FAQs on pH, Alkalinity, Acidity: Troubles,
Related Articles: pH,
alkalinity, In praise of hard water; How hard, alkaline
water can be a blessing in disguise by Neale Monks,
Treating Tap
Water, A
practical approach to freshwater aquarium water chemistry by
Neale Monks, The
Soft Water Aquarium: Risks and Benefits by Neale Monks, Freshwater Maintenance, Treating Tap water for Aquarium
Related FAQs: pH,
Alkalinity, Acidity 1, pH,
Alkalinity, Acidity 2, pH, Alkalinity 3, pH, Alkalinity 4 & FAQs on: FW
pH/Alkalinity Science, pH/Alkalinity
Measure, pH/Alkalinity
Adjustment, pH/Alkalinity
Products, & Water
Hardness, Freshwater Aquarium Water Quality,
Treating Tap Water for Aquarium Use,
Freshwater Algae Control, Algae Control, Foods, Feeding, Aquatic Nutrition, Disease,
Testing is critical... determining the
existing water quality, the sources of Alkalinity, Acidity, and
solving these, adjusting for them.
High ph and low kh 12/23/19
My tap water is ph 9.6, the official listed value on
the water department website is 9-9.5. It's buffered to this
level by soda ash.
<? Am wondering why the pH is raised so high by your municipal dept. And
using sodium carbonate for the purpose. Do you know?>
The kh is low, 4 degrees on a liquid kh test and .2 on a conductivity
<... am surprised that the agency wouldn't use/avail themselves of
calcium compounds... to save their plumbing?>
Is there any way to raise the kh without raising the ph?
<Yes; you can/could simple sodium bicarbonate (Arm & Hammer and such
baking soda will do) along/WITH an acid buffer (DO THIS outside the
aquarium; i.e. pre-mix and store such made up water in advance of
introduction/use in biological systems). Alternatively... oh, I see you
ask below>
The water is intended for Tanganyikan cichlids.
Is 100% RO water with buffer and salt the only option to make this water
<THIS is one way; and perhaps the preferred for your use... Have you
read Neale Monk's piece on making/using "Rift Lake Salts" on WWM?:
Do please do so.>
Or is there some mix of tap and ro water plus buffer that will work?
<Would depend on other ionic make up in your source water. Definitely
worth investigating, trying out various Calcium and Carbonate,
Bicarbonate buffers IF you're using a bunch of water. IF only a few tens
of gallons a month, I'd mix the RO and Neale's salt-blend>
Thanks for any information.
<Glad to share. Bob Fenner>
Re: High ph and low kh 12/23/19
The water department website says the ph is raised to prevent leeching
from old (lead) pipes.
<Ah yes; then they should be working on switching them out>
I will try the buffer method, the tank is 65 gallons and I would like to
change 25 gallons per week.
Seems like a lot of ro water but I dont know, maybe that is a reasonable
amount to have to use weekly.
<Some folks advocate for smaller amounts more frequently. I change out
20-25% of my freshwater in my systems weekly. BobF>
Re: High ph and low kh 12/24/19
I've heard that high kh water will crash and then rebound back up if you
try to lower its ph, but dont remove its kh.
<Mmm; well; depends on what (chemical species) are elevating pH... once
buffering at a given (pH) level is diminished/reduced, pH may drop
If I use ph down along with the ph and kh increasing buffer will the ph
<Likely so... you could ask the chemical composition from your municipal
supplier, or have it checked out by an independent lab... or do a
"assay" yourself (which is what I'd do), and mix up all, let stand for a
few days (in a chemically inert container).>
I want to lower the ph from 9.6 to 8.5, not just keep it from going past
<I understand the first, and barring the addition of something w/ a
higher pH, it should not go higher. BobF>
Getting Frustrated... educated 4/1/17
I have written to WWM Crew many times and you are always so helpful and spot-on
in your advice - thank you! I've been researching this particular problem for a
month now and I'm getting no where, so I'm reaching out again. I use RO/DI water
for my 6 tanks (All but one tank are single species tanks). I use
Equilibrium, Alkaline Buffer,
Acid Buffer, and Stability to maintain appropriate water parameters for my
various fish/axolotls.
<? Is your water "so far off" that you have to resort to this?>
Its been working perfectly and everyone seems to be doing very well. But when I
bought my RO unit, the
salesman said I needed to remove all carbon from my filtration because activated
carbon would remove my the Equilibrium and buffers from the water,
<?... No>
he also said because I use RO water, I don't need carbon.
<Not so either. You can just search re RO use re these matters>
Ok, he has more experience than I do, so I did what he said and everything seems
to be fine - for a while. But now I'm noticing that my tanks are starting to
smell, the water is not as clear, and I practically need a blow torch to clean
off the algae on the sides of the tanks during weekly cleanings. I've sent 3 (to
date) e-mails to Seachem asking if activated carbon would remove these products
from the water,
<How would it...?>
but after weeks of asking, I have not gotten a response ('m sure its just some
oversight over technical difficulty - they're usually excellent at answering
<Yes; agreed>
I want my carbon back, but I don't want to send my tanks and animals into a
water parameter "spin."
<Not to worry; put the carbon back on/in>
So I'm asking, in your experience, do you think carbon filtration would remove
these products from my aquarium water?
<Not appreciably... activated carbons are mainly useful for absorbing organics.
Bob Fenner>
*Renee *
Re: Getting Frustrated 4/1/17
But to answer your question, "<? Is your water "so far off" that you have to
resort to this?>", I used to just use Equilibrium in the RO water, but testing
revealed that as I got closer to water change/cleaning day, my pH was dropping.
My local aquarium store said it was the pH was dropping as the nitrates were
getting higher. It was frustrating to me as I always do my weekly water changes
so the store suggested I test for kH. They did the testing for me and said it
was between 0 and 1. So they suggested the Seachem Alkaline Buffer to
bring the kH up, and the Acid Buffer to maintain a slightly acidic pH.
<? You shouldn't be adding both...>
Does that ring true?
<No; you need a very rudimentary understanding of pH, alkalinity/acidity>
I'd appreciate your opinion.
<Please read here:
and the linked files above. Bob Fenner>
Re: Getting Frustrated
Thank you! With a capital THANK YOU!!!
Re: Getting Frustrated 4/1/17
Wow! That's a lot of information to go through and it will take me a while. I
did read through a couple of the articles, but I haven't found one that relates
specifically to my problem. I am not using RO/DI water to manipulate pH for a
specific fish or set up, I use it because I live in a very rural part of Idaho
and I am on well water.
Water right out of my tap tests from a medium green to a significantly darker
green suggesting a level around .50 ppm to 2 ppm of ammonia (the color varies at
different times of the year).
<Ah yes; and a need to "re-add" some mineral/s...>
Since I have neighbors who dump excess fertilizer, pesticide, and herbicide in
the irrigation ditches and bury large dead livestock on their properties, the
potential sources of this ammonia are endless (we do NOT drink the water here -
we don't even cook with it). Additionally, my neighbor's house failed to sell
last summer because their only
potential buyer backed out when the water tests required at closing of the sale
showed an extremely high level of cryptosporidium in their well as well as other
unidentifiable pathogens. When that report was submitted to Southwest District
Health Department (as required by law) they investigated and sent samples for
further testing. The tests
came back positive for human remains.
It was then disclosed that the neighbors on the east side of my property have
built over a paupers' graveyard dating back to 1859, and we are all on the same
aquifer. If I had known then what I know now, I never would have purchased this
property. But now I'm stuck. Without the RO/DI filter for the water, I wouldn't
even try to keep fish.
<Eeyikes! Yes to reverse osmosis, AND carbon; and likely ozone use for all
potable water. Bob Fenner>
Re: Getting Frustrated 4/2/17
Yeah! I keep my shower VERY SHORT until I can find a way to get us out of here!
But, back to the Alkaline and Acid Buffers - you indicated I shouldn't be using
them together, but is there a better way to stabilize my pH so it doesn't drop
toward cleaning day?
<Yes; to provide sufficient alkaline reserve. It is indeed unfortunate, but the
too-confusing terms for an "alkaline state" (a pH of higher than 7.0) and
"alkalinity" (a situation with an aqueous solution containing molecules that
resist downward changes in pH) sound/ARE so similar appearing.
Reciprocally the terms "acid state and acidity for pHs below 7.0 and resistance
to raising pH.) WHAT you want is some alkalinity (mainly carbonates) that will
sustain your pH (and hardness) in a typical captive setting (which is
reductive... trends toward lower pH)... NOT adding any acidic component/s
After their weekly cleaning, with Equilibrium and Stability alone, the pH test
is a fairly dark sage green color which looks to me to be around 6.6 - 6.8. I'm
fine with that. But as the week wears on, it starts to drop. By day 4 its a very
pale green looking like its around 6.4, but by day 6, it will be a very, very
pale yellow - like its at 6 or below.
<This is indeed too much. The pH scale is base 10 logarithmic... Are you and I
starting too far ahead in this discussion?>
Ammonia test has no trace of green at all, pure yellow, so I read that as 0, and
the nitrite test is the same, a comforting pale blue, which I also take for 0.
Now, I really hate the nitrate test because the oranges are so similar, but the
orange that comes up on the last day before water changes is definitely darker
than 5, but there is no red in it so I'm thinking its more than 5, but less than
40 - and this is and the pH drop is consistent with all 6 tanks. The
water change (30% to 40%) always brings the pH back up to 6.6 - 6.8, and always
drops the nitrate to a dark yellow (maybe 0 - 10?).
<Ughh. Please practice adding a level teaspoon or so of simple baking soda
(sodium bicarbonate) per five gallons of water you're changing out each week...
You should see that the pH is NOT shifting (as much) downward. This practice is
very safe and effective>
But from what I've read, that's normal. Even though I don't have a lot of
animals per tank, they're all pretty big (my 7 dojo loaches in my 125 range from
9" to 11"). But the tanks are well cycled and all have appropriate canister
filters on them. But I think that the pH bounce every week is dangerous.
<Yes; it can be overly stressful>
Even though its only changing by .8, it does it every week and I'm worried the
constant fluctuation will harm the
fish. That's the only reason for the buffers, to stabilize that pH.
I'm not using the acid buffer to try to chase a pH, I just don't want the pH to
change from what they're used to. Seachem has been great!
<A very fine company>
They sent me the attached spreadsheet to help me calculate the minimum amount of
alkaline buffer to bring the kH up by 1 mEq/l, and how much acid buffer to use
to keep the pH from bouncing around.
<Mmm; I would (again) just add the alkalinity buffer>
Please disregard the multiple tabs, I keep a spreadsheet and a log for each of
my tanks so I can keep track of what I'm doing for each tank. Each tank has a
tab for the calculation based on the full capacity of the tank and for the
calculations for replacement water. The last tab in the spreadsheet is the data
Seachem uses for its formulas on the other tabs. So is using the Alkaline and
Acid buffers dangerous for the fish?
<It is not... the materials (chemicals) used by them are neither "strong", nor
"fast" proton donors/electron acceptors.... NOT likely to cause issues>
I didn't want to try to use crushed coral because I couldn't figure out how to
bring the kH level of the replacement RO/DI water up to the level of the tank kH
level and if I just put it in at the lower kH level and waited for the coral to
bring it up to the current tank level I was afraid I'd have bouncing pH again.
What do you think? Is there another way I can stabilize the pH?
<Yes... Please go back a few msg.s ago and re-read Neale's piece on making your
own "hardness prep."... You can EITHER use the SeaChem line, OR simple
carbonate/bicarbonate as I allude to above, OR Neale's "African Salt" admixture
to get where you want to go. DO please keep investigating till you
understand what you're up to here. Yes; I taught H.S. level chemistry and
physics (and bio. courses); and have tried to explain these measures,
their implications and control for decades. Understand that what we discuss here
is FOR the general public as well. Bob Fenner>
Re: Getting Frustrated /Neale
Yeah! I keep my shower VERY SHORT until I can find a way to get us out of here!
But, back to the Alkaline and Acid Buffers - you indicated I shouldn't be using
them together, but is there a better way to stabilize my pH so it doesn't drop
toward cleaning day? After their weekly cleaning, with Equilibrium and Stability
alone, the pH test is a fairly dark sage green color which looks to me to be
around 6.6 - 6.8. I'm fine with that.
But as the week wears on, it starts to drop. By day 4 its a very pale green
looking like its around 6.4, but by day 6, it will be a very, very pale yellow -
like its at 6 or below. Ammonia test has no trace of green at all, pure yellow,
so I read that as 0, and the nitrite test is the same, a comforting pale blue,
which I also take for 0. Now, I really hate the
nitrate test because the oranges are so similar, but the orange that comes up on
the last day before water changes is definitely darker than 5, but there is no
red in it so I'm thinking its more than 5, but less than 40 - and this is and
the pH drop is consistent with all 6 tanks. The water change (30% to 40%) always
brings the pH back up to 6.6 - 6.8, and always drops the nitrate to a dark
yellow (maybe 0 - 10?). But from what I've read, that's normal. Even though I
don't have a lot of animals per tank, they're all pretty big (my 7 dojo loaches
in my 125 range from 9" to 11").
But the tanks are well cycled and all have appropriate canister filters on them.
But I think that the pH bounce every week is dangerous. Even though its only
changing by .8, it does it every week and I'm worried the constant fluctuation
will harm the fish. That's the only reason for the buffers, to stabilize that
pH. I'm not using the acid buffer to try to chase a pH, I just don't want the pH
to change from what they're used to. Seachem has been great! They sent me the
attached spreadsheet to help me calculate the minimum amount of alkaline buffer
to bring the kH up by 1 mEq/l, and how much acid buffer to use to keep the pH
from bouncing around. Please disregard the multiple tabs, I keep a spreadsheet
and a log for each of my tanks so I can keep track of what I'm doing for each
tank. Each tank has a tab for the calculation based on the full capacity of the
tank and for the calculations for replacement water. The last tab in the
spreadsheet is the data Seachem uses for its formulas on the other tabs. So is
using the Alkaline and Acid buffers dangerous for the fish? I didn't want to try
to use crushed coral because I couldn't figure out how to bring the kH level of
the replacement RO/DI water up to the level of the tank kH level and if I just
put it in at the lower kH level and waited for the coral to bring it up to the
current tank level I was afraid I'd have bouncing pH again. What do you think?
Is there another way I can stabilize the pH?
<<I'm with Bob when it comes to wanting to phase the common usage of the word
"alkaline" out of the English language. At school I'm trying to get my students
to consistently use "base" or "basic" as the opposites of "acid"
or "acidic". As Bob says, alkalinity is specifically the ability of a sample of
water to neutralise acidity, something dissolved carbonate salts do very well.
When keeping standard community fish, there's absolutely no need to maintain an
acidic pH, as all the common species will do perfectly well in slightly basic
water around pH 7.5. So if you have very soft water (which in practise means
water without the minerals needed to neutralise acidity) you may as well add
some carbonate hardness. Even medium hard, slightly basic water (10-15 degrees
dH, pH 7.5) will be fine for all the usual community fish: Angels, gouramis,
catfish, loaches, robust tetras like Penguins and X-Ray tetras, as well as most
of the commonly kept barbs and Rasboras. Livebearers will actually do better in
such water than soft, as will Rainbowfish. For sure a few fish prefer or need
softer water (Neons, Cardinals and Ram Cichlids spring to mind) but I don't
think any of these make particularly good community fish and would recommend
them anyway. Assuming your water is very soft (less than 5 degrees dH) and
acidic (pH 6.5 or thereabouts) I'd suggest mixing your tap water 50-50 with
water made up with the Rift Valley Salt Mix that Bob has mentioned already. Make
one bucket of this for every one bucket of tap water, and mix them in the tank.
The result should be something tending towards around 10-15 degrees dH, which
should be commendably stable, and a pH around 7.5. If it's a little too hard and
basic, then cut back the Rift Valley water, down to maybe 3/4ths or even 1/2 a
bucket per whole bucket of tap water. Let me remind all readers here: do NOT use
water from the tap if you have a domestic water softener. Despite the name, they
only remove alkalinity, the carbonate hardness, and not the general hardness.
They also increase the salt content. So what you get isn't particularly good for
fish tanks. Hope this helps, Neale.>>
Re: Getting Frustrated 4/2/17
Very bad news. I came home tonight and one of my rope fish had died.
<Oh dear.>
I tested the water and got the same results - ammonia was yellow, nitrite was
light blue, nitrate was orange (their water change was supposed to happen
tomorrow, but in light of the death of the fish, I'm doing it tonight), and pH
was a very pale yellow - almost clear. I've got to get a handle on this.
<Yes, yes you do.>
I'm going to stop using the buffers immediately and go with the baking soda, but
how do I manage that?
<You do understand baking soda *is* a buffer? It raises carbonate hardness,
increasing alkalinity (the ability of water to neutralise acids) and therefore
buffers. Since it's a weak base, it tends to raise the pH no higher than 8.2 at
maximum dosage, but if you use smaller amounts, a pH of around 7.5 is more
I'm inclined to add only Equilibrium and Stability for the next 4 water changes
to get the buffers washed out of the tanks and THEN start the baking soda
because I don't know if/what reaction could occur if I start the baking soda
with the buffers still in the tanks and I'm desperate to stop this pH bouncing
<Indeed. Also understand that biological filtration is optimal at between pH
7.5-8.5, and below pH 6 largely stops entirely, so unstable pHs will cause
filter bacteria to become stressed, even die off.>
I know using only Equilibrium will stabilize the pH at 6.6 to 6.8 for 4 days.
Maybe I should do the Equilibrium only water changes every 3 - 4 days until the
buffers are washed out and I feel safe starting the baking soda (in the meantime
I'll practice with the baking soda in buckets). Does that sound right or should
I add the teaspoon of baking soda to their replacement water now?
<I feel that you're trying a bunch of stuff without actually
understanding what you're doing. So let me direct you (again) to some reading:
Use EITHER a commercial aquarium buffer OR the Rift Valley Salt Mix (at about
half dose). Either of these should be used EXACTLY as described on the packaging
or in the article, not in random spoonfuls that seem good to you. TRY on a
single bucket of water first (either aquarium water or fresh tap water) and USE
your pH and carbonate hardness test kits to see what's produced before AND after
dissolving the chemicals. Thereafter add buffered water to replace existing
aquarium water in stages, ideally across a week or so for the entire tank, and
no more than 25% per day, so that the fish have time to adapt to the new
conditions. While ammonia/nitrite are not
zero, DO NOT feed the fish. I'd suggest you DO daily water changes to dilute
these, though again. Make sense? Neale.>
Re: Getting Frustrated 4/3/17
Yes, I understand that baking soda is a buffer, but I have more confidence in a
substance (baking soda) than the store bought buffers that seem to function off
of a "tug-of-war" principle.
<Indeed. But all buffers work this way. I believe that the aquarium buffers that
fix the pH at 6.5 or 6.0 are usually based around phosphoric acid.
While these CAN work extremely well, they rely on the tank being under-stocked
and the water being fairly soft but not particularly acidic.
They are often used on Discus tanks, where the fishkeeper will under-stock the
tank anyway, and likely do regular (often daily) water changes because of the
sensitivity of Discus to nitrate. All well and good, but for the
casual fishkeeper these buffers are best left to tanks containing small,
delicate fish (such as Neons or Cardinals) that pollute little and therefore
don't push the background acidification that happens in all tanks too much. For
everyone else, a slightly alkaline system using carbonate buffers (the buffers
that fix the pH around 7.5 or 8.0) is better, depending on the fish being kept.
For mixed communities, pH 7.5 is fine; for livebearers and many cichlids, pH 8
is better. As stated before, the Rift Valley Salt Mix is a cheap-and-cheerful
way to achieve the same thing,
but it does require a few minutes' experimentation before you roll it out.
Use the recipe and then tweak the salt, bicarbonate, and Epsom salt up or down
depending on what you get on your test kits. Failing that, just go with the mix
as-is, but dilute 50/50 with soft tap water. Should get something about right
for most community fish as well as most coldwater fish including Goldfish and
And you are also right, I'm trying things I have no understanding of, going
completely on faith in your experience, because my tanks are unstable and my
fish are dying. I swear to you than once I get them stable, I will pour over
every bit of information you given me and everything else I can find on WWM, and
I'll probably bombard you with questions.
But I can't do that now because I'm so worried about the fish I can barely think
<It can sometimes feel like this! When fish sicken, they seem to die quickly,
often for no obvious reason. But trust me, this hobby is actually very easy. My
aquarium takes up about three hours' work across a year. A
few water changes, pulling out the odd dead fish or sickly plant. That's about
it. I mix rainwater with hard tap water 50/50 to get something that's got enough
hardness to buffer against pH changes, and hard enough for my
Limia, but not too hard for my Amazonian species (an Anostomus and a Panaque).
Don't even have to worry about algae given most of my fish are avid
algae-eaters. On top of that, fish are actually very hearty animals,
and kept even moderately well, simply don't get sick until one day you find them
dead in the tank after a long and normal life. Perhaps remarkably, they live
longer than you'd think, certainly much longer than mammals of similar size. So
please, have faith.>
Also, I live in Idaho (I'm not FROM here, I just moved here because land was
affordable - now I know why, but its going to take time to get out of here),
Idaho exists in a "black hole" in the universe so knowledge, information, and
supplies outside of things that existed 20 years ago, are often not available
here. I'm 35 miles from the nearest town (Boise) and UPS and Fed Ex won't come
out here. The closest aquarium store is in Boise, but they're small and don't
carry much in the way of new things.
Even though I've been getting my Alkaline Buffer from them, I have to buy every
bottle they have when they have it because I never know if it will be available
next time I come into town. At this point, I have about half of
a 300 gram bottle left of the Alkaline Buffer.
<Which is probably sodium bicarbonate. Have a look on the packaging. If it is,
it'll do much the same thing as the Rift Valley Salt mix.>
I'm going into town tomorrow (Monday) and I'll ask them about the Rift Valley
Salt Mix, but I'm pretty sure I'll get the same "blank" look that I get from
every merchant in my area whenever I ask for something they haven't carried
since it came in on stage coach.
<Understood. Now, let's simplify things for them. If they reach out and grab
something called "aquarium salt" or anything like that, reject it!
Salt isn't what you need. Salt has its uses in fishkeeping, but it has zero
buffering capacity. But if they get something called African cichlid salt mix,
or Malawi salt, or Tanganyikan salt, something like that, then you're
onto something! Malawian and Tanganyikan cichlids like high hardness and
alkalinity, and low pH levels are lethal to them. So products sold for their
benefit should buffer against pH changes very nicely indeed.>
The people that run this store are great people, so maybe they'll surprise me,
but I tend to think I'm much safer going with the baking soda as it is on every
grocery store shelf.
<Indeed. And that's the idea of the Rift Valley Salt mix. Sea salt and
bicarbonate are both at your grocery store; Epsom salt is widely sold in
drugstores. The measurements are approximate, but so long as you use a test kit
to check what you're making, slight errors either way aren't going to be a big
deal, doubly so if you're diluting 50/50 with soft/acid tap water.
Good luck, Neale.>
Re: Getting Frustrated 4/3/17
Will the salts be safe for scale-less fish?
<Used as instructed, yes. The "scale-less fish are allergic to salt" nonsense
ignores the fact many saltwater fish lack scales, eels and sharks to name but
two. Quite why scale-less fish are meant to be more sensitive to salt ignores
the fact scales aren't significant to osmoregulation, i.e., the way fish keep
the salt/water balance right inside their bodies.>
I keep dojo loaches, rope fish, and axolotls among my other critters, but I keep
species specific tanks.
<Indeed! Not much overlap in requirements among these three taxa.>
The dojo loaches are in my 125, the rope fish in my 75, the axolotls are split
(boy/girl) between a 75 gallon tank and a 55 gallon tank, and then I have my
tetra/Rasbora/bamboo shrimp in my other 55 gallon tank. Can I mix
the same water for all or do I have to do something different for the loaches,
axolotls, and rope fish?
<I would not go out of your way make changes to the water chemistry of any tanks
that are working well for you. But broadly, yes, the Rift Valley Salt Mix (or
commercial equivalent) used at half-dose to produce water around 10 degrees dH,
pH 7.5 should be fine for all of them. Please do use their test kits though.
Cheers, Neale.>
Thank you, Betta recovery 12/4/16
No questions or cries for help today, just a thank you. Thanks to your site,
and your responses to my emails, I know so much more about Betta care today
than when I rescued that first Betta from a bridal shower centerpiece about
5 months ago. You, and Bob Fenner’s book, are the best resources
I’ve found for learning how to keep a Betta. While the first two
Bettas didn’t survive - one because he was too damaged when I got him, the
other because I forgot I was using a domestic water softener - I think that
I am now all set to enjoy our new Betta for a long time. Our Betta, Ting
Krit, and I thank you. Here’s the happy little guy in his heated, filtered,
treated RO water, stable pH, 0 ammonia and nitrite, low nitrate tank:
<Looks a nice fish in a nice tank! Glad you're enjoying your new pet, and
it's lovely hearing how things turn out, so thanks for sharing. Cheers,
No rush question - pH slowly rising in Betta tank
After much - and much appreciated - help from you, I put my new Betta, Ting Krit
into his 5-gallon heated, biologically filtered (well cycled) aquarium. He went
in 12/1. That day, pH was 6.9, temperature stable at about 77, ammonia reading
0; nitrite 0; and nitrate between 10ppm and 20 ppm. GH tested about 125.3 ppm
(which I think is OK), but my KH tested only 17.9 to 35.8 ppm with API drop
test. The water is RO, treated with SeaChem Replenish and a couple of Catappa
leaves in the aquarium when Ting Krit went in. Readings have stayed stable
except a slowly rising pH. (I have not tested GH and KH again.) The pH had been
very stable for about 10 days before I added Ting Krit. On 12/3, I added a
Brazilian pennywort plant to give him some shade. Since then, it has been a slow
rise. Never more than 0.1 in 24 hours. I have changed 25-30% of the water twice
now (weekly changes), using a slightly (0.2) lower pH water for the change. I
have gradually added more and more Catappa leaves because, before Ting Krit, the
leaves had a noticeable effect on the pH, gradually dropping it. With the water
changes and Catappa leaves, the pH change has been about 0.2 per week. So, it
was up to 7.3 when I did his water change on Thursday after 2 weeks. The water
change dropped it to 7.2. Yesterday it was 7.3. Today, it was up to 7.4. I
realize that stable pH is the most important thing - and these changes are slow.
But, if it just keeps rising, I’m concerned I will have a problem eventually. I
just added 2 more Catappa leaves (I’d never added more than 1 before), and hope
I will be able to stabilize the pH with that gentle method. (I will check pH a
couple of more times today to make sure I didn’t overshoot.) What truly
mystifies me is why the pH has now started rising after being stable in the 6.8
to 7.0 range for an extended period before adding Ting Krit and the pennywort.
And, I want to stop the steady rise before it becomes a problem. Thank you in
advance for your help. A picture of Ting Krit - who is very active and
apparently happy.
<Do try this: leave the next water change for 24 hours after you draw water from
the tap. If you can, aerate the water for an hour or two before use. Why?
Because tap water can contain a lot of dissolved CO2, and as the CO2 evaporates
(or gets used by plants) the acidity lessens (dissolved CO2 = carbonic acid).
This allows pH to rise. Alternatively, you could use a proprietary buffer (I'd
go for something neutral) and see if that 'fixes' the pH between water changes.
But if all else fails, if this chap is happy -- and it sounds like he is -- I'd
simply adopt a "little, but often" approach to water changes, changing 10% every
day or two, and simply allowing these frequent water changes to inhibit any
severe pH changes. Hope this helps, Neale.>
Re: No rush question - pH slowly rising in Betta
tank 12/18/16
I pour the RO water into a gallon bowl and let it stand for a week or two
before I do use it for water change. That gives me time to add API pH Up
(always necessary on the RO water) to get it at least in the 6.8 to 7.0
<Understood. So, if your pH still isn't stable, you need more buffering. I'd
probably be adding sodium bicarbonate, just the tiniest amount at first,
maybe one-tenth teaspoon per US gallon. See how well that works for a week;
if necessary, increase by one-tenth teaspoon amounts per gallon over
successive weeks.>
So, no tap wager with dissolved CO2. (Had that problem before. Had to stop
using any tap water because of home water softener.) When you say
proprietary buffer, what are you suggesting? Last exchange I had with Bob
before I added Ting Krit - when I was worried about the KH being low and
maybe creating risk of pH swings - he suggested a tiny bit of baking soda if
I saw drastic changes in my daily log of pH levels - or the frequent small
changes you suggest.
<I would concur with either bit of advice here.>
Sounds like changing out some water every could of days might be the best
solution, but we leave for a 2 week trip in a month and I worry about the
fish-sitter being faithful to the changes.
<Your main problem is overfeeding. Fish can go without food for two weeks,
no problems. But to be kind, the safest approach is to put tiny amounts in
paper envelopes or sealable plastic tubs (the kind daily medication can be
put into work great) then hide all the rest of the food. Leave enough meals
for 3-4 meals across your 2 week absence. You'll be pleasantly surprised
that your tank will be clean, your fish alive, and your fish-sitter without
a sad face when you get home!>
Guess I’ll just have to convince her that this is real easy - and leave
plenty of prepared water. Elaine
<Feed minimally, and she can skip water changes for two weeks. Unless she's
a fishkeeper herself, she's likely to make a mess. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: No rush question - pH slowly rising in Betta tank
Thank you very much. I feel better about our Betta's survival chances during our
trip after your advice about feeding. Ting Krit is a complete pig, like most
healthy, happy Bettas, I guess (although so far he will only eat pellets; turns
his nose up at the brine shrimp treat I tried to give him). I will make sure he
is not overfed in our absence.
The tank is well cycled for almost 4 months and completely stable on everything
except that niggling pH rise so it should hold for our 2-week trip in the
absence of overfeeding based on the information you provided. I will start
slowly adding the sodium bicarbonate this week and see if I can stabilize the
tank’s pH before we leave. I checked GH and KH this morning - GH had risen
slightly and KH had fallen slightly.
<If KH drops, that means there's acidification using it up. That the GH has
increased would support that, implying new salts are being created.>
Looks like time for some additional buffers.
<Seems so.>
As always, WetWebMedia Crew has helped me with the information I needed. Thanks,
Neale, to you and the rest of the crew for all the assistance you provide to us
fish lovers without as much knowledge as you. Elaine
<Glad to help, and good luck! Neale.>
Re: No rush question - pH slowly rising in Betta tank - EEK, big rise
after sodium bicarbonate treatment 12/24/16
After our last exchange about the slowly rising pH in my aquarium (with very low
KH reading), I decided to follow your suggestion and add the sodium bicarbonate
- in the form of baking soda - to the aquarium to increase the KH. I didn’t want
to just dump it into the aquarium without knowing what would happen, so I
dissolved enough for my 5.5-gallon tank in a 1-gallon “water change” container
I put in 1/2 teaspoon - the 1/10 teaspoon per gallon you had suggested since my
tank actually holds about 5 gallons.
<No. Don't do it this way. Add only enough for the water being changed. Not the
whole tank. So if you're changing 1 gallon, add enough for 1 gallon, i.e.,
1/10th a teaspoon.>
The pH immediately went to 8.5.
<It would do. That's a lot of sodium bicarbonate.>
I didn’t want to dump that in the aquarium which was at about 7.4 at the time,
so I used API pH down to get it down to 7.4.
<Why not just pour out half the water from the bucket, add fresh, and see what
happens to the pH? Sodium bicarbonate is very cheap, and with these tiny
amounts, you can experiment.>
Today, I did a water change and added the gallon treated with the baking soda.
By today, the pH in the aquarium was up to 7.5. (My aquarium has been steadily
rising .2 per week for 3 weeks, never more than .1 in 24 hours.) The gallon I
added was reading a steady 7.4 for 2 days so I thought this would work. I kept a
close eye on my Betta and he seemed his normal active, healthy self (always
wanting to be fed and building a nice bubble nest). Tonight after I fed him, I
did my normal check on pH. It read 8.4. I retested to make sure it wasn’t a bad
reading and got 8.3. I double checked my meter by using the API drop test for pH
and it was consistent with the meter reading - at least above the 7.6 that is
the top of the API chart. Uh oh. Big pH increase in the 7 hours between 2 pm and
9 pm. I was frantic.
<I would be, too.>
I know that fluctuations, not absolute reading is the biggest problem, so I
didn’t want to do anything to cause another drastic change. I did another water
change with another gallon which had been sitting for several days at 7.4. (This
last change had 1/10 teaspoon of baking soda in it.) I figured that was the most
gentle way to treat this. I took another pH reading and it was down to 8. I
checked GH and KH to see what they were doing. Sunday the KH had barely been
reading - probably under 17.9 ppm. It is now reading right between drops on the
API drop test, 89.5 to 107.4. The GH on Sunday had read 143.2. It is only
slightly higher now - it only took one more drop with the API drop test which
won’t give me precise readings between drops. So more than the 143.2 on Sunday,
but no more than 161.1. So, I don’t think I’m stressing the Betta with big
changes in GH. The only problem is that really big pH jump when I added the
fresh water with baking soda. I don’t want to keep making changes which may do
no good and just stress the fish. I’m figuring at this point I just monitor the
pH closely and continue to make frequent water changes to lower it slowly. Any
other ideas? (I don’t think you need this data, but my ammonia readings are
consistently 0, nitrite 0, and nitrate about 10 ppm.)
<See above. The aim was/is to make a bucket of slightly hardened water, do the
water change with that, and gradually, over the weekly water changes, raise the
carbonate hardness. Again, to stress: my goal is/was to add a little sodium
bicarbonate to the bucket of water, test that it make sure it's sensible for
your fish, and then add that to the tank. At no time would I recommend adding
chemicals sufficient to change ALL the water in the tank at once. That would be
stressful. Let me repeat a third time: add a tiny (1/10th tsp) quantity of
sodium bicarbonate to 1 gallon water; test the KH and pH; if these are sensible,
then use this water; if not sensible, remove some water, add some fresh tap
water, and test again. Don't add anything to the tank you think is "too hard" or
"too alkaline". Make sense? Cheers, Neale.>
Re: No rush question - pH slowly rising in Betta tank - EEK, big rise after
sodium bicarbonate treatment 12/24/16
I understand and will follow your instructions, except the bit about using 1/10
teaspoon sodium bicarbonate per gallon in the water I use for changes so that
the entire aquarium is at that proportion eventually. The aquarium water WAS
1/10 teaspoon sodium bicarbonate per gallon - total tank - when I added the 1
gallon yesterday with enough dissolved (1/2 teaspoon) to bring entire aquarium
to 1/10 teaspoon per gallon.
<This is where you going wrong. This is a 5-gallon tank, right? And let's assume
we're sticking with 0.1 tsp per US gallon. So total would be 5 x 0.1 = 0.5 =
half a teaspoon. But DO NOT add this much!!! Let's assume your tank starts off
with no sodium carbonate. You take 1 gallon out. You draw 1 gallon of tap water
into a bucket. You add 1/10 tsp sodium bicarbonate to this. Dissolve. Add to
aquarium. Wait a week. Do another water change. Remove 1 gal; draw 1 gal new tap
water; add 1/10th tsp sodium bicarbonate. Repeat for the rest of time. Make
sense? Never, EVER add enough buffer salts for the whole aquarium during one
water change. The aim is to make slow, incremental changes.>
I checked KH in the aquarium when it went way up, and in a gallon of water to
which I added 1/10 teaspoon sodium bicarbonate - same KH - and both with pH over
8. It is obviously too much - made pH way too high.
<Can be; hence the need to experiment. Try filling a bucket with 2 gallons
water, add 1/10th tsp (i.e., 1/20th per US gallon total). Dissolve. Measure
hardness and pH. See what you get. If it's better, make a note of how much you
used, and use that amount instead. Because sodium bicarbonate is so cheap, this
approach isn't really going to waste that much money. Pennies a year.>
So I don’t think that water with that much sodium bicarbonate will work for the
water changes if I expect to have any impact on the pH or the concentrate of
sodium bicarbonate. I think I need less sodium bicarbonate, even though I know
that lowers KH and makes pH less stable. But 1/10 teaspoon is clearly just too
much in this water unless I want to maintain this pH of more than 8.
<See above.>
I’m now adding water with NO sodium bicarbonate to bring down the pH - and to
dilute the amount of sodium bicarbonate in the aquarium (mixing it first with
some water removed from tank to keep the pH difference of the water I add from
being too big and stressing my Betta again - it doesn’t take too much of the
tank water because of the high KH, high sodium bicarbonate concentration, in the
<Do small water changes each day and your fish won't be stressed.>
When I get this down to a lower pH, I will start using water which has a small
amount of sodium bicarbonate to maintain KH as best I can. My RO water starts
out under 6.0.
<Which is very low. My concern is actually hardness and pH stability. Bettas are
fine at a stable pH 6.0. But an unstable pH that low can quickly cause problems,
and besides, very low pH levels affect biological filtration as well, so aren't
I can add slight amount of sodium bicarbonate to get it up to about 7.0 - but it
will be significantly less than 1/10 teaspoon per gallon I can tell from my
experience now.
<Yes; this exactly!>
I will follow your suggestion and change out 10% to 25% per day of the water, no
more. I did 10% this morning and will probably do another 10% tonight. The pH is
back up to 8.2 after this morning’s water change fully circulated through the
aquarium. I don’t think there is any possibility of changing pH more than 0.2
per day - probably it will be less, so it shouldn’t give him a shock again if I
keep mixing the new water with the tank water before I add it. Does this sound
correct or am I misunderstanding you in some way?
<Seems about right to me.>
Thank you for your help. Elaine
<Most welcome. Neale.>
Re: No rush question - pH slowly rising in Betta tank - EEK, big rise after
sodium bicarbonate treatment 12/24/16
It’s clear. I misunderstood you and made a big goof. I have caused a huge pH
fluctuation for my fish - probably great deal of stress - and if I had
understood correctly this would not have happened. Now, the question is, how to
remedy the mistake.
<Do nothing quickly.>
Since he survived the huge pH jump and acts healthy - swimming, active, no
gulping at the surface, etc. - I don’t think another huge pH change down would
be good. Seems slow correction is better.
<Correct. Even changes to the better should be done slowly. No more than, say,
10-25% volume of the tank per day.>
This morning his tank read 8.3 on pH. I did a 1/2 gallon water change with just
RO water treated with Replenish, mixing it with some of the water I removed from
the tank so the pH difference would be less.
<Yes, it would be.>
I took a pH reading right after that and it read 8.1.
<As KH drops, pH should drop too; but at the same time pH instability will
increase. I would be doing small water changes, each time the new water being
made up with 1/10th tsp sodium bicarbonate per 1 gallon. So ultimately the tank
water has that ratio of sodium bicarbonate to water.>
I’ll check later to make sure what’s happening. My plan is to continue daily, or
twice daily, small changes to gradually reduce the pH by no more than .2 per
day. Does that sound like the best course to correct my major mistake? Elaine
<Pretty much. See above. I don't think you can change "0.2 pH per day" because
the scale is logarithmic, not linear, and there isn't an easy relationship
between pH and dissolved sodium bicarbonate. Cheers, Neale.>
Fwd: No rush question - pH slowly rising in Betta tank - EEK, big
rise after sodium bicarbonate treatment - ADD
I know that big pH change last night was NOT a good idea for our Betta. But the
darn little guy has created another nice bubble nest today since I did this
morning’s water change and seems completely unaware that he should be stressed!
No gulping at the surface as our first Betta did if the pH went up. No sign of
gill irritation. Still just as active and hungry as ever. Maybe I got lucky.
He’s a young (about 4-month-old) plakat, a Thai import. Elaine
<This all sounds very positive. I'd just leave things be this weekend, and carry
out normal weekly water changes hereafter, with a tiny amount of sodium
bicarbonate added to provide buffering; as discussed previously, enough sodium
bicarbonate for that bucket of water, not the whole tank. Cheers, Neale.>
Persistently high water pH; Betta sys.
<Hi Elaine.>
I have been struggling to keep Betta alive, with limited success. My
second died last week. I have a 5-gallon, filtered, heated tank.
Chemical readings at zero ammonia, zero nitrite and about 5 ppm nitrate.
Temperature maintained at about 78 (little fluctuation).
<Good so far...>
I foolishly used water that had been through our water softener and
suspect that may have killed the last fish – not sure. The other
possible reason is that our water pH is just too high for Betta. I tried
to do more water testing. When our well was drilled, it tested general
hardness at 29. (It was also tested at that time, and again a few years
ago, for chemical and bacteria harmful to humans – it was fine for us,
but not sure about fish because I can't find those lab reports. Only way
to get a lab test is mail it to the closest lab a few hundred miles away
and pay a substantial amount – if I have to, I will.) We now have a pH
meter calibrated and get pH reading of 8.7, as did nearest aquarium
<8.7? I wish I could maintain that for my little reef tank ;) OK there
are various ways to bring down pH, used by people who want to keep
things like discus and other "softer water" species. Check WWM for info
on that. It seems like you are using "liquid rock" well water like a lot
of mountain areas get. A good rule of thumb is that if you drink it,
then it's ok for general aquarium use. Any way you look at it, I am in
agreement that the pH is the problem. Side note- check into your tank
decor, it's not impossible that you have something in there that is
messing with the water, although I doubt it.
Down to brass tacks here. Your tank water has most likely fluctuated
dramatically in a short time. A very small tank will swing dangerously
with what seems to be a minimal change. Maintaining a steady temperature
like you do is an excellent practice and challenge due to this. One more
reason to have the biggest tank you can. I recommend taking a second
look, and taking measurements of space available, trying to upgrading to
a 10g if you possibly can do so. A larger tank may not have a much
larger footprint that you'd expect...a couple inches. Betta are not
especially picky about pH but they do need it *stable* above all. Drip
acclimate them over an hour or so when introducing them. Your goal is
for close to neutral pH. Try to find out what the readings are in the
store the fish has been living in. Moving it from a 7.2 tank to an 8.0
tank is a death sentence. Also, as standard practice, if your LFS is
lacking, be a little pushy if you have to. Then order online. There are
far too many excellent retailers who can ship you a healthy fish for a
reasonable price especially compared to the cost of shipping out water
for testing, etc.. And they will be more communicative.>
Even with 50% - or 75% - distilled water, we're not having any luck
bringing it down, not sure why. I didn't tell the aquarium store -
because the guy is obnoxious and insisted that we’d kill a Betta by
mixing in distilled water - but the water he tested was 50% distilled
which had sat for 36 hours, and it was still 8.7. Is there a way to
bring down the pH which is safe for Betta? Should I give up on Betta and
try a species that can tolerate our high pH? I'm limited to a small
5-gallon tank because there is no place for a larger tank where our 3
large cats won't go fishing – and they are Maine Coons quite capable of
removing tank lids. So I'm not sure what species are feasible – and I
would prefer another Betta. But, I do not want to kill another one.
Perhaps buy jugs of drinking water and use it in the aquarium?
<Water "softeners" as we call them may involve salt, so there's that.
Back to the stability thing though. Controlling the water with additives
and such is not as good long term as adjusting the *fish* to what will
be its conditions. Long story short (too late!) I'd personally probably
just buy bottled spring water (not distilled), dechlorinate it simply by
leaving it open overnight, and have this set up, heated and ready to go
before introducing a new fish.
