FAQs on
the Blue, Three-Spot, Gold/en, Opaline,
Even Albino! Gouramis, Yes, The Same Species, Trichogaster
trichopterus, Compatibility
Related Articles:
Anabantoids/Gouramis &
Relatives, Genera Ctenopoma &
Microctenopoma, Betta splendens/Siamese
Fighting Fish,
Related FAQs: & FAQs on: Trichogaster
trichopterus 1, Trichogaster
trichopterus 2, T. trichopterus
ID, T. trichopterus Behavior,
T. trichopterus Selection, T. trichopterus Systems, T. trichopterus Feeding, T. trichopterus Disease, T. trichopterus Reproduction,
Gouramis 1, Gouramis 2, Gourami Identification, Gourami Behavior, Gourami Compatibility, Gourami Selection, Gourami Systems, Gourami Feeding, Gourami Disease, Gourami Reproduction,
Betta splendens/Siamese
Fighting Fish,

Re: Community tank; Trichogaster incomp.
I'm back for more help. I came home today and I have 3 new fish in the tank. The
water is fine , a bit on the hard side but that's fine.
<Yes, hard water is fine for most community fish provided you avoid the obvious
soft water specialists: Neons, Cardinals, Dwarf Gouramis, that sort of thing.>
The problem is my kids thought it would be a nice surprise to add 3 small blue
They are not nipping anyone but each other.
<Are these blue Three-Spot Gouramis (Trichogaster trichopterus) or a blue form
of the Dwarf Gourami (Colisa lalia). Three-Spot Gouramis get relatively big (10
cm/4 inches) and the males can be extremely intolerant of one another and
sometimes bully other fish too. Dwarf Gouramis are simply a waste of money.
Inbred, plagued with incurable viral diseases, and extremely sensitive to the
wrong environmental conditions. Avoid.>
I don't want to hurt the kids feelings, but I think im going to have to take
them back to the store they were bought from.
<A sensible discussion to have with kids. Try this approach: in a zoo, would you
keep the antelope and the lions together? Or the polar bears with the camels?
No, because they have different needs. An aquarium is like a zoo. You're
choosing animals that will get along and share the same needs, and sometimes one
combination you like won't actually work.>
Is there a way 1 gouramis could stay, or is it a no go with the angels?
<Female Three-Spot Gouramis are usually very good with Angels. Very similar
needs and personality. Male Three-Spots can work as well, but it's a bit of a
gamble. Unless the tank is very large and has lots of floating plants, keeping
two or three male Three-Spots together is risky (in very large mixed sex groups
they can work together much better because no one fish can become dominant).>
Right now the 3 are chasing each other, nipping tails, turning sideways to each
other, and biting fins and sides.
<Yikes! In the US, female Dwarf Gouramis are rarely sold, and getting multiple
males is bound to be troublesome. With Three-Spots, both sexes are sold, and
they're relatively easy to sex, so if you do have three males, swapping for one
male and two females, or simply three females, is perfectly possible. Males have
a longer, more pointed dorsal fin than the females.>
They are beautiful fish, but I don't want any fighting. It is a 55 gal with tons
of places to hide. So if I could keep the least aggressive gouramis safely with
angels, Molly's, platys, guppy and kuhli loaches I would like to do so.... But
if its a no go, I will take all three back tomorrow morn.
<Understood. Lace/Pearl Gouramis are safer, and Moonlight Gouramis even better
with Angels. Snakeskin Gouramis are good too, but they aren't colourful despite
being very gentle giants. Thick-Lipped and Banded Gouramis are similar to Dwarf
Gouramis in looks, if a little less brilliant in colouration, and while
territorial, their small size means they're not
much of a threat. Underrated fish worth looking for.>
Thanks for any advice.
<Welcome. Neale.>
re: Community tank 8/25/15
Thanks. Those bully's killed 2 of my platys. They are going back to the store.
I'm going to trade for a pearl gouramis or 2. Yes these 3 are three spot, and all
male. Everyone seems stressed out. The blue guys are nice looking, but maybe in
the future I can have some in a separate tank...
<In large groups Three-Spots look great, mixed with Rainbowfish for example.
Very colourful, and a nice way to get some personality alongside the pretty but
mindless Rainbows. But for peaceful communities, yes, I'd be looking at
something more reliable. Pearl Gouramis are usually good; sexing is similar,
male has longer dorsal fin and usually have a bit more red
around the throat and feelers than the females. Moonlights are even more
reliable, and Snakeskins virtually never exhibit aggression. Females of all
three species are normally safe bets. Cheers, Neale.>
gold Gourami, comp.
Hi Neale, Chris here. I have a gold Gourami which I've had
for about 7-8 months now and since he's been in there he had
been quite aggressive towards the other gouramis i have.
