FAQs on the Flowerhorn Cichlid Identification
Related Articles: Flowerhorns by Ong, Blood Parrots & Flowerhorn
Cichlids: maintenance and healthcare of two popular hybrid
cichlids by Neale Monks, What do you think of
Flowerhorn Cichlids? By Neale Monks, Cichlid Fishes,
Related FAQs: Flowerhorns, Flowerhorn Behavior, Flowerhorn Compatibility, Flowerhorn Selection, Flowerhorn Systems, Flowerhorn Feeding, Flowerhorn Disease,
FAQs on Flowerhorn Cichlid Disease by Category:
Nutritional (e.g. HLLE),
Infectious (Virus, Bacterial, Fungal),
Parasitic (Ich, Velvet...), Genetic,
Flowerhorn Reproduction,
Dwarf South American Cichlids, African
Angelfishes, Discus, Chromides, Neotropical Cichlids,

Identity my fish please. FH, sex...
Hi I have a Flowerhorn fish. I am a newbie. Please tell me what type of my
fish. Female or male sir. I really need a help .
<Hi, could you send us a picture?(few kb´s resolution please).>
Flowerhorn... Classification of this hybrid
Good morning, I have three Flowerhorn, I want to know what is the exact name of
my flower horn, please help me to recognize my pet by giving the exactly kind or
name of fh. Thanks & regards,
<Flowerhorn cichlids are hybrids. They're not an "exactly" anything. They are
genetically mixed up fish produced from several different cichlids but
especially Cichlasoma trimaculatus. Dozens of variety names exists, none of them
have any scientific meaning whatsoever. So feel free to call your fish whatever
appeals. Huey, Dewey and Louie for all the difference it'll make!
Cheers, Neale.>
Flowerhorn: Neale for more
<So far as breeds go, there are hundreds. None have any legal standing, so
breeders largely make them up. There isn't an official Flowerhorn "governing
body" as there are for cat breeds and dog breeds. The result is that many
breeders produce whatever they can, and give it a name they think will help it
sell. A few types are described here:
But really, my only advice is this: Choose fish that look nice to you, from a
breeder with healthy stock. There are a lot of unscrupulous breeders out there,
plus a whole industry (aimed at the Asian market) selling foods and other
products supposed to make a given Flowerhorn develop brighter colours or a
bigger hump. None of these products work (the science behind both colours and
hump are simple, tied to genetics, proper diet, and good environmental
conditions -- not magic or technology!). Too many people waste (get defrauded
out of...) money on Flowerhorns when they don't need to. As I say, choose a fish
you like, that's healthy, and keep it properly.
Cheers, Neale.>
Flowerhorn question 12/13/14
Hello WetWebMedia Crew,
I am new to Flowerhorn but really want to own one. Can you help identify
the type and quality of this Flowerhorn?
It is 14 months only but only 6-7 inches long. Is it too small for its
<Not really; no>
Also, it looks pretty dark (maybe still in fading stage according to
some posts I read on line). Can it still change color and grow the hump
at this stage?
Thanks a lot for your help.
Regards, Liyu
<There may be some specialized FH sites that may be of more help. Bob
Fenner> |
Flower Horn Competition 13-7-14
<Hey Per>
Grand Champion of the 5th National Flowerhorn Show in Singapore. Photo
taken by Terry Poon with my new Sony camera. I am happy with the quality
of the photo.
Regards, Perry
<Very nice pic and fish. I just broke down and purchased a RX 100 MII...
and the 3.5k of Nauticam, Inon240s... to go around it. Hope to see and
use it with you in Bali in Sept! BobF>
5th National Flowerhorn Show Singapore
Best Color in Show for this stunner
5th National Flowerhorn Show in Singapore
This beauty won the best hump of the show
<Bunk a junk in the forward trunk!>
5Th Fish Hub Flowerhorn Show 2012
I think this is definitely the last show of the year in Singapore. Photo
of the CAT B Flowerhorn with the BEST HUMP
<I'll say! BobF>
.jpg) |
5th Fish Hub Show 2012 / Merry Xmas 12/25/12
Photo of the Grand Champion.
