FAQs on Freshwater Blue Green Algae (BGA) & Their
Related Articles: Algae Control in Freshwater Aquariums by
Bob Fenner, Dealing With Algae in
Freshwater Aquaria by Neale Monks, (some) Algae (in moderation) Can Be Your Friend,
ppt presentation, Part 1, Part
2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5,
Part 6, by Bob Fenner, Algae Eaters,
Otocinclus, Loricariids, Siamese Algae
Related FAQs: Freshwater
Algae 1, Freshwater
Algae Identification, FW
Algicides, Algae Eaters,
Aquarium Maintenance, Freshwater Aquarium Water Quality,
Treating Tap Water for Aquarium Use,
pH, Alkalinity, Acidity, Freshwater Algae Control, Algae Control, Foods, Feeding, Aquatic Nutrition, Disease,

BGA comes in many colors... green, black, red,
Cyanobacteria that is not blue-green in freshwater tank
Hello WWM Crew:
<Howsit Trace?>
Greetings from Canada! There is something growing on my Rotala and l am not sure
what it is (picture attached). It looks like cyanobacteria, but it's not
<Mmm; BGA comes in many colors... black, brown, reds...>
Also, I haven't noticed the telltale smell. Do you think that is what it is?
Many thanks,
<Not w/o microscopic exam at least, and maybe some simple chemical testing (for
reserve foods). I have a small book on aquatic algae, which is parsed about on
WWM... or you can/could avail yourself of the Net. Again; simple
to discern by looking under magnification. No nucleus, a single strand of
circular DNA.... Bob Fenner>
Re: Cyanobacteria that is not blue-green in freshwater tank
Thanks Bob! I didn't expect such a quick response as I thought it was the wee
hours where you are.
<Back in S. Cal. Tracey>
As for magnification, you must have quite the microscope. I would have thought I
needed an electron microscope to see a DNA strands.
Thanks again for your help,
<400 power will do it... See WWM re microscopes. BobF>
Sick Betta- Tried everything with no luck....
May be BGA... 2/27/12
I am an avid reader and am so thankful to have found your site last
year. I am desperate need of help. I've looked through the site and
was unable to find a situation similar to mine. I have a big, beautiful
red Betta. Tank specs: 5 gallons, heated between 76-78 degrees,
filtered, gravel bottom, 2 live plants (both ok for Bettas) 1 synthetic
plant to help keep current from filter slower. I do a 25% water change
at least every two weeks, and a 50% water change once a month. I use a
water conditioner and aquarium salt.
He gets a varied diet of Betta pellets and shrimp. I have studied and
researched your site to try and provide him with the best care
possible. Up until now he was happy, healthy and playful. In fact I was
able to nurse him though a bout of Ick when I first got him with your
knowledgeable help.
About a month ago I noticed dark green algae
<This might well be a Blue-green... Cyanobacteria... can be quite
starting to grow in his tank. I tried to manage it by cleaning
the spots that showed up when I'd do his water change. It got to be
worse than normal so I decided to take him out and clean out the tank
and gravel. I am very careful about contaminants and do my best to keep
things as stable as possible in such a small system. After adding him
back into the tank he was in bad shape in less than 24 hours.
<I further suspect BGA... becomes more toxic w/ attempts to
At first I though it might be a stomach problem, minor swelling on his
belly. I treated by adding aquarium salt to reduce the pressure and
didn't feed him for several days. No change. He was and is spending
considerable time on the bottom of the tank and at the top on his
plants. He seems to have difficulty swimming, unable to stay at the top
of the water, sinking back down.
Next I tried just maintaining his usual routine and keeping the water
conditions normal as they had been, hoping he would normalize.
<This is what I would have done as well>
He seemed to get a little better and was eating regularly again,
if not as much- would float back down after two or three bites. Now
he's in worse shape and the algae is back. He hasn't eaten or
responded to me in the last two days now. I'm worried he's
suffering and I'm at a complete loss. Please let me know if there
is anything else I can do? And if not, how best to end his suffering
painlessly. Thank you for your time.
<Mmm, please read here for background:
I might go the extreme route here of removing the fish... tossing the
live plants... bleaching the entire system... rinsing, re-filling...
and moving the fish through a few rinses (to discount the conveyance of
BGA spores) to eliminate the Cyano. Bob Fenner>
Re: Sick Betta- Tried everything with no luck....
Thank you so much, Bob! I went through and read the posts about the
BGA- nasty stuff. I'm pretty sure now that that is exactly what it
<Was/is my best guess>
The tank has been getting more sunlight recently and I wondered if that
was causing the algae to grow.
<Could well be>
I know algae is common in tanks, but I wondered if this was a
type that was harmful to the fish.
<There are bio-assays... I think you've been doing one>
I'm going to remove him from the tank, bleach the system as
you recommended and start fresh with the plants. I hope it's not
too late and that I can get him to bounce back. I really appreciate
your time to email me back. The amount of time and research that you
all put into the website is phenomenal. It is so reassuring to know
that there is a credible,
reliable source that I can trust. Take care!
<And you my friend. BobF>
Re: Sick Betta- Tried everything with no luck.... Non-aq.
plants 2/28/12
Hi again. I have one last follow up question. I've gone and
bleached the system, replaced the gravel and added new plants (umbrella
<Mmm, what is this... the scientific name? There are several popular
"aquarium" plants sold that are actually not aquatic>
I picked up a new filter- Tetra whisper 10i internal power filter. It
says it works with up to 10 gal tanks. It looks to be a little bigger
than my previous filter, also a Tetra whisper. I'm concerned that
its too strong for him, especially right now when he is not at full
<Likely is fine>
I've placed the plants around the filter to try and disperse the
flow, I'm not sure its enough. I'm also torn because I know
that the more water movement, the better to keep the BGA from growing
again. Unfortunately it doesn't have a flow control. I've read
through the filter posts and seen that both the gravel filters and
sponge filters are recommended for Bettas.
<Or small internal or external power filters... there are even
smaller units>
I don't think I'll be able to find those in my area.
<Can be ordered via etailers like Dr.s Foster & Smith
I know I can order them online, however my main question is this:
should I leave the filter off in the meantime?
<Yes; I would>
Second: What do you personally recommend for a filter for a 5 gal Betta
tank? He's a pretty big Betta and used to be a strong
<Mmm, you could just search w/ the string "Betta system
filters"... Whisper 3i...>
Thank you again for your advice!
<Not advice; and this may seem something similar, but what I'd
likely do given the stated circumstances. BobF>
Re: Sick Betta- Tried everything with no luck.... Non-aq.
plants 2/28/12
In regards to the plants, they're Top Fin from PetSmart- growl - I
did add some semi-aquatic Golden Ribbon plants (Dracaena
<This genus is terrestrial... see WWM re... the search
to float on the top which I've used before without any issues
I thought, and the umbrella plants (were sold to me as aquatic, growl
again. I'm not sure on the scientific name, but they do look
similar the Anubias plants?).
<Also not likely truly aquatic>
Looking on the posts regarding stocking tanks with live plants I
see that PetSmart and Top Fin have used non-aquatic plants? For crying
out loud, I am so disgusted with those people.
<Yes; unfortunately>
I won't go into detail the problems I've had with them
and the horrible information I've received- I've gone back
after speaking with them and researched on your site to find that the
information was just bad.
Unfortunately, I'm in Montana and at this point I have very little
resources for my fish. Is there an online resource for good quality
live plants?
<Quite a few actually. Search... read Aquariumplants (.com)>
Or is there at least one thing that PetSmart might have that
would be safe for my guy?
<My fave: Ceratopteris>
I am going to check and see if they have any of the following
grasses by any chance: Anacharis/Elodea/Egeria,
Myriophyllum/Parrotfeather, Ceratophyllum/Coontail. >
<These are too cold-water to be of tropical use.
Strange/mystery film on water surface
Hi crew,
Sorry I've got another one for you - hope you don't mind.
Gee you lot are good.
Every morning a 55 gallon tank that I've got set up at the
school I work at seems to have some sort of film on the water.
Obviously I'm worried about the consequences this has for gas
I've checked with the cleaners and brokered a compromise
where a bleach-based spray (pump not aerosol) they insist on
using is only used on the desks. This occurred over a week
Every morning I "wick" the film off (as best I can)
with cloth wipes, and afterwards the surface looks like the
picture attached - shot from below with killifish saying hi. As
can be seen, patches of the film remain after
"wicking". The film completely covers the water surface
again by the following morning, if not the end of the same day.
At this point, there are lots of little bubbles associated with
the film.
To check if the bleach-based spray was the culprit, I set up a
shallow tray filled with water next to the tank 48 hours ago
(soaking a slab of granite in there too). There is no sign of the
film as of this afternoon in this tray - this would indicate that
the spray is not causing the film?
So I'm stumped. Presumably something in the tank is causing
this? It's a new tank that's been set up a month, fish
(6x dwarf neon rainbowfish, 1x Golden Wonder Killifish) in for
1.5 weeks and behaving as expected.
