FAQs on
Jelly-Bean... Cichlids, Compatibility
Related Articles: Blood Parrots & Flowerhorn
Cichlids: maintenance and healthcare of two popular hybrid
cichlids by Neale Monks, Neotropical Cichlids, African Cichlids, Dwarf South American Cichlids, Cichlid Fishes in General,
Related FAQs: Parrot Cichlids 1, Parrot Cichlids 2,
& Parrot Cichlid
Identification, Parrot Cichlid
Behavior, Parrot Cichlid
Selection, Parrot Cichlid
Systems, Parrot Cichlid
Feeding, Parrot Cichlid
Health, Parrot Cichlid
Reproduction, & Neotropical
Cichlids 1, Cichlids of the
World, Cichlid Systems,
Cichlid Identification, Cichlid Behavior, Cichlid Compatibility, Cichlid Selection, Cichlid Feeding, Cichlid Disease, Cichlid Reproduction,

My African Parrot Cichlid tried to eat a Plecostomus
and it is stuck in my fishs aka Creamsicle mouth, its been 2 days. He is
trying to spit it out but since they have spiked fins it has to be
stabbing him. I cant afford a vet. What can I do, if anything?
<Try to extricate the Catfish yourself.... GET a friend to help you:
remove the fish to a wet hand towel and use a flat metal blade to pass
over the head of the Cat in the Cichlids mouth, move the blade to one
side and DEPRESS the lateral head spines of the catfish (backward) and
pull the Cat out as far as you can. NOW move to the right side of the
Cat and do the same with the spines there... continue till the catfish
is removed>
If there is absolutely anything you can think of please let me know,
either way please contact me.
<Bob Fenner>
re: HELP!!! 4/5/16
My fish has most of the Pleco down it's about A5 or 6 inch Pleco and
there's an inch maybe hang out of its mouth
<... may have to use a hand tool to hold onto the Pleco tail to remove.
pink parrot fish, comp., stkg./sel.
I have a pair of pink parrot fish in a 40 gal. tank.
1 is half a inch bigger than the other. Sizes are about 4-4.5 inches.
The smaller fish has turned a bright pink and has been hiding behind a
castle for 2 days.
<Likely being bullied by the larger>
Every so often he leaves his hiding place. Mostly stays hidden. This
morning did not eat the pellets I usually give. This evening tried
feeding again, and did eat 2 pellets. Went to go test water and
everything was fine.
There are no spots or anything indicating that there is anything
physically wrong. The bigger parrot has been poking the smaller parrot
from behind.
Noticed earlier the pair was lying on the tank floor like nothing was
wrong! A few hours later it went back to its hiding spot. I've had them
both for about 3 months and were bought from the same place. Even got
them from the same tank. Very worried . Please help! Thank you:
mermaid 33
<I'd look into a third fish, or perhaps a group of ditherfish... The
dynamic you're establishing isn't going to work for these two alone. Bob
Blood Parrots, Senegal Bichirs, and Pictus Catfish; Compatibility;
Frozen foods 4/16/12
Good day!
First off, I’d like to say thank you to all the volunteers who take time out of
their days to help people with their fish; it’s greatly appreciated.
<Ah good>
I have a few questions (well five) that I hope you could answer, or direct me to
the link for the information? (I did search your site for a few hours, so I
apologize if my questions or similar questions have been asked before. ) But
first, a little back ground information.
I have an approximately 3” Senegal bichir
<Wow, small>
that after a month of QT currently resides in my driftwood, sand, Anubias
planted 29 gallon with a single male Betta and 8 black Kuhli loaches. (I am
aware that when he gets bigger, he’ll eat my loaches, but for the time being,
<And Betta>
they are much bigger than he is, and he’ll only be in there 1-2 months tops)
The water is about 80F and the pH is approximately 7.4. I do about 30% water
changes every 5 days or so.
Tomorrow I am picking up a 75 gallon aquarium. I am planning on having a 1” sand
substrate, with MTS to help keep it aerated, lots of large rocks and probably
some driftwood, along with Anubias sp. attached to the driftwood/rocks, maybe
some crypts as well. After it is completely cycled (I plan to use filter media
from my 29
gallon to help speed it along) I plan on moving Nim (my Senegal bichir) to it.
My first question, my friend currently has my peaceful 5” Blood Parrot (I had to
sell my 55 awhile back, she kept my BP so I could eventually get her back, my
Blood Parrot was with cherry barbs, blue tetras, gold and moonlight gouramis,
and an angelfish before, with no problems), would a Blood Parrot be an okay tank
mate for a Senegal Bichir in a 75 gallon?
<Should be>
Are there any temperature/major pH/compatibility issues?
<Mmm, no>
(I bought the Senegal when I was told by a few people they’d be good together,
but now I am hearing different from other people, so I would like your expert
My second question, (if one Blood Parrot is compatible with a Senegal), do Blood
Parrots do best kept when kept singly, or should I get another Blood Parrot?
<Best in groups>
I just don’t want my Blood Parrot to be lonely, she is quite shy and when I
move her to the 75 gallon, her marbled angelfish buddy will be staying behind.
My third, for my stock, I was planning on 1 Senegal Bichir,
1 or 2 Blood Parrot(s).
