FAQs on the Flowerhorn Cichlid
Related Articles:
Flowerhorns by Ong,
Blood Parrots & Flowerhorn
Cichlids: maintenance and healthcare of two popular hybrid
cichlids by Neale Monks,
Cichlid Fishes,
Related FAQs:
Disease 1, Flowerhorn Disease 2,
Flowerhorn Disease 3,
Flowerhorn Disease 4,
Flowerhorn Disease 5,
FAQs on Flowerhorn Cichlid Disease by Category:
Nutritional (e.g. HLLE), Social,
Infectious (Virus, Bacterial, Fungal),
Parasitic (Ich, Velvet...),
& Flowerhorns,
Flowerhorn Identification,
Flowerhorn Behavior,
Flowerhorn Compatibility,
Flowerhorn Selection,
Flowerhorn Systems,
Flowerhorn Feeding,
Flowerhorn Reproduction,
South American Cichlids,
Cichlids, Angelfishes,

flower horn fish blindness 11/2/14
please help me my fish is ok but he cant see the food and even my finger
on the glass of tank just when i pass the tank he distinguish a bit no
cloudy eye ,without any symptom/please help me I'm so sad. thanks a lot
<Likely this fish has suffered from a deficiency syndrome... something/s
missing in its diet. There are other possibilities. Put the two words
"fish blindness" in WWM's search tool (on every page) and read the
Bob Fenner>
Re: re: flower horn fish blindness
Hi and Thanx again he is now better i gave him multi vitamin and i
changed the water and he is good.sighn of cloudy eye is now appear and
im treating it with antibutic.but he can see.
<Thank you for this upbeat, good news. Bob Fenner>
Re: re: flower horn fish blindness 11/8/14
hi again I'm so sorry I annoyed you with my different questions. and
with asking alot.but really I don't know what to do if you remember at
first my flower horn fish couldn't see then I gave him multi vitamin and
I changed 100% water then abit cloudy eye appeared that I put him in a
tetracycline bath after that next morning his eye was full of blood I
was shocked after treating with amoxicillin bath and salt his eye is not
good he eat food and swim but one of his eyes seems really bad .I think
the injury is in or on the black part also as you can see in the photo
around of the eye is a bit swollen beg you help me please ,what can I do
now,thanx alot.
<Really just good care, nutrition and time going by. Patience. Bob
Re Please help; FH hlth. 6/12/12
I need to use Nitrofurazone for my fish, but I cannot find the drug
(containing this compound) in my country. Instead, I got the following:
"Neomycin and Polymyxin B Sulfates and Bacitracin Zinc Powder" (sold
under the drug name of "Neosporin" antibiotic powder).
Is this the right substitute for Nitrofurazone?
<Mmm, no>
My fish is upside down and a little bit of his tummy area is
outside the water. The treatment with Metro soaked food is
giving some positive result, but the exposed skin has turned red and has
some occasional blisters that keep appearing and disappearing.
Another suggestion I got was to use Betadine bath by taking the fish
<... too harsh... burning...>
Can you please help me with the right choice?
<There really is none... This fish is too likely been too damaged
already to recover. I'd ask you to read again:
and consider euthanizing this specimen. BobF>
Thank you for your time.
Salt Dips on my Flowerhorn Cichlid and
Maracide treatments 9/11/11
Hi Crew, Neale to be specific.
Neale I was wondering how many times I should do the salt dips on
my Flowerhorn Cichlid? I did one today (9/8/11) and I am going to
do another one on 9/10/11.
<Sounds fine. Do another a week later if you need to, but it
may not be necessary.>
The one I did today he only tolerated it for about 5 minutes
before he started showing serious signs of distress. Also with
the Maracide treatment the instructions state to do the treatment
for day one, day 3, and day five, should I stop after day five or
continue to do the treatments until everything clears up?
<Follow the instructions! If the Slime Disease is still there,
do a 25% water change, then the following day another 25% water
change, and then on that second day, start another treatment
(three doses across five days).>
Thanks to all of you at WWM for all the help, and the wealth of
Thanks again
<You're welcome, Neale.>
Saltwater Dips 9/11/11
Hi Crew specifically Neale, Eric King here again and here is a
question about Saltwater Dips. I am making a dip for my
Flowerhorn Cichlid and am wondering if I can use Aquarium Salt
for this or if I need to be using a Marine Salt Mix?