Moderately planted with growing Vallisneria, Indian Fern, Java
Fern and Java Moss. A few granite rocks, bogwood roots, two
terracotta pots and a few river stones (all rinsed/boiled/washed
pre-installation as appropriate). 28 deg C, pH 7.2, Ammonia 0
ppm, Nitrite 0 ppm, Nitrate 10 ppm, GH 4 deg.
External canister filter (620 L/hr) handles the water
Thanks a lot for your help again crew - champions.
<Hello Duncan. If this is what I think it is, it is not
uncommon. It's similar to the "protein" that
accumulates in protein skimmers in marine aquaria. I think
it's a byproduct of biological processes in the tank, and in
itself doesn't do any harm. Try increasing agitation of the
water at the surface, e.g., with an airstone or a spray bar. If
my hunch is correct, you'll see the stuff go away by itself.
Cheers, Neale.>

Re: Strange/mystery film on water surface, now BGA
Great stuff Neale,
I lifted the spray bar up from about an inch below the water line
to level with the water line this morning, much bubbling ensued
and the "protein" scum appeared to have cleared by the
end of the day. Yay! Bit worried about CO2 drive-off and
subsequent plant-growth issues (the floating Indian fern seems to
be being beaten around a bit too), but I'm sure it'll be
<Glad this worked. Yes, extra turbulence drives off CO2. But
the flip side is that no turbulence encourages precisely the sort
of slimy, stinky water you see in ponds. Getting the balance
right is the tricky bit!>
I've got another one for you, sorry. I've observed 7 or 8
patches like the picture attached on the gravel substrate
of my month-old aquarium. I believe this is
blue-green cyanobacteria. Having read Bob's WWM
article on the subject, will the extra aeration provided help
deal with this? Given the rest of my tank parameters (outlined in
previous email) plus my small portions of mini-pellets,
wet-frozen blood worms and shelled, squished peas that the fish
get fed (all eaten within 1-2 mins), I'm not sure what else
to do? This began as a single colony on a Java moss frond 5 days
ago, but seems to have spread since then.
Thanks so much team,
<The clue here is where the BGA started -- on the moss. Why?
Because moss traps water and reduces current. BGA just LOVES
still water conditions.
Almost always, you see it around moss clumps, on the leaves of
Vallisneria at the top of the tank, on gravel against the glass,
on the feathery roots of floating plants -- all places with low
or no water flow. While I know many argue nitrate and phosphate
are the major issues, I've got heavily stocked tanks with
high nitrate levels and yet no BGA at all. But I also run those
tanks at high water turnover rates, 6-10 times the volume of the
tank in turnover per hour. My experience is that the more
current, the less BGA; whether it physically can't get
established or the higher oxygen levels are critical I cannot
say. But there it is. Physically remove what's there now,
rejig water circulation around the bottom of the tank, and then
hope for the best. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Strange/mystery film on water surface 10/6.5/11
P.S. Sorry, forgot to mention I'll be doing a 20% water
change and gravel vacuum tomorrow, my first for this 1 month-old
tank. It'll 20% weekly after that.
P.P.S. Going back to an older issue: water pH 7.2-7.4, GH 4.
Neale speculated that higher KH may account for the slightly
basic pH, in spite of the soft GH. I Measured KH today with a new
API liquid kit - KH is 3. So my water is officially soft. So what
gives with the pH? Is this a bit weird (Ammonia 0 ppm, Nitrite 0
ppm, Nitrate 10 ppm)? I'm not worried, just interested.
Right, I'm gone now,
<Well, one problem with pH is that it isn't only affected
by carbonate hardness, though even a carbonate hardness of 3
degrees KH could result in a slightly alkaline pH like the one
you see here, particularly if there's little pushing the pH
downwards into the acidic range. So I wouldn't worry too
much. Provided it's stable, pH 7.2-7.4 is a great range for a
wide variety of fish, including soft water species, which are
less bothered by pH than total (general + carbonate) hardness.
Cheers, Neale.
Fish itching... not Ich or velvet --
Dear crew,
Some of the fish in my planted low-light 30g aquarium are
itching'¦ it started off with one of four of my
Corydoras habrosus a week ago... I just thought maybe
this was normal, as I had acquired them about 2-3 weeks prior. However,
the other three since became "lazy" and just keep to
themselves in a corner, but do go up for a breath. I also thought this
was normal, with them being nocturnal.
<Four is rather too few for this dwarf species; even for large
Corydoras species a group of four would be shy and hide away during the
day. Keep C. habrosus and other dwarf Corys in groups of at least six,
and realistically a dozen or more. They're cheap to buy and
don't place much demand on the filtration system, so there's
not really any excuse.>
Additionally, in my current war against blue-green
algae, I added 4 zebra Nerites during a blackout 2 weeks ago
as I heard they eat some BGA.
<Hmm'¦ no, not really much good against cyanobacteria.
There is a brackish to marine species, Puperita pupa, that may eat
cyanobacteria, and because it's called the "Zebra Nerite"
by some, it can be confused with the freshwater species commonly
traded, such as Neritina coromandeliana. That species only eats green
algae and diatoms.>
Today I saw one of my Neon tetras flash himself against a plant. At
this point, I am sure it must be a disease.
<Well, Neon Tetras suffer from several diseases and have a poor
survival record in hard water, so above all else, be aware that you
won't have much success with Neons unless you buy good-quality
stock and keep them in coolish (22-24 C) water that is soft (1-10
degrees dH) and slightly acidic (pH 6-7).>
It is not Ich or velvet, I think. On my fattest neon, it seems there
are punctures in the skin (I can't really tell). Other than that
and the flashing, it does not seem there are any other symptoms.
Water parameters are all at correct levels, so I'm not concerned
about that.
<You may not be, but I am! Without some declaration of the water
chemistry and water quality in actual numbers, I can't help
Water changes are 25% every Saturday.
Looking forward to your response'¦
<Likely a variety of environmental issues at play here, as well as
stocking choices that may need to be revised. Do understand that
cyanobacteria indicate fundamental problems with an aquarium including
high nitrate and phosphate levels; poor water circulation at the bottom
of the tank and/or around plants; and insufficient lighting. Review,
and act accordingly. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Fish itching... not Ich or velvet -- 06/25/11
Hello Neale,
Thank you for the information about the Nerites.
<You're welcome.>
I suppose I'll keep them anyway, their shells are quite pretty and
I'm sure there's enough diatoms and green algae at the back and
right panel of the tank... I never clean those unless Cyano is growing
immensely on them. Less than two months ago, my tank was covered in the
stuff, for the past 3 weeks I have gained the upper-hand on the stuff
and now it is really reduced to just small patches. I think you'd
be impressed! I improved the tank dramatically'¦ extra
circulation, improved maintenance, more suitable plants (this is a
low-light tank)'¦
<Ah, yes, sounds good. Agreed, Cyanobacteria are easiest to
"fix" by improving things and letting other plants, algae
regain control.>
Anyway, the tank is stocked as follows...
1 Rummy Nose
2 Harlequin Rasboras
5 Neon Tetras
8 Glowlight Tetras
1 Clown Pleco
1 Dwarf Gourami (surprisingly healthy...)
4 Salt & Pepper Corydoras
4 Zebra Nerites
4 Amano Shrimp
<Hmm'¦ not completely surprised the Corydoras habrosus
are hiding, given their small size compared to some of these
I know the tank is probably overstocked, but I'm going to be moving
the rummy nose and harlequins to another tank soon. I don't know if
I can add anymore C. habrosus?
Water parameters:
Ammonia: 0ppm
Nitrite: 0ppm
Nitrate: 20ppm
PH: 6.7
GH: 10dH
Temp: Maintained at 75F, but these warm Summer temperatures are bumping
this up to 78-84.
Tank is injected with DIY co2.
<May be redundant in a low-light system, and in fact may even cause
problems. Remember, CO2 isn't the limiting factor in a low-light
system, and the slow-growing plants wouldn't care anyway. So you
have this extra variable that could be displacing oxygen and lowering
pH. Review, and act accordingly.>
Thanks again.
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Fish itching... not Ich or velvet -- 06/25/11
The inhabitants appeared more happier once the water was made more
acidic and soft.
<Fair enough.>
I also think it affected the Cyano, presumably because bacteria has
trouble in acidic environments'¦
<Don't think this is likely'¦>
The plants also seemed to do better.
Does this have anything to do with my original problem?
<Hard to say. Do review the various things mentioned in previous
messages. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Fish itching... not Ich or velvet -- 06/26/11
Good morning my friend,
It does appear the fish have definite symptoms of a disease. Last
night, before lights out, one of the Neon's red line had lost a lot
of it's intensity.
<Neons do lose their colours at night, as you probably have noticed
already. But if their colours go during the day, that's a sign of
stress and/or disease. It isn't one particular thing, though Neon
Tetra Disease is the most common species-specific problem Neons die
from (of course more Neons are probably killed by poor water quality,
predation by Angelfish, being kept too warm, being kept in hard water,
and so on).>
At the time I also noticed my Espei have an incomplete orange
colouration (i.e., they're missing a patch of orange). I was
concerned it may be the dreaded Neon Tetra Disease.
