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Moving An Aquarium Cross-Country 5/5/15 20 gal long tanks Moving a 375 gallon tank -- 09/14/09 Moving a 260 Gallon Tank 6/11/09 Moving a Cycled Tank 9/22/08 Hi <Hello> I have a fishLESS Eclipse 12 since I upgraded my tank and moved all the fish over about a month and a half to two months ago. I have kept the Eclipse running. I have been putting a pinch of flake food every few days. I did a water change about a month after I moved the fish and rinsed off the mechanical/chemical filter. As of today my water test readings are 0,0, 20. I want to sell the Eclipse. I am going to put an ad up in my apartment to sell it. In my ad I said that tank has been cycled for about 8 months so the tank should be ready for fish right away. My question is...in your(for whoever is answering this) opinion is this accurate? <Not in my opinion, moving a tank almost always causes some degree of die-off and ammonia/nitrite spike.> Since I am going to have to siphon the water into buckets and then the water will have to be put back into tank after the move. Or will the buyer have to wait for everything to settle? <I would advise so.> If so, in your opinion how long of a wait? <Could be a couple days, could be another full cycle depending on how everything survives the move.> Or more so, is there a chance that the move will screw up the cycled process that it will have to cycle again? <Unavoidable to a degree in my opinion.> Do you think its ok to sell a tank this way, or would you advise to just break it down completely before selling it? <However it is easiest for you to sell.> Besides answers to the questions, any additional information that you can give me would be appreciated Thank You <Welcome> <Chris> Refinish hardwood floors what to do with aquarium 03/31/2008 I have a 90 gallon tank and a nano cube on the first floor of my home I've had them for two years, and I am learning something new every day either through direct experience or reading helpful information from your pages and other places on the net. I was hoping that someone here would be able to help me with a few question. The time has come to refinish the hardwood floors in my home on the first floor which means that every stick of furniture and furnishing must be moved out and the floor can't be walked on for 3 days. I have a basement that I can move the tanks to but this causes several problems. How do I feed my tanks? <<How can you "feed" the tanks?>> Can I skip three days? I don't have an auto top off and I need to add water daily. Can I skip this for a few days? I usually add a gallon every other day to the 90 gallon. If I don't add water my water level will fall below my overflow and the water from the sump won't circulate, what can I do? <<From the sounds of it, your only option is buckets, and carry water to the basement and add top-off water yourself as and when needed.>> The tanks will be in the basement and the only way to get to the basement while the work is crawling through a window I will need to leave open. Can I leave the tanks alone and avoid breaking into my home. Finally, will the oil based polyurethane they are putting on the floor harm my tanks, Will the fumes from the varnish bother the fish and corals. <<Would be wise to completely aerate the room to exhaust it of fumes>> The varnish really stinks and the fumes will come from the floor above. Any special things I should do cover tanks run air purifier, I had one running before near the tank but it seemed to inhibit the protein skimmer, or something other ideas. <<Covering the tanks is always a good idea when any form of diy is being carried out in the house as particles can travel quite far in a closed environment. If you have air purifiers available, then yes, sure, go for it.>> Thanks in advance <<Thanks for the questions, A Nixon>> Moving a marine system 07/02/05 Bob, <<Hi Lisa, tonight you get Ted>> I've read your article about relocating tanks. I have a few questions. Here is my plan: Buy a pre-existing tank at the new site...upgrading from a 46 and 30 to a 75 or 125. I am going to search for a previously owned, already established tank and set it up way ahead of time (in the event it has problems). << Good idea on the upgrade. Allow enough time for the new or moved system to become (re)established.>> Here is where I have questions....it is an 11 - 12 hour trip. I could move my fish in our RV in an empty 30g long with their established filter and tank water. Would this be better than bagging them separately without filtration? Or is it too much of a move for them....should I look into finding a new home for them here? <<If you like your collection of fish, etc., there is no reason you can't successfully transfer them. Fish, corals and invertebrates are shipped in bags from wholesalers to your LFS where shipping can take 24-36 hours (or more). Place your tank inhabitants in large individual bags. Double or triple the bags and tie off with rubber bands. About 1/3 of the bag volume should be water from your existing tank (not new water) and the rest air. Place the bags in Styrofoam boxes to insulate and keep the temperature stable.