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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link
tetrataenia Schultz 1960, take a guess, yes; the
Fourline Wrasse. Like all members of the genus is best kept one
to a tank. Western central Pacific. To three inches total
length. Aquarium pic. |
Pseudojuloides atavai Randall & Randall
1981, the Polynesian Wrasse. This is a female of the species.
Unfortunately a member of a very touchy aquarium genus (often
commonly called Pencil Wrasses). These fishes handle capture,
shipping and handling very poorly. Found on the islands of the
Pacific Plate, Guam to Society, Tuamotus.
Cook Islands. |

Pseudojuloides cerasinus (Snyder 1904), the Smalltail Pencil
Wrasse (3)(male pictured) is the only member of the genus to be offered
in any number. Even out of Hawai'i, specimens are difficult to keep
alive. Aquarium pic of a male. |
Pseudojuloides cerasinus (Snyder 1904), the
Smalltail Pencil Wrasse (3)(male pictured) is the only member of
the genus to be offered in any number. Even out of Hawai'i,
specimens are difficult to keep alive. A female in Hawai'i. |