FAQs about Faviid Coral Social Disease
FAQs on Faviid Disease:
Disease 1, Faviid Disease
2, Faviid Disease 3,
Faviid Disease 4, Faviid Disease 5, Faviid Disease,
FAQs on Faviid Disease by Category:
Environmental (Pollution/Poisoning, Lighting...),
Nutritional, Trauma,
Pathogenic (Infectious, Parasitic, Viral)
Predatory/Pest, Treatments
Related Articles:
Coral Pests and Disease; pests, predators, diseases and conditions by Sara
FAQs on Stony Coral Disease: Stony Coral Disease 1, Stony Coral Disease 2, Stony Coral Disease 3, Stony Coral Disease 4, Stony Coral Disease 5, Stony Coral Disease 6, Stony Coral Disease 7, Stony Coral Disease 8, Stony Coral Disease 9, Stony Coral Disease 10, Stony Coral Disease 11, Stony Coral Disease
12, Stony Coral Disease 13,
Stony Coral Disease 14,
Stony Coral Disease 15, Stony Coral
Disease ,
FAQs on Stony Coral Disease by Category: Diagnosing:
Environmental (Pollution/Poisoning, Lighting...),
Nutritional, Social (Allelopathy),
Pathogenic (Infectious, Parasitic, Viral)
FAQs on Stony Coral Disease by Type: Brown Jelly Disease, RTN,
Dead Favites Brain 8/17/12 <<RMF>>
Dear WWM,
I recently ordered a new shipment of corals. Acan Lord, Frogspawn,
Hammer, Goniopora, and Favites Brain. I acclimated them all to my tank,
55 gallon, lit with 4-10k 65watt power compacts. Water parameters:
Ammonia-0, Nitrite-0, Nitrate-5ppm, pH-8.3, KH-10, Calcium-420,
Magnesium-1250, Temp-79-81 depending on light. I placed the Favites on
the substrate in hopes that it wouldn't burn, this was Tuesday.
<Unlikely to burn under PC lighting as Faviids prefer intense light.>
Yesterday, Wednesday, I noticed that my Favites was not looking quite
right. The edges of the skeleton were showing through. I assumed that it
may just be not used to the lighting, because the lights had only come
on about 30 minutes prior to this. Last night, however, the coral still
had not changed, and it didn't respond to my evening feeding. This
morning the Favites was covered with hermit crabs that were picking
loose brown flesh off of the skeleton.
<<Very bad>>
I have never seen a coral decline like this before. My first thought was
possible allelopathy problems,
<<Could well be a contributing cause here>>
however it was more than 12 inches from all the other corals. Toxins
crossed my mind, but no other corals were showing signs, including my
large red Trachyphyllia. The corals in the tank before the shipment
were: Trachyphyllia sp, Caulastrea sp, Tubastrea sp, Galaxea sp,
<<Very strong allelopathogenically>>
and Duncanopsammia axifuga. I have been using carbon, and water changes
to try and minimize the negative reactions. I also had the Galaxea on
the other side of the tank, and about seven inches higher than all the
others because I knew that they have very long sweeper tentacles. I
chose about a year ago not to use a skimmer because I wanted some
residual nutrients in the water column. I also read on a few sites that
Goniopora tend to do well in non-skimmed systems. No other corals are
showing negative behaviors, and I was wondering if this could have just
been damaged in shipping?
<<Also likely>>
Is there something obvious that I overlooked?
<Likely due to stress/handling in shipping. RTN (Rapid
Tissue Necrosis) came to mind but this generally
does not happen with Faviids. I thought of bleaching, but when
this occurs there is no tissue loss as you describe, just an expellation
of Zooxanthellae. I would not discard yet, it's still possible
bleaching may have occurred and the coral may reverse the process. I'll
ask Bob to chime in if he has an idea. James (Salty Dog)>
Candy Canes, sm. vol., allelopathy
likely 12/16/10
Hi Crew,
<Hello Sam>
I have a 24 gallon AquaPod with a glass top and 96w of T5, 2 actinics
and 2 daylight. Lights on 8 hours full and 2 hours just actinics. I
replace 1 gallon a week and I have a hang-on skimmer. If I see any
algae problems I do more changes. Ammonia, nitrates 0, nitrates .2,
Calcium is about 500,
<too high>
water 1.025 and temp around 80.
