FAQs on Jack
Dempseys Reproduction
Related Articles: Jack
Dempseys, Oscars, Neotropical Cichlids, African Cichlids, Dwarf South American Cichlids, Cichlid Fishes in General,
Related FAQs: Jack Dempseys 1, Jack Dempseys 2, & FAQs on: Jack Dempseys Identification, Jack Dempseys Behavior, Jack Dempseys Compatibility, Jack Dempseys Selection, Jack Dempseys Systems, Jack Dempseys Feeding, Jack Dempseys Disease, & Oscars 2, Neotropical Cichlids 1, Cichlids of the World, Cichlid Systems, Cichlid Identification, Cichlid Behavior, Cichlid Compatibility, Cichlid Selection, Cichlid Feeding, Cichlid Disease, Cichlid
Jack Dempsey Fry ? Reading? Not yet
I just noticed today about 500 baby JD free swimming in my
30 gal tank. I know nothing about breeding
fish, so I found myself here looking for answers. The only fish in my tank are
the pair of Jack Dempseys (good), feed them brine
shrimp(fine), leave the babies in with their parents
(another plus). Here is what I cant figure out… How long ago they hatched.
<A day or two back>
If I need to remove them 3-5 weeks after they hatched,
when did that time period start.
<I'd remove the parents... raise the young where they are until you need to sort
out the too-large ones>
I don’t want to remove them too soon, but also don’t want them eaten either.
These are the most non social fish I have ever had. I hardly ever see them. The
male (I believe) is the only one that comes out to eat. Once in a while
the female will stick her head out of her cave..
that’s it. I have never had fish that reproduced, this
is so crazy exciting. Want to see how this progresses. Thanks for any info you
can provide.
Diana Dudley
<Mmm; read here:
Bob Fenner>
Jack Dempsey, repro.... /Neale
Hello, I have an 80 gallon tank with 2 Jack Dempsey Cichlids in it. I
bought them about two months ago. They are both about 8 inches. About 3
weeks ago they had babies and took very good care of them but now that
the babies are big enough to take care of them selves the two larger
ones have become very shy again.
<Will likely be spawning again, or planning to… that means more hiding
in their chosen cave, more pair bonding behaviour, and possibly more
fighting between them. Remove the offspring ASAP.>
They also went from dark coloring to very light.
<Can indicate stress; what's changed in the tank?>
I tested the water when I noticed this change and everything was normal.
<What were the results? "Normal" covers a lot of ground. Remember, we
need 0 ammonia and nitrite with this species, and as low nitrate as
possible (less than 20 mg/l, preferably). Water chemistry should be
moderately hard and alkaline; aim for 10+ degrees dH, pH 7-8. Check the
temperature too; should be 24-26 C/75-79 F.>
Yesterday morning I woke them up and turned on the light, then went to
work, like I do every morning. When I returned home from work a few
hours later one of them was floating sideways at the top near the filter
but was still moving his fins around and breathing.
<Could well have been "hammered" by the other one. Like other Central
American cichlids, pair bonds are strong but not necessarily reliable.
If the male wanted to spawn but the female didn't (couldn't) then he may
well try to force her out of his territory in the expectation that
another female might come swimming by. In any case, isolate the two fish
(a DIY egg crate divider is ideal) so that the weaker fish can recover.
Or else move to a 20+ gallon hospital tank.>
He had also turned back into the very dark color while the other one was
swimming around normally and is still the lighter color. Late last night
he had moved to the bottom of the tank but was still laying sideways and
breathing hard. This morning he's back to floating at the top. Thanks,
<Welcome, Neale.>
Jack Dempsey 8/11/12
Hello, I have an 80 gallon tank with 2 Jack Dempsey Cichlids in it. I
bought them about two months ago. They are both about 8 inches. About 3
weeks ago they had babies and took very good care of them but now that
the babies are big enough to take care of them selves the two larger
ones have become very shy again. They also went from dark coloring to
very light.
<Do check your water quality... and keep an eye out for
I tested the water when I noticed this change and everything was normal.
Yesterday morning I woke them up and turned on the light, then went to
work, like I do every morning. When I returned home from work a few
hours later one of them was floating sideways at the top near the filter
but was still moving his fins around and breathing. He had also turned
back into the very dark color while the other one was swimming around
normally and is still the lighter color. Late last night he had moved to
the bottom of the tank but was still laying sideways and breathing hard.
This morning he's back to floating at the top. Thanks, Jayne.
<I'd separate the two... check water quality and do a large water change
here... Something is amiss. Bob Fenner>
All cichlid eggs are unfertile 8/7/12
Hi WWM, I had a quick question about my Jack Dempsey
cichlid eggs. The female is currently separated from the male and
she laid eggs. Every egg went white due to them being infertile
and the female didn't eat any of them up.
<Quite common, especially with the artificial "Electric Blue" JD that
(as far as I know) doesn't produce fertile offspring if bred with
another of its kind. If you're keeping regular JDs, then issues to
investigate are as follows: (1) Do you have a male and female? (2) How
well are they fed/conditioned beforehand? (3) Is water chemistry correct
for this species?>
They are starting to fungus over and I'm wondering if the fungus eggs
are bad for my adult cichlids. Can the egg fungi harm my cichlids?
<Not directly, but they're still rotting "fish", so not helping water
Should I remove the eggs or is it OK to leave them?
<Remove. Cheers, Neale.>
Cichlid had babies
Breeding Jack Dempsey's 6/29/12
We have a 45 gallon corner tank. It has two cichlids and a plecostomus.
They were all 3 bought together at a pet store. They were small and have
all been together for 2 years. The plecostomus is about 12 inches
and the cichlids are about 7 inches now. They have a decoration in their
tank that is a hollow tree trunk. It is about 22 inches tall. The 2
cichlids have been having an argument. The one will nip at the other
ones fin and they have been having open mouth fights. They have been
digging in the rocks and moving things. Neither one looks stressed and
their fights are not looking harmful to each other (No nicks on them).
