FAQs on Kissing Gouramis, Pink &
Related Articles: Anabantoids/Gouramis & Relatives,
Genera Ctenopoma &
Microctenopoma, Betta splendens/Siamese
Fighting Fish,Related FAQs: Gouramis 1, Gouramis 2,
Gourami Identification, Gourami Behavior, Gourami Compatibility, Gourami Selection, Gourami Systems, Gourami Feeding, Gourami Disease, Gourami Reproduction, Betta splendens/Siamese Fighting

Can anyone tell me what the black spot is?
It a little spikey on top. Fish shows no adverse signs relating to health or
<Did this come out of nowhere? If so, then perhaps an ammonia burn or some
other type of physical damage. If it's always been there, likely genetic,
developmental, or even evidence of nerve damage. For now, observe, check
water quality and chemistry, and if needs be, slowly optimise living
conditions to better suit this species. Cheers, Neale.>
Sick fish; Helostoma
Hi. My friend has this fish that has weird things in it mouth. She said all she
did was add a couple live plants and the next day woke up to this (please see
attached pictures). I have seen the tank and they keep it clean and have other
fish along with a couple frogs and an algae eater. Can you help? The fish is
unable to open it's mouth.
Thanks, Tamara
<It's not entirely clear from your photos what we're looking at here. But the
'thing' appears to be flesh, and what I think has happened is that this Kissing
Gourami has somehow damaged its mouth. Perhaps by fighting, perhaps by getting
the mouth stuck on something rough or even a filter inlet.
Regardless, there's not a huge amount you can do. I would treat with antibiotics
first (removing carbon from the filter, if used) and I'd also carefully observe
the fish to see if it can feed itself. If it cannot feed,
because the jaws have become dislocated for example, the fish isn't going to
recover and should be euthanised.
Cheers, Neale.>
Algae stuck on fish; Helostoma 5/21/17
Hello! I have Kissing Gourami for a few years now, eating algae here and there.
One morning however, I notice a green spot of algae on his head. I never seen
algae do this before, what do I do?
<Nothing... this too will come off in time. No worries. Bob Fenner>
Re: Algae stuck on fish 5/22/17
Ok, thank you very much.
<Certainly welcome. Have seen such algae on Helostoma spp. quite a few times.
Again, not problematical. BobF>
kissing Gourami head growth
Hello, I have had a Kissing Gourami for 10 years now, and a few months ago I saw
a spot on his scales, it was green but he wasn't bothered by it.
Now it's popping out like a blackhead, or someone wedged a stone into his head!
I have some pictures, so if you could, tell me what is happening to my fish.
<Looks to me like a physical injury... with melanin replacing the previous color
cells. Nothing to do and usually is permanent. Bob Fenner>
re: kissing Gourami head growth
So everything is ok?
<Other than the owee; likely so. BobF>
Re: kissing Gourami head growth
you sent a blank message
<... see below>
Angelfish fins are ragged 6/10/15
Hello, I have a 10 gallon tank, with 2 Angels, 2 Pink Kissing Gouramis,
and 1 Plecostomus.
<This aquarium is literally ten times too small. Pair of Angels? Twenty gallons,
alongside various little fish (Corydoras for example). Kissing Gouramis, which
get to about 8 inches/20 cm as adults, they're more suited to tanks upwards of
55 gallons, plus difficult to feed as well, so not for beginners. Plecostomus?
Massive fish. 18 inches/45 cm within 2-3 years, and easily 8 inches/20 cm in the
first year. Minimum tank size 55 gallons, and that's only if you generously
filter the water unless you enjoy seeing bucket loads of faeces floating around.
Realistically, 75 gallons upwards. Mix them all together, and we're talking
about a jumbo fish community, 100 gallons upwards.>
The tank has been set up for about 2 months. I have a water heater (water stays
around 80F), and a Whisper Filter, which I change filters 1X/month.
<"Change" or clean the filter? You shouldn't change biological media once the
tank is set up. Rinse in a bucket of aquarium water, then return to the filter.
The only filter media that need replacing monthly are carbon and Zeolite (often
this latter is sold as "ammonia remover") neither of which you need. Biological
media is all you need for plain vanilla freshwater community tanks.>
I have added the recommended amt. of AquaSafe when setting tank up and also add
during water changes which I have done 1X/week.
The Angels, "Ghost" [a black&silver striped Angelfish] & "Shadow"[a all dark
black Angelfish] have been in the tank since I set it up (2months).
<Nice looking fish.>
Ghost has grown at a faster rate than Shadow. I assumed this meant one was the
dominant one.
<Almost certainly correct. Angels are sociable when young, but become
territorial as they mature. Unless you have a mated pair -- and no, you can't
sex them -- then it's pot luck whether two specimens will coexist. Two females
usually will, but two males won't, and the usual story is one bullies the other,
and the weak one at the very least becomes stunted from lack of food, but often
gets killed. Angels are best kept singly, as mated pairs, or in groups of at
least 6 specimens that allows aggression to be diluted.>
The Gouramis I added a month after I set up the tank (1 month ago). The fish
seemed to get along fine, the Gouramis chase each other around the tank most of
the day
<Again, not social when mature. "Kissing" is actually fighting.>
and the Angelfish have paired up (Ghost always being the dominant one of the
two) and follow each other around
<Do observe who follows who. If it's mutual, sometimes Ghost leading, and
sometimes Shadow, they may well be a pair. Females grow slightly more slowly
than males, and on top of that there is variation in growth rate and adult size,
just as with humans. But if one is always in front and the other always
following it, the one doing the following may in fact be chasing the one in
front, in which case aggression could be occurring. To repeat: Angels are social
when young, not as adults, at least not under aquarium conditions.>
while the Plecostomus sucks no pun intended, until lately, Ghost is acting more
"macho" or aggressive or territorial (not sure which one) towards all the fish
but the Plecostomus, (I assume because he/she stays out of his/her way) but
especially most towards the smaller Angel (Shadow).
<See above.>
Ghost seems to bully Shadow especially around feeding time [trying] to make sure
Shadow doesn't get any food (possibly the reason one is bigger than the other?)
A week ago I noticed Shadow (the black Angel) had what looks like nips on his
fins. Today he(she)? has even more ragged fins. I'm concerned and know this is
not right. Please help, I don't want any of my fish to suffer! R.S.V.P. A.S.A.P!
Thanks for any suggestions/info.
-Holly & Ivey
<Raggedy fins are a sign of fighting. Next stage will be Finrot and/or
Fungus. Move one of them to another aquarium -- not a breeding trap! --
and provided the raggedy one isn't infected already, it'll get better. This tank
is too small anyway, so retire the 10 gallon to hospital and breeding tank
purposes, and go invest in something MUCH bigger. Alternatively, return some
fish, and keep a single Angel in something sensible, 20 gallons for example.
Thanks for sending in a nice and simple question! Not often things are cut and
dried, but the problems are obvious here, so solving them will be
straightforward. Cheers, Neale.>
Pink Gourami with growth in mouth. With photos
I have looked over your site hoping to find a similar condition mentioned, but
didn't see any previous question regarding a blister-like growth inside the
First, my tank is 40 gallons, has 2 large, 6+ year old pink Gourami's, 2 pictus
cats, a smaller gold Gourami and a clown loach. There's a driftwood (properly
boiled), several plastic plants of various sizes for hiding among and medium
sized gravel. None of these are new to the tank. I do a 25-30% water change
every week, adding stress coat+. And lightly vacuum the gravel during that. I
change the filter media every month or before as needed. I check on it each
water change and may it rinse off if needed. I don't test the water myself, but
I do take in samples for testing periodically and when something seemed off.
It's always tested good. But I don't know what the numbers are or exactly what
is being tested for. I will ask that when I get it checked again. Twice a day I
feed TetraMin flakes, freeze dried bloodworms and shrimp pellets (though only 1
of the cats likes them). Everyone eats with no fighting. Here's the tank.
A brief history:
Had the 2 pinks in a 10 gallon tank by themselves for several years
until they clearly outgrew it. Had no illnesses at all during that time but
there was a period of time when they seemed to fight a lot and did quite a bit
of damage to each other's fins but that leveled off and there is not a clear
dominant fish. They occasionally butt heads now, but no big deal. I don't know
what their sexes are.
The 40 gallon has been established for over a year now. I first moved the pinks
and they had it to themselves for a while with no issues. The first new tenants
were 3 gold Gouramis and 2 pictus cats. Right from the start, one of the gold's
seemed stressed and hid all the time and was the target of another's aggression.
After a few days, I found him dead. Then the aggressor began attacking the other
and he too died a short time later.
During that time, I asked about the fighting at my local pet store and was shown
how to identify their sex and the 2 remaining were male. I'm not sure about the
first one that died. They told me that 2 males may not fight if there is no
female to fight over. Well, not in my case.
Right after the loss of the golds, I noticed ich on all of the fish (first time
I've ever dealt with it). I went back to store and bought treatment and
noticed their pictus tank had ich...
<Pimelodids are very susceptible>
Thanks for the ich PetSmart! Anyway, treated and cured with no deaths.
Cats lost whiskers, but they grew back.
Most recently, I've had issues with hazy, cloudy water coming on fast between
water changes.
<Insufficient circulation, filtration>
I noticed tiny white specks all over my driftwood and floating in the water.
Nothing on the fish. I tried a 60% water change at one point to stop the cycle,
but it didn't work. Little specks just come back out of control.
These little things are alive for sure. I actually didn't look over your site
yet for info on them because since adding the loach, (he loves them!) they are
reducing in numbers. I have also taken over all feeding myself as I think there
was some over feeding helping the population boom. I think I can keep those
creatures in check. I'm assuming they are some kind of tiny
crustacean as I had done previous research on that issue, but couldn't find
anything that gave a definite answer. Here is a picture of the specks at their
worst. I have a video too that shows them crawling. Most of them are pretty
inactive, but some crawl.
So now, several weeks ago, I noticed that the corner of one pinks mouth appeared
cracked (It reminded me of how my sons mouth did that from badly chapped lips
once). It just looked like a cut. I kept an eye on it and it has slowly become a
lumpy, red area that is inside his mouth. I kept thinking it would surely take a
turn to start healing up because he didn't seem to be affected by it in any way.
Well, now I'm really concerned. He still eats normally, but for 2 days has been
sitting on the bottom much more than normal and is constantly opening and
closing his mouth. His gills are rapid. He definitely seems stressed now. He's
still social when he is out swimming and whenever I go look at him he comes
right up to me even if
he had been sitting in his hiding spot.
I'm clueless what to do about the bump. I'm afraid it's going to be fatal. Here
is the bump from as many angles as I could get. No bump on the outside. But it's
It makes his mouth lopsided. It looks kind of fleshy and ragged like when you
bite the inside of your cheek.
The best I could get looking into his mouth. He was a great sport showing me his
boo boo.
This one didn't turn out as well, but you can see the affected side of his mouth
compared to his buddy. It makes his lips protrude on that one side.
The other side of his mouth looks normal.
I have a video of how he appears to be "panting" (that's the only way I can
think to describe it). And of the speck creatures if those would be helpful, let
me know.
I appreciate any advise you might have.
<Well; the growth may be... a tumor of some sort... resultant from?
Genetics, being housed for too long in too small a setting, chemical exposure...
Treatment? None that I'm aware of. The usual good water quality and nutrition.
Bob Fenner> |
Pink Gourami with growth in mouth. With photos /Neale
<Hello Kerri,
I have looked over your site hoping to find a similar condition mentioned,
but didn't see any previous question regarding a blister-like growth inside
the mouth.
First, my tank is 40 gallons, has 2 large, 6+ year old pink Gourami's, 2
pictus cats, a smaller gold Gourami and a clown loach. There's a driftwood
(properly boiled), several plastic plants of various sizes for hiding among
and medium sized gravel. None of these are new to the tank. I do a 25-30%
water change every week, adding stress coat+. And lightly vacuum the
gravel during that. I change the filter media every month or before as
needed. I check on it each water change and may it rinse off if needed. I
don't test the water myself, but I do take in samples for testing
periodically and when something seemed off. It's always tested good. But I
don't know what the numbers are or exactly what is being tested for. I will
ask that when I get it checked again. Twice a day I feed TetraMin flakes,
freeze dried bloodworms and shrimp pellets (though only 1 of the cats likes
them). Everyone eats with no fighting. Here's the tank.
A brief history:
Had the 2 pinks in a 10 gallon tank by themselves for several years until
they clearly outgrew it. Had no illnesses at all during that time but there
was a period of time when they seemed to fight a lot and did quite a bit of
damage to each other's fins but that leveled off and there is not a clear
dominant fish. They occasionally butt heads now, but no big deal. I don't
know what their sexes are.