<How about pH? Alkalinity? Mg? PO4?>
Crushed coral bottom, snails, a Spotted cardinal, Blue Chromis
<Singular? These are social animals>
, Red Firefish, Clown goby, Neon goby. Candy cane colonies of 25 heads
(brown with blue centers), 12 heads (light blue), 15 heads (light
blue), 6 heads (green), 2 heads (green), Hammer with 10 heads,
Frogspawn of 2 heads and one very large head, Torch with 4 heads and 8
colonies of Acans with about 10 heads each. And one large and beautiful
open brain (Trachyphyllia)about 6 inches across.
<All in a 24g? You have a lot of colonies there>
I feed finely chopped silversides to the corals once a week. I rarely
see any tentacles on the Candycanes so I don't think they get
anything out of it.
Most of my corals are less than a year old but 3 of the Candycane
colonies are 4 years old if not more. My problem is the green
Candycanes. They just don't last.
My new one of 3 weeks had 5 heads and I am now down to 2. My older one
of almost a year had 8 heads and 2 died in the last two weeks.
A second green colony that I bought at the same time died within the
first couple months. What is different about the green ones that make
it harder for me to keep?
<If all others are doing well then this might be competition between
animals here, with the greens as the 'losers'. Search on WWM
re: allelopathy, you have many corals in a small volume here, a recipe
for problems. An alternative theory is that since different animals
come from different places/ environment/ conditions, and your tank has
a single set of parameters, then these parameters are favourable to
some animals and not others. It is impossible to create a system where
everything you put in will thrive no-matter-what. You might just have
to settle for the fact that you have several animals doing well and be
happy with that. A third theory is water chemistry. There are several
unstated parameters as alluded to above, so I can't comment on
these, but 500 for Ca is too high, I would lower this to about
<No problem, I hope this has been helpful to you>
Maze Coral Question 8/14/10
<Hello Scott>
First off, I love your site, I have had so many of my common
questions answered by reading everyone else's experience.
<It's working then!>
Sadly I have a new problem that I am not sure I have been able to
find the answer to.
I recently bought this coral from my LFS, the attached picture is
straight from the LFS with my camera.
I have a 120 gallon tank that has been set up for a while now, I
recently placed this coral on a low lying rock at the bottom of
my tank. This morning when I woke up and was going to do a small
feeding to the various fish in my tank (maroon clown, Royal
Gramma, blue damsel, yellow watchman / diamond watchman
<Please capitalize these names in future Scott>
I noticed that this coral kind of had a small layer of white
stringy substance all over it.
<Mesenterial filaments. If you look half way down this article
you can see a photo of a Hydnophora attacking a Montipora with
them. http://reefkeeping.com/issues/2006-07/gh/index.php
. I also seem to remember a great video of this with a similar
coral to yours on a David Attenborough programme, perhaps it was
'Blue Planet Coral Seas'
Some of my other corals, which were wide open when I went to bed
(Dendrophyllia, large very healthy hammer, frog spawn, torch
coral, Zoanthids)
<Again.. capitalize these next time please
were almost fully retracted when I woke up as well.
<Search re: Allelopathy, chemical/ physical interactions of
I did hours of research to try to find out about this white
stringy substance. It did not look like most of the feeding
filaments that I have read about, instead of being individual 1
inch strings projecting from the coral it seemed like a small
almost mesh-like layer of thing white strings over the coral.
<Could have been produced as an attack or defence mechanism,
or as a stress reaction to something. Either way, it has produced
a cascade of problems that need to be dealt with. First by water
changes, protein skimming & carbon use (perhaps ozone),
second by permanently separating some of the animals to different
I used a turkey baster and gently blasted most of the strings
away, and some of the larger pieces floated away which I guided
to my overflow filter.
<I would have netted these out>
Do you have any idea if these are problems or if I should do
anything about it?
<Posted. Immediate action required>
When I get home tonight I will inspect them again and try to take
some pictures.
<Yes! These would be appreciated!>
Thanks for your help
<No worries, Simon>
Re: Maze Coral Question 8/14/10
<Hi Scott>
Sorry for the poor grammar last email, I was in a rush and
slightly in a panic about my tank.
