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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link
%20crop.JPG) |
Ctenogobiops feroculus Lubbock & Polunin 1977, the Sandy
Prawn Goby. Indo-West Pacific; Red Sea to Micronesia. To two and a half
inches in length. Here in Fr. Polynesia.
Ctenogobiops tangaroai Lubbock & Polunin 1977, the Tangaroa Prawn Goby. A popular shrimp
goby species in the aquarium interest. Tropical Pacific Ocean. To two
and a half inches in length. Aquarium image. |

Stonogobiops nematodes Hoese & Randall
1982, the Filament-Finned Prawn Goby. Lives symbiotically with
Alpheus randalli in the Indo-West Pacific; Seychelles to the
Philippines. To two inches in length. Aquarium image. |

Stonogobiops xanthorhinica Hoese &
Randall 1982, Yellow-nose Prawn Goby. To 5.5 cm. in length.
Western Pacific; Indonesia to Southern Japan to Micronesia. Fiji
image. |