<Is this Trichogaster trichopterus, i.e., the golden form of
the Opaline Gourami, sometimes called the Three-Spot
He would eat everyday no problem. About a week ago i noticed he
was not eating anymore and he just keeps to himself now near the
bottom of the tank. why could this be? Is there possibly an
illness here? thanks again,
<Three-Spot Gouramis are generally very hardy and easy to
keep. However, the males are notoriously aggressive at times, but
oddly enough, as they age, they sometimes become rather lazy,
even shy. In short, they're unpredictable fish, and males at
least best avoided. Males have longer dorsal fins than the
females. If yours is a male and it's aggressive, then his
behaviour could well be normal for the species. If there's
another male in there with him, there's a good chance they
won't tolerate one another, and the "shy" one could
be bullied by the other one. All gouramis are air-breathers,
Three-Spot Gouramis are no exception, and this means they're
sensitive to cold air, dry air, and airborne toxins like paint
Consider if these could be a factor. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: gold Gourami, comp. 11/28/11
Following up on your question Neale, it is the three spot Gourami
and is male so thanks for pointing those factors out. there are
two other gouramis in my tank, one being a three spot blue
Gourami, although it looks more silver to me and I'm pretty
sure it is also male, and the other being a flame dwarf Gourami
and also a male. so yes maybe just a little too much testosterone
between the three. thanks again Chris!
<I'd be surprised if the Dwarf Gourami harasses the two
Three-Spots, but still, you do have potential here for friction,
so be careful. Anyway, glad to help. Cheers,
gold gourami, dead 12/2/11
sadly Neale the gold three spot had died :(. not too sure as to
why. all my test levels, ph, etc. seem fine and where they should
be. thanks for your help. I attached a picture for you of my
tank, hope you like it. Chris.
<That's a nice tank! Lots of open space, so your best bet
would be stock with species that enjoy open water. Platies or
Swordtails would be good, or Danios, rather than Gouramis, which
to be honest prefer tanks thick with plants. Cheers,
New angels and golden Gourami
Hi crew,
We have just bought a pair of small angels and a pair of gold
We have a 65 litre tank
<Mmm... really not large enough for the Angels and Gouramis when
they're larger... there will be disputes, trouble...>
and 6 other small fish in there too. The angels and goumi have been in
the tank for a few hours now and they have started to chase and nip
their own partner.
<Oh, already>
The White angel is chasing the black one, and both golden are doing the
same. Do you know whether they are just settling in or whether this is
going to be a real problem.
<The latter>
Please help?
<You/they need a larger world. Either a bigger tank, or returning
them to the shop. Bob Fenner>
Opaline Gourami Aggression
Hi crew!
Thanks to some bad local fish shop advice (never buying fish based on
store advice ever again - you guys are now my aquarium research bible),
I am now stuck with an Opaline Gourami (approx 10cm)
<About as big as Trichogaster trichopterus and its sports
and a dwarf Gourami in a 150 litre community tank. The Opaline Gourami
is, as you've probably already guessed, aggressive towards the
<And most anything else>
I believe they are both males. The Opaline is not aggressive towards
any other fish. The dwarf, after two months of co-habitation, remains
undamaged, appears perfectly fat and healthy and is eating/behaving
what I would consider normally.
The Opaline will often chase him off (other times appears to tolerate
him), but that's about as far as it goes - I haven't seen it
progress to nipping as the Opaline seems satisfied by the dwarf's
retreat, and there's no evidence of damage to the dwarf.
<In your larger system perhaps there never will be>
I've been reading the FAQ, but a couple of different answers has
gotten me confused. If I added a female Gourami (thinking of a golden
if anything as I am led to believe the Opaline/golden/blue/3 spot is
the same species T. trichopterus),
<Indeed they are>
will that make the Opaline Gourami MORE or LESS aggressive?
<Could go either way; but would redirect from the
I'd be inclined to think the former, but certain answers have
caused me to consider the former.
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
Opaline Gourami Aggression
Hi crew!
Thanks to some bad local fish shop advice (never buying fish based on
store advice ever again - you guys are now my aquarium research bible),
I am now stuck with an Opaline Gourami (approx 10cm)
<About as big as Trichogaster trichopterus and its sports
and a dwarf Gourami in a 150 litre community tank. The Opaline Gourami
is, as you've probably already guessed, aggressive towards the
<And most anything else>
I believe they are both males. The Opaline is not aggressive towards
any other fish. The dwarf, after two months of co-habitation, remains
undamaged, appears perfectly fat and healthy and is eating/behaving
what I would consider normally.
The Opaline will often chase him off (other times appears to tolerate
him), but that's about as far as it goes - I haven't seen it
progress to nipping as the Opaline seems satisfied by the dwarf's
retreat, and there's no evidence of damage to the dwarf.
<In your larger system perhaps there never will be>
I've been reading the FAQ, but a couple of different answers has
gotten me confused. If I added a female Gourami (thinking of a golden
if anything as I am led to believe the Opaline/golden/blue/3 spot is
the same species T. trichopterus),
<Indeed they are>
will that make the Opaline Gourami MORE or LESS aggressive?
<Could go either way; but would redirect from the
I'd be inclined to think the former, but certain answers have
caused me to consider the former.
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
Male Dwarf Gourami... untenable mix, damage, no
reading... 4/1/11
I purchased 4 Gourami's (from large chain pet shop), one golden,
one spotted and two male dwarf.