<Either can work, but aquarium salt rather than marine salt
mix will be better and cheaper. Non-iodised cooking salt will
work, too. Cheers, Neale.>
Flowerhorn Cichlid with Slime Coat Disease and holes in Head and
Lateral Line... water quality
High Tank Nitrates and HITH 9/11/11
Hi Crew, This is Eric. I have been talking back and forth with
Neale about my problems and I know he is out of the office for
the next few days but I have an important question. My Nitrate
levels in my tanks are very high, 80 ppm ml/g and I am going to
do 50% water changes every day till the levels get back to
acceptable, but I need to know should I do these water changes
before I start treating the tank with Maracide or after I treat
with Maracide?
< Check your tap water for nitrate levels. In agricultural
areas the tap water nitrate readings may be very high so changing
water may not do too much good. Getting the nitrates down below
20 ppm would be a big help. If you fish is in a severe condition
I would still start treatment despite the nitrate levels.>
Also I am going to do Salt Water Dips, should I start these right
away or wait till the tanks water parameters are back to
< Check the condition of the fish. The disease already has the
fish stressed. If the salt bath stresses the fish out even more
then I would wait until the fish builds up it strength.>
Thanks a lot to everyone on this site for all the great help and
< Thank you for your kind words.-Chuck>
Re: Salt Dips on my Flowerhorn Cichlid
and Maracide treatments 9/13/11
Hi Crew, Neale to be specific, I am treating my Flowerhorn
Cichlid for Slime Coat Disease and today is the last day of
treatment with Maracide. He looks to be getting a lot better,
activity has gone back to normal, his colors are coming back and
the Slime Coat Disease looks to be almost gone.
My question is, should I continue to do a second round of
treatment with the Maracide to be on the safe side, or could that
be detrimental to the fish. Thanks for all the help and wealth of
info, it is greatly
<Do finish off the course of treatment. That's usually the
best approach.
Glad all is working well. Cheers, Neale.>
Flower horn hurt itself and a scratch on its head-
precaution 10/26/11
Dear WetWebMedia Crew,
Appreciate all the efforts your have been doing to help all of us
take better care of our loved Flowerhorns.
My Flower horn hurt itself today and has a scratch on its head
leaving its head flesh in contact with water . I have attached
the picture of it for reference. It is behaving normal and
playful but is there any precaution I need to do to avoid any
infections. I just love it too much.. Please help.
<Not to worry. This wound will heal of its own accord. I would
NOT add anything to the water. Bob Fenner>

Re: Flower horn hurt itself and a scratch on its head-
precaution help 10/27/11
Thank you so much for your reply :)
<Welcome. BobF>
Re: Flower horn hurt itself and a scratch on its head- precaution
help 10/28/11
Hey Bob,
The fish has recovered completely :) This sure is a sturdy
<Ah, yes... given decent conditions (space, water quality,
nutrition) this is a very tough organism. Cheers, BobF>
Very sick Flowerhorn, reading 2/11/08
hello, My flower horn is very sick right now and I have no idea
how to make it better. Two days ago, it was fine. Then suddenly,
it started to swim on its side. My fish was living in a 10 gallon
tank whose filter was busted about a month prior. <... needs
more room than this> I tried doing 50% change every 3 or so
days. It got sick so suddenly that I'm not sure what
contributed to it. My fish got sick on Friday evening. I
immediately put it in a bigger tank, 150 gallons of water but it
does not seem to be better. <Residual damage...> It did not
move or when it did, it was swimming on its side. I changed 50%
water of the small tank, put in some erythromycin with some
aquarium salt. I then put it back into the small tank to soak up
the medicine for about 2 hours. My dad then put it back to the
big tank and tried to make it exercise to help with the
breathing. It was more lively afterward but still swims
abnormally. The next evening, I noticed that my fish seemed to
have problem swimming downward since it keeps being buoy upward
upside down. I'm afraid that it may have bladder disease or
something similar. Its stomach has not enlarged. Its eyes
somewhat protrude. Then this morning, my Flowerhorn seems to have
problem straighten its body out. Its body keeps on bending like a
half moon and it swims on its side more. Since Friday, I've
been feeding it anti-biotic food from Jungles. It ate some of the
food, not a lot though. Also, the anti-biotic food have been
about a year old, Is it still safe to feed it with it? <Yes...
though likely has little food value or antibiotic activity>
I've been having problem finding a pet store near where I
live. I'm trying to buy furan, tetracycline, etc. Please
help!!! I have some Epsom salt but I don't know if I should
put some in. In short, my fish is now in a 150 gallon tank, being
fed with at-least-year-old anti-biotic food. Please help! Thanks
<... Please... read here:
http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/FHDisF2.htm and the linked
files above. Bob Fenner>
Re: very sick Flowerhorn Urgent Help Needed!!
