do to get that
temperature down>
They have a large basking spot with turtle lighting.
<that would be both a heat generating lamp making the basking area
85-93 degrees and also a UV lamp?>
I have two in tank filters and an under gravel filter. Since changing
the entire water it seems as if the tank might be recycling so I added
some stress zyme. The parameters are all zero (nitrate, nitrite, and
with the pH being 6.6 to 6.8. Normally the pH of my tap water is 7.6 so
that is why I am thinking it is recycling.
<In normal circumstances it's not really possible for a turtle
tank to reach a balanced biological filter cycle like a fish-type tank.
There is simply too much waste and too RAW a waste for any reasonable
biocycle to
achieve stability. Rather than additives and Ph tests, etc. you're
far better off to invest your energy in frequent water changes and your
money in activated carbon for your filters. The Ph, chlorine and
ammonia/chloramines from any normal tap water is well within their
tolerance and it's really not worth your time and money to try to
correct something that is already just fine for them>
Anyway, to the turtle. She is not swimming and when I put her in the
water she is leaning towards one side. When she is basking she is
putting her front legs turned in like she is resting on her knuckles
(if that makes sense). She has some reddish brown spots under her shell
by her back legs and a little bit by her head. She is very lethargic
and won't go in the water to eat, but if I put her in a bucket with
some ReptoMin she goes after it right away and eats it. She has trouble
getting all the way out of the water to bask but if I lift her up and
set her down to bask she will stay there. She does seem to move her
front legs when in the water but obviously with the leaning she is
having trouble controlling her movement.
My other turtle seems fine as she is very active and alert.
<I agree she's sick and likely has a skin fungus. It's good
that she's eating well>
What do you suggest I do? If you think she needs to go to a vet, can
you suggest the best way for me to find a qualified one? I live in
Racine WI which is in the southeast of WI.
<We're not there yet, we can treat this at home>
Any advise would be greatly appreciated!
<Here it comes>
<I recently wrote someone with essentially the same problems and
gave them the same advice. So I'm enclosing a link to what I wrote.
NATURALLY you should hang on my EVERY word from EVERY letter I answer,
but the first letter in this link contains all the advice I would be
giving to you here if I weren't too lazy to copy & paste the
entire letter rather than just the link: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/resdisf4.htm>
<Now that's the advice for treating the turtle. By the way, take
them BOTH out and treat them BOTH for the possible fungus. Meanwhile,
here's a link to a BRILLIANT article that covers all the basics of
their regular housing and care should be. Check your care against these
standards and correct whatever is not in line.>
< http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/RESCareBarton.htm>
Re: Turtle and husband in hot water? 07/13/09
Thanks for answering
<Happy to do it!>
My main concern was that she was listing to one side when swimming and
very lethargic to the point of barely moving (and sitting with her
front legs curled so her knuckles are towards the ground, if that makes
sense). The only time I see her move is when the other turtle knocks
her off the basking area or if she is going for food. She still has an
appetite, so that is a positive. The person I talked to said that based
on the listing and lethargy it is probably a respiratory infection. Do
you agree that this could be the case?
<Not necessarily. Lethargy comes from almost any kind of illness
that is debilitating and respiratory infections are usually accompanied
by bubbles from the nose AND loss of appetite. So far I'm betting
fungal based on the reddish brown spots>
If so is there anything else I should be doing?
<read below>
I haven't noticed any sneezing or coughing or discharge from her
<A contra-indication of respiratory infection>
Interestingly enough I received some advice and already started a
similar regimen. I have her in a spare tank with a basking lamp on her
24/7. I also treated the reddish brown areas with Povidone/iodine and
it already looks better after two treatments.
<Again. Get her out of the water and keep her out except for feeding
& drinking time -- just like in the link I sent you. What we're
trying to do here is give her a break ... make her life EASY, no
GROWTH, ETC... Whatever she has ... will heal better if you follow my
advice and keep her warm and DRY for the next two months while her
immune system kicks this>
Every person I talked to at a pet store and everything I have read on
the internet said the tank should be heated.