<Mmm, the Colisa lalia are not compatible w/ the larger
They all looked fine when I left the store, but by the time I got them
home (some 40 min.s later) one of the dwarf gouramis appeared to have
been attacked by the other fish as they were all put in small bag
<?! Mistake number two>
its side fins were stubs, its fin on underside was jagged and tail
almost gone. I put it in tank hoping it would grow back,
<Might in time (weeks, months) given good care, conditions>
but for first few days he was struggling to swim/stay upright and was
struggling to get to food. On third day he developed white lump on top
of head. I've had him 7 days now and he has a deep hole in his
head, it doesn't look inflamed or anything, its just a deep
white/pinkish fleshy hole which appears to have got gradually bigger.
He lies on bottom of aquarium, hiding amongst rocks and only moves very
occasionally for few seconds. His faeces is clear/stringy (just in case
there's any relevance to that).
<Uhh... Read here:
and the linked files above. Please follow directions... search ahead of
writing us. Bob Fenner>
Do you have any ideas what is wrong with him? If so how can I treat
him, and will it affect other fish? (they all at the moment appear
Thank You
FW... Swordtail injury... poss. from lone Blue Gourami...
Colisa? 5/24/10
I have a 95 litre tank. just put in 2 lyretail swords &1 red dwarf
Gourami &1 blue Gourami. one of my swords looks like he has been
injured as part of his top tail is missing, I think the Gourami have
had a go at him and now the Gourami's keep chasing and annoying
him, nibbling at his tail, don't know if I should remove him
(lyretail sword) or see if he perks up? I have added some Nutrafin
cycle to help.
<... is this system NOT cycled? Is there discernible ammonia,
nitrite present? If so this needs to be addressed NOW. In this sized
system, the Blue/ if this is Trichogaster trichopterus/ Gourami
shouldn't be able to "get to" a Swordtail... But I would
add a mate to it... of the opposite sex. To reduce overall likelihood
of aggression. Please read here:
Mixing gouramis - 4/19/10
Honestly you guys have saved my a55 a few time, thank you very much for
doing what you do. Now for the question. I have 5 Gouramis; female (1
blue, 1 Opaline, 2 pearl) male (1 moonlight)... Can the male
breed with any of these other Gouramis?
<No, different species don't seem to hybridise, at least
I've never heard of them doing so. But the males of different
species will often chase one another. So treat all the Trichogaster
males as potential "rivals" and outnumber them with
or do they have to be the same species....
<If you want to breed them, yes. But do be aware that
"blue" and "golden" and "Opaline"
Gouramis are all the same species, the Three-Spot Gourami, Trichogaster
trichopterus. They're just different colours. Moonlight gouramis
are a different species, Trichogaster microlepis, as are Pearl/Lace
Gouramis, Trichogaster leeri.>
I may be trading one pearl for a male gold.
<Do be aware that Trichogaster trichopterus, in all its colour
forms, is by far the most aggressive Trichogaster species Gourami. The
other two species are much more easy-going.>
Is 2 males to 3 females and ok ratio?
<Depends on the size of the tank and how many surface (i.e.,
floating) plants and leaves there are.>
They are housed in a 40 gal tank filter by good Ol' Fluval.
<For this tank would go with a trio of Pearls or Moonlights rather
than Three-Spot Gourami. If you must keep Three-Spot Gouramis, then
don't keep just two males or the weaker one will be bullied
endlessly. Much better to
keep one male plus two or as many females as you want.>
I really appreciate your help.
<Hope this helps. Cheers, Neale.>
Three spot Gourami, sys., comp. 1/9/10
Hey there!
After extensive research I'm still a little lost haha.
I recently brought a tank which is 88.87 litres (22gal) . As a
"surprise" my mum brought me two female three spot Gourami
(both are about 3cm currently) after much research I am still wondering
if they will be ok in this size tank?
<Can be, yes>
They are currently the only fish in the tank although I'll be
adding a small school of panda or sterbai Corys within the next week or
so, could I add anything else or is the tank too small?
<The Corydoras will make a fine addition here, and you do have some
"midwater" room for another small species... perhaps some
Rasboras, Danios or one of the more peaceful, small Barbs. Please read
here re:
And lastly I read on one website that if there is male three spot
Gourami the females will die because they get so full of eggs!?!?!
<Mmm, not likely if cared for properly. Given good maintenance and
nutrition. Please read here:
and the linked files above>
I hope this is not the case
Thank you for all your time
<Thank you for sharing. Bob Fenner>
Gouramis in community tank... Mmm, FW lvstk. sel.,
Trichogaster comp. 11/25/09
Dear Crew Members,
This is a great site with wonderful people, and very helpful material
<Thank you>
The Aquarium
I have got a 135 gallon aquarium may be a bit more. I have 4 plastic
plants in it one big wood piece in the middle and some rocks at one
corner. I have a good power full filter installed and a heater
maintaining the temperature about 28-30 C. I change quarter of water
after a week or two and try to siphon out all the wastes lying at the
We don't have the testing kits easily available in Pakistan and
haven't tested the water parameters ever.