Then these are the fish species I am interested/plus the number I planned on
getting (not ALL the species though of course), could you please give me your
opinion as to the compatibility with senegals and blood parrots? (I am so sorry
if this has been asked before, please just direct me to the link if that’s the
case, I don’t want to waste your time)
<Again, most likely fine together>
~ FOR SURE 4-5 Peruvian/Columbian Pictus Catfish (the Pictus catfish I am
interested in getting are sold at about 4” long, and MUCH bigger then my tiny
Senegal, I know they are riverian, south American catfish, while bichirs are
more from slow bog-like areas, and Blood Parrots, well I don't know what would
be their "natural" habitat, but I figure in a 75 gallon, it could possibly
<Possibly... though it will be very hard to get food to the Bichir... the Pictus
will eat it all>
~ Pair of Opaline Gouramis (the one’s I want are sold at
about 3-3.5”)
~1 or 2 Leopard Ctenopoma (Ctenopoma acutirostre, the one’s
I like are sold at about 2”, are they better off alone or in a pair?)
~1 Striped Raphael Catfish (sold at about 2")
<And hard to feed, even find this in a 75 w/ decor>
~1 African Feather fin catfish (syno eur., sold a about 3-4")
<Most likely will blend in though hide during the day>
Any other fish that you recommend that would go well with Blood Parrot(s), a
Senegal bichir, and a school of Pictus catfish? (if they are compatible of
<I suggest adding the new stock over months time...>
My fourth question, I have issues feeding other LIVING insects/ fish/creatures
(i.e. meal worms, earth worms, crickets, shrimp, etc) to my fish, and I am a
vegan, so I don’t buy/refuse to buy beef heart, tilapia, etc.
<I encourage you to seek out, use a good pellet based staple... Spectrum, Hikari
are my favorite brands>
I feed my Kuhli loaches San Francisco Bay frozen brine shrimp, Mysis shrimp,
and blood worms right now (along with shrimp pellets/algae wafers), would that
be a good diet for bichirs and the above fish (I’d throw in some fresh veggies
for the more herbivorous fish)? Would adding “freshwater frenzy-containing Brine
Shrimp, Bloodworms, Cyclops, Daphnia, Watercress and more” be a good idea as
<All except the Bloodworms... see WWM re... and they may not take much to the
Thank you very much for all your time! Danielle
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
Blood Parrot Cichlid
Tankmates/Compatibility 9/29/11
Hello crew!
I currently have a 90 gallon housing a blood parrot cichlid, brown
knife fish and a Pleco. I would like to get another (or few more) fish
because the cichlid is really the only one that is seen more often than
not. The knife doesn't come out obviously until the main lights go
off for the night.
The blood parrot is mature (and large)...has claimed one corner of the
by the overflow as his home and can be a bit aggressive (he will
chase/ram my hand around the tank when I'm cleaning in there and
rams the Magfloat assuming mostly because they aren't really
in/around his territory much at all considering their tendencies.)
Is there another fish that would be compatible to add in this
setting...not overly aggressive, but not timid enough to be bothered by
the blood parrot? Thanks in advance for any suggestions you may
<Maybe. Please read here:
Bob Fenner>
Re: Blood Parrot Cichlid Tankmates/Compatibility
Thank you for your quick reply. I have read through that page, although
it gives me more of an idea what wouldn't work rather than clear
suggestions of what would. Instead, let me ask if you think an Oscar
may be a compatible fit.
<Mmm, yes; likely so... given the volume you have for both... IF you
can/do start w/ one that is not too small or large... about the same
size should be okay>
The only thing that concerns me long term is the knife fish.....
<Yes; it should go elsewhere. Won't get along or be able to get
food w/ the two Cichlids present>
correct me if I'm wrong please, but from what I've read it
seems that as the Oscar grows, the knife might possibly become a snack.
I do have a 46(?) gallon bow front cycled with no current
<Ahh! I would move the Knife t/here>
If I were to move the brown knife to the 46, would a Tiger Oscar, Pleco
and Blood Parrot be considered compatible?
<I give you good odds that all three will do so in the 90>
Thanks again.
<Welcome. BobF>
Query about Blood Parrot Fish
Hi, I am Attiya.
I have got an aquarium with 2 guppies, 2 platies, 2 Koi fish and today
I bought 2 Blood Parrot Fish.
<Yikes Attiya! These fishes/species can't live together>
One of the parrot fish is very active but the other one is most of the
time still in a top corner of the aquarium. I give them pellets but I
didn't notice if the inactive Parrot fish has eaten or not. And
it's been quite some days since I had the water changed. I
initially thought that maybe it's behaviour is due to low quality
water, but I can find that the other Parrot fish is very at ease and
Is this a normal behavior? Or is there something wrong?
Please advice as soon as possible. I really don't want to lose
Thank you.
<Do read on WWM re these fish species. The livebearers need to be
separated from the Koi, and both need to be kept apart from the
Cichlids. NOW! Bob Fenner>
Re: Query about Blood Parrot Fish, reading
Thank you very much, I remove the live bearers and put them in another
<And the Koi?>
In fact, I am not too experienced about fishes. The salesman made a
fool out of me when I asked for advice. He only wanted to sell those
But the parrot fish behavior is still same, I mean it is not
<Patience here>
It stays in a corner but do swim around at times. The second parrot
fish often bullies it
<Not good... how big is this system? Read here:
and all the Parrot Cichlid linked files above>
and then it swims around. But, sometimes it remain in that corner. And
I have noticed that since yesterday it is getting white. I am feeding
them with color enhancing pellets and the other parrot fish is just
fine and red.
Please, advice me about this matter.
<Read. BobF>
Re: Query about Blood Parrot Fish... incomp., sys...
Hi. About the Koi, I will remove them tomorrow as I have got to buy
another aquarium for them.
<Mmm, better to return to a/the store...>
The aquarium is about 10 gallons.
<Much too small. Please read where you've been referred to. This
is a/the trouble here. B>
I have just feed the fishes. The parrot fish did not eat the pellets..
