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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link
Cheilinus trilobatus Lacepede 1801, the Tripletail Wrasse (2)
we'll list as it is occasionally sold in the business. This is another
aquarium-tough, medium-shipper that gets big (about two feet).
Indo-Pacific; Red Sea to the Tuamotus. A juvenile here in the Red Sea. |
For curiosity's sake we'll mention the
granddaddy of all wrasses that just happens to be in this genus.
The Humphead or Napoleon Wrasse, Cheilinus undulatus
Ruppell 1835 (2) looks like a tropical ornamental in photographs that
lack visual size clues, but it gets the size of your couch! To seven
feet (2.3m) and more than four hundred pounds. Folks ought to leave this
friendly giant in the sea. A profile of a full size adult years back in
the Red Sea. |
Oxycheilinus digrammus (Lacepede 1801), the
Cheeklined Wrasse (2) is probably the most commonly offered member of the
genus. Initially healthy specimens do well, but most are received from
the wild in poor condition. Indo-Pacific, including the Red Sea, out to
Samoa. To sixteen inches in length in the wild. Here in Fiji in 2017 |
Oxycheilinus unifasciatus (Streets 1877),
the Ring Tail or One-Banded Wrasse (2) is the widest ranging member
of the genus. Found across the Pacific's Oceania through the
Indian Ocean and Red Sea, and growing only to about a foot, it
still does poorly in captivity. Formerly placed in the genus
Cheilinus. An adult male profiled in Hawaii. |