The 2 cichlids look the same (color, size). This has been going on for
about a month.
Last night, appeared about 80 babies. They are white/yellowish and have
dark stripes on them. I have been reading on here what to do and I am
not sure what kind of cichlid these are.
< Jack Dempsey's>
I have attached a picture of the one that would come out and a picture of
the plecostomus. The plecostomus would not pose the best but he
is brown and black or dark brown spotted.
< P. gibbiceps>
I have another tank prepared with treated water mixed with original
water from the 45. It is a 20 high. I have not transferred anyone yet as
I don't know who to transfer and if I have too. We also have a 75
gallon, that is fishless. We have been running the water waiting to
figure out what we wanted to put in there. I put the net into the 45 to
get the filter piece they broke off. The cichlids hid in and behind the
tree stump. There is about 40 babies still swimming around and the
cichlids mouth is full looking. Do I need to separate the parents and
the babies?
< If you are trying to save the babies then removing them from the tank
is probably the best thing to do. The parents will spawn again in a
couple of weeks and will usually eat the babies that are left.>
Do I need to take out the plecostomus?
< The Pleco is an opportunistic predator and will any fry it can catch.>
If I do need to separate them all, who do I leave in the original tank,
the parents or the babies?
< Easier to remove the babies.>
I don't want to stress these guys out. I could try to take a guess what
kind of cichlids these are but I know you are the professionals and I
want the best results. Thank you Heather
< Central American cichlids do express some parental care for the eggs
and fry for usually up to a couple of weeks. If you are interested in
the fry then use a small siphon hose to place the babies in a small
Place the fry in a small tank and feed crushed flake food and baby brine
shrimp. -Chuck>
.jpg) |
Jack Dempsey female 6/24/12
Courting Jack Dempseys
Hello I need some advices on JD's ,
Yesterday my male Jack Dempsey started chasing the female his skin color
is very dark. He has his own cave and doesn't fight any other fish.
Today the female picked her own place and doesn't want to get out at
all. I don't know if she is scared of him . The male Jack Dempsey just
gets out of his cave to look for her but since she is well hidden he
goes back to his cave.
Can you give me any advice? What you think it's going on between them?
Is it normal?
< Male cichlids usually have longer fins and are larger than the female.
The male JD usually has more blue color on the body while females
have lots of blue on the lower jaw area. Sounds like the male has
started to mature and court the female. When she is ready to mate she
will come out and start to interact with the male. Fin flaring and jaw
locking are signs of courting. It is good that the female has a place to
retreat from the male or else he may kill her.-Chuck>
Jack Dempsey female – 05/13/12
I've noticed that my female JD was been chased by the male
(it was like a week ago when the chase begun) since yesterday she is
been in the bottom of the fish tank, sometimes getting in to different
caves with and without the male but now the male doesn't chase her . How
do you know if she has eggs in her belly?
<About one day before spawning the "genital papilla" should be visible
on the female. It looks like a short, off-white, rounded tube. The male
has a longer, narrower, pointed tube, and his is (usually) visible most
of the time.>
Can you tell me more about the JD female behaviour?
<Anything specific? Much like any other Central American cichlid. Rocio
octofasciata form stable pairs, both sexes looking after the eggs and
However, if the male doesn't want to female (for some reason) he will
drive her out of his territory, and will, if she can't escape, kill
By the way my fish tank is 150ish gallons and I have convict cichlid
with the JD
<Cheers, Neale.>
Female convicts + wussy EBJD = fry
EBJD and Convict Breeding 2/15/12
Hello, I have a almost 5 inch long EBJD residing in the tank with 3
female convict cichlids. I'm certain that none of the convicts is a
male. However, convicts are laying eggs constantly, taking turns
occupying the large porcelain decorative skull. LFS mentioned that
convicts could be reacting to presence of a male EBJD and that
eventually they may breed with him. Is it true?
<When the female convicts are ready they lay eggs at will with or
without a male.>
Note that EBJD is incredibly wussy and somewhat disabled, to the
point where I doubt he could successfully breed.
I had saved him from an LFS tank full of aggressive cichlids
with his left eye damaged and chunks out of fins and body. Six
months later he is up from at original 3.5 inches of length, eye
healed, but the pupil is misshapen and he acts as if cannot see
anything on that side. I feed him by hand (hand is large and easy to
find, once he is there, the tasty pellet is only a couple of chomps on
fingers away).
He displays none of aggressiveness of regular JDs or even EBJDs
(I kept both). He does not dig, does not hold a set territory in the
tank and swims very slowly around any plants or decorations, slowly
moving his head left to right, taking a careful scan of where he is
about to go. He is capable of fast runs but prefers to progress slowly,
when food or anything scary (net, syphon, convict, new plant) are not
Could that be attributed to 1-sided vision?
< Partially sighted fish react strangely to everything, shadows,
movements, etc...>
So, I don't see how he can possibly breed with anything,
being that cichlids rely on visual cues and JDs rely on certain amount
of fighting to select and pair off with the female of species.
Am I in danger of creating EBJD-convict hybrid fry ?
< Probably not.>
Should convicts be placed into another tanks?
<The eggs will not be fertile. You could lower the water temp so
they don't breed so often.>
All named reside in a 55 gallon tank with Eheim filter, 2
heaters, and no additives except for crushed oysters and corals that
I'm adding a cup-per-water change to raise hardness. Ammonia - 0;
nitrate - 0; all fish are fed mixed died of frozen Mysis jumbo shrimp,
frozen bloodworms, occasional house fly and - mostly - cichlid
Since I'm raising the dH, however slowly - could that and not
presence of EBJD male cause convicts to go into a egg-laying mode?
