FAQs on pH, Alkalinity, Acidity
Related Articles: pH,
alkalinity 1, In praise of hard water; How hard, alkaline
water can be a blessing in disguise by Neale Monks,
Treating Tap
Water, A
practical approach to freshwater aquarium water chemistry by
Neale Monks, The
Soft Water Aquarium: Risks and Benefits by Neale Monks, Freshwater Maintenance, Treating Tap water for Aquarium
Related FAQs: pH,
Alkalinity, Acidity 1, pH,
Alkalinity, Acidity 2, pH, Alkalinity 3, pH, & FAQs on: FW pH/Alkalinity Science, pH/Alkalinity Measure, pH/Alkalinity Adjustment, pH/Alkalinity Products, pH/Alkalinity Anomalies/Fixing,
& Water
Hardness, Freshwater Aquarium Water Quality,
Treating Tap Water for Aquarium Use,
Freshwater Algae Control, Algae Control, Foods, Feeding, Aquatic Nutrition, Disease,
Big fishes, wastes, alkalinity... pH drops! |
High ph and low kh 12/23/19
My tap water is ph 9.6, the official listed value on
the water department website is 9-9.5. It's buffered to this
level by soda ash.
<? Am wondering why the pH is raised so high by your municipal dept. And
using sodium carbonate for the purpose. Do you know?>
The kh is low, 4 degrees on a liquid kh test and .2 on a conductivity
<... am surprised that the agency wouldn't use/avail themselves of
calcium compounds... to save their plumbing?>
Is there any way to raise the kh without raising the ph?
<Yes; you can/could simple sodium bicarbonate (Arm & Hammer and such
baking soda will do) along/WITH an acid buffer (DO THIS outside the
aquarium; i.e. pre-mix and store such made up water in advance of
introduction/use in biological systems). Alternatively... oh, I see you
ask below>
The water is intended for Tanganyikan cichlids.
Is 100% RO water with buffer and salt the only option to make this water
<THIS is one way; and perhaps the preferred for your use... Have you
read Neale Monk's piece on making/using "Rift Lake Salts" on WWM?:
Do please do so.>
Or is there some mix of tap and ro water plus buffer that will work?
<Would depend on other ionic make up in your source water. Definitely
worth investigating, trying out various Calcium and Carbonate,
Bicarbonate buffers IF you're using a bunch of water. IF only a few tens
of gallons a month, I'd mix the RO and Neale's salt-blend>
Thanks for any information.
<Glad to share. Bob Fenner>
Re: High ph and low kh 12/23/19
The water department website says the ph is raised to prevent leeching
from old (lead) pipes.
<Ah yes; then they should be working on switching them out>
I will try the buffer method, the tank is 65 gallons and I would like to
change 25 gallons per week.
Seems like a lot of ro water but I dont know, maybe that is a reasonable
amount to have to use weekly.
<Some folks advocate for smaller amounts more frequently. I change out
20-25% of my freshwater in my systems weekly. BobF>
Re: High ph and low kh 12/24/19
I've heard that high kh water will crash and then rebound back up if you
try to lower its ph, but dont remove its kh.
<Mmm; well; depends on what (chemical species) are elevating pH... once
buffering at a given (pH) level is diminished/reduced, pH may drop
If I use ph down along with the ph and kh increasing buffer will the ph
<Likely so... you could ask the chemical composition from your municipal
supplier, or have it checked out by an independent lab... or do a
"assay" yourself (which is what I'd do), and mix up all, let stand for a
few days (in a chemically inert container).>
I want to lower the ph from 9.6 to 8.5, not just keep it from going past
<I understand the first, and barring the addition of something w/ a
higher pH, it should not go higher. BobF>
re: New rainbow fish won't eat; How do I measure alkalinity?
Hi Neale thanks for your reply
How do I measure alkalinity? Because I was buffering ph and kh? Yet the
product mentions alkalinity a lot
<For freshwater systems, alkalinity and carbonate hardness are
essentially interchangeable. Alkalinity is technically the ability of
water to resist acidification, but in freshwater tanks, most of this
capacity is down to carbonate hardness. Hence, no need to fuss over the
difference. Low KH will likely be low alkalinity, and vice versa.
Cheers, Neale.>
re: New rainbow fish won't eat; How do I measure alkalinity?
Hi again Neale Thanks for your reply.
I have just been working out keeping the other container with snails
clean and doing some water changes on the main tank to remove the meds.
Also added seachem Purigen. I was reading those 2 products and it seems
the former has a lot more potassium than the later one. So yeah I will
get the alkalinity one. The kh in my tank is 2-3 what am I aiming for?
It seems pretty close to the tap water.
<Most New Guinean Rainbowfish are happy around 5-10 degrees KH,
alongside moderate general hardness (5-15 degrees dH). So long as the pH
is steady around 7.5, and the KH is at least 5, the water is probably
fine, and won't need any further diddling around with. Cheers, Neale.>
Water Changes and Ph/ Moping JD
Thank you for your site and taking the time to help home aquarists.
I have two questions:
Do 75% water changes greatly affect Ph?
<Mmm; depends on the make up of the water being changed and what it is
being changed with; and possibly the other chemically reactive
components of the system>
I have 16, 1 year old+ cycled tanks and was doing 75% water changes
every 10 to 14 days to keep the nitrates low. The problem is I
intermittently end up with 1 or 2 fish dying after a large water change.
<Please see here Re:
Note that I am a HUGE fan of pre-mixing and storing water for change
outs, in dedicated inert containers; AND limiting change percentage to
25-30% or so due to vagaries and variances in source waters nowayears.
IF you're determined to do such large percentage change outs, DO treat
and store the new water a week in advance. I would have you read on WWM
re Nitrate control. There are other means other than dilution (chemical,
physical, biological) to reduce NO3>
I read somewhere that 25% water changes are best for avoiding Ph
<Yes; one reason for their limitation>
With so many tanks I am changing water 1x/week at 25%. (My bigger fish –
Oscar, Purple Rose Queen, and Jack Dempsey in their own 75s get biweekly
water changes due to the large size of their waste). In your experience
are large water changes acceptable?
<In some localities... where the water is suitable, AND with adequate
water treatment; chemically, and/or via storage...>
I clean the sand/gravel each water change and drain the water into the
yard. I have a 150’ hose attached to a shower head to fill the tanks.
The hose is run a few minutes before filling. I add Safe prior to
<Better by FAR to treat this water elsewhere BEFORE adding it all to
your live systems>
Filters are cleaned once per month.
<S/b fine>
I have a female Jack Dempsey. I got her full grown from a lfs about 2
years ago. She was in the $20 predator tank. Recently, I put her in my
150 American tank. She would spar with the squeaker catfish and a large
green cichlid I do not know the name of. The convicts were her downfall
as the JD and convicts like the bottom of the aquarium. The JDs side
fins were torn and she stopped coming out of hiding at feeding time so I
put her back in her own tank – 75 gallon. She is now digging in the sand
but won’t eat – think maybe she and the green cichlid made a connection.
She has been wormed and her water param.s are 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, 10
nitrate. She gets biweekly water changes of 20 to 30%. I have been
putting her light on and interacting with her more. I am thinking about
getting a Salvini or large barb dithers to put with her.
<Good choices, idea>
Wondering if you have any suggestions?
<None other than stated>
I think she is just lonely. I have been adding Voogle vitamins just in
case. I feed her omnivore and carnivore fish pellets from American
Aquarium Products.
Thank you in advance,
Linn Chetty
<Thank you for sharing. Bob Fenner>
Water Changes and Ph/ Moping JD /Neale
Thank you for your site and taking the time to help home aquarists.
I have two questions:
Do 75% water changes greatly affect Ph? I have 16, 1 year old+ cycled
tanks and was doing 75% water changes every 10 to 14 days to keep the
nitrates low. The problem is I intermittently end up with 1 or 2 fish
dying after a large water change. I read somewhere that 25% water
changes are best for avoiding Ph fluctuation. With so many tanks I am
changing water 1x/week at 25%. (My bigger fish – Oscar, Purple Rose
Queen, and Jack Dempsey in their own 75s get biweekly water changes due
to the large size of their waste). In your experience are large water
changes acceptable? I clean the sand/gravel each water change and drain
the water into the yard. I have a 150’ hose attached to a shower head to
fill the tanks. The hose is run a few minutes before filling. I add Safe
prior to filling. Filters are cleaned once per month.
<Yes, big water changes can affect the pH in certain circumstances.
Suppose you have a tank containing stuff that either lowers or raises
the pH. If there are a lot of wood, plants and fish, then acidification
will happen. The pH will tend to go down after a water change. If there
are a lot of limestone rocks, coral sand, or seashells, then these will
dissolve, gradually raising the pH. Now, suppose your tap water has a pH
of 7.5, and relatively little buffering potential (e.g., a low carbonate
hardness). Before the water change, your tank with lots of acidification
might be at pH 6.5, but you do a big water change, and all of a sudden
the pH rises up to pH 7.2 or 7.5. That's a big change, and some fish
(and plants) can react to that. Similarly, in a tank that had a high pH
before the water change, maybe 8.2, you do a water change, and it slams
down to pH 7.5. Again, hard water fish won't be happy at all. Of course
if your tap water has a high buffering capacity, and there's not much
inside the tank raising or lowering pH, then big water changes might
have relatively little effect. It all depends.>
I have a female Jack Dempsey. I got her full grown from a lfs about 2
years ago. She was in the $20 predator tank. Recently, I put her in my
150 American tank. She would spar with the squeaker catfish and a large
green cichlid I do not know the name of.
<Green Terror perhaps?>
The convicts were her downfall as the JD and convicts like the bottom of
the aquarium. The JDs side fins were torn and she stopped coming out of
hiding at feeding time so I put her back in her own tank – 75 gallon.
She is now digging in the sand but won’t eat – think maybe she and the
green cichlid made a connection. She has been wormed and her water
param.s are 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, 10 nitrate. She gets biweekly water
changes of 20 to 30%. I have been putting her light on and interacting
with her more.
<She'd likely prefer less light.>
I am thinking about getting a Salvini or large barb dithers to put with
<Oh, the Salvini cichlids can be quite nasty, so be careful here; I'd be
more along the lines of a large robust barb or characin, if you really
wanted a tankmate here.>
Wondering if you have any suggestions? I think she is just lonely.
<No, she's not. Couldn't care less about companions.>
I have been adding Voogle vitamins just in case. I feed her omnivore and
carnivore fish pellets from American Aquarium Products.
Thank you in advance,
<Hope this helps, Neale.>
Re: Water Changes and Ph/ Moping JD /Neale
Thank you for the feedback Neale and Bob!
The Ph shift possibility makes sense. Many fish keepers swear by large -
even 100% water changes. I will just stick to the 25 - 30% range and see
if fish continue to die occasionally.
<Oh for sure the bigger the water change, the better. Think about a
river -- the fish isn't in the same water at any point in its life! But
if a big water change exposes the fish to wide pH changes, that's bad.
If the new water has the same temperature, hardness and pH as the old
water, change as much as you want! But if not, then be more
conservative, and stick with the traditional 20-25% at a time.>
As for the JD, it may be her time to go. I have read that other JDs come
to life when they get to chase feeder fish.
<Uh, not a good idea.>
I do not do feeder fish or food that may contain parasites.
<Damn straight.>
I have a Green Terror but it is taking forever for him/her to grower
<Do review tank size, nitrate level, and perhaps parentage. While these
fish should get to a fair size, stunting is not uncommon, and inbreeding
has suppressed the size and colouration of many cichlids.>
Luckily I can move some fish around. In a 125g, I am going to put a 6"
Pleco, the JD's green cichlid companion, add the JD, and later add some
same sex red jewels when they get a bit bigger. Also going to add loads
of caves and fake plants and see how things go. The JD keeps swimming
around and looking out of the tank. I am keeping the light off now. As a
child, my hamster tried to get out when he was about to die, could be
that what she is up to or she could miss the safe feeling having more
fish affords.
<Not the way these fish work. While for sure cichlids do response to
dither fish in the wild, and in captivity, the lack of them isn't going
to stress or harm them. Plus, if the dither fish will simply be eaten,
or at least damaged, what's the point? Floating plants would work just
as well, with fewer risks.>
I read that in the wild a JD watches the live bearers present in its
environment to know when danger is approaching.
<Yes, this is correct.>
Anyway, sure appreciate the help and support!
<Cheers, Neale.>
Question for Neale on phosphate based buffers
Hi Neale!
I have some questions about phosphate based buffers.
<Sure thing.>
I'm setting up a 50 gallon freshwater (low tech, no CO2, lightly planted
with low light varieties) aquarium as the bioload of my 20 gallon is on
the high side. I have 6 Columbian tetras, 4 Orange laser Corydoras, and
6 zebra Danios and a handful of Nerite snails.
<Sounds nice.>
The parameters are zero ammonia and nitrite, with nitrates running
around 5-10 ppm. PH is steady around 6.6 and dGH is 6-7°. I run a Fluval
206 canister filter filled with matrix and API Nitrasorb. I switch out
25% of the water every 5 days. I added the Nitrasorb a few months ago as
my nitrates were consistently over 40 ppm even with water changes.
Everyone is healthy and active with great colors.
<I would imagine; sounds a great tank, though do watch the Nerites for
evidence of 'pitting' in their shell -- this can happen in acidic
I use RO water remineralized with Equilibrium. I use SeaChem's phosphate
based buffer Neutral Regulator. My tap water has almost no dGH and is
very acidic and unstable. Tests yellow using API test kit.
My fish have done great with the water I've been making up for them.
Their tank runs around 6.6 because of all the driftwood.
<Yes. The general hardness will have minimal impact on buffering against
pH decline, so to some degree you'll be relying on water changes to
offset background acidification.>
Other friends in the hobby have been pressuring me to switch to a
carbonate based buffering system on my new tank as it will also be
<Indeed. Carbonate is a good buffer, and some plants, such as
Vallisneria and Egeria, rely upon it to some degree as their source of
carbon for photosynthesis. On the other hand, it isn't necessarily
useful for soft water fish, and those plant species that can't use
carbonate ions won't benefit from it.>
My plants in my 20 gallon do struggle with growth and algae issues but I
don't think all the blame lies with Neutral Regulator as I have a
beautiful planted 5 gallon (low bioload, one Betta) that is almost algae
<Can happen, and sometimes it's really difficult to say why algae is the
problem in one tank but not another. Ambient lighting, temperature, the
type of plants used (and allelopathy between them and the algae) are
important factors, as well as the obvious ones like algae-eating fish,
nitrate level, etc.>
Their argument, besides algae, is that phosphate blocks absorption of
iron and other trace minerals.
<Possibly, but not something I have a deep understanding of. In any
case, whatever effect it might have, placing a fertiliser pellet, say, a
few cm down in the substrate close to your most iron-hungry plants
should surely compensate for that?>
My plants in my 20 gallon are struggling except for my java fern and a
small water sprite. I started using iron rich root tabs but to early to
tell if they are working.
<Java Ferns get little if anything from their roots, so root tabs are
irrelevant to them. Floating water plants such as Water Sprite similarly
absorb most if not all of their nutrients through their leaves and
fluffy roots rather than from the substrate, so again, root tablets
don't make much sense. Put another way, while root tabs will dissolve
and release iron and magnesium into the water column, they'll do so far
more slowly, and perhaps less effectively, than adding drops to the
water. Those iron and magnesium ions in or close to the substrate won't
be ignored by those algae that grow on the substrate, such as blue-green
Should I stick with the Neutral Regulator that is so dependable as far
as stable pH and ease of use?
<It is reliable and provides good conditions in terms of stabilising the
pH, but it will inevitably raise phosphate levels, which you can measure
with a suitable test kit. Within reason, phosphate is a useful
fertiliser, but too high and it can trigger algal blooms. Some
experimentation might be in order: try a half-dose of the buffer first,
see what effect that has on pH vs. algae growth, and vs. plant growth,
and act accordingly. Would I use it? No, not if the pH was basically
stable without it.>
My fish are my top priority. Are phosphate based buffers really so
terrible for a planted tank?
<See above. Pros and cons.>
Thanks again!
<Cheers, Neale.>
Daily ph fluctuation. 1/17/15
Hello Bob,
<Hey Bill>
Continuing our conversation re: Daily ph fluctuation. 1/17/2015....
About 6 months ago (June 2017), i put in the tank a few shards of
"Pennsylvania Blue Stone", total about 1 square foot. Over the months,
the ph slowly rose and i correspondingly backed off on the baking soda
(for the last month or so, no baking soda at all was added in the daily
water changes).
Ph is now "rock" solid at 7.8, which is bit higher than I want (a few
fish are flashing too much, regularly; and i do have some soft water
species in there, e.g., Farlowella sp.). Question: Over a period of
months, can i "adjust" the ph down by removing some of the bluestone?
<Likely so; yes>
Say i leave in 4 sq in, will the ph drop, but not 'all the way'?
Or is it that that smaller piece will just dissolve at a faster rate and
maintain the 7.8 ph?
<A matter of surface area, current, solubility of the area exposed...
but less material, area, current (and a few other factors; time,
temperature...), less effect>
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
need help on ph 9/21/17
Hi guys need your help........Had a doubt in mind and as always hoping
to get a solution of it. My question is in regards to pH and kH I have
been reading about it and find it to be very complex to understand. Of
what I
understood I realized was that I need a pH of 6 to 8 for my red
blood parrot fishes. On enquiring I came to know that the pH of tap
water here is
7 to 7.5.
<This is a good range for this hybrid cichlid>
But I also felt that pH of tank could be going down as my tank is
properly socked so more dissolved organic compound which would be
lowering pH which I am afraid would be affecting the nitrogen cycle
<Mmm; yes to captive systems being more reductive, decreasing in pH over
time... as biological processes nick away at alkaline reserve. But, not
usually a problem; given regular maintenance; in particular partial
changes. If you simply siphon out (best by gravel vacuuming) about a
quarter (25%) of the system water each week, and replace, the
new/replacement water will have sufficient alkalinity to keep the system
(and pH) stable>
Hence after reading much to increase my pH I added 1 tsp of baking soda
for 5 gallons of water understanding that it will buffer the water which
in turn will increase my pH Till now my fishes are fine. Am I right in
this and can I continue the same ?
<Likely is a good routine; not harmful here. I would get/use an
alkalinity test kit (KH or GH) to check all; only add the baking soda to
new water>
Also this all is based on my assumptions and I have not used any test
Kindly advise
Regards, Raj
<Have you read Neale's pieces on the subject on WWM? Do so. Bob Fenner>
Water Chemistry Question 7/15/17
Just the prelims; this is Renee from Idaho (human remains place), uses
RO water, Equilibrium, and baking soda to keep my kH where it needs to be to
keep my pH stable which is working beautifully). As the weather heats
up, I am losing more and more water to evaporation. According to the
instructions on my bottle of Equilibrium, I am NOT to add Equilibrium to water I
am replacing due to evaporation - so I don't.
But what about baking soda? It's a chemical compound composed of sodium ions and
bicarbonate ions (I'm doing my homework :)), but do those ions compose a mineral
or not AND as such, will it evaporate with the water or not?
<The Sodium stays, the bicarbonate can be (is) used up by reductive events>
Things are going along so well, everyone (fishy) is doing terrific and I don't
want to screw things up.
<I would get/use a combination carbonate and bicarbonate product... and utilize
this via the new/water change water (pre-mixed). Am partial to the SeaChem line
here. Bob Fenner>
*Renee *
Re: Water Chemistry Question 7/15/17
Do you have a suggestion (or are you allowed to suggest) which Seachem product?
<Oh, sure:
Re: Water Chemistry Question 7/16/17
Ok, thanks.
<Renee... this is a saltwater system? If not do experiment with the amount of
product used (in the change out water). Bob Fenner>
Re: Water Chemistry Question 7/16/17
No, it's freshwater with only scaleless species.
<Ah, we're back to sodium bicarbonate then. Added to the change water. B>
Re: Water Chemistry Question 7/16/17
But what about the water I replace from evaporation? The directions from Seachem
say not to add Equiibrium, should I still add baking soda?
<Place/mix all additives in the new/change-out water. B>
Getting Frustrated... educated 4/1/17
I have written to WWM Crew many times and you are always so helpful and spot-on
in your advice - thank you! I've been researching this particular problem for a
month now and I'm getting no where, so I'm reaching out again. I use RO/DI water
for my 6 tanks (All but one tank are single species tanks). I use
Equilibrium, Alkaline Buffer,
Acid Buffer, and Stability to maintain appropriate water parameters for my
various fish/axolotls.
<? Is your water "so far off" that you have to resort to this?>
Its been working perfectly and everyone seems to be doing very well. But when I
bought my RO unit, the
salesman said I needed to remove all carbon from my filtration because activated
carbon would remove my the Equilibrium and buffers from the water,
<?... No>
he also said because I use RO water, I don't need carbon.
<Not so either. You can just search re RO use re these matters>
Ok, he has more experience than I do, so I did what he said and everything seems
to be fine - for a while. But now I'm noticing that my tanks are starting to
smell, the water is not as clear, and I practically need a blow torch to clean
off the algae on the sides of the tanks during weekly cleanings. I've sent 3 (to
date) e-mails to Seachem asking if activated carbon would remove these products
from the water,
<How would it...?>
but after weeks of asking, I have not gotten a response ('m sure its just some
oversight over technical difficulty - they're usually excellent at answering
<Yes; agreed>
I want my carbon back, but I don't want to send my tanks and animals into a
water parameter "spin."
<Not to worry; put the carbon back on/in>
So I'm asking, in your experience, do you think carbon filtration would remove
these products from my aquarium water?
<Not appreciably... activated carbons are mainly useful for absorbing organics.
Bob Fenner>
*Renee *
Re: Getting Frustrated 4/1/17
But to answer your question, "<? Is your water "so far off" that you have to
resort to this?>", I used to just use Equilibrium in the RO water, but testing
revealed that as I got closer to water change/cleaning day, my pH was dropping.
My local aquarium store said it was the pH was dropping as the nitrates were
getting higher. It was frustrating to me as I always do my weekly water changes
so the store suggested I test for kH. They did the testing for me and said it
was between 0 and 1. So they suggested the Seachem Alkaline Buffer to
bring the kH up, and the Acid Buffer to maintain a slightly acidic pH.
<? You shouldn't be adding both...>
Does that ring true?
<No; you need a very rudimentary understanding of pH, alkalinity/acidity>
I'd appreciate your opinion.
<Please read here:
and the linked files above. Bob Fenner>
Re: Getting Frustrated
Thank you! With a capital THANK YOU!!!
Re: Getting Frustrated 4/1/17
Wow! That's a lot of information to go through and it will take me a while. I
did read through a couple of the articles, but I haven't found one that relates
specifically to my problem. I am not using RO/DI water to manipulate pH for a
specific fish or set up, I use it because I live in a very rural part of Idaho
and I am on well water.
Water right out of my tap tests from a medium green to a significantly darker
green suggesting a level around .50 ppm to 2 ppm of ammonia (the color varies at
different times of the year).
<Ah yes; and a need to "re-add" some mineral/s...>
Since I have neighbors who dump excess fertilizer, pesticide, and herbicide in
the irrigation ditches and bury large dead livestock on their properties, the
potential sources of this ammonia are endless (we do NOT drink the water here -
we don't even cook with it). Additionally, my neighbor's house failed to sell
last summer because their only
potential buyer backed out when the water tests required at closing of the sale
showed an extremely high level of cryptosporidium in their well as well as other
unidentifiable pathogens. When that report was submitted to Southwest District
Health Department (as required by law) they investigated and sent samples for
further testing. The tests
came back positive for human remains.
It was then disclosed that the neighbors on the east side of my property have
built over a paupers' graveyard dating back to 1859, and we are all on the same
aquifer. If I had known then what I know now, I never would have purchased this
property. But now I'm stuck. Without the RO/DI filter for the water, I wouldn't
even try to keep fish.
<Eeyikes! Yes to reverse osmosis, AND carbon; and likely ozone use for all
potable water. Bob Fenner>
Re: Getting Frustrated 4/2/17
Yeah! I keep my shower VERY SHORT until I can find a way to get us out of here!