<Difficult to sex these fish, that's for sure. Do bear in mind that 40
gallons is marginal for Kissing Gouramis. They're big fish, primarily
plankton and algae eaters in the wild, and do best in large aquaria where
they can be fed suitably fine foods. At least one of yours has a deformed
tail. Is that something that's gotten worse over the years? I mention it
because stunting can affect these fish, but more commonly, inbreeding leads
to all sorts of deformities. They're a sadly misused fish in the hobby, and
probably not even especially good aquarium fish generally, being rather
large for community tanks, and primarily farmed as food fish in their native
The 40 gallon has been established for over a year now. I first moved the
pinks and they had it to themselves for a while with no issues. The first
new tenants were 3 gold Gouramis and 2 pictus cats. Right from the start,
one of the gold's seemed stressed and hid all the time and was the target of
another's aggression. After a few days, I found him dead. Then the
aggressor began attacking the other and he too died a short time later.
During that time, I asked about the fighting at my local pet store and was
shown how to identify their sex and the 2 remaining were male. I'm not sure
about the first one that died. They told me that 2 males may not fight if
there is no female to fight over. Well, not in my case.
<Quite so. Male Gouramis (of most species) erect territories and defend them
with varying degrees of vigour. Kissing Gouramis are not especially
aggressive, but their size gives them the advantage if combined with smaller
Trichogaster and Colisa spp. Gouramis.>
Right after the loss of the golds, I noticed ich on all of the fish (first
time I've ever dealt with it). I went back to store and bought treatment and
noticed their pictus tank had ich... Thanks for the ich PetSmart!
Anyway, treated and cured with no deaths. Cats lost whiskers, but they grew
Most recently, I've had issues with hazy, cloudy water coming on fast
between water changes. I noticed tiny white specks all over my driftwood and
floating in the water. Nothing on the fish. I tried a 60% water change at
one point to stop the cycle, but it didn't work. Little specks just come
back out of control. These little things are alive for sure. I actually
didn't look over your site yet for info on them because since adding the
loach, (he loves them!) they are reducing in numbers. I have also taken over
all feeding myself as I think there was some over feeding helping the
population boom. I think I can keep those creatures in check. I'm assuming
they are some kind of tiny crustacean as I had done previous research on
that issue, but couldn't find anything that gave a definite answer. Here is
a picture of the specks at their worst. I have a video too that shows them
crawling. Most of them are pretty inactive, but some crawl.
<Weird. More than likely worms of some sort, if they're moving, perhaps
Planarians. Associated with tanks that have less than perfect filtration
and/or infrequent water changes, and crucially, a lot of uneaten food and
debris in the tank (which they're eating). In short, less for them to eat,
starvation culls the worms back to unnoticeable levels. So review the tank.
How much food goes in? How strong is the filter? How often to you clean the
tank and substrate? That sort of thing.>
So now, several weeks ago, I noticed that the corner of one pinks mouth
appeared cracked (It reminded me of how my sons mouth did that from badly
chapped lips once). It just looked like a cut. I kept an eye on it and it
has slowly become a lumpy, red area that is inside his mouth. I kept
thinking it would surely take a turn to start healing up because he didn't
seem to be affected by it in any way. Well, now I'm really concerned. He
still eats normally, but for 2 days has been sitting on the bottom much more
than normal and is constantly opening and closing his mouth. His gills are
rapid. He definitely seems stressed now. He's still social when he is out
swimming and whenever I go look at him he comes right up to me even if
he had been sitting in his hiding spot.
I'm clueless what to do about the bump. I'm afraid it's going to be fatal.
Here is the bump from as many angles as I could get.
No bump on the outside. But it's red.
It makes his mouth lopsided. It looks kind of fleshy and ragged like when
you bite the inside of your cheek.
The best I could get looking into his mouth. He was a great sport showing me
his boo boo.
This one didn't turn out as well, but you can see the affected side of his
mouth compared to his buddy. It makes his lips protrude on that one side.
The other side of his mouth looks normal.
I have a video of how he appears to be "panting" (that's the only way I can
think to describe it). And of the speck creatures if those would be helpful,
let me know.
I appreciate any advise you might have.
<There's nothing you can do to "treat" this fish. On the one hand, it might
have some physical damage there... Kissing Gouramis are filter feeders and
algae grazers, and will sometimes (by accident) ingest gravel. Sharp gravel
can damage the mouth before it's spat out, and that in turn can lead to odd
growths or cysts. On the other hand, poor genes can cause all sorts of
problems for this species. In short: inbreeding, plus a tendency for
fishkeepers to force Kissing Gouramis to feed "unnaturally", can lead to
mouth and gill cavity problems. For the most part, fish with these sorts of
problems are either able to feed and live normally, or else aren't and
starve to death. Little (short of vet intervention) you can do either way.
Cheers, Neale.>
Help with Kissing Gourami; hlth., fdg.
Afternoon Guys,
<Yawnnn! G'morning Michael>
Have got a kissing Gourami, for the past 5 years (Suspect he's
aged approx 7).
<Mmm, could, should be much larger. I cropped your pix, but this
specimen looks to be 3-4" long>
Recently he has become lethargic, started to look emaciated,
fins have started to degrade and he has a swelling
going towards his rear fin. I've seen another younger Kissing
Gourami I had go down the same route, which eventually ended up with his
demise. This time I'm hoping to save my favourite fish out of the tank.
<Well; this one looks way too thin to suit me... what do you feed your
fishes? How much and how often?>
The tank is 450litre, and the water should be good - I've got a constant
drip of freshwater going into the tank which replaces about 10 litres
per day.
<Neat! Shades of the Monaco Aq... which drips water continuously (and
Caulerpa years back) from the Med. How do you treat the incoming water?
Oh; I see this below>
This is local Tapwater which goes through a 3 stage carbon filter. I've
recently cleaned the tank bottom out and changed the filter media. The
Tank is heavily planted and I've just trimmed some back. Other than age
related deaths, I've had no other illness in the tank for years.
The tank is a community one, and he's the 2nd largest fish in the tank
(other one is a 5 barbed barb, a recent addition in the past 6 weeks).
He doesn't appear to be getting bullied, and is still eating (albeit at
reduced rate).
I've attached the following pictures of the "bulge", I cant find similar
pictures anywhere else. I am planning on adding some salts later on
If you know what the bulge is and how I should respond, Id be forever in
your debt.
Thank You.
<I'd encourage you to supplement the diet with a good pelleted food.
Hikari, New Life/Spectrum are two good ones... Their foods are very high
palatability and nutritious. Bob Fenner>

Gourami fish, Helostoma, no info. 1/14/12
Hello there.
I have a kissing Gourami fish and have had him/her for about a year and
a half now. Just the other day I woke up to find him laying on the
rocks at the bottom of the tank. I suspected he had died but after
looking at him, I noticed he was still breathing. I got my net out and
tried to see if I moved him around if I would get different results. I
was able to get him off the rocks and attempting to swim around, but
the right side of his body just sort of falls back down into the rocks.
Is there something I can do to help him, or is he going to die. I
don't want to take him out of his tank if maybe something is just
wrong with his fin. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank
<Mmm, only time can/will tell here... Need data re foods/feeding,
maintenance, water quality, other tankmates, history... Read here for
input and ideas of what we're looking for info-wise:
and the linked files above. Bob Fenner>
Sick kissing Gourami, RMF's go
My kissing Gourami is about 6-7 years old, so I realize it may just be
"his time,"
<Mmm, no... know of some Helostoma of more than two decades>
but if there is any way to help him, I'd like to try to make him
healthy again.
Fred is very smart and interactive, and we keep his tank in the living
room, where he can see people all day, because he seems much happier
around people than in a bedroom or lower traffic area. About a month
ago, my son and his girlfriend decided he might like non human friends,
and went to the pet store to find fish friends for him. They put two
other types of Gourami (I'm not sure which kinds, but the pet store
fish person helped them decide what would work best) in the tank at
that time, with no quarantine prior.
<Yikes... not smart. Many troubles come in w/ S.E. Asian imported
I watched them closely for a while, honestly more because Fred gets
upset when anything is changed in his tank than for any other reason,
and I thought other fish would upset him a lot, but he seemed to
tolerate them fairly well. None of them appeared sick and I thought we
got lucky.
Last night when I came home, Fred seemed to be unable to use the back
half of his body. He sat slumped on the rocks, with his head upright
and the rear of his body slumped to the side, not moving.
He would occasionally swim to the top of the tank, using his front half
mostly, his back half would kind of flop around oddly, and then he
would go right back to the bottom. He would still come to the side like
he normally does when I called him and appeared to still be interactive
and generally in a good mood, though he frequently looked like he was
laboring to breathe.
I went to the pet shop and asked the fish person about it and got some
general 7 day water treatment
<? What are the ingredients in this "treatment?">
and was told to fast him for a few days, since he may have air in his
<What?... these fish do gulp air as a means of auxiliary
I started the treatment last night.
This morning, Fred was totally limp, on the bottom of the tank.
He's still breathing, and when I call him to the side he looks at
me, and appears to try to lift his head, but seems to be too weak to
come. It's really heartbreaking to see him like this.
Thank you, I would really appreciate any ideas you may have.
<I wish I knew something specifically to relate to you... I would
not add any further medication, would change out a good half of the
water, vacuum the gravel... Otherwise, stay on your and Fred's
regular routine of maintenance. Bob Fenner>
Sick kissing Gourami, Neale's go in a parallel universe
My kissing Gourami is about 6-7 years old, so I realize it may just be
"his time," but if there is any way to help him, I'd like
to try to make him healthy again.
<Will try! Seven years isn't "old" for a Kissing
Gourami; this species should easily live 10 years or even slightly
Fred is very smart and interactive, and we keep his tank in the living
room, where he can see people all day, because he seems much happier
around people than in a bedroom or lower traffic area.
<Fair enough.>
About a month ago, my son and his girlfriend decided he might like non
human friends, and went to the pet store to find fish friends for
They put two other types of Gourami (I'm not sure which kinds, but
the pet store fish person helped them decide what would work best) in
the tank at that time, with no quarantine prior.
<Oh dear. A couple problems here beyond the simple issue of not
quarantining. The first is that farmed gouramis are notorious carriers
of diseases, so it's easily possible that one of these carried
something bad.
Secondly, not all gouramis get along. Some are very aggressive, most
notably male Trichogaster trichopterus, a variable species available in
yellow, blue, and some other colours too. Photos would help identify
the gouramis you have.>
I watched them closely for a while, honestly more because Fred gets
upset when anything is changed in his tank than for any other reason,
and I thought other fish would upset him a lot, but he seemed to
tolerate them fairly well. None of them appeared sick and I thought we
got lucky.
Last night when I came home, Fred seemed to be unable to use the back
half of his body. He sat slumped on the rocks, with his head upright
and the rear of his body slumped to the side, not moving.
<Bad sign.>
He would occasionally swim to the top of the tank, using his front half
mostly, his back half would kind of flop around oddly, and then he
would go right back to the bottom. He would still come to the side like
he normally does when I called him and appeared to still be interactive
and generally in a good mood, though he frequently looked like he was
laboring to breathe.
<Oh dear.>
I went to the pet shop and asked the fish person about it and got some
general 7 day water treatment and was told to fast him for a few days,
since he may have air in his stomach. I started the treatment last
<Not terribly helpful advice. Gouramis aren't likely to get
"air in their stomach" and even if they did, at worst
that'd cause the fish equivalent of flatulence! General treatments
are almost always a bad idea for everyone except the retailer. Yes,
you've bought something, but that doesn't make it helpful and
the wrong medicine at the wrong time can make things worse. At best,
you've wasted precious time trying something that probably
won't help.>
This morning, Fred was totally limp, on the bottom of the tank.
He's still breathing, and when I call him to the side he looks at
me, and appears to try to lift his head, but seems to be too weak to
come. It's really heartbreaking to see him like this.
<I bet.>
Thank you, I would really appreciate any ideas you may have.
<It's really difficult to offer specific advice here. Firstly,
what's his environment like? Check at minimum nitrite (with an
"I", not nitrate with an "a") and pH. Let me have
those values if you want extra analysis, but essentially bear in mind
nitrite needs to be zero and the pH should be steady, somewhere between
6 and 8. Secondly, do a couple of 25% water changes today, an hour or
two apart. This will help flush out any possible poisons. If the fish
perks up, that's a helpful sign of what might be wrong. Velvet and
Whitespot both attack the gills and in doing so make breathing
difficult. The use of salt at 2-3 grammes/litre can be useful for
treating these and salt may also have a tonic effect on the rest of the
fish. While using salt, up the temperature to 28-30 C/82-86 F. Measure
the salt carefully, and if you do so, the risk of stressing fish and
plants is minimal. If your fish got sick within a few days of adding
new fish, my best guess would be velvet or possibly Whitespot. But do
also prepare to euthanise the fish if these treatments don't
Hope this helps, Neale.> Pink Gourami question 4/25/11
Good Morning
We have two pink Gouramis in our school aquarium that have developed a
bacterial infection and now there are little black hairs popping out
all over.