>> Tank inhabitants are: 46 GALLON: 2 percula clowns 1 black line blenny 1 bi-color blenny 1 molly miller blenny 1 yellow clown goby 1 pygmy cherub angel 2 cleaner shrimp many Asterina stars - hundreds hermits and a few snails 50 pounds live rock 30 GALLON: 1 convict goby (quite the digger!)(already 3 inches) 1 flame goby 1 cleaner shrimp 30 pounds live rock <<Remember to slowly acclimate the shrimp to the new water. For the LR, dampen newspaper in tank water. Wrap the LR in the damp newspaper and place the into a Styrofoam box with a little tank water.>> Thanks! Lisa <<You're welcome and good luck - Ted>> Moving to a larger tank 10/14/04 Bob - First thanks for all the information I've read and received from you and the folks at wet web. It has really been helpful. <Adam here today. Glad you have benefited!> Now my question--I presently have a 55g aquarium which is fully mature and been set up for about 2 years. It is a live rock and fish aquarium with just a few pieces of coral. I have about 50 lbs of live rock in the tank and about 3 inches of what has become live sand. Fish consist of a few blennies and damsels and I have one seahorse (who seems to be doing quite well in spite of the quicker damsels) as well as a fair number of snails of various types, a few hermit crabs (small) and a couple of small conches. I am seriously considering switching to a 90 gallon tank mainly for the stability and ability to handle a few more fish. <Sounds nice! Beware that more fish, more room, and more dilution of food will add to your seahorses disadvantage.> My problem is that the only place I can set up the 90g tank is in the same place as the 55g tank. So how do I transfer? One thought I had was to put the 90g on the floor near the 55g, fill it with salt water about half way and use it to cure some additional live rock (maybe another 50 lbs or so) and perhaps some more live sand. After curing, then empty it to as low as possible and do the same for the 55g. Then move the 55g out of the way, put the 90g where I want it and then somehow transfer the sand, rock and fish/critters to the 90g and just basically clean out the 55. Any thoughts or suggestions? <Hmmm... many. First of all, consider draining all but a couple of inches from the 55, moving it a couple of feet away and re-filling it (you will need some strong, steady handed help... be careful!). This is a fairly minor disturbance, and would allow you to completely set up, plumb, leak test, etc for the 90. This way, you aren't rushed to do these things all in one day. Curing a bit more rock in advance is a great idea. Once the process is complete, I would do several water exchanges between the two systems to "equalize" the water quality before actually combining systems. Moving sand can cause serious problems if not done carefully. I would either take only the top inch or so (where most of the life is) and discard the rest, or else take as much as you can by lifting and setting it down like slices of pie (careful not to mix the layers!), and be sure to re-submerge the sand as soon as possible (less than an hour if possible). One or two plastic 55 gallon drums are tremendously helpful for this kind of tank move. Thanks- Larry <Best Regards! AdamC.> Moving aquarium question I was wondering if you could offer me some help. I am looking to move my saltwater aquarium from my parents house to mine. The details: Its fish only with some live rock. 125 gallons (very heavy), probably the only good new is I only live 4 blocks away... The filters I use, if this help at all is 2 250 magnums, one undergravel, two power heads and a wet dry. <Okay> My LFS says that I need to drain all the water (save as much as possible, to reuse), keep all the substrate in there, remove rocks and fish. Hurry it over to the new house. Put the water back in slowly and then add the rocks and fish, start the pumps and filter and add 2 to 3 bottles of "TLC". The "TLC" should help the disturbed water... <Mmm, I would NOT do this... move the tank with the substrate, rock in it... Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/movingaq.htm and on to the linked FAQs files (at top, in blue)> I was just afraid of lifting the tank with rocks and water still in it, afraid it could break. I was thinking of maybe setting up a big long tote, take substrate and water from the tank put in the tote, empty the tank (save the water) move the tank then just put it all right back in. Any help would be much appreciated. Bill <Read on my friend. Use the "action plan" you've been directed to make a parts, tools list and steps to completion. Bob Fenner> Moving Sucks!!! Use of pond liners Hi Anthony, Bob and Crew:
<Hello Gregory> Thanks for the great support and
books!! You guys can truly be a godsend at times. Sorry if
this is a silly question...I tried to search the faqs re: moving, etc.,