<When fish are healthy and well fed they tend to breed. Your
conditions are very good and probably motivating your fish to
When water was softer they didn't. Thank you for your
information, I'm a daily reader of WWM and your collective
knowledge never fails to impress!
Elena E.
< Thank you for your kind words.-Chuck>
I cant tell if my JD is Male or Female?
<Nor can anyone else. Rocio octofasciata is notoriously difficult to
Males will often have anal and dorsal fins with longer tips, and
perhaps a little more colour, but such traits are not at all reliable,
particularly with (often inbred) commercial stock. Remember, in the
wild females choose the most "male" fish and mate with them,
ensuring each generation has bright colours; on fish farms and in
hobbyists' tanks the females often have no choice, so selection for
proper male colours simply doesn't occur.
Most farmed males have very weak colouration compared to their wild
counterparts. So with farmed fish, the only reliable method is to
inspect the genital papillae of sexually mature fish. Males will have
longer, more pointed papillae than the females. I know it's a bore,
but if you want to breed cichlids, you really do need to make efforts
to source wild-caught or at least F1 fish to start with, and then to
rear them in groups so that they can pair off naturally. Cheers,
Unusual behavior of Dempsey Parents -- 12/09/09
Hello! I love your website, it's very informative and I have
answered many of my own questions regarding my Dempsey's.
I have come upon a problem that I have not been able to find an answer
to however. I have a newly breeding pair of Dempsey's, in a 55
gallon that are about a year and a half old. They have spawned once
before, but none of the eggs were viable. Recently, however, they
spawned again and though they laid around 300 eggs, very few of them
hatched (maybe 60).
<Sixty is more than enough...>
The parents were very attentive as they should be while caring for the
eggs, until they hatched. Both seemed to lose interest, were not
displaying the classic "rounding up" of fry and within two
days of them hatching, the fry were attempting (more like drifting) to
swim around.
<Inbreeding tends to dull the behaviours of cichlids over the
This is one reason advanced aquarists often go for wild caught fish
rather than farmed specimens. In the case of things like Electric Blue
Jack Dempseys especially, there's a lot of inbreeding going on
there, since people are cranking these fish out to meet the (temporary)
demand while the prices are still high.>
And then they vanished. Not only did the unfertilized eggs disappear,
but all traces of any fry. After doing so much research and keeping
Dempsey's for the past decade (this was my first pair, and breeding
experience) I was highly anticipating going through the experience of
watching the parents behavior and parental skills in action as well as
the maturing of at least some fry.
<If you've read 'King Solomon's Ring' by Konrad
Lorenz, then you'll know how influential this species of cichlid
has been in the science of animal behaviour, but cichlids have their
behaviours for a reason, to ensure successful reproduction. Bad parents
can't produce offspring, so their genes die out. On fish farms,
breeders pull the eggs out and rear them manually, so it makes do
difference whether the parents are clever or stupid. Both good and bad
genes get passed on, and over time, the best behaviours are washed
How disappointing this has turned out. Both parents are in tip top
shape, are non violent towards each other, and generally a great
<Again, a good clue not all is right with them. Rocio octofasciata
gained its common name, Jack Dempsey, after a boxer. The belligerence
that characterises the species is of prime importance to them in terms
of securing their nest and protecting their fry. If they've lost
the genes for aggression, perhaps they've lost the genes for other
behaviours too...>
Is there a reason that they have suddenly abandoned their parental
duties, and eaten their young? Everything I've read and heard about
them boasts about their excellent parenting, and nothing about
situations like this.
<Unfortunately for casual aquarists, books on aquarium fish are
written by advanced aquarists who seek out good quality fish. So the
photos of Mbuna always look brilliantly colourful, and their Guppies
are always hardy, and their cichlids are always great parents. But
these quality fish aren't the ones you'll see sold cheaply in
Petco type stores, where price, not quality, is the factor. If you want
to see the very best behaviours from a cichlid, you need to track down
wild-caught specimens, or at least the immediate descendants of
wild-caught fish. These may well be pricey, and they may also be
species you don't think are particularly attractive. But in terms
of behaviour, there's no competition. And actually, if you choose
carefully, wild-caught species can be extremely colourful, just not in
the same gaudy way as a Goldfish! Indeed, wild-caught Mbuna are
invariably much prettier than the farmed hybrid junk thrown into most
tanks. I don't know what part of the world you're in, but here
in England, the larger Maidenhead Aquatics stores as well as
independents like Wildwoods routinely get in wild-caught cichlids,
often varying across the seasons.>
Am I doing something wrong or do they simply need a few more times for
their instincts to "kick in"?
<There really isn't much you can do. With some species, notably
Angelfish, tank-bred fish simply cannot rear their fry at all, and you
can let them practice as often as you want and they'll never get it
right. We've bred them to be cheap and colourful, but also to be
dumb as posts. Sometimes cichlids eventually get it right, and
sometimes adding a fast-moving, semi-aggressive "target fish"
like an adult Gyrinocheilus aymonieri can strengthen the pair bond, but
I wouldn't bank on it (and you could easily end up with a useless
target fish you can't do anything with).>
I'd really appreciate any advice or answers that you may have.
Thanks in Advance!
<Sadly this issue has been reported again and again with cichlids,
with relatively few species immune. Oddly, Kribs seem to be very good
parents, even after generations of being bred on farms, though if you
can secure wild-caught Kribs, or better yet, one of the related species
like Pelvicachromis taeniatus, so much the better. There are some
pictures of my (wild-caught) Pelvicachromis taeniatus rearing their fry
Pelvicachromis are fairly peaceful, quite small (a 20 gallon tank is
ample), and can be kept with surface-swimming tetras without problems.