But, back to the Alkaline and Acid Buffers - you indicated I shouldn't be using
them together, but is there a better way to stabilize my pH so it doesn't drop
toward cleaning day?
<Yes; to provide sufficient alkaline reserve. It is indeed unfortunate, but the
too-confusing terms for an "alkaline state" (a pH of higher than 7.0) and
"alkalinity" (a situation with an aqueous solution containing molecules that
resist downward changes in pH) sound/ARE so similar appearing.
Reciprocally the terms "acid state and acidity for pHs below 7.0 and resistance
to raising pH.) WHAT you want is some alkalinity (mainly carbonates) that will
sustain your pH (and hardness) in a typical captive setting (which is
reductive... trends toward lower pH)... NOT adding any acidic component/s
After their weekly cleaning, with Equilibrium and Stability alone, the pH test
is a fairly dark sage green color which looks to me to be around 6.6 - 6.8. I'm
fine with that. But as the week wears on, it starts to drop. By day 4 its a very
pale green looking like its around 6.4, but by day 6, it will be a very, very
pale yellow - like its at 6 or below.
<This is indeed too much. The pH scale is base 10 logarithmic... Are you and I
starting too far ahead in this discussion?>
Ammonia test has no trace of green at all, pure yellow, so I read that as 0, and
the nitrite test is the same, a comforting pale blue, which I also take for 0.
Now, I really hate the nitrate test because the oranges are so similar, but the
orange that comes up on the last day before water changes is definitely darker
than 5, but there is no red in it so I'm thinking its more than 5, but less than
40 - and this is and the pH drop is consistent with all 6 tanks. The
water change (30% to 40%) always brings the pH back up to 6.6 - 6.8, and always
drops the nitrate to a dark yellow (maybe 0 - 10?).
<Ughh. Please practice adding a level teaspoon or so of simple baking soda
(sodium bicarbonate) per five gallons of water you're changing out each week...
You should see that the pH is NOT shifting (as much) downward. This practice is
very safe and effective>
But from what I've read, that's normal. Even though I don't have a lot of
animals per tank, they're all pretty big (my 7 dojo loaches in my 125 range from
9" to 11"). But the tanks are well cycled and all have appropriate canister
filters on them. But I think that the pH bounce every week is dangerous.
<Yes; it can be overly stressful>
Even though its only changing by .8, it does it every week and I'm worried the
constant fluctuation will harm the
fish. That's the only reason for the buffers, to stabilize that pH.
I'm not using the acid buffer to try to chase a pH, I just don't want the pH to
change from what they're used to. Seachem has been great!
<A very fine company>
They sent me the attached spreadsheet to help me calculate the minimum amount of
alkaline buffer to bring the kH up by 1 mEq/l, and how much acid buffer to use
to keep the pH from bouncing around.
<Mmm; I would (again) just add the alkalinity buffer>
Please disregard the multiple tabs, I keep a spreadsheet and a log for each of
my tanks so I can keep track of what I'm doing for each tank. Each tank has a
tab for the calculation based on the full capacity of the tank and for the
calculations for replacement water. The last tab in the spreadsheet is the data
Seachem uses for its formulas on the other tabs. So is using the Alkaline and
Acid buffers dangerous for the fish?
<It is not... the materials (chemicals) used by them are neither "strong", nor
"fast" proton donors/electron acceptors.... NOT likely to cause issues>
I didn't want to try to use crushed coral because I couldn't figure out how to
bring the kH level of the replacement RO/DI water up to the level of the tank kH
level and if I just put it in at the lower kH level and waited for the coral to
bring it up to the current tank level I was afraid I'd have bouncing pH again.
What do you think? Is there another way I can stabilize the pH?
<Yes... Please go back a few msg.s ago and re-read Neale's piece on making your
own "hardness prep."... You can EITHER use the SeaChem line, OR simple
carbonate/bicarbonate as I allude to above, OR Neale's "African Salt" admixture
to get where you want to go. DO please keep investigating till you
understand what you're up to here. Yes; I taught H.S. level chemistry and
physics (and bio. courses); and have tried to explain these measures,
their implications and control for decades. Understand that what we discuss here
is FOR the general public as well. Bob Fenner>
Re: Getting Frustrated /Neale
Yeah! I keep my shower VERY SHORT until I can find a way to get us out of here!
But, back to the Alkaline and Acid Buffers - you indicated I shouldn't be using
them together, but is there a better way to stabilize my pH so it doesn't drop
toward cleaning day? After their weekly cleaning, with Equilibrium and Stability
alone, the pH test is a fairly dark sage green color which looks to me to be
around 6.6 - 6.8. I'm fine with that.
But as the week wears on, it starts to drop. By day 4 its a very pale green
looking like its around 6.4, but by day 6, it will be a very, very pale yellow -
like its at 6 or below. Ammonia test has no trace of green at all, pure yellow,
so I read that as 0, and the nitrite test is the same, a comforting pale blue,
which I also take for 0. Now, I really hate the
nitrate test because the oranges are so similar, but the orange that comes up on
the last day before water changes is definitely darker than 5, but there is no
red in it so I'm thinking its more than 5, but less than 40 - and this is and
the pH drop is consistent with all 6 tanks. The water change (30% to 40%) always
brings the pH back up to 6.6 - 6.8, and always drops the nitrate to a dark
yellow (maybe 0 - 10?). But from what I've read, that's normal. Even though I
don't have a lot of animals per tank, they're all pretty big (my 7 dojo loaches
in my 125 range from 9" to 11").
But the tanks are well cycled and all have appropriate canister filters on them.
But I think that the pH bounce every week is dangerous. Even though its only
changing by .8, it does it every week and I'm worried the constant fluctuation
will harm the fish. That's the only reason for the buffers, to stabilize that
pH. I'm not using the acid buffer to try to chase a pH, I just don't want the pH
to change from what they're used to. Seachem has been great! They sent me the
attached spreadsheet to help me calculate the minimum amount of alkaline buffer
to bring the kH up by 1 mEq/l, and how much acid buffer to use to keep the pH
from bouncing around. Please disregard the multiple tabs, I keep a spreadsheet
and a log for each of my tanks so I can keep track of what I'm doing for each
tank. Each tank has a tab for the calculation based on the full capacity of the
tank and for the calculations for replacement water. The last tab in the
spreadsheet is the data Seachem uses for its formulas on the other tabs. So is
using the Alkaline and Acid buffers dangerous for the fish? I didn't want to try
to use crushed coral because I couldn't figure out how to bring the kH level of
the replacement RO/DI water up to the level of the tank kH level and if I just
put it in at the lower kH level and waited for the coral to bring it up to the
current tank level I was afraid I'd have bouncing pH again. What do you think?
Is there another way I can stabilize the pH?
<<I'm with Bob when it comes to wanting to phase the common usage of the word
"alkaline" out of the English language. At school I'm trying to get my students
to consistently use "base" or "basic" as the opposites of "acid"
or "acidic". As Bob says, alkalinity is specifically the ability of a sample of
water to neutralise acidity, something dissolved carbonate salts do very well.
When keeping standard community fish, there's absolutely no need to maintain an
acidic pH, as all the common species will do perfectly well in slightly basic
water around pH 7.5. So if you have very soft water (which in practise means
water without the minerals needed to neutralise acidity) you may as well add
some carbonate hardness. Even medium hard, slightly basic water (10-15 degrees
dH, pH 7.5) will be fine for all the usual community fish: Angels, gouramis,
catfish, loaches, robust tetras like Penguins and X-Ray tetras, as well as most
of the commonly kept barbs and Rasboras. Livebearers will actually do better in
such water than soft, as will Rainbowfish. For sure a few fish prefer or need
softer water (Neons, Cardinals and Ram Cichlids spring to mind) but I don't
think any of these make particularly good community fish and would recommend
them anyway. Assuming your water is very soft (less than 5 degrees dH) and
acidic (pH 6.5 or thereabouts) I'd suggest mixing your tap water 50-50 with
water made up with the Rift Valley Salt Mix that Bob has mentioned already. Make
one bucket of this for every one bucket of tap water, and mix them in the tank.
The result should be something tending towards around 10-15 degrees dH, which
should be commendably stable, and a pH around 7.5. If it's a little too hard and
basic, then cut back the Rift Valley water, down to maybe 3/4ths or even 1/2 a
bucket per whole bucket of tap water. Let me remind all readers here: do NOT use
water from the tap if you have a domestic water softener. Despite the name, they
only remove alkalinity, the carbonate hardness, and not the general hardness.
They also increase the salt content. So what you get isn't particularly good for
fish tanks. Hope this helps, Neale.>>
Re: Getting Frustrated 4/2/17
Very bad news. I came home tonight and one of my rope fish had died.
<Oh dear.>
I tested the water and got the same results - ammonia was yellow, nitrite was
light blue, nitrate was orange (their water change was supposed to happen
tomorrow, but in light of the death of the fish, I'm doing it tonight), and pH
was a very pale yellow - almost clear. I've got to get a handle on this.
<Yes, yes you do.>
I'm going to stop using the buffers immediately and go with the baking soda, but
how do I manage that?
<You do understand baking soda *is* a buffer? It raises carbonate hardness,
increasing alkalinity (the ability of water to neutralise acids) and therefore
buffers. Since it's a weak base, it tends to raise the pH no higher than 8.2 at
maximum dosage, but if you use smaller amounts, a pH of around 7.5 is more
I'm inclined to add only Equilibrium and Stability for the next 4 water changes
to get the buffers washed out of the tanks and THEN start the baking soda
because I don't know if/what reaction could occur if I start the baking soda
with the buffers still in the tanks and I'm desperate to stop this pH bouncing
<Indeed. Also understand that biological filtration is optimal at between pH
7.5-8.5, and below pH 6 largely stops entirely, so unstable pHs will cause
filter bacteria to become stressed, even die off.>
I know using only Equilibrium will stabilize the pH at 6.6 to 6.8 for 4 days.
Maybe I should do the Equilibrium only water changes every 3 - 4 days until the
buffers are washed out and I feel safe starting the baking soda (in the meantime
I'll practice with the baking soda in buckets). Does that sound right or should
I add the teaspoon of baking soda to their replacement water now?
<I feel that you're trying a bunch of stuff without actually
understanding what you're doing. So let me direct you (again) to some reading:
Use EITHER a commercial aquarium buffer OR the Rift Valley Salt Mix (at about
half dose). Either of these should be used EXACTLY as described on the packaging
or in the article, not in random spoonfuls that seem good to you. TRY on a
single bucket of water first (either aquarium water or fresh tap water) and USE
your pH and carbonate hardness test kits to see what's produced before AND after
dissolving the chemicals. Thereafter add buffered water to replace existing
aquarium water in stages, ideally across a week or so for the entire tank, and
no more than 25% per day, so that the fish have time to adapt to the new
conditions. While ammonia/nitrite are not
zero, DO NOT feed the fish. I'd suggest you DO daily water changes to dilute
these, though again. Make sense? Neale.>
Re: Getting Frustrated 4/3/17
Yes, I understand that baking soda is a buffer, but I have more confidence in a
substance (baking soda) than the store bought buffers that seem to function off
of a "tug-of-war" principle.
<Indeed. But all buffers work this way. I believe that the aquarium buffers that
fix the pH at 6.5 or 6.0 are usually based around phosphoric acid.
While these CAN work extremely well, they rely on the tank being under-stocked
and the water being fairly soft but not particularly acidic.
They are often used on Discus tanks, where the fishkeeper will under-stock the
tank anyway, and likely do regular (often daily) water changes because of the
sensitivity of Discus to nitrate. All well and good, but for the
casual fishkeeper these buffers are best left to tanks containing small,
delicate fish (such as Neons or Cardinals) that pollute little and therefore
don't push the background acidification that happens in all tanks too much. For
everyone else, a slightly alkaline system using carbonate buffers (the buffers
that fix the pH around 7.5 or 8.0) is better, depending on the fish being kept.
For mixed communities, pH 7.5 is fine; for livebearers and many cichlids, pH 8
is better. As stated before, the Rift Valley Salt Mix is a cheap-and-cheerful
way to achieve the same thing,
but it does require a few minutes' experimentation before you roll it out.
Use the recipe and then tweak the salt, bicarbonate, and Epsom salt up or down
depending on what you get on your test kits. Failing that, just go with the mix
as-is, but dilute 50/50 with soft tap water. Should get something about right
for most community fish as well as most coldwater fish including Goldfish and
And you are also right, I'm trying things I have no understanding of, going
completely on faith in your experience, because my tanks are unstable and my
fish are dying. I swear to you than once I get them stable, I will pour over
every bit of information you given me and everything else I can find on WWM, and
I'll probably bombard you with questions.
But I can't do that now because I'm so worried about the fish I can barely think
<It can sometimes feel like this! When fish sicken, they seem to die quickly,
often for no obvious reason. But trust me, this hobby is actually very easy. My
aquarium takes up about three hours' work across a year. A
few water changes, pulling out the odd dead fish or sickly plant. That's about
it. I mix rainwater with hard tap water 50/50 to get something that's got enough
hardness to buffer against pH changes, and hard enough for my
Limia, but not too hard for my Amazonian species (an Anostomus and a Panaque).
Don't even have to worry about algae given most of my fish are avid
algae-eaters. On top of that, fish are actually very hearty animals,
and kept even moderately well, simply don't get sick until one day you find them
dead in the tank after a long and normal life. Perhaps remarkably, they live
longer than you'd think, certainly much longer than mammals of similar size. So
please, have faith.>
Also, I live in Idaho (I'm not FROM here, I just moved here because land was
affordable - now I know why, but its going to take time to get out of here),
Idaho exists in a "black hole" in the universe so knowledge, information, and
supplies outside of things that existed 20 years ago, are often not available
here. I'm 35 miles from the nearest town (Boise) and UPS and Fed Ex won't come
out here. The closest aquarium store is in Boise, but they're small and don't
carry much in the way of new things.
Even though I've been getting my Alkaline Buffer from them, I have to buy every
bottle they have when they have it because I never know if it will be available
next time I come into town. At this point, I have about half of
a 300 gram bottle left of the Alkaline Buffer.
<Which is probably sodium bicarbonate. Have a look on the packaging. If it is,
it'll do much the same thing as the Rift Valley Salt mix.>
I'm going into town tomorrow (Monday) and I'll ask them about the Rift Valley
Salt Mix, but I'm pretty sure I'll get the same "blank" look that I get from
every merchant in my area whenever I ask for something they haven't carried
since it came in on stage coach.
<Understood. Now, let's simplify things for them. If they reach out and grab
something called "aquarium salt" or anything like that, reject it!
Salt isn't what you need. Salt has its uses in fishkeeping, but it has zero
buffering capacity. But if they get something called African cichlid salt mix,
or Malawi salt, or Tanganyikan salt, something like that, then you're
onto something! Malawian and Tanganyikan cichlids like high hardness and
alkalinity, and low pH levels are lethal to them. So products sold for their
benefit should buffer against pH changes very nicely indeed.>
The people that run this store are great people, so maybe they'll surprise me,
but I tend to think I'm much safer going with the baking soda as it is on every
grocery store shelf.
<Indeed. And that's the idea of the Rift Valley Salt mix. Sea salt and
bicarbonate are both at your grocery store; Epsom salt is widely sold in
drugstores. The measurements are approximate, but so long as you use a test kit
to check what you're making, slight errors either way aren't going to be a big
deal, doubly so if you're diluting 50/50 with soft/acid tap water.
Good luck, Neale.>
Re: Getting Frustrated 4/3/17
Will the salts be safe for scale-less fish?
<Used as instructed, yes. The "scale-less fish are allergic to salt" nonsense
ignores the fact many saltwater fish lack scales, eels and sharks to name but
two. Quite why scale-less fish are meant to be more sensitive to salt ignores
the fact scales aren't significant to osmoregulation, i.e., the way fish keep
the salt/water balance right inside their bodies.>
I keep dojo loaches, rope fish, and axolotls among my other critters, but I keep
species specific tanks.
<Indeed! Not much overlap in requirements among these three taxa.>
The dojo loaches are in my 125, the rope fish in my 75, the axolotls are split
(boy/girl) between a 75 gallon tank and a 55 gallon tank, and then I have my
tetra/Rasbora/bamboo shrimp in my other 55 gallon tank. Can I mix
the same water for all or do I have to do something different for the loaches,
axolotls, and rope fish?
<I would not go out of your way make changes to the water chemistry of any tanks
that are working well for you. But broadly, yes, the Rift Valley Salt Mix (or
commercial equivalent) used at half-dose to produce water around 10 degrees dH,
pH 7.5 should be fine for all of them. Please do use their test kits though.
Cheers, Neale.>
Thank you, Betta recovery 12/4/16
No questions or cries for help today, just a thank you. Thanks to your site,
and your responses to my emails, I know so much more about Betta care today
than when I rescued that first Betta from a bridal shower centerpiece about
5 months ago. You, and Bob Fenner’s book, are the best resources
I’ve found for learning how to keep a Betta. While the first two
Bettas didn’t survive - one because he was too damaged when I got him, the
other because I forgot I was using a domestic water softener - I think that
I am now all set to enjoy our new Betta for a long time. Our Betta, Ting
Krit, and I thank you. Here’s the happy little guy in his heated, filtered,
treated RO water, stable pH, 0 ammonia and nitrite, low nitrate tank:
<Looks a nice fish in a nice tank! Glad you're enjoying your new pet, and
it's lovely hearing how things turn out, so thanks for sharing. Cheers,
No rush question - pH slowly rising in Betta tank
After much - and much appreciated - help from you, I put my new Betta, Ting Krit
into his 5-gallon heated, biologically filtered (well cycled) aquarium. He went
in 12/1. That day, pH was 6.9, temperature stable at about 77, ammonia reading
0; nitrite 0; and nitrate between 10ppm and 20 ppm. GH tested about 125.3 ppm
(which I think is OK), but my KH tested only 17.9 to 35.8 ppm with API drop
test. The water is RO, treated with SeaChem Replenish and a couple of Catappa
leaves in the aquarium when Ting Krit went in. Readings have stayed stable
except a slowly rising pH. (I have not tested GH and KH again.) The pH had been
very stable for about 10 days before I added Ting Krit. On 12/3, I added a
Brazilian pennywort plant to give him some shade. Since then, it has been a slow
rise. Never more than 0.1 in 24 hours. I have changed 25-30% of the water twice
now (weekly changes), using a slightly (0.2) lower pH water for the change. I
have gradually added more and more Catappa leaves because, before Ting Krit, the
leaves had a noticeable effect on the pH, gradually dropping it. With the water
changes and Catappa leaves, the pH change has been about 0.2 per week. So, it
was up to 7.3 when I did his water change on Thursday after 2 weeks. The water
change dropped it to 7.2. Yesterday it was 7.3. Today, it was up to 7.4. I
realize that stable pH is the most important thing - and these changes are slow.
But, if it just keeps rising, I’m concerned I will have a problem eventually. I
just added 2 more Catappa leaves (I’d never added more than 1 before), and hope
I will be able to stabilize the pH with that gentle method. (I will check pH a
couple of more times today to make sure I didn’t overshoot.) What truly
mystifies me is why the pH has now started rising after being stable in the 6.8
to 7.0 range for an extended period before adding Ting Krit and the pennywort.
And, I want to stop the steady rise before it becomes a problem. Thank you in
advance for your help. A picture of Ting Krit - who is very active and
apparently happy.
<Do try this: leave the next water change for 24 hours after you draw water from
the tap. If you can, aerate the water for an hour or two before use. Why?
Because tap water can contain a lot of dissolved CO2, and as the CO2 evaporates
(or gets used by plants) the acidity lessens (dissolved CO2 = carbonic acid).
This allows pH to rise. Alternatively, you could use a proprietary buffer (I'd
go for something neutral) and see if that 'fixes' the pH between water changes.
But if all else fails, if this chap is happy -- and it sounds like he is -- I'd
simply adopt a "little, but often" approach to water changes, changing 10% every
day or two, and simply allowing these frequent water changes to inhibit any
severe pH changes. Hope this helps, Neale.>
Re: No rush question - pH slowly rising in Betta
tank 12/18/16
I pour the RO water into a gallon bowl and let it stand for a week or two
before I do use it for water change. That gives me time to add API pH Up
(always necessary on the RO water) to get it at least in the 6.8 to 7.0
<Understood. So, if your pH still isn't stable, you need more buffering. I'd
probably be adding sodium bicarbonate, just the tiniest amount at first,
maybe one-tenth teaspoon per US gallon. See how well that works for a week;
if necessary, increase by one-tenth teaspoon amounts per gallon over
successive weeks.>
So, no tap wager with dissolved CO2. (Had that problem before. Had to stop
using any tap water because of home water softener.) When you say
proprietary buffer, what are you suggesting? Last exchange I had with Bob
before I added Ting Krit - when I was worried about the KH being low and
maybe creating risk of pH swings - he suggested a tiny bit of baking soda if
I saw drastic changes in my daily log of pH levels - or the frequent small
changes you suggest.
<I would concur with either bit of advice here.>
Sounds like changing out some water every could of days might be the best
solution, but we leave for a 2 week trip in a month and I worry about the
fish-sitter being faithful to the changes.
<Your main problem is overfeeding. Fish can go without food for two weeks,
no problems. But to be kind, the safest approach is to put tiny amounts in
paper envelopes or sealable plastic tubs (the kind daily medication can be
put into work great) then hide all the rest of the food. Leave enough meals
for 3-4 meals across your 2 week absence. You'll be pleasantly surprised
that your tank will be clean, your fish alive, and your fish-sitter without
a sad face when you get home!>
Guess I’ll just have to convince her that this is real easy - and leave
plenty of prepared water. Elaine
<Feed minimally, and she can skip water changes for two weeks. Unless she's
a fishkeeper herself, she's likely to make a mess. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: No rush question - pH slowly rising in Betta tank
Thank you very much. I feel better about our Betta's survival chances during our
trip after your advice about feeding. Ting Krit is a complete pig, like most
healthy, happy Bettas, I guess (although so far he will only eat pellets; turns
his nose up at the brine shrimp treat I tried to give him). I will make sure he
is not overfed in our absence.
The tank is well cycled for almost 4 months and completely stable on everything
except that niggling pH rise so it should hold for our 2-week trip in the
absence of overfeeding based on the information you provided. I will start
slowly adding the sodium bicarbonate this week and see if I can stabilize the
tank’s pH before we leave. I checked GH and KH this morning - GH had risen
slightly and KH had fallen slightly.
<If KH drops, that means there's acidification using it up. That the GH has
increased would support that, implying new salts are being created.>
Looks like time for some additional buffers.
<Seems so.>
As always, WetWebMedia Crew has helped me with the information I needed. Thanks,
Neale, to you and the rest of the crew for all the assistance you provide to us
fish lovers without as much knowledge as you. Elaine
<Glad to help, and good luck! Neale.>
Re: No rush question - pH slowly rising in Betta tank - EEK, big rise
after sodium bicarbonate treatment 12/24/16
After our last exchange about the slowly rising pH in my aquarium (with very low
KH reading), I decided to follow your suggestion and add the sodium bicarbonate
- in the form of baking soda - to the aquarium to increase the KH. I didn’t want
to just dump it into the aquarium without knowing what would happen, so I
dissolved enough for my 5.5-gallon tank in a 1-gallon “water change” container
I put in 1/2 teaspoon - the 1/10 teaspoon per gallon you had suggested since my
tank actually holds about 5 gallons.
<No. Don't do it this way. Add only enough for the water being changed. Not the
whole tank. So if you're changing 1 gallon, add enough for 1 gallon, i.e.,
1/10th a teaspoon.>
The pH immediately went to 8.5.
<It would do. That's a lot of sodium bicarbonate.>
I didn’t want to dump that in the aquarium which was at about 7.4 at the time,
so I used API pH down to get it down to 7.4.
<Why not just pour out half the water from the bucket, add fresh, and see what
happens to the pH? Sodium bicarbonate is very cheap, and with these tiny
amounts, you can experiment.>
Today, I did a water change and added the gallon treated with the baking soda.
