FAQs on Freshwater
Shrimp Compatibility
Related Articles: Freshwater Crustaceans, Invertebrates for Freshwater Aquariums by
Neale Monks, Forget
Crawfish Pie, Let's Make a Crawfish Tank! By Gage
Related FAQs: FW Shrimp 1, FW
Shrimp 2,
FAQs on: FW Shrimp Identification,
FW Shrimp Behavior, FW Shrimp Selection, FW Shrimp Systems, FW Shrimp Feeding, FW Shrimp Disease, FW Shrimp Reproduction, & Shrimp by
Family, Genus, Species: Atyids: Genera Caridina & Neocaridina
(Japanese Marsh, Yamato Numa Ebi, or Amano Shrimp, Bumble/Bee,
Crystal), Genus Atyopsis
(Bamboo, Wood Shrimps), Genera Attya, Atya, Atyoida
(Mountain, Rock Shrimps), Freshwater/Brackish/Marine
Palaemonidae Rafinesque, 1815 & FAQs on: Palaemonetes (Ghost/Grass/Glass
Shrimp), Macrobrachium
(Blue "Lobsters), & FW Crustaceans 1, FW Crustaceans 2,
FW Crustaceans 3, FW Crustaceans 4,
& FAQs
on: FW Crustacean
Identification, FW Crustacean
Behavior, FW Crustacean
Compatibility, FW Crustacean
Selection, FW Crustacean
Systems, FW Crustacean Feeding,
FW Crustacean Disease, FW Crustacean Reproduction &
Terrestrial Hermit Crabs,
Hermit ID, Hermit Behavior, Hermit Compatibility, Hermit Selection, Hermit Systems, Hermit Feeding, Hermit Reproduction, Hermit Disease/Health, &
Crayfish FAQs,
2, Crayfish ID, Crayfish Behavior, Crayfish Compatibility, Crayfish Selection, Crayfish Systems, Crayfish Feeding, Crayfish Disease, Crayfish Reproduction,

Comp. Crays, shrimps 5/14/16
Hello again,
<Big B>
Did a search on your site, did not find the answer for my latest
I have three dwarf Cajun crayfish in my 55 gallon tank. They are doing
awesome, co-existing nicely with 12 zebra danios, 8 guppies, 10 bleeding
heart tetras and 4 sterbai Cory cats.
<Glad to hear/read that your Crayfish aren't going after your fishes>
I have algae due to lots of plants and probably over fertilizing. That
said, I have three questions about adding cherry or similar shrimps:
1. Will the crays eat them?
<If they can get hold of them, yes>
2. Will they help eat and control the algae?
<Possibly; depends on what type/species of algae you have here. MANY
kinds are unpalatable>
3. How many can I add?
<A dozen or two; hoping that they'll establish a breeding population>
Thanks as always for assistance and guidance.
<Have you read on WWM re algae control? There are a few approaches...
other biological controls.
Bob Fenner>
Re: Comp. Crays, shrimps 5/14/16
I will read up on algae control thx. They are dwarf X-rays by the way,
only about an inch long claws to tail.
<Neato! These may well not be able to catch such small shrimp in as
large a
system as you have. BobF>
Re: Comp. Crays, shrimps 5/14/16
Meant to type dwarf crays, not x-rays. That would be neeto indeed. Dang
auto correct. Thx again.
<Heee heee hee>
Help! Weather loach/shrimp comp.
My husband and I have a 135 gallon tank and your people helped us out
on before when we cracked some glass, which I might say our advise
worked wonderfully! Currently I bought a golden loach
<I take it this is a xanthic variety of Weather Loach (Misgurnus
without researching it first. We have shrimp, kali loaches, Otto cats
with rocks, driftwood, and lightly planted (we are planning on heavy
We keep it between 76.5 and 80 degrees. My questions are: will the
golden loach eat my shrimp? Will it befriend the Kali loaches, how big
will it get in our tank, and probably most important of all....... How
the hell do I get it out of the tank before my husband shoots me!
<Very hard to extract for sure... use two nets...>
Thank you Michelle
<In a system this size, with enough plant material, though this
loach may consume some small shrimp (young)... Not all likely. Bob
Quick cherry shrimp compatibility question,
Chaetostoma 1/18/11
I have a 35 gallon tank with 6 black neon tetras and a rubberlip
I bought 10 medium sized cherry shrimp the other day. I have observed
them the last few days moving about the tank and seeming to be eating
However, I have seen none today and, somewhat alarmed, have been
watching my tank almost obsessively for several hours with no sighting.
I did research before I bought, and the everyplace that mentioned black
Neons and cherry shrimp said they were compatible. Have I bought my
fish an expensive
snack? Is it possible the black Neons ate them?
<Not the Tetras, but the Loricariid. Bob Fenner>
Re: Quick cherry shrimp compatibility question
Thanks for your reply, and I apologize for the grammatical error. That
it could have been the Pleco was a passing thought I, unfortunately,
disregarded. Am I correct in assuming this would happen with any
Loricariid? Hope you are enjoying your vacation!
<Mmm, I don't think I would trust any Loricariid with these
small shrimps... There are other "algae eaters" of use... Bob
Whisker shrimp 5/11/10 Reading about
whisker shrimp it sounds a lot like they may go after my fish.
<What's a "whisker shrimp"? Do you mean a fan shrimp,
Atyopsis, such as Atyopsis moluccensis?>
Do you think it would be safe to keep two of them in my planted tank
with a female Betta and a small 2" Bristlenose Pleco or will they
eventually attack the fish?