<I rarely test mine... w/ a good working maintenance routine, it is
unlikely you will have problems>
The Fish
I have 2 mono angels (about 5 inches high),
<Monodactylus species? These are really brackish to marine animals,
particularly with age, size>
5 Angels (medium sized), 3 color tetras, 2 balloon mollies (1 male, 1
Female), 6 mollies (1 male 5 females), 1 Mickey mouse platy female, 1
grey platy female, 2 red platies male, 2 blue gouramies (about 5 inches
each), 1 dwarf gourami, and 10 balloon molly babies in a breeder
The Questions
1. Is this a good community tank as in terms of compatibility of the
<Mmm, somewhat... the mollies really "like" more hard,
alkaline water conditions than the S. American Angels and
2. If I don't put a livebearer in the breeding net just in time all
the babies get eaten, and I don't want that so how many days you
can keep a fish in the net before breeding or should not do it ?
<Till the young are large enough to not be eaten...>
3. The real problem is this. before introducing the mollies into my
tank I had 3 <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shubunkin> Shubunkins,
and everything was smooth. But then I brought in mollies and after few
days had to exchange my goldfish with angels (mollies were hitting
them). Since then my 2 blue gouramies were also doing very well and
growing in size. but now they are mostly sitting at the bottom of the
tank and only come up at the feeding time, and otherwise if they do
come up they stay there for very lesser period of time. Two of my
female mollies are always hitting on their body as if they are licking
something from their skin and my Gouramis (who used to be very
aggressive before the arrival of mollies and were territorial as well)
now seem helpless before the hitting mollies. I read at your website
that the blue gouramies should be dominating the crowd not the mollies
dominating the gouramies? Are my gouramies sick?
<Mmm, no, not likely. More just being bullied by the Mollies as you
They have no apparent problem and take feed as they used to..but now
sit at the bottom most of time. if they are sick what should I do?
<The best would be to put them in another aquarium>
4. How to sex the blue gouramies if you say I can send you pics of
both. and what age they start breeding. they are in my tank for more
than 6 months now? Should I partition my tank thru a net wall and put
the gouramies
in portioned part of it to give them some privacy?
<A bit more involved here. Trichogaster gouramis spawn a lot like
Betta splendens (the popular Betta species)... need very calm water, a
cover to prevent cold air/drafts... and some preparation on your part
to culture foods ahead of time for the young. Please read here:
5. Should I add some table salt after water change with the above
mentioned fish in aquarium? And if yes how much?
<Mmm, I wouldn't... unless you can/do separate the real Angels
and Gouramis to another non-salted system... But otherwise I would...
Read here:
I know this is a very long message but your help will be highly
<A bit of reading... and separating this assemblage of fishes into
two systems is what I'd do. Bob Fenner>
Mopani wood and a home for Gouramis
Hi everyone,
I was hoping you could help me out with something. I'm in the
process of setting up a new 29 gallon tank, and I bought two beautiful
pieces of Mopani wood I'm planning to use in the tank.
I've been soaking each in a 5-gallon bucket of dechlorinated tap
water for a few weeks now, and been doing water changes in each of the
buckets every few days. One of the pieces has a faint rotten-egg smell
when I remove it from the bucket to change the water, while the other
piece has no smell at all. Could this be harmful in any way?
<Is certainly odd.>
If so I'll definitely toss it--I don't want to risk any
fishes' lives.
<Can you return the piece? Otherwise, try putting the wood in
cistern of the lavatory, and after a couple of weeks, see if the
flushing hasn't rinsed away any organic matter.>
Another question I wanted to ask you guys is about Gourami
compatibility for this tank. I 'm hoping to center this tank around
one or two female /Trichogaster trichopterus/, and I'm wondering
what other fish would be compatible, as I've read these fish can be
<Males are aggressive, yes; females generally pretty good.>
Several other sources I've come across have suggested harlequin
Rasboras/ Rasbora heteromorpha /or white cloud mountain minnows
/Tanichthys albonubes. /What do you think? Any stocking suggestions
would be greatly appreciated.
<Either of these would be good. Rasboras prefer water on the warm
side, Minnows on the cooler, so would choose depending on what other
fish you had in mind. Corydoras for example like cooler water, so
Minnows are a good choice. If you were keeping Angels though, they like
warmer water, so Rasboras would make sense.>
Thanks in advance,
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Mopani wood and a home for Gouramis
Thanks so much, Neale! You've really helped me out!
<Happy to help. Cheers, Neale.>
Rainbow / Gourami question... comp.
I have a 30 gallon tank of 6 Rainbow and 1 Gold Gourami (Trichogaster
trichopterus). They seem to get along okay, but I am worried the
Gourami may get aggressive as it gets bigger. Do you think this
combination will work?
<It's only the male Trichogaster trichopterus that become
aggressive, and even then, it's usually towards other gouramis, or
at worst, other fish of similar general shape, such as cichlids. Males
have longer dorsal fins than the females, so it's quite easy to
tell them apart when you have a bunch of them in front of you, but if
you have just one specimen, you may want to look at some photos in
aquarium books to see whether yours is a boy or a girl. In any case,
I'd fully expect your combination of Rainbowfish and a Gourami to
work very well. Cheers, Neale.>
Rainbow Shark Compatible with Gouramis?.
