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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link
Choerodon anchorago (Bloch 1791), the
Orange-Spotted Tuskfish. Indo-West Pacific; Sri Lanka to French
Polynesia. To about fifteen inches maximum length. A one foot
specimen in Redang,
Malaysia. |
Choerodon graphicus De Vis 1885, the Graphic
Tuskfish. West Pacific, Australia to New Caledonia. To twenty
inches in length. A shy species that is rarely seen in the
ornamental trade outside of the "Land Down Under". This
one off of Heron Island. |
Cirrhilabrus adornatus Randall &
Kunzmann 1998. To about 6.3 cm. Eastern Indian Ocean: known only
from Indonesia (Sumatra and the Mentawai Islands).
pic. |
Cirrhilabrus condei Allen & Randall
1996. Photo of a male in an aquarium by RMF. |