<Quite. NTD is essentially untreatable, and infected fish should be
euthanised (see WWM re:, but 30 drops of Clove Oil in a litre of
aquarium water does the trick nicely).>
This morning, it appears there is a cloudy coloured patch on one of the
neon, but the neon has regained the intense red it had. The growth does
not look cottony.
<May be either Finrot, Fungus or something called Mouth Fungus,
actually a bacterial infection, Columnaris; do see WWM re:
distinguishing them and treatment.
Some useful medications, e.g., eSHa 2000 in the UK and Seachem
Paraguard in the US treat all three.>
The Gourami is being his usual arrogant self and doesn't seem
affected by anything. The Rummy nose has a real intense red nose... The
glowlights are well too.
Please help'¦
<Have tried. Cheers, Neale.>
Red algae, FW, guppy hlth., using WWM
I set up a 10 gallon (heated, aerated, and filtered) fish tank
recently, it has 2 guppies and a few ghost shrimp. It was all going
smoothly until I added the shrimp, suddenly red algae exploded in the
<Mmm, the color itself can be misleading... does this material feel
very slimy? It's likely Cyanobacteria/BGA>
I clean it and it covers the aquarium again in around 2 weeks. Nothing
online has been very helpful.
The crew has been of great help in the past, so it`d be great if you
could help me out again.
<Read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwbgafaqs.htm>
Also, I had a guppy that would swim mid-tank with its mouth pointing
toward the surface, though it was capable of swimming normally and also
had a bent spine. I was told it was because of previous conditions in
which I regrettably and ignorantly kept it (in a small, one gallon with
another guppy, ouch). It seemed to be reasonable fact until recently
the guppy died and another one seems to be taking up the habit of the
deceased. The body of the deceased seemed untouched when I pulled it
out. Any suggestions on what the problem may be?
<Please learn to/use the search tool on WWM; it's linked (on the
left shared border/.dwt)... to here: http://wetwebmedia.com/Googlesearch.htm
and put in the string: "guppy bent spine", read the cached
views. Bob Fenner>
Algae or Moss? 10/4/10
Hello All,
After conquering diatoms, BBA, Hair algae and green spot algae, I
am now battling a new type that I cannot find online. It looks
brown with some green in my pictures but as I see it in my tank,
it is all green. There are parts of it in the pic that show green
and that is what color the entire patches are (I don't know
why my camera showed brown, even with the flash) but please see
the green in the last pic and that is what it all looks like.
It's a really pretty, deep green too. It is located only in
the front of my tank. Patches of it in the front section and
actually along the whole front edge and even creeping down the
front of the plexi where the substrate layers are seen (see
second pic). It isn't hurting anything but I just don't
know what it is. I have noticed it is beginning to climb on a
white ceramic decoration so it's not limited to the substrate
only (see third pic). Have you seen this before and know what it
is? When I syphon, it will come up as a big piece, like carpet.
It does seem to resemble some type of a moss or fungi, like what
is found on old vegetables in the fridge. So far, I haven't
found anything online and want to be prepared to remedy this in
the future if needed, since I have had my hands full dealing with
every type of algae there is (and I do have thread algae but
it's not a big problem)....ugh. Any help will do.
Thanks you all!
<Hello Lisa. This is Blue-Green Algae, also called
Cyanobacteria. Despite the name, it comes in a wide variety of
colours including black, red, and green-blue. Blue-Green Algae
occurs most often within a particular set of conditions. These
are as follows: [1] slow water movement; [2] high nitrate and
phosphate levels; and [3] excessive light, particularly sunlight.
It often starts on the bottom of the tank because that's
where water flow is often weakest, and you usually find the BGA
growing around plant stems precisely because these slow down
water flow even more. The cure for BGA involves maximising water
flow at the bottom of the tank -- if you have BGA in your tank,
it's VERY likely you don't have enough filtration or
water turnover. You also need to do more water changes to keep
nitrates and phosphates down, or conversely, reduce stocking
and/or feeding. Finally, you need to review lighting. Good strong
light is essential for plant growth, but if you don't have
plants that are growing quickly, BGA will take advantage of the
excess light and nutrients. From the photos you have, it looks
like you have a very plant-unfriendly substrate, and the plants
you have, which look like Dwarf Amazon Swords, require a good
substrate and
strong lighting, and your specimens appear very unhappy. You also
seem to have Java Ferns stuck in the substrate, which they hate.
They're epiphytes!
Trust me when I say that if you have happy, fast-growing plants
in a tank with a strong water current and low nitrate levels, BGA
doesn't grow.
Siphon out that which is visible now, fix environmental
conditions, and the problem should go away. Cheers,
Blue-green algae and fin rot - what to do next?
Hello and thank you so much for this wonderful Web site.
I have been very grateful for your help in the past so am reaching out
once again for advice. My 25 gallon tank has been plagued with
blue-green algae for about 3 months -- ever since I adopted out the
Plecostomus that kept it clean but had grown to large for the
<Whatever else is going on, the blue-green algae has NOTHING to do
with the Plec. These catfish DO NOT eat blue-green algae, so there
usefulness in this regard is nil. Indeed, because they can create
nitrate- and phosphate-rich conditions in small aquaria, they are much
more likely to CAUSE algae problems of this type.>
Not wanting to use an algaecide or antibiotic, I have just been
manually cleaning off the algae when I do water changes (about 10
gallons every 2-3 weeks). I also completely blocked the tank from any
sunlight. Still, it seems to take only about a week for the slimy green
stuff to reappear and the water to take on a strong algae smell.
<Correct. Blue-green algae will come back if conditions suit it, no
matter what you do. The solution is to create conditions blue-green
algae doesn't like! Simple, really.>
I have a hood light that runs about 11 hours a day and have wondered if
I should just turn it off for a while, but worry that the plants will
die. My next move was to try adding plants.
<Does depend on the plants. Blue-green algae are best controlled by
ensuring four things. Firstly, the tank doesn't get direct
sunlight. Secondly, there is a strong water current throughout the
tank, and especially wherever it is the blue-green algae is most
prevalent. Thirdly, nitrate and phosphate levels are kept as low as is
practical. Fourthly, if you can, the addition of fast-growing plants,
ideally floating plants, can make a huge difference. Very few fish or
snails eat blue green-algae, so control of blue-green is all about
prevention rather than cure.>
To complicate matters, more than half of my fish are having problems
with their fins ... some are split, others are ragged around the edges,
and in one case a good chunk of the tail has just gone missing. Could
the algae have anything to do with this?
<No. But conditions that favour blue-green algae, i.e., poor water
quality and inadequate water circulation, are precisely those that
favour Finrot.>
I don't think it is from nipping and the water tests fine--pH 7.4,
ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 5, phosphate .25, KH 2, GH 3.
<These are both very low. What kinds of fish are you keeping? Many
fish and most plants will not be happy in water this soft.>
There are only 12 small fish in the tank--10 tetras, a Cory cat and a
juvenile Bristlenose so it doesn't seem like overcrowding is the
problem. Would you recommend medicating the tank at this point, and if
so what would be your drug of choice?
<Medicating against Finrot is really only part of the solution. You
need to establish why this tank is so unhealthy. Fix that, and the
Finrot problem should be easy to fix with a standard medication and a
bit of time.>
Finally, do you think the undergravel filter could be contributing to
these problems?
<Undergravel filters will certainly inhibit the growth of plants
that have roots, and dying plants won't help things at all.
Undergravel filters need to be set up right to work properly. Check you
have adequate water flow, enough uplifts or powerheads, a deep enough
gravel bed, and the right grain of gravel.>
The tank has been set up for about 9 months and although I regularly
vacuum the gravel I've never cleaned underneath the plate.
<Shouldn't need to more than once every year or two.>
I can see below and it does look pretty green. I have considered
disconnecting the undergravel as there is also a H.O.T. magnum canister
and a Biowheel filter running. Just not sure what is the smartest thing
to do next and appreciate any advice you can offer.
Thanks so much,
<Cheers, Neale.>
Freshwater fungus...? 2/25/10
I'm wondering what this white "fungus" growing on
my gravel and driftwood is. It's almost like a film.
<Most probably some type of bacteria, perhaps a Cyanobacteria.
Fungus certainly does grow in freshwater aquaria, but usually on
organic-rich substrates, like freshly cut wood. Bacterial films
tend to develop where
the substrate is dirty (i.e., rich in organic matter) and when
water current is weak. Cyanobacteria likewise, but with the
additional issue of direct sunlight often being the trigger.
Cheers, Neale.>
Bright Orange Algae, FW 10/27/09
I have a freshwater tank. I recently switched from a 100 gallon tank to
a three hundred gallon tank and suddenly noticed bright orange algae
growing on my fake plant and the top of a shell in my freshwater. What
is this stuff I have never seen it before??
<Probably just algae, and if its orange, then the chances are
it's blue-green algae (Cyanobacteria) which, despite the name,
needn't be blue-green in colour. Blue-green algae has a distinctive
musty smell, and
when you look at it, it's slimy and made up of tiny threads all
matted together.>
I looked on your site and really only found stuff for saltwater.
