Related FAQs: Fishes of
Hawai'i, Articles on: The Best
Butterflyfishes of Hawai'i, Triggerfishes of
Related Articles: Introduction to Fishwatcher's Guide
Series Pieces/Sections, Scott's Trip to
Maui/Hawai'i, Holualoa property,
Hawaiian Marine Biotopes,
Part 5
To: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 6, Part 7,
Bob Fenner
From Shallows to Deeper Water
Diver-collectors try to avoid triggerfishes as they can and do easily
bite through fence nets, but HawaiI has a mix of saleable species that
make their way into collecting buckets and to you. Some species and
individuals, particularly when started small, are less trouble than
others behaviorally.
Most wholesalers offer two species of Melichthys more or less
continuously, the circumtropical Black (Durgon) Triggerfish,
Melichthys niger (Bloch 1786) (usually out of
Hawaii), to eighteen inches. Pictured: an individual in the
Bahamas, and one in Maui, Hawai'i.

And the Pinktail Trigger, Melichthys vidua
(Richardson 1845), is the other commonly offered member of the
genus. Found throughout the Indo-Pacific. These are
"medium" aggressive fish species that grow to about a
foot in length in captivity, sixteen inches in the wild. Here are
specimens in captivity and Hawai'i.

The most popular Rhinecanthus species is immortalized in the
song of none other than Don Ho himself. This is the Humuhumu
nukunuku apuaa (literally "water pig with a needle" in
Hawaiian, in reference to grunting noise they make and their
spiny dorsal "trigger"), AKA the Picasso or Lagoon
Trigger (aka the "Blackbar" to science),
Rhinecanthus aculeatus (Linnaeus 1758). Below, one inch
baby in the wild (Maldives), two and six inch specimens in
captivity shown.



The Rectangle or Reef Triggerfish ("Wedge-Tail
Triggerfish" to science), Rhinecanthus rectangulus
(Bloch & Schneider 1801)shares the waters and common Humu
name with the Picasso in Hawaii. Indo-Pacific, Red Sea, east
African coast. Shown here as a baby and adult in Hawai'i. To
one foot in length.

Most commonly offered are the Sickle, Lei or my favorite,
Boomerang Triggerfish, Sufflamen bursa (Bloch &
Schneider 1801), (mainly out of Hawaii), an adult there shown and
a smaller (four inch) individual in the Cooks.

Like the Blue Throat or Gilded Triggerfish, Xanthichthys
auromarginatus (Bennett 1832), that are true reef dwellers.
Here is a female and a male off of Maui, Hawai'i. Indo-west
Pacific. To about a foot total length.

And An Occasional Filefish, Family
Pervagor spilosoma (Lay &
Bennett 1839), the Fantail Filefish. Eastern Pacific, principally
Hawai'i where it's occasionally shipped out of. To seven
inches overall length. Feeds on algae and benthic invertebrates,
including corals.

To: Part
1, Part 2, Part 3, Part
4, Part 6, Part 7,