Metronidazole/Flagyl f' warning... 2-12-08 Hi, Today is
the 4th day that my Flowerhorn exhibits weird behavior. I tried
treating it with anti-biotic as directed. However, I only have
tetracycline and general cure with 125mg of Metronidazole.
<This is fine> The fist store I went to buy the medicine
told me that tetracycline is even better than furan. <Mmm...
not in most cases like this, no> So this is basically what I
did today; I changed 25% water (I changed 50% yesterday), I put
in both tetracycline (3 pills) and General Cure (1 pill) in the
tank (dissolve 4 pills in a 40 gallon tank). I put in about 4
spoons of Epsom salt in the tank. I also mixed a bit of
tetracycline and General Cure pill with metr. into a liquid
solution. Using a syringe, I force-fed the liquid solution into
my FH, about 1 1/2 syringe of medicine. <I would not force
feed this fish this material> I also soaked some pellets in
General Cure with Metr. but haven't feed it. I also notice
that my FH's stomach is noticeably distended. It just floats
on top of the tank now. It is so much less active than yesterday.
I hope I did not make things worse. Please let me know if
tetracycline is good to use. If not, I'll try to find Furan
tomorrow. Please let me know if what I've been doing is good
for it. Thanks <If you do find a Furan compound, do a series
(like three days) of water changes to dilute the Tetracycline...
ahead of application. I would NOT continue the use of
Metronidazole... this continuous exposure can/will the kidneys of
your fish. Bob Fenner>
Re: very sick Flowerhorn Urgent Help Needed!!
2/13/08 thank you for your reply, I'm still very confused
now. If you don't mind, can you detail the steps for me? My
fish have been force-fed <... should not be force fed
period> tetracycline for 2 days straight now. I've fed the
pellets with Metronidazole once but it spit the pellets right
out. <... Please read on WWM re FW antibiotic use:
http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwantibiofaqs.htm The
medicine I now have is tetracycline, general cure (with 125mg of
Metronidazole), and Furan. So far, my fish have been exposed to
tetracycline the most. I also put in Epsom salt whenever I change
the water. I have yet to see any improvement but the fish store
told me that it would take up to 2 weeks to see any changes.
Please itemize the steps for me. Thanks <Please read.
Don't write... READ. B>
Flower Horn (Golden Trimac) with Bloated Belly..Urgent
Help needed 9/29/08
Bloated Flowerhorn
Dear WWM Crew, I am from India (Chennai City mean day temp 35 deg
C). I have a two and half year old FH-Golden Trimac. I have him
in a 250 litres tank with bed and liquid filter system. The feed
is dry shrimps once a day. I changed the entire water after
cleaning the bed and filters on first week of September.
< When cleaning an entire tank you run the risk of over
cleaning the tank and removing all the beneficial bacteria from
the aquarium. With no beneficial bacteria fish waste and uneaten
fish food quickly are broken down into deadly ammonia. Tough fish
like Flowerhorns may not out right die from the ammonia spike but
the stress can lead to diseases such as bloat/dropsy.>
The problem started then onwards. It has developed a swollen
belly with a 3/4 inch tissue sticking out from his rectum. Based
on our local aquarium guy's suggestion ( piles infection..?)
I kept him in a small tank mixed with
half tab Flagyl. I could not see any significant improvement. He
had stopped eating since then. I had taken few photos which I am
Since three days he is standing vertical and not active with his
mouth facing tank bed. I am distressed at his state. Please send
me your advice ASAP to save my lovely FH. I had earlier gone
through your posting and FAQ
on FH diseases. I am enclosing the Photographs taken a week back
and few more taken yesterday.