WWM is my trusted source for aquarium advice.
<Thank you.>
I need advice regarding two tanks.
<Fire away.>
Tank 1: An established 37 gallon -tank with 1 large female Blue Gourami
- 4 inches, 1 male Swordtail, 3 Otos, and 1 small ghost shrimp that
must have stowed away on a plant since I have never bought one. The
tank is heavily planted with a large piece of driftwood. Eheim Ecco
2234 canister and 150W Stealth heater.
I used to have 14 Cardinal Tetras in there also, but lost them all
recently to a horrible bout of Ich brought in with a few new Cardinals.
The other fish all survived - Gourami, Sword, and Otos. Since the
Cardinals were lost, the Gourami hardly ever comes out anymore except
to eat and the Swordtail hangs very close to her - they're an odd
couple. I figure they need some dither fish.
<Possibly, but neither are "dither fish" species.
Certainly not Swordtails, which live at the surface, so would *actually
be* dither fish, rather than needing them. Likewise Gouramis live in
thickly vegetated environments
close to the surface, and wouldn't really be nearby any schooling
fish most of the time. So I'd be considering other factors
Our local water is pretty hard with high pH - constantly around 8.
<Should be fine for a wide range of fish. Perhaps not Cardinals
though, which do seem to prefer water at least only moderately hard,
and ideally soft.>
I don't want to mess with Cardinals again so I will gradually add
in about 10-15 Harlequin Rasboras, which will be hardier.
<Can't say I've ever found Harlequins to be hardier than
Cardinals. Both are pretty much soft water fish. When it comes to hard
water tetras, I'd be looking at the "old reliables" like
Pristella (X-ray) tetras or Lemon tetras. Even better, look at the
Celebes Rainbowfish, Marosatherina ladigesi. This fish thrives in hard
water, and has the neon blue you want, though in combination with
yellow rather than red. It's a cracking little fish, and like most
rainbowfish, if you buy good specimens, they're really very
reliable and long-lived.>
I currently have 6 Harlequins cycling a new 10 gallon tank, which will
move into this bigger tank in a few weeks. I would also like to add 2
or 3 Pearl Gouramis (1 Male, 2 Females) to the 37 gallon tank.
<OK. A male Blue Gourami would probably have a fit, but a female
should be fine.>
Anyway, I just got a very small Rainbow Shark a few days ago - I caved
in to my 13 yr old son who has bugged me for months about getting a
This was our compromise, since he wanted Balas and that was out of the
The Rainbow is a little smaller than 2 inches. I purposely got a small
one, so the other fish would be dominant - at least until he is full
I still have time to get the Pearls before the Rainbow becomes more
mature and established in the tank. Right now, he kind of hides in the
plants by himself, but is coming out more and eating well. The Gourami
has not shown any interest in him at all, which is good, I guess.
<Rainbow Sharks do tend to be amongst the mildest of all the Sharks.
In general, they're only aggressive towards other shark-like fish,
including things like loaches.>
My question for tank 1 is this - Do you think the Rainbow will be
compatible with the Rasboras and the Pearl Gouramis - that I plan to
get in the next 2 weeks?
<Always a gamble with Sharks, but in this case, I'd certainly
risk it.>
Any suggestions you can offer will be welcome. And no, we can't get
rid of the Blue Gourami - she's my daughter's that we raised
from an egg....parents were relocated.
Tank 2: In this tank which is currently being cycled with 6 Harlequin
Rasboras (1 week now - fish are doing well and Ammonia, Nitrites and
Nitrates are all 0 daily. Filtration: AquaClear 20 and a 50W
heater. I was considering a pair of Blue Rams. However, after research,
I am coming to the conclusion that these will not be the right fish for
this tank.
<Would agree. Mikrogeophagus ramirezi is one of the more demanding
fish species, and many aquarists completely fail to keep them alive for
any substantial length of time. A much, much better choice is its
relative the Bolivian Ram Mikrogeophagus altispinosus, a species that
thrives across a wide range of water chemistry conditions and, most
critically, at regular temperatures (Blue Rams need much hotter water
most tropical fish like). There are few fish I recommend without
reservations, but Mikrogeophagus altispinosus is one of them. It's
slightly bigger and perhaps a little less gaudily coloured, but mature
fish are
still very beautiful and the fact they're hardy (by dwarf cichlid
standards, at least) is a major plus.>
Most of what I have read says they need more territory and softer water
with higher pH - like my Cardinals, which were fine to a point, but as
soon as something upset their balance, they couldn't bounce back
like the other fish did.
My other thought was to put in a pair of Labidochromis (Electric Yellow
Cichlids). Our water conditions would be more suitable, but this tank
size is also too small.
<Agreed; these are superb fish for a Mbuna community tank, or
possibly mixed in a community with robust rainbows and barbs, but like
all Mbuna they need space.>
Question - What other fish or fish combinations could you suggest for a
10 gallon tank that is more suited to higher pH and hard water such as
we have in our local area? I'd like to give them the optimum living
environment considering it will be such a small environment.