but did not find a definitive answer. I am in the process of
moving my 110 tank to a new house. Unfortunately, I will
have to spend 3-4 months in an apartment while the house is being
finished. Since I am afraid to set up the 110 in the
apartment, I have decided that I will temporarily house everything in
the oversized soaking tub in the apartment's second
bathroom. This is the largest container (approx. 60-70
gallons I think) that I could think of for keeping everything
healthy. Anyway, I thought that I would line the tub with
plastic pond liner (because of soap & chemicals), but the guy at
the garden store said that it might be toxic to marine
animals. Is this so, or is there a certain type of liner
that I should use and/or avoid? <No problems in using any type of
liner intended for pond use. All, EPDM, Butyl, Vinyl, composite, are
chemically inert, non-toxic to marine life. Bob Fenner> Thanks for
all your help. Take care, Greg Big Time! (Moving To A Larger Tank) Hello. I have a 75 gallon reef tank now with 110 lbs live rock, 3 inch base of live sand, 3 soft corals, 1 Naso tang, 1 dwarf yellow angel, 3 damsels, 2 tomato clowns, plus a coral reef clean up crew and 1 feather duster. <Glad you're considering an upgrade! That Naso Tang can get HUGE> Protein skimmer is a Berlin (up to 250 gallons). Sump is 20 gallon tank. My question: I just bought a 125 gallon tank and stand. What is the best way for me to transfer everything in my 75 gallon tank to my 125? <I'd set up the 125 with all of the new live sand and rocks, and the majority of the rock and sand from the existing tank. Monitor the break in of the larger tank...When ammonia and nitrite return to undetectable levels, you can start transferring your fishes and the remainder of the live rock and sand over from the 75.> I realize I will need to buy more live sand, and about 50 #of live rock. My 75 gallon tank has been up for a little over 6 months; I have had no problems at all . Also, I use a 5 stage RO/DI unit for the water. <Great! Quality source water is a terrific starting point for maintaining good water quality!> Can you please give me any suggestions on the best way to transfer my live stock? Thanks, Mark <well, Mark- as outlined above, I'd just take it slow, monitor the new tank carefully, and enjoy watching your fishes and inverts in their new, larger quarters! Keep up the same sound husbandry practices that you did in the 75, and I'm sure that you'll continue to enjoy success! Good luck, and have fun! Regards, Scott F> Re: moving question Thanks for the good news! I was so afraid I'd lose everything in the move.. the oxygen isn't really available, but I am going to move the system water in containers so that everything's good to go when I arrive back home. I'll try and take a 1-2 gallon jug of system water to put over the trickle plate in my wet/dry every few hours or so. Temp shouldn't be that big of a deal if the fish are kept in the car with me, with my AC set to say, 76 degrees? Thanks again, any other tips/suggestions will be gladly taken :) Bill H (of waffle eating fame) :p System in Storage Hi, I will be leaving my 200g saltwater tank standing for 6 months as i am moving house for a while. Do you think it is possible to start again with new water after i have left the tank dry for such a long time or will i need to change the bio balls or whole filter system? <Do be sure to rinse/clean everything thoroughly. Especially all of the pumps and impellors. You have probably seen the mulm that develops around the impellors and inside the tubing. When this stuff dries, it becomes very hard and can/will ruin your pumps. It would not be a bad idea to run them in some vinegar before packing away to remove any calcium deposits, too. -Steven Pro> Thanks, Craig BIG MOVE ___BIG PROBLEMS I have read over the Q&A section on wetwebmedia.com regarding moving aquariums, but I couldn't find anything pertaining something even close to my problem. I have a 75gal FOWLR and am upgrading finally to a 300gal FOWLR. <Wowzah, quite a jump! Wish my "disposable" income (just what is this anyway, discretionary as in this or that flavor of Ramen?) went up in this fashion> My question is can I move this 75gal of water, LR, fish, and gravel to the new tank containing 225gal of RO water with the same salt level, temperature, and PH level and be okay? <Likely yes... I would set up the new, much bigger system in advance as much as you can... with whatever additional live rock, substrate... and have it running with the water level down... about seventy five gallons...> The 75gal will be used as the sump. I have a Merlin Fluidized Sand Bed that has never been used if you think this could be used at all making the change. <Wouldn't hurt. I'd use if I had it> The LR in the tank was the only thing I needed to sustain life in my tank and I will order an additional 200lbs from ffexpress.com once the tank is up and running. Also I have a 20gal tank that is used as the sump now but my fish wouldn't be able to live in such small quarters for any period of time allowing enough time for the new tank to cycle. <Agreed. Sounds like quite an adventure (mimicking Albie Beals here)... Be chatting! Bob Fenner> Moving tank Hi Bob! Thanks so much for your quick reply to my last question regarding plenums. Guess what? I now have another one, regarding moving my tank. <Am shocked and amazed!