Please check out
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/fwsubwebindex/bettasysart.htm and please use
the site's built-in search, there's a lot of stuff about these nifty
fish so always read these articles first. The F.A.Q.s are obviously very
involved and can be a bit daunting, but a simple CTRL-F for your issue
will help point you to what you need. Best, Earl C. >
Re: Persistently high water pH 11/16/16
Many thanks. I'd tried site research first but your email was more
useful. I'll check on larger tank but I only have just over 2 inches to
spare on width and 3 inches in height. It's tight now. The pH readings
were from the well, not the aquarium. I just checked aquarium and it was
over 9, but I'd doctored it with ammonia to keep cycle going and that
probably skewed it. I'll check when it cycles back to zero ammonia in
the morning. With fish in, not big jolts of ammonia, ammonia stays at
zero. I had already removed some aquarium gravel to a bowl with 8.7 pH
water to see if it affects it. So, I'll check on larger tank and bottled
spring water, finish testing on gravel from tank. - and keep close eye
on aquarium pH. I've found an online seller here in Texas who sounds
promising when I get issue resolved. Our well is through limestone
(former sea reef) and dolomite with large reservoir in dolomite - yes it
would do well for reef tank!
<Sounds good. Probably worthwhile to call the seller and ask about your
concerns as well. Ideally they are keeping their Bettas in similar water
to what you have, knock on wood. Your game plan seems solid. Let us know
how it goes! -Earl C.>
Re: Persistently high water pH (RMF, Plus back to Earl)
I’m so sorry to take so much of your time with my high pH questions. I
can’t get a larger tank, but I can use spring water instead of our very
high pH tap water - problem solved, right? WRONG. The aquarium
water itself tests about 9.3 or 9.4 - significantly higher than the 8.5
tap mixed with 50% distilled.
<Please.... Simply READ here:
and the linked files above. You might well want to consider an RO device
for your fishes/aquarium and potable uses... Bob Fenner>
So I started trying to figure out if I had a problem with something in
the tank. Most likely culprit seemed the gravel, even though it was
intended for an aquarium. I put some gravel from the aquarium into a
small bowl of distilled water and the pH went up from 7.0 to above 7.5
(still under 8.0). Ok, I think. That’s an issue although I still don’t
understand the 9.4 aquarium water; I’ll just have to remove all the
gravel. Then, the light bulb went on in my head this morning. The water
in the tank is such a high pH because I was using 100% tap water until
very recently and only 25% water changes since I made the change to add
50% distilled water to the changes. That water in the aquarium is still
over 50% tap, I think - I’ll need to do a 100% change. Also, as I know
from my cat water bowls, our faucets, etc, our water leaves deposits.
Almost every thing in that tank has been in there since July (more than
4 months) so there’s a good chance the water left deposits on it,
further raising the pH. I cleaned a handful of gravel from the aquarium
very well in distilled water - a soak and 3 or 4 rinses in distilled
water. Aha! It doesn’t affect the pH of the distilled water if it has
been well rinsed. So, rinse the gravel and everything else in the
aquarium as well as 100% water change. But . . . I have all that
wonderful bacteria I took weeks to get established which is doing a
great job of converting ammonia and nitrites. I don’t want to lose that
good bacteria. I know your site says to usually rinse items from the
aquarium in the water removed from the aquarium to preserve the bacteria
- but that water is pH 9.4 or higher. Here’s my thought: I have a very
large foam filter in the aquarium, about 4.5 inches in diameter and the
same height. It has to be full of good bacteria by now. If I rinse
everything EXCEPT the filter in spring water, rinse the filter in the
water removed from the aquarium and squeeze it out most of the way, then
return it to the fresh water, I hope that will leave me enough good
bacteria while removing enough of the high pH water and its deposits.
Does that sound workable? I don’t want to start over on building the
bacteria colonies, but I need to remove the high pH water and its
deposits as much as feasible. Elaine
Re: Persistently high water pH
Sorry to have bothered you.
<Not a bother; and have sent your ongoing corr. to Earl for his further input.
Stay tuned. BobF>
I actually had “simply read" the entire page you sent by your link before I sent
my first message to you because I had researched pH on your site to see if I
could avoid bothering you at all I know that you are busy with people with ill
fish and your site is a real blessing. From reading that page you linked, it
really sounded like I should give up on Betta and find some other species for my
tank due to our water. I stated that in my first email and asked for advice on
feasible species, even though I would prefer a Betta. The response from Earl C.
- first email below - seemed to indicate a Betta might be possible with spring
water and careful monitoring. So I was trying to set that up. Really, I do read
the material on your site before emailing and I do read any links I am sent. I
guess I’ll keep fumbling along and do my best not to kill any more fish. I do
not need an RO unit for potable water. Our water creates no health risks for
humans. Most of my family lives to past 90 drinking the well water from these
limestone hills. Perhaps I need one in order to keep one little fish. I’ll look
at cost. Elaine
Supplementing RO Water 11/18/16
I'm sure the answer to this is probably on your site somewhere, but my
internet is out till who knows when (joy of rural life) and I've spent
the last 2 hours squinting at a 4-inch iPhone screen trying to research.
I'm giving up and writing - sorry. After a long and useful exchange with
you about my well water problems, I convinced a local aquarium store to
sell me RO water at 25 cents a gallon if I bring in containers.
<A good deal... much cheaper than elsewhere.>
I asked them about necessary additives to keep a Betta healthy and they
told me that they never add anything for any of their fish.
<Mmm; I would NOT keep any aquatic life in straight RO>
Since these are the same folks who were convinced I'd kill a Betta by
mixing ANY distilled water with my well water because I'd mess up the
electrolytes, I think they have a misunderstanding about RO and DI
Either that or this water isn't really RO - but that certainly looked
like a very large RO unit. Can you advise me? I have seen SeaChem
products recommended, such as SeaChem Replenish. Elaine
<This is an excellent choice. I'd add, mix, and use. Bob Fenner>
Just a few aquarium questions... <20 some Megs...>; residual NH3,
U1 zots, Crypt melt, moving pH 8/7/16
Please re-size and re-send all... Your files are more than an order of
magnitude too large.
Re: Just a few aquarium questions... 8/7/16
Yikes...I was wondering why they were taking so long to upload, didn't even
notice they were that big.
Resized in PS, hope this is a little better!
<Yes; now just need you to delete the carats (<<<<) in the text below and
re-send. BobF>
re: Just a few aquarium questions... 8/7/16
<Oh, found the original text here>
Hello crew! I just started up my old aquarium and I have a fair amount of
questions about water quality, some of my old plants, etc.
My tank is a 10 gallon. Started it up a little over 2 months ago, let it
cycle through, and added a single Betta after the cycle was finished.
The parameters are
pH: 7.5
nitrates: 0
nitrites: 0
ammonia: .12? (it's not exactly at 0 and not at .25 on the test kit, so I'm
assuming it's right in the middle)
<Toxic; and am wondering wherefore/why the residual ammonia here?>
temp: between 74-78 degrees
My first question is about the ammonia. Both in the past and currently, I
cannot keep the ammonia at 0 for the life of me because my tap water has a
small amount of it.
<This should cycle through though... And you should eliminate w/ water
conditioner use ahead of placing it in the tank>
It's not at a terribly dangerous level but it's enough to be worrying,
I've tried using ammonia-removing products, including prime, on the water I
store away for water changes, but the ammonia tests as 0 and then has a huge
spike occurs a few days later. Is there any way to get it down and
stay down?
<Yes... a few ways. Let's have you review here (as I/we have no way of
knowing what you already know):
and the linked files above>
My second question is about this strange white and brown stuff growing on my
driftwood. I'll attach some pictures, some of them I couldn't get to focus
but I hope they're good enough. There are brown chunks of what looks like
fish feces or a kind of fungus, mostly on the bottom half of the driftwood.
It's kind of tough to remove so I had to scrub it off with a
toothbrush, but it just comes back anyway. Along with that are white specs,
mostly on the top of the driftwood.
<This appears to be bits of decomposition... the wood, likely food, feces>
I can't tell you how many pages I've checked trying to find out what these
are. The only answers I come back
with are black beard algae/brown string algae and white fungus/Nerite snail
eggs, but whatever's on my driftwood doesn't look like any of those. The
white specs even look like they're starting to spread to one of my crypts.
My Betta seems to be unaffected by either of them, but I've had a baby
Bristlenose in a hospital tank and I wanted to move him in soon. I'm worried
that this stuff could make him sick if he eats it. Any ideas what either of
them are?
<As stated... you might benefit from more circulation, filtration here>
Third question is about the crypts (also in the pictures) I was growing them
in a large bowl for a while and they were doing very well with API leafzone
and some natural sunlight. They shot out very nice, healthy green leaves,
but when I transferred them to the tank, they started turning a reddish
brown and getting ruffles. I read that this happened to a few
other people that changed the way they were fertilizing their tank, though
they stated that they were still very healthy. Mine are kind of getting this
weird translucent reddish-brown look and a couple of the leaves have
completely melted, but the leaves had been bright green and strong before.
<Crypts are susceptible to this sort of decomp. under stressful and varying
I have an LED light strip but others have been able to keep crypts just fine
with them. Is there another reason they're not doing as well?
<Can't tell w/ the data provided. There may well be a nutrient deficiency
going on here... N, P, K, Fe....>
My final question (phew) is about the pH. It's always been at 7.5 (or
higher, not sure if it even shows up on the test kit..) I want to lower it
to around 6.8 or 7,
<I would NOT do this. Leave it as it is... will drop a bit in time. See WWM
re pH and Alkalinity for a bit of background>
but just like the ammonia, I've tried two or three pH altering products and
they drop the pH rapidly and spike it a few days later.
<... yes... alkaline reserve is buffering it back up. Common >
I was thinking I could try Indian almond leaves or wood, but they would
release a lot of tannins and I'm not sure if it would add to the ammonia or
not. Have tried adding distilled water as well and there is no affect (but I
do have 20 empty gallon jugs laying around) Do you have other suggestions of
how to lower it safely?
<Time going by is the very best. Don't fuss w/ pH here, period. 7.5 is fine
for what you have livestock wise>
I'm very sorry this is so long, I was debating on whether I should divvy the
questions up into different emails but I thought it might be more
troublesome to get them each separately. But I thank you very much for your
services. I always go to this site first if I'm having any problems and it
has been extremely helpful and informative! I greatly appreciate any answers
and advice you can offer.
<Glad to be (hopefully) of assistance. Please DO write back if all is not
clear here after reading. Bob Fenner>
Daily ph fluctuation.
Dear WWM Crew,
<Hey Bill>
My FW community, ~280 US gal system (240 DT, 40 sump) has
softish water, with a highish PH. My concern is that within a
single day the ph varies by about 0.2 units; however I have seen
occasional 24 hour variations of
greater than 0.3. I use a Pinpoint ph monitor (always in the tank),
which shows the ph centered around 7.1, but it will go as high as 7.2, and as
low as 6.9, again, this is all within 24 hours, pretty much every day.
<Mmm; well; photosynthesis can/could drive the pH thus diurnally...>
While the pinpoint says 7.1, API liquid tests put the Ph higher, at about 7.4.
The Api tests are always 0.3 higher, regardless of what the actual values are.
My concern is the fluctuations, not the ph itself.
<Understood; and agreed>
I am diligent at water changes, 10% (~30 gal) every evening at 9pm.
<Wow! I do these once/week>
Tap water Ph is generally in the 7.2 range, and I condition with Seachem Prime.
I shut off pumps, remove 30g from sump, drip in 5ml of Prime, add 30g of temp
matched tap water (so I am using some water heated by the house plumbing). Let
is sit for 3-4 minutes, the turn pumps back on. Perhaps of importance,
the 8 ft long tank sits in front of a 2 ft, south facing window.
<Yes; important. Had read over before making the statement above>
It gets a couple of hours of direct morning sun in winter. In summer, high sun
along with a dense outdoor foliage provide shade from direct sun.
Where direct sun hits, I have to clean algae every 2-3 weeks. The rest of the
tank has minimal algae accumulation.
To stabilize ph I am considering adding a low level dosage of Neal's Rift lake
salt mixture. My goal is to stabilize the ph, but I do not want to raise the ph.
<Mmm; I wouldn't add anything here; nor change your maintenance regimen>
should I attempt to stablize the ph?
<I would not. Not worthwhile; and could be dangerous>
Or is such variation w/in 24 hrs normal?
<Not unheard of>
Should I use the recipe provided by Neal, including the sodium bicarbonate, even
though I don't want to raise the ph? Or would using only epson salt suffice,
since Neal's article says it has little effect on ph, but raises hardness.
<You could try a bit of MgSO4 if you'd like; again, I would not obsess here>
Thanks so much for this great resource, and let me know if you have any
Bill M.
Parameters are as follows:
Ph- 6.9 - 7.2
Kh- 53.7 ppm (3 drops using api test)
GH- 89.5 ppm (5 drops using api test)
Ammonia- 0
Nitrite- 0
Nitrate- ~20-30
Temp- 77 F
Sump/pump turnover 1900 gph (measured)
No live plants
Minimal algae growth
Tank has been running for 2 years
Current stock, all full grown:
5 boesemanni rainbow
6 Congo tetra
3 roseline barbs
4 Angels (all female)
3 pearl gourami
2 kribensis
5 Celebes halfbeaks
6 peppered Cory
4 Botia striata
3 Syno multipunctatus (3-4" each, bred and grown in ph 7.0 at LFS)
1 Ancistrus albino
1 Sturisoma panamense
1 rainbow shark (Epalzeorhynchos frenatum)
<Cheers, Bob Fenner>
Re: Daily ph fluctuation.
Bob, as always, thank you. If I may add some detail... I seem to have some
chronic columnaris(?) manifesting as mouth threading on the rainbows and half
Then one rainbow developed a clear bacterial infection on its side, lower
half--looks like missing scales about an inch in diameter, no thread or tufts
(now in quarantine, Kanamycin, furan 2 cocktail not helping). In the main tank,
I have tried using 3/4 dose of ParaGuard to deal w the threading,
<This fine SeaChem product really is only useful for/against some Protozoan
parasites... not bacteria, true fungus, worms or crustaceans...>
which knocks it back, but then it returns again. My questions were motivated by
wondering if these daily ph fluctuations could be weakening immunity
thereby causing the chronic threading.
<It is possible there is a link here. As you're open to suggestion, and
appear a reasonable person, I will state that if it were me, mine, given what
you state, I'd try adding (indefinitely for now) a "teaspoon" of baking soda
(sodium bicarbonate... Arm & Hammer) along with your water changes... mix it in
the new water>
Sorry for the long email, and thanks again.,
<Welcome. BobF>
Re: Daily ph fluctuation.
1 tsp baking soda per 30 gal of new water. I will give it a try and monitor ph.
Thank you.
<This likely won't be noticeably elevated, but your diurnal fluctuation
will be depressed/suppressed (?) within a week or so... Cheers, B>
Re: Daily ph fluctuation. 1/20/15
Hi Bob, I followed your recommendation on 1 tsp baking soda w a 30 g
water change. The ph increased to 7.26 (pinpoint monitor), and held
nicely steady, varying only +/- a couple of hundredths through 24 hours.
Excellent. My next water change I did a half-tsp baking soda, not
wanting the ph to go any higher. The ph locked in at 7.15. Also
<Ah yes>
I wake up this morning, ph 7.15, but the water is tannin stained. I
should have mentioned the other day that I have a fair sized piece of
driftwood in there, for 2 years since the tank's inception.
<Mmm; well... If the color doesn't "bug" you; it's likely not of
consequence to your livestock>
The wood is 'regular', not Mopani anything, and it measures about 24" x
10". Fish are completely normal and 'happy', so I am not worried--and at
first blush, it seems the threading has retreated a bit.
<Ah yes; it should go. Not to be disingenuous, or mysterious... we could
chat over the effects here of adding the sodium bicarb.>
So, is it possible that the baking soda has caused the tannins to leach?
Thanks so much!!!--Bill
<Welcome. Bob Fenner> Sudden ph drop 12/31/14
Our tap water since we moved here to Upstate NY has always has been 8.2
with the api tester.
<About what our "liquid rock" tap is here in San Diego; not a fan of
API's cheapy colorimetric kits>
I noticed in the past couple weeks the water tasting kinda metallic.
<Yikes... I strongly encourage you to get/use an RO device for your
potable means; AND I'd be calling re your water quality... look for the
contact info. on your water bill.>
Anyway one of the angelfish was found dead this morning. I tested the ph
and it came out 7.8. Just wondering if that would be enough of a drop to
kill freshwater angels? Thank you
<Could be; depending on what the actual cause of the pH drop is here...
the negative log (base ten) of hydrogen ion concentration... a move of
0.4 point is huge... and if brought about by some acid additions like
the reductant H2S...
Bob Fenner> pH spike in freshwater tank on well water
Merry Christmas! I have a 400 gal. holding tank (catfish, tilapia
eventually) that I've just constructed with inert materials (fiberglass,
pvc, polyethylene) and have dechlorinated my supply water (from a MUD
well) through carbon before entering tank. MUD says they do not use
chloramine or buffers, but we have a chloramine removal tower anyway.
Supply water enters tank at pH of 7.7 and rises to 8.8 in 10-12 hours of
There are no animals in the system yet. Samples from nearby tap act the
same with aeration. Hardness around 75, alkalinity around 300, TDS
around 400, and pH has been tested via strips, colorimetry, and pH
meter. Water is from a well located in far SE Texas and sodium
approaches 400 mg/l as listed in their annual water quality report.
Buffers such as API Proper 7.0
have a short-term effect (1 hour), and muriatic acid 3-4 hours, but the
pH always spikes back up. System runs normally at 60 gpm, but this
occurs at slower flow/aeration rates as well. Any ideas as to what may
cause this?
Thank You!
<Dissolved CO2 is the commonest cause for these rapid pH rises. Under
pressure and/or at low temperatures the water holds more CO2, but once
drawn from the tap, the water pressure drops and the temperature rises,
causing CO2 to be released. Without the dissolved CO2 (which produces
carbonic acid) there is less acidity to neutralise the alkalinity in the
water, so the pH rises. This is very similar to the daily pH changes by
day and night seen in ponds, where photosynthesis (which uses up CO2)
causes pH rises and when photosynthesis stops (allowing dissolved CO2 to
accumulate) the pH goes down. There's no fix as such, but you can draw
the water, let it sit/aerate for a time, and then use it after the pH
has stabilised.
Alternatively, if you make just small water changes (say, 10-15% at a
time) then the bulk of the water in the aquarium will minimise the
impact of the relatively acidic (lower pH) water added straight from the
tap. Most fishes can handle minor pH changes quite well provided ambient
hardness and alkalinity are relatively stable (obviously, Goldfish and
Koi have to
tolerate this in ponds, as do most fish in densely planted shallow water
habitats). Merry Christmas to you too, Neale.>
Re: pH spike in freshwater tank on well water
Quite impressive response time, especially on a holiday! Thanks!
<Most welcome. Neale.> Neale/Bob on pH, reduction of alkalinity through adding
acids 5/29/14
<Which changes the pH but not the hardness.>
<<Actually... the addition of acids nicks away at hardness... and the
buffers that ARE registered as, are actual hardness>>
<<<Hi Bob. I should have been clearer. Acid plus alkali makes salt plus
water, as you know. So adding acid will neutralise the dissolved
alkaline substances (the carbonate hardness, usually). But the produced
salts remain dissolved (usually) in the water, raising the effectively
non-buffering general hardness and presumably not changing the osmotic
pressure much/at all. Since it's osmotic pressure that affects the
health of soft water fish, and the aim of softening water is to produce
water with less (if I recall correctly) osmotic pressure, neutralizing
the alkalinity of (carbonate-rich) hard water has little/no benefit.
There's also the risk that by removing the natural buffering salts but
without deliberately adding something to buffer the pH at 6.5 or 7 or
wherever you want it, the resulting mineral-rich but buffer-poor water
will experience rapid pH changes (drops) between water changes. In
short, adding acids to hard water doesn't produce useful soft water,
even if it does lower the pH. Hmm...
what's the best marine aquarium parallel...? Maybe confusion between
specific gravity and salinity. While the one is related to the other,
they're not synonyms, and focusing on the specific gravity alone can
to all sorts of misunderstandings about marine chemistry. You could
surely create a glucose solution with a specific gravity of 1.025 at 25
C, but it wouldn't be seawater! Cheers, Neale.>>>
Stocking question - 55 gal, FW, and fluctuating pH concern
Hello! My dad turned me on to WWM and now we are both avid
browsers and have found a lot of fantastic information on this site;
thank you very much!
<Welcome Erin>
I am setting up a new tank: 55gal (48-1/4"L x 12-3/4"W x 20-13/16"H);
HOB filter; consistent 76 degrees; ammonia 0; nitrite 0; nitrate
>5.0ppm; pH is either 7.4 (high pH test) or 7.6 (low pH test). I
was having problems with the pH dropping to 6.0 suddenly but a small bag
of crushed coral in the HOB filter is keeping the pH level steady.
I have two small airstones, several live plants, a couple plastic
plants, some cholla branches, and there is also a large black decorative
rock and several smaller matching rocks from our local plant nursery.
<Am concerned (enough to mention) re the Cholla (jumping cactus
and rocks... that these may be the root cause of your pH drops... I'd
take out, boil them or place them separately in some boiled/hot
let soak for a few hours and test the pH of the soak water>
The substrate is a medium size pea gravel across approx. 2/3 of the tank
and white sand in the other 1/3 of the tank. The tank has been set up
and running for about 5.5 months.
<With you so far>
Both my dad and I have read many articles on stocking but thought maybe
you could assist with some personal advice. I started the tank with 22
white cloud tetras and they made it through the entire cycle process
however I lost all but 5 of them with the pH crashes. The tank
currently is home to: 2 pearl gourami's, 1 bristle nose Pleco, 5
speckled Cory cats, the 5 remaining white cloud tetras, 2 glow lite
tetras and one neon tetra (foster fish from another tank). My LFS will
take on the 8 tetras but the other fish are staying in the tank. I
would like to add at least 2 more pearl gourami's and 1-2 more bristle
nose Plecos. I am wondering how many Plecos are ideal
<Depending on the species, Ancistrus and related "Plecos"/Loricariids
can be friendly to testy with each other... I use just one in this size
tank (for function, not looks only), but likely two or even three will
Just keep your eyes on for early evening, coming out tussling.>
and if I have enough room for the 2 additional gourami's.
<These should fit here nicely>
Is there a small size, mellow schooling fish that could be added to the
tank that will not be too active for the gourami's?
<Ah yes... I really like the genus Hyphessobrycon... see the Net, WWM
re... and there are many others>
And of course, is there room?!?
<Ah yes>
Thank you again all for all your expertise and advice; this site is one
of the few available for us to find reliable information!
<Glad to share with you, your father, all. Bob Fenner>
PH Problem? FW 4/8/13
I love your site! I have a question about ph and I have searched
for hours for something similar to no avail. So, I have a 55
gallon tank with 7 medium angelfish (who may be starting to pair off!),
1 full grown swordtail and 3 mini (stunted from small grow out tank I am
guessing) swordtails. I have some java moss, medium amount of
Rotala, and a few stems of hornwort (plants are actually fighting hair
and some other type of bushy algae that I still have to figure out that
<Do see WWM re... only a few inputs, a similarly numbered counters>
I do weekly 25% water changes with vacuuming.
<Good; tis what I do as well>
I have a HOB with BioWheel and an Eheim canister. The fish seem pretty
healthy, the angels I have only had for a few months but the swordtails
have been in there for a year or two and have babies every now and then.
My question is, why after a water change, why do a few of my fish
surface breath?
<Mmm, could be a few things... an introduction of carbon dioxide or
other gas/ses... Possibly either the sanitizer or your addition of
chemicals to neutralize this>
I have read that maybe its due to ph difference from tank to tap.
<Mmm, possibly>
Which, I tested and the tank PH is at 8.0
<Well; this is high for Pterophyllum/Angels, but fine for the Swords and
the plants you list>
and the tap was hard to tell because it didn't match any of the colors
on the chart but it was higher for sure and the card went to
<... Very high for source water. Please do the following experiment for
Fill a glass with new tapwater, allow it to set, and measure the pH over
time... every few hours. >
So, if it is the PH difference what should I do, if anything I guess..
<The simplest "thing to do", if, as I suspect your tap pH will "settle
down" with time, is to just store the new/make-up water in a container
for later use (days, even a week is a good idea). Additionally, knowing
what is making the pH this high would be helpful, but I would likely
get/use a home reverse osmosis unit (which I do as well) for
mixing/blending your pet fish waters... and some of your domestic uses
(e.g. tea/coffee making)>
after a short while the fish are fine. The tank is over 7 years
old and I have always done the same maintenance routine, but just
recently became aware of the PH difference. I pretty much never
test my water but am having behavioral issues with my goldfish so tested
that rank, which prompted a look see at the other tanks.
Thank you sooooo much for your answers and for keeping up the site!
<Ahh, "the little sweet one"... Not to be mysterious, I suspect that
there are aspects of your source/mains/tap water that transiently
elevate pH (and possibly have other effects)... that can be easily
avoided by storing your make-up water. As mentioned, you and your
captive aquatic life may also benefit from mixing RO water. Bob Fenner>
Re: PH Problem? 4/10/13
Thanks for your speedy reply!!!!
I did the test that you suggested. My results are that the water
ph stayed the same for hours raised higher, then went back to the same
this morning when I tested... not at all what I expected it to do.
I will start looking into the RO system to see how much it is.. or go
back to balas and swordtails... Thanks again Bob!
<Ahh, welcome Missy. BobF>
Tank Upgrade - Stocking, Water Chemistry, Compatibility, and
More; low pH FW, 20 to 55 gal. - 12/25/2012
Hi guys,
<Hi Jo, Sabrina with you today.>
I have many questions to ask that are all related to my current "upgrade
the overstocked tank to a bigger one" project. I have searched online
and on your site but since what I want to ask is quite specific and not
general so I haven't found any answers to my myriad of questions - I
would be very much obliged if one of you lovely people could answer them
for me? :)
<Let's take a look!>
First some background information: I currently have an 80 litre
(20 US gallons) planted freshwater tropical tank with a 3 year
old 3.5 inch female Opaline gourami (Trichogaster trichopterus), a 3.5
inch false flying fox (Garra cambodgiensis), a 3 year old 6.5 inch
iridescent shark (Pangasius hypophthalamus),
<.... much to say on this one, all of it's been said before....>
a 1.5 inch bronze Cory (Corydoras aeneus), and a single 1 inch harlequin
Rasbora (Trigonostigma heteromorpha).
<Both of these are schooling fish.... And holy carp, you were not
kidding when you said overstocked, were you??>
The shark was bought by my then-boyfriend (now ex) and was definitely
NOT my idea.
<A surprise Pangasiid was very good reason to break up with him; I'd
have done the same! *grin*>
The Cory, Rasbora and garra were given to me by my cousin when her tank
cracked - she said she would just flush them otherwise! (Needless to say
I was horrified by the idea so I took them).
<I am glad you did.>
The gourami was actually picked by me and she and the shark are the
oldest fish in the tank.
Ph is around 5.5 - 6.0 (it fluctuates with water changes)
<Though that low pH might raise the hackles of most folks, if it's
stable (I assume it goes up a tad when you add new water, and stabilizes
again very shortly, yes?) then quite frankly, this isn't exactly "bad".
Many of the fish that interest me are only found wild-caught and come
from water with very low pH - 4.5-ish even. Keeping a tank at a
relatively stable 5.0 - 5.5 was how I got Betta macrostoma and
Sphaerichthys osphromenoides to spawn. You won't find me frowning
at your low pH, AS LONG as you have animals suited to it and can keep it
Ammonia is always at 0, nitrite always at 0 and nitrate fluctuates but
is at 25ppm at the moment.
<High, but not horrific.>
The tank is obviously near impossible to keep pristine due to the
<I'm sure.>
hence I've decided to upgrade them to a 210 litre (55 US gallon)
I know that even the 210 litre will not be sufficient for the shark in
the long run
<It will not. No tank that fits in an average room in an average
home will suffice, in the long run, when this fish grows to be the size
of a person.>
(the shop he was bought at wouldn't take him back)
<Ugh. Any chance you can boycott this shop, and explain to them
why you're doing so? No shop should EVER sell and animal that they
won't be willing to take back. If they have an animal they would
not accept being returned to them, then they should NOT sell it in the
first place. Pangasiid catfishes should NOT be in this trade, and
clearly the shop knows the growth potential of the animal or they'd take
it back. If you can vote with your dollars on this, and explain to
the shop owner why you are unwilling to shop there and where you will
shop instead, and what would bring your business back to them, then do
but it is the best I can do short of building an outdoor heated pond (my
flat is 2nd floor and I don't think it would take the weight of a tank
larger than 210 litres).
<Understandable. I'll fault that ex of yours, and not you!>
I had a local glass shop that also makes aquariums build the 210 litre
for me to custom measurements (43cm tall, 40cm wide, 122cm long) and it
is frame-less and unbraced. The shop assured me that due to the
thickness of the glass it doesn't require bracing of any kind (glass is
10mm thick on all panels including the bottom) - are they correct?
<I think they are. I hope that BobF will correct me if I'm wrong
on that, but I do think you'll be okay. Watch the dailies after
you receive this reply; hopefully Bob will notice this and include any
comments he has when he posts it to the website.>
Or will it pop the long panels due to bowing?
<With glass 1cm thick, I really think this is okay. I do hope so,
for the sake of your downstairs neighbor....>
I haven't tested it yet as I still have a little work to do to ensure
the DIY stand I made for it is level - it seems the middle section of
the stand's top is about 1-2mm higher than the front and back i.e.
slightly curved upwards in the middle - will this potentially
break the tank if filled?
<Could, yes. Glass tanks - more appropriately, their silicone
seams - don't like torsion. Can you sand this to become more
level, and then place a Styrofoam or other sheet between the tank and
stand to compensate some?>
I will have the tank (still currently unfilled) on a 1.5cm thick foam
pad (the kind of stuff used for yoga mats)
<Ah! Good. If that's a neoprene pad, I think it should do
to even out irregularities but should I use something more rigid to
level the stand top? If so what should I use?
<Many folks use Styrofoam, but I think what you have will do.>
When I eventually get the stand ready I am planning to "jump-start" the
cycle process with filter media from my mature tank. I have an extra
sponge filter in there that has been running for a week and I'm planning
to take one of the canisters off the main filter (it has 2) in the
mature tank and put it in the new tank (connected to the new tank's
pump) along with the seeded sponge filter. The purpose of this exercise
is so that I can move the 3 largest fish (gourami, shark and garra) over
to the new tank instantly (with a proper acclimation of course) without
doing a fishless cycle.
<I think you'd be safe to move all at once, honestly, along with all
water, substrate, filter media.... You might not even see an
ammonia spike at all.>
I will be using a fair amount of plants in the tank, including fast
growers like water sprite, Egeria and duckweed to eat up excess ammonia
and hopefully reduce the possibility of ammonia/nitrite spikes. Would
this work with these fish or will it cause them too much stress from the
mini cycle that I assume would then take place?
<All of the fish you have are very sturdy "bulletproof" fish. All
should be fine with this plan.>
Would it be better to go one fish at a time with a week or so in
<No, I would do all at once and observe water quality, do water changes
if/as necessary.>
If so should I leave the shark until last or move him first?
<As above, all at once will do fine.>
I have successfully upgraded a goldfish from a tiny tank to a much
larger one in this way, without noticing any stress on the fish at all,
but I understand that most tropical fish are more sensitive than
goldfish to ammonia / nitrite.
<Your Rasbora is your most "delicate" fish, and actually, R.
heteromorpha are pretty sturdy.>
Another consideration is the extremely low ph I have - this is probably
partially due to fish waste and partially due to the large arch of
bogwood in the aquarium combined with the fairly soft water we have here
(our tapwater is a mixture of reverse osmosis water sourced from the sea
and well water) usually between 0-3 degrees KH, 7 - 14 GH and ph around
7.0 - 7.5 when aged / degassed for a few days (the tapwater actually
comes out of the tap at around 8.0, I really don't understand how this
works as I had always thought degassing raised ph but that's what the
test says).
<Sounds much like my situation and tapwater.... Our water comes
out of the tap over 9.0 in the summer, artificially high due to the
large amount of chloramine. Once chloramine is neutralized, after
aerating, it drops quickly to 6-ish overnight. I suspect you have
something similar going on.>
If I fill up the new aquarium with dechlorinated, aged tap water there
will probably be a significant difference in pH between the two tanks -
if I want to move a fish I will either have to do an extremely slow
acclimation process or I will have to use tank water from the mature
tank to at least partially fill up the new one.
<If all the fish are moving, you could use much of the entire 20 gallons
and then add new water somewhat slowly over the next few days to fill
the new tank.>
Bearing in mind my current tank's nitrates are still quite high which is
the better option out of these two? I have been doing 25% water changes
twice weekly to try to raise pH to a more neutral level but it doesn't
seem to go above 6.0 (that or my test kit is inaccurate);
<I doubt that the kit is inaccurate. Decaying organic matter -
both the waste products built up in the substrate from fish, plants, and
bacteria and also the bogwood - will keep your pH down. You might
never raise it without the aid of something that would provide
significant buffering (aragonite sand, for example).>
I'd rather not take the bogwood out as I have 2 java ferns growing quite
happily on it and I have nowhere else to put them!
<Were it me/my tank, I'd keep the bogwood, and I'd keep the low pH.>
I intend to keep the Rasbora in the 80 litre (keep it as a blackwater
habitat) and get a few more to keep it company and hopefully form an
attractive school.
<Ah, I see.>
I thought the Cory could stay too as the tank's bottom is sandy and the
Cory loves rooting through it, and possibly I may get him/her a friend
or two
<Two more at an absolute minimum. The larger the school, the
happier the Corydoras.>
(will Corydoras aeneus school with peppered or panda Corys?
<Will, but conspecifics are preferred.>
They have no aeneus in stock in my lfs and said they usually only get
the albino ones which I dislike the colouring of).
<Man. Some shop. You sure there's nowhere else in town?>
I also wanted to keep cherry shrimp in the tank (if they can take the
<They can>
but I'm not sure if they'll be ok with the Rasboras and the Cory;
<They will>
I've heard that harlequin Rasboras are small enough not to hurt cherry
shrimp but I'm worried the Cory might eat them -
<Corydoras cats may eat baby shrimps, but I think the adults would fare
okay. Start with just a few and see.>
will some shrimp be able to hide in the large clump of moss (about 6
inches in diameter and 3 inches high) and the roots of the java ferns to
survive to adulthood?
<I would think so.>
Or is it unrealistic to keep fish and shrimp together?
<Not unrealistic.>
If I can't have shrimp is there a small algae eater I could put in
an Otocinclus perhaps?
<This would also do well, and would really appreciate that low pH.>
Will the pH be too low for them?
<They should approve of the low pH, as long as it's stable. What
they will not tolerate is the high Nitrate. Get that down first.>
Also how quickly can I add new fish to the tank after moving the large
fish out? Could I add the Rasbora school all at once for example or
would it have to be one by one?
<Likely you can add several at a time after the other fish are removed.
Let me also remind you to always quarantine new fish.... Or maybe
you can move all the 20g's inhabitants and then use the 20g for
quarantine, adding in all the new fish, and then after a reasonable
quarantine (two to four weeks), move the Rasbora and Corydoras back.>
With the 210 litre aquarium I want to make a clear stream type tank with
fairly high circulation, rounded river rocks and smooth small grained
gravel. I'd like to keep the pH about neutral or just above so can I use
some limestone rocks to this purpose?
<I wouldn't; instead, use something that you can control (read: remove)
more easily. A filter bag with some crushed coral in one of your
canisters might be a good option; that way, you can use only as much as
necessary and add more or remove some to achieve your desired results.
Frankly, you could do that in the 20g right now, if you really feel you
"must" raise the pH before moving the fish (instead of keeping the pH of
the new tank similarly low).>
Otherwise I can imagine that with the soft water I have, the tank will
be below neutral with fish and plants living in it.
Will limestone be enough
<Would be "too much", actually.>
or should I use crushed coral too?
<Ah, as above. I'd use this, or Aragonite sand, in a filter bag
and adjust as needed.>
Is there a way to calculate the amounts needed or is it more of a trial
and error thing?
<This latter. But start cautiously; a little bit goes a long, long
Are there any small schooling species that would like this type of
<Not with a Pangasiid present. I'm surprised the Rasbora is still
around, actually.>
Halfbeaks perhaps?
<A very touchy fish.... and bite-sized to the catfish. I
don't think I'd try these, or any small schooler, to be honest.>
Also I know that gouramis normally prefer a slightly acidic pH with soft
water but I have also heard they can tolerate a wide range of conditions
so is it okay to move the gourami to the larger tank or should I keep
her in the "blackwater" tank?
<She'll be happy either place.>
Will she be very disturbed by the faster current I intend to have in the
large tank?
<If it's way too fast, she might have trouble, but I would try it; she'd
appreciate the larger space.>
Finally, sorry for asking so many questions and writing such a lengthy
email - if you have read this far without falling asleep you are truly
an angel!
<I'm still awake, I swear!>
Thank you so very much for taking the time to read and reply and keep up
the good work!
<And thank you for writing in.>
Kindest regards and a merry Christmas and happy new year to you all!
<And to you, Jo. Best wishes to you and your fish, -Sabrina>
URGENT - mains supply pH crash
tank at pH 5 1/27/12
Hi Neale
I was wondering what was going on. I did all my water changes yesterday
and tested one of my 60L today as it is still a young tank. The pH
yesterday was 5, today, was 5, after yesterday's 50% water change,
so another 50% change today. pH still 5. Scratched head, pondered,
tested mains supply. pH 5.5.
It there anything I can to bring it up to pH6, or get some buffering in
there, avoiding pH+ product, of course? Bicarbonate of soda? Pet shops
about to shut and don't want to rush and get something without
knowing what to get. Panicking over potential loss of
Urgent help would be appreciated.
<Gordon, do read here:
See the Rift Valley Salt Mix? Use it. If the pH is 5, and that is
amazingly low, you need to raise the carbonate hardness, stat.
Obviously, don't change the pH all at once. Do a series of water
changes, maybe 20% every day or two, across a week. Are there fish in
this tank? Not many fish will be happy at pH 5, and biological
filtration would be very unreliable. Are you sure this test kit is
Cheers, Neale.>
Re: URGENT - mains supply pH crash tank at pH 5 1/27/12
Hi Neale
My wife is off out for the Epsom salt while I sling you a reply back,
the other 2 ingredients are at hand.
There are fish in this tank. 4 x harlequin Rasbora, I think it's
making them a bit frisky more than anything else!
<Likely so. Could be the very low pH irritating them, but equally
likely, it nicely mimics the blackwater streams of their natural
habitat. Do remember, many Southeast Asian and South American streams
have very low pH, even as low as 4, and the fish are adapted to these.
The problem is providing stable environmental conditions (water quality
and chemistry) in tanks with water as soft and acidic as those
blackwater streams. On the whole, the risks outweigh the benefits, so
even with soft water fish, it's best to go with only moderately
soft, around neutral water. Most soft water fish will thrive in such
conditions, while maintenance of the aquarium becomes very much easier.
5-10 degrees dH, pH 6.5-7.5 is essentially ideal for most general
community fish from both Southeast Asian and South America.>
Just glad it WAS them I put in to keep the bacteria fed. It's
annoying, I've just finished this tank's cycle and suspect that
may be the bacteria dying off. I'm going to grab a full test suite
a bit later and cross my fingers.
I've now realised another other tank is at pH 5.5, a 19 litre with
a Betta, that is also worrying me.
The test kit is reliable, a few months old Nutrafin kit. The result was
verified with a 6 month old API kit. My REAL concern is that the pH is
even lower than the Nutrafin kit says, since it only goes down to pH5.
I tried verification with pH paper as well, but I've never trusted
those beyond "it's neutrelish, it's pH14-ish or it's
pH1-ish". It says it's pH5-ish.
Thanks for your help, I know it's a Friday night and you probably
just want to chill with a beer.
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: URGENT - mains supply pH crash tank at pH 5 1/27/12
Hi Neale
I just re-read the mix for the Rift Valley salt and it's aquarium
salt I've got, not marine salt and we can't get Epsom salts. Is
it worth just going for sodium bicarbonate at the rate suggested in the
mix until we can get the other ingredients together?
<Aquarium salt will work adequately well. Not ideal, but won't
do any harm either, so feel free to use it until the box runs out.
Cheers, Neale.>
pH Issues in Freshwater Tank, actually
alkalinity, CO2 use... 12/18/11
Hi all,
The Tank: I have had this 29 gallon freshwater tank running for about
3-4 years. The backing is black pond foam with rocks jutting out. The
substrate is Eco Complete. Lighting 2x24W T5HO. HOB Whisper 30 filter
with Purigen and filter wool. Set it up as planted tank and this past
year added a CO2 tank set up on a timer to run during the day, air
stone at night.
<With you so far>
A couple months ago I picked up a pH controller to see about using that
for shutting off the CO2 in case of a CO2 dump. I had one instance
where the I found my fish struggling for air due to that.
<Mmm, too likely CO2 poisoning...>
The day I set up the pH monitor I did a regular water change. The next
morning the tank was milky looking. A closer look I noticed the algae I
had issues with had all died.
I also noticed the pH had dropped below 5.0
(I don't remember the exact measurement). Before this the pH of the
tank always remained around 6.7-7.0, which I tested with an API test
kit. I cleaned the tank and used a buffer to slowly bring the pH
<Likely a good idea to either add more (like half) substrate or take
a good bit out and replace. THIS is your best source of alkalinity,
Water changes are done with tap water treated with Stress Coat, the tap
water pH is usually around 7.2 +/-, and I usually change about 8-10
gallons weekly, the same system I've been using since the tank was
set up. Since the first incident of the pH dropping significantly I
have had an extremely difficult time maintaining pH.
<Yes... your system, its age... the soluble parts of the decor,
gravel are exhausted>
The only plus has been that the lower pH has killed off the BB algae
and kept it from coming back. Within a couple weeks of the issue I
completely took the CO2 offline, and continued running an air stone.
Since most plants started to do poorly, I have now switched to a fish
only tank with just a few plants that seem to be doing okay. I have
lost 2 fish during this and both were the following morning after a
water change when the pH again dropped significantly. I've also
lost my Amano shrimp (one by one), but I've had them for almost 5
years, and none died during the significant drops in pH.
<Crustaceans need available alkalinity AND biomineral concentrations
(mainly Ca and Mg); your low pH denies them metabolically>
This past Friday I did a water change and Saturday morning two
cory's were sort of belly up and the white cloud minnows looked
lethargic. The pH had dropped from 6.9 to 3.94 overnight.
I spent all day adding buffer in small increments to get the pH up into
the 6.0 area.
<Buffer should never be added directly to the system... ONLY through
pre-mixed, prepared water>
The white cloud minnow quickly revived after the pH hit 4.4. My older
female peppered Cory took most of the day to revive but as of last
night was doing well and eating. But. one male Cory still isn't
looking well and I doubt he will recover. I have a gravity top off
feeding to a float valve and now have buffer added to the top off water
to help keep the pH at a normal level. I've tried smaller
increments of water changes, but the pH still drops significantly over
night after the water change.
While I may be able to figure out ways to try and keep it balanced,
I'm at a total loss as to the possible causes for such a huge drop
in pH after a water change, and the cause is what I need to address.
