Related FAQs: Fishes of
Hawai'i, Articles on: The Best
Butterflyfishes of Hawai'i, Triggerfishes of
Related Articles: Introduction to Fishwatcher's Guide
Series Pieces/Sections, Scott's Trip to
Maui/Hawai'i, Holualoa property,
Hawaiian Marine Biotopes,
Part 6
To: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 7,
Bob Fenner
Deep Water Rocky
Squirrelfishes, Family
squirrels and closely related soldierfishes are found in shallow water,
but most of these nocturnal fishes are found below sixty feet in depth,
hiding in caves, overhangs, waiting for nighttime to seek out their
small fish and crustacean prey. Some have surprisingly wide
distribution, you may find them offered from locations throughout the
Myripristis berndti Jordan &
Evermann 1903, the Blotcheye Soldierfish. Indo-Pacific, including
eastern Pacific in distribution. To one foot maximum length. Best
from Hawai'i.

Myripristis vittata Valenciennes 1831,
the Whitetip Soldierfish. Indo-Pacific. To ten inches long. Another
under-utilized species available in good numbers. Like most
Soldierfishes, feeds on plankton at night. Maldives and QLD,
Australia specimens.
Deeper Water Basses, Family
most members of their subfamily, the Hawaiian anthiines are shy,
retiring fishes, that should only be kept in very peaceful, darkened
Pseudanthias bicolor (Randall 1979),
the Bicolor Anthias. Indo-Pacific, Mauritius to the Hawaiian
Islands. To five inches in length. Also a hardy large reef
aquarium species. One male by itself or with several females.
This picture taken in an aquarium.

Pseudanthias ventralis (Randall
1979), the Longfin Anthias. Two subspecies recognized, P. v.
ventralis in the western Pacific, P. v. hawaiiensis about Hawaii.
Deepwater species, very common between 300-400 feet! Hardy when
kept in dim lighted systems. Captive male and female
Put in pix of male,
Hawaiian Angelfishes, Family
all the species and specimens of pomacanthids from HawaiI are
deepwater. Of the few marine angel species found here, most should be
left in place as they are poor survivors in captivity. Of the two that
do live, the Flame is much less money (much easier to collect in
greater numbers, shallower waters elsewhere) and the dwarf-dwarf
Fishers is not spectacularly beautiful.
Centropyge fisheri (Snyder 1904), Fisher's Dwarf
Angel, is one of the many Hawaiian endemics. This is a
"dwarf" Dwarf Angel, usually no more than two inches in
length. Closely related to Centropge flavicauda. Hawaii
and Johnston Atoll distribution only.

Centropyge loricula (Gunter 1874), the Flame Angel, is a
staple in the ornamental marine trade, with some 5,000
individuals collected and sold worldwide every week. Western to
central Pacific Ocean.

Centropyge potteri Jordan & Metz 1912, Potter's
Dwarf Angel (3), is another fish found only in Hawai'i. When
picking one of these out for use, make sure to acquire a
well-adjusted individual; I'd wait till it was in captivity a
good two weeks. And only try this species in a very
well-established reef tank, with peaceful tankmates, AFTER
you've become an "advanced" aquarist.

Holacanthus arcuatus Gray 1831, The
Bandit, Black-Banded Angelfish, Holo-holo... A beauty and
heartbreaker... this angel is so "friendly" it can be
caught literally by hand... without a net... but rarely lives for
any period of time in captivity. Here's an image of one
starting to break down (note brown spot on its flank). Imported
from its limited range in Hawai'i.

A Deepwater Hawkfish
The Long-Nose Hawkfish, Oxycirrhites
typus (Bleeker 1857), The Hawkfish most hobbyists have seen
and want. Found in the Indo-Pacific, including Hawai'i, This
superlatively suitable aquarium species reaches approximately
five inches in total length. Red Sea image. Not often
collected for the trade out of Hawaii cheaper, shallower
collected elsewhere.

A Deepwater Butterfly from
Chaetodon (Roaops) tinkeri Schultz 1951, Tinker's
Butterflyfish. Mainly found and collected in deep water in
Hawaii, but also found in Johnston Atoll, the Marshalls... A
hardy species where caught, acclimated properly to captive
conditions. Aquarium photo.

Deeper Water Wrasses, Family
34 species the labrids are the most speciose family of Hawaiian fishes,
with all modes of nutrition on display zoo- and piscivore, coral-polyp
feeder, to parasite-picker. Some are aquarium hardy, some are dismal in
their historical survivability.
Anampses chrysocephalus Randall 1958, whose females are
typically sold as Red Tail and males as Psychedelic or Psych-Head
Wrasses. Gorgeous, but a radical swimmer and jumper that
frequently "just dies" overnight. Only found in the
Hawaiian Island chain. Female shown in captivity.

Bodianus bilunulatus (Lacepede 1801), the Black Spot
Hogfish or Tarry Hogfish to science, is often offered retail.
Punctuated distribution in the Indo-west Pacific including
Hawai'i, where these images were taken. Three inch juvenile
and six inch sub-adults shown. Grows to twenty two inches in
length in the wild.

Cirrhilabrus jordani Snyder 1904, the
Flame Wrasse. Hawaiian endemic. To four inches in length. One of
the hardiest and most beautiful of the genus. Aquarium photo of a

To: Part 1, Part
2, Part 3, Part 4, Part
5, Part 7,