<No worries>
I did have a chance to talk to a LFS about my tank yesterday.
First some background info about my tank. about 2 weeks ago when
I was ready to start adding fish to my tank I was browsing the
LFS and saw a beautiful Blue Mandarin Dragonet. I asked the owner
if he could feed it so that I could tell if he would do well in
my tank. He dropped a small amount of Mysis Shrimp into the tank
and the Mandarin went crazy. I bought this Mandarin and he has
been doing great in my tank.
<What size is your tank? I would not place one of these in
anything less than a 90, with plenty of sand>
After about a week of him doing fine eating the Mysis Shrimp I
was feeding him, he started to eat less and less. He began doing
much more picking at the live rock for Copepods. I don't have
a separate refugium to breed a Copepod colony so I did some
research online.
<I would definitely look into setting a refugium up. Many
benefits to be had, especially if you have a Mandarin>
I found one aquarist who made a Copepod Condo out of some mesh,
zip-ties, and live rock rubble. He placed this directly into his
tank, the mesh was wide enough for the Copepods to go in and out
but too small for his Mandarin to have a buffet on the whole
<This sounds like a great idea!>
I decided to make one of my own. Long story short, I made the
Copepod Cage out of some steel mesh. Not thinking at all I placed
it in the main tank at about 10 pm on Wednesday night. When I
woke up in the morning I realized that metal should probably
never be in a fish tank. I removed it and then did a 40 gallon
water change that evening. I also added some Prime heavy-metal
remover into the tank.
<Mmm, did this co-incide with the event? If so, then it might
be the cause, but steel is actually Iron, Fe (with impurities
burned out and carbon added). It's not harmful in small
amounts and I seriously doubt that in one night this could have
contaminated your system. Some aquarists actually dose Iron. I
would not discount allelopathy here as the prime cause, perhaps
triggered by something else>.
This morning some of the corals are looking much better, the
Trachyphyllia is looking better, the Maze Coral has a
significantly less amount of the white stuff on it, but the
Dendrophyllia have not opened all the way, it is a 4 head colony
and since I did the water change the Dendro has had between 1-2
of the heads open, but never all of them open.
I am hoping that I caught it in time and that it will eventually
get back to normal now that the cage has been removed and that I
did a 1/3 water change.
Do you have any advice as to what I can do to get my tank back to
<I posted this on my last message, and my advice remains the
same. Water changes, carbon, skimming and separation of
incompatible animals>
I know this is one of those "oh my god, what did this idiot
do to his tank" situations, but I would love some help if
you know anything that I can do.
<Read here re: Iron & reef tanks: http://www.advancedaquarist.com/issues/aug2002/chem.htm>
Thanks again
<No problem, Simon>
Caulastrea (Candy Cane) Coral Not Extending
Tentacles 10/4/08 Hello Crew, <Travis>
Thanks for all the dedication to answering our questions!
<Welcome> We have a 15 head Candy Cane coral that we
purchased from a local store a little over 1.5 months ago. During
the time that we have had it in the tank, we have never observed
any tentacle extension. <Mmmm, likely "the
neighbours"> For the first 4 weeks, we had him on the
sandy floor in a moderately high flow area by the front of the
tank. We thought that the flow might have been too strong for him
so 2 weeks ago we moved him to a spot in the middle of the tank
with a lower flow rate, and closer to the light. He will sit with
his mouths open at various times during the day and night, but
never extends or shows signs of extending his tentacles.
<Well... can take some time to acclimate to captive
conditions... most Scleractinians period "feed" during
the night... makes sense... when there's much more out to
snare, collect> Today I turned off all the pumps and fed all
the corals DT's Phytoplankton. He did appear to puff up a
little bit, but no tentacles. Is this something that I should
worry about? <Mmm, maybe... see below> Tank Details: 29
Gallon BioCube Nitrate: 0 Nitrite: 0 Ammonia: 0 Phosphate: 0.5
(and falling finally... bad water from our LFS last week.