<Atyopsis species are completely safe and do not attack fish. They
may eat a dead fish, but they won't be the cause of that fish's
death. In this sense they are different to Macrobrachium spp. shrimps,
the so-called
Long-arm Shrimps, which are indeed opportunistic carnivores and mostly
not suitable for community tanks.>
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Whisker shrimp 5/11/10
Looks like I made the wrong choice because they are in the
Macrobrachium family.
<A few Macrobrachium are fine in community tanks. If you haven't
perused the excellent PetShrimp site, have a look there:
<<Macrobrachium spp. will eat most any fish they can catch...
It's not worth bringing them back for $4 so I think I will put them
with Scuba the red eared slider and see how long they last. Scuba may
get a gourmet meal.
<Cheers, Neale.>
Killer Ghost Shrimp? -- 01/13/2010
Hello Crew, I hope you are well today.
I recently acquired several Ghost, Cherry, and Rudolph (Caridina
gracilirostris) shrimps which I placed in my quarantine tank. The
next day, I found one of the large (4cm) Ghost shrimps munching
on one of the Cherry shrimps. I assumed that the Cherry shrimp
had died and the Ghost Shrimp was simply scavenging.
<Could easily be... and do remember that large carnivorous
shrimp will cannibalise small shrimp just after the small shrimp
have moulted.>
However, yesterday I looked into the tank and saw the remaining
two Cherries busily working away at my pre-filter sponge, looking
very healthy.
Not one hour later, I was dismayed to see the large Ghost Shrimp
feasting on another of the Cherries. I have since separated the
Ghosts from the others.
I was hoping you could tell from the attached photos whether this
is the usual harmless Palaemonetes species sold (in North
America) under the Ghost Shrimp name, or the more insidious
Machrobrachium species.
<Very difficult to say. As you perhaps realise, Macrobrachium
are characterised by having much longer arms than most other
shrimps (Greek; Macro = big, Brachium = arm). Your photos
don't seem to reveal particularly big arms, but the catch
here is that female Macrobrachium have smaller arms than the
males, and both can have unusually small arms if they've lost
their arms in a fight. Until they moult a few arms, their
"temporary" arms will be quite small. It's
certainly possible for Macrobrachium species to turn up in
aquarium shops, including some fairly small and comparatively
peaceful species, such as the Red-Claw Macro, Macrobrachium cf.
hendersoni. Males of Macrobrachium species typically have patches
of colour on their pincers, so even if they have smaller arms
they should be obvious. Females are less obvious. But I will
observe that whereas Palaemonetes seem to have spindly arms that
mostly point downwards, pecking away at the substrate,
Macrobrachium seem to have arms they mostly hold out to their
side ("elbows out", like rude children at the dinner
table). Their arms also tend to be more strong looking. If you
haven't already looked at the excellent Petshrimp.com site,
it's a good place to compare photos of many of the traded
freshwater shrimp species.>
If these do turn out to be Macrobrachium, rather than go into my
peaceful Endler/Molly/Halfbeak/Shrimp tank, I'm afraid they
will have to take their chances with my Cichlids!
<Oddly enough, even Macrobrachium can end up as dinner when
kept with robust tankmates. They're quite difficult to house,
and I haven't found them especially hardy animals in terms of
water quality. So while fascinating, I would be cautious with
what you keep them with.>
Thank you so much for your help to aquarists all over the
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Killer Ghost Shrimp? -- 01/13/2010
Neale, thank you for your lighting-fast response.
<My pleasure.>
Your knowledge of aquatic creatures is amazing!
<Not sure about that!>
So amazing, in fact, that I thought I might ask you another
question. . .
One of the three Caridina gracilirostris I have is full of
I have been unable to find detailed information regarding
breeding this species, other than the fact the larvae require
brackish and/or seawater for development.
<Apparently so. Actually, this is not uncommon with
"freshwater" shrimp. By having a marine stage, the
larvae can colonise rivers and islands by drifting along the
coastline. Since adults can't swim well, this allows the
species to cover a much wider area than otherwise.>
Although it's probably a long shot, I thought I might leave
this female in my quarantine tank and have a go at raising the
<Has been done in labs; not easy, but do-able. See here:
The larvae need about half-strength seawater, SG 1.010, and
don't adjust to freshwater conditions until 69 days
post-hatching. Since these shrimps are tolerant of brackish water
as adults, you might try acclimating them to brackish water
first, SG 1.005, so that the eggs are then exposed to only a
moderate change in salinity once you move them on.>
Do you have any tips, such as when to raise the salinity and by
how much, and what to feed the larvae, etc.? Or if you know of a
link or book that provides this information, that would be great
as well.
<Ecologically, these shrimps are doing the same thing as many
freshwater gobies, which also have marine larvae. "Brackish
Water Fishes" goby chapter author Naomi Delventhal had a go
at breeding such gobies, the details of which may be
By the way, I spent the last hour or so perusing the
Petshrimp.com site; very informative with
excellent photographs.
<Yes, indeed, a gem of a site.>
I've been researching shrimp for the last little while, and
oddly enough, never come upon that site.
Thanks again!
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Killer Ghost Shrimp?
Neale, again, thank you so much for the information! I will
update you if I have success with rearing any Caridina
<Glad to have helped, and look forward to hearing
As an aside, my "killer" ghost shrimps look very much
like the shrimp on page 362-363 of your "Brackish Water
Fishes" book.
<I'm pretty sure that's a small coldwater prawn;
harmless, even with small fish.>
Great read, by the way! It's rare to find a book dedicated
strictly to brackish creatures; most aquarium books have only a
rudimentary chapter on brackish fish, but your book is very
complete and detailed.
