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Mithrax (Mithraculus) sculptus, the Green/Emerald Crab.
Tropical West Atlantic. A noted eater of algae (even
Valonia), but can turn into a fish eater... some references state to 2.5
others to a maximum of four inches carapace width.

ocellatus Randall 1999. Known by several common
names, take your pick: the Mystery Wrasse, the Tail Spot Wrasse,
and/or the Five Bar Wrasse. Sometimes w/ vertical lines when
smaller. West central Pacific. To four inches in length.
Rhinopias eschmeyeri Conde 1977,
Eschmeyer's Scorpionfish. Indo-West Pacific. To about 17 cm. Old Town
Aquarium in Chicago during the Aquatic Experience 2013 |
Stichodactyla tapetum (Hemprich
and Ehrenberg in Ehrenberg, 1834), the "mini-maxi" Anemone.
HOF Splash event 2013