Previously this has been at 0) Temp: 77night 79day Ph: 8.4
Salinity: 1.025 Lighting: 1 Coralife 36w 10,000k white on for
10hrs, 1 Coralife 36w Actinic on for 12hrs Weekly 5 gallon water
change. Occupants: 2 False Percs (2" each) 1 Yellow Tailed
Damsel (1") 1 Chromis (1") 1 Lawnmower Blenny (3")
1 Fire Shrimp 3 Mexican Turbo Snails 3 Nassarius 10 Nerite 10
Cerith 8-10 Hermit crabs 1 Sand Sifting Sea Star 1 Medium size
Bubble Coral 1 Medium Torch Coral 2 Large Zoa Colonies 2 Large
Purple Mushrooms 1 Small Green Star Polyp 1 Red Lobo 1
Purple/Gray Brain Coral 1 Green Brain Coral 2 Montipora Attached
is a photo of the tank to help identify the players. Regards,
-Travis <I suspect this is a case of
"allelopathy"... particularly the Euphylliid above and
large Zoanthid population poisoning the newcomer... Is it/this
too much? Maybe not... and perhaps all will "grow accustomed
to each other over time"... But I assure you, if the Faviid
was in another setting in the circumstances you describe, it
would do much better. Please read here re:
http://wetwebmedia.com/cnidcompppt.htm and the linked files
above. Bob Fenner>
See it here? ^ |
Dying moon ? 8/2/10
Hey fellas, just hoping to get some advice on my moon coral. I have had
it for over a year and have had very good luck keeping it nice and
Just recently I have noticed the tissue has started receding and the
skeleton is pink where the coral has been degrading. My water
perimeters are monitored are just as they should be,
<Need actual values>
I run a calcium reactor, carbon, Purigen, and a high end skimmer so I
am positive water quality is not a factor.
<An essential material or two... could be missing. What do you feed
this colony? Supplement practice...>
I've just noticed there are a couple baby Aiptasia anemones on the
skeleton where death has occurred and am wondering if this could be the
<More an after-effect, though allelopathy may well be involved
I also notice that I rarely see sweeper tentacles out at night like I
should. Could this be a problem with positioning, the coral is in
medium flow and in medium light (metal halide of course). My tank is
dominantly LPS and this is probably the easiest coral to keep. Is there
any quick remedy meds I can use,
<No... moving it elsewhere is recommended if you have another
established system>
I've read about Melafix for bacterial infections.
How can I determine if it is a bacterial issue, I thought the pick on
the skeleton was a little fishy. Any advice would be great, this is one
of my favourite corals.
Thank you in advance
Jason K
Ontario, Canada
<Read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/cnidcompppt.htm
and the linked files in the series... Bob Fenner>
Re: Dying moon ? 8/2/10
Thanks for the advice and yea now that I think about it I bet you I do
have some chemical warfare going on. I have a few pretty large leather
corals, all sorts of mushrooms, pulsing xenia, 2 clams, and the rest
types of LPS, I don't think anything is touching
<Mmm, doesn't have to touch>
as far as that goes but that's why I've just recently started
running carbon and that Purigen stuff. I figured
if anything is going on this might help and maybe it has. I think the
degradation of this coral has stopped. And also I have recently added a
lawnmower blenny and it seems to love chomping on my one leather, maybe
it has been stressing it out enough to make it release some sort of
Another quick question. I know there is supposedly no such "reef
safe" Ich treatment. But I have found this stuff Ich-x
<Have read re this Hikari "cure all"... am dubious>
and it claims to be totally reef safe. It says any stress induced will
recover. What do you think about all of this. I bought it a few months
ago because I have bought another hippo tang and just like every other
time I make this mistake, it ends up with Ich. It wont effect any other
fish in my tank but every hippo tang gets it in my tank lol. I'm
just a kid, I love my tank but I make some dumb mistakes. I seem to
think that if my tank seems to be free of it for like 6 months I can
just buy another blue hippo and it will be fine. But every time one
goes in this happens. I'm a sucker for this fish for some reason.
LOL. But back to the ICH-x, I probably wont try it because its
obviously ridiculous (unless you tell me different :) ). It says it
contains a proprietary formula of water and formaldehyde (<3%).
What do you think?
<Very toxic... and the chance for side reactions, disaster way too
Chances are ill use my trusty blue hippo trap and get him into a
BTW I have a 120 with only 2 clowns, the blenny, a marine Betta and
this tang. So I wouldn't consider it crowded.