Yesterday night I transferred the FH in a plastic bucket with 15
litres of water I mixed tab Metronidazole one # 250mg and put the
aeration pump. Till 11 AM this morning he is stable. Now at least
he is swimming and moving. His
mouth and teeth appear a light pale yellow in colour
Thanks and Regards K.M.C. Ranges Chennai
< The Metronidazole/Flagyl is the right drug of choice. The
pressure from the internal infection have forced some of the
intestines out through the rectum. These tissues can become
infected as the fish drags them across the aquarium. The internal
infection can be difficult to treat. Ideally you need to get the
medication in the fish through the fish food. Since your fish
isn't eating I would recommend a little different treatment.
Treat with the Metronidazole every other day doing a %50 water
change on the days you don't treat. I would also add an
antibiotic such as Nitrofuranace with the Metronidazole. After
the third treatment I would try to feed the fish and try to get
them to eat. If things aren't any better you could try Clout
if it is available in your area.-Chuck>
Re: Flower Horn (Golden Trimac) with
Bloated Belly..Urgent Help needed Flowerhorn Dies, Resetting the
Tank Back Up -- 10/02/08 Dear Chuck, You are right. The
mistake of completely cleaning the tank is costing (morally) me
heavily. < Everybody makes mistakes and nobody is perfect. The
important issue here is that we all learn from mistakes so others
don't make them. This is one of the reasons WWM exists and I
participate as part of the crew.> Yesterday I did a 50% water
change. When I returned back he was much more stable and
moving/coming up to see me and draw oxygen. By night I again did
50% water change and added a tab of Metro and one tab of
Nitrofurantoin, the trade name was Martifur 100mg in 20litre of
water. The water turned light yellow. I aerated and put my FH...I
unfortunately didn't monitor him. Morning at 6 I saw him
dead, which left me my wife and daughter very sad and grief
stricken. For two years he had been so pro-active and fine with
us, now left us depleted and left a void in our dining area.
Please advice me, what we should do with the tank and its filters
polished stone and marbles. Do we have to disinfect it before
using the same for other fishes (I have 10 Koi karbs 4/6 inches
size. Please advice Regards Rangesh <Get an ammonia and
nitrite test kit. You have already cleaned out the tank so no
need to do that again. Keep a few fish in the tank and control
the ammonia and nitrites with water changes. When the tank has
its biological filtration up and running the ammonia and nitrites
should be zero. Keep the nitrates under 20 ppm with water
Flowerhorn Cichlid Is Too fat My flower horn
has an enormous stomach now and its not because of eating. He got
really big at one time and couldn't move. Now he is swimming around
a little more but can't get to his food and he also has like a
white sack under his belly where I think his poop hole should be. What
is wrong with him and what can I do to cure him? < Your Flowerhorn
probably has an internal bacterial infection. I would recommend a 30%
water change, vacuum the gravel and clean the filter. Treat the tank
with Metronidazole as per the directions on the package. Early
treatment is the key to a complete and total
Flowerhorn Treatments Dear Sir, I really
appreciate for your valuable answer. According to your answer you
recommended me to use Nitrofuranace. My question is Can I use
Tetracycline instead, Sir? < Tetracycline will work in clean soft
acidic water. It is not as effective in hard water.> The black marks
spreads gradually on his fin. And I also see some hole in his
head. So, what shall I do for this hole? < The hole in the
head is a matter of sanitation and quality food> I'll be waiting
your reply. Thank you so much for you help. I'd also be glad if you
reply me in a very sooner time as I'm so worried for my baby fish.