<Do see here:
Thanks do much
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Bright Orange Algae 10/29/09
Thanks so much the info is greatly appreciated. Is this blue-green
algae bad?? or poison, because I kinda like the look of it as long as
it does not spread to everything?
<Blue-green algae is not in itself usually poisonous
<<RMF disagrees with this statement. Some BGA is VERY toxic
(though in large amounts, it can consume oxygen from the water, harming
the animals in the tank). However, blue-green algae usually only
develops in tanks that have
underlying problems. So they're an early warning that something
isn't right. Typically, blue-green algae grown in tanks that [a]
have poor water circulation; [b] have high levels of nitrate and
phosphate in the water; and [c] are receiving strong direct sunlight.
Without fixing these problems, it grows very rapidly, and long term,
can cause problems in itself. Cheers, Neale.>
Question about algae (Cyanobacteria)
I have got this wicked algae growing on saltwater shells in a 55
gallon freshwater tank. As well as a couple of other tanks.
Primarily my African cichlid tanks. I am attaching a photo graph
of some of the shells. Could
you tell me what it could be? Thanks. James Kittrell
<Looks to be generic blue-green algae. Your Mbuna won't
eat the stuff, so in terms of control, you need to manually
remove it. But more generally, blue-green algae thrives under a
trio of conditions: poor water movement, high levels of nutrients
in the water, and the presence of direct sunlight.
Because cichlid tanks are often overstocked but under-filtered,
blue-green algae can be a common problem. In itself blue-green
algae isn't a bad thing, but it does indicate relatively poor
conditions. Doing more water changes and ensuring adequate
circulation of water are helpful. Blue-green algae often grows on
the sediment or around plastic plants before anything else
because it really likes pockets of still water. In Mbuna tanks
you need 8-10 times the volume of the tank in turnover per hour;
i.e., a 55 gallon tank needs a filter rated at around 550 gallons
per hour.
Hang-on-the-back filters and internal canister filters cause
specific problems because the inlet and outlet openings are close
together, so even if you have lots of turnover, the end of the
tank far from the filter can
become relatively stagnant. So if you use hang-on-the-back
filters or internal canisters, put one at each end so that all
the water moves about.
If you have an external canister, then putting the inlet pipe and
outlet spray bar at different ends of the tank will do the same
thing. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Question about algae
(Cyanobacteria) 3/20/09
Hello. I was at my friend James' house last night and he
showed me the algae on several shells in 3 separate aquariums...
it is not any kind of Cyanobacteria that I have ever seen... It
is not slimy, doesn't break apart,
and is extremely difficult to remove ( kind of reminds me of
"green coralline" algae ...)
<More than one type of Cyanobacteria. While many are slimy or
furry, others are more like what you describe. It's the
colour and the way the "algae" covers the shell that
makes me think it's Cyanobacteria, though the photo was too
blurry to be sure.>
It is more of an encrusting type of algae and has a rough texture
in and out of water... What reminds me of coralline however is
the way in which most of it grows... in circular shapes that
eventually form a film
appearance (like the photo he sent you)
I will tell him to e-mail you a couple of the shells that have
less growth so you can see what i mean... Another interesting
fact is he first discovered them in his Frontosa broodstock
aquarium... the algae first grew completely buried under the
gravel... fungi?
<No. Sounds a lot like Cyanobacteria. The thing about
Cyanobacteria is that some are obligate anaerobes, that is, they
cannot grow where there is a lot of oxygen. (In evolutionary
terms, photosynthesis evolved first, and only once there was lots
of oxygen in the atmosphere did the bacteria then have to evolve
a way to deal with all this nasty, dangerous oxygen. Some
bacteria never "learned" how to do this, and remain in
anaerobic mud, just below the surface, where they can get some
light but are removed from the oxygen.)>
Just shooting into the car far out past left field...
<It could be something else, but for now, I'd put my money
on Cyanobacteria.>
Thanks always
<Always a pleasure. Cheers, Neale.>
Red Slime Algae 12/7/08 Hi, I have a question about
red slime algae and a possible way to get rid of it. I ask my local
fish guy what is a best way to get rid of it. He says that he has some
pupfish that love red algae. But on your site you stated that there
aren't any clean up crews. So will they help at all? But am going
to take the red algae out by hand and hopefully get a siphon. But will
a pupfish help keep it down in the future? thank you very much, Amber
F. <Pupfish (non-annual Cyprinodon-type killifish) can and will eat
many types of algae including blue-green algae (or Cyanobacteria, of
which red slime algae are a type, despite the name). However, the
problem is that blue-green algae grow very rapidly, and they're
also specific to tanks with certain types of problem. In particular,
tanks with poor water circulation and/or high levels of nitrate and
phosphate. Unless you fix those problems, adding new fish, even those
that eat algae, will simply make a bad situation worse. By far the best
"fix" is to give the tank a thorough clean, siphoning out any
and all blue-green algae. Then review conditions: upgrade filtration
and reduce stocking as required. Ensure water circulates throughout the
tank, and ensure you're keeping up to date on water changes (25%
per week is the minimum for busy freshwater community tanks). Lots of
folks make the mistake of seeing algae as something that needs fixing
by adding livestock; in fact algae is very specifically a sign that a
tank isn't balanced, and is a warning sign of other, less obvious
problems brewing in the background. If you add livestock to an already
unbalanced (overstocked) tank, all you do is add more nitrate and
phosphate to the system, tipping the odds in the FAVOUR of the algae,
making things worse. A balanced tank with the right numbers of fish,
plants, invertebrates and water volume will normally have little algae
generally, and usually no blue-green algae at all. Cheers,
Interesting fact/fiction about Cyanobacteria
9/13/08 Dear Crew, <Andy> I was perusing Reef Central
and came across a thread on the use of red slime remover to eliminate
Cyanobacteria. Whenever I see someone advocating for its use, I try to
jump in and advocate AGAINST its use, explaining all the reasons for my
opinion, directing them to WWM, etc. In any event, one response to this
thread stated that when Cyanobacteria dies, it releases cyanide.
<?> At first, I started laughing and thought "this is a
ridiculous statement"--the guy is clearly confusing
"Cyano" and cyanide. But, I did some research on the internet
and found some sites that state studies have shown that all forms of
Cyanobacteria release cyanotoxins and cyanide when they die rapidly,
such as would happen when erythromycin is used. See here for example:
http://www.alken-murray.com/Cyanobacteria.htm. <Mmmm> Before I
searched the internet, I searched WWM for information. I found very
little to confirm or debunk this statement. I did find one post by Bob
addressing a poster's question about why his/her sea horses might
appear to go limp after hanging onto and breaking up BGA in which Bob
implied/stated that the sea horse is getting a dose of cyanide from the
BGA. <Mmm, I hope not... Cyanobacteria are known to degrade
cyanide/s...> However, I also found the following posted by Neale in
the FW section: "BGA doesn't kill fish. The idea that it is
poisonous comes from non-biologists confusing the name of the group of
bacteria (Cyanobacteria) with the word "cyanide". In fact the
"cyan-" part of the name refers merely to the colour. There
are in fact some fish that eat the stuff, as well as snails and other
invertebrates. Anyway, it is best dealt with by balancing the
tank[.]" <Mmm, and I do disagree with this statement. A cursory
look even on the Net will show that BGA decomposition does release
deadly materials> If Cyano does in fact release cyanide into a
system when it dies rapidly, this is just one more reason to never use
this product. Can anyone at WWM confirm this or offer any further
insight into this? <Mmm, cyanides are any triply bonded
carbon/nitrogen... attached to other matter... There may be
"some" cyanide in Cyanobacteria, but I warrant very little...
the commonality with the names "Cyan", meaning blue is a bit
confusing perhaps... but these bacteria (and indeed ourselves) have
biochemical mechanisms for degrading cyanides within our tissues, not
producing, or releasing such> If this is true, you might want to
edit the article on BGA to make this clear to all potential users of
red slime remover to drive home the point that this product is
dangerous. <These products, use is indeed dangerous... for the
general reasons stated... the release of toxic factors, and possible
rapid reduction of dissolved oxygen. What's more, their use will
not eliminate the root cause/s of BGA proliferation:
Take care! Andy <Bob Fenner>
Re: Toxicity of Cyanobacteria 9/13/08
Hi Bob,
<Msieu Neale>
Read your FAQ answer on Cyanobacteria. I have to confess to talking
from the freshwater perspective, and so far as I know there aren't
any directly toxic forms that occur in aquaria. Multiple species of
fish consume the stuff in the wild, e.g., Cyprinodon spp. killifish and
Ameca splendens. I would certainly agree that a mass die-off of these
algae -- or indeed any algae -- isn't a good thing, and quite
likely oxygen consumption through mass decay is as much a threat to
livestock as anything else. As for marine Cyanobacteria, quite a few
are known to be very toxic indeed, apparently "hundreds of
times" more toxic than potassium cyanide.
http://www.interciencia.org/v21_06/art01/summary.html But I still
haven't read anything that states Cyanobacteria actually
contain/produce cyanide at or above the levels present in other
photosynthetic organisms.
