FAQs about Mussid Coral Health/Disease, Pests
FAQs on Mussid
Mussid Disease 1, Mussid Health 2, Mussid Disease 3, Mussid Disease 4,
FAQs on Mussid Disease by Category:
Environmental (Pollution/Poisoning, Lighting...),
Social (Allelopathy),
Pathogenic (Infectious, Parasitic, Viral)
Related Articles: Coral Pests and Disease; pests, predators,
diseases and conditions by Sara Mavinkurve, Mussid Corals,
Related FAQs: Mussids 1, Mussids
2, Mussid Identification,
Mussid Behavior, Mussid Compatibility, Mussid Selection, Mussid Systems, Mussid Feeding, Mussid Reproduction, Stony/True Coral, Coral System Set-Up, Coral System Lighting, Stony Coral Identification, Stony Coral Selection, Coral Placement, Foods/Feeding/Nutrition, Disease/Health, Propagation, Growing Reef Corals, Stony Coral Behavior,
serious problem. Acanthastrea hlth., diag.
Dear WetWeb media,
As a long marine aquarist and hobbyist I would like to ask you for some
help regarding specific issue.
<Ok Srdačan>
It is related to acanastrea lords corals. In my aquariums they are fine,
but in user aquariums all of them starts to retract and getting sucked
in. They don't look happy and after a few months they starts to show
structure under tissue. May people stops to keep them because of that
issue. I don't know how to solve it. All other corals are perfect like
Acroporas, Euphyllias, etc.. Any idea?
<Mmm; something about the Acanthastrea.... that doesn't mal-affect these
other stony coral genera? My first guess is that the Euphyllias are
mal-affecting the Mussids... Please read here re:
and here:
Thank you !
Best regards,
Srdačan pozdrav,
<As far as I'm aware, there are no separate/distinctive pathogen that
would attack the one genus and not the others... I would do what you
encounter in your reading. Treat w/ iodide-ate, make space twixt
colonies, utilize purposeful chemical filtrants, increase ORP.... Bob
Brown discoloration on brain coral
<Why send four megs of uncropped pix? What are our requested limits?>
Hi Again! Looks like I need your thoughts here. I have had this red brain coral
for about a year and he has been thriving. Recently I have noticed some brown
discoloration. He still expands fully. Is this the start of brown jelly disease?
The yellow leather above has been getting huge and is now partially shading him
a bit.
<Ahh! Much more likely an allelopathogenic effect from the Alcyoniid then....
see WWM Re; separate the two more, use chem. filtrants, improve ORP/RedOx....>
Or are my halides too intense for him?
Thanks for any input. My water parameters are excellent. I am pretty obsessive
with maintenance and testing. I would be shocked if it were a water quality
<Not likely>
<Bob Fenner>
Re: Brown discoloration on brain coral
Thank you! I'm relieved. Sorry about the pic size.
<Ahh! This requirement, request is posted on where folks find to write us>
It was not my intent to overload. I'll figure that out for next time! Not tech
savvy :-(
<Appreciate your self-effacement. Cheers, BobF>
Re: Carpet Anemone, now Meat Coral; Acanthophyllia, nee Scolymia
<Juri! Sixteen megs of pix? Yahhh!>
Hi Bob, Thanks to your advice. You guys are the best! My carpet is thriving in
my tank. He steals the show for sure. Only one flame angel consumed but that is
to be expected! I don't think I'll ever spend over 50 bucks for a fish! In my
photo he looks small. He is definitely 12 inches across though (pic attached).
<Ah good>
Now for my next dilemma. I have a meat coral who was thriving in my tank
for the first 2 months. He was fully expanded and had an amazing feeding
response. Recently he has begun to recess. Some skeleton was poking
complete through the tissue even. One day after feeding the coral a small piece
of fresh scallop, I walked away and returned to find the bully of the tank (my
first and favorite fish, an ocellaris) aggressively ripping the food out of his
mouth even after it was mostly consumed. After seeing this happen multiple
times, I came to the conclusion that my meat coral had probably not eaten in
months and is starving. He is still eating but very slowly and with a plastic
cage over him to protect him from the bully.
<Good; and smaller chopped sprays of meaty foods>
I did some research and with somewhat of a hasty reaction, I moved him to a
shaded low flow area and superglued his damaged tissue where the
skeleton was poking through.