Thanks a lot! < Clean the tank as recommended and add some live food
to the diet such as washed earthworms, shrimp and a quality fish
pellet. Keep the nitrates under 25 ppm with water changes. If the hole
in the head gets worse then treat with
Pot Belly Flowerhorn - 05/06/2006 Hi
my two year old Flowerhorn has been sick lately. I noticed that his
stomach grow bigger and bigger and really became an enormous size. He
eats two to three pellets a day. His movements seems ok.. he swims
normally. But am really worried at him. My mom went to a local pet shop
and they gave my mom some medicine to be put in the water. They said
that maybe our flower horn had a internal infection. They advice us to
lower the water level, put the antibiotic and observe our
fish.. But i still want to hear and seek the advice
of an expert. And am so glad when i learned about this
column. Hoping for your quick reply on my questions. Thank you very
much.. <For internal bacterial infections the medication of choice
would be Metronidazole. Nitrofuranace at double to triple the dosage
may be effective too. Some aquarists had
had success with salt treatments. Google the website for bloat or
Flowerhorn With Head
Trauma 5/27/06 Hi! I am emailing to ask if you have
any idea what we can expect when a Flowerhorn has had a head
injury. I have read through the questions on your site and I
understand that this fish has the capacity for overexerting
itself when agitated or playing and hitting its head on the
cover of its tank. My sister was teasing the fish and the
fish got very excited I saw it jump from the side of the aquarium then
it seemed to hit the cover of the tank and in slow motion,
it slowly drifted down the side of the tank and it settled
on the floor. It seemed to be hyperventilating for a bit and
then we tried to see what was happening to it. You can
imagine the scene of chaos when 4 women were screaming in terror (
going around in circles in panic) because of the fact that
their mom's beloved fish now resembles the goldfish in
the other tank which had a ruptured air bladder. The
goldfish seems to be in a better position because at least it is
floating compared to the head down fins up tilted fish on
the floor of the tank. Two of us went to the fish store to
see if there was any advice from them they just gave us a
stress reliever, while the other two hit the internet and I found
your interesting site with scenarios similar to ours. Right
now it is about an hour later and the fish has shown some
capacity to propel itself through the water. Unfortunately
it still would not stay right side up. At one point it even
looked like it was spiraling down to the floor, it stood on
its mouth vertically and then for a couple of seconds it
went tail down vertically before sinking back to the floor.
It seems to be asleep now and shallowly breathing it is
breathing very lightly and still tilted with its head down,
body at an angle and pelvic fins up in the water. Please,
please tell us what signs and symptoms we should look out
for in the next few days whether or not the fish will get
better and what to look out for if it gets worse. Thank you, 4
panicked daughters < Many fish experience trauma to the
head like this and don't make it. They can linger on for awhile but
soon stop breathing. You can try to increase the aeration and add a cup
of rock salt per 20 gallons. If you have ever gone fishing before you
will notice the first thing they do with a freshly caught fish is knock
him on the head to stun or kill him. Sorry I can't be of any help.
Good luck.-Chuck>
Bloated Flowerhorn
6/30/06 Hi. In the past few days I've been desperately seeking
for advice and help from the marine experts regarding my flower horn
condition. My two-year old flower horn has his right eye bulge out and
it became cloudy. < Popeye probably.> It really grew big and it
became cloudy after each day. And maybe because of his condition
that's why he is not eating properly and before he used to be an
aggressive fish but know he never reacts when I came close to his
aquarium. < Probably suffering from an internal infection too.>
He had suffered from an internal disease before and because of your
help I was able to cure him. And now I am again seeking for your help.
What do you think its cause? <Stress from diet/water quality/water
temp/aggression/water chemistry/etc...> And what should I do?
<Change 50% of the water, clean the filter and vacuum the
gravel.> What medicine should I give him? <Try treating the tank
with Metronidazole and a double dose of Nitrofurazone. Add a teaspoon
of rock salt per 5 gallons of water.> Please. please help me. I
don't want my fish to lose his eye and see him suffer. I am hoping
for your quick response and help for my pet.. again thanks and good
day. < Good
Urgent Flower Horn nuchal hump harm problem
7/18/06 Dear Sir, I have an aggressive male flower horn about 9
inches length and 2 years old. While I was playing with my fish last
night, he tries to bite me with very high force and hit the aquarium
glass. After hitting, he probably hit his nuchal hump and he cannot
swim and floated up side down in water until this morning. Is there any
medical treatment that I can give to him to become better. <Mmm,
best to lower the water level, keep the light/s turned off for the next
few days. Not likely the hump itself that is "dazed" but the
fish's brain itself... happens> Right now, I turn off the
aquarium pump for make him easy. Can you kindly answer my question that
I'm felling so guilty and sorry for him, as his injury was suffered
because of me. Thanks and regards, Min Zaw Tun <I might add a level
teaspoon per five gallons of marine (aquarium) salt as well. This is a
good general treatment/cathartic here. Bob
Flowerhorn With Stubborn
Popeye 7/25/06 Hi.. a pleasant day once again to you.