By today, the pH in the aquarium was up to 7.5. (My aquarium has been steadily
rising .2 per week for 3 weeks, never more than .1 in 24 hours.) The gallon I
added was reading a steady 7.4 for 2 days so I thought this would work. I kept a
close eye on my Betta and he seemed his normal active, healthy self (always
wanting to be fed and building a nice bubble nest). Tonight after I fed him, I
did my normal check on pH. It read 8.4. I retested to make sure it wasn’t a bad
reading and got 8.3. I double checked my meter by using the API drop test for pH
and it was consistent with the meter reading - at least above the 7.6 that is
the top of the API chart. Uh oh. Big pH increase in the 7 hours between 2 pm and
9 pm. I was frantic.
<I would be, too.>
I know that fluctuations, not absolute reading is the biggest problem, so I
didn’t want to do anything to cause another drastic change. I did another water
change with another gallon which had been sitting for several days at 7.4. (This
last change had 1/10 teaspoon of baking soda in it.) I figured that was the most
gentle way to treat this. I took another pH reading and it was down to 8. I
checked GH and KH to see what they were doing. Sunday the KH had barely been
reading - probably under 17.9 ppm. It is now reading right between drops on the
API drop test, 89.5 to 107.4. The GH on Sunday had read 143.2. It is only
slightly higher now - it only took one more drop with the API drop test which
won’t give me precise readings between drops. So more than the 143.2 on Sunday,
but no more than 161.1. So, I don’t think I’m stressing the Betta with big
changes in GH. The only problem is that really big pH jump when I added the
fresh water with baking soda. I don’t want to keep making changes which may do
no good and just stress the fish. I’m figuring at this point I just monitor the
pH closely and continue to make frequent water changes to lower it slowly. Any
other ideas? (I don’t think you need this data, but my ammonia readings are
consistently 0, nitrite 0, and nitrate about 10 ppm.)
<See above. The aim was/is to make a bucket of slightly hardened water, do the
water change with that, and gradually, over the weekly water changes, raise the
carbonate hardness. Again, to stress: my goal is/was to add a little sodium
bicarbonate to the bucket of water, test that it make sure it's sensible for
your fish, and then add that to the tank. At no time would I recommend adding
chemicals sufficient to change ALL the water in the tank at once. That would be
stressful. Let me repeat a third time: add a tiny (1/10th tsp) quantity of
sodium bicarbonate to 1 gallon water; test the KH and pH; if these are sensible,
then use this water; if not sensible, remove some water, add some fresh tap
water, and test again. Don't add anything to the tank you think is "too hard" or
"too alkaline". Make sense? Cheers, Neale.>
Re: No rush question - pH slowly rising in Betta tank - EEK, big rise after
sodium bicarbonate treatment 12/24/16
I understand and will follow your instructions, except the bit about using 1/10
teaspoon sodium bicarbonate per gallon in the water I use for changes so that
the entire aquarium is at that proportion eventually. The aquarium water WAS
1/10 teaspoon sodium bicarbonate per gallon - total tank - when I added the 1
gallon yesterday with enough dissolved (1/2 teaspoon) to bring entire aquarium
to 1/10 teaspoon per gallon.
<This is where you going wrong. This is a 5-gallon tank, right? And let's assume
we're sticking with 0.1 tsp per US gallon. So total would be 5 x 0.1 = 0.5 =
half a teaspoon. But DO NOT add this much!!! Let's assume your tank starts off
with no sodium carbonate. You take 1 gallon out. You draw 1 gallon of tap water
into a bucket. You add 1/10 tsp sodium bicarbonate to this. Dissolve. Add to
aquarium. Wait a week. Do another water change. Remove 1 gal; draw 1 gal new tap
water; add 1/10th tsp sodium bicarbonate. Repeat for the rest of time. Make
sense? Never, EVER add enough buffer salts for the whole aquarium during one
water change. The aim is to make slow, incremental changes.>
I checked KH in the aquarium when it went way up, and in a gallon of water to
which I added 1/10 teaspoon sodium bicarbonate - same KH - and both with pH over
8. It is obviously too much - made pH way too high.
<Can be; hence the need to experiment. Try filling a bucket with 2 gallons
water, add 1/10th tsp (i.e., 1/20th per US gallon total). Dissolve. Measure
hardness and pH. See what you get. If it's better, make a note of how much you
used, and use that amount instead. Because sodium bicarbonate is so cheap, this
approach isn't really going to waste that much money. Pennies a year.>
So I don’t think that water with that much sodium bicarbonate will work for the
water changes if I expect to have any impact on the pH or the concentrate of
sodium bicarbonate. I think I need less sodium bicarbonate, even though I know
that lowers KH and makes pH less stable. But 1/10 teaspoon is clearly just too
much in this water unless I want to maintain this pH of more than 8.
<See above.>
I’m now adding water with NO sodium bicarbonate to bring down the pH - and to
dilute the amount of sodium bicarbonate in the aquarium (mixing it first with
some water removed from tank to keep the pH difference of the water I add from
being too big and stressing my Betta again - it doesn’t take too much of the
tank water because of the high KH, high sodium bicarbonate concentration, in the
<Do small water changes each day and your fish won't be stressed.>
When I get this down to a lower pH, I will start using water which has a small
amount of sodium bicarbonate to maintain KH as best I can. My RO water starts
out under 6.0.
<Which is very low. My concern is actually hardness and pH stability. Bettas are
fine at a stable pH 6.0. But an unstable pH that low can quickly cause problems,
and besides, very low pH levels affect biological filtration as well, so aren't
I can add slight amount of sodium bicarbonate to get it up to about 7.0 - but it
will be significantly less than 1/10 teaspoon per gallon I can tell from my
experience now.
<Yes; this exactly!>
I will follow your suggestion and change out 10% to 25% per day of the water, no
more. I did 10% this morning and will probably do another 10% tonight. The pH is
back up to 8.2 after this morning’s water change fully circulated through the
aquarium. I don’t think there is any possibility of changing pH more than 0.2
per day - probably it will be less, so it shouldn’t give him a shock again if I
keep mixing the new water with the tank water before I add it. Does this sound
correct or am I misunderstanding you in some way?
<Seems about right to me.>
Thank you for your help. Elaine
<Most welcome. Neale.>
Re: No rush question - pH slowly rising in Betta tank - EEK, big rise after
sodium bicarbonate treatment 12/24/16
It’s clear. I misunderstood you and made a big goof. I have caused a huge pH
fluctuation for my fish - probably great deal of stress - and if I had
understood correctly this would not have happened. Now, the question is, how to
remedy the mistake.
<Do nothing quickly.>
Since he survived the huge pH jump and acts healthy - swimming, active, no
gulping at the surface, etc. - I don’t think another huge pH change down would
be good. Seems slow correction is better.
<Correct. Even changes to the better should be done slowly. No more than, say,
10-25% volume of the tank per day.>
This morning his tank read 8.3 on pH. I did a 1/2 gallon water change with just
RO water treated with Replenish, mixing it with some of the water I removed from
the tank so the pH difference would be less.
<Yes, it would be.>
I took a pH reading right after that and it read 8.1.
<As KH drops, pH should drop too; but at the same time pH instability will
increase. I would be doing small water changes, each time the new water being
made up with 1/10th tsp sodium bicarbonate per 1 gallon. So ultimately the tank
water has that ratio of sodium bicarbonate to water.>
I’ll check later to make sure what’s happening. My plan is to continue daily, or
twice daily, small changes to gradually reduce the pH by no more than .2 per
day. Does that sound like the best course to correct my major mistake? Elaine
<Pretty much. See above. I don't think you can change "0.2 pH per day" because
the scale is logarithmic, not linear, and there isn't an easy relationship
between pH and dissolved sodium bicarbonate. Cheers, Neale.>
Fwd: No rush question - pH slowly rising in Betta tank - EEK, big
rise after sodium bicarbonate treatment - ADD
I know that big pH change last night was NOT a good idea for our Betta. But the
darn little guy has created another nice bubble nest today since I did this
morning’s water change and seems completely unaware that he should be stressed!
No gulping at the surface as our first Betta did if the pH went up. No sign of
gill irritation. Still just as active and hungry as ever. Maybe I got lucky.
He’s a young (about 4-month-old) plakat, a Thai import. Elaine
<This all sounds very positive. I'd just leave things be this weekend, and carry
out normal weekly water changes hereafter, with a tiny amount of sodium
bicarbonate added to provide buffering; as discussed previously, enough sodium
bicarbonate for that bucket of water, not the whole tank. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Comet with Fish Lice, Anchor Worms, or Tetrahymena? Now: FW,
ph, Alk.
I just measured my Nitrite and pH levels with my Tetratest Laborett. This
kit is 4-5 years old so should it still be effective? I did not see any
expiration date.
<Should be okay, but yes, the chemicals do "wear out" with time. They break
down with exposure to light, oxidise, whatever...>
My values:
*Nitrite level <0.3 mg/l (yellow color),
pH 5.0 (light yellow color)*
<Sheesh! That's your problem right there. Do not, Do Not, DO NOT
try and change the pH in one fell swoop. Instead, go read this:
Scroll down to the Rift Valley salt mix bit. Make up a bucket of water using
this recipe, you can skip the marine salt mix if you want, or substitute
non-iodised cooking salt if you have some. Regardless, the carbonate
hardness from the baking soda will raise carbonate hardness and in turn pH.
General hardness comes from the Epsom salt. Do a series of water changes
using buckets of water of this sort, but don't change more than, say, 25%
per 24 hours. Rapid pH changes are dangerous to fish, even if you're
changing them to the better. In the future, once you find the pH levels off
around 7.5, you can try half-dosing the Rift Valley salt mix, but Goldfish
in particular thoroughly enjoy "liquid rock" hard water, and'll be just fine
with the full whack. Does this all seem doable?>
So it looks like I desperately need to increase my pH to around 7-7.5. How
can I do this? The test kit instructions for pH said that I need to do a 1/3
water change if the value lies below 6 or above 8.5. There is a
possibility that like you said the pH has become acidic due to the rusting
brass/copper and that it is dangerous if below a pH of 7.
<Hope this helps, Neale.>
Re: Comet with Fish Lice, Anchor Worms, or Tetrahymena? Not this:
Adjusting pH
Hi Neale,
My 55 gallon tank that I talked about previously still has a pH
of 5.0 after doing a 33% water change about a week ago. I have
on hand crushed oyster shells (which I normally use to supplement
calcium for my Ramshorn
and Malaysian Trumpet Snails in a few of my other tanks) that I read
online can help increase the pH a little but that it is better to
instead use something like Seachem's Alkaline Buffer ($6.30 on
Amazon.com). How do
these two methods compare to the Rift Valley Mix and if I use them
instead, how should the dosing increments be, e.g. every 24 hrs, every
48 hrs, etc.?
<The short answer, Jason, is that they don't compare. Adding shells (or
any other calcareous media) to an aquarium works has a slow effect on pH
and hardness. Adding soluble minerals (like Rift Valley mix) brings
changes to the bucket of water, and by extension, to the aquarium it's
added to. Let's look at the details. If you use a calcareous substrate,
the big advantage is that it's easy to do. Add some crushed seashells or
coral sand, then hope for the best. Over the next few days measure the
pH (and ideally the carbonate hardness as well) and you should see them
both go up. They normally level off around pH 8, and "very hard" on the
carbonate hardness scale, but this will depend on your starting point
and how much of such media you used. Obviously the big downside here is
that this is al very hand-wavy in terms of predicting what's going to
happen. If you're keeping genuinely hard water fish (livebearers,
brackish, Rift Valley cichlids) then using just calcareous media is
fine, and the uppermost limit the water chemistry will change to will be
just fine. But if you're keeping a mixed community it's easy to overdo
the amount of calcareous media used and end up with water that's too
hard and alkaline for them. Another problem is that over months/years
the buffering capacity of calcareous media diminishes as the particles
get covered with detritus and algae. This is the source of those pH
crashes you hear about in old tanks. So if you use the calcareous media
approach, regular maintenance and partial replacement will be required.
What about adding Rift Valley salt mix? You make it up in the bucket, do
the tests, and you know what you've got. There is little scope for
change between water changes. So week-in, week-out you should be
maintaining nice steady conditions. The downside is that the
minerals in the water provide some, but limited, buffering capacity
against acidification. If you skip several weeks' worth of water
changes, that buffering capacity can become exhausted and the pH will
start to go down.
That's different to the calcareous media situation where the more acidic
the water, the faster the seashells dissolve, returning the pH back to
7.5 or 8 or whatever. Obviously the ideal is to combine both: buffer
each bucket of water, but incorporate some crushed coral or shells in
the substrate (or in an easily cleaned/replaced media bag inside a
canister filter) to buffer against dramatic changes. Make sense? Cheers,
Re: Alk; pH
What about solutions (or maybe its a solid?) you add to the water like Seachem's
Alkaline Buffer ($6.30 on Amazon.com)? What do you think of using something like
<These are simply prepackaged versions of the Rift Valley Salt Mix. If you visit
their webpage, there's this in the FAQs:
"Q: Is your Alkaline Buffer a sodium bicarbonate?
A: Yes, it is a sodium bicarbonate based buffer"
So there you go. Much, much cheaper to "roll your own" using the Rift Valley
mix, adjusting the ratios of the three components until you get the precise pH,
GH and KH readings you want (change the sodium bicarbonate for
pH and KH, the Epsom salt for GH). But some folks put a premium on convenience,
and that's what the Seachem Alkaline Buffer is all about.
Cheers, Neale.>
Re Softening FW 4/7/16
On the contrary, what would you use to soften water? I've got a few tanks with
8.0 and 9.0 pH's, so I think it would be a good idea to bring down their pH's to
around 7 to 7.5.
<Read here:
and the linked files above. Bob Fenner>
A matter of pH. Effects of this and hardness on fishes
Dear crew,
Something that I have always wondered is what exactly does the
prolonged exposure to an incorrect pH or hardness do to fish? I
have always read to keep fish in a pH similar to their wild habitat
(such as rift lake cichlids in hard alkaline water and discus in soft
acidic water), yet I have consistently seen or heard of people "breaking
the rules", with discus and Mbuna alike in our Indiana (roughly 7.8-8.2
pH, fairly hard) tap water. I have even seen a local "cichlid guru" try
to tell people that clown and yoyo loaches are suitable tankmates for
their Mbuna communities, which seems unsuitable from a water chemistry
standpoint, to say nothing of aggression issues. At the root of the
matter, the question is what is the harm?
<Multiple, but the simplest to explain is how changes in pH affect the
ease with which oxygen is absorbed at the gills and transported in the
blood. A given fish species will be optimised for a certain pH range,
and outside that pH range proper uptake and transport of oxygen becomes
Does being kept in the "wrong" pH of water do lasting, albeit slow
damage, as I have always suspected?
<Yes, but the degree to which it causes harm, and the speed, will depend
on many factors.>
Or am I just looking too far into it? I am an employee at an lfs and
always recommend to customers to keep their fish in pH similar to their
wild habitats, but I am hoping there is scientific backing for that, and
not just wishful thinking.
<It's good advice. But at the same time, it's risky having inexperienced
aquarists mess about with pH because pH changes done too quickly are
more stressful for fish than being kept at stable but (slightly) wrong
pH levels. In other words, either choose species with wide pH tolerances
(such as Corydoras, pH 6-8) or else choose species happy at your local
tap water pH.>
Grateful as always,
<Welcome, Neale.>
Re: A matter of pH. 8/22/13
Ah, so the damage is not primarily to the kidneys, as I had previously
<Au contraire, there may well be damage to the kidneys, just as you
think; it's just that the most immediate problem to a fish dumped in
"the wrong pH" would be oxygen transport issues. But subsequent to that
there may well be stress to other organs and internal processes. I
remember old aquarium books describing abnormalities to the kidneys of
Neons and other small tetras when kept in hard water, and the author
relating these to pH and hardness issues.>
Good to know that my concern was not misplaced.
<For sure.>
With fish that have been captive reared for generations, such as neon
tetras, "fancy" discus, and freshwater angels is the potential damage
lessened due to their being out of their natural water for so many
generations at this point?
<In some cases yes. Certainly farmed Angels and to a lesser degree
Discus are much less demanding than they once were. To some degree
Angels have always been the hardier of the two fish given they occupy a
wider range of habitats in the wild. But even farmed Discus today will
live and even breed in moderately hard and alkaline water. I'm less
convinced Neons are any better. More likely they're much cheaper because
they're farmed, so people don't mind replacing them every 12 months,
which seems (to me) about the average lifespan for a farmed Neon. I
haven't seen any evidence that Neons are any easier to keep, and indeed,
problems with disease may well mean they're less easy to keep than they
once were.>
I have been told that the vast majority of discus and angels at least
are probably hybrids, and that that lessens their need for natural water
<Certainly a likely scenario, yes. At least some purebred Angels (like
Altum Angels) remain rather touchy fish best kept by expert fishkeepers,
whereas the Common Angelfish sold in most pet stores is very likely a
hybrid based on Pterophyllum scalare but not genetically identical to
it, and it certainly seems a robust, durable fish. On the flip side, it
doesn't get very big (10 cm/4 inches seems the max, compared to 15 cm/6
inches for at least some wild Angels) and it is a much worse parent,
seemingly incapable of looking after its eggs! With all this said,
artificial breeding can stretch the genes too far, and some hybrids and
varieties are so inbred that they're weaker than their parent species;
that's demonstrably the case with fancy Guppies for example, which under
lab conditions show (much) higher mortality in seawater than wild-caught
or even "mongrel" feeder Guppies.>
Thank you again,
<Always fun to chat about fish biology! Cheers, Neale.>
Re: A matter of pH. 8/22/13
A pleasure for sure. Thank you again, this has been immeasurably helpful
and has answered a question that has been plaguing me for years. As I
said, I had always suspected damage was occurring, but it is hard to
convince fellow fish keepers when their fish appear fine.
<The tricky bit. Perhaps focus on the obvious: in the right conditions
fish look better, have brighter colours, live longer, and require less
medicine than if not kept appropriately. I always recommend folks buy
fish that like their water chemistry; that way, your life gets a lot
easier. Water changes are cheap and easy, the fish are happy, everyone
Grateful as always,
<Best of luck with your work, Neale.>
PH water chemistry question 5/3/13
Hello I'm hoping you can help me resolve a problem. I have a
10 gallon planted tank with a Betta. This is a
low light set up with 2 -10Watt CFLs.
I dose fertilizers including Excel 3 times per week. Tank has been
set up for 1 1/2 months. In setting up my tank I decided to mix
distilled water 75% and tap 25% to lower my GH. My tap is
GH16 and I didn't want to be limited by this. My formula ended giving me
GH5 and PH7.6. Over a three week period I tested the GH and it was
pretty constant at GH5-6. I didn't bother testing the PH as I assumed it
was in line also. When I was acclimating my fish I tested all my water
param.s to compare to the water my fish came in. To my surprise my PH
tested at 8.2. How can this be?
The good thing is my Betta's water tested at 8.0, but I'm concerned
about the large swing. I did more testing and the result is that during
the night the PH would be high and during the day the PH would be
normal. I'm concerned because high PH fray Betta fins and I know they
need a stable PH.
<Slight pH changes, say from 7.6 to 8.2 over a 24-hour cycle, are not a
problem; indeed, they happen in the wild all the time. e.g., in garden
I've inquired else where and was told this is normal, but I'm concerned.
Can I add something to the water to stabilize the PH?
<No real need.>
I've read about different products, but they indicate they will increase
the hardness. Doesn't this defeat the point?
<Depends what "the point" is. First, check the carbonate hardness,
measured in degrees KH, as this is the stuff that mostly inhibits pH
drops. It's not the same as general hardness (GH, measured in degrees
dH). If your carbonate hardness is very low, then pH will drop;
conversely, if carbonate hardness is very high, it will probably keep
the pH around 8, plus or minus a little. My guess would be that you have
carbonate hardness around 10-15 degrees KH out of the tap, and so you
should still have 2-4 degrees KH in the aquarium assuming your 3:1 ratio
of pure water to tap water. You may want to use a neutral pH buffer, but
to be honest, I wouldn't bother. If the fish is basically happy, I'd not
be worried; indeed, I'd not even faff with the 3:1 ratio, and would
simply mix DI water with tap water at a 50/50 ratio, which is plenty
good enough for farmed Bettas, and being cheaper because you're using
less DI water, you can afford to do more water changes.>
I'm new at fish keeping and water chemistry. Thank you!
<Welcome, Neale.>
Re: PH water chemistry question 5/4/13
Hello Neale, I so appreciate you answering this question! It's
been really bothering me and it takes a load off. I am going to
change my RO formula to 50/50, I agree that works better for me.
One more question if you don't mind. My Betta had been happy,
however last week I noticed that some of his fins started to split and
his tail developed pin holes and was getting shorter and shorter.
I read that the issue is almost always poor care/water quality, however
I couldn't imagine that because I usually do 2X weekly water changes
because of the live plant start up.
<Non-zero ammonia and nitrite levels during the cycling process (or of
course afterwards) are common reasons why fish become stressed. In turn,
stress weakens their immune system, and that allows opportunistic
bacteria to invade the fin and skin tissue, starting the process of
Finrot. With this said, because Bettas have unnaturally long fins, they
are especially prone to physical damage as well, such as clumsy netting,
bounces during the trip from store to your house, abrasions caused by
sharp rocks and ornaments, even excessive suction from filters (you
should use an air-powered filter on a Betta tank rather than an electric
filter). Rapid pH changes don't normally cause Finrot directly, though
repeated water chemistry changes can stress fish beyond their ability to
adapt, and that could allow something like Finrot to get started. But
more normally rapid pH changes produce more obvious signs of stress:
nervousness, jumpiness, gasping at the surface, and other such signs of
a fish that wants to get out. Provided your tap water isn't
mind-blowingly hard (above, say, 20 degrees dH, pH 8) then there's no
real need to mess about with water chemistry for domesticated fish such
as Bettas. Indeed, you could argue that a stable, if high, pH around 7.6
would be better than trying to maintain, clumsily, a more "natural" pH
around the 6 to 6.5 mark that actually ends up changing every day.>
So I thought maybe it could be PH swings, now I know differently.
However, I realized that poor water quality came from my water sprite
plant that rotted. However, I was stumped by this because only the
base (mother plant) died and the floating part had and created tons and
tons of baby plantlets and I've had to cut it back every week.
Anyway, so much to learn.
<Water Sprite is easy to grow, but yes, it's a good idea to crop it back
regularly. I'd warmly encourage you to try it again, but do get true
Water Sprite (Ceratopteris thalictroides) rather than a lookalike
species like Water Wisteria and bear in mind that all floating plants
need some space between their leaves and the tank lights, at least an
inch, preferably more. I happen to find Amazon Frogbit works much better
in tanks with limited space under the hood; it's an easy to grow plant
in other regards too.>
So, I pulled up the plant and cleaned everything out really good.
Last Saturday I moved my Betta to the 1.5 QT tank and have been doing
90% water changes with 1.5 tsp of salt.
<I wouldn't bother with the salt, to be honest; at least, not once the
fins are better.>
His fins stopped receding and the pins holes have mended even though I
can tell the healing in not complete. There's still a tiny split
and the fins have not grow back yet. My question is can I move him
back to his regular home since now I know the problem?
<Sure, provided water chemistry is stable and water quality is good.>
Another thing I should mention is he clamps his back tail at times.
Is this part of the fin rot?
Also, under his chin it looks a little more smooth than usual seems like
it should be more scaly. He hates it in that little tank and
definitely he is not as active in there. If I move him back is
twice a week water changes enough at 15% each?
<Or some multiple thereof, yes. For a single Betta in a 10-gallon tank,
a 25% water change every week or two should be ample. Remember not to
overfeed though!>
Also, if I move him I will have to decrease the salt? I believe it
will kill my plants.
<May do so; depends on the plants.>
I'm scared to do this, unless possibly only 1 tsp for the whole tank.
<One teaspoon per 10 gallons is trivial, and will have zero effect on
either plants or fish. I know some Betta people are wedded to this
addition of salt to their systems, but there's no real evidence it
helps, and at this level, it can't possibly stress or kill pathogens
like Finrot bacteria (which do, after all, live in brackish and marine
Also, I have two crazy Oto cats in his big tank that helped with the
algae, but I'm thinking it's best to take them out.
<Ah! The plot thinnens! Otocinclus are NOT as harmless as they seem.