But when I feed it with flakes then it started eating.
Thank you for your advice. You are being of great help
Re: Query about Blood Parrot Fish 3/16/11
Hi, I removed the Koi to another aquarium and I can find that the
parrot fish is much better.
<Ah good>
It is moving around and is becoming red little by little. But even
though, the Koi were together with the parrot fish, they seemed to be
playing together.
But as per your advice, I preferred to transfer them to another
Thank you once again for your great help.
<Welcome. B>
Parrotfish hybrid
Parrot Cichlid Tankmates 2/19/11
Hello crew! I had a quick question about my parrot fish cichlid. I have
one large 6 inch parrot fish in a 55 gallon fish tank. He use to have
tank mates which were 1 other parrot fish , 2 silver dollars, and 1
convict cichlid but the have managed to die (do to a bad water change).
I was wondering what tank mates I could
buy to put with him. He is aggressive and he is over 4 years old. Thank
you so much,
< Your parrot cichlid will continue to grow and is a very
territorial cichlid. I recommend fast moving fish at about the same
size. If you have trouble with the water quality then you might want to
consider just leaving
him alone in the tank. He should be double the size by
Re: Please help my Fu Manchu lion fish... and FW mix/comp.,
BPs? 7/13/10
Bob and the WetWebMedia crew...Thank you so much for your info. We read
the page you linked us to. We ended up leaving Fu Manchu alone,
shutting the light off more often and in about a week he started to
lift back up to his normal self. He didn't eat for that week, which
we kind of expected, but his appetite is back up and running. Thank God
and thanks to you!! I was very scared and felt I didn't have
anywhere to turn. My mind was set at ease a little bit by hearing back
from you.
Thank you also for the info on feeding. We are changing his diet a
little - definitely getting the crabs and snails out of his tank. Along
with that though...what kind of clean up crew can we put in with him
that is a little less appetizing or harmful if swallowed?
<Not much of such a crew at all... better for you to take charge...
For you to do the periodic maintenance yourself>
Now we have new questions for FW. A friend of ours
just gave us an 8" red-tail tinfoil barb, 2 pictus cats
(3.5") and 3 Raphaels (3.5"). We currently have a 220 gal
with several cichlids...(2) 2-3" peacocks, (5) 1.5 - 3"
electric blues, (2) (3.5 - 4") yellows, (1) 4-5" blue dolphin
hap., (1) 3" kribensis, (4) 3" ruby-greens, (6) 3"
perlmutts and a 12" Pleco. Yes, lots of hiding places :) rocks,
live plants, driftwood with holes, and course sandy bottom. And, we
have a 72 gal with (2) BP's with pots, plants, rocks and a soft
sandy bottom. Here's our dilemmas...
#1 there is a also a 9" catfish, not sure what he is...yet.
He's long and skinny, not even sure what species to start looking
in. I can send a pic if you'd like or maybe you can just give us an
idea where to start.
<Do send the image>
#2. Who do we house with who? Hubby wants to put the tinfoil barb in
with the BPs.
I'm afraid to do that. I want to put 2 of the Raphaels in with the
BPs and put all the others in the 220. Can you help us on who to put
with who?
<If you'll tell me the above, yes>
We also have a 100 gal and a 55 gal (empty right now) if all else fails
and we have to put them in different tanks.
Hope you can help us out on this one...Thanks Again!!
<Welcome. BobF>
Re: Please help my Fu Manchu lion fish
BPs = Blood Parrot Cichlids.
The catfish is a shovelnose (just talked with the previous owner). We
think it's a Lima Shovelnose.
<That is what this fish in this photo is, Sorubim lima.>
Here's a copy of a pic from planetcatfish.com (we can't take
one right now as I cannot find our camera - but this is pretty much
identical, same size and everything.)
<Sorubim lima is probably the ONLY shovelnose catfish that makes a
good pet. It's peaceful, social -- happiest kept in groups, lonely
when single -- and essentially hardy. The usual warnings apply.
Don't keep too warm,
22-25 C is fine, and provide excellent water quality at all times.
Don't feed live feeder fish, certainly never goldfish, minnows or
any other cyprinid. Instead base the diet primarily around
thiaminase-free foods: earthworms, tilapia fillet, cockles. Use
thiaminase-rich foods like prawns and mussels very sparingly, maybe
once a week. Sorubim lima will eventually carnivore pellets if properly
settled in. Needs a big tank, not less than 75 gallons, and
realistically 100 gallons upwards. Obviously predatory, but harmless
towards fish too big to swallow whole; gets along fine with Silver
Dollars, Tinfoil Barbs, Severums, etc. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Sorubim lima, FW livestk. sel. -- 7/14/10
TY very much for the info on the catfish! Greatly appreciated. What
about the other fish I had asked about? The cichlids, the Blood Parrot
cichlids, Raphaels, etc. If you need that email again, I can send it
back to you. That was the one on who to house with who in what tank.
Let me know if you need that email again. Thanks!!!