Its me again, I consulted you before about the problem of my
Flowerhorn. If you still remember, my fish has an internal infection
and pop left eye. Well, I followed your advice. I apply the proper
medication for my fish. But it seems he's not feeling better. He
even got worse because his right eye got infected too and now his eyes
both popping out and both are turning white. I am really worried
because he's also not eating for days already. I think I've
done everything to help him but I still want to know and try if there
is anything else I can do to save him. Aside from giving him
Nitrofuranace and Metronidazole and water changes, is there any other
ways to help him get well or make him eat again. I am afraid to ask
this but .. will my fish die? <This disease can be fatal.> What
do you think is the percent for his survival? < The key to a
complete recovery is early detection and early treatment. Something has
stressed your fish to the point that he is susceptible to this disease.
It could be food, sanitation, temperature and even tankmates. You need
to find out what had changed before he got sick. You could try to add
some rock salt to the tank too. About a teaspoon per 5 gallons would be
worth a try.> I hope he'll gets better,.. because he is my
beloved pet.. hope you help me again. Thanks in advance and for your
time going through my letter. good day. RHEA from Philippines. <
These medications are usually pretty effective if the disease is caught
early. Keep the tank clean by vacuuming the gravel and cleaning the
Flowerhorn With Cloudy Eye - 07/30/06 Hi WWM
crew! I went out of town for four days but before I did, I made sure
my flowerhorns were well-fed (not bloated!) and I cleaned
their tank. But when I arrived, one of them had cloudy eyes and has a
sort of cob-web like thing on its face. I'm really scared that it
has gone blind!!! Has he???? Help! What should I do now? I changed half
the water but it did not seem to work! help me please...Cecille....
< Sometimes we do too good a job and when we clean the tank we
remove all the good bacteria that we tried to establish. Do a 50% water
change, vacuum the gravel and clean the filter. Then treat with
Erythromycin. Follow the directions on the package. This may affect the
rest of the good bacteria so watch for ammonia
Flowerhorn -
10/18/06 Great website and thumbs up to the crew for an excellent
job, <Thanks Ivan, MacL here with you tonight. Sorry for the delay
in response.> I have a few questions but I'll first tell you more
about my Flowerhorn. I've had him for three years now and always fed
him a diet of pellets, small live shrimp and occasionally the frozen
bloodworms that come in cubes. As of recently, he's been showing
some worrying signs. <In the past couple of years I have really come
to appreciate Flowerhorns. They have such amazing personalities and
such great colors. Many people don't know the beauty of these
fish.> This started about two months ago when the edges of his CHECK
fins started tattering away. Nothing drastic but the edges now look
thinner and jagged like. Also, his stomach is bulging out. His mood is
about okay except that he is not as active as before. After surfing the
net and reading your informative website, I've come to realize that
the live shrimp is probably the suspect. It explains the bulging
stomach but I'm not sure about the fins. Could this be a side effect
or a different problem? He has stopped eating the live shrimp as well
and that sort of tells me he's gone vegetarian, or something about
the shrimp isn¹t making him too happy. <Flowerhorns don't
usually "go vegan" but they do need some greens to digest
properly. You don't mention the size or the parameters
of the tank. How often do you do water changes? Do you have
any problems with your ammonia levels?> There was mention of surgery
for this kind of problem. <I believe some vets can do surgery for
blockage. But the gills are not because of a blockage, its more likely
that its because the tank is too small for the fish. As they
grow they need more and larger room and often this is only manifested
with their gills turning out and getting frayed. There are
several other things that can cause the gills to fray but with a large
fish this is usually the first culprit. My friends keep
theirs in a 125 and recently purchased a larger tank because its was
too small for the fish.> This is new to me and I haven't a clue
as to where to begin, or even if it's available here in the land of
smiles, Thailand. Comments from readers living in this country
appreciated as well. What will happen if I don¹t treat the problem
with surgery? What other options do I have? <I have
heard using peas for this fish as well as for other fish to help with
the digestion. How long has his stomach bulged, is he eating anything
at all?> There is also a sucker fish in the tank with him. Is this
okay? <Should be fine as long as the tank is large enough to hold
them both. Good luck and let me know how he does. MacL> Comments
Flowerhorn swimming vertically 11/15/06
Dear WetWebMedia, <Kathy> Good day! I have been
reading the queries on your site about flower horns and it seems that I
have same problem too. <Don't know why there are so many
problems with this hybrid cichlid> You see our flower horn pet which
is 7 months old has been swimming vertically for 5 days now after my
mom played with it. She said the fish was playing when it
suddenly bumped itself on the aquarium wall. <Ohh> It has been
swimming vertically ever since. We tried giving him antibiotics as
recommended by a local hobbyist and he seems to improve a little as he
is swimming a bit but still can't swim upright for long time. I
also notice that his body is tilted downward so he can't swim as
gracefully as before and his left side stomach is starting to bulge but
he haven¢t eaten anything since (cause he was just amply fed before
his accident). I tried giving him peas but chew them out the
minute he goes down the water. I also notice that his left
eye is starting to bulge. I have checked the net and read
about swim bladder disease and flip over and been worried that it can
get worse. I also tried consulting a vet but unfortunately flower horns
are not treated by local vets in the Philippines which saddens us
because we don't want to lose our pet and my mom has been guilty
ever since our pet has been sick. Please help us. Regards,
Kathy Manila. Philippines <Mmm, not much to do... you could try
Epsom Salts... a teaspoon per five gallons... Otherwise, only time
will/can tell. Bob Fenner>
Re: Flower Horn swimming vertically 11/15/06
Thank you for your reply. Is there a need for me to use the
Metronidazole and Nitrofuranace? Regards, <Mmm, no...