<?! All over?>
What can they be treated with? What are the hairs?
<Mmm, well, the only thing that comes to (my) mind is Anchor
Lernaea. Read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/anchorwrmfaqs.htm
and see the pix there, on the Net period. Is this what your Gouramis
appear to have? What vectored them to your system?
They are more/less easily treated w/ organophosphate remedies, w/
pulling out encysted forms w/ tweezers generally recommended.>
Thank you
Christine G. Gegg
<Do send along a well-resolved image if you can. Bob
Need help with very sick Kissing Gourami. Env.
I sure hope someone here can help me. I have a large Pink Gourami
Kissing fish. I bought her 4 years ago, when she was barely over an
inch long and is now about 5 inches long. Due to stress from me going
too long without cleaning the whole tank, she developed an illness. At
first I thought it was ICK, but then after observation, not as sure.
She developed a white cottony film over both eyes, wasn't eating
and had small spots that looked like ICK. When I noticed her condition,
I immediately did a 100% water change.
<Mmm... dangerous. Often "kills all biological
I took photos and such with me, along with water sample to my local pet
store and was told she had fin rot and eye cloud, along with the
advance stages of ICK. They recommended Jungle Fungus Clear tank
buddies and Quick Cure.
<This last will as well>
I have treated the tank twice for ICK (First treatment Friday evening,
second treatment today after a 25% water change), and once (2.5 days
ago with fungus clear), and have maintained a water temp of 80-82
degrees F. I also added aquarium salt, stress coat, stress zyme, and
prime to the water. She is still very sick, and I have no idea what to
do. I realize that she is not going to get 100% better overnight, but I
am worried because I'm noticing areas around her gills looking raw.
She still isn't eating. Is it safe to treat again with the fungus
clear, before 4 days have passed, or wait it out?
<Do monitor (daily) water quality>
Large portions of the white cottony film over her
eyes detached within 24 hours or so of treating with the fungus clear,
but her eyes still look cloudy, cottony and horrible. Please just
supply me with any information that may help me to help her. She is the
only fish in a ten gallon tank (has been for years),
<... trouble. Needs more room than this>
and has always been as healthy as can be until recently. Any
information is greatly appreciated. Thank You.
<Am concerned as to root cause/s here. What brought on/triggered
this trouble? New/diseased organism introduction? Loss of water
quality? What re the system itself? Please read here:
for background and to grant you an idea of the sorts of information
we're looking for to help you.
Bob Fenner>
Re: Need help with very sick Kissing Gourami. 1/31/11
Thank You for the help. I suspect that the cause of all this was the
condition of the tank.
<... I do as well>
I did fairly regular water changes, but rarely cleaned the tank as a
whole. The water had become a bit murky and had lots of waste in the
bottom of the tank.
I had been so busy that I just went too long without making time to
take care of the tank. I went and bought new filters for the tank so
that I could clean it, and the next day was when I found her in such
bad shape. It happened very quickly...one day she was fine, and the
next she wasn't. I suspect that the ammonia levels in the tank had
been very high, but I did not take the time to test the water, because
I thought she was dead, until I went to scoop her out and then realized
she was still alive but barely hanging on. I suspected Ick at first, so
this was the main reason I did a 100% water change. I did NOT clean the
gravel or remove it from the tank, only stirred it up to remove as much
of the waste as possible. I did not leave her in the tank while
cleaning it. I also cleaned all the artificial plants and her cave, and
put in a new filter. I removed the filter once I began treating the
tank as I was instructed to do by my local pet store. I have monitored
the ammonia levels and ph levels since the water change....ph was a bit
alkaline so I adjusted that with my kit. I can take photos of my fish
(Pearl), if it will help diagnose or help in any other way. I don't
have a kit to test nitrates and nitrites, but I keep Prime in the tank
to stabilize that and have treated the new water with it. I was
unsuccessful at trying to upload photos this way, so I uploaded them to
an album on my Facebook account and made it public for viewing. Please
visit this URL so you can view these photos, in case it may help. The
first several photos in the album were taken before treatment, and the
last 6 were taken just minutes ago.
I hope the link works and you are able to see the photos, and again
Thank You so much for the help. I can't stand to see her so sick.
<... Make a commitment to care for the life in your care...
Re: Need help with very sick Kissing Gourami.
Ok, Thank You once again, but no suggestions as to what I can do, what
is still wrong at this point or whether it is safe to treat before a
full 4 days is up, to treat with fungus clear again?
<Really, all this fish needs is better/improved environmental
You may not know, but many to most all fish "med.s" are
rather toxic, often add to, rather than alleviate symptoms, troubles.
Pink Gourami, hlth. 9/10/09
We have a pink Gourami that is several years old. He has had many
problems the past year.
<Not an easy fish to maintain. For one thing, they get very big.
Another problem is diet, these fish feed on algae and zooplankton, and
need several meals of finely powdered food through the day, together
with some sort of algae substitute such as strips of Sushi Nori or
algae wafers.>
Fluke, fin rot and pop eye. We have successfully treated all of these
problems. Now he has a bubble on each eye that I assume is pop eye that
we can't seem to get rid of. About two weeks ago he developed some
red spots. One about mid way down on the top of his body just below his
top fin, one about ½ inch above his eye on both sides. The
spots look like a sore. He is the only fish in a ten gallon tank.
<This is your problem. This tank should be 55 gallons, minimum, for
this species. Any attempts to keep Kissing Gouramis in tanks as small
as this will be doomed.>
We have treated with Mardel Maracide.
<Why? This medication is for Ick/Whitespot. Not Flukes, not Finrot,
and not Popeye. Do read here:
A good antibiotic like Maracyn, coupled with Epsom salt to reduce
swelling, as well as much larger aquarium is what you need.>
I have not seen him eat in a very long time. We feed him TetraMin
flakes and occasionally blood worms.
<Pretty depressing e-mail really. For gosh sakes, this fish needs a
bigger tank, and what you're doing now will surely kill this fish.
Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Marble Veil Angelfish with reoccurring Fin Rot...
Now Helostoma 6/25/09
Indeed Neale,
It looked like a thread of skin hanging, not a worm. What would
cause this?
<Difficult to say.>
It has been two weeks since I noticed the Cory scratching, then
another fish yesterday and now my Kissing Gourami (I forgot to
tell you he was in this tank) that I have had for four years, has
small red areas on outside of gill cover, under the mouth, and he
flashed so bad yesterday, I thought he was going to jump out of
the tank.
<Hmm... red patches are typically associated with Finrot,
though simply irritation e.g., overdosing with medications can be
to blame.>
Also the gill cover with the most red area seems held closer then
the gill cover on opposite side. This redness just happened, it
was not there yesterday. No excessive mucus on any fish, and no
white spots! What up?
See picture attached.
<If this was my fish, I'd certainly be treating for
Also Neale, this fish, tends to get one cloudy eye, which goes
away on its own, this has happened many times since I have owned
this fish, also, I have noticed white stringy feces sometimes,
along with grainy normal looking feces, with this Gourami. Sorry
to discuss poop, but I am giving you the full scoop on this
<Kissing Gouramis are actually quite difficult fish to
maintain: they are big for one thing, but they're also
plankton-feeders, and often starve under aquarium conditions. So
review water quality of course, and check the fish isn't
bumping into solid objects if alarmed, but also check the fish is
getting enough to eat, and of a suitably varied diet: daphnia,
herbivore flake, algae wafers, etc.>
The fact that I am having issues in my main tank that has been
running for 7 months makes me wonder why I have bothered with a
Quarantine tank! Of course, I do 20% water changes every week,
change the Micron filter every other week, etc etc. No Ammonia,
No Nitrite, 10 ppm Nitrate, PH 7.8, Temp 80. I check water
chemistry once a week, etc.
Thanks again Neale
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Gourami Red Gill 54 Gallon 6/25/09
Okay, so Neale. I want to thank you so much for helping me. I
feel like crying. I never put the salt into the 54 gallon, only
Angelfish tank and Quarantine Tank. I was just worried to do so,
it seemed like so much to
put in for the delicate Cory, Pleco, plants, and snails. Per what
I have been reading, it seems most recommend 1/2 teaspoon per
gallon for Cory cats.
<Half a teaspoon of salt per gallon of water won't do much
of anything.>
Would that amount even touch the Ick, if that is what I have?
Please don't be upset that I ask for your advice, and
don't follow it to the letter, you would not believe all of
the different opinions on line, and I
am very stressed, and almost wish I never got into the fish
hobby. I do love it when all goes well, but losing life of
innocent fish, if I am doing something wrong bothers me.
<To treat Ick with salt, you need 2 to 3 teaspoons of salt per
gallon. By all means add the salty water in batches across one
day. Add a quarter of the jug, and watch the fish. So long as
your fishes seem happy and are swimming about normally, you can
add some more, and so on.>
I did add the Prazi Pro, and shut UV as instructed, with 20%
water change.
Would you opinion on whether I should carbon out the Prazi pro,
since you don't think it is worms, or keep it as
<You should always remove carbon when using medications;
carbon removes organic chemicals from the water, neutralising the
medications you're adding!>
Maybe it is the way I am treating my water....I live in
Florida...I use a 20 gallon black plastic garbage can, water from
hose, I treat with 3 times the dosage needed with Prime (it says
you can for high Nitrite)..and my
water is high in nitrite and ammonia. If I don't, there
remains Ammonia and Nitrites with one to two dosage. I also put
in one dose of Tetra Aqua Safe Tap Conditioner. I do this because
the Prime does not specifically
say it eliminates toxic metals. Also, my house was built in 1960,
so I assume I have copper pipes.
<My pipes are copper too; shouldn't cause any major
problems if you draw water from the COLD drinking water tap,
since this comes from the pipes in the ground, as opposed to the
copper pipes in your house.>
I leave the water sit for one night to one week, mostly one week,
before use. Have a pleasant day Neale, and I hope I have not
bothered you to extreme exhaustion! Lueppie
<Happy to do my best, Neale.>
Re: Gourami Red Gill 54 Gallon 6/25/09
Hey Neale,
Hope you are well today.
<Actually, yes, a very nice day, so thanks for asking.>
Well on the Angelfish, no more medications. I will accept this
fin issue, but it does make me sad for the fish. I think I
figured out the Gourami thing...I have hair algae...even though I
have a UV, maybe my flow through is too fast...any way...I think
some hair algae got caught on him, which made him flash so bad he
must have bumped his gill casing under his mouth, because the
redness showed up the day after, and now two days later, the
redness is going away!
I did know that Kissing Gourami also siphoned water however...I
read that this was secondary and if I gave him a variety of food,
as you say, he should be okay. I have had him for four years, my
very first fish,
adopted him from someone that did not want him any more. I feed
all fish the same variety, a different one or two different ones
once a day. I have colored flakes, round flakes with an algae
center, Spirulina Freeze Dried Brine Shrimp, sinking Shrimp
Pellets, Freeze Dried Blood Worms, and Spirulina Algae Discs. I
don't like to feed live food, because they seem to waste most
of it, and I don't want to put anything into the tank that
can have any bad things along with it. Do you think I should
purchase a plankton food for Gourami, or is all above okay?
<All sounds fine as it is. Provided the Kissing Gourami is
nice and fat around the belly, then I wouldn't worry too
much. Often though, you see them very underweight, and that's
why I mention the issue.>
Yes, I am aware of the carbon cleaning out medications. I will
use the salt then, because I still don't know why the other
fish are itching occasionally. The Ick fish are hanging in there
and I see no signs of it, but will keep treating and changing
water every other day. I still am afraid to add these fish into
my main tank after a few more months of quarantine. The problem
is I have white and black sand substrate in the center of tank
for the Cory cats, and then plant substrate around edges.
When the Cory cats dig...they get the sand on them..so it would
be impossible for me to figure out whether it is sand on them or
Ick, until it hit the fish that stay mid center and top, then it
might be too late to treat them all.
<If one fish has Ick, they all are at risk and likely have it,
so you need ALWAYS to treat the whole aquarium.>
It figures, right. Would you ever add fish that have had Ick to
your main tank, after quarantine, or would you be nervous like
<Once a fish is cured of the Ick, it is safe to put with other
Again, thanks for all your help...I hope I never have to bother
you again!
