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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link
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Labroides rubrolabiatus Randall 1958, the Red Lip
Cleaner Wrasse (3), of the Pacific's Oceania ought to be left in the sea
as well. To four inches in length. At right, in captivity. Below: One in
the Tuamotus, French Polynesia.
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Macropharyngodon bipartitus (two subspecies,
M. b. bipartitus Smith 1957 and M. b. marisrubri
Randall 1978, the first found in the western Indian Ocean, but not the
Red Sea, the latter found in the Red Sea's upper Gulf of Aqaba. No
discernible differences in appearance or survivability to
aquarists(3's)) To about four inches in length. An initial phase/female
individual in Mauritius.
Macropharyngodon bipartitus (two subspecies,
M. b. bipartitus Smith 1957 and M. b. marisrubri
Randall 1978, the first found in the western Indian Ocean, but not the
Red Sea, the latter found in the Red Sea's upper Gulf of Aqaba. No
discernible differences in appearance or survivability to
aquarists(3's)) To about four inches in length. A terminal/male
individual in Mauritius.
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Paracheilinus filamentosus Allen 1974, the Filamentous Wrasse.
Indo-Pacific. To six inches total length. Lives in rubble zones, near
the bottom, feeding on zooplankton. Flashing male in N. Sulawesi, Indo.