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Freshwater Pic
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Halichoeres melanochir Fowler & Bean
1928. Western Pacific; Philippines to northwest Australia. To
almost seven inches in length. This female off of Pulau Redang,
Malaysia. |
Halichoeres ornatissimus (Garrett 1863) is
(one of) the three " Christmas Wrasses" (2), aka the
Ornate Wrasse to science. This can be a very hardy fish should
you secure an initially healthy specimen. Unfortunately, way to
many are doomed from the trauma of rough handling through the
collection process. To six inches. Indo-Pacific to Hawai'i,
where it is best imported from. Female/initial phase individual, Kona. |
Halichoeres ornatissimus (Garrett 1863) is
(one of) the three " Christmas Wrasses" (2), aka the
Ornate Wrasse to science. This can be a very hardy fish should
you secure an initially healthy specimen. Unfortunately, way to
many are doomed from the trauma of rough handling through the
collection process. To six inches. Indo-Pacific to Hawai'i,
where it is best imported from. Male, terminal phase individual, Kona. |
.JPG) |
Halichoeres claudia Randall & Rocha 2009. Claudia's Wrasse. To
8.8 cm. Pacific; Line Islands, Polynesia to Indo., and E. Indian Ocean. Juv. individual, S. Sulawesi, Indo.