Some specimens are known to nibble at the flanks of slow-moving fish. I
would not keep them with a Betta; if you must have tankmates with a
Betta, choose something totally harmless, like Corydoras or Whiptails.>
They are so hyper! I know there are tons of threads on this issue, but
I'm hoping to get an answer for my set up. Your site is truly
amazing. Thanks for being so willing to help.
<Most welcome, Neale.>
Re: PH water chemistry question 5/4/13
I forgot the picture!
<Ah yes, a Betta that's been through the wars a little. Otherwise looks
sound though, so should recover. See previous message for suggestions on
this. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: PH water chemistry question
Thanks again for your reply! I really appreciated the tip on water
<Glad to help. Cheers, Neale.>
PH water chemistry question 5/9/13
Hi Neale (if you're working tonight), I moved my Betta back in the 10
gal planted tank on Saturday. Well I'm having problems already.
His fins healed up good, when I put him back in the bottom fin was
healed completely, the tail fin was about 90% healed, the top had a tiny
split. I figured he was good to go since it was healing up with
the daily water changes and salt in the 1.5 gal. Well the split is
a little more now and the back tail has two tiny holes. The back
tail is starting not to look good.
<Oh dear. Do make sure the filter current isn't too strong… a common
flaw in Betta aquaria. Do use air-powered sponge or box filters; do not
use anything with an electric plug. Fancy varieties of Betta splendens
do poorly swimming against water currents, and the stress and strain
from doing so can cause fins to become frayed.>
My tank filter flow was too strong with the HOB. I put a baffle on
it, but the space was too big. He swam through it like a cave and
played in the waterfall! Yesterday I put filter media in the
intake tube and out flow. Now it's basically no flow. Now
I'm concerned about the plants in terms of distribution of the Ferts.
I have a heavy dosing regime and I wonder if that affects him too.
<Unlikely, but do try something out. Halve the dosage of all your plant
supplements. Shouldn't cause your plants to die, or even to slow their
growth enough to cause problems. See what happens over a few weeks. If
the Betta heals better, and the plants are still good, then maybe there
was a link. I can't see why there should be, but putting your idea to
the test is worthwhile. At the end of the day plants grow back better
from stress than fish, so it's a sacrifice worth making.>
NPK, iron, excel daily. I had a look of my tank and saw the debris
at the bottom and cleaned more a couple days ago. I hate to take
him back out the tank he hated it in the QT and got very depressed.
I can clean/ change the water every other day say 15-30%maybe that would
help. It's hard with live plants. If I had a regular set up
I would clean it spotless. It's tough with this layered gravel,
roots etc. I do have meds but don't want to go there just to put
him back and start all over. Please help I'm concerned and
frantic. Sorry for the drama, but it's true. Also considered
a sponge filter, but the loud air pumps drive me nuts. Thanks for
who ever is able to respond.
<Hope this helps. Cheers, Neale.>
Water softness and pH 1/30/11
Hey Crew!
Thank you so much for the invaluable service you provide. Your
expertise is greatly appreciated and much needed, especially by me
<Thanks for the kind words.>
I'm not sure what to do... here's my set-up and my issue:
29 gal low light planted with Temp 80F:
4 Apistogramma Borelli Opal
<You're keeping this borderline subtropical chap much too warm;
aim for, at most, 25 C/77 F, and ideally a shade cooler.>
4 Panda Cory
<Need much cooler conditions, 22-25 C/72-75 F. Combining Corydoras
with Apistogramma spp. doesn't always work -- watch for signs of
damage on the catfish; there are reliable reports of these poor catfish
having their eyes bitten off!>
13 Cardinal Tetra
2 Amano Shrimp
6 Nerite Snails
<Keeping Nerites and Snails too warm shortens their lifespan,
20 gal low light planted with Temp 85F
5 Microgeophagus ramiriez
3 black neon
3 Nerite snails
<Again with the overly warm Nerites...>
10 gal quarantine tank
No CO2, just regular liquid ferts. My question is regarding water. I
live in AZ and as you know our tap water is liquid rock.
<Indeed. Arizona is in a desert, and the price you pay for all that
sunshine is expensive water. If you insist on keeping soft water fish,
expect to make use of either rainwater or RO water to compensate for
hardness. Here in England I have very similar liquid rock out of my
tap, but a 50/50 mix with rainwater works fine. Because Arizona
doesn't get much rain, in all probability you'll have to use
I currently make my own RO water with a SpectraPure 90gpd so obtaining
RO water is not a problem.
The problem is I was mixing 2 gal tap to 5 gal RO and getting a dGH
with liquid API of 6drops and KH of 3 drops but my pH was stable but at
7.8. I tried decreasing tap to 1 gal per 5 gal RO, dGH 2 drops, KH 4
but pH remains at 7.8 but fluctuates more morning to night.
<Indeed, that's to be expected. Lowering the carbonate hardness
doesn't lower the pH -- what it does is reduce the STABILITY of the
pH. In any event, it doesn't matter. If you have a low general
hardness and a low carbonate hardness, all you want is a stable pH,
with pH 7.5 being just fine for your Apistogramma. A combination of RO
water and tap water with, if necessary, some pH buffer, should do the
trick. Mikrogeophagus ramirezi is a whole other problem because it
needs extremely soft water, and realistically you're going to need
100% RO water buffered with commercially available "Discus"
salt mix to create something around 1-3 degrees dH, less than 1 degree
KH, and a pH of 6 or less.>
My female Borelli is starting to show signs of bacterial infection,
(red around gills and base of pectoral fins) I'm assuming from
unstable pH.
<Could be, though to understand that as pH changes, especially as it
drops, there's a knock on effect on biological filtration.>
My goal is to possibly have the Borelli or the Rams breed, raise fry
but I need to lower and stabilize my pH. Do you think I should just use
straight RO and buffer it up to the range I'm after?
<You can certainly use 100% RO water with Discus salts added, yes,
but only for the Mikrogeophagus ramirezi should that be truly
Apistogramma borellii isn't nearly so fussy, and around neutral,
somewhat soft to slightly hard water is fine.>
I was really trying to stay away from adding chemicals to tanks/water
but if that is the only way to stabilize my water then I will do it.
The pH swings range from 7.2 to 7.8 which seems wildly unstable and too
high to successfully raise fry from these fish.
Or do you think I should just revert back to 2/5 ration on tap/RO which
is more stable but maintains a high pH. The fish have been fine at this
mix but I guess I was becoming fixated on lowering pH in the hope that
I would get a spawn.
<Do not, Do Not, DO NOT fixate on pH. It is largely irrelevant. Fish
"feel" the total dissolved solids, which is what we test for
indirectly using general and carbonate hardness test kits. Whilst pH
can be a factor so far as sex ratio of the fry go among some cichlids,
though I'm not sure with Apistogramma, it's a secondary issue.
What matters much more is that the pH is stable. So provided the water
hardness is somewhere appropriate to the species in question --
extremely soft for M. ramirezi and moderately soft
for Apistogramma spp. -- you shouldn't have any serious problems.
Do remember that Mikrogeophagus ramirezi is a super-soft, super-acidic,
super-hot water specialist, and it's requirements ARE NOT those
I doubt this will happen now with my unstable water conditions. Also
because the Borelli and Rams are very young and not mature enough for
reproduction yet. But will be soon!
I will very much look forward to your reply and suggestions to improve
and stabilize my situation so I can feel that my fish are happy again.
I sure don't want to stress the little buggars out!
<Hope this helps. Cheers, Neale.>
High range ph or normal ph? 3/8/10
Hey Melinda!
I noticed in my freshwater test kit there is a high range ph test
solution and a ph test solution.. What one should I use?
<Hi Jordan. Sorry for taking so long to get back to you. I've
had some things happen which caused an unexpected interruption in my
I'm back! In any case, you'll want to use the regular pH
solution. High range pH tests are usually reserved for tanks with a pH
above 8, and you shouldn't be anywhere near there. If you start
getting really, really high readings on your regular test, then it
might be necessary, but so will lowering pH back down to a neutral
My test results... re what? Send to bb
Hi Melinda!
<Hi Jordan.>
I have some test results from my tank that's just clearing up from
a big Bacterial bloom and I have an overkill filter for my tank I have
a 20 gallon tank with a Marineland penguin 200 filter and I have a
striped Raphael catfish 1 Hoplo catfish and 5 Cory catfish and 1
Bristlenose Pleco that I never see :( here are the test results pH
<Still a bit low, really... did you read where I referred you re:
keeping water neutral with the salt mix?>
Ammonia 0.25ppm
Nitrite 0ppm
Nitrate 0ppm
Are these good?
<Nope... well, I mean, there's Ammonia, which should eventually
zero out, and then you'll see Nitrite. However, please keep in mind
what I discussed with you before... that until you see Nitrate, the
tank's not cycled. So,
on one hand, these results aren't horrible, and they mean that
you're doing frequent water changes to help your fish through this.
On the other, you're not yet showing Nitrite, so you've got a
couple of more weeks, at least, before the cycle is complete.>
I was also wondering if I could add anymore fish to fill the top of the
tank? No livebearers please :)
<I think I've answered this at least twice, and maybe three
times, if you count the crayfish question... This tank is going to be
overstocked very, very quickly as these fish grow. The Pleco, which I
didn't even know about, makes this even more true, plus, you've
added a few Corys since we last spoke. Catfish produce a lot of waste,
and even if the tank is over filtered, that's not making up for the
fact that the waste of 8 catfish is being dissolved into only 20
gallons of water. Please read on WWM re: the ultimate sizes of your
fish by using our Google search bar on the homepage. I would not add
any more fish here. To do so is only going to turn fishkeeping from a
hobby into a chore for you.>
I feed my catfish bloodworms and shrimp pellets with the ocational
(sorry) brine shrimp feast yum! Oh!
My dad has one question. In his tank (not mine) his male guppy is
trying to mate with his female platy... How will that work?!
<It won't "work," per se, but that doesn't mean
the guppy won't keep trying! To get into the size of this tank,
stocking, etc., is really a whole different can of worms, but suffice
it to say that the same rules will apply to this tank which apply to
all others housing similar fishes: in short, tell your dad to do some
reading on WWM! The search bar is great, and entering terms such as
"guppy behavior" or "livebearer systems" will
surely get him to a wealth of information about the species he's
keeping, and how to be the most successful keeping them.>
If you have any questions for me just email me back :)
Thank you Melinda!
<You're welcome, Jordan. Have a good night!>
pH confusion, FW, GF tank 2/9/10
<Hi, Angela. Melinda with you here today.>
I'm very confused with the pH in my 20 gallon goldfish tank. I
tested the water from the tap and the pH reads between 7.6 and 7.8. I
have tested a few times from the tank and it shows 6.0 (or
"yellow") on the API test. I
use NovAqua+ and Amquel+ to treat the water. Could that be affecting
the pH? I'm thoroughly confused as to why it's so low. Thanks
for your help!
<Do you test KH at all? Please read here:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWsubwebindex/fwh2oquality.htm. This article
was so useful to me, and completely cleared up my confusion about water
chemistry. I use this mix with every water change on every tank. I just
love the stability and neutral pH that it gives me (I'm sure my
fish do, too!), and this salt mix is so cheap and easy to make that
it's no problem to use it regularly. KH and pH totally confused me
until I read this article (okay, I read it a few times, but I'm a
literature person, not a science person!). Basically, the hardness of
your water is going to determine how elevated and steady your pH is. If
your water is really, really soft (my carbonate hardness routinely
tested at 0!) then you're going to see the problems you're
seeing with pH. Raise KH, and you'll find pH is steady and will
more closely match what's coming out of your tap (mine stays at
7.2). The waste that your fish excrete causes the water to become more
acidic over time, as well, so if you're not doing plenty of water
changes (20 gallons is pushing it, really, even for just one goldfish),
then this can be a problem, as well. I think between these two issues,
you'll find the remedy to your problem. I have never heard of
either of the products you mention affecting pH, but have read that
they can cause false positives on Ammonia tests, so I stick with Prime.
In any case, please write back if you have any questions.>
Re: Ph confusion 2/9/10
Thank you very much for your response! I have 2 goldfish in the 20
gallon so I make sure that I do small water changes about every 4 days.
So it's ok to use marine salt with goldfish?
Also, if the pH comes out normal out of the tap and I add the salt mix,
will it just keep it neutral, not raise or lower it?
<Right. Like I said, mine stays at about 7.2 all of the time with
the mix I use (the community recipe). Go slowly, adding per the
directions in the article, and when you get to where you want to be, KH
and pH-wise, add just
enough with each water change to keep the amount pretty much the same
in the tank. If you do a five gallon water-change, then you'd add
1/4 of the mix for the entire tank. Just keep up with how much
you've got in there so that when you get where you want to be, you
know how to keep it that way.>
Thank you again, this has been so confusing to me. I try to do
everything right but I had no idea how delicate water chemistry can
<You're welcome. I think that this mix really takes a lot of the
guessing out of chemistry -- it sort of "fixes" everything
without much work at all!>
Alkalinity 2/209 Can you tell me the best way to
lower alkalinity. My LFS is experiencing the same difficulty, he says
it is our tap water. I'm running a RO unit that according to the
LFS contributes to the problem. <What? No... reverse osmosis devices
remove almost all molecular contribution to alkalinity... given they
are working!> Any advice would be greatly appreciated as always.
Thank you very much, Pat <Mmm, dilution with water of lower
alkalinity (GH, dKH)... Bob Fenner>
New tank; cloudy water, pH issues, some fish ideas
1/24/09 Hi, I'm new to this site and i really do love it.
It is so addicting to explore it. However, i do have a question that i
hope was not answered before. <Thanks for the kind words.> 1) I
just set up a new tank and it is being cycled. How long will it take
for the tank to start fogging up? I bought a 45 gallon square tank with
a reasonable price. I also added filter media from another established
tank to help speed up the process. It has been set up for about 3 days
now. <Can take some days. Cloudiness is caused by three things. Most
commonly, it's silt, meaning you haven't washed the sand/gravel
properly. The water looks milky or like cloudy lemonade. This is a
really common problem, and happens all the time. Water changes and
cleaning/replacing the mechanical media (filter floss or fine sponges)
will help. There are products called "filter aids" that are
flocculants and cause silt particles to clump, making them easier for
the filter to remove. By all means use one of these if you want. They
probably shouldn't be used all the time, but in situations like
this, appear to be safe to both fish and filter bacteria. The second
most common reason for cloudiness is a diatom bloom. This gives the
water a brown-gold colour. Again, this is usually a one-off problem,
though it may come and go through the first few weeks or months.
Usually settles down by itself. Adding fast-growing plants,
particularly floating plants, will help because these tend to suppress
the growth of algae quite dramatically. Finally, there are bacterial
blooms. These can be various colours, but typically milky-grey. These
are rare and usually indicate some fundamental problem with the tank,
e.g., overstocking or under-filtering. The solution is to fix the
aquarium!> 2) What do you recommend i put in there? My tap water is
soft and very acidic. I believe it is 6.2-6.5. <That's pretty
good water for fish from softwater habitats. So things like tetras and
dwarf cichlids will do especially well. On the other hand, fish from
hardwater habitats like Livebearers and many Rainbowfish will be
miserable. Do have a read of this: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwsoftness.htm
In particular understand that soft water tends to be prone to pH
changes, so it is important to either use a buffer (such as a "pH
fixing" product) or else keep tabs on pH and perform very regular
water changes so that any drops in pH are minimal between those water
changes. If you have soft water, I'd perhaps be looking at (among
other fish) things like Cardinals, Glowlight tetras, Emperor tetras,
Lemon tetras, Silver Hatchetfish, X-ray tetras, Golden Pencilfish
(Nannostomus beckfordi), Corydoras aeneus, Corydoras panda, Corydoras
sterbai, Kuhli loaches, Whiptail catfish, Apistogramma cacatuoides,
Glassfish, Peacock gobies (Tateurndina ocellicauda) and Bristlenose
Plecs (Ancistrus spp.). All these fish are reasonably hardy, will
coexist with one another, and can be maintained at 25 C/77 F safely.
I've deliberately left off a few fish that either need cooler water
(Neons and Danios for example); warmer water (Rams, Mikrogeophagus
ramirezi); tend to be aggressive and/or predatory (like Three-spot
Gouramis and Angels); or are otherwise difficult to keep because of
disease issues (Dwarf Gouramis, Neons, and Mikrogeophagus
ramirezi).> I have kept fishes before and i decided to give it
another try. Thanks. <Good luck, Neale.>
Re: pH problems 1/26/09 Good Evening Neale,
<Mmm, Neale is unfortunately "out" till Weds.. I will try
to help you here> Thank you very much for your excellent advice and
your wonderful website, I have been reading about pH and KH and how it
buffers and keeps the pH stable. The problem is with a every water
change KH starts to go down, haven't figured out why as yet as the
KH of the tap water is 120 ppm and after four water changes it slips
below 80ppm. <This change is "natural"... Fish
tanks/systems are typically "reductive" (as in
Reduction-Oxidation or RedOx)... they tend to "go acidic"...
By being more crowded, overfed, "unbalanced" relative to
natural environs... (too little plant life/photosynthesis mostly)...
they do "eat away" at alkaline reserve... One of the reasons
for testing for KH, GH... and doing regular water changes, perhaps
adding buffer/alkalinity to restore, keep it within range> But today
we need advice on something different the Nitrites in the tank are
going up continuously. They are between 0.3-0.8 mg/l (now) <Yikes!
Dangerously toxic> after a week of every day water change and the
second problem is our tap water has 1.5 mg/l of Ammonia in it, <Way
too much!> (hence we try to avoid radical water changes as it is
converted to Nitrites too). If a 25% water change is done the ammonia
contents go up to 0.25 mg/l and they disappear within half an hour. We
have water softener system and filters in the house but that water is
very low in KH and GH and has very unstable pH. <I do encourage you
to use "outside water" here... perhaps from a spigot/tap on
the outside of the house... as you do likely want much of what the
water softener is removing... and are likely not wanting the extra
sodium ion content the unit inside is adding> Some thing has damaged
our Nitrite eating bacteria and after a week fishes are showing signs
of stress becoming slightly lethargic. <Yes... any detectable
nitrite is toxic, debilitating> We have now 1Tbs of aquarium salt
per 20 gallons and 1Tbs of Epsom Salt per 20 gallons of water and
Seachem's Neutral Regulator to adjust the pH as it keeps the KH in
place. We don't have Bio Spira available here in Canada only Cycle
by Hagen. <Mmm, you shouldn't have to add anything... after the
system is established. Please read here re:
http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwestcycling.htm and the linked
files above> My question is how can we optimise the conditions under
the circumstances as we need to do 25% water changes every day due to
fact that Nitrites level reaches 1.6mg/l within a day and with each
water change we add Ammonia which is further converted into Nitrites. I
wish I was doing my PhD in Chemistry rather in Physics. <Mmm, best
to pre-mix and store all to-be-used new water for a week ahead of
actually putting it into your system... Please read here:
http://wetwebmedia.com/water4maruse.htm Though this piece is mainly
about making synthetic seawater, the principles apply to fresh> Your
advice will be greatly appreciated, your website is a goldmine of
information. It is only because of it that many people are able to keep
their fishes alive and healthy. Best Regards, Midhat. <And do read
here: http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwmaintindex.htm the third
tray down... Re Nitrite... You MUST assure that there is none, 0
present in a system with livestock present. Bob Fenner>
pH problems, FW, Goldfish 1/14/09 Hi
Neale, <Hello Midhat,> Thank you very much for your advice
regarding the snail. Have a question regarding pH, have been getting
variable reading of the pH. We have one 1.5 inches long red Oranda and
1 inch red cap Oranda in 20 gallon tank with a filter, live plant (Red
Ludwigia) and a decoration rock. <Well, the Ludwigia won't last
long. Putting aside the fact Goldfish eat plants, Ludwigia repens is a
very difficult plant to grow. It needs a lot of light and a decent,
iron-substrate. Plants aren't easy to maintain, and once they start
dying, they pollute the water. I'd recommend you add no other
plants to this tank other than cheap pondweed (Elodea or Egeria) that
you allow the Goldfish to eat. When these plants start looking shabby,
throw them onto your compost heap and buy some new ones!> Today in
the morning checked the water it had a pH of somewhere b/w 8.5 - 9.0
according to the test strip, did a quick partial water change of 10%
(didn't want to bring it down very quickly), another reading was
taken it was 7.5, at once took a sample to LFS and got the water
checked, turned out to be 8.4. At the pet store they gave me
'Neutral Regulator ' by Seachem to adjust the pH to 7.0
(whether high or low just brings pH to neutral value). <Would
actually suspect the test kit is either [a] inaccurate or [b] difficult
to read. Dip strips can be notoriously inconsistent. Some brands are
better than others. Another factor can be the time of the day, though
that depends on how strongly the plants perform photosynthesis. I
assume you don't have strong lights, so this particular problem
isn't likely.> My question is should I use it? <Will do no
harm, provided you use precisely as instructed on the packaging.> As
on your website it has been mentioned several times that no tempering
with the pH should be done. <Broadly this is true. It's much
better for people to get fish that "like" the local water
chemistry, so that you don't need to mess about with pH or
hardness. If you live in a hard water area (e.g., your kettle becomes
furred up with lime or you need a lot of detergent in the washing
machine) then it is very unlikely that pH will vary much between water
changes. Hard water is really very good stuff for keeping tropical fish
happy!> I also got a live pH monitor by Mardel and is showing the pH
value of 7.4 continuously and bought new test strips (API) they are
giving the value somewhere b/w 7.5 - 8.0. Tap water has the pH of 7.5.
I am really puzzled by this, as never had any problems with the pH
before. <Honestly, my gut feeling is that you aren't using the
test strips right, or else they just aren't very reliable. The
liquid test kits tend to be more consistent, even if they are
marginally more difficult to use. In any case, try using the test
strips every day for the next three or four days, performing the tests
at precisely the same time, to factor out any daily variation. If the
test results are essentially the same from one day to the next,
that's really all that matters.> My fishes are not showing any
signs of stress just some yawning on behalf of red Oranda. <If the
fish aren't stressed, I'd not worry too much. If pH changes
suddenly, fish quickly react, often gasping at surface or darting
around the tank nervously.> Your advice will be greatly appreciated
as don't know what to do, nothing is making sense. Thank you very
much. Best Regards, Midhat <Good luck, Neale.>
pH/Ammonia Issue, barb sys., env.
dis. 1/6/09 I have a 26 gallon
bow front tank with 7 different types of barbs (Rosey, long finned
Rosey, ruby, Odessa) and 1 rainbow shark. I have a whisper filter and
an undergravel filter. The temp is set at 78 degrees. This tank used to
be for goldfish but has only had the barbs for about three months. When
I first started up I slowly added the fish and everything checked out.
After awhile the water was somewhat cloudy and the fish were swimming
near the bottom and not really eating which I think resulted in over
feeding since I kept feeding them. <Do understand that
"overfeeding" in itself isn't the issue. When you put
food in the tank, it pollutes the water. It doesn't matter much
whether it goes through the digestive system of a fish or not. The
point is that if the tank is too small, the filter flow too weak, or
the biological filter media insufficiently mature, the food ends up as
ammonia. That ammonia stresses the fish, and commonly this reveals
itself as fish that are lethargic, nervous, poorly coloured, or sick.
Prolonged exposure invariably leads to disease and ultimately
death.> I took my water to a local pet shop and they tested it and
said everything was ok (I never asked for the actual numbers). After
talking with a friend he suggested I buy a PH kit and test that since
he thought the water might be too acidic. It turned out to be very
acidic and he told me to add 3/4 teaspoon baking soda every four hours.
I did that and got the PH up. <the pH of the water is generally not
a factor in keeping freshwater fish except insofar as the pH is stable
from week to week. All the fish you list will be fine between pH 6 and
pH 8. Adding baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) will raise the carbonate
hardness of the water and that in turn raises and stabilises the pH.