Be well. Sincerely, Lueppie
<Happy to help, Neale.>
Re: Gourami with Red Gills 6/25/09
Hey Neale,
Well, you know what...that is it. I just read something that
Melafix burns fins and gills.
<Never heard this. I'd be careful about "reading
something" on the Internet. A lot of what's written
isn't much good!>
I give up. I think nature will take its course...hopefully the
fish will heal. I really don't think I can use any
antibacterial in the main tank without killing natural biological
bacteria, as well as what is good for
all inhabitants!
<Antibiotic medications such as Maracyn -- if used correctly
-- won't harm your filter bacteria.>
I guess I am off to the store for yet another fish tank. I ten
gallon to treat the Gourami...boy will my husband be thrilled! I
start off with one tank and end up with four. Later Lueppie
<Good luck explaining the new aquarium! Neale.>
Re: Gourami Red Gill 54 Gallon 6/25/09
Hi Neale,
Since I can't move the Gourami to the quarantine (due to the
Ick). What can I treat my main tank with that won't kill
shrimp, Pleco, plants, snails, cats?
<Are we talking about Ick or Finrot? If Ick, then salt/heat
should be safe for everything. If Finrot, then antibiotics such
as Maracyn are generally safe with all livestock.>
I don't really care so much about the snails, they came with
the plants, but they are plenty and I don't want them dying
and poisoning tank. I have Melafix and Pimafix, natural, some say
they work, some say they don't.
<Sometimes they work, but they're unreliable. If you have
them, by all means use them, and see what happens. If, a few days
later, there's no sign of improvement, then you may need to
switch to something else, like Maracyn.>
Thanks bunches. Cheers to you! Lueppie
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Gourami Red Gill 54 Gallon 6/25/09
Hey Neale,
You know what, my Gourami is thin...I have always noticed this
and been concerned...when I see other pictures of other Kissers
they look thin as well. He eats every day...but maybe I need to
get him some plankton food, or feed him more than once a day?
<Certainly feed him more than once a day. Would also recommend
offering a larger variety of foods, and make a point to include a
top-quality, small-sized food that these fish can eat easily;
Hikari Micro Pellets would be ideal, as would a finely powdered
high-end flake food such as Tetra Min.
Blanched lettuce and sliced courgette (zucchini) are good, as are
cooked peas. Live daphnia or brine shrimp once a week would be
I have no idea how fat he should actually be?
<The "curve" of the belly area above the pelvic fins
and anal fin shouldn't look hollow (concave).>
You always hear not to over feed. Will do on the Maracyn. Wonder
if I can do salt and Maracyn together?
Cause, I don't know still if Ick is in this tank, still no
visible white spots. I am sure you know...all knowing fish
Thanks Lueppie
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Gourami Red Gill 54 Gallon, hypochondria?
Oh Neale,
I feel so bad...check him out...I think a concaved
<Looks about normal to me!>
His gills are not better now, have changed and now the
edges of the gill covers are red and scales a little lifted
in red area...maybe this is Septicemia?
<No; again, doesn't look obviously damaged or sick.
It's normal for the gills to be red (they have a rich
blood supply) and the membranes that surround them, the
gill covers, and the throat area can look somewhat delicate
even at the best of times. So I'd simply observe for
now, and provided the fish was active and feeding, I'd
not do perform any further treatment. Only if it was
obvious that there was inflammation or dead tissue would I
be concerned, and from your photo at least, I can't see
Sorry blurry, he is moving. I bought Maracyn and Maracyn 2.
I am going to treat the entire tank..because this can spread
to other fish, correct, if bacteria?
<No; the bacteria that cause Finrot are latent in all
aquaria. Indeed, they're essential, doing a good job of
breaking down organic matter into the molecules the
biological filter bacteria can process.>
The live food bothers me because I am afraid of them
carrying anything bad into my tank.
<Fair enough. Wet frozen food is by far the best balance
between safety, cost, and palatability (to the fish,
anyway). Freeze dried bloodworms and other animals are
safe, but are wildly overpriced for how much food you get,
and also have the risk of causing constipation if used too
Like I don't have bad now! Will do on the other food
and feeding schedule...he does like zucchini. Should I
treat with both Maracyn and Maracyn 2 at the same
time...Maracyn 2 is specifically for septicemia.
<Would hold off treating for now, unless you're
convinced the fish has a bacterial infection.>
I hope my bio bacteria don't tank. Thanks Neale, hope
your day is even better then yesterday!
<Pretty dull, actually.>
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Gourami Red Gill 54 Gallon
Dull, sorry to hear that, maybe bake something, then you get
to eat it?
LOL He looks normal, thank goodness. Starving poor
defenseless fish, I would not have been able to live with
myself! Will do Neale, no medications for now, yes he is
eating fine, and acting his normal self.
The scales lifted seem to be tissue now that I look closer. I
just look at him every day and never noticed so much redness.
Will do on the food as well. I have only Hikari and Tetra
food, and will purchase the finer texture for
"Pucker", as I call him.
What do you think of the "Seaweed" sheets you can
<Sushi Nori; is indeed a good food for those fish that eat
it. There's no particular reason to buy the brands sold
in pet stores if the Sushi Nori sold in Asian food stores is
cheaper -- it's the same stuff.>
Don't you think the Cory I saw scratch a week ago or
more, would be dead by now if I had Ick in the tank?
I have not seen any more scratching. Here is a better picture
of my Angelfish, since you have helped with her so much,
thought you might like to see her.
<Looks nice!>
Hope your day gets a little more exciting for you. Thanks
Sincerely, Lueppie
<You're welcome! Neale.> |
Urgent problem with Gourami
A few days ago we added a new pink kissing Gourami to our tank, within
a day or 2 we noticed his belly area had a "bulge" and it
continued to get bigger to the point where it looked like he'd
swallowed a b.b., it
protruded on the right side and the left seemed to "go down"
some. We knew we needed to get back to the pet store & find out how
to treat him, but haven't been able to make the one-hour one-way
trip yet, and have tried to find answers online. Today when I got home
from work & checked on him, the bulge seemed to have
"burst"! There was basically a hole there and there was
...yuck... sticking out of it. While I've been on line attempting
to find answers the "yuck" has come out and left just a hole
there he looks like a b.b. shot out of the side of him! Meanwhile
I've seen him eat a little and I've seen him poop... what do I
do? what is this? will he make it? will all the other fish get
"b.b. holes" in them too!? I need help, and would love to
find answers before we take time off work tomorrow to make the trip to
the pet store.
<Jennifer, to be honest, I've never heard of anything like this.
It sounds like an ulcer of some sort, and consequently not likely to be
If the ulcer was in the muscle and/or skin tissue, then with the use of
an antibiotic and very clean conditions, the fish may well recover.
I'd recommend keeping the Gourami alone in a 10-20 gallon
quarantine tank, if
you have one, so you can keep the water as clean as possible. However,
if the ulcer was within one of the internal organs, I'd be much
less optimistic. If there's no sign of healing, and indeed the fish
shows signs
of getting weaker or less interested in food, then euthanasia may well
be the kinder option.
Let me just make a general point about Kissing Gouramis, Helostoma
temminckii; while commonly sold, it's a difficult aquarium fish. At
up to 30 cm in length, and commonly more than 20 cm, even under home
aquarium conditions, it needs a lot of space. It's a plankton
feeder and often starves in aquaria; you need to make a special effort
to provide it with finely powdered flake food and things like daphnia
so that it can feed
comfortably. Algae wafers are also welcomed, because the fish is
herbivorous too. The survival rate of this species in captivity
isn't particularly good, even putting aside bizarre things like
what you've experienced. Cheers, Neale.>
Kissing Gourami... beh. 3/21/08
had 2 [kissing gouramis] but one died, he was injured by another fish,
the remaining one just rests down on the bottom most of the time.
during feeding he swims around. I bought another one and that one is
fine, however the other one still rests on the bottom most of the day.
my question is, do they mate for life or ?
<No, they do not form pairs at all. They are simple egg-scatterers,
and neither sex looks after the eggs (unlike the majority of Gouramis,
as it happens).>
what can I do to get the poor guy out of his funk.
<Review general conditions in the aquarium, including water quality
and water temperature. One particular issue is feeding: Kissing
Gouramis (Helostoma temminckii) are plankton feeders, and they often
starve in
captivity because their need for finely crumbled flake food is
They also need algae (that's what those lips are for!) so algae
wafers help, and you certainly shouldn't scrape away green algae in
the tank.
Another issue is aquarium size; by Gourami standards, they're big
fish, and in anything less than, say, 200 litres/55 gallons they'll
never really be happy. While "hardy" in the sense of being
tolerant of a range of water
chemistry conditions as well as being able to breathe air, they're
not suitable for small aquaria. Unfortunately, the majority of
specimens die prematurely because they aren't given what they need
to thrive. Do recognise these are really food fish, and without a big,
well-filtered aquarium and the right food, they won't do
<Hope this helps, Neale.>
Extreme aggressive Gourami behavior 1/6/09 Hello, I
have read through many of he questions posted on the website, and some
somewhat pertained to the question I have but, if its ok, I'd like
to get your opinion/advice. And sorry if it has been answered many
times. Just set up: 55 gal tank (water parameters are checked on a
weekly basis) 2 Pink Kissing Gouramis (PKG for short) 2 Opaline
Gouramis (OG for short) 1 Dwarf Gourami 1 Gold Gourami (Sorry I'm
not for sure which type, he's really pretty though) (GG for short
And 1 Pleco Background info: So I bought all of my gouramis from
PetSmart. I asked if I could get a variety of gouramis and they would
live happily together. Well that's not the case. (I should have
done more research) About a week ago I added one PKG and one OG. Before
that my GG bullied the other gouramis into a corner, and had the whole
tank to himself. I did some research and decided to get a couple of
companions at a time to see if his aggression would die down. Now a
week later that didn't happen now I have two bullies, who sometimes
go to head to head (a PKG and GG). The only time they seem to be at
peace is when I feed them, I don't know why, maybe they're
preoccupied. Anyways sorry it took me so long to get to my question
but, could my tank be over crowded? or is it just the fish's
personality/behavior? Is there anything I can do without getting rid of
them? I was thinking of adding more plants for more hiding places.
Ultimately though if it continues I know I will have to give up the two
fish (for the sake of my other fish), I do have someone who would
gladly take them, but I want that to be my last option. If you could
please help it would greatly appreciated Thank you Sincerely Ashlye
<Hello Ashlye. Gouramis do tend to be aggressive, partly because it
is the males that defend nests in which the eggs are places. So they
view other fish as potential threats, and in particular other gouramis
that might try to steal their nesting sites or females! So mixing
gouramis is always difficult. So while your tank is not overcrowded at
the moment (though adult Pink Kissers, Helostoma temminckii, will be
sizeable fish, 30 cm/12 inches in length) social behaviours may well
stop these fish getting along. In terms of aggression, Trichogaster
trichopterus is by far the most unpredictable and sometimes aggressive
species. There are several varieties traded, including the Opaline
Gourami and a yellow form that I suspect is your Gold Gourami (Latin
names are very useful with gouramis!). The females tend to be peaceful,
but the males can be very short tempered. Males have longer dorsal fins
than the females, so sexing isn't hard. It's always worth
remembering when shopping for "companions" that social
behaviour is generally organised around a fish's own species. Yes,
keeping Trichogaster trichopterus in groups can help moderate
aggression, but you have to keep them in groups of six or more
Trichogaster trichopterus (though you can choose whatever colour
variety you want). Keeping six different Gourami species won't
work, because they're each as different from each other as humans
are from chimps and baboons! The bottom line is that I'd review the
list of gouramis, choose which species you'd like to keep most, and
work around them. Keeping female Trichogaster trichopterus is a
particularly sensible approach, since the females generally show no
aggressive tendencies at all. There are lots of colour forms, and
they're a perfect size for the tank you have. Six or more
specimens, including the blue, violet and golden forms, would make
quite a nice show. Cheers, Neale.>
Kissing Gourami skin problem 7/12/08 Hello, <Henk> I am
currently looking after a small fish tank of a couple of friends who are
on holiday. There are two pink kissing Gouramis in the tank, both have
been dyed with bright pink color stripes on their flanks. <...>
Personally I would not buy such fish, and I talked about it to my
friends afterwards, but many people who like to keep fish really think
everything you need to provide a fish with is water. <Too often the
case> Anyways, one of the pink Gouramis had a superficial wound on
its side with some skin hanging loose. It looked to me as if it had run
against the filter, gravel, or something else, which I would think
possible since this fish is sometimes chased by the other Gourami. The
skin wound became bigger, so I took the fish out and put it in a
separate tank and performed daily water changes (about 90% with water
stored one day, since I have no filtration in this tank). <Needs
this> The part of loose skin became bigger, and finally dropped off.