<Unless you live in the Arctic circle ... everything you read on the
Internet or heard in the pet stores is wrong. Period. The turtle will
enjoy room temperature water -- any room temperature that YOU would
feel comfortable in ... and then CHOOSE the warmth of the basking lamp
when SHE decides to warm up.>
I normally have it at 75 degrees but turned it up when she got sick. I
have since turned it back down to 70 degrees.
<You have to HEAT the tank water to 70 degrees? In Wisconsin in
Do you think I should take the heater out all together?
<YES!!! Unlike fish, turtles have a habit of accidentally breaking
heaters (assuming it's a glass heater) and then cutting themselves
on the shards of glass (or biting the electrical wires). They don't
need it, it's not good for them, so yes, please remove it>
Also, ever since I totally cleaned out the tank (siphoned all the water
out, cleaned the filters, cleaned the inside of the glass, and added
more water the water kind of smells (sort of like my fish tank did when
it was recycling). Is this normal?
<No it's not normal. But fungus is very often smelly ... so
there ya go>
<Please sterilize the tank & equipment as I described in the
first link, keep BOTH the turtles warm and dry (watered & fed once
daily) for a minimum of two weeks before you put the asymptomatic one
back in her normal tank ... and the one with the known problem .....
around 6-8 weeks: AT LEAST 3 weeks after you see NO skin discoloration,
NO lethargy and NO other symptoms. At least.>
Re: Turtle and husband in hot water? 7/14/2009
A couple of questions regarding the treatment regimen:
On your link you posted the following, "After her daily bath, let
her dry completely and then clean the affected area(s) with hydrogen
peroxide on a cotton swab, then soak or dribble some Povidone (any kind
of iodine) on the affected area. Do this for a week and note the
healing." After I dribble the Povidone on the area do I rinse it
off or let it dry on there? When I have been doing it I have been
leaving it on for a few minutes then rinsing the turtle. Please
<Nah -- let it stay on and dry. The thin film covering the affected
area helps it just a tiny bit>
Also, with the healthy turtle there aren't any affected areas so
where should I put the Povidone?
<The healthier turtle doesn't need to have the peroxide/Povodine
treatment ... just to be out of the warm/moist world for a few weeks to
nip any fungus or infection before it has a chance to catch
With the sick turtle she has some reddish brown spots under her shell
by her head. How do I treat with hydrogen peroxide and Povidone without
getting it on her face or in her eyes?
<A Q-tip swab might help. Hold her upright and let a drop fall off
the end of a spoon. I always keep a box of insulin syringes around to
be able to specifically place drops in tight places.>
Finally, the sick turtle's front legs are very limp. When I lifted
one to try and straighten it out (very gently) I noticed some yellowish
spots. I am assuming some kind of fungi like you suspected. I am going
to treat
these spots along with the reddish brown spots directly. Is this
Thanks again for your help. I hope she gets better and doesn't
<We hope so, too!>
Please help us! 5/16/09
<Hiya, Darrel here>
We have two small turtles. They are about the size of
a half dollar and have yellow belly's with beautiful markings.
<Regardless of the species, they sound like water turtles of the
family Emydidae (most of the hard shelled water turtles) of which the
most common is the Red Eared Slider. Do a web search on "red eared
slider" and "yellow belly turtle" and see what images
pop up.>
One of them keeps throwing him/her self on it's
back. Then when I turn it over the right way he/she sticks
it's head out of the water and opens it's mouth really wide.
Then it climbs back on the side of the rocks..and pushes it's self
back onto it's back and looks like it's dead but it's
not... The second turtle seems to be scared or something as it swims
around back and forth in the tank...I have no clue of what's going
on. Could you please help me?