Thanking you in advance for any help you can offer.
Debra Piedra
<Time to send you where you will hopefully gain an understanding of
basic water chemistry. Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwmaintindex.htm
the second tray down. Bob Fenner>
are my mollies fighting? ph issues?
Me and my wife bought and set up a 14 gallon freshwater about 4
or 5 months ago and decided from the start that we were going
with all live natural decor.
<Nice. However, do bear in my 14-gallon tanks are on the small
side, and the lighting systems that come with them are often not
that strong. There are some exceptions, small tanks designed for
advanced aquarists, but most of the small, budget-priced tanks
will have, at best, medium-strength lighting so you need to
choose plants carefully.>
We began slowly stocking with just one of two fish at a time and
started with 3 sunset platies (1 male, 2 females) of course and
they have done spectacular throughout.
<Can be an excellent species. Not always good quality, sadly,
but if you do get good Platies without any diseases, they're
reliable fish, and should do well in a tank this size.>
We then added a few male lemon cobra fancy tail guppies and then
two regular fancy tail guppies and a common Pleco.
<Here's where things go badly. A Common Plec has no
business in this aquarium. It will get to 6-8 inches within 6
months, and 18 inches within 2 years. Return to the pet store
ASAP. If you must have an algae-eater, choose 3-4 Nerite Snails;
they won't breed, they eat nothing but algae, and they're
basically hardy so long as you don't add medications to the
Do also understand that Guppies aren't hardy fish anymore,
and they tend to do better in tanks tailored to their specific
needs. Slightly brackish water can be particularly
Everything was still fine for a few days but we lost a guppy and
then slowly started losing guppies thereafter, after noticing
that the guppies tales had pieces missing and were swimming
around crazily
<See above. Platies need fairly cool water, 22-25 C/72-77 F,
and this doesn't suit Guppies. Both Platies and Guppies also
need hard, alkaline water -- which you don't have. Fancy
Guppies being so delicate, they'll be the first to
we went back to the pet store and showed the local expert.
He said it was the Pleco harassing them and nipping at the
because it was keep with aggressive fish and other large Plecos
at the store.
We then removed the Pleco and since we lost all of our guppies
eventually we got an albino Cory and 3 balloon mollies (one of
which is a creamsicle lyretail, a silver, and a black molly).
<Mollies DO NOT belong in this tank AT ALL! Return them.
They need at least 25, 30 gallons, and they also need warm, very
hard, very alkaline water, ideally slightly brackish. >
Everything was great except our creamsicle lyretail was a bit of
a bully, terrorizing the entire community.
<Tank is too small, and Mollies are aggressive anyway.>
We then moved and because of the living conditions we were at had
a horrible evaporation problem, losing about 3-4 inches a water
in the tank a week. After we got to the new place we bought a
gravel siphon and cleaned our gravel and the tank really well
bought all new vegetation (3-tall grass like plants, 3-ferns,
1-large Anubis on a rock, 1-spongy like moss ball,1- wreath, 1-
large piece of wood, and 1-bamboo).
<Take the Bamboo, Wreath, Grasses, and Ferns out. These are
non-aquatic plants. Some aquarium shops sell what are basically
houseplants as aquarium plants to what in the trade are called
"suckers", people who don't (yet!) know any
From your photos, I believe the Bamboo is Dracaena sanderiana; I
don't know what the Wreath is but it sounds dubious; the
Grasses are Ophiopogon japonicus; and the Ferns are Selaginella
willdenowii. Kept underwater all these land plants will die, rot,
and pollute your aquarium. Feel free to print off this e-mail,
show it to the retailer, and the two of you check online if you
want to see that I'm right and he/she is wrong. Explain,
forcefully, that you are no longer a sucker and do not want to be
sold this sort of rubbish.>
After getting everything setup and running properly we have added
a 14 inch bubble strip in the rear. We also run a bio-wheel
filter for our filtration. We also have added 3 Otos and 2 more
emerald green Corys to bringing our total to 3-sunset platies
(1-male and 2-female), 3- mollies (silver and black Sailfin
balloons, creamsicle lyretail) 3-otocinclus, and 3- Corys (1
albino and 2 emerald green).
<You're quite generously stocked for a small tank here.
Getting rid of the Mollies should fix things, but don't add
anything else. These fish will grow, remember, and some will have
One of our female platies did give birth to 6 fry but we made the
mistake of letting them rejoin the community too early and now
only have 1 left in a new 5 gallon tank we have specifically for
that reason with a gold snail to clean. So now that you have a
background of our newly acquired hobby here come the
questions....As I said before the creamsicle molly has been the
obvious dominator of the tank since we got him bullying the
entire tank at his own will but within the past week the black
molly and him have been going at it non-stop nipping at each
other with their top fins all the way up the entire time. Now the
creamsicle molly has been hiding often and when the black one
does get near him he stays vertical tail fin down. The black
molly also is now doing all the chasing of other fish in the
Has the nipping order shifted in the tank or is the creamsicle
molly sick and just losing strength?
<Either; both. Hard to say. Get rid of them anyway. They
don't belong in this tank and will never be good
Second question is....We have the test strip for multiple testing
of our tanks and do also take our water to the pet store to be
tested regularly.
All the other levels, i.e. nitrites, nitrates, alkalinity,
hardness, ammonia, all of that checks out except the pH levels
consistently remain lower than neutral.
<I do need the numbers here, not your opinions. For example,
your hardness cannot be "good" if your pH is 6.8.
Platies need a general hardness of 10+ degrees dH and a carbonate
hardness (~alkalinity) 5+ degrees KH. If you have these minimum
level of hardness, you should have a pH around 7.5.
So you're not telling me something I need to know. Likewise,
for me, an expert, the right ammonia and nitrite levels are 0 and
0. Yet some beginners think ammonia between 0 and 0.5 mg/l is
"okay", and nitrite between 0 and 1 mg/l is
"okay". They're wrong.>
On the test strips it appears to be around a 6.8 because the
strips only go one level lower than neutral we are not exactly
sure where it sits. We have the pH Neutral Regulator and the
Prime and have added multiple doses and it stays at a constant
level no matter what.
<Do not, Do Not, DO NOT try to change pH directly. Yes, your
pet shop will sell your pH up or pH down products. But these have
very specific usages involving water that has been pre-softened
or pre-hardened and needs supplemental buffering for one reason
or another. And surprise, those products are expensive and
profitable, so pet shops will happily sell them. What you
actually need to do is add some Rift Valley salt mix, as
described at the above link, at one-half the dosage described
there. That should create nice moderately hard water ideally
suited to Platies and acceptable to Corydoras catfish and, if
wanted some tetras, a school of X-Ray Tetras would thrive in this
water perfectly well. Better still, this mix it costs pennies a
month and apart from the marine aquarium salt, the Epsom salt and
baking soda are things you can buy at the grocery store!>
None of the other levels are crashing or have been having any
problems and we understand none of the levels will be solid until
a complete nitrogen cycle has completed but because of the
regularity we visit the pet store we have a pretty good
relationship with a couple of the aquarium department specialist
and they are stumped with this issue. None of our fish appear to
be sick or diseased of any sorts and we even have a severely
pregnant platy at the moment, the only strange or erratic
behavior at the moment is the battling mollies, which is the
reason I grouped the questions together. Do you have any insight
on what to do about raising the pH to get it a little closer to
neutral? We have came to conclusion as of now that we will just
let our tank cycle a little longer and with the addition of the
bubble strip that maybe things will even out itself because we
don't want to take the risk of adding pH-up chemicals and
disturbing the chemistry of the tank since all other levels
tested fine.
Just wanted to add that your website is great and keep up the
good work!!!!
<Thanks for the kind words.>
Thanks for any help,
<Cheers, Neale.>

PH woes, for FW use, adjustment 12/3/11
Hello Wet Web Crew
It has been a couple of years since I visited with you about my
impossible water chemistry. At that time, Mr. Fenner finally
suggested that I might have to resort to Muriatic acid. In the
2 years since, I have tried every other possible solution, without
success. I am now seeking information on how to use Muriatic acid.
<Mmm, please realize my hesitancy here... is due to easy
misunderstanding, danger in application of this 3 molar Hydrochloric
Acid solution... Better to steer you to blending, mixing in water where
much of the alkaline components are easily removed: Reverse Osmosis is
not only what I'd use, it IS what I use>
First I will give you a brief rundown on my water situation.
I have fancy Goldfish, Butterfly Telescopes.
My tap water is PH 9.7 - 10 KH 2 GH 150 After
consulting with the City Water Utility and water care specialists here,
I have been told that the city creates these parameters they are not
normal for the region.
<Mmm, IS done in places, mainly to protect
A very large amount of chlorine is added to the city water supply and
ammonia is impossibly high for use in the aquarium. Seachem also helped
me with trying to manage this tap water, and all agreed to abandon the
I had an RO unit installed in my home. The PH out of the RO
collecting barrel is 9.7
<? Something wrong here... the pH should be very near 7.0,
perhaps a little lower... You need to look over, perhaps have someone
who knows what they're doing, check this RO device>
In 2 days it aerates down to 8 and will lower no further.
<Again, summat is off here>
Because the PH is still high, when I buffer this water, I end up with a
PH that is back up to 8.6 and still with insufficient buffering. I use
Seachem buffers and the best i can achieve is a KH of 1efforts to build
a higher KH result in the PH skyrocketing upwards again. Surprisingly,
with water changes once a week, a PH of 8 remains quite stable with KH
of 0-1. However, I am assuming that because there is no alkalinity, I
cannot keep plants.
I understand photosynthesis cannot take place without buffering. I
never have any algae growth what so ever. And my fish have very weak
immune systems in spite of the fact that I have extremely low bio load
and a lot of filtration. The beneficial bacteria are also not very
strong. I do not generally have ammonia spikes, but if I add any salt,
or take salt out, I immediately get a spike. A power outage of one
hour, and I will have a spike.
My goal is to get a more healthy water chemistry for my fish in the
hopes that it will improve their overall health and resistance to
disease. After I have gathered a 50 gallon barrel of RO water and
aerated it down to 8, I would like to add Muriatic acid to lower the PH
sufficiently so that I can then buffer back up to a KH of 70 (approx. 4
dKH) if possible. I understand that this is a dangerous, caustic poison
and I have resisted having to resort to this. There is little
information about Muriatic acid and I am hoping you can give me some
specifics on how to use it what to expect and any warnings that I may
not be aware of.
<... Without being right there with you or anyone, I will not go
over this... I have been party to lack of understandings, many years
back... w/ people killing their Koi as a consequence... of NOT
understanding the relationships twixt pH and alkalinity... You, indeed
mis-write pH as PH...>
a few questions that come to mind but please know that I do not know
enough about this to even ask intelligent questions!
How fast does RO water respond to the addition of acid?
<You don't have RO water... as attested by its high
post-production pH>
After adding acid, how long before I can trust that the PH is
stabilized and I can add buffers?
Can I then use the water for water changes, or does it need to aerate
for a longer period of time after all parameters, including GH are in
optimum range?
will this water be stable in my aquaria with 25% water changes, or will
I have shifting PH?
I plan to keep the gallon jug of Muriatic acid in the garage, pull acid
into a syringe and use that to dose my storage barrels. They are kept
in my sunroom and I also have an African Grey Parrot in that room. If I
discharge M. acid into the barrel out of a syringe, will there be fumes
sufficient to harm my bird? I have a small pond pump for aeration, and
there is a lot of agitation. I have lids for the barrels, but do not
want to risk my birds health either. Nor mine !
Is there any risk or danger to my fish with water that is treated with
Muriatic acid?
Thank you for taking time to help me with this once again.
<Have just skipped down: Amy: contact the maker of your RO device
and chat w/ them re your results. Fix the RO, and consider using
Neale's simple Rift Lake mix: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/RiftVlySaltMixF.htm
as the only addition. THIS is the best, easiest, most safe procedure
for getting where you want to be. Bob Fenner>
Re: PH woes 12/03/11
Mr. Fenner
thank you for your time and I completely understand and respect your
hesitancy to discuss Muriatic acid. I am not eager to venture into
handling dangerous compounds either. However, I truly feel like I'm
out of options here.
One last question for you. Can fish be healthy with 0 to 1 kH ?
<Vanishing few species can>
Are carbonate levels important for the well being of the fish?
Or does carbonate contribute only to the stability of the PH?
<No... are important components of metabolism, allow for reductive
events of absolutely necessary microbial activity>
My RO system is installed and rented from a professional water company.
They were here this week to check the unit. They insist that RO water
does not necessarily have a low ph.
<What is it that is getting through their membrane/s that is
elevating the pH here? RO doesn't always reduce/adjust pH to
neutral, but am curious as to the chemical species remaining in your
water post-production. This knowledge may help in defining a process
for removal here>
They recommend a DI unit if I want a ph below 7. Unfortunately I would
need two DI cartridges added to my RO system and replaced monthly. They
also recommended a 50 gallon pressurized storage tank instead of the
smaller one I have and all of this will run close to $200 per month. I
just cannot do that.
<I understand>
I have visited the three local fish stores in town who sell RO and DI
water and bought and tested the ph of the water at each of these
stores. Across the board, the ph of RO water is between 7.5 and 8. Also
very consistently, the ph of DI water is below 7. So perhaps we do not
have RO water by your definition but it seems to be the best we can do
in this town. No one has been able to explain to me why this is so or
what the difference is between RO and DI.
<RO is a "by size" filtering process... larger than a
certain size molecules being excluded from permeating a membrane via
pressure. DI is a physical process in which ions, charged particles are
attracted, bound to mainly specialized resins, allowing less-charged
particle water to pass by>
So if I cannot afford the DI system and the ph of RO water is what it
is in this town, I will be unable to achieve a reasonable ph with a
reasonable level of carbonate. Perhaps I am doing all that can be
<Assuredly not. There are other means... I urge you to look into
organic (vs. inorganic like HCl) acids... that you can utilize in/with
your RO water while it's in storage... Even simple useful peat,
followed by carbon use (to remove colour) will be simple,
So the only question left, is if my fish can live healthy lives with no
carbonate in the water.
<Again, no>
I have suspected that this is the problem only because I have tried to
rule out every other possible problem in their little fish lives. I
wish someone would do that for me !
Thanks again for your time and effort.
Kind regards
<Thank you for your patience w/ me. Understand I want to provide
useful, accurate information for you, as well as present ideas that are
not potentially harmful to anyone or livestock. Cheers, BobF>
Tank in distress. FW, diag./troubleshooting w/o much to go
on 11/26/11
Hello my friends,
I am hoping that you can help me, you are really my last hope. I have
been trying for months to straighten around my 35 gallon hex tank, but
to no avail. I have a wonderful community of livebearers and pygmy
Corys, but I am losing fish at an astronomical rate. It feels like I
will get everyone healthy and things under control for a few weeks,
then lose another round of fish and start all over again.
<Something... very wrong here...>
I have seriously tried everything I can think of at this point. I have
done HOURS of research online trying to find a solution, I have tried
everyone ounce of advice I have been given and nearly every medication
I can find.
<A poor situation>
I have been doing 25% water changes weekly, as well as vacuuming the
gravel. I have tried replacing the
gravel, replacing the plastic plants, bottled spring water, treated tap
water, changed the diet, changed the filtration, salt treatments,
Melafix, Ich and fin rot treatments... nothing seems to stop my fish
plague! I have my water tested weekly, my ph is perfect for live
<Slightly alkaline I take it>
the nitrates and phosphates are in a normal range,
<values please; not subjective commentary>
my temp is steady and perfect- yet my fish are still dying. And what is
most troubling, is every fish has had
different symptoms. Some fish show no signs of distress at all, I just
find them white and half eaten at the bottom of my tank.
<Ahh, data!>
Some fish will start shimmying and sink to the bottom and die in a few
days, some get all "spastic" and dart like mad from the top
to the bottom, and are found dead within days. Its just so bizarre and
no one has answers for me. The fish that is currently in isolation is a
sweet little balloon molly that I have
had for nearly a year. Her mate was the last to die, and it broke my
I nursed him along ( ever hand feed a molly? yea.) for nearly ten days,
but he finally slipped away. I tried everything I could to save him,
including a vet visit.
<Did this Vet. examine (microscopically) the dead, live
No one had answers. Now his mate is dying. Two weeks ago I noticed a
bumpy ridge on her head, and brought her in for an inspection. I was
told that since there was no discoloration she was fine and I had
nothing to worry about. The mass grew, became bulbous and turned a
clear/milky color. This morning I found her with a massive crater in
her head where this growth had burst. All the other fish were chasing
her around picking at her face so I am assuming that everyone needs to
be treated if I can correctly diagnose this issue. Someone please help
me, I don't know what to do. I feel like I am torturing these fish.
I am ready to give them all away and retire this tank for good. You are
my last hope.
*sincerely, distressed fishy mom
<Through all these treatments, losses have you tested for chemical
parameters other than what you note above? My first guess is that you
have a toxic ornament/decor item/s in this system... Like a geode.
Please list all the items found here and send along well-resolved
images of the system.
What do you have for filtration, SOP for treating new water? What died
first and symptoms? My next guess is a general fluke (monogenetic
trematode) involvement. You don't list using an Anthelminthic in
your blitz of dosings... Again, did the Vet. take a scraping from the
bodies, gills of the lost fishes? Bob Fenner>
Re: Tank in distress 11/26/11
> Dear Bob, thank you so much for your fast response. It is nice to
> supported right now.
<My goal is to assist you; solve whatever the cause, source of
mortality was/is here>
> To answer your questions-the vet was useless. He did nothing but
look at
> my fish and say " yes, your fish has died." He ran no
tests, he asked no
> questions, and he treated me like I was crazy for bringing in a
> balloon molly. For tests I do not have actual ratings, levels, or
even know
> exactly what was tested for chem. parameters as I had them done at
> pet store and they simply said "everything looks
normal". Ph I do myself, it
> is always between 7.6 and 7.8.
<Mmmm, a bit high. Is this the same as the pH of your source/tap
water after it has sat for an hour or so? I also have a
question re the white object... rock, decor item in the pix you've
sent along... Is this something intended for aquarium use? I might well
remove it, soak it in new water... do a "bio-assay" w/ a fish
or two to see if this is a source of toxicity>
and temp stays between 75 and 80 F.The first
> fish to die was a Chinese algae eater. He was "fat" when
I bought him, the
> pet store guy said he was just "happy and fat" so i took
him home and added
> him to my tank ( upon being educated I have discovered this in and
> itself was a wrong move. I should have quarantined him, but I did
not know
> this at the time) the next morning I found him LITERALLY exploded
in my
> tank with all of his innards and guts hanging out.
<Yikes...! And possibly a good clue>
Everyone was eating him.
> So I removed dead fish and brought him back to the pet store.
> explanation. just a new fish. ( big help huh?) From that point I
> losing fish quickly and in rounds. I would find a mass of dead
fish (
> sometimes as many as 10) clean them out, sterilize the tank ( boil
> and decor) and move on. I have in my tank 2 rock structures (both
> several plastic plants,
<Mmm, I need to know if these are from an aquarium store or not.
Artificial plants from other places can have metal "stems"...
and be toxic>
and one very old Japanese moss ball ( this is the only living
<Cladophora... this is fine, but do see my note re other algae
The filter is one that sits on the back and is rated
> for a 50 gallon tank ( mine is only a 35 so it should be
For water I stopped using tap ( the tap water even killed my house
plants) and
> I am using store bought spring water.
<Mmm, don't use this... a highly variable product. Best to just
use tap...
Please read here re: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwsetupindex.htm
scroll down to the water issues tray>
I am kind of a beginner with
> aquariums, this is really my first. The tank was given to me by a
friend so
> I set it up and chose live bearers ( I like to see the
> Reproduction at first was fantastic, everything was happy, all
kinds of
> babies at all different stages, now the tank is nearly empty. I
wont add
> fish until I know they are going to live. I've added some
pictures, hopefully
> they will help. I only have my camera poe so they are not
fantastic but the
> best I can do.
*update, my molly just passed. But maybe we can learn from her death
and save the others. I did not think to take a pic of her before she
died, I am so sorry.
RIP misty and Ike, at least you are together again.
<Mmm, now the bit about algae; in particular "blue green
algae"... though it can be most any colour. IF you have a slimy
feeling growth on your growth, plants... can't make this out in
your pix. This could be a/the source of toxicity here... calling for
(really) a complete break-down, bleaching and starting over. Please
read here re: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwbgafaqs.htm
Do read Crystal, make notes if you have questions... We'll fix this

Re: Tank in distress 11/26/11
> ok, I have read both articles, and I will switch back to tap
water and
> move away from store bought. I took the 5 gallon container
that I have been
> carting water back and forth with, filled it with tap water,
and it is
> sitting under the table for a few days to "air
out", I have several
> different water conditioners to remove chlorine and other
harmful chemicals
> from tap water, so I should be all set to switch back to tap
> Wonderful info, thank you very much.
> All the plants and rocks in the tank are specifically
designed for
> aquariums, the white one has small plastic plants imbedded,
and the other
> rock structure was a gift to me from a guy who does tanks
> he had given it to me as a "tank warming "gift.)
so everything in the tank
> is specifically aquarium friendly. I have had this same man
over MANY times
> to assess my tank, and he can't find anything wrong with
either my tank, or
> the fish, yet my fish keep dying.
<Some other poison source then>
> I don't have any visible algae problems, though I'm
sure there is something
> in there for the algae eaters to eat as they haven't
starved. The other odd
> thing I wished to mention, the pygmy cories and algae eater
are all fine,
I haven't lost a single one of them, but I have lost dozens
of guppies and
> now two mollies. I don't know if that is pertinent, but
as you say every
> detail helps.
<... Do please look up (Google, images) Columnaris...
Chondrococcus... Much of the symptomology you list fits this
bacterial problem. B>
Thanks again for listening-
Re: Tank in distress 11/26/11
> I have looked into this particular bacteria before, but it
doesn't seem to
> visually match. None of my fish ever had any rot around
their mouths or
> fins, no discolored patches, or white film. But then again,
this is the
> first time I have had a visual symptom of any kind to go by.
All the other
> fish showed no physical signs of illness beyond slightly
distended stomachs
> or bloating.
You could barely tell they were sick, but they would have odd
> behavior patterns, then show up dead! I have treated the
tank for fungal
> and bacterial infections ( a general umbrella treatment of
salt and
> Melafix).
The ONLY thing I haven't treated for yet is internal
parasites, I
> was cautioned against this until I know for SURE if
that's what's going on,
> but I am thinking perhaps this is my last option?
<Mmm, no; not the last. Check back at our original
Microscopic examination>
Do you think I should
> treat for bacteria and fungus again anyhow?
For internal parasites?
Or do you feel this is this a water condition problem?
<Have already made my principal speculations... likely IS
I am so sorry to ask so many questions, I am just incredibly
tired of losing my fish. :/
> Would it help to know the actual tanks history? What was in
it before I > started with it? Or will that affect it now,
several years later?
<Read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwtoxicenvdisfaqs.htm
and the linked files above. B>
I have > struggled with this tank since I first started it up
to be honest. I've
> restarted from scratch 4 or 5 times since I set this tank up
3 years ago.
> Thank you again for your incredible patience with me, I
think I should bake
> you a cake or something.
Re: Tank in distress 11/27/11
> That's it! this is the problem! you figured it
out! I have never before
> been educated concerning the difference between acidic water
and hard
> water, I ( being in a small northern Maine town) don't
have many outside
> resources pertaining to fish, no vet to turn to ( as I
already stated) and
> this is something I would have NEVER been able to figure out
myself! I know
> my water is hard here, that is why I chose guppies in the
first place ( now
> you can see a bit of the incorrect thought process) and the
ph kit I bought
> is a generic on that does not test the alkalinity! This
quote has saved my
> fish tank!!!
> "Changing pH directly is dangerous. Concentrate on
carbonate hardness --
> what your test kit calls alkalinity -- *aiming for around
150-200 mg/l
> calcium carbonate*... "by understanding that GENERAL
hardness and
> CARBONATE hardness are different things. General hardness --
which you
> measure in degrees dH, and with the "GH" test kit,
is how much calcium and
> magnesium salts are dissolved in the water, for example
calcium oxide.
This stuff doesn't necessarily affect pH."
This article would have NEVER caught my eye if you hadn't
pointed it out! I have been fiddling with the ph quite a
bit over the past two years because I was told it was
too high or too low etc., when it really isn't the PH that is
killing my fish! Every week i scrape off a THICK layer of
white crusty stuff from my filters edge and off the top of the
tank where the water has evaporated.
I didn't know this wasn't normal, so i just kept cleaning
it up without paying much mind to it! So I need to buy a GH test
kit? Is this correct?
Will you please try to explain to me 150-200mgL calcium
carbonate, or will a GH test explain itself?
<Is more completely explained by searching/Googling on the
Net. This IS the principal source of water hardness... and
resistance to change in pH ("buffering")There is, and
should be some degree of General Hardness in all waters. Only
distilled, reverse osmosis... other filtered or specialized
waters lack it/this. Absolutely necessary in home aquariums, but
not at too high concentrations>
I feel that part of my tank problems is me finding incorrect
information on the web. I will NEVER
go anywhere besides your site EVER again. You are incredible!
Thank you so much.
<Welcome. BobF>
Need help with figuring the amount of crushed coral.
GF Sys., loss, lack of alkalinity
Hello Wet Web Media, I hope things are going well for all of you.
I've written for information and direction from your sight before
and loved every treasonable pearl of information and insight that
I've received actually applied. I want to say thank you in
Here is what I have now:
The first tank is a 75 gallon tank
Filtration = 1 Penn Plex canister (265 gph) and a Marineland Penguin
Biowheel 300.
I also have an Aqua Euro USA 1/10 Max Chiller.
Temporarily stocked with:
2- Black Moore <Moors>, one telescoped each are 1 and a
Ã'½ inches long from mouth to tail. (This is there
<their> permanent home)
3- Fantails each are 1 and Ã'½ inches long from
mouth to tail. (Moving to the 240gallon)
3-Ruyunkin each are 1 and Ã'½ inches long from
mouth to tail. (Moving to the 240gallon)
2-Blue Oranda each are 1 and Ã'½ inches long long
from mouth to tail. (Moving to the 240gallon)
Ammonia = 0.ppm
Nitrites= 0.ppm
Nitrates = 20.00ppm
Ph= 7.6 when I do a 25% water change about every 2-3days, however this
will quickly drop down to 6.0 within 8 hours.
<?! You NEED to bolster the alkalinity here. READ: http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwhardness.htm
and http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwph,alk.htm
And at least use a commercial buffering product, perhaps Neale's
mix to kick up your alkaline reserve. Too-low pH and too
quickly/vacillating can be real trouble>
I've actually tested to see what the water was doing every hour and
watched my ph levels drop down so low.
I also have a 240 gallon tank (96"x24"x24") that I'm
still setting up. I plan to have only 18 Goldies in this oneI also have
a 10 gallon qt tank
I've read that to buffer the water so that it will stay stable at
7.2 or 7.6 you can use crushed coral. Now I've tried just using a
mesh bag full of crushed coral however that wasn't enough.
<Mmm, no; wouldn't be>
My ph levels would just drop so rapidly down to 6.2 as though there was
something gulping it down with a very wide mouth asking for more and
laughing at my efforts.
<A lack of buffering capacity. Again, do STOP placing life/livestock
till you understand, have solved this issue>
I toke liberty to clean and then mix some of the crush coral with my
river rock substrate. Now, 1st: would this be okay to do. If so how
much would you advise for me to use in this 75 gallon tank and
anticipating having this same problem in my 240 gallon tank how much
would I use in this one as well. I'm not concerned about the price
because I have a 40lbd bag of crushed coral that I got from my lfs for
$25. 2ndly, if this isn't good then please enlighten me with your
valuable treasure of information so that my Goldies can thrive and live
long healthy happy lives.
<Well... Am not a fan of the use of such gravel/substrate w/ fancy
goldfish... Too sharp for their mouths, bodies when seeking food,
flashing against the bottom... PLEASE look into additives you can
place/mix in w/ your new water during change-outs... OR water that you
have thereabouts that isn't run through a/the filtration process
that is removing nearly all mineral. Do you understand?
Mmm, read here as well: http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/GldfshH2OF.htm
Particularly the bits on GH and KH.
Bob Fenner>
Thank you for your time and insight; it's much appreciated by both
me and my Goldies. Dedra
Re: Please help me save my babies; GF sys... water quality
Hello Neale;
I guest that I should have addressed my issue to you because I just
don't understand what the last individual had said to me.
<That appears to be Bob Fenner, owner of this site.>
I've corresponded with you before in the past and had no problems
understanding what you have instructed me to do.
<Good to know.>
Yes it is so obvious that I need to bolster the alkalinity.
<Well, only "obvious" if the pH drops down between water
changes. If the pH is more or less stable, then leave it alone! Doing
two water changes per week instead of one may be the best way to arrest
small pH drops. Remember, pH drops in fish tanks because of the water
pollutants accumulate over time. With each water change these are
removed, so a water change is a bit like hitting a "reset"
button. If you do two water changes in a week instead of one, you reset
the tank twice, each time resetting the tank after a smaller pH drop.
Now, alkalinity is the property of water that prevents pH drops. The
more alkalinity, the less the pH can drop.
Freshwater aquarists hardly ever talk about alkalinity though; instead
they talk about carbonate hardness. The two things are the same in
terms of what they do, but the chemistry is looked at in very slightly
different ways.>
I need to know with what being that I haven't a clue on what to
<My recommendation is simple. Use the Rift Valley salt mix described
on the following page, but at only one-half the dosage recommended.
Where you see level teaspoon or tablespoon measurements per 5 US
gallons, use half teaspoon or tablespoon amounts. The resulting mixture
should create hard, alkaline water of the sort Goldfish love. You
should find the pH somewhere between 7.5 and 8, and that it doesn't
vary much between water changes, even if you happen to skip a week by
Could you please help me and instruct me through this faze.
The crushed coral is lying underneath the river rock so that my Goldie
babies will not get hurt buy it.
<I would not use crushed coral in a Goldfish tank. Goldfish like
digging, and plain smooth silica sand (sold in the US as pool filter
sand) is the best thing, or else fine gravel. Coarse gravel is often
used by sometimes they swallow pieces and it gets stuck in their
throats. In any event, you can carry on using what you have, but do be
aware that crushed coral in the aquarium or filter gets covered with
bacteria, algae and dirt, and eventually stops buffering the water. So
while it's useful in marine aquaria, even there it isn't relied
upon to help with water chemistry.>
Thank you,
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Please help me save my babies; 10/11/11
Thank you so much Neale :). I understand now and will use the Rift
Valley salt mix you recommend.
<Glad to help.>
Once again I've learned something from you and am very please and
satisfied. Hope you've enjoyed your vacation.
Cheers, Dedra
<Thanks for the kind words. Best of luck, Neale.>
Strange pH and Snail-killing Killifish? 9/30/11
Hi crew,
I've been in touch with Neale (who's been MOST helpful) on and
off regarding a new 4' x 1.5' x 1.5', 220L tank that has no
lights and is sitting next to a window (no direct sunlight) with Val,
Indian Fern/Watersprite, Java moss and fern growing very nicely in the
2.5 weeks it's been set up.
<Sounds nice.>
The filter was cycled in 10 days with pre-seeded media from an old
bio-filter. 6 Melanotaenia praecox and 1 Aplocheilus Lineatus were
added 4 days ago from my 60L home tank (they'd been in that tank 4
months or so).
Tank vitals today are:
Temp: 28 deg C
Ph : 7.4 (currently)
Ammonia: 0 ppm
Nitrite: 0 ppm
Nitrate: 5-10 ppm (colour is between two on the chart)
GH: 4 deg.s
I have 2 questions if that's O.K.?
1) The pH of the water coming out of the tap is 7.0. Last week the pH
was around this, but has been steadily rising since, until the last 3
days when the pH has been stable at or close to 7.4. In the tank is
gravel, some small granite rocks (with java moss anchored to them) and
river stones, 2 terra cotta pots and some bogwood/roots (as well and
the plants and fish).
Do you have any idea what might be causing the pH to rise?
<Photosynthesis and biological decay. Providing the pH doesn't
vary wildly, like from 7 to 8.5 and back again each day, don't
worry too much. It's perfectly normal for pH to change slightly in
any aquarium, and if animals and plants seem happy, and you keep up
with weekly water changes, don't worry. If you want, use a pH
buffer, but really, there's little need in a well-maintained,
moderately-stocked aquarium.>
2) I had A LOT of baby tadpole snails and a few baby Ramshorn snails in
the tank (piggy-backed in on the plants) until yesterday, when only a
few (at most) remained. The fish (as stated) went in 4 days ago. Is it
likely that the killifish (or one of the rainbowfish) took a liking to
<Possibly, but I'm not aware of a snail-eating
Cheers, thanks a lot and awesome website as always,
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Strange pH and Snail-killing Killifish - add on stocking questions
Thanks a lot Neale - good stuff.
<Glad to help.>
Definitely no snails at all now - something got to 'em!!
Of course, sending my previous email and reading your response has
prompted a few more questions - hope you don't mind?!?!
Is it strange that my water should be so soft, yet have a pH of
<No, not that strange. While pH and hardness are connected, the
connection is not as clear-cut as beginners suppose. Carbonate hardness
is the stuff that affects pH, and if you have low general hardness but
high carbonate hardness, your test kit might tell you have both soft
water and an alkaline pH.>
Next. After what I hope is some decent thought and planning, I intend
to stock the tank as follows. Each new set of fish will spend two weeks
in quarantine (60L/15g tank) and will be introduced in the order as
listed. Please let me know if I'm off the mark with any of these,
their order, or over-stocked when I'm theoretically done. Of course
6 Melanotaenia praecox and 1 Aplocheilus Lineatus already live in the
tank, plus my tank particulars can be found in the history to this
email. Filtering is handled by an Eheim 2215 canister with just shy of
3x turnover per hour (a bit on the low side I realise, but the current
seems pretty scary, even put through the spray bar).
10x Hyphessobrycon pulchripinnis - currently in quarantine and might
add up to 5 more depending on how they go/stocking levels.
<A nice species. Not the hardiest tetra in the trade, and a bit
bland under mediocre conditions, but an excellent species for soft,
well-planted tanks. Blackwater extract makes all the difference when it
comes to colouration, but failing that, shady conditions and a dark
substrate are what you want.>
3x Crossocheilus siamensis - amazingly a LFS here has the real deal
(based on the WWM article) for SG$2 each. Get 'em while they're
hot (and available!). Will putting these 3 in a 60L quarantine tank for
2 weeks cause WW3 to break out? I'm not sure how else to quarantine
them given my facilities
<These are schooling fish in the wild, and while a trio is a gamble,
you might be lucky. They're far, FAR less belligerent than the
look-alike Flying Foxes and various Garra species.>
2 or 4x Trichogaster leeri or Trichogaster fasciata (1:1 male to female
ratio) - would prefer fasciata, but haven't seen them in a LFS in
Singapore yet :-(
<T. leeri is generally a good fish, and if anything, T. microlepis
even better, despite being a shade larger.>
1x Ctenopoma acutirostre - will this munch the Lemon tetras? The tetras
are almost the size of the Dwarf Neon Rainbows.
<Potentially a threat, yes, but does depend on their size. If reared
together from young and trained to take alternative foods,
shouldn't be too much of a risk. On the other hand, throw some
adults in there, and yes, they'll view small tetras as
2x Pelvivachromis pulcher (1m, 1f). Would love these, but not sure if
they'll work, esp. with the Anabantoids and SAEs, plus I
haven't seen them in any LFS here in Singapore yet. Maybe could
order them especially
<Could work well. Will breed all the time though, which gets
annoying. A single female might be just as fun.>
That's my lot - thanks for making it this far! Sorry for the huge
Thanks so much crew/Neale, I think it's donation-time...
<Do feel free to buy us a beer at the front door of the website!
It's been over 25 C here in England this week, a very unusual
"Indian Summer" for this time of year. Cheers,
Re: Strange pH and Snail-killing Killifish - add on stocking questions
Thanks so much Neale,
<You're welcome.>
With the SAEs, if they're schooling fish in the wild, should I be
getting more than 3 for my tank? I based my number of three on the
advice in Bob's article on SAEs on WWM, where he gives specific
information about much space each individual requires.
<Well, schools of 6 or more don't need "gallons per
fish" because they school together. Yes, there's a hierarchy,
but the bigger the group, the less likely that problems will occur.
It's really not much different to keeping things like Discus or
Angels. On the other hand, in smaller groups the dominant fish is prone
to bullying the weaker ones. Complicating matters is the wide
availability of non-schooling, distinctly territorial look-alike
species such as Garra cambodgiensis and the Flying Fox, both of which
are best kept singly. I have a single Garra cambodgiensis, and it's
an excellent algae eater as well as an entertaining fish, but it throws
its weight around at times, chasing loaches and other bottom
Also, regarding the possible Krib pair, I was thinking that the
Killifish and Spotted Ctenopoma would eat most of the parents' fry,
despite their best efforts at defense.
<A pair of Kribs will beat even adult Ctenopoma acutirostre into
submission. Do not underestimate the strength of these little
What they lack in sheer size they make up for in tenacity and teamwork.
In any event, Ctenopoma acutirostre feed primarily at the surface, and
in the wild mostly stuff like mosquito larvae as well as, I dare say,
the occasional small fish. In terms of behaviour they are extremely
similar to South American Angelfish, and I'd argue they're
African fish occupying much the same ecological niche.>
Being a classroom tank where I teach, I was hoping to demonstrate some
breeding behaviour to the kids. Would this be overly stressful/cruel to
the Krib adults, or should I just give any fry away to a trusted LFS
instead (assuming I get a male Krib to go with the female)?
<The Kribs will protect their fry extremely well for the first 2-3
weeks, after which point they lose interest and the fry go off and fend
for themselves. Whether the other fish cull the fry then I cannot say;
but possibly. There's some recent scientific research that suggests
cichlids actually exhibit a true weaning behaviour similar to that of
mammals and birds where the parents steadily make life more difficult
for the offspring so that their offspring eventually choose to go off
on their own. While tangential to your question, this does highlight
the value of the Cichlidae as models for understanding
"higher" animal behaviours within the confines of labs or
classrooms. It turns out that cichlids are every bit as sophisticated
as mammals and birds, and that fish aren't "lower"
animals in any objective sense.>
Thanks crew/Neale, I'll stop asking questions eventually!
<Cheers, Neale.>
Brewing Water... ongoing FH env. issues... pH/GH
Hi Crew, Neale to be specific,
<Hello Eric,>
Got question for you, I have decided to use my two old 75 gallon
aquariums as brew tanks for the water that I am going to use for my
water changes.
One tank for my Flowerhorns aquarium and one for my other aquariums.
The questions I have are these. 1. Do I need aeration in these tanks or
just water circulation, I was going to install a powerhead and a
circulation pump in each tank. I am also going to install JBJ Titanium
heaters in these tanks so I can guarantee proper water temps.
<Circulating with an airstone or powerhead is a good idea. It takes
about an hour to fully dissolve salt mixes, so aerating for an hour is
really useful. Some folks aerate overnight, and that's good if your
tap water contains dissolved gases and tends to change in pH rapidly.
Otherwise, it's overkill, and an hour is fine.>
2. If I decide to use the mix that you recommend for Flowerhorns and
Parrot Cichlids (Per 5 US gallons (20 litres) add the following amounts
of each ingredient: one-half level teaspoon baking soda; one-half level
tablespoon Epsom salt; and one-half level teaspoon marine salt mix
(Reef Crystals, Instant Ocean, etc.)) is it ok to use aquarium salt
instead of the reef crystals or instant ocean? And can I just add this
mix to my brew tanks?
<Yes, you can use aquarium salt, but marine salt is better because
it has more trace elements and it adds buffering capacity to the water.
So by all means use up aquarium salt, but if the cost isn't a major
factor, switch to marine salt as/when you can. For Flowerhorn cichlids,
half the dosage should be ample unless you have very soft water. In
other words, where the recipe says per 5 gallons:
1 teaspoon baking soda (sodium bicarbonate)
1 tablespoon Epsom salt (magnesium sulfate)
1 teaspoon marine salt mix (sodium chloride + trace elements)
Instead use this per 10 gallons/40 litres.>
3. I bought a new Nutrafin Master Test Kit and I checked my GH and KH
of my Flowerhorns Aquarium, my dH is 14.56 but my KH is 220 mg/l, in
your writings you state that the KH should be at least 5 degrees, what
would 5 degrees be in mg/l, or do I use the same conversion for KH as I
do for dH?
<1 degree KH is just under 18 mg/l calcium carbonate. So 5 degrees
KH is 5 x 18 = 90 mg/l calcium carbonate. It's all here:
Don't be too worried about the exact value. Carbonate hardness is
all about stabilizing the pH, and if your pH stays stable from one week
to the next, you're fine! You have a nice high level of general
hardness, 14-15 degrees dH, and that's perfect for these
Thanks so darn much for putting up with all of my questions. I am
trying to d my best to learn as much as again about this wonderful
Thank You
<Thanks for the kind words. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Brewing Water 9/14/11
Thanks for the info but this brings me to another question, when I
tested my tap water the pH is 7.0 but after three days in a Rubbermaid
tote with dechlorinator, a heater set to 80 and a circulation pump (
not a power head) the pH is all the way up to 8.5 and
higher. How can I get this to stabilize?
<The higher pH is likely the correct one. When water is underground
it can absorb CO2 or minerals that lower its pH. When the water is
"aged" in a barrel, some of those chemicals leave the water,
and the result is a change in pH, typically a rise. The pH
shouldn't go up above 8.5, so a 24-hour period of ageing should be
fine. On the flip side, if you're worried, then do smaller, but
more frequent, water changes so that the fish isn't exposed to
dramatic changes. Instead of changing 30% once a week, change 15%
a week.>
Is that were the KH comes in and if so what can I do to keep the pH at
the appropriate number for my Cichlid or the rest of my tanks for that
<No; carbonate hardness, measured in degrees KH, is usually picked
up when water flows through limestone-rich places, such as chalk
aquifers underground. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Brewing Water 9/14/11
Hi Crew, Neale to be specific
So in reading some of your writings I came across this: The carbonate
hardness scale is based on the concentration of carbonate and
bicarbonate and is a reflection of the *buffering capacity* of the
water. *Water with a high buffering capacity resists changes in pH
either up or down, resulting in very stable water conditions.*
When I start my brew tanks my pH right out of the tap will be 7.0-7.5,
how can I keep the pH at that level? Will the mix that you suggested
boost the buffering capacity of this water so that when the water ages
in the brew tanks the pH doesn't rise so bad? Or do I need to do
something else to keep the pH at the acceptable 7-8 for my
<Yes, the Rift Valley salt mix contains lots of carbonate hardness
-- the bicarbonate of soda -- and even at half-dose should provide very
stable water conditions. Aerating the new water overnight helps it
"de-gas", a really good idea if your water has unstable pH
levels. Stir in the Rift Valley salt mix as well, and the result should
be extremely stable water. Try it out with a bucket of water, and see
what happens!