<Hello Melanie. As ever, put together fish with compatible
requirements in terms of water chemistry, temperature, temperament and
size. Sorubim lima does best in soft, acidic water of middling
temperature. Obviously Blood
Parrots need hard, alkaline water so they are not compatible, and
trying to keep them together would mean one or other species would be
subjected to the wrong water chemistry. But South American cichlids
like Severums and
Festivums work well, as do Blue Acara. Blood Parrots should not really
be kept with anything since they're deformed and have trouble
swimming away from trouble; at best keep them with active, midwater
fish such as Platies or Australian Rainbowfish, but even then
there's no guarantees it'll work out. If you haven't
already bought the Blood Parrots, please can I implore you not to buy
them; creating them in the first place was cruel, and buying
them simply gives money to some not very nice people who don't
consider the health and well-being of an animal important. There are
many much nicer cichlids out there, and Rotkeil Severums for example
would be both
colourful and beautiful additions to a tank with large catfish,
assuming your tank is big enough for everyone to get along. Sorubim
lima also gets along fine with South American catfish too large to be
viewed as prey, including Platydoras and other medium-sized Doradid
catfish. Cheers, Neale.>
Florida flag fish in with chicklids
Hi there,
We have two florida flag fish
<A subtropical fish.>
in a 50- gallon tank with chicklids
<Cichlid, as in "sick lid"...>
we added a couple of parrot chicklids tonight and one of the flag fish
keeps pushing the one parrot fish around
<Yes, it's what they do.>
...doesn't seem to be nipping at them just rubbing up against and
almost like herding it into other areas or against the tank...Why is
<The sarcastic answer is "because you shouldn't be keeping
them together"!
What I mean by that is they have no overlap at all in terms of
requirements and behaviour. Florida Flagfish need subtropical
conditions, 18 C/64 F is about the ideal, and are territorial and
potentially fin-nippers. They work
best on their own or with fast-moving cool water fish, Swordtails or
Rosy Barbs for example. Parrot Cichlids are of course hybrids, and
deformed, handicapped ones at that. The people who bred them didn't
give any thought at all to the well-being of these cichlids, and
consequently while their brains tell them they're territorial,
semi-aggressive fish, their bodies just can't handle that kind of
life. As we say in England, "all mouth and no trousers" if
that makes any sense to you. Parrot Cichlids are an easy target for
nippy fish, and mustn't be kept with them. Bottom line, these two
fish need to be separated. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Florida flag fish in with chicklids
Thank you so much for your help :-)
we will separate them asap :-)
<Cool. Glad to help. Cheers, Neale.>
Grumpy Parrot -- 04/03/10
Hello I have a orange parrot fish and he is typical of the breed and
very grumpy with other tank mates. So I have him alone with just one
Pleco . He normally does nag on the Pleco some, but the last few days
he has been very
weird . He nips at the Pleco relentlessly until the Pleco turns his
lips to the parrot fish's face then they look kind of like they are
kissing .
<More likely this is agonistic behavior...>
It really looks as if the parrot wants the Pleco to suck on his face.
I'm very worried and the Pleco really wasn't enjoying this
behavior much at all.
<Separate these fishes>
So after about 4 days I did remove the Pleco to a less aggressive tank
. My parrot now has a white spot on his face where the Pleco was
sucking on him.
I added a little salt in both tanks to reduce stress on them both but
other than that I have done nothing else medicinally because until
tonight neither had any marks . They both eat fine are not scratching
like Ick and they
have been with me for over three years same tank and same as tank mates
so I am really at a loss .
<I would have done what you did... and would not treat either of
these fishes at this point. I do think you are correct in your
assessment of the new world cichlid cross... Grumpy. Bob Fenner>
-Blood Parrot and Clawed Frag Compatibility-
Hi....I was wondering if African clawed frogs and blood parrot cichlids
could cohabitate?
<Well, if they are roughly the same size and in a reasonably sized
I figured that due to its mouth shape, the blood parrot would be unable
to harm the frog, and that the size of the blood parrot would keep the
frog from eating it...or am I completely wrong?
<I wouldn't bank on that, but again, as long as one is not
enormous and the other tiny, they'll probably be ok. Be sure to try
to acquire a captive bred frog.>
Sara M.>
I would love to get a parrot cichlid (the hybrid),
comp. 11/25/09
would suitable tankmates be a shoal of tiger barbs, a tiger loach and a
red tailed black shark/red tailed albino shark?
<These could all co-habitate. They "like" similar water
conditions, are all medium aggressive, wise to each other... just need
space, adequate feeding... Bob Fenner>
Fighting Parrot Fish 9/6/09
I've had 2 parrotfish for the past 3 months in a tank together. One
is a little bit bigger than the other, but this had never caused a
problem until now.
<Sexual maturity. Absolutely normal. Two males will fight over
territory, especially if the tank isn't big enough. Given mature
specimens are up to 20 cm/8 inches in length, we're talking some 50
gallons per mature male.>
They had gotten along perfectly fine until a few days ago.
<They're cichlids, even if, genetically, they're messed up
ones. They're gregarious when young, territorial when
Now, the big one chases the smaller one around the tank nipping at it
with his mouth. If the small one comes out from hiding, it does this
over and over until it forces it to go back into hiding. Also, now the
bigger one
has started doing the same thing to my algae eater and tetras.
I'm not sure if this is normal behavior or if I need to take the
fish out.
<Although hybrids, these are still standard issue Central American
cichlids. Anyone who told you they were community fish was taking
advantage of your ignorance. These fish are territorial and aggressive,
but because of their deformities, can't be kept with other (normal
shaped) cichlids.
Regular cichlids will simply hammer them. So, sooner or later, most
Parrot Cichlids end up being kept in tanks of their own kind, either
singly or in large groups where a single male cannot hold a territory.
This latter approach opens up a whole new slew of problems.>
<Do, please, read about the needs of your fish *prior* to purchase.
Things will get worse. If you remove the currently dominant fish,
there's a 50/50 chance the other one will be a male, in which case
*he* will become the aggressor and chase the other fish around. I
repeat, these are NOT community fish. Cheers, Neale.>
New Parrot Cichlid Hi, I have a question for you. I
recently bought a Jelly Bean Parrot Fish. I don't have much
experience with Cichlids and I want to know what to expect. I have put
him in my 50 gallon tank with my other tropical semi-aggressive fish.
