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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link
Coris marquesensis Randall 1999. Eastern
Central Pacific; Marquesas endemic. Found over rock and sand
bottoms. To 23 cm. Initial phase Nuku Hiva pix. |
Coris picta (Bloch & Schneider 1801),
the Comb Wrasse. Western Pacific. To ten inches in length. An
occasional import to the hobby, generally from Australia. Typically
hardy and gluttonous as other Coris species. This one in an
aquarium. |

Halichoeres hartzfeldii (Bleeker 1852),
Hartzfeld's Wrasse. Western Pacific; Indonesia to S. Japan. To 18 cm.
Usually found over sand, mud or rubble in haremic groups of one male, a
few females. N. Sulawesi pic of a juv. |
Halichoeres hortulanus (Lacepede 1801), the Checkerboard Wrasse
(2), comes in two varieties, the more common one from the Pacific and a
more colorful color morph in the Indian Ocean into the Red Sea.
Pictured: A three inch juv in S. Sulawesi.