Thanks again
Jason K
Ontario, Canada
<And roll... I would read re Paracanthurus, Tang treatment/s for
Protozoans on WWM. B>
LPS questions, Faviid hlth. f' 5/23/10
Hello again, I recently bought a candy coral about three weeks ago
along with some mushrooms and a polyp I cannot identify. My mushrooms
and polyps are doing fine and starting to open up but my candy coral
has yet to
extend it's feeders.
<Likely mal-affected by the Corallimorphs>
My tank is a 29 gallon with 96w of t5 12k and 28w of actinics for the
lighting I run the actinics for 10 hours and the 12k for 8 hours the
actinics coming on an hour early and going off an hour later. I have a
Coralife super skimmer the 65 gallon model, I know you prefer a remora
so would I if I wasn't a college student and father of six. My
conditions are ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 5, ph 8.3, sg 1.025,
calcium 420, dKH 12, temp 79, and flow rate is around 550 gph the
majority of which is pointed away from the mushrooms and candy coral. I
do 5 gallon water changes every week and I also dose with iodide and
magnesium. The candy coral in question is about 14 inches from the
light maybe a little more. Am I giving him to little or too much light
is he still adjusting, I know many only come out at night but I have
come out with a flashlight at all hours and never seen even one polyp
<Good observation>
I have however seen him secret the brown stringy mucus from his polyps
that is used algae correct?
I do run carbon only through my canister filter and clean it every time
I do a water change.
I also only use RO/DI water I have a four inch sand bed. I know these
animals are not completely photosynthetic and I worry that I have not
been able to feed him.
I have tried coaxing him out with a turkey baster with Mysis and with
brine shrimp. He seems healthy from what I can tell other than he does
not open he has 14 good sized polyps and it seems strange that not one
has opened. I
have however seen him swell up at night but no feeders any input would
be greatly appreciated. Sorry about all of the info on my tank but I
didn't know how much you need. Thank you
<Mmm, well... IF you had another established system, or a friend who
did, I'd move the Faviid... Do read here:
and the linked "Compatibility" FAQs files re 'Shrooms
above. There are some other aspects of care that may be employed to
reduce probable allelopathy here. Bob Fenner>
Re: lps questions... Faviids, allelopathy f's
OK, thank you for the linked pages I think I may have messed up. I used
to have a bubble tip anemone but found a new home for it after learning
that it needs a larger system than the one I own. This anemone has been
gone for
about a month but the rock that was his home is the same rock that I
attached my candy coral frags to. I noticed before that all of the
algae on this rock had died and is slowly returning. After reading
about the toxins these animals produce in the linked pages I cant help
but wonder if there are still traces of these chemicals on and in this
piece of rock.
<Mmm, possibly>
As I said my mushrooms and polyps are doing very well and I got them at
the same time I got my candy coral.
<They "win" over Faviids chemically>
If my suspicions are correct other than using ozone is there any other
way I might be able to detoxify my system from this anemone.
<Carbon, water changes, time going by>
I don't want to do anything I am unsure of and any input would be
much appreciated. Thank you again for all of your assistance.
<Welcome. BobF>
Sick Caulastrea 02/15/09 Hi All: Two months
ago, all of the corallites on this Caulastrea had polyps, which
expanded. Over past two months, most of them have died and the
few that are left are shriveled. During that same time the
tentacles which can be seen in the photo have been growing. The
tips are the same mint green as the polyps and they all emanate
from the same place on one of the stalks. They expand during the
day and contract at night. They are not feeding tentacles since
the feeding tentacles have white tips and emanate from the mouths
of the polyps. Do you have an idea what these tentacles are and
why this colony is dying? <Hmm... I do think this is an
anemone of some sort. But I can't ID it much further than
that from this pic. If it is an anemone, that could easily
explain why the trumpet coral is dying.> Thanks,
Sara M.>
a Fungiid or Euphyllia is my guess. RMF |
Re: Sick Caulastrea 2/16/08 Hi Sara: Thanks
for your reply. A couple of the readers of a thread on Reef
Central think it is a torch coral. Looks like one but I
haven't had a torch or anemone in my tank. Since the
Caulastrea was in the tank for 9 months before the
"tentacles" showed up I doubt that it was a hitchhiker.