But it is critically important not to change the water chemistry
rapidly. I'd actually investigate a couple other issues before
adding baking soda. Firstly, are you using water from a domestic water
softener? A very common mistake is to do this! Secondly, how often do
you change the water? Your tank is extremely heavily stocked for its
size, assuming you have sensible numbers (5-6 specimens) of each
species of barb. My guess is that you're in a soft water area,
which is fine by itself, but because the tank is overstocked, the pH is
unstable. Do see here:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebindex/fwsoftness.htm> However the
water stayed somewhat cloudy and the fish started dying. This time I
went and bought my own water test kits. The nitrate and nitrate were 0
but the ammonia was high. I did a partial water change and got the
ammonia down. However then the PH went back down so I added more baking
soda and the cycle continued. All the while I was losing fish.
<Again, my assumption is not that the pH or hardness are
"wrong" as such, though they may be relatively low, let's
say pH 6 to 7, 5-10 degrees dH, right out the tap. The sheer biological
loading on the tank means that the water volume just can't buffer
against acidification.> After reading different things on the
internet I am very confused as everyone I talked to or everything I
read keeps giving me different information. At present the ammonia is
0.25 and the PH is 6.6. I have been doing 25% water changes every other
day and adding BioZyme every day. <Water changes a good remedy for
situations like this, but clearly not something you want to do in the
long term.> So far the fish are ok, although I am expecting to lose
one of my Odessa barbs anytime since its stomach is bloated and its
scales are sticking out which seems to be dropsy. Everything I read
indicates there is nothing I can do to save my fish and it will die.
<Indeed.> Please advise me on what to do with my tank. I need
advice on the ammonia and the Ph in keeping them stable and getting my
water to clear. Anything at this point will help. Kelly <Rosy Barbs
(Puntius conchonius) don't belong in tropical tanks anyway
(they're subtropical fish) and get too big (15 cm/6 inches) for
this aquarium. The Odessa Barb (Puntius padamya) are a bit smaller
(8-10 cm/3-4 inches) and a group of six or so would be borderline
acceptable in this tank. Ruby Barbs (Puntius nigrofasciatus) are
smaller still (5 cm/2 inches) and a group of 6 would be ideal additions
to this tank, though they are very feisty and best kept only with other
barbs and not with anything long-finned, slow, or nervous. In other
words, start by bringing us some actual numbers about the water from
the tap: pH and general hardness. Then think about which barbs you want
to keep. Stock the tank slowly, taking care not to overfeed, and to be
honest, feeding once every other day would be ample while the tank is
unstable. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: pH/Ammonia Issue 1/6/09 You
indicated that you wanted the PH and hardness of the tap water. When I
tested the PH of the tap water it came out to be 7.6. I waited about an
hour and tested it again without adding anything and it was still 7.6.
I do not believe I have soft water as I do not have a water softener.
<From the pH, it does sound as if you probably have moderately hard,
basic water. When writing pH, note the lower case "p", upper
case "H".> Also, I get water from the city sewer system.
<Eh? How/why do you put sewage into your aquarium? Mains water --
i.e., drinking water -- is just fine and dandy for most aquarium fish.
Except in very specific situations, you usually don't need to add
or alter anything beyond adding a good dechlorinator/water
conditioner.> Is there a way to test the hardness of the water so I
can give you those numbers? <I'd heartily recommend getting a
carbonate hardness (or KH) test kit. Some test kits come as paper
strips, sometimes with multiple different tests per strip, so that each
strip does pH, carbonate hardness, general hardness, nitrite, and
nitrate. Such test kits are usually inexpensive and easy to use.> If
so, please suggest specific tests. I guess I was not very clear when I
said I have 7 different types of barbs, I meant 7 total fish. I have 2
Odessa Barbs (one on its way to death), 2 rosy barbs, 1 ruby barb, 2
tico barbs, and 1 rainbow shark. <Remember when you were reading
aquarium books and they mentioned how barbs become aggressive
sometimes, and nip other fish? This is how. They are schooling fish.
That means their whole psychology works around groups. Six is the
minimum number PER SPECIES. Keep less than that and they'll either
be terrified or psychotic. Barbs are wonderful fish, but you have to
get the fundamentals right. Stocking an aquarium isn't like putting
a bunch of different cut flowers in a vase. You can't just choose
shapes and colours you like. You have to understand the needs of each
animal (yes, fish are animals) and work around them. Generally
fishkeeping is a very easy hobby if you do things correctly (i.e.,
exactly as a good book or expert fishkeeper like me tells you!). But
try to go it alone, and things often get messy...> I was told with
my 26 gallon I could have about 20 barbs at some point if I can get
things stable. <Not a chance. For a start, "barbs" covers
a variety of species from one-inch dwarfs to giant barbs bigger than a
dog. So obviously "twenty barbs" has to be mediated by the
size of the barb species concerned. Since you need six of each species,
at least, twenty barbs would be, at most, three different species
(seven of one, seven of another, and six of a third). While you could
keep twenty dwarf species like Puntius gelius or Puntius vittatus,
bigger species like Puntius conchonius (the Rosy Barb) are right
out.> However I have never been able to add more because the water
has been unstable. You also asked how often I change the water and I
normally change 25% of the water once every 7-10 days and change the
carbon filter once a month. However with the ammonia spikes I have been
doing it every other day or so because it has been getting so high.
<The tank is almost certainly overstocked relative to the maturity
of the filter. If I were you, I'd return all the barbs except the
Ruby Barbs, since they're the only species that make sense in this
tank. Let the tank settle down. After 2-3 weeks of careful management
I'd fully expect the filter to mature safely and the pH to
stabilise. You can then add some more Ruby Barbs to bring the school up
to a sensible size. I'd make sure to keep six of them, three males
to three females. While females aren't so strongly coloured, they
help the males settle in and dilute the aggression. They also encourage
the males to acquire their breeding colours as they mature, in which
condition the males are extremely handsome. Ruby Barbs are pretty
aggressive fish though, so don't expect to keep anything dainty or
long-finned like Guppies or Angelfish -- just isn't gonna happen!
The Rainbow Shark Minnow should be returned too, though you could try
keeping it if you felt like a challenge. Shark Minnows are aggressive
and very territorial once mature, and my assumption would be it will
become a bit of a terror in a tank this small! But that's your
choice. All the other fish should go, period.> So, I guess I still
need advice on how to stabilize the ammonia and PH and once I get all
that situated I will need to know which barbs can go together since I
was told all barbs can go together. <No they can't.> I will
be happy to provide all the information I can so you can provide me
with the most accurate solutions as all the advice I have been given so
far has not helped me. Kelly <Do also check your filter is
appropriate to your needs. Don't waste your time with "ammonia
remover" or carbon media; what you need is biological and
mechanical media, a good mix of sponge and/or ceramic noodles. Choose a
filter with a turnover of NOT LESS than four times the volume of the
tank per hour (in your case, at least 4 x 26 = 104 gallons per hour).
The more filtration, the better. If budget is an issue, it's hard
to beat an undergravel filter. Otherwise any decent internal or
external canister filter should do the trick nicely. Read the
instructions carefully, but don't get distracted by sales pitches
that involve replacing sachets of carbon and what not every month!
Carbon is pretty useless in a tank like yours, and mostly a way for
manufacturers to make money. Read up on what each filter medium type
does, and choose accordingly. Take it from me: biological media is what
makes or breaks your aquarium! Hope this helps. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: pH/Ammonia Issue First off I want to thank you
for taking the time to help me. <Happy to help.> This whole
process has been so frustrating as the people at the pet stores seem to
know little to nothing about fish. I spoke with the store where I
purchased the fish and they will not take them back (even for free). I
explained it was their bad advice but they still would not take them. I
also called several other stores but none of them have the types of
barbs I have and won't take them. They have a few have tiger barbs
but not the other varieties so they won't take them. So far it does
not look like I am going to be able to get rid of the fish and just
keep the one ruby like you suggested. Any thoughts on this? <I wish
I had some magic solution to this. But there isn't one. Without
"getting on your case" too much, the lesson here is that it
always pays to research the fish first, and then buy them, rather than
buy them first, and then find out about them afterwards. Since
you're stuck with these fish for the time being at least, you can
always hope for the best. But at the end of the day, the biology of
each fish species will be working against you, so there's no
guarantees I can give you that all will work out. Things might, but I
just can't say for sure.> In terms of filtration...I have a
Whisper power filter for up to 30 gallons. According to the packaging
it has mechanical, chemical, and biological filtration components and a
turnover rate of 150 gallons per hour. I also have a Perfect-A-Flo
undergravel filter that is powered by an air pump and air stones.
<All sounds fine. The undergravel filter will be doing most of the
work in terms of biological filtration.> I also left work and
purchased a water test kit and went home and tested the water. I tested
both the current aquarium water and the tap water without any chemicals
added to it. (I stated before I got the water out of the sewage
system...haha, I meant the city tap. That would be gross). The results
are as follows: Aquarium Water: Tap Water: Nitrate - 0 Nitrate - 0
Nitrite - 0.5 Nitrite - 0 Total Hardness (GH) - 300 ppm GH - 300 ppm
Chlorine - 0 Chlorine - 0 Total Alkalinity (KH) - 40 ppm KH - 180 ppm
pH- 6.2 pH - 8.4 <Ah, very interesting. Firstly, nitrite is going
up, which implies one of three things: [a] the filter isn't mature
(or isn't being maintained properly); [b] the fish are being
overfed; or [c] there are too many (or too big) fish for the
tank/filter provided. Secondly, the carbonate hardness (that's the
KH measurement) goes down. Carbonate hardness is the stuff that
prevents acidification. In brief, all tanks tend to become acidic over
time for a variety of reasons. Decaying organic matter produces acids,
bogwood leaches acids, nitrate dissociates into nitric acid, and so on.
In a hard water tank there is usually enough carbonate hardness that
this process is so inhibited that any acidification (i.e., pH drop) is
minimal between water changes. Hence, while aquarists often bemoan hard
water because it's so different to the soft water of the Amazon, in
reality it is something of a blessing! Now, since your carbonate
hardness is being dramatically "used up" (i.e., goes from 180
ppm [10 degrees KH] to 40 ppm [2.2 degrees KH]) between water changes,
this means one of two things: [a] you aren't doing enough water
changes to keep topping up the carbonate hardness; or [b] there's
an AWFUL lot of acidification going on in your aquarium. By default, do
25-50% water changes weekly, and make sure that there isn't any
organic matter in the tank likely to lower pH (bogwood, dead plants,
uneaten food, etc.). If the aquarium is honestly going from pH 8.4 to
6.2 between water changes, that is more than enough by itself to kill
your fish. In all honesty I can't imagine what's happening to
cause such dramatic pH changes, as water with carbonate hardness of 180
ppm is essentially liquid chalk! You certainly shouldn't need to be
using buffering chemicals or potions. But one possible result is loss
of biological filtration: the filter media bacteria are sensitive to
pH, and prefer a pH above 7.0; as the pH drops below 7.0, they work
less and less happily, stopping entirely around pH 6.0.> I also used
a separate test kit to get the current ammonia levels of the aquarium
and the result was 0.25. <These low levels of ammonia and nitrite
are pretty typical of tanks through their cycling phase; by gut feeling
is that this tank is either not fully cycled or else dramatically
overstocked. Some of your fish have the potential to get pretty big:
how big are they now? I've been assuming they're all babies
under 5 cm/2 inches.> I don't know what this all means except
that my tank water is not of good quality for the fish which I already
knew. <Your tap water is actually pretty good. It's on the hard
side, but as mentioned, that's not a bad thing. Barbs don't
care about hardness really, and this water would be perfect for
livebearers as well as most catfish and cichlids.> Seeing as I can
not return the fish I am not sure what you will suggest next, but I am
willing to try anything. Is there any possible way to stabilize the
water with the current fish in the tank? <Here's what I'd
do. Put the fish in a bucket, filled with water from the tank. Drape a
towel over it to stop them jumping. Switch off the heater and filters.
Remove the electric filter, and at the least place its biological media
(sponge/ceramic noodles) in a shallow basin of aquarium water so it
stays wet but well oxygenated. (Dry media is dead media!) Empty the
tank of water down to an inch above the gravel, all the while giving
the gravel a really good clean to wash away any detritus. Once
you're happy the tank is spotlessly clean, add fresh water from the
tap, with dechlorinator of course. Put the heaters and filters back,
and switch them on. Check everything looks good, in particular the
temperature is where it should be, around 24-25 C/75-77 F for barbs.
Now, slowly replace the water in the bucket with water from the tank.
The idea is to slowly introduce the barbs to the "new" water
conditions one small change at a time. I'd recommend changing one
litre (about the size of an ice cream carton) every ten minutes. So
after an hour or two, your barbs should be completely converted to the
new conditions. Using a net, move the barbs to the new tank. Don't
put any old water from the bucket into the tank! Over the next week, do
a pH change each day. Don't feed your fish more than one small
pinch of food per day! (A small pinch is just that, and all the food
should be gone within 30 seconds. Each barb only needs a single flake
to do just fine.) You might decide not to feed them at all this week.
In any case, check the pH daily, and with luck, the pH will not drop
dramatically. After seven days, change 25-50%; the smaller amount is
fine if you find pH is steady and nitrite/ammonia are at zero.> By
the way when I do water changes I add NovAqua plus and AmQuel plus,
both Kordon products. One other note, I get an accumulation of crusty
white stuff around the edges of the outside of the tank hood. I am
assuming this is cause by something from the tank, some sort of deposit
buildup, perhaps you know what it is? <The white stuff is likely
just lime. Harmless. Can be brushed off. A little lemon juice or
vinegar can be used to safely work away at stubborn patches, but try
not to get too much of these into the water! Hope this helps,
Re: pH/Ammonia Issue Yes, all the fish are smaller,
I think the Ticto Barbs are the biggest and may be slightly over the 2
inches but not by much. I am going to try your suggestion of draining
out the water. One thing you mentioned in your suggestion was
"Over the next week, do a pH change each day". Did you mean
do a pH check every day? <Oops. Yes, "check" or
"test" was precisely what I meant.> Hopefully this will
work and I just have too much acidification going on, perhaps from
overfeeding in the past and it not getting properly cleaned thus
causing this problem. I have been very careful about feedings lately so
I now at least with the past two weeks I have not been overfeeding. I
also know it can not be due to lack of water changes because I have
been doing them every other to every two days for the past several
weeks and once a week before that. I am going to make sure I take out
all the plants and decorations when cleaning this time. If the pH
happens to crash I will email you right away. I guess all I need
confirmed is that you meant a pH check not change. Thanks again!
<Happy to help, Neale.>
Re: pH/Ammonia Issue 1/7/08 It
seems your suggestion has worked at least for the time being. We will
see in the long run. <Indeed!> So far the water parameters in the
aquarium are what I reported for my tap water (Nitrate - 0, Nitrate -
0, Total Hardness (GH) - 300 ppm, Chlorine - 0, Total Alkalinity (KH) -
180 ppm, pH - 8.4). <All sounds fine. The pH is on the high side,
but nothing dangerous.> I will check the pH daily as advised and let
you know of any major changes. I do have one question though, the
current level of my pH is 8.4 according to the all-in-one test (it has
a range of 6.2-8.4). I also have an API test but that only goes up to
7.6 (range of 6.0-7.6). If my water stays that high at 8.4 is there
anything I am going to need to do lower it? <One battle at a time.
Adjusting pH isn't something to worry about unless you're an
experienced fishkeeper. You see, what kills fish is variations in pH
within short periods of time. Broadly speaking, most fish will adapt to
a wide pH range, provided that pH is stable. While it would be worth
lowering the pH a bit, to around 7.5-8.0 eventually, I'd rather you
focused on keeping a steady pH and good water quality for now. If,
after a month, you find the nitrite stays at zero and the pH stays
stable from week to week, then get back in touch and we'll talk
about some of the options. But right here, right now, one thing at a
time! Cheers, Neale.>
Re: pH/Ammonia Issue (RMF, never come across
this, any ideas?) 01/09/09 Well, the tank was stable for a day
and a half! <Good stuff!> Today when I tested there was an
ammonia spike. It went from 0 to 1.0. (I could tell right away
something was wrong because the water was slightly cloudy). I checked
the pH and it is 7.6. I originally told you it was 8.4 but when I
checked it yesterday it was 7.8. <Much more typical.> I
didn't know if it dropped or I read the strip wrong <<Strip
type tests are notoriously imprecise and inaccurate. RMF>> so I
checked the tap water again and the tap water is closer to 7.8. (The
strips I got can be tricky to read and when I first read it, it was at
night and when I read it during the day with natural sunlight, it was a
bit easier to read). At any rate the pH has dropped a little from 7.8
to 7.6. The KH also went from 180 ppm to 40 ppm. <Something is --
very rapidly -- consuming carbonate hardness. For the life of me, I
can't think what would do this in the space of 24 hours short of
pouring in a bunch of acids! My suspicion is that the water you have is
"unstable" prior to use, and that the test kits are giving
misleading results. Try this: put a bucket of water out overnight, and
test the hardness and pH immediately after you fill the bucket and then
12-24 hours later. If you can, add an airstone to keep the water
turning over, otherwise just stir every once in a while. I wonder if
your water is actually rather soft after the minerals or whatever in
the freshly drawn tap water have broken down. If that's the case,
you'll need to treat or store your water prior to use.> Nitrate,
Nitrite, are at 0. Last night I did give the fish a very tiny pinch of
TetraColor fish flakes. There was about 6 flakes total that I put in
the tank. I am not feeding today. So, I guess I am at a loss. I have no
idea what could be happening in my tank, but maybe you can shed some
light this situation. <I'm confused too, and asking Bob for
advice.> <<I concur... something is anomalous here... Does
this tank have a very large amount of live plant material? Driftwood?
RMF>> Is there something I should do to get the KH/pH stable?
<Certainly, a stable pH is what you want.> <<Yes... I would
use a commercial buffering product myself, or advise it here... If this
were a store setting, we'd likely add a source of carbonate in the
recirculating water flow path... Perhaps dump in some baking soda on a
regular (maybe daily) basis. RMF>> Is there something I should do
for the ammonia spike or will that take care of itself if I get the
KH/pH under control? <Ammonia should settle down once water
chemistry settles down. I'm guessing that variations in water
chemistry are stressing the filter bacteria, making it difficult for
them to work properly. Cheers, Neale.> <<I would make sure and
have zero ammonia BEFORE fooling with pH or alkalinity here... Too high
in all these areas is synergistically very toxic. RMF>>
Re: pH/Ammonia Issue (RMF, never come across
this, any ideas?) 01/09/09 I will definitely test the tap
water over the weekend. <Cool.> When I emailed you last night I
said there was a drop in pH, but now I am not so sure. The strips I
have to test KH and GH (as well as nitrite and nitrate) are hard to
read the pH readings. The KH and GH are easy to read, but not the pH.
<Ah, would suggest buying a liquid test kit for pH.> They are all
a shade of pink. When I test the tap water and compare it to my current
water they look the same, right around 7.6 and 7.8. When I use another
pH only test kit and test the tap water and the tank water they also
read the same about 7.6 (however that test only goes to 7.6). But at
least the shades are the same. <OK.> So now, I do not think the
pH is really dropping, but there was a definite drop in KH and a
definite ammonia spike. The pH was stable this morning around 7.6-7.8
and the KH was still around 40. The ammonia is around .50 to 1.0 when I
test. I have not added anything to the water and I did not feed
yesterday and probably won't feed today. I will email over the
weekend and let you know the results of the tap water experiment. I do
have an extra air stone to add so I will do that. <Starting to
suspect a tap water issue: will see what Bob says.> <<Are you
adding anything to this water period, before testing it... a
conditioner perhaps? A few of the common dechloraminating products will
give a false positive for ammonia. Otherwise there should be NO
detectable ammonia in mains/tapwater. Test just the raw source water.
RMF>> Since I do not think the pH is dropping anymore is there a
chance my tank is recycling? <Quite possible the ammonia comes in
the tap water. Or alternatively, your dechlorinator doesn't treat
chloramine (check!) and if this is the case, produces free ammonia when
it breaks the chloramine down.> I know this would cause an ammonia
spike, but would it cause a decline in the KH as well? <Ammonia and
carbonate can react, yes.> This is the only thing I can think of,
but my knowledge is not as good as yours, but I thought I would throw
that out there. <I'm in the dark, too!> I will continue to
check the water daily to see if there is a major drop in pH and if
there is a spike in nitrite or nitrates (they are currently at 0). If
it is recycling there after the ammonia spike there will be a spike in
nitrite then nitrate, correct? <In theory. But if the ammonia comes
in the tap water, then the nitrite produced by the filter will likely
be used up quickly, without being detectable.> Thanks again for all
your help. If you have any other thoughts or ideas, let me know. I will
try anything at this point. <Cheers, Neale.>
Re: pH/Ammonia Issue (RMF, never come across
this, any ideas?) 01/10/09 Alright so here is the result of
the tests I did on the tap water. First off, I did get a new test kit
that is easier to read. <<Ah, good. RMF>> This test showed
different results from the original tap water results I had given you.
Namely the first time I told you the KH was 180 ppm but this test shows
that it starts off at 120 ppm. Anyway here are all the stats of the tap
water immediately out of the tap without any chemicals added: Ammonia=0
Nitrate=0 Nitrite=0 GH=150 ppm Chlorine=0 KH=120 pH=7.6 (keep in mind
the test kit only goes to 7.6, the other strip test was between the 7.6
and 7.8 but closer to 7.6) After about 18 hours of the tap water being
in the bucket with an air stone the results were the following:
Ammonia=0 Nitrate=0 Nitrite=0 GH=150 ppm Chlorine=0 KH=80 ppm pH=7.6 So
basically the KH dropped off from 120 to 80 in less than 24 hours.
<<Mmm, these test results are "fine", much more easily
accounted for... the "loss" of KH here may well be due to
precipitation of material/s added by your water supplier (flocculent
and temporary hardness) to improve (low) water supply on their end,
protect pipes et al. in their plants and distally... Not uncommon more
and more... RMF>> Now, I keep my fish tank in the basement of our
house, which is finished off and very nice. But I dump the old aquarium
water out in the wash basin where the wash machine flows into. There
are two sides to the basin and I make sure when filling the bucket with
tap water that is to go into the aquarium I use the side the wash
machine does not dump into. My husband made a point of saying that the
pipes down there are very old and he suggested using water from the
bathroom where the pipes are more new. I was leaving the water run in
the sink a bit when using the old faucet, but he said it might make a
difference. <<It may...>> So I tested the water straight
from the tap from a newer faucet and all the numbers were the same
except the KH came out to be 80 ppm, right out of the tap. I guess I am
thinking that this water might be more stable, if this even makes
sense. I put this water in a bucket and do the same 12-24 hour test to
see if it changes. Right now the current KH of the aquarium has dropped
is closer to 80 ppm. But there is still a lot of ammonia in the water.
<<Am thinking this is spurious... do you have a DPD test kit, or
someone about who does... maybe someone with a pool or spa nearby...
Something is up here.>> But I am surprised to see the pH staying
steady. Is it possible that the ammonia level spiked because the KH
dropped from 120 to 80 in the course of 24 hours? <<No>> By
the way I use Amquel plus to dechlorinate my water and it says that it
takes care of both the chlorine and chloramine. <<This fine
Kordon product can/does yield a false positive for ammonia with many
types of test kits... Nessler's rgt. Again, you aren't adding
this ahead/before testing for ammonia I take it. RMF>> Let me
know what your thoughts are on all this. <Apart from the carbonate
hardness issue, your tap water is otherwise very good. Zero ammonia is
obviously what you want when doing water changes, and the moderate
level of general hardness (GH) suits a goodly range of tropicals
including barbs, tetras, catfish and South American cichlids. It's
a bit low for livebearers and species from hardwater habitats like
Mbuna, but otherwise this water is good. Because the carbonate hardness
varies -- for now obvious reason to me -- I think I'd concur with
Bob's comment that adding some type of buffer to each batch of
water would be beneficial. If you're keeping mixed community
tropicals, then any standard buffering potion that fixes the pH at 6.5,
7.0, or 7.5 would be ideal. There's not much to choose between any
one pH value in terms of community fish, so going for 7.5 would
probably be the easiest option in terms of usage, cost and usefulness.