Cheers, Neale.>
Alkalinity & P.H. in a large system-
Dear Crew, I work for a large pet store chain {yeah, I know]
<There is no shame in this work. I was employed by Petco in the
early nineties for three years, as a consultant and buyer, assisting
the bringing in of livestock>
& have for 10 years. I have always used your site as a reference
& it has helped me in many ways in trying to give correct
information about freshwater aquariums. My question is about the comet
system in our store. I don't know the exact gallons but we have 6
tanks about 30 gallons each. The water is supposed to be tested twice a
week using the test strips that are dipped in water. For the past 5
weeks when I test the water in the comet system it shows Nitrate 80
Nitrite 0 ammonia .5 . This is high to me but I understand it, what I
don't understand is why the P.H. is so low at 6.0 & the
alkalinity is off the chart below 75.
<The prevailing acidic, reductive conditions, borne of the biomass
and metabolism of the goldfish nick away at the alkaline reserve,
dropping the pH. Actually good/better by far that the pH is low
considering the presence of ammonia here>
We have 2 systems that are not connected but the water comes from the
same source. The water in the main system stays the same at P.H. 7.8
& alkalinity at 120, nitrates & nitrites 0.What would make the
comet system this way if they have the same water source?
<See above... "simple" nitrification really>
I have brought this to the attention of several managers but with no
answers. This system didn't used to be like this, it would stay
around 7.2 P.H. & 120 alkalinity with a little fluctuation in the
nitrates usually 0 to 20 & nitrites & ammonia at 0.
<Likely contributions to the alkalinity from substrate here. These
are largely exhausted, melted away... you could add a soluble carbonate
based gravel... or baking soda, or a commercial prep.>
Although I would never do anything to the system except change the
filter, I am curious as to how it could have gotten that way & how
you would fix it in a system this large.
<Please read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/pHAlkTroubF.htm
and the linked files above... for background, explanation. >
Any is information is much appreciated. I just want to understand this
for myself. Thanks Lisa B.
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
I can't get the pH up . . . and my tap
water measures just fine. So what gives? 8/18/11
Hi ya'll and greetings from Dallas, Texas!
<Greetings from Berkhamsted, England!>
This is my first time asking WWM a question, so please bear with
<Fire away!>
I have a tropical 30-gal. tank with 3 albino Corys (1 adult and 2
small), 1 angel, 4 mature silver dollars, and 1 van Rio tetra.
Ultimately, I want to add a plecostomus
<No space for a Plecostomus; these are typically Pterygoplichthys
species (pronounced terry-gopp-lick-this, if you're wondering) and
grow to about 35-45 cm/14-18 inches. Even in a tank twice as big as
yours, such a fish will grow too big, too quickly. On the other hand,
the Bristlenose Catfish, Ancistrus sp., is an excellent alternative.
Very hardy, eats algae better than a Plec, and only gets to about 12
cm/5 inches at most.>
and 3-4 additional van Rio tetras to keep my "Mother's Day
gift" tetra company. I read ya'll's suggestion about
having more than one angel, but I am not sure how they would get along
with the van Rios. I read that Neons are the angel's natural prey,
so I wondered about the van Rios. If I did add them, I was thinking
about 2 more angels. But, they can be bullies. So much for
existing/potential fauna.
<Hmm well, in your tank, a single Angel is the best idea. Yes,
Angels can/will eat Neons given the chance, but not all farmed Angels
get that big, so some folks have mixed them together without problems.
Use your own judgment there, and the best approach is to add the Neons
and the Angels to the tank when they're both small. With luck, the
Angel will grow to adult size without thinking about the Neons as
anything other than scenery. That's the theory, anyway! You do have
a slight problem that Neons and Peppered Corydoras (which is what
Albino Corys usually are) prefer cooler water to Angels, 22-25 C for
the Neons and Corydoras versus 25-30 C for the Angels. Your Von Rio
Tetra (a name I'd not heard in England before) is Hyphessobrycon
flammeus, a fairly adaptable species that does well between 22-28 C, so
they aren't a problem, and the same holds true for Silver Dollars.
So you do need to keep the temperature at 25 C, or 77 F in old money.
Hyphessobrycon flammeus is usually shy and very peaceful but
Hyphessobrycon species can sometimes be nippy, so do watch out for
signs of fin-nipping on the Angel especially.>
As a point of history, I inherited the fish with no warning from
someone who had kept them in a 10-gal. tank for the past 3 years. I
recently replaced 2 of the albino Corys who did not survive the
following abrupt change in circumstances, and the van Rio replaced 2
other tetras who likewise did not make it. I had to set up the tank or
the prior owner was going to throw them away! When I was in the kitchen
getting more water, my daughter let him in and he just netted them into
the partially filled tank and threw the existing water down the toilet!
I was dumbfounded and horrified! Needless to say, I fought a "sick
tank" for the next two months. But that is now behind us and the
survivors are doing well -- finally! I added the two Corys two weeks
ago, before I identified the low pH problem, but they have done well
<Actually, all these fish prefer soft, acidic water, so a low pH
shouldn't be an issue.>
I have a 40 gal. pump with a bubble stone in one corner and a bubble
screen across the back (so aeration is not a problem). I have arranged
the tank so that there are calm areas for all the fish to rest in as
well as areas of current. I have an appropriate submersible premium
heater, an Aqueon filter, ornaments and artificial plants, and a gravel
base all made for a tropical tank. All of my live plants keep slowly
dying back. I read ya'll's suggestion that a sand base would be
better for the Corys and will move that way once everything is
stabilized. (Okay, "ya'll" is a quaint colloquialism, but
live with it. It is how we speak!)
<And you'll have to forgive me having been brought up with a
Midwestern parent with a typically Midwestern opinion of Texans! Here
in England all we know about Texans is Ewing Oil, Bush 43, and those
great big hats.>
I feed the fish Omega One Freshwater Flakes and add Top Fin Algae
Thins. I usually do a 10% weekly water change cleaning lightly each
time with a gravel cleaner. About once a month, I do a more thorough
cleaning and about a 20% water change, because I take out that much
more water doing the more thorough cleaning.
Up until about a month ago, I had the fish in a 15-gal. tank. I
transferred all of the 15 gal. of water from the prior tank, then added
water treated with API Stress Coat and, finally, the fish. I felt it
was important to place the fish into the larger tank as quickly as I
could in order to reduce temperature fluctuations as much as possible
because I lost 3 fish the prior week due to the heat.
<I see. As stated, some of these fish prefer cooler conditions. One
of the surprises for many people is that the hottest parts of the world
are not in the tropics but in the warm temperate zone, including the
Southwestern United States. Many tropical fish simply can't cope
with such extreme conditions. The key issue is usually lack of oxygen.
Understock the tank, and ensure lots of water movement. Don't
confuse air bubbles from an air pump with oxygen. All air bubblers do
is circulate the water; they don't force oxygen into the water.
Beneficial, yes, but only if water is thoroughly mixed at all levels of
the tank.>
We have had one of the hottest summers on record, with almost 60 days
above 100 F, and many in the 108 F range up to 111 F, and they still
keep coming. (We average only 16 days above 100 F.) As a result we have
not been able to keep the room temperature as cool as the fish (dogs,
guinea pigs and humans) would like it, with some
afternoon-through-early morning temperatures reaching 88 F up to 95 F
in the living room where the tank is located. Very unpleasant. I have
finally been able to get the tank temperature down to 77 F in the past
few days after relocating it under the path of the air conditioning
vent and through evaporation and an arrangement of four fans. So far, I
have not had any fish become ill since the transfer to the larger tank.
The heat should break in the next 2-3 weeks, if it follows the usual
larger weather pattern (a hurricane/tropical storm making Texas
<Now, do try this in summer. Grab some litre-sized food cartons.
Fill with tap water, then freeze. When it gets hot, float one of these
(unopened) in the tank. That should cool the aquarium down quite a bit.
Replace with another one when it has melted, and refreeze the used one
as often as required. A second technique is to open the top of the tank
and place a fan nearby. Evaporation will remove heat from the tank. The
main danger here is some fish may jump out, typically loaches,
eel-shaped fish, and surface swimmers like Danios and Minnows. On the
whole midwater tetras and Angels should be fine, as should catfish.
Finally, if all else fails, you can buy a marine aquarium chiller.
These aren't cheap -- typically $150 upwards -- but they work very
well, and given you'd only need the thing for 2-3 months per year,
would be economical to run.>
The problem is that my tank tests as low a pH as my Tetra 5-in-1 test
strips will register. Our water comes from dammed artificial lakes
which are fed by streams/creeks/rivers that run through a limestone
base, resulting in water which is hard to very hard.
<In itself not a bad thing. As it happens, I have an article in this
season's WWM Digital magazine that you can read online all about
hard water community tank options, here:
Other than the GH and pH, the readings are in the "ideal"
range. I have done 20% daily water changes for the past ten days but
have been unable to detect any rise in the pH. My LFS expert (and he is
the best of the ones in the area) is stumped except to suggest it might
be a reaction to something put in the water to reduce algal growth (a
problem with the municipal system every summer), but that is just a
guess. I believe that if that were the problem, it would be more
common. I have the same water source as three LFS's and they are
not reporting the problem.
<Don't worry about it. If the general hardness is about right,
and the fish are healthy, ignore the pH.>
Now, I do have a possible problem reading the test strips, particularly
the bottom of the 3 GH tests and the pH. The vast majority of the
readings are as I have stated, but there is a very thin rim (almost a
shadow) of a different reading around the edges; i.e., the pH reads
yellow at 6.4 (as low as it shows), but the square is barely rimmed in
orange which matches 7.2 to 7.6. I have assumed that the greater
majority of the square is the correct reading and provided that.
<These dip strips can be difficult to use. Have your retailer use a
liquid test kit on your pH.>
In addition, during the past 3 weeks, I have noticed a brown bloom of
some sort on my original ornaments (the rest came with the gifted
aquarium and were dried out). This stuff is 3-dimensional and slimy. I
think it is algal because there appear to be tracks where it has been
eaten off (by the Corys?).
<Snails leave distinctive zig-zag "tyre tracks" as they
graze with their snouts from side to side, so it might be those. In any
case, likely diatoms if a flat film, or else red algae (the name is
misleading) if like tufts of grass, threads, or bushy lumps. Red algae
typically occurs in overstocked tanks with mediocre water quality and
too few (or no) fast-growing plants.>
I have read what ya'll have written and learned a lot about high pH
and soft water, but I have not found my exact problem. Please continue
my adventure in water chemistry.
Thank you so very much for your time and assistance.
<Do have your water tested for general hardness and carbonate
hardness (KH) as well as pH; then get back to me. Cheers,
Re: I can't get the pH up . . . and my tap water measures just
fine. So what... 9/7/11
Hi ya'll!
<What ho!>
I have been unsuccessful finding a LFS who has a liquid pH test. (They
really trust the strips that much??)
<I guess.>
But my tank is doing well. All the fish appear healthy. I have
successfully added some tetras. I have added plants, again. Thanks for
encouraging me to "chill" and ignore the pH reading. I was
able to keep the tank temperature down with your tip.
<Glad to hear this.>
The extreme heat broke on Sunday, but it is coming back up again. We
desperately need rain. Wildfires have been continuously raging all over
Texas since December. We are one day short of the all-time record 69
days above 100F, and probably will top it in the next two weeks.
Just so you are up to date on truly important world affairs . . . they
are bring back "Dallas" this fall. Watch for "big
hair" on the ladies, a Texas signature even we make fun of.
<Have to admit to having enjoyed 'Dallas' the first time
around, even though I was just a kid at the time.>
FYI -- I haven't seen a cowboy hat, an oil well or any cattle since
a road trip two years ago.
<I wear cowboy boots about half the days of the week. But I buy them
when I'm visiting Nebraska, so they might not be quite the real
thing! Corn-fed rather than longhorn cattle hide!>
But, someone is keeping horses on the undeveloped land adjacent to the
new state-of-the-art Children's Medical Center of Plano.
Agricultural usage lowers property taxes significantly. And, we do have
a frequent problem with suburban coyotes and the occasional mountain
Thanks again. I appreciate your commitment to helping as well as your
ability to educate and communicate your tremendous expertise to us
average enthusiasts.
Nancy in Dallas
<Thanks for the kind words, and I'm really pleased you're
enjoying your hobby. Good luck, Neale.>
All is well until the pH spikes. 6/22/11
WWM Crew,
First: Accolades for your hard work and dedication to our water
friends. I am sure you have saved many a fish. Second, sorry this is so
long I just wanted you to know the history and time frame. Now on to
businessI had not the foggiest idea about fish tanks or fish for that
matter when my husband purchased a Marineland Eclipse
6 (full hood, filter, light and Biowheel) for our
We set it up 2/11/11 never bothered checking the pH, ammonia, nitrites,
nitrates or anything, we just added some water conditioner (tetra-safe)
then when the tanks temperature was stable at 74 degrees we stocked it
with 1 Male Guppy, 2 Glow Fish and 1 Albino Corydoras cat, all was good
for about 10 days then the water started fogging up and the Cory died.
We took a sample of the water back to the LFS (Petco) and then from the
employees advice, just made the situation worse, they gave us another
Cory for the deceased one and told us we needed to bring the ammonia
levels down and the livestock should be fine, just do 20% water changes
every 3-5 days even though my ammonia levels were through the roof
(1.0-2.0 ppm). I went through 3 more Corys before finally giving up on
Corys all together. The fish that have survived the tremendous ammonia
were still for the most part pretty active, a couple weeks later I
tried an Oto Cat, big mistake again because I could not get my ammonia
levels down, I got another batch of terrible advise <advice> from
the Petco people and finally after about 2 Ã'½
months of terrible advice and trying the limited water changes
repeatedly I decided to go to a proper fish supplier located about 20
miles away, I am glad I did. I took my water sample to them and they
proceeded to tell me I have pH so low it wont even turn the water any
color at all and if the pH is too low the good bacteria will not grow,
I have to fix the root problem before I can tackle the ammonia problem,
and likely the cats were dying because of the tank water being way too
acidic, it was burning their gills. That was a start, I found your
website and I have followed your recommendations since the beginning of
May, by doing up to a 50% water change (even if it means cycling the
tank-and thanks to you guys I know what that means now) and I have
added Ã'½ teaspoon baking soda to a five gallon
bucket of treated tap water and let it sit for a minimum of 48 hours
before using the water. I had a nitrite spike (3.0 ppm), which was
easily cleared up with a water change. I thought my tank has finally
fully cycled (May 15)not so fast, the ammonia started spiking again and
I was doing at least 30% water changes daily to keep the ammonia levels
down to below .25 ppm. I was maintaining the pH at 7.6 for 2 weeks and
finally getting no ammonia readings either, yeehawI finally got this
whole tank thing down so I added another Guppy (May 29). Uh Oh, I spoke
too soon, its been a good 5-week run for my tank. I tried looking for
my latest problem on your site and found little to work from hence my
contacting you now. I have Eclipse System 6, 2 Guppy, 2 Glow Fish, and
a thriving/growing great Cryptocoryne Wendtii (added in March per some
more bad advise that it would help with the ammonia, but the little
plant just loves it in our tank) my API Master Test Kit tells me that
yesterday my pH was 7.6, Ammonia 0 ppm, nitrite 0 ppm, nitrate 0 ppm,
my quick-dip strip tells me my GH is between 25-50 ppm, chlorine 0, and
KH between 120-180. So all looks fine yesterday, today is a different
story everything tests the same except the pH and the KH, now the pH is
at 8.2 and the quick dip test strip shows the KH is over 180 ppm (not
as dark as the 300 color block but for sure darker than the 180 color
block). My four fish are very active, chasing each other (not
aggressively as they all chase each other and get along really great)
around the tank and eating like normal, everything seems to be ok with
them so should I start to worry and what would you recommend for this
<I would not change a thing here re water quality... and stick w/
your protocol for water changes, make-up, the blending in of baking
soda. The most important aspect/measure of health/success here is the
"apparent" behavior of your livestock, and your
testing/results are fine as indicated. Bob Fenner>
Thanks in advance for your advice and recommendations.
Freshwater Tank Setup with Coral Sand PH too High
I was wondering what you would recommend that I could do in order to
lower the PH in my tank.
<Remove the coral sand. It has no place in an aquarium like
Unfortunately I was sold coral sand for setting up a planted freshwater
community tank. Now that it is setup and all plants and fish,
driftwood, rocks, etc. are in the tank I don't want to go through
the process of taking everything out of the tank, including the fish
who may die in the process to replace the substrate with gravel.
<No, no risk of that. Remove the coral sand. Then, over the next few
weeks, replace 20% of the water as per normal each weekend, and you
should find that as the pH and hardness changes, the fish adapt just
My PH hovers between 8 and 8.4 and a bunch of my fish have died because
of it, tetras, catfish, platies, etc.. The PH of my tapwater is about
7.7 and I believe most of those guys would live if my PH stayed in that
<Now, like most beginners you're concentrating on pH, which
isn't the key thing. Hardness is what matters! Let's assume you
have hard water. That being the case you want to choose species that
thrive in hard water or tolerate hard water. Livebearers and
Rainbowfish are consistently good choices, and among tetras, species
such as Bloodfins, X-Ray Tetras and Penguin Tetras are notable for
their tolerance of hard, alkaline water.>
I have a large piece of driftwood in my tank (56 gallon bow tank) and I
did some research and found that adding driftwood can lower the PH.
<Yes, but not in hard water, unless you have tons of the
One question that I have is will adding more driftwood to the tank,
counter act the PH raising effect of the coral sand?
<Won't work.>
If not is there anything else I can do, as I have tried chemicals such
as Neutral Regulator from SeaChem and that seems to do nothing to help
the situation.
<Yikes! Don't try and change pH before altering water chemistry
first. In this case, remove all the coral sand so that the water
hardness drops, and then accept the hard water you have from your tap
water. Determine its water chemistry, then choose species for your
community accordingly.>
Any information would be greatly appreciated!
<Read: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/fwsubwebindex/fwh2oquality.htm
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: water hardness and high pH 3/17/11
Hi doc, I re-did the water hardness test - did a bit of research and
reading first (thanks for the links) to understand what the hell it all
meant, and ultimately got a reading of "5" (the JBL test
appears to depict KH, and measures the number of drops it takes to
change the solution from blue to orange).....so does that equate to 5
degrees of general hardness, or 89 ppm? Which is actually soft, is it
<The JBL carbonate hardness test kit is the green/yellow one. The
JBL general hardness test kit is the reddish-brown one. Remember,
general and carbonate hardness are complementary things. You cannot
simply convert one into the other. You can, in theory, have water with
high carbonate hardness and low general hardness, or vice versa. A
carbonate hardness of 5 degrees KH is not a particularly high level of
carbonate hardness, but without knowing the general hardness as well,
it's impossible to say if the water is "soft" or
"hard". If for example you lived in Southern England, chances
would be good you have hard, alkaline water -- in other words,
you'd have a general hardness between 15-20 degrees dH, and a
carbonate hardness between 5-10 degrees KH. Such water typically has a
pH of about 7.5 to 8.5, depending on the carbonate hardness more than
anything else.>
Assuming I've understood it correctly, I seem to have soft,
slightly alkaline water. Now I'm really confused, I thought high pH
and hard water went hand in hand.
<Not at all. Bleach has a high pH but no hardness at all. Yes, water
with a high carbonate hardness ("alkalinity") does indeed
usually have a high pH, usually around 8, give or take a bit. But
general hardness effects pH much less so, so you have high general
hardness with a low carbonate hardness, and end up with a weakly basic
pH, say 7.2 to 7.5.>
But in any event, soft water appears to be more unstable and more
likely to suffer broad fluctuations in pH.
<Yes, but I don't think that's what you have here. In any
event, 5 degrees KH should inhibit pH changes extremely well.>
I have no idea what to do with that information now......does it affect
any of the existing community fish, any part of my regular maintenance
routine, or scupper my plan to have a couple of Bolivian Rams?
<If your general hardness is 10 degrees dH, and your carbonate
hardness is 5 degrees dH, you should be able to have a good mix of fish
including Bolivian Rams, hard water tolerant tetras like X-Ray Tetras,
Corydoras catfish, Cherry Shrimps, and even some of the less fussy
livebearers such as Platies.>
Ta v much
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: water hardness and high pH - 3/22/11
Hi Neale,
Ok, thanks, I'm getting there now on my understanding of carbonate
hardness and general hardness. Perhaps best thing to do would be to
take a sample to MA and get them to do a definitive test on pH and
water hardness, so I know for sure.
Whilst my mini-cycle was extremely short-lived and nitrite went back to
zero after 2 water changes, I also thought you might be interested to
know that I have moved out the last of the Loaches (de-planting the
whole tank in the process of catching them, again) and all of the
Gouramis. The weak panda Corydoras appeared to spring to life within
hours of the loaches being gone, and was feeding voraciously on
anything he could get his barbels on and then whizzing around the tank
with the others. Let's hope he's now properly on the road to
<Interesting. Corydoras are easily bullied, and a singleton even
more so.>
I also have some new residents. I know I know, I was supposed to hold
off for a few weeks, but a pair of Bolivian Rams appeared at my local
MA branch! I saw them last weekend but resisted until I'd removed
the other stock as you recommended, then I just had to reserve
them......there were none at any of the other branches, and none
expected in either.
I picked them up on Sunday and they've been settling in.....what
very beautiful, captivating fish they are, I am instantly smitten.
They're very shy, I don't see much of them at the moment!
Hopefully they'll settle in in time and grow bolder - there is
plenty of plant cover, I have bogwood breaking up portions of the tank,
and they have been creeping out for food. They are wary of the bossy
Ancistrus, but unfazed by the Corydoras fluttering all over them.
<They will settle down. These fish are quite outgoing in a happy
I gather that they are difficult to sex, the LFS suspected that they
are both males. From the little I've seen, they are more or less
similar in size (2.5 inches) and appearance and colouring, although one
definitely has a more intensely yellow chest/shoulders than the other.
They have been doing some very mild chasing, but no lip-locking, and
they have been seen to cruise the tank and feed as a pair. I'll
have to observe them for a few more days/weeks and see what transpires.
Once they are bolder I'll try to get pics!
<As always with cichlids, look at the spawning tube, also called the
genital papilla. This is the thing that sticks out just ahead of the
anal fin, close to the anus. In males it is often visible even when not
spawning, and looks like a sharp pointed tip. On females it is
sometimes not visible, but when it is, it looks blunter, thicker and
more rounded at the end. As you'd expect, one is for squirting out
a jet of sperm, and the other for squeezing out eggs one at a
That's all, really.......thanks for all the help you've
provided, invaluable as always. Any hints and tips for the Rams
appreciated, you know me, always learning..
<Glad to help, Neale.>
soft water with high pH? 2/27/11
I live in San Francisco and I'm setting up a tank for Fire Red
shrimp, the selectively bred red cherry shrimp. My problem is that the
pH of my tanks (and tap) is 8.6-8.8, although the kH and GH are 3 and 4
degrees... it could be the other way around as I'm not at home to
check... but it was soft. I've read that pH does not matter as much
as kH and GH, is this true?
What would you recommend I do? Thanks!
<Hello Lenee. The problem is that pH is a measure of how acidic or
basic the water is, rather than a test of water hardness. So while hard
water tends to be basic, while soft water tends to be acidic, there are
indeed exceptions. Ammonia, for example, will raise pH, even though it
isn't adding anything to either general or carbonate hardness. As a
rule, if your fish and/or shrimps look happy, and the pH itself is
stable between water changes, and the water quality is good, I would
not worry too much. Get some Cherry Shrimps or Fire Shrimps, leave them
in the tank, and see what happens! Cheers, Neale.>
High alkalinity, FW 1/24/11
Hi guys, how are you?
<The usual Sunday evening blues not looking forward to waking up at
the crack o' dawn tomorrow.>
I recently set up a 55 gallon fish tank, and I have had it running for
about two weeks. My pH coming out of my tap which is city water is
<What's the hardness though? The pH hardly matters, but the
hardness matters greatly.>
In my tank I have a regular white colored aquarium gravel, two pieces
of Malaysian drift wood, a couple fake plants, and ten cichlid rocks
that I purchased from aquariumfish.net.
<What on earth are "cichlid rocks"? Some sort of
hole-filled limestone? These will raise your carbonate hardness
(alkalinity). Lava rock, by contrast, is generally inert. In any case,
confirm with your retailer or check whether the material is alkaline
using the vinegar test.>
I would like south American cichlids in this tank so I'd like my pH
to be neutral, between 6.8-7.0. I have used pH down from an API pH test
kit several times in an attempt to reduce the pH level with no
<No, no, no! You DO NOT lower pH. You lower carbonate hardness. When
carbonate hardness is lowered, then pH goes down automatically. What
you're doing is not only unstable but won't actually help. Fish
come in two flavours -- hard water fish and soft water fish. You can go
happily through life without even testing for pH provided you know the
hardness. For South American cichlids you're after something around
5-10 degrees dH. If you have hard water out of the tap, then a 50/50
mix of tap water with RO or rainwater should work just fine by itself.
If your tap water has a low carbonate hardness, say, less than 5
degrees KH, then you may need to use a pH buffer to fish the pH around
7.0, the optimal for these fish (when pH drops below 7, biological
filtration slows down, so there's no real need to lower the pH to
6.5 unless you have a darn good reason AND a lightly stocked
After going to a fish store they told me to try a discus buffer after
doing a 50% water change. This did not work.
After several more doses the pH still has not dropped. I returned to
the store only to be told that my alkalinity is off the charts.
<There you go. You have hard water with a high carbonate
He wants me to remove everything from the tank, refill it with my tap
water, try to drop the pH and then slowly begin to add one thing at
time to see what could be causing the pH to be so high.
<Your retailer is selling you stuff you don't need, and
obviously hasn't a clue about water chemistry.>
I would like to get second opinion. I have bought everything from fish
stores and I have soft water.
<You may have a low general hardness but a high carbonate hardness.
Not uncommon with water filtered through limestone or chalk.>
Also, I have two Aqueon 55gallon power filters. One 150 watt tank
heater and two 3 inch air stones with the tubing. I would really
appreciate any advice that would be helpful in helping me fix these
<Do read:
Then either choose fish adapted to your water -- Firemouth cichlids for
example make hard water alternatives to Geophagine cichlids from South
America -- or else bite the bullet and invest in either a rainwater
butt or an RO filter. If creating soft water was as simple as adding a
pH potion, we'd all be doing it. But it doesn't work, and
that's why we spend money on RO filters or set up downpipes to
collect rainwater. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: High alkalinity
Thank you very much that.
<No problem.>
So my next step would be to buy a kH and dh test kit?
<Yes, you need to measure general and carbonate hardness.>
Maybe a pH buffer?
Also if I buy a RO filter does that mean I can't use the ones I
<You have an RO filter already?>
Also I was advised to put aquarium salt in the tank as well.
<Ordinary aquarium salt has no impact on general hardness, carbonate
hardness or pH. It's sodium chloride. Do understand the difference
between salinity and hardness.>
I don't know if this made it worse.
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: High alkalinity
So is a RO filter something that goes on before the tank or something
that goes on the houses water system?
<It's a device for producing pure water from tap water.
Expensive to buy and expensive to run, as well as wasteful of water,
but reliable and highly effective. Read here:
Do note that making hard water soft has always been dangerous,
difficult and expensive, which is why it isn't recommended for
beginners. Much better to choose fish suited to your water chemistry.
If you have hard water, there are lots and lots of good cichlid choices
from Central America and East Africa.
Cheers, Neale.>
Re: High alkalinity
Are there any other options than that or just going with different fish
because I want to try a cichlid tank and I like the variety of shapes
south Americans have. I feel like Africans all have same shapes just
different colors. Sorry to be a bother
<I didn't say "Africans". Lots of aquarists have this
idea that "African cichlids" is the same thing as Mbuna. It
is not. Try looking at the cichlids of Lake Tanganyika for a start, for
example Julidochromis and Lamprologus, or if you want a challenge,
Tropheus. In Lake Malawi, there are the non-Mbuna types including
Aulonocara, Cyrtocara, Nimbochromis and lots of others. These are all
very different to the drab, blue, hybridised "African" junk
widely sold in American pet stores especially. There are some South
American cichlids that will do well in hard water, including
Mikrogeophagus altispinosus at the smaller end and Gymnogeophagus
balzanii among the Eartheaters. When it comes to Central America, yes,
many are bruisers, but not all of them: little Herotilapia multispinosa
for example, and the bigger "Nicker" Hypsophrys
nicaraguensis, both of which are colourful, and, with care, suitable
for the right sort of community tank. A pair of Herotilapia
multispinosa might be kept alongside some Mexican tetras and
fast-moving livebearers like Swordtails, and these would positively
thrive in hard, alkaline water. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: High alkalinity 1/24/11
Thank you so much for all your insightful advice Neale. I am definitely
going to look into the types of Africans you mentioned. Thanks for your
patience and help. It's nice to know someone is always willing to
<Happy to help. Good luck with your selections. There are many
articles here at WWM on cichlids, including some recent additions by
Mary Bailey, a noted expert on Rift Valley cichlids. Cheers,
Discus dilemma! Sys., substrate/pH issue
<Hello Rob!>
First of all many thanks for taking the time to provide this site,
it's a fantastic repository of knowledge and it's been
absolutely invaluable to my fishkeeping adventures.
Based on this I would very grateful for any advice you don't mind
offering on a (long!) dilemma I am facing.
I have a 55 gallon long tank that has been set up for about eight
months and which has successfully housed five juvenile 2"-4"
discus (tank-bred S. aequifasciatus) and ten rummy nose tetras for
about the last five months. There is a reasonable amount of bogwood in
the tank interspersed with lots of Cabomba and other assorted plants
with one corner kept clear and covered with Pistia stratiotes to
provide a darker refuge spot for the discus. The plants are rooted in a
1.5" deep substrate of white 'river sand' and the whole
tank is filtered with a very large 2200lph canister filter with large
spray-bars set-up to minimise the current in the tank. The water
parameters are: 0mg/l ammonia and 0mg/l nitrite (or there abouts),
between 10mg/l and 30mg/l nitrate depending on how recently there has
been a water change (which I try to do bi-weekly to keep it below
<I'd do more often... or use other techniques to keep NO3 under
20 ppm max.>
and a KH usually around 6. The pH, until recently, was hovering around
6.8-7.0 and the discus were feeding and displaying themselves
Unfortunately some of the Cabomba wouldn't stay rooted in one of
the corners of the tank and after replanting it a dozen times I decided
to increase the depth of sand in that corner to provide the plant with
more space to root in properly. Instead of taking the sensible option
and driving the long distance to the specialty discus retailer I
normally use I opted to buy a generic brand 'white aquarium
sand' from my very LFS, a product the clerk assured me would be
fine in a discus tank.
<Mmm, some types of such substrate are okay, others...>
About 24-36 hours after I replanted the Cabomba I noticed that my
normally resplendent discus were huddling in their refuge spot, leaning
and turning brown. I immediately did a water test and found to my
horror that, while the other parameters were normal (slight rise in
KH), the pH was now about 8.2!
I immediately started doing small water changes using RO water mixed
with a small amount of dechlorinated tap water to help give the water
some buffering capacity (the tap water here is very hard with pH 8.0+
and KH 6.0-8.0) in an attempt to lower the pH of the tank again.
<You'll have to remove the substrate>
Even after slowly changing a large volume of the water in the tank over
the course of several days the pH kept climbing back to 8.0+, so I went
back to the LFS that sold me the sand and the manager confirmed that
the white sand I had been sold was in fact 'marine sand' (a
fact which you think they might write on the packaging!) and so it
seems any attempt to lower the pH of this tank is now entirely
pointless until I break the whole set-up down and remove all the
<This is so>
Surprisingly enough the rummy noses have not been noticeably affected
by the change in pH; although they did school a lot more tightly for a
while so there was probably some stress.
<Good observation>
Unsurprisingly the discus were extremely stressed for about three or
four days and lost most of their colour. Since then however the discus
have calmed down and regained much of the colour they lost, and are
feeding and displaying well again.
So my dilemma is this: do I break the tank down, start again with new
substrate and quickly drop the pH of their water which will be a huge
short-term shock to the discus (?),
<I would break the system down, or alternatively vacuum out the new
(and some of the old if necessary) substrate... and return all the
"sucked out" water... of the currently too-high pH... over
time (weeks) of regular water changes, the hardness and pH will
or, now that they have apparently
acclimatised to the new alkaline conditions, is it safer to leave them
as they are? Internet opinions about discus and pH seem to be deeply
divided on whether discus can live happily in high alkaline conditions,
with one half claiming that any pH over 7.5 will kill discus
<Perhaps wild-collected specimens>
and the other half claiming that tank-bred discus will live happily in
anything 6.0-9.0 pH so long as the water parameters are stable.
<Captive-produced stock/s are much more resilient to such
The only other tank-space I have spare is in an unused ten gallon
'Nano' which I don't think would work very well even as a
temporary solution.
I am planning on moving the discus in the next year or two into a very
large 5x3x2' tank which is currently under construction (and given
that the weight of water in this tank will be just under a tonne
I'd rather not rush this construction either).
<Best to take your time>
I would also prefer these discus to
be at least 6" or so before they make the move to this new tank as
I'm also planning on adding several other large adult discus as
With all these facts in mind what is the best course of action for the
well-being of the fish?
<As stated above>
I'd obviously prefer not to break the tank down and further stress
the fish if it is unnecessary. Will my discus prosper for a year or so
in 8.2 pH water (with heavy filtration) now that they appear to have
adjusted to the high pH, or do I need to get them back to a low pH
<Slowly enough... and again, I'd remove the new/calcareous
Am I right in assuming that there is no way to lower the pH with the
sand in place?
<Practically speaking, yes; there is no way... The gravel will
dissolve, re-buffering the pH till it is all about dissolved>
I know very little about marine fish-keeping but the sand in question
appears not to be aragonite as it is very fine and white and was very
cheap to purchase so my guess is that it is a limestone-based brand
(?). There was no information on the packet other than "Aquarium
sand. For use in Aquaria"!
I apologise if this has been covered elsewhere but from my research I
appear to be the first person stupid enough to poison their discus with
marine sand.
Many thanks in advance,
<Do write back Rob if this isn't clear, complete. Cheers, Bob
Giving up or solution? (Bob, do you suspect CO2
here?) 12/13/10
I'm not sure the purpose of this email. I'm hoping whoever
responds, can give me some insight and perhaps guidance.
<Will try.>
It is with a heavy heart that I write, frustrated, upset and at the
upper limits of my emotional stress levels. Compounded with this, I
know it is not fair, my emotions, when compared against the suffering
of the fishes I am responsible for.
<I see.>
I have a local water chemistry with a high pH and absolutely no
buffering capacity. In the past two years, I've experienced just a
handful of stable, nice moments and several long periods of total freak
I guess one of my main questions is when do you know this hobby is not
for you?
<Almost never the case. It's usually more about choosing the
right FISH for you.>
At what point, how many deaths of fishes you have kept for months,
years but ***ked up the environment for, do you throw in the towel? I
just can't seem to get it right or at the very least keep up with
regular maintenance in this crappy water chemistry with my limited
I neglected my tank for some (months) time in regards to regular water
changes, stocking and overfeeding. The point I am at is that I
can't seem to raise my KH and subsequently pH levels with 25%-40%
daily water changes without throwing my fish (surviving 7 Corydoras, 15
full grown platies, 15-20 few days to few months old platies) into
severe stress. I don't know if I am overstocked or not.
<For a 40 gallon tank, you should be fine.>
I don't know enough, or know just too much to be dangerous. Right
now I can raise my KH from below 3 to about 7 and pH to 7.6 from below
< 6 in my 40 gallon planted tank via a 3/4 Malawi seat salt mix
posted on this site.
<That's good.>
However, at this point my fish start exhibiting signs of extreme
<Do not do this all at once! Fish will adapt to even the
"wrong" water chemistry, and trying to force them across to
"good" water chemistry can undo that adaptation. Go slow,
i.e., change no more than 10-20% of the water per day if you're
changing water chemistry. Let your new water sit overnight if
you're not 100% sure it's stable. If you have funky tap water,
let it sit overnight, then add Malawi Salt mix, and then use
I've been trying to raise to about 10+ KH to stop the rapid drop in
acidification that occurs within 12 hours after reaching the 7 KH
levels (after 12 hours of reaching a 7 KH level, it drops to 3-4 KH and
plummets my pH).
<Carbonate hardness, what you're measuring using KH, drops when
exposed to acid-forming chemicals. Assuming your tank isn't a
morass of peat, bogwood and leaf-litter, the likely source of acidity
is CO2. Some tap water contains lots of CO2, and it takes 24 hours to
properly de-gas. Perhaps even longer in some cases. If it isn't
de-gassed, once you add Malawi Salt mix, there's a gradual reaction
between the CO2 (as carbonic acid) and the bicarbonate that makes up
the carbonate hardness. The two react, and in the process, the KH you
measure goes down. You can actually buy CO2 test kits, but instead, why
not take a sample to an aquarium shop and see if they can test it for
you? Failing that, get a glass of tap water, test the pH, then test the
pH again after 6 hours and then 12 hours. If you see the pH rising
after 6 to 12 hours, it's very likely the water has de-gassed, the
CO2 leaving the water and going into the air.>
Any jump I make above that, has a stable effect on my KH and pH levels
but throws my fish into extreme distress. I don't know what to
<See above.>
The next step I am considering is changing 40% of the water every 6
hours, but even then I don't know if that will work.
<That's too much work! The aim here is to perform 20-25% water
changes every 1-2 weeks. Done that way, this is a low cost hobby, not a
nightmare of buckets and test kits!>
Does any of this make sense? I apologize. These fish were a Christmas
present two years ago. I'm attached to many of them but just seem
to be torturing them.
<Try what I mention above, and see also anything Bob suggests beyond
my comments. If you can, consult your water supplier, or even better,
members of a local city aquarium club. One last option, the nuclear
option I suppose, is consider going brackish. At 25-50% normal seawater
salinity, any funky water chemistry should be totally overridden by the
marine salt mix. Guppies and Mollies will thrive in such conditions,
but so will a wide range of other species like Figure-8 puffers, Knight
Gobies, Orange
Chromides and so on. Since these animals a pre-adapted to deal with
fluctuating water chemistry, they tend to be far less fussy than
freshwater fish.>
Please help,
<Good luck, Neale.>
<<There is almost assuredly some other source of acidification
here, not just source CO2/carbonic acid in solution. Gina DO you have
driftwood, other soluble organic material in this tank? There are other
means (soluble gravels i.e.) to raise and keep alkalinity up...
Re: Giving up or solution? (Bob, do you suspect CO2 here?)
Thank you Neale.
<You are welcome.>
I was rather intoxicated when I wrote that last night and am glad I
only got a little mushy in the beginning of the email, I woke up and
read what I wrote and your response prepared for the worst but I seem
to be able to make sense after multiple shots of tequila. Some people
drunk dial old boyfriends, I drunk email WWM! I wonder what that says
about my personality in general.
<It says you care about your pet animals.>
Anyhow, I will see about the CO2 testing as soon as possible. I have
question about the seat salt mix in general. When I leave the source
water overnight, do I just let it sit in a 5 gallon bucket or do I put
in an
<Airstones will speed up de-gassing, as will anything that churns
the water, like a powerhead or a small cheapo internal canister filter,
perhaps stuffed with carbon to remove any other gunk that might be
there. In theory though, it should de-gas within a day.>
Typically I use an airstone to mix the water and solution (after
manually stirring it a bit) for a few minutes and just want to make
sure this is not contributing to the issues.
<No, don't worry about this. An airstone has little/no impact as
far as putting gases from the atmosphere into water goes. The idea they
"pump" oxygen into water is widely held but completely
erroneous. There's not enough pressure. Compare an airstone in a
bucket with a soda water maker.
You need to pressurized the water and then force gas in. Now, that can
certainly happen underground, which is why come water from aquifers has
high CO2 concentrations.>
Also, in reviewing what you said about leaving the source water for 24
to de gas and "sometimes longer" and going over what I've
tried this past week and old notebooks, one trend I do see happening is
that about 2-3 days my water chemistry stops changing. I figured it
just dropped to a point it could go no further but is it possible that
it has taken this long to de gas?
<It should de-gas in a day, probably less. But it all depends on the
size of the bucket, water temperature and a variety of other factors. A
big bucket will de-gas more slowly than a small one for the same reason
a glass of pop loses its fizz faster than a 2-litre bottle.>
I've ruled out other causes of acidification such as filter,
substrates, decorations, etc. I experience this same trend in my 20
unplanted gallon tank and to a lesser degree my 10 gallon tank (the 40
and 20 drop pretty rapidly and the 10 holds levels longer it
<You might also try this: set up a tank explicitly for hard water
fish, like Platies. Use coral sand for the substrate, and perhaps even
add some crushed coral into the filter. Fill with hard water, and do
small water changes, 20%, every week or two. Don't overstock.
Don't overfeed. With luck, the coral sand will buffer against pH
changes -- as pH drops, the coral sand dissolves more quickly,
reversing the pH drop constantly. You may want to remove the coral sand
every 6-12 months and give a really good clean under a hot tap to
remove sludge, because algae and bacteria eventually isolate the coral
sand grains so well this buffering process stops. This approach can
work really well though, and was standard practise when people started
keeping marines.>
Thanks again.
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Giving up or solution? (Bob, do you suspect CO2 here?)
Also, I've wondered before but just written it off as pH bounce
stress - when I've done too big of a water change, my Platies will
eventually go to the top of the tank and fight over a position next to
the outlet with
bubbles produced from my sponge filter. Does this have any significance
at all?
<Possibly, but hard to say what. I do wonder if CO2 is pushing out
oxygen, and so the fish are keenest on the water with the most oxygen,
which will be precisely where you describe. If the water contains a lot
of CO2, it won't contain much oxygen, the two gases pushing one
another out, given the chance.
Cheers, Neale.>
Re: More re: Giving up or solution? (***Again Bob, any
comments***)<<>> 12/14/10
Hi, thank you for your help.
<You're welcome.>
The 40 gallon tank has about 1.5 inches of a mineralized soil
<<This is the source of the acidification; not, as I alluded to
in yesterday's emails, not a dissolved CO2 gas source. The tank/s
need to be broken down, the soil rinsed out of the gravel, and re-set
up. RMF>>
(I followed these instructions:
<This contains topsoil, pottery clay, dolomite, potassium chloride,
gravel and/or sand. Should be pH neutral, except for the topsoil, which
will be acidic. Whether significantly so, hard to predict. Decaying
organic matter lowers pH, but the rate at which it does so varies. I
favour pond soil rather than topsoil for this sort of thing, precisely
because it is both nitrate-free (so less nitric acid produced) and
contains less of the peaty material likely to lower pH.>
covered by 2 inches of aquarium sand, plants (3 Amazon swords, 1
Rotala, 1 big bushy something and watersprite) and a couple of rocks -
all purchased at LFS. I have made sure to keep the tank clean of dying
plant matter.
Prior to transitioning this tank to a planted tank, I experienced
similar issues and eventually got it worked out using the Malawi sea
salt mix. I'm *assuming* since my tank has aged a few months and I
let the levels fall so drastically that I'm fighting an uphill
battle combined with more rapid acidification than was occurring
several months ago.
<If the tank was stable with plain vanilla gravel plus Malawi salt
mix, but has become a pH see-saw since replacing the gravel with this
soil mix, I'd be suspicious of the soil mix, unless I could see a
similar pH drop in another aquarium without the soil mix.>
I experience this same trend in my unplanted 20 gallon tank that has 12
platies, plastic decorations, pea gravel and a couple of rocks, again
from trusted LFS source. 48 hours ago my pH was 7.4 and 6 KH. 24 hours
ago my pH was 7.2 and 3 KH. Right now the pH is 7.0 and 2 KH.