<Mmm, yes... some are known to contain... "some". A bunch
could be discussed re aminonitriles...>
As you doubtless know, cyanide compounds are all around in the natural
world, particularly plants, most famously being quite concentrated in
peach stones and almonds. Cheers, Neale
<And you, BobF>
Cyanobacteria. Non use 8/6/08 Hi Bob, I live in Portugal on
the lee shores of a large man made dam used for irrigation purposes.
<I see> Have just seen a notice in the council offices that there
is a concentration of Cyano bacteria, which I presume is Cyanobacteria
in our area. Now I intend to cut the grass that has been growing under
the water now that the level is receding, and making it into hay .
<Mmm> Can the hay made, after being exposed to temps of 30C+for a
few days , contain any bacteria that could be harmful to the livestock
that consumed it.? <Unfortunately yes. I would bury this
material.> I look forward to your reply. Regards. Bill Halstead.
<Ahh, a famous name. Bob Fenner>
Blue Algae (Cyanobacteria)
problem. 4/1/08 Hello, I noticed several small patches of
blue algae in my new 46-gal tank. My mistake was to move some
plants from the 10-gal to the 46-gal thinking that what was in
the 10-gal was simply algae. After some research I understood
that what I thought was algae is instead Cyanobacteria. I also
read that this pest is extremely difficult to defeat and I'm
starting to get a bit nervous. <Don't get paranoid. It
doesn't do any harm. Unsightly, yes. But it doesn't harm
the fish or plants. Remove manually, and then minimise
re-growth.> I see there are antibacterial remedies on the
market, but I'm afraid to kill the good bacteria as well.
<It doesn't. It's merely Erythromycin. While it
certainly kills the blue-green algae (BGA), you have to remember
having a lot of decaying stuff in your aquarium isn't a good
idea for obvious reasons. Much better to manually remove. In any
case, however you kill/remove the BGA, if conditions suit,
it'll be back within weeks.> Some people suggest a 3-day
blackout. However I also read that the bacteria goes dormant
during the blackout and comes back when the lights are back on.
This last approach could also damage the plants that I have in
the tank for lack of light. Do you have any suggestion? Thank
you, Giuseppe <Eutrophic conditions and pockets of still
water, coupled with poor plant growth, tend to be the factors
that allow BGA to develop. Direct sunlight is one triggering
factor. So, increasing water circulation and increasing the
amount of plant growth (which may mean more artificial light)
will help. There's no sure-fire cure for BGA, but
slow-moving, nutrient-rich water is what it likes best. Cheers,
Re: Blue Algae (Cyanobacteria)
problem. 4/4/08 Neale, thanks for your always prompt reply.
The affected tank has a bit more than 3 Watt/gallon of light, a
DIY CO2 system and laterite mixed in the substrate. The filter is
also pretty powerful and creates enough circulation to move some
leaves slightly. Do you suggest to add a water pump to increase
circulation? <All sounds pretty good. I'm surprise
you're getting BGA at all. It is possibly a transient
problem, and if you siphon out any patches of infected sediment,
and crop and covered plants, you might find thing improve once
the new plants start growing. Adding additional water current, or
at least redirecting the current you have, could help. Adding too
much bubbling is a bad idea if that drives off CO2, so powerheads
are better than airstones. BGA simply seems to do best where the
water flow is slowest though.> As for slow plants growth, do
you think I should add any kind of fertilizer? I'm a bit
concerned that adding fertilizer would harm the fish, but
I've heard that people add fertilizers. <Yes,
fertilisation is important. No substrate will feed the plants
indefinitely. Eventually at least one element will be used up,
and that'll be the thing that slows down plant growth.
Aquarium fertilisers shouldn't harm fish if used
properly.> Thank you, Giuseppe <Cheers,
Bluegreen algae, Nitrate/phosphate/ light
relationship? 3/30/08 Greetings all! Some back ground on the issue,
hope it is not too much for the basic questions I have: I service a 90g
cichlid aquarium, currently has 6 med size fish, 2 pc driftwood-I read
this may be an issue but was not in the beginning. pH runs 7.2-have
been bumping it up-was originally set up with regular aquarium gravel,
NO3 is 0-5 , 3 dKH- may rise soon as have been adding cichlid substrate
temp 78. No ammonia nor nitrites.. I average 30-45% water changes.. has
an Emperor 400 type filter.. I recently added a Magnum HOT filter and
have been using HBH phosphate pads since mid Feb.. An automatic feeder
was put into service also in mid Feb, prior the tank was hand fed..
quite possibly over but it never showed up in the NO3 tests..... I have
been servicing this aquarium bi-monthly for the past several yrs with
basically no problems. When I first started it had a UV sterilizer that
was not utilized and the tank two ends were covered to prevent light
getting into the aquarium. It appears as though there is a light on 24/
in the same room as it is in a nursing home. It did have a removable
front cover to give the aquarium darkness, but somehow the cover walked
off long ago... Last May I removed the end covers as it make the tank
too dark IMO and the residents could view the fish from the ends as
well.... Last Oct the tank started getting blue green algae- Cyano
rather badly and quite suddenly.. I was rather slow to react.. I only
did large water changes for the first few months, to no avail. I
finally understood this was basically like the Cyano in SW aquarium so
I started using Phosphate pads, increased flow by adding a powerhead-
and started adding the cichlid based substrate. In mid Feb the feeder
was installed as I believe that more that one person was feeding the
aquarium..... Since I started this regime, the tank has and is
improving significantly..... however the client and I have somewhat
butted heads over the cause and how I should have addressed it... I
should also point out I service 2 other aquariums-ones that I set up
about 2 yrs ago with aragonite sand or cichlid mix , using the same
water source and have had no problems. <Blue-green Algae is almost
always related to eutrophic conditions and insufficient water movement.
Bright light, particularly sunlight, can be a triggering factor but
does not in itself seem to be the cause. BGA often develops where water
movement is lacking, e.g., around floating plants or on the substrate.
So the first thing to do when BGA becomes a problem is to check the
water circulation. Adding powerheads and/or airstones is certainly an
option in a cichlid tank given that cichlids tend to enjoy a strong
water flow. But you should also check your filters provide not less
than 6 times the volume of the tank in turnover per hour.> The
client insisted that we needed a Pleco, there was too much light, from
me taking the end covers off and the UV filter should be in service.
<Plecs don't eat BGA so neither here nor there. In fact, adding
a Plec will increase eutrophication of the water, making BGA more of a
problem rather than less. Paradoxically perhaps, adding light can help
if you also add fast-growing plants. This is because the plants have an
allelopathy effect that suppresses algae and BGA growth. UV filtration
can help with BGA or algae problems to a degree, but it isn't a
cure and it does depend on the UV filter being maintained properly
(cleaned, tube replaced). But really BGA is very difficult to fix
unless you deal with the underlying causative problem. As you'd
imagine, the bacteria involved are tenacious and present in all
aquaria, so even if you "fix" the problem with antibiotics
(one common approach) the BGA can grow back again in weeks.> I tried
as I could to inform them this is not an algae and was not caused form
the light.. and also I did not believe the UV system would impact it
much as it had not been in service since I started cleaning the
aquarium. I am told that this happened once before, and the other
service person installed a UV and covered the tank to keep out the
light. I am not sure what kind of algae they had and am not sure they
really know either... but I do not think it is important for now....
<Agreed.> What do you suppose caused the outbreak? <As
above.> Wouldn't a high PO4 level go along with a high NO3?
<Depends, but regardless in a cichlid aquarium there will always be
enough to potentially drive algae/BGA growth. Remember, both these
classes of organism naturally inhabit waters with minimal amounts of
nitrate and phosphate. So even a "clean" aquarium is as
eutrophic as a swamp in comparison.> Is there a reliable test kit
for PO4? <Yes, used by marine aquarists.> Why did large water
changes basically have no effect on the Cyano..? <Don't know,
but I agree it doesn't.> In your opinion, would a UV sterilizer
make any difference? <By itself, no.> Would the ambient light
really be an issue? <A triggering factor in my experience. At
certain times of the year when sunlight strikes a fish tank for a
certain period, I've noticed BGA patches just at the sunniest spot.
But regular aquarium lights don't seem to be a major issue.
I've seen BGA in dimly lit tanks, and brightly lit tanks with no
BGA at all. Next to me here is a community tank with rocks and regular
algae but no BGA at all; when it had half the light it has now and lots
of plants making the water more still, BGA could be a real problem.>
Sorry for what may appear to be rambling but I would like to know what
may have caused this to occur..... <Check for sunlight, increase
water movement, maintain good water quality.> Thanks for your time
and attention! Regards Denise <Cheers, Neale.>
Red-orange residue in freshwater Cichlid
tank... Likely BGA... 2/18/08 Hi!! <Hello Christina> I
have a 75 gallon tank that has been set up since Xmas of 2007. It
cycled very well and houses African Cichlids of various types.