<Thanks for sending this along Per. And happy holidays to you and your
family. BobF>
Please Check This Flowerhorns and Say What
is the exact Strains of This Flowerhorns 6/13/10
We are Discus Breeder From India and Started Flowerhorn Breeding But As
this is a Man made Hybrid, So its really difficult to identify each and
Every Variety of Flowerhorn. Please help us to identify
Strains..... Most of These are our Breeding Pair Male.... Some of them
are recently Brought to make new Breeding Pairs.....
<Hello again. I'm sorry, but we really don't have the time
to download 10 images of different fish, just to identify them.
We're volunteers who try to help hobbyists keep their fish better.
What we can't do is help breeders identify varieties. Flowerhorns
are hybrids, and because of that they DO NOT breed true. So what the
parents look like is only PARTIALLY helpful when it comes to predicting
what the offspring will look like. Cheers, Neale.>
<<And these pix were lifted (are others labeled property)...
hence not posted. RMF>>
Is it a KAMFA???? -- 3/3/10
I've sent u a pic is it a KAMFA I want it for breeding
purpose please tell
<No pic attached of a FH or anything for that matter.
Re: Is it a KAMFA???? -- 3/3/10
Sorry sir I'll resend the pic 2 u again please check and
reply again, please
<Could be anything. Too young to know. Frankly, doesn't
even look much like a Flowerhorn to me!>
and 1 more thing are there any chances of making a fish get hump
by injecting medicines or hormones
<No. Why would you want to? Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Is it a KAMFA????
Because in India (Bangalore) ppl love flower horn's
<Oh. I don't like them, I'm afraid. There are plenty
of lovely cichlids already. In India, for example, there is the
stunning Etroplus canarensis, a beautiful fish from the south of
your country.>
but we r exposed to only Trimac's we don't get an opportunity
to see a nice one or have 1,
<I see.>
there r some ppl who import but they charge more which I being a
student cant afford,
<Flowerhorn cichlids are a fashion in Asia, and that means
they're expensive. Quality is very variable, and because
they're hybrids, they don't breed true. This means
can't buy a baby one with a guarantee it'll grow up to
look like its parents. That's why the "good" adult
specimens are expensive.>
According 2 me Hobby is some thing which should not cost me,
<Not sure I agree with you here. Fishkeeping isn't an
expensive hobby, but you can't always economise either. Good
quality fish are expensive.
Maintaining a big cichlid is expensive. If you are on a limited
budget, then try keeping smaller fish? India is FILLED with
wonderful fish, including hundreds of species I never get to see
here in England -- but wish I could! I have a splendid book
called "Ornamental Aquarium Fish of India" by Tekriwal
and Rao; see if you can find a copy. Will give you many ideas,
I'm sure.>
so I anted to have idea I wanted to try some antibiotics first
then some protein which I'll 1ce I get full knowledge about
the anatomy of the fish
<You can't "make" a Flowerhorn with a bigger
hump or brighter colours.
These things are in the genes.>
Thank u for ur suggestion Sir,
<Please, please, please use normal English next time you
write. This "text speak" English is very annoying, and
it's difficult for other people to read. Cheers,
Fwd: Is it a KAMFA????
Sir sorry for the language, I have used that language because
most of us are used to texting (SMS messages) and I tend to
follow most of them while chatting, I apologize for the mistakes
I can ensure that it will not happen again.
<Thank you for understanding. The issue is that not everyone
who visits this site is a native English speaker, and not
everyone is old (or young!) enough to understand "text
speak". So by making sure all messages are in clear, regular
English, everyone can read and understand them.>
Thank you
At what time do u login, so that some day I can speak to you,
What do u do for living................