<So, something is clearly amiss there too, even without the soil
Something is using up carbonate hardness, and thereby lowering
And also in my 10 gallon tank with 1 golden wonder killifish (new for
platy control, quarantined for now and until I get things sorted) pea
gravel, plastic decorations, no rocks. 48 hours ago pH 7.2 and 6 KH. 24
hours ago the same numbers. No water changes done and as of right now
pH 7 and 4 KH.
<I see.>
? I am going to try Neale's suggesting of monitoring my source
water's pH for change over 24 hours and see where that leads me. I
can/will try his suggestion of setting up a tank with coral sand and
crushed coral but right now I have 60ish fish in the 3 tanks, I'm
trying to keep alive and get things stable.
Would it help to put crushed coral into my existing filters right
<Yes. Get something called a media bag (the foot from an old pair of
tights/pantyhose works fine as well) and stuff with, say, a cup of
crushed coral rather than coral sand. Crushed coral is sufficiently
chunky it won't stop water flow dead; coral sand may well do that.
Pop into the canister of hang-on-the-back filter, and then see what
I would like to preserve the planted tank if at all possible as I put a
ton of effort into that substrate and it seems to be great for my plant
<I bet! But do understand also that many plants thrive in brackish
water, so the two things aren't mutually exclusive. At SG 1.003,
anything happy in hard water should be happy at this low salinity,
I called an LFS and they referred me to a "plant" store to
test for CO2 so it might take a while before I can find some place.
Thanks again,
<Good luck, Neale.>
Re: More Re: More re: Giving up or solution? (***Again Bob, any
comments***) 12/14/10
Hello Bob,
Thanks for this. I don't disagree... but the recipe linked to --
topsoil, pottery clay, dolomite, potassium chloride, gravel and/or sand
-- should be inert or even slightly basic if the dolomite component is
<I suspect there is more mixed in here... an appreciable amount of
organic component>
It's very strange.
I will observe I get excellent plant growth from plain pond soil mixed
with gravel, then topped with silica sand or gravel as preferred. By
guiding light is this -- aquarium plants are "weed" species
-- if the aquarium is properly illuminated and has the right water
chemistry, they should adapt to a very wide range of substrate
Cheers, Neale
<Wide indeed, but if there is significant digestion of this soil in
the substrate, there can be very real problems. Cheers,
Re: More re: Giving up or solution? (***Again Bob, any
comments***)<<Nada mas>> 12/14/10
Hi again,
I just saw Bob's email and Neale's response. I appreciate all
the input and I am still so confused. At this point I would love to say
it is the mineralized soil substrate and move on but as I detailed,
this trend occurs
in both my other unplanted tanks with different substrate. I'm
testing pH and KH every 6-12 hours currently and all tanks are dropping
at close to the same rates.
<I see. So, it sounds like the substrate isn't a factor.>
I can say that the dolomite was only a "sprinkling" that
lightly covered the floor of the aquarium and I couldn't find the
right kind so I substituted crushed coral into the mixture as was
suggested by the discussion there. Which, through this discussion,
seems that maybe that was a very bad choice to substitute as crushed
coral will stop working at a certain point. I thought I had researched
that substrate extremely well and I spent 2.5 weeks and 4 cycles of
soaking the topsoil for 48 hours, pulling out the floating materials
and air drying in the sun. I'm not trying to argue about it and
will pull it if I need to but if it doesn't solve my problems,
well, I'd be very sad and broken.
<Indeed. If both tanks experienced pH drops, and only one has the
soil mixture, it would appear that the soil mixture isn't a key
The pH and KH in a glass of water sitting out did not change over the
last 20 hours. I have put crushed coral in all my filters (1/2 cup in
the 20 gallon and 1 cup in the 40 gallon, a sea shell in the 10).
<I'd be surprised if a seashell has much impact, but we'll
see. The issue is surface area rather than merely the material, which
is why a bag of crushed coral works so well.>
In the past I have asked employees of LFS stores about my city's
water supply and the most informed answer I ever got was it was
<Meaningless statement without details. Ask him specifically whether
the water is "hard" or "soft", and what the pH is.
In fact, you should be able to find this information out from your
water supplier. Do also make sure you aren't using water from a
domestic water softener, i.e., the appliances used to
"soften" water prior to use for baths, showers and washing
machines. Use only the drinking water tap, which normally bypasses any
I spoke to the Fish guy at PetCo, of all places, last night, and he
said that the city water supply is compromised with all sorts of
nasties due to the several year drought that we came out of about 4-5
years ago and that it is expected to get worse before it gets better. I
had a flashback to a field Biology class I took a year ago regarding
stratification and weather changes churning the water bringing up the
decaying matter from the bottom of the lakes.
<Possibly, but not really sure what might be happening. Commercial
water suppliers are obligated to deliver water within fairly narrow
chemical parameters. Certainly the case here in England, and I assume
in the US, Canada, Europe, etc.>
He said "It's like a broken record" with people coming in
because their systems are crashing and that our pH settles around
<Yikes! That's very, VERY low.>
My test kits only go to 6, so I assume this number is accurate. He said
to not use the water for drinking, cooking and do not use it for fish
and drinking water for other pets. He had a bit of a doomsday tone in
regards to our water which was humorous and concerning at the same
time. I remember several months ago I had to dose for 4 ppm Ammonia
with Amquel Plus and now I'm only having to dose for 2 ppm. So it
seems my source water is unreliable to say the least. I'm not
convinced that even if I get this worked out now, that I won't be
going through it all again in a few months if things keep shifting.
<It does sound very depressing. There are really two options here
that would be easy. One is to get a reverse-osmosis filter that
produces deionised water, i.e., pure water, and then add the
appropriate chemical mix to that as required. For soft water fish,
so-called Discus Salts would work perfectly, otherwise 25-50% of the
Malawi Salt Mix should work for community tropicals and hard water
fish. Alternatively, add marine salt mix to override the background
water chemistry, and keep brackish water fish -- such as Mollies and
Guppies, even if Puffers or Scats don't appeal.>
So I guess I will go about this another way. Currently, the tap water
comes out testing at 5 KH and 8 pH and at some point shifts down to 0
KH and 5 pH (which has always confused me as to why). Are RO devices
just for hard water areas?
<Far from it.>
I can afford to purchase one in about 4-5 weeks if this can solve my
issues. The 3/4 Malawi mix supposedly fixes (well apparently not
anymore, if CO2 isn't the issue, I'm at a loss) my pH at 7.6
and KH of 12, dH about 20.
<Yes, this would indeed work. The water chemistry pH 7.6, 12 degrees
KH and 20 degrees dH is very hard, but ideal for livebearers, goldfish,
Central American cichlids, and other fish that enjoy hard water. If you
halve the Malawi Salt mix, you should get something around pH 7.5, 10
degrees dH, ideal for a wide range of community fish excepting those
needing very soft water (e.g., Cardinals) or very hard water (e.g.,
In the meantime, my fish in the 40 gallon seem to have recovered from
the massive water changes I did on Sunday with their pH having dropped
back down to around 6.6 and 2 KH which is what I closer to what they
were used to. I know from experiments last week, if I don't do a
water change, this will drop in the next day or two to below 6. I lost
5 of my 6 peppered Corydoras this exact way last week. I raised the pH,
didn't do water changes for 3 days, it dropped again, and they
couldn't handle the stress.
That is when I freaked out on Sunday. Additionally, I'm battling
spikes in ammonia and nitrites and need to control these some how.
<My guess would be varying water chemistry is stressing the
biological filter, hence the lack of success ensuring good water
I know the crushed coral takes some time to get worked out to proper
amounts and I think the LFS stores only sell pre mixed salt water.
<Which, mixed one part to one part tap water would create strongly
brackish conditions, and one part seawater to four parts freshwater
slightly brackish water. In either case, such conditions should be
quite stable because of the high alkalinity of seawater. You might ask
for a cup of seawater, mix it with four cups of tap water, and see how
stable the pH is across a few days. If it is stable, then this would be
a cheap way forward.
A tank maintained that way could have Mollies and various other nice
colourful fish, just not salt-intolerant species like Corydoras. Of
course, you could also keep marines! A basic community tank with some
damsels or clownfish need not be expensive or difficult to set-up. See
Bob F's writings on this topic, e.g., here:
Some of the damsels are MUCH HARDIER than many of the freshwater fish!
It's staggering to see what they'll put up with. Not suggesting
you go abuse them, but you'd be surprised how easy Domino Damsels
and Humbug Damsels are to keep!>
The Petco guy said to use spring water from the grocery store but I
believe I read on here that important trace minerals are missing but at
this point until I can figure out the best permanent solution this may
be my best option. Am I going in the wrong direction here of eschewing
tap water altogether?
<I do think you are gathering useful information now, and working
towards a solution. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: More Re: More re: Giving up or solution? (***Again Bob, any
comments***) 12/14/10
Hello Bob,
Have just replied to another message from Gina, and since her pet store
sells artificial seawater, have suggested it might be easier to keep a
basic fish-only system with damsels rather than wrestling with her tap
water chemistry.
<<Mmm... not satisfying. I would like to know what the real
source of trouble is here. If she writes back, or if you deem it worth
doing, I'd ask that she contact her water municipality. I don't
know re the U.K., but in the U.S. the water districts are compelled to
send on results of mandated testing, and processes they utilize in
treating mains/tapwater. Something is amiss here, and I am hoping it is
"simple". Does Gina have a CO/CO2 monitor in her home, where
these tanks are? I would definitely use one.
Many "eastern" homes in the country are too-well
air-sealed... Perhaps there is a good deal of carbonic acid
contribution from indoor air here>>
Asking for trouble or worth considering?
Cheers, Neale
<<Am asking Gina here directly. IF their/her source water is this
"bad", she should look into a filtration process for her
potable uses as well as pet-fish. BobF>>
Re: More Re: Giving up or solution? (Bob, do you suspect CO2
here?) 12/14/10
Hi ya. Thanks again.
I'm close to resolved on purchasing an RO device especially if this
remains a mystery or turns out to be not so "simple". I, too,
would like to know the root explanation.
I have a CO monitor and have it near my bedroom but have tested the
areas directly by my fish tanks before and all was well. I will find
and purchase a CO2 monitor shortly. I have thought of moving my 10
gallon tank to my sister's house 3 blocks away to completely rule
out if it is environmental to my house or not. My 40 gallon sits in
front of my fireplace that has not been used in 4 years and I have
occasionally wondered if that was contributing to the issue however my
other two tanks are in the office down the hallway. Are there other
environmental issues aside from CO2 that would cause issues - like
sewage line problems or mold?
<Mmm, not likely, no>
I found the testing posted online for my water district. I've got a
limited idea of how to interpret them as a whole. The pH over the last
year fluctuates from 7.5 to 8.5 and CO3 is always 0 but the total
alkalinity is around 100 mg/l.
<All reasonable measures>
However, the PetCo fish guy said that other residents experience the
same issues I do with the pH settling at about 5
<? From what? If the mains water pH is as stated, and total Alk. is
100 ppm, there should be NO drop in resident pH>
- although it most certainly tests out at around 8 from the tap
initially. The water district refers to our area as moderately
<Agreed. BobF>
Water Reports - I live in the area treated by the Wylie plant.
<Nothing... "jumps out" here as significant,
Also they have a walk through on how they treat the water on a link on
the left side of the page called "Our system and Processes".
It seems to be very high level. Should I contact them to find out what
"disinfectants" they are using? I don't know what I'm
looking for. Or should I just call them and be all "What the
****!" Kidding. I have called them before and the person I spoke
with knew less than me - I could try harder and work my way to someone
who could provide me with insight if I knew what questions to ask.
Ph 10.5 ~11 what fish can survive? 11/30/10
My wife and I are looking at a new home and the Ph levels of the water
are 10.5 ~ 11. VERY hard water. The home is piped into a natural hot
I was wondering if there were any fish that could tolerate this, or
would we have to have our water purchased?
<There are some fishes that live in very alkaline water... one
Tilapia species is highlighted in a recent TFH magazine article, but as
far as I'm aware, none of these organisms is offered in the trade.
You'd do well to
investigate appropriate technology (likely RO, and maybe other moda)
for your potable (drinking, cooking, maybe even bathing and house plant
uses!) and pet-fish. Please read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/h2opurifiers.htm
the linked files above>
Thanks in advance,
<Welcome. B F>
Re: Very high pH in freshwater aquarium (Bob, anything else
to add here?)<<>> 11/28/10
I've made some headway since our exchange below... now with
ammonia/nitrite/nitrate at zero. I am mixing tap with RO water (both
still have an original PH of 9.5 which I battle down to 8.4 with aging
vats and Seachem acid buffer) and using 50% Rift Valley Salts. Neale M.
and Seachem both have advised me that there is no buffering additive
that will prevent my Ph from rebounding. But I still have 6 fish in a
55 and 75 G that deserve the best I can give them. I see no other
choice but to control the PH with Acid buffer. My question is on
General Hardness. Mine is between 250 and 300, but my calcium tests
very low at 40-50. Are my API tests skewed ? Or do I need to add that
much calcium/magnesium to bring it up? How much? what is the desired
balance between Epsom and Calcium Chloride that I would need to
My fish frequently seem mildly stressed which is small wonder
considering the PH situation, but I'm always looking for other ways
to make them as comfortable as possible.
many thanks
<Amy, your very high pH remains mysterious. Normally pH is raised to
between 7.5-8.5 by the carbonate hardness in the water; in other words,
carbonate hardness is more or less equivalent to what you learned about
in school as alkalinity as the "opposite" of acidity. General
hardness has much less impact on pH. Of course pH can be raised by
other things than alkalinity, which is why the opposite of an acid is
actually a base, with things like ammonia raising pH despite not being
alkaline substances. So, if you have a carbonate hardness that's
quite low, which is what I assume you mean by your "calcium
test", then something else is raising the pH in your water.
Perhaps ammonia, if tap water has non-zero ammonia levels, but could
equally easily be something else. Your water supplier may be able to
help here.
<<Yes. Do contact your source... Their contact info. can be found
on your water bills. I fully suspect they are adding chemicals to your
tapwater for drought and-or pipe reasons...>>
In any case, if bubbling your water overnight doesn't lower the pH
very far, and the use of commercial pH buffers isn't particularly
helpful either, then you really have one of two options. FIRSTLY, and
most flexibly, you can mix your tap water with RO or rainwater. I
collect rainwater for precisely this reason, because my local tap water
is quite hard. A 50/50 mix of rainwater and tap water should produce
something useful for a wide range of community fish. Rainwater is cheap
and easy to collect here in England where it never stops raining, but
elsewhere RO water may be more convenient. RO water is extremely pure
and consequently much safer to use than rainwater which has a slight
risk of collecting
airborne pollution and toxins used to treat certain types of roofs,
particularly flat roofs.
Okay, now the SECOND approach would be to choose fish species adapted
to extremely basic water conditions. These include things like Sailfin
and Liberty Mollies, Swordtails, Desert Gobies, Persian Killifish,
Ameca splendens, Xenotoca eiseni, to name but a few of the more
colourful forms, as well as the hardier Malawian and Tanganyikan
species. Yellow Labidochromis, for example, are extremely colourful
fish, and a tank of these would be every bit as fun as a collection of
Goldfish. Tanganyikan Shell Dwellers would be a miniature alternative
suitable for tanks down to 10 gallons! The brackish water fishes also
tend to tolerate very high pH levels, more because of their phenomenal
adaptability than their preference for such conditions. Scats, Monos,
Green Spotted Puffers and Colombian Shark Catfish are among the most
attractive fish in the hobby, and together with the other brackish
water fishes provide some great fishkeeping opportunities. Scats for
example are famously friendly fish that constantly beg for food, though
they do get rather big. So in other words, you've got two ways
forward: dilute your tap water with pure water, or else accept your tap
water for what it is and choose fish species that can cope. Hope this
helps. Cheers, Neale.>
Ph Drop [Bob, any ideas?] <<RMF>>
I hope you can help in pinpointing what happened or what I did to make
the ph in my tank drop. I have a 20 gallon qt tank that I have two
angels, two gold gouramis, two albino Corys and multiple plants.
I have my co2 tank hooked up to this with a diffuser for it. I did a
large water change (maybe 75%) because my ammonia was really high
<<!? This is a HUGE concern. Deadly toxic>>
since I have my limit of fish with this tank I monitor it bi weekly if
not more.
<It's not a good idea to change so much water at once... better
to do 25%, then wait a few hours, do 25% more. If you need to change
all of the water, instead remove the fish to a bucket, change all the
water, and then drip-acclimate the fish to the water in the aquarium
*as if they were going to a new aquarium*.>
As I put water back in, I added dechlorinator and ammo loc to the tank.
I usually don't add ammo loc but just do more water changes. After
an hour I noticed my tank becoming cloudy.
<Bad sign; may be silt, may be diatoms, and may be
bacteria.><<... the dechlorinator may have "gone
bad"... could be both a source of acid as well as cause of the
cloudiness. Smell this product?>>
I thought that I must have taken too much water out and it was trying
to cycle itself again.
But then I noticed that a whitish film covered the pieces of driftwood
I have in the tank for decoration.
<Does sound like silt if you stirred the gravel. But could equally
easily be particulate matter of some sort from the water, or a
precipitation of some sort. No idea what though.><<And this
decomposing wood as well>>
Its never done this before so I kept an eye on my fish. The angels
seemed to have labored breathing and I was starting to get concerned.
This is nothing that I have not done before, except the ammo loc.
<I see.>
So I measured the water again. Ammonia still there, so I was going to
do a water change again tomorrow, but I also noticed the pH had
Normal pH out of the faucet is anywhere from 7.6-8.0 but this was down
to 6.0.
<Such a change is lethal, and precisely why the fish are
AHHHH, so I did another partial water change (50%) to slowly increase
the ph back up.
<No, no, no... you need to leave the fish to adapt. Little
footsteps, please!>
It's 10 pm at night and got so worried about their water conditions
I put them in my main tank. It was at the end of their quarantine (4
weeks instead of 6) and they seem to be doing better. Now the tank is
milky with the white film on the wood.
This has never happened to me. I have a 10 gal qt tank that has the
similar white film that I also did a water change today, adding the
dechorinator and ammo loc but that ph is around 7.6, like it should
The only other thing I added was the small diffuser about a week ago
for the co2 and not the bubble counter any longer. Could the diffuser
or ammo loc cause such a drop.
<In themselves, no. But some water, particularly water drawn from
aquifers, can change in various ways after it's drawn from the tap.
If you only do 20-25% water changes per week, such changes don't
matter too much, and
hardy community fish will adapt to the relatively small changes. On the
other hand, if you do a big water change you present your fish with a
massive water chemistry change, and that can be very stressful. Filter
bacteria can be just as strongly affected, and it's important to
remember below pH 7.5 filter bacteria operate more slowly, and they
stop working below 6.0, so rapid acidification can cause major
problems. A good approach is this: ensure your aquarium is
lightly-stocked and well-filtered, so that relatively small weekly
water changes are all that's required. If you can, let your new
water stand for 24 hours before use. Check the pH and hardness
immediately after the water is drawn and then again after 24 hours. If
it's different, then you have "funky" tap water and need
to act accordingly. One option is to choose hard water fish and then
add a 50-100% the dose of Rift Valley cichlid salts described here:
The high carbonate hardness in that water will override anything odd
about your tap water, making life much easier. Hard water fish include
livebearers, Rainbowfish and Goldfish, as well as Central American and
Rift Valley cichlids. There are even some tetras such as x-ray tetras
and catfish like Hoplosternum littorale than do fine in hard water as
well. So there's lots of options.>
I have read that co2 can do that which is why I try to keep it down to
a minimum but since it replace the bubble counter, I don't know how
to gauge how much I'm putting in.
<If you don't understand how to measure carbonate hardness, and
how that is related to pH and CO2, you shouldn't be using CO2.
Again, if you can, stick with hard water plants like Vallisneria and
Java ferns, and forget about CO2.>
I try to be vigil about checking the water quality in my qt tanks since
they don't get a chance for cycling before I stick fish in there.
Any ideas? Thanks.
<Do read the above-linked article, and the links from that article
to related topics. Without data on carbonate hardness and general
hardness of your tap water, your tap water after 24 hours, and your
aquarium, it's difficult to say why you're getting these
potentially dangerous pH changes.
Cheers, Neale.><<Read here re Ammonia: http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/NH3TrbFixF.htm
and the linked files above. STOP feeding if you have appreciable NH3...
Remove the driftwood and test it (by leaving it soaking) to determine
if this is the acid source... RMF>>
Re: Ph Drop [Bob, any ideas?] 07/16/10
Hi Neale,
The CO2 is something I am still getting used to.
<Do take the time to buy at least one high-end aquarium plant book
and read it. Manufacturers often make CO2 sound simple and safe, when
in fact it's neither of those things. Remember, "easy"
fishkeeping is all about getting
rid of CO2 and increasing the rates of water circulation and mixing
with the air. When you start adding CO2 you're doing the precise
opposite, you're increasing CO2 concentration and reducing the
amount of mixing between the water and the air. On top of that
you're creating a system that actively alters the pH, whereas
"easy" fishkeeping is about creating a system where pH varies
as little as possible. If you look at the high-tech planted tanks where
CO2 is used, they rarely contain many fish, and usually those fish are
an afterthought, a few small Neons or whatever. I'm not saying CO2
is incompatible with fishkeeping, but once you start using CO2
you're setting about fishkeeping in a very different way.>
My quarantine tank was supposed to be just to qt these plants, then a
friend wanted me to take these fish, so I reduced the CO2 and monitored
them. Everything has been fine for 4 weeks. Because its a qt tank,
there is no gravel of any kind in it. Just plants attached to wood
pieces to anchor them down. As for the PH,
I always use the water directly from the tap along with the
I don't usually have any problems with it dropping since there is
nothing to add but the dechorinator. The water change was a large one,
yes, only because of the high ammonia. I didn't even bother to test
the PH before I
did the water change because I haven't had any problems with
<If you don't know the carbonate hardness (measured in degrees
KH usually) then you have no idea if pH will be stable, and doubly so
once you start adding CO2. I cannot stress this point too strongly. You
MUST measure the
carbonate hardness, determine the pH, and then dose CO2 accordingly. Do
read here:
If you don't understand what those graphs and charts mean, then
don't use CO2, or at least buy an automatic system that will dose
CO2 correctly with minimal effort on your part.>
The ammonia was too high so the large water change was to reduce that
immediately. It just so happens that the water change became milky
(again, thought it was because I took too much out) but then the milky
was not only
in the water but also like a film on the wood, ewww. Then the fish
started looking funny so I just decided to test everything
again...Ammonia still present but not as bad. Nitrates .5 and Nitrites
0. But the PH was way down to 6.0 or so. when just and hour or two ago
(when I did the water change) it was 7.6, or so, from the faucet. I
decided to do a second water change to try to bring up the PH thinking
something I had just put in the water made it drop so I was trying to
bring it back to what it should have been before the water change. I
honestly thought it had to do with something
<Resist the urge to make matters worse by doing even more changes to
a changed situation. It's the change that's damaging, not the
final value. Angelfish are fine anywhere between pH 5.5 and 8, but what
will kill them is being moved from one extreme to the other and then
back again.>
I put in the water since all my other tanks (my other 10 gal qt and my
55 gal) are all at around 7.6 PH. I do the same thing with them that I
did with my 20 gal. Fish are happy in my 55 gal...its been 12 hours and
no losses. I just wonder what I did so I can definitely avoid it.
Thanks for the help.
<Do read, understand water chemistry as described/linked in the
previous e-mail. Do further read, understand the effect CO2 has on
aquatic systems. Cheers, Neale.>
Question on Low pH and High Ammonia 7/4/10
<Hi! Melinda here.>
I've searched the WetWebMedia FAQs for a solution to my problem,
but I can't seem to find an exact match yet. I wonder if you could
help me.
I transferred a 5� Oscar from a 10
gal tank to a 29 gal tank a little more than 2 weeks ago. The Oscar had
developed a case of
disease and I was looking to improve the water quality, change to a
higher quality food (New Life Spectrum), add some vitamins (Boyd's
Vita-Chem) and a little more varied diet (an occasional mealworm,
cricket or krill). The little guy seems to have responded very well
� he is more active and his appetite
and insatiable. I think that the hole-in-head is healing since the
whitish areas in his head are much darker now (like the rest of his
coloration). I can't thank you enough for your very informative
FAQs on
<This move is a good, good thing for him. Keep in mind that
you'll eventually need about a 55 gallon to keep this guy at his
full, mature size (around 12 to 14 inches), and a 75 is even better.
Please do review filtration along the way and ensure it's turning
the tank's volume over eight to ten times per hour. Big, beefy
canister filters are really great when it comes to these lovable, messy
My problem now is that my 29 gal tank pH has dropped to 6 (or below,
since my test kit only goes down to 6) and the ammonia is staying at 4
to 5 ppm.
Nitrite and nitrate are 0 ppm.
<Reading ahead, it sounds as if you've done what you could to
cycle this aquarium, but since you're still having problems,
I'd first start by doing huge, frequent water changes to dilute
The water quality test results kind of
hovered at pH � 7.2 to 7.3, ammonia
0.25 to 0.4 ppm, nitrite � 0 ppm and
nitrate � 0 to 2 ppm for a little
over a week after I moved the Oscar to the bigger tank. I also put some
of the old gravel into the new 29 gal aquarium
and stuck the 10 gal AquaClear
biological media into the 29 gal tank power filter (AquaClear 50) to
help along the establishment of the biological filtration system. Soon
after this I transferred the AquaClear 20
power filter over from the 10 gal to the 29 gal tank to help out the
AquaClear 50.
<I do like these AC filters; they're a great compromise between
the media choices offered by canister filters and the ease of a
hang-on-back filter. However, do ensure that your tank's turnover
is somewhere around what I mention above.>
The 29 gal tank remained slightly cloudy for a little over a week in
spite of all my efforts - 25% water changes and gravel filtration every
other day, the two AquaClear power filters and limited feeding.
<He represents a very large bioload for an uncycled system. I'd
stop feeding, for now. He can go a while until things clear up --
it's really harmful to him to continue feeding until the tank is
under control, because the more you feed, the more waste he produces,
and more toxic Ammonia levels become.>
Then, yesterday the water turned VERY cloudy, almost opaque, overnight.
Now I am really worried and I think that I need to do something real
soon to correct the pH and clear up the water
� something is really wrong in that
aquarium, but I can't figure it out.
<It does sound as if this system is very out of balance, but I think
this may be a fairly easy fix.>
I am thinking that;
1. My tap water may be too
and have very little buffering ability. I am thinking of adding either
baking soda (sodium bicarbonate), Seachem Neutral Regulator (pH 7) or
Aquarium Pharmaceuticals Proper P.H 7.0. Is the low pH in the 29 gal
killing off the bacterial in my power filter and in my gravel? What do
you recommend?
<Yes, I have had this problem myself. I tried everything (Really...
everything!) to reduce Ammonia levels to zero in a newly-established
pond with a good-sized bioload. Nothing would work, and my pH and KH
were at rock-bottom. I employed the rift valley salt mix as detailed
here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/fwsubwebindex/fwh2oquality.htm. I
experienced Ammonia levels in my pond for many weeks until employing
this salt mix; within four or five days, Ammonia was at zero, and pH
went from 6 (or below) to 7.2, KH from 0 to 4. It's an amazing mix.
Often pH cures in a bottle cause rapid fluctuations in pH and lend very
little stability. This mix provides for elevated, steady pH and KH
levels, and for folks in our situation, gives the biological filtration
a "leg up," so to speak, and makes it easier for the bacteria
to do their job. My tapwater comes out with a pH of 6 or below, so I
actually treat every tank/pond I've got with this mix. It's
easy to use and very cheap to make.>
2. If you think that I need to adjust my pH back to 6.5
� 7.0 should I then add some API
Zyme� or other similar product to
inoculate my filters again with live bacteria?
<I would be extremely careful when choosing this
beneficial-bacteria-in-a-bottle. Frankly, a lot of them aren't any
good. One I have experienced good results with is Dr. Tim's
One-And-Only. Another thing you could do, if you have any fishkeeping
buddies, is borrow some cycled media and place it into your filter.
I'd avoid adding products which claim to "improve stress
coat," as these products often irritate fish more than anything,
and your fish is no doubt irritated enough right now. Water changes are
really the best medicine right now -- large, and frequent ones would be
Here is some more data on my setup that may be helpful
� about Ã'½ inch
of gravel, temp. - 80 degrees and a 5500 K fluorescent tube. Food was
changed from an old bottle of Omega One Cichlid (floating) pellets,
that was never
refrigerated, to New Life Spectrum (sinking) pellets to improve
That food was making a real mess in the tank so I changed to Hikari
Cichlid Gold (floating) pellets.
<A lot of my fish, Cichlid or no, really enjoy this food. However,
in order to avoid issues with digestion and bloat, it's good to
feed wet-frozen foods or fresh foods (such as fish filet, like Tilapia,
peas, or earthworms) from time to time. The crickets and mealworms
you're feeding as treats don't count, since they have such dry,
tough body parts, and as a matter of fact, in my experience (er...
rather, my fish's!), mealworms are pretty much non-digestible
altogether. If you check out his poop after he eats them, you'll
likely see big fragments, or even possibly whole mealworms, in it. In
addition, krill isn't really as good a treat as the options I list
above, due to the presence of thiaminase in this food. Please do read
here about the negative effects of thiaminase: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/ca/volume_6/volume_6_1/thiaminase.htm.
As far as your temperature, I'd decrease this to 78. Since fish are
cold-blooded, keeping them very warm leads to increased metabolism,
which is going to lead to him processing food more quickly, and
producing waste more quickly, as well as being hungry more quickly. 78
will be just fine for him, and will help him "weather" these
hard times a little easier.>
I have also used several different products to deactivate the
chlorine/chloramines in my tapwater (Stress Coat, etc.).
<There's no need to use more than one if it removes both
chlorine and chloramine. Just use it at the manufacturers'
recommended dose every water change, and you'll be fine.>
Recently, in a panic, I have been using Ammo Lock to try to de-toxify
the ammonia.
<I would, instead, go ahead and start doing big, big water changes
to dilute the amount of Ammonia in the water. I'd begin with the
salt mix, and either attempt to get a hold of some cycled media to
"boost" the biological cycle, or get a well-recommended
beneficial bacteria. Since, at this point, you really do need some
Ammonia present (even though it's not ideal AT ALL, and you should
keep it as low as possible) in order to feed that biological bacteria,
I wouldn't use the Ammo-Lock. If ammonia is no longer available
(has been "locked," so to speak) then that bacteria isn't
going to grow to meet the needs of the system.>
I would appreciate any suggestions that you might have. Sorry for the
long, rambling message.
<No problem. I hope this helps some, and please do write back if you
have any questions after reading.>
pH crash and unhappy fish 6/23/10
Good afternoon:
I live in Vancouver and have been trying to get my tanks to cycle for
months now. The city water is basically RO (pH is 7.0 and KH and GH are
I thought I had it figured out when I realized that nitrifying bacteria
need KH to help them develop.... so I used Victoria/Malawi salts to
bring the KH up to 100 and Epsom to bring the GH up to 150.
However, because my tanks aren't cycled the higher pH was causing
my goldfish to be more sensitive to any ammonia present in the tank
(despite very frequent water changes there is some ammonia present-
before I do a water exchange).
<Ah yes, a conundrum indeed. The bottom line though is that poor
water quality kills fish quickly, so regular water changes are
essential until the filter is mature. Tweaking the water chemistry
won't really fix things.>
I decided to reduce the amount of Malawi salts that I was adding when I
found my two smallest fish on the bottom of the tank, fins clamped (and
one with what looked like bleeding gills).
I am afraid that I may have reduced the pH too rapidly- my two smaller
fish (in their 36 gallon tank) are happy now and are fine.
<Changes to water chemistry should always be done slowly,
incrementally, even if for the "better".>
My large Oranda (in a separate 50 gallon tank) is acting very
strangely- darting around the tank very quickly and nervously when I
approach. The water was at a pH of 7.6 and I reduced it to 7.2 over two
days. Looking at letters from other people on your site his behaviour
is in keeping with too great of a pH change.
<May be a reaction to low pH (acidosis) or sensitivity to ammonia,
both of which can make fish nervous.>
What is the best course of action- should I leave the pH as is and let
him adjust or should I raise it up a bit (slowly- say over a day) to
target 7.4?
<I would certainly make sure to use about one-half the dose of Rift
Valley salt mix in this aquarium, and if that means doing a series of
25% water changes daily to raise the pH and hardness, so be it. I'd
also add maybe a
teaspoon per gallon of the marine salt mix on top of what's already
being added. Goldfish tolerate salt well and salt has a mild effect
that reduces the toxicity of nitrite, so does help fish survive the
cycling process.
Regardless, I'd be planning on 25% water changes every 2-3 days for
the next four to six weeks until the filter is mature. If the filter
has been running for more than six weeks and still isn't mature,
then you have some other problem. Check the filter is adequate and
configured properly, that it's large enough for the fish, that the
media are being cleaned the right way, that you aren't overfeeding,
and so on.>
Will he calm down once he has adjusted or have I damaged his CNS?
<He will likely calm down once situation returns to normal.>
He is eating and his fins are up- he is not bottom sitting- but I am
afraid he will harm himself (or jump out of the tank) if he is
startled. I have his light out and am not going near the tank so I
don't stress him further.
He is normally quite friendly and likes to splash me or nibble my hand
when I'm cleaning his tank: I feel terrible to have caused him
Thank you for your help- and I like the new forum!!
<Glad to hear it.>
Gina de Almeida
<Happy to help. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Tadpole nursery... re pH, Alk... hardness...
reading... 6/14/10
Good afternoon/evening Neale,
<Hello again Diana,>
I have been having lovely luck with my tank since we last traded
e-mails, my two adult frogs are doing great and my one surviving
tadpole has blossomed into a full fledged frog named Spike.
Performing my weekly water changes and feeding frozen brine
shrimp or blood worms every other day. However, two days ago two
of my cherry shrimp kicked the bucket leaving me with one female
cherry, one male, and four
<Oh dear.>
Tested my water today before my usual Sunday water change and the
ammonia was off the charts high (somewhere between 4.0 and 8.0)
and the Ph was off the charts low (between 6.0 and 6.4).
My usual Ph out of the tap is around 7.6. Nitrates are 0 temp is
around 75-78 as the weather has been warm.
<I see.>
All frogs are accounted for but my shrimp go missing on a regular
basis, hiding among the plants.
They usually reappear at some point so I never worry much.
<Me neither. I often find gaggles of them hidden inside
filters or behind ornaments.>
That being said, I have only been able to account for 3 small
Amanos and 1 female cherry over the last few days which means the
big amano and the little boy cherry are missing. I have a feeling
that they may have died as well and are hidden among the plants.
If this is the case could it cause the ammonia spike?
<Possibly, but a single dead shrimp shouldn't overly tax a
biological filter, so I'd be open minded on this. Do the
usual things first. Check the filter is working properly. That
the air pump is bubbling nicely, and that there's nothing
blocking any air pipes. Use a pencil or chopstick to root around
the plants a little, and see that there isn't a dead fish or
lump of uneaten food sitting there. Plant roots keep gravel
clean, but any gravel more than an inch or two from the plants
should be gently raked down to a depth of about half an inch.
Take out the filter sponge or ceramic noodles and gently rinse
them in a bucket of aquarium water -- or, lukewarm water no
hotter than the aquarium but not much colder either.>
And, what could cause the Ph to crash?
<Check the carbonate hardness. If it is very low, less than 3
degrees KH, you might want to add some of the Rift Valley salt
mix at 0.25 to 0.5 the usual dose for Rift Valley cichlids. If
you have Platies, Frogs and Shrimps, they all like high carbonate
hardness so this is a low-risk, low-cost strategy. Do also
All aquaria experience pH drops between water changes; what
limits those pH drops is the buffering capacity of the water,
normally carbonate hardness, but you can also use commercial pH
buffers. For Platies, Frogs and Shrimps, the aim is a pH around
My tank is pretty heavily planted with Java Fern, moss wrapped
bog wood and grass; the plants are very full and bushy making it
virtually impossible to see what is going on underneath it
Should I pull everything apart to find everyone or should I
closely monitor the tanks chemistry, up the frequency of water
changes and let nature take its course with anything that has
<Oh, I wouldn't uproot anything, but a stick of some sort
can be used to stir the leaves a bit.>
I have included a picture of my tank to help you envision my
<Looks charming!>
I did a 50% water change and ammonia is showing 0 and Ph is
<Is rather low for frogs, Platies and shrimps.>
Thanks for your constant support,
<My pleasure.>
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Tadpole nursery///
Good Morning Neale,
<It's about quarter to seven PM here -- but thanks
OY!!! KH is 1 degree!
<Very low.>
two small Amanos dead this morning. I am down to 1 cherry, 1
amano, three frogs and a gaggle of snails. Ammonia is back to
0.25 Ph is down to 6.4.
Filter operating properly, rinsed ceramic media yesterday, will
rinse sponge today.
<Right, now, when water is this soft and this acidic, your
biological filter is going to work less and less reliably. At
about pH 6 biological filtration usually stops
So, it is clear that I need to raise the Ph and increase KH.
<I agree.>
I see your recipe for the rift valley salt mix but I also happen
to have a bottle of Nutrafin African Cichlid Conditioner - can I
use this?
Each dose provides 20mg/L (ppm) as CaCO, or by 1 percent of GH.
Guessing I should raise the hardness and Ph slowly over a few
days...what is the best way to do this?
<General hardness and carbonate hardness are different. Think
of them as the way both "volts" and "amps"
are about electricity, but different aspects. General hardness
has little/no impact on buffering. Carbonate hardness is what you
Dosing instructions on the bottle are 5mL per 10 US gal, my tank
is 5 gal so I should use 1/4 of the half dose (I'm not sure I
can even get my head around computing that!)?
<Here's an idea. Go buy a 5 gallon bucket with a lid. Make
up some dechlorinated tap water, and then add the amount of Rift
Valley cichlid salt mix -- or at least the sodium bicarbonate --
needed to raise the carbonate hardness to 3-4 degrees dH. You can
then use that water for water changes across the next few weeks.
As/when you need more, you can make some more up. Does that make
And, how do I maintain this stability during water changes?
<Do 25% water change today and then daily for the next 3-4
days. That should level things off.>
If I change 50% of the water on a weekly basis would I simply add
a 1/2 dose of the salt mix to the replacement tank water?
<Yes, but once settled down I'd only be doing 25% changes
weekly unless the tank got really messy.>
Thanks Neale. Once again I am finding myself in an unenviable
crisis situation!
<The sudden pH drop and resultant death of fish is actually
quite common.
This is why "old hands" like me tend to focus on
carbonate hardness rather than general hardness.>
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Tadpole nursery... Hey, look at me!
Thank you. Yes, your big bucket of rift valley salt mix makes
perfect sense. I'll whip up the recipe this evening and begin
treating immediately and continue over the next few days. Thank
you again.
<My pleasure. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Tadpole nursery... now reading in Nova Scotia... Good
day all!
Hi Neale,
I just re-read the salt solution recipe and I want to clarify
that I am understanding you correctly. My tank has only snails,
ADFs and shrimp - no fish.
If I prepare this solution in a 5 gallon bucket should I mix it
at 50% (1/2 teaspoon soda and aquarium salt, 1/2 tablespoon
Epsom) and than add that after a 25% water change? And, will my
frogs tolerate the salt?
<Yes, this will be fine for the frogs. It's really a
trivially small amount of salt.>
Clearly Chemistry is not my strongest subject!
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Tadpole nursery... Monty Python future skit
Okay thanks! Off to buy a bucket and some Marine salt.
<Cool. At a pinch, non-iodised (e.g., Kosher) sea salt will do
too. Cheers,
Re: Tadpole nursery... no, really
Good to know! Thanks.
<Most welcome. Cheers, Neale.>
Pet store Aquarium System pH Question! 4/23/10
I hope you can help me....I work in a pet store and am having very
significant losses with our fish right now... The aquarium systems are
just over a year and half old. When the systems were new we had very
low losses for months and months. Our pH has always been
high...generally 7.8-8.2.
The past few months our losses have been on the rise. We have Marine
land systems with Biowheels and sumps underneath. We do regular small
water changes a couple times a week of ~10%. Until the past few weeks
our water ALWAYS tested 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, less than 20 nitrate and
as I said, pH around 8. For months not long after the systems were
installed we did not use any aquarium salt...
but then we got a TDS pen and began adding salt
<For what purpose/s?>
which didn't seem to make a difference in losses one way or the
other for some time. With all the losses we've been having we
recently began trying to troubleshoot... One thing we did was to
realize the kitestring filter (that I didn't even know existed)
that the aquarium water runs through was on BACKWARDS and had NEVER
been changed....so we got that installed correctly and replaced the
material. There is also a large Culligan filter thing...I think its a
carbon thing?...
<Possibly... get the part/service number from it and call them
I don't know anything about it except that it exists and the water
for the aquarium systems runs through it.
<... how often is this serviced?>
The last couple of water tests I've done showed nitrates at ~50 for
all of our systems and pH has been 7.8 for our feeder/pond fish system,
8.2 for the rest of the goldfish and African cichlids (don't get me
started on them being in the same system......not my choice!), and a
whopping 8.4 for remaining 2 systems with south American cichlids,
tetras, rasboras, danios, and livebearers..... I tested the water that
goes directly into the
systems a couple days ago and got 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, and ~40-50
nitrates (note again that our water USED to always test at under 20
nitrates in the systems)....pH tested at 7.8. The water in the 2
systems with pH's of 8.4 (these 2 systems have had the highest
losses) recently received ~50% water changes (last week) with smaller
changes of 10-20% every day or two since....what could be causing the
pH to jump that high that fast from the pH coming in at 7.8???
<Something either that is being added to it, or how it is being
processed (filtered)>
We are also now being told that we are going to have to start adding a
pH down chemical, which I KNOW is a BAD idea...but my opinion has no
pull. I also tested general hardness in one of the systems, which came
to 240, and free iron which showed nothing. I would greatly appreciate
any advice, opinions, or ideas with this situation!
Thank you!
<Am referring you to Neale Monks here for his FW input.
Hello Christina,
If I'm understand your problem, you're finding the system has
more nitrate than it used too, and a higher pH level than it used to.
Nitrate gets into the system either through tap water or from decay
within the aquarium. You can test the tap water easily enough. If the
tap water still contains trace levels of nitrate, but the nitrate
levels of the aquarium are dangerously high, then that narrows things
down. Nitrate sources within the aquarium system will be either [a]
overstocking; [b] overfeeding; [c] under-maintained biological filters,
especially canister filters; and [d] organic detritus elsewhere in the
pipe work, e.g., a dead rat.
The pH can go up for several reasons. These include [a] non-zero
ammonia levels; [b] rapid, large-scale photosynthesis which removes
dissolved CO2; [c] the addition of mineral salt mixes containing
carbonate hardness; or [d] the presence of calcareous materials inside
the aquarium, such as coral sand or tufa rock.