<For a 10-gallon tank, if you're up for a challenge, and want
something quirky, consider Tanganyikan Shell Dwellers. These are small
(typically an inch or so) cichlids that live in empty snail shells,
sometimes in pairs,
but usually as harems. Lamprologus ocellatus and Neolamprologus
multifasciatus are probably the two most widely traded species. Besides
looking good, these fish have the usual fabulous spawning behaviours
expect from cichlids, but scaled down to the point where males barely
show any interest in things more than a couple of inches above their
shells. As such, you can add some genuine dither fish to the mix in the
form of
suitable hardwater species; Endler's guppies for example are popular
We also have a Betta in a 1.5 gallon tank - quite old (almost 3 years
old) and may soon be on his way to a happier hunting ground.
<A heck of an age.>
Your help is greatly appreciated.
With kind regards,
<Cheers, Neale.>
What's Up w/Gourami Swordtail couple? Re: Rainbow Shark
Compatible with Gouramis? (also, stocking a 10-gallon)
Dear Neale,
Thank you very much for the speedy reply. Much appreciated.
<Most welcome.>
Have taken in all you wrote and will seriously consider the Celebes
Rainbowfish although I have never seen them in my area. I was very
excited to learn about these fish that I have not read or about before.
What I have just read about them on the web suggests they may be a bit
finicky and I found more than a few articles that suggest adding
aquarium salt. Is this your opinion as well and would that be alright
for my other fish - the Gouramis, Sword and Otos?
<They don't need salt. This is 'old school' from when
they were considered brackish water fish. What they appreciate is a
steady pH, an at-least moderate amount of carbonate hardness, and lots
of oxygen. Excessively high temperatures should be avoided; 25 C (77 F)
is ample. Most problems with this species come down to keeping it in
stagnant, overheated tanks.>
Also as you said - I need to consider what else is going on with my
Gourami and Sword...
History - They were previously in a healthy, well-planted 20High tank
and I moved them into the 37 gallon tank last Xmas. She has become more
skittish and typically hangs at the bottom of the tank - but she did in
the 20 gallon as well. The Swordtail comes out more and hangs at the
top more than the Gourami, but they both hang more at the bottom of the
tank than at the top. The bottom of the tank is more densely planted
and there are more places for her to hide, but I suspect also that the
Eheim makes more surface movement than the Aqua Clear in the 20 gallon
that she was accustomed to before. They were definitely more active in
the tank when the Cardinals were around though. This tank is much
deeper, so there is more open space in the top levels of this tank than
there was in the previous tank. Pennywort, Rotala and hairgrass are
growing in nicely, so that may help to bring her to the top more as
they fill out the top levels more.
<Sounds promising.>
I also have two young (4 and 3 yrs old and very active) children and
the tank is located in a fairly high traffic location. She sometimes
darts when the kids run by, but not always and this is the same
location as the previous tank. The only other change is the substrate.
I had pea gravel before and now have eco-complete. Oh - I also add
Flourish Excel Liquid Carbon every other day, which I didn't in the
previous tank. Would that make a difference to her behavior/behaviour?
It seems to make a big difference to the plants.
<Substrate shouldn't be a factor for the Swordtails. Banging
about outside the tank could be an issue though. Adding a couple of
female Swordtails may help; females are gregarious and, unlike the
males, don't fight for territory.>
Regarding adding the Pearl Gouramis. Alas - even though the males are
showier, I may just get 2 females to keep things sane - since I
don't really want to mess with spawning in this show tank.
<OK. But I've rarely heard of the males of this species causing
Pearl and Moonlight Gouramis are both towards the peaceful end of the
Gourami spectrum.>
I have always like the look of Diamond Tetras - What do you think about
a few - 4 to 7 Diamond Tetras - Moenkhausia pittieri - if I can't
find Celebes here? They would be in place of both the Pearl Gouramis
and the Celebes.
<Diamonds Tetras are lovely fish. When happy and fully grown,
they're exceptionally attractive and live for several years.
Sometimes they don't adapt to hard water though. Supposedly, farmed
specimens tolerate hard water acceptably well, but wild-caught fish
Tank 2: I will look for Bolivian Rams - Great thinking! I suspect they
may be available here and sold instead as Blue Rams (for more money) by
less reputable shops....But I have not seen "Bolivian Rams"
in local shops here.
<They are in the trade, but admittedly the common Rams are more
widely sold, though I'd argue because of high turnover: few
aquarists keep common Rams alive for more than a few months! Bolivian
Rams should live 5+ years without problems.>
Looking forward to your reply.
Whose husband wishes he were a fish.......
<How odd. Cheers, Neale.>
Thanks so much Re: What's Up w/Gourami Swordtail couple?
Re: Rainbow Shark Compatible with Gouramis? (also, stocking a
10-gallon) 3/15/09
Thanks again - so happy I have not more serious issues with my fish
Your advice and suggestions are thoughtful and most appreciated. All
will be considered as checkbook and availability allow.
<Very good.>
Will probably not go with female swords....until we're ready to
deal with all that spawning - I have a 4 yr old budding naturalist who
would really enjoy it though - she knows all the Latin names of our
fish and plants!
