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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link
Halichoeres iridis Randall & Smith 1982,
the Iris Wrasse. Western Indian Ocean. To four and a half inches in
length. A recent, prized import into the aquarium interest. Captive
image. |
Halichoeres kallochroma Bleeker 1853. To
nine cm. Similar to Thailand (to Indo.?) H. leucurus... this one
off of N. Sulawesi. |

Halichoeres leucurus (Walbaum 1792), the
Greyhead Wrasse. Western Pacific; Philippines to New Guinea, Indonesia,
Micronesia. To a bit over five inches total length. A female off
Wakatobi, S. Sulawesi. |
Halichoeres marginatus Ruppell 1835, the Dusky Wrasse.
Indo-Pacific, including the Red Sea, out to Hawai'i and the Tuamotus. To
seven inches in length. Aquarium pic.