What do you think? - RB <I had this thought as well (that it
looked like a Torch coral). But if it were a Torch coral (a
Euphylliid), you should be able to find its skeleton. -Sara
Re: Sick Caulastrea 02/16/09 Hi Sara: Will
you please have a look at the attached photo. The critter in
question is attached to the Caulastrea skeleton by the light
colored foot which is visible under the two corallites in the
center. I can't detect a skeleton, but could that be because
it is immature? Thanks - RB <Hmm... it still looks like an
Anemone to me, but Bob noted on your last email that he thinks
it's a Euphylliid... so... hmm... I suppose time will tell.
Sara M.>
Candy Canes/Caulastrea... Allelopathy In A Nano
Tank 8/5/08 Hi Crew, <Hi there, Mich here.> I have a 10
gallon that is over 5 years old. Penguin mini filter, 10 pounds live
rock, less than an inch of sand and 65w PC. Over times I have had
mushrooms, star polyps and candy canes. Mushrooms used to work well for
me as they would multiply. As of late I can not seem to hold any
mushrooms. They just whither away. <Sounds like inhospitable
environmental conditions. Perhaps allelopathy from the star polyps
would be my guess.> So I have gone to different colors of candy
canes. My inventory is bright green (2 heads), brown with green centers
(4 heads), Brown with teal centers (4 heads), tan with teal centers (8
heads), pink with white centers (10 heads) and one that looks like a
Faviid <Faviid? Caulastrea are in the Family Faviidae.> of sorts
with 8 heads. It is brown but has a bluish haze over it. It looks more
like brown to the eye but when I take pictures it looks blue.
<Sounds pretty.> Will they also battle each other? <To a
degree but not as much as corals from different species would.> One
that I bought recently was almost gone. It did not look as bad in the
store as when I got it home. It looked like it was just skeleton. It is
starting to get some meat on the bones and has a tan color that looks
almost pink. The centers so far are just white. Is that normal is just
a result of what this coral went through. <This is not normal. These
corals do not look like your description in the wild.> Is there a
chance some color will appear? <Perhaps. Your system is very small.
I hope you are running carbon on the system. If not, then it is it is
well past time to start. Your entire system will benefit. This will
help reduce the allelopathy. Frequent water changes would also be most
helpful. I am wondering if you are running a protein skimmer. You would
be wise to keep a species specific tank, which it sounds like you are
well on your way. Green Star polyps can be quiet toxic and you might
think about removing them from your system. Caulastrea can send out
stinging sweeper tentacles so nearby corals can be affected. Caulastrea
benefit from feeding. I would especially encourage you to try manual
feeding the one with the white center. You might try Mysis shrimp
chopped finely and soaked in Selcon. Some links you might find helpful:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/envdisphysiof.htm Good luck!
New Brain Question. Symphyllia radians troubles -
05/08/07 I recently purchased a new brain coral, Symphyllia
radians. <Cool.> I seem to be having a problem with the coral
now. <Let's see what we can do about that!> The tank is a 92g
with ample live rock/live sand. Water parameters are: temp 78-79, pH
8.2, Ca 400, Alk 10.5, nitrates 0, nitrites 0, phosphates 0, Salinity
1.025. <Acceptable.> The coral seems to have some stringy
substance around the edge of the coral and near the mouths. It reminds
me of a mushroom that is expelling its guts. <Could be expelling
Zooxanthellae. Are there any noxious soft corals or anemones in the
tank, and if so how close? Also what type of lighting so you have and
in what relation is the animal to it? Do you know the lighting if the
system from which the tank came? Where in the tank is the animal placed
and what is the flow like in that area? Sorry for all the questions,
but they will help me to help you better.> I have only had this
coral for about 6 days, so I am guessing that it is stress. <Surely
a factor…is a traumatic change for naturally immobile (for the
most part) creatures.> I acclimated for around 1:45 by drip
acclimation. Can you advise me how I can help the coral? <Answer my
questions above and I will able to so.> I really want to get the
coral in great shape and feeding again. Thanks for your help.
<Brian, I look forward to your next e-mail.> Brian <Adam
Re: Symphyllia radians troubles - 05/08/07 Thank you
for you quick reply. <No problem.> Below is the original message
that I sent you. My tank is a 92g corner tank. The only noxious corals
that I can think of would be GSP or leathers I have, but both of those
corals are pretty distant in the tank. <Still could be affecting the
denizen in question, especially if the brain is "down-wind."