<If you want to chat with fishkeepers, can I direct you to the
Wet Web Media forum? It's over here:
Lots of people there, and you can chat away to your heart's
content! Have fun! Neale.>
My FH male or female 2/16/10
Hi WWM Crew,
My name is Musa,
I have a Flowerhorn of 16cms. I want to know whether it is a male
or a female, it carries stones from one place to another and digs
circles. It does not have a ribbon type dorsal fin. Please check
all the photos.
Thank you.
<Hello again, Musa. As I think I've said about 17 times
already, you can't sex Flowerhorn cichlids reliably from
photos. Both sexes can have humps.
Both sexes can have bright colours. Both sexes move stones about.
The ONLY reliable way to sex ALL specimens is to examine their
genital papillae.
This is sometimes called the "spawning tube". Look
behind the anal fin. On males this is long and pointed, and on
females short and blunt. Cheers, Neale.>
Pl Identify the sex
Sexing Flowerhorn Cichlids 1/7/10
HI Bob Wish u a happy, healthy, prosperous and peaceful new year.
I am having a Flowerhorn since last 5 . I have attached a few
pics of the fish. Can you by any chance take a look at them and
let me know the sex of the fish. I tried the venting method but
was unable to hold him for long.
< Looks like a young male by looking at the fin
Pl. Identify the Strain of the Flowerhorn, now Holiday
Greeting/Msg. 12/24/09
BOB/Chuck/Neale/Melinda and WWM Crew
Wish u all the crew a Merry Christmas and a Happy new year.
You have been helping the fish patrons all over the world. That
is a great piece of work which u do. Pl. keep up the good
<Thank you Amit. Happy holidays to you and yours. BobF>
Pl. Identify the Flowerhorn strain
WWM Crew/Bob
Wish u a Merry Christmas and Happy new year.
I am having a Flowerhorn which is 5 mths old. I have been trying
to identify the strain of the Flowerhorn since last month or so,
but without any luck. I have even searched in the Google images
and other Flowerhorn websites.
I am attaching a pic of the Flowerhorn . Can you please identify
the strain/breed of the Flowerhorn .Secondly by looking at the
pic and its features can you tell me whether is it a male or a
female. I tried the anal venting method but the fish has got a
bad temper so unable to hold him in net for long.
Hope you will answer my query.
Thanks in advance.
Amit Ghosalkar
<There is/are no strain/s of FHs; they're all hybrids...
artificial mixes of other S. Am. Cichlid species... Please read
ID me please, FH 12/11/09
Hi There
I'm new in taking care of Flowerhorns... I don't know
what breed or strain my 2'' short-body FH is... will you
help me to ID my Flowerhorn
<Hello Push. Flowerhorns are hybrids, so by definition they
don't breed true. There are no "varieties" as such,
simply different types produced by mating two particular fish.
People breed two fish they like, rear the fry, and hope some of
the juvenile fish have a mix of characteristics they find
desirable. Your fish is particularly deformed even by Flowerhorn
standards, and looks like a cross between a Flowerhorn and a
Blood Parrot.
Cheers, Neale.>
[1]%20FH.JPG) |
My Fish 10/11/09
Thanks for the prompt replies to my queries from time to time. I
really appreciate the promptness in your replies. I am attaching
an JPEG image of my fish.
<Nothing attached.>
Can you identify the same.
<Not without a photo, no. If all else fails, upload an image
to Flickr and send a link.>
Also the necessary link for taking good care of my fish and
<See here:
2. When this fish was juvenile I had sent the pic and the crew
had identified it as an Amphilophus trimaculatum. Is it the same
one or some other.
<Can't tell without a photo. Care of both the Amphilophus
trimaculatum and the hybrid cichlid we call the Flowerhorn is the
same. Cheers, Neale.>
My Fish 10/11/09
Thanks for the prompt replies to my queries from time to time. I
really appreciate the promptness in your replies. I am attaching
an JPEG image of my fish. Can you identify the same.