The are unusual in that the female prompts the male to spawn, and he is
only allowed back into the cave a few days after the fry have hatched,
so broodcare is somewhat asymmetrical. In the wild the males probably
have multiple females, but in captivity they do fine as pairs.>
<Hope this explains the situation a bit for you. Cheers,
Jack Dempsey pair, repro. -- 09/26/09
my jd pair keep having babies, ALOT. Should I separate them?
<Sure. Or else, put something in the tank for them to lay their eggs
in, like flowerpot, and when they do, take it out and flush the eggs
away under a tap. Or maybe an egg-eating catfish of some sort, like a
Plec, would help.>
If so will they be ok away from each other, they have been together
since babies.
<They'll be just fine. It's a whole other question if you
re-introduce them though, as male cichlids can be hard on
"strange" females that don't respond to their invitations
to spawn. Since they'll likely forget one another quite quickly if
moved to different tanks, there's no reason to think this won't
happen should you put them back into the same tank again.>
Thank you, I look forward to your answer. Tarajean
<Cheers, Neale.>
Baby Dempsey's, repro. 6/17/09
Hello, I have Jack Dempsey that are only 5maybe 6 months old tops and
have had babies. The couple are only approx. 4 inches long. Is this
normal at this age and size?
<Can happen>
Will having young at this age and size have any long term affects such
as stunting there growth or over aggressiveness towards the other JD in
the tank?
<Depending on the size of the system; anything under 50 gallons
let's say, the "odd Dempsey out" may have troubles from
the pair... Do keep your eye on all, be ready to remove the one should
trouble arise>
Thank you KC
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
Female Jack Dempsey going to be a Mommy? 10/31/08
Hello, <Hi,> (My tank is 150 gallons with 3 Jack Dempseys and 3
Oscars. Violence/aggression in the tank is rare and always just between
the Oscars.) My female Jack has been hanging out at the bottom of the
tank serenely and is bulging in the middle of her body which leads me
to believe that she is filled with eggs. However I've been unable
to find a pic or description of a female about to lay eggs to compare
her to. <It's possible she's gravid.> The male in the
tank visits/rubs by her but very infrequently- non of the vigorous
mating action other people describe in their mating pairs. Do you think
my female will lay eggs? <JDs usually breed fairly readily, but in a
tank with other fish they may feel insecure.> And then perhaps the
male will step up and fertilize? Any advice? <If you want to breed
these fish, moving them to their own 30-gallon aquarium would be in
order. Otherwise, there's not much to worry about here. You might
also consider constipation, and react by switching to a high fibre diet
for a while. Tinned peas, daphnia, brine shrimp, unshelled shrimps,
etc. work well with carnivorous cichlids.> Thank you, Meli
<Cheers, Neale.>
Female Jack Dempsey going to be a Mommy? 10/31/08
Hello, <Hi,> (My tank is 150 gallons with 3 Jack Dempseys and 3
Oscars. Violence/aggression in the tank is rare and always just between
the Oscars.) My female Jack has been hanging out at the bottom of the
tank serenely and is bulging in the middle of her body which leads me
to believe that she is filled with eggs. However I've been unable
to find a pic or description of a female about to lay eggs to compare
her to. <It's possible she's gravid.> The male in the
tank visits/rubs by her but very infrequently- non of the vigorous
mating action other people describe in their mating pairs. Do you think
my female will lay eggs? <JDs usually breed fairly readily, but in a
tank with other fish they may feel insecure.> And then perhaps the
male will step up and fertilize? Any advice? <If you want to breed
these fish, moving them to their own 30-gallon aquarium would be in
order. Otherwise, there's not much to worry about here. You might
also consider constipation, and react by switching to a high fibre diet
for a while. Tinned peas, daphnia, brine shrimp, unshelled shrimps,
etc. work well with carnivorous cichlids.> Thank you, Meli
<Cheers, Neale.>
Jack Dempsey cichlids -08/24/08 Sexing Jack Dempsey
Cichlids Hello, I have 2 Jack Dempsey cichlids and I was wondering how
long does it take for them to reach a size so you can sex them? Thanks
< At about 2 inches you should start to see some differences. Males
will become larger and get longer fins. Males will also have more blue
metallic spangles on the body. Females tend to have lots of blue along
the lower jaw line back past the chin.-Chuck>
Re: Jack Dempsey cichlids -08/24/08 Growing Jack Dempsey Fry
Thanks for your email. If there 1 inch now how long will it take for
them to grow to 2 inches? Thanks <Many factors affect growth rates
in cichlids. First is water temperature. Fish at 82 F will grow faster
than fish at 78 F will all other factors being the same. Diet makes a
difference. Young fish need a diet higher in protein than older fish.
Check your fish food label. You should be in the 30% to 40% range.
Another factor is clean water. Water high in nitrogenous wastes will
inhibit growth despite all other factors being met. Keep nitrates down
as low as possible with water changes. If you keep up on your normal
maintenance procedures then I think your fish should be around two
inches in another 4 to 6 weeks.-Chuck>
Re: Jack Dempsey cichlids -08/25/08 Growing Jack Dempseys II
Thanks, I have Hikari cichlid gold, JMC high protein fish food and
frozen brine shrimp. My water meets all the requirements Jack Dempseys
like, the temperature is 27C and I do 40% every week. Is this good?