Everyone is happy and doing very well...I have two female holding
eggs and possibly one more, not sure yet. About two weeks after
setting the tank up I notice a red-orange slime that started to
cover everything in the tank. <Yuck!> It is very obviously
coming from the surface as it does not cover surfaces under
plants or other decorations. I have had no Cichlids die though I
have twice put in an algae eater (Plecostomus) and they both died
within two days. <Yikes> Recently I clean all decorations,
did a 50% water change and within one week the slime was back.
<Good name for it... is likely to some large extent a
Blue-Green Algae... aka Cyanobacteria... many can be quite toxic
to ingest> The city says it's the water system we have
that removes all chlorine, <Mmm, the system you have at home?
As in some gear to treat the potable source> but the water
system people tells us that it's the city water and is a
result of oxidized iron settling in the tank. <Mmm,
doubtful... not this amount... not to where you can actually see
it accumulate> I am at a loss and very disappointed because
the tank looks so bad. At least my little guys are okay right
now. Any insight would be wonderful. Thank you so much for you
time, Christine <Mmm, there are a few approaches to limiting,
controlling BGA... More circulation, chemical filtration,
sequestering microbiologically, competition with other
photosynthetic life, nutrient export... Please read here:
http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwbgafaqs.htm and the linked
files above. Bob Fenner>
Re: Orange slime, FW algae ID, contr. f's 2/19/08
Thanks so much Bob...I will read up on that link right now. I
forgot to mention that we also have the red color in our showers
and toilets. This is why I think it's the water and not
something in the tank. <Mmm, maybe, but just a small
possibility these are the same... the shower is likely a ferrous
stain, but the pix you sent show an algal sort of growth...>
Our water system guy did say that coquino has a lot of iron in
it, but I didn't think it would be so high as to leach in and
settle so quickly. <Mmm, no... if this "high", the
life would be gone entirely here. The iron however is likely
aiding the BGA... > Our system is a softener with a carbon
filter. I attached a couple pictures and now that I'm looking
at in in the pictures it seems more orange-brown. In the first
picture you can see how it settles as there is a distinct line
where there is no slime. Can algae grow so quickly? <Oh yes...
some forms/types can double their biomass every few hours...>
Two weeks ago tomorrow this tank was very clean of this slime.
Thanks again for all you help Christine PS...That is my female
Yellow Lab that has been holding eggs since last Tuesday...any
idea when they might hatch??? <Should be within four days or
so at temp.s of the higher 70's, low 80's F.> Thanks
again!!! <Do read re means of limiting this algal growth...
Bob Fenner>

BGA/silicate connection 11/9/07 Hi guys,
Scott here. For the second time in about a year, I am battling
BGA in my 20-gal freshwater tank. The tank is heavily planted,
with a 65-watt Corallife compact fluorescent fixture. The bulb is
about a year old. Java fern, Java moss, Wisteria, A. nana,
corkscrew vals, and something I think is a variety of crypto are
all producing new growth without CO, and little supplementation.
Rotala indica not so well, but still has new growth. <Sounds
like insufficient light. Rotala is a plant that is a weed under
bright light, but does nothing at all under inadequate light. For
example, I've stuck this species in a garden pond and it has
survived and grown even under ice! But inside moderately
illuminated aquaria, it just slowly dies. If light isn't the
issue, check the substrate and CO2 concentration: both of these
are key factors for Rotala.> For some reason, the rhizomes of
my banana plants rotted away, but they continue to produce new
growth. <Hardly the most reliable plant in the hobby. They
need very specific water conditions depending on the species in
question. Seemingly little adaptability.> The main problem has
been BGA that grows over the lower leaves and chokes them off.
<Common problem. Water quality (nitrate and phosphate
especially), overheating, and direct sunlight are all critical
triggers for Blue-green Algae. Often, treating with antibiotics
is the only quick way to completely eliminate BGA, but if you get
good plant growth and stabilise water quality, eventually it
fades away.> I am using straight well water, which I have
tested for silicates at around 10mg/l. <Silicate isn't
really an issue with Blue-green Algae. Diatoms perhaps, but even
in freshwater aquaria Diatoms aren't normally a problem
except in immature tanks or tanks with poor lighting.>
Sometime in the last few months, the pH of my well seems to have
increased from 7 to around 7.4. The tank tests between 7.4-7.8.
Phosphates are under .25. One of my local LFS insists that the
silicate is what is feeding the BGA. <No, it's really not.
Silicate is hardly used by most organisms. Diatoms almost
uniquely use silicon to produce their external
"shell".> I am considering an R/O unit, because I
also have some funky-looking stuff growing in my saltwater tank.
I guess the main questions I have are: Is the silicate likely the
BGA culprit, and if so, will an R/O unit make that much
difference? <Reducing the phosphate level in the water may
help, but the silicate is hardly here nor there. In freshwater
tanks, the way to beat algae is stunningly simple: fast-growing
plants. Hygrophila, Cabomba, hornwort, etc all work well.
Slow-growing species like crypts and ferns have no effect. The
theory is that fast-growing plants produce chemicals that
suppress the growth of algae. In my experience, this method works
well, even against Blue-green Algae.> The silicate test I use
states that silicates are not an issue for freshwater tanks and
will usually be between 4-20mg/l. If I go to R/O water, will
decomposing plant material leach silicate back into the water
anyway, and if so for how long? <Most plants contain very
little silicon; the exception are grasses, which deliberately use
silicone to prevent grazing (and this is why grass-grazing
mammals have rapidly-growing teeth -- the silicon is constantly
wearing them down). Hope this helps, Neale>
Re: BGA/silicate connection -- lesson learned
1/9/08 Hi Neale, <Scott,> I thought I'd update you
on this exchange we had a couple of months ago. I tried
everything from phosphate pads and powders to erythromycin, yet
the black slime persisted. Finally, as an experiment, I did a
series of 25% water changes over three days. The black slime is
disappearing rapidly. Just goes to show you , even if your test
kits are reading zero nitrates and phosphates, they may still be
in your system and are just being consumed by the algae.
<Indeed. Possibly something not directly measured... sulphate,
iron, magnesium... who knows?> Also, I want to thank the crew
for the information you've put together on Betta keeping.
Because of your advice, I set up a 5-gallon tank, with a very
small HOB filter and a heater keeping it at a steady 82F. The
Betta is very active and happy, and full of personality -- more
so than I have ever seen in any of those desktop/countertop
bowls. <Precisely. While you *can* try and keep a Betta is a
big brandy glass, if you're a little more generous,
you'll get far more out of these fish.> Finally, a quick
question. I am trying to advise a friend on setting up a 40-gal
breeder for freshwater. With a tank this length, is there any
advantage to using two heaters and two HOB filters to provide
more consistent water conditions throughout the tank? <If
finances allow, this approach can work very well. More
circulation always results in better conditions in the aquarium,
and though 4x the volume of the tank is a good minimum for
community tropicals, 6x the volume is better, and for many fish
even 10x the volume is good. It's a good idea to choose two
under-powered heaters though. That way, if one fails in the
"on" position, it won't have enough wattage to boil
your fish. So if your tank needs 100 W of heating, use two 50 or
75 W heaters. FWIW, this is precisely how my community tank is
run, with a heater and a filter at each end.> Thanks again,
Scott <Cheers, Neale.>
Lace rock growth, likely BGA 5/2/07 Hey all! <Denise>
After a quick search, I decided to just ask.... I have lace rock in a
cichlid tank. After about 1 month, the rock has started growing a
blackish film/'algae' type? growth? <Yes... likely
Cyanobacteria...> I am in hopes it is not the beginning of the black
beard type algae :( I did soak this batch in RO water for a few weeks
and rinsed it well to remove sediment etc. I plan to add a phosphate
hoping this will solve the problem. <Not likely limiting here...
Often Lace Rock is a source itself...> I am wondering if this is
common with lace rock? <Not uncommon> I have also used it in
another aquarium with the same issue. <Do read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwbgafaqs.htm and
the linked files above> Thanks! Denise BTW, once upon a time it was
easier to find what we search for with the 'cached' option,
this is not available any longer? Researching is no longer user
friendly on this site <Do try the search tool here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/WWMAdminSubWebIndex/question_page.htm
Unfortunately, all others are not "cached" capable... Google
Adsense doesn't offer such. Bob Fenner>
Massive algae bloom 12/3/06 Hello, I was wondering if you
could help me with an algae problem. I have a green very slimy algae
growing on almost everything, <Ahh, likely Cyanobacteria...