Right now he is very small - only about 2 inches but I understand he
will grow very large and at that point I may have to separate him from
the others. I was wondering how long it will take until he will have to
be separated? <Probably within a year he will be six to eight inches
long.> Additionally for right now he doesn't seem overly
aggressive at all...should I get additional plants for my other fish
(an larger angel fish, a Bala shark, a small silver dollar, a tiger
barb, a female beta, a Plecostomus, a Cory cat, also a very old
leftover from my community fish days blind cave tetra, and a very large
also leftover 1" neon tetra....those guys are originals so the
other fish don't seem to bother them) Linda <In time the
silver dollar will eat the plants if they are the live kind. The neon
will be eaten by the angelfish and the female Bettas fins will be
nipped by the tiger barb. The parrot cichlid is a genetic mutation that
doesn't exist in nature. It is derived from a Central American
cichlid that gets big and mean. Eventually you parrot will set up a
territory and chase all the other fish away and tear up the plants
while he is at it.-Chuck>
Too much flow? Parrot Cichlid, Angel incomp.
4/21/07 Hi, Crew. <Boris/Mark> I have 29 g FW tank with 2 red
parrots and 2 angels. <Too small a volume... and incompatible
mix...> I'm using 2 filters AquaClear 200. I noticed that all my
fish prefer to stay in other side of the aquarium with no filter. Half
of my aquarium is almost always empty. Could it be the reason for this
is to much flow? Should I remove one filter? Appreciate your help.
Excuse me for poor English. Mark <Worth trying... but these two
species won't likely live together for long... the Parrots will
kill the Angels in time. Bob Fenner>
75 gal... stocking... FW... cichlids and
Gouramis? 10/14/07 Okay i have emailed the crew before about
tank set-ups and compatibility and i have finally made a decision. I
Plan to have a 75 gallon tank with 3 parrots, since they are not very
aggressive cichlids and more docile... <Says who? Blood parrots,
despite being malformed hybrids the hobby doesn't need, are
completely unpredictable in terms of social behaviour but *often*
become too aggressive for generic community tanks.> ...about 5
Gouramis (maybe dwarfs) of different colors <Terrible, terrible
idea. Don't mix Gouramis and cichlids. Gouramis tend to view
cichlids as rivals, become aggressive, and then get hammered because
cichlids are much more strong fighters. Unless you know what you're
doing, avoid combining them. In addition, the quality of commercially
produced Dwarf Gouramis (Colisa lalia) is so unbelievably low that I
personally recommend against them. If you have a local breeder, then
fine; but if you're buying them from some generic pet store, then
avoid. Feel free to read over the Dwarf Gourami healthcare FAQs here
just to see how often we get messages from people with sick fish. A
recent veterinarian study put the 'Dwarf Gourami Disease' virus
at infecting 22% of all the fish sold. Given it is highly infections,
that's about as sensible as adopting a rabid dog as a family
pet.> and 2-3 Plecos and Cory cats. <Both good choices, except
Plecos are solitary under aquarium conditions. If you want a group, aim
for something smaller, like Ancistrus. In aquaria, mature
Pterygoplichthys can be rather nasty towards one another, in some cases
caused fatal damage.> But my question is would it be possible to
place puffers in a community such as this one. <Depends on the
puffer, but broadly, no, puffers aren't reliable community
fish.> I have a particular interest in puffers that will get larger
than others such as the topaz. <Topaz puffers are typically (but not
always) Tetraodon fluviatilis. Under aquarium conditions, this is a
brackish water fish. I've not personally kept this species, but the
broad consensus seems to be that while some specimens work well in
LARGE community tanks alongside things like Scats and Monos, there are
enough aggressive (perhaps male?) specimens to make it an unreliable
community fish. Best kept alone or with other puffers of similar size,
provided the tank is big enough.> Could you please send me info in
regard to this tank compatibility and if the puffers do not work could
you please send me some other type of somewhat large but not too large
freshwater fish to inhabit my tank ( I am considering Pacus to replace
the puffers if possible at the most 2). Thank you! <Pacus are simply
out of the question. They reach around 70-100 cm depending on the
species, and unless you have an indoor pond, they're not viable
pets. Lovely animals for public aquaria, and apparently delicious to
eat. But not pets. For a 75 gallon tank, you want to be thinking about
medium-sized characins or barbs: Silver Dollars, Nurse Tetras, Clown
Barbs, Spanner Barbs etc. These are around the 10-15 cm mark, and work
nicely in big groups with robust tankmates. Alternatively, if you
wanted a puffer species, I've personally found Colomesus asellus
works well in carefully constructed community tanks. It is sold as the
South American pufferfish. Gets to about 8 cm long, lives in groups,
and while it nips slow-moving things (like Corydoras, livebearers,
Angels and Gouramis) it is fine with fast-moving tetras, moderately
aggressive dwarf cichlids such as Kribs, Synodontis, Plecs, etc. On the
whole though, if you want to go with pufferfish, it's often easier
to build a tank exclusively for them. This is especially true with the
larger, more aggressive species. Cheers, Neale>
Yo-yo loach + parrot Cichlid... both comp.