Do understand that deliberately forcing pH down without understanding
why it's high is EXTREMELY dangerous. Standard commercial pH
buffers that lower pH do so using things like phosphoric acid. These
neutralise the carbonate hardness and lower the pH. But since
there's a background source of carbonate hardness somewhere in the
system, eventually the lower pH will speed up the dissolution of that
carbonate-containing material, raising the carbonate hardness level in
the water once more. Since the phosphoric acid will by now be used up,
the pH will rise until you add some more. The result is a yo-yo-like
situation where pH goes up and down all the time, stressing the fish
far more than simply exposing them to steady, if suboptimal,
pH/hardness levels. DO NOT DO THIS!
If you want a lower pH, you have to reduce the carbonate hardness as
well. For most community fish, from neons to guppy, moderately hard,
slightly basic water is absolutely fine. Since biological filtration is
best at pH 7.5, lowering the pH below that can cause other problems.
Aim for around pH 7.5, 10-15 degrees dH if you want to stock a wide
range of fish. This will be acceptable to virtually everything with the
exception of those that need really soft and acidic water, like ram
cichlids and wild-caught discus. You'd have those on their own soft
water system anyway (that's the usual approach here in England,
Cheers, Neale
Help...New Aquarium/Fish Loss: Water Too Soft and Nitrite
Spike 1/5/10
Hi there -- New, highly stressed, and sick-with-grief aquarium owner
Not sure what I was thinking when I decided to move forward in getting
my son an aquarium. He loves fish. I think they are beautiful, but I do
not handle animal loss very well at all. As such, haven't slept a
wink and think I have given myself an ulcer.
<I don't like this>
Set up a new 20g Tetra deluxe aquarium well over a week ago. Was led to
believe by the fish store that the Tetra AquaSafe product would cycle
the aquarium in a few days.
<Mmm, no. Decidedly not>
Assumed that was the case when test strips showed ideal/safe readings
of 0 ammonia, 0 nitrate, 0 nitrite.
<Just not cycled period... You'd get the same readings from
new/tap water>
Added 4 platys (2 red wag/2 tri color) two days ago (Sunday
Woke up to one loss yesterday morning and the others not seemingly
Took readings with new test strips we brought home, ammonia, nitrate,
nitrite were the same. Hardness was Very Soft (0)
<... too low for these fish>
and PH / Total Alkalinity at their very highest readings.
<? What? Very strange>
Also discovered from my fairly new landlord that what he told me was a
water dechlorinator on the house is more specifically a water softener
Really not good for the fish. Ugh.
Did two smaller water changes yesterday (for a total of 5 gallons or
25%) using treated water (Big Al's Water Conditioner and Bio
Support) from different water source (bottled spring). Lost two more
fish by the end of the day. But the largest of the platys made it
through the night.
This morning took additional readings. Ammonia and Nitrates are at 0
(shows "safe" on the chart) but slight spike in Nitrites .5
to 1.0. Hardness has increased at 75 but still soft. PH and Alkalinity
are still at highest readings/off the chart. Water is a bit cloudy.
I want to try to fix this/save this last fish. What do I do and
<Use "outside water"... i.e. not water that has been
"softened"... Heat up to about aquarium temperature on the
stove... and this will likely "do it" in terms of alkalinity
and pH... And stop feeding period... read here:
I'm reading a lot about the Nitrogen process but am at a bit of a
loss over the "water softener" water still in my tank.
<Change some of this out daily... with the "outside water"
(likely all taps out of the house are not softened>
I know this was a big mistake and now know that platys obviously need
hard water. Additionally since my tank was surely not cycled properly,
I am just not sure what is priority at this stage.
<You can use products that will speed the cycle/cycling... don't
add to the trouble with food/s>
The hardness/ph/Alk or the nitrite?
<Both need to be addressed. Separately>
Do I need to let the Nitrite spike (and likely lose the last platy) in
order to see the necessary Nitrate develop?
Or should I address with treatment? Can I tackle all at once?
Please help.
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
pH and ALK Not Budging and now Platy Tail Missing??
Thanks for your quick reply. I did another 25% water change
Hardness has improved to 150 (Hard) which is the good news. Also see a
slight increase in Nitrate (maybe 5-10 ppm? hard to say as it is quick
dip but definitely darker than yesterday's 0 reading).
<This is fine>
Nitrite reading is just slightly lighter/better. Working on it.
FYI, so far I have never detected any Ammonia reading/spike -- always
<Likely this phase "passed you by" unawares>
The PH and Alk are not budging??!! Still at highest reading 8.4 and 300
respectively?? Is this not strange considering the above? I will do
another water change today.
<Do consider blending in some water that is less hard and
alkaline... Perhaps RO... about half>
Most concerning this morning is I woke up to find my single platy's
tail fin missing. It appears almost a straight, slightly diagonal edge.
A closer look shows fraying, but it is definitely mostly gone. Assume
this is fin rot from all the stress and water issues. I know this
condition can be treated and I will do so today. At this level, can
this be corrected/will he survive/will it grow back?
<Hopefully so. Fins can regenerate if not gone "too far
back", with time, good care.>
So hope to hear from you soon.
Thanks much,
<Welcome. BobF>
Freshwater Tank & pH problems 9/21/09
I have a 26 gallon tank with five Ticto barbs and two black ruby barbs.
I originally had four black ruby barbs but have recently lost two.
<Odd; usually a pretty robust species.>
I have a biofilter, undergravel filter, and air stone in the tank.
<Do check your undergravel filter is sufficiently deep (around 2-3
inches) and that you give the gravel a good stir every few
My tank's pH keeps dropping and I am wondering what is causing this
since it is an established tank and I have not had this happen
<If you see consistent pH drops, then there's usually a lack of
carbonate hardness.
My tap water readings are Nitrate - 0, Nitrite - 0, GH - 300 ppm, KH -
180 ppm.
<Actually sounds pretty good. This water should be hard and fairly
These ratings are after having the water sit in a bucket for 24 hours
with an air stone.
My current tank water's readings are Nitrate - 0, Nitrate - 0, GH -
300 ppm, KH - 40 ppm, and pH - 6.
Ammonia is currently at 0.
I am afraid to do water changes since that will cause the pH to rise up
and since the KH is low, I am assuming that the pH will drop rapidly
again and I know rapid pH changes can be harmful to the fish.
<Indeed, though precisely how harmful has been argued in recent
Can acidic water be harmful as well?
<Oh yes.>
Is it possible that my tank is recycling and it is going to be a slow
process since the water is so acidic right now?
<Don't see that that's the issue here. If you have zero
nitrite and ammonia, and the tank is more than, say, a couple of months
old, it should be properly cycled and nicely matured.>
When I did a water change yesterday I did add some StressZyme. Last
week I had a large amount of brown algae so I did a larger cleaning on
my tank and now I am wondering if that is causing the tank to
<Diatoms thrive in unstable water conditions seemingly better than
other algae, and are just plain common in newly established tanks. They
go away eventually, or at least, reach proportions easily managed with
scrapers or things like Nerite snails.>
Please provide any advice you can.
<It's actually not clear to me why your hard water suddenly
becomes soft.
But stepping backwards through the issue: The reason the pH drops is
that the carbonate hardness goes from fairly high, 180 mg/l, to very
low, 40 mg/l. This in turn allows background acidification -- which is
quite normal -- to create conditions where the pH drops abnormally
fast. My gut reaction here is that your water chemistry test kits are
misleading you about the amount of carbonate hardness (KH) you have.
Your GH reading stays the same, so that's probably fine. But under
some circumstances it appears that carbonate hardness test kits can be
misled by other minerals and/or chemicals such as flocculants added to
drinking water. For whatever reason, this is something I've never
heard of in the UK but seems quite common in
some parts of the US, particularly where people use well water. Your
water supply company might be able to enlighten you here. Anyway, given
that the KH value is perhaps bogus, I'd use a little of the Rift
Valley cichlid salt mix outlined on this page:
Since you already have a reasonably high level of general hardness,
I'd perhaps skip the Epsom salt and marine salt mix portions, and
concentrate on the baking soda. Instead of adding one teaspoon per 5
gallons as you'd need for Rift Valley cichlids, add a third of that
amount, i.e., one teaspoon per 15 gallons, and see how that works. If
you find the pH stays stable, then you're fine. If not, up the dose
to one teaspoon per 10
gallons. Don't make sudden changes, but over the next few days do a
series of small water changes, say 5 gallons. Add an appropriate amount
of baking soda (in this case, one-third a teaspoon to start with per 5
gallons). Do this each day for the next week. That should give your
fish ample time to adjust to any pH changes. By the weekend, see where
the pH is, and if you're happy with the results, stick with this
dosage each time you do your water changes. Remember, dose the baking
soda per bucket of water, not for
the whole tank! If you change 10 gallons, then add as much baking soda
as you need to each bucket of water ONLY.>
<I've asked Bob to chime in if he sees anything obvious I've
missed. Good luck! Cheers, Neale.>
<<Mmm, maybe I'd encourage the addition of "crushed
coral" or similar source of solid/bulky calcium carbonate in a bag
(Dacron or such) in the filter/flow path; but otherwise your response
is complete. RMF>>
Re: Freshwater Tank & pH problems (RMF, ideas?)
<<Mmm, maybe I'd encourage the addition of "crushed
coral" or similar source of solid/bulky calcium carbonate in a bag
(Dacron or such) in the filter/flow path; but otherwise your response
is complete. RMF>>
Hi Bob. I'd offer a caution to this approach: once such material
becomes covered with algae or organic detritus -- as will quickly
happen inside a filter -- it's ability to dissolve reduces
The analogy I like to use is to compare the bacterial slime around such
material to the candy coating around the chocolate inside an M&M;
with the coating, the chocolate can't melt; take the coating away,
and the chocolate warms up easily and melts more quickly. Adding
carbonate hardness direct to the buckets of
water is precise and more or less fail-safe provided water changes are
regular. By contrast, the bulk use of calcareous material is imprecise
(how quickly and how much the water hardens is difficult to predict)
and can fail after a while without regularly cleaning, replacing the
calcareous material. I'm sure Bob will be aware of the danger of
"pH crashes" in old marine tanks where too much reliance was
placed on an undergravel filter made from coral sand and coral rubble.
So, in short, by all means install a filter media bag with a half-cup
of crushed coral into an external canister filter and see what happens,
but be aware that such an approach may not work as well, or as
reliably, as you'd expect. Cheers, Neale.>
<Thank you for this input. BobF>
Re: Freshwater Tank & pH problems (RMF, ideas?)
9/21/09 Thank you for the information.
<Happy to help.>
I will try changing out 5 gallons per day and adding the baking soda to
see if this helps. Could adding fish cause the water to get acidic?
<Only in extreme situations, e.g., adding a giant catfish to a 10
gallon tank. Not the issue here, I expect.>
I recently added the four black ruby barbs. I wanted to only add two
since they were on the larger side to begin with but the guy at the
aquarium shop said when adding a new species of barb I need to have
more than two, and he suggested four. Could that have caused the pH
I have since lost three of the black ruby barbs. I have one left and
the Ticto barbs seem to be ok. My largest Ticto seems to be harassing
the ruby barbs and one by one they have died.
<Ticto Barbs are generally pretty well behaved, but all barbs are
highly social and have an intense "pecking order". As a
general rule, keep 6 or more. The more you keep, the less trouble they
tend to be. If that means sticking with a single species in your
aquarium, so be it, though they usually mix fine. I'd suggest
keeping an open mind here: are the Ticto Barbs being bullies because
the Rubies are sickly, or are the Rubies sickly because they're
being bullied...>
About two months ago I was out of town for two weeks and other people
were feeding my fish. When I got back fish were dead and the water was
gross so I did a massive water change. I think the fish were overfed
while I was gone. I believe my tank did a mini cycle at that time. It
finally seemed back to normal, although I did add StressZyme to help it
cycle and then I got a major brown algae bloom, but the water readings
where all good with the pH around 7 at that time.
<Very rarely do such problems as this cause long term issues.
Assuming an abused tank gets a chance to recover, it should settle down
fine, and the fish inside likewise.>
I did clean out the water again to get the brown algae out and then I
added the new fish and now it is all out of whack. I think maybe I
cleaned out all the beneficial bacteria, but I am not sure.
The bacteria are in the filter; provided the filter media is left
alone, or merely rinsed in buckets of old aquarium water, then you can
scrub down the rest of tank if you want, and it couldn't matter
Is brown algae a sign of poor water quality?
<Diatoms are generally not a sign of poor quality; rather, they
tolerate varying conditions well, and thrive under less light than most
other algae.
Funnily enough, this month's CA has an article on algae; might be
Again, any further thoughts would be helpful.
<Cheers, Neale.>
Odd Water Parameters, FW... no Alk! 09/03/09
Hey there WWM Crew- I have planted two tanks, one 10g other a 29g.
Recently I discovered some very unhappy fish and tracked it down to a
drop in my tap pH. All parameters (nitrates, nitrates) are appearing
okay. Buffering capacity is 0! (NOT OKAY!)
pH is showing up as below 6.5 (that's as low as both types of my
strips go!)
<Not good...>
I've been reading and am totally confused as *how to raise the
buffering capacity and the pH on a regular basis and keep it
<Surprisingly easy. Do read here:
Typically, unless you're keeping fish that need hard water (e.g.,
livebearers, goldfish) simply use one-quarter to one-half the dose
recommended for the Rift Valley cichlid salt mix will increase and
stabilise pH for pennies a month.>
I tested two different water taps, and I was wondering (also) if
it's normal for one tap to have a pH of 7, and another to have 6.5
or lower.
<Not normal, no. Do watch that some tap water, especially well
water, has variable readings across a period of time after it is drawn
from the tap.
Testing water, then leaving it for 24 hours, and then testing a second
time, is often revelatory. Also, all aquaria tend to become acidic over
time: accumulation of nitrate, decaying organic matter, tannins will
lower the pH. Conversely, photosynthesis raises pH because it uses up
dissolved CO2 during the day. Within reason, fish tolerate these
changes reasonably well, but sudden changes can cause problems if
there's ammonia in the system, because ammonia becomes more toxic
as pH rises (if I recall correctly). So overall you want a steady
Shouldn't the entire house be using the same water source? I would
like to use the tap with the pH 7, but cannot as the water siphon
cannot connect to that faucet. Any help would be appreciated. City
water reports state that water should be in the 7.2 range. I'm
guessing this may be a plumbing issue- is that even possible?
<Use the Rift Valley salt mix suggested, at 25-50% the dose
required. A pH between 7 to 7.5, hardness 10-15 degrees dH is ideal for
most community fish.>
-- Thanks! Anitra
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: My fish died last night ... culprit might be pH?
Hi Neale. A month ago I had a convoluted set of issues. Earlier note is
attached below. Your recommendations were great!
<Glad to hear it!>
My main problem was low KH. So ph was crashing.
<I see.>
I've been fiddling around with different percentages of Rift
Trying to find the best mix. Before I add more fish. Now I only have a
couple platys left. Would like a mixed freshwater tank. Following are
test results. Using a dropper test kit. No more pesky test strips.
My tap water is (ammonia, No2 and No3 all zero):
ph 7.2 ... KH 2 ... GH 8
<Somewhat low carbonate hardness, but with regular water changes,
this would be ideal for soft water tetras, cichlids, etc.>
Using 50% Rift Valley mix (although can't remember if this was
seasoned water or right out of the tap). The bucket tested at:
ph 7.8 ... KH 9 ... GH 22
<Ideal for livebearers, Goldfish, Mbuna, Tanganyikans and Central
Elsewhere for a mixed tank. I think you said KH should be 5-10. GH
So I figured this GH is too high.
<Actually less of a deal than many suppose, unless you're
breeding. Visited Southern Ohio last couple of days where people are
breeding Angelfish in "liquid rock" very similar to
First, I reduced just the Epsom salt % in the mix. To knock down GH
Did baking soda @ 50%, Epsom @ 33%, marine salt mix @ 50%. That bucket
tested out at:
ph 7.6 ... KH 8 ... GH 15
<This would be ideal for a wide range of fish that don't need
especially soft water. Livebearers would thrive, and barbs,
rainbowfish, catfish and many other community species would also do
I figured that was pretty good. But when I put it in the tank via 20%
weekly water changes. Half way through the week KH is down to 2-3.
Although ph stays pretty stable in that time frame. I've been
afraid to wait much longer (for a 20% water change). Afraid of another
ph crash.
With so-low KH.
Then I figured to boost KH only. Try goosing the baking soda %. So I
did baking soda @ 100%, Epsom @ 33%, marine salt mix @ 50%. That bucket
tested out at: ph 8.0 ... KH 13 ... GH 14
<Somewhat too high for standard community fish, but the hard water
fish mentioned earlier (livebearers, Mbuna, etc.) would thrive.>
To me that sounded like probably acceptable KH and GH. But ph too
I'm scared to dump it in my tank.
<I'd actually use one bucket of that mix, and one bucket plain
water, and see what you got. 8 degrees KH and 7 degrees dH wouldn't
be a bad mix for a wide range of community tropicals.>
I thought of trying. Baking soda @ 50%, Epsom @ 33%, marine salt @
But figured let me ask first. If this makes sense. Or I'm going
down the wrong road. Fiddling with these percentages. Chemistry was not
my thing in high school. As you can probably tell (yuck, yuck).
<Pretty much everyone comes down to this. While the Rift Valley salt
mix is a good starting point, many people find they have to
"eyeball" the dosages to match whatever comes out their
tap/faucet. Someone with hard water probably won't need as much
salt mix as someone with very acidic soft water.>
In other words. Does the ratio of the 3 Rift Valley ingredients NEED to
stay constant? E.g. 50%-50%-50%. Or 25%-25%-25%. But NOT
Or 100%-33%-50%. The way I've been trying.
<You are free to experiment as much as you want. Don't expose
the fish to wild changes in pH or hardness (like from pH 6 to 8 in 20
minutes!) but broadly speaking, making changes from one day to the next
doesn't usually harm most community species. Indeed, many fish are
quite able to adapt to changes in water chemistry, and have to, e.g.,
when photosynthesis cases pH to rapidly changes during the day, or
rainstorms suddenly dilute the amount of hardness in the water.>
If so, how high is too high for GH?
<For most community fish, somewhere around 10-15 degrees dH general
hardness is ideal. Lower levels will suit soft water fish, but
livebearers and other species that need hard water will complain. Most
community species will adapt to 20 degrees dH, including most barbs and
even though they inhabit softer water in the wild. But there are some
fish, like Cardinals and Ram cichlids, that never quite adapt fully to
very hard water, and tend to be disease prone or simply short lived
above 10 degrees dH.>
Sounds like fish can get used to almost anything.
<Pretty much. Oddly perhaps, hard water fish are more sensitive to
soft water than soft water fish seem fussed about hard water.>
But I'm worried if my GH is sky high. Vs. the pet store tank.
I'll shock new fish I'm adding to my tank. Even if I slowly
transition them. By adding small amounts of tank water (to the bag
they're in). Over 2 hours or so.
<Should work fine. See the "drip method" as used by marine
Any thoughts? Of the best way to increase KH. Without driving GH
through the roof. And I don't want to raise my ph too high
<I'd think about the ph 7.8, KH 9, GH 22 mix as a starting
point, but for each bucket of that you add, add a plain vanilla bucket
of tap water. I suspect you'll get something around pH 7.5, 4-5
degrees KH, and around 10-12 degrees dH. That would suit virtually all
but the fussiest community fish. Provided you did regular water
changes, I wouldn't expect pH to drop much between weeks. If you
find pH changes rapidly from one day to the next, check your water
isn't "funky". Some folks find their water drawn from the
tap *before* adding salts has a certain pH and hardness when fresh, and
then 24 hours later is totally different. It seems the test kits are
"fooled" by unstable chemicals in certain types of water
(often well water, but sometimes water treated with flocculants and
other chemicals).
So, you need to leave the water overnight, test it, and then add your
salt mix. That way, you'll have a more reliable product.>
I'm anxious to decide what Rift Valley mix is best. Then I'll
stick with it. Looking forward to adding more fish. These platys are
getting lonely.
<I bet!>
Thanks! Rich
P.S. mixing Rift Valley. After swirling the water in a circle. When the
current settles down. I notice a decent amount of black granules
collecting in the center. Seems like the mix isn't dissolving
Even after a day or two. I figure it's no big deal don't worry
about it.
<Don't worry about it. Cheers, Neale.>
Fw: My fish died last night ... culprit might be pH?
Amendment to yesterday's note (attached below). Turns out my prior
"bucket tests" were right out of the tap. Instead of 24 hour
aerated water. So pH is higher (about .4) than I thought. Sorry!!
<A-ha! Yes, this is often the case, as I just wrote in my preceding
Yesterday I re-did prior tests using 24 hour seasoned water. Seems like
anything close to 50% Rift Valley mix. Gets my pH up to 8.0.
<Which, in itself, isn't a big deal. Most community fish
tolerate this just fine, and livebearers love it.>
So I'm going to go with 25%-25%-25% (consistent percentages) Rift
Valley mix for a while. And see where that gets me. If I have to change
water more often I will. I figure gauge how long it takes for KH to
drop to say 2-ish. Hopefully I catch it before a pH crash.
FYI here's what my 25%-25%-25% Rift Valley bucket tests out to
(using 24 hour aerated water):
pH 7.6 ... KH 4 ... GH 8
<Not bad at all... keep on top of the water changes and you should
be fine.
A little soft for some livebearers, particularly Mollies, but Platies
should be fine.>
My tap water (24 hour aerated water):
ph 7.2 ... KH 2 ... GH 7
<Very soft indeed, or at least, very lacking in carbonate
Thanks you're the best! Rich
<Glad to have helped. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: My fish died last night ... culprit might be pH?
Hi Neale. During my first 6 months of fish keeping. You were a GREAT
help. That's why I just made a donation (to WetWebMedia). It's
only right. You're a volunteer. Without you, I probably would have
given up.
And put the tank in the basement. To gather dust.
<Thanks for the kind words.>
Thought I'd give you a status report. Things are MUCH better now.
Your guidance below was invaluable. Along with all your prior
<Glad to help.>
I ended up choosing Hagen Aquaclear for filtration. It's made a
HUGE difference. My water is like glass now. I find it stunning. I
never had water like that with the Penguin. Algae seems less of a
problem. The sour odor is gone. When I vac my gravel, it's not as
funky looking. And my fish seem more active. Especially the Corys.
Before, they would inevitably become lethargic. Float to the top. Then
die. It happened a couple times over. Now they're happy, energetic
& getting bigger. Yea!
That tells me they're healthy.
<Sounds as if the filter was the key!>
Instead of one Aquaclear 150 for my 28 gallon. I got two. Turning the
speed control down halfway. That way the current isn't too strong
for my small fish. Someone suggested this. I thought it was a GREAT
<Indeed. Because hang-on-the-back filters have the inlet and outlet
next to each other, having two smaller units rather than one big unit
allows you to ensure better circulation throughout the tank.>
1) two filters vs. one = twice the filtration volume (without too
strong of a current, when you turn filter speed down to medium),
2) to quickly clean up dirty water, you can temporarily turn the speed
up to maximum (i.e. 300 gph in my 28 gallon tank). It works perfect. I
do this to clear up the junk vacc'ing stirs up. The fish huddle in
a quiet spot for a while. Seems like no problem at all for them.
They're fine when I turn the filter speed down.
3) you've got an automatic backup (if one breaks down or to start a
new tank),
4) you can alternate cleaning the filters. So you'll never destroy
enough bacteria to cause problems. Like I think I did with the Penguin.
When I changed cartridges. Or that pesky BioWheel stopped. Which it did
a couple times.
<All well said.>
I almost didn't go with Aquaclear. Because online I read it's
difficult to prime.
<This is an argument made against canister filters, but to be
honest, "difficult" merely means there's a trick to
learn. Once you've done it, it's easy.>
And wouldn't restart after a power outage. But if the water level
hasn't dropped. So the "siphon" isn't lost. The
Aquaclear restarts just fine.
No need to prime at all. So I'm not that worried about a power
Frankly, the Aquaclear restarts with less ruckus than the Penguin. And
I always had to re-prime the Penguin.
<Not familiar with the Penguin filter, but I'm sure you're
Also, I had to shut off the Penguin for 20-25% water changes. Because
the water level went below the upper intake opening. So it had to be
re-primed every water change. Vs. the Aquaclear doesn't draw water
from the top level of the tank. So I can leave it running during
partial water changes.
I don't even shut off the Aquaclear during feeding. Which I did
with the Penguin. Because its return water hit the surface like a
bucket of bolts.
Knocking food to the bottom before the fish ate much. So I had to
re-prime my Penguin. Each & every time I fed my fish.
<Leaving the filter on while feeding fish is sensible, and I rarely
do otherwise.>
Vs. you can leave the Aquaclear running during feeding. Just turn the
speed control all the way down. The water hits the surface so gently.
It barely knocks any food to the bottom.
The only time I shut off the Aquaclear is for cleaning. After which it
needs to be re-primed. But doing so is no harder than re-priming the
Penguin. Taking about the same time. As long as you turn the speed
control all the way up. Until the siphon restarts. It's fine. No
problem at all.
<Sounds a good filter.>
Sorry, this wasn't supposed to be an advertisement for Aquaclear.
But I'm so impressed with it. Vs. the Penguin. It's better
designed. And more effective. Even in terms of noise level Aquaclear
wins. It's practically silent. Vs. the Penguin could be heard all
around the room. And down the hall.
<Don't worry about sounding too "commercial". Folks do
ask us about whether a particular brand is any good, and it's
useful to have reports from users we can direct them too. This is
doubly so with filter for which we have no personal experience, as
would be the case here.>
Anyway ... I'm still using your Rift Valley mix (100-33-50) for
water changes. It works perfect. And it's inexpensive (I can't
thank you enough!!). Tank is a steady 7.8 pH. GH is a steady 10-12. KH
goes up to 5 after a 20% water change. Which I still do 2/week. To
avoid KH dropping too much. I learned the hard way that KH of less than
2. Is trouble about to rear its ugly head. Having had a couple pH
<Great! I'm glad you have the water chemistry issue
Now I'm experimenting with Purigen & Chemi-Pure in the
AquaClears. Instead of plain carbon. Thinking these might (indirectly)
help the dropping KH.
And yes, I still have that hunk of driftwood in the tank. I know
it's an aggravating factor. But my fish are in love with it (me too
yuck, yuck).
And carbon/Purigen seems to suck all the yellow tinge out of the water.
So not a negative, appearance-wise.
The bottom line is. Things are great now. Because of you. So thank
<My pleasure, and thanks for writing back to us with this
P.S. someone else said the AquaClears draw so little current (6 watts
each). I should plug them into a UPS (uninterruptible power supply)
designed for computers. These are inexpensive. And also protect against
power surges (that fry electrical equipment). I have one for my work
computer. Which draws a lot more current than a couple AquaClears. So I
imagine it would keep them running for a long time (during a power
Sustaining filtration + aeration + keeping my bacteria alive. I just
need to do a little more research. Re the right size (capacity)
<Bob and many other of the experienced reefkeepers do strongly
recommend the purchase of UPS devices for their tanks. While freshwater
fish are more tolerant of power outages than marines, there's no
question at all that having a UPS is better than not having
A UPS setup to run one's chosen filter. Seems a lot more sensible.
Than buying that Azoo battery powered air pump. Which would only aerate
the water. No filtration. No keeping bacteria (inside the filter)
<Indeed. But one way to keep filter bacteria alive outside a filter
is to put the sponges or whatever in a shallow bowl or basin, just
covered in water. This allows oxygen to get in. The bacteria die when
kept in enclosed spaces (like the inside of a filter) because they
can't get enough oxygen.
External canister filters are notoriously bad in this regard since they
have almost no opportunity to get oxygen from the air, being connected
to the water via narrow hoses.>
FYI link below is the UPS I got for my computer. 390 watts. WAY
stronger than I'd need to run two 6-watt AquaClears. So I'll
probably choose a less expensive, lower capacity model. Although $64
isn't bad. Considering the Azoo "battery backup pump" is
$59 on sale (in drsfostersmith.com). And it's only an air pump. Vs
a UPS could power anything you plug into it.
Except for a heater I suppose. They draw so much current. It would
probably wipe the battery out pretty quick. Unless you bought a huge
Too pricey for me. I'd rather bear hug the tank to keep it
<Do read Mike and Merritt's article on surviving power outages,
As I say, while freshwater fish tolerate power outage problems for
longer than most marines, there's certainly a good argument in
taking the same precautions for a freshwater tank as you'd take for
a reef tank. Cheers, Neale.>
pH levels 8/22/09
My boyfriend has a 40 gallon corner freshwater aquarium. Its been in
constant use for at least the last 6 years with no trouble. Recently,
however, the pH has dropped to 5.0 and we cant get it back up,
water changes and adding pH balancers.
<What's the water chemistry? For a stable pH, you need a
reasonable amount of carbonate hardness:
Soft water poses particular problems:
The fish tank houses several angel fish, a Cory cat, a couple
swordtails, and until a couple days ago, a Pleco. Last week, we removed
the old gravel and went with all natural rock as well as added live
plants in place of the fake, plastic ones. We were wondering if the new
plants, the new rock, or the plant food would have an effect on the pH
and if there was something we are/aren't doing that we need to, to
get the pH up?
<Potentially changing things can lower the pH. A small number of
plants -- most importantly Elodea-type things -- can remove carbonate
from the water, allowing pH to drop. Bogwood will also tend to cause pH
to drop between water changes. Again, these are issues where carbonate
hardness is low. Aim for a carbonate hardness around 5 degrees KH. If
you don't have such a level, then use the "Rift Valley Cichlid
Salt" mix as described in the article linked above; a half should
be ample, added to each new bucket of
water as required. In other words, if you take out one 5 gallon bucket,
add one new 5 gallon bucket with the 1 teaspoon, 1 teaspoon, and 1
tablespoon doses of marine salt mix, baking soda, and Epsom salt
The fish seem fine (other than the death of the Pleco).
<Biological filtration stops below pH 6, so you do have a major
problem. Fish will die, and soon, without a repair. Cheers,
Re: Ph levels 8/25/09
Thank you so much for your advice! We added some crushed coral (with
more to add in a day or two) and already the pH is up to 6 and a couple
of the plants grew several inches over night! This website has been the
most helpful I've found. Thank you!
<Glad to have helped. Now, do remember that as the crushed coral
gets covered with algae and bacteria, it will lose contact with the
water, and this in turn means it can't dissolve into the water, and
so it can't buffer
the pH. If you find the pH starts falling once more, you may need to
"refresh" the buffering capacity of your aquarium. Taking out
some of the substrate and replacing it with a fresh gravel/coral sand
mix may help. But
the best approach is to use a media bag (or the foot from an old pair
of tights/stockings/pantyhose) and parcel up a portion of crushed coral
or coral sand. Empty this out every 2-3 months or whenever you find pH
isn't buffering properly. The easiest, lowest-tech approach is to
make up some Rift Valley Salt Mix, as mentioned here:
The basic formula for Rift Valley cichlids and other fish that need
really hard water is to each 5 US gallons (20 litres) of water you stir
in 1 teaspoon baking soda (sodium bicarbonate), 1 tablespoon Epsom
(magnesium sulfate), and 1 teaspoon marine salt mix (sodium chloride +
trace elements). Since you're keeping community fish, one-quarter
to one-half this dosage should be ample. Add the right amounts of these
to each bucket of water you add to the tank every time you do a water
You'll find it costs pennies per month, and works very well.
Cheers, Neale.>
My fish died last night ... culprit might be pH?
29 gallon. 6 weeks old. Have been using Kordon products. Novaqua+ for
new water. In the beginning I started with dry "Amquel plus
buffers". I misunderstood, thinking it was "Amquel+ and
buffers". 3 weeks ago I switched to regular Amquel+. I put it in
weekly or so. Everything seemed fine.
<Whilst maintaining a steady pH is important, it is usually a bad
idea to do this by adding pH buffers. Why? Because aquaria have a
background tendency to acidify anyway, so even if you tweak the pH of a
bucket of water one way or another, that may not prevent acidification
in between water changes. Ideally, choose fish suited to your local
water chemistry.
If you must, add a Rift Valley cichlid salt mix at a half- or full-dose
to make water that is moderately to very hard, depending on your needs.
For most community fishkeeping, moderately to very hard water is the
optimal, since high levels of carbonate hardness inhibit pH changes. Do
see here:
There's a Rift Valley cichlid salt recipe there, and it's a lot
cheaper and easier to use than buffering potions.>
Got ich about 10 days ago. Started with Kordon Ich Attack. Seemed to
work in a couple days. Lost 2 Cory cats & 1 platy. The 2 Corys were
floating up to the surface. They struggled but just couldn't stay
near the bottom.
They kept floating up. Same problem I had with the first 2 Corys. Then
switched to Rid Ich+ 4 days ago (took out the carbon). When I noticed
clear jelly like stuff collecting around the base of a couple
artificial plants. Seemed like part of the ich or fungus. Figured I
needed something stronger. Also because Rid Ich+ mentions ok for Corys,
figured it might be less of a problem. Everyone seemed to be doing
<Catfish react to certain copper- and formalin-based medications,
and while Brand X might be safe under one set of conditions, if
there's something else going on in the tank stressing them, that
medication could cause harm.
By default, choose the heat/salt method when treating Ick in tanks with
catfish, loaches, and other sensitive species.>
Testing all along has shown ammonia, NO2 & NO3 zero or very close.
With the Amquel+ I figured. The only problem has been the ph. My
municipal tap water (Connecticut) tests @ 7.2. But, the tank is 6.0.
Even with water changes it barely raises.
<It sounds as if your water has little to no carbonate
Anyway, last night I got another test kit that goes below 6.0 ph. The
test indicated 5.5 I think. I read online that's too low.
Less than 6.0 and the bacteria won't grow, all that.
<Oh, there certainly are bacteria that thrive in acidic conditions
-- just not the filter bacteria we want!>
So it said you can raise ph by putting some sea shells in.
<Not really worthwhile.>
I put a couple in and everything was ok. One platy even hung around the
sea shells. Then at the store a guy told me they have to be crushed up
sea shells. So I came home and crushed them up. Leaving them in a net
so they wouldn't all get mixed in.
<Hmm... solid chunks of calcium carbonate (crushed shells, crushed
coral) can work, but only if placed somewhere with a strong water
current, i.e., inside a canister filter or else as part of an
undergravel filter.
Otherwise, there simply isn't enough water moving past the calcium
carbonate to "absorb" carbonate hardness at the required
rate. Furthermore, such calcium carbonate only works while it is clean:
once covered with bacteria and algae, it's insulated from the water
and stops working.>
Two hours later I came back because the room had a horrible sulfur
(rotten egg) smell. Really strong. And every fish was dead except 3
platys. I lost 3 Danios, 5 Neons & 2 Cory cats. This am the strong
sulfur smell is gone it's ack to normal pretty much.
<The sulphur could be caused by simply decay, particularly anaerobic
Hydrogen sulphide is certainly toxic to fish, though almost never is it
available in sufficient quantities to cause serious harm. You see,
hydrogen sulphide reacts instantly with oxygen, so as soon as it
bubbles out from the anaerobic pocket in the sediment where it formed,
it reacts with oxygen in the water, becoming sulphur dioxide. This is
why the hydrogen sulphide produced in the black, anaerobic mud in ponds
doesn't kill your goldfish.
Anyway, if you smell sulphur, it's likely to imply decay, but
rather than being the direct cause of death, you should be more
concerned about the decay in the aquarium, and the effects that'll
have on acidification and oxygen availability in the water.>
I figure it had to be those damn shells. But with < 6.0 ph I thought
I better try to get it up. Figured the shells would do it slowly.
Didn't put a lot in. Maybe 1/4 cup (crushed up). And what was that
sulfur stink all of a sudden.
<Were the shells clean? It's a silly question really, but it is
the shells were cleaned and didn't containing dead snails or
Also that new test kit (dip strip type) last night showed: total
hardness: 25 (scale 0-1000)
<25 what? 25 mg/l? If so, that's a trivial amount, and far too
low for most fish.>
total alkalinity 0 (scale 0-300)
<Here's your problem. Right here. Zero carbonate hardness means
your water has zero ability to prevent acidification.>
Ammonia, NO2 and NO3 0.0.
And again, ph under 6.0 it looked like. But the colors aren't exact
so hard to tell. And these test strip types aren't too good
I've heard.
<The precise pH doesn't matter. Yes, it should be around 7 to
7.5, but precisely where doesn't matter within the range so long as
its steady from week to week. On the other hand, pH 6 is far too
The only other thing is I had a piece of driftwood in the tank. Pretty
good size. That's why I figured the ph dropped vs. the tap.
<Yes, driftwood produces tannins, and these lower pH.>
Plus in the beginning, I was thinking the Amquel with buffers might
have messed up the pH. But I've probably done a dozen 20% water
changes since then. Periodically & due to the Rid Ich+. And I
figured the driftwood would have less of an effect over time. It's
been soaked a lot. Now, barely turning the water a tea color any more.
Well, hard to tell I suppose with the GREEN/BLUE Rid Ich+ in there huh!
But the guy in the store said it should be fine. They prep the
driftwood before they sell it.
<Even cured driftwood will lower the pH over time. It's what
driftwood does, period, end of story.>
Just for grins retested the water this am (after the fish died).
It's all the same except hardness looks like 75 not 25 like last
night (before the fish died).
<Still too low. You're aiming for something like 100-300 mg/l,
with about 200 mg/l being optimal for the widest selection of community
Any help you could give me would be appreciated. I'm thinking the
shells did the deed last night. Big mistake. But can't understand
why I've had two sets of Cory cats. And the same thing happened to
both. They start floating up to the top and stay there. It's a
struggle to get down to the bottom of the tank.
<May be insufficient water circulation, at least in part. Catfish
get their oxygen from the water at the bottom of the tank, and if the
water quality down there is dire, they're going to be the first
fish to die.>
A couple times they got themselves pinned under some overhang. To keep
down. Or they'd just float back up. Seems like they just get
exhausted and die. That's why I did the shell job. I was thinking
pH is the only measure off whack in my tank. Ammonia, NO2 & NO3
seem pretty good all along. I hope that made sense! Thanks!
<Do read the article mentioned earlier on. Read, digest, and if
you're still stuck, write back. Don't add any more fish until
you've stabilised pH from week to week, and have learned how to mix
a Rift Valley salt mix such that you produce buckets of water with
adequate carbonate and general hardness. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: My fish died last night ... culprit might be pH?
The site you provided was incredible
<Glad you liked.>
Re the Rift Valley salt mix. It's ok to use in a freshwater tank?
Sounded like it.
But I got a little concerned reading the section titled, "Aquarium
When it said, "marine salt is not really a viable option...".
So with freshwater would it be safer to:
1) invest in a commercially available freshwater product (if I can find
one with no salt)?
<Marine salt mix is a key ingredient, and at the dosage used,
won't harm freshwater fish in the least. Yes, you can buy
commercial Rift Valley cichlid salt mixes, and these will work very
well. But the recipe given in the article here at WWM is just as good,
and costs pennies per month to use.>
2) prepare the Rift Valley mix but skip the marine salt ingredient?
(only use baking soda & Epsom salt)
<Don't skip the marine salt mix if using this recipe.>
3) mix Rift Valley as indicated. But reduce the dose to 25-33%. Plus
choose soft water fishes. Not sure where to check what fishes are
particularly adverse to salinity.
<You misunderstand... my point here is you can't use marine salt
by itself to harden water for freshwater fish unless you know they
tolerate both salinity and hardness. Mollies and Guppies for example
will do perfectly well in brackish water, or even seawater, so if you
live in a soft water area, one way to keep these fish successfully is
to switch to a brackish water aquarium. But other hard water fish
won't tolerate such conditions.
Mbuna cichlids for example don't tolerate brackish water, and are
in fact made sick by it.>
Re the sulfur smell. Wow maybe you're right. The last time or two
vacc'ing the gravel I was surprised what came up out of there.
Pretty dark and rude looking. Maybe the cycle never got going. With
that way low pH (since day 1). Vacc'ing weekly I have noticed the
gravel getting skunkier. I gassed my poor little Cory's!!
Re circulation. I have a 12" bubbler buried under the gravel. And
a Penguin 150 filter (whose return makes some bubbles).
<When was the last time you checked the diaphragm in the air pump?
Most need this little bit of rubber changed every year or two. If you
don't, they push less and less air, and your bubbler won't be
doing much good.>
Maybe a canister filter would be better. This was a cheap setup.
<Well, there's certainly an argument that says one big, decent
filter is better than a poky filter and an airstone. The Penguin 150
filter has a turnover of 150 gallons per hour. For small fish, turnover
should be at least 4 times the volume of the tank. Since 4 x 29 = 116
gallons per hour, your Penguin filter should be adequate. But do check
it's working properly, that the media selected are logical, and
that you are maintaining it correctly. Specifically, make sure the
media are mostly biological in nature (carbon and zeolite are largely
useless in this type of tank). Clean the filter every 4-6 weeks, but
remember to rinse biological media in buckets of aquarium water so you
don't kill the bacteria.>
Also I've been shutting off the bubbler at night. To make it easier
for the fish to sleep. I figured a less strong current to fight. Means
better sleep. Maybe not.
<Not. Leave filters and air pumps running 24 hours.>
Thank you Neale. You're da best!
P.S. I didn't clean the shells. Rinsed & crushed them. Then
microwaved to sterilize.
<Ah, while microwaves will *kill* bacteria and such, and organic
debris, like dead, dried snails, will still be there.>
Until the towel they were inside got charred--whoops.
<Cheers, Neale.>
Problems with PH. FW Community 7/2/09
WWM Crew,
Id like to start by thanking you for the immense amount of work that
goes into creating and maintaining a site such as this, as well as the
time spent responding to issues such as my own.
<Thank you.>
I do hope not all of my questions have been answered in the recent
past, as I have checked and did not find solutions. Ill start with some
information on the tank( 36 US Gallon) up and running for 3 months.
Stocked with:
6 Julii Cory Cats
4 Sword Tails 1M 3F 1.5 2 in.
4 Assorted Platy 1M 3F 1.5 in.
<These should all be compatible, and share a similar preference for
relatively cool water, around 23-24 C.>
1 Red Tail Shark 2 in.
<Will likely become too aggressive for this tank as it matures, so
be prepared to move it to a new home; typically needs a well-planted
tropical tank at least 120 cm in length.>
4 Badis Badis .75 in. New Additions
<Would be extremely surprised if the Badis does well in this system.
They're almost always impossible to wean onto anything other than
live or wet-frozen foods, and even then, they feed very slowly.
They're suitable for single-species tanks, or else tanks where the
tankmates pose no threat in terms of competition for food; Hatchetfish
and halfbeaks, for example, would be ideal because they only take food
from the surface.>
1 Dwarf Gourami
<My thoughts on these fish are surely well known by now!>
Tank Water:
PH 6.4 7.0
<Far too acidic for livebearers!>
Ammonia 0
Nitrites 0
Nitrates 10ppm before water changes and 5ppm after
KH 0
<Yowser! You do need a bit more carbonate hardness than this for
livebearers, and indeed most tropical fish, since without carbonate
hardness, pH will be prone to dropping between water changes.>
GH 300ppm (currently)
Tap Water
3 dKH
<This is too low for livebearers, but acceptable for soft-water
140ppm GH
<Too low for livebearers.>
PH 8.4
I recently made the novice mistake of adding fish directly to my tank
with no quarantine period. 12 hours after the introduction Ich had
infected all my livebearers. I raised the temp to 82 and used an Epsom
Salt treatment and rid the tank if Ich. This was last week and Im still
changing the salt out of the water, explaining the very high GH tank
reading.I think.