Upon closer examination, dorsal fins and a small ridge of skin on the
top of the other side are also affected. <Yes... likely
bacterial> I have started medicating with an anti fungus product for
already 5 days now (started medication about 2 days before the skin
dropped off). The fish is not very active, but not lethargic either and
occasionally eats, although less than normally. The place where the
skin dropped off is now pink/fleshy in color, but it does not look like
all skin tissue (if you can call it like this, no idea) on the wound
has disappeared. I have a hard time verifying if the skin wound now is
slowly increasing or has stopped increasing. So what I would like to
know, should I have been medicating with antibiotics instead, <Yes,
I would... a Furan compound is my first choice, Furacyn if you can find
it... 250 mg./10 gal... protocol posted on WWM, the search tool...>
or should I continue the anti fungus treatment, or is there any other
treatment you can recommend? How long does it take to heal such
problems, if it will heal at all that is. Many thanks, Henk Naert OKAY
Beijing <And needs to be in a filtered system... Maybe a divider in
the main tank... or even moving the healthy individual... Bob
Helostoma, health, need better photo
4/23/08 Hello, I am in desperate need of help and
information on a disease my Kissing Gourami has; I do not think she
will make through the night. <Would tend to agree.> I have
attached a photo of her in the hospital tank. She has gotten worse
through the night, and I have no idea how and what to use. I
noticed Saturday the Gourami had a reddish spot on her side closest
to the gills; I observed it through out the weekend and Monday
night it had not grown or protruded any, but yet she was laying
around at the bottom of the tank and would come up to eat and go
back down. Her activity slowed down to zero Tuesday night and now I
assume I will loose her through out the night, but I also have
another Kissing Gourami who appears to have started the same
reddish spots today. <The picture is too blurry to see anything.
Please send something sharper! My instinct when people mention
"red spots" on their fish is bacterial infection, such as
Finrot. These are essentially clots in the epidermis where bacteria
have blocked the normal flow of blood. Very serious, and needs
immediate attention. Most of the time Finrot follows on from water
quality issues, so you can start by testing ammonia and/or nitrite.
Detect any of either, and there's your problem.> I thought
this was dropsy; but I am not for sure since the reddish patch
appeared on both sides before the dropsy started. Can you help me
so that I have some hopes in saving my other Gourami. <Please
send a better picture and I will try. I will make the general point
that Helostoma temminckii is not an easy species to maintain. Wild
fish feed primarily on plankton, and in aquaria they easily starve,
becoming progressively thinner and weaker until some opportunistic
infection sets in. Helostoma must receive ample food of a small,
particulate nature, such as finely powdered flake food. Algae and
small frozen invertebrates such as bloodworms make a good
supplement. I personally don't recommend this species for
beginners or community tanks.> <Cheers, Neale.> |

Re: Helostoma, health, need better
photo 4/23/08 Hi Neal; Thank you for taking time out for
my dilemma. I have been monitoring the water clarity since
this weekend and the harmful nitrates and ammonia check out
to be in the safe zone. <Ah, the words "safe
zone" always worry me. Let me explain. While there is a
safe level of nitrate as far as community tropicals go, there
clear about this. So if you are detecting ANY nitrite or
ammonia, you have a dangerous problem on your hands.> I
have attached 3 more pictures of the Gourami, and you would
not believe it, but I woke up this morning and the kissing
Gourami is still hanging on. <Still can't see
anything. Just looks like a sick fish. Please, make sure the
photo is sharp and in focus. Use the "Macro"
setting on your camera. Don't wobble. Use the flash,
though angle the camera a bit so that you don't bounce
flash light right into the lens.> I got a closer look at
her today and it appears her eyes are sunken in and you can
see almost right through her pearl body. <Sounds like
emaciation to me. Very common with Helostoma simply because
they are so incredibly difficult to keep properly fed with
the plankton and vegetables they need.> It seems to be
some kind of internal bacteria that is slowly running its
course. <"Internal Bacteria" is the name
aquarists give to problems they don't immediately
recognise, so let's do better than that. Bacterial and
protozoan infections within the body of a fish almost always
stem from some bigger problem -- the wrong diet, wrong water
chemistry, and most commonly poor water quality. So review
all those things. While you may not be able to save this
fish, you certainly can prevent a similar thing happening
again.> If we do figure out what this "evil"
disease is, <No disease is "evil". All diseases
reveal is that we (the fishkeeper) have failed in some way.
Consider disease to be an incorruptible referee. Do something
wrong, and disease will blow the whistle on you. You can turn
things around by treating the fish and then fixing the
underlying problem, but don't blame the disease. I know
this is a hard lesson to learn because we all like to think
we're doing the right thing and our failures are because
of disease that came out of nowhere. But very rarely is that
the case. So, tell me what you [a] feed the fish; and [b]
what the nitrite level is -- in numbers! From these, I might
be able to offer some useful advice. In any case, the best
that can be done for the fish right now is to use an
antibiotic of the type mentioned before. After that, you have
to ensure the environment is optimal so that the fish can
recover. Will it recover? Can't promise that. But these
are basically robust fish, and recovery is certainly
possible.> should I treat my entire 55 gallon tank? <If
the Gourami is in a hospital tank now, I'd treat it
there. No need to treat the main tank. But if the Gourami is
in the main tank, then yes, you could treat the whole tank.
Do remember to remove carbon when treating fish. It is always
a good idea to increase aeration when treating fish, too.>
I have 3 paradise Gourami's, 2 Silver Dollars, 1 Pleco, 1
crawfish, and the other Kissing Gourami. Thank you again,
Yolanda <Cheers, Neale.> |

Sick Pink Kissing Gourami A friend recently gave me his a
fish tank that had a very small fish and a Kissing Gourami. The fish
sat in his office's lobby where almost nobody noticed them. I took
them home and put them in the same tank they had lived in their entire
lives, with the decorations exactly the same. The small fish is doing
great and swimming all the time, the Gourami is sitting on the bottom
of the tank with its fin and barely ever moves. When it does move, it
swims around the tank once and goes up to the surface and shoots back
down and sits on the bottom of the tank again. I first thought I had
ICH, so I treated the water, but It didn't seem to help anything.
What should I do? What's hurting my fish Thanks, Ryan <Mmm,
well, Kissers do "sit about" quite a bit... If your tank is
large enough (twenty or more gallons) and otherwise not overcrowded I
would add another kisser... they're social... hard to "kiss
yourself"... and this should stir the present one to be more
active. Bob Fenner>
My Kissing Gourami is losing weight 03/04/2008
Hi, My pink kissing Gourami is loosing weight quickly. I have a 20
gallon aquarium with two kissing Gouramis (6 months), two gold Gouramis
(3 months), one fire Gourami (3 months), a leopard bush fish (5 days),
and a Chinese algae eater (three months) (Gyrinocheilus aymonieri).
Everyone is under 2 inches except the algae eater he is about 2 1/2
inches. About a week ago I noticed one of my kissing Gouramis was
loosing weight and yesterday I realized he was really skinny. Every so
often he will go to the back corner of the aquarium and sit on the
bottom. His eating habits haven't changed and I know that he eats
well because he eats on a separate side of the tank than the other
fish. He is not being picked on, and other than sitting on the bottom
at times he's not lethargic. I have a 20 gallon Penguin 100
Bio-Wheel Power Filter, two 20 gallon AquaClear submersible heaters (it
gets cold in my house and one was having trouble keeping up), and two
aerators. It is pretty well planted with a big rock that has caves in
it where the fire Gourami and bush fish like to hang out. I use API
aquarium salt (1 tablespoon per 5 gallons), and one a week I use API
Stress Coat and API Stress Zyme. My ammonia is 0, my nitrate is 0, my
nitrite is 0, and my pH varies between 7 and 7.6. I clean my aquarium
every other week and change 25% of the water using only distilled
water. I alternate my feeding between TetraMin Tropical Flakes and
frozen blood worms. I have had trouble with dwarf Gouramis in the past,
but this seems to be a good group that gets along well with one
another. I really love my aquarium and my fish and if I'm doing
something well I want to know so I can fix it. Thank you for any help
you can give me. Sorry if it's way to much information. Ryan
<Hello Ryan. First let's be clear that your tank is overstocked
with the wrong species. Gyrinocheilus aymonieri gets to about 25 cm and
is a completely psychotic, non-community fish once mature. If there is
a fish I would BAN from the trade, this would be it! Responsible for
more terrified community fish than anything else I can think of. A
nasty, nasty fish. The Pink Kissing Gourami Helostoma temminckii is
another big fish, potentially reaching 30 cm, though 15-20 cm is more
typical in captivity. While a tolerable community fish in jumbo
systems, it simply isn't viable in a 20-gallon tank. It needs a
tank something like 4 times bigger. Secondly, Helostoma temminckii is a
very difficult fish to maintain in aquaria; it is at least partially a
plankton feeder, and it needs to be fed a lot of food, more or less all
the time. In big tanks this isn't so much a problem because
there's enough filter capacity to compensate for that, as well as
algae-covered surfaces for grazing. But in small tanks if you provide
the fish enough food, you'll likely find water quality plummet.
When kept in mixed communities they also tend to lose out at feeding
time because they can't wolf down food as fast as the other fish.
Seriously, they need to be getting 3-4 meals per day, and those meals
need to be good quality algae-based flake foods. There must also be
constant supply of green foods, such as blanched curly lettuce (not
iceberg!) or Sushi Nori; tinned peas may be take, too. While it is
possible your fish has some other "wasting disease", my gut
feeling is that it is simply starving to death. You seem to be
suggesting one specimen is fine but the other one is thin; because
males are bullies, it is possible that the weaker fish doesn't get
access to food as often as it needs. One last thing: why are you using
distilled water in the aquarium? STOP! This is very bad for your fish.
Just use plain vanilla tap water (not water from a domestic water
softener) with suitable dechlorinator. There is no need to add salt.
Cheers, Neale.>
Spots on my Kissing Gourami, likely Lernaeids
-12/14/07 Hello, <Stephanie> I have had a kissing Gourami for
a couple of years now but over the last few days it has developed about
some spots which I put down to a bacterial infection <Mmmm> and
so I've been treating with a fungus, Finrot and bacteria treatment.
But the spots, which appear to be only on one side of it's body
have turned a peachy/orange colour and each seems to have something
like a black barb type thing sticking out of it - almost like a
splinter. <Ahh!> There are approximately 5 of these spots and
they are in different places on the body and one near the eye. The fish
seems to be well enough at the moment it is eating and behaving as
usual. Do you have any idea what this might be? <I do... most likely
a Lernaeid, aka Anchorworm... Please see here re:
http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwcrustdisfaqs.htm and the linked
files above. Had you recently added "something live" (new
fish, FW food, plants) to this system? The parasite had to have been
added some how... See Google Images for the common name as well...
Cheers, Bob Fenner> Many thanks, Stephanie
Re: Spots on my Kissing Gourami -12/14/07 Bob,
<Steph> Thanks so much for your response. Thanks for the link and
"yuk" it looks like Anchorworm! I bought some new plants
about a week ago. So, up go my sleeves! <Ahh!> I've pulled
the things off with tweezers and now breathe a sigh of relief - so does
my Gourami! <I'll say!> I've bought a bottle of
parasiticide which I'll have to administer tomorrow as I have been
treating the fish for a bacterial infection and it says to wait 48
hours before using. <Good> Thanks so much for you swift response
and the link - much appreciated! Stephanie <Welcome my friend.
Sick Kissers 8/8/07 Hi, I have a 75 g. Sea
Clear aquarium; I wrote when I was setting it up. Everything has
been going well; ( following your advice, I disabled the SeaClear
filtration & added a Magnum 350 Canister filter and a wall of
bubbles.) My problem is that to my long term family of 3 large
Kissers, 14" Pleco and 2 Clown Loaches, I added 6 Glow Light
Tetras. They seemed to be acclimated after 2 weeks, but while I
was away for 4 days, one of them died and the body was decaying
when I got home. Then the Gouramis got sick; it looks like
Septicemia. Their fins are very red and they are lying on the
bottom. They are still eating, though. I've been using E.M.
tabs for 2 days so far. Today, the eyes of one of them look
cloudy. Is this fungus on top of the bacterial infection? Should
I add salt to help with the cure, or will this bother the Pleco
and Tetras? If so, how much? I feel so bad now, that I added
fish. I did not use a hospital tank because I don't have one
when I got the tetras, but I did dip them. Please help. I've
been reading all about salt on your site, but am slightly
confused by the conflicting opinions. Thanks so much! You guys
are the best! Carol M. ;<) <Hello Carol. You'll get no
conflicting opinions from me on this: unless you have a good
reason to use salt while treating a specific disease, there's
NO reason to add salt to a freshwater aquarium. So, unless the
erythromycin tablets say "add salt" on them --
don't! Now, as for the red fins, let's get this clear as
well: septicaemia is rare in fish, and it usually happens only
after a more minor problem has been allowed to develop into
something more serious. So, rather than supposing it came out of
nowhere (it didn't) try and figure out what might have
happened before. Finrot is the classic "precursor" to
septicaemia in fish; indeed, many people confuse the two
diseases, because Finrot isn't confined to fins. Finrot is
very common in aquaria with marginal to poor water quality. It
looks like reddish patches, usually with dead skin nearby, and on
the fins at least you see the membranes decay and the fin spines
remain. Finrot can spread onto the body, and after a while, into
the body cavity, causing harm including septicaemia. You can
treat Finrot with a variety of standard medications that your
retailer will have. But you have to treat with a real medication
promptly, and not mess about with cooking salt, Melafix, or
sacrificing cockerels to Asklepios. I have no idea what
"dipping" your fish means. You mean in salty water?