9/23/07 In my current 20 gallon setup I have 2 yo-yo loaches that
tend to pick on common things such as platys and mollies. And I also
have A Gold Gourami. Recently I have added a fairly small (1 inch)
parrot cichlid. The sign at my LFS said that they are semi-aggressive
so I figured that it should be ok with the yo-yo loaches. I just got
finished re-establishing the territory and was wondering what you
thought of this. <Greetings. Botia almorhae is one of the more
aggressive loaches when kept with standard community fish, as
you've discovered. Partly this is an issue with how they are kept:
they must be kept in groups of at least four specimens because they
fight over pecking order, but given they grow to 15 cm in length, they
require a fairly big aquarium. A 20 gallon tank isn't an option in
the long term. Simply because fish are "semi aggressive"
doesn't mean they are sure to get along. While you might get a
stand-off where each fish learns to leave its companions alone, you can
also end up with endless warfare. In this case, I wouldn't
guarantee your parrot cichlid (by which I assume you mean the blood
parrot hybrids, not the true parrot cichlid Hoplarchus psittacus) will
be left alone. Loaches are waspish and seem to be more dangerous to
dumpy, slow moving things that high-performance tankmates like barbs
and characins. Blood parrot hybrid cichlids are best kept alone or with
Plecs. They are, of course, far too large for a 20 gallon tank. A 40
gallon tank is the absolute minimum for an adult. As with any other
cichlid, they are intolerant of dissolved metabolites, and when kept in
a tank that is too small run a high risk of diseases such as
hole-in-the-head. Hope this helps, Neale>
Parrot cichlids community -- 10/30/2007 I've
emailed you guys before about comp advice and I have finally made a
decision that might be a lot more logical than my others. I have a
particular interest in parrot cichlids (not blood parrots) and I was
considering getting a tank ranging anywhere from 55 gallons to 75.
<When you say "not Blood Parrots" I'm confused. The
true Parrot Cichlid is Hoplarchus psittacus. But the bright orange
hybrid thing that looks like a deformed goldfish is the Blood Parrot.
I'm assuming you mean the hybrid thing, since Hoplarchus psittacus
is a fish mostly kept by advanced hobbyists and not common in the
trade.> I wanted my parrots to be the focus of the tank (about 3 to
5 of them) but I have noticed that African cichlids are very colorful
and some or a lot that I have seen don't get as large as the
parrots and stay pretty small anywhere from 3 to 5 inches. <With
Mbuna, size has virtually nothing to do with aggression. There are
plenty of small species that will terrorise fish twice their size.
These are the freshwater equivalent of Damselfish: they punch WELL
above their weight.> My question is would some or most African
cichlids (like the ones that inhabit lake Malawi) be compatible with
the parrots I would like to get. <No.> I am interested in this
because I have been looking for tankmates for the parrots other than
Plecos I plan to get but the ones that I have found get somewhat large
( convicts and silver dollars) or even larger than the parrots.
<Plecos and silver dollars are popular companions for Blood Parrots
because they work. You can mix this up a little if you want, replacing
the Silver Dollars with Australian Rainbowfish or large, docile barbs
like Spanner Barbs. The Pleco might be replaced with some other large,
non-aggressive, docile catfish or loach. If you aren't an
experienced hobbyist, it's a good idea to go with "tried and
true" before experimenting. Once you have kept your cichlids for a
year or two, you'll understand their behaviour and be better able
to choose tankmates. Blood Parrot behaviour varies; some specimens are
relatively mild, others psychopathic. Behaviour varies with age too;
they might seem nice as pie when babies, but turn into brutal thugs as
soon as they become sexually mature.> I am interested in color and
the particular ones I like the "yellow lab", (Labidochromis
caeruleus) electric blue haps, zebras and basically any smaller African
cichlids that are very eye catching and colorful that would suite this
community well in terms of having a happy community of fish with
territory not becoming a huge issue and not overloading the tank even
though I have purchased a canister filter. <Forget it. None of these
fish really makes much sense. Labidochromis caeruleus might work, but
that's about it. Sciaenochromis ahli is very territorial, though
admittedly mostly towards blue fish. Still, it's a gamble. An
aggressive male Pseudotropheus zebra will simply destroy Blood Parrots.
Males will destroy one another given half a chance, and easily dominate
any cichlid community they are place in. Your problem is that Blood
Parrots are deformed and have bad swimming abilities and poor balance.
Other cichlids can swim away from danger; Blood Parrots cannot. So
stuck in a tank with aggressive cichlids, Blood Parrots get creamed.
They are like fancy goldfish: best kept alone. If you don't like
this, then don't keep Blood Parrots. It's really as simple as
that.> Could you please send me something in return about this topic
containing some info on the number of fish I should have, ideal tank
size because I wouldn't mind exceeding 55 to 75 gallons but would
prefer not to and any other helpful information. Thank you!
<There's no "number of fish" per tank because it
depends on the size of their fish, their behaviour and their activity
level. A territorial male Pseudotropheus zebra will own a 55 gallon
tank all by itself. While it will tolerate females of its own kind, any
male Pseudotropheus zebra place in there will be systematically
exterminated. Cichlids just aren't "mix and match" fish;
building cichlid communities requires care and lots of research. There
are PLENTY of cichlid books out there; buy or borrow one, and read it
cover to cover. Then plan your tank. You'll have much more success
that way. Cheers, Neale>
Blue ram trouble. Parrots... mis-placed, env.,
comp. 11/30/07 Well I went to my LFS yesterday and got 3 female
blue ram cichlids. I put them in a tank with a top, dominating parrot
cichlid (I thought they would get along) and two bottom dominating
yo-yo loaches. I woke up this morning and found one dead. I don't
think it was diseased it seemed ok and I noticed that they are hiding a
lot. I will probably take the yo-yo loaches back to the shop. I also am
considering breeding them, what is a good ratio? <Greetings.
