FAQs about Soft Corals of the Family
Nephtheidae Identification 3
Related Articles: Soft Corals of the Family Nephtheidae,
The Soft Corals of the genus
Dendronephthya, Soft Corals, Order
Related FAQs: Nephtheid ID 1, Nephtheid ID 2, Nephtheid ID 4, & Nephtheids 1, Nephtheids 2, Nephtheid Behavior, Nephtheid Compatibility, Nephtheid Selection, Nephtheid Systems, Nephtheid Feeding, Nephtheid Disease, Nephtheid Reproduction/Propagation,
Soft Coral Propagation,
Alcyoniids, Dendronephthya, Paralcyoniids, Nidaliids, Xeniids, Soft Corals/Order

What is this? 6/3/16
I purchased this from my LPS about 6 months ago. I though it was a sponge,
but it isn't. It seems to be growing rapidly and if I put it somewhere it
doesn't like to be it can expand to move itself from the crevice. Any idea
what it is....does it pose any threat to my saltwater tank (given off
toxins, etc.). Your expertise is appreciated.
<?! This is a soft coral... a Nephtheid.... See WWM re... your system must
be optimized and stable... for it to be doing this well. Bob Fenner>
Dendronephthya or Stereonephthya?
Dear Crew,
I've had a few of these corals for a while and have been
having a very hard
time distinguishing between (at this size at least)
Dendronephthya and Stereonephthya. I turned the lights on three
hours after lights off to take this picture and they seem to be
quite expanded. Are you aware of how to differentiate between the
two genii and under which genus these fall under?
<My guess is the latter... from gross appearance>
Thankful as always for you help,
Sam Sutton
PS: Sorry if the file is a bit large, I am unsure of how to
compress it
<Easy enough to search, use software that's likely on your
computer already, or available free on/via the Net. Bob
Neph ID 8/18/10
What type of coral is this peach colored stuff in the center?
Looked to me like Scleronephthya only closed up. What do you
<You are probably right. Cheers, Marco.>
Re: Sea Slug ID: Likely Tritoniid Nudibranch, now
Nephtheid - 5/24/10
Hi Lynn,
<Hi Nick!>
Thank you so much (I must also say WWM is brilliant)
<You're very welcome and thank you!>
It is indeed a soft coral, and the only coral I currently have -
I can't remember its name now, could it be a Nephthea?
<Well, coral ID's aren't exactly my forte, but that
does indeed look like something in the family Nephtheidae (order:
Alcyonacea). Unfortunately, Tritoniids love to eat
There are some photos attached if that helps.
<It certainly does, thank you.>
I wasn't sure I was able to keep corals alive in my tank, now
it looks like they might have just been eating them.
<Likely so>
I think you are right, it may have been the white vs. orange that
made me miss the pictures.
<I can certainly understand. That particular species varies
from white, to orange to a reddish orange but if you don't
know that, you can easily dismiss it as a candidate. I've
done the same thing myself a time or twenty!>
On closer inspection, it indeed looks like they have laid eggs
all over the base of the coral,
<Yikes! I'd hoped that wasn't what I was seeing in one
of the previous photos.>
I thought about using a freshwater dip, but I believe I read on
your site that the freshwater dip could kill the coral,
<Yep, corals do not like freshwater dips.>
..so will probably go with gently scrubbing them off in a bucket
of tank water.
<Sounds good. Definitely get rid of those eggs and keep an eye
out for more Nudi's.>
<Take care>
<Lynn Z>
Help with proper coral name please
Hi, I was wondering if you could help me find the proper name for
this poor unhappy coral? My LFS told me it was a flower tree
coral. I would like to find out more about it since it is now
very unhappy.
Thank you
Tina & Nigel
<Umm, you're not going to be any happier... Please see
here re this Nephtheid: http://wetwebmedia.com/nephtheids.htm
Not easily kept. I'd return this specimen pronto. Bob
Coral ID Please 10/10/09
Hi crew!
My name is Ariel from Johannesburg, South Africa.
<Hello Ariel>
First off let me say thank you very much to everyone involved in
WWM for providing all us reefers with an unbelievable wealth of
<You're welcome.>
Without further ado, onto my questions:
I recently received this frag and have been having trouble with
the ID .(pic attached)
The two possibilities that I think it could be are either
Lemnalia or Dendronephthya.
Please could you provide me with a positive ID on it?