Pointless. Who told you to do that? Dipping saltwater fish in
freshwater can work well, and dipping freshwater fish in seawater
can also work well. But these take several (to 30) minutes and
are more "baths" than "dips". But I assume
all you did was dunk the tetra for a moment in water with a
teaspoon of cooking salt or some-such added. Utter and complete
waste of time. Hope this helps, Neale.>
Re: Sick Kissers -- 08/08/07 Thank you for
your reply. <Happy to help.> I will give you more details.
I have had aquariums for 40+ years. I am 61 now. <Then you
probably know more than me!> I haven't used salt in my
aquarium, but I have some Aquarium salt that came with the tank
when I bought it 2nd hand. <Lots of people use aquarium salt.
I still consider it "snake oil" and won't change my
mind about that without scientific evidence to the contrary.>
I had a pair of Kissers previously who lived 16 and 18 years.
<Well, that's certainly a ripe old age for them. You must
be doing something right.> I "dipped" the new Neons
in QuickCure (10 drops into the store bag) and kept them in their
bag for over an hour, since I don't have a QT. <Never
heard of this stuff. Certainly can't do any harm, so sounds
fine to me.> I gradually added aquarium water, although I know
that I didn't quarantine them long enough. <Really, who
does? It's something lots of us neglect, to our peril.> I
bought 6 black Tetras one week, and 6 Glowlights the next week. I
know. Too many new fish. The Gouramis are 5 years old and they
are about 6 in. long. <I see them in the photo, very
pretty!> My pH is 7.2, NH2 & NH3 are 0 ppm. <Good.>
Tank has been cycled since June 6th. Water quality is good. The
Kissers have bright red lines on all fins, mouths are clamped,
today two of them have slightly cloudy eyes. They look a bit red
under the eye too, and at least one has diarrhea. <I see. Very
odd. Certainly, reddish fins on fish tend to be a sign of water
quality issues, the inflammation often winding up as Finrot.
I'd certainly assume an external bacterial infection and
treat accordingly.> They are lying in a group on the bottom,
upright, not swimming around. Mostly hanging in corners. They
look somewhat improved today; they do come up and eat at feeding
time. The tank is in its 3rd day of E.M. tabs and I added
Maracide today as well. Do you have a diagnosis or any better
ideas? <Nope, what you're doing sounds about right to
me.> I am sending you a pic. Thank you so much for your time.
Carol <Good luck, Neale>
Re: Sick Kissers 8/9/07 Thanks for your
support, and for your excellent responses this time! I may know
more than you about some things, but I get really nervous when my
fish get sick, and I think you know more about fish. My clown
loaches have been nursing the sick, and finally I can see that
they have tiny white dots on them, and if I look very closely, I
can see fine white spots on the Gouramis now too. So I think
after all, it is a tank wide case of Ich caused by the newcomer
tetras, of which there are only 5 survivors out of 9. I finished
the E.M. treatment and did a 25% water change, then added
Formalite II (Formalin, Copper & Nickel Sulfate) to the tank,
1 drop per g. So hopefully this will do the trick. I'll do it
every other day. (Just FYI, the QuickCure I used for the bath is
made by AP and is Formalin with Malachite Green. I don't
think I bathed the black tetras long enough, so they are probably
the culprits, all dead now.) My original question was about salt;
your website says that it is not necessary except for extra
support for specific conditions (which conditions?) . That's
why I asked if it would be a good support along with real meds.
So just out of curiosity, for future reference, are there any
cases in which you WOULD use salt, and if so, what would they be?
Carol ;<) P.S. All fish look better today; they are swimming
around more and look like they're recovering. <Carol, do
be careful treating tanks containing clown loaches. They are one
of the fishes that react badly sometimes. Whitespot medication is
one of the things that seems to upset them. Have a read of this:
Okay, as for when to use tonic salt, examples are to deal with
temporarily high nitrite/nitrate levels; killing off external
leeches and lice; alongside certain medications (e.g., Interpet
#13 Swim bladder Treatment); and for saltwater dips for
killing/cleaning up certain types of external infections. But
these are all short term things. Unless your medication
explicitly says "add salt" (as is the case with
Interpet #13 Swim bladder Treatment) then DON'T add salt.
Actually, salt plus high temperatures are often recommended as
*alternatives* to Whitespot medications for certain fish,
including Clown Loaches. Cheers, Neale.>

Kissing Gourami behavior I have three Kissing Gouramis and
one of them continues to lay sort of side ways. It will swim, however
when it is still it looks like it is laying on it's side. Do you
know what the problem is. Thank You Cassandra <Mmm, some individual
Kissers do "sit on the bottom" a great deal. If the fish is
eating, appears fine otherwise, I would not be concerned. Bob
Killer Kisser? Hey Bob, <Walt> Thanks for your quick
response. Unfortunately, I believe that my one Kissing Gourami may be
heading into the "unholy terror" camp (especially at meal
time). He is particularly fond of chasing one of my female sunburst
mollies... but he does this only during feeding and the molly goes
right back to eating after the chase. <Mmm, keep your eyes on that
fish... and your others... for "hickeys"> However, he is
being downright aggressive to his fellow Gourami at all times. As soon
as he sees him he'll continue to chase him until his
"victim" takes refuge among my plants. I am starting to get
worried because for past two days I have noticed the "victim"
sulking with clamped fins among my plants or hiding near my filter
intake. This morning he refused to compete at all for the peas I fed
them. I am not a big fan of exchanging fish once I bought them (I kind
of feel like I'm bringing them to the pound) but I feel like I may
have no choice. Any suggestions? Thanks again. Sincerely, Walt
<There is some value in trying temporary isolation, floating the
mean fish in a plastic "colander" (spaghetti strainer) or
large-enough breeding trap/net in the tank... for a few to several
days... This sometimes "takes the spit" out of the
offender... Bob Fenner>
Helostoma kissingmaximusi I was planning on buying a breeding
net anyway considering most of my females appear to be gravid. I'll
run out and buy one and isolate the "killer kisser" and see
what happens. I'll let you know in a week or so if there was any
curb in his aggression. Thanks again! Sincerely, Walt <Real good.
Bob Fenner>
Deceased Kisser Hello! Thank you for all your previous help.
As you might have guessed, I have another question. I'll give you
some background before I ask it. <Okay> Tank: 44 gal. pentagon,
well planted with 20 small community fish (4 platies, 3 pairs of
differing mollies, 2 beacon tetras, 2 diamond tetras, 2 Serpae tetras,
2 Botia dario, and 2 kissing Gouramis. Water: ammonia-0; nitrite-0;
nitrate-20ppm; pH-between 7.7-7.9; total hardness 170ppm
CaCO3; All tested regularly (including this
morning). I woke up this morning to a dreadful sight. One of my kissers
was deceased and wrapped around my external power filter's intake.
Because he looked perfectly healthy before I went to bed, I cannot
figure out what happened. I do, however, have some possibilities I
would like to run by you. <Go ahead> I e-mailed you before about
an aggressive kisser that was relentlessly chasing the now deceased
kisser. I isolated the aggressive fish in a breeding net for five days.
During that time the now deceased fish began to act much healthier...
no more clamped fins, no more hiding, eating better, etc. Then I let
the aggressive kisser out of jail and I honestly think his aggression
got worse! <Ughhh> Naturally he took most of it out on his
brother kisser. I read that adding a third kisser might calm down the
aggressor so I went to my LFS and purchased one. No luck. So, I
returned the bad fish to the LFS. This all took place in the last two
days. Is that enough stress to have killed an otherwise healthy looking
fish? <Yes... I wish I would have encourage you, in advance, that if
the aggressive fish didn't "behave" on being
re-introduced to trade it back in...> I feel I must add that I am
not that adept at catching fish in my net. <Use two, take my advice,
much, MUCH easier> When I was trying to catch the aggressive kisser,
first to put him in jail, then to return him to the LFS, I may have
caused far too much commotion for the fishes well being. Could this
have been a factor? <Yes> Also, I recently added my monthly
replenishment of Tetra Flora Pride to the tank. I only used half of the
recommended dosage. Could this have stressed the fish? None of the
others seemed to mind. <I don't think this would be much of a
stressor, no> I mentioned that the fish was stuck to the filter
intake. I have a Whisper Advanced Power Filter 30-60 with the extra
sponge for increased bio-filtration. It supposedly filters up to 300
gallons per hour. I read that a proper unit will filter the entire
volume of a tank four times in an hour, so I leave it on at full power.
Could the fish have gotten stuck on the filter and unable to escape? Or
is it more likely that the fish died and then got stuck to it? <Not
likely at all... freshwater fishes are smart/er than folks give them
credit for... and strong... think of how hard they are to catch!>
Finally, I must mention (in case you haven't guessed) I am quite
obsessive about my new hobby. I check the water regularly, reach in a
couple of times a week to remove dead plant leaves and the occasional
snail. Is it possible that I am overly involved and causing undue
stress on my livestock? <Mmm, I would limit your in-tank sojourns to
once weekly> Any help you can provide, as always, is greatly
appreciated. Sincerely, Walt <Likely just a "bully" fish
at play here. Bob Fenner>
Re: Deceased Kisser Thanks again for the advice. I am sorry
about all the questions. I honestly thought that I had everything
figured out before I set up my tank. I took about eight books on
freshwater aquaria out of the library and read them over like I was
preparing for an exam. But, once again, I have found that real life
does not mimic text, and I have a seemingly limitless number of
questions. <This is so.> Anyway, I have permanently solved the
"killer kisser" problem. I brought the original aggressor
back only to find my other kissers becoming aggressive after he was
gone. I brought them all back and I have decided never to invest in
them again! I honestly do not know why they are listed as
"peaceful" community fishes in so many books. <As with
most bold statements, a few qualifiers should go along...> With the
store credit I received from the kissers I have added to my collection
of mollies, which brings me to my next question. How much salt is
necessary in the water to keep mollies at optimal health? <A level
teaspoon or so per ten gallons> In my 44 gallon, I have about 5
teaspoons, far below the recommended dosage for use as a "general
tonic". I would increase it, but I am worried about the effect of
aquarium salt on my live plants. How much salt is healthy for mollies,
but not dangerous to plants? Thanks again! <I would not put anymore
than the above in here. Bob Fenner>
Pink Kissing Gouramis not eating My kissing
Gouramis which I purchased two days ago are not eating flake food or
brine shrimp. The tetras and mollies I have in the tank with them eat
fine. It is a 55 gallon tank and the temp is fine. What can I do to get
them to eat? < Give them a few days to get use to their new
surroundings. When they get hungry they will eat. There are actually
very good algae eaters and are often seen "kissing" plants
and rock when they are actually eating algae.-Chuck>
Re: Pink Kissing Gouramis not eating I didn't' find
any info helpful there, and they are still not eating. Please help.
< With no external symptoms then I am going to assume that they may
be in the early stages of an internal bacterial infection. The best way
to treat this is with Metronidazole. Do a 30% water change and service
the filter. Vacuum the gravel if it has not been done in awhile before
treating the tank.-Chuck>
Sick kissing Gourami >Hi Bob, >>A minion by the name
of Marina here. >I have a 3-4 inch kissing Gourami that is several
years old. Last week he had a circular area on his side that was
whitish in color. I changed 20% of the water and kept an eye on it.
>>Do a larger water change. You've mentioned nothing about
using carbon, filtration, or water parameters, so I'll assume that
you know to remove carbon when medicating, and that you also know that
some meds can "knock out" a good portion of your benthic
bacterial colonies. This is another good reason to do larger water
changes (50% identical, fresh water will help greatly). >This week
it seems to have spread to the back 1/2 of his body on one side. He
also has 1-2 raised bumps on his other side, about 2mm x4mm in size. He
is eating and still "kissing" the other Gourami. He seems
sluggish though and generally not too good. Two days ago I started a
treatment of Maracyn II. So far this does not seem to be helping.