<It sounds like they don't have quite the right environment,
Teresa. I'm getting the idea that he's in water shallow enough
that he can press his head against the bottom and flip over while in
the water. If that's the
case, that's too shallow. At the same time I'm going to guess
that they don't have a basking areas that is dry enough and warm
enough. I'm enclosing a link on the basic care of this kind of
turtle and it's important to know that they don't need very
much, but they do NEED what they need. Please give it a solid read and
compare your keeping to the instructions in the guide -- then do what
you need to do to correct things.>
<Meanwhile, There is a possibility that I'm just not
understanding you very well. It's been said that I have a mind like
a steel trap ...>
[Editor's note: He does actually have a mind like a Steel Trap:
everything that goes in, comes out mangled]
<.... but sometimes my mind picture isn't what you really meant,
so please don't hesitate to write back with more explanation. In
the mean time, fix things up for them and let's see what happens
< http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/RESCareBarton.htm
Baby Turtle Identification -- 01/22/09 Hello
Crew, <Hiya Brittany, Darrel here tonight> I live in Myrtle
Beach, South Carolina and I found a baby turtle inside the
automotive shop where I work. I took the cute little thing home
with me and it has done incredibly well thus far. I want to be
sure I'm giving it the proper care though, and I haven't
been able to figure out exactly what type of turtle it is.
<That's a nice picture, Brittany. If you'll select
Google Images and put in "Pseudemys" in the search bar,
you'll come up with many pictures of the family -- of which
the Red Eared Slider (P. scripta elegans) is only one group. Many
of the Cooters and Plain turtles are native to South Carolina as
well.> I'd also like to know if it is male or female.
<There are no visual difference at that size, Brittany,
Turtles attain sexual maturity with SIZE, not age, so until
Fabian gets larger none of the sexual differences will be
visible. The GOOD news is that they don't seem to care,
either. I have a female Florida Cooter named Albert and she seems
to be just fine with that name.> I've had it in a tank
with water and a place where it can climb up and a light, etc.
Generally, he stays at the bottom unless he is eating and he
likes to dig in his rocks and when I take him out of his tank to
clean it he generally winds up burrowing himself in the folds of
a towel. From what I can find on the Internet, he looks a lot
like a red eared slider by his shell, but does not have red ears
at all, so I'm confused. If you could help me determine what
type of turtle I have and offer some tips on the best care and
feeding it would be greatly appreciated. I've grown rather
attached to the little guy. Welcome to my world, Brittany!
They're fun and personable animals that, trust me, will grow
on you and become a part of your family. Here are some pics of my
family:> < http://www.xupstart.com/wwm>
I've attached the only photo I have of him at the moment,
please let me know if you need more/better photos. <Do the
research Brittany, and after you make a more specific
identification, write back with a pic of the two of you!>
<As for care, it's Identical to the Red Eared Slider and
here is THE BEST care sheet you'll ever need> <
Thanks! Brittany <You're welcome!>
Yellow Bellied slider not
eating 11/28/08 Dear Wet Web Media, We are writing
to you to ask for some advice. We have previously written to you and
you were fantastic in your response. We have now had our yellow bellied
slider turtles for almost a year. One has grown significantly larger
than the other but from what I can gather this could be due to gender
difference which we can not yet judge. However this is not the concern.
The smaller of the two turtles (approx 8cm long shell) has in the last
5 days or so completely stopped eating. We feed them daily on a dried
pellet and shrimp turtle mix once a day. In order to feed them we
remove them to a feeding tank (their living tank is 11 gallon tank (14
US gallons) with 15w UVB lamp, basking dock and filter, the water is
kept at room temperature with no heater). When the feeding tank is
presented to them both of the turtles become excited and swim
frantically at the glass of the tank in anticipation of feeding. The
smaller one has stopped this behaviour and instead is hiding himself
away in the far corner of the tank and digging into the gravel and
hardly ever coming out of the water to the dock to bask. To summarise,
he's not eating, digging and has reduced his movement. We have
considered that these may be traits of hibernation but are finding it
hard to find information on this. It is winter here and our house;
therefore their tank is colder. We are planning on buying a water
heater in order to maintain a constant temperature for them. However,
we are seriously concerned by his lack of eating. Please can you advise
what may be inducing this behaviour and what we can do to help him --
if he needs it. Awaiting your response, many thanks Emma <Emma, when
reptiles go "off" their good, there's usually one of four
things going on. Firstly, and most commonly, they're too cold.
Reptiles need warm conditions, and in the U.K for example, while
summers are warm enough for freshwater turtles, the winters are not.