Blue-Green (though the color is not definitive) "algae">
and I don't wont to resort to chemical means as I don't want to
harm my plants. If I did go this route would the bulb of my dwarf
lilies be affected to the point where if I cut all the leaves off that
the plant couldn't regrow. any advice would be appreciated. thank
you, CJ <Good that you understand the need to act here... Please
give this article and the Related FAQs (linked at top) a going over:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwalgcontrol.htm Bob
Ich and Salt - Thanks! And BGA FW situations - 11/02/06 Hi
Robert, <Jason> Don't know if you remember but you answered
some questions for me back in the early summer about curing ich with
salt, and I'm happy to report that method worked flawlessly -
haven't seen it since and didn't lose any fish to it. <Ah,
good> Now I have another problem that I can't seem to find a
satisfactory answer to after combing the internet and WetWebMedia over
the last week. From what I've gathered, I believe the problem to be
"Cyanobacteria" (blue-green "algae") - my plants,
rocks, and driftwood have been overrun with a coating of black slime,
and periodically I get patches of a very bluish color in the gravel
(most visible when it occurs along the glass though I'm sure
it's in the middle of the aquarium too). I guess my first question
is - in your opinion does this sound like what it is? In some
descriptions I read people describe it as a flaky substance - it's
not flaky in my aquarium, in fact it's very hard to scrub off the
hard substrate and impossible to remove from plant leaves without
destroying them. <Does read like BGA> I do a 25% water change
once per week where I vacuum the gravel (as I've always done before
the problem), and as needed I remove leaves as they get taken over, and
scrub rocks and wood periodically when it starts to coat a significant
part of them, but it always comes back full-force within a few weeks. I
also do not overfeed the tank - I feed once in day, a moderate amount
they can eat quickly, and not every day - sometimes once or twice every
two or three days (logic being in nature food comes and goes, it's
not on a regular schedule). If it helps, my current stock is 3 swords,
2 platys, 4 Corys, and 2 small-medium angels in 37 gallons. The idea is
the angels will feed on the fry of the livebearers to keep it in
control (one of the swords is a small juvenile that was big enough to
get away before the angels were added - haven't seen any fry
since...[evil mad scientist laugh]. <Perhaps related> The sad
thing is, after I cured the ich problem, and before this started, the
plants started booming, and now that this has set in they are
completely stifled. (Let me note here my ammonia/nitrite readings have
been 0 since the tank cycled 5 months ago, and nitrate is low given the
regular water changes.) In removing leaves, new ones don't come in
fast enough and now the plants are losing ground to this instead of
gaining, and I'm considering ripping them out. Here's another
factor I learned about our water here, unfortunately after adding
angelfish. Our tap water has a seemingly "unbreakable" pH of
around 7.5. By that I mean I've come to realize that the "pH
7" products I used to add during water changes caused only a
temporary drop, never lower than 7.2. After getting angels I tried
giving up on those products and adding only "pH drop"
products to try and bring it down closer to 7. That failed too (even
after months, after the "balancers" from the "7.0"
products had plenty of time to be flushed out), to the extent where
adding even "massive" doses would not drop it past 7.2 and it
would always rebound to around 7.4/7.5. <Mmm, this pH range should
be fine for "domestic" angels... are quite flexible with many
successive generations having been produced in captivity> By
"massive doses" I mean if the recommended dose said add 1
tbsp/40 gallons and "more as needed", I could add 3 tbsp over
a few days to my 37 gallon tank and could not break the 7.2 barrier.
<Please read on WWM re... Such changes should be done outside the
system, through water changes... Better to start with
"cleaner" water... Reverse osmosis most commonly... mixed
with some straight source water...> Since most of these products
contain sulfuric acid and I don't know what kind of side effects
the sulfur can have I abandoned that too. <Mmm... actually quite
rare to have H2SO4 in commercial products in the States... too quick a
proton donor...> I did lose a couple of angels early on I got from a
major chain over this time but the second batch I got from the LPS have
been hanging in there for a few months in the unaltered tap water pH
and I'm leaving it that way for now (and won't buy any more if
these die until I figure this out). I know a stable high pH is probably
better for them than one that fluctuates. <Yes!> Anyway, that was
a long way of saying - do you know if the water conditions I have are
favoring the Cyanobacteria/black slime problem? (and secondarily, is it
better to leave angels alone that are in a 7.5 pH and seemingly happy
or...) <Mmm... well Cyano can/will proliferate given conditions that
don't favor other photosynthetic life... An abundance of nutrients,
too little intense lighting of useful wavelengths, poor
circulation/aeration... These are covered on WWM as well.> Third and
final question - I decided today to purchase a canister filter. After
much debate and hearing extremes between people that live by the Eheim
and people that knock the cheaper Fluval, I decided to go with the
Filstar XP2 which most claim to be very reliable. Given my conditions,
they offer media to soften water, and there are peat media out there
(not Rena brand yet) that can be added to lower pH. <Again,
reading... and starting with less solute laden water...> My question
is, in your experience, do you think softening the water could
potentially help with this Cyanobacteria problem I have? <Not the
route I would go, no> If nothing else I hope it will make the water
less stressful on the hardy angels that are still around. What about
peat pellets as a two pronged question - could this help as well, and
given how resistant I've described my water to pH lowering, can
this help counter that significantly using a canister setup or if
adding chemicals directly to the water doesn't help is it foolish
to expect peat can help at all? < http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwalgcontrol.htm and the
linked files above> With the canister I'm going to take it easy
and not attempt to change any parameters too much too fast of course
(I'm going to leave my hang-on running too for a couple of weeks).
For instance, their "softening" pack claims to lower
"general hardness" but doesn't mention pH on the website,
so I'm cautious that adding that plus peat could drastically change
conditions. Thanks again for any help/advice, Jason <Keep reading my
friend. Bob Fenner>
2-part question - pH and BG algae 10/2/06 I've
read through the FAQs and researched other sites and find pieces of
answers but nothing specific about dealing with my water conditions.
Hope you're not too sick of dealing with these types of common
questions but here it goes... <Hi there - this is Jorie. No worries,
we are here to help and don't mind answering queries at
all...otherwise we wouldn't do it!> My tank is about 5 months
old, 37 gallons, fully cycled and stocked now with swords, angels, and
Corys (4, 3, and 5). <Sounds nice.> It is heavily planted with
"sword plants" and the lettucy stuff that grows out of
control and which I thin (and am thinking of getting rid of).
<Trying to think of what the second plant could be - does it grow
from a bulb? Tall and thin? Aponogetons are quick growing bulb plants,
and some produce wavy leaves that I suppose could be described as
lettuce-like...> Once the tank was fully cycled, for about 2 months,
the plants really thrived and boomed in growth, especially the sword
plants which I like b/c they are attractive looking. Unfortunately,
about 2 months ago a real problem started to develop with blue-green
algae (Cyanobacteria). Started coating everything with a black slime,
and the plants are obviously suffering from it. I've been doing a
lot of physical removal (scrubbing rocks, wood, clipping leaves that
are particularly bad) which has helped some but it's a losing
battle. I regularly change 10 gallons per week out of the 37 gallon
tank (from the day I set it up), but I fear that part of the problem is
just that our tap water is dismal around here (Arlington, VA) for this
kind of thing - lots of calcium carbonate and iron. I siphon filter my
gravel every time I change water and for the most part the water I
siphon is clear so there isn't a lot of debris on the bottom.
<Phosphates are a usual culprit for algae growth - have you checked
both your tap water and tank water for phosphates lately? I suspect you
will find a very high reading. In the tank, I like to use PolyFilter
filter media in addition to carbon to aid in phosphate removal. Also,
as you pointed out, the tap water could be the problem...you may want
to look into a RO/DI unit (reverse osmosis/de-ionized) - that will rid
your source water of all the "nasties". Of course, it's a
bit of an investment - I bought mine from www.airwaterice.com and I
believe it was around $200 for a 3-stage unit. Alternatively, if you
don't have other tanks, you could look at a cheaper alternative
made Aquarium Pharmaceuticals (I think) - called a "Tap Water
Filter". It's basically just a de-ionizing unit. It's
around $30. You do have to replace cartridges in both types of units -
in the RO/DI, about once per year; for the DI only, probably after
about 30-50 gal. That's where the bigger RO/DI ends up paying for
itself. If you go this route, be sure to remember to add back
electrolytes and necessary trace elements, as well as add something to
raise the pH from about 5.0, with appropriate products (I like
Electro-Right and pH Adjust)> From what I've read, I think our
tap water conditions are ideal for BG... <again, check phosphate
levels> ...and I don't think increasing water changes is going
to help much. <Sounds like you are already on top of water changes -
keep up with what you are doing, but I agree, more likely won't
help. Be sure not to overfeed your tank, and perhaps try giving the
plants a "siesta period" for an hour or so without light.>
I'm wondering if you have any advice. <See above.> While
I'm fine with scrubbing stuff off of the physical decorations,
that's not really feasible with the plants b/c the Swordplants grow
extensive root mats, and to pull one up means uprooting everything and
unless you trim the roots way back after you get them up, you'll
never get them under the gravel again, and trimming the roots (I tried
this on one plant) seems to cause a big dieback. <Yes, it is one
thing to scrub rocks and such, but you really can't do this with
plant leaves without damaging/killing them. If you find leaves that are
completely covered with the algae you describe, do remove them at the
stem with a scissors - the will eventually suck out the nutrients from
the roots that the healthy leaves need.> The other thing I notice
too though is that the black algae is starting to disappear in
"blocky" patterns on some leaves, while it is taking over
others (so no net gain), so I'm not sure if once a leaf gets coated
it is a death sentence or if it can be reversed if the leaf continues
to grow. <Not really - all you can do here is control the algae
growth to begin with. I think if you get your phosphate levels under
control and change your source water (the latter likely helping with
the former substantially), you will see a *big* improvement. I
don't see any information about your lighting conditions - if you
have too much light, that can also cause algae growth. Also, direct
sunlight on the tank will cause algae. A few additional things to think
about...> Here's another clue about our water, and a second
question I haven't found a good answer for. It seems to be loaded
with calcium carbonates (or other substances that cause a high pH). Our
pH is about 7.5 out of the tap, and it is extremely stubborn. I've
tried "pH 7" products that will lower it very briefly then it
goes right back even with multiple treatments. Then I decided that
logically those products also contain buffers to raise it if it needs
it, so since it's not lowering it, then it must only be adding to
whatever buffer is already in the water that keeps it up as well. So
then I started pH lowering products, and same thing - they will lower
it to about 7.2 for a day or two, but it always creeps back up, and
this is with multiple doses to the point where I'm afraid of taking
it to far (seems these products tend to contain sulfuric acid, so
I'm not sure what the sulfur content can to the fish if it gets too
high). For example, it may say add one 1 and 1/2 tbsp per 40 gallons,
and I can do that 3 times over several days and it won't drop past
7.2 and will still rebound. The amazing thing is that while my first
batch of angel fish died that I got from Petco, the batch I got from my
local pet store have been surviving well, seemingly very happily for
awhile now in these conditions. I know this pH is too high for
angelfish and when I discovered how bad this problem was I decided I
wouldn't get any more but the angels I have now are alive and well.