If you fish are skewed towards hardwater species like livebearers
(Guppies, Platies, Swordtails, Mollies, etc.) I'd actually not use
a buffer but instead use a Malawi (African cichlid) salt mix. This will
both steady pH and raise carbonate hardness. You can buy Malawi salt
mix from an aquarium shop, or else make your own for pennies per water
change. Per 5 gallons/20 litres, stir in: 1 teaspoon baking soda
(sodium bicarbonate) 1 tablespoon Epsom salt (magnesium sulfate) 1
teaspoon marine salt mix (sodium chloride + trace elements) Once done,
test the water chemistry of the bucket of water to confirm everything
is as it should be. If all your fish are hardwater species, then use
this "hardened" water entirely; if you have a mix of
hardwater and regular species, a 50/50 mix of hardened water with tap
water should do the trick. Hope this helps, Neale.>
Freshwater pH question -10/29/08 Hello Crew,
<Hi,> I've emailed you guys in the past with questions about
my tanks, and you guys have always been great -- so thanks in advance
for your help. My question concerns water pH. I've just moved to a
new apartment and I'll be setting up a new tank, a 46g bowfront
(I'm very excited about this!). I'm planning on doing a planted
tank with angelfish, as I've always loved angels but until now have
not had a big enough tank to keep them. <In a tank this size, a
school of six or more will be lovely!> I'm a bit confused by the
water in my new location, though, as it seems to be slightly on the
soft side but with a pretty high pH. With my home test kits I get a KH
of 6 degrees, and a pH of 7.8 (I don't have a general hardness test
kit yet). <Easily accepted by standard commercially-bred Angelfish.
Do please check you're using water out the tap, not from a water
softener. For what it's worth, standard Angels are happy between pH
6-8, 5-20 degrees dH and at hardness level up to around 10 degrees
KH.> I've looked up the municipal water quality report for my
area, and the values they give are pH of 7.9, total hardness of 109
mg/L, and alkalinity of 96 mg/L (seems to be reasonably in line with
what I'm finding with my home test kits). So, my questions are: 1)
why is the pH so high even though the water doesn't seem to be too
hard, <pH isn't solely dependent on the carbonate/bicarbonate
salts measured via KH test kits. In any case, pH doesn't matter.
Hardness matters. So long as the pH is stable from week to week, your
water supply is fine. Just add dechlorinator and enjoy!> and 2)
should I set about trying to adjust the pH in order to keep angels?
<If we're talking about standard hybrid Angels from the pet
store, then you're going to be fine. They've been bred in a
wide range of conditions, and are essentially extremely adaptable
animals. Wild-caught Angels are a whole different kettle of fish
though, as are carefully bred species such as Altum Angels and Dwarf
Angels.> The water quality report mentions that the pH of the water
supply is raised in order to prevent pipe corrosion, but doesn't
say through what means. <Shouldn't worry too much; good quality
water conditioner should fix things.> As far as what to do about it,
I'm considering doing something not too drastic like adding a bit
of peat in a media bag to the filter. Do you think this might help? I
don't want to undertake anything too drastic with this tank (such
as finding another source of distilled or softer water for mixing in),
but I'm concerned that a pH of 7.8 is too high for angels, and also
possibly for plants. <It all depends on what you're keeping.
Yes, wild Angels come from water that is fairly soft, though not
usually those really soft blackwater habitats we associate with Discus.
The tank-bred Angels are adaptable and really more fussed about water
quality. Likewise most plants adapt well to hard water, and indeed some
prefer it (Vallisneria for example, and some Amazon Swords). Just as
with the fish, pH isn't something to lose sleep over except in very
specific situations. Regardless, it is ALWAYS better to chose fish and
plants that will thrive in the water chemistry you have, than to obsess
over methods to alter the hardness to suit the fish you see in
books.> thanks again, Nicole <Cheers, Neale.>
pH problems 10/9/08
Hello. I have a problem with the pH in my tank. I've had it for
over two years now. It's a 70 gallon tank, with three fancy
goldfish. I do 15% water changes every week, and I always use a
chlorine/chloramine removing product (stress-coat). My Ammonia is 0,
nitrates are 10ppm, and the pH is now a very low 6.0.
<Much too low for Goldfish... stressing them for sure, and
eventually making them more prone to disease.>
It wasn't always like this, it used to be 7.0 (my tap water has a
pH of 7).
<At the very least do more water changes: the more pH 7 water you
add, and the more frequently, the smaller the pH drop between water
changes will be. Do read these articles to learn about water
With Goldfish, you should be doing 25-50% water changes,
I have no idea what to do. Could the problem be my filter?
<Not as such, unless there is peat or something else acidifying the
water in there.>
I have an emperor 400, but I never replaced the pads inside. Can that
be causing the problem?
<Well, any chemical media (e.g., carbon) need to be replaced at
least monthly to do their jobs. One reason I consider carbon a waste of
time. Likewise ammonia remover (zeolite). Both these products are
incredibly cheap to make but the "modules" the company sells
are wildly inflated, so in both cases these things are in your filter
not to help with water quality but to extract cash from your pocket and
direct it into the coffers of the filter manufacturer. I always
recommend people get basic canister or box filters into which you can
stuff whatever media you want. In the case of Goldfish, all you need is
some mechanical media (such as filter wool) to extract solid waste, and
then lots of biological media (such as ceramic noodles) to process the
ammonia. Nothing else is essential, but you still have the option of
removing some of either media to make space for any specific media you
need, such as crushed coral or peat or whatever. For all these reasons,
hang-on-the-back filters are, in my opinion, a waste of money.>
Also, I have bought a big bag of crushed coral to try to buffer the
water. Should I use it, and if yes, how?
<Yes you should use it. Put some (say, a cup) of crushed coral into
a media bag (something that looks a bit like a sock but made from mesh
fabric). Rinse the bag under a running tap to wash away all the dust.
Place the bag into the filter. As the water flows through the crushed
coral it will pick up carbonate and bicarbonate ions, and this will
neutralise the acidity gently but effectively. Use a pH test kit daily
for the first week just to make sure the pH isn't changing too
rapidly. If it is, remove some (say, 50%) of the crushed coral and put
the bag back in the filter. Keep testing, and adding or removing
crushed coral until you get a nice steady pH around 7.5 between water
My filter doesn't really have much room for a lot of it.
<That's why I wouldn't have recommended the hang-on-the-back
filter. Unfortunately there's not a lot you can do here. The best
solution would be to buy a cheap box filter (cost around £5
here in England) and an air pump (if you don't already have one).
Put the crushed coral in the box filter (no need for the media bag in
this case) and then connect to the air pump. As the air bubbles through
the box filter, water will flow past the crushed coral, buffering the
Please help me. Thank you.
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: pH problems -- 10/10/08
Thanks Neale that was very helpful. Now let me just bother you with one
more question. Do you think I can just place the crushed coral in a
fine mesh bag and just lay it on top of my substrate and putting an
airstone next to
it instead of using a box filter?
<Nope, won't work. Filtration -- whether chemical, biological or
mechanical -- relies on moving water being moved past the media. This
is why floating a sponge in a tank doesn't turn it into filter --
the water has to be pumped through the sponge. Moreover, once the
chemical media gets covered with algae, bacteria and silt, it becomes
isolated from the water, and so stops working. You need to be able to
clean the media every few weeks under a hot tap to wash away this
stuff. Putting the crushed coral in a filter -- whatever type of filter
-- is the only way this system works reliably. Notions based on adding
coral sand in the gravel or putting tufa rock in the tank won't
work for the same reasons. Without a flow of water and regular
cleaning, any chemical buffering offered initially will fade away in a
few weeks.>
Or do you think this could just trap a lot of waste and become a hazard
to the aquarium?
Your help is much appreciated.
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: lowering ph in planted tank
7/27/08 Neale, Well, I got a RO/DI unit (for a smoking good deal,
so not sweating the cost, and have a use for the runoff H2O), the
output of which is currently 0 TDS, 7.0 ph, and alkalinity is somewhere
between 0-10 ppm. Just RO is about 16 TDS, alkalinity is same, ph is
same. <All sounds promising.> My tap water is 420 TDS, 8.0+ ph
(kit doesn't go above that), 130ppm alkalinity, and 210-220
calcium. <Standard issue "liquid rock"!> I mixed 50/50
tap and RO+DI, and I got 60-70ppm alkalinity, but the ph was still 8.0+
<It would be; acidity is created by the presence of acidic
chemicals, not by reducing hardness. There's a complex thing behind
pH involving the relative proportions of things that raise pH (alkaline
chemicals, such as bicarbonate salts) and things that lower pH (acidic
chemicals, typically organics such as tannins). What softening water
does is reduce the abundance of the alkaline chemicals, so that smaller
amounts of the acid chemicals will lower the pH.> I want to get
roughly neutral ph with 70ppm alkalinity (to be safe...as you say 55ppm
or so is a minimum target). <Sounds fine.> Seems like my main
option here would be RO+DI and a neutral buffer to get my alkalinity
up. Am I heading down the right track? <Yes, pretty much. I'd be
using your 50/50 soft/hard water for starters, and to be absolutely
honest not messing with pH just yet. I'd want to see how the
background acidification of the tank affected pH between water changes
(testing, say, ever 2-3 days). Once I was confident that pH was stable,
I'd then look to using either carefully controlled amount of peat
granulate in the filter to increase acidity or else using a pH 7 or pH
6.5 buffer salt as required. I like the Sera Peat Granulate; it's
concentrated, so you can start off with tablespoon or three in a media
bag, pop it into the canister filter, and then see what happens with pH
across the next few days, checking pH daily. The water will turn brown
of course, which may or may not be a good thing depending on your
needs. Commercial pH buffers will "fix" the pH and keep water
chemistry within a very safe range provided they are used correctly.
They are more expensive than peat, but perhaps easier to use. But
remember: pH itself doesn't matter much, pH stability does. If your
aquarium is medium-hard to slightly soft in terms of hardness, it's
already "optimal" in terms of fishkeeping. So medium-hard
water at pH 7.5 would be fine for a wide variety of fish without any
further fuss.> I am also trying to figure out how to mix some tap
water in to get the calcium and some alkalinity help. Any suggestions
on ratios? <Experiment, and see what you get. A 50/50 mix is ideal
(as well as cheap to run in the long term) so I'd start there and
monitor/adjust pH afterwards. Don't get dazzled by the idea
there's some "optimal" pH because there isn't;
instead understand the goal, creating water similar to the wild, by
reducing carbonate hardness and adding organic acids such as
tannins.> Thanks, as always, for the help. Paul <Hope this helps,
ph, FW...
modifying 4/16/08 Good day, I have a
pH question that I have searched for an answer on but have not
found or I may have overlooked. I know there is a ph range for
fish that are listed, I know that different water has different
buffering ability and that aragonite, peat, coral, etc can alter
pH either up or down. What I am trying to find out is that most
literature gives the desired pH range for different fish/species,
or says adaptable but to avoid extremes....what would an extreme
be, especially in the alkaline range? Is 8.2 an extreme for a 7.5
fish even if it is a consistent 8.2? I really don't want to
attempt to combat this with ph altering chemicals, nor do I want
to be restricted to African cichlids that will destroy my plants
:-( K <K, very simply, most standard community fish will do
well between pH 6 and pH 8. The main exceptions are the
livebearers, which absolutely must be kept at a basic pH above pH
7. Now, having said this, pH isn't what you should focus on.
Fish don't really care about pH all that much; what matters
to them is pH stability. In other words, it's the carbonate
hardness, measured in degrees KH. For standard community fish you
want a carbonate hardness around 3 to 7 degrees KH, and for
livebearers you want at least 5 degrees KH. Why don't I
mention general hardness (measured in degrees dH)? Well, while
this is also important in terms of accommodating "soft"
and "hard" water fish, it doesn't directly steady
pH. Rather, general hardness affects the osmoregulation of the
fish. So what you're after for standard community tropicals
is water with a general hardness between 5-20 degrees dH, 3-7
degrees KH, and between pH 6 and 8. This range is fine for
species that are said to be adaptable, like Corydoras and barbs.
You might not be able to breed them, but they'll live just
fine. Livebearers are exceptional, and must have hard (10+
degrees dH), carbonate-rich (5+ degrees KH) water with a pH
around 7.5-8. Do have a review of this article:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwh2oquality.htm Cheers,
Re: pH 4/16/08 Thank
you. That was exactly what I was looking for. There is so much
emphasis (and products) revolving around actual ph that never
mentions the hardness or buffering, so it leaves a lot of
uncertainty for non-chemist hobbyists like myself :-) .
<Indeed so. Because pH is easy to measure and understand,
people tend to focus on it. But at best, what pH does is give you
a first glance look at water chemistry. It doesn't tell the
whole story.> So if my dh and my KH are spot on (11 and 6
respectively), a steady pH of 8.2 is ok for fish that are known
to do well do in ph 7.5-8.0? <You should be fine; this sounds
a lot like "London Tap Water" and provided you avoid
fish that explicitly demand soft and acidic water to do well
(like Ram Cichlids and Rasboras) you should find many species do
well. Livebearers are the obvious choices, but Rainbowfish,
Barbs, Halfbeaks, Gouramis, Plecs, and Corydoras can all be
relied upon as well. Most hardy tetras are okay, but to be honest
Neons and Cardinals are of variable use in very hard water and
are perhaps best avoided. X-ray Tetras on the other hand thrive
in such conditions. So research your choices carefully. Cheers,
High Nitrates after use of
Melafix -- 03/20/08 Hello, <Hi there> First, let me say
thank you for your wonderful site, which I return to every chance
I get. You have been kind enough in the past to help me; and I am
hoping for your assistance again. <Will try...> I have a 36
gallon freshwater tank, lightly stocked with 10 fish. When my
tank was new (15 months ago) it always had an alkaline PH of
about 7.2. <... Mmm, not "that" alkaline... In fact,
some good reasons to have a slightly elevated pH... NealeM has a
nice article re:
http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwhardness.htm and the
linked files above> As my tank matured, I was told that it
would probably become more acidic, which it did. It has been
around 6.6 for the past few months now. However, 2 weeks ago, my
Boesemani rainbowfish got injured in a castle ornament (which I
have since removed) incurring significant scale damage. I added
Melafix <...> to the tank because I had heard great things
about it speeding up healing. Well, it worked. He was completely
healed within a week. <Might've taken seven days (or less)
w/o...> I was performing modest 10% water changes every other
day for the length of the 7-day treatment in an attempt to keep
the water pristine. During the course of the treatment I only
tested for ammonia and nitrite to ensure that my bio filter was
not being affected. Ammonia and Nitrite always tested at zero and
continue to do so to date. After treatment ended, I put carbon in
the filter (Eheim canister) and performed a 25% water change. I
tested my water parameters a few hours later and was very
surprised to find high nitrate levels of at least 40ppm, but
could possibly have been higher. It is very hard to differentiate
on my test kit at any level higher than 20ppm since the shades of
red are almost identical. <Mmm, often diluting samples by half
(by adding "clean" water of the same approximate
volume...) can/will bring readings back "on scale">
My nitrates never exceeded 20ppm before this, as I religiously
perform 25% water changes every two weeks with a complete gravel
vacuuming. I theorized that the Melafix must have been
responsible since it is a plant derivative and probably
contributed to the dissolved organics in the water. Could this be
the reason? Also, as I feared, my PH level has dropped to the
lowest range on my test kit (6.0-6.3). <All are possible
interactions, yes> I have been doing daily 15% water changes
since this occurred and the nitrates seem to be dropping (hard to
tell once in the "red" range on the test kit) and my PH
did go up temporarily last evening to 6.4, but had dropped again
by this morning. I don't wish to stress my fish, who all
appear fine at the moment, so I hesitate to do large water
changes for fear of the PH rising too quickly. <You are wise
here> Should I proceed with the daily 15% water changes, or do
you feel that this is insufficient to correct this issue in a
more timely manner. <I would continue as you are> Is there
anything I could have missed (besides the obvious of not using
Melafix in my display tank anymore). I thank you in advance for
your assistance. Michele <Mmm, I think you're doing fine.
I am NOT a fan of the "fix" products by API, but there
are folks here (WWM) who are a bit more charitable. Am a bigger
promoter of the use of real medicines. Bob Fenner>
Follow-up on High Nitrates/low
PH after Melafix use Hello again, <Michele> I wrote to
WWM earlier in the week regarding experiencing high nitrates and
subsequent low PH in my tank after using Melafix to treat a
injured fish. <I recall> For your reference, I have
included my original correspondence which Bob Fenner answered and
was kind enough to assist me with. I have been doing daily modest
water changes to bring down the nitrate levels, which has vastly
improved (currently reading in the 20ppm range) but of course
I'm still working on getting it even lower. However, in
tandem with the high nitrates, my PH level dropped from 6.6 to
the lowest range on my test kit (6.0-6.3). Water changes have
resulted in the PH rising to 6.4, but this effect has been
temporary, usually dropping back down within 24 hours. <I
would bolster the alkalinity here with at least a few teaspoons
of baking soda... or a commercial prep.... Covered on WWM> I
realize that larger water changes would yield quicker nitrate
reduction, but I don't want to stress the fish in case the PH
does increase too rapidly so I'm proceeding cautiously.
<You are wise here> But despite the nitrates being reduced,
the PH is not climbing back up as of yet and stabilizing as I had
hoped. I was somewhat puzzled about this, so I went to your site
and researched some possibilities as to why. In doing so, I
realized that I did not know what the KH or GH of my source water
was, so I purchased a KH/GH test kit to find out. <Ahh!> I
live in New York, and we have very soft water, which has almost
no KH/GH, which I confirmed with the test (only 1 drop yielded a
slight tinge of color). I know now that this is not ideal, and
that PH drops can occur without enough buffering; <Yes>
however I am very leery of adding any chemicals to the tank for
fear of rapid and/or wide PH fluctuations which can be much worse
than a stable but low PH. <Best to make all such changes
gradually, through/by way of the change out water... modify it
and add it to the system> My father has been using the same
source water for 30 years, and has successfully kept tropical
fish without the use of any chemicals to alter PH or hardness.
His philosophy is to keep fish that will adapt to your conditions
and thinks I am overly concerned about this. <A valid concern;
particularly if only keeping livestock that "enjoys"
softer/acidic water...> I tend to agree with his philosophy
but my real concern is the low PH hindering the nitrifying
bacteria. <Also a valid concern> I have read that at lower
PH levels, the bio filter does not work as efficiently. <This
is so> Is this true, or does PH have to much more acidic for
this to occur? <Slightly alkaline is better... the forward
reactions/nitrification are reductive in nature... drive pH
down... so having some biomineral in place...> If I continue
with the daily water changes and get the nitrates down to about
5-10ppm and keep them there with a more frequent maintenance
regimen (perhaps a weekly water change instead of bi-weekly),
will the PH increase to where it was a few weeks ago, or without
sufficient KH will it remain low no matter how many water changes
I do? <If there is no addition of alkaline material (esp.
carbonate, bicarbonate) from somewhere, the GH, KH will not
change... If reductive processes continue, the pH will
drop...> Forgive me if this has been explained somewhere on
your site. <An, no worries> Be assured that I have been
reading, but I find this issue of hardness somewhat confusing and
wanted to check with someone from the crew before deciding on a
course of action. Also, please note that prior to adding the
Melafix a few weeks ago, I did not have excess nitrates nor any
problems with a sudden PH drop so I am hoping that just keeping
the nitrate level extremely low will get my tank back to where it
was a few weeks ago. I had also read Neale's suggestions to
some people about using crushed coral in the filter to raise KH,
but I don't want my PH to rise by very much. <Depending on
how much, how soluble, this addition is very safe... will not
raise pH much, very quickly at all> Since my source water is
on the acidic side (6.6-6.8), my goal is to get the tank PH as
close as possible to my source water. Is it possible to use the
coral and only increase the KH and PH slightly rather than to the
basic side of the PH scale? <Yes... could be placed in a
filter, bag... in a container with your make-up water... allowed
to "soak" for a few days...> I'm somewhat
confused because I have been hearing/reading conflicting
information about their use. How do you suggest I achieve my goal
of increasing my PH to about 6.6 - 6.8 and stabilizing it?
<Mmm, the water changes you're doing... with the addition
of a bit of sodium bicarbonate (very safe) or a modicum of
commercial aquarium pH buffering product> Once again, your
advice is greatly appreciated and invaluable. Michele
<Let's keep chatting this over till you feel comfortable
with your understanding of the underlying principle/s here...
This aspect of water quality (pH, alkalinity/acidity...
"hardness") is too wordy in English unfortunately...
But once you grasp it... Cheers, BobF>
Re: Follow-up on Discovery of
Low KH after High Nitrates/low PH w/Melafix use 3/26/08
Hello Mr. Fenner, <Just Bob please Michele> Thank you so
much for all of your assistance in explaining how KH factors into
maintaining PH. I have been doing some more reading and if I am
understanding correctly, the baking soda method needs to be
replenished with each water change (outside of the system in the
new water) . <Yes, this is best> Since I'm not great at
chemistry, and thus would be experimenting with the amount to use
to reach my goal, I fear that this leaves a lot of room for human
error. <Actually, not much error possible. This practice, with
Baking Soda is quite safe> So I think I feel more comfortable
with a slow soluble carbonate substance such as crushed coral or
even crushed oyster shells and will experiment with a small
amount in the filter as a first corrective step to increase KH.
The only crushed coral I have been able to find however has
aragonite mixed in as well. If I understand correctly, this makes
it more soluble, so is this still acceptable for my purposes or
would this make the tank too alkaline? <No, not likely> If
not recommended for my purposes, I have also been able to locate
crushed oyster shells packaged as a "bird feed".
<Ahh! This material... usually some type of Dolomite
("Tapa Shell)... a compound of calcium and magnesium
carbonates CAN be very soluble... and a mess to handle/deal
with... too "cloudy" in preparation/use> In the
meanwhile I will continue with my water changes to further
decrease the nitrates and proceed from there. Thanks for the
offer/opportunity to continue chatting until I get a better grasp
of the subject matter. I'm honored that you would take
additional time from your busy schedule to assist me. Michele
<Am out in Malaysia currently... where am dreading the Net
slow-down. Cheers! BobF>
Re: Follow-up on Discovery of
Low KH after High Nitrates/low PH w/Melafix use 3/30/08
Good evening Bob, <Mich> I hope your trip to Malaysia is
going well. <Yes... but the Net is slow... and
intermittent> I did purchase the crushed coral and added a
very small amount to the filter on Tuesday. I figured I could
always add more if needed. Since my nitrates are now in 10ppm
range, I've stopped the daily water changes and will continue
as necessary to keep them low. The PH was holding steady at 6.4
for a couple of days without dropping. Today it has increased to
6.6, so it seems that the coral is working. My KH test kit still
is reading very low (1 degree), but I'll give it some more
time since I seem to be making some progress. And speaking of
progress, I actually managed to talk my father into adding some
coral to his filter as well. <Ahh!> I referred him to your
site and our discussions; and I guess he realized that no matter
how long you've been in this hobby, there's always
something to learn. <Is so for me... and I am indeed an old
timer in the trade, science and hobby> Thanks again for your
help. I have been enjoying chatting with you. I will keep you
posted on the progress of my tank, but I'm confident that the
coral will serve the purpose. Michele <Bob
Fish suddenly sick, FW, pH shock
3/3/08 Hi Crew, This is unfortunately an emergency. I have been
keeping my fish (6 zebra Danios, 3 Cory cats) in a separate tank for
about a week and a half while their normal tank cycles with added
ammonia. The tank they're in now is a half-full 20 gallon tank with
a heater (temp has been constant at 74F) and bubbler instead of a
filter because the filters are in the normal tank, hopefully building
up bacteria. I have some "Ammo-Chips" in the temporary tank
to soak up the ammonia since there isn't any established bacteria.