Thanks < Everything looks good except feeding the frozen brine
shrimp. Frozen brine has almost no nutritional value but it does add
some fiber to the diet to keep the intestinal tract
Jack Dempsey breeding Dear Crew, I have a pair of breeding
jack's. They bred once, but because of other fish they ate
they're young. I removed the other fish. Nothing has changed as far
as the water quality or temp. I would like to know how often they lay
eggs? < Jack Dempsey's are actually named after a famous fighter
from the 1920's. They come from Mexico and can get up to 10 inches
plus in size. They are not to picky on water quality and are very easy
to breed. Keep the pair warm (80degrees), and feed them well with some
live food and they could be breeding every 2 to 3 weeks. If they are
left to take care of the eggs and fry they may delay breeding again
until the fry and or eggs are gone. Typically at 80 degrees the eggs
will hatch in around three days. You will see a batch of small
wrigglers in the bottom of a shallow pit dug by the parents. At the end
of three days the fry will develop tails and absorb their egg sack and
begin to swim around. At this stag they can be fed baby brine shrimp.
If left with the parents they may soon be eaten. Young parents are
often inexperienced and will eat their eggs soon after laying.
Don't worry too much. I am sure they will be breeding again before
you know it.-Chuck> Thanks. Deb
Ménage' a Trois "Dempsey Style" We
have a 125 gallon tank with 4 Oscars, 3 Jacks, and 1 African (and three
Pleco). We believe that 2 of the Jacks are female; one just had fry, we
didn't see the eggs, but we did see the parents preparing in a
corner. We only were able to save about 50 or so. We have sectioned off
the tank for now, so as to not loose anymore of the fry. We left the
parents with the fry, but the problem is that the "OTHER
WOMAN" also seems to have a rather large belly, and we think that
she is also pregnant. For now, we have her sectioned off with the
others...Should we move her over with the other two Jacks so she can
safely lay her eggs, or will she feed on the fry that have already been
hatched? <Jack Dempsey's will harem spawn. I suspect if your fry
are free swimming then I would remove them . If the odd female does not
eat them then the parents will in a few days. It is possible that the
male will breed with the other female too.> Is it common for males
to mate with more than one female at a time? < Sure.> I
appreciate any information you can pass along! < If you really want
to save the fry I would recommend that you remove the eggs to a
separate tank with an airstone and they will hatch in three days at 80
degrees, In another three days the fry will have absorbed their egg sac
and become free swimming. At his point they need to be fed. Baby brine
will work nicely and then crushed flake food. The fry grow quickly and
one spawn can be in thousands. Then you have to figure out what to do
with a thousand jack Dempseys._ Chuck> Lisa
Adult Jack Dempseys When adult jack Dempseys are preparing to
mate is it normal for the female to try and chase the male away from
the nesting spot? I also don't see any eggs yet and she is already
pushing him away will she let him fertilize the eggs after she lays the
or will she keep him away? < New parents are always somewhat of a
toss up. The usual spawning procedure is that the male and female pick
a site and clean it off. The female lays the eggs and the male follows
up right behind her to fertilize the eggs. After the eggs are laid
sometimes one of the parents turns around and realizes that there are
some eggs available to eat and the other parent needs to guard them
from the other parent. Make sure that the pair are well fed. The next
spawn will probably be better.-Chuck>
Dempsey Fry Could you please tell me, after the Dempsey eggs
have hatched, what do I feed the fry and how do I feed the food to
them, also is a 6" male Dempsey ready to breed or is he still too
small? < At 80 degrees the eggs will hatch and the fry will be free
swimming in another 3 days. So in about a week after being laid and in
a free swimming stage the fry need to be fed baby brine shrimp, micro
worms, very finely crushed flake food or a commercially prepared liquid
fry food. Six inches is not too small for a male jack Dempsey to
breed.-Chuck> Jack Dempsey Pair Hello, I have a pair of jack
Dempsey cichlids, I know there a pair because they have breed before. I
was wondering if they would still breed after being separated in
different tanks for about 3 months? Also How fast can they lay eggs
because I heard that whenever I take the fry out of the tank the pair
will immediately get ready to breed again. < Jack Dempseys come from
Mexico and love warm 80 degree water. Males are usually larger and
longer fins. Females tend to have lots of blue on the lower jaw. I
point this out because occasionally two females will get together and
lay eggs and act as a pair. The eggs go unfertilized and die or are
soon eaten. If they were a pair then I would first set them up in two
different tanks and put those tanks together so they could at least see
each other. If that is not possible then put a glass divider in the
tank and watch them for while . The female, if she is properly
conditioned to spawn will start to fatten up and they will be flaring
at each other. Put the male into the females tank and watch them for a
while . If they are going to breed then you should see some lip locking
and tail wagging. Very interesting to watch. If she is not ready and
she attempts to get away from the male then you need to separate them
again and try again in a week. Don't put them together when you are
not there to watch them. The male could quickly turn on her and kill
her if she is not ready to spawn.-Chuck> Mrs. Jack burying
kids My female jack Dempsey keeps putting gravel on the fry I think
she is trying to hide them because we continuously look at the newly
hatched jack's, are they ok or will the gravel hurt the
fry and also will a male jack reach full adult size in a 30 gallon tank
with a full grown female? I think that it is wonderful that there is a
wet web crew. I really appreciate being able to email you guys and get
the answer back. THANKS A LOT. Have a great day. ***Ok, first things
first. A 30 gallon tank is MUCH too small to maintain even a single
Dempsey long term, let alone a pair. Cichlids are NOT fish that are
size limited to the tank they are raised in. You must give this pair at
least a 55 gallon tank, larger if possible. I've seen male Dempseys
reach almost a foot in length despite the maximum size you read about
it books. As far as the gravel issue, it shouldn't hurt the fry as
long as they are not getting buried. I think this behavior is
manifesting itself due to the fish not feeling secure in their
surroundings. This could be due to the small tank, inadequate
aquascaping, etc. Try covering the back of the tank if it's not
already. Cheers Jim***
Jack Dempsey breeding My Jack Dempsey Eggs Have Just Started
To Hatch Today Sept.05,04. When Do I Start Feeding The Fry. Should I
Feed Them Baby Brine Shrimp Or Liquid Fry Food. Also The Adults Fight
when ever the light is turned on so I keep the light off why is this?