Now I wonder if I have caused more damage than good and if I have compromised
his healthy tissue. Ugh, why did I not write you before playing surgeon!? The
meat coral picture is the last one attached. Help me please :-)
Tank size is 220 gal
Parameters are ammonia 0, phosphates 0, nitrite 0, nitrates 3 ppm, calcium 410,
ph 8.2.
2 250metal halides
8 t5 actinic bulbs
Everything thriving and tank pics included.
<Nothing to add that isn't archived on WWM. Bob Fenner>
Re: Carpet Anemone
Ok. I'll look again for answers. Thanks
<Ah good. B>
Re: Carpet Anemone
Ok. I'm kind of embarrassed. I did not understand that you are Robert Fenner,
<Heeee! How do you think I feel at times!?>
the author of my favorite book The Conscientious Aquarist! I have literally
learned everything from your book and have fallen in love with this hobby
because I had the knowledge to succeed thanks to you. I have just discovered
this due to further research about your thoughts on super glue on WWM. I also
discovered that I screwed up with my meat coral.
Thanks again and I am pleasantly surprised that you are emailing back people
like me with all of our foolish questions! Dedication.
<Thank you for your kind, encouraging words Kinley. BobF>
Lobophelia problem... reading 7/9/14
Hi Crew, I have had this Lobo about 2 years. It used to cover the whole
But it never grew any bigger. I fed it once a week.
<... Lobophyllia... Mussids; I'd feed more often, unless... there was a
good deal of food being produced endogenously.>
The picture is with lights off and you can see the tentacles around the
mouths. It has been shrinking and now the two small round pieces peeled
off and are on the bottom of the tank but seem to be alive. They still
open at night. One fell an a Blastomussa frag and burned it pretty good.
Any chance they will grow or should I just get rid of them. The fact
that it did not thrive may indicate that my environment is just not what
they need. They are very buoyant and hard to keep in place and I am
afraid they will continue to damage other pieces. Thanks, Sam
<Uhh; where's the info. re the system, water quality, other livestock...
do you supplement iodide-ate?
Let's have you read:
and the linked files above. Bob Fenner>
Tissue injury in lobed brain coral
Dear experts, before I start let me wish you a glorious new year from
Denmark !
<Ah, thank you>
I try to follow your forum closely and learning everyday. I need your
expert opinion on an absolute stupid mistake I made. I have a open lobed
brain coral as shown in the 2 attached picture. During my attempt to
remove an Aiptasia I probably bumped one of the heads (upper right hand
corner in both pics) and it seems that there is 1 cm tissue damage
causing skeletal exposure.
<I see this in your excellent pix>
I noticed it right after I put it back. This coral is 2 days old in my
tank. I feed my LPS corals with Fauna Marine LPS pellets and brine
shrimp 3-4 times a week and also add Red Sea Coral Colors A, B, C, D and
Reed Foundation weekly. For lighting I use 2 x Juwel T5 Coral and
Actinic Blue Do you think this spells doom for the coral ?
<No; I think this colony will recover just fine. All will be well>
I would remain very grateful if you could give me some words of comfort
and if I can do anything to speed up tissue recovery. Best regards,
<I'd increase your regular/maintenance dosage of iodide-ate (by double)
and not worry. Bob Fenner>
Re: Tissue injury in lobed brain coral 1/22/14
Hi Bob ! good evening...just as you said the injured lobo head seems to
recover. However I have another qs for your kind reply...If you kindly
look at the attached pic you will see that one head (actually the one
that got damaged) is much puffier than the other since a couple of days.
The big one gives an impression that it might split ! My qs is, in a
cluster like this, can one head overpower/drain more nutrition than
other heads and become bigger at the expense of smaller ones?
<Mmm, no; I don't believe so; they're independent; don't share tissue...
Nor fight as they're genetically (almost) identical>
Another piece of info...there is a glass anemone on the skeleton of the
front lobe which can in fact touch both the small ones. Could that be
responsible for their shrinkage ?
<Yes it could>
Both seems to eat the Ultra Marine LPS pallets...
Sincerely appreciate your view on this. Always thankful for your time
and knowledge...br Kaustuv
<Glad to share, aid your efforts. Bob Fenner>