<Thank you for these kind words.>
Thanks again,
<Good luck with your shrimp breeding! Cheers, Neale.>
My question is concerning the compatibility of freshwater
shrimp and goldfish 12/15/09
Hi WWM guys and gals,
<Hi Lourdes! Melinda here with you today.>
I have written to WWM before concerning a common goldfish with a lump
in his tail. He still has it, but doesn't seem bothered in the
least by it. I separated my fancy goldfish from the common goldfish and
now have them in two separate planted tanks. They seem very happy.
<That's a good thing!>
My question is concerning the compatibility of freshwater shrimp and
goldfish. I know that some (all?) shrimp are algae eaters. I was
wondering if I could add some freshwater shrimp to my goldfish tanks
safely, or if it is not a good idea at all.
<Well, I guess it depends on a couple of things. First, what
temperature are your tanks at? Goldfish, as you probably know, would
rather not have a heater in their tanks. However, most of the
freshwater shrimp available (Ghost Shrimp, Red Cherry Shrimp, Bamboo
Shrimp, etc.) are really warm-water shrimp. Amano Shrimps can handle
somewhat lower temperatures.
So, depending on what your temp is, the shrimp may or may not make
Keep in mind that without a heater, the tank temperature is going to
fluctuate, which is something the goldfish can handle, but the shrimp,
who are more delicate, may not be able to. Also, what size are these
I worry that at some point, the shrimp may be seen as food. Sure, we
don't think of goldfish as voracious predators, but if there's
something that looks like food, and they're large enough to eat it,
I worry they would either eat the shrimp or injure it, especially if
they happened to catch the shrimp after a molt. If you were going to
try this, I'd make sure there were plenty of places too small for
goldfish to enter, but large enough for shrimp to hide>
If it is possible, I wonder which kind are best suited for a goldfish
<I'm really not sure if I'd try this combination. Some
shrimps do eat algae, but chances that they'd survive without
supplemental feedings are pretty low. It would have to a pretty tough
shrimp to fight off goldfish for his algae wafers or whatever is on the
menu! So, there may be some issues there with feeding/nutrition. Have
you thought of snails as another option? Overall, though, I have to say
that my choice for algae removal here would be a good old Mag-Float.
You don't have to worry about feeding them, and they don't
poop! Also, it might be helpful to figure out why that algae's
there in the first place... if you could pin it down, and fix
what's causing it, there would be no need for algae removal.
Here are is a link that might be of use to you -- further reading on
freshwater shrimps, and some on snails, as well...
And, at the heart of the matter, one on algae control in freshwater
And an article to help you figure out what kind of algae this is, which
will assist in figuring out what's causing it!
Shrimp and cardinal tetras 12/6/09
Dear aqua experts,
<Hello Janet,>
I have only found conflicting advice in trying to find the answer to my
question, so I come to you to get my answer. I have 2 established
freshwater tanks. The 10 gallon houses 14 red cherry and Amano shrimp
as well as 10 zebra danios that are about 6 weeks old and growing.
<Very good.>
The 20 gallon houses 3 zebra danios and 6 cardinal tetras.
<I'd up the number of Cardinals if you could. I'd also make
the observation that Danios prefer cooler water to the Cardinals, so
one or other group of fish isn't going to be completely happy.
25-26 C would be about the best
compromise, but even then, not ideal.>
I would like to move the danio juveniles into the 20 gallon with their
parents and have a danio-only tank.
<Very wise. Danios like things on the cool side, around 22-24
I would like to move the cardinals into the shrimp tank.
Both tanks are planted, the 10 gallon heavily. I'm sure (?) the
shrimp are very happy in their current tank with only some baby danios
to keep them company. Can I add the cardinals to the shrimp tank (after
I move the baby
danios) without the shrimp becoming reclusive, boring, anxious and
<Yes; Cardinals pose minimal threat to the Shrimps, even Cherry
Shrimps, and the two species will coexist nicely. Since Amano shrimps
like things a little on the cool side, they're ideally kept with
Danios rather than Cardinals.>
Thank you all knowing ones.
<Cheers, Neale.>
Cherry Shrimp, guppy comp.
9/27/08 I was just wondering, would my guppies eat red cherry
shrimp? <No; have mixed Limia (closely related to Poecilia) with
Cherry shrimps and ended up with lots of babies of both.> Are red
cherry shrimp good cleaners? <Excellent; though as ever, it's
YOUR job to keep the tank clean. Do this my minimising what goes in
(i.e., don't overfeed) and maximising what comes out (i.e., via
water changes). Both Guppies and Cherry shrimps are primarily
algivores, so do provide them with a diet rich in greens.> Does
their exoskeleton shed a lot and does it make a big mess? <Yes they
shed their exoskeleton, but the shrimps eat them to recycle the
calcium. So usually not a problem.> thanks! -Sarah <Cheers,
Re: Cherry Shrimp 9/28/08 Hello Crew,
In addition to my other e-mail, I was wondering if the red cherry
shrimp would eat my baby guppies. all of the babies are between 2-4
months old. _thanks _Sarah_ <Sarah, please do read my e-mails
thoroughly: as stated, both baby guppies and baby shrimps will coexist
with parents of either species. You might lose or two, but not enough
to matter. Cheers, Neale.>
Cherry Shrimp Compatibility, w/
Corydoras 8/20/08 Hello, <Amanda> I hope
whichever of the crewmembers that gets this is having a good day. <I
hope we all are> I have a quick question. I am pretty sure I already
know the answer, but I read over the facts (both shrimp and Corydoras)
and just wanted some confirmation either way. I have the opportunity to
purchase some cherry shrimp (they aren't very common here). I am
very interested in getting some but only if I can house them safely.