While Sliders do come from a warm temperate to subtropical environment,
they should not be exposed to prolonged cold spells. Minimum water
temperature should be about 18 degrees C. Yes, feral Sliders have
become established in the UK, implying a certain degree of tolerance of
cold, but what reptile keepers should understand is that for every
turtle that survives the winter, another one (at least) doesn't.
That's a level of mortality we just can't accept with a pet. So
it's time to warm up the tank, I suspect. Use an external heater,
otherwise these clumsy reptiles will destroy it! I like the heaters
that you install into a break cut into the outgoing pipe from the
external canister filter. Sliders do not hibernate as such; in the wild
they may become torpid for short periods but that is quite a different
thing to hibernation. In any case, "resting" freshwater
turtles through the winter is widely recommended against by vets and
experienced reptile keepers. Most folks who try to hibernate their
Sliders end up with dead Sliders. One common problem is the rotting of
undigested food in the gut, leading to bacterial infections. (It's
the same reason you don't feed pond fish during the weeks prior to
the first frost.) The other reasons reptiles go off their food are
boredom (being offered the same foods over and over); disease (loss of
appetite is a key symptom); and stress (bullied or egg-bound females
are likely to stop eating). Hope this helps, Neale.>
Yellow Bellied Slider, sys,
fdg. 10/6/08
Hi Crew,
<Hiya Cherie, Darrel here this afternoon>
I have a young (5 months) yellow bellied slider that I house indoors,
in a 15 gal. tank. Recently he has been acting very restless. He has
always been an active little guy, he loves to climb anything as high as
he can, and because of this I made him a long ladder/hill with a
basking site on top, so that he can see out the window that his tank
sits next too. I have been searching online for possible reasons for
his sudden restless behavior (scratching at the tank, pacing back and
forth), and have found that if turtles are not getting enough UV light,
they sometimes try to go looking for it. I don't have a lot of
money, (although I am willing to spend whatever I can to make sure my
turtle is healthy), and when I was buying supplies for him I was told
by the pet store owner that a plant light from home depot would provide
the right amount of UV light, and is a lot cheaper than the expensive
lights sold at places like Petco. So, I bought the plant light, and
have been using it for 3 months, do turtles require more intense UV
light as they are growing?
<Not higher intensity as they grow. Remember UV A & B comes
naturally from the sun and (hopefully) the sun doesn't get more
intense as they grow. What's important is that they need the right
kind of UV and most Plant-Gro bulbs don't have the right spectrum.
While I appreciate the Pet Store guy's logic .. and yes I'm
going to say this -- It's better than NO UV light, it's not
optimum for him and I urge you to save up if you have to and buy a more
specific light for him. Normally I don't endorse products by brand
in this column because there are many good products out there, Google
is your friend, and I want people to do their research and learn. That
said I'll tell you that back when I started, I used Vita-Lite by
Duro Test because they were the only UV Bulb supplier that actually
published their scientific research rather than just "trust me
it's a reptile bulb." I did a quick search online and found an
18" Vita-lite fluorescent for around $15 that fit's in a $9
fixture from Home Depot or Lowes.>
I have been feeding him Gammarus (aquatic shrimp), along with water
plants, and lettuce, and he has been eating more, but I assume that is
because he is growing. I try feeding him when he is restless, but it
only calms him down about 1/2 the time. I also tried giving him toys,
but he doesn't show much interest in them. Is he sick, bored, or
other? Does a plant light really supply enough UVB light?
<If he's eating and active ... swims and basks, we'll assume
he's not sick. Please read the attached link and check your care
against the article.>
<The next thing is diet. The pet store will have Repto-Min sticks.
They're good but a bit expensive. HOWEVER ... on the same shelf at
the bottom will be commercial Koi pellets that contain the exact same
food for mush less money. Plants are good, lettuce & shrimp ... no.
Actually ... NO! Switch him to the Koi pellets as the staple and a
weekly or every other week treat of an night crawler earthworm (also
available at the pet store.)>
Thanks so much for your help!
<Make these changes over the next month and then please write back,