Let's be absolutely clear about this: Rams (Mikrogeophagus
ramirezi) are completely incompatible with Parrot cichlids (by which I
assume you mean those deformed hybrid Central American cichlids rather
than Hoplarchus psittacus). You cannot keep them together. For a start,
Blood Parrot cichlids need neutral to slightly basic water with a
moderate to high level of hardness, say pH 7.5 and around 10-20 degrees
dH. Rams need very soft and very acidic water to live any length of
time, around pH 5.5-6.5, hardness 5-10 degrees dH. They also have
completely incompatible thermal requirements: Blood Parrots want the
normal 25 degrees C, whereas 28-30 degrees C is mandatory for Rams.
Keep Blood Parrots too warm and they die from heat exhaustion, keep the
Rams too cold and they die from secondary infections. Finally they have
utterly different levels of aggression. Rams are shy, need dither fish,
and are too small to pose any threat to a Parrot Cichlid; Parrot
Cichlids are potentially very large, very boisterous and outgoing, and
sometimes hyper-aggressive and easily able to kill fish as small as
Rams should they want to. No-one who knows anything about these two
fish would even dream of putting them in the same aquarium, so I am
curious why you thought this would work. It simply won't. If you
wish to breed Rams, then get their own aquarium around 60-90 litres in
size. Fill with very soft, very acidic water. Install a suitable
filter, bearing in mind that below pH 6 biological filtration won't
work so you will need to use Zeolite instead. Depending on the level of
carbonate hardness in the water you may also need to plan around using
some sort of chemical buffer in the water to prevent pH crashes (soft
water is prone to rapid acidification). Rams may spawn in hard water
but the eggs won't hatch, so you do have to get this aspect right.
Rams will form pairs quite rapidly under aquarium conditions. They do
not form harems (as Apistogramma do) so you only need one male to one
female. Of course, not every male and female will form a pair, so you
may want to keep half a dozen in a larger tank and let them sort
themselves out. Once a pair forms, remove that pair to the breeding
tank. Spawning takes place on flat surfaces, often pebbles. The male
often guards the eggs himself and may drive away the female, in which
case you should remove her to another aquarium before she gets hurt.
Eggs hatch after about 5 days, and will take suitable tiny foods almost
at once. Brine shrimp nauplii are recommended as the first food though
liquid fry food seems to work quite well. Cheers, Neale.>
Cichlid Fight 11/28/07 Hello Crew, I currently
have 55g tank with 2 red parrots, 2 Severums and Pleco. My larger
parrot is becoming extremely aggressive and I feel like my Severums
under big stress all the time. I tried to add few danios(4) as a dither
fish, but all cichlids just ignoring them (probably because of their
small size). Could it be helpful to add few rainbows fish or giant
Danios? Do I have space for them? Should I decrease temperature( I have
80F. Little high, but my Severums get ich easily)? Thank you, Mark
<Hello Mark. Cichlids are territorial, and there's nothing much
you can do about it. While people like to sell Blood Red Parrots as
"easy fish" that are "fun to keep" the sheer fact
of the matter is that they are hybrid Central American cichlids, and
Central American cichlids are renowned for their territoriality and
aggression. Even a male Convict cichlid can monopolise a 55 gallon tank
if he wants to. Severums are on the mild end of the aggression range
outside of spawning, and in all honesty don't make good companions
for Central American cichlids. In any case, adding dither fish (like
Danios) won't make a blind bit of difference. Dither fish make
cichlids feel more secure from predators. They do nothing to alter
their territorial behaviour. Lowering the temperature will simply make
the fish more prone to disease: cichlids like warm water. You're
just in the classic situation: territorial male cichlids do not
tolerate tankmates they consider threats. There's no obvious
solution beyond re-homing some of the fish if you find the aggressive
male is stressing or damaging its tankmates. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Cichlid Fight 11/28/07 Neale, Thanks for your
quick respond. I do understand that nothing much I can do. But I think
my larger parrot behavior little weird. He never bothers smaller
parrot. I'd say it is backwards. My small parrot hiding all day in
the cave and bites big one when he comes to close to him. Big parrot
very loyal to small parrot and never answer back But he hates my
Severums, especially smaller one. I love my Severums, but I don't
want to get rid of my parrots because they are my first cichlids. I
think I 'd leave everything the way how it is now. Thank you again,
Mark <Hello Mark. Male territorial cichlids are most aggressive
towards other cichlids they view as potential threats. If the smaller
Parrot is a female, it is entirely likely the larger Parrot will
tolerate her. But the Severums are not potential mates, so will be
viewed different. The major problem with Parrots is they are hybrids.
Hybrid fish are EXTREMELY unpredictable in terms of behaviour. So
it's impossible to say exactly how things will turn out. The
average Blood Parrot is too scrawny to win in a fight against a
full-grown territory-holding Severum, but Severums aren't all that
aggressive outside of breeding, and are easily bullied by smaller, more
snappy fish. As you say, one option is to wait and see what happens.
But if you find split fins and scratch-marks on the jaws, that means
there's fighting, and you *will* have to separate them. Anything
else will be unfair. Cheers, Neale.>
Cichlids fight, neotropicals 11/1/07
Hi crew, I have 55 g tank with 5 fish in it: 2 parrots (about 4 in and
2 in), 2 Severums (about 3 in and 2.5 in) and Pleco (about 4 in). My
smaller parrot and smaller Severum are fighting all the time. So far no
damage. <Yet. Your specimens are mere babies.> Should I worry
what's going to happen in future? <Yes. Parrot Cichlids are
"crippled" thanks to the way they have been bred, and come
off worse in fights with stronger, more belligerent cichlid species.