The only tank I have which is suitable to their needs at the moment is
populated by 10 Corydoras (five C. aeneus and five C. sterbai). My gut
feeling is that the Corydoras might try to eat the cherry shrimp (on
the Corydoras section on WWM it is stated "Corydoras et al. are
more carnivorous than omnivores... eating mainly insect larvae, worms,
and crustaceans in the wild." If this is the case I will not get
them, but if you feel housing them together will be safe I'll pick
them up. Thank you Amanda <If this tank is large enough (let's
say 29 or more gallons), and there is sufficient habitat (rocks,
plants, wood...) these shrimp and Callichthyids should be fine
together. Bob Fenner>
Platy fry and ghost shrimp fry
4/9/06 I really need help. My ghost shrimp had babies about a month
ago and now my "Minnie" platy is going to. I need to know if
i can put all the fry in the same breeder net. As of right now I can
afford to get another tank. I also need to know if i really need to get
another tank do to overcrowding. At this point I have 1 frog, 1 Betta,
2 kuhli loach, 3 Cory cats, 2 platies and 2 adult shrimp plus i
don't know how many baby shrimp. I know I am pushing over crowding
and really don't want that... Please tell me what to do. Can the
fry go into one net and how long before I really have to get a bigger
tank? Thank you Leeann <Mmm, the shrimp and platy fry can go and
stay in the net as long as both are fed (small amounts a few times
daily). The Betta and others will consume both if they are small enough
to ingest... You will eventually need another tank if these animals
keep reproducing. Bob Fenner>
Bettas and Ghost Shrimp comp., incomp. 4/1/06 Hi.
<Hello> Do you know why my fighting fish ate my ghost shrimp?
<Are you sure he did?> My fighting fish was a male <And still
is, I'm thinking> and he ate 2 ghost shrimp. I bought 6 but he
ate 2. I have 4 left. <Your math is correct. :)> E-mail me back
when you get this. <We always do> Thank you very much! <First,
Danielle, I don't have any way of knowing, one way or the other, if
your Betta actually ate your Ghost Shrimp. I'm a bit skeptical
about this for a few reasons. First, Ghost Shrimp are pretty fast when
they need to be and Bettas aren't known for their speed (this makes
them quite compatible together). Additionally, at warm temperatures
such as your Betta requires, Ghost Shrimp are known to be far more
active and aggressive than they would at cooler temperatures making it
more likely that it would be they who would take a swipe at your Betta
rather than the reverse. Finally, Ghost Shrimp regularly shed their
outer shells (exoskeletons) and then hide until new exoskeletons form.
This, all too frequently, leads folks to assume that their shrimp have
fallen prey to a hungry tankmate when, in fact, no such thing has
happened. I'd keep an eye on your tank and see if your
"missing-in-action" shrimp don't magically reappear.
New bamboo shrimp 02-05-06 Hello, <Hi there> I
just got a bamboo shrimp tonight and am super excited that there is a
shrimp out there that can live with my goldfish and snails! <Can>
I have been trying to read up on what I should feed this new guy and
understand now that he or she will eat A LOT. I keep running across,
"see on the net re: cannot live on pellets alone," but cannot
seem to find it, so if these questions are redundant I truly apologize.
<... try to use the Google search tool as described here: http://wetwebmedia.com/faqstips.htm
Putting in the terms "Bamboo Shrimp Feeding": http://www.google.com/custom?q=Bamboo+Shrimp+Feeding&sitesearch=wetwebmedia.com
Look at the cached versions...> I feed the snails sinking algae
pellets that break down, and flakes to the goldfish. Does "cannot
live on pellets alone" mean algae pellets, fish food pellets or
something else entirely? Do I need to buy special food for this shrimp?
By the way, he seems to be enjoying himself so far, running around the
tank and checking out the intake tube. xxx Kuniko <Read. Bob
Betta Compatibility,
Cherry Shrimp - 05/20/2006 Hey WWM crew, you guys have a
pretty awesome FAQ going here. <Thanks for the kind words!>
I went through the Betta compatibility FAQ and searched online
but I did not really find an answer to my question so I was
hoping you guys could help me out. I currently have an
eclipse 12 (12 gallon, 150 gph, bio-wheel) that has a relatively
dense group of plastic plants around the back and sides with a
cave and 2 ornamental decorations with some holes in it. The tank
is cycled and currently houses 6 harlequin rasboras and a Betta.