> I looked over your article and the faq's on moving, found them very helpful, but unfortunately didn't answer my question. So here it goes. Just to refresh you, I have a 30g w/plenum, live sand, live rock, and Aragocrete (instructions courtesy GARF.org) I will be moving shortly (in a few weeks) about 10 miles away. <As the saying goes, "Plan your move, move your plan"> My question is: how should I move the tank w/ plenum intact. I figured to take out all rock, corals and other livestock, placing the fish in a bag (there's only one right now, the other having disappeared, I think he jumped out of the open top and maybe the cats got him; there's no trace anywhere:( ) And removing all the water except for what is on and in the sand bed and putting the aquarium on a strong board(s) to prevent shifting/ stress fractures. There's about 60lbs of substrate, plus it has about 5g's of water under/in the substrate, plus the weight of the tank. I guess if the tank breaks there's always my 29 g, which I was planning to hook up to it for added water capacity and refugium. Any thoughts/help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks a lot!!! Erin <Hmm, well, if the plenum isn't too heavy... and a bonus if it's not made of glass... I might well try lifting it intact (with most of the water drained out, but the plenum left as is... If you deem it too massive (watch your back!) I would remove most of the upper sand and place it in a clean container... and just replace it when you're where it's going... Bob Fenner> A question. (moving aquarium) Bob -- I have enjoyed your articles and books for many years. Finally, I have a question that I am "moved" to ask. <Make it so> I have a 125 gallon reef that has been up for almost 2 years and doing extremely well. I have over 200 lbs. of live rock, 70 lbs. of sand, a cell-u-pore plenum and too much coral to name. I just bought a house about 100 miles away and am going to set up a 225 gallon tank (72x24x30) with a 35 gallon refugium in the sump. <Sounds like a nice project> I plan on bringing in a professional service to handle the move. (Better safe than sorry) I also plan on adding another 85 lbs of live rock. I will cure this pre-cured rock myself in an appropriate container. My main questions: How should I prepare the new tank for the arrivals of my existing specimens? <Have it set up with the new LR ASAP, allowing the new system to cure as long as you can before moving all to it as per the "Action Plan" on "Moving Aquariums" posted on the Marine Index/part of our site: www.WetWebMedia.com> How long should the curing of the new live rock take? <A week or three... measure aspects of nitrogen cycling...> My secondary questions concern the residents. I presently have a hippo tang, yellow tang, Vlamingi tang, starcki damsel, orchid Dottyback, flame hawk, 2 cleaner shrimp, a banded coral shrimp and a single remaining green Chromis. I love tangs and would like to add the following: 3-5 yellow tangs 1 purple tang 1 Naso tang 1 Kole tang 10 green Chromis 4 lyre-tail Anthias 1 tomato clown 2 Heniochus 2 reef safe wrasses (Scott's, lineatus and the like) Am I crazy or is this too many fish? <It would be tight fitting all this in with what you have already... are you keeping, re-setting up the current tank? Maybe a bunch of these organisms can go there... they're all pretty much compatible as species, but need about twice the proposed space to do well in.> I would appreciate any insight that you can provide. -- Richard Wulwick <Take your time, print out the article cited, use as a checklist of "to do's". Bob Fenner> Big move... Okay, so the day is here. I've read over your FAQs but didn't quite find the answers I needed. Thanks in advance for your speedy reply. I'm doing a double whammy... upgrading my 55 gallon to a 100 gallon AND moving from my rental home to a new apartment. Fish only. <Some mental and physical exercise now!> Today I'm going to finish breaking down my brother in law's 100G that he's giving me, and I will be dropping it off at the LFS to have some holes drilled into the acrylic that will drain water into my sump. Once that is done, I am going to fill the tank and sump with tap water and add in the salt mix. I will let this sit for a week for the "bad stuff" to leave the tap water. <Good idea> Once the water in the main tank is good and ready to go, I want to add in my live rock. <Do add some of the "old water" to the 100 after a day or so...