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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link
Cirrhilabrus solorensis, Redheaded or Solar
Fairy Wrasse. Male in an aquarium, females in Gili Air, Lombok
and N. Sulawesi, Indonesia (1); Only comes out of Indonesia. Female in the
Gilis, Lombok, Indo. |
Coris ballieui Vaillant & Sauvage 1875,
the Sand Wrasse. Known from Hawaii's islands in the central
Pacific. To thirteen inches. Rarely imported and this is a great
shame. A good-looking smaller member of the genus that would
probably do well for aquarists. This one photographed at the
Waikiki Aquarium. |

Coris hewitti Randall 1999. Eastern Central
Pacific; Marquesas endemic. Found over rock and sand bottoms. To 14
cm. Male/terminal phase individual Nuku Hiva pix. |
Coris julis (Linnaeus 1758), the
Mediterranean Rainbow Wrasse. Eastern Atlantic; Sweden to Gabon,
including the Mediterranean. To a foot in length. Rarely seen in
the trade in the West. Aquarium photo. |