<Appears to be a Flowerhorn or similar hybrid. A bit pale
though: try using a darker substrate and adding some floating
Also the necessary information or link for taking good care of my
fish and feeding.
<All here:
Cheers, Neale.>
I'm sending a jpeg image pls tell me is
it a Flowerhorn? 9/10/09
is it a Flowerhorn? Pls help me
<Image corrupt, wouldn't open. Please do review the pages of
WetWebMedia and elsewhere for photos of Flowerhorn cichlids.
They are not difficult to identify, though juvenile fish can look much
like certain other Central American cichlids.
Cheers, Neale.>
My Flowerhorns image what is the proper breed name of
it?? -- 10/3/09
Flowerhorn ID
Sir, I'm from Kolkta West Bengal India please tell me what is
the original breed
of my Flowerhorn, otherwise nobody can tell me the proper breed
here .
< The Flowerhorn is not a fish that is found in nature. It is
a cross of three different true cichlid species. Any naming of
any Flowerhorn is a commercial or common name and not a
scientific one. When the Flowerhorn
market was very strong there use to be all kinds of names for
Flowerhorns that did not make any sense. The names were used
strictly for marketing. This is why nobody can identify your
Flowerhorn as a specific breed. TFH had a book out on Flowerhorns
a few years ago. Check out Amazon.com to see if you can find
Re Identifying the fish
Flowerhorn ID -- 09/14/09
Sir , I have had a fish tank for last 10 yrs or so. I have kept
many variety of fish. I have a 20 gallon fish tank. I have put
gravel and I use a Boyu SP1000 power filter. I use tap water for
the tank and further I add dechlorinator to the same. I also have
oxygen pump installed in the tank and proper and adequate
lighting for the tank. I have recently brought this fish. I am
sending the attachment in JPEG format. Recently I purchased the
fish and many of my friends say that this is a Flowerhorn. I
would like to get a confirmation from you whether is it the same
fish and what is the sex of the fish or how to check.
< This is a Flowerhorn. Males get bigger with larger fins.
Some get humps on the forehead when in very good shape.
Experienced cichlid keepers can sex their cichlids by venting
them. this involves turning the fish upside down and examining
the genitalia. Their are two openings. If the openings are the
same size then it is probably a female. If one opening is smaller
than the other then the fish is probably a male.>
Secondly I am based in India and should I feed it with crushed
prawns. Presently I am feeding it with Kijaro fish pellets and
Live blood worms. Please help me with this query.
Awaiting a reply from your end. Thank you Amit Ghosalkar
< The live blood worms may be too rich a diet. I would
probably feed mostly the prepared food and use the others foods
for more like treats.-Chuck>
Re Identifying the fish
I am having a fish tank since last 10 yrs or so. I have kept many
variety of fishes.
I have a 20 gallon fish tank. I have put gravel and I use a Boyu
SP1000 power filter. I use tap water for the tank and further I
add dechlorinator to the same. I also have oxygen pump installed
in the tank and proper and adequate lighting for the tank.
I have recently brought this fish. I am sending the attachment in
JPEG format.
<I see.>
Recently I purchased the aforesaid fish and many of my friends
say that this is a Flowerhorn.
<Seems likely. A juvenile to be sure. Might possibly be
Amphilophus trimaculatum, but that species isn't widely
traded. Amphilophus trimaculatum is one of the two ancestors of
the Flowerhorn cichlid (which,
as you know, is a man-made hybrid). Personally, I'd sooner
have Amphilophus trimaculatum than a Flowerhorn, but I like my
fish the way Nature made them! Each to their own, I guess. In any
case, maintenance of both Amphilophus trimaculatum and Flowerhorn
cichlids is very similar. Do see here:
I would like to get a confirmation from you whether is it the
same fish and what is the sex of the fish or how to check.