What are the chances of this surviving in my tank if it is
<Appears to be a Tree Coral (Stereonephthya sp.), family
System Specs: (All in metric)
My system has been running for 15 months now.
Display Tank 1200x600x650 (+/- 20KG of Liverock [combination of
Kenyan and Fiji])
30Gal Sump
10Gal Refugium located above and gravity feeds into display (+/-
Water Movement:
2 X Seio Prop (2500LP/H each)
1 X Hydor Koralia 4 (3500 LP/H)
1 X Return to Display (2500LP/H)
1 X Feed to Refugium (2500LP/H)
Reeftek TS1
4 x 54W T5's (Display)
2 x Compact Florescent (Spiral Type) [Refugium]
Corals receive a daily photoperiod of 11 Hours
The refugium is run on reverse cycle lighting.
2 x 250W heaters
Inhabitants of the tank are:
5 x Blue/Green Chromis
1 x Jumping Bean Angelfish
1 x Sailfin Tang
1 x Lawnmower Blenny
1 x Cleaner shrimp
Bubble Coral
Trumpet/Candycane Coral
Star Polyps
Plating Montipora
Assorted CUC.
Water Parameters:
Nitrate: 0
Nitrite: 0
P04: 0
Ammonia: 0.25
<Hopefully reading residual of test kit.>
PH: 8.3
DKH: 14
<A little high here.>
Calcium: 390
Thanking you in advance and looking forward to your reply.
<You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)>
Re Coral ID Please
Thank you very much James!
I really appreciate it,
Keep up the good work.
<You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)>
Ariel |
Tree Coral identification 9/10/09
Hello again WWM crew.
I have another coral I need identified.
<See here: http://wetwebmedia.com/nephtheids.htm>
I`m finding this one deceptively hard to identify.
I've tried having forums identify this before and everyone
says its simply a Kenya tree and that
"everything" tends to look like a Kenya tree.
I am Reasonably Certain this is not what they are saying it
At best it is some other type of Capnella.
<Is this genus>
As you can see from the image its coloration is quite different,
having a Whitish pink coloration with
a strong green hue Present in the stolon.
The polyps are much smaller and much more densely arranged then
my two regular Kenyas.
The polyps also seem restricted exclusively to branches where as
the Kenya trees seem to have random polyps everywhere except at
the base.
This corals polyps also don`t extend as far out, forming a cup
shape with the tentacles.
The polyp coloration has darkened considerably since I acquired
it "it was originally entirely white"
The tentacles now have a strong brown coloration while the bodies
of the polyps remain the same color as the stolon.
I am uncertain how useful this information will be in identifying
this coral but I thought I had better write down as much as I can
about it.
<Color means little here. Bob Fenner>
Hopefully Simple Soft Coral ID 6/11/09
Good Afternoon Crew;
<Hello Hans>
Thank you again for answering my lighting question a couple of
days ago regarding my PC lights, I feel much better about my tank
setup as a result.
<You're welcome.>
I was hoping you could help me nail down the ID of a soft coral I
recently picked up, with photo attached. I believe it is a form
of Neospongodes, which I feel comfortable in keeping right now.
However, I just really want to make sure it's not
Dendronephthya or some other near-impossible to keep species
which would necessitate returning it to the store. It is
currently mounted on a smallish conch shell of some sort, so I do
plan on cutting up the shell to separate it from the polyps that
came along for the ride. I can't imagine both species doing
well long term in such close quarters.
<It appears to be a Kenya Tree Coral, family Nephtheidae,
genus Dendronephthya, and likely a Roxasia. Unfortunately, this
is a most difficult coral to care for and most will wither away
in a matter of weeks.
This coral does not derive its energy from the byproducts of
photosynthesis but feeds almost exclusively on phytoplankton, and
requires both a steady supply of phytoplankton and sufficient
flow to carry the food to its polyps. Do look/read here.
Most Appreciative;
<You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)>
Capnella. RMF |
Re Hopefully Simple Soft Coral ID 6/13/09
Well, that's a bummer of a piece of news. I really had hoped
I picked something different and within my means to care for.
<Is why it's best to research before buying.>
Is there anything more specific that I can look at to confirm
that it is a Roxasia, before I haul it back to the store?
Would there be anything in the behavior to look for? Perhaps a
closer photo of the polyps could help?
<Have you looked here?
Googling will lead you to photos, etc. James (Salty Dog)>