<Epsom Salt doesn't cure Ick.>
My main problem lies in the fact I cant properly maintain the PH of my
water. I have very high PH tap water but I cant keep the tank over
<Of course not. Without sufficient carbonate hardness, you'll
never have a stable pH.>
Just changing 25% of the water raises the PH from 6.4 to over 7. The PH
falls back within 3 days. Im assuming the swings are not good for my
fish. I selected primarily livebearers because of the high PH water and
would like to maintain the tank in the mid to low 7s. I acquired, after
reading many of your PH crash FAQs, a hardness test kit to see just how
much KH my water had out of the faucet and in the tank. I was surprised
to find my tap water so low, but also to find a difference between my
tap and tank water. Can water lose buffering capacity naturally?
<If there's sufficient acidity being produced in the aquarium,
yes, all the carbonate hardness can be used up. Similarly, if you have
a lot of fast-growing plants that perform biogenic decalcification (not
all do, but species like Elodea and Vallisneria will) this also reduces
carbonate hardness.>
Ive read many suggestions to use a marine/Epsom/baking soda salt mix to
add KH, but I dont think my non-live bearers would appreciate the
<They'll be fine. Read here:
Use the Cichlid Salt mix, but at, say, one-third to one-half the dose
per bucket of water added during water changes (don't add it all to
the tank in one go!). The Badis can't stay in this tank anyway, but
the other fish will be fine at pH 7.5, 10-15 degrees dH, 4-5 degrees
KH. Try a one-third dose on a single bucket of water, do water tests,
and then adjust the amounts you add per bucket up or down as required.
You'll need to experiment a bit, but once you've established
how much to use, you'll be able to do this each time you do a water
Is there a way other than salting to add KH without sending the PH too
high considering my tap water?
I bought a buffer/stabilizer that claims to set water at 7.5 by
bringing it down if above and maintaining if at of below. My worry when
reading the ingredients is it uses a proprietary blend of sodium and
potassium salts. Would a 5g per 10 US Gallon addition raise the
salinity enough to bother the cats? Any recommendation on what to do
would be very much appreciated.
<Wouldn't bother; it's always best to adjust all water
chemistry parameters at once, rather than just pH.>
My second and hopefully final issue has to do with the death of two
Dwarf Gouramis. I lost the two fish suddenly two days apart after the
Ich treatment. There were few outward signs of distress. One fish went
from normal to dead, and the other skipped an evening and morning
feeding and died in the afternoon. Neither had Ich spots but were
subjected to the eight days of 82F temps and 1 TBS per 5 Gallons of
Epsom salt. Did I do something wrong, other than selecting such a weak
<It's tonic salt (sodium chloride, kosher salt) you need, not
Epsom salt. In any case, Dwarf Gouramis are rubbish, unless you can
secure locally-bred specimens.>
Thanks in advance,
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Freshwater Community Tank 7/6/09
Dear Neale,
<Hello again,>
Thanx a bunch for the speedy reply...in spite of the huge number of
mails you people probably getting every day and I sincerely apologize
for the spelling mistakes :-)
<It's the "text messaging" speak I really don't
like... misspellings are fine; we all make them!>
I would like to further get some more Professional advices on my new
tank...as I stated earlier I have 5 fancy goldfish with one serpae
tetra in a 60 gallon tank
<I see.>
With one UG filter and one top-box filter...this tank is actually new
and the cycle is not yet fully established.
However my problem is that one albino goldfish has ragged fin for
almost one week from now. I guessed that the tetra Might be nipping its
fin but in that case other GFs should have show ragged fin too...to
some extent...however they r fine.
<I'd still put money on the Serpae tetra. Let's be clear
about this: Serpae tetras (Hyphessobrycon eques) are notorious
fin-nippers; in the wild they view the fins of slow-moving fish as
food, and when kept in small groups --
or singly -- they become even more aggressive. Serpae tetras also have
a true "feeding frenzy". This means that when they're
feeding, they bite at anything, and often this means other fish! Serpae
tetras were the first tropical fish I ever kept, and I learned the hard
way that they are not -- repeat NOT -- community fish.>
So plz tell me if its fin rot disease and if yes how to treat it.
<Remove the Serpae tetra to another aquarium. If the Goldfish gets
better, that's your answer.>
My second question is that I tried to use live plant (short Amazon
sword) in this new tank and used coarse sand as substrate...
But almost all plants died and so others I returned to dealer...now I
read in a book to use clay+sand as substrate...also I think the clay
might make a cloudy water.
<No real point using plants in this tank: Goldfish will uproot
plants, and they eat many plant species as well. Would recommend
floating plants, such as the excellent Indian Fern (Ceratopteris spp.).
These will provide lots of shade as well as food for your Goldfish,
while removing all the nutrients they need from the water. This would
allow you to use plain sand on the bottom of the tank.>
Will it be ok for the fish?
My current ph is b/w 7-7.5.The tap water here is normally mildly
<Cheers, Neale.>
FW biomineralizing life water supplementation
Done a lot of research and haven't found a straight answer. I have
a freshwater community aquarium that besides tropical fish has apple
snails, golden clams, and shrimp. Should I be adding any kind of
supplement for the
invertebrates like liquid iodine or calcium? And if so what dosage to
you recommend. Thanks for any help.
<Is a good idea to periodically (I'd add in conjunction with
your routine for water changes... right after refilling) an iodine/ide
supplement... Calcium can be an issue if in short supply... along with
(in concert) alkalinity. These issues can not be entirely
generalized... as in "just plop in X on Y schedule)... the Iodine
should be pulsed to avoid
over-exposure... and Calcium and alkalinity re testing (kits) to assure
appropriate range. Bob Fenner>
Please help - pH going up in fw tank 04/03/09
Hi Neale,
you very, very kindly helped me with a fantail with dropsy last
September, and I'm after your help again!
I recently managed to buy a 190 ltr tank for my two goldfish, one
common and one shubunkin and Hillstream loach. I had a 60ltr before and
was struggling to keep up with things. Well, I have to admit that I
really thought that getting a bigger tank would help a problem that I
have had really since I got my fish, 11 months ago. My pH seems to
increase quite quickly over several days, obviously this concerns me
because when I do a water change it decreases rapidly too.
<It goes *up* between water changes, and then resets to a much lower
value *when* you do a water change. How odd. Usually the other way
I have tried to research this on your site but everyone seems to have
the opposite problem, pH going down.
<Quite. Aquaria tend to have an acidification tendency because of
the way the nitrogen cycle works and the organic acids produced from
decay. But pH can go up for three reasons. The first is calcareous
media in the aquarium; as these dissolve slowly, they raise carbonate
hardness and pH. The second is ammonia, which is a 'basic'
chemical and so raises pH. Finally, the low pH you register in new tap
water can be caused by some unstable chemical in the water, such as
carbonic acid, that leaves the water within a few hours or days. When
it's gone, the pH of the water goes up. This would be like if you
have a bottle of fizzy mineral water, poured some into a glass, and
took a pH test. This would be, say, pH 6. The next day all the carbonic
acid (i.e., the carbon dioxide bubbles) would have gone, so the water
would now have a higher pH, say, 7.5, caused by the minerals in the
water. So: the three things you can do to help yourself are [1] look
for anything calcareous in the aquarium; [2] test for ammonia; and [3]
draw some tap water into a glass, leave it for 24 hours, and then do a
pH test.>
I will give you a detailed run down of what I am doing as I must be
doing something fundamentally wrong.
I got my tank almost 3 weeks ago, I have my old filter running in it at
the moment, but plan to put my bioballs and filter media into my new
filter in the next few days. I don't have any carbon in my filter.
I used all my gravel from my old tank - it's at a depth of about
1". There is a piece of bogwood in there, 11 months old, lots and
lots of live plants, a couple of plastic ornaments and some smooth
rocks for my loach.
<All good. Bogwood will tend to lower the pH over time, but not
usually dramatically.>
I don't feed them much as there are loads of plants in the tank, I
give them broccoli, peas, spinach, cucumber, frozen daphnia etc. I have
learnt from my poor Daphne (ex fantail) experience. I do give then
flake food perhaps once a week, but soak it first.
<All fine.>
During every water change (except today's) I normally take all the
plants, wood and ornaments out. I started taking them out after I found
that debris got stuck under the ornaments etc.
<Been there, done that!>
I trim up the elodea etc, but don't normally clean much more unless
its getting black, my loach likes munching on it.
I gently vac the gravel, just enough to stir up any debris laying on
it. I use Tetra AquaClear de-chlorinator in my water which is the same
temperature as my tank water. My fish don't mind the clean and seem
to be
happy and not at all stressed.
<They're used to it, I'm sure.>
I have an Aquis 1050 external filter with an operating flow rate of 750
litres per hour. I have my internal Tetra filter working too - I did
work out that they turn 5.5 volume of the tank per hour - you recommend
6 don't you?
<It's good enough! So don't worry.>
My tap water is about 7.4 (south east England!) I use API liquid test
kit and even got a new pH high range kit in case it was that! Sadly,
no. My KH is 14 and GH is 18. My nitrite always reads 0 and my nitrates
around 6.
<Rock hard water; should be very stable in terms of pH.>
All was great the first week, I did 1x25ltr w/c and 1x35ltr w/c as
there was a bit of ammonia in the water about 0.1, and it stayed around
After 4 days it had crept up to 8.2, then 8.3 two days after that. I
then did a 30ltr w/c which took it to 7.8.
The next day the tank tested 8.0, two days after 8.2.
The evening after I did a 30ltr w/c which dropped it to 7.9, at 8:30am
next day it was 7.9 (yay!) by 7:30pm it was 8.0. Then 7:30am it was
still holding at 8.0, but by 5:15pm it was 8.2!
Did another 30ltr w/c yesterday to take it to 8.0. Today 7:30am =
2:50pm it was 8.1, then by 4:05pm it had got to 8.2. Had a reading of
01. for Ammonia today, so did another 30 ltr w/c, back to 7.8.
<These variations are relatively small, and to be honest, I'd
worry more about the ammonia than the pH changes. Indeed, the ammonia
could be a factor.>
My old tank used to rise from around 7.9 - 8.2 - I figured that perhaps
too much load on too little space with a small filter. I was unprepared
for it to be an issue in my big tank.
<What time are you doing these pH tests? Do you have bright lights
on this tank? Bright enough that the plants are able to grow rapidly?
There are some plant-related factors to consider. During photosynthesis
plants use CO2 from the water, and so pH tends to drop as the day wears
on. Elodea also happens to be one of a select group of plants that can
do something called biogenic decalcification -- a fancy way of saying
they absorb carbonate and bicarbonate ions from the water, and use
these as a carbon source for photosynthesis. This reduces the buffering
capacity of the water. So until you do a water change and top up the
concentration of carbonate/bicarbonate ions in the water, each day pH
stability will get worse and worse as carbonate hardness gets lower and
lower. Now, before we get paranoid here, for this to be a major factor
you need strong lighting and a reasonably large quantity of plants. One
bunch of Elodea under
indifferent lighting will have minimal effect.>
I obviously realise that this is just way too much in the way of pH
change and I have become desperately worried about my fish.
<Unless they're obviously distressed, e.g., gasping at the
surface, I wouldn't worry too much. In the wild they will
experience pH variation within this sort of level through issues such
as photosynthesis anyway.>
They are always busy and my loach loves the new flow in the tank.
However, my shubunkin seems to have a couple of scales sticking out on
one side, viewed from about it looks horribly like dropsy, but she is
swimming, eating fine.
<A couple of loose scales does not Dropsy make; remember, the scales
thing about Dropsy is how the scales are pushed out as the abdomen
swells. If the fish has a normal shape, but is just shedding a couple
of scales, that's nothing too serious.>
I don't want to loose another one and I know dropsy can be caused
by poor water quality. Please help me - I feel like such a fishkeeping
<I don't think you're failing. Do focus on the ammonia issue
here, checking the filter is properly configured and that you're
not over-cleaning it (once a month is usually fine, and when you do
that, don't replace more
than half the media at any one time).>
Sorry about the novel but I thought you'd be better off knowing
what I have been doing.
<Hope this helps, Neale.>
Re: Please help - pH going up in fw tank (RMF, thoughts?>
for Neale 04/07/09
Hi Neale,
thanks ever so much for your reply- it has helped me to focus a bit,
and I am so, so relieved that I am not doing anything really silly!
Thanks too for your easy to understand explanation of the chemistry
stuff, I get a bit confused with this sometimes.
<Happy to help.>
I will get the ammonia situation under control first. I think I must
have unwittingly killed off some of my biological filter in my old
filter last week. I did just do a quick dip of my bioballs in tank
water, but perhaps I
was a bit rough with the sponge I 'gently' rinsed out. I will
be more careful next time.
<"Roughness" isn't usually a thing because bacteria
don't fall off when knocked about! What matters is exposure to dry
air, being trapped in an enclosed pocket of water with no oxygen; or
being exposed to dramatic changes in temperature, water chemistry or
My ammonia seems to be 0 in the morning, around 7:30, but it seems to
show up in the evening, coincidentally with the rise in pH. I will keep
testing for both at these times.
<Ah... Perhaps coincidentally with when the fish are fed...? In
which case, the filter is likely not up to the job, or you're
overfeeding the fish.>
I've been testing my pH in the morning about 7:30, then around 1 -
2pm, then again around 4:30 - 5:30pm. It seems to rapidly increase
during this late afternoon period. I got all concerned as I had read
that pH swings of more than 0.1 were bad - perhaps that was relating to
different fish than goldfish? I will relax a bit now!
<Definitely something going on...>
Once I have addressed this I can do some eliminating. My rocks are
smooth beach pebble type ones - I have no idea if they are calcareous
or not.
<<Easy to test for... either directly with an acid of some
strength applied to (outside the tank of course) or "soaked"
in a small container with water of known pH, alkalinity over a few days
time... and tested later for. RMF>>
As for the plants I have the following: 6 bunches of quite long and
bushy elodea (20 - 30cm in length), 2 bunches of Cabomba, 1 Amazon
sword plant, 5 Vallisneria of varying sizes and 5 unknown plants
(can't seem to find out what these are).
<Send photo.>
I have 2 x AquaOne T5 230v - 50H 39w x 25 bulbs. I'm really sorry
but I have no idea if these are bright or not - they came with the
tank. Do you think this may be part of the problem?
<Hmm... 190 litres is about 50 gallons. Two 39 watt T5 tubes on that
is about 1.5 watts per gallon. Not a huge amount of light, but T5s are
a bit brighter than plain vanilla T8 tubes, so could be a factor.
Really, the
proof is in the pudding: are the plants growing rapidly, i.e., enough
you need to (or could choose to) crop them back every couple of weeks.
If that's the case, then certainly Vallisneria and Elodea both
bicarbonate from the water and so can dramatically alter pH through the
Have a glass of water standing for 24 hours and will test that
My Shubunkin's scales seem to have flattened back down a bit this
I've done another 25ltr w/c this evening as the ammonia was back up
to about 0.1, I'll just keep at it!
<Should settle down... you shouldn't need to do water changes
daily... once a week is ample. Would look long and hard at the filter.
Is it up to the job? Does it contain sensible media options? Is it set
up properly? Does it get clogged too quickly?>
Thanks again for such a fabulous site - I am very grateful that there
are kind people like the WetWeb crew who are willing to help us
newbies! I'll let you know how I'm doing. Michelle
<Have been on vacation, so forgive delay in reply. Cheers,
Please help - pH going up in fw tank - update 5/4/09 for
Neale 04/07/09
Hi there Neale,
Michelle again!
<Hi Michelle,>
Have been doing water changes every day to sort out my ammonia
I'll say this for it - I have got used to doing my bigger tank much
It's a bit like writing lines at school - I will be more careful
cleaning my filter, I will be more careful cleaning my
<Hmm... not sure I want a hobby that reminds me of school...>
Anyway, I let my water stand as you recommended. It started off at pH
7.0 within 24 hours it was at 7.6, and it has now leveled off at 8.3
after 48 hours. No wonder I had a problem.
Do you think I should let my water sit for a couple of days before I do
a water change?
<Yes. Grab yourself one or more 5 gallon buckets with lids (I got
mine from a DIY store). Fill with water, and leave with the lids on
loosely for 48 hours. Do your water changes using these once a week,
such that you're doing around 25% per week.>
Is such a change a problem with my goldfish?
My shubunkin isn't that happy, her scales are raised and she has
started to glance off the filter pipe from time to time. She seems to
have periods of inactivity hanging around the top of the tank. When she
is doing this her dorsal fin is clamped down. Once she sees someone she
swims about begging for food as usual. Her poop is a bit thin and
<Can be dietary, but Shubunkins are more pond fish than anything
else, and don't always settle into home aquaria all that well.
Depending on the other types of fish, adding more water movement might
She is still eating algae in the tank and the occasional pea I put in
there for my other fish. Is there anything more I could do to help her
other than water changes every day?
<Not really; the daily water changes are overkill, I suspect.
Certainly not normal. I'm really wondering what's going on
here, and wonder if the rapidly changing pH has meant the filter has
never become properly matured.
25% weekly water changes should be ample.>
Many thanks for your help once again, Michelle
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Please help - pH going up in fw tank (RMF, thoughts?>
for Neale 4/7/09
<<Re: pebbles effect: Easy to test for... either directly with an
acid of some strength applied to (outside the tank of course) or
"soaked" in a small container with water of known pH,
alkalinity over a few days time...
and tested later for. RMF>>
<Bob, thank you, good catch. In my haste to clear the backlog, I
missed this key thing. Michelle, in any event, by default you should
always use a lime-free substrate... these are widely sold... gravel,
smooth silica sand, etc. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Please help - pH going up in fw tank (RMF, thoughts?>
for Neale 4/7/09
Hi Bob,
thanks for the suggestion - I will test my rocks. There are 5 of
varying sizes in the tank - I do have ordinary gravel from my LFS for
substrate, I guess I could test that whilst I'm at it.
Many thanks for your help, Michelle
<Ah, yes... good to test both. BobF>
Re: Please help - pH going up in fw tank - update for Neale
Thanks Neale,
I will let my water stand as you suggest.
I will have another look at my new filter and make sure everything is
working ok, as I haven't really touched it much yet. It's got
bio-noodles, 2 types of sponges and a fine wool filter pad which is the
pad I am assuming I change regularly.
<Personally, I don't change filter pads until they're really
falling apart!
Too expensive. Instead, simply make sure you rinse them off regularly.
So long as the pad is clean enough for water to pass through easily, it
doesn't need to be brand new to do its job.>
I'm pretty certain that I washed everything with old aquarium
water. I guess that if the filter is not up to the job I can just add
another external filter to the tank.
<Often makes all the difference. You'll note I stress turnover
rather than what size aquarium a filter is recommended for. But even
so, some filters are best suited to small fish. I write repeatedly on
WWM about the limitations of hang-on-the-back filters and some types of
internal filter in this regard; in large tanks with big messy fish, you
want to have the inlet and outlet pipes as far apart as possible, so
there's lots of
As for my plants, my elodea does get chopped back every few weeks;
perhaps I'll reduce the amount for a while and see what
<Certainly worth a shot.>
Once the tank is stable I may have a go at re-introducing it and see
what happens. My Vallisneria is not growing that strongly.
<Then the lighting is perhaps not too strong to be a factor.
Vallisneria, when happy, spreads wildly!>
If my shubunkin is more of a pond fish could she be moved to my
mum's pond?
<In most parts of the world, yes, Shubunkins do well outdoors. Like
Standards and Comets, they do very well in ponds, and love swimming
If she can, when would be a good time?
<Since she's been indoors this winter, I'd not take her out
until late spring/early summer. >
Thanks very much for all your help again, Michelle
<Cheers, Neale.>
pH always increasing 2/27/09 Hello- My question is
in regard to the water parameters of my planted freshwater tropical
tank. The 20 gallon tank has been set up for two or three years. I used
two large bags "eco-complete" black aquarium gravel, which I
got because it seemed like the best choice for plants. I also have
driftwood and two rocks that did not fizz when I put vinegar on them (I
think quartz). It is moderately to heavily planted with many species of
plants. When I initially filled it I used conditioned tap water, which
has a pH of 7.6 to 7.8. I continued to do water changes using tap water
until about 8 months ago, when I decided that I wanted to gradually
lower the pH to about 6.5. I began doing monthly 25% water changes with
RO water, (and topping off evaporation with too), but I mixed the water
change water with an electrolyte and trace element product called
"electro-right". The pH of this prepared water was about 6.4.
I added the clean water gradually, (over several days), so I
wouldn't shock the livestock. I did this for a few months, and each
time the pH would initially drop but then rise back to 7.6-7.8 after a
couple days. I collected some dead red oak leaves from my yard and put
in six. A few weeks ago I bought a peat granule product which I have
added to my filter. The pH is still 7.5-7.8! How do I naturally lower
it and keep it low? <Mmm, remove the "quartz" rocks
methinks> Oh, and I have tested it with my own digital pH monitor,
which I calibrated and tested 3 times in the last month, and brought a
water sample to the LFS which they tested with a titration kit. Any
thoughts/suggestions would be appreciated. Sam <Likely the rock is
continuing to dissolve... particularly in the presence of your added
acids. Try removing them. Bob Fenner>
Re: pH always increasing 3/1/09 thanks, I'll
give it a try right away. <Ahh, please do report back your
observations. BobF>
Fish suddenly sick, FW, pH shock 3/3/08 Hi Crew,
This is unfortunately an emergency. I have been keeping my fish (6
zebra Danios, 3 Cory cats) in a separate tank for about a week and a
half while their normal tank cycles with added ammonia. The tank
they're in now is a half-full 20 gallon tank with a heater (temp
has been constant at 74F) and bubbler instead of a filter because the
filters are in the normal tank, hopefully building up bacteria. I have
some "Ammo-Chips" in the temporary tank to soak up the
ammonia since there isn't any established bacteria. I've also
been changing the water in the temporary tank often with tap water
conditioned with Amquel. I did this yesterday (actually, I added about
20% additional water since there is extra space in the tank) and I
swished the net around to grab some of the floating "gunk"
and cleaned a lot of that out. All seemed to be well this morning, but
I came back tonight after being gone the whole day and my smallest Cory
was dead and the rest of the fish were looking very sick. Some were
hanging near the top; others at the bottom. They don't seem to be
breathing hard, just very listless. Ammonia and nitrite are zero. I
don't have a nitrate test kit, but I change the water regularly and
I doubt it could make them sick this fast. It would seem like it had
something to do with the water being added or the "gunk"
being taken out, although I did what I always do (add Amquel and get
the water to about the same temperature as the tank water). I now have
the fish out of that tank in a Tupperware container with the bubble
wand. I added some Prime and some Stress Coat even though there
isn't an ammonia or nitrite problem. (I didn't know what else
to do!) The water has been pretty cloudy in the tank, but I think
it's because there isn't a filter, only a bubbler for oxygen.
If it were a lack of oxygen they would have been showing signs of
distress earlier. And if it was poisoning due to the decomposing
"stuff" in the water, wouldn't I see some ammonia or
nitrites? I have antibacterial food on hand and I'm going to feed
that to them, if they'll eat. I have no idea what happened, unless
the water wasn't dechloraminated well enough, but I feel like I
always add more Amquel than necessary just to be safe. I don't have
any clues! They all look like they're barely hanging on.. I
appreciate any help you can offer. Thank you so much, Allison Hey Crew,
I just realized the problem: pH shock. I tested the tank - pH 6.0 - and
the tap water - pH 7.8 or more. Basically, the tank and the tap are at
opposite ends of my testing kit's scale, I guess because of
aeration in the tank bringing the pH down. I guess all I can do now is
just hope for them to survive. Please let me know if there's
anything else to do. I'm going to put them back in the tank (since
now they're in the Tupperware container). Thanks, Allison <Hello
Alison. Glad you figured out what the problem was. Yes, pH can make a
big difference to how well (or otherwise) fish settle in. Maintaining a
steady pH between water changes is essential. If the pH in your
aquarium is dropping from 7.8 to 6 within a week, then you have a
serious instability problem. Have a read of these two articles:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwsoftness.htm Essentially the
problem is likely that your water has no carbonate hardness (use the
"KH" test kit for this) and so pH drops rapidly. One common
mistake people make is to use water from a domestic water softener: do
not do this! However hard your tap water might be, it's fine for
most fish. In some ways hard water is a positive asset.
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwhardness.htm In the
meantime, your fish should recover from the pH shock. Obviously
don't feed them, and don't fuss over them either, as
that'll stress them. Leave them somewhere dark and well oxygenated
to they can recover at their own pace. If they don't survive, at
least learn from the experience and read up on water chemistry. Note
that everyone thinks they understand pH, whereas the pH value itself
actually doesn't matter all that much -- what matters is pH
stability. And for that, you need carbonate hardness. Cheers,
pH stuck at 6.6. 7/25/07 Dear WWM,
<Hello Giuseppe,> I have the following setup: 10 G planted
tank started 8 months ago 2 cories 1 Otocinclus 2 neon tetras 2
male guppies (planning to add 3 neon tetras and 3 rosy
tetras...would that be ok?) <You'll get best results from
all those fishes by keeping them in groups of 6 or more.
Schooling fish tend to be shy and nervous when kept in pairs or
trios... and then they die, prematurely. The fact you have a 10
gallon tank complicates things somewhat. Rosy tetras are FAR TOO
active for a 10 gallon tank, but Neons and Otocinclus are fine.
Corydoras are borderline. Small species are OK, but the bigger
ones less so.> The tank values are: Nitrite 0, Nitrates 5,
Ammonia 0, PH 6.6 <All good except the pH -- too low for
guppies.> I do 30% water changes once or twice a week by
deeply siphoning all the gravel (should I clean only the top part
of the gravel to avoid any damage to the bacteria living in it?).
<What you're doing is fine. But I'd kick up the water
changes to 50% weekly or 25% twice weekly, since you have a small
tank. By the time you have the bucket out, how much water you
change doesn't add to the workload. But the bigger the water
change, the healthier a tank is.> The two guppies are not
doing well (see photo attached). The yellow one is always hiding
behind a plant and close to the surface. The blue one is always
resting on the gravel. I treated them with Maracyn/Maracyn 2
combination for 3 times over the last couple of months due to
suspected fin rot, each treatment lasted 5 days. Since the PH was
stable at 7 and dropped to 6.6 only in the last few months, I
suspect that this may be harming the guppies. <Low pH is bad
for guppies. But it isn't specifically the pH that causes the
problems. Low pH generally goes along with low hardness, both
general hardness (GH) and carbonate hardness (KH). Guppies, like
most other livebearers, need high levels of both of these.
Ideally, at least a GH of 15 degrees dH and 10 degrees KH. Or
thereabouts, anyway. Basically the harder the better, and in fact
guppies will do better in seawater than they'll do in the
soft/acid water Neons enjoy. It sounds as if you have a lack of
carbonate hardness in your water. All aquaria have a pH drift
towards the acidic. It's caused by the accumulation of
organic wastes. Water changes "resets" this upwards,
which is why water changes are so good. But increasing the
carbonate hardness slows down the pH drop by buffering the water
against acidity. Now, Neons and Otocinclus don't care much,
since they come from soft/acid conditions. But guppies DO care,
and this is why yours are getting sick.> Even after changing
filter and carbon and doing two 30% water changes weekly
there's no way to lower the PH under 6.6. <Well, you can
start by throwing out the carbon in my opinion. Other than the
fact it removes medications, making your treatments a complete
waste of time and money, it's wasting space that could be
given over to more useful biological filtration.> To be honest
I would like to keep the PH at this level due to the other fishes
in the tank and the ones I'm planning to introduce, but
I'm worried for the guppies. <You do not want to mess
about with pH until you 100% understand water chemistry. There
are articles here on the topic, and any good aquarium book should
explain the subject too. More fish are killed by people misusing
pH buffers without understanding them than die from simply being
kept at the wrong pH to begin with. My suggestion would be to aim
for medium hard water at around pH 7. This will suit all your
livestock. The idea Neons and other South American fish need acid
water is erroneous. They prefer it, yes, but they don't need
it. They'll do much better at a neutral pH and moderate
hardness than your guppies will do at an acid pH and low
hardness. So, start by adding portion of crushed coral to your
filter and see how that changes the pH and carbonate over the
next few days. A tablespoon or two should be fine to begin with.
If the pH goes way over 7.0, then remove some. If it stays below
7.0, add some more. What you're aiming for is a carbonate
hardness around 8-10 degrees KH and a general hardness around
10-15 degrees dH. All your fish should thrive at this level. If
you get the portion of buffering material right the effect will
be slight but steady, and between this and the water changes, you
should find the aquarium nice and stable. If this all sounds like
too much work, you could alternatively use some Malawi or
Tanganyika cichlid salt mix, at around 5-20% dosages, mixed into
each bucket of water, so that you the sorts of values suggested
above. Or, you could just get rid of the guppies and be done with
it.> I would greatly appreciate if you could take a look at
the attached photo and tell me if you see any sign of sickness
and also give me your advise on the situation I just described.
<They look fine, just unhappy.> Thank you, Giuseppe
<Hope this helps, Neale>
Re: pH stuck at 6.6. 7/25/07 Hi Neale,
thanks for your prompt reply. I have one more questions based on
your comments? You suggest to get rid of the carbon and replace
it with a better media. What media should I use and how
frequently should I replace it. Thank you, Giuseppe
<Greetings. I should perhaps explain my objection to carbon
first. The only thing carbon is useful for is removing dissolved
organic waste, specifically the stuff that turns water yellow
over time. If you're doing regular water changes, it becomes
redundant, because you're removing organic waste through
dilution before it reaches a level where it affects water colour.
Freshwater fish don't care about this organic material
(called by biologists "gelbstoff", literally
"yellow stuff" in German). It's purely a cosmetic
problem, and carbon doesn't remove bacteria, parasites,
nitrogenous waste, or inorganic toxins like copper. What carbon
*does* do is remove any organic materials you deliberately add to
the aquarium, such as medications. It is very, VERY common that
people treat their aquaria for whitespot (or whatever) and then
wonder why their fish don't get better. The answer: they
didn't remove the carbon, and the carbon removed the
medication before it had a chance to cure the fish or kill the
parasites! Hence by default, unless you have a specific reason to
want to use carbon, I always recommend people leave it out of the
filter. So what to put in its place? Nothing beats more
biological filter media. Doesn't really matter what sort you
use, so shop according to your budget. High-end ceramic media
like Siporax are the "best" in the sense of providing
the highest population of bacteria per unit volume and for
lasting the longest period of time before they need to be
replaced (10+ years). But even plain old filter floss has its
place. As we've discussed previously, some crushed coral in a
filter media bag (or the "foot" from an old pair of
nylon stockings) could also be used to provide some chemical
filtration by adding to the carbonate hardness and moderating the
pH a bit. Livebearers especially appreciate this. As for
replacing/cleaning media this depends on which you're using.
If a durable biological medium like ceramic hoops or sponge, you
want to rinse these off in a bucket of aquarium water but
otherwise avoid replacing them as much as possible. Good quality
ceramic and sponge media lasts for years. Filter wool tends to
get clogged quite quickly, and depending on your aquarium you may
decide to replace 50% of the stuff every couple of months.
Chemical media need (generally) to be deep cleaned or replaced
monthly. In part, because they wear out (this is the case with
carbon, zeolite, and nitrate-removing media) but also because
bacteria coat them, isolating the medium from the water (this is
what happens to crushed coral). In some cases you can clean these
using hot water and sunshine (e.g., crushed coral) but others
simply need to be replaced (e.g., carbon). I hope this helps.
Re: PH stuck at 6.6. 8/25/07 Neale, your
comments are not just useful, but an eye opener for me. I totally
understand now and I agree with your point. I will need a big
help shortly to confirm the fish community that I would like to
have in my tank. As you know I have a 10G tank and it's
extremely difficult for me to decide which/how many fishes I can
add, even reading the books I have. As I said, I now have 1
Otocinclus, 2 cories (fairly big unfortunately), 2 male guppies
and 2 Neons. I'd like to add 3 more Neons and maybe 2
sparkling gouramis or fish a bit tall such as Pristella that
would differentiate from the slim Neons. Any suggestion would be
highly appreciated. Thanks for your help, Giuseppe <Hello
Giuseppe. Glad to help. Now, on to your tank. When selecting
species for a 10 gallon, you not only have to consider size, but
also how active the species is. Neons and Danios are the same
size, but the Neons are inactive and basically lurk all day under
the plants, while the Danios bomb around the aquarium all day
long. So guess which species does best in a 10 gallon tank?
Sparkling gouramis are among my very favourite fishes and an
excellent choice. They view space more in terms of up and down
than front to back, and if you have lots of floating plants
(Indian fern for example) they'll be as happy as anything.
Pristella tetras are lovely fish, but in my opinion slightly too
active for this aquarium, though it's a borderline case. They
are very adaptable and exceptionally hardy, and in my opinion the
single most all-round reliable tetra on the market. But I think
you'll find your aquarium "more fun" if you went
for a large school of one type of tetra than two or three of a
bunch of different tetras. 10 Neons, for example, would school
nicely and be very eye-catching, especially if you made the tank
"dark" by using black sand, shady plants, and
blackwater extract to tint the water. Under those conditions,
Neons and cardinals really put on a heck of show, equal to
anything you can do with coral reef fish or Malawi cichlids. I
find Neons and cardinal tetras great small tank fish, because you
can use their "glow in the dark" colours to brighten up
a dark corner of a room without the need for a huge fish tank.
Getting them to school is the trick -- in small groups, they
spread out randomly and the colours aren't that impressive,
but in big groups, they swim together, and become really amazing
fish. Cheers, Neale>

HIGH SUDDEN pH Hi, I have a 29 gal. tank with the eclipse
filtration system and it has been stable for at least 6 months. It is a
planted tank with driftwood, 3 young angel fish, two aquatic frogs, 2
Kuhlii loaches, a long nose whip tail catfish, and two thread fins. We
do 25-30% water changes every two weeks. Found two dead angel fish
today, they had not shown any signs of sickness that I picked up on,
feed well the day before. I tested the water and the pH and alkalinity
were off the dipstix chart... very alkaline! I did a water change of
30% and the water reads much better now but I am wondering what
triggered this big change. Do you have any ideas why this would occur,
I have not done anything different and my other tanks are all fine. I
do not have any limestone or shells in the tank. We do have a lot of
Malaysian trumpet snails and a porcelain decoration. Thanks for you
help. Sandy < Check the pH of you tap water. In some areas of the
country the water source changes or the water company adds lime to
stabilize the water. In San Francisco for example the water used to be
very soft, but recently the water dept has added lime to the water and
the aquarists there are really having problems right now. If the tap
water checks out all right then I would check the water conditioner.
Some really kick up the pH. Topping of the tank with tap water may
bring the pH up by adding minerals while pure water evaporates making
it harder. Minerals in food may accumulate in the water band bring up
the pH.-Chuck>
Calcium Snow in a Freshwater Aquarium? - 08/16/2005 Thank you
for reading this. I have looked for my problem in your database but
can't seem to find an answer. I have recently purchased a 29 gal
tank. I set it up for the 1st time about 1 week and a half ago. I
bought it at Wal-Mart and it came with an aqua tech filter with the bio
fiber and the carbon filter as well. I added tap water to it, and used
a conditioner they recommended to me at Petco (API Stress Coat) to
treat the water for chloramines and chlorine. About 5 days after
cycling I added 3 Corydoras which I still have and seem ok so far. That
same day, before I added the Corydoras, I used a Wardley Bullseye 7.0
pH regulator, because test strips were showing my pH to be 8.4 or so.
<Some of these "regulators" can be iffy, at best, if
you're starting with a high pH and alkalinity. Most will just be
useless from that standpoint.> Nitrate and nitrite seemed fine,
hardness high, about 300 ppm, and alkalinity (KH) about 300 ppm as
well. <Quite high, on both.> Now, here is my problem, if I not
mistaken, it was after I added the pH buffer that this white stuff is
all over my tank now. It looks like if you had sprinkled the entire
tank with snow. <And there we have it! This is seen in marine
aquariums sometimes, when using buffers - I very much think you have a
calcium precipitation. Basically, the water has become so saturated
with calcium that it simply can't hold any more, so any calcium in
the buffer will precipitate out. Hence the snow.> It is like dust,
that will come off the artificial plants I have, an ornament, the water
heater, the filter pump, and the air tubing connected to 2 air stones I
have. If you shake the gravel with a brush, or the artificial plants,
this "white dust" will spread around all over the tank to the
point where it may be hard to see the plants, fish etc. Once you let it
settle for a few hours, you can see it back on the plants, etc, but
water is clearer. <When it settles, start siphoning it out with a
gravel vacuum.> I checked the filter for the first time today and
this white stuff was all over both the carbon filter and the bio fiber.
<Can just rinse these out in aquarium water, once some/most of the
precipitant has been removed.> I looked at the water coming out of
the filter and it is coming out with this white stuff, so I do not know
if it is just cycling around and only little of this stuff if being
trapped, or if it has anything to do with the bio fiber. <Just
passing through the filter(s).> I took the bio fiber out and rinsed
it a little with tap water (which I now read should not have done, so
please advice me how much this could affect my tank and what to do). In
any event, I went to PETCO yesterday and talk to an expert? about my
problem, didn't seem to know what to do, recommended to me to do
water change with RO water. <Though I do agree, to an extent, that
this will help, I do not believe it will make the calcium go back into
solution.... Gah, it's been a while since my last chemistry
class!> She told me at Super Wal-Mart they had RO water, I went
there, read their brochure, and in fact is RO water. Got a few gallons.
Tested the water, came out with 0 nitrates and nitrite, total hardness
GH of almost 0, so very soft water, alkalinity of 0, and pH of about
6.2, so pretty acidic. <This will help bring your pH, hardness down,
as well.> According to this lady at Petco, I did not have to treat
this RO water, so I did a 2-3 gallon change today, and added that much
of RO water. I have been testing for ammonia and it shows about 0.5-1
mg/L so I added today a Jungle Ammonia chloramine eliminator to see if
it works. <It does "work" in a sense, but really the only
way to remove ammonia while you're establishing a cycle is to do
water changes.> In any event, the main problem is that white stuff
which does not seem to be ich <No.... ich does not manifest visibly
in the water.> because I cannot see any on the fish (so far) and it
just doesn't look like it to me. Like I said, it looks like if I
had sprinkled the water with a white powder in enormous quantities.
<An excellent description. First time I've heard of it in
freshwater, but the principle is still the same.... I am confidant
(never positive!) that this is just a calcium precipitant.> Please
let me know what to do about this, and about the bio fiber I rinsed
with tap water lightly. <This will be okay. Just do water changes to
try to pull the stuff out. You may be in for a long haul (several days)
of water changes before it's all gone.> Thank you for your help,
your web site is great. <Thank you very much for the kind words!>
Where do I look for an answer, what section I mean and when? <Where?
Aside from your email inbox? On our Daily FAQs, either later today or
some time tomorrow.... Then after, perhaps the Freshwater FAQs, then on
to its final resting place, probably somewhere in our water chemistry
section in the Freshwater index.> - Ezequiel - <Wishing you well,
Calcium Snow in a Freshwater Aquarium? - II - 08/16/2005
Thank you for your quick reply. Now, one more question regarding my
calcium precipitation/saturation in my freshwater tank. How often
should I do these siphonings of the water? Because every time I siphon
I have to do a water change essentially, and there is only so much I
can take out, because I do not want to replace too much water at once,
so I want to know how often I should/could do these water changes while
the calcium saturation problem lasts, <I would do no more than a 50%
water change at a time, daily if necessary.> and once it is
controlled, how often should I do water changes for regular
maintenance? <Just as normal.... Whatever you must do to maintain
nitrate at below 20ppm.... Once the precipitant is removed, do not use
buffers that contain calcium.... To bring your pH down, I suggest using
peat or driftwood - or investing in a RO or RO/DI unit of your own for
making up your aquarium water. It's much easier to start with a
blank slate and ADD "stuff" (buffers, etc.) than to REMOVE
stuff....> Thank you once again, - Ezequiel - <Always glad to be
of service! Wishing you well, -Sabrina>
pH Shock Hi. We have very hard water in our area and hence we
use water softener (that uses potassium pellets). Apparently, this
increases the alkalinity of our water. I just recently installed a 10
gallon freshwater aquarium in my home and used this water. I bought
some fish like platy and zebra. These fish died after a few days and
apparently none of them survived. I checked my water: Everything looked
fine except the alkalinity and the pH. The pH was high around 7.7. I
treated my water with PRIME which removes all the nitrites etc and I
also have a filter with carbon. I used a pH reducer also. It brought
down the pH to around 6.8-7.0 but the very next day the pH again
increased to its initial levels. I am frustrated and don't know
what to do. Can you give me some advice on how I can use my home tap
water (which goes thru the softener) in the aquarium. Any
advice/suggestions you can provide is appreciated. Thanks, Kumar
<Ok, I'm going to assume you are still fishless. Right now I
would drain down 90 to 100% of the water and refill with water from the
tap. Your pH of 7.7 is high, but not killer high. It's a change in
pH that kills. Not a steady but "incorrect" pH. Then do a
fishless cycle by adding in a raw shrimp. Test for ammonia, nitrite and
nitrate. When the first two have spike and crashed to zero AND nitrate
is on the rise, you are cycled and can stock the tank. Expect this to
take 4 to 6 weeks. Do not add anything except dechlorinator. One time
when refilling. When you add fish, check the pH of the bag water. If
it's the same as your tank float it for 20 minutes or so to match
the temps and release them. If they are not the same, add about 10%
tank water to the bag about every 20 minutes or so. When they match,
release them. The more the two pHs differ, the slower you need to adapt
them. If they are way off, more than a full point, you may want to put
them in a small bucket with their original water and set up a drip
system. Use regular airline tubing with a knot tied in it. Adjust the
knot so only a slow drip is siphoned from the main to the bucket. As
you are seeing, changing the pH of your water is a touchy subject. Hard
to maintain and makes water changes a hassle and a danger. Best to let
the fish adapt, IMO. Don>
Losing Fish To Low pH 1/11/06 Hi All, My problem
is the pH in my aquarium gets much too low. I've lost 3 fish with
no visible cause, but the pH was lower than 6.2 when I tested. I've
had my tank for about 6 4 months, and the bio-wheel is nicely full of
bacteria. I have a 12-gal aquarium with what is still living - 1 female
Betta, 2 Corys, and an Oto cat. It's moderately planted, with plant
substrate (I forget the name but it's not supposed to effect pH.) I
have fake driftwood. I do 25% water changes weekly. I have well water.
My out of the tap pH = 6.2, GH 150, KH 40. I have added coral in a mesh
bag - about 1/2 cup, and the coral is the size of peas. Within a day
after a water change, the water shows pH of less than 6.2 and the KH is
0. I've tried adding baking soda to the water, and I can keep the
KH around 40, but I see the pH fluctuate between less that 6.2 and 7.2,
and I have to keep adding the baking soda. I keep reading that chemical
buffers (those sold in pet stores) and pH chemicals and stabilizers
shouldn't be added. I had a local fish store tell me to change my
water source. That's not easy - I would have to drive 30 miles to
get different water. Oh, the nitrates are always less than 40, usually
less than 20, and the nitrates are 0.Do you have any other suggestions?