I've also been changing the water in the temporary tank often with
tap water conditioned with Amquel. I did this yesterday (actually, I
added about 20% additional water since there is extra space in the
tank) and I swished the net around to grab some of the floating
"gunk" and cleaned a lot of that out. All seemed to be well
this morning, but I came back tonight after being gone the whole day
and my smallest Cory was dead and the rest of the fish were looking
very sick. Some were hanging near the top; others at the bottom. They
don't seem to be breathing hard, just very listless. Ammonia and
nitrite are zero. I don't have a nitrate test kit, but I change the
water regularly and I doubt it could make them sick this fast. It would
seem like it had something to do with the water being added or the
"gunk" being taken out, although I did what I always do (add
Amquel and get the water to about the same temperature as the tank
water). I now have the fish out of that tank in a Tupperware container
with the bubble wand. I added some Prime and some Stress Coat even
though there isn't an ammonia or nitrite problem. (I didn't
know what else to do!) The water has been pretty cloudy in the tank,
but I think it's because there isn't a filter, only a bubbler
for oxygen. If it were a lack of oxygen they would have been showing
signs of distress earlier. And if it was poisoning due to the
decomposing "stuff" in the water, wouldn't I see some
ammonia or nitrites? I have antibacterial food on hand and I'm
going to feed that to them, if they'll eat. I have no idea what
happened, unless the water wasn't dechloraminated well enough, but
I feel like I always add more Amquel than necessary just to be safe. I
don't have any clues! They all look like they're barely hanging
on.. I appreciate any help you can offer. Thank you so much, Allison
Hey Crew, I just realized the problem: pH shock. I tested the tank - pH
6.0 - and the tap water - pH 7.8 or more. Basically, the tank and the
tap are at opposite ends of my testing kit's scale, I guess because
of aeration in the tank bringing the pH down. I guess all I can do now
is just hope for them to survive. Please let me know if there's
anything else to do. I'm going to put them back in the tank (since
now they're in the Tupperware container). Thanks, Allison <Hello
Alison. Glad you figured out what the problem was. Yes, pH can make a
big difference to how well (or otherwise) fish settle in. Maintaining a
steady pH between water changes is essential. If the pH in your
aquarium is dropping from 7.8 to 6 within a week, then you have a
serious instability problem. Have a read of these two articles:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwsoftness.htm Essentially the
problem is likely that your water has no carbonate hardness (use the
"KH" test kit for this) and so pH drops rapidly. One common
mistake people make is to use water from a domestic water softener: do
not do this! However hard your tap water might be, it's fine for
most fish. In some ways hard water is a positive asset.
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwhardness.htm In the
meantime, your fish should recover from the pH shock. Obviously
don't feed them, and don't fuss over them either, as
that'll stress them. Leave them somewhere dark and well oxygenated
to they can recover at their own pace. If they don't survive, at
least learn from the experience and read up on water chemistry. Note
that everyone thinks they understand pH, whereas the pH value itself
actually doesn't matter all that much -- what matters is pH
stability. And for that, you need carbonate hardness. Cheers,
pH drop, FW, no reading on Alkalinity
2/25/08 I am having problems with my ph and don't know why.
About two months ago I got a new 45 gallon aquarium. I've had an
aquarium for many years and never have had a problem like this. I used
much of the same water from my other tank. I got a new HOT Magnum 250
canister filter. I used all the same decorations. The only thing I
added new was a banana plant. I took it out and threw it away after I
first had problems. The gravel I used is the same that I have in a
smaller aquarium. For about a month after I got it set up my fish were
doing great. I got some Blue Rams and they did good for about a week
then died. <!?> I got some more and the same thing happened. The
same thing happened with my small new Green Severums after a few days
(they didn't look good when they came in so I didn't think much
when they died). I just thought there was something different with the
fish because everything else was fine. Then suddenly overnight my fish
became less active, mostly Angels. <... something very wrong
here> I checked the ph and it was about 6.2 and usually it is about
7.4 and our tap water is around 8.0. Slowly I lost some bigger Angels
that I had had for about 8 months and then the smaller ones died that
I've had for about 3 months. Now I'm only down to one smaller
Angel. I was okay when the Rams and Severums died because they were
new, but when the Angels that I've had for awhile died I knew
something was wrong. I do a water change to raise the ph up. It goes up
for a few days then drops back down. The weird thing is everything else
is doing good. My Neon Tetras, Koi Swordtails, Boesemanni Rainbows,
Green Tiger Barbs, small Plecos, and Cory Cats are doing just fine. Why
are just my Rams, Severums, and Angels dying? Why is my ph dropping and
what do I do to keep it up? Thanks for your help. Cole <You have
quite a mix of fishes... Perhaps the Cichlids are/were of "low
quality"... many imported ones are quite touchy. I suspect your
water has low alkalinity, and that you haven't read... Start here:
http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwph,alk.htm and the linked files
above, part. Neale's piece "In praise of hard,
alkaline..." Bob Fenner>
Help!! Ph Crash?? 01/13/2008
Hello WWM crew, <Hello,> This might be repetitive, but as always,
got to congratulate and admire the services you people do. If this
question once again gets to Neale, I would like to thank him very much
for all the past help he has given me. Anyhow, I have a very weird
situation on my hands and hope that you could help. <Weird
away...> I currently have a 170 and 55 gallon freshwater tank that I
do a 50% water change weekly with aged tap water (both tanks has been
up for approximately one year). As of last week, my PH value is at 7.6
for both my tanks (common stable). As of today, I checked my water
parameters and found that the PH for my 170 gallon tank is at 6.4!!!
<OK, that's a big swing and definitely not good. Not fatal, but
not good. Does suggest a lack of carbonate hardness, which is at least
relatively easy to rectify.> I have two test kit that I verify with
(API liquid test kit and Mardel quick dips). This have never happened
to me before. The only thing that I have done differently since the
last water change was change my brand of dechlorinator, from Prime to
Amquel+ and NovAqua+ due to the great reviews that they have gotten.
<If one dechlorinator removes ammonia from the tap water but the
other doesn't, then the ammonia can result in a
higher-than-expected pH reading. But a quick check suggests that both
Amquel and Prime remove ammonia. Not sure NovAqua does.> The tank
does have a large piece of driftwood that has been in it for about one
year now. <Bogwood will lower the pH by producing acids that
neutralise carbonate hardness. That said, a moderate amount of aged
bogwood shouldn't have a huge effect except in very soft water
aquaria.> I can't figure out what could be shifting the Ph so
much. Could the new dechlorinator be affecting my readings?
<Can't see why.> This also seems invalid due to the 55 gallon
tank reading normal as always. The 170 is currently equipped with three
405 Fluval canisters, and a Vortech MP40 powerhead, which apparently by
itself pushes 3000gph. I think I do have ample circulation. Total
hardness for the tank reads approximately 120ppm and total alkalinity
at 0ppm. <Ah, here's at least one issue. Alkalinity is essential
to any aquarium. Total hardness itself is of secondary importance, and
is mostly about how fish osmoregulate. Carbonate hardness (measured in
degrees KH) is far more important, as it tells you how well an aquarium
prevents pH changes. As things stand now, if you have zero alkalinity,
which would suggest zero carbonate hardness as well, your aquarium has
next to no ability to resist pH changes. This is because the other
minerals in the water (the ones making total hardness) don't
combine with acids. All they do is float about in the water.> Very
awkward. Tank is currently stocked with one L25 Scarlet Pleco at
10" and one 6" Flowerhorn cichlid. Ammonia at 0, Nitrite at
0, and Nitrate at 30ppm. I have not seen any adverse affect on the
fishes as of yet. I plan on setting another batch of tap water
overnight tomorrow with dechlorinator and perform a change on Sunday.
Its early Saturday morning right now. Any ideas? <Raising the
carbonate hardness is essential for Flowerhorn cichlids, given their
Central American ancestry. I'd suggest making up a batch of Malawi
Salts, and adding these at a 25% to 100% dosage until you get the right
set of pH and carbonate hardness (i.e., KH, not total hardness) values
for your needs. You can buy these salts from stores, or you can make
your own. Here's one handy-dandy recipe for Rift Valley salt mix:
Per 5 gallons/20 litres * 1 teaspoon baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) *
1 tablespoon Epsom salt (magnesium sulfate) * 1 teaspoon marine salt
mix (sodium chloride + trace elements) Mix well, dissolve into the
bucket of water, and then add to the aquarium. Don't do huge
changes at once, but do water changes of 25% per day until the tank is
where you want it in terms of pH and carbonate hardness. I'd
recommend at least 7 degrees KH, and ideally 10+ degrees KH, for most
Central American cichlids. You should find this prevents pH changes
completely.> Also, is it possible for water quality to remain cloudy
due to insufficient surface area for the bio load to attach to and
stabilize and remain free-floating? I really doubt that I am
overfeeding since I feed usually once a day and make sure all food is
consumed. Right after a major water change, water would be crystal
clear for a day or two and would get cloudy again. It has been like
this ever since I started. No problem of this on my 55er. <Curious.
But no two tanks are the same.> Lastly, any opinions on Prime vs.
Amquel+/NovAqua+? <None. Never used either.> My only concern is
the concentration levels. Prime seems to be so much more concentrated,
at 5 mL per 50 gallons of water. While, Kordon's product suggested
dosage level is at 5 mL per 10 gallons. Any thoughts on either product?
<Nope. All dechlorinators do the job, so I tend to buy whatever is
on sale! This sort of thing may matter more for fancy-pants marines,
but freshwater fish generally don't care so long as the chlorine is
removed.> Ok, that's all for now. All help is greatly
appreciated. Thank you so much and be safe. Andy <Or as we say in
England: "Be good, or if you can't be good, be careful."
cheers, Neale.>
Re: Help!! Ph Crash?? 01/13/2008
Neale, <Andy,> Thanks so much for the help, again :) I will do as
per your instructions. Anyhow, any idea what could have caused the PH
to shift so massively? <All aquaria have a downward pH trend. What
varies is the speed with which the pH drops.> My water at the tap
(which I use for water changes) has a PH of 7.6, total alkalinity of
120ppm, and total hardness of 250ppm. What happened to my alkalinity
and carbonate harness? <If the pH drops, that means the carbonate
hardness got used up! So you have two options: do more water changes,
so the pH doesn't drop far between water changes, or else raise the
carbonate hardness so the pH drops more slowly. Simple, really.> I
do, do 50% water changes weekly. <Clearly not enough given all the
things going on in your aquarium. Every aquarium is different, so all
you can do is use test kits to monitor changes, and then alter the
maintenance regime to slow those changes down.> Well, thanks for the
help and hope all is well. Andy <Hope this helps, Neale.>
pH Crash, fish symptomology
12/31/07 WWM Crew, Happy New Year. Can you please tell me what are
the signs and symptoms of fish reacting to a pH crash? <... often a
loss of orientation, rapid to deep breathing, setting on the bottom,
death...> And what causes a pH crash? <Uhh, a loss of
"buffering capacity" and action/substance to shift it (pH) in
one direction or t'other...> How to save your fish when the pH
crashes. Thanks in advance for your help - Jean <... please see WWM
re freshwater, marine... pH... Your answers are there. Bob
Question on pH, FW 12/18/07 Hello, My
water at my house is odd, it has a pH of about an 8.0? <Ours is
higher...> and a carbonated hardness of around 2. I wanted to get a
pH of 7.0 and a higher carbonated hardness to stabilize the pH, so I
set up a fake aquarium <?> and tried to obtain this. I had heard
that sodium bicarbonate, baking soda strengthens the carbonated
hardness but increases the pH, so I thought of the pH spectrum and came
across lemon juice. I first used lemon juice to lower my tap water pH
of 8.0 to a pH of 6.5. I then proceeded to add some baking soda to
stabilize the pH by increases the carbonated hardness and at the same
time higher the pH to a closer 7.0 and it worked. would using lemon
juice and baking soda be a safe thing to do at the start of the setup
of an aquarium to establish a stable pH. It not like I used a whole lot
of either of them as well, about 2 table spoons? of lemon juice and a
teaspoon of baking soda in? a 10 gallon aquarium made the ph and
carbonated hardness perfect. Thank you, Jason <Unfortunately the
citrus has more to it than acid... I would start with more "just
water" here. Please read re:
http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwmaintindex.htm the second tray
down. Bob Fenner>
pH and KH lowering, FW 11/26/07 hello!
I have been struggling with PH and KH problems for 2 years now. I used
to keep African cichlids so lowering Ph and KH was never a
problem-until I decided to get tropical fish instead. <Oh?> In my
29 gallon tank, the PH rests at about 8.5 and the KH at 17. Something
that shocked me was that the GH tested at 2. (could high PH and soft
water exist?) <Ah, you're getting your wires crossed here. A
general hardness test kit measures calcium oxide. Some test kits
translate the results into the equivalent hardness in calcium carbonate
for historical reasons (I believe this is primarily in the US, but
could be wrong). Regardless, the chemicals involved are measuring
calcium oxide. So, a general hardness reading of 2 degrees dH means
there is a low concentration of calcium oxide. Nothing more, nothing
less. A carbonate hardness test kit measures carbonate and bicarbonate
salts, and gives the result in a scale based on concentration of
calcium carbonate. So, a carbonate hardness of 17 degrees KH means
there is a very high concentration of carbonate and bicarbonate salts.
Yes, you can have these two things happening at the same time. Imagine
a glass of water into which you'd added some salt and some sugar.
One test kit might measure salt, the other sugar. Simply because one
was high wouldn't mean the other would have to be low, because
they're independent variables. While it is *often* true that water
with a high carbonate hardness often has a high general hardness as
well, there's no natural law that says it has to be so. It's
merely something that tends to happen for various geological
reasons.> I also decided to test my tap water. The PH was a perfect
7, KH at 17 and GH at 2. I suspect my high KH to be altering the PH.
<Carbonate hardness does tend to raise pH, yes. But so too will
ammonia, so check that.> I used to have rocks in my 29, but I took
them out about a week ago. They were boiled prior to, but I highly
doubt this has anything to do with the problem. <Boiling calcareous
rocks (such as tufa rock) will have precisely zero effect on whether or
not they raise the carbonate hardness.> I have searched online a
bit, and one recommendation was to mix water with Hydrochloric Acid...
sounds incredibly risky and dangerous, but could be worth it. <No,
no, no. There's no point forcing the pH downwards if the carbonate
hardness is high. Try to understand this critical fact: pH doesn't
matter, hardness does. Fish (mostly) don't feel pH (though they
certainly don't like rapid pH changes). What directly affects them
is hardness, because this controls [a] osmoregulation and [b] the pH
stability. Hard water, whether we're talking about high general or
carbonate hardness, is not intrinsically a bad thing, either.> I
understand that once the KH is at a stable level, the PH will lower and
not bounce back. <No, quite the reverse. The lower the carbonate
hardness, the less stable pH becomes. That's why marine aquarists
worry about carbonate hardness so much. It's the "alkalinity
reserve" that fixes pH. All tanks have a net tendency towards
acidification; tanks with a high carbonate hardness tend to resist this
extremely well between water changes, making the fish happy. Tanks with
low carbonate hardness experience rapid pH drops, and this makes fish
very unhappy. The art of soft water aquaria is finding ways to
stabilise pH without relying on carbonate hardness. This is not easy to
do! For all practical purposes, community freshwater tanks should be
maintained at around 10 degrees dH and upwards of 5 degrees KH where
possible.> Is there any product/chemical/other method you could
recommend? <None. First get a better understanding of your water
chemistry and the environment in your tank. For example, are the rocks
calcareous? Is the substrate? Then decide if there's really any
point changing the hardness, given hard water tanks are more stable
environments. Livebearers (poeciliids and Goodeids!), Central American
cichlids, Rift Valley cichlids, rainbowfish, Goldfish, Pufferfish,
gobies and brackish water fish will all prefer hard water conditions.
The majority of barbs and catfish couldn't care less, and do fine
in hard water, including things like Corydoras, Plecs, and most hardy
Asian Puntius spp. Choosing fish from this list gives you masses of
scope for fun, colourful, weird, and challenging species. Since you
won't be messing with water chemistry, your life is much easier,
and you can do big water changes to optimise environmental conditions
in the tank. A win/win situation.> PS: RO/DI water is not really an
option... <Collecting rainwater works well if you want to keep a
soft water tank. Cheap and easy, and very 'green'.> Thanks
in advance -Jon <Cheers, Neale.>
High ph on FW aquarium 11/23/07 Hi, I only use RO
water for my 55g which is very soft, but when I check my aquarium water
the reading is 7.0 to 7.2, what's wrong? My tank is planted and I
am trying to raise angelfish and so far only two are doing excellent.
Other fishes in the tank, tetras and one clown loach. Thank you, Edna
<Hello Edna. Why on Earth are you using just RO water in a
freshwater aquarium? No fish will thrive in pure RO water; you have to
"cut" it with some hard water so that it has at least some
mineral content. Standard practise for community fish is to mix RO
water with hard tap water to get something with around 5-10 degrees dH.
Generic Angelfish from the pet store (Pterophyllum hybrids) certainly
don't need particularly soft water, and even in the wild Angelfish
don't come from the same very soft waters that Discus do.
They're more common in the main Amazon river system rather than,
say, the Rio Negro. Very soft water also experiences wild fluctuations
in pH unless you're taking specific measures to prevent this, and
fluctuating pH is much more harmful to a fish that a pH that
doesn't "seem" good compared with what they have in the
wild. In other words, Angelfish are happier at a steady pH 8.0 than at
an acidic pH that keeps bouncing around. So, please have a read of the
article on Soft Water Aquaria here, http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwsoftness.htm . If
you can tell me something about the general hardness (dH) and carbonate
hardness (KH) then we can try and find out why your pH is fluctuating.
One last thing: a neutral pH at 7.0 to 7.2 is absolutely perfect for
just about every common community fish except livebearers. So I'm
not sure why you want to lower it, and in any case, you should never
fixate on the pH; what matters is the general and carbonate hardness.
Get those right, and the pH will do the right thing all by itself.
Cheers, Neale.>
Re: high ph on FW aquarium 11/25/2007 Thank you
Neale for replying to my e-mail and for the information about the
water. <Happy to help.> I have a 5 in 1 test kit: Nitrate
"0", Nitrite "0", Total Hardness (GH) 25, Total
Alkalinity (KH) 300 and PH 8.4. <This is the tap water, right? Very
similar to what I have here in Southeast England. For most purposes,
perfectly serviceable if you go with hard water fish (e.g., livebearers
and rainbows) and plants (Vallisneria, Egeria, etc.). Even soft water
fish like tetras, Corydoras etc will adapt just fine. But if you have
RO water anyway and want to soften the water a bit, then mix 50:50 with
RO water and you'll have something just about perfect. 10-12
degrees dH and 150 mg/l alkalinity is an excellent target for a wide
mix of community tropicals. Plants will adapt to this very well,
especially if other factors -- lighting, nutrient-rich substrate -- are
taken care of properly.> My "concern" is that live plants:
Amazon swords, mongo grass, Anubias and others that I don't know
the names and I keep in my tank, thrive better "in the soft side
of water" (I read this somewhere). <Some Amazon Sword species
actually prefer hard water so you need to check which species you have.
Most are adaptable and care much more about substrate quality and
lighting. Mongo Grass is a species of Ophiopogon, and will die
underwater anyway (it's a terrestrial plant) so I wouldn't
bother with it at all unless you like watching plants rot. Anubias spp.
are all very adaptable and will happily grow in quite brackish water,
so they don't care in the least. Relatively few plants actually
prefer very soft water, and once you get below 5 degrees dH, most will
simply sit there looking unhappy. Something between 5-15 degrees dH is
just about perfect for a wide range of aquarium plants. Do buy/borrow
one of the many excellent aquarium plant books out there. Water
chemistry is simply not an issue for the vast majority of them. Most
plants in aquaria fail either because [a] they aren't aquatic
plants to begin with, or [b] not enough light. Everything else is icing
on the cake.> So much info out there and sometime it get too high
tech and overwhelming for me. <I sympathise. One of the big problems
with the Internet is that the sheer volume of information published
there isn't matched by the same level of fact-checking or editing.
Anyone can publish anything. So while books and magazines might seem
old-fashioned, they are at least offering a high standard of
information.> Over all my aquarium looks very good and I love
sitting for hours in front of my tank enjoying my "little master
piece". <Absolutely! I don't have a TV set in my house, but
I have to confess to spending too much time gazing at my fish tanks
just as if they were TV sets! It's very addictive.> Thank you
again, Edna. <Cheers, Neale.>
Low pH 11/8/07 Hi, I am having a problem raising
my pH. It stays at a 6.0. The alkalinity is at 40 and the hardness is
at 300. I tried the pH increase but it didn't help and am trying
the proper pH 7.0, but read that it is bad for plants. I have several
bamboo, a short round leaf plant that I don't know what it is and
an onion bulb shaped plant. The tank has an assortment of community
fish. What can I do to fix my pH and will the treatment kill the
plants? Thanks so much! Julie <Julie, adding chemicals like "pH
Up" to raise pH is generally pointless. Those chemicals are really
buffers. That is, they are designed to stabilise the pH at a certain
point once you've already brought it up (or down) to that pH level.
So if you have a Lake Malawi aquarium with lots of nice hard water,
adding a "pH Up" product will make sure the pH stays at the
8.0 value Malawi cichlids like so well. But if your aquarium is way off
base, these buffering potions will be overwhelmed. In this case, you
need to sit back and look at what's going on. You aquarium has a
low carbonate hardness. This means that the pH easily falls towards the
acid end of the pH scale. The way to remedy this is to add carbonate
hardness. There are multiple ways to do this, but the simplest is to
make a mixture of equal parts bicarbonate of soda, Epsom salt and
marine salt mix. Add a teaspoon to each bucket of water, and stir well.
Test the carbonate hardness and pH of the water. It should be much
higher. If it's too high, repeat using less of the mixture; if
it's too low, repeat using more. What you want is something around
100-200 mg calcium carbonate (6-12 degrees dH, 5-10 degrees KH). This
water should have a pH around 7. It will be perfect for a wide range of
community tropicals, with the exception perhaps of livebearers, which
like water that is more hard and has a higher pH. Tetras, barbs,
Gouramis etc will all thrive under such conditions, and the biological
filter and plants will also do their best. One thing: make these
remedial actions slowly, changing no more than 25% of the water per
day. While aiming for neutral pH, moderate hard water is ideal for the
community tank, rapid changes in water chemistry can be lethal to fish.
As for your plants, the "onion" is probably Crinum sp.,
perhaps Crinum thaianum, a lovely aquarium plant. Bamboo doesn't
normally survive in aquaria, especially when kept submerged. It might
survive allowed to grow out above the tank, but that's not really
practical. Do be aware that many aquarium shops sell non-aquatic plants
to unsuspecting fishkeepers. It's a sad state of affairs really.
You need to know what plants you want, and THEN go shopping, and not go
shopping and come back with a bunch of mystery plants. Good luck,
Beginner needs help, FW... set-up...
pH 11/08/07 I have been reading for days on your
site. I appreciate all the information, but have been unable to
understand what is going on with my tank. <Fire away!> I have a
small 10 gallon freshwater tank. <Ah, too small for beginners in my
honest opinion. Small tanks are unstable and problems spiral out of
control very quickly. Advice to other beginners: start off with a 20
gallon tank if you want an "easy ride".> I was using
distilled water and had plastic plants with tetras and a guppy.
<Why? Distilled water is completely unsuitable for aquarium fish or
indeed any living creature. Tap water is much the best for beginners,
though dechlorinated of course before use.> We kept the tank for
about 6 months with no problems. Our guppy just died one day.
<Surprised it took that long...> We decided we wanted to have
some ghost shrimp, an algae eater some live plants. The ghost shrimp
died right away. <Not a surprise at all].> We now understand they
are not that hardy. We were told our water was soft when they tested it
at the pet store. they thought we could use tap water in our area with
some aquarium salt and prime. <Sheesh. Pet store advice strikes
back. Please, over the next few days remove a portion (20%) of the
water in your tank and replace with dechlorinated tap water. Do not add
salt. If your local tap water is soft and acidic, then don't keep
fish that need hard and alkaline water (such as guppies). Stick with
genuine soft water fish, such as tetras.> Our ph seems to stay
around 7.4 no matter what we do. <That's a fine pH for most
fish. And a stable pH is a GOOD thing.> We added some sea shells as
told to. <Why?> We drain and add every week and a half to two
weeks. We have been doing about the 20%. <Change 50% per week. This
is the cheapest and easiest way to keep a happy collection of fish. Few
problems can't be solved by dilution.> Our tank looks beautiful,
water looks clear, we ended up with 2 snails on the plants. <Water
clarity is irrelevant in keeping fish. You can have clear water that
kills fish overnight, because ammonia (for example) is invisible. By
contrast the water most fish live in looks like milky coffee and yet
they (obviously) thrive.> the water was running a little warm (80-82
degrees) but we changed our incandescent bulbs out for the fluorescent.
