Related FAQs:
Part 1: Amblyeleotris, Part 2: Asterropteryx,
Cryptocentrus & Ctenogobiops, Shrimp Gobies, Shrimp Gobies 2,
Pistol Shrimp and Goby
Biotopes, & Shrimp Goby
Identification, Shrimp Goby
Behavior, Shrimp Goby
Compatibility, Shrimp Goby
Selection, Shrimp Goby
Systems, Shrimp Goby
Feeding, Shrimp Goby
Disease, Shrimp Goby
Reproduction, & Shrimp they
associate with, Shrimp Identification, Shrimp Behavior, Alpheid (including
Shrimp) Gobies, True
Gobies, Gobies
2, Goby
Identification, Goby
Behavior, Goby Selection,
Goby Compatibility, Goby Feeding, Goby Systems, Goby Disease, Goby Reproduction,
Gobies, Clown
Gobies, Neon
Gobies, Genus
Coryphopterus Gobies, Mudskippers, Sifter
Related Articles: Gobioids, Marine
Shrimp, Marine Scavengers,
(including Shrimp) Gobies,
/The Conscientious Reef Aquarist
Shrimp or Watchman Gobies of the
Genera Mahidolia, Stonogobiops, Tomiyamichthys &
By Bob Fenner
dracula |
Genus Mahidolia:
Mahidolia mystacina (Valenciennes 1837), the
Smiling Shrimp Goby. Indo-Pacific; To a mere 8 cm. in length. May
be brown, tan or overall yellow in color, males with taller first
dorsals. Found in muddy settings singly or in pairs in association
with a grayish brown alpheid shrimp. N. Sulawesi image. |

Genus Stonogobiops: Five species; one common in
the pet-fish trade
Stonogobiops dracula Pollunin & Lubbock
1977, the Dracula Prawn Goby. Western Indian Ocean: Seychelles,
Maldives where it lives in pairs symbiotically with Alpheus
randalli. To 7 cm. in length. Aquarium images by Hiroyuki
Tanaka & RMF. |
Bigger PIX:
The images in this table are
linked to large (desktop size) copies. Click on "framed"
images to go to the larger size. |
%20MD.JPG) |
Stonogobiops nematodes Hoese & Randall
1982, the Filament-Finned Prawn Goby. Lives symbiotically with
Alpheus randalli in the Indo-West Pacific; Seychelles to the
Philippines. To two inches in length. Aquarium image. |

Stonogobiops xanthorhinica Hoese &
Randall 1982, Yellow-nose Prawn Goby. To 5.5 cm. in length.
Western Pacific; Indonesia to Southern Japan to Micronesia. Fiji
image. |

Genus Tomiyamichthys: Three described species
Tomiyamichthys oni (Tomiyama 1936), the
Monster or Fan Shrimp Goby. West Pacific; Malaysia, Philippines,
Southern Japan. To 10 cm. in length. Found in burrows with
Alpheus bellulus. N. Sulawesi pic. |

Genus Vanderhorstia: Nine described species
Vanderhorstia ambanoro (Fourmanoir 1957),
the Twin-Spotted Shrimp Goby. Indo-West Pacific; eastern Africa to
Samoa out to the Micronesians. To a bit over five inches in
length. This image shot in Pulau Redang, Malaysia. |

Bigger PIX:
The images in this table are linked to large
(desktop size)copies. Click on "framed" images to go to
the larger size. |
Bibliography/Further Reading:
Shrimp-Gobies, Symbionts with Alpheid
Debelius, Helmut. 1986. Gobies in the marine aquarium,
pt. 4: Partnerships. Today's Aquarium 4/86.
Michael, Scott W. An aquarist's guide to Shrimp
Gobies. AFM 5/95.
Stratton, Richard F. 1998. Watch out for Watchman Gobies.
TFH 6/98.
Zoffer, David J. 1994. The Shrimp Gobies. TFH 10/94.