The hubby thing - every single time I am at the fish tanks, he sings
wistfully, "Oh - I wish, I wish...I wish I were a fish!
<Hmm... not quite Henry Rollins, but okay.>
He complains that he dropped down one more rung on the ladder behind
the children - Wah Wah Wah....
Wishing you a lovely day!
<I hope so too; my sister is in the middle of giving birth to her
(first) baby, so with luck, I'll be an uncle for the first time at
"close of business".>
<Cheers, Neale.>
Add pair of three-spot gouramis? 3/8/09
Neale, I have a 20 US gal tall tank w/ 1 dwarf Pleco and 10 glass fish.
I'm in the process of slowly but surely adjusting the tank to a
live planted tank. Other than the tannins from the new drift wood
turning the water reddish, water parameters appear to be in normal
range. I know the reddish water will resolve over time as normal water
changes are made. I've been approached by a neighbor who is trying
to find a home for two blue gouramis (presumably Trichogaster
trichopterus). One is a male and the other a female. My reading here
and on other sites suggest varying minimum tank sizes - some say 20 gal
and some say 30 gal. Is my tank big enough to peacefully house these
pair along w/ my other inhabitants? I know Gourami and glass fish are
good for one another. just wanted to make sure my tank was big enough
before I invite them to stay. Thanks - as always! Kristi <Hi Kristi.
I'm not a huge fan of Three-spot Gouramis (indeed, Trichogaster
trichopterus) in community tanks. The females are reliable, but the
males less so. They're hardy enough that being kept in a 20 gallon
tank won't cause health problems, but the males can become so
territorial they chase everything in sight. In bigger tanks this is
less of an issue because there's more space. But in a 20 gallon
tank, it's risky. I'd perhaps inquire why these fish need a new
home: if they're terrorizing her other aquarium fish, your answer
will be right there. If you watch the fish and they seem perfectly
settled and peaceful, then you might be okay. Glassfish and Plecs
should be fast/armoured enough to handle a Three-spot, so the gamble
isn't too bad from their perspective, but if you add more delicate
species in the future, like Angels or Guppies, that's when things
become problematic. In short: 30 gallons best, 20 gallons adequate;
females peaceful, males sometimes waspish. Cheers, Neale.>
20 Gal Set-up 12/28/08 I think this is way over the
limit but I thought I would try anyways. 1 Gold Gourami <Mmm, do
keep an eye on this Trichogaster... might become a bully here> 1
Dwarf Gouramis 1 Bristlenose Pleco 2 Upside-down Catfish <Mmm, are
social animals...> 3-4 Cherry Barb 4-5 Neons I have two filters and
plenty of plants and caves for hiding and such. Think I could pull it
off? The tank does not have the fish in it yet. If this set-up is not
good, do you have any suggestions. Thanks. <Mmm, I'd likely
leave out the Gold Gourami... but otherwise, this mix should work here.
Bob Fenner>
Gouramis as "the butler" The angelfish are both
babies, and SEEM extraordinarily peaceful. In regard to the Gouramis, I
had to return the gold Gourami to the store, as he was terrorizing the
powder blue one, but he would have been in the tank a full 24 hours
before I added the powder and realized they couldn't
co-exist. He only seemed aggressive towards his own kind,
but I suppose he could have done it. Also, the Danios are
about the same size as the tetras and they play chase with each other
quite a bit-although neither seems to dominate. That said, however, the
tetras ranged in size from babies to adults, and I think the one that
got killed was one of the smaller ones. Could one of the
Danios have done it? <If the fish was weaken or damaged by another
fish then the other fish start looking at the wounded fish as food. At
that point they are probably all guilty.> There's still 5 out of
6 in there, though, and I would think that if it were a fish still in
the tank that he would have taken out another one. I plan to clean
gravel and change water today, so I guess it's possible that
I'll find his body and find that he died of natural causes-although
I still imagine he'd be viewed as food and eaten already if that
were the case. Is that correct? < I think any dead fish
soon becomes looked at as food by the others.-Chuck> Cyndy
Monarez/Thomas Nelson Gourami shredding goldfishes I have a 20
gallon long with 3, 4 inch goldfish in it. And 1 blue Gourami. I have
had the tank for 2 years with no major problems. About 2 months ago, I
bought a Shubunkin fish. It swam with the pack almost immediately. This
morning when I woke up I noticed that my blue Gourami was chasing
around one of my 2 year old goldfish whom he's lived with all
along. His fins are almost shredded and he is floating sideways. I love
my fish dearly and am very confused at why this is happening.
<Blue/two-spot/Opaline/gold Gourami (all color morphs of
Trichogaster trichopterus) tend to be rather
aggressive. Chances are, with the addition of the new fish,
the Gourami felt crowded, and decided to, 'uncrowd' the tank -
his way.> I put my Gourami in another tank for now.
<Good. Keep him separate from the goldfish, or
this'll probably happen again.> Can I save my Fish in time?