They get along fine and for the most part seem to ignore each
other. The Betta seems to enjoy going around the tank and
occupies all levels of the tank. My rasboras tend to stick to the
middle to upper levels so I was thinking of getting something to
occupy the bottom of the tank. <Sounds great.>
I know Cory cats tend to get along well with Bettas. However, I
think a group of 3 Cory cats might be pushing my tank to the
limits <Mm, you'd probably be okay with a few of one of
the smaller species.> so I was thinking of maybe housing some
cherry shrimp instead with the Betta and rasboras. <Cherry
shrimp are great.> I know cherry shrimp live about 2 years
long but I'm worried that my Betta might try to eat them for
food. <It's possible. I have a particularly
aggressive female Betta that has killed shrimp much larger than
cherries. I think most Bettas would be fine with them,
though.> However, they are about an inch long
<Surprising. They rarely get this
large. It might be a different species that you're
looking at; maybe C./N. sp. "zeylanica", which can look
similar but gets larger.> so I was hoping that the Betta would
leave them alone after a while. <You could try
getting just one or two shrimp at first and see how the Betta
responds.> What do you think, should I add a group of 3 Cory
cats to the tank or add like 6 or 7 cherry shrimp to the
tank? <I, personally, would try the
shrimp. I think this would be better for the tank in
terms of bioload, also the shrimp will eat algae, also shrimp are
a lot of fun to watch. Start with just a couple to see
how the Betta reacts to them, and if there are no problems, get
the rest.> Thanks for all your help. -Xiaosong
<Glad to be of service. -Sabrina>
Re: Betta
Compatibility, Cherry Shrimp - 05/21/2006 Hey Sabrina,
<Hi, Xiaosong! Incidentally, you have a beautiful
name.> Thanks for your help! <And thank you for giving me
the opportunity to help!> You were right about the size of the
shrimp; they are more like 3/4th of an inch. So I had a quick
follow up question. Once I get the shrimp, do you think it would
be better to pull the Betta out of the tank for a day or two to
let the shrimp get acclimated to the tank or should I just put
the shrimp in with the Betta right away? <I'd get just a
couple to start with, and go ahead and put them
in. That'll give you the best idea of how the
Betta is going to respond to them, I think.> When I first
introduced the Betta to the tank with the rasboras, I put the
Betta in the tank in a breeding net on the side for a day but I
didn't think it made a difference in the end with the
rasboras. <Sounds like a plan, then!> Thanks! <Any
time.> Xiaosong <Wishing you
well, -Sabrina>
FW catfishes and shrimp comp. help 6/25/06 - Hello, I
am looking at buying some shrimp and was wondering if i would have to
remove my 2 bumble bee cats (Microglanis sp) and my Synodontis cat so
the poor little guys(3/4 of an inch.) wouldn't be eaten upon
arrival. If I did would I be able to put them back. Thank you CJ <It
is highly likely that these cats would ingest the shrimp at some point
(likely during molts or just when hungry). This is an
"either/or" situation. Choose. Bob Fenner>
Killer Ghost shrimp?!?! 03/09/07 Hi there!
<<Hello!.>> I don't have a question, I just wanted to
share what I thought was kind of surprising. I turned the
light on in my 10 gal tank this morning, just in time to watch my ghost
shrimp "pounce" on a neon tetra. Before I went to
bed the neon looked perfectly healthy, and seemed to be pretty strong
after the attack this morning...at least initially. I would
have intervened but I was far too shocked and amazed by what I was
seeing. The neon struggled to get away, "dragging"
the shrimp with him, but the whole time the shrimp had a hold of him he
shredded his tail and fins. Eventually the neon stopped
struggling and the shrimp was able to settle on a piece of driftwood
and eat the neon at his leisure. He held the fish tightly
and moved it up and down his legs ripping and tearing with tiny little
pincher claws that I never noticed before. I just could not
believe what I was seeing! I have two particularly large
crayfish in my 30 gal, and I have neons there, as well as some
glowlight tetras, and in the past 6 months have not lost a single fish
to the crayfish. I have had the shrimp since January, and he
has already caused a loss... NOT what I expected! <<Thank You for
sharing. I have not experienced this, but I have heard
similar cases.>> Many Thanks for all the time and money this site
has saved me with free education. My tank losses have never
been lower since I started my research here 2 years ago! <<Happy
to hear it! Keep up the good work. Glad to help.
Lisa.>> Doug
Apistos and Shrimp 5/21/07 Hello, I
was wondering if it would be ok to keep Apistogramma and Caridina
serrata together. I have plenty of room for them and they would be
going into a planted aquarium. I'm just worried that the apistos
would eat the shrimp. Thank you, CJ < Apistogramma cacatuoides have
a pretty good sized mouth. If the shrimp will not fit in their mouths
then they will probably leave them alone until the shrimp moult. When
the shrimp moult their skin is very soft and leaves them vulnerable to
be eaten by fish. If there are plenty of places for them to hide they
will be fine.-Chuck>
Crawfish and Shrimp 06/14/07 Howdy.
< Ave.> > I have 2 10 gallon tanks. One of them holds my
4"inch crawfish, Bojan and four (used to be 5) guppy
"friends". He is happy and healthy and hilarious. < So,
you have discovered that crayfish can and do eat small fish, given the
chance.> > The other tank holds 3 Cory catfish, a couple of
guppies and three TINY crawfish (one temporarily named "grain of
rice") which I know will get bigger and will need to be either
moved to separate tanks, or returned to the creek from whence they
came. < Returning animals "to the wild" is at least the
wrong thing to do, and at worst illegal. If in doubt, <<My value
systems switch these. RMF>> consult with your local Fish &
Wildlife Bureau. The problem is that those crayfish have no been
exposed to pathogens and bacteria than native crayfish (and other
aquatic organisms) may have no resistance to. American crayfish got
loose in the UK, likely from farms, and carried a fungal disease that
has basically wiped out our native crayfish. The American crayfish is
somewhat resistant, and so takes over vacated territory. See here:
http://www.defra.gov.uk/fish/freshwater/crayfish.htm . Moral of the
story: never, ever release captive animals back into the wild.> >
Here is my question. My friend has the cutest little ghost shrimp. I
was thinking of getting some to put in with the Corys and baby
crawfish. I am guessing that ghost shrimp and crawfish are not
compatible, but thought I would ask you guys and gals to see what you
thought. If these two are not compatible, are there any shrimp that
would be compatible with baby crawfish or would I need to choose
between having crawfish or having shrimp? (What a delicious question!)