won't make a difference here... This seems to be entirely a
physical/nervous damage injury. Bob Fenner>
FH bloated,
upside-down 5/8/07 Hi, I desperately need
you help. My FH who is a year old suddenly became bloated and now is
swimming upside down. He wants to eat but can't because of his
swimming position. I've tried treating him with Epsom
Salt but no effect, I suspect that it's a bacterial infection thus
added Metronidazole <... is a protozoacide... Not an
anti-bacterial...> in his tank after doing a water change. I
don't know if its effective though he is a bit active after putting
Metronidazole and his bloat lessen a bit but I notice that his anus
became enlarge and there is a filmy balloon sticking out. I am really
scared now and I don't want to lose my little fella. Pls help me.
Thanks, Kathy <I'd have treated with a
Furan Compound... Please read here:
and the linked files above. Bob Fenner>
Re: FH bloated,
upside-down 05/08/07 Hi Bob, thanks for your reply. I tried
looking for the Nitrofurazone or other furan compound but there is no
available one from our local petshop or drug store. The petshop owner
told me it was already banned in our area. I'm from Manila,
Philippines. Do you have alternatives? I really appreciate
all your support. Regards, Kathy <Whatever
broad spectrum, gram-negative antibiotic you can get your hands on
pronto... 250 mg. per ten gallons, treated three times, with half the
water changed out, every three days... Bob Fenner>
Re: FH bloated,
upside-down 5/9/07 Hi Bob, I already got furan 3 from a pet
shop. Hope it is under furan compound. <Yes> My FH condition is
not better though last night the filmy balloon sac which I think is his
swim bladder came out from his anal and it burst this morning. We have
added Epsom salt, which I hope can help him recover. He does not swim
now he just lie flat on his aquarium floor. I am praying he will
survive this. Pls advise on what I can do more...can I continue adding
the Furan 3? or will the Epsom salt help him? Thanks for all the help.
<Yes and yes... You have read on WWM re the use of these materials?
Re: FH bloated, upside-down
5/10/07 Hi Bob, I really confuse now. Yes, I
have read the uses of the Epsom salt and had success in using it before
but with the furan compound I'm not yet familiar though I've
read about it. Can I simultaneously use both? and what dosage? Thank
you so much for the help. <Can be used at the same time... the
dosage and cautionary remarks are posted... where you were referred:
Flower Horn Help!!! Flowerhorns Not
Moving 06/19/07 We have a 29 gallon tank. We went to
the pet store looking for fish and were convinced by the guy there to
purchase these flower horns. < Bad idea. They get big and mean.>
We have 6 very small flower horns now, they are about 1 inch each. I
have been feeding them cichlid food and they have eaten very little.
They are very lethargic and not moving very much. They are mostly
hiding. Is it too big of a tank for them? Did I make a huge mistake?
After reading your site, I see how beautiful they become. I want to
make sure I am doing everything I can to give them the best life
possible. :) Thank you so much! Your time is greatly appreciated.
Rachel* < Keep them at 80 F. Feed only once a day and only enough
food so that all of it is eaten in two minutes. Do 25% weekly water
changes to keep the nitrates down. Once they start to feel comfortable
then they should start to come out if they are