<At this age, can't be sexed.>
Secondly I am based in India and should I feed it with crushed
<Once or twice a week, sure, yes. But prawns contain a lot of
thiaminase, so should be used sparingly to avoid problems with
Vitamin B1 deficiency.
Insects, earthworms, cooked peas, and of course a good quality
pellet food would all be better foods.>
Presently I am feeding it with Kijaro fish pellets and Live blood
Please help me with this query.
Awaiting a reply from your end.
Thank you
<Hope this helps! Cheers, Neale.>
Re Identifying the fish, FH
Hi Neale
Thanks for the very very prompt reply from your end. I am very
much obliged for that.
<Glad to have helped.>
I will definitely follow ur guidelines. That fish I mentioned is
a type of Flowerhorn, i.e. the confirmation from your end has
given me a big relief. I was really wanting to keep the
flowerfish. I got that fish very cheaply. I have still one or two
queries and I hope you will reply them.
<Do my best.>
1.I have brought chili super red pellets and the fish relishes
eating them. Any other food which u can suggest for good growth
will be highly appreciable. As far as the pic of the fish is
concerned can u by any idea let me know the approximate age of
the fish. the fish is about 2 inches in length .
<Probably less than six months old.>
2.Also I wanted to know whether this fish after growing will emit
the colours which a normal Flowerhorn shows or this is the only
colour that will be there on the fish.
<It's all genetic. Flowerhorn cichlids are hybrids, so it
is VERY difficult to say how any particular fish will turn out.
If you have seen the parents, then it's likely this fish will
end up looking much like them. But there is
so much variation among Flowerhorn cichlids, that you cannot
possibly say by looking at a juvenile fish what it will look like
when mature.>
3.Further if is there any other compatible fish which can stay
with this particular fish in the same tank.
<None. Flowerhorn cichlids are big, aggressive Central
American-type cichlids. They are no more sociable than their
ancestors, Amphilophus citrinellus and Cichlasoma trimaculatum.
Even a single Flowerhorn will need (at least) 55 gallons.>
Any feedback in this regard will be greatly helpful for me.
Thanks once again for your prompt reply.
<Cheers, Neale.>
what breed is ma FH and why he's not eating....--
Flower Horn Not Eating
I've had my FH for 6days. I put him a two foot tank and its
big for him because he is small..Whenever I put a pellet in he
will not eat it. He will see the pellet and just swim away. Same
for the dried shrimp. Blood worm he will just eat a bit but then
spit it out..I give him ocean free humpy head. Can you advise me
accordingly. I've attached a pic of my fish.. Can you tell me
what breed is my fish?. He has blue lining all over, pink on his
chest and yellow below his mouth and tail. Thanks A lot
<..Your Flowerhorn may eat in a few days. Put the food in for
5 minutes. If he does not eat it then take it out. Try again the
next day. In a few days he will catch on that he has 5 minutes to
eat or he will go hungry. You definitely have a flower horn. What
type of flower horn I do not know.