> I have two sources of live rock. One source (about 40lbs) is from my existing established 55G at my old house... the other source is from my new 100G. I pulled the rock from the poorly maintained 100G from my bro in law and am storing/kind of re-curing the rock since last week in my garage with light and water pumps. I also have live sand in my established 55G tank. <Okay> Will moving over the LR and LS from the established tanks prevent me from having to recycle the tank? <Likely, yes> What about adding in the LR from the 100G that is ready to go? The rock has always "smelt fine" as I told you in an earlier email, and you suggested that I just keep it in a bucket with some light and circulation. <Yes, do place, use it> If I pull the live rock from my established system to move it to the new tank, I'm sure I'll piss off my fish, so I'd like to just move the fish and rock at the same time, but am concerned I may have a recycling event. <Minor only> Good thing is that after I setup the 100G with the freshly mixed salt water and wait a week for chloramine and all that stuff to go away, I still have a two to two and a half week window to move stuff over from the 55G. I left myself a month long window for a slow transition to the new apartment. Here's my action plan: Week One - Move in 100G tank and setup new salt water in tank/sump and begin circulation of water. Allow "bad stuff" to go away. Week Two - Take some live sand from the established tank and seed the new tank. Add in LR taken from 100G tank. Week Three - Move over live rock, remaining live sand and fish to the new tank. Test water in new tank prior to moving livestock. Does this sound reasonable? Can I do things quicker (always preferred). <Yes... you did see/read over the "Moving Aquariums" article on the www.WetWebMedia.com site I trust... I would review it>. Thanks Bob as always. This will be a lot of work, but I can't wait!!! <Me neither. Bob Fenner> The big move Bob, I thank you for all your advice in the past. I'm sending this e-mail in hopes again for your help. My question is what's the best way to move a 70gallon and 55 gallon marine tanks. I'm moving out of my apartment into my 1st ever owned home, thus I need to try to keep the moving cost of these two tanks low but without sacrificing the fishes health. I'm not moving until April or May (depending on closing) but want to make sure I have a plan and everything I need in place well before hand. I'm overlapping the apartment and the house by a month , resulting I hope in a smoother move not only for me but the fish. I do have 120gal tank and equipment, brand new not being used that I hoped to replace my aging 70 gal. 1) do I start from square one on the new tank(120) setup? Or is there a way to transfer the 70 to the 120 . (70 equipment is rated for 120) 2) Do I move all the water in the 55gal tank? 3) basically what's the best way to move these two tanks and if I can make the move into the 120 gallon tank from the 70 gallon tank during the moving process? The 70 gallon tank contains: 45lbs of LR Copper banded Corel banded shrimp 3 peppermint shrimp green Bristol star blue lobster (sm. The size of ? long at best) Corel cat shark (sm 5-6 inches) Currently the LV is either in the corner and up on stilts (PVC Pipe) allowing the shark to swim under and curve his craving for digging. I realize he will be outgrowing the system shortly and hope to move him to 120 for a while. I plan to build a large enclosure for the shark in my new basement. I got the idea from two other systems and I plan on taking the best of both systems. I would actually love to discuss my thoughts about the system sometime in the future. If you be will. The 55 gallon tank contains: 45lbs of LV Yellow Tang V-Tail grouper Niger Trigger Thank you, for all of your help Bob. Your column is extremely appreciated here in Chicago. Rich Rittorno >> And thank you for writing, being an active part of this interchange. 1) Thank goodness for all your forethought and planning.... and the upcoming 120... I would set it up in advance (as soon as the place "is yours"... with some, much of the rock and substrate from the seventy... Move the livestock next week or so to it (the Shark will be eating some tankmates soon... this might be a/the time to make the big change-out of the other livestock...) 2) I think you mean should you save all the water from the 55... don't try moving much of anything but maybe the wet substrate in the tanks... Place the live rock and other decor in multi-lined trash bags... in clean boxes or cans... But do try to save the bulk of the water in a similar fashion (multiple banded closed at the top of course), and place it in the new and used tanks at the new site. 3) You can make the move pretty much as you and I seem to be inkling at... do take a look at the article on "moving aquariums" I have posted at www.wetwebmedia.com for a more complete rundown on gear and procedures for the big move... and let me know if I've left anything (critical) out. Bob Fenner, on his way out to give a couple of pitches this month in PA... and wishes he was coming back (maybe so!) to do the same this year again in the Windy City... see ya at Uno and Due! |
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