<I'm glad you are trying to provide ideal conditions for your
fish, but in reality, a difference between a pH of 7.5 and 7.0 is not
that bad. It is much more important to keep the pH stable, and by
adding the various products you reference above, it seems as though
you've got a good deal of fluctuation going on - that's bad. In
all honesty, I'd say leave it alone. Fish are fairly adaptable, but
do not tolerate changes in pH levels and the like. Keep in mind, also,
that if you invest in either a RO/DI or DI unit, your water will come
out at around 5.0 pH, and you'll have to add a chemical adjuster to
raise it.> Anyway, I guess my second question is - is there anything
you can do for water that refuses to drop in pH like mine (besides
buying a mini-treatment plant to take out the alkalines?) Is it even
worth putting in "pH drop" every week to keep it around 7.2
or can the sulfur or whatever side ingredients in these acids
accumulate and cause harm themselves? <Again, you aren't dealing
with a huge change (i.e., between 7.5 and 7.2), and I'd just leave
well enough alone. Keep in stable and the fish will likely be OK. Save
the money you spend on the chemicals for a nice RO/DI unit - I believe
that is the best solution for both of your problems!> Back to my
first question - does the pH problem (and underlying factors) have
something to do with the blue-green algae problem? Again, the plants
absolutely thrived for awhile so my gut is that they got big to a point
where a balance was tipped and they started taking so much of something
out of the water that let the BG algae thrive and now they're
losing. <It's the "underlying factors" that are
contributing...likely the phosphate in the source water.> Here's
another site that is interesting and if it were correct it may suggest
my problem may root in the fact my nitrates aren't high enough for
the levels of phosphate in my aquarium: http://www.xs4all.nl/~buddendo/aquarium/redfield_eng.htm. Any
experience with this? Since the fish don't seem to be suffering and
it's an aesthetic problem I hesitate to tinker with the nitrogen
levels. <I haven't seen that site before. It seems to be well
researched, but if it were me, I'd start with just looking at the
phosphate levels first. I was battling all sorts of algae, including
blue/green and black beard in my freshwater planted tank, and once I
switched to the RO/DI and added the PolyFilter, the problem virtually
resolved itself. Oh, and one more thing - you say your tank is
well-stocked with plants...that's very subjective, obviously. What
I can tell you is that if you have so many nutrients for the algae to
thrive on, you likely have room for additional plants - they will use
those same nutrients, grow, and aid in starving out the algae.>
Sorry for the long message but any help is appreciated - if you do
choose to answer feel free to post on a FAQ on your site. Thanks and
love your site. <I appreciate all the info. you provided me - helps
me better diagnose a problem...no worries on the length of the
question, my friend! You will receive a return e-mail, and we will be
posting this answer on the daily FAQs as well...> Jason Arlington,
VA <Jorie, Aurora, IL.>
Re: 2-part question - pH and BG algae: PART 2 10/03/06
Jorie, thanks so much, and I take it as good news that so many of my
questions could possibly be addressed with a single solution - a RO/DI
unit. I have heard of them vaguely so the advice is appreciated, I will
look into it. As you say, $200 is not bad (especially if you only have
to replace a cartridge once per year), and would easily pay for itself
given that a "large" bottle of pH drop is $7-$10, and I'd
rather take out the problem than just keep adding more chemicals.
<Agreed. Do look at www.airwaterice.com - for the price, I don't
think you'll find a better unit. And, their customer service is
outstanding.> I know that you're right that stable pH is better
than fluctuating pH, even if it's high. <Within certain limits,
of course...> I'll be wary of the pH drop if I get a RO/DI unit,
though I'd practically celebrate to see the pH of my water go below
7 - not that I want it to, just that I'm surprised our water is so
pH resistant to anything I've tried. <LOL!> I do have one
question - if the RO/DI unit will drop the pH around 5 and it's
necessary to add something to keep it up, then won't the unit
continue to remove whatever you add? In other words, will it be the
reverse of my situation now where I'll have to keep adding a buffer
to keep the pH up instead of down? 5 is pretty severe so that's
definitely of more concern than 7.5. <If I understand your question,
I believe the answer is that the RO/DI unit is attached to your faucet
(i.e., source water), not the tank itself. So, the water is only
filtered once in this way - I use a 5 gal. jug to collect the water
after it has been filtered, then add 2 tsp. of ElectroRight, 1 tsp. of
pH Adjust - I'm left with 5 gal. of water with a pH of precisely
7.0.> Anyway, the "lettucy plant" is Hygrophila difformis
(maybe lettucy wasn't the best adjective) - an invasive out in
nature that doesn't need much light, so it's no wonder it does
well in tanks. <Hmmm, not familiar with this - I will look into it,
though, perhaps it can live in my slightly brackish water tank where
not much plant life survives...> I didn't seek it out - just got
one batch in the variety I bought starting out figuring I'll see in
time which do well and which don't in the light I have. It took
over very quickly though, and there are more attractive plants I have
that grow a bit more slowly so that's why I'm thinking of
getting rid of it. It can look good in its own right, but you need to
keep trimming the tops off, planting them, and discarding the lower
parts. <I had the same problem with Aponogetons - they grow very
readily under regular output lights, but require frequent trimming.
Look into the various anubias plants - they don't require much
light at all and are slow growing. Very low maintenance in this
regard.> Lighting - I'm not a plantophile... <...love this
word!> ...and just have the factory fluorescent hood, but one thing
I liked about my corner model tank is that it came with a dual-bulb
hood, so I think that is why some of the plants I have that I read are
doomed to fail are actually doing quite well. <How many gallons did
you say this tank is? I, too, have a 44 gal. "corner" tank -
really a pentagon in shape. I found that I needed to upgrade to a power
compact (PC) fixture, since the tank is so deep. Even so, I can only
plant low-mid light plants...> Anyway, thanks again, and if I get an
RO/DI unit I'll give you an update and let you know if it works
against the BG problem. Jason <Hope I've helped - Jorie>
FW Cyano in a Service Acct. 7/6/06 I have a tank that I
maintain that has really bad Cyano. It's a lightly planted 55g
tank. It's got 260w of new (several months) PC lighting - Coralife,
a new Eheim canister, a Maxi-1200 for flow, a few rosy barbs, a couple
of angels and a few tetras. They replaced an older acrylic tank with a
new glass one. When I put the new tank in I replaced most of their deco
and all of the gravel. I did a 75% water change at that time as well.
Since then I have been doing 50% water changes every two with RO/DI
water every two weeks (for two months now), and manually (by hand)
exporting all the really thick Cyano. I know my water is clean - I make
it myself and use it in all my store tanks which stay pristine. They
(the tank owners) swear up and down that they've cut back on their
feeding, and they're using NLS pellets. <NLS we'll take as
Pablo Tepoot's New Life Spectrum... a fairly "clean"
food> For the life of me I can't figure out where it's even
getting the nutrients to grow, but this Cyano is THICK, and I can't
kick it. Nutrient control has always worked for me and I'm just
baffled. Thanks for the input. Scott <Mmm... well... because you are
in the trade, know what you're doing, and this BGA has been so
persistent and dominant, I would likely remove the fish livestock and
either "nuke" this system and all its gear with a bleach
solution, or even go the Erythromycin/antibiotic route. If it were
you/my home system, I would try massive water changes, adding some
aggressive live plant/s (likely floating...), some source of alkaline
earth material (to "feed" the vascular plant/s). Bob