> Thanks! < Crayfish and small shrimp are indeed incompatible.
Crayfish are omnivores, feeding primarily on plant material and
detritus, but small animals are also on the menu. In the confines of an
aquarium their clumsiness isn't a problem, and eventually they
corner smaller tankmates, usually at night. Obviously baby crayfish
smaller than the shrimps won't be much of a problem, but as the
crayfish grow, expect them to become more predatory *and* more
territorial towards one another. The only shrimps I would keep with
crayfish would be large Macrobrachium spp, (Freshwater Tiger Prawns)
because they are pretty nasty animals themselves. Given crayfish
don't move about much, I personally think they look best kept in
their own small aquarium. Cheers, Neale.>
Just a quick question, missing
livebearers post holiday 7/14/07 Hi, I currently own a ten
gallon tank with a few platies and a guppy inside it, along with a few
platies that are small. I went on vacation and notice that a few are
missing. <Sorry to hear that. Be sure and figure out *why* before
adding anything new. Check water chemistry and quality, for example,
and double check you're using the right food, i.e., something
vegetable/algae based rather than generic flake food.> I think they
might be dead, and I just want to know your suggestions on what might
have happened... <No idea without more details. Water chemistry,
water quality, number of each species, how long you were gone, what
foods used, etc....> ...and what kind of crabs and shrimps are
compatible with them. <None. Crabs are [a] amphibious so need
somewhere to walk on land and [b] predatory. Shrimps can work with
small fish but they are generally delicate and if you can't keep
guppies alive then you're probably not at the stage in your hobby
where buying shrimps would be worthwhile. That is, unless you don't
mind the shrimps being dead in 4 weeks. Seriously, they need excellent
water quality, the correct diet, and safe places for moulting where
they can't be molested.> I usually leave fry in the tank instead
of separating them and I want a few to live, are these good to add to
the tank? <Don't understand this. Do you mean the crabs and
shrimps are good to add to the tank? If so, no.> Or are they bad
like Albino Aquatic Frogs? (I had bad experiences with them) <Not
"bad" but just wrong for you and your aquarium. Crabs need
their own vivarium a bit like something used for newts or frogs, with
some water for bathing but also some dry land for social behaviour and
feeding. Shrimps are really something for the semi-advanced hobbyist.
Most of the ones sold end up dying within a few weeks when thrown into
generic community tanks. Cheers, Neale>
What can I add? Betta...
8/30/07Hello, I recently bought a 1.5 Gallon tank for my
betta fish. I have not yet placed my fish in this tank because i
read on a website that you should put in the less aggressive fish
first. What I was wondering was what type(s) of fish would be
suitable for this environment? Some of the fish that I would be
interested in putting in the tank are: Cherry Shrimp
<Maybe> Mollies <Nah> African Dwarf Frog
<Maybe> Flying Fox Tetras <Nah and nah> Julii Cory
catfish <Need more room, stable env.> Will any of these
fish work out with my betta? <Please read here:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/betcompfaqs.htm the
linked files above, and re the Compatibility, Systems of the life
you list, are considering... on WWM. Bob Fenner>
Re: What can I add? Betta comp.
08/31/07 thank you so much for your help i really am
thankful! I think i might go with the cherry shrimp but i
haven't decided yet! But thanks again <Welcome!
Re: What can I add? Shrimp w/ Betta 9/6/07 Hi again! I
was wondering if any other kinds of shrimp can be put with my
Betta fish such as: Amano Algae Eating Shrimp Tiger Algae Eating
Shrimp Rudolph Red-Nosed Shrimp Bumble Bee Shrimp White Spotted
Pearl Shrimp Blue Buddha Shrimp I don't know I might just
stick with my first idea, the cherry shrimp, but I haven't
decided yet <Mmm, do wish I knew more right off-hand and had
my in-print references with me... am on the road... I would look
for info. on the net re which of these species stays smaller,
likes warm, semi-acidic water (like Bettas)... and eats readily
the sorts of foods Siamese Fighters do. Bob Fenner>
Re: What can I add? With a Betta 9/7/07
thanks anyway I think ill just stick with the cherry shrimp <A
good choice> I don't think my fish is aggressive because i
put a picture of the cherry shrimp up to the tank and he flared
up for like one sec then was perfectly fine with the picture.
What do u think? <Interesting> Is that a good test to see
if he is aggressive? <I do think you have something here.