<Hopefully! Keep your water quality as good as possible,
keep up with water changes, and stay on top of ammonia and
nitrite. It might be a good idea to medicate with an
antibacterial like Kanamycin sulfate (Aquatronics sells this as
"Kanacyn") or Nitrofurazone (Aquatronics sells this as
"Furacyn"). Watch him closely for bacterial
infection if you don't medicate; wounds are an open door for
illnesses to set in.> All the other fish are fine. And my pH and
ammonia levels are normal. Katana <Wishing you and your
goldfishes well, -Sabrina>
Gourami question Hi all, <Hello Mark> Can't say
enough good things about the amount of help you've given us fish
lovers. <You would, perhaps will do the same> I've got a 10
gallon freshwater tank. Some fish have come and gone, but
the mainstays in the tank are a 2 1/2 inch Gold Gourami and a 2 1/2
inch Iridescent shark. My problem is that I've recently begun to
add fish to the tank...I added a 2 inch silvertip shark who gets along
great with everyone one, but the Gold Gourami seems to be attacking a 1
1/2 inch Blue Gourami that I added. <Mmm, really, the root of the
difficulty here... the size of the tank... too small> The Gold
Gourami has always been aggressive to smaller fish (small leopard
puffers and mollies). I figured that adding a larger sized
fish (the Blue Gourami) would help to calm the Gold Gourami down, but
he just cant seem to break the habit of chasing all of the other fish
around the tank. <It might work... to isolate the original... gold
Gourami... in a breeding trap, or even just a good sized net, hung on
the corner of the tank... for a few days... This often re-sets the
"dynamics" in a system> Barring total isolation of one, is
there anyway that I can keep the Gourami's together? The
attacking never goes beyond chasing and the occasional nip, but I'm
just afraid that the stress will do him/her in. Thanks for the help,
Mark <You are likely right... try the isolation trick... and if this
doesn't work? Perhaps a larger system? Or a trade-in. Bob
Fenner> Blue Gourami Aggression I have a blue Gourami fish
and just the other day it started chasing around my 2 Bala sharks. When
I bought them they were in the same tank. And the Gourami doesn't
seem to care about the other fish in there. I did hear that blue
Gouramis can be territorial but at the same time peaceful. Do you think
that the Gourami is really out to kill the Bala sharks? Nick <Well,
some Trichogaster Gouramis do "turn mean", but Bala Sharks
are fast and smart... able to stay out of the Gourami's way... if
the tank is large enough. Am sure you're aware of how large these
minnow-sharks get, their propensity for jumping... Bob Fenner>
Three Spot Gourami Aggression 1/15/08 Hi
Bob, <It's Neale here tonight, actually.> I have read
many of your answers to questions on aggression often encountered
with the Three Spot Gourami and found them very informative.
<Yes, male Trichopterus Trichogaster are indeed very
aggressive fish. Not recommended for community tanks.>
However, there are some details I would like to be more clear on.
First, a bit about my tank. It is a 21 US Gal tank containing 3
Otos, 3 Zebra Danios, 1 Betta fish, 1 Three Spot Gourami and 1
Dwarf Gourami. There is a porous rock, a plastic plant (waiting
to introduce real plants) and a ornamental castle as well. The
Dwarf Gourami was added 2 months following the Three Spot
Gourami. Upon introduction of the Dwarf Gourami the Three Spot
was aggressive towards it almost instantaneously. <No
surprises there at all.> I let them be for about 20 min or so,
but the Three Spot was relentless in its pursuit of the Dwarf.
Finally, I had to separate the two since the Dwarf was beginning
to suffer immensely. <I bet.> I read on your site to
isolate the more aggressive fish for about a week and then see
what happens. <Hmm...> I am wondering how effective is
this? <With Trichopterus Trichogaster, not effective at
all.> Even in isolation in a homemade colander, you can see
the aggressive behavior of the Three Spot whenever the Dwarf is
close by. <Indeed.> If this does not work will heavily
planting the aquarium be beneficial to curb the Three Spot's
aggression? <Nope.> Or should I add a couple of Three Spot
females or instead add a couple more Dwarf's. <Nope. These
two species are simply not compatible. Certainly not in a 20
gallon tank.> In regards to the Dwarf, its tail fin is
severely damaged (~1/3 of it) as well there is some damage to its
ventral and dorsal fin. Will the fins heal and grow back? <In
theory, yes.> If so, how long on average does one expect the
healing process to take? <Couple months, assuming it
doesn't get Fin Rot in the time being.> I look forward to
your responses, you have a great site! Ryan <Hope this helps!
Re: Three Spot Gourami Aggression 1/15/08
Hi Neale, <Ryan,> Thank-you for your quick response. It is
too bad that some sites do say that the Dwarf and Three Spot
Gouramis are compatible, otherwise I would not have purchased the
Dwarf. <Indeed. Female specimens of Trichopterus Trichogaster
get along fine with the Dwarfs; it's the males that are
mean!> A couple more questions. <OK> Is the Dwarf
compatible with the Pearl Gourami? <Should be; these are
generally very mild animals.> What other Gouramis would go
well with the Three Spot? <Moonlight Gouramis (T. microlepis)
should work well, too. I'd avoid mixing Dwarfs with other
Colisa spp though.> Thanks Again, Ryan <Happy to help,