>>We're really shooting in the dark, especially because
I'm going by your description with no photos, and my book of fish
diseases is in storage (curses!). Do both a Google and Dogpile search,
as you'll be in a better position to determine what best matches
your fish's symptoms. I would also, after doing that large water
change, switch to Melafix, another broad spectrum antibiotic. If you do
NOT have live plants in the tank, I would add 1 teaspoon of salt
(Kosher or marine salt mix) per gallon of tank water. This will boost
the effects of the antibiotic, as well as relieve a bit of the pressure
on the fish's system (osmotic differences between fishy flesh and
water). Also, please delve into our library here--> http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwinfectdisfaqs.htm
>This fish has had previous bacterial infections that responded
quickly to Maracyn II. What do you think? Jeff Hulett Hawkeye >>I
would try the other broad spectrum antibiotic along with the salt. This
is assuming that it's not a fungal infection (the Methylene blue
would help address that), though I'm really not sure that's a
possibility by your description. Keep up the water changes, if he takes
any fresh foods do try to stimulate feeding this way (bloodworms,
daphnia, mosquito larvae, et al). At this point it may be far too
stressful for him to undergo a saltwater dip, so I don't recommend
it. Let's keep our fingers crossed! Marina
Re: sick kissing Gourami >Thanks Marina, I will do a
larger water change and try to send you a photo. I do have live plants
in the tank. I did do a search, but didn't turn up anything.
>>Then you won't be able to use the salt. I did more
searching, and the best I can find online is that it must be an
infection, but at this point I can't even narrow down whether
it's bacterial, fungal, or viral. If you can set up a hospital tank
for this fish, I would advise it. This way you can help him with salt.
If you believe that it would cause really undue stress on the fish,
then don't move him. Other than that, my only other suggestions are
to try different broad spectrums. Here's a link to fish meds, uses,
dosing, etc. --> http://www.petswarehouse.com/Fishmed3.htm
and here--> http://www.petswarehouse.com/Fishmed2.htm
>>Good luck, and keep us posted. Marina
Re: sick kissing Gourami >Thank you Marina,
>>You're welcome. >I spent some time looking at the fish
with a magnifying glass and I noticed some white tuft stuff on one of
the site. It was very small. After seeing that, I treated the tank with
Rid Ich+, which is mostly Malachite Green. I also removed a smaller
kissing Gourami from the tank to reduce stress on the sick one. I did
this because, even though he was sick, he still "kissed" the
other one, and frequently chased it around the tank. I also added a
tablespoon or so of salt. I did this last Thursday or Friday. Since
then I've kept up the treatments once per day for both the Maracyn
II and the Malachite Green. The fish improved dramatically with this
treatment. >>FANTASTIC! Boy, that is great news. >After one
day the 2x4mm spot had shrunk 50% and the tufts were gone. His motion
seems better and he seems to be getting better every day. Since he
really didn't respond to the Maracyn II, I can only guess that this
must have been fungal. >>Me too. Again, let the happiness ensue!
You've found the trouble, and are treating with good success. I
have achieved my (the whole crew's, actually) goal. >I plan to
discontinue you Maracyn II today and keep up the M. Green until he
seems healed. >>Sounds like a good plan. >By the looks of his
progress, this should only take a few more days. >>Could it get
any better? >After that I'll reinsert the carbon in the filter.
I've included photos of the fish in its original sick state. You
can see the discoloration on the back half of his body. This spread
from the original circular site which was about 8 mm wide. Thank you
very much for your help with this. >>This is great, except that I
can't seem to view the .jpg. Bob? Jason? Zo? Someone with more
puter knowledge than me? Well, the point is that the fish is on his way
back to good health. I'm very pleased with the news. Marina
Eat, Don't Kiss! Hello to all at WWM, <Hello! Ryan
here> I bought 2 pink kissing Gourami's 4 days ago and have them
in QT by themselves but they are not eating. I've tried reading
over all the faq and am still at a loss. They are in an established
tank and all my water parameters check out okay. I haven't noticed
any white spots or any other obvious signs of illness only that they
hang out on the bottom of the back of the tank. I've tried offering
frozen blood worms and brine shrimp. Also I got some zooplankton all to
no avail. Any help would be greatly appreciated. <Amy, are there
adequate hiding places for them to feel safe? I like to keep a piece of
PVC or some fake plants in my QT to reduce stress. Was the brine you
offered live? If not, try that. Brine shrimp are a poor substitute for
real food, but seem to get almost any fish eating. Small live worms may
do the trick as well. These fish are generally very hardy with an
appetite to match-could you contact the LFS which sold you the fish and
find out what they were eating previously? Good luck!> Thank You,
Pink kisser diet and general tank stuff. First things first,
I don't have a digi. cam, so I'll describe Ivan's itchy
patch in the best way I've thought of. Basically it looks like a
patch of eczema on the outer 1/8 inch of his tail. Like this:
<Unfortunately, the little diagram will not reproduce well for the
FAQs, but with your new description and the diagram, I'm pretty
sure you're dealing with fin rot. Fortunately, this is easily
treatable.> He actually nibbles off little flakes of it. He sits
under the filter intake a lot and I've noticed little bits of it
flake away and get sucked into the filter or fall onto the bottom of
the tank. Problem is, since he's a Pink Kisser, his fins are very
light colored; in most places they're very light whitefish, not
quite clear, and I can't tell if he has any spots or not. He could
be completely covered with them and they aren't visible Black
construction paper behind the tank didn't help much either (he was
scared of it). <LOL! Ivan the Terrible? Or Ivan the Terrified?> I
read the Ick page (thanks for the link) and I'm going to try
getting a sample of his tail slime to take to the pet store or a fish
vet (if I can find one). I'll take a water sample too, but the
water here is different from the stuff I use at school. (Would the
bottled "Betta Water" I've seen in pet stores help with
changes any?) My biggest problem with diagnosis is, of all the Pink
Kissers in the world and the hundreds of them turn that turn homicidal,
I have to get the only one I've heard of yet that's a complete
and utter coward. When I got him from the pet store he was in a 10 gal
with about 40 other fry. He was one of the smallest in there and was
getting chased around the tank (typical behavior for the kind). I took
him specifically because he was little and needed out of there or
he'd starve. Since then, he's been terrified of anything
pinkish (including my hands), anything that looks like another fish (He
saw a picture of a gold fish on a pet guide worksheet and hid until I
moved it), and anything that moves quickly or reflects light (camera
lenses, mirrors, watches, etc). <Ivan the Terrified, indeed!> I
got a picture once from across the room with a zoom lens and hung it on
my wall at school-- where its hanging now. I'll send a photo as
soon as I can. <If it's possible, that'd be great, but
again, I'm pretty confidant with the description you gave now. To
treat the fin rot, I would use a good antibiotic, like Kanamycin
(Available from Aquatronics as "Kanacyn" in a gray box). Use
as directed, it should clear this up just fine.> He only sits (?)
still in the open when he's curious about something (running water
especially) or when he's hungry (which is any time he's not
sleeping). The minute I move near the tank he hides behind his plants.
<It might help to give him more hiding spaces. Perhaps a few rocks
or a cave, maybe some more plants like the Anacharis/elodea for him to
nibble on. The idea behind this is that the more opportunity they have
to hide, the less they feel the need to. In my experience, this is
almost invariably true.> Thanks for all your info and help. I
appreciate it. <Sure thing - glad to be able to help!> Take care.
Becky <You too. Wishing you (and Ivan) well, -Sabrina>
Kissing Gourami and plants (III, I think) We really must
share a wave length or something because the day after I sent the last
email I went to the pet store and bought more plants as Ivan the
Terrified's Christmas present (Yes, I think the name is going to
stick). <LMAO!> They're larger than the old ones and the tank
now looks more like a jungle. He loves it. <Wonderful to hear.> I
also started throwing a new slice of peeled cucumber in the tank every
day <You can actually leave the peel on; it's probably the most
nutritive part. It would also be a good idea to "blanch"
(drop into boiling water for 10 seconds or so) this and other fresh
veggies you give him. You can do a whole bunch ahead of time, then
freeze them on a cookie sheet and put it all in a bag in the freezer,
then you can just pull out a piece whenever you want.> and tried
some spinach. Unfortunately, he thinks that the spinach should come in
flake form; he won't eat it unless I chop it up for him.
<Perhaps try frozen spinach? It's usually already in pretty
small pieces. Might be easier.> Let it never be said that I
don't spoil my fish. <I will not say that, I assure you!>
Interestingly enough, the stuff on his tail has gone away. <With
good water quality, mild cases of fin rot often clear up on their
own.> I did full water tests per your questions about levels.
Current standings: Nitrate: 20ppm; Nitrite: 0; Hardness: 300;
Alkalinity: 180; Ph: 7.6. Temp is 78.6 F. <Not bad. What about
ammonia?> We have a well heavy in iron, but I'm not sure how to
soften the water without messing with the alkalinity, which is also a
little higher than I think he needs. <Really, this isn't of
major concern for him. Yes, it's a bit on the side of "liquid
rock" (pretty hard), but that's not a huge issue for this
tough species. If you really, really want to lower it, you could do so
with peat moss in the filter; this will stain the water a yellow-brown
color, but that's only an aesthetic issue. It will also lower the
pH, but really, I think this is quite unnecessary.> Whatever the
water conditions, the tail hasn't bothered him for 2 days or so
now. <Excellent.> With different water at school, we'll see
what happens with his condition later. <Is it at all possible to
bring a couple of 5 gallon jugs of water with you, so you can make the
change to school water a little more slowly? Just a thought.> For
the moment he's chasing bubbles around his tank and making kissy
faces at me, so I'm guessing he feels pretty good. <Certainly
sounds good!> Pictures of my little monster are forthcoming as soon
as the film is developed. I will email them as soon as I can. <Cool.
Pics always make it easier to give a more accurate diagnosis, though I
am pretty certain now that it is/was fin rot.> Until that time,
thank you very much for all your help and happy holidays. Becky <And
Happy Holidays to you and Ivan.... the Terrified.... I'm still
giggling. -Sabrina>
Pucker Up! (Kissing Gourami) Hi. I'm a complete newbie to
fishkeeping and I had a couple of questions. <Welcome to the
hobby.> Here's my situation. My 2 year old Pink Kisser, Ivan the
Terrible, <Ooh, what a fitting name!> is about 5" long. He
lives by himself in a heated (80*F/ 27*C) 10 gal. tank with fluorescent
light and external filtration system set up in my dorm room. He's
an only child and will probably remain that way. <A good plan with
this fish, which can potentially become a foot long terror. Until
he's into a much large tank, he's best on his own.> I've
got 5 or 6 plastic plants that he likes to hide behind and nibble on
and a layer of natural gravel on the bottom so he can eat algae.
<And eat algae he will - that's what those thick lips were
designed for (among other things).> My first concern is diet. I feed
Wardley brand tropical flake food as his main diet (a pinch 2-3 times a
day), <Not my personal favorite, to be honest... and really, this
fish should be fed much more in the way of greens than
'community' type flake foods. Frozen algae preparations,
sushinori, romaine lettuce, blanched zucchini/cucumber, shelled
peas.... Spirulina flakes, if necessary.> supplemented with 2-3
Wardley Betta pellets a day for color (pet store recommendation, but he
doesn't seem to like it) <I think this is probably unnecessary,
to be honest. Betta food is usually a high protein food to mimic the
live goodies they would eat in the wild, whereas kissing Gourami feed
primarily on algal matter and plants (and the occasional aquatic
invertebrate). If you want him to "color up" a bit, perhaps a
"color/red enhancing" cichlid food could be fed very
sparingly. Again, unnecessary, IMO.> and the occasional fresh
cucumber slice or spinach leaf. <Ahh, good. I would make this a lot
more than occasional - these and the other greens above should be his
staple. Be sure to blanch fresh veggies (drop into boiling water for 10
seconds or so), or he may possibly develop some internal disorders.>
My main concerns are the balance between his flake food and what he
needs nutritionally. The flakes are 46% protein, 5% fat, and 4% fiber;
main ingredients are fish meal, wheat flour and soy protein. He's
growing like a weed, so I don't think he's severely deficient
in anything, but I'd like an expert opinion. <I really feel like
he could do better with more greens in his diet, and less high protein
foods. Better to match as closely as possible what these fish were
designed to eat in nature.> Secondly, a health/disease issue. About
2.5 weeks ago, Ivan developed a white flaky condition on his tail and
only on his tail, which led me to rule out fin rot. <Can you
describe this in further detail? I'm having trouble picturing a
white, flaky tail....> He also started rubbing on the filter intake
nozzle in the tank. The rubbing I attributed to a breeding behavior
since I turned up the heater when the weather got cold. (They cuddle
with their mates when they're... um... *happy* and a swift change
in temp. will cause that, or so I'm told.) <Though I don't
know much about the breeding habits of this species, I would definitely
be concerned with this scratching.> He didn't have the white
spots associated with Ick, but I opted for Ick treatment and it went
away after about 3 days. <Through most of its lifecycle, Ich is not
visible. It could very well be that he had the very beginnings of an
Ich infestation. More on Ich here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwich.htm
.> I did a 1/3 water change and put in a new filter cartridge on
Wednesday, then left him for 4 days with a vacation feeder while I went
home for Thanksgiving. <Personally, I don't much like the
slow-release feeders. They may alter the pH some, in some cases, and
IMO, aren't terribly nutritious. Might want to invest in an
automatic feeder, that you put flake/pellet food in, which will release
the food you choose as often as you set it for.> When I came back
Sunday, the white flaky stuff was back just as bad as it was before. I
stopped filtration again, <You can leave the filter running (for
circulation/physical filtration), just remove any carbon or cartridges
containing carbon.> treated for Ick and it went completely away. Two
weeks later, I'm home for Christmas and he came with me. I did a
50% water change, put in a new filter cartridge, vacuumed his gravel
and wiped his plants to keep the algae from getting too thick. He's
doing all his regular fishy things, but there's a tiny white flaky
patch on his tail again. <I don't think we're quite on the
same wavelength, here.... I really can't envision this flaky patch.