Neocaridina heteropoda compatibility
11/28/2007 Hello, I would like to keep some cherry fire
shrimp (Neocaridina heteropoda) in my 55 gallon planted tank and
was wondering if they would be ok with my blue rams. I have also
heard of people keeping a dwarf puffer (Tetraodon travancorius)
with red cherry shrimp (Neocaridina denticulata sinensis)
successfully and was wondering if this was possible, and if so
would they be safe with the cherry fire shrimp. thanks CJ
<Greetings. The short answer is no and maybe. Rams require
very soft, very acidic, and very warm water. Neocaridina
heteropoda is a subtropical species that needs around neutral to
slightly alkaline, moderately hard water to do well. In very
acidic water these shrimps have problems developing their
exoskeletons. So basically there's no overlap between what
Mikrogeophagus ramirezi wants to survive any length of time
(28-30 degrees C, below 5 degrees general hardness, pH 5.5-6.0)
and what the shrimps need (18-20 C, ~10 degrees dH, pH 6-8). As
for mixing shrimps with Dwarf Puffers. Some have managed it. Some
have seen their shrimps turn into sushi. It's not like
Puffers don't eat little red shrimps, and certainly any baby
shrimps will be dinner. But if you want to give it a go,
that's a gamble only you can decide on. I personally
wouldn't. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: compatibility, FW shrimp
11/28/07 thank you, I don't plan on keeping puffers and
shrimp anytime soon so no worries there. But are there any shrimp
you would suggest to keep with tetras and rams for algae control
(no ghost shrimp please, bad experience with them eating all of
my fish). <Greetings. If Ghost Shrimp were eating fish then
either [a] they weren't Ghost Shrimp; or [b] the fish were
dead anyway. Ghost Shrimp -- if we're talking Palaeomonetes
spp. -- are opportunists. Mixed with tetras, Corydoras, and the
like they are utterly harmless. But it is entirely possible you
were sold Macrobrachium sp. instead. Juvenile Macrobrachium can
be easily mistaken for other, more harmless shrimp species. While
Macrobrachium are essentially scavengers that feed on carrion,
algae, and organic detritus some species can and will eat small
fish given the chance. This underlines a common problem in the
hobby: retailers using common names instead of Latin names, and
hobbyists not pressuring them do to otherwise. In any event,
there really aren't any shrimps that will do well in the hot,
soft, acidic water Mikrogeophagus ramirezi wants. If you visit a
blackwater river or swamp you will immediately notice the lack of
molluscs and crustaceans. Neither group do well in such
environments because of the absence of calcium salts in the water
that they need for skeleton construction. Instead you find
insects and other animals less dependent on calcium for their
growth. You could of course increase the pH to around 7 and
maintain a moderate level of hardness and a middling temperature,
but your Mikrogeophagus ramirezi probably won't do well, and
will likely die from something like Hole-in-the-Head before too
long. I'd strongly recommend you just enjoy them for what
they are. If you *must* try a shrimp, then go with either the
Amano shrimp (Caridina multidentata) or the Cherry Shrimp
(Neocaridina denticulata sinensis), both of which seem to be more
adaptable than anything else on the market. I've kept
Neocaridina denticulata sinensis in neutral, moderately soft
water with Cardinal tetras and they've done quite well,
breeding happily and growing quickly. But I doubt they would do
well in strongly acidic water, and all shrimps do best in
moderately hard, neutral to slightly basic conditions at
temperatures similar to those experienced by that species in the
wild. Cheers, Neale.>
Siamese Algae Eaters killing Shrimp? 10/14/07
Hi, Great Site! I recently purchased 2 Siamese Algae Eaters (as far as
I can see the are the real ones, not just flying foxes etc) to add to
my 70L tank. The tank had one overly curious Zebra Loach, some Neon
Tetras and two large-ish Amano Shrimps. Before buying the SEA's I
checked whether they would cause any problems with anything I had in
there, just in case, and nothing came up. They're only small at the
moment, about 2.5 cm. So I bought some. The next morning after putting
them in the tank I noticed one of my Amano Shrimps laying dead in the
entrance to a pipe that I've laid under the gravel for the loach to
hide in, his lair if you will. And the other shrimp was hiding on the
ground and struggling to move (later that evening I found him half
eaten at the front of the tank). Is it possible that these two SAEs
killed both my shrimp that were if anything a cm bigger than them?
Failing that how about my Zebra Loach? He was always chasing after
them, but mainly around feeding times when they were partial to nicking
his pellets. But they had been fine for the year or so that I had them
together for. Thanks in advance for your help in solving my mystery!
Andy <Andy, SAEs, and indeed most small
Crossocheilus/Epalzeorhynchus-type fish are relatively harmless towards
shrimp. Many "Amano" style aquaria mix the two animals
together. On the other hand, Loaches are dedicated invertebrate
feeders, and many species are equipped with strong jaws expressly
modified to crush shells. Shrimps are especially vulnerable at moulting
times, and it may well be that your Loach had ignored them until one
particular moulting event where "he had a bit of a nibble"
and found the results were tasty! Cheers, Neale.>
Shrimp. It's What's For Dinner. -
07/13/2004 Hi, <Hi, Tim, Sabrina here, this
evening'!> I have bought a number of freshwater shrimp
(japonica) to help control hair algae. However, they
apparently are being consumed by someone in the tank.