<Good. Very few fish like water this warm, and some will have
dramatically shorter lives when kept thus. Aim for 25C/77F; no
higher.> There are some very strange tiny hair like, things for lack
of a better word, on the glass of the tank. They are tiny, barely can
see them attached with one piece with like three hair like things off
them. <If static and whitish, that's mould or bacteria. If
static and green, it's algae. If mobile and whitish, then
nematodes. Not problematic in themselves, but potential clues to other
issues.> Also we have sand in our tank instead of gravel. <Sand
is fine, just keep it clean.> Do you have any advice for us?
<Read an aquarium book or this web site. Relying on local fish store
advice can be tricky. Shops want to sell you stuff, and largely
don't care if your fish live 6 weeks or 6 years, so long as you
come back and buy more fish and other products. Educating yourself is
the key to solving your own problems, and using your pet store as a
resource for essential purchases.> What do you think these little
things are? Also, one of my tetras looks a little stressed. His stripe
does not look right like he has faded. <Fish do lose colour when
stress. Water quality, water chemistry, diet, bullying can all be
factors. Need more data.> I am worried I have done something wrong.
I did notice you said in many articles not to overfeed. Our fish eat
all the food at the top of the water when we feed. We are very careful
about that. <Very good.> Is my ph really messed up for another
reason? <A pH above 7.0 can be caused by two main things. One is
good: calcium carbonate in the water. This raises the carbonate
hardness (measured with a KH test kit). Guppies and other livebearers
love carbonate hardness, and carbonate hardness also buffers the pH in
the tank, keeping it steady. The bad source of a pH above 7.0 is
ammonia. So test for ammonia (or have the pet store do it for you).
Ammonia is a severe poison.> Does the sand really mess up our tank?
<No. But not all sand is equally good. Some sand is calcareous
(e.g., coral sand) and will raise carbonate hardness and pH; other sand
is non-calcareous (e.g., silica sand) and has no effect on water
chemistry.> It seems like with plants we are reading a lot about
gravel. <Depends on the plants. Non-rooted plants like Java fern and
Anubias couldn't care less, and actually get unhappy (die) if stuck
in the sand or gravel at all. Most plants prefer sand to gravel,
because the slightly anaerobic conditions in the sand shift mineral
ions into their reduced (as opposed to oxidised) states, making them
easier to absorb. By itself, plain gravel or plain sand aren't
really suitable for growing plants anyway, no more than land plants
would grow if you stuck them in a flower pot filled with gravel or
sand. To get good plant growth, you need to augment the substrate with
something else, like aquarium soil or laterite, that contains minerals
like iron.> Thanks for all your help. L <Hope this helps,
pH Level While Using Red Sea Floralbase 11/07/07
Hi, I have recently set up a new 72gal FW tank. I have had water in it,
Rena xp3 filter, heater, and Corallife 65watt x2 for lights. I
presently have 15 goldfish in it to help with the cycling. <<A
poor idea. Too much stress and likelihood of parasitic infestation...
RMF>> My ph level has been at 6.0 from the start. I am using red
sea Floralbase, that's all, as I have a planted tank. I am
wondering how to raise the PH level to at least 7.0 for the types of
fish I want (I have a 10gal that has been established for 2 years now
& I would like to take those fish and move them over to the new
one, that PH has been 7.0 - the fish in the 10gal is neon tetra, black
skirt tetra, 2 Danios and 1 Chinese algae eater). Is there some sort of
PH up that I can use safely? I do have several kinds of plants. My
ammonia, nitrites and nitrates are all within the proper range &
are great. Thanks Kim <Hello Kim. Two things here. Firstly, what
sort of fish do you want to keep? An acidic pH of 6.0 is actually very
good for a wide range of species. Most South American fish will thrive
here, as will most of the fish from Southeast Asia. Secondly, you need
to clear up the difference between pH and hardness in your head. Fish
don't "feel" pH directly and don't really care about
it all that much; what matters is how much mineral content the water
has, because this is what has an impact on osmoregulation (how they
balance salt and water in their bodies). So, what you want to check
first is the hardness of your water now, and the preferred hardness of
the fish you want to keep. I'm guessing your water is quite soft
(i.e., a low hardness around 5 degrees dH). That's fine for tetras,
angelfish, Gouramis etc. But if you want to keep livebearers or
Rainbowfish, they need a higher level of hardness, at least 10 degrees
dH and ideally well above that for livebearers especially. Once you
take care of hardness, then the pH will adjust itself pretty well
automatically. Hard water tends to have a high pH, and that high pH is
pretty stable. There are various ways to raise the hardness. The
simplest is to incorporate some calcareous material into the filter.
Crushed coral is one such medium. As the water washes past, the coral
dissolves, raising the hardness. Periodically you clean the coral to
wash away slime that coats it, and maybe once a year replace it with a
bunch of new coral. There are other methods too; any aquarium book
should discuss them, but if you want some more ideas, let me know.
Cheers, Neale.>
High ph and low alkalinity, Discus
sys. 10/22/07 Hello, <Hi there> I am a long
time aquarium keeper who has been quite lucky over the years and just
let my tank be whatever way it balanced itself to be and have kept a
general variety of fish without any problems or turmoil. That is until
I decided that I want to keep discus. In talking to my LFS about doing
this it was recommended that I change some things within my tank before
purchasing discus otherwise I would just be wasting my money and their
lives. <Let's see> All things recommended have been
accomplished over the past year (not without much appreciated help from
you guys I might add) except one. The main and most troubling change is
"buffering-in" a lower pH. I have done everything you have
recommended; I changed to RO water to solve the liquid rock tap water
problem; I lowered my KH to 3dK; I incorporated several pieces of
driftwood; I began religiously changing out 20% of the water in the
tank every week; etc, but guess what? pH is still 7.4-7.6. <This may
not be an issue... Are the Discus you keep tank-bred and raised (i.e.
not wild-caught?)... If so, this pH range is likely fine> I did try
phosphate buffers which did a great job of keeping my pH where I want
it between 6.5 and 6.8, but caused an algae bloom, and dropped the KH
to zero, so no more phosphates for me thanks. I have tried several
other things to bring down the pH as well, including allowing the
detritus to build up in the gravel <Mmm, not recommended> which
just brought about a blue-green algae problem and I have tried non
phosphate acid buffer which only chips away at the KH before
disappearing and allowing the pH to rise back up. <Yes> So this
is where I am and I hope that you can help. I use RO water and add back
the minerals using Kent's RO right. I add 1.5 tsp to 15 gal, which
results in a TDS reading of 170ppm on an electronic probe, and an
undetectable reading on a calcium/magnesium GH titration test kit ( I
don't know why GH is so low with this product, nor do I even know
if I should be concerned with it since the TDS reading is high enough).
I add KH by adding bicarb to attain a KH reading of 4dK. Then I use
this water for my changes. <Mmm, depending on the make-up (GH, KH)
of your source water, I'd likely give up the Kent's product and
just add/blend some of this in with the RO> I have heard much on
alkalinity and carbonates to buffer against a drop in pH, but what
about buffering against a rise in pH? <Is a/the same concept... a
buffer "holds" or resists change in both directions...
depending on the "trend" in captive systems (most all are
decidedly reductive, as in reduction/oxidation... OILRIG,
"oxidation is losing, reduction is gaining...." electrons...
Acids are proton donors, electron acceptors... basic (not a pun)
chemistry... Tanks tend to "go acidic" with time... resultant
from feeding, decomposition processes, crowding...> What
"stable" chemicals, and acidity buffering tests etc can be
employed in the fight against a rising pH? <First, the discovery of
alkaline/alkalinity sources... Likely substrate here... perhaps more
pre-eminently, the checking of your test gear as well....> I already
have my KH as low as anyone would recommend. Thank you SL <Again,
really... I would NOT be concerned with the mid 7's pH you state...
IS fine, esp. if the Symphysodon have been captive-produced... I would
suggest another 20% change of water (twice per week) to lower
metabolites... Much more of a likely issue than pH effects. Do please
read this excellent piece by NealeM here:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwhardness.htm and the linked
files above. Bob Fenner>
High Freshwater Alkalinity -- 10/01/07 I work at a LFS, and
lately, we've been having a significant problem with our 900gallon
freshwater system and super high alkalinity. We have done massive water
changes with both tap and R/O water in attempts to lower it, but to no
avail. We have even tried using club soda to bring it down! The pH is
staying at a consistent 6.9-7.0. We have drained each of the 36 tanks,
and nothing seems to be lowering the alkalinity. Please, if you have
any suggestions as to what may be the problem, I'm all ears! The
tap water has almost no alkalinity at all, so something, somewhere, in
the system is keeping it high. Thanks in advance for any help you can
give! -Erica <Hello Erica. Assuming there's nothing in an
aquarium dissolving into the water, the water chemistry in a freshwater
tank should be approximately similar to that of the tap water. Regular
water changes (say, 50% weekly) should dilute the background
acidification that happens as organic material (such as plant leaves
and bogwood) decays. So, there's really only two things that can be
happening here. Either there's something in the tank that's
rapidly changing the water chemistry, or your test kit isn't
working. I can't see what else could explain this. Obvious sources
of alkalinity in freshwater tanks include the substrate (coral sand for
example), limestone rockwork, calcareous filter media, and so on. Now,
we're talking about alkalinity, but specifically what are the test
results? Marine aquarists use a number of methods of measuring
alkalinity, such as milliequivalents per litre, but in freshwater tanks
the only measurement widely used is degrees of carbonate hardness (KH).
Is that what you mean? Let me have the number and measuring scale, and
we can discuss further. Finally, always bear in mind that rapidly
changing water chemistry -- even from "bad" to
"good" -- is potentially dangerous to your fish. Virtually
all freshwater fish can adapt to slow changes, and will prosper under
conditions well outside those they enjoy in the wild, provided they are
given time to adapt. If all else fails, take the "nuclear
option" -- strip the tank down, remove all the substrate, replace
all the filter media, and re-cycle the aquarium. Assuming you do this
properly, the new tank should share the same water chemistry as your
local water supply. Cheers, Neale>
Can't win Alkaline/Acid battle freshwater... -- 09/29/07
We have lost 2 fish in the last week and believe it's high pH
and/or high Alkalinity. <Unlikely. Most standard tropicals will
adapt to fairly high pH levels, especially if adapted over time. Better
still, you can easily pick species -- such as livebearers -- that
thrive under such conditions.> Our store guy said our tank's pH
"is as high as a saltwater tank (7.8)" It is 8.5 now.
<That is somewhat high. But even 8.0 is well within the tolerances
of things like Corydoras and domesticated angelfish.> So he's
caused us some concern as we cannot get the alkaline or acidity
measurements to go down. <You should really fixate on the pH.
It's a red herring. Find out what the general hardness (dH) and
carbonate hardness (KH) are, because these are the critical water
chemistry values. Then do an ammonia test -- ammonia will raise pH
dramatically. Ball park figures? For standard tropicals, anything up to
20 degrees dH and 10 degrees KH are fine. Above 25 degrees dH, 15
degrees KH you want to concentrate on species that like hardwater:
livebearers, Central Americans, Rift Valley cichlids, brackish water
fish, etc.> Both are very high on the test strips we use. (I thought
this was impossible?) <Give me NUMBERS, not your opinion!> About
our tank, it's a 10 gallon, freshwater. We have no plants, coral,
nothing. <What's the water right out the tap? In a reasonably
stocked aquarium where you perform water changes on a weekly basis
taking out 50% of the water at a time, the water chemistry in the
aquarium should be as close as Dammit to the water out the tap.> Has
a filter/aeration system and fluorescent lighting. <OK, but if the
filter is underpowered, you'll have ammonia too. That'll raise
the pH very quickly.> Everything I found on WWM seemed to say 8 to
8.5 is normal. <Define "normal". As I say, a properly
maintained aquarium should have water chemistry essentially identical
to your local water supply.> What should we do? <First, sit back
and take stock. Water doesn't suddenly change water chemistry for
no reason. If you have hard, alkaline water out the tap, then nothing
you can easily do will change that. Buy hardwater fishes, and
they'll thrive, and you won't have to worry about anything. If
the water is neutral and not too hard out the tap, then your very high
pH is coming from somewhere. Ammonia is the common explanation --
either poor filtration, or from chloramine used to treat the water by
your local water board. Chloramine breaks into ammonia and chlorine
when treated with traditional dechlorinators, so check your
dechlorinator removes chloramine AS WELL AS chlorine. Not all do.>
Tank is my ten year-old son's and he is becoming discouraged enough
to give up aquarium which I think has been good for bldg
responsibility. <Teach your son that things go wrong whatever
you're doing. The way over these hurdles is to study the problem,
try out ideas, ask for help, and then move forward.> So I'm
mostly confused at this point. Thanks for your great website by the
way. Eric Jensen <Get back to me with water chemistry measurements
-- dH, KH, and ammonia -- and we can perhaps solve this for you.
Cheers, Neale>
Filters and pH questions 9/26/07 Our tap water here in Oregon
is very very soft (dH 2-3), but they use sodium hydroxide to raise the
pH to 7.7 so as not to rust pipes. <What a horrible set of water
conditions... very soft, but slightly alkaline. Nothing much really
likes these conditions.> It quickly drops to 7.2 or so in the tank.
<Well that's lucky.> Is this OK for cardinal tetras,
Apistogramma, Loricariids? Soft water Amazon fish seem to be doing
well. <I'd be tempted to add a certain amount of a pH-down
product to reduce the pH to exactly 7, while increasing its buffering
capacity. On its own, very soft water tends to fluctuate in pH quite a
lot. This is not good. Standard pH-down products (usually sold as
bottles, and you add a bit to each bucket of water just like
dechlorinator) stabilizes the pH at some value. In hard water
they're a bit of a waste of time and money, but in very soft water
such buffering solutions (as they're called) can be very
helpful.> Also, I have a Rena Filstar filter. Has the standard 2
layers of foam, a bag of carbon (bio chem Zorb) and a layer of micro
fleece pads. Was thinking of replacing either one of the layers of foam
or the carbon with either some ceramic biomedia or keta peat nuggets.
<Bin the carbon. Total waste of space. In very soft water, the
filter bacteria tend to be less happy than in hard water (they like
hard, alkaline water best of all, and stop working completely below pH
6). So concentrate on adding as much biological media as possible to
get the best water quality. Choose whatever according to your budget
and preferences. The main thing is that the filter should have not less
than 4x the volume of the tank in turnover per hour. In other words,
for a 100 litre tank, the filter must have a turnover of 400 litres per
hour.> That's a lot of foam sponge, and maybe the carbon is not
so necessary. The peat would lower that NaOH induced pH. <Don't
use peat. Peat is wonderful stuff in aquaria if you know precisely and
absolutely what you're doing. But peat can rapidly change the pH
and its results are completely unpredictable. In very soft water with
practically zero buffering capacity, you could easily drop the pH from
7.2 to 6.0 overnight if you added too much, and this would kill your
fish. Instead, use the buffering solution mentioned above, following
the instructions on the bottle, and performing pH tests every day or
two at first until you get a sense of how pH varies in the tank. What
you're after is 7.0 day in, day out.> What do you think?
<Messing with pH is something a lot of aquarists get into trouble
over. There's a very good argument for not thinking about pH at
all, and focusing instead on general and carbonate hardness. Both of
these have a much bigger impact on the fish. With your very soft water,
the KH value is likely to be very low, and as a result water chemistry
stability practically non-existent. So your job is to stabilise water
chemistry. Adding buffering solutions to the water will do this. This
becomes more important the more fish you add, because the loading of
the tank is positively correlated to water chemistry stability as well.
In other words, heavily stocked tanks experience a drop in pH more
quickly than the same tank would if lightly stocked (a process called
acidification). So, move slowly, research the water chemistry topics
here at WWM, and measure pH regularly to check that acidification
isn't getting serious. Cheers, Neale>
High ph, hard water-Oscar -- 09/14/07 Dearest Crew, I have
extremely hard water and have 5 freshwater tanks. I don't
completely trust dipsticks but I think this one is probably reasonably
accurate. It says total hardness (GH) is 300 ppm and total alkalinity
(KH) is barely under 300 ppm. We have well water with no chlorine or
anything. I took it all with a grain of salt until I tried softening
& lowering the ph with buckets of test water. I didn't want to
put anything in the tanks until I knew what the end results of my
bucket tests were. I've been reading extensively the past 4 wks on
WWW about ph (something I never understood until I found your crew).
The more I read the more concerned I became. I try so hard to feed the
right food for each fish, give them plenty of room, keep ammonia,
nitrites and nitrates all always '0' by quick 3-4% daily water
changes. I want to take care of them right because they're my
little charges and they only have me to do it. My 'newest' fish
is my now 4" red Oscar. I've him about 2 months. Lord, I love
that wiggly little beggar fish. I care very much for my Severum,
Goldfish & Blood Parrots but I'm completely enthralled with
this little Oscar. I was lulled all these years by the idea that
"stable PH is better than unstable proper PH" but now I'm
wondering if I shouldn't have been so complacent. After finally
understanding PH & alkalinity I'm worried about my Oscar
because I adore him so and my Severum who needs a considerably lower
ph. The ph of my 4 day old aerated water is 8 to 8.2, the ph in the
tanks runs about the same according to my Aquarium Pharmaceuticals
liquid test tube kit. I use pea gravel and inert smooth aquarium gravel
in the tanks I'm concerned about, old driftwood, no limestone or
dissolving rocks of any kind. I used a 10 gal tub of the aged hard
water and put a big handful of peat moss tied in nylon with a bubbler.
It's been 2 days now and still at 8.2. I left the peat moss in
there and added the recommended amount of "Beckett PH Lower"
to it. It says it has 15% citrus acid. The pH immediately dropped to 7
but after just 8 hrs it had already risen back up to 8. That's the
reason I tend to believe the test even though it was a dipstick test.
This water is well buffered, I just wish it was buffered at 6-7 ph.
It's not about to give up and let go of the high ph for any length
of time. I can't subject fish to these swings, obviously. Do you
think an 8 to 8.2 ph is far too high for my Oscar? (I know it is for
the Severum). Your Oscar facts said "Freshwater: pH range: 6.0 -
8.0; dH range: 5.0 - 19.0 was acceptable for Oscars. Yet all the
FAQ's always say they need 6-7 ph and medium water. If all other
factors in his care are optimal, am I worrying too much or worrying for
good reason? HITH disease scares me badly and I want to avoid it at all
costs. I don't want to shorten their lives in any way. I read
several of (mainly) Chuck's references to mixing 80% distilled
water with 20% tap water along with leaving peat moss in the tank. That
sounds like something I could easily do with no trouble at all if
distilled is safe to use. If it were only my 45 gal Severum tank I
could also just as easily get water from my brother's house, no big
deal. But my Oscar now has a 90 gal tank and I've decided on a 125
gal long tank the 1st of the year. That's a lot of water to be
dragging home for water changes. If you think the situation is dire
enough I'll do research on an RO unit if I need to. I also worry
that if something happens to me or I end up in the hospital and my
husband had to do water changes he'd never be able to understand
complicated water changes. He could easily do them by aging our plain
tap water though (with me shouting orders from my hospital bed-ha!)
Could you please let me know if my ph is unacceptable for my Oscar? If
it is, I'll do whatever I can to change it the right way. If
it's not that big of a concern I can quit worrying so much about
it. It seems far too many people start mixing, changing & switching
with the "If it ain't broke, fix it till it is!" mindset
and I don't want to do that. I apologize for the length of this
email. What you're doing for the aquarium hobby is above and beyond
the call of duty. I'm so thankful for your website. Sincerely,
Mitzi <Mitzi, the first thing to understand is pH is not important.
Fish don't feel pH. What they react to is something called total
dissolved solids, or TDS. It just so happens that high TDS tends to go
along with alkaline pH and low TDS with acid pH. But because pH is
"easy" to understand, and TDS is "difficult" to
understand, aquarists often focus on pH instead of TDS. The analogy is
IQ. People often think a high IQ means someone is smarter than someone
with a lower IQ, but the reality is that all IQ measures is
someone's ability to succeed at IQ tests. There are lots of very
skilled, capable people like surgeons and artists and engineers who
don't have particularly high IQ levels, and lots of people with
high IQs that do incredibly dumb things and don't have particularly
impressive careers. If you want to change the water chemistry in an
aquarium, what you need to focus on is the TDS, not the pH. Adding
magic potions that raise and lower pH is really wasting time and money.
Yes, you can add pH-down products to an aquarium where the water has a
high TDS level. And the pH may well become acidic for a while. But what
you're actually doing is changing one set of mineral salts to
another (through an acid-base reaction). You aren't removing those
mineral salts, so you aren't softening the water in any meaningful
way. If it really was that simple, people wouldn't be spending
$100s on reverse-osmosis water softeners! If you genuinely want to put
a soft water fish into a soft water aquarium, you have two options: use
RO water or use rainwater. I do the latter, because its cheap and easy,
but RO has the advantages of convenience and perhaps greater safety if
you live in potentially polluted areas. Like Chuck suggests, I mix
rainwater with hard tap water to get the water chemistry I want. But
adding pH-down chemicals to the water IS NOT an option, so don't
bother. Now, there is some misunderstanding about the water
requirements for Astronotus ocellatus. Wild fish are found in a variety
of habitats with both soft and moderately hard water. They have also
become established outside their natural range (e.g., Florida) where
they are living perfectly well in hard, alkaline water. According to
Fishbase, which is based on wild, not aquarium, fish, Astronotus
ocellatus has a hardness range of 5-19 degrees dH, which places your
hard water well within its tolerances. I can also mention at this point
that Oscars are routinely kept and bred in very hard, very alkaline
water here in Southern England. Wild Astronotus ocellatus may be a
little more fussy, but the aquarium strains aren't at all fussed.
Looking at your other fish: Severums are found in a range of waters
including brackish water, so they don't care. Blood parrots are
some kind of hybrid of Central American cichlids, so they actually need
hard/alkaline water and tend to be sickly went kept otherwise. Goldfish
prefer hard/alkaline water as well. As I've said many, MANY times
most fish will adapt fine to a range of water chemistry values -- what
matters is stability. In fact, very few soft water fish fail to adapt
to hard water; the problems are usually adapting hard water fish (like
livebearers and Mbuna) to soft water conditions -- they usually get
plagued with fungus or simply die. Changing water chemistry is
something to do ONLY if you want to breed a particular species, AND
even then ONLY once you are satisfied you understand what TDS, KH and
GH are all about and how they interact with the conditions in the tank.
If you don't understand them, then don't try and change them.
For routine maintenance in display aquaria, stick with the water you
have and concentrate on water QUALITY. So, in short, put the bottle of
pH-down potion away, and just enjoy your fish. Cheers, Neale>
Re: High ph, hard water-Oscar -- 09/14/07 Neale (and WWM),
Thank you thank you for the super fast informative answer! You've
really put my mind at ease with such a complete answer. I've no
doubt your response will help many people. What a relief, truly.
They've all done so well, grown so fast and been consistently
active for several years, it was hard to wrap my mind around the
possibility that the hard/alkaline water was hurting them. But
that's subjective because my own fish are all I have to compare to
on a day to day basis. I feel very much relieved after your answer.
Messing with their pH is something I certainly didn't want to have
to do. I've got dogs, cats, pet sheep, a pet rat, a dove and my
other fish but this little $6 Oscar from PetSmart has given me more
laughs and relaxation than anything else money could buy. Such
intelligence and personality they have! I think doctors should
prescribe an Oscar instead of Prozac and they'd have better results
:-) Thank you again for your words. Mitzi <Mitzi, glad to be of
help. Yes, people do get worked into a lather over water chemistry, but
the bottom line is that with freshwater fish at least it is relatively
unimportant. Oscars are wonderful fish, and seem truly to have a
genuine affection for human companions. There are many stories about
people teaching them tricks and games. And yes, the therapeutic value
of fish tanks is quite well known. They seem to slow people's heart
rates and generally reduce stress. And simply working with animals and
plants is just plain good for the soul. So enjoy your animals, and good
luck. Neale>