<<Hello. You can do a web search for information on your
cichlids. I recommend you do some reading if you wish to raise the fry,
and prevent too much aggression between adults. There is not nearly
enough time or space for me to cover this all here. You may feed the
fry some newly hatched brine shrimp. Here is one website for you to
start at: http://www.aquariacentral.com/articles/dempsey.shtml
Good luck, -Gwen>> Breeding Dempseys in a Mixed Tank We
have three Jack Dempsey's in a 55 gallon tank, two are breeding
together and the female has laid eggs three times now. My question is
how to keep the eggs alive? The night before the eggs should hatch, I
look in the tank the next morning and all the eggs are gone. Also in
the tank are two Angelfish and a sucker fish and they stay away from
the eggs because they are well guarded by the parents. So I do not
think that they are being eaten by the other fish. Thank you, Chris
<If that Sucker Fish is a Pleco, he's eating the eggs at night
while the parents are asleep. It's also possible that they are
hatching and being eaten by the adults. They will take there own young
if they feel some other fish will get them. Better for them to recycle
the protein than loose it to others. The way of nature. I strongly
recommend that you get this pair their own tank. They will (not may)
kill the others in the tank at some point. Your Angelfish are very
lucky to be alive right now. Don> Egg Eating Jack Dempseys I
am wondering how to keep the eggs alive that my Jack Dempsey is laying.
Also wondering why they eat their own eggs that they lay and how to
prevent them from eating them. I would love to see the stages of
development from eggs to adulthood, but they never get past the egg
stage. < Young fish usually don't know what to do with new eggs
and many times they just eat them. If you have a pair then you can
remove the rock that the eggs are laid on and hatch them artificially.
Get a 5 gallon tank with a heater. Take some water out of the original
aquarium that the eggs were laid in and fill up the 5 gallon tank. Take
the eggs out of the main tank as soon as the pair are done laying y
placing the rock in the 5 gallon tank. Set the heater for 80 degrees.
Place an air stone in front of the eggs to provide a current. Add a few
drops of Methylene blue to inhibit any fungus growth. The eggs will
hatch in three days. In another three days the fry will become free
swimming and need to be fed baby brine shrimp.-Chuck>
Will my Jack Dempsey always eat her
fry? My Jack Dempsey's just had their first
spawning. She fanned, she hidden them and then when you
could see them wiggling around she ate them. Will she always eat her
fry? Debbie Borolov <Mmm, no, unlikely. Often the first batch or two
of New World cichlids go this route... eaten that is... with the
parents "learning" as successive broods come along. Bob
Moving Jack Dempsey Fry 10/13/05
I have a question. I currently have 2 Jack Dempseys who have recently
bred. The spawn is about a week old now and are growing pretty
well . They are in a 29 gallon right now they get flake food 2 times a
day and blood worms once a day. Is there anything else I should be
feeding them ? < The fry should get some baby brine and micro
worms.> Not only that but they are still in a tank with their
parents who are first time breeders will they be ok or should they be
moved. < Move them soon or they will be eaten.> I'm a little
concerned with moving them so if it is a wise idea I was thinking of
moving the parents but I don't want to disturb their breeding
grounds either what is the best suggestions for this? < Siphon the
fry out into a bucket with airline tubing with water from the original
Sexing Jack Dempseys
9/27/05 I have 2 jack Dempseys and 1 convict with 2 small Plecos.
I've noticed that the 2 Dempseys have started to follow each
other and they have beaten my 2 kribs to death and my convict is in a
net because they have started to gang on it too. But the
thing is, I thought that they were all females. So are they a pair and
one of them is actually a male? Help please! < Jack
Dempseys are usually pretty easy to sex. Males are larger with longer
fins. Females also have lots of blue on the lower jaw. Males usually
have no blue there at all.-Chuck>
First time JD fry 7/23/06
Hello WWM... This is my first time on your site I found it this morning
while searching the web for help with my Jack Dempsey's. I have a
large male about 6" or so in length and a smaller female only
about 4" ( I had no idea she was a female till about a
few days ago. I got her to see if he would not eat this tank mate as he
has all other fish I added to the tank) I also have 3 Plecostomus in
the tank (100 gallons). What I need help with is that ... I have a very
large group of Fry swimming in my tank now. I hadn't notice the
eggs and then all of a sudden there was cichlid fry all over. I've
been doing my best to find information on the web on what to-do. but
for the most part all I've come across is... JD's will care for
the young... fry should be moved when they become free swimmers... and
the like.. I hadn't planned on keep the tank.. was looking into
giving it to a friend but now I can't (won't). So I guess my
question is... Should I move the fry a tank of their own.. if so..
would a 30g be alright? <Yes> would it be best to remove them
with the tank water and just re-water my larger tank... <You might
consider moving the parents instead> and beside brine-shrimp and
flake what else can I do... <For? Read WWM re... cichlid fry
foods/feeding/nutrition> the parents are doing great taking care of
them.. they herd them about and any that get away from the group they
bring back... would it be ok if I just leave them all in the tank...
maybe just set up a smaller tank and remove only a few to try and raise
as this is my first time?<Is possible. May eat some/all the young...
later batches less likely> any links or words of wisdom would be
great. Angelique M. Weber <Hotay! Bob Fenner>
Breeding Jack Dempseys
1/27/06 I had three Jack Dempseys given to me. Two were
2 inches 1 was 3 inches. The 3" killed one of the
2". so, the small one that was left had babies.....like 100 or
so. They are now 4weeks old. Most of them
survived. The 2" inch is now latching on to the lips of
the 3" jack Dempsey and won't let go unless I separate
them. I wanted to know if I could put the 3" in my
larger tank 60 gallons, with 2 orange cichlids (4in)and 1 terror (5
in.) and a catfish (8in) and some algae eaters (3and 4
in)? and any tips on the 85 baby jack Dempseys, they always
seem to be hungry I have to feed them 3 times a day!! They are still in
a tank with the mother, the tank is 10 gallons. (the babies
are about 1/4 in to 1 inches they are all different sizes in between)
Monica Sandoval < When you move a new fish in with fish that are
already established , it is a good idea to rearrange the aquascaping so
all the fish are looking for a new territory and not just defending the
old ones. Time to move the babies to a tank of their own. This tank is
way too crowded with all the babies.-Chuck>
Feeding Jack Dempsey Fry
1/30/06 What should I be feeding the babies and how much? <Jack
Dempsey babies are pretty easy to raise. They do well on baby brine
shrimp, microworms and finely crushed flake food.> I am setting up a
30 gal tank today to move the babies into a new home, what is really
important to have in the new tank to start? <Use Bio-Spira to get
the bacteria going on the filter. You have already experienced high
nitrogenous waste problems because the fish are already many different
sizes. Watch for ammonia and nitrite problems.> I have never had so
many survive before. < If you put the adults together you will have
another chance in a couple of weeks.-Chuck>
Big Fish And Breeding Jack
Dempsey's 9/6/06 Hi. I am a beginner in this fish
world. I have my cousin (works at a marine tropical fish store) who
helps me maintain my tank. However he's better at salt water fish.
I have a large variety of fish, all are small. I have one paroon shark
(1 inch long) 1 "blue" shark (same size but I cant find the
real name online, they called it blue in the fish store). I also have 2
Peruvian rams, 2 jack Dempsey's ( both 1 inch) a Bala shark and a
albino sucker fish. First, do you see potential problems with this
community? < Big Time!!! The rams get about two inches full grown.
The sucker fish may get about six inches. All the rest will get big and
eat the rams.> I haven't witnessed any big problems, but they
are all babies now. What size tank would you suggest these
be in? <The sharks can get up to 4 feet depending on which species
they are. The Bala with get up to 18 inches. A male Jack Dempsey with
get close to a foot long. As they grow you can increase the tank size
accordingly.> Food? < All of these fish will eat the usual
prepared foods. Bigger fish need pellets instead of flakes. Chunks of
frozen will be accepted at any size.> Also, I tried to get a pair of
jack's. My original is lighter and not as colorful. When I went to
the store I got the darkest most colorful Jack in the tank. When I put
him in my tank he turned the same color as the original one (a light
color with darker markings). I noticed they change color when stressed
but the dark one went back to his color, original one stays light. Now
light one hides a lot . I did notice the new one picks on
the old one, chases sometimes, but no major conflicts. Why does my fish
hide now? Is there anything I can do to make him/ her happier? Also are
Jacks the same as other cichlids where you can't tell sex when they
are young? I didn't see a on your site about Jacks. Please help in
anyway possible, I want my fish to be happy in their home. Thanks in
advance, Jen < At about 2 inches male Jack Dempseys get bigger than
females and have longer fins. Males have lots of color on their bodies
while the lower jaw and check area seem absent of color. Females on the
other hand have a very striking blue patch of color there. Rearrange
the tank and lower the water temp to the mid 70's to lower the
Jack Dempsey And Green Terror Mating
- 10/18/06 Hi there, I have a 75 gallon tank with 1 green terror
and 3 Jack Dempseys. My green terror and a Jack Dempsey that were
locking lips. The green Terror just laid lots of eggs, have you heard
of these fish breeding? Thanks TB < These two fish never
come in contact with each other in nature. It is possible for them to
mate but only time will tell if the eggs are any
Female Jack Dempsey turned black.
Breeding Jack Dempsey's 2/16/07 Hello, I have
found a lot of helpful information on your website. However, I still
have a question. I bought my 2 Jack Dempsey's a few weeks ago. I
was told the smaller one, who is a female, was pregnant. So, I waited
for the fry to arrive. < They are not livebearers. They will lay
eggs first and then the fry will hatch in a few days.> In the
meantime, she turned from a beautiful yellowish-gray fish with almost
glow-in-the-dark-like shiny flecks to completely black and nearly all
of the shiny flecks gone. < This is their breeding coloration. She
may indeed be ready to breed.> She is about 3 inches long, while her
mate is about 7-8 inches long. She has also become extremely aggressive
and has even killed Cheech, my convict cichlid. (I also have 4 Oscars,
1 red devil and 2 barbs in the 55 gallon tank.) They all get along and
she did too, at first. Can you tell me why she is black now and more
aggressive? < They are getting ready to breed. At least the female
is. She has begun to defend a territory and started killing the other
fish that are in the tank.> Also, we were thinking of moving to a
bigger tank. Is this the best option for all these fish, especially
since they are all over 5-6 inches long, except for the female JD? Any
help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you, Deanna <
All the other fish are in danger of being killed by the breeding pair
of Jack Dempsey's. Remove the pair or remove the other fish. A
bigger tank may help but for only a short while.-Chuck>
Wandering Jack Dempsey Fry
10/22/07 Greetings, I thoroughly enjoy your website and
always find what I'm looking for. This time, however, despite
everything I've tried and everywhere I've looked, I can
not seem to find any information on my current dilemma. Our pair
of Jack Dempsey's had about 500 fry swimming in the bottom of
the tank this morning. As the fry wandered about, both parents
swooped down, grabbed them in their mouth and took them back to
the bottom of the driftwood, where several hundred are swimming
around. I need to know if I should turn the lights off like
normal tonight - if I do can they still keep them from wandering
off and maybe getting sucked up the tube? < Turning off the
lights should quiet them down and they usually don't wander
too far from the pit until they get older.> I tried a cheese
bag-type cloth but some fry were still getting caught, so I
removed it. We'd like to keep the fry and see what happens.
The parents, first time breeders, seem to be very attentive -
both to the fry and to one another. They take turns at everything
in regards to the fry. I've watched over them all day and it
is something to see! The pair is in a 75 gallon tank with an
AquaClear 110 for filtration. I run charcoal 12 hours weekly and
change filter pads every second day; 30 per cent water changes
every Saturday since we set up in September 2006 with two young
Dempsey's - fortunately a male and female that get along
great. I'm hoping for a quick answer to the lighting question
- I'm kind of afraid of what will happen with the lights out.
Thanks very much. Denise < In a couple of weeks when the fry
are very mobile the adults may start to lose that parental
behavior. Usually one of the parents "forgets" and
starts to eat the eggs or fry. The remaining parent tries very
hard to protect the fry but the entire tank breaks down into
chaos. sometime a parent is killed in the
Re: Excess Jack Dempsey Fry
11/5/07 Greetings and thanks for the reply. It took me a
while to write back because I wanted to see what was about to
happen. I lost a few fry through the filter tube -until I learned
about the sponge trick on the end of the filter intake and a few
more must have been eaten, but I did get a divider inserted and
saved about 50 1/4" fry. Some didn't make it but the 17
that did are now about 3/4 of an inch in length and doing very
well. I think as it was their first school? litter? batch? they
both forget and ate a few fry while I was out of the area because
I didn't see them eat any. Anyway, the two adults are at it
again with the same type of courtship as the last. I expect to
have more any day. I'm keeping two or three of the first
batch and am giving a few away to friends. Is there any
reasonable expectation that one could sell or trade a few hundred
2-4 month old fry to an aquarium shop? or is it just a fact of
life that most will perish? Thanks again, Denise < In the
waters of Central America the predation on cichlid fry is very
intense and almost all the fry are eaten by other fish after
every spawn. This is why they usually have large spawns and are
ready to spawn again in as little as two weeks from the prior
spawn. When all the fry survive it creates an instant over
population problem. Large pairs can usually generate thousands of
babies in a couple of weeks in captivity. Your local pet shop
will probably have a tank with JD's in them already and
probably won't need any more. They encounter this situation
all the time and will give you little to nothing for your
Help with electric blue jack Dempsey
Electric Blue Jack Dempsey, fdg., hlth., repro. --
03/08/08 Hi, I was just reading your website and was very please by
what I had read. Maybe you can help me. We got a young?, electric blue
jack Dempsey about a month or so ago. We just love him to bits and
pieces. I have been a freshwater tank keeper for about 8 years now and
I also worked in a fish department at a local pet store so I'm
pretty solid on the basics of fishkeeping. I know that different fish
have different needs. I only have a few fish in a large tank so they
have plenty of room. I check my water weekly and do to it what needs to
be done. And really have no problems except I can not find any
information other than basic useless info on the electric blue jack
Dempsey. I know although they are the same, they are also different
from the regular jack Dempsey. I cannot find anything about their
preferred diet. I cannot find anything that gets more? detailed with
health issues except that the electric blue jack Dempsey's are more
disease prone and have problems with their eyes that the regular jacks
don't. I also cannot find anything involving their color changing
so that I know my fish is healthy and some of these spots and markings
on him are normal. I understand that the electric blue has just
recently been recognized as a fish and had previously been discarded
being considered runts and what not. But I can't see why I
can't find any helpful info on them, I've been Googling for
weeks. Thanks for your time, Jessica < These fish are man made. They
do not exist in the wild. I have seen them on price lists from South
America. They are suppose to be sterile but I have heard of some
unconfirmed reports on some aquarists spawning them. You will not find
any info in any books that I am aware of because most man made fish
like Flowerhorns, Parrot Cichlids and Electric Blue Jack Dempseys are
not usually kept by experienced aquarists. I know that they are very
pretty and very popular in stores. I would feed them a meaty diet and
keep the water temp up around 82 F. Keep the nitrates under 20 ppm with
routine water changes.-Chuck>
Cross Breeding Jack Dempsey Breeds With Severum
7/3/08 Hi, I have a question about cross breeding. First off
we started out with a small catfish and a Gourami, Then we added
a full grown Severum and a Jack Dempsey that were bought from the
same tank. Since the day we brought them home they have been
paired up, anyway my Severum has laid her first batch of eggs
(that I know of) and my Jack Dempsey is, I think , fertilizing
them. So my question is will the eggs survive being cross bred?
They seem to be protecting them very well, should I take out the
eggs? If so how would I go about doing that? Thank you very much
for your time. Kim < In the wild these two fish never see each
other. The Severum is from South America and the Jack Dempsey is
from Central America. There are many weird cichlid crosses out
there but I have never heard of this one before. The eggs should
hatch in three days if the are viable. In three more days the fry
should be free swimming. The eggs can be removed at any time.
Fill an aquarium with the same water from the main tank that the
pair have spawned in. Place the eggs with object the eggs were
laid on in the tank and maintain the same water temp and provide
strong aeration too. Dead eggs will turn white and begin to
develop a fungus.-Chuck>
Re: Cross Breeding Jack Dempsey Breeds With Severum
II 07/07/08 Thanks for getting back to me, I can use any tips
I can get. Forgive me if this is a stupid question but what do
you mean by "turn whits"? Do you mean turn white? <
Sorry. Typo on my part. My wireless keyboard has batteries that
needed changing. Dead cichlid eggs that are unfertilized start to
turn white after 24 hours or so.> Some of them are white but I
was told that was the fertilized ones. Is that true? <
Fertilized eggs are usually a brownish color. This is probably an
evolutionary adaptation so predators will not see the eggs and
eat them. Sorry for the typos.-Chuck> Thanks again