<What leads you to believe this? Are you missing
shrimp, or have you found shells and/or dead shrimp?> I have a
long-standing 30-gallon tank with 10 golden white clouds, 5 green
neon tetras, 3 marble hatchets, 3 Kuhli (sp?) loaches, 1 spotted
Cory cat and 1 stick catfish. <By stick catfish,
do you mean a Farlowella/Sturisoma cat, or something
else? I don't see anything in this list that looks
like a shrimp eater, provided that cat is in fact a Farlowella or
Sturisoma....> Any idea who the shrimp eating culprits might
be? <No clue whatsoever. None of the above animals
seem like something I'd think twice about.... I
have a large Sturisoma aureum in with my japonicas, and
haven't seen any problems.... Also, how big are
your shrimp? And are you *positive* they're being
eaten?> Thanks, Tim <Wishing you
well, -Sabrina>
Shrimp. It's What's For Dinner. - II -
07/14/2004 Hi, Sabrina, <Hi, Tim! Glad to hear
back from you.> I've bought maybe 18 shrimp over the last
six months - four in the last couple of weeks. I saw 2 yesterday
(none now but they could be hiding in the plants - Amazon
Swords). <They are a good critter at hiding.>
Their size is maybe 1/2 to 3/4 inch. <Pretty
small, but even still, I don't see how any of those tankmates
could be at fault.> Yes, I've seen some shells, which I
expect are molting, and occasionally I see what appears to be the
meaty portion of a shrimp body on the floor of the tank. <Some
things to consider, here. Do you dose the tank with
iodine? And have you ever, in the life of the
tank/substrate/decor, used ANY medication containing
copper? AquariSol, Cupramine, and CopperSafe are just
a few.> My "stick catfish" is a Farlowella
(according to the pictures). <A very cool
fish. I would not expect this animal to go after
shrimp, at all.> Still stumped, but thanks for your
thoughts. Tim <My best guess is that the shrimp are
dying for reasons other than predation - first and foremost,
I'm thinking a lack of iodine. I used to lose a
few ghost shrimp a month before I began using iodine in my shrimp
tanks; now, not only am I not losing any, but everyone's
breeding. I use Kent Marine Concentrated Iodine,
marketed for reef tanks, at a rate of one drop per ten gallons
every week - NOT the marine dose! The other idea I can
come up with for your losses is toxicity of the water; copper
naturally comes to mind, possibly ammonia or
nitrite.... Do be testing. I hope we can
get to the bottom of this! Wishing you and your
inverts well, -Sabrina
Algae Eater With Guppies - 10/17/2005 Hi, <Hello.> I
have a 36 gal tank with guppies and live plants. I have had some algae
growth on my plants and hoped you might suggest a good fish to add to
my tank that will eat algae on the plants but is safe to keep with
guppies and their fry. One of the people at the LFS I use a lot
suggested Otocinclus. <A very effective, but very sensitive
fish.> I've also read about using Plecos, but that they can
damage plants if they are large. <Ancistrus "bushynose"
Plecs are a good choice, and stay under 5" roughly.> The algae
on the plants appears to be mostly green hair algae. There is some on
the glass and a little on the substrate that appears to be more of a
green slime. Any suggestions you have would be greatly appreciated.
<You might consider shrimp of genus Caridina or Neocaridina.... the
"algae-eating" shrimp, Caridina japonica, and the
"cherry" shrimp, Neocaridina denticulata sinensis v. red, are
both readily available in the hobby now and excellent consumers of
algae. Not to mention cute!> Thanks, -Rob <Wishing you well,
Oh Golly Mollies, Salt, pH, etc. - 10/21/2005 Hello I am new
to salty systems. I've always had freshwater aquariums which I
still run two. But I saw some Dalmatian Mollies and had to get some. I
have one male and three females. I do plan on adding maybe two or three
more mollies and an algae eater and that's all this tank will have
in it. I don't want to overcrowd them. I talked to three different
fish stores to set up my system to get it ready. (I wish I had found
this site first.) So I set up a 29 gallon tank with one teaspoon of
salt per 5 gallons of water. Should more salt be added? <Nah.
Especially not if you plan on an animal for consuming algae. With salt
in the water, I would recommend using Caridina japonica, the
"algae-eating" shrimp, as these fare well in slightly salty
conditions.> I have an Aqua Tech 20-40 power filter at a flow rate
of 160 Gph with bio fiber. Is this ok or would a bio wheel be better?
<Mm, whatever you prefer. If you've already got the Aqua Tech, I
see no reason to buy something different.> All the stores said a pH
of 7.2 was right; mine's between 7.4 and 7.8. <This is fine -
BUT - please don't let it be *fluctuating* between these.... far
too much fluctuation between 7.4 and 7.8 to be safe. A steady pH is
pretty important.> The temp is at 80 degrees. I see on you're
site you recommend a high pH so should I get some crushed coral sand to
raise it, or is it okay at the level I have? <Constant, steady pH is
better than precise pH. You'll be fine with what you've got, I
think.> Also I do test the water with strips but this just shows a
range of where it should be. So should I get a better testing kit if so
what do you recommend? <I would. Look for a quality liquid-reagent
test kit.... Kordon makes 'em, so does Aquarium Pharmaceuticals....
You'll need pH, ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate most essentially.>
Thank you for your time. -David <Wishing you well, -Sabrina>
Discus Tankmates 11/28/05 Hello. I was
wondering if the blue tetra (Boehlkea fredcochui), the glass blood fin
tetra (Aphyocharax anisitsi), and some shrimp (Palaemon pantanal) would
be able to be housed with 3 discus and not be eaten. If so would these
be able to coexist with each other in a 55 gallon tank. CJ <All
should get along fine. The tetras are too fast for the discus to eat
even if they wanted too. When the shrimp shed their exoskeleton they
will be soft and very vulnerable for awhile so they will need a place
to hide until their new outer skin hardens.-Chuck>
Shrimp Tonight ... adding to FW 1/22/06 I am going to
setup a 29 gallon freshwater aquarium. I was thinking about putting in
7 Zebra Danios, 9 Harlequin Rasboras, 4 Dwarf Gouramis, and about 10
Ghost Shrimp. I have a 50 gallon AquaClear Power filter and a 30 gallon
undergravel that I will be using with air to circulate the
undergravel. Would the Ghost Shrimp be ok with these other
species? Would I be able to put in more fish or is this the max I
should go? Any suggestions on other fish if possible? < The problem
with adding shrimp is the fact that every once in awhile they need to
shed their exoskeleton as they grow. When they do this their skin is
soft and they have no protection and become mobile banquet blocks. Go
with this set up at first and see how it goes for awhile. Meanwhile
check out some other fish and check the nitrates periodically. If you
can continue to keep the nitrates under 25 ppm between water changes
then i think you can add a few more fish depending on the species. If
the nitrates exceed 25 ppm then you need to increase the frequency of
the water changes or increase the amount of water