Is it small? Large? How small/large? In spots? Opaque? Fuzzy? Flaky as
in peeling, like a sunburn? Look kind of like cauliflower? Feel free to
get very descriptive.> I think I've established that its not Ick
or it wouldn't keep coming back after a full treatment and he'd
have white spots elsewhere, which he doesn't. <Please do check
out that link on Ich; the full life cycle of Ich is about two weeks
(though this is dependant upon temperature), and for most of its life,
is not treatable.> What the heck is this and how do I fix it?
<Please do write back, and describe the heck out of this, if you
can. I'm very sorry I'm not clearly picturing this. Ah, in
fact, if you can email us a photo of the fish/flaky patch with your
description, that'd be even better.> Would you suggest any
changes in setup other than tank size, which I can't do anything
about until I get a bigger living space? <Whoa.... I said we're
not on the same wavelength, but you read my mind! Okay, I won't say
anything about tank size here, just that he'll end up topping out
around twelve inches ;) You might want to think about giving him a
constant supply of Anacharis/elodea to nibble on - in fact, that'd
make a *perfect* weekend feeder for him when you're gone! More
greens, as above. I also wonder at your water conditions (ammonia,
nitrite, nitrate, pH), as the only thing at all that I can think of as
"flaky" is Lymphocystis, which is a viral condition, brought
on by poor water quality (often prolonged exposure to high nitrates)
and can be recurring.> Any feedback would be appreciated.
<Here's something that you might enjoy: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/anabantoids.htm
.> Thanks! Becky <Wishing you well, -Sabrina>
Sick Pink Kissing Gourami A friend recently gave
me his a fish tank that had a very small fish and a Kissing Gourami.
The fish sat in his office's lobby where almost nobody noticed
them. I took them home and put them in the same tank they had lived in
their entire lives, with the decorations exactly the same. The small
fish is doing great and swimming all the time, the Gourami is sitting
on the bottom of the tank with its fin and barely ever moves. When it
does move, it swims around the tank once and goes up to the surface and
shoots back down and sits on the bottom of the tank again. I first
thought I had ICH, so I treated the water, but It didn't seem to
help anything. What should I do? What's hurting my fish Thanks,
Ryan <Mmm, well, Kissers do "sit about" quite a bit... If
your tank is large enough (twenty or more gallons) and otherwise not
overcrowded I would add another kisser... they're social... hard to
"kiss yourself"... and this should stir the present one to be
more active. Bob Fenner>
Whitish Slime on Gravel 2/27/07 Hi there, <Hi
Casie, Pufferpunk here> I have a 38 gallon fresh water tank. I have
5 tetras, (not sure what kind of tetra), a kissing Gourami, a peppered
loach and 2 angel fish. <Those pink "kissers" are quite
aggressive & grow to a foot.> Yesterday both of my angel fish
died =(. It looked like they had been getting picked on in the eyes. I
believe the kissing Gourami is a little meaner than I thought. (I just
added him last week). <Sure is!> This morning I woke up to this
whitish/clear substance in some of the gravel. It almost looks
"squishy". I didn't want to bother it not knowing what it
was, (eggs or more likely bacteria maybe?) <Bacterial, caused
probably by over-feeding & under-cleaning.> Some of it is now
floating in the water and I did scoop that out. Could this of caused
the angel fish to die? <An end result, I'm sure.> I should
mention that I also have sand in the bottom of the tank along with
gravel. It was from my saltwater tank that I no longer use. I bleached
it and it's been in there some time now but maybe it's from the
sand? <Depending on how deep the sand is, if you don't stir it
weekly, anaerobic (toxic air pockets) can develop in the sand.>
I've searched the internet for about an hour looking for it,
everything I find refers to saltwater. Any clue as to what it is?
<It sounds to me that you aren't doing enough regular weekly
water changes or cleaning the substrate. Weekly 50% water changes are
the very best thing you can do to insure healthy fish. Clean the gravel
with a gravel cleaner, while removing the water. That should remove
most of the "gunk". If you haven't done a water change in
a while, then 2 consecutive 25% water changes within 2 days will be
best, so you don't shock the fish. Be sure to match the water
temperature 7 dechlorinate (I prefer using Prime)> Let me know if
you believe it could be harmful. Sorry to drag on about what I think it
could be, obviously I have no clue *smile*. Thank you for your help.
<I'd find another home for the Gourami. It would have been best
to leave your tank stocked as it was. Perfect balance of fish. ~PP>
~Casie L.
Bloated Kissing Gourami 2/16/07 Hi, I <...
I> put 2 pink kissing Gourami's into a mixed community tank
3 weeks ago. <Spaces between your sentences...> One of them
about 5 days ago started to become bloated and is now very big.
<I see this> It doesn't seem very active and not feeding,
also doesn't seem to go to the toilet and stays in the corner
of the tank, the scales are not sticking out and it seems to have
no other visual signs. The other one is active. The tank is 400
ltrs with Eheim bio filter. Water tests are all good, maybe a
little hard but nothing abnormal. All other stock are ok. I have
just noticed it is going, it has a thin cotton wool like stool.
Thank you in advance for any help. <Your Helostoma very likely
has either an internal bacterial complaint or a lumenal parasite
(likely Hexamita)... Please read here re: http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/GouramiDisFAQs.htm
and the linked files at top. Bob Fenner> |

Pink Gourami Losing It's Tail 2/3/07 Hi;
Pinkie is losing her tail.. I took this picture before I realized
what was happening. She? <No way to sex externally> Has been
in a 10 gallon clear water filtered tank with a beautiful
Otocinclus. He? lives on the bottom. I was told they will eat what
fall's to the bottom <?> and never ate the algae
wafer's. Could this catfish that is 1/5 the size be snipping
the Gourami as it sleeps on the rocks at night? <Mmm, not
likely, no... Otocinclus are not of this nature. Likely this
appearance is due to bacterial involvement allowed by "poor
water quality"... What do your water tests indicate? What is
your maintenance routine? Have you read on WWM, elsewhere re the
requirements of this Helostoma? Bob Fenner> Please Help! |

Angry Pink Kissing Gourami 2/1/07 Hi, I have a 55 gallon tank
with 1 Ropefish, 2 rainbow schoolers, 4 female swordtails, 1 male
swordtail <tail...> , 2 blue Gouramis (one that's
<that's> gold), 1 whiptail sucker fish, 1 Plec. sucker fish,
and one large pink kissing Gourami. Now my problem is after feeding.
Most of the fish are satisfied with frozen bloodworms, but the kisser
never seems to eat them, so I feed her tropical flakes. after she
finishes eating, she darts around the tank chasing anything that moves,
and harasses them this way for about 30 minutes. She only does this
after eating, and she gets more aggressive each time. its mostly just
fin nipping, but its starting to worry me. Any suggestions? Thanks a
lot! <You may have a "rogue" individual here, but
Helostoma are social animals... should be kept in at least pairs. I
would look into wafer-type food formats and getting at least another
kisser of about the same size. Bob Fenner>
Re: Angry Pink Kissing Gourami 2/2/07 Thanks! She is roughly
4 years old. She's always been with blue Gouramis in a 10 gallon
but recently she was added to the new 55 gallon tank. Ill look into
getting a buddy for her. She is extremely large; about the size of my
palm. I've just never seen be aggressive before so it worried me.
<Unlikely to find such a large specimen... I'd opt for two more
of the biggest you can find> This question is off the topic, but am
curious. I'm looking into getting a freshwater snowflake Eel, but am not
sure if it will cope with my Ropefish or not. <Mmm, not real
freshwater... not compatible... See WWM re. Bob Fenner>
Request help diagnosing sick kissing Gourami
1/14/07 Hi, <Hey Jack, JustinN with you today.> I have
a 4.5??? kissing Gourami (picture attached) that began developing
faint pink blotches on its body about two weeks ago. The blotches
became progressively more intense in color (red) and larger,
resembling large bloodshot areas. <Yes, I see this.> On its
nose, one of these blotches appears to have a pinhole size open
sore. These blotches are on one side of the body only. At the same
time, the fish has become progressively more lifeless to the point
that last night I thought it had died. It does not appear to be
breathing underwater ??? it goes to the surface for air, but
otherwise rests on the bottom of the tank with little or no gill or
fin movement. <Gouramis are a species that is commonly known as
"Labyrinth fish" which are known for exactly this, surface
breathing. Bettas fall into this same category.> In addition,
there seems to be some accompanying fin rot on its dorsal fin and
caudal fin. <Yes, I see this as well.> The tank is a 35
gallon, filtered by an Eheim 2213 canister (in which I use a
ChemiPure Ion filter medium bag) and an in-line UV sterilizer.
<No biological filtration media in your canister filter?>
Temperature is 82 degrees F. Water chemistry was pH ??? 6; nitrite
??? 0 ppm; ammonia ??? 0.5 ppm; nitrate ??? 40 ppm. <Aha,
here's your problem... Any detectable ammonia is a major
problem, and your nitrates should be maintained at or below
20ppm.> Other fish in the tank: 1 other kissing Gourami (sexes
of both unknown); five red eyed tetras; one angelfish (4???); five
neon tetras; two albino catfish. <Thoroughly packed tank,
eh?> Based on the information I read tonight on your website, I
have preliminarily diagnosed this to be a bacterial infection.
<Mmm, no, environmental.> I began remediating the low pH; did
a 30% water change; removed the ChemiPure bag from the filter; gave
an initial dose of PimaFix (I only had on hand tonight PimaFix and
MelaFix in the house). <The Pimafix and Melafix will likely not
hurt anything, though neither will they help here. The problem is
not bacterial, it is purely environmental. Get the ammonia and high
nitrates out of your tank, and provide biological filtration to
your canister filter, and you will likely see quick turnaround.>
Should I discontinue the PimaFix, and obtain Nitrofuranace or
something else? <No> Should I do anything regarding the high
nitrate other than more frequent water changes? <You should not
concern yourself as much with the semi-high nitrates, but instead
with the existing traces of ammonia. In either case, the solution
is the same. More biological filtration, and more water
changes.> Thanks in advance for your advice, for your helpful
website, and for your help in saving this sweet fish. Jack Abuhoff
Montclair, NJ <No problem, mate. Is what we do. -JustinN in
Texas> |

Balloon kissing Gourami 1/21/06 Hey guys, I read your website
all the time and now I have a question of my own. I have heard of a
dwarf species of kissing Gouramis called "balloon kissing
Gouramis," but I cannot find that much information on them. I was
wondering if you know exactly how big these fish get compared to the
regular kissers. <Smaller, slower growing> I have a long
(36") 25g tank that I am ready to stock w/ freshwater fish. I was
going to get a couple of pink kissers and keep them there until they
outgrew the tank and I could move them to a larger size one. But now I
am thinking that this dwarf balloon species might be a better and more
permanent choice for my tank. <Agreed> I would like to keep them
in the 25g with a small school of Corys (and maybe a pair of another
type of Gourami?). <Should work> I would appreciate any info you
have on the balloon kissers and any other suggestions for my tank.
Thanks! -Jon <Please read here re: http://animal-world.com/encyclo/fresh/anabantoids/balkissinggour.php
Bob Fenner>