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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link
Lachnolaimus maximus (Walbaum 1792), is THE Hogfish in the
tropical western Atlantic. A beauty when small (most offered in the
trade at 6-8 inches) but quickly grows BIG (to thirty-two inches in the
wild!). A shy giant that often comes in too beat to acclimate to
captivity. Below, an eight inch juvenile in captivity just out of its
mottled color phase, a two and a half foot individual in the Grand
Bahamas Channel.
.jpg) |
Oxycheilinus celebicus (Bleeker 1853), the
Celebes (Splendour) Wrasse. To 24 cm. Western Pacific; Moluccas,
S. Japan, Tonga. Here in S. Sulawesi. |

Cheilinus chlorourus (Bloch 1791), the Floral Wrasse (1). Hardy,
but not as good-looking as some of its congeners. To twenty inches long
in the wild; much smaller in captivity. Indo-Pacific out to the
Tuamotus. KBR, N. Sulawesi, Indo. |
Cheilinus fasciatus, (Bloch 1791), the
Redbreasted Wrasse. Indo-Pacific; Red Sea, East Africa to Samoa. To sixteen
inches overall length. Wakatobi; S. Sulawesi, Indo.