I'd run some carbon to be on the safe side.> The tank is mainly
an LPS/Softy tank. Inhabitants include: mushrooms, Zoas, Kenya trees,
GSP, hammer coral, another brain, clams, leather trees, devils hand
leather, finger leather, sea pen (this sea pen has been in home aquaria
for several years, and I am very proud of it), <Several years huh?
That is something to write home about considering most don't
survive shipping. Though you do have a lot of different Cnidaria life
in the tank, I would not be surprised if they were
negatively/chemically interacting.> and frogspawn. I have the GSP
isolated in the upper, rear left corner of the tank. The brain I
isolated in the upper rear, right of the tank. <In the rockwork? Is
it arranged in such a manor that it can expand without the tissue
coming into contact with the rockwork. The "scraping" of
tissue could cause tissue retention. Just FYI.> These Lighting is
5x39W T5s (it is an Aquactinics fixture); the coral came from 400W 20K
MH lighting at Reefermadness. <So it may be still be
adjusting.......> The way my lighting is setup, the back part of the
tank is somewhat of a shaded area since I am lighting a corner tank
with a strip of light. I have this coral placed in a low flow area; the
tank has 3 Tunze 6025s (660 gph/each), 1 Tunze 6045 ( (1189 gph), and
the return pump for flow. Should I try placing the coral in a different
spot on the sand bed? I initially had it on the sand bed, but then I
saw the stringy stuff and moved it to a low flow/low light area higher
up (I know that doesn't sound right, but as I said before the back
of my tank is low light). <If you can find enough room on the sand
bed I would prefer it there for the reasons I mentioned above. However,
I fear that to many movements in such a short-time period might prove
more detrimental. Unless the animal exhibits any obvious negative
behavior (bleaching. etc. .) I would leave it where it is for now, as
long as it is positioned in a manor where it will not
"scrape" the rockwork.> Thank you for your help with this.
Candy Cane Coral ... misplaced/health 9/5/06 Good
Evening All, First I'd like to thank you for your informative site
as it has assisted me through all stages of this hobby. <Welcome>
I recently purchased a Candy Cane Coral with about 15 - 20
heads. The issue seems to be now a few of those heads are receding and
two of them has completely melted away. All my other corals seem to be
doing OK, I even purchased a Brain coral (what the LFS called
watermelon coral due to it's pink color) the same time I purchased
the Candy Cane Coral. <And quarantined both?> Everything else is
doing fine, Yellow Leather, Crocea clam, Clove polyp (recovering
possibly from high phosphate levels due to the Proper PH 8.2 I've
been adding), Bubble Coral, assorted polyps and mushrooms. It's a
50 gallon with a 30 gallon refugium and 10-15 gallon sump. The lights
are on nine hours MH 150w 14,000K with two hours of 65w PC X 2 daily.
The Candy Cane coral is located towards the top with decent current,
the heads with receding are on opposite sides of the coral. Please
help! I want to save this coral any way I can. <It is a/the loser
amongst a mix of non-compatible "mixed garden"
cnidarians...> Water parameters seems to be good except for low
calcium. Ammonia 0 Phosphate <=1 Nitrate 5-10 Nitrite 0 KH 7 Calcium
350 James Yan <Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/cnidcompfaqs.htm and
the linked files above. There are ways/means of granting oneself more
"chances" of success with such mixes... see WWM re. Bob
Re: Candy Cane Coral 9/6/06 Thank you for your
quick response! Hope you had a wonderful labor day weekend. <All
days are about the same wonderful to me> Would separating some of
the corals, for example, moving the mushrooms to the refugium help or
remove them all together? <Either one...> I have traded a large
chunk of mushrooms to the LFS recently to decrease the possible
chemical warfare going on. I'm trying to balance my tank for more
LPS corals with some polyps and possibly keep the yellow leather as the
only soft coral besides assorted polyps. <... need to read...> No
hard corals will be added. Does the WWM have articles where there are
suggestions possibly mixing corals? Thanks again! <All sorts...
start reading: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/inverts/index.htm
Bob Fenner>