Severums tend to be fairly mild, and these fish might settle down. But
a Severum is a big, strong fish and when aroused can be quite
formidable. So definitely keep an eye on things.> Is my tank
overstocked? <Technically, no, it's fine. But the problem with
cichlids is that a territorial male cichlid of really anything other
than a dwarf variety will view a 55 gallon tank as its home. In the
wild, something like a Severum will be holding a patch of space about 1
metre in diameter. Only the largest home aquaria provide that sort of
space, so in most cases we are imposing on the tolerance of the
territory-holding cichlid. Sometimes that works, and sometimes it
doesn't. A lot of it comes down to the personality of the fish
involved, but things like line-of-sight and decoration matter too. A
tank with a lot of hiding places and plastic plants to obscure the
vision of each fish will be quieter than an open tank where all the
fish can see each other all the time.> Any suggestion? <For now,
keep an eye on things. Use plastic plants, flower pots, rocky caves,
bogwood, etc to create a complex environment that allows each fish to
define its territory without being on top of another fish. Look out for
early signs of serious aggression: missing scales, torn fins, scratches
on the mouth from wrestling. One other thing is food: go easy on the
live food, and don't use feeder fish (if you use them at all).
There's some anecdotal evidence that live foods (especially feeder
fish) seem to bring out latent aggression more than things like pellets
and vegetable foods. Possibly an abundance of live food in the wild is
the trigger for the start of the breeding season, so by providing
too-rich a diet in the aquarium we are telling the male fish to become
more territorial.> Thank you for your help. Mark <Good luck,
Parrot fish with Mormyrus tapirus (freshwater
African dolphin) 01/08/2008 hi- I needed some advice on
compatibility between the fish in my tank. <Ah, these
questions always bring up a question of my own: Did you research
the fish BEFORE buying them? Investing in a good aquarium book is
one of the best things you can do.> I started up a 55 gallon
tank about 6 weeks ago. once the tank was set up, I added three
parrot fish. A week later, I added two dwarf Gouramis.
<Already bad. Parrot Cichlids are nasty-tempered Central
American hybrid cichlids; Dwarf Gouramis are small, shy labyrinth
fish that are easily bullied and extremely likely to die anyway
because of Dwarf Gourami Disease.> Then, a week later, I added
a black ghost fish and a Mormyrid (freshwater African dolphin).
<African Dolphins can be a variety of things, but typically
Mormyrus spp. Do bear in mind these fish are territorial (in
aquaria at least), very difficult to feed, and a major challenge
for even the most experienced aquarist. Some get extremely large.
Do read here:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/mormyrids.htm and linked
articles. Black Ghost Knifefish, Apteronotus spp., are only
marginally easier to keep but still get large and remain a major
challenge for anyone. Do see here:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/bgkfaqs.htm for
more.> The pet store, (The owner of which gave me advice on
all the fish,) whom I had bought all these fish from, did not at
any time that I would need to buy different food for some of the
fish. <Uh-oh.> This seemed odd to me, so I went online
about a week after buying the dolphin fish and black ghost and
read that the dolphin needs meaty, preferably live food. <And
neither can really be kept together. They are both territorial,
electrogenic fish that will view each other as, at the very
least, an annoyance. So unless your tank is in the 1000s of
gallons, these are fish best kept apart.> He also looked thin
to me. In a panic, I went out and bought some frozen bloodworms.
I have been feeding them to him for the last four nights. My
concern is that he may not be eating enough. <With Mormyridae
for certain, and Knifefish ideally you MUST quarantine new stock
separately. Once feeding and tame, then move them to the show
tank.> The parrot fish, from what I can see, seem to bully him
and he is very shy. <Cichlids are incompatible with Mormyrids
really; at least, big cichlids are. Once settled in and feeding,
you can keep Dwarf Cichlids with Mormyrids easily enough.> I
think they may be eating the food, despite the fact that I feed
him in the pitch dark. <Both these fish prefer the darkness.
They forage at night, partly by smell, and partly using
electrical fields a bit like RADAR.> I should add that I have
two hiding spots in the tank: one ghost tube, that is not in use
as the black ghost fish has taken up residence in the sunken
ship. I plan on buying a cave for the dolphin fish but are my
attempts in vain? <Define "vain". If cared for
properly these fish can do well, but you really do have to work
hard at this. If you can't be bothered, and treat it like a
Plec or Guppy, it'll die, sooner rather than later.> Are
the parrot fish too much for him? <Yes.> Can this be
remedied with more hiding spots? <Possibly, but don't bank
on it. Depends on the size of the tank. In a 200 gallon tank with
tonnes of caves (i.e., rocks everywhere, so the bottom of the
tank is a maze of hiding places) the Cichlids might simply not be
able to see or attack the Knifefish or the Mormyrid. But anything
less that this is probably a waste of time.> I also keep the
curtains drawn during the day as I know the BGK and DF prefer
this. <They actually don't care all that much, having
pretty poor eyesight. What they want is a tank with lots of 3-D
hiding places and lots of plants as well (plastic are fine).
Mormyrids live along rocky reefs and among the vegetation in
rivers and lakes; Black Ghosts live in deep water at the bottom
of major river systems among the rocks and dead wood. Neither
spends much time in the open, at least, not by day.> Thanks
Micaela <Hope this helps! Neale.>
Re: parrot fish with Mormyrus tapirus
(freshwater African dolphin) 1/9/08 thank you for your
response. I know now better than to simply ask a fish store owner
about compatibility, but to do the research myself. I will be
returning the dolphin fish to the store. <Sounds the best plan
of action. Good luck, Neale.>