I'm ready to give up on fish-keeping. Thank you. Chris Cope <
Most fish can handle a pH of 6.2 with no problem. The exception would
be rift lake cichlids, brackish water fish and many livebearers. No
fish like rapid changes in pH. < Get a 5 gallon bucket and check the
water right out of the well. Check it again in 24 hours. If the pH goes
up then you had dissolved CO2 gas in the water. In solution it makes
carbonic acid. After 24 Hrs the gas is dissolved and this is the true
pH of your water. When you add this water to your aquarium the plants
are removing nitrates and minerals from the water and they absorb
minerals like calcium and magnesium. As the tannic acids leeches out
from your driftwood the H+ ions are free in solution and decrease the
pH and make the tank more acidic. Many aquarists would love to have
your water because it is always easier to add minerals then to take
them out. In that same 5 gallon bucket you can add a good quality
buffer and bring the pH up to the desired level. Change 20% of the
water each week with the buffered water from the bucket. In a couple of
weeks you should see a more consistent pH reading. Without any further
details it is difficult to determine if this is what really killed your
pH levels a rising! Hi Bob, I've just started my first
freshwater aquarium. <Welcome to our ever-fascinating hobby> I
bought a 55 gal used tank, it came with a Hot Magnum and I bought a
Python BioWheel setup, (I was advised by the man at the fish store to
run the carbon filter in the hot magnum, not the other filter is this
correct??) <Yes, this will do> a friend who has had a freshwater
tank for years gave me her bio-wheel to get "things started."
<Good idea> I first added 20 Neons, they did great so then a week
or so later added a dozen cardinals, the third week I added 3-4 types
of various tetras (equaling another dozen fish) and 2 clown fish and a
couple of guppies. For about 10 days everyone was happy--- then it
happened--- the PH shot up to 9.0... it had been between 7.0 and 7.2 up
until then, my ammonia and nitrates are still fine. I did a 1/2 water
change and nothing changed over then next 2 days, then the Neons and
cardinal fish began dying! <Yes... they don't "like"
high pH nor sudden changes in same...> I went to the fish store,
took in a water sample and they concluded that my ph was 9.0 and they
told me I needed a tap water purifier... so I bought one and did
another water change to 1/2 the tank. This dropped the ph to 8.0. The
fish at this point were dying in front of my eyes--- long story short
I've lost almost all of the fish and know if I do another water
change I'll shock the few I have left to "death." I have
a couple of guppies and 2-3 tetra's left and that's it... What
do I do... I added PH neutralizer yesterday and am now down at about
7.4... another person has told me I should add tetracycline to the tank
"just incase"...????? <I would leave off with antibiotics,
any other "medicines" at this point... not likely to do any
good, maybe some bad... > Thanks for your help, I read your articles
several times a week and have learned a ton from you. Keep up the good
work. Us fish novices really appreciate you! Deb <You're
certainly welcome, and will do... Am curious as to the "why"
of your sudden jump in pH... Do you have materials (rocks, gravel,
decor...) in the system that might have dissolved in the water and
changed your water chemistry? Did you initially add
"something" to your water to drive, keep the pH lower? What
does the water "right out of your tap" (before doing
anything, running it through your purifier...) measure out as in terms
of pH? Do you have an alkalinity test kit or would your fish store be
so kind as to test your source water? We should investigate these
matters and come to a "best approach" for you to treat your
water now and ongoing... In the meanwhile, please just keep the few
fishes you have going... and we'll chat as your system settles in.
Bob Fenner>
Re: PH levels a rising! <You're certainly welcome, and
will do... Am curious as to the "why" of your sudden jump in
pH... Me to... I have 6 plastic plants and 2 live plants, 4 of the six
plastic ones came with the tank when I bought it, I also have gravel,
that also came with he tank, we washed it really good before setting up
my tank. I added a fake rock to my tank <This "fake rock"
may be trouble... would pull it, put in into some pH near-neutral water
and let it soak for a few days, re-test the water it's in...>
and two additional plastic plants about a week before things went
wrong. Do you have materials (rocks, gravel, decor...) in the system
that might have dissolved in the water and changed your water
chemistry? Did you initially add "something" to your water to
drive, keep the pH lower? No, other than dechlorinator... What does the
water "right out of your tap" (before doing anything, running
it through your purifier...) measure out as in terms of pH? It's a
perfect 7.0 Do you have an alkalinity test kit or would your fish store
be so kind as to test your source water? I have one and have been
testing daily... that's how I noticed the spike, it literally went
from 7.0 to 9.0 is a day. <Hmm, no... this is not pH but a measure
of resistance from change in pH... Please read over the section
"Alkalinity, pH" and related water quality areas and FAQs on
our site here: www.WetWebMedia.com... something/s adding to the
alkaline reserve in your system... very readily... We need to find and
remove this nefarious influence ASAP> When I added the rock and
plants I just washed them off with warm water do you think I should
remove them and bleach them or something? <Not the plants but the
gravel perhaps... Do you know what type this is? Is it
"white" colored, chalky? Does it give off powdery dust when
washed, moved? And the fake rock... and any other questionable decor
(like coral, shells... What is in there? A simple "spot test"
with a dilute, weak acid (like vinegar/acetic) put on a dry (out of the
tank of course) part of these materials will likely reveal the
culprit/s through foaming (an acid/base reaction). Bob Fenner>
pH/Ammonia Problems I have a 20H freshwater aquarium with
nine fish in it. I have had it set up at least a month if not longer
and still cannot keep the ammonia from going through the roof. My fish
are not overly big and I am careful about not over feeding. Also, my ph
has just dropped to 5. My nitrates are zero though. I also make weekly
1/4 water changes. My fish are healthy and acting fine. We have a green
spotted puffer, two clown loaches, red tail shark, Gourami, spotted
catfish, Pleco, a cichlid and a blood parrot fish. The blood parrot
fish is a relatively new addition and has come down with black spot
which is obviously from my water. What can I do to correct these probs.
<you have two primary problems: 1)water quality and 2) horrible fish
incompatibility problems> In case you were wondering, we have a
penguin 125 w/bio filter, an underground filter with a powerhead for a
30 gal tank. I change the filter at least 2 times a month. Help.
Thanks, Lori. <if the gravel bed is less than 2 1/2 -3" (fine
gravel) or 4" course gravel then the Ammonia problem is because
the substrate is too shallow for a biological colony to establish.
Large gravel pebbles are especially poor for UG filters. You want fine
media of a size closer to large grains of rice (2-3X) rather than pea
sized. Regarding your fish selection, however... you need to prepare
for serious problems with disease and aggression or separate these
fishes properly: The puffers need brackish alkaline water, the loaches
need somewhat soft acidic water, the sharks are near neutral to medium
hard water. The gouramis and cichlids vary by species. Some of these
fishes are going to suffer because of the homogenized mix. Furthermore,
the puffers are severely aggressive in time and will literally pick the
eyes out of the other fishes. The spotted catfish will swallow all
smaller fishes whole in time (and die from eating the toxic flesh of
the puffers if so) and the clown loaches grow to over 12" long
each and may stunt and die if crowded. Sheesh, my friend. Someone has
steered you terribly wrong. Do take the time browsing this site
(WetWebMedia) and beyond to get a better knowledge of the fishes before
you buy them. My advice would be to keep the gouramis, shark, Pleco and
possibly the cichlid (if a smaller or more peaceful species) and have
an active semi-aggressive community tank. Get rid of all other
inappropriate fishes or get more, bigger aquariums :) Best regards,
Re: pH/Ammonia Problems <Steven Pro in this morning
handling the follow up questions.> This is very weird because I have
had this exact community of fish (except the puffer and blood parrot)
<The puffer was one of your biggest problems, along with the Clown
Loaches.> when I was a kid in a 50 gallon tank and our fish lived
for years w/o any problems. <50 gallons is considerably larger than
your current 20, but even then I am sure the Clown Loaches never
reached their full size, nor lived a full life.> As far as growth
stunting, I can see your point if you buy larger fish to start off with
but again we were always told that fish will only grow to the size of
their surroundings for the most part. Is this not true? <It is
somewhat true and it is called stunting. The fish do not reach full
size, do not develop healthily, and do not live for their expected
life.> As for the puffer, he is a green spotted puffer and so far is
very peaceful. I did do extensive research on puffers before we chose
one. All info suggests that they are freshwater totally (a little
aquarium salt for gill function for all fish) and not aggressive and he
is the biggest fish in our tank (3") and does not seem to notice
any other fish. <True on the salt, but way off on not being
aggressive. Please see here http://www.wetwebmedia.com/BrackishSubWebIndex/fwbracpuffers.htm
and the related FAQ files.>
<<GSPs are brackish water animals. RMF>> In fact, our
reason for having the tank in the first place revolves around our
puffer. Let me ask you this, is it not true that a ph of 7 will be
acceptable for all of our fish? <Acceptable and optimal are two very
different things. You could be kept alive constricted to only your
bedroom and fed a diet of Ho-Ho's, but you would fail to thrive and
live a full life.> Also, won't grain size gravel clog up our UG
filter? <You want to big enough so that it does not go through/under
the filter plate.> Pea size gravel at 2" deep was what we were
told to use. <Two inches seems a bit shallow for a large size
gravel.> Don't get me wrong, I trust your advice far more than
any pet store around our area. They would sell you anything. We just
don't have the room or the time for another tank and would hate to
give up our fish when they all seem to be doing quite well despite my
water dilemmas. Besides the UG filter, what chemicals to you recommend
to keep everything balanced etc? <Nothing.> Thanks, Lori. <You
are welcome. -Steven Pro>
Re: pH/Ammonia Problems Hello again. So do I can I keep the
gravel I currently have but just add enough to equal 4" high?
<Yes> And please tell me again how more gravel will help make the
UG filter work better? <The 4" should be fine.> So are you
saying that chemicals for pH are not necessary/recommended? <No,
there are some occasions when I would use buffers to raise pH, but if
you want to target a pH of 7.0, water changes alone should do it.>
Thanks. <You are welcome. -Steven Pro>
pH shock-- curable? I did something very stupid just over a
week ago-- I introduced an old piece of mahogany driftwood I had into
my discus tank. I had used the driftwood years ago in another discus
tank, and it provided a good buffering pillow. I was about to introduce
two new discus and also thought they'd like the shelter it
provided, as the three discus already present had pretty much staked
out their favorite spots around their piece of driftwood. Darned if the
new/old driftwood didn't leach scarily-large amounts of nitrate
into the water (which I didn't even think to check because
everything else-- ammonia, nitrite, PH all tested fine), and drive the
carbonate hardness down to near zero-- and, of course, cause an acid
fall -- from 7.0 to 6.2 between Friday afternoon and Sunday night.
Well, I've pulled out that hunk of driftwood and carefully and
slowly corrected the water conditions (PH back to 7.0, carbonate
hardness 50 ppm, general hardness 80 ppm or 4.5 dh, no detectable
nitrites or ammonia, nitrates still high at 50 ppm but much better than
the 110 they were!) and the discus are now looking a lot less stressed,
as long as I don't walk up to the tank, since they now connect me
with Big Scary water changes instead of yummy food. Their fins are
barely clamped and are spread full much of the time, body colour a bit
dull but not dark anymore, eyes better-- still a bit dull, but the red
colour's back But nobody's eaten a thing for six days. And
they're still not at all frisky. They mostly hang about their old
pieces of driftwood Obviously, they endured PH shock. Can they recover?
Can I help them recover? <More than nitrate was released by the
wood... I would make a large (25%) water change (with pre-conditioned
water) today, maybe another tomorrow... and place some activated carbon
(several ounces) in your filter flow path. Do your discus have favorite
food items? I would try these. Bob Fenner> Judy Waytiuk
Mollies acting odd! Hi, just got a 29 gal kit March 7th, and
currently have 12 mollies (Gold Dust and Marble), and 3 young Albino
Corydoras. I'm having water quality problems. I think my ammonia
test isn't working (it's the water tube test, not the strips)
because when I use it, I show NO ammonia, but when I have my water
samples tested at Petco (they use the strips), then they show ammonia!
<Very possible, this happens once in a while. It sounds as if you
may be overfeeding the fish. After this amount of time your biological
filter should be established and the ammonia and nitrites should stay
at 0. Cut back on the amount and/or frequency of your feedings and it
should help.> I also was having a nitrite spike and had high pH,
which Petco people told me to bring down. So, I've been doing water
changes over the last few days and have finally brought my nitrites
down to 1.0ppm (they were at 5.0ppm). <Ouch! Even 1.0 is still quite
high and its a wonder any of the fish are still alive after 5.0!> I
also treated each bucket of new water with Stress Coat, Water
Conditioner, and pH balancer (my tap water was off the charts when I
tested it...must be 8.0+). <Just make sure that the water in the
tank stays at the lowered pH, sometimes it will spike back up.> MY
PROBLEM IS...my mollies are acting weird, MANY are hanging around the
surface moving their mouths a lot, they're not moving and swimming
around like usual, and some will swim in place, others will sit on the
bottom and move only every now and then. <Sounds like they are
uncomfortable with the ammonia and nitrites. These are common symptoms
of poor water.> Some still swim around, but only a few. I noticed 1
molly jump around on a rock, rubbing his body on it a few times.
<This could be the beginnings of ick or just a reaction to the
ammonia and nitrites.> I found 1 molly dead this morning, checked
his gills and they're nice and pink, no parasites, or weird
markings on him. <Probably a reaction to the nitrites then.> My
Corys act fine. And there is about 3 tsp.s of aquarium salt in the
tank. My nitrites are at 1.0ppm, nitrates 0ppm, ammonia=??? (need a new
test kit, I'm still showing no amm.), but my pH is 6.8 which is a
drop from 7.0 an hour ago!!!! Is this the problem? <pH will
fluctuate a little throughout the day so I wouldnt be concerned about
this.> Have I over treated my water in trying to decrease the danger
to my fish? I don't know what to do, they are clearly stressed!
They still eat, but I don't know how to help them. I don't want
to damage my biological filter by doing ANOTHER water change, but
should I? <For now, just keep up with the water changes and bring
the ammonia and nitrites down to a consistent 0. I dont think you
over-treated the new water although you could probably get by without
adding the Stress Coat. Small water changes arent going to damage your
bio filter, theyre actually going to help it.> And should I use
something to INCREASE my pH now that it is falling? <Nope, they are
adapted to the lower pH now and raising it would cause more
problems.> Aren't mollies supposed to be in water with a higher
pH? <Yes, a little higher than what yours is. They do best in a pH
of 7.5 to 8.2. You can bring this up by not treating your newly added
water with as much of the pH reducer but the pH level needs to be
brought up slowly or it can cause even more problems.> What am I
doing wrong?--fish_puppy <Do some reading at http://www.wetwebmedia.com and at
http://www.fishbase.org to find out
more about your fish but I really think the main problem is
overfeeding. Ronni>
pH and Hardness I have checked the FAQ and search but have
not quite found an answer. Thanks for trying to help me. <Any time,
Ron.> I have kept saltwater for 25 years and recently switched a 45
gallon tank to be a cardinal/neon tank. My question seems
elementary...but I am stumped. <I think that pH and hardness are the
least understood subjects (by hobbyists) in dealing with freshwater
chemistry. Not an "elementary" question, at all!> My
cardinals keep dying after 4-5 days. My pH is 6.7 after I added a
buffer to lower it. My tap water is pH 7.9 with a hardness of 150. The
hardness in my cardinal tank is 250! <Are we talking carbonate
hardness or general hardness, here? I assume general hardness (total
dissolved solids)? And I assume you're measuring in ppm?> I
added "Amazon Rain " but it did not lower the hardness.
<Usually adding something will not remove something.... in this
case, adding the buffers, etc., won't remove the dissolved
solids.... uh, did that make sense?> Do the softening
"pillows" work? <I'm afraid I have no experience with
these.... You might try experimenting with a few gallons of tapwater in
a Rubbermaid container and see what results you come out with.> I do
not like the look of peat colored water. <You *have* been reading
the FAQs! And you knew exactly what approach I would've suggested.
Well, let's explore other ideas, then.> I have 2 suspicions: the
tofu (lava) rock or the driftwood decor. Would these cause the hardness
to raise? <The lava rock may very well be contributing to this
issue. The driftwood, on the other hand, is your friend in arms, and
will help (perhaps only minutely, but help just the same) in keeping
your pH low.> What are "safe" rocks that won't leech
and raise hardness? Slate? Sandstone? Quartz? <Yes, yes, and yes,
all safe> White Tofu? Red/Brown Tofu? <Nope and nope/nope, both
are suspect in this> Petrified wood? <Perfectly safe> Shale?
<Won't affect your pH, *but* - depending upon where you collect
this, it can leach other nasty stuff into the water. This is a very,
very absorbent rock, I would avoid it. Use similar caution with
sandstone. I do use sandstone, but only collected from very natural
areas; none from rock yards where who-knows-what has been spilled.>
Thanks for your help! <Please read here: http://www.thekrib.com/Plants/CO2/
there is *so* much information, in that page and in the links within
it, that you'll be reading for days. Also read: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwph,alk.htm
, there is a wealth of knowledge in there, as well; I hope these will
clarify your situation. Please let us know if you have further
questions; this is a confusing topic.> Ron <Wishing you well,
Re: more questions about aquarium problems I have some more
questions. This time about ph and snails. I have had an ongoing problem
of low ph. I raise the ph with some buffer I purchased and then I
notice that the ph is down again the next few days or so. <Better to
keep the pH stable than let it swing back and forth...> I also
notice there was a significant relationship between the ich and
"shimmy" problem showing up on/in my mollies and the low ph
because they prefer a more alkaline ph. <Yup, they do. I've seen
the ich/shimmy correlation, too, though whether it's coincidence I
don't know.> I also noticed that there was a shell in my
aquarium that dissolved at a very fast rate almost completely
dissolving before I removed it! <Good grief. You probably have
*extremely* soft water for it to dissolve like that.> Could there be
a relationship between the dissolving shell and the low ph and is it
possible that the over abundance of snails could be the cause of the
lowered ph? <The dissolving shell will release calcium. Many people
use crushed coral as a substrate to raise the pH in their brackish or
cichlid tanks, and the coral skeletons and snail shells both have a
fair bit of calcium.> If not, what else could be causing the low ph,
because the ph is usually high due to tap water changes and the shells
sloughing off their calcium. <Some of the things that reduce pH
include bogwood in the tank, decaying plant matter, peat in a planted
tank substrate... Sabrina says undergravel filters are often a culprit
in low pH cases, due to decaying organics accumulating under the filter
plate(s) where it's hard to clean. Have you checked your
alkalinity? I bet it's quite low.> I now have no visible ich on
my mollies and I did not have to use ich medication (the bottle I
purchased is AP PLUS+ CURE-ICK by AP Aquarium Products). Anyway, I
didn't have to use the medication because when I raised the ph the
ich disappeared! <That may not be due to the pH change, but to the
ich parasite's life cycle. There is a stage when it drops off the
fish. If that's the case, the ich may reappear in a week or so.>
The ich problem was probably exacerbated by the detrimental condition
of the water (for mollies). The ph is at about 6.8 + or -. I'm
trying to get it up to 7.0, but seem to be having problems maintaining
that level. <What's your substrate? You might consider switching
to crushed coral.> No rush, but please advise with you opinion and
or experience. Thanks a lot! Leslie <To see how much crushed coral
might help, you could put some in a filter bag and into a power filter
or canister filter. --Ananda, with help from Sabrina>
UGF and High pH? - 04/14/2004 Hi guys.... <Hello> I
have a 39G high tank that has been set up for 10+ years. All of a
sudden my ph is 7.6 , no ammonia, no nitrates, I do a 25% water change
1-2 x a month. <"All of a sudden".... Have you added any
new rock recently? New substrate? Anything at all new in the
system?> I have a undergravel filter. LFS says that is the problem
with the pH. <If the UGF is properly maintained, I doubt that this
is likely at all. Do you regularly vacuum the substrate? Any large
pieces of decor that would create a "dead spot" under the UGF
plate?> PH used to be 6 and then it went up and won't go down.
My live plants are not enjoying it. Should I just remove UGF.... I know
the plants would be happier? <The plants would certainly do better
without it, that's for sure. But I am not convinced that the UGF is
the cause of your problems.... Have you tested your source water?
Removed peat or driftwood from the system? Changed the manner in how
you go about regular maintenance? Added or removed anything at all in
the system that may have contributed?> Please advise. Monica
<Hope to help you get to the bottom of this.... Wishing you well,
UGF and High pH? - 04/18/2004 Nothing has been added; no
rock, substrate, nothing. I'm doing everything the same. Source
water is 7.0 or greater, but has been that way, and ph has always
stayed down, 6.4-6.8 or so. <Accumulated organic debris under the
filter plate will tend to drop pH. Ah, is it at all possible that you
were more thorough than usual on your most recent gravel vacuuming
before the jump in pH? And again, any large decor items that might
create a "dead spot" under the filter plate, where you
don't/can't vac under, and where there is no suction through
due to the footprint of the item?> I tried SeaChem buffer to get ph
down a little but it did not budge... <What product did you use,
specifically?> That is when LFS said it was UGF set up for 10 yrs +
, don't know what to do.... oh, and yes, I regularly vacuum <It
is not my experience that an aged system using UGF will go *up* in pH,
but the exact opposite - pH should drop due to decaying organics
trapped beneath the filter plates. Another thought, perhaps your test
kit reagents are old/expired; try testing with another kit (new, a
friend's, even the LFS, if necessary) to verify your readings - and
keep in mind the dipstick-type tests can be grossly inaccurate. I do
hope we can help you figure this out.> Monica <Wishing you well,
UGF and High pH II (03/01/04) <Hi! Ananda here with some
ideas...> No....nothing new....yes I vacuum, nothing has changed, it
was 6 for so long and now 7.4-7.6 ....tried SeaChem acid
buffer/alkaline buffer.....for a few days and ph did not budge....I am
clueless <Do you, by chance, have kids? Is there a possibility that
the kids sent something into the tank that you haven't seen? Or
perhaps your municipality has changed the way it treats its water
supply? Or have you recently started to use a different household
cleaner? Are you using the same brand/type of pH test kit? Is it
possible the test kit chemicals have expired, giving you an inaccurate
result? Or did you recently get a new test kit, and your old test
results may have been inaccurate? Also, if you've had the windows
and such closed all winter, perhaps you've had a high level of
ambient CO2 in the house, which would depress the pH. If you've
recently had a bout of spring weather and opened up the house, the pH
could go up as the CO2 levels in the house drop. Hope this helps....
UGF and high pH III (03/12/04) no kids, ? municipality
changing the treatment, no new cleaner, same brand/type kit, bought new
a few months ago....but old one was showing the same results. just have
recently opened windows, but ph was up before that. Hope this does not
mean that ph will go up more. I have also lost a lot of fish just
recently. I added some Otocinclus (spelling?) algae eaters on a Sat.
lost one oto the next day, another one the day after, then in one day
(Thursday) I lost 2 dwarf cichlids, and a turquoise rainbow....all were
behaving normally that morning....and were dead by the afternoon. 2
days later I lost my Siamese algae eater. I have left 1 clown loach, 2
boesemanni rainbows, 2 red tetras , 2 Otocinclus....they all act
fine..., I have never (in 10+ years) lost that many fish in that short
of time frame. I am beside myself trying to figure out what is going
on, the tank at LFS that the Otocinclus came out of is fine....they
were with some discus that have been there awhile. LFS tested my
water....everything within normal...but they came up with ph of
8.....but said that would not of killed fish since they have been
living like that for a few months. I am clueless....any more ideas?
thanks, Monica <<Hello. From what I've read so far, it sounds
possible that your municipality has changed the water. Even where I
live, which is a major city, the pH in our tap water can fluctuate from
6.8 to 8 within weeks. This would wreak havoc in your fish tank, and
even result in fish deaths from pH shock if you were unaware of the
problem. The pH from your TAP needs to be tested, and compared
immediately to your tank pH. I recommend buying a new pH test kit, and
make sure the new test kit is Wide Range, and that it will register pH
from 4 or 5 right up to 10. Perhaps your old test kit was simply giving
you a false reading. Also, you must realize that, for example, if a pH
test kit is rated from 6.0 to 7.6, and you test your water and the test
reads 7.6, it means the test kit is not capable of showing you a higher
reading, so it will show the highest one possible, even if your pH is
8. Same with low range test kits, if your pH is 6.5 and your test kit
is rated from 7.0 to 9.0, then your reading will show the lowest on the
test kit, which would be 7.0, even though your pH is lower. Also, I
recommend you stop adding anything to "adjust" your pH until
you figure out what's going on. So far, you have added products to
change the pH to no avail, this is probably because your water lacks
sufficient buffering capacity, in other words, your carbonate hardness
(KH) is probably quite low, even though your pH is high. They are not
the same thing. If you could find out your KH, it would help. One last
thing that I highly recommend is that you get your water tested for
ammonia, nitrite, AND nitrates, as pH will fluctuate when cycling a
tank...in other words, have you cleaned your filter lately? Changed the
filter media? Added medications? Added salt? (salt in high enough
concentrations, e.g. brackish, can affect bacteria) Anything that
interferes with your biological filtration can result in
ammonia/nitrite spikes, and hence, pH imbalances. Hope this helps.
- The pH is Falling! - Help! I am desperate to solve my
dropping ph problem that has killed all my fish save one. I am totally
at a loss as to what to do and I don't want to give up. I first set
up my 25-gallon Eclipse tank about 3 1/2 months ago. I ran it for about
a week with nothing but water, a couple of lava rocks, a presoaked
piece of driftwood (it had been in the tanks at our fish store for a
couple of weeks), live plants and gravel (natural looking regular
gravel) and then added a modest number of really hardy fish (there were
2 striped Danios, 2 Bloodfins, 2 Callistus tetras and 2 cherry barbs).
I fed the fish very a very small amount of flakes every other day and
added 10 ml of Kent Pro-Plant and Kent Plant Food on alternate days
through the first cycle. Everything was fine. I regularly did 25% water
changes once a week, added bi-aquaculture every 2 weeks and changed the
carbon filter every 3-4 weeks. <Well... before we get much farther,
I can pretty much guess that your problem is being caused by either
that driftwood, the lava rock, or both. Even wood that's been
soaking for years has the ability to release tannic and other acids
which will drop your pH slowly to the floor. Lava rock is as well
suspect - I'd remove both to a bucket or two of clean water and run
two tests - one to see if the pH in your main tank returns to normal
and the other test on the bucket of water to see if it is becoming
acidic.> After the tank cycled, I added 4 Clown Loaches and 2 German
Rams and some more plants. I continued to feed lightly but increased it
to every day and added frozen blood-worms to the diet about 2-3 times a
week. Everything was going great for about 3 weeks. Then all of a
sudden, the water clouded over white and some of the fish developed ick
and fin/tail rot. I had the water tested and the PH was as low as could
be measured. The fish store recommended a buffer. I added that and did
an additional small water change. Also, I got medicine for the ick and
fin/tail rot, removed the carbon from my filter and on the first day,
it seemed to help. They started to look better and the water cleared.
Then the second day, I tested the water and the buffer had done nothing
to effect the ph. <Well... again, the presence of something in the
tank producing more acid than the buffer can remedy, and the acid will
slowly deplete the buffers.> The fish started to look worse, the
water clouded over again and that night, all the fish (except one of
the German Rams) died. I took the surviving fish and some water to the
store. They tested the water and the only problem was that the PH was
off the charts low. They suggested that I do a complete water change
and clean out the tank. I did that and changed the substrate to
FloraBase to help my live plants. I tested the ph of the tap water and
it was at 7.6. Within 24 hours of putting the water into the cleaned
tank, the ph in the tank was under 6. I tried the buffer again with no
rise in PH. I did a 50% water change and added some baking soda. The ph
then tested at 7.2 but within 4 hours has sunk to 6. Then I tried
removing all the lava rocks and driftwood and doing another complete
water change. The ph was 7.6 when the water went in and within 24 hours
had sunk again to 6. I then tested the tap water but setting it out in
a glass overnight. The ph in the tap did not change after as much as 36
hours. Luckily, my one surviving fish has been living at the fish store
until I can correct this problem. We are at a loss of what to do now
other than change the BioWheel, which I am loath to do because then I
have to cycle the tank all over again (and change all the water and
substrate again). Do you have any thoughts or ideas? I really don't
want to give up but I am getting close to doing just that! <Yes,
please take out the driftwood and the lava rock... try running without
them for a while. I'll bet at least a dollar that this will solve
your problems.> Thanks in advance for any help, Lynn Bartsch
<Cheers, J -- >
- The pH is Falling! II - Thanks for your response. I have
had the driftwood and lava removed for over three weeks and the problem
persists. Even after a total water change to get higher PH water back
in there. The Ph dropped again after 24 hours. Any other ideas?
<<Dear Lynn; Hello. Do not change your BioWheel! Since you have
tried everything J recommended and nothing has worked, I think you
would be wise to buy a small bag of crushed coral. You can experiment
by either mixed it into your substrate, or putting it into a bag and
running it (kinda like carbon) inside your filter, and then test the pH
to see which method raises the pH to a decent level and keeps it there.
Add a small amount at a time, until you can get your pH to measure,
say, 7.0. You can do this over a period of a couple of weeks, keep
testing the pH and see what happens. Normally I would recommend crushed
coral as the sole substrate, but that may cause some problems with your
plants. At any rate, I DO believe you need some coral in that tank to
raise the pH and keep it there, and crushed coral is the most stable
method, and cheapest long-term. Good luck. PS make sure you keep doing
weekly water changes and vacuuming the gravel.. -Gwen>>
Re: Dropping pH syndrome II Thanks for your response. I have
had the driftwood and lava removed for over three weeks and the problem
persists. Even after a total water change to get higher PH water back
in there. The Ph dropped again after 24 hours. Any other ideas?
<<Dear Lynn; Hello. Do not change your BioWheel! Since you have
tried everything J recommended and nothing has worked, I think you
would be wise to buy a small bag of crushed coral. You can experiment
by either mixed it into your substrate, or putting it into a bag and
running it (kinda like carbon) inside your filter, and then test the pH
to see which method raises the pH to a decent level and keeps it there.
Add a small amount at a time, until you can get your pH to measure,
say, 7.0. You can do this over a period of a couple of weeks, keep
testing the pH and see what happens. Normally I would recommend crushed
coral as the sole substrate, but that may cause some problems with your
plants. At any rate, I DO believe you need some coral in that tank to
raise the pH and keep it there, and crushed coral is the most stable
method, and cheapest long term. Good luck. PS make sure you keep doing
weekly water changes and vacuuming the gravel.. -Gwen> I'll try
it. Thanks. >Please let us know how it goes :) -Gwen>
High pH, Fighting Danios Hi guys. You have the greatest
website! I got my first tank two weeks ago. It is a ten gallon
freshwater community tank, several plastic plants, 50 watts heater, two
thermometers one internal and one external, one fake rock with 3 holes
on it, one undergravel filter, two inch deep gravel strata (rounded and
more or less pea sized), one aqua-tech outside power filter, one small
sponge filter. The pH of our tap water is about 7.4 to 7.6. I added
water conditioner (Tetra Aqua Safe), Stress Zyme, five teaspoons of
salt for freshwater aquarium. At the beginning the water got a little
cloudy. I waited one week and added 3 Zebra Danios Next day I added one
ounce of Bio-Spira freshwater bacteria from Marineland. The water
became clear again within 24 hours. The Danios (one small male, one
small female and a larger older individual whose gender is a mystery to
me) were fine. They were exploring and racing around. Then the two
smaller Danios began to dance in circles at the bottom of the aquarium.
The older individual took possession of the upper and middle part of
the aquarium and began to chase and bump-fight the small male while the
small female was hidden in the plants. Within 48 hours the small male
stopped racing and eating and died. I examined the body. There were no
signs of disease or injury. The older individual still chases the small
female every time they meet. The small female is fine but she is
confined to a corner of the aquarium that is covered in plants most of
the time. She ventures out often, but she goes back when the larger
Danio chases her. When I feed the fish, I feed them very little food,
twice or once a day. I try to feed them the minimum amount of food
possible. I underfeed them because they are too busy fighting each
other to eat all of it. Although the Danios come immediately to the
food, they promptly begging to fight and some flakes end up sinking and
the fish remain hungry. I worry about the food sinking. My last pH
reading is in the range of 7.6 to 8. My ammonia reading is 0. My
nitrite reading is 0.2. I have several questions: What could have
happened to the small male Zebra Danio? <<Aggression, high
ammonia, nitrites. What did your ammonia test at last week? Must have
been some, there has to be ammonia for it to be converted into nitrite.
Do you have nitrates yet? You should be testing this tank
everyday.>> What is it with the large Zebra Danio (I was told
they are peaceful fish)? <<They are not. And a toxic tank will
not make them any nicer, either...>> Could the small female Zebra
Danio be hurt by constant harassment? <<Certainly>> Is it a
good idea to add other fish to the tank? <<No.>> If so is
this list a good list: one male Beta, two more Zebra Danios, two female
Guppies and two small Cory Cats? Are this fish too many (taking into
account all my filters and that I am willing to do a 25% water change
weekly and a mayor water change monthly)? Would they take my pH as it
is? How can I modify this list to avoid disaster? <<Do NOT add
any fish now. Your tank is still cycling. Hence the high pH, etc. And
certainly don't add all of these at one time! And definitely avoid
putting guppies and a Betta into a tank with Danios. Disaster awaits if
you do.>> Until now I have resisted the impulse of applying
pH-lowering product to my tank but What can I do with my pH (7.6 to
8.0)? Should I make a 25% water change now (taking into account that
the food keeps sinking because of the fighting of my Danios)?
<<As I said, your pH is high because the tank is CYCLING. It will
stabilize in a month or so. Have PATIENCE, please. Do not mess with
your pH, you will not be helping your fish if you do. The pH will end
up all over the place, and your fish will end up dead from a
combination of pH shock, nitrite poisoning, and stress..>>
Finally, If Bio-Spira is so amazing, why are some dealers against it?
Thank you for your help. <<I personally like Bio-Spira, it's
an excellent product when it's being used properly. However,
results will differ from tank to tank. Dealers simply don't like it
when people with no experience try to cycle with it and end up with
dead fish, as in your case. Please do some reading, buy yourself some
ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate test kits, and be PATIENT. Test your
water regularly, do water changes when readings become high, and do NOT
add fish until the tank has NO ammonia and NO nitrites left. Keep two
small fish in the tank during cycling. TWO! not more! Keeping a written
record of your test results will help. :) -Gwen>>
pH Climbing Hi, I hope you can shed some light on this for
me. I am new to all of this but am trying to learn. I got my aquarium
up and running on June 3rd of this year. This is what I currently have
: Freshwater tank Aquarium -- 75 gallon (48L x18W x21H) Filter -- Rena
Filstar 3 canister filter (suitable for up to 120 gallon) with spray
bar About 60 lbs of gravel from LFS 2 live plants and the rest are
plastic A Large sunken ship decoration from the LFS 2 clay pots one
glass rock 10" bubble wand 6 zebra Danios 5 hatchet fish 3
Corridors 6 Pristellas 2 Chinese algae eaters About a month ago I had
to treat my tank for ick (used RidIch+) and so far so good. My question
is my PH. It stays pretty high but I don't know why. I use well
water - out of the tap my water has no ammonia or nitrites, has a GH of
4 and a PH of 6.5. After I set up my aquarium it took no time at all
and the GH went up to 6 degrees and the PH was at 7.5 and has stayed
around 7.5 the entire time. As of last night my readings are : Ammonia
= 0 Nitrites = 0 Nitrates = 10 ppm GH = 4 KH = 6 PH = 8.0 I am baffled
as to what is causing the PH to rise. I thought about adding some peat
moss or getting some of the Blackwater extract for the tank but I think
that also softens the water and I don't know if I should soften it
any more than what it already is. Could it just be that it still
hasn't completely finished cycling and it will eventually even
out??? Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. < Your well water
has CO2 in it. When you pump it out of the ground it leaves the water
and goes into a gas. The same thing happens when you open a bottle of
soda pop. The Co2 makes a carbonic acid in the water. After the CO2
vaporizes after a couple of days the water returns to its stable
natural state. The nitrates come from agricultural runoff into the
shallowest aquifer from which I suspect you well is pumping its water
from.-Chuck> Frances
Re: pH Climbing Me again, If CO2 is what is causing the PH to
rise - what do I do to control it???? < CO2 causes the pH to drop
lower. 7 is neutral. Above seven is alkaline or basic. Below 7 and the
water is considered acidic. You are losing the CO2 from the water and
the pH is rising. I recommend that you go to the Marineland.com website
and check in on Dr. Tim's library and it will give you a very
detailed explanation on pH and how you can safely change it and keep it
stable.-Chuck> Frances
Freshwater pH blues... Hi Crew, First let me add my thank-you
to the hundreds of others -- you guys do a great job keeping us
informed. <Thanks> This question is about my freshwater tanks,
one 46 gallon, 1 29g, 1 20g, 1 5g and 2 2.5 gal. They all share one
problem -- my tapwater, which I'm convinced is among the worst in
the civilized world. Suffice it to say that WE don't drink it, and
are the ideal demographic for Deer Park bottled water! :> I
don't know what the actual pH is, since my tests show a maxed-out
result on my high-range tests with a maximum 8.8 result, but it's
HIGH. <Far too high! even high for salt water> All of my
equipment and fish are from PetSmart (I know, my bad!) I'm doing
different things in the different tanks -- goldfish, Bettas, schooling
fish, angels, gouramis, etc. None of them are overstocked by even the
most conservative standards I've seen. In all of them, the pH is
off the charts, as I've mentioned. The KH ranges from 12-14 degrees
(# of drops before the solution turns from blue to yellow), or 215-260
ppm . All of the tanks have cycled, so the Ammonia and Nitrites are
zero or virtually zero. Nitrates are at negligible levels <Great,
how are you keeping the nitrates from rising?> and phosphates are
testing around 2 (perhaps slightly higher- the color shade is hard to
read) on my Doc Wellfish liquid-tester scale of 0-10. (No copper at
all, for what it's worth.) I've been surprisingly successful
with the tanks -- most of the fish have survived -- but only because
I've chosen hardy captive-bred fish. The goldfish in typical
fashion have adapted, as have most of the schooling fish (mostly barbs,
platies and mollies). The angels died quickly of course, but my
daughter wouldn't take 'no' for an answer, so at least it
was a good lesson learned! :> I have been experimenting with the 46
gallon tank, which holds 4 Rosy Barbs, 3 black mollies, 8 mixed Danios,
and 7 platies. Filtration centers around a Penguin 330 with the
standard activated-carbon-filled filters and BioWheels. To reduce the
pH, I first tried a half-cup of peat granules (Fluval) in the filter
for a week, then added another 1/2 cup -- the pH did not drop below 8.8
after three weeks of this treatment, although my water looked like a
nice cup of Earl Grey tea. As a next step, I started doing water
changes every 2 week with bottled water. In the past six weeks,
I've done two 10-gal changes and 1 5-gallon change. The pH is still
off the scale. As a test to uncover alkaline elements in the system, I
filled my 5 gallon quarantine tank (aerated tank, activated carbon
filtration but empty except for gravel) with bottled water (Deer Park
Drinking Water) with a pH of about 6.8-7.0. After four days, the pH
moved up to 7.3-7.4. My conclusion is that my pretty blue PetSmart
gravel is leeching alkaline elements into the water. I've bought
replacement gravel from a more reputable (I hope) LFS. I'm soaking
the PetSmart gravel in the same bottled water in a separate container
to confirm the result from my QT, and the pH IS rising after 3 days.
<Wow!> Wow! This message is getting long. Short ending is this:
I'm putting in a central DI filtration system primarily for my new
220 gal reef system, and plan to use the DI water with a Kent Marine
buffer additive for all future water changes in my freshwater tanks. In
addition, I plan to replace the gravel in all tanks with gravel that
has tested in a small container as NOT raising pH. My questions are
these: 1.) when I change the gravel, can I do this 'around' the
fish, or should I remove them all into my 5 gal QT while I remove the
gravel and replace it? <Stress either way, but I think I'd
remove them to a tank that was filled with their original tank
water.> 2.) should I worry about a 're-cycle' of the tank
when I remove the gravel that presumably has established bacterial
colonies (considering that I also have a bio-wheel, etc.), and then
re-introduce the fish listed above a few minutes later? <The bio
wheel should have enough bacteria to keep your cycle going. Of course
watch for ammonia or nitrite spikes and be ready to do water changes.
I'd wait an hour or more to re-introduce to allow any dust to
settle.> 3.) am I missing some obvious, other solution here?
<Just make sure that any change in pH is done slowly, days better
than hours> Any and all comments welcome! Thanks for your time. Kind
regards, Hal <Don>
pH question for neon tetra Hi Crew, You have a really great
site: I have been finding answers for most of my questions since I
started my aquarium. But this one is still bugging me. What would be
better for my tank to keep pH stable but fairly high or try to reduce
in with chemicals risking its stability? It is 40Gals planted tank that
have been running for about two moths, while fish is living there for a
month. No detectable ammonia and nitrates. My tap water is about 7.0pH
and very soft, but as soon as it is in the tank the pH goes up to 7.4pH
and the hardness sets at 80 mg/l. I have been filtering water through
peat from the beginning and doing weekly 20% water changes. I keep 8
neon tetra for now and plan to add a small shoal of Corys, gouramis
and, possible, a couple of small loaches (if snails got out of
control). Now I understand that pH 7.4 is too high for Neons, yet from
what I learned the playing with pH is least desirable thing. Please,
give me some advice on how to deal with this dilemma. It will be very
much appreciated. <Something in the tank is buffering the water to
the higher pH. Calcium in the water may be one source or even the
sand/gravel may be reacting to the water. If you get your water from a
well then check the water from the tap and then let it sit overnight
and then check it again. If the pH rises then the real pH of your water
is the 24 hour reading. Well water sometimes contains co2 and this
temporarily lowers the pH until the co2 is off gassed. Assuming the
true pH of your water is 7.4 I would recommend the following. Start
getting some RO/distilled water and do a 5 gallon per week water change
with it. Treat the 5 gallons of water with a buffer that will bring the
water down to where you want it. After a few water changes your water
will gradually be lowered to where you want it to be. Be careful . New
fish from the store need to acclimated to the lower pH over time. If
the local stores have water that is hard and alkaline then they may not
appreciate the abrupt change.-Chuck> Thank you, Konstantin.
Re: pH question for neon tetra Thank you Chuck. From your
reply I got that I do need to reduce the pH and the question is just
how to do it properly. Following your advice I did left my tap water
standing for a day, but pH and KH have not changed. After some head
scratching, I began to do some tests. First I soaked stones there - no
change, then put some gravels - no change. The next thing to test was a
large piece of driftwood that is quite hard to get out without wrecking
the whole set up. Fortunately, before doing that I decided to check
water conditioner, and here it comes - the treated water immediately
changed its pH from 7.0 to 7.4 and KH from 10mg/l to 50mg/l. A bit
surprised I rushed for water conditioner from another brand and, no,
this one has not changed water properties. As it might be of interest
for some other beginner aquarists the "bad" brand is
"TetraAqua" and the "good" one is
"Hagen". I suspect it has something to do with my tap water
being very soft, but, anyway, they might have put sort of a warning or
something on the package. Konstantin. < Thanks for the feedback. I
am sure others reading this on the website will appreciate your