Continue to check the internet under Google images and type in
FH Breed Flowerhorn Types 3/9/08 HI
Chuck, It's me again and thanks for the reply. I will check all
the items that you have mentioned. Can you please scan the
attachment so I have an idea what kind and variety or breed are my
FHs. Thanks. Ciao, Lance < Flowerhorns were originally a cross
between three different cichlid species. Since the inception of the
Flowerhorn they have been line bred into numerous color forms. I
have seen book for sale on eBay that discussed these color morphs
and have probably given them names. Sorry, I do not have this book
so I am unable to tell you what color form you have. I would
recommend checking out eBay occasionally and see if you can find
this book.-Chuck> |


Knowing the breed... FH ID, NNS hello. this
is john, am new to this FH hobby. and I have 3 months old FH and
until now I still don't know what his breed and I browse in
different sites for me to find what breed is my FH but I
haven't found any the same FH as mine. I had attached picture
of my FH. I hope you can help me..tnx..=) <The Flowerhorn is not
a breed... but a cross twixt neotropical cichlids. Please read
here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/flowerhornidfaq.htm
and the linked files above. Bob Fenner> |
Mystery Cichlid at Aquarama 01 Hi Bob Do you still remember
the new breed of cichlid with a hump head that was on show at the last
Aquarama in Singapore? <Yes, did send the pix in I shot at Aquarama
last year to the hobby mag.s> They have been well received and
certain specimens with nice colours have been reportedly sold for as
much as S$70,000. It is not advisable to walk around in certain parts
of Malaysia holding them in plastic bags or you will be robbed at knife
point. <Thanks for the heads up. Can/will send you the piece (in
German) re that cichlid... and my fave image as a jpeg if you'd
like. Bob F.> Perry
A dihybrid "new cichlid" out of the Far
East... this pic shot a month back at the Aquarama show in
Singapore... is likely (my guess) a Vieja (formerly
Cichlasoma) maculicauda (Black Belt) and
Cichlasoma trimaculatum cichlid cross... a beauty,
but still a
Re: What is this "new cichlid"? Something bifasciatum?
Not according to fishbase.org Bob, This fish will sell well in
Singapore or in a Buddhist country. The bump on the head resembles
the forehead of one of the Buddhist Arhats by the name of Luo Han.
Imagine owning a fish that reminds you of a Buddhist deity that you
are worshipping. Will bring plenty of good luck and fortune. Perry
<Thanks for this Perry. Will post with image on our sites. Bob
Fenner> Re: What is this "new
cichlid"? Dear Bob, our expert for American cichlids
Uwe Werner wrote me, that he feels the cichlid is not a natural
form, but an Asian-bred form of Cichlasoma amphilophus. He says
that there is total red specimens too. Here in Germany the sun is
shining like in Southern California. Take care Werner <Ah, danke
shoen. Will post your input to this image on our site
(www.WetWebMedia.com). More images, articles on their way to you at
das Aquarium. Wiedersen. Bob Fenner> |

Kirin (not the beer) Hi! How is everyone
this evening? Good I hope. <Very well!> I was just browsing
the web for info on my new baby Texas Cichlids, and I came across a
website dedicated to that new hybrid you have a pic of in the
section on neo tropical cichlids. According to the info on the
site, it's a Kirin. And yes, it is a hybrid. It's a
Cyanoguttatum or Carpinte and Trimaculatus cross. It's supposed
to bring prosperity with it's bump head, good fortune with
it's jeweled speckles symbolizing wealth, and scare away evil
spirits with its red eyes. The website address is
www.kirin.com.sg/species.html Just what the world needs, another
cichlid hybrid from the far east. At least it's not as
hideously ugly as the parrot fish. SMILE). I have a parrotfish
myself, and I love his funny looking little face. Goodnight,
Kristen:) <Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. There are some
truly striking looking fish on that webpage, though. -Steven
Pro> |
Monster fish by Arlina Arshad IF YOU think luohan fish
are ugly, just look at this specimen with its Mick Jager lips and
ball-like body. Probably the result of breeding gone wrong, say marine
biologists and those who rear fish. Enthusiasts have been breeding
them, then dumping the 'mistakes' in ponds and rivers. Two
breeders and three other people who rear fish admitted they'd done
this. The Sunday Times also spoke to fishermen who have spotted sick
and dead luohan, four aquarium owners, two marine biologists, and
officials from agencies that have to deal with this problem. Two luohan
breeders said they sought to breed exotic-looking luohan, with blue or
white eyes instead of red, or all-blue or all-red bodies instead of the
usual red-green-black. When the experiments went awry, they had to get
rid of these mutants with 'elephant-trunk lips' and 'monkey
faces'. Neither would agree to be named, fearing flak from fish
lovers and repercussions from the authorities. Said one breeder:
'Some fish had bloated bodies and no humps on the heads; others
were skinny and had no fins. What do you expect me to do with
them?' The other one said: 'At least I release them in the
water, not like some I know who flush them down toilet bowls!'
Abandoning fish is an offence under the Birds and Animals Act,
punishable by a $10,000 fine and 12 months' jail. 'This is an
act of cruelty,' said Dr Leow Su Hua, head of the Agri-Food and
Veterinary Authority of Singapore's animal welfare education.
Dumping luohan into public ponds can also turn the ponds' ecology
upside down, because they are aggressive and breed quickly. Said
Professor Chou Loke Ming of the National University of Singapore's
department of biological sciences: 'They may outcompete for food
with local species and take over ponds and rivers.' The National
Parks Board (NParks) and Public Utilities Board have found reptiles and
non-native fish in ponds, lakes and reservoirs. Said an NParks
spokesman: 'The released fish may not survive. They could carry
disease and this would affect the native animals in the ponds.'
Luohan fish, also known as Flowerhorns, are believed to be descended
from wild cichlids. A year or two ago, they were all the rage because
people thought they brought good luck. High-quality ones, characterized
by red eyes and large humps on their heads, went for as much as $8,000.
But now, they are no longer hot. One breeder said he'd released
about 100 into Tengeh and Punggol rivers in the last three years. He
said: 'Some had holes in their heads and others had eyes popping
out of their sockets.' 'One had a diseased mouth and rotting
lips like this,' he said, turning his lips inside out. 'I
couldn't save it; it was too sick.' Aquarium owners also say
people leave buckets of luohan at their doors in the dead of the night.
Madam Shirley Lim, owner of aquarium shop Yun Feng in Pasir Ris, said
she would receive 'fish mail' three times a month. 'Nobody
wants them any more. They're being chucked into dustbins like those
unwanted babies in China. I could sell one at $4,000 last time, but now
if I can sell one for $20, I'm very lucky,' she said. IP
Address: This message was forwarded to you from Straits
Times Interactive ( http://straitstimes.asia1.com.sg)
Flowerhorns WWM, I want to how to distinguish the sex of the
Flowerhorn, <The males will develop a larger hump on their
foreheads, I would not be surprised if you could the difference by
their finnage, or even venting them, but I am not positive.> and how
to cure white spots and discoloration of the fish. <If by
white spots you mean Ich, your fish are sick, sick fish are not going
to display good coloration. I used Quick Cure on my Horns,
seemed to do the job (primarily formaldehyde with a dash of malachite
green). IME I have never seen a fish with the healing
abilities of a Flowerhorn, I had one get sucked up into a filter for an
unknown amount of time, I got him out, thought he was doomed, the next
day I could not tell which was the damaged one. Once you get
the parasites cleared up, color enhancing food, a varied diet,
excellent water quality (I cannot stress that point enough), good
lighting and a dark substrate should bring out their
colors. If you have a group of these fish in a tank you need
to watch out for aggression, these are very aggressive fish.> And
what is latest Breed of Flowerhorns. <Not sure on this one, it seems
like the LFS are always making up new names and overcharging for these
fish. Check out FlowerFish.com Best of luck,
Gage> Thank you very much.... Very Truly Yours, Leugim
Flowerhorn Cichlids WWM, Hi! I am a new hobbyist of cichlids.
Will you help me for I am in need of new breeds of Flowerhorn for my
collections. < The Flowerhorn cichlid is an artificial fish that
does not exist in the wild. It is a cross between a couple different
fish that happens to produce fertile fry. They were somewhat marketable
for a few years but the market seems to be dropping fast, at least hear
on the west coast. The new breeds or color forms you may be seeking may
not still be available. I would recommend a web site called
Aquabid.com. It is a web site dedicated to buying and selling all kinds
of fish. Hopefully you can find what you are looking for there.>
What does LFS mean? <Sorry don't know. I don't
keep flower horns and am not familiar with the LFS
notation.><<Livestock Fish Store, or such>> can you give
me at least 5 new breeds of Flowerhorn fish? < Check the site
mentioned above or do a google search on the internet for more info. I
have seen one book put out on these fish but don't know how
available it is -Chuck> Sincerely Yours, Leugim
Super Red Syn Flowerhorns Dear Mr. Robert, <Hi, Gage here
this afternoon.> Can you send me a detailed information regarding
Super Red Syn Flowerhorns? Appreciate also if you can send some pics.
<I checked with Bob and a few others on the crew, we really do not
have much information on these fish besides what is at the link
below. http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/flowerhorns.htm
I would try using the Google.com to search for more information on this
particular color strain.> Thank you for your assistance. Fatima
Flowerhorn of a Different Color 9/3/05 Hello WWM team,
Chuck, Thanks for answering my previous questions about Flowerhorns. I
have another. Can you tell me, or make a list of the major types of
Flowerhorns? < Nope , sorry. Flowerhorns are a hybrid between three
different cichlid species. These different names are nothing more than
labels used to group similar Flowerhorns together. There is a book
entirely on flower horns that I have seen on eBay. I would recommend
that you check it out for further info on these particular fish. My
area of interest involves wild types of fish.> I know there is Zhao
Zen, full red or something... I have a Flowerhorn (ill try to get a pic
of it, no camera..) and am not even sure what kind it is... its whole
body is dark army green when its relaxed, but startled it turns
striped, army green with light green, it only has couple of flowers
very small... if possible from my brief description do you know what it
might be? Thank You Very Much Rod < Colors can be very deceiving.
Many cichlid coloration can be modified by using different foods or
aquarium lighting.-Chuck>
Flowerhorn Questions 1/14/06 Hi there, I've
been reading through your site and it is really informative about FH I
have couple of questions though about my FH 1.) All orange in color
with darker tint at the head part, what kind of breed is this? <
Flowerhorns are a cross between three different cichlids. One of them
is a red devil. This fish comes in white, orange, red and grey. Your
fish could be a combination of any of these colors. You will need to
consult a specific FH book for an exact breed.> 2.)It has some spots
of black at the fins and body but not like the flower rows on red
dragons, the previous owner said that when the FH matures it will turn
to all orange with some red on the head part, is this true? < Could
be. It all depends on the genetic lottery your fish has come up with.
The colors may change as it grows. To what color ? You will have to
grow him up and find out.> 3.)Also he hasn't been eating lately
how can I tell if he is sick? < Don't feed him for
three days. If he is not hungry after three days he is probably sick
with an internal bacterial infection. Do a 50% water change, clean the
filter and vacuum the gravel. Treat him with Metronidazole as per the
directions on the package.-Chuck> I would really appreciate your
fast reply. Thank you
Flowerhorn Cichlid With Black
Markings 2/1/06 Hi there, this is a GREAT website you
all have! Looks like a ton of great info here. My
tank is 100 gallons, I stay on top of water maintenance with 40% water
changes weekly, ammonia = 0, nitrites = 0, nitrates = 10. Ph
is at 7.7. I recently bought a Flower Horn, everything was
normal for about the first week. Then I started noticing
these black areas that seemed under the skin, not on top or
bulging. Almost like bruises. They also appeared
on the fins, but smaller. The spots on the body are getting
larger. I should add that the fishes feces is really light
in color, but not "stringy" at all. The FH acts
normal, has no problem swimming, being active, or eating. I
have searched high and low for answers, but I get all different replies
and suggestions. I've treated the tank with Jungle's
"Fungus Cure", but no changes. I then treated with
Melafix, same, no changes. Here is a couple links to some
pics of the fish, do you think it is sick? Or is this just a
normal phase of color change before the true colors come
out? Any info on this is highly
appreciated. Thank you! < A Flowerhorn is a cross between
three different species of cichlid. From your photos It seems to look
more like a generic trait than a disease.-Chuck